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>Upcoming Transformers
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>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread

Previously on /tfg/ : >>11041558
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I got Ironhide new for 23 bucks and he is really cool. I wish I could find Ratchet for a decent price too but he is being sold at leader price in the places I visited
Ironhide feels incomplete compared to Ratchet. No cool head crest, and doesn't have the "ambulance" flavor.
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feels like every time they show rhinox his paint is different, can't tell if he's gonna be shiny or matte, but either way at leas the robot mode looks great, rhino looks like shit though, thanks cartoon accuracy

still looking forward to getting this bad boy [spoiler]or more specifically looking forward to getting the cheaper ko[/spoiler]
I like his gladiator head, makes him look like a tough guy
It sucks, I just want my van bros but all I have is Ironhide and I'm not paying $50+ for Ratchet. I want him but no, I have to draw a line somewhere.
Just my damn luck. I ended up with two left insect legs for chop shop making impossible to do the proper alt mode
Only Bay trash gets KOs now, it seems...
i'm pretty confident it will happen, every other beast wars mp got a really good quality ko, i think the popularity is there for bw
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not a bad bot at all.
i wanna say the van mode looks a lil weird on this one, but not terrible?
rhino looks awesome to me, with two tiny issues: the silly light blue eyes (no idea why they did that. rattrap gets to have nice shiny black eyes) and an exaggerated version of the low, flat nose of a white rhino. Does anyone like white rhinos? black rhinos have the cute pointy upper lip, I think that's way better. It's like a triceratops beak.
return and demand replacement! it's the only thing we can do. the retailers have to push back against the manufacturers, demanding higher quality or refusing to stock as many.
the green should definitely be more metallic. but I guess metallic paint is hard to do, Cheetor's is just about the same level of shiny.
I really hope they keep these up, I gotta see a MP inferno.
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Yeah, I hope he will eventually go on sale and I'm able to grab one Ratchet, that's how I was able to get a coronation Starscream for only $15
I like the van mode, I actually like the clear windows and don't mind the color mismatch too much
the paint is kinda realistic heh. but I think if they can't do windows and hinges better than this, they should really find another way to do them... especially an entire zigzag of hinges, I mean damn.
>unimaginative bullshit
I was very snarky in my reply to you, but seriously suspension of disbelief is just the nature of the beast wars. If you're gonna be into it you're gonna rule of cool your way around an altmode or headcanon your way around a continuity error at some point. Doesn't mean it isn't great.
the idea that all suspension of disbelief is the same though, that's way too reductionist and it doesn't sparkle with me.
but yes, rule of cool should be the #1 fuckin rule. If something's so realistic that you think it messes it up, it had better be phrased as how uncool it is. Like, when they thought it was funny to do looney-tunes gags with waspinator. That was not cool.
having him get shredded to ribbons was -kinda- cool.
If they must have painted windows instead of clear ones then they should at least paint them black or a dark blue, I don't like the light blue they are using for the autobot multipack. It looks really ugly to me and I don't care if it's cartoon accurate
I've never questioned it before, but it is a bit odd having such brightly blue windows.
I mean I love that color, I have cool novelty scifi not-sunglasses in that color (with LEDs). but it's not a window color.. it's not tinted windows, it's not how they look in the show..
windows are one of those things that seem to make someone upset no matter what they do, some people prefer clear, some transparent blue, transparent black, painted black, painted blue, stickers, etc etc

for my money, i think semi transparent plastic is coolest, color can vary based on each character, but i get that doing it that way has its flaws, sometimes you see a jumble of random parts through the windscreen and then often you end up with super off color paint apps on those parts.

then no matter if you go clear or solid, you end up wasting a ton of the paint budget either doing multiple layers to cover the transparent or giant blocks of color to simulate windows, shit sucks man

