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Previously: >>11036629

-Marvel Legends Odin Announced (all major retailers pre-order June 27th)

-Marvel Legends Let There Be Carnage Venom aanounced (Target exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Rogue/Destiny 2 Pack Announced (Amazon Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Warlord Professor X Announced (Walmart Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Deluxe Phoenix Announced (no further details)

-Marvel Legends Blackheart Wave Announced (Fan Channel Exclusive solicited)

-Mafex Integrated Suit Spider-Man (No Way Home) announced

-Marvel Legends Man-Thing (Werewolf By Night Edition) solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk solicited (Fan Channel exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Iron Patriot/Taskmaster/Dr. Doom 3 pack solicited (Amazon Exclusive )

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
>No Blackheart since Toybiz
>It;s a BAF
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Who excited to see the black man is finally getting his proper purple glowtstick after 10 years?
I have the Book of Vishanti set so I'm just going to stick with that one.
This. Embarrassing to call this an update to a ten year old fig.
At leat those who missed out can get him now I guess.
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Should've called this the monkey's paw wave.
Why? There's nothing wrong with it
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>gimme iconic Hellstrom
>here's some modern garbage
>gimme iconic Dracula
>also new garbage
>gimme alpha succubus Lilith
>best I can do is Danvers body reuse
>gimme Brother Voodoo
You get a new head, cape and a stick
>gimme Blackheart
>have a baf
To be fair, the new version is of his Doctor Voodoo look which was part of that SDCC exclusive set. The regular release one was his, at the time, regular Brother Voodoo look without the skull face paint. But yeah, I was originally somewhat interested in him since I like the look, until I remembered I had the box set.
Hasbro needs to look at muscular guys with big shoulders.
They shouldn't be cookie cutter type looks - upper far right and lower far left would be adequate.
Yeah I just decided to bite the bullet and preordered the whole wave minus Hellverine so I can have Blackheart and just sell off the figures. I probably won't make much money back but I figure it'll be less expensive to do this than to try to buy a complete Blackheart from someone.
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It's time for Mammomax!
never going to happen, because there is no competition to show them what comic characters should look like.
I was going to get that Dracula, but man do those earings make him look GAY. I'm gonna have to pass.
I'm actually kinda surprised Disney signed off on this wave.
They're slightly less strict with fan channel stuff. They know they couldn't get away with have a figure with a pentagram on his chest hanging on the pegs at Walmart.
Yeah those earrings make him look too WOKE. I'm going to avoid buying this entire wave too in case my kids see it and turn gay.
Don't forget to buy them golden shoes and specially marked American Bibles!
Amazon has Mojo & MODOK on sale right now.
Amazon always has them on sale
MODOK isn't even at a sale price, that's just the regular price they have for him now. He regularly dips down to $20 or so.
It's a lot of reused garbage and a dash of shitty new sculpt that doesn't acknowledge or fix any of Hasbro's ongoing issues like huge heads or low shoulders. Blackheart is the only one that looks even mildly worth it, and I think they knew that, which is why this wave is so packed with shit figures. They knew people would eat it up if the BAF was desirable enough.
Meanwhile, MODOK is $63 CDN ($46 US + shipping) on amazon.ca.
Im still deciding whether lillith or hellstrom is more of a let down. Atleast moon knight is cool.
Even Moon Knight looks crappy with those tiny shoulders. He looks shrimpy, not a heroic build.
I'm happy for you bro, is always nice to see our favorite character getting some justice.
How does someone look at the mold and says it looks good. I guess it’s true when they say majority of figure collectors are mentally deficient.
I agree with you that I'm not a fan of the Sunfire mold either, but goddamn dude. Just let people like the toys they like.
Hey Zendaya, assume this is you. Dune 3 when?
I bet you let people enjoy your wife too.
No one's gonna enjoy yours when she's built like ToyBiz Rogue
Why? They have Club 33 and all that occult shit they've been into since the very beginning. Anon, you didn't think Disney was a Christian company, did you?
Imagine being this much of a dweeb about action figures of all things.
>lillith or hellstrom

