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Welcome to the Fashion Doll General!

A thread for discussion of fashion dolls including Barbie, Disney, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Monster High, Licca-chan etc but not BJD. There is a BJD general over in /jp/.

Other toys considered dolls as well as girl collectable toys that are related to dolls or can be used as accessories to dolls are also welcome such as LOL, Shopkins, Polly Pocket and the like.

*Reminder to REPORT trolling, bait and off topic posts instead of responding.*

Previous Thread: >>11019497

>Archived Threads:

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Fixing frizz:

Dealing with glue seepage:

Materials for customizing face, hair, and clothes:

Sewing pattern books from Google+, reuploaded:
Target's 50-75% summer clearance markdowns on toys has started. Some dolls I saw marked were MH Scare-idise and Monster Ball lines and Barbie Life in the City, if anyone's been wanting those. Seems kinda bleak for MH to have entire lines on clearance, overflowing on the sale shelves.
Not really that surprising. Could be seasonal resets or something. Also, likely making room for more stuff. The SS4 came out, and at the Targets around me, they're on endcaps right now. They'll eventually need to go into the aisles.

A lot of those were on sale a few weeks ago too. I picked up Scaradise Drac, and a couple of the monster ball dolls two or three weeks ago when they were on sale. They were even cheaper online than in store.
Venus McFlytrap, when are you going to show up in Australia already!?!?!?
Another SDCC exclusive, a Mega set of Frankie in her lab. Who asked for this? So random
There's actually a fair amount of people who really love the MH mega bloks
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>Who asked for this?
I had a couple sets that I regretfully got rid of. They were really neat. I still have the Rochelle and Kiyomi figures in box but that's it. I'd happily buy new sets if Mattel released them.
Ngl, I never bought any of the sets because I really do not have the space to start collecting more shit with the amount of shelf space my dolls take up, but I always thought they were pretty cool
wonder why this is deleted. i am curious too.
people use liquitex and golden acrylics because it's accessible and works.
Mods have weird priorities
any guides for vintage dolls? jester esque bisques specifically
The only ones I know are worth anything are the older ones from Vienna, if it isn't that then gg
The MH single mom loves troons and grooming and all that, so I doubt she's one of the anons who reports everything. If anything she'd be into all the degen/coom shit.

Anyways can you you stop vendettaposting in every thread and tinfoiling that every anon is the specific one you hate.
I laughed harder than I should have
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i love you anon, this is fantastic
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Miniverse might be getting a recall. I remember arguing about it in these threads months ago that some kid was gonna chug a bottle of it and fuck it up for everyone. Might've happened.
Hilarious if true
Quite happy to see this but this is EXACTLY what the smaller Barbies should be like as well.
Apparently MEGA had their POKEMON license renewed last year so I don't know what the fuck is up with LEGO.
Also new Fallout rumors but it will probably be a shit set with MC, Ghoul and Dog. and cost a million dollars.
I honestly always found it weird as fuck to market resin crafts to little kids
was only a matter of time before this happened.
Damn i went to their website and they're all marked as sold out, MGA is so over because the resin is the key part and appart from this brands they don't have anything successful to keep them afloat.

I was really looking forward the mini alcohol drinks and Sanrio stuff.
Nooo does this mean I won't be able to get the LOTR ones?
Online only probably
Sir, this is the fashion doll thread.