ideal world they would have solid parts with window inserts but that seems way out of the budget these days
we do not get nearly enough semi-transparent. like just enough for light to pass through, but not enough to see clearly what's behind it. that's perfect.
The Batmobile's tires don't require pumping air because Batman is a story for children.
no.. because Batman is cool and he makes his tires out of unpoppable shit and they are automatically refilled by compressed air tanks (which are also used for the ejector seats)
Ok, I'll put it another way. If you're trying to match every beast wars alt mode to a real world animal you are missing the point.
I agree. I'm not the guy trying to figure out what kind of raptor dinobot is supposed to be.
preds clearly deliberately modified their altmodes for fun. we saw the spider that tarantulas scanned, and it was normal.
He's a human. Walks on two legs and lacks feathers.
it kinda fits. most of the predacons are definitely flamboyant guys, especially megs and coolranchulas.
scorponok would go "that little magatama-shaped stinger isn't cool enough, give me a big spiky horn and also a proper head in scorpion mode so I can emote!"
Waspinator was probably green already, though there ARE wasps that are that exact division of green and yellow (But with yellow legs) and he's pretty simple anyway, and Dinobot is the kind of warrior guy who would just say "Good vicious animal, i'll take it. it doesn't have to be pink"
And the ones that came out of pods with amnesia came out basically realistic (with quickstrike ambiguously having some transmetal in him, but easily enough explained as the interaction between shiny scorpion shells and metallic snake scales)
except blackarachnia, whom we saw tarantulas working on directly, and we saw the spider he scanned and it had black legs.. i think.
just wait for Transart to do it.
I'd be surprised if they loop back around to doing season 1 cast, they seem to be leaving that market for hastak and focusing on all the season 2/3 cast.

those all also happen to be really toy accurate already, something that while i love transarts products for the most part, i don't really see them having the skill to pull off those completely cheated show transformations from season 1
Fucking Diodegenes.
how fuckin long do I have to wait? is it because everyone got scammed by that one guy accepting preorders for a prototype he never intended to produce?
indeed, though the flipside is that I feel like the new more toy-accurate guys look a lot worse. the tweaks they made started making a huge difference, but sometimes they are just cheats. The new 3P TM2 Dinobot just has shitty raptor legs because there's no way to collapse them into his screen-accurate robot mode arms.
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Actually here's a slightly better picture
Would you believe the camera doesn't like trying to grab the detail in a chrome face?
>use the Skydive version instead of the F-15 Air Raid version
Why was this allowed?
>repaint wars
>only release Starscream in ghost and gold chrome flavours
that's... just okay..
kinda makes me want some honey.
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Should I spend almost 200 bucks on the black zarak upgrade kit?
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They're doing TM2 Dinobot, Depth Charge and Silverbolt at the moment?
Inferno is such a cool design id be surprised if they didn't eventually, maybe that's just me hoping. Transart have been the only modern Transformers I've bought besides MP Beast Megatron.

Rampage and CyberShark seem likely soon if they keep doing transmetals, otherwise Inferno stands out as a OG, they could also release Antagony version colours and actually sell the alt for once. Even id buy one to proxy the space in my collection that will never be filled.