Tough call.
I think it's a narrow 'win' for Hellstrom since that one's a blatant reuse of a figure no one wanted the first time around.
I'll bet anything that Hasbro will use Hellstrom's poor sales as an excuse to not release Goblin Queen and Mephisto
poor sales wont happen. They already cut production, and collector FOMO is at an all-time high.
Can someone tell Anthony to stop rating on a curve for MLs where he lists enough stuff to make the figure seem worth less than the gum stuck to someone's shoe and then rate it a 7/10 anyway? Or better yet just rate it based on what its worth in US Dollars.
$5? $7? Maybe even $10 for some real quality pieces?
they had to release Goblin Queen due to the cartoon. Comic GQ won't ever be on the table, out of spite if not out of Disney.
That She-Hulk is better than any Mafex I've bought all year, so yeah, its time to stop pretending ML are shortbus-tier. Bane might top her though.
Trick question: You didn't buy any mafex this year
Sure I did. In fact, I might be the only Mafex owner who isn't coping with the sunken cost fallacy.
Which is why you're neglecting to mention which mafex figures you bought and thus which you think are worse than ML She-Hulk
>Giving a shit what random YouTubers think
Stop doing this. Especially those who have such shit opinions. Also stop replying to yourself.
Just because Anthony doesn’t suck the hascock as much as you guys doesn’t mean his opinions are shit, in fact they are the opposite. They are the realist, unbiased opinions you’ll ever hear my rose tinted glasses wearing friend.
I can't ever recall him liking a figure.
Buy an ad, Anthony.
>Just because Anthony doesn’t suck the hascock as much as you guys doesn’t mean his opinions are shit
No, but his inconsistency with reviews, clear biases towards companies that give him free toys, his lack of basic research on figure he's reviewing, and his inability to understand anatomy does though.
He likes almost all Hiya stuff despite not having an interest in the scale. Which makes sense, Hiya generally makes good products and they don't break as much anymore.

I think he was also pretty excited about the original DCMV Azbats, that one got a near-perfect score. He has also liked most of Jada's stuff.
> clear biases towards companies that give him free toys
I'm not the anon you're talking to, but that is demonstrably false. He has tons of bad reviews for shit he got for free. That's like the most notable thing about him, that he's willing to spit in a sponsor's face if they give him a bad product. Every time Hiya sends him a figure he keeps saying he doesn't know why, he doesn't personally like or collect it but Hiya keeps sending it.
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rekt lmao

Buy an ad Anthonyspammer
He likes some, that's even worse because he gives high scores to mediocre figures and low scores to things that are clearly better.

Just stop giving Anthony attention, he's a loser trying to be some "toy chad", is fucking pathetic. Tons of reviewers out there, just find one you like it.
>get proven wrong
neca bitch got a weird case, why is he around?
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Can't have poor sales if you don't produce enough to meet demand.
Fellas, how do we feel about this development?
But in the She-Hulk review he says that Cable's lower body is garbage, so how does he justify a 9/10 score if 50% of the toy is bad?
Shut up, retard.
A private club for business insiders = devil-worshiping cult in the mind of this over-informed free-thinker. I bet he gets all his top secret news beamed straight into his smooth brain from Alex Jones' bankruptcy bunker.
Conspiretards are the dumbest people alive. Its even sadder they've convinced themselves they're super special geniuses.
>rating on a curve for MLs
Premium DNA, Premium pdfile.
I dont know what i expect with her head, it just isnt right looking. Hellstrom has thpse shoulder cuts so idk wh6 they went that route but whatever. Ive been wanting some midnight sons stuff and i got it. Yay.
Maximum retard
Feet are gross, but besides that who wears footless socks?
Kinda want Bloodstorm to put with Goblin Queen and Havok, start building a Mutant X line.

Rest of the team never ever though.
....you would paint the legs, anon
Who paints over their socks?
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all those marvel legends instead of 2-3 good (MCU) Spideys
This is what these people want, anon. They don't understand the power they wield with their wallets.
Just let the guy enjoy his toys. Holy shit you guys are spergs.
Just let us discuss toys. Holy shit you guys are bootlicking spergs.
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You think this'll be a lesson learned about nerfing tits?
that cables a good fig, but the fact he has a blue glove on his fake, metal robot arm is just... i mean why?
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most depictions of cable have him wearing a glove there
I love tits as much as the next guy, but I'm more concerned by the fact that her chest is a completely different red than her torso
It's funny because they were likely betting on the two pack selling because the Jessica figure was so sought after, completely negating the reason for it. Fuckin trannies.
Exacto'ing the tabs off the belt makes it look better I think. The belt itself hides that the straps are separate well enough without them.
Making D Cups outta A Cups anon. It's not that big of a deal.
Any pics? I figured the same.

