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Previously: >>11047732

-Marvel Legends Death's Head (SDCC 2024 Exxclusive) revealed

-Marvel Legends Odin solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Let There Be Carnage Venom aanounced (Target exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Rogue/Destiny 2 Pack Announced (Amazon Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Warlord Professor X Announced (Walmart Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Deluxe Phoenix Announced (no further details)

-Marvel Legends Blackheart Wave solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Integrated Suit Spider-Man (No Way Home) announced

-Marvel Legends Man-Thing (Werewolf By Night Edition) solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk solicited (Fan Channel exclusive)

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
I have stuff to do today, so I made it a little early. You guys will be fine.

But yes, Death's Head looks pretty great, it's the only SDCC exclusive I'm even remotely interested in this year other than maybe the Event Exclusive SHF Goku they have this year, but even then, I already have a bunch of that particular Goku figure with different heads so it's hard to justify getting another one. I don't have a Death's Head though.
>replying to yourself
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I'm so happy I returned mine once I saw it in person, glad he could confirm this.
Don't you have stuff to do today?
>thinking someone is replying to themself
*Themselves, ESL.
>correcting people
Don't you have anything better to do on a Saturday morning other than be a pissbaby that shitposts on a toy board of all places. Go away now.
>not being white
DH was more wanted when there was never a figure. Now its meh to people. Hasbro takes old memes too far and ruins SDCC slots.
It's for the Reddit "xD epic bacon!" crowd.
Objectively Death's Head is a crap looking figure.


>What is the source material of Megaman boots Ironman? Kinda looks cool
When John Romita Jr took over art duties for Armor Wars II he bulked up the boots/gloves and subsequent artists kept the look.
Every faggot that uses that word should be ridiculed relentlessly and b&
If anything it's because the figure doesn't look as good as it should. They couldn't even bother to make it new arms or use silver paint instead of that barely shiny grey plastic. It's a regular release in all but name, including it's apparent budget allocation.
It looks fine tbqh. There have been SDCC sets in the past that could've easily been retail. The Logan/Professor X two pack from the Logan movie and the Thor Ragnarok Benicio del Toro/Jeff Goldblum 2 pack come to mind. Not every SDCC set has to be some 5 pack.
It doesn't look bad, and yes it doesn't need to be some 5-pack, but I'd expect that they could put in some additional budget since it's a standalone release, especially since they'll probably get to reuse parts of it for a green version down the line. It's got a few new parts, but no paint (which I would expect from a retail version, not an exclusive. Aside from his feet, hands, and crotch, Crystar was completely new from the ground up. With these 'once in a lifetime' characters I'd expect a bit of extra care being put into them, especially when they already require new parts.
SDCC Exclusives have been painted the same as regular releases for more than a decade at this point. They re-released Jeff Goldblum and it was nearly identical to the SDCC version except maybe the expression he was making. I don't even remember. Anyway, I don't think it looks bad or is really lacking as an exclusive, especially since it's only $40. With Con Tax I would've expected maybe even $50. Just the way it is and always has been, except nowadays we actually have a shot at buying these figures without having to actually go the convention and put up with the bullshit of having to get a ticket the night before for standing in line and hoping your item doesn't sell out while you wait four hours. Trust me, the headache of jumping through all their stupid hoolah hoops just to buy a figure killed the whole experience for me, the two years I went.
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Meh meh meh?

The scowl is the one thing you really need to get right, but instead he kind of just looks like an upset nerd.

Otherwise pretty alright.
I don't doubt it, ya. I went to a con once (assuming they still do traveling exclusives now) and the lineups for Hasbro was just stupid. Luckily I didn't want anything they had at the time.

You're right about the price, which makes it all the weirder. It's priced at a regular deluxe item as an exclusive, which makes it seem all the more needless, especially since we've had more obscure regular releases. I'm sure he'll make it to Pulse, but I guess I just expected a bit more than a mostly 80th Colossus (though that's exactly how the MU one was, as a regular release. hopefully they've figured out how to keep the cape down this time around) once they finally made Death's Head, with the treatment we've seen for other obscure characters like this. I'd be just as disappointed if we ever see ROM and he's also a partial retool, just like I am with the TF team and making Vector Prime a retool of Jhiaxus. This is all personal preferences of course, because I really like both of these characters and would have liked to see them get treated better.
>. I'm sure he'll make it to Pulse
It will. This is how Con exclusives work now. We've been doing it for four years now, we're not going back, too many people would get upset. He's a niche enough character I don't forsee him selling out that fast. You should be treating these SDCC Exclusives as Pulse Exclusives.
Well by that I mean in volumes, because I don't think he'll sell out at the convention. Plus there's those additional select retailers, or whatever the exact wording was.
Wow. I have this figure and I think it's great, not sure what Fagtony is smoking (probably cock).
The scowl is perfect
It doesn't even match the side of the box though where the jaw goes along with the shaping of the jaw. I'm ok with it, but I'm sure it doesn't match some people's mind's eye's version of it.
Anon, it's a mass market domestic toy. It isn't going to be perfect. No toy is. You guys have these crazy high expectations for these things. For what it is, it looks fine. If you want something that's a 1:1 perfect representation of a particular art style, buy a $300 statue.
>You should be treating these SDCC Exclusives as Pulse Exclusives.
Especially when the stock sells out, they do a second run which won't come to 6 to 8 months. It'll go from order to pre-order quick
I love Spiderman figures that have no torso joint, no butterfly hinges, and don't match the source material too!
>Sobbing about a one off variant action figure from a storyline he didn't even read.
>It isn't going to be perfect.
>The scowl is perfect

