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Vegeta - 24000 Power Level [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Vegeta - Awakened Super Saiyan Blood (Reissue)

Cui [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Son Goku Effect Parts Set - Teleport Kamehameha
Son Goku - Saiyan Raised on Earth (Reissue)
Super Saiyan Son Goku - Full Power (Reissue)
Son Goku & Son Gohan -Kid- & Kintoun [SDCC Exclusive]
Future Trunks - Super Saiyan [SDCC Exclusive]
Jiren - Final Battle [SDCC Exclusive]

Super Saiyan Son Goku - Legendary Super Saiyan (Reissue)

Full Power Frieza [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegeta - Unwavering Saiyan Pride

King Cold [Web Exclusive]

Trunks - GT [Web Exclusive]

Super Android 17 [Web Exclusive]

Pan GT & Gill [Web Exclusive]

Tamashii Nations Dragon Ball Series

Tamashii Nations Surveys

Previous thread >>11026092
figures are worse than chinese bootlegs
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New reveal tonight...maybe
We gotta pack it up. Line's over.
>cell, daima and GT slop for next 3 years
Buu saga, best saga, being neglected like this is criminal. They're lucky Goten and Trunks fans are so dedicated to the franchise despite being treated so poorly.
They're neglecting the Buu Saga AND the best saga? How could they do this to Namek?
Have you ever stopped to think, huh, maybe everything isn’t for me? I don’t even like the Buu saga, but I’m interested in the Cell and GT offerings.
Is there a cheap or good alternative to the Cell shell that came with Dragon Ball: The Breakers?
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This gotta be a joke
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>HQ Production Images of the February 2025 S.H.Figuarts VEGETA -OLDER STYLE BATTLE CLOTHES-

this is nice. i didnt want to spend money on anything after King cold
Well there's the reveal.
I would've skipped the new Scouter Vegeta for this. Now I'm kinda pissed tbqh.
I think you’re overreacting a little, it actually looks pretty good
Too wide, shoulders too big too. Complain about this. Looks like DF Jeice in proportions. Hope they fix it like they fixed FP Broly's articulation before he was put up.
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Fuck, I need him now.
That's how they get you, they knew to get the less popular design out first and only reveal this after the previous was in people's hands.
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he look like shit man, they reused that big ass torso from the last figure, the arms are disgusting >>11047782

this figure is giving me Yamcha vibes
they... picked this shot... to promote their figure??
Why is vegeta’s shoulders so wide? Both on this and the scouter veggie.
This and the closed eyes face are gona have alot of fun uses. The figure itself unfortunately doesn't look that great.
Hobby Genki JUST shipped him too. I'm so irritated now.
Bejita FUARKING lost.
They give this the optional battle damage parts but not on the previous one where it’s far more iconic? I don’t get it.
>more namek slop
>still 2.0
If you're gonna stick with Namek, can we get a 2.0 Frieza at long last?
>manga styled proportions with super anime style head
Never going to work
Namek is basically done now, right?
I dunno what manga they got that vegeta from, Ive never seen him with his shoulder that fucking wide.
I get to save my money?! Based.
Monster Zarbon
Frieza final form 2.0
Awakening Goku blue shirt
We don't even have a good and proper Freeza for this Vegeta.
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Monster Zarbon and Nail then we're outa here.
Shit looking figure aside, does this imply a reissue of Jeice? Would they show off another figure in a promotional photo even if that figure is pretty much entirely impossible to get? (Unless you pay scalperkike prices)
I only need Jeice so I hope
You faggots bitch about everything.
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This does not capture the magic of the late great Akira Toriyama.
Agreed. We need to be vocal, being upset about it here won’t do anything. Really seems like they’re just phoning in these vegeta releases despite having some really nice looking ones lately. Hope they know what they’re doing, before creation, comes destruction.
>Awakening Goku blue shirt
fuck no just headswap ultra instinct sign with the last ssj goku if you want it so badly. we need yardrat goku and end of z goku.
There's still Nail to make, and I wouldn't be surpassed if we saw Guru. Recoome, battle-damaged isn't insane. Monster Zarbon too.
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They're not. For the promos pics they're free to use whatever figure they want from their catalogue. This scouter Vegeta was long gone by the Dodoria promos.
nobody would care as much if it was a $40 regular release. the fact that it’s $60 and also shitty looking is what people don’t like.
does anyone actually care about nail? he’s not a memorable character. i don’t imagine very many people would buy him aside from completionists.
to be fair, many people have been waiting years for this Vegeta and it's shit.
P-Bandai releases are almost always for the completionists. It's why they charge 65 dollars for a Vegeta that should be 35 because they know either the completionists or the resellers are gonna buy it.