>It's not that big of a deal.
Then why can't you ignore it?
>Missing the joke
You guys aren't any fun. I wasn't being serious holy shit.
I got the mountains out of molehills joke, anon.
Yet you still got defensive? Goddamn dude.
I'm not the person who got upset I was just saying I got the joke you were making. Jeez.
Lmao, whatever you say bruh.
You two were made for each other
Just because you make a bad simile while once again bitching that people are bringing up valid complaints about Hasbro doesn't mean it can't be critiqued too.
>taking action figure tits so seriously that you can't take a booba joke
This is the kind of brain rot that inceldom and porn addiction causes.
You're on a toy board on Saturday night with us, anon.
I'm 43 and divorced. Am I supposed to go hang with kids literally half my age at clubs?
Don't steal my bit, you're mid-30s too.
Who do you think I am?
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The poses you'd be able to see that they're not connected would make the tabs being there more visible anyway so I think it's really simple mod that makes it look better. I get what they were trying to do with them but also it looks fine enough as is.
Yeah, to me that looks plenty good.
If you're invited, yes.

t. 40somethingyo who used to get invited by college aged girls all the time because they thought i was their age
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It only took a decade, but I finally found thunderball for a reasonable price to finish my wrecking crew. You guys are welcome, because this basically guarantees that a new 4 pack will be announced at sdcc.
>what are leg warmers
I appreciate your sacrifice. Also did the old Wrecking Crew mold really not have articulated wrists?
Correct. Also no ankle pivot.
Does a Hulk even need protection from the cold?
No, it was an 80s/Flashdance thing.
at their peak popularity they were used more as workout fashion than actual protection from the cold
What a stupid wave
what’s the best Dr Doom I can get?

i like playing him in MVC2, and what few issues i have read of the fantastic four. he was a delight.

So now i need to get him for under $50.
Get the Cabal three pack and sell the other two figures. That Taskmaster is gonna be sought after.
The last taskmaster pegwarmed and can still be found for 20 bucks. I will be surprised if he ends up the rarer of the three
>can still be found for 20 bucks
Yeah, because the new one was announced and people are selling the old ones cheap. It was hovering around $50 for a while, you stupid cunt.
massive thigh gap. mafex is unbuyable.
massive thigh gap.

acceptable for a fit woman, but id rather they touched

closer, but when you think about the legs without the yellow pouches literally impossible human physique

marvel pls fix your thigh gaps
No one ever believes you subjectanon.
I bought the 4 as a set years ago when i first got into legends and holy shit was i disappointed. They are marvel select scale and can't pose for shit.
>They are marvel select scale
Fucking newfag casuals
Another 9/10 from Anthony incoming
Well my Walmart just doesn't carry Mafex, son.
Right after I peg all the boys on next season of Euphoria!
You actually type like a virgin lol
You've convinced me it's hot, but feet are still gross. Comes off as a state of constant undress.
And he keeps giving them middling/average reviews, which aren't bad. Apparently that is all they want.
He was clearly starstruck in the review by Cable and that is why he gave that a high score. He does the same for mcfarlane Azraels, even though both Cable and Azrael aren't noticeably better than the average ML or mcfarlane. He just glosses over the flaws when he gets into this "happy" mode due to a character he likes.

Only problem happens if the figure is a total stinker, then he gets mad and gives a figure of a character he likes a doubly bad score out of spite to the company.
I don't get why some of you take the incredibly subjective opinions of these reviewers as objective fact. I don't watch a toy review to get the opinion of the neck beard finger fucking the toy. I want to get a clear picture of what the thing actually looks like in hand vs. promo images, the range of the articulation, the accessories, the paint detailing etc. These things are objectively measured and aren't subject to opinions. I could give a shit if Robo or Anthony or Jonny likes the goddamn toy. Can you guys not come to your own conclusions on your own based on the information provided?
>I don't get why some of you take the incredibly subjective opinions of these reviewers as objective fact.
Because Anthony himself in his reviews has parroted the idea that he can be objective when reviewing a figure when that is incorrect.