Ya that's all they were trying to say.
Exactly. Anthonyfagstoms doesn't even know what the Spidermans from. It's an older spiderman no shit he's gonna be less acrobatic and shapely. What a retard.
Geriatric Spider-Man, my favorite out of all the versions.
FF She-Hulk seems inevitable, but will it be very soon, or many years from now?
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An attempt was made. I have only tried painting like one or two heads and didn't like how they came out. For Hulk it's not such a big deal since it's just green and attempted shading. So I don't hate how it came out but I know it could be better. Selects Immortal Hulk body for anyone curious.
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No idea why Hulks head came out blurry here when I was focusing on him.
I bet we get the purple and white leotard version first. FF version to me seems like a shoe in for a FF wave closer to the movie.
I think it looks pretty cool, itd be nice to have a bridge betwwen tf and marvel legends. Seems kinda odd for a 'special' figure though, you think legends may trot deaths head II out soon? Maybe do a marvel uk wave lol?
>"I'm just going to out of spite knock it down to a 0/10.."
I love is his objective reviews.
Hasbro already did a Death's Head II in one of the GotG Vol2 waves.
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are the xmen 97 figs getting a rerelease? i saw an ebay listing taking preorders
Ghost Rider keeps getting moved up on Amazon. I have to decide if I actually want manlet Danny Ketch soon.
Looks like a bunch of their stuff is coming out soon. I'm guessing BBTS should be getting their shipments in soon too.
Where did you get it?
I would take some of the shading on the eyes off but great attempt anon
>nabbed the wolverine 5 pack
thank fuck
Reprint of Hellfire Club pack when?
Thanks, it's from DaishoCreations3D on Etsy. I actually didn't do shading around the eyes as I was trying not to fuck 'em up. I can always try to touch it up later.
If you're not a poorfag, get the Hellcycle, and wait for Mafex's rendition (there's no way they're gonna do a hellcycle unless they'll charge people like 200 dollars lol), then trash the manlet for the superior figure.
>Sticks Circuit Breaker in a future multipack of characters introduced in various licensed comics
>Circuit Breaker
>Green Death's Head
>ROM the Spaceknight
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Really loving the Retro Model 1 Gold.
Man, that Toybiz still holds up
Yeah, that’s why I kept it instead of upgrading to the Hasbro version. Plus, it looks more convincingly crude/cobbled together.
Something about the Gold Model 1 really does it for me. I don't know why, I've never been a particularly big fan of the suit before but the way Hasbro did the figure just looks so good. Even my roommate, who doesn't collect toys, made a comment about how good it looked.
I want it but distribution has gotten fucked in the UK and everywhere that has the wave in stock didn't get Model 1 or She-Hulk.
I'm thinking about giving the torso a gloss top coat, see if it helps to match the limbs a little better. And panel line the back, because Hasbro were too cheap to do it themselves.

I think the the Hasbro Model 1 is a definite improvement but yeah, Toybiz doesn't look to bad there.
>the the Hasbro Model 1 is a definite improvement
Dope man. I bet that ironman display is looking pretty sick now. I'm still waiting for mine to ship.

Still desperatly waiting on a Valkyrie to complete my defenders. How much longer are hasbro going to make us wait?!
Yeah, i wasnt collecting much then so i missed that boat. Sometimes i wish i still only just looked at toys, oh well. I think they also did dh1 in their 3 inch series?
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What would be your ultimate marvel legends 3 pack? Bonus points for pictures.
This would be mine.
Why not make a hasbrosimp general?
You wouldn't have to shit up every thread across the board.
Not everyone has an irrational hatred of a corporation that doesn't even known they exist. Maybe the problem is you.
^case in point.
go away now
I thought his post was stupid, but yours does feel a little bootlicky.
>no argument.
>Not getting upset at Hasbro makes you a bootlicker
You guys are weird. Not everything has to be such extremes. I have my gripes about Hasbro, just as much as the next guy, but I don't sperg out with some gay comment about them for no reason lol.
>just as much as the next guy
Literally seems like you don't lol
I'm talking about normal people, not some of the actually mentally ill people on 4chan.
case and point
Oh, you don't think you're one of us, I see the disconnect now.
If that's what you need to tell yourself, that's fine. I just don't get hyper critical about $25 domestic action figures. They're just not expensive enough for me to nitpick them like some of you do. I understand being critical of more expensive figures like imports that cost $60+ but I just can't bring myself to be they hyper critical of $25 toys. No toy is perfect, and expecting one for an entry fee of $25 is kind of stupid tbqh.