Prowl, Airhammer, Injector also possible cool choices. Id also clap if they did a triple release for Tripredacus, good way to guarantee the sale of 3 figures at once.
jesus christ, how. even the toy itself shouldn't cost that much
first i'm hearing of them doing depth charge. silverbolt is just a prototype as far as I know. really strange to me nobody's providing upgrade kits for the Legacy version's tail and feet
you don't really think 3Ps will do toy-only fuzors, do you?
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It's about 150 and if I want the upgraded spear it's another 50 ush
Doesn't he come with a spear?
interesting, how different is it from DK-33
hence 'upgraded' i reckon
I was fine with the spear that came with him. and since he has that he really doesn't need the gun
I have all 3 preordered on Showzstore. But I have no idea about release schedules. Its only if they continue down particular lines or jump around with releases. Those are just my personal picks based on their line release trends so far. They look great next to their old counterparts so ill buy almost anything they release. Almost.
yeah i'd be buying them too, pooh be damned, if I had been buying the MPs. it's fun thinking about what i'd do with that much money.. would i be able to have a family?
The new spear is like some huge 28.5 inches.
i've said it before but, i think that's kind of unavoidable.. you have a big bulky guy, with limbs that thick, a spear type weapon will never look right. even a sword will look ridiculously spindly unless it's hugely buster-sword thick.
the closest you can do is to make it truly insanely long, maybe put some thicker parts on it so it becomes more like a lance.
I'll probably skip it. I don't even see how he holds the original. I'm also trying to figure out how to settle his rear back tail. I've followed the instructions but it kinda just falls towards his thighs
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Does this work?
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absolutely. I mean not being gripped by the blade, but otherwise that's an excellent choice for him
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What about this? Too much?
I dunno it kinda looks like he's taking it on a date. Where do you even take a knife on your first date? The knive-in movies?
These large handles are definitely getting in the way.. but the blade is perfectly scaled, and just what I think he should have. I bet you could trace this onto a piece of plastic card, cut it out with a hobby knife or summat, then attach it to a 5mm post and it would look pretty good. ideally a really long 5mm post, i hate when it's just a stub. let it come out the other side, have some balls.
Based. Very good idea.
Is there some sort of glue issue with Leader Sandstorm? Both of my friends got Sandstorm with stuck legs out of the box (both left) and when I tried fixing them, I discovered the joint was glued in place. I ended fixing both for them, but it was frustrating.
It's really too bad they completely fumbled quickstrike
>Doesn't he come with a spear?
He does, but it's a bit too short for him. Still not worth paying for the kit to get it, though.
I know you're a troll who's probably ban evading (again), but I don't think you understand what a bootleg is. Generally, bootlegs and knockoffs are lower-quality recasts of existing items; upgrade kits and 3rd party figures these days tend to be entirely new molds made from scratch and nowadays are on par with (or, in some cases, superior to) Hasbro's current levels of quality. Look at it as either improving technology making it easier to manufacture stuff without needing a big brand company backing it or a sign of the decline of Hasbro's own quality standards, but we're living in times where the official stuff tends to be shittier than the unofficial stuff.
You should not even bother replying, anon
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I don't think you've known what 'bootleg' means for all the years you've been screaming about 'em.
Just bought rid Sky-byte what am I in for?
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Hey /tfg/, can your bots slav squat?
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Updated with more stuff.
Thanks anon
What ever happened to Beachcomber and Devcon, those guy never appeared in person or online I feel
No mine lack outward turning hips and ankles :/
Beachcomber is scheduled for a September rerelease. Cant wait
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SDCC "Fractured Friendship" pack
Wtf is that mold?
Gamer Edition
It definitely isn't. That's one of the IDW designs.
Fun intricate detailing, limited articulation, charming face sculpt, and unfortunately, likely flaking vac-metalized plastic
It's a retool anon
The Matrix looks like an orb jammed into a MMPR Puddy's asshole. Why don't they scale back the number of releases in-favor of adding a little more quality control and paint applications? I don't think many people are hurting for, what, the eighth Optimus release in a year and a half?
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Based off of this look
Siege Megatron reuse #9348527842
that Megs redeco looks cheap as shit

Watch out, he's got a killer eraser!
Comes with a doctor’s reflex tester mallet and a actual cheeto noice

I will admit the OP looks nice though. But not 75 bucks nice.
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big news for Marvel Transformers fans

Please say this isn't a SDCC exclusive.
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It is indeed

Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
So do they really expect normal people to fly to the new aids Capitol to get these toys?
man I don't even hate Siege Megatron -probably helps that I only ever got the original and skipped all the other uses of the mold- but this is ridiculous lmao. Begging hasbro to make even one new Megatron mold. Optimus looks kind of neat, clever reuse of Gamer Prime(and actually looks better than the base mold desu), but not for fuckin $74.99
you'll be shelling out a few hundred either way it you don't manage to grab the handful that get dumped onto pulse. Bet they lock 'em behind a membership, too
Anon, this is a scalper exclusive, pleps need not apply.
>light blue windows
Fucking stop
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Overall I liked him too. the weight of him and for some reason I particularly like the type of blue they used for the translucent plastic, but in a lot of ways he does feel bare.
I hope you can find a Ratchet for the price you want, I recently opened up mine and I think the mould fits him a touch better over Ironhide.
Technically speaking, could Hasbro get away with actually adding Gobots into Legacy with their own designs (Or stuff like retooling the Studio Series Junkions into Cy-Kill) or would Bandai and WB throw shitfits?
No, Bandai only owns the original molds and partially the cartoon.
A Cy-Kill toy did appear in Bumblebee though.
Yeah, this is Marvel Legends but I this is definitely Transformers related.

Hope he's sturdier than the last one.
I trust none of you will be submitting to the whims of scalpers, yes?
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Maybe if you're lucky they'll have a non-exclusive rerelease in green
I've never had a problem getting SDCC stuff off of pulse.
And I just noticed, they STILL didn't include his blaster hand.