>Can you guys not come to your own conclusions on your own based on the information provided?
Yes and because we come to different conclusions than Anthony it leads us to discount his idea that he can objectively review a figure.
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It’s sad that it’s 2024 and this isn’t the basic articulation scheme used in marvel legends….
Most likely would cost too much
The only thing dumber than someone claiming to be objective is someone else taking them seriously.
Not for Jada though
McFarts have ball joint ankles, right?
This. The only way someone is truly objective is if they just list facts about the figure and leave it at that. Insert zero opinion on the matter.
I may get this now, i enjoyed secret invasion and i need a spider woman. Whats the deal with the tits?
Hasbro may be making the change to ball jointed wrists and ankles. I noticed that the new Black Series Ki Adi Mundi has ball wrists, something I don't think any other Black Series figure has had. Combine that with Superior Tony's ankles, and maybe they're making a change?
The tits are the newer "uniboob" design that looks more like fabric being stretched across a pair of tits than the older "boob sock" design where the figure is sculpted as if it were naked with the tits being individually sculpted. Personally, I don't think either version is wrong or right, I'm not obsessed with boobies on a children's toy so one or the other doesn't bug me. Although, some here will have you believe that it's a sacrilegious change that should not be tolerated.
All this text to show how little you care. Ok bud.
>children's toy
Yes, this is disney marvel.
The character is not. No one but Ollie's wants disneyfied rot.
I've never seen someone get so catty over action figures before. Damn dude.
What did he do to get it to bend so far?
He removed some ribs.....
The new ones use sculpted joints that look broken whenever they do anything but stand in neutral
>I noticed that the new Black Series Ki Adi Mundi has ball wrists, something I don't think any other Black Series figure has had.
it may just be due to the weird design of his shirt
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He added an extra segment and Dremeled some unnecessary plastic.
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This is the end result
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Damn, that looks super good.
That looks so good. I will admit, after getting the figure in hand, it isn't as bad as promo shots make it out to be. I still think panel lining would go a long way, but these repaints I've been seeing have been top tier imo.
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If you want a Legends, I really liked this one.
If Hasbro made that it would cost $94.99 + tax + tip
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What is this, is it mold degradation leading to this uneven surface or is that actually all painted and not solid silver plastic (it can't be, this is hasbro)
It's the marble-y plastic, and this was that mold's first release, so no.
That’s battle damage
Did he change the arms as well? They look import tier.
>Although, some here will have you believe that it's a sacrilegious change that should not be tolerated.
You're right, we're wrong, and that's why the original sold so well and this one is on a 99% discount LOL
This is an entirely new mold, right? Why not make proper design choices when it's not a reuse? You've got to make the new mold and parts and everything, right? I just don't get it.
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Nope. Just repainted only thing he added was the extra segment on the body and ankles
Hasbro incompetence.
I wonder why they made these new legs pinned. Are we going backwards?
It's just the lack of cock making you seethe at nothing, go take your dose before posting, you gonna feel way better.
>They look import tier.
LMAO no they don't
They're reuse from Endgame Iron Man
It amazes me that these people can never spot reuse.
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If memory serves me right, wasn’t ketch extremely beefy with a wide chest and broad shoulders when he was ghost rider? If so, then why does the upcoming figure look so scrawny in comparison? I don’t think they’re going for a realistic approach for a comic figure so my only guess is it’s reuse.
Ah, I don't have that one so I didn't realize.

Chill out sperg. I don't pay attention to MCU shit.
Buy an ad already Tony.
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It's another case of Headdie Brock syndrome. The head is way too big.
If I had an ounce of talent I would try this, it looks rad. Especially the extra articulation in the torso.
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They gave him a big o’noggin and a narrow chest and yet you still can’t cross his arms. At the very least the motorcycle looks good.
Problem is its an MCU costume and thats where they put all the money.
That's because there's no butterfly joint. There's no way to do crossed arms without a butterfly joint or make the arm pegs switchable + durable and give a preposed crossed arms accessory.
Some legends even with a butterfly can't cross their arms
Fang, whom doesn’t have butterfly joints, can cross his arms pretty well.
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Ok, now i can see how some would not like that design choice. Still, it looks good to me and would go nicely with some other figures.
Are you talking last year's X-Men wave Fang? I don't see any reason why he'd be able to cross his arms w/o looking awkward as fuck.
what do the soles look like

Yeah shi ar fang. He can and it looks pretty natural. I put the figure in storage so I can’t take a pic of it right now.
Has anyone actually bought any of these
I've bought some of his torsos in the past, they were good. Supposedly his stuff is a little better now. Only downside is he lives in Canada, but i think he said something about having cheaper shipping now.

