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Previously: >>11041937

-Marvel Legends Odin Announced (all major retailers pre-order June 27th)

-Marvel Legends Let There Be Carnage Venom aanounced (Target exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Rogue/Destiny 2 Pack Announced (Amazon Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Warlord Professor X Announced (Walmart Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Deluxe Phoenix Announced (no further details)

-Marvel Legends Blackheart Wave Announced (Fan Channel Exclusive solicited)

-Mafex Integrated Suit Spider-Man (No Way Home) announced

-Marvel Legends Man-Thing (Werewolf By Night Edition) solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk solicited (Fan Channel exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Iron Patriot/Taskmaster/Dr. Doom 3 pack solicited (Amazon Exclusive )

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
This is one of the laziest lines on the market right now. Just fucking...blank bucks with 15 cents of paint. Even with that, they can't be fucked to add in all the basic joints a super poseable toy ought to have, or fix their articulation issues. I cannot wait until ML finally goes under.
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>Even with that, they can't be fucked to add in all the basic joints
If they put their time into developing some legitimately great bucks, I would not complain about low-effort repaints so much. It's adding insult to injury that they're shitty to pose AND ugly. AND expensive too, it's a lose-lose-lose situation!
$25 isn't expensive lmao.
Do we know what the news they’re teasing for tomorrow is
Weird how none of what you said is true
Odin goes up tomorrow, so if it's Thor related can we please get a Copiel Thor? It's all I fuckin ask.
It will never improve as long as the austim crowd keeps buying them.
It kind of is relative to what they're giving you. Look at what you get from Jada for $20, or NECA for $35. I wouldn't call $5 "expensive" either, but I'd sure as shit get mad if you tried to sell me a stick of gum for that price.
>But Jada
Aren't dealing with Disney overhead and extra costs such a big license comes with. Plus figures are budgeted by wave, not figure. That's why you see special series like the 85 Years of Marvel or last years Avengers release that have a higher accessory count, since they're not a regular wave and are budgeted differently. Like even the new wolverine comes with a multitude of hands and unmasked head, other than some effects what more do you want?
The movie Carnage has an actual great neck ballpeg. It gives him fantastic range of movement. Either someone on the design team does know what they're doing, or they got lucky.

I don't mind it when they reuse old molds if it makes sense to and they look fine. When they make new molds that have poor articulation because of stupidity, that's when it ticks me off.
>Aren't dealing with Disney overhead and extra costs such a big license comes with
This is essentially a moot point because of how massive Hasbro is and how many units they move worldwide. They're not hurting for money, they're like the third largest toy company in the world after Bandai and Lego. It's laziness and endless profit grubbing. If you can squeeze the customer for 2 cents more of value, why not? Fuck em!
Bro.......you're in so deep and you don't even realize it.
>But Disney
NECA and McFarlane have both done Disney properties at fair prices and values for what they delivered. What even is your point here? Hasbro is not some special case that has to pay more than everyone else.
>They're not hurting for money
Didn't we have like a dozen threads a few months ago about them potentially going bankrupt? In all seriousness though, combining the fact that they release a much higher number of Marvel Legends per year, and that they have a much larger and more expensive IP, I don't see how that logic is such a stretch. You guys make it sound like they NEVER give you your money's worth when stuff like the 85 Years of Marvel is clearly worth the bang for your buck.

I'm trying to have a good faith discussion. Please refrain from shitposting, thanks.

Not all Disney owned properties are created equal. Of course Marvel and Star Wars are going to be more expensive to work with than a tie in line to a video game no one played. And NECAs Gargoyles cost like $35-$45.
>And NECAs Gargoyles cost like $35-$45.
Notice where I said "at fair prices and values for what they delivered?" I never tried to argue they were cheaper than Hasbro. What I was trying to say was that for $35-45 you got a massive, heavy 8" tall figure with a 16" wingspan, a tail, and even an extra face or head or some accessories. Even effect parts with some! I think we can clearly say that's worth the asking price, versus Hasbro giving us 95% parts reuse figures with no sculpted costume detail, only tampos, and often no extra heads, hands, or in some cases even accessories.

You cannot in good faith say Hasbro tried to give the consumer a good value for their dollar by comparison.
Oh, and paint. NECA's Gargs were fully painted, with complex shading. We know that paint is one of the most expensive processes in modern toymaking, which is why paint apps are the first thing to get cut, and yet NECA went the full mile paintwise. Hasbro can't even bother to topcoat their figures to take away the plasticky sheen.
neca definitely beats all other domestic lines in terms of what you're getting for the money but they definitely cheap out too in their own ways. domestic retail toys can only be so good.
I guess I just don't think it's as egregious as you're making it out to be. If these things cost $50+ I'd be a bit more critical, but they don't. I'm just don't think $25 for what ML gives you is enough to whine about, but that's just me. You're free to think what you want.
Oh totally, agreed. NECA has had their fair share of fuckups, but I don't expect anyone to be perfect. By and large I feel like they earnestly try to make cool shit, whereas Hasbro explicitly feels like a soulless money harvester. That's really the difference. I can accept a lot of issues if I feel like they happened in good faith, intentions mean a lot.
>but they definitely cheap out too in their own ways
You say that like they do it to be evil. Toy businesses have to do what they can to keep going, now more than ever.
If the terms I laid out in >>11047876 aren't enough to give you pause, I guess we just aren't ever gonna see eye to eye. I think that's a pretty heavy case against Hasbro there, but if you don't, nothing we can do but shake hands and walk away. Yelling at each other definitely won't accomplish shit.
$25 isn't enough to get me bent out of shape I guess. My other hobbies outside of toys are far more expensive. I literally throw hundreds of dollars away in the woods in ammo. My PC setup, including all my peripherals, adds up to like $5K worth of shit. I'm not into cars, but I have friends that drop hundreds of dollars regularly just so they can go drive their cars around the local race track. $25 isn't something I stress over so I'm less critical about stuff that costs that much. I'd be the same way with DC Multiverse, if I actually collected that scale.
That's cool I guess, but all that says to me is you've reached a level of financial security where problems with "cheap" items no longer bother you. And to me, that's kind of like...telling a poor person "who cares if groceries costs a mint now, I eat out most of the time anyway." It doesn't really add anything to the conversation, just tells us that you're above caring about the quality of this stuff because you can always fall back on one of your other expensive hobbies.
>That's cool I guess, but all that says to me is you've reached a level of financial security where problems with "cheap" items no longer bother you
Tbqh if you're not at that point in life, you probably don't need to be collecting toys. I didn't start actively collecting until I was in a financial situation where $25 isn't enough to bother me. Sorry if I come off like your dad or something, but it's kind of the truth.

