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Previous thread: >>11019868

>Origins Night Stalker didn't sell out, still available.
>2-Bopsteady and Splinter went up for pre-order at Target and sold out.
>Horde Trooper Prime with Hoverbot revealed in package.
>Necro-Conda pre-orders should be coming soon.
>Lord Grasp and Terroar are reportedly not Wal*mart exclusives, they just get first dibs for a while. No ETA but expect them to show up on places like BBTS eventually.
>Krang at Walmart in abundance, Mutated Moss Man and Mer Man starting to do the same.
>Sla'ker available in Target stores
>More Turtle of Grayskull figures coming including; Hordak, April, Alternate Leo, Turtle Armor He-Man, Deluxe Rock Steady/Bebop, Splinter, Stealth Ninja Leo and He-man, and Merman. More rumors for an additional wave of Raph, Donnie, Rattlor, Mekaneck.
>Masterverse Horde Trooper coming in Fall as Mattel Creations Exclusive
>Origins Demo Man and Geldor coming in Autumn
>Crowdfund vote winner is the Snake Lair, more details expected during SDCC.
>Skeletor/Demogorgon are available, He-Man/Vecna pre-orders went up
>Toon Collection Mer Man and Stratos in stock; Evil-lyn's and Webstor's beginning to trickle out. The Collector now available.


Thread Question: With SDCC a little more than a month away, what are you hoping to see the most ?
How do you guys deal with stiff articulation in your Origins figures? The hair dryer works but just for some minutes.
Is hot water enough? Or are there other methods?
Hot water works great for me. The fact that you can disassemble the figures makes it a lot simpler too.
I've never had that issue with Origins. But just follow the same steps as any other toyline.
Call me a downer, but I'm primed to find SDCC a massive disappointment.
What I HOPE to see I strongly doubt will be shown off, and what I actually expect doesn't excite me.
Id like just a general idea of what to expect from the motu license and ip over the next few years. Where is origins head, what cross overs are in the works etc. Because asking for modulok or dylamug or rio blast isnt gonna get much of an answer. Id really just like a state of the masters brand style address.
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TQ: Modulok and Multi-Bot revealed, which of course won't happen.
I'm hoping for New Eternia Roboto, Mossman, and Teela. Any other Masterverse releases would be appreciated, especially Snakemen.
>especially Snekmen
Really hoping Mattel pulls from the 2003 Snakes for New Eternia version and not just vintage again. Or aleast mash them up, like 2k3 Ratllor design with vintage colors, something like that.
>no logo
Maybe post the transparent png for op to use next time if he wants
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Prototype Demo-Man
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is that classics? cuz those knees are not origins buck.

I'm a little annoyed they STILL haven't revealed Two-Bad.
I'll gladly buy the Tuvar/Baddra set, but I do wonder if they'll do just Two-Bad carded later as well.
>fuck snakemen
yep, I'm that anon
Since rumors say twobad is the sdcc exclusive this year, I'm expecting they include the bodies for tuber and badra. Could be just the torso and one arm leg. Then you take the head and other arm leg from twobad.
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>is that classics
Yup, I have no idea how the hell some people get a hold of such prototypes.
>twobad sdcc exclusive
they had better not do this shit to us
I don't see why people get their knickers in a bunch over this at this point anymore.
I've said it before: SDCC exclusives get sold through MC (Motherboard was an SDCC exclusive) at the very least, and some SDCC exclusives end up on BBTS too.
The rest of vintage is MC BY DEFAULT. You think it's going to be easier to get if it's NOT con exclusive? It's going to be literally the exact same level of difficulty regardless of whether it's SDCC or not.
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Probably in much the same way I got mine; a shitload of spare cash, too much time on their hands, being in the right place at the right time... and voila!
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Lol, I was right. At least it's the CC and not vintage.
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Pink parts look like bubblegum
>Filmation toonerverse
>Tuvar and Baddrha
>Not Bluehead and Yellowband

The sheer levels of faggotry displayed by Mattel is astounding, they can't even get the right names in the right continuity.
Oh hey, it's what they should have done from the start so you can mix/match crotch pieces and legs.
I wouldnt care what series its from, i just want muh 2bad.
>too bad
Atleast ive broken the fomo cycle
Usually they have their SDCC exclusives up in Mattel creations no? unless you also don't wanna deal with that.
>Two-Bad are a convention exclusive even though their TOGS expy expiers are Target exclusives.
So it's obvious Mattel doesn't give a fuck about Origins anymore is only keeping it around to take advantage of people who still give a shit about the series right?
Why does Mattel keep on trying to make this series relevant again despite something going wrong each time?
The whole franchise may as well be cursed.
I mean origins tanked bad at retail no? shit is always at huge discounts, is either MC or nothing probably.

I don't understand why at some point they had 3 Masters lines at the same time tho, that probably didn't help.
He looks like dogshit. Easy, easy pass. I will wait for the origins one or not get Twobad at all. I will not be suckered into collecting Cartoon Collection, it didn't work with Masterverse and it won't work now.
>when Skeletor fused them together, he put their hips on backwards
But that's what the crotch always look like in Origins if you heat up the legs...
>crotch is backwards
>Mattel doesn't give a fuck about Origins anymore
I just got my Origins Nightmare delivered with reptilax on the way from BBTS. Guess whoe comes out next month, Terroar and Grasp. Origins Snake Lair announcement at SDCC as well with more Origins figures reveals. Fan Favs hitting pegs now. Yep. Mattel can't be bother with Origins anymore.
>Origins Snake Lair announcement at SDCC
Finally. Wasn't that supposed to be Spring originally? Bets on who comes with it for backer project numbers? That Snake Priest feels like a slither-in.
Siiigh. I want to be excited, I really do. But I wanted vintage Two-Bad, specifically vintage. I literally said that if they're going to drag out vintage so much than at least please just do 2bad.

Worse, this confirms that it's 3 vintages per year and no more. That is a number they're willing to drop. We'll be waiting like 5 more years to finish this line.

And who knows if they'll decided to make 2-Bad next year or if they'll rather space them out.
wait if those are normal legs are how people suppose to swap them? will instructions in the box tell people to heat it up?
Two-Bad likely has more open cavities in the thighs allowing for easier pop-off and on without heating. Downside will be the legs could possible pop off easier when posing
Yeah, he'll be a tier for sure. The red cobra guy would probably be one as well. An Origins 2002 King Hiss would be a surprise.
I hate origins snakes and cartoon collection so much it's unreal
Two-Bad (Ba-dum-tish) characters like Sy-Klone, Stonedarr, and Extendar are stuck as exclusives with the only stuff being sold at stores being collabs, Filmation retools, Wal-Mart exclusive retools, and some vehicles.
Fuerza fucking T. Im already looking for Grasp and Terroar, so aside from plasmar and a slamurai reissue I just want Fuerza T, Gygor, the PoG dinos, and maybe a retail release for Wundar. Ive accepted the meteorbs arent happening but the other options I mentioned NEED to happen.
>nd who knows if they'll decided to make 2-Bad next year or if they'll rather space them out

MV Two Bad came out in 2022
Almost two years before we got our next Two Bad, and it's CC
Yeah, I got a baaaad feeling about how long it'll be before vintage Two Bad.