Thanks for driving my point about some of you guys being mentally ill. I appreciate you doing the work for me.
>writes a paragraph
>not one of us
This thread is absolute garbage.
Anon, I also buy imports and Mafex are generally over $60 now, even on AmiAmi, pre-shipping. In fact on some big import site the new Spider-Man is like $80.
Sorry that you're too mentally deficient to read four sentences. Sure are doing a good job proving you guys aren't mentally ill faggots.
>Sure are doing a good job proving you guys aren't mentally ill faggots
But anon, I never said we aren't, I said you're one too.
But I don't get my panties wedged over $25 action figures.
Anon, you're still replying to my retarded ass, I think a mentally healthy person would have stopped caring.
You have to be 18+ to post here
>a little bootlicky.
>a little
For your own sake, don't go into Transformers, GI Joe, Star Wars, Dnd etc generals and favor something not made by Hasbro.

>you guys
>random racist/ sexist remark to fit in
Some of you spend way too much time here and it's actually affecting your brains.
Why would I go into anything other than the Mafex/DC/Marvel threads?
>you guys
>random racist/ sexist remark to fit in

Yeah, if that guy's not an outright bot it's definitely ai assisted replies.
Hey fuck you, I won't hear any negativity about the Smiling Friends.
Try harder, kiddo
>watches anime
You guys are actual fucking schizos.
>Custom panther
Anon, why wouldn't use just use the DnD panther Hasbro already made? Isn't that tail from it?
>No toy is perfect, and expecting one for an entry fee of $25 is kind of stupid tbqh.

Yes but hasbro is either incompetent or too lazy to make a few minor changes to make their figures a little better. It’s not to much to expect proper anatomy on an heroic human action figure but hasbro for whatever reason just doesn’t do it.
Whining about domestic toys is the most bitch made thing you could do.
Keep gulping on that ole’ hascock anon, your prize is cumming any minute now!
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Post some toys.
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Here's my clusterfuck.
I believe its just bots arguing at this point. No one coukd have a life so empty that they spend days upon days arguing the same shit.
Cool Galactus.
Didney fans could.
Post the display.neca bitch
>Uatu sees all, inlcuding Galactus's cosmic taint.
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Only three figures I’m missing is agent venom, mania and space venom and I’ll be done
Really wish that mafex venom was taller. I bought him because it's my favourite representation of the character, but it drives me crazy that the teams at these companies are so bad at internal scale. Venom barely taller than Spider-Man, carnage taller than venom, wolverine way too tall for his team. I'm really hoping that the bane mafex is doing comes out well, seems okay from the pictures. It could open the door for us to get a really nice Thanos, Hulk etc.
Change up your collection all you want, we can still tell it's you kanji.
Yeah Mafer venom makes me want to pick up a marvel legend venom but I really like the articulation on this guy even if there’s some problems
I still have the absorbing man wave one on my legends shelf because it's the closest Hasbro has done to a McFarlane venom. I'd love to see them attempt an upgrade at him on a newer body, but it looks like he'll be on the omega red body for a while still.
I was wondering the exact same thing. Like Hasbro already made a super articulated panther that same size that already looks better. Why go through all that trouble to customize one?
video review of the new Danny Ketch Ghost Rider pack

Too much unpainted plastic
I'm excited for mine, I think it'll look great with Riders Johnny.
Those threads are full of endless bitching
you say that like its abnormal
ook at the amount of paint on this ghostrider >>11052734
is there any place where the new Cable fig is available?
The wave is fan channel so it's not going to show up in retail stores. Cable sold out pretty quick, even before he came out. You might get lucky and BBTS or Amazon gets a new batch.
I dont know what that means i don't but marvel legends much
I'll keep checking amazon i guess. Is cable actually out yet or is he only still a preorder?
He's out
The standards have to be raised somewhere
"Fan channel" is Hasbro's dumb marketing way of saying "stores passed on this wave so its only online"
Fan Channel means only stores like GameStop, FYE and other boutique shops will stock the wave, alongside all the regular online retailers like Amazon BBTS and Entertainment Earth. You can still find Fan Channel stuff in stores, just not places like Target or Walmart.
The fact that chain retail is passing on more and more waves is ______
It's because people are buying less non essential goods nowadays, making it difficult for stores to justify stocking them. McFarlane has been doing more stuff esclusive to his own store lately too.
>bloodstorm is the only one from the Strange Tales wave that sold out on Pulse and BBTS
what gives? Is everyone desperate for a punk storm look, despite punk storm's jacket having no sleeves? I would have figured Moon Knight would have sold out, even with his niche look.
Bloodstorm's still up on Pulse, but yeah other than the BAF I don't think there's anyone in this wave that people really want. I think people are counting on being able to buy the completed Blackheart secondhand so that they don't have to deal with characters they don't want.
I bought the whole Zabu wave at Walmart, but it was in Canada. It would be nice if the marketing team could get their shit together.
She has? Thats kinda odd, i figured this wave wasnt gonna move to well. I dont think ive read many issues with pubk storm but i think it was when x factor formed, i recall her as gold teams leader. Im only getting moon knight myself, i dont have one and i didnt care for the tv versions costume. We need a splatt moon knight.
Was it online? Walmart has third party sellers on their website, similar to how Amazon does it.
I miss when comic book characters looked like this.
It's definitely a stinker wave. Theme isn't great, weird/bad character selection, and for me at least, the characters in it I do want are all the wrong version/costume. It feels like they should have got rid of a bunch of these ideas in a midnight suns wave and had a real strange tales wave or just spread out the shit over a year or two. I just don't really understand who is asking for these characters. I used to work in a comic store and can't ever remember anyone giving the most remote shit about a modern Helstrom. It also doesn't make sense that it's a marvel dictate, since the Helstrom show came out years ago and no one liked it. Weird choices all around.
Nope, I drove to like 4 different Walmarts to get everything
Yeah the entire wave is a skip for me. That's ok though. I don't mind when I can skip a whole wave. Saves me money and lets me indulge in my other hobbies.