>And to me, that's kind of like...telling a poor person "who cares if groceries costs a mint now, I eat out most of the time anyway."
This is such a garbage analogy. Toys are luxury items that no one is forcing you to buy. I legit feel for people struggling to make ends meet. It's a travesty what this countries economy has turned into, but I don't share those sympathies for dorks on the internet that bitch about moan market domestic toys being too expensive, sorry.

>It doesn't really add anything to the conversation, just tells us that you're above caring about the quality of this stuff because you can always fall back on one of your other expensive hobbies.
I'm sorry to reiterate it, but if you're in a financial situation where a $25 purchase is such a big deal to you, you shouldn't be collecting toys.
This post also speaks to your lack of understanding of different situations due to your position in life. It's like the avocado toast thing all over again. Do you know why people buy avocado toast, or starbucks coffees, or action figures even when they're living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to pay rent? It's because that ML is the one thing that gives you enough energy to keep dragging your ass out of bed every day. Life is bleak for a lot of people right now, and if you don't cheer yourself up with little things every now and then you'll go insane. Without those little milestones to look forward to, every day can just be misery.
>This post also speaks to your lack of understanding of different situations due to your position in life.
Oh please. Fire tof all we're talking about non-essential goods that will in no way effect your life if you can't buy them. Second, I don't think it's unreasonable to say it's a tad irresponsible to be buying toys if $25 is such a big deal to you.

>Do you know why people buy avocado toast, or starbucks coffees, or action figures even when they're living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to pay rent? It's because that ML is the one thing that gives you enough energy to keep dragging your ass out of bed every day.
This is the most insanely pathetic and consumerist thing I have ever fucking heard. Holy shit, if you're not meming right now I actually feel legitimately bad for you that your life is so divoid of actual meaning that plastic effigys to American funny book characters are the only thing that get you through the day. Maybe instead of spending money on Marvel Legends, you should spend that money on some therapy sessions.
>talking about the philosophy of living on /toy/
proud of you guys.
Post new Odin pls
Who let r/antiwork in here?
Seriously, that other anon is right: If $25 is too much for you thin stop buying toys, or only buy from Ollies or whoever. Crying about not being able to afford mass-market Walmart toys is the lamest, most bitch-made thing you could do.
What a drama queen
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I dunno. It looks pretty good but I don't feel like it's worth the asking price. I'd feel good at around $35 for this level of quality.
That's some fantasyland thinking.
It is for the majority of the posters in this thread.
I don't think it's outside anyone's price range in here. You can be able to afford something but think the price is not justifiable for some figures. I think 40 for movie Carnage is ok. Would prefer 35, but still I didn't mind paying the 40. 25 for something like Kid Omega? It's dumb even if I get why it's 25.
He'd look great against my Witcher frost giant
As a proud heathen I look forward to having Woden stand proudly next to my bad dragons and essential oils.
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Im thinking hulk buster price 60 bucks
It's been announced at 50
Figure looks great but does anyone genuinely think this won't go up for a discount sooner or later?
straightest marvel fan
I dunno anon, Marvel Legends are the only reason some people get out of bed in the morning.
>being this defensive for no reason
get a fucking grip
What Marvel Legends released in the last 6 months have had any significant discounts?
The first X-Men 97 wave hit discount before drying up and hitting scalper territory. I got Gambit for like $16 around Christmas.
Sorry reality hurts your feelings.
Who is Destiny?
You have to be 18+ to post here
I said 6 months. Those came out almost a year ago.
They came out like 8 months ago. In September/October. They were on sale six months ago. Youre being pedantic.
Also stuff from the Void wave has been hitting discounts. BBTS had some of them as part of their daily deals a few weeks ago. Some of the recent Spider Man ever hit discount like Tombstone. Plenty of stuff has been hitting discounts, just look on Amazon or BBTS.
Too bad bbts no longer has daily deals
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I saw on their Facebook that they are only temporarily gone. They have a clearance section now though in it's place. Seems like they'll be back sooner or later.
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Your hypocrisy of being pedantic while accusing me of being pedantic is amusing. Also, those figures went on discount in the last calendar year. But let's pretend for a moment that you're right. What other Marvel Legends released in the last 6 months have gone on clearance?
Read literally the very next post after the one you replied to, stupid.
Discounts =/= Clearance

Clearance generally means 35% off or more. I've seen the 2023 Vintage Spider-man wave on clearance, but not the 2024 wave. Same with any BAF wave from the last 6 month. If you have, some receipts would be helpful.
You are once again being pedantic. Vision was on sale for $17 a few weeks ago. These figures are still hitting discount, stop making mountains out of molehills.
Also, re-reading your posts, you never mentioned clearance specifically, just discount. So, eat a dick.
I said significant discounts, i.e. clearance. If I knew I'd be conversing with pedantic, weaselly little wannbe lawyers I would have been more exacting with my words.