On the PLUS side, if Two Bad really IS out of the running for vintage collection this year, that would INCREASE the chances for the likes of Modulok, Dragstor, Rio Blast or Blast Attak getting one of the slots.
That stinks. What ya' waiting for to get announced?
>mfw I'm Snout Spout but not nearly as well endowed.
Absolutely love these posts
Well, the non-vintage snakes, anyway. I like the vintage crew. I just don't like how whenever they show up everything gets put on hold.
But cartoons can suck my cock right across the board. Fuck the whole goddamn thing. I hope it ends up a BIGGER failure than any previous MotU failure before it so we never have to see or reference Filmation ever again, in anything
I think he will come soon honestly, they are not going to get much use out of that body otherwise. Unless they make a fucking two headed snake man. Fuck, they probably will…
I envy you anon, some prototypes have neat colors and just the fact that they are unproduced makes me want them, but well, one day I will have bottomless pockets.
>I hope it ends up a BIGGER failure than any previous MotU failure before it so we never have to see or reference Filmation ever again, in anything
But why? I think we can have both alongside each other.
Personally I don't understand the investment into the TMNT cross-over. I think they look neat overall, but would rather have OC stuff for MotU than OC cross-over stuff (same for Stranger Things too). I want more stuff like Frog Monger, just cool characters not tied to a property. But maybe I'm alone in that. I'm a fairly new, casual fan.
>Personally I don't understand the investment into the TMNT cross-over.
It's what's selling fastest at the stores I've seen take Turtles of Grayskull and Origins cases instead of long since telling Mattel to go pound sand.
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How is this Slush Head?
What's a Transformers fan doing here
Has big issues between the dome coming glued on and his tentacles snapping in the package.
have comic where he looks bad ass next to goofy looking figure ... they should have made the figure like he was on the comic cover as a proper origins figure
>the rumored two-bad isn't vintage style, but toonshit
are you fucking kidding me
is now a good time to share OC?
I feel like I’m the only one who wants filmation two-bad
Obviously I want a regular vintage one too though
$50, too
Nah, ive got two vintage ones but i still want a new one. Idk if i can get one but ill try, cartoon is better than nothing.
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Modulok must be soon, right? Do you think they are just trying to figure out how to handle the limb articulation?
That is good to hear! I was worried it was shelf-warming because I keep seeing them. I am probably seeing them rotate out though.
I am thinking/hoping they do both. Probably this gave them an excuse to make them separate figures, and the Origins one will be most accurate to the original toy.
I might consider getting him anyway *assuming* the colors on the vintage release match. Then I could have parts to make "vintage-style" Tuvar and Baddra. But it's fucking insane that the leak sources somehow never caught that this was toonshit.
Doesn't he die if the dome comes off though?
This is potentially good, in a sense, for my pov anyway
I just want a normal Two Bad. I don't want a bunch of extra body parts and bullshit that need storage and I don't want to pay $50 for that extra bullshit I don't want.
Let tooners get gouged for this bullshit and hopefully vintage Two Bad will just be a regular release.
It would be extremely painful.
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Well fuck me, August for me then I guess. Anyone else order either version? or am I the only retard?
Yes well maybe they shouldn’t have included an alternate head in that case.
You know the armor comes off and you can swap and pose the head that way, right?
Nah I didn’t actually, I never bought him because all the reviewers complained about the broken accessories.
Some day like 5 years from now Origins will truly be over and we'll be making a new general for the rumors of a new he-man cartoon. Someday. And when that day comes I won't forget the bullshit of today.
That's the vintage-looking Scare Glow with transparent body right?
Naw. Origins is my last dance with MotU. This shit ends, regardless of whether or not I'm satisfied with the complete end product I won't be back for any future movies, cartoons or toylines.
>Implying that by then there won't be a new Street Sharks cartoon given how Mattel pretty much knows MOTU is fucked no matter what they do with it.
Not to mention unlike scantily-clad muscle-men, kids today love sharks.
Ok Michael
Yeah and the variant with green bones.
Yeah, I would figure only the cartoon collectors would be mad
>want a normal Two Bad
I wonder if they'll do just that and release a single carded version for the CC retail line. It'll just be this >>11044481 and 2 skull buckets.
Lol, yeah, i think tni took a victory lap over guessing right on two bad.
They can't use that body for vintage Two-Bad ANYWAY.
Vintage Two Bad has a bulkier torso, and more importantly, scales and fins on the purple side. And for all Mattel faults, at the very least they do maintain vintage design choices, even in cases where they have to slightly alter them for articulation (like Sy-klone's arm fins not going all the way down)
Here is the link for Two-Bad:
>Launches July 25, 2024 9am PT
>that price
That's clearly Cartoon Collection Two-Bad. It doesn't suit normal Origins.
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Do we know why Filmation stopped writing MotU toy characters in after using Hordak, Mantenna, Leech, Grizzlor and most of the '86 toys in She-Ra? No King Hiss is understandable considering the elaborate Eternian backstory he came with, but no Extendar and Dragstor? And all 5 new PoP characters planned for 87 appeared, whether released (Netossa & Spinnerella) or not (Star Sisters).
You honestly think they are going to make a regular twobad? I wouldn't go holding my breath.
I refuse to believe you unironically hold this belief and aren't just baiting.

If you believe that Mattel WILL actually finish vintage, they HAVE to vintage accurate Two Bad to complete the collection.
And if you DON'T believe they will, and that CC Two Bad will be the only one, you might as well just assume vintage collection cancelled entirely. Why bother making Energy Zoids or the rest of the Horde if the collection is gonna be incomplete anyway? Save your tooling budget, just make toon Modulok to placate those guys and save effort and don't even bother the high cost, low demand remainder, just focus on putting out more ToG and Cartoon variants of cash cow characters

Here's your (You)
Bro, I am not baiting for (yous), I do not have hope of them finishing. But I really hope you are right. I really want to be wrong here.
>and hopefully vintage Two Bad will just be a regular release.
Ehhh, the last vintage figures have all been MC exclusive. It really sucks.
"Regular release" as in single carded, like Rokkon and Extendar were. As opposed to a big box of extra bullshit like the CC release
Oh, I stand corrected.
Damn look at that
I like the Snakes, but god damn did they overdo it. They should've spaced them out more.

-t. Mattel employee that wants to scare you into buying this toonshit version

I'll wait, thanks.