Aren't there still regular Miniverse balls (not the "make it minis") that still sell well? I haven't looked at them in a while, are there really only "make it" ones left?
>Aren't there still regular Miniverse balls
Miniverse was always "make it mini", maybe you are thinking of mini brands? Miniverse had resin in it from the beginning. The new spa ones don't have resin but they're garbage.
Some dumbass kid will eat or chug the spa brands, too. And then those will get recalled.
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Rainbow High Sparkle and Shine
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And the back of the box.
Her clothes and accessories look cute at least. Nice to see a layered outfit again.
I'm sure they will, but at least it looks like soap. I think it's also MUCH less toxic than resin. That shit literally gives you cancer lol
I prefer this to the slime gimmick
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Kek maybe this will get the "Well ackshually G3 is killing it in sales!" fags to shut up.
rip lol
I don't disagree with the sales statement but uhh....aren't most of the new releases either "Premium" or "Basic"? So what does this change?
So it'd be things like scaradise island and those fearbook dolls? Would Skulltimate Secrets count on this? Because the rest would be the budget dolls and I don't care about those
And speaking of new premiun releases, we haven't heard of anything that'd come after monster fest (I'm counting the skulltimates as their own thing)
Its already been confirmed that those bodies are going to be for some upcoming budget line at some $15 price range, so I'm not sure why the information is being presented again as some sort of new doomer info.
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Just got this in my inbox,
and more...
but the screen shot fucked up.
Are those recall notices or leaks for sets? I don't keep up with this shit.
notices of "recalled immediately"
because some dumb fuck probably drank the resin.
When I was a kid resin casting and paperweight kits were common.
- I wonder when exactly the majority became totally fucking brain dead.
They even recalling thing they didn't even released like series 3 cafe and dinner wave 2 which i'm assuming is S3B ?
tards been eating them at more than usual rates
Is this all we have? Purple bitch might be top tier if her glitter is cute; but it can go either way from the drawing.
>No glitter face
>Cute outfit
>Okay accessories
I'll take it. The leg gimmick kinda reminds me of Novi Stars.
>Changed to normal skintones
That's lame, I hope the pink one's clothes and hair are closer to her prototype than the art, I really liked the pastel look.
According to the Insta post it's because of the old resin ingredients specifically, the new lines have a new formula, so hopefully this doesn't mean the whole series is fucked.
Annoying though, there were a lot of the old ones I still needed to collect, but maybe they'll do re-releases with the new resin.
I'm so upset they didn't go with the pastel skin colors I don't have words. I was going to buy all of them, now I don't really care.
Yeah, the latest lifestyle was barely out for a month, those are gonna become so rare if they don't re-release. Bad enough we're losing all the old ones. Last time I was in a store I almost bought a full new case, but I didn't want to be an asshole so I left some for others... Now they're probably just trash...
The pink one looked so much cuter with pastel skin, and probably would've sold more dolls if MGA kept it that way. It even made the alien-ish glitter legs fit more, but with the human skin tones it just looks jarring. Dumb as fuck to change it, honestly.
Just got the email from Amazon about the recall
Apparently the old formula has trouble curing all the way so they are a potential hazard if the cured resin comes up
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More of Magic Mixies Pixie Supremes
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Does anyone have methods of fixing yellowed Rainbow high joints?
I don't smoke.
Man, it's so depressing that the outfits for these are so horrible and cheap looking.
makes sense, a lot of mine never cured fully and were slightly sticky no matter how much i ran them under UV light.
Mine really only fully cured after multiple sessions in the UV oven, the banana pie actually ended up popping up and the resin underneath was still wet
An important thing I learned from doing UV resin jewelry first was layering is really important for a good cure and for getting everything to sit where you want it. The instructions never mention it at all.
I realy dig the legs, that's a cute gimmick
A bunch of them honestly just seemed poorly thought out in general desu
Prime example being the silicone crepes that the resin won't even stick to so you can't assemble them as instructed
this is by far a partial list.
What is it that you guys like about these mixling things? Is is just the face ups? Because the articulation is lackluster and the clothes seem pretty bad quality.
That's what I like. The face is fantastic, everything else is trash.
New Descendants dolls have started showing up. I'm liking the pink one and the red one but blue girl looks pretty cheap.
Singing variant red girl
And of course no doll line is complete these days without some slime gimmick bs
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ss5 stock pics
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this is kind of like 60s mod right?
also everyone comes with a dress, 2 tops and a skirt
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I'm convinced that Mattel only rebooted MH as an excuse to release 400 variant Draculaura dolls and everything else is just an afterthought
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I really like the hair and makeup on this one so I might get it. The clothes are hideous as usual though. Really not worth $30.

Did you see the info last thread about how most new MH dolls will be static/very little articulation? Enjoy the overpriced mystery closets while you can, MHfags. It's downhill from here.
>Did you see the info last thread about how most new MH dolls will be static/very little articulation?

That was this thread. See here: >>11046335 And frankly, I see little evidence to believe a Russian doll blog post other than "trust me,bro."
not really feeling these, the clothes just keep getting cheaper and cheaper and i'm not a fan of the makeup on venus or twyla. drac looks kind of cute with those hair colours and she definitely has the best face though, i like how she has her prototype shoes too, but i dunno if i'll bother.
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>use one side eye print
>reverse it for the other eye
>wow we're finally releasing a straight gaze Drac!
I really wish Descendants would do more dolls of the parents. I'd kill for a Brandy Cinderella.
I like this feminine Venus. Her clothes are pretty, and is a good option for those who don't like core doll's glued in rope hair and I think the baby hairs being vines is cute or can be easily acetoned away if it looks weird in person.
I think the designs are weaker and the shoes are worse but I don't believe the clothes are cheaper
>no vynil/pleather pieces
>no pieces with wavy finishes
>no unhemmed pieces
Best one. And finally, utilizing red for a vampire character instead of making another pink and black vomit piece. But with that being said, why the fuzzy skirts? They look like something from the previous SS release.
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I think the towel cloth is another cheap fabric to replace vinyl with and i'm fine with that, I hate vinyl
also yeah is this the first time across all gens that drac has a red coded doll? I know Elissabat had one
oops forgot this one lol
This actually is a nice look. Different fabric types and layered clothing. No plastic harness. Not bad.
The purple girl is literally just Violet, could they not have chosen a different skin/eye color for a purple doll? Or at least a different hairstyle?