The Void wave came out in October, so more than 6 months ago. Still, I'll pretend it didn't. $17 from $25 is 30% off, very borderline clearance price. Still, I'll pretend it fits. I don't remember that sale, maybe someone here bought it for that price and has a receipt?

Any actual clearance sales other than that one example?
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They better not cheap out, yes.
Tombstone was $15 just a few weeks ago. That's a 40% discount.

>The Void wave came out in October
It came out in late December at the earliest, which is six months ago, it mostly hit in January. Now, you're just making shit up to try and sound right.

>Any actual clearance sales other than that one example?
Tombstone was literally $15 on Amazon like 2 weeks or so ago, people posted about it in this general. You need to stop moving the goalposts and outright lying to try and sound right about something so fucking trivial, holy shit.
>potential SDCC exclusive
>They better not cheap out, yes.
too late
I’m so fucking tired of x-faggots. You assholes are the reason we get nothing but 15cent reused bucks with a penny’s worth of paint because you tards need every single version of the X-men.
Now who's being pedantic?

The lowest price for Tombstone I have data for is $20, but I'll take your word for it. So we have Tombstone on clearance and a Vision figure that barely qualifies for clearance. Is that all?
Shut up, retard.
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Holy shit, now shut the fuck up

>SDCC 2024 Exclusive Death’s Head
If it's anything like the past few years of SDCC Exclusives, it won't be too tough to get on Pulse after the fact.
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Really? What the hell is their problem?
> arms can’t go past 90
Never change hasblo
> “oh well he’s a BIG guy a-and the muscles g-get in the way. I-I also like to suck hasbro’s cock!!!”
Other companies have done muscular figures and their arms can get past 90 and have some sort of butterfly joints. Enough with the excuses.
Don't like, don't buy. Goddamn.
Lick more boot, shill
I don’t even know who this nigger is. Why haven’t we gotten an immortal hulk yet
Shut up, retard.
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>I don’t even know who this nigger is.

That's a damn shame.
He's more famous in Euro lore I guess, but still.
When debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.
Shut up, retard.
So is he a transformer or a marvel villain? What’s the deal with him
Bounty hunter, Marvel's Boba Fett in both the Marvel universe and Transformers.
>casuals in this thread don't even know who Death's Head is.
These are the same mouthbreathers who constantly whine about Marvel Legends too. When will you cucks learn? Your casual ass opinion doesn't matter.
I just saw this, sorry in advance if this had been posted previously


>Hasbro is adding to their Marvel 85th anniversary lineup of Marvel Legends figures with a Deluxe, comic book-inspired Odin figure that Hasbro's Dan Yun has revealed will be available to pre-order starting Thursday, June 27th at 10am PT / 1pm ET. At that time, the figure is expected to be available to pre-order here at Entertainment Earth (free U.S. shipping on orders $79+) and here on Amazon. It will include weapon accessories, swappable hands, helmets, and Odin's mythical ravens Munin and Hugin.

Below you'll find details on the rest of Hasbro's Marvel 85th anniversary collection. Reveals include Superior Spider-Man. Warbird, an Iron Fist and Luke Cage 2-pack, Ghost Rider, Venom, and more.

>MARVEL LEGENDS SERIES SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN (MARVEL 85TH ANNIVERSARY) - $29.99 / Available here at Entertainment Earth and here on Amazon: "When Doc Ock swaps bodies with Peter Parker, gaining his powers and conscience, he becomes the unlikely hero Superior Spider-Man. Celebrate the MARVEL UNIVERSE and 85 years of MARVEL COMICS with this MARVEL LEGENDS SERIES SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN (85th ANNIVERSARY) figure. This quality 6-inch scale figure features deco inspired by the character's appearance in Marvel's The Superior Spider-Man comics. The figure features extensive articulation and is highly posable for display and play. Includes figure and 11 comics-inspired accessories including alternate head and Spider-Arms with removable backpack."
>wasting a Legends spot on an irrelevant loser character

We should have gotten a champion of the universe before we got some transformers retard no one but autists care about.
But yeah, he's a robot who occasionally switches bodies and size.
He didn't need to be an exclusive. Honestly none of them should have been except probably Cobra Commander. The others are Optimus vs Megatron 2-pack, and then Darth Maul on his speeder? I'd think Death's Head could have easily been a regular release if DH2 and many other lesser characters could be, but maybe it didn't cost out for some reason.
Oh fuck off. Why would you make your first version of a character a comic con exclusive? I wanted this guy for a while and was just thinking of him yesterday. But I live in Canada so I won't ever be seeing him.
Hasbro's just retarded is all, no need to overthink it.
This nigga fights the transformers????
Wrong. I know who deathhead is and I’m betting I know a lot more about marvel than you do faggot.
He was also in dr who. Someone really powerful I don’t remember who punched him so hard he travelled through universes.
He's $50.
Sorry I can't read
Why did you get so offended when anon wasn't talking about you?
Most hastards can’t.
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This could have 100% been a regular line release. This is not a good exclusive. Exclusives used to be figures that had little-to-no chance of getting a main line release, fun/quirky things, or things that were not able to go to retail for one reason or another (too niche, too slutty, too large, etc)