That I definitely wouldn't count on... I love to display the carded figures up around the wall near the ceiling in my room, but the weird MC and ultra deluxe bullshit interferes with that most of the time.
Wait a minute, doesn't one of the skeleton warriors "evolve" into this appearance by the end of the comic? Curious how he ressembles Demo-man a lot.
Impressively retarded comic, but nothing will take the cake from the Towers of Eternia minicomic.
>synopsis for the ToG full comic says Renet fucks up the time stream and He-Man and the Turtles end up on the Triceraton homeworld to play sports against their "All-Star" team

That's just retarded enough to be cool
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(not my pic, its from the funny OC anon in here I believe)
I'm pretty excited for upcoming Origins figures. Are there other new, casual fans like me in here? Or are most of you veterans? I am mostly a Godzilla toy collector. I like the fun monster character toys and the various lore surrounding the series. It is such a fun series that you can take seriously or not so seriously both with great results.
So uh, when is Necro-Conda supposed to be delivered? Next month?
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The back wards hips is to show that the legs can be popped of and put in anyway you want, just like the arms. This also hints to how Modulok and Multibot will be put together.
Filmation was alwayw wishy washy with toy representation. 2/3rds of the vintage line never made it into the series. presumably mattel didnt hound them enough to turn the tide, so filmation just kept pulling stuff out of their asses
I can't remember where I heard it, so it might be wrong, but I recall somewhere that Filmation never wanted to advertise toys despite agreeing to make a toy commercial show...they wanted to make a show that THEY called the shots on. That's why they almost exclusively focused on the same core cast and on a rotating crew of OCs more so then the requirement to show off the guys on store shelves. That's why out of over a hundred episodes, you only saw Man E Faces twice and Zodac thrice and whatnot. And Mattel didn't care because they were just playing fast and loose as long as the cash kept flowing.
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i was going to hold off from sharing some of my crossover ideas until I finished the complete set, but i've gotten impatient so I'm starting off with the handful of concepts I've already finished. I know alot of anons dislike crossover shit but seeing as Ghostbusters is just as damaged as MOTU at this point, I decided to have fun with these ideas. I was thinking many of the offerings would be designed with reuse in mind.

My thinking was the story would involve Scareglow in a lead antagonist role. Tired of Skeletor, he conspires against him with the aid of Hordak. Scareglow then opens a portal to the spirit world and unleashes a plague of poltergeists on eternia, with the evil warriors making up the lion's share of the casualties. Random ghosts possess them all and they each get freaky new looks as a result. At some point he would become powerful enough to double cross Hordak. Hordak would use the Slimer pit against surviving evil warriors before He-man and friends would step in to stop him. By then either Gwildor, Orko, or Duncan would use some macguffin to summon the aid of the RGB.
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that makes sense, even on the mattel side of things. still its fascinating to look back on the stark contrast between the handling of MOTU (both the toyline and tie-in animated series) and its peers from the time (Transformers, TMNT, etc). Transformers always made a dedicated effort to showcase just about all of its characters atleast once. Turtles, even with the number of OCs the Wolf series introduced, leaned closer to filmation's efforts and would attempt to introduce toyline characters where they could. Meanwhile Filmation just went wild with the opportunity.
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last RGB × MOTU concept for now
Not calling him slime-mor
Thanks, i got an email on it this morning. Its really no big deal if it get it, ive got two already with working gimmicks, so this would just be a nice, sharper looking version to blend in with the rest of my collection.
Lol, wut.
Good ideas man, i hope mattel swipes them. I think ghostbusters the series on the new metv toon channel if anyone still watches ota tv.
This picture reminds me, does anybody have the picture of the Attak Trak Mystery Machine
shit that actually would have fit perfectly
glad you liked it anon. yeah hopefully alot of those classic cartoons get a second wind of relevancy as MeTV toons rolls out
>excitedly wake up today just to check if my antenna picks up the channel
>turns out they arent broadcasting the channel in my neck of the woods and my only option is paying for some cruddy streaming services

i'm still annoyed about it now lol
i dont have it but I do remember it
This doesn't even need to be a crossover. Make it some ancient stone face or some kind of drooling monster. You could even do this with a dinosaur and make it POG.
This is really awesome and I think the blends the two lines best. I'm not a huge fan of crossover honestly, so this, to me anyways, seems like a good fun superficial blending of the two lines.
Once again this is a good enough to be its own thing. He would make a great weird ass random Eternian creature. And I love that he has an action feature.

Are you the anon who was talking about doing a motu Pirate line?
Posts like this come up once in a blue moon and I always tell you to consider just getting into Cartoon Collection since that's fresh and what Mattel wants.
>consider just getting into Cartoon Collection since that's [...] what Mattel wants.

Could you be any more of shill?
Cool stuff.
I want the line to do well so I can get more Horde Trooper variants, yes.
Damn, its only a few days old so hopefully it rolls out into your area. Watching inspector gadget while drinking coffee is top notch stuff. Tbf tho, i lose the signal if you fart too loud. >>11046847
The guy is new to motu, why not buy the readily available figures at msrp? Ehy pay $50 for origins when the cc stuff is $20 and just as good as origins? Cc is a new head and maybe a paint job, no big deal imo
I need more trap jaw, but i just want motu.
>This doesn't even need to be a crossover. Make it some ancient stone face or some kind of drooling monster
alot of these concepts Ive designed with reuse in mind. so in my idealized world, once the slimer pit was out I'd have mattel touch it up into a proper slime pit. likewise the ecto-shark is 98 percent repaint + new canons and electronics in the mouth. Even Slime-Or/Slimer Pit Beastman is meant to be something like 80 percent reuse (standard beastman legs, ToG Mossman arms and hands) with a new street sharks esque torso and big new feet to balance all his upperbody weight. Again Im happy you guys like it. I always get cold feet about sharing some of these ideas. Currently Im grappling with some He-man concepts and Im still unsure of how best to handle the Ghostbusters themselves.

>Are you the anon who was talking about doing a motu Pirate line?

I'm actually the resident Fuerza T obsessed artfag
what characters are on your checklist? Im currently keeping my eyes peeled for terroar and lord grasp. My wishlist is getting pretty backlogged though. From ToG I've only scored Mouse-Jaw and Krangitor, but Im hoping to get Shredder, Leatherhead, Merman, Splinter, and maybe Hordak next. From the standard origins line Im still after Zodac, Stinkor, and Slamurai but that new Horde Trooper guy has my attention too. Hard to keep up with all the stuff I want when so much cool new shit sees release
thanks anon. once I finish up my next batch of ideas I'll be sure to share them
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Same, I'm looking for Terroaro and G'rasp too. Also want to get the Two-Bad SDCC set (if possible), and the Vypor (antsy to get him on pre-order). Demoman sounds exciting too.
My wishlist for future Origins figures:
>Origins Dragstor, Modulok
>Origins Filmation King Randor, Queen Marlena, Princess Adora, She-Ra, Hordak, Shadow Weaver, and OC characters like they did with Kol-Darr (maybe Strong Arm, Batros, etc.)
Then some OC stuff like the Chameleon warriors they teased in the box art recently. I want more of that. I love Frog Monger.
>why not buy the readily available figures at msrp? Ehy pay $50 for origins when the cc stuff is $20 and just as good as origins? Cc is a new head and maybe a paint job, no big deal imo

If you actually like it and want it, no, there is no big deal.
But if your buying it, and telling others to buy it, just because "it's new and Mattel wants you to" like the other guy said, then I'm sorry, you're a shill and a consoomer. You should not be buying anything for the company's sake, only for as much enjoyment as you get out of it. Nothing in the post even bothered with "does the new fan even like the cartoon and it's aesthetic" or if CC versions are as good as the previous versions.
People that wanted vintage Two-Bad are disappointed.
People that wanted Toon-Bad have to get pair of dudes that didn't even existed in cartoon.
People that wanted Tuvar and Baddrah to get figures get generic versions of then without even any weapons.