I plan on getting some Shulkie chests. Also his paintjobs are not great.
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Does anyone know if we have a figure with red hand female hand with up and down hinge that I can swap. The in/out hinge for Red Widow is bothering me, as she cannot hold her Darth Maul twinspear correctly
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Yeap he was pretty big, looked like his clothes were about to explode, they made him huge. Also I think this old head doesn't fit Danny Ketch, it feels too classic for some reason.
>not a single listing sold for over 50 bucks in the last 3 months on ebay

Pegwarmer you tard and thats way before the 3pk was announced
No one cares. Guess you have to reply to yourself later, bro.
Oof. Some chinese customizer is going to make a small fortune on that one.
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If they're smart they will make an all black retro carded version with a smaller, less stylised alt head.
Don't forget the second boot strap and make him gitd this time.
Except that they forgot the headlights somehow
kek, I'd be shocked if they don't rerelease this thing proper later on.
I'm planning to tape the windshield's back shut and pour some gitd paint into the holes, should work.
Straight up lying
It's important for this particular outfit because the black and yellow design is meant to sit between the breasts and frame them. A fashion aware woman would tailor the fabric so that it worked like that.
I don't mind a simple stretch for other outfits.
a "fashion aware woman" wouldn't design something so ugly in the first place
Unlike of course modern marvel designs which are the haute couture of superhero suits.
nice strawman, way to prove you had no actual response
Not even the guy you originally responded to. I just like making fun of your desperation. Cheers.
Are you a woman? No? Then shut up lol
Do you ever get tired of losing these arguments?
You're talking to someone else, anon.
I'm not even the guy you replied to
This >>11044332 was my first message
And this one is mine
Just because you weren't the originsl poster, doesmt mean your reply wasn't a strawman. Stupid.
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uhhh why is it so expensive?
Triple the plastic, triple the price.
No way anyone going's to pay that much for The Blob of all characters.
Wasn't he half that originally? Is it just BBTS charging that much for him?
He was $55 originally, I think he’s kinda sold out a lot of places so BBTS is trying to scalp him.
Ah, ok that's not as egregious as I originally thought, still shitty though. He's been sold out for months, I can only assume BBTS either found some missing stock, or somehow acquired amother shipment.
>Retro card Carnage uses the body with the fucking modern toes on it

It's supposed to be 90s Carnage anyway(it even gets an all-new head copying the 90s toy & new weapon hands) but the toes have never looked good. Modern Marvel is a bunch of dumbass decisions & Hasbro does not really give a shit.
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>classic Moony looks pretty janky and cheap despite being a nice costume
>Drac is in his gay modern costume
>Hellstrom is pretty okay I guess
>I genuinely couldn't give less of a shit about the rest of the wave
>Desperately want Blackheart
I fucking hate when this kind of thing happens.
You can't get over being the lolcow of the thread, huh, multi-p?
Dr Octopus is a prime example of "fuck up an otherwise good toy". Were they so cheap they had to use these pre-posed hard tentacles? Then again in the 2-pack? While the VHS box retro 90s animated version gets bendy tentacles?

I now of replacing them with bendy tubes but I shouldn't have to sink in an extra expense to make it not suck. Fuck you, hasbro.
FWIW I opted for these over the LED USB lights most customizers used