A tan/dark skin pink doll is actually kind of unique for RH though, I think the only other one is Brianna? I agree with other anons that the pastel/light look was cuter and more cohesive but I guess I can’t fully judge until we get actual pics of her
this one just has red details while >>11049746 is all red, totally different
and it's such a good and unique look for her. She's gorgeous.
Oooh I love these colors on her
That haircut is so unflattering, I can dig the outfit but I'm distracted by her massive forehead
I like it but the plastic waist corset is ugly, im also so sick of the surprise box gimmick, clunky shit I'm sure will fill the Goodwill in a year
Red seems cute. I'd not that interested but I'll consider her.

It's always funny when they use the ugliest of the outfit combos as the main image to advertise Skulltimate Secrets lol.
This one almost looks nice.

Definitely getting Drac and Twyla.
I like Venus' extra pieces the least but I like her basic dress the most, I like sleeveless dresses secured at the neck
>changing their fantasy skin colors into realistic
Garbage. I was going to get the pink but this makes it a huge skip for me
I found some Barbie comic pages on Pinterest and thought I would share them, starting with the ugliest dress.
I think some of these (the second one for sure) are from the Barbie Bookclub
I found some 20+ books from it in pretty much perfect condition while going through some old boxes of shit from when my sister and I were kids
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My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
Cant say I'm surprised
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im both shocked and not shocked that no one has posted the new bratz slumber party reproductions. they look cheap as hell compared to the old versions.
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Never understood the appeal of shadow high fantasy skintonne appart from series 1 greyscale.
Like they dont make sense in their universe and design wise they're not nessecary because they're just normal rainbow high design with the r swapped to an s.
Plus it flopped so bad it dragged rainbow high with it
Never understood liking characters of the dolls. I'm here for dolls. I don't give a damn about the cartoon.
Miniverse is in a sort of limbo right now but apparently there's a planned Hersheys collab
Another look at the new LOTR set
And the HP potions
Because they are marketed as characters duh !
Let's be honnest here it's does not make sense doll wise either, like why a normal looking doll is packaged with a greyscale doll ? Rainbow high was a line grounded in reality with basic clothes and themes like sleepover, beach, music... so why there's a random blue skinned doll wearring normal clothes ?
>Never understood the appeal of shadow high fantasy skintonne
I think part of the appeal is that they are fantasy skin tones that AREN'T attached to some fantasy element, you don’t have options for fantasy skin tones outside of fantasy lines, which makes sense as to why but people have been customizing MH dolls for years now giving them more normal clothes and whole new looks, so obviously there’s an appeal to fantasy skin tones with regular fashion, not gimmick fashion that the fantasy line would typically call for. People like the option to give a doll with blue skin more fashion options opposed to being stuck with water or ice gimmick fashion
Some of these bottles look really really bad. The snake, skeleton and love potions in particular look so cheap
Again, I realize they are marketed as characters, but who cares. Lots of dolls aren't. Lots of people are not buying it due to the cartoon or characters or whatever either.
Because it's pretty.
In fact it's way better than the basic ass realistic skintones. Pretty much all RHs with fantasy skintones do end up looking better than the regular ones.
And "Rainbow" is right there in the name, the fantasy skintones actually make way more sense.
>Rainbow high was a line grounded in reality with basic clothes and themes like sleepover, beach, music
Literally describes just about every line on the market, besides MH.
Yeah I'm not so sure I wanna go for any of these
We could've had Delfina and big head Bella.
>sleepover, beach, music
>besides MH.
Except MH is doing the same shit rn too
G3 had the creepover sleepover line, scareidis beach line, and monster ball and monster fest music lines. Tf you talking about lol. NuMH is basic and generic as shit
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MH is not like other dolls.
Other dolls use nylon, they use poly.
Other dolls have fabric, they use cheap satin paper clothes.
Other dolls are designed by people, MH is AI slop
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>Mattel has been Using AI to design toys since Oct 2022
I've always thought Fangvote jinafire looked AI generated.
The designer also had a melty over leaks and stalks leak accounts. She's paranoid her AI generations gets leaked and her reputation as "BeST Mh DeSiGNeR" gets tarnished.
I was talking specifically about skincolors /being grounded in reality here.
If this is true....everything would make sense, no wonder all the outfits lacked taste. The lack of cohesion in the outfits and the fact that all the fashion items looked fine on its own but not together.
This would explain so much holy shit
Fuck Mattel. Pick a pencil you hack fucks
I fucking hate this shit. There are hundreds of more talented people who would make incredible designs but the jobs go to these fucking nepo babies using their bfs midjourney accounts to do their work for them.
this would explain everything desu
the over designed details, the intense clashing colors, the kneejerk reaction

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