Great plan, Mattel.

Also CC Tuvar and Baddrah negate "toon only" excuse why guys lik CC Clawful are low on accessories.
Sorry, guess i was mis reading. I dont gibe a hoot about mattel, i care about masters of the universe personally.

So flippor is up on bbts, only $50 a pop and it comes in a variety of flavors. I thought this was a kickstarter deal?
This is so bad..I'd say too bad, Am I rite?
BBTS says 2nd Quarter 2024, so perhaps by the end of June the shippings will start. Though there are like 5 guys who already have him based on Youtube reviews so I dunno.
They negated their toon accuracy when they made Evil-lyn without a cape.
The whole damn thing is just an excuse to put nothing but the same dozen characters out at retail forever and ever and to avoid as many unique-sculpt characters as they can for as long as they can to just focus on parts reuse.

But anyway, I'm not disappointed YET. I'll see what they reveal at SDCC first. If vintage Two Bad is at the show, and (dare I dream) Blast Attak along with him, I'll be over the moon and a-ok.
Disappointment will only set in if there's either no vintage at all or if it's like only Hurricane Hordak and Strobo because we had to save all that tooling budget for more Turtles, cartoons and the Snake Castle dontcha know?
Sounds like the perfect convention exclusive if they release both versions of 2B normally later
Hey remember that Evil Extendar we all theorize might get a figure. I have an idea what to call him

How much more can they do with turtles? Im personally not interested in much more after this series. They are fun and cool but im hoping weve seen the entire thing now. Id like a usagi or ace mcduck or mutagen man etc but its a novelty compared to origins.
I at least want Fly Baxter, RatKing, and Mutated Super Shredder for the villains. There's at least 3 more waves since each turtle gets and alt figure. Renet is suppose to be in the comic tie in, so I need a figure of her.and maybe throw a curveball and make a Stratos/Ace Duck. Plus we still need a playset like how the WWE got two wrestling rings. The Ooze pit is a must, Party Wagon Attack Trak is a dream.
>Fly Baxter
Really want him now too thinking of the potential, now that you mention it
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She is. Right in the center of the cover.
Using Renet seems to me like a good idea to get Gwildor or He-Ro involved...theyre associated with time manipulating artifacts too.
And if she's involved, let's get Savanti Romero in on this. He'd lend himself incredibly well to MotU
Damn I've missed Renet, do I dare hope for Cerebus to cameo too?
Ooo, a MOTU Triceraton would be also nice.
>the 2k2 Skeletor Origins figure exist
>still no disco repaint
>Origins Nightmare releases
Disco Skeletor would have been the perfect rider for it. Why Mattel?
I think even Mondo released a Disco Skeletor. Get your shit together Mattel.
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>I am Adam, prince of Eternia and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.
I would buy that origins figure in a fucking heart beat. I also want GITD mid-transformation He-Man, crystal MAA, nudist She-Ra, and minicomic pink Teela. There are so many repaints they aren't doing.
>countless opportunities to include distinct skeletor variants as pack-ins
>get some made-up halfassed excuse of a skeletor every time
its like they punish us for being fans
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back with a handful more crossover ideas
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i've had the most trouble with he-man. the two concepts I have so far pull heavily from thunder punch and laser light. I feel I could do better but havent had any stand out ideas.
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>-and sucker of thumbs till 10 years old
I'm just gonna blogpost for a minute about crossovers.
Personally, I don't like crossovers where things get mashed up like this...sometimes there are characters who fit together in a cute way. But most of the time it comes off as forced. Not saying this to insult you in any way. I think that lack of stand out ideas as you put it, comes from the fact nothing everything works when its all mixed up.

That being said, I grew up on 80s and 90s corporate synergy and I would be totally down for a story where the Ghostbusters go to Eternia for reasons. But use it to tell a story where the characters stay themselves and just team up against a common foe.

. >>11047702 This one and the Landshark made me smile and so I gotta give you credit for that. Also for coming up action features for some of these so they feel less forced and more like real toys we could have gad in the 80s.

Maybe Mattel is saving him to use a cheap repaint in a future wave once hey run out of main cast for the CC.
>I also want GITD mid-transformation He-Man
That's the Super7 right? Crap, I wouldn't mind an Origins gitd He-man.
Three more waves? Lets hope for a rat king atleast, and a neat but kinda gross playset.
I think the screech version is probably my favorite yet in origins. I like the paint on this one though but im burned out.
>rat king
Somehow they find a way to re-use Splinter
Mekaneck, Rattlor of all characters, Raph, and Donnie are rumored. I'd really like a horde foot soldier and Karai in the last wave along with... uh... uh... Mutant ninja man-e-faces? Give him a turtle, utrom, and metalhead face. And finally a rat king Randor? Ooze She-Ra?
Too bad we had to waste slots on shit like Beastman.
If they need to make it an exclusive just pack in a slime heman made of transparent green plastic. ToGS merman and mossman look great in it.
i honestly wanted to go all in on action features but I wanted to also communicate some ideas as simply as possible (again I also had alot of reuse in mind). One gimmick I wanted Egon to have was a giant ghostnabbing capture claw attachment, but I havent sat down to design it yet. I think there's alot to be done with crossovers but sometimes you just get stumped, like I am currently with the other busters.
There is probably something you could do with Man-e. So many of those old GB toys have a feature where a face spins around or changes.
Snout Spout and the backpack slime throwers from the second movie seem like there is a conceptual connection of spraying lmao
As for the busters themselves, other than making Winston Clamp Champ what is there? They are defined by personalities and equipment. You can put their gear on He-man like you did.
What about colors? do some of them have something visual that would link them to a motu character?

hahaha spitballin ideas for you boss.
>sometimes you just get stumped, like I am currently with the other busters.