Mattel has a Jurassic World SDCC Jimmy Buffett with giant Margarita glass and some flying dinos on swizzle sticks. THAT is how you do an exclusive. Something connected to the IP, but completely not essential to a collection, but fun and something they wouldn't have been able to sell at retail.
I hold ML in pretty low regard, but that packaging is fucking excellent.
Wolverinw fix-it pack just dropped 10 bucks recently
That soft grey plastic looks like shit
Looks pretty good, I have a lot of shit coming out in July, but if stuff ends up getting delayed, I'll probably grab this.
When does death head drop
Preorder just went up. Odin is $60, not $50.
Yeah I got him off bbts
I'm passing on him unless he hits discount. I'm not a Thor guy, Iron Man and Captain America are more my jam, so if I don't get Odin, it's not the end of the world.
What's the issue? SDCC exclusives go up on Pulse after the con. Price isn't terrible either imo.
Outrageous, but completionists will pay anything. Might as well charge 100
Characters Anthony likes are back more like it.
unfortunately, the Marvel Legends team does this all the time. There will be Avengers in their classic costumes that end up being Target exclusives. Really cheeses me off.
Being into toys like these while not being American is suffering.
They want that target cash. Remember, if you buy an exclusive in store, do not buy anything else like food or stuff from other departments on the same trip. That is the only way to reduce exclusives because they take on exclusives to get people in the door hoping they will buy other items on impulse
I'm getting him to face off against a bunch of McFarlane ice giants I got on clearance.
Yeah having the essential comic looks as exclusives really blows. First Widow, now Ms Marvel.
Because it's a niche character only a select few of British fags care about, yes.
No more niche than half the garbage in some other waves. More niche than fucking Bloodstorm? Lilith? Red Widow? Black Winter Thor?
You guys will find anything to complain about won't you?
Oh man that box is soooo good. My first introduction to deaths head was his series 2 card.
people have different tastes than you, if you're not interested in discussing then just sit it out.

unironically touch grass.
Yes. I want the figure and it's going to be impossible to get hence I will complain about it.
Why do you get so defensive about it?
My preorder for Superior Spidey was sent out. Can’t wait to get it.
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It's reached the point where even the most delusional Hasbros can't deny that Marvel Legends are stupidly overpriced:

Angel, a standard figure with wings, is being sold for $35.

Skaar, with no paint, no BAF, and minimal sculpting, would have been sold as a standard figure just a few years ago, but today is $40 for no good reason.

And now, the one-two punch of Hulkbuster and Odin, which are clearly deluxe figures worthy of a $40 price tag being sold for $60. Hulkbuster, one step above a shampoo bottle, and Odin, who doesn't even have a wired cap, is 60 freaking dollars.

Do you know what you can buy with $60? TWO Marvel Selects, each one with more paint and plastic than Hulkbuster or Odin. Hell, you can buy a deluxe Mythic Legions figure where the accessories are nicer than a $60 Marvel Legend.

Hasbro has gone so far up their own ass with price gouging they're actually making Mythic Legions look like a bargain. Meanwhile, McFarlane Megafigs are still $40, and Jada Toys announced their upcoming deluxe figures will be $30.

Tell me you're rich, tell me it's special, tell you have to have it, but don't tell me Marvel Legends aren't a ripoff.
Also, the sky is blue and water is wet.
We know Hasbro is gonna price gouge as much as they can. This is not some new revelation as of recent. They've always been doing this and since their sales and stock is down, and they're bleeding money on the entertainment side, of course they're gonna continue to price gouge where they can.
These companies are have legal obligations to their shareholders, not to their employees or customers. Think about that when you decide who to blame.
lmao the infinite DH that Hasbro made in 2013 had better paint apps, plastic coloring than this one. How is this even possible? It's been a while but weren't most of those figs like $10 when they came out? This is a con exclusive. FUCKING HOW.
Walmart Venom preorder when?
Whenever their next Collector Con or whatever they call it is.
I'm kinda surprised they sold she-hulk as a $25 figure desu.
The wal-mart collector con at the end of July.
Have the Hasbros become so desperate they're rejecting capitalism before rejecting Hasbro, lol? You know comrade, Mattel is a public corporation and doesn't rip off their customers like Hasbro does.
It's the truth anon. Don't blame me, blame the feds.
If marvel legends fails, would that finally make adult collectors move on to imports?
I understand the price appeal for colelctors but if we all just collected imports, wouldnt that drive the price of imports down since theyd make alot more than they do already?
I think hasbro should just fully commit to kids toys and leave the adults out, or finally have the balls does make an adult collectors division but its hasbro, they're known as a childrens brand.
Obviously. Publicly traded companies always do this. Yet every fucking day people are in here are bitching about mean old Hasbro, and how come Jada and McFarlane or indie manufacturers give us more bang for our buck.
>Mattel is a public corporation and doesn't rip off their customers like Hasbro
Does Mattel even have a comparable collector line to use as a comp for Legends? WWE doesn't count because those lines re-use even more than Legends are are mostly blank bodies.
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MOTU Origins and Masterverse. Both are great. They release vehicles and large playsets (at retail!) for reasonable prices. They also release impressive deluxe figures similar to Odin with soft goods and accessories for $35.
No. Local toy shop in Canada. Toys Now Man
>lmao the infinite DH that Hasbro made in 2013 had better paint apps, plastic coloring than this one. How is this even possible?
Better design team. Those people used to GI Joe Pursuit of Cobra figures.
Disney has fucked all it's boy brands at retail, and Hasbro should probably just drop the facade that kids are buying most Legends. Half the damn waves aren't even going to brick & mortar retail anymore, maybe it's time they move to fan channel-only, bump the paint, plastic and engineering up and raise the price accordingly? *shrugs*
This fucking maroon wants Hasbro to raise their prices. No wonder they get away with it.
I want them to stop hiding behind "oh, they're going to Walmart, so we have to make them for kids" and make them higher quality. The prices are going to keep going up regardless.
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is this the biggest big boobed Black Widow,
I already collect imports of characters I like enough to pay the price for. I mix and match my collection. I don't know why more people don't do this, oh wait, it's because apparently $25 is a big deal to a lot of you, meaning you guys probably can't afford imports anyway.
Making higher quality Marvel Legends is an issue wholly independent of Hasbro overcharging for them. In fact, turning Marvel Legends into a "premium" collector line would only encourage them to overcharge MORE than they are now.
Something like that already exists. It's called an import. I don't really want to pay $50+ for a figure of Morph, but I'm willing to pay $25 for him.
$25 isn't a problem when the figure is worth $25.
MOTU Origins is a horrible comp. They are super simple figures with much less paint and a fraction of the parts a super articulated figure has.