Nail is also not super popular, but they have gone far more obscure with other P-Bandai releases.
>vegeta gets another Pbandai
is vegeta actually not that popular
Of all the poses they had to choose for a promo shot. Just absolute disaster. This pose really shows his reused (?) arms & deltoids are way over exaggerated. He was never this muscular back then. >>11047824
The only thing decent from this is his shitting-in-his-pants face.
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>dat vibe
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I rather have Nailkaiser.
at least the villain characters like dodoria and cui have interesting designs. nail is just piccolo but lamer.
they’re just greedy cunts. everything is p-bandai unless it’s goku or goku-adjacent.
Another new base head mold, and so soon as well. Goku is at three, Vegeta is on his fourth. He even has a fifth one with that unreleased prototype from a couple years ago.
Kind of a boring release, but I'll get it to round out my namek display.
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This face is so damn funny I might get it
No, but I'll get him because I really like the design of the Nameks and he'll help round out my Namek display. Just hoping for a Lord Slug one day. Plus it will probably work for a shirtless Piccolo. The character itself is unimportant to me though. I'd rather get Nail though than the armor Vegeta died in even if it was done well. I never cared for that armor, and with how bad they did it, that'll save me some money kek.
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I love this. God bless kong.
I actually really want a Nail myself, it may be the only Freezer saga character I would buy apart from a regular final form Freezer. However, I do realize that the character is a litteral nobody and I'm not sure the design would really work without soft goods for the vest, as it's super long and would look like shit in most poses.
He tried to throw hands with Frieza and was an important part of Piccolo's development.
>tfw one of your anticipated figures looks like shit
Yeah, I feel you, Vegeta...
I was mainly talking in terms of figures, and I do agree with you, but in the grand scheme of the line and the story, he's way less important than Zarbon and Dodoria from the same arc, for example, with both making other appearances within other parts of the story. Still, Nail is like my second most wanted figure after Future Gohan and we may be getting it from third parties in the near future, so yeah.
The quality of the namek figures really fell off. I think even they are tired of it.
In other words, a fucking jabroni jobber.
>throw hands
I hate zoomer lingo so fucking much. Just say they fought you fucking homo.
Did the Namek figure quality fall off or are the Vegeta figures in this line just consistently underwhelming?
that anon who did the piccolo-fuck-vegeta-in-the-ass is probably foaming in his mouth for that face.
the second one mostly

but yeah since 3rd for frieza they have been phoning it
I think entirely the latter. New SS Goku, Cui and FP Frieza all look excellent. It's Vegeta that always ends up lacking.
They just make shitty Vegeta’s. Second form Frieza and Buffku were amazing.
soooo is the proud prince vegeta just dead in the water now?
We're creeping up on almost 4 years. Wouldn't hold your breath.
I'm sure it'll end up as a budget walmart/target release eventually. Those stores order those in large quantities so they have incentive to keep making those Goku and Vegeta. The more standard armor Vegeta also sells better. We have the new SSB Vegeta in September, the base one could be the one for 2025
I think the main figure looks fine, but the arms just look so disjointed because of the shoulders, that they don't even look like they belong to that figure. He actually looks better than that early Namek Vegeta that just came out, because the whole torso looked too big, and they didn't even try to hide how gappy the shoulder guards on the armor looked when you started posing him at all.

I'll get this one, because I've been waiting forever for this version of Vegeta, but I wish his shoulders looked better...
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"Throw hands" was a term before zoomers were a thing, you white faggot.
Why isn't Pan the OP?
Nobody likes her. She's ugly and dumb.
forgive me for the likely repeat question but is that a new faceplate on that Goku?
Holy shit. That looks bad.
I will get the Namek one instead...