This might be too one-the-nose, but Winston with ghost catching clamps ala Clamp Champ?
Ray and Peter i'd probably mash with Sy-klone and Rio-Blast, mixed and matched however you'd like. Sy-klone being reimagined as ghost tracking radar and Rio Blast being proton blasters in his hands and a ghost trap in his torso.
thanks for the ideas fellas. I'll keep grinding away on these. I want to cover more villains next. All the baddies will have fright features ala Slime-Or Beastman. Should I do posessed heroes? Feel free to suggest more ideas btw (im really liking Clamp Winston, Ray-o Blast, and Sy-Klone Pete)
There might be a Cody Rhodes MotU figure coming, my guess is one of the Mattel SDCC exclusives. I wonder if they'd make him Masterverse style or resurrect Masters of the WWE Universe for it. Or even an Elite figure with Masterverse acessories.
Wouldn't it more likely be a Superstars figure? They're selling well and even with the Giant case being plentiful in many areas they're still selling through.
Hey folks, just a heads up, I was at target the other day and found SheRa in a "Fan Favorite" packaging, so I guess they are rereleasing some figures that were harder to get?

Back of the box has Zodac, Bootless Merman and Tri-Klops.

Dont kill me if this isnt news... this is just the first time seeing rereleased stuff other than sorceress and jitsu.
Make battleground Janine
No, it's a genuine crossover. Hope this really means MOTWWE is back on the menu. I want some rereleases too like Sting, and the Snake Mountain Ring with Hulk and SCSA. Pretty sure most of those playsets got washed overboard when that one cargo ship lost all those containers. We also need a WWE Megator since big show dipped and got it canceled.
I can't wait for the Cody Rhodes "Ken" doll!
>I'm actually the resident Fuerza T obsessed artfag
Is there a difference? I thought that the black and white art with concepts is you.
Besides Fuerza T is good. And i like your Fuerza T art. Since you showed them i made a list of Fuerza T characters myself.
Yeah the fan favorites re-releases are old news but you got very lucky finding a she-ra at retail
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>we're never getting a King Randor Vince McMahon after those BASED texts got leaked
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uh no, we got a king right here
Soon, bros.
That Mer-man is really tempting me, I'm in love with the decision of making translucent figures in this crossover.
yeah that was me too lol. i would love to see your concepts. i actually have more b&w art but thought the digital stuff was more palettable
hell yeah I am excite
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Look who arrived today.
sigh, and i'm still waiting for my Necro conda to be shipped.
I'm glad I have yet to get any FOMO from this horse
>spooky dressage obstacles
I'm thinking of just getting that awful Minicomic Stratos for like 5 bucks and just paint his skin gray. Cause sure the cartoon collection is nice and all. But I want that vintage style. Also, can't find the normal gray version of him anywhere for cheap so yeah.
You better hurry on that comic Stratos. They won't be at retail for much longer.
Why not wait for a fan fav release?
They already rereleased Ninjor and Tri-klops, I see no particular reason Stratos and Hordak won't get rereleased too
You both have great points. I think I'll just scoop this minicomic version just for grabs. And wait for the fan favorite re-release. Also planning to make a custom Snakeman OC but I'll need a blue body so I guess I'll re-use a Skeletor or Webstor body. Only downside are the heads, I want something more than just Kobra Kahn and Rattlor.
You know Im really disappointed that none of the MOTU comics are doing action figure variant covers, I feel like it's a gimmick that is really catching on.
>They won't be at retail for much longer
Don't jinx it my target still fucking has them
Do remaining vintages have any reuse potential, aside from Rio Blast -> Plasmar?
>SDCC arrives
>They finally announce yet another vintage
> It's Orko
> Old Orko is retroactively rebranded as Cartoon Collection Orko.
>Old Orko is retroactively rebranded as Cartoon Collection Orko.
no, they just re-released it as an Origins fan favorite. it's in stock on BBTS and EE right now. CC Orko will likely be an exclusive pack in since he'd be half the size. Likely with the CC Attack Track.
>cartoon Two-Bad
I kinda miss it but it's also not a big deal.
We've supposedly gotten Rio's feet in Koldarr, Frog Monger's lower legs and torso are Modulok, and we'll probably see parts reuse here and there like Dragstor reusing Hordak's arms, or I could even guess that laser light Skeletor could easily reuse Buzz-Off's feet and laser power He-Man will reuse the basic body buck from wave 1. This is all assuming that it's cost effective or even possible to mix and match their molding machines in the factory like they're legos.
The spinning top tards though? I don't think anyone will be sad when origins skips them completely. I also wouldn't care if we never got Tytus and Megator. Andre and Krang cosplaying as them are fine enough.
>This is all assuming that it's cost effective or even possible to mix and match their molding machines in the factory like they're legos.
Figures are multiple molds so it should be possible just like Hasbro with GI Joe

>I also wouldn't care if we never got Tytus and Megator. Andre and Krang cosplaying as them are fine enough.
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You know, I'm kinda thinking we get Plasmar BEFORE Rio-Blast.
Most of Plasmar already exists and they'd save tooling budget by doing just Rio's arms now, releasing Plasmar, and then letting the rest of Rio fall under the following year's budget.
>The spinning top tards though? I don't think anyone will be sad when origins skips them completely
I would. The fucking vintage versions are like $500 bucks and I'll never own them, Origins Energy Zoids are my chance to actually have them. And besides that, I unironically like Twistoid. He's a neat little fucker. (Rotar I only want for the sake of having both)
>Andre and Krang cosplaying as them are fine enough.
Worst take.
How many friggin' Orkos do we need?
You say that like there's an over abundance of Orkos
There's only 1 in Origins and 2 in Masterverse.
When we have as many Orkos as Teelas, then you can complain
The masterverse one really could become the teela of that line though. As far as origins variants go im not really sure what id like to see, but i would probably do a few action gimmicks. Silly stuff like waving your arms, like casting a spell, but he flips into a box or something silly. Kind of odd why mattel didnt push orko as a sort of mascot for the whole of the masters brand, couldve got imp involved too.
I have 1 origins Orko and thats more than enough. In a fit of depression I bought the 2-pack with OrKKKo and Gwildor, the former of which I'll be disposing of immediately.
CGI's Ork0 truly needed more screen time and love. He was the best Orko and would make a great rival to Motherboard.
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>They used MOTUC parts in the WWE line
I...didn't know this, granted, I've never been interested in WWE figures.
It sucks MOTUC figures are quite expensive for what they offer.
Too bad they're all crap figures. All that detailing and paint is worthless to me when the joint sculpting looks like its from 1995 and its got what feels like less range than a vintage Joe.
I am actually sick or people brown nosing that line when Origins and even masterverse has it beat in a lot of areas.
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>Doesn't want articulated coke goblin Orko
That vintage sculpt is shit and I want a modern version of it that can be posed funny.
I suspect because while Orko makes for a fun toon mascot, he makes for a bad toy. He too small which makes his figures poor value or out ot scale, he has little articulation since he lack lower body and his head is slightly tricky too, you need to figure out some kind of stand, and he has few appealing accessories to think of. That why most of lines iclude him but give him very few variants.
>Kind of odd why mattel didnt push orko as a sort of mascot for the whole of the masters brand

Is it that odd though? For a long time, I remember Orko getting shit on just as much as every other 80s kid appeal sidekick (your Snarfs, T-Bobs and Unis). I don't know when exactly that changed in the fandom since most people seem positive towards him now, but for how long he was maligned it's not surprising he was never pushed as a focus.
I like your crossovers. And i can post some, but i have mostly a stickfigure with parts list. I will try to draw something up.
And i always like you art.
Masterverse is severely underrated. I think a lot of people don't like it because it's "not their MOTUC".
I honestly think it's more because of poor first impressions and being too late to the game
>Didn't come out until a year after Origins, so most fans had already had time to get invested there and not want to collect two lines
>First 3 waves were based exclusively on a new cartoon that wasn't the overwhelming success they had hoped for, to put it mildly

"not muh" fags crop up for every franchise for every new piece of media or toyline but that's not a death sentence when the new offering is good.
Masterverse waited too long and didn't put their best foot forward when they did.