Masterverse is closer, but still a bad comp. Those all look like they were figures from a line over a decade ago, and lack BAFs, so the Legends BAF waves have a lot more tooling per wave overall even if the main figure is shit.

Not defending Hasbro, but I don't think Mattel has a similar line like Legends currently, and they're the only other toy company as big to do a comparison with.
That's cool anon. I'm willing and able to pay $60 for something like the Hulkbuster (I think Odin is also a fine value, I'm just not big into Thor). If you're not willing or able to do the same that's cool too.
Based and truthpilled. I'd have bought that Odin for $40 and still might if it gets discounted, but they're out of their minds with $60. Might as well just buy an import at that point.
You are entitled to your opinion. As wrong as it is, you are entitled to it.
Which import company is making an Odin though? The import companies will never make anything more than A tier characters in their most popular costumes. The same thing would happen to Marvel Legends if you upped the quality and price.
LOL okay yes, MOTU Origins is very comparable to Marvel Legends
This is a red herring. No one is saying any other company would make that Odin. We're saying it's not worth $60 when compared to similar domestic products.
Ugly rogue
Actually, you're right. It wasn't fair to compare the two toylines. Masterverse figures are 7" scale, so they're actually a better value than I originally argued. Thanks for correcting me!
>poorfags gonna poor
Never change /toy/
this thing is making me want a line of fantasy dwarves
It looks pretty good, Not sure why half the thread is losing their shit over it and getting mad.
Mythic Legions are a better deal
I pre-ordered it, not sure what the problem is... oh well.
>Not sure why half the thread is losing their shit over it
$60 asking price is retarded.
Boy, Odin sure looks pretty cool. I wish he had more than 5 POA. He seems like a giant hulking statue more than anything. Even the promos couldn't think of anything other than a low angle shot.
>I'm willing and able to pay $60 for something like the Hulkbuster
Also not worth the asking price
All the easier to shove him up my ass
Meh your probably right but no way that odin sells out. Only hardcore legends fags will pay that early bird price but casuals dont give a fuck about him. Its definitely getting discounted just have to be patient
NTA but that's my plan. I have no affinity for Odin but it looks like a cool chunk of plastic. if I get it, it will be on deep discount, and if I never get it, I'm more than okay with that too.
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Usually yes but since he debuted in the Transformers comic a lot of the hardcore Botheads are going to want him too so that might drive demand.
TF fans are a terrible breed, it's true. I believe in us. In what is right. Marvel Legends fans, HO!!!
Yeah, welcome to 2024.
uh oh
That overcorrection to scale creep is real.

Not but seriously, as long as he looks good on the bike I don't care. I never take Johnny off of his, why would I take Ketch off?
So what?
>That overcorrection to scale creep is real.
Yeah it kinds stinks when bodies like this one are getting smaller and the Vulcan one they're using a lot more is too larger for some. Then they keep refusing to make Moon Knight on the Vulcan body and insist on that shitty and small Sunfire one lol
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I know people will accuse me of sour graping, but once I saw the full body it was an easy pass. His face looks strange, and due to Hasbro's typical "realistic" physiques and huge heads, he looks like a manlet. Something as simple as slimming down the ankles and wrists would do so much for MLs...give back some of that dynamic feel. All their limbs feel so chunky, like lumpy tubes.
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>Still no boot or ankle swivel
For a literal circus acrobat character. Fucking unbelievable. And his legs are newly molded too, so it can't be blamed on reuse. They even could have hidden the swivel under his red "boot" detailing with some careful planning.

I'm not falling for this shit again. In the past, I bought Hasbro figures that were "almost perfect" because I thought that was our last shot at the character for a long time. Then Hasbro shamelessly re-releases it in a year with one incremental fix. Just one though! Don't wanna fix it all in one shot, then you can't sell it again. My mistake was thinking that they had some kind of sense of decency, of not wanting to offend their customers or piss them off by releasing Malibu Stacy With New Hat. I was wrong.
Cool I'm still not paying it lmao
Real talk, I never really thought of Ghost Rider as a tall guy. He always seemed like a really threatening shorty.