But that meme face is tempting.
It would fit nicely with Piccolo on top of him.
dont worry the heads will not be compatibles
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3rd parties crushing it
>meme face
Yeah. I'm pleased bandai are including more of these now. Kinda the only reason left to buy their products.
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I saw them float the driving test filler and Badman costumes in a previous poll (obviously I voted for them) because I think some more goofy figures would be nice rather than the sea of transformations.
I remember him more for the abridged series than the actual series.
I can hear the NAAAAAAIIIIIL in my head already,
Am I the only one who would love to see more vehicles? Just like Bulma's bike? Yamcha's car with little Puar (the cat), Trunks' time machine, King Kai's cadillac, etc? For me they would be awesome if they can fit the figs.
I wouldn't say he isn't popular, but definitely gets less attention when it comes to merchandise and games. Vegeta units in Dragon Ball Legends are usually if not always garbage compared to the Goku's and other characters that get released. Hell, that new Figure-Rise Vegeta looked awful compared to the Goku they released just a year prior.
I would, too. Toriyama’s mechanical designs are so round and appealing, I love how they look. The figure rise sets are good, but they haven’t done cars yet, which would be amazing and pair with Driving Test Goku and Piccolo.
Which is funny since Vegeta's the most popular character in the series as of recent polls. Guess Toriyama's initial dislike of him carried into the merch a bit.
Its not entirely about the character but also the design itself. For example if they made pink shirt Vegeta it would be pretty niche so we can't just say Vegeta isn't popular when it doesn't sell many units. These 2 Namek Vegetas are definitely more niche and by their metrics they think it would shelf warm at general release quantities. The line is very mature at this point and alot of the stuff remaining is gona be pbandai.
>vegeta in his outfit from one of the most popular sagas in the entire series is niche
bullshit. bandai just makes everything p-bandai because they want more money.
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What the fuck? What did they do to him?

We literally just needed a Base Vegeta with a FUCKING GI.

What the fffffuck is wrong with this sculpt?
Dragon stars never even did that outfit. But they've done Saiyan Saga, Cell armor and SS4. Everyone outfit to dragon ball fans is iconic but people that make the figures don't share the same mentality.
so funny they fuck up something like this, they are justification the newer mold (that look like totally shit)
how fucking hard is to just do a fucking 3.0
Vegeta doesn't wear a gi. What are you talking about?
Can’t believe all the reveals from the past four months have been shit. There’s not a single figure I want. Even the event exclusives this year are garbage.
just because he is retarded doesn't mean he is wrong.
Why the FUCK does Bandai put these great faces on these shitass bodies? And then they probably won't even make them fucking swappable when they update them.
I think he looks fine from the waist down and the head, it's just those retarded monkey arms they gave him that fucks the siloutte.
Noob here. Does pbandai ship to Canada?

I made a pbandai account and it asked for my city and province. Then I went to preorder the new Vegeta but it says shipping address invalid, enter a new address. When I try to, it only has US state options.
Don't use P-Bandai. Use an import site like Hobby Genki or something like that. The yen is so weak right now that even with DHL shipping to Canada, it'll be cheaper than ordering it directly from Bandai.
Plus hobby deki can mark shit as "gift" so no taxes.
Bejita's trademark
New to importing. Is DHL better than FedEx?