I selected the 8mm thick tube as it's what the original arms are, 300mm length which is slightly longer(I used a string to measure them out) & the 8mm wide ends. I will probably trim the back pegs & ball joints off the original arms & mount them into the ends.
It's absolute shit I agree but if you want to fix it up it's at least not too expensive. Those cheap bendy usb lights are great.
Some anon said it best a thread or so ago. With Blackheart as the BAF they didn't have to bother with the rest.
Sucks because I'd have bought most of this wave minus the modern shit had they put some effort in.
>It's not AS egregious that a professional toy store is now a scalper.
Another retort with nothing of actual substance. Thanks for your contribution.
Lmao the original didn't sell well either. It was in discount stores for years around here
This is amazon 3rd party pricing. I'll just wait for Hasbro to be Hasbro and repaint him for the X97 line. Got to get at least 2 figure for every deluxe mold.
Another retort with nothing of actual substance. Thanks for your contribution.
No he was sitting on bbts for weeks prior with the more reasonable pricing bumped up only recently.
So despite being full of spooky guys, the ones in the OP are shipping after Halloween and are only being sold online instead of in stores?
Marvel is weird.
I am genuinely amazed that the movie Carnage's neck articulation is pretty damn good. I don't think I've seen an ML with this amount of head range ever.
I waited to long to the usual price drop and missed him. In the end grabbed Blob from aliexpress for 57$ without box. Probably some factory reject. The figure is perfectly fine though.
I just saw this, sorry if this had been posted previously:
>Marvel Legends Wolverine 50th Anniversary Joe Fixit and Patch 2-Pack Is On Sale

>last year Hasbro launched pre-orders for some highly anticipated 2-packs, including Logan vs Sabretooth and Brood Wolverine vs Lilandra Neramani. These sets celebrate the 50th anniversary of Wolverine, who first appeared in The Incredible Hulk #180 / #181 in 1974. They followed those Marvel Legends sets up with the Lady Mandarin Psylocke vs. Wolverine and Joe Fixit and Patch 2-packs. Details about each of these releases can be found below, but if you haven't added the Joe Fixit and Patch 2-pack to you collection yet, now would be a good time. It's currently on sale here on Amazon for $50.96, which is 15% off the list price and an all-time low.

>The Hasbro Marvel Legends Joe Fixit and Patch 2-pack features the characters as they appear on the cover of Wolverine #8 (1988), which was an homage to the Twins movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. It will include interchangeable hands and head accessories.

>Marvel Legends Lady Mandarin Psylocke vs. Wolverine 2-pack is available to order here at Entertainment Earth and here on Amazon now for $49.99. The official description reads: "Bring the excitement and wonder of the Marvel Universe to your collection with Hasbro Marvel Legends Wolverine and Psylocke figures! In celebration of Wolverine's 50th anniversary, these collectible figures are detailed to look like the characters from Marvel's The Uncanny X-Men comics. 6-inch scale Marvel figures are fully articulated with poseable head, arms, and legs. Marvel action figure set comes with 9 accessories, including alternate hands and an alternate head for each figure. "
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Ok so I get the hype behind this figure now. Goddamn he's pretty good. Glad they reissued him. I ended up smashing the Deadpool 2.5 release too since I've heard good things about it.
shut the fuck up Kanji
Im NECA display anon tho
Please improve on your posing neca-anon
I'm not Kanji, I'm the other voice in your head. No, not Robo.
is this a troll? this looks awful and you have the wrong hand on.
Why do you shitpost all day?
>this looks awful
So your typical Revoltech
>poselet hates Yamaguchi
If both these posts are you, then you are the one being a catty bitch, yes, there are those of us who like beautiful women, and when a comic character is designed to be a beautiful woman we would want the figure to reflect that.
Youre trying to talk from a position of intellectual/cultural superiority, acting like youre better than us and mock the very hobby we're all here trying to enjoy. You faggots really do ruin every hobby you enter. Go the fuck away if you think accuracy isnt important.
Shut up retard
Fuck you fag
If the character's supposed to be pretty and have big tits, then a figure/toy of said character should reflect that.
I love how someone not caring about the boobs is enough for some of you to throw wild temper tantrums.
It has nothing to do with him not caring, as there are plenty of anons who say they dont care without a bitch attitude and no one cares to give them shit. The problem is the anons snarky attitude toward people who do care. And now youre acting as if its a tantrum to match his attitude. So, fuck you too, you stupid faggot.
Action Figures aren't selling well in stores anymore and stores are tired of using up the space that could be spent on baby toys that do sell
Well maybe they should lower their prices and more people will spend their money on mediocre hasbro figures.
Holy shit. Why are you so upset at this?
They'd rather use the action figures' space for something they don't have to discount since we're in an inflationary period.
I skimmed the article and was trying to find out what the sale price was. Then I realized they were trying to say $50 IS the sale price. So getting two MLs for $25 each is now supposed to be some kind of bargain. Fuck off with that.
The prices will only go higher until morale improves.
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If the mafex leaks are correct (which they have been so far) mafex does have a Danny ketch ghost rider planned. Others that were on the list include: nightcrawler, beast, hulk, colossus, archangel, Tim drake/Damien Wayne Robin, green arrow, iceman, black cat (will have a shitty body), comic winter soldier, and electric blue and red superman.