Also, Danny and Johnny are both canonically 5'10". Not short, but not really tall either. Next to some of the beefier superheroes I expect them to look on the smaller side.
Don't want this figure 'cause the character looks dumb, but Hasbro did this design absolutely no favors by using that pale, boring gray as the base color of the body. I know they would never spare some pennies for metallic silver paint, but even a nice steel blue would make this design pop like it does in the reference material.
I know. You can't afford it.
These Hasbros are so boring.
Even the foot shapes. Like, in the 90s a lot of artists knew how to draw really dynamic pointy-toed superhero feet. But it feels like Hasbro really wants to put everyone in thick, clunky work boots for some reason. They do this so often that they even end up using clearly booted feet with soles for characters wearing spandex suits sometimes...
The color for his headsculpt doesn't even fucking match the rest of his body and makes it look off. Imagine if they made Colossus and his head was a different color than the body. All they had to do is match the same tint as Colossus for the body and instead this looks awful. Freaking ML team can't even recreate effects on figures they made five years ago.
They did it for Colossus five years ago for a 2 pack. This is a freaking con exclusive. Remember when the SDCC stuff was cool shit like the hellfire club or the raft?
>here's your fucking unpainted SDCC exclusive
gee thanks hasbro
On this figure you can tell exactly where the budget ran out. With most other legends the cheapening is all over the figure. Here, it's the head exclusively. So, thanks for that I guess.
I don't understand this "gotcha" comeback. If someone can't afford $60 then they shouldn't be collecting. I own my house, pay all the necessary bills but I still budget out for toy/hobby expenses. This shit just isn't worth the money.
>6'2 that height never comes across in the comics
Did they even come up with an excuse for the missing headlights?
don't think so
Luckily the skull and headlights are an relatively easy fix for me.
This is still extremely disappointing.
Where is this from?
some dude on instagram
Huh, apparently we're both right. Dan is 5'10" and Ghost Rider is 6'2". Imagine losing 4 whole inches when you turn back into human form, that's significant. The world probably looks different to him when he's Ghost Rider.
The head really is too big on that GR.
I think we're overlooking the obvious: Hasbro scaled down Ghost Rider so they could scale down his bike and save a few pennies.
In pre Disney canon, the only one that counts, Danny and the Spirit of Vengeance are two separate characters, similar to DC's Jason Blood/ Etrigan.
Ditto Death's Head. It doesn't even really need to be said at this point, Hasbro does it on every release. They need to hire a guy to sit there at the end of the CAD process and just downscale the head by 30%. That's his entire job. He'll save Hasbro singlehandedly.
Skull. His skull is too big. Just imagine how big his actual head would be, lol.
Did you miss the whole exchange yesterday where anon admitted he buys MLs despite not being able to afford $25 because it's the only thing that gets him out of bed in the morning? Half this thread can't afford $25, let alone $60.
Wow he's taller than wolverine
Don't care what you guys say, these look good and I'm excited for all of them. Except Skaar. I don't care about him.
>Did you miss the whole exchange yesterday
Yes I have a job.
To anyone that can't afford action figures please stop wasting your money.
Hip swivel ruined superior Spiderman for me. Shame because I love the suit.
So, you just read the newest post in the thread? You don't, you know, read the whole thing?

This actually explains a lot if most of you guys do this. Makes sense why the threads die when they're on autosage.
I have half of them pre-ordered myself, I'm just sharing pics I find. somehow Canada got them all already
>You don't, you know, read the whole thing?
You write like such a fag bro.
I skim the thread for images and news. I try not to read everyone's useless bitching and whining.
I wish MV Motu figures had ab crunch, besides that they seem to have a fair range of articulation.
Someone's testy.
You wish you had my testies in your mouth.
That blue Ghost Rider is still my favorite design so far, the leg-hip articulation is utter trash though.
>Claims not to read useless bitching and whining
>Posts useless bitching and whining.
Goddamn dude.
A lot of characters are taller than that angry manlet canuck
That's my point. Image doesn't showcase ghost rider being 6'2 it just showcases wolverine being short and worst perspective than hitler
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He looks like Jimmy Neutron wtf were they thinking.
>Gotta blaze
holy shit the amount of cock sucking is unreal.
are these dollar store exclusives? also spiderman taller than ghost rider kek
It's kind of amazing how cheap and waxy they look in that lighting.
Head looks too big. Body looks too small. Not just the height either. All the proportions. Look how thin GR's legs with semi-baggy pant legs are compared to he skin-tight pants of Iron Fist and Spidey. >>11049363

He looks like he's a pre-teen hanging out the the adults. Iron Fist's forearms and thicker than Ghost Rider's lower legs.
agree, that doesn't resemble Ketch at all, looks like some high school kid that made a deal with Mephisto.
>He looks like he's a pre-teen hanging out the the adults
I think the figure is about as tall as the AF15 Spidey
The head could be way better. Better mouth shape, longer horns. The MU figure was much better
Does anyone actually like battle scars on figures?
Any more pics? Might cancel wolverine. Proportions look fuuuuuuccccckked
Why's Emma so flat?
that lower right shot is particularly laughable. it looks like a bootleg.
looks like he's taller than the previous Logan mold
Jurassic world is probably the closest, and I think pretty much every single thing they do for it is a new sculpt or tooling, with a few exceptions. Masterverse isn't really comparable since Mattel owns the IP, so it's more like Joes, which are honestly much better than legends by a long shot. It's funny because historically I've viewed Mattel as the cheaper/lazier company, but in some ways they are way ahead of Hasbro nowadays, but still have loads of problems. As much as I love masterverse and the Hammond collection/JW toys, they tend to use really shitty feeling plastic, and sometimes have really soft sculpts.
this would have been one of the only MLs I'd still buy but yeah it does not look good enough for SDCC exclusive pricing at all
Some of Hasbro's sculptors are allergic to tits, and no one at Hasbro calls them out on it
The legs look like a bad shop because the finishes are so different on the yellow
Emma's one of those characters that NEEDS to be busty, what a travesty.
Isn't there even a book that says she makes her look sexier psychically too? I can't remember offhand.
Jesus those proportions are fucked. Cyke almost looks tiny in comparison
That box is awesome
he'll scale perfectly with my mcfarlanes kek
Too bad there's a figure in it. Ruins the whole ambience.
Legends box game is strong lately and that's coming from someone that throws boxes away immediately.
saved me 50 bucks thanks.