That's fucking weird. I wonder if it's a Canada only thing, because I haven't seen an ML in store since the evergreen MCU figures. Still have an Iron Spider and Winter Soldier Cap sitting at my local stores with the other peg warmers. Although my Target has a few Sam Wilson Cap's they can't get rid of. Maybe I'll grab him on clearance.
>since the Helstrom show came out years ago and no one liked it
I had to look this up because I didn't even know there was a Helstrom show
It could be a Canada only thing. Exclusives up here are a mess too. Sometimes Walmart has them, sometimes toys r us. There's just no consistency. For a long time I was looking for Jurassic park stuff that is target exclusive in the US, and they would all come out here at TRU, but then they did that 93 red rex, and it never showed up here. I finally found it randomly at Indigo, which is a nationwide book store chain, and then it showed up at TRU over a year later. It's bizarre.
Sounds rough leafbro. I feel for you.
The Strange Tales wave is a dud for me. The only one I'm going to get is Moon Knight to add to the West Coast Avengers and only when he's on sale. That Sunfire body is a terrible fit for Moon Knight.
a sign of the line collapsing perhaps?
Naw, see >>11052925. Popular characters like the X-Men 97 waves or Cable from the Zabu wave are still selling out. It's just everything non-essential is suffering. Especially compared to a few years ago during COVID when everyone was stuck at home with extra stimmy money to spend on stuff like toys.
If people had put that money in the stock market instead of wasting it on toys they would've had a lot more money for toys now.
*would have even less money now
Nvidia is up around 463% since Jan 2021. That would pay for a lot of action figures, anon. Mmmm. Maybe even hot toys.
This. I got a $20K stock bonus when I got hired by Tesla a few years ago. Didn't touch it and now it's about $130K now not including my ESPPs or bonuses from promotion.
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>being THIS upset
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I was just posing by Nemesis figure, for what little posability he has, when then I find this shit.
Whoever designed his leg/tight is an goddamn retard and I'm glad that articulation has been passed out. Luckily the hip piece is cheap but now I will have to be careful whenever I move this fucker's legs.
That's the nature of the beast with clear plastic. It sucks. Also seems to be the fate of several iterations of the swirly twirly plastic they use for more metallic looks. I've had a ML King Cobra who's leg just fell apart one day at the thigh swivel. I'm just waiting for it to happen to my War Machine.
I like the sue v. Doom. Very epic
>That's the nature of the beast with clear plastic.
Really? I have one stealth Venom from ToyBiz 2006 and so far nothing has happened to him, except the cum-coloration curse on translucent toys.
I also have a Spider Carnage and he's also in good condition.
Maybe I was lucky with the two figures mentioned above or perhaps it was the time I learned about certain plastic materials.

It irks me because the stealth Venom fell like twice and he's still good, yet I treated this Nemesis like a jewel and the fucker's ass decides to break.
>Maybe I was lucky with the two figures mentioned above or perhaps it was the time I learned about certain plastic materials.
You did. It's a common fact that clear plastic just degrades at a much faster rate and is more prone to cracking.
Sigh, guess I will now treat the other two with more caution.
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With the arcade 6" sentinels coming and rumored FFF haslab, do you think we'll see a deluxe release of a classic Wendigo this year? I hate the BAF head it looks like the morlocks from 2002 Time Machine movie.
The strange tales naming is fucking stupid. None of the figs have anything to do with golden age Strange Tales from when it was a Tales from The Crypt style horror book, nor when the book switched to superheroes during the silver age that was focused on the FF, Namor, Nick Fury and Dr.Strange. Why did they fucking call it Strange Tales lol. This company doesn't know what it's doing.
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Just another example of why I think hasbro should have their marvel license stripped. Let a company that is competent make 6 inch marvel figures. Unfortunately with hasbro’s marvel figures, there’s A LOT to be desired.
They know most people who buy these dont read comics and the characters in the wave look like strange characters, so that is why they used the Strange Tales branding. Simple as that.
Brother Voodoo appeared in Strange Tales, not in that particular look, but he did appear in the comic. And Blackheart appeared in a Strange Tales: She-Hulk issue.

This. The characters in that wave are associated with the occult/magic side of Marvel which in and of itself is associated with Strange Tales. It's not a huge stretch to see why they picked that for the wave's theme. Also, it's kind of a weird nitpick, like, who cares what Hasbro names their waves, most people just call the Blackheart wave, or whatever BaF they used. Plus, I throw my boxes away so it's not like I'll ever reference what the theme of the wave was again after I get the figures in hand.

Stop going out of your way to find little things to get mad at. It's woman behavior.
The fact that they didn't put a classic wendigo head into that hulk/first appearance wolverine 2 pack will forever bother me.
For whatever reason Hasbro have decided that every Legends wave absolutely must have some kind of theme. Strange Tales at one point was a horror themed book and that's all the the justification Hasbro felt they needed for a wave of horror themed characters.
This is the dorkiest thing you could have gotten upset at lmao.
>With the arcade 6" sentinels coming
Wait, what? Where was this?
On one of the previous streams, the Hasbro guys teased a rock accessory and people think it means it's a Arcade style Sentinel since they would throw similar looking rocks.
Technically it may not be 6 inch, though I'm guessing it'll be a reuse of the one Iron Man released recently. I'd still prefer like, a 9 inch one.