I only hope the sculpt for the ghost rider is good.
>tfw the ghost rider figure is picrel
>mafex leaks
where? Any hint on when the Nate Grey and AoA variants they teased will come out?
This leaks make my pp hard
>tfw the ghost rider figure is picrel
I've seen this pic everywhere, it's even the main pic for Danny Ketch in the Marvel Wiki. Any reason for this?
Ketch imbued with the power of corruption and a spirit of vengeance being controlled by the weapon x program. So some stupid shit
I know, my question is why are people shilling this so much?
Probably what's current in the comics at the moment. The wikis and what not tend to try and reflect the current happenings in the comics.
I cant believe they'd think this would sell
Comics are just treading the same path as movies, nobody wants to take a chance on original ideas so it's all safe, boring remixes and remakes and reboots of shit that was successful in the past.
Shouldn't Ghost Rider be only Johnny Blaze if that was the case?
everybody gets a turn with the Venom symbiote
If this is true, how will Mafex's bike look? Will he even come with a bike?? Either way it'll probably be like 3 years from now lol.
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I would think if they gave Batman a horse there's a good chance ghost rider will have a bike
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They did a Bat-Pod but they sold it separately.
"Evolution is not an act of preservation. It's an act of addition." - Terry Matalas

Didn't know Megadeth was still doing comic collaborations.
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>Mafex Danny Ketch, Beast, Hulk

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This can't be real, God would never let something this cool happen
I don't buy it. Mafex Nightcrawler, Beast, Colossus, and Iceman sounds too good to be true.
But seriously, when are we getting Mammomax?
Shame it's reported to be the mcu version. Would be nice to get a classic comic hulk from mafex.
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There's a special--now sold out--version of the recent Mondo Rogue that features an Evolution head sculpt and I really hope that this means that they'll make a full Evolution Rogue figure in the future. That's something I'd genuinely shell out 200 bucks for. Teenage goth Rogue is pure sex.
https://youtu.be/fqtUYW6BTXg?si=q-FhnfJ2lGVeNc47 probably
yeah. this leak list was from 2023. Admittedly some of them have been confirmed now, so it does add credibility, but for the most part the ones confirmed were pretty obvious. I wouldn't trust it.
Okay. Hasbro is finally giving me Danny and Blackheart. And I already have a brown suit Wolverine. Please release a new retro Punisher so I can have a Hearts of Darkness display!
Imagine disagreeing with someone on the Internet and typing like a retarded child. How hard have your parents failed in raising you to be a proper adult? Holy shit
>he says in the manchild toy general
What are you even doing here?
Get a room already you fags.
I always wonder what the purpose of posts like these is. They're clearly not funny, they're a waste of time for the person who writes it, and the comment makes zero sense in the conversation at hand. What's worse it's not even an insult in the way the person intended it to be so it results in a pathetic attempt at shitposting

I genuinely think he may be mentally ill so there's no point in arguing with him in any form
I'm like 90% sure it's a bot. Stop replying to it holy shit.
I get botting on /v/ or /a/ or something, but /toy/? To what end?
It's not a bot, just a mindless and bored individual with zero friends and humour
Thanks for the blog update!
Yeah, neca display anon. He's been busted doing the fake athena kek shit before.
So a bot in everything but name?
Bro, I'm the one who calls him a bot. I know you're in love with me, but keep it to yourself.
SDCC exclusive Brood 5 pack, $200.00
What made you like this?
I don't know what that means.
Spazze is a multithread troll who spazzes out at any 3d printing post about hitting it with a hammer. Spazze normally like to say prints are brittle and when someone points out you can get impact-resistant flex resin, he then spazzes out harder about hitting it with a hammer.
I still don't know what this means.
Then you need to lurk more.
I don't know if lurking more will help me decipher the borderline schizophrenic post this guy made but I'll try I guess.