Holy Fuck. How do you fuck up Wolverine this bad? He should be like an entire head shorter than he ended up.
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You're telling me that you really prefer Marvel Legends figures to look like this?
literally looks like they put a mcfarlane head on it.
I'd rather not look at them at all.
this isn't over correction to scale creep. the aim body is one of the taller bodies and has always been too big. the new one looks small and wimpy regardless, but being next to the tall aim body of the previous ghost riders makes it look worse.
KEK this sounds the most logical answer.
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Iron fist looking good here. Do we know if it has waist swivel? Just got this wave in for ka-zar and zabu. Funny how many others had the same idea based on the ebay listings I'm seeing. Lol
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>Kanji and neca display fatty keep bragging about their stupid collections
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Just to rub it in some more. Really weird that camel doesn't have this price though.
>seething over toy posting on a toy board
This is the way we should all be looking at these. I don't care for this Odin, but at $60 if they gave me a really good Hulk with improved articulation/paint and some swappable heads I'd go for it.
Notice how he thinks it's bragging. The shit stain constantly sperging out about these guys is clearly jealous of their collections.
Because I said I didn't want the Odin? I just spent $400 on a much better Odin (2) last month.
No one's jealous of those retards
False, I like Kanji's stuff. He at least learned to pose.
Stop being such a a jealous bitch and shitting up the thread.
This is my fourth post in the thread, anon. It was shit before I got here.

Post the display
Can't, I'm at a movie and dinner with my wife who is very real.
>neca display fatty larping as a married chad
Post that butchered Select Hulk, anon.
That's not me
>schizo anon got so mad at toys being posted he starts pretending to be me again
I haven't even posted any toys in this thread and he still brings me up. Unreal.
>pretending you weren't pretending to be me
Weird stuff, anon.
I don't even know who you are though.
Can we just talk toys, anon? I agreed with you about Odin.
Agreed about what? Do you honestly think you and I are the only ones in these threads?
Did you order an Odin, anon?
Wouldn't Immortal Hulk just be their 80 Years Hulk but with a new hat/new head?

Granted I haven't read past the Xenmu arc and maybe Immortal Hulk is some different design desu
I haven't decided yet. He does seem more worth it than Hulkbuster due to his accessory count.
we need a reaction image of that info panel on the left, kek
>schizos pretending to be one another and samefagging
You guys are pure AIDS.
this comment is made of WIN
The absolute meltdown after this comment is priceless.
>absolute meltdown
Not him, but I did because Amazon canada fucked up and listed it at $69.99 instead of the $84.99 CDN it is everywhere else
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Ironic samefagging is still samefagging
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Hasbros, I don't feel so good....
Basic figure with outdated articulation. No surprise it got that mark.
>coping this hard
>still samefagging
goddamn dude
Should I make a new thread?
I really like how the hellcycle turned out. Shame about the whole skull situation.
Lol ghost rider needs a booster seat
Coping about what retard? I agree with the mark if anything you’re the one that’s seething.
It looks so fucking terrible. Legitimately reminds me of cheap knockoff figures you’d find at a gas station or a mall kiosk. Do iron man fans really want their figs to look like fisher price toys?
What’s wrong with the skull? Feel like he’s the best looking ghost rider as of late. Thought the retro one looked like shit
I predict Odin will hit bottom at 37 dollars.
I'm an Iron Man fan and I prefer my Iron Men to have a metallic finish. I really like the gold on the 80th Anniversary Iron Man, but they haven't been done another figure with that particular paintjob. The new Neo Classic figure looks so out of place with the rest of my armors.
It probably sold out too fast for them to catch it
>Do iron man fans really want their figs to look like fisher price toys?
I genuinely don't understand why Hasbro cheaps out on Iron Man, considering that should be one of their biggest sellers. Using the cheap yellow and red plastics instead of metallic red and gold.

Only explanation I can think of is that they're motivated to not do metallics because they see fans buying up any Iron Man armor, which is just stupid if that's their reason.
It's funny, when the Mafex came out and did the same thing, there were droves of people defending the matte yellow and trying to claim it was better because it was "more comic accurate". I mean, technically it is when looking at old art that had limited coloring options at the time. I'm sure if they had access to the coloring techniques we have now, it would look more like actual gold.
It's funny because there's some genuinely really good KO's out there of things like Mafex. CT Toys has the black suit mafex for like 15-20 dollars on ali and the thing is genuinely great.
It's too big. If there was flesh on it it'd look even bigger.
More than likely its for reuse. They want tards to buy both the yellow/red and gold/metallic red versions of the same armor
I am pondering cutting some oval shapes out of the Ghost Rider's plastic window, sandwiching a piece of white or yellow paper between them, and then taping that behind the "shield" of the bike to fix the headlight issue.
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>The new Neo Classic figure looks so out of place with the rest of my armors.
Yeah it looks weird enough to me that I'm willing to double dip if they do one with more metallic gold. Especially if they give him the Bob Layton boots.
I've always been partial to the Megaman boots. Probably because of the old impel series 2 iron man card. It's crazy how much those card sets influenced my tastes.
I'm like the MegaMan boots too desu, but a figure with different boots alongside a more metallic color scheme would let me justify double dipping a bit more. I didn't think I'd hate the matte color scheme as much as I do, even the Model 70 has a more metallic finish.
What's that armor to the right of the mk 20?
The figure is the Amazing Yamaguchi. The armor is the Bleedimg Edge armor that Tony used after Dark Reign during the Heroic Age. The figure itself is pretty stellar and comes with a deluth of accessories for the armor, many of which are pulled directly from the comic art the armor debuted in. Although, after time, mine has gotten sticky. Apparently it was a common thing, I'm not sure if the rerelease also has the problem.
Yamaguchi's designs always look weird to me for most things but for a suit of armor it looks like their design works great.
I enjoy the novelty of a comic throwback red and yellow Iron Man but not so much when it's the only option available. Fingers crossed we don't have to wait too long for a Layton version Neo-Classic and it is red and gold.
>Do iron man fans really want their figs to look like fisher price toys?
They wouldn't collect MLs if they didn't.
what is the best available wolverine to get at the moment? i wanted to get 97 but he's long sold out and i aint paying some scalper $60 for one.
which costume do you want?
i would prefer the yellow and blue or anything that looks like 97 wolverine, but yellow and brown is cool too.
kinda shit outta luck for a true tiger stripe logan but the astonishing >>11049573 is up for preorder still
yeah thanks i think i'll have to settle for that, i'll place a preorder for it but i'll keep looking on ebay for a decently priced wolverine 97
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okay never mind, it just sold out as we speak
fuck me i guess
$32 is too much? $7 is literally going to prevent you from getting the figure you want?
BBTS should still have him in stock.
bitch it was literally $25 like a minute before i posted that
it doesn't even release until the end of July so why would i fucking buy it for $32 when it'll keep going back in stock? I'll just keep an eye on it and wait.
thanks but no thanks
You're literally the person who said "fuck me I guess" after the $7 price increase. How the hell else do you expect people to interpret that? Also, you may need anger management class ;)
Ok, I guess you don't want the figure that much then if you're unwilling to buy it for MSRP from BBTS.
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Somebody at Hasbro needs to get a budget to do a monster or Kaiju line. The displacer beast and carnage are awesome.
I like how red he is. Too many depictions of him are basically Venom with a couple black lines here and there.
i'd rather shove a cactus up my ass than use bbts
Lmao why? I legit don't understand the autistic levels of hate people here have for it. I can count the number of issues I've had on one hand in the 9 years and literally hundreds of orders I've made with them.
His neck articulation feels like it's from a totally different company for how much range it gets.