I rewatched the stream again and forget I said 6", the rock is way too big. So at least 9" and bigger.

Here is when the teased it.
I bought this Thanos mostly for the glove. It's hollow, and I wanted to see if I could put other ML's hands in it.
It's way too big for the actual Thanos figure, and the figure is also meh (sorry, Marvel Universe bros).
Oops, wrong pic lmao, but as you can see, I think it looks good on Cap. It's still a bit big, but I can just assume they took the glove from Thanos to justify it.
this is how it looks on the actual figure it comes with
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I'm still on the fence about this figure. It's not bad, but I just don't have any particular connection to the character, so it kinda feels wasted on me. That coupled with the fact that he's ones of the more sought after figs that actually sell on eBay, I'm considering letting him go. What are everyone else's thoughts on it?
If you don't really like it and don't have a particular attachment for it just sell it. You don't need us to tell you what to do. I personally, like the figure and that look for Cable so I got it,. I don't know why you would buy a figure of a character you don't have a particular attachment to, that's just a waste imo.
>I don't know why you would buy a figure of a character you don't have a particular attachment to, that's just a waste imo.
Agreed. That's why I hate the concept of Build-A-Figures. Only got it for the Zabu leg. Listed all the others apart from Ka-Zar, this is the only one I was undecided on, because he does kinda look good with Mom and Dad.
That figure is going more the retail on the after market also so you'll get all your money back
Fair enough I guess. Glad I don't care enough about Ka-Zar and Zabu to get the whole wave. I just got Cable and the Iron Man to go into my Hall of Armor collection. I guess that Zabu leg is going to be the expensive one since everyone wants Cable. I should try to sell mine.
I mean, you could just sell it if you only like the BAF piece.
I don't want to be that guy, but why is his head so big.....baka
Wow kanji buying figures he knows nothing about? I'm shocked.
Not only that, but he apparently never played any of the Capcom Marvel fighting games either. Imagine being this much of a causal lmao.
MvC4 never ever.
MvC4 with hot girls never ever.
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>Capcom Marvel
Fuck i hate moneygrab ip crossovers like this. Smash bro's is another one.
They made non crossover Marvel games too you fuckin ninny.
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Normally I'd agree but MvC is pure soul. It gave us the best Sentinel design.
You should try MvC2 anon. I don't think you realize what you're missing.
>I hate the BAF head it looks like the morlocks from 2002 Time Machine movie

I agree, prefer the classic head.
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There are Homo sapiens. There are homo superiors. Then there’s you my little neanderthal friend. Clearly you’ve never played MvC2 or 3 otherwise you would never have said such words. To the fighter movesets to the dialogue, the games can be described as a sort of a “love letter” to comic book readers that you wouldn’t see in present day marvel or mcu. Heh one of my favourites is when you select the iron patriot skin for iron man and sometimes the before the fight begins Tony would say: “this helmet smells like Norman Osborn’s hair gel”. Or when you would play as phoenix and if you die with 3 power levels available she would transform to dark phoenix and become op. All these little things just touch my heart in a way that today marvel cannot, including the figures.

What’s great about MVC (aside from infinite) is the character designs. They were VERY METICULOUS when it came to the designs of the marvel characters and I appreciate the dedication capcom had with the designs and power sets (picrel is an artist sketch of how Rogue was design in MvC2) I just wish HASBRO cared enough like the boys in CAPCOM did.
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This concept is completely foreign to Westerners nowadays.
They did an amazing job of capturing the look of the characters at the different points in times the games came out. The classic 90s looks of MvC1 and 2 and then the modern 2000s looks for MvC3. I just re-purchased UMvC3 as part of the current Steam Sale, I only owned the original version back in the day and not the Ultimate version with the expanded roster, and goddamn I didn't realize how much better the ultimate version is. I'm having a great time with it. I also got the arcade version of MvC2 working on Flycast which is fucking great.
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It's quite literally the only game that's not mobileshit where my girl is playable, so for that alone it will always have a special place in my heart.
Not just westerners, Capslop looks worse than most western products these days. They truly died with the transition to 3D, and the few examples of it going well (RE4) they've gone out of their way to go back and ruin.
>Capslop looks worse than most western products these days
Hate that I have to agree with this. They've really fallen from grace, they're basically Western at this point with how ugly all their new designs are.
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Like I said, VERY METICULOUS. The character heights relative to each other were very well done as well.
3 has LOADS of references that comic readers would appricate. Antman is involved in Hawkeye’s special attack which I find very cool.
If wolverine beats her in a match he’ll say: “sorry kid, there’s no replacement for the original.” She has a very cool design in the game.
>She has a very cool design in the game.
Yeah, it's based on her Target X run, which was her last good one. Capcom devs really knew what they were doing.
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A Capcom Sentinel deluxe with extra heads and arm attachments (shield, rocket punch), and Sentinal Force drones would be insane but also an insta buy
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They have done figures of Bengus designed Spider-Man and Wolverine recently, so there is hope.
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Based emulation Chad. Fuck spending $60 on the new rerelease.
Which book?
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Idk man these screenshots are from UMvC3 under bonus section. Marvel vs Capcom official complete works is what it’s called I believe. It great it has character sketches, designs, artist notes, character moveset breakthroughs and some cool artworks like from different artist like picrel.
Since when do gamers buy toys? Hopefully capcom denies Jada from making such things
Since forever? Play Arts Kai did an entire Final Fantasy 7 Remake line for example.
Weird YouTubers that play the game never seem to make videos about those action figures.
Ignore it, it's just the resident bot farming replies.
Look at this broke buck faggot denying everything as trolling
>But gamers do buy toys! We do exist!
Time and time again it's been proven you don't.
Go away sad retard
>weird youtubers that play the game
Such as? "Weird youtubers that play the game" doesn't tell me anything. Final Fantasy is not really a niche franchise.
In any case, I can guarantee you that an MvC toy line would sell like hot cakes.
Damn, a fucking retard gamer calling others sad, kek
>Final Fantasy is not really a niche franchise.