Truth told, that's exactly why I'm not a Masterverse collector, even though I do like a lot of what they're doing . I was balls deep in Origins to start with and they didn't offer anything that would've excited me until even later
Love this Skeletor with changeable faces but it came in a MC exclusive, will Mattel release another version for retail?
I think people have a little too much faith into skipping every exclusive because "I bet there will be retail version too". Like with people who are sure CC Two-Bad will get retail release without Tuvar and Baddrah.
>Filmation Tuvar and Baddrah

Is this opening floodgates for Mattel to invent Cartoon Collection Stinkor or Clamp Champ or whatever?
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>Didn't come out until a year after Origins, so most fans had already had time to get invested there and not want to collect two lines
Heck, I wasn't even interested in Origins when I thought they were going to make just the A-listers and characters who share their parts, with no action features. I was collecting Mega Construx MotU for that. It took the deluxes like Battle Armor and Mosquitor to get me to start buying Origins.
Now I'm imagining Filmation episodes with Rio Blast (a She-Ra episode where he's a Horde defector), Extendar, Dragstor, Scare Glow, Ninjor, Clamp Champ, Blast-Attak, Mosquitor, Energy Zoids, and of course an animated version of the King HIss story. Even Gwildor, Saurod and Blade.
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>Target finally restocks the MOTU figures after months of empty pegs and either a lone TOG Mouse Jaw or Sla'Ker

I give you Stratos, empowered by the evil energy of shelf warming and transformed into a demon
Granted they're obviously cases that were in the back of the warehouse somewhere and went straight to the discount aisle... I just think it's fucking insane and funny that there's that much of Wave 7 still out there.
>a lone TOG Mouse Jaw or Sla'Ker
MJ was already clearanced out. Slaker is currently on clearance. Our Rat King should be out first week of July
One time, for fun, I decided to see where you could fit all the non-cartoon guys into either one of the cartoons without creating a new episode, without drastically rewriting the episode I put them in and swapping them in for another character in that episode.
The best ones I came up with were:
>Stinkor gets Plundor's role in "Quest for He-Man"
>Scare Glow gets both Dark dream's role in "Eternal Darkness" and Lord Masque 's role in "House of Shokoti"
>Extendar takes all appearances of General Sunder
>Snake Face gets an obscure appearance taking Evil-lyn's spot in that one episode she shot brand from her eyes that turned Mer-Man to stone. I can't remember exactly what ep that was now
Hes a reliable chap, very dependable, always there for you.
I fully expect to see more characters get the g1-ification treatment just like Hasbro has done with transformers.
Will this mean that anyone I like will get a cool retro style figure like Ram Ma'am or Motherboard? No. But I fully expect to see Kang Grayskull drawn in a shitty filmation style someday soon.
Honestly Mattel should've made the original Stratos the variant version, with red wings & blue jetpack.

At least then people would have some incentive to buy the Brazilian Stratos, to swap parts and make the more common version.
>But I fully expect to see Kang Grayskull
Na, they'll do 200X King Grayskull finally so that the other doesn't lose value
At very least I'd expect them to do blue Faker rather than literally He-Man with blank eyes
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You will make this bullshit in toy form, Mattel, and nothing else.
I want to see the fan reaction
Didn't S7 do this already for vintage style?
No it was Robot He-Man. The one with weird metall skull face.
Ok but what if his eyes had light , would that make him acceptable?
light piping*
I think you misunderstood what I meant.
I'm saying making blue Faker in cartoon collection is what's unacceptable.
The only Faker I want to see in CC is glowy eyes He-Man. Light piping would be a nice touch, but even if it's not, that's the version they should make
Does it even matter? S7 did a lot of vintage style cartoon shit, and none of that is stopping Mattel from making it all again Origins.
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One of the few Mega anons left, found out about a Stamp Set Battlebones and a 'knockoff' of it(Creepy Crawlers Goop-a-Saurus). Love finding workarounds because the Mega figures are great but most of the brick builds just don't look good to me
Speaking of, that reminds me of some really obscure but cheap to make dudes. Do you think Origins will do Three Terrors?
They already released cartoon collection retail skeletor, he came with stupid one-off episode accessories like everyone else.
The retail line should have come with faces and hands instead of shit like 'a ball', or 'a stick'.
No I would buy this. I'm surprised they've never just thrown the head in to a heman set to make fans buy two. I would.
It's to stretch the profit margins. WWE Superstars (non-MOTWWEU) include fabric outfits and extra hands to make up for the lack of accessories (weapons in MOTU) and because WWE Elite/Ultimate figures often have extra pieces for the premium price. Would we really complain if they went from $17.99 to $20.99 a pop in trade for more hands or alternate cloth outfits? Some would but the trade-off would be worth it.
>No I would buy this.
>just thrown the head in to a heman set to make fans buy two.

You do realize these two sentiments are a direct contradiction, right?
If fans will buy a second one to display a copy with Faker head, then in effect they are buying both a He-Man and a Faker, so it's functionally no different than making Faker a separate release.
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went back to traditional for this one
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Im happy to hear it anon. I'd love to see what you've come up with. I can finally post this too while Im at it. Hopefully the crossover isnt lost on you guys
The actual toy from the Demogorgon 2-pack looks a lot better

His colours actually make him look more like the vintage toy
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>Too bad they're all crap figures.
>masterverse has it beat in a lot of areas.
Bitter you missed out ragefag? The only thing Masterverse has MOTUC beat on is articulation. Classics has better sculpts, paint detailing, and proportions. :)
thats awesome. thanks for the tip
Yikes, MV He-man has a chimp face

Btw, as someone who doesn't have any, how are MV figures in terms of articulation? They don't seem to have ab cruch or butterfly articuation.
I buy origins which is superior to both, if I want good statues I'll import
But they are articulated.
the mutant mossman/stranger things parts work well on stratos. they accentuate the bird motief
to the anons who want classics but cant afford them, why dont you buy the bootlegs or the handful of dc multiverse figures that borrowed the bucks? just curious. especially since you could kitbash some characters with origins and masterverse bits.
I guess it's not very vintage-y? Hands and heads as main accessories are more for collector lines like Masteverse. Episodic accessories fit more the athetic giving each figure more individual flavor.