I'm on shipping and DHL is 3500 yen 1-5 business days and FedEx is 2990 yen 1-4 business days.
They're about the same for me, speed wise. With Hobby Genki, I usually use FedEx since it's slightly cheaper. They shipped me my Namek Vegeta like two days ago and I got him already. Although I will say, FedEx tends to have more random delays and issues for me than DHL does. But even then, I still get my stuff in a few days.
Also, I should note that HG tends to get their stuff a few weeks after P-Bandai Japan releases the item, probably just so HG can procure their order from Bandai, but they've always delivered for me.
Thanks for all the help. I just preordered. Went with DHL since they're closer to me than FedEx and it's only $4CAD more.
hey, casual figuarts user here. Just wanted to tell you that i like this new vegeta and goku figs coming out. Don't know anything about bodytypes, versions and what not. But to me, they look as anime accurate as they can. Maybe you should try to be less etilist
>Maybe you should try to be less etilist
Maybe Bandai should stop making shitty figs? Only good Vegeta so far is the GT SSJ4 one.
I'd always avoid DHL if you're in Canada. They're gona slam you with duties and taxes no matter what. See if you can change it.
It's been a bit over a year since I last checked in with you guys
Any word on the tournament announcer? Please?
if they can make 20 different gokus that are all regular releases then they can make most vegetas regular releases too. vegeta is almost as popular.
came out and sold out
No. Also no Goten and Kid Trunks yet
>No Trunks
We literally have 3 new Trunks.
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If its from Namek you gotta just assume its gonna be pbandai at this point. And they have made most Vegeta regular releases recently, Super Hero, SS4, Awakened blood and the upcoming Blue are all regulars. This is a Namek thing.
not a pedo sorry
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>forgot the custom ss2 gohan hair I wanted was selling in june
>the page is down now


did anybody here buy the custom hair sets on the left here and is willing to sell them?
this was the url https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806408256761.html

Is this sculpt different from the 2.0 at all?
Prove it, kiss a 10 year old and show me how you don't enjoy it.
Wonder how many fuckers will order this JUST for the two face plates(him crying and him closed eyes). because there is nothing else appealing at all. $80 for two faceplates lmao.

at this point i wouldn't be surprised if the people putting up the listing weren't all laughing about how this figure lookis so fucking bad and then these face is kind of an inside joke troll gag.

Seriously, he can't be AS bad as he looks in the promos? He makes the current Vegeta being shipped out look good and that fucker has a myriad of issues in his own right.
dont gaslight people into buying a dogshit vegeta
Fuck you, shitting on bad figures is how you raise the bar and get better products
Its like food at a restaurant, if you've tasted better from them you're gona call them out when its not up to standard. We know they can put out good figures so when they put out a stinker you have to let them know. If you're new then you really shouldn't be talking and people are rightfully calling you out like they are about figure.
Shit bro, really? That's a waste. Think I'd rather have Appule or another one of Freeza's minions.
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I am waiting . . . they can't skip og Dragonball forever.
I want this goku with the black top and belt
Used to watch DBZ Kai on nicktoons and abridged. been an outsider ever since and honestly? Dragonball looks so much more appealing then super or super hero I miss when anime had style
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NNNAAAAAAAAAIIIIILLLL, I’m converting you into an action figure for my own amusement!
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Super isn’t very appealing, even as an oldfag who grew up watching DB and DBZ on cn. It’s like the annoyingly drawn out parts of DBZ + powerscaler pandering.

Young Chi-Chi and Goku 2 pack would be great.
Super Hero is just a movie within Super. Not its own thing.

DBS is mostly just a string of rehashes and callbacks. Its basically happened since GT, though. Hell, even most of the movies just rehash the arcs and villains from DB/Z. They cannot create innovative, new, or unique ideas for Dragonball, for some reason. Ironically, probably the only semi-interesting thing out of everything is the Xenoverse stuff like the Demon Realm, and elaborating on Dabura.
>DBS is mostly just a string of rehashes and callbacks
So just like DBZ then?

>They cannot create innovative, new, or unique ideas for Dragonball, for some reason
quit being an contrarian
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I would like Orange Gi Krillin without the blue shirt from the Saiyan and first half of Namek. Only other two besides that would be SSJ Goku with Blue shirt and 4th form Freeza 2.0
>So just like DBZ then?
At least there was a facade of ingenuity with some parts of it. A lot of parts of DBZ were inspired by American movies like Alien and Terminator, just as OG DB were inspired by Chinese mythology and martial arts movies. It wasn't like the movies, GT and Super, where it is just eating parts of itself and regurgitating them as something "new."