The toys seem to be given gamers don't give a fuck about such things, ie gamers do not buy toys.
Someone literally posted figures in front of them playing MvC2 you tard.
Outback Rogue and Avalanche are heavy pegwarmers
>Look guys one anon reposted a Reddit post

>manchild on the manchild board in the most manchild general calling anyone a retard
Wholesome six inch kino?
>gamers don’t buy toys
So that means
>moviegoers don’t buy toys
>comic readers don’t buy toys
>media consumers don’t buy toys
>athletes don’t buy toys
>only toy collectors buy toys
You can’t blanket an entire hobby and say that the people that indulge in said hobby don’t crossover with another. What are you stupid?
Yes that is fact toy collectors are toy collectors primarily
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If they make toys of the games I like, I'll get em. Simple as
How do toy collectors manage to only do one thing as a hobby? I don't see how you don't watch movies at least as a toy collector
They do buy toys, but generally it's just one or two here or there for whatever thing they are into currently. They'd generally much rather spend the money in more games or DLC/micro transactions. I've worked in or around toys/collectibles/comics for the better part of two decades and hardcore gamers and toy collectors are usually different breeds. It's the same shit with the hardcore social activists complaining about comics being sexist or whatever. 95% of them who I'd see come in would spend like $50 over the course of a whole year on books/collectibles. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule. Occasionally you'll get onni-nerds who spend money on everything, but they are not the norm.
Left with the torso of the right.
Looks pretty good. Do the yellows on the thighs match the legs? They look a bit different. I just wish the matching Cyclops was a bit taller.
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>that feeling when you own over 20 comic omnibuses
>PS2 to PS4
>various horror movie, Rambo and transformer bluerays
> over 200 figures from all sorts of ips
Am I an omni nerd consoomer bros?
no, retards here just got baited by a troll like they always do
Yes and so am I, but that doesn't make what I said any less true.
You can believe what you want, I'm just relating what I've witnessed first hand.
Wait, did you mod Astonishing at all? The other pics I saw made it seem taller.
You're the ultimate manchild.
More and more that is the norm in today's consumer culture. People used to be happy with seeing a movie once or twice in theater and never again. Think about that vs now with people having bookshelves of BDs/DVDs
Ok this looks a lot better than in previous images. Why did he look so tall in that one dudes IG pics?
Can you throw Astonishing Cyclops and Emma in the lineup too?
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Toy Biz did it best
The split belt is one of the wonkiest decisions of all time. Aside from that and the Y-hips, it's a nice figure for sure.
>That cut in half belt
Lmao, I know you're being s contrarian on purpose but lmao.
>It's a common fact that clear plastic just degrades at a much faster rate
It's just people just being dumb.

If opaque plastic breaks one time, people just think they hamhanded it or a really rare instant. IF the figure is old enough, "it was just its time."
If it's transparent plastic, they think back to some old Transfag meme from 2005 and say all transparent plastics are bad.

The most durable, long lasting plastics are transparent and transluscent plastics.

That said, if HAsbro used acrylic clear plastic, then they were mongs for using one of the most brittle plastics for a kids toy.
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It's just too good that any flaws it has dont matter when compared to all others.
The ones in >>11054022 just look like cheapo toys and also scale worse.
Listen, I know you just NEED to hate on Hasbro, but pretending that those ToyBiz Legends had good sculpting and better engineered articulation is just silly. The paint jobs blow Hasbro out of the water though.
>but pretending that those ToyBiz Legends had good sculpting
Now you hold your horses, Hasbro is doing some solid work, but the best of Toybiz still holds up incredibly well. The sculpted detail on that Wovlerine, from the stitches on the blue parts and the wrinkles in the yellow part, are very good. The attention to detail and individual sculpts, plus impressive paint were all a product of that era that understandably can't really be done anymore, but it was some top notch stuff, especially considering those were around 20 years ago.
I agree with you on all those finer details you mentioned. It's the overall proportions of those older figs and the sculpting in regards to the joints that looks far worse than most of Hasbro's stuff. Most those older Legends have lanky monkey arms, and super thin upper thighs where they meet those ugly hip balls.
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>wanting to turn it into brandwars

And yes, Toy Biz's is better sculpted and has better paint. Astonishing XMen was during that era when they were trying to inject more realism into the comics, hence being able to see the stitching, because the comics were also drawn to look like they were made of clothes instead of just latex paint over nude bodies. It matches that Astonishing XMen look.
The skin has a matte fiinsh that actually looks like skin. There's shading and washes on it too, to bring out the detail. The face is also uniquely more John Cassady-like

Whereas >>11054022 just look like toys.
Lots of glossy plastic with simple colors. Nevermind it scales poorly, whereas Toy Biz's is almost spot on for Wolverine being a manlet.