We'll see.
Depends on how popular the character is.
thanks man, always like these to keep my head around the releases, im always feeling like im forgetting something

more rhinox images, looking pretty good, kinda wish that it was just a bit shinier. Also everyone is avoiding photographing it from behind which is worrying, I've been thinking since it was revealed that the backpack is gonna be pretty bad, but the robot looks really great so i guess it'll be worth it
This is my worry, neither have I but the exclusives also aren't usually Megatron and Optimus as they appeared in one of the most popular IDW runs.
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The backpack looks pretty bad. That said if the alternative is megatron’s panel origami I guess I’ll take this.
Tranformers version is already in the works. it'll be cel shaded to go with the comic subline. Pulsecon exclusive.
You BSin?
thats actually not as bad as i was expecting, i agree id rather have backpack over shit tons of panel gaps
It'd make sense but there's no guarantee they'll do it

xaaron and flame review, looking great, can't wait to get these two, comic chads its our time
>looking great
Not really.
>40th anniversary
>all the exclusives are still G1 centric shit
Hasbro really made it clear the 40th anniversary is for G1 and not the entirety of the franchise. They also can’t read the room cause they think another Orion Pax and Seige Megatron figure is what people want right now even though no one bought the Amazon exclusives from last year. Yes, we get it Hasbro, Transformers One exists.
So soon you forget our shining beacon, our savior, Omega Prime

And Magmatron.
I feel like it could've been a lot worse honestly
Wonder when we'll get a first look at the prototype?
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No thanks. I'm good.
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An amazing design, yes?
...anon, these are IDW, also all of Legacy has had non G1 shit throughout it
Technically Optimus is Dreamwave.

Fuck off faggot
a cool guy who is stuck always turning
I'm sure it will be on pulse sometime after

Hope hope.
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We out here
Dallas Sallad
Yes. IDW recycled the design for the Stormbringer mini.
Wrong design.
love those forearm guns. love em.
BOY how'd you manage to swing thatBOYPeggy? We like mowers.
pretty cool but zero leg articulation..
classic marvel sure loved metallic guys with banding on their bodies

wait how the fuck does the hip armor work
looks like that rubbery plastic
he looks so goooood i want him.. and yeah i would expect shinier plastic.. this is unusually 'toy-looking'
close to show accurate aint it? I just would have tried moving some of the meat down a little, so it's less of a big ball

now scale it down and make it chug
squiiiiiiiiid crew.
i mean it looks like it's attached to the legs instead of the belt
Filled on my own
It isn't
oh i see, in that other pic, his hip armor is twisted
Kingdom rampage or depth charge when? I love beast wars
Xaaron looks nice in robot mode, flame looks half-baked. Both have just terrible alt modes. Kinda remind me of botcon exclusives in a way
yeah it looks like the belt is loose enough to be rotated, which moves the hip armor, which allows for better leg movement.
it's a good compromise
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god I have a problem
it's a productive problem
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tossed one together for fun
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As a general question to anyone who posts here regularly, would it be considered bad form to post pics of my transformers alongside some lego sets that I own?
I just really love aquatic themed transformers. Claw Jaw has a lot of personality in a small package. I think he's great even in his altmode, gaps and all. He was one of the first beast wars toys I got as a kid. Depth Charge was my personal favorite out of the entire BW line.
Transart is working on a Depth Charge figure, it is available for preorder. I'd imagine they'll do Rampage next.
Maybe I should look into him then.
I don't think anyone would care desu, we hardly get anons posting their toys as it is
nah man, as long as its got tf in the picture, using other toys as photography props is super common, id enjoy seeing it, as a kid i used to love playing with my tfs and legos, including using clawjaw, depthcharge and cybershark with the old lego underwater base sets
>Another ClawJaw bro whose first BW was the boy
And here I thought I was the only one. I'm hoping they give him a shot through the Legacy line via Scuba and Ikard
naw dude transformers and legos should be friends.
he was definitely one of my first.... five or six. scorponok and polar claw were my firsts, then i got cheetor, dinobot, razorbeast, claw jaw, razorclaw... in pretty close succession.
Seriously twisted! Ha gotcha
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Do it, bubba
Based. It'll take me some time to get some cool pictures, most of my lego stuff is packed up. Might have to rebuild a set or two. I'll get cracking on it and post them when I can though.
To be desu with you, brother, my very first BW toys were the og Optimus and Megs dual pack with the bat and gator altmodes that released before the cartoon. I saw them at walmart with gramgrams and papap they bought the pack for me. I remember it like it was yesterday, I thought it was absolutely wild that they had animal modes. When the cartoon came out my head was spinning. No idea what happened to those figures after all these years. I guess I'm gonna have to pick em up when I can.
You've got to be squidding me
>more IDW19 related shit.
That’s even worse.
>Legacy has had non G1 shit throughout it
That’s why I specifically said exclusives and not mainline shit.
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I forgot to turn his torso around! So idk if I was squidding or not. Hope this one tentacles your fancy.
those are some SMALL rubber ducks
yeah I hope we get redos of convobat and megalligator, because they were great but not perfect.
>small rubber ducks
The missus is obsessed with them.
>great but not perfect
Gotta give em points for being such a curve ball though. I don't think anyone saw it coming.
i can think of way dumber stuff for girls to collect.
>convobat and megalligator
I wouldn't even say they're good, they are ok at best, Mindwipe was the worst headmaster mold.
for the time they were great, but now it's like, you could do better with the proportions.
for one thing, a croc head is too long to make a good chest piece. the snout should unhinge and fold up a bit, or fold under to collapse
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We might have the same problem
>the snout
Wut, I was talking about the takara headmasters.
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Greetings, fellow bi pedal organics.
oh yeah i forgot they did that. that barely counts, though
did you 3d print him up a new torso plate for this hilarious and wonderful mode
what is this supposed to be?
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SDCC exclusive 2 pack based on old comics.