>quit being an contrarian
I'm not. I've always maintained that there are some interesting ideas, in GT and Super, they're just poorly executed. The idea of the Shadow Dragons is interesting, and was even sort of hinted at at the end of DBZ by the Old Kai, so it doesn't exactly come out of nowhere, but GT was loosing steam by that point, so the idea felt woefully unrealized. The idea of Zamasu is pretty interesting too, but that arc goes totally off the rails as it goes on, and the endings in both the manga and the anime are retarded.

Moro was kind of interesting, but he's basically just Demon King Piccolo, and the arc just literally becomes Namek 2.0. Another completely disappointing villain who started out kind of cool
I won't lie, I kinda want that Goku. When do they go up?
After SDCC I'd imagine, with a Jan release date so that people are more inclined to attend and get theirs in person in July. I'll probably just grab one off AliExpress for $100 next year.
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I may be the only person, but I kinda want this along with Monster Zarbon the most. Also a shame the Vegeta didn't come with a swapable broken pauldron option. I'll be good after that.
reread DBZ. Outside of Goku arriving at the last min trope, it did a lot of new things.
All Red Ribbon Army main characters would be kino as fuck. But all we gonna get is another shitty Goku tranformation from Superslop.
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Who else has been waitng 10 years for these clouds effects and are pleased we're finally getting some?
Oh hey, neat.
put tiny rocks or stone in the smoke for added effect
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janemba when
Dragon stars has one that’s pretty tempting, saw one at my local comic book store but never pulled the trigger myself
I'm interested how much these fuckers will charge it at. It is basically a $35 Goku with a cloud and Gohan. Add P-bandai/SDCC tax and I could see that fucker being $90+shipping/tax.
Yeah. It's definetly gonna be somewhere around $70 base price, give or take 5 bucks. If you are in the US you can get shipped for $10. If you are anywhere else it'll be 10 + another 50 for a proxy to forward international. That's why I'll just wait for Ali.
Don't they know women can't fight?
Those bottom ones look really good, if they turn out this good IRL I'm gonna buy few sets of those for sure.
What are folk's thoughts on Super Android 17? Getting tempted since preorders are closing tomorrow. I don't know anything about the character, but he looks pretty cool and I dig the effect part. Is there a Super Android 18?
Thinking a design is cool is a good enough reason to buy a toy, you can give him whatever story you want later
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this line you need to watch first the quality of the figure, super 17 look great
Ya know I was gonna get him despite not having too strong an attachment to that design but seeing his price changed my mind on that.
The whole Super Android 17 arc is 6 episodes, you can watch it if you want an informed opinion. That said, it's awful, don't watch it, just look at the figure and decide if he's cool enough to appeal to you.
>Is there a Super Android 18?
Based on what you said I probably wouldn't get him if I were you. If you really wanted it you would've gotten it within the first few days. Like if you didnt get him you're not gona look back and wish you got it cause you dont know the character.
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>Is there a Super Android 18?
There is actually
Im starting to wonder if both Namek Vegetas are modelled from the manga. He was wide and looked weird in that arc.

Maybe we will get an Anime version that has the slim body type like SSJ Vegeta from Cell Saga..
When did Goku stop using the power pole?
That's just fan art.
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The closet is Super 17 (18 absorbed)
He had shots where he looked wide in the anime too its kinda inconsistent. Source/era accuracy is great when it comes to the faces now but the bodies can end up kinda wonky. I feel this is a one and done, if anything they'll revisit his standard Cell saga armor cause they can keep reusing it for different forms.
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Guy's this is your chance to convince me 3rd party/bootlegs are good. Where I can find a set with a scouter that can fit in a 1/12 head? I don't mind the color, just a good sculpt.
when he stopped pole dancing
They'll officially make a SS2 Gohan 2.0 anyway. Although I see that the 3rd party is going for manga accuracy
Dragon Ball fanart is canon
Speaking of, is there a company making a third party Raditz? I missed out on the original one and the event exclusive.
He never used it in DBZ, save for some of the movies.

He def didn’t use it in the Dragon Ball timeskip, so I’m assuming he stops using it after he gets to Kami’s lookout, since he uses it to get to it.
A 3.0 Vegeta is coming soon which is why we are getting these half assed Namek Vegeta's

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