Seriously, that entire glossy plastic look with simple paint is a gigantic turn off for me. It's why I also don't like Mafex's stuff, where they look like a more premium ML instead of an actual premium toyline.
Fuck off subjectanon
astonishing cyclops is shorter than other cyclops figures
That belt truly is astonishing.
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Dienumbic duo
>still playing 2d side scrolling fighting games 4 years after virtuafighter and tekken came out.
When are the next reveals?
That lady DP's hair sculpt is really nice and helps is look like a better figure than it actually is
SDCC in a few weeks.
I want a brown suit Wolverine on either of these bodies.
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they shoulda made this version.
But the sleeveless version is faggy shit?
Why not?
>tfw Gweenpool never ever
Astonishing wolverine will not have boot swivel. Typical hasblo, 1 step forward 8 steps back.
It's two steps forward, you retards don't even know how the saying goes that you're mocking.
You weren't going to buy it anyway. Whining about $25 toys you weren't even going to buy is the most bitch made move you could make.
Hasblo’s actions don’t warrant 2 steps dipshit. They fucking suck just like you.
I accept your concession.
>bitch made
Faggot nigger
Sorry, but it's the truth. Going out of your way to find things to get mad at is literal Karen behavior.
What? I didn’t concede to anything. You keep throwing that word around and I don’t think you know what it means.
How’s the hascock taste this morning anon?
>No argument, just name calling
Typical woman behavior right here. Stop getting your panties in a twist over something you weren't even going to buy Karen.
>ignoring the fact that I brought up how this new wolverine doesn’t have boot swivel when all other previous wolverines did
Typical woman behaviour, their feelings and biases overthrow any fact under the bridge. Karen hysteria am I right?
>No U
Lol, lmao even. You argue like shit.
>screeching about women in a /toy/ thread
rent free holy shit
>still ignoring the fact there’s no boot swivel and has no counter argument
I accept your concession.
I don't really care. Shitting your pants over a toy you were never going to buy is the absolute dorkiest thing you could do. Stop going out of your way to find things to get mad at.
> “S-stop S-shitting your P-pants H-HATER”
>still no argument other than “I really don’t care” and you “weren’t going to buy it.”
>Claims I have no argument
>Doesn't present one himself
Pot calling the kettle black lol
Okay let me put in as plainly as I can:
>No boot swivel. Other wolverine have bolt swivel
What is your argument for that? Having a personal opinion is not an argument my retarded friend.
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>but why is his head so big.....baka
Cause whoever is in charge practiced birdeye perspective so much they fucked up their mental image of proportions. Thats why you get a big head, long ass arms and short legs.
NTA but I got mine in yesterday and mine has a boot swivel.
Shut up retard.

The boot is a lot tighter and more confirmed to the leg than regular Wolverine boots. It probably didn't rotate right with a swivel. Yeah, it sucks but it is what it is. But you bitching about it while essentially outright admitting I was right that you had zero intention of buying it is such a waste of time and energy that I can only assume that bitching about toys you'll never buy anyway is all you do with your day. Now fuck off with your bitch baby temper tantrum.
I never confirmed I wasn’t going to buy it? And where, if I may ask, did you get that info? I already have cyclops and frost and the old beast that I can only assume will get an upgrade. Astonishing is one of my favorite storylines (well at least the beginning it got shittier near the end of the initial storyline). Is this, as you were to call it, woman behavior? Jumping to conclusions without any factual evidence?
It bears mentioning: play the Arcade version of Children of the Atom if you haven't yet. The cast from that game lost SO many frames of animation in the various console ports and times they were recycled into newer games.
I’m sure there wasa way to engineer it so that you can have boot swivel. Its just hasbro being lazy
You didn't refute it until just now lol.