Thank you. All it takes to get an early release is 17K followers?
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"Sometimes I let matches burn down to my fingertips just to feel something, anything."
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How's this guy beating the cool down timer?
wym? all those posts are 30 secs apart.

Noir looks great. I hope Sentinel can get through a few more SV figs before prices inevitably get COMPLETELY batshit
noir is great, just wish his cape didn't weigh as much as the figure itself.

i would love an articulated peni, and a sp/dr that could actually fit her would be amazing.
How does the lower part of the coat attach? Is it removable, so maybe there could eventually be a soft goods upgrade for it?
mmmm watcha sayy
The cool down is a minute
I can't quite put my finger on it but something about Miles' proportions disgusts me. The spindly limbs combined with the huge head make him look like an Alien.
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the coat is made up of a vest that is free floating, not attached to the figure, two main pieces on ball joints connect into the back and two more pieces that connect above. i could definitely see some third party putting out a cloth goods coat
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bonus vest noir
yeah, he's not a perfect figure. ideally sentinel or some other company would put out some spider-verse 2 figs
>bending the knee the wrong way
Bruh, look at this dude.
I think this might just be the worst Symbiote Suit I've ever seen. Even Midnight Suns' black suit looked better than this, wtf.
I take back all the times I called Mezco "figures in pajamas". They're still shit, but these are pajamas.
The skinny twink proportions don't help.
If you're gonna do this wouldn't leather make more sense?
How do you manage to come up with a worse idea than them?
Leather wouldn't stretch unless they went for some weird Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman look. Shiny rubber would be the best choice but it would probably deteriorate really quick.
What, you dont like your superheroes looking like theyre going to break into your house at night and rob you?
That's not Miles though.
That looks really strange--Proportions are wonky, might be partly the pose. A giant fat torso with tiny little legs and arms.
I'm gonna make a new thread this is ridiculous
Mezco and Hot Toys have the best materials, which is to say, it looks oversized.
Everyone usually does a worse job, except sometimes 3A.
What is the source material of Megaman boots Ironman? Kinda looks cool
This post is full of inaccuracies and outdated info. Hot Toys usually does a good job on their clothing, but they damn well better, they're the ones who first started charging insane prices for 1/6 and then everyone else followed their example. They arguably ruined that whole scale, you used to be able to get into 1/6 for $40-60 and now everyone wants to only release $250+ figures.

Mezco has really bad soft goods. It's not as bad as something like Hasbro obviously, they clearly put SOME effort in, but it usually ends up looking bad due to bad material choices, bad cuts, or both. They are one of the worst of the "premium" soft goods brands IMO.

3A is fucking dead as a doornail and has been for years now. While they were alive, their soft goods were pretty good. Not great though, they never reached Hot Toys level. Wood's new company, Underverse, makes nicer clothing these days, with a higher level of precision and detail work.

And lastly, a lot of Chinese brands are blowing all of the above out of the water. China is advancing soft goods fast as fuck, not even ten years ago the conventional wisdom was that it was impossible to make good looking clothes at smaller than 1/6 scale, now we are regularly getting beautiful quality clothing in 1/12 and sometimes even smaller.
The unfortunate thing is there's no taper to Carnage's torso. It's really stupid that Hasbro just made it look like a box. Otherwise it would've been a damn good Carnage figure.
>everyone bad but chinese
I've lurked the cloth general for a long time and it's only taught me that all of their shit breaks even when they use good cloth.
Some of those SWAT guys seem quality, but the cloth isn't good and too manlet sized.

Only other companies I'm seriously eyeing right now are Jada and Hiya. Hiya hasn't made anything i like, but they seem alright. Jada hasn't released anything so far, but they have licenses i'm interested in, so that's probably the only reason I'm looking. Prototypes look alright, but who knows if production figures will be too.
New Thread a little early:


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