Not to mention that e.g. Clawful can't really have different hands.
Wish those hoods were soft goods, I mean they already did it with Necro Conda.
Oh I thought Hordak was going to be a deluxe since the preview images showed that his wings are HUGE. And I do hope his blaster can be taken off though. I don't own an Origins Hordak yet since all I can find is the Buzz Saw one and the other two? Yeah my wallet isn't THAT full.

I wonder if this Hordak borrows elements from Wing-Nut tho. And I assume Leatherhead's deluxe. I have no idea which MOTU character got got influenced by.
Nah, last Deluxe are Mer-Man, Splinter, Bobsteady and Leatherhead,

Those wings somehow folded and fit behind him, just like April's.
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Cool pictures!

Aquafant an Indian character with Riotblast arms and Roboto legs on a Snoutspout body.
agent-T a ScareGlow head (Silver mask) on He-Man body with Snout Spout arms and legs, Tri-klops armor.
Tigre, from south africa. Clamp Champ head with a Robot arm and Laser Light He-Man arm and legs.
Gladiator, Italian, Tri-Clops with Zodac and Man-At-Arms armor and Two-Bad right legs.
Limotante is a slime mutant with Whiplash head, He-Man body, Mer-Man armor. Two-Bads left leg, Tunglashors left arm, Leechs right leg and Snakeface right arm.
Escupier is Cobra Khan with Tunglashors arms and legs.
Caiman is Whiplash with Squeeeze head and Rattlors arms.
Scorponok os Clawfull with Dragstors head and King Hiss legs.
>Lord Dregg Hordak
>Gwildor? Leo
>Ninja He-Man
I like this line up. I might actually get that Hordak.

I think it's supposed to be more Preternia Disguise He-Man
You're right but my autism deems I must hate that figure
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Found some of the Ben Cooper trick-or-treater figs and they needed a door to knock on.
Are there any heads that fit well onto the Krang figure?
I kind of want to get He-Man just for the armor and hoody. I don't think he's any different than the Origins classic figure is he?
Strangely fitting for him
oh man these are all great! aquafant, gladiator, caiman, and limotante are my favorite of the eight. all of them are just especially creative uses of parts.
kek Super Skeletor that's neat, thanks for sharing.
>how are MV figures in terms of articulation?
I only picked up MV Snout Spout so if an MV collector wants to correct me feel free but as far as I can tell the only differences from an older Classics figure is swivel ankles, double hinged knees, and double hinged elbows.
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The cartoonist Eternia turns to...
S. Kelly
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These are so good.
>rejected ruthless leaders
>"good" for nothing
ok that made me smirk
You'd think Jitsu would be the ideal guy for dealing with mosquitos. Big metal swatting hand.
kek these are amazing anon
/MOTU/ gold!
Thanks. I just got inspired by your work.
>Necro-Conda's preorder now postponed to the 3rd quarter
Oh well, no pressure I guess.
If mattel doesn't mattel and not repaint ToGS Krang like this, I'm gonna disappoint.
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Picked this guy up for a tenner and in all honesty I’ve found myself really won over by him
The Buzz Saw Hordak has a really fun and unintrusive gimmick. There's really no reason to get the non-deluxe over him afaic, especially when we’re seeing so many characters with their original gimmick taken AWAY at this point in the line.
>Both a virtually identical visually (unlike all the He-Man and Skeletor variants which change up the looks and outfits)
>Buzzsaw gives you an extra gripping hand, a smiling head so you can have a gloating Hordak, and you get an action feature
>Only thing regular version gives you that Buzzsaw doesn't is the bat shield

If you're only buying ONE Hordak, unless that shield is literally the most important thing in the world to you, there's really no good reason to choose it over Buzzsaw. You get so much more out of the set and it still looks like a normal Hordak, no weird colorations or outfit or weird cannon arms.
>I don't think he's any different than the Origins classic figure is he?
His right foot has his toes poking out from a hole in his boot.
it's a solid figure IMO, has it's flaws, the face is sus, but I like the proportions.
I think some white on the eyes would help but i get why they didnt. At the time he came out i was just glad to have a classic style he man.
He also has whites of his eyes. His armor maaybe has a different shade but I can't tell.
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I'm debating getting Snake Mountain for like 75 bucks now. Or wait it out for the Snakeman Lair. I wonder how much it'll be tho. I'm guessing 150-200. Of course we'll have to wait and see for the real thing at SDCC.
Snake Mt now because they won't reissue it like Grayskull
>that Adam Cat
my sides
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I had originally misread the recipe you had in mind for Aquaphant. So I kept imagining he would wear Snout's head like a superhero helmet lol. I took a stab at doodling him just now. I'll get around to a more cartoony take later on.
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I liked Agent T and Caiman so much I imagined them as bitter enemies
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great shots anon! clamp's armor suits ole pighead perfectly.
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So Snout Spout, Rokkon, and Stonedar debuted in the She-Ra series and are members of the great rebellion. I find myself wishing Rio Blast and Extendar could have done the same as they were always some of the sillier heroic warriors, the latter of which matches by idea of Etheria's aesthetic.
That's Hose Nose!
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Who is the Jitsu to Man-at-Arms Fisto? Trapjaw or Beastman? One is the inventor of the group but the other is the faction leader's right hand.
I honestly don't see any value in either playset.
Why was the Horde in the original main line despite being the villains on She-Ra's show?
Because the toys came first, and the cartoon was based on the toys, not the other way around, and Mattel was only financing 1 cartoon to advertise both toylines.
Your post's left me to wonder, how many MOTU fans would want to see a soft reboot of the filmation canon that goes out of its way to correct all the failings of the original series. Kind of like a full run worth of Return of Faker styled episodes. I think there could be serious money in that, and we've seen alot of other franchises play with that set up.

Man I still cant believe mattel hit that guy with a C&D
Ugh, why they can never get He-Man's face right?
I am now annoyed because some rando on forum claimed he saw in-hand Two-Bads on social media so I checked youtube and there was upcoming video about Two-Bad and after long wait it turned out it was just some guy talking about upcoming CC Two-Bad not reviewing one in-hand. Forum rando probly got confused by promo shots, vintage or custom.
S.Kelly does it again!
I wish I had bought Zoar, an eagle would've really tied this one together
Glorious. Like the chibi Orko as Starry-Eyed Kid! My only critic is that Skeleto should say
>O! Say Can You Smell…
Rio Blast, yes. Extendar looks more like He-Man.

Do they differ that heavily? And i liked 200X more better.
Thats really cool! Thanks for adapting them! You are my hero, again!

I really didnt write if it is a helmet or a cyborg head. I mostly summarized the body parts i used since it isnt that obvious what existing parts they are.
Helmet would be better than just a Cyborg head.

Really cool. I really like your Caiman. He could be Leatherhead or even Killer Croc Motu version.
And for Agent T i think he would have a colorchange gimmick to be used for the two water shooting figures.