I know, I was the one who originally called him a bot.
Don't forget he's a gun loving magat redneck too.
This thread might be the most schizo on the whole fucking board.
Is this /toy/ ? Or /dumbniggeranonymous/ ?
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Wtf did Rogue do to warrant all this?
You're not even posting toys, go away now.
Damn, sound based
With how popular that design is I'm genuinely surprised that there hasn't been a single figure yet. Evolution came out like 20 years ago.
Coomers buy porn
So maybe
I still want 90's Blade for Midnight Sons since they already did 90's Morbius and Danny is coming out. I got the comic version of the Snipes ripoff from the Mindless One wave but it's not the same.
Expect it looks nothing like Danny Ketch. Hasbro can shit in a box and label it “retro punisher” and you’ll probably buy it. You fucking tool.
Shut up, retard.
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>Coomers buy toys?
Yes? That said, I don't want something to jerk off to. I want a pretty figurine of my favorite Rogue design that I can pose.
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This is a fun figure
Spidey if he bionicle.
I know an actual retard that can pose better than you.
You don't have any toys to pose though.
Honestly, at this point, I'm glad it makes you seethe. I'll just continue to enjoy my toys. Thanks.
At least don't disjoint the elbow. That's only meant to be done after the main ball reaches its maximum range.
What's wrong with the MvC pose?
The right arm is hanging too low and the elbow is disjointed. The shoulder blade piece can be a bit more parallel to frame.
At least I can pose my toys
Yet you never do lol. Why don't you show us how it's done?
I like the metallic sheen.
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Remember when Ryan did that throwing motion of this rock? Looks like we're getting 6 in arcade Sentinels.


Play the game here in your browser.
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So I tried to give movie Carnage a blackwash. It kind of worked but also didn't. When I see people do black washes it goes on almost like paint but wipes off like water after they let it dry. If the paint and water mix is too runny it just ends up leaving beads on the thing like rain drops. Too thick and it's like trying to wipe off actual paint. I tried various in between states and I don't think much helped. The Carnage doesn't look bad or anything, and what I did made it look better, but I feel I'm just doing something wrong and have no clue what. Any ideas? The customs thread is pretty dead at the moment so I figured I'd ask here.

Since it's a symbiote it being not that great is fine. If it was say an Iron Man or something the black dots here and there would look bad.

Hopefully they're a little taller. Like a as tall or a little more than Hulk, or as tall as movie Carnage.
The astonishing wolverine looks off
Something about his proportions seems off
I thought Dwight said that astonishing would be the same height as previous wolverines?
My thoughts exactly. I'm sure they would've knocked a Dale Keown/Gary Frank Professor Hulk or Sal Buscema Savage Hulk out of the park.
Interesting to see I was right and the "athena" and "not athena" shitposters stuff got deleted. Fuck off displaybitch.
Shut up retard
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Looks pretty weird. Torso is too thin and tall, arms too long, legs are taller but because they are thinner and the arms they look smaller. The head proportions are totally fucked too.
Its the fucking arms, I pointed this out last time and you fuckers laughed. Look at his gorilla arms. LOOK!
This is horrible. Reminds me of one of those pseudo-preposed Toybiz figures from the 90s, a lot of those had really fucked up proportions too.
Well this is disappointing. Glad I got the hot claws Wolverine a few years ago and swapped the claws with Can of Beams ones. Also, that scale creep is fuckin real.
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I hate this sculptor and how much he's doing for ML currently.
The sculpt isn't as much the issue as is the horrendous paint job.
Amazon updated my Cabal order again. Now looking at a release of July 24th with delivery a few days after that. It's wild that Hasbro still can't get their release dates right.
Getting improper release dates is the least of hasblo’s worries.
No paint job in the world could fix that jaw and bloated face.
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This isn't even one of the better ones imo.
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Those subtle shadows do a great job at making her face not look as square.
cool blog!
I, on the other hand, am glad I didn't buy the can of beams claws. It took them like a decade, but Hasbro finally learned how to make good looking claws.
Judging by this though, they still have not learned how to design a barbell neck joint properly. Who the fuck is getting paid to engineer these things at Hasbro? It's hot garbage every time.
Shut up retard
I asked, I care.
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