The boot comes over the leg, but doesn't flare out in the way his other boots do. His X-Force and House of X figures also had more confirmed boots and they didn't have a swivel either, yet no one lost their shit over that. Stop making mountains out of molehills.
>Having a personal opinion is not an argument
I thought I did when I said this. You personally believed that I wouldn’t buy it. Oh well, I’ll try to be more precise next time we “discuss”.
>X-Force and House of X figures didn’t have swivel.
X force came out 5 years ago in a wave. House of x is the same mold. This new wolverine is a stand alone and on a new mold. They could have easily put some sort of boot cut if they thought outside the box.
Keep sobbing bitch boy. You weren't going to buy the toy anyway.
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No I want you to keep shitting your pants
Oh God that looks so much better. Why oh why hasbro. It's so fucking annoying and the reuse means it's never gonna change.
Look at that nice small head.
Looks like the Akira bike but gay.
>bitching about consumer culture
>on a board for toys
That's how you know they're a really poorfag.
Found the zoomer
And that’s how we know you’re a mindless consoomer. Just consoom drone then get excited for next product.
>He says while posting on a board for toys with his Apple iShit device
Why are you even here?
Why are you even here? If you want to be all Mr positive all the time about shitty figures, why just not go to Reddit? I heard all you need to do to become a mod there is post a pick of yourself being rammed by a black dude.
Struck a nerve didn't I? Why is it always the poor and stupid that are the loudest?
>Why don't you hate everything as much as I do?
Imagine being so sad and angry in your life. I hope you find your way anon, I really do.
Why would a channel focused on one form of media deviate to talk about another?
Not at all, I spend my money on higher end figures. If anything I pity you, while I feast on the meat, you are left with the bones, peasant.
I just hope you stop sucking on the hascock anon, it’s not healthy for you.
>Not getting irrationally angry about $25 action figures means I'm a Hasbro shill
You're a retard.
Let’s not forget I just mention the fact that the new wolverine figure had no boot swivel. It was all of you anons that started attacking me. I know you all get emotional when your favorite brand is attacked, but I was just stating facts my dear delusional faggot.
Shut up retard
Kek, I accept your concession.
What a colossal faggot you are. No one is persecuting you
Cassie Lang headsculpt worth buying? comes with a decent Kang figure
>another side by side photoshop comparison where the difference is mere pixels
if you're going to do this make it into a gif and lay them on top of each other on a common plane in order to show off the difference properly
Luke Cage and Iron Fist pack reviewed

another look at Danny Ketch and the scaling
That looks a million times better
>literally no one cares dual pack
dont worry, 10 years from now on the new wolverine buck, we'll get boot swivel.
What's wrong with him? He comes off as a decent guy.
Boot swivels are dumb anyway. I'd much rather have proper hips and ankles.
Your brain has literally been fried. That or you're allergic to water.
LOL woke lefty retard.
I'm more concerned with his inability to showcase/completely gloss over issues with figures
He seems to only talk about figures he likes. They're less a review and more just a showcase. If he labeled himself a reviewer I'd agree with you.
With his setup and the figures he shows off he likely makes more than you do. Have you bought your golden sneakers yet?
I do. It's the only Legends thing I've bought all year.
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This might help you, anon.
Never seen his noggin and only watch his videos where he only talks about figures. He's fine by me until he starts talking retarded.
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>while I feast on the meat
you’re a cringe zoomer
Proper punctuation and grammar is now 'woke' and 'leftist'?
Why is Luke Cage so boring? A yellow shirt and bracers, really pushed the boat out for that costume. His older design was more fun.
My god, some of you guys have legit brain damage.
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Kinda want to get Iron Man Model 20 (*24) but also wondering if I should wait for Hasbro to do the Pentagon armor. You think it's likely that Hasbro would attempt it given that they already have 90% of the work done for it with Model 20?
Accountability is woke and leftist now. Please get me out of the clown timeline.
I'm never going to take him off his bike so him being a little smol doesn't big me that much. As long as he and Johnny look good on their bikes together.
Yeah, I'm happy. They look good together. Can't wait for my stuff to come in.
based action figure enjoyer
It's the Midnight Suns™!
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Hulkbuster also looks great. All this stuff hitting at once, I'm gonna have a nice fat BBTS pile of loot coming.
Are these guys gonna be available in Australia? They never went up on any of the sites I checked.
I really want a new Jim Lee Psylocke on that body. The cut outs for the butterfly shoulders also perfectly match the shape of Betsy's leotard too. But they need to sculpt a chest with bigger tits which we know they won't do :(

They also better sculpt a nicer, high-waisted sash that sits on the abdomen and not any of the current ones they have.
WHY IS IS HEAD SO DAMN BIG??? It's as big, if not bigger than Morbius's and it doesn't have any skin/tissue over it. Just imagine how huge that noggin would be if it was covered in flesh.
Toy Biz did them better.

Blaze's is especially better, because there's highlights on the bike to make the flames look like they're emitting a glow
>I really want a new Jim Lee Psylocke on that body
Keep coping subby. TiyBiz is old and busted.
No they did not
I think his height looks fine here, it does sort of highlight how tall that AIM body they used for Johnny was. I do think Danny could've been made a big beefier though.
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Just look at the way a modern figure stands out on fully painted vehicle.

It's so cheap and glossy looking. IT's so fucking barebones.
It's like having a Mattel toy standing right next to a Hasbro toy.
The difference is immediately noticeable. Toy Biz's stuff is on another level.

Nevermind the fucking cost in doing something like that today, when it was included with a fucking 6" figure back in the day.
To even have that quality of painted detail today is..... shit's insane how bad things have gotten in less than 20 years.
The future was supposed to bring us nothing but improvements and hope, instead things only get worse while increasing in price.
>highlights on the bike to make the flames look like they're emitting a glow
That's not even good highlight painting. It makes the flame effects look like cheetos. Granted, Hasbro's way isn't any better, but you can at least buy the effect better with it being translucent (or you can paint it yourself and make it look even better).
Speak for yourself. With the Mafex Daredevil coming in within the next couple of months, all we'd need is an updated Jessica Jones for a better Defenders than the 2017 set.
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see https://is2.4chan.org/toy/1719976061142117.jpg
the metal glowing red from the flames, when the body is actually painted black.

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