Limotant would use a colorchange gimmick too. And maybe translucant plastic?
well the bulk of the toyline never made it in filmation, the few that did were only in an episode or two at best. Im proposing something of a compromise between filmation and 200X. More character focus and toyline rep like 200X, but with the visuals of filmation.
Im glad you liked the art. I plan to get to the rest over the next few days. I really like the idea of Aquaphant having a helmet but at the same time it comes at the cost of snout's gimmick, so maybe it could be a lore only type of deal.

Caiman was just a blast to draw. I know the snegs have their detractors but I just like dinosaur-reptile designs alot. They always look cool. How would you implement Agent T's color changing feature? My idea was his big gimmick would be a combination of a vac metal head + rhinestone eyes (also just going off the figures we did get, i like to imagine jitsu/fisto's power punch comes standard across all characters, or atleast most of them). The color change feature would fit limotante like a glove, bu was thinking of making him completely GITD ala Scareglow. Just drawing him I kept imagining he was the result of the Infraworlders getting their hands on genetic engineering tech or even just tixic waste to cook up such a nightmare
>how many MOTU fans would want to see a soft reboot of the filmation canon that goes out of its way to correct all the failings of the original series

I think you'd piss off A LOT of She-Ra fans because they seem like they like it BECAUSE of the failings of the original series.
A MotU cartoon that does away with ALL FAILINGS would by its nature yeet the entirety of Filmation PoP into the trash.
Hordak would be all focus on Eternia, he'd be his proper colors, beyond the Hurricane and Buzzsaw powers there'd be no "zomg, he's a dorky rocket now!", his base would the underground cavern system of a toy accurate Fright Zone.
Please stfu
My mind is falling me, which teela is this? Is it the zoar teela?
I'd be hesitant to anonymously endorse it, but I'd like to see it. I really appreciate 200X going in raw with its full cast already there at episode 1 and then slowly taking on more characters as it tells its story, its basically what you're asking for.
I'd only want what you're suggesting if they could adapt all the previous MOTU stories into a few seasons of a cohesive show.
>200X origins
>minicomic stories
>the movie
>horde invasion/revolution
>the ultimate battleground
>new adventures
There's a lot of good DC comics and I'd even like to see an episode devoted the commodore game about the Ilearth stone, but my hopes for MOTU to become the West's answer to DBZ won't happen either way.
and snagged it anyways. Cause I'm not sure what other chances I'll get to get it for 'this' cheap. That and I'm a proud Snakemen cocksucker so even if the Snakeman Lair won't be backed, at least I'll ave something for the snakes.

A shame that the Horde gets cucked tho. Like we only have Hordak. Grizzlor, Leech, Mantena and Mosquitor. And not counting the Horde trooper. HOPEFULLY Modulok soon. Or Origins versions of Scorpia, Catra and Shadow Weaver. And no Fright Zone....
I'm forever mad because the horde is infinitely cooler than any of the snakes.
I think it's a mixed bag
Back in vintage, i think Tung Lashor and Rattlor are cooler than every Horde except Mosquitor, but every Horde is cooler than King Hiss and Snake Face.

But then Origins gimped Tung Lashor and Rattlor while simultaneous making Mantenna and Leech way better than the vintage versions, and Mosquitor still trumps all and Hiss looks cooler in snake form but just as shit in human form so everything is out of wack.
To me snakeface is part of the goated figure along with scareglow and mosquitor
Your helmet idea is good. And we dont see the Stormtrooper under the Helmet either. Or the GI Joe figures like Firefly dont have replaceable masks or helmets neither.
Thats the limit of the toy.
I thought Agent T would be either green or red that changes into translucent or black. Kinda like showing him to be shadowy or becoming ghostlike. Either as an agent to sneak in or when attacked becoming helpless to interact with the real world.
But the Vac head is really tempting. The gitd idea for Limotante is really a good idea. I thought the color change would be from moss green to slime yellow.
I was going by look. Toy correct look of Extendar would look weirder than in He-Man.

That would be cool. But there are so many variant stories that it will be hard to take the good parts and make a coherent story.
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To be honest, even when they finally included a better head with that “Ultimates” version, I found the lower torso looked weirdly shaped and the neck too long
Super7 is doing Conan figures in vintage MOTU style.
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…the head was a definite improvement over the previous versions, though
admittedly I wasnt thinking of going that far to align things with the toys, but it does leave one to wonder how a toyline accurate she-ra cartoon would work. i guess you'd have to ditch etheria and have shadow weaver or any one of she-ra's toyline foes take hordak's place as lead villain. mostly I just wanted to see more toyline guys in filmation.
>Or Origins versions of Scorpia, Catra and Shadow Weaver
Are they allowed to make Origins figures from PoP? She-ra got two versions so I'm confused.
>does leave one to wonder how a toyline accurate she-ra cartoon would work

Hordak says "fuck you Randor", takes baby but chucks in a portal or something. He has a Fright Zone to run, he doesn't care where she wound up or what happened to her.
The baby wound up on Etheria and got raised in Crystal Castle.
Jealous beauty Catra is main villain, overthrows Queen Angela herself and rules with an army of cat monsters. Makes alliances with other evil princesses Entrapta and Spidra (an unreleased concept PoP character that apparently Mattel abandoned.) Glimmer and Adora flee to whispering woods where they get in touch with heroic outlaw Bow and his rebels against Catra.
Adora is gifted her sword magically by the Spirit of Grayskull via Light Hope, but doesn't feel her in on the details of her origins just yet because she has to save Etheria from Catra before she gets to find out she has a family and is a princess on her own right (sort of copout deal like they did with Teela's lineage being kept secret so we don't have to explain why she doesn't just go home and can't just get MotU characters to come help beat Catra)

That's how you do "toy accurate" She-Ra.
Probably have both He-Man and She-Ra learn that they have a twin towards the end of both their series, after they respectively beat Skeletor/Hordak/Hiss and Catra/Entrapta/Spidra and then finally reunite
it is time to revisit this crossover
no disrespect to filmation she-ra but this premise sounds alot cooler. dont get me wrong I get the appeal of PoP Hordak and friends but this sounds way more badass. A perfect balance of fairy tale princess fare and warrior queen red sonja stuff in a way.
My Walmart put all the MotU stuff on sale, so I got the Krang figure for $20. That was a nice surprise.
underrated post
If it's like the others, it'll break easy
They can make toys of the characters they made vintage toys of, like She-Ra or Catra, but they cannot make characters who were exclusive to the animation like Shadow Weaver or my wife Madame Brazzers.
They can also reinvent them for things like masterverse but there's 0 motive to do so. DreamWorks can reinvent SPoP and make new shows like the Netflix one, but can't make toys without Mattel.
These split rights are fucked though in that they work differently for the Horde characters like Hordak and Co. whom Mattel and DreamWorks own different versions of. This is why Hordak can be in Mattel's Netflix shows and also Dreamworks' even though different companies own these cartoons.
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With a name as cool as Agent T I was thinking he'd be the snake eyes of the team, so I wanted him to stand out. Anyways here's a quick doodle of Gladiator going up against Escupier.

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