Saw it on twitter, looks like hes going to have a new robot head too.
SDCC exclusive version of niche characters Optimus and Megatron
why is megatron a cutter?
my scalper sense is tingling, but i'm not a douchebag and anyway shipping small items sucks, so i'll just let youse guys know aboot it
entertainment-earth has the RotB mini-animals in stock in an 8-pack that works out to 6 bucks each. if you wanted two rhinoxes, 3 optimi, and 3 airazors... i'm not sure why anyone would want more than 1 optimus, but the others make sense to have multiples because they are so cool.
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>CyKill energon hammer.
Neat, hope that hints at a CyKill release, Megatron is missing a ton of black tho.
oh that's a fun homage!
is it possible to 3d print shit clear or at least translucent enough for light piping?
Wait, that's what this is supposed to be, the middle stage between Miner Megaton and Usual Megatron?
Talk about really milking this
If that was the case wouldn't the hammer be saved for CyKill.
I don't think it's coming. Hasbro's lawyers are still edgy about Gobots unless they can do a repaint of a current mold.
>Talk about really milking
Worse than the wfc Lambos and CW Deadends.
>Gobots unless they can do a repaint of a current mold.
SS86 Wreckgar is right there.
it's weird we've never gotten a lady cow or sheep
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If we got a proper Cy-Kill I'm a BIG fan of the altered Japanese print's purple color scheme.
I hate how many of these I actually have.
Just got Gears. He really is lame. I'm getting the same vibes I did with ER Cliffjumper where they took a simple design and over complicated it for no good reason.
My local Target has replaced all the Transformers pegs with TMNT. The only Transformers stuff they still have is the trash truck guy, SS Rhinox, and Earthspark stuff.
jesus christ I hate that fucking mold so much
well those nuTMNT things are gonna shelfwarm pretttty hard
Where do you get overcomplicated from ER cliff? kek, if anything he's disappointingly simple and doesn't have the parts nor complexity to justify his price in any way
At least the lambos were good and not partsforming trash
overcomplicated compared to his original design which didn't need parts to have to be removed
Most Transformers are boys, so you got a bull and a ram.
NTA, but they over complicated his basic ass transformation leaving the windshield pointing up instead of down in robotmode.
Really? I heard the ones based on the recent movie sold well.
we got a moufflon and a bison.. well okay we got a robo-bull back in g1 too.
can you milk a rhino?
Browsing some of the forums, I came across some info stating that the tires on Legacy Beachcomber have melted the rims on some copies in the Philippines, so now I'm more worried about figured like Magmatron and Sandstorm.
they are peeegwarming everywhere. it was hot garbage. i'm sure tons of people bought them to resell later, because tulip market people are dumb
Sounds more like a third world environment problem than a design flaw
There's also a post of someone in the United States having that issue.
Humidity and heat, wonder how Floridian TJ Omega collection is doing.
>the tires on Legacy Beachcomber have melted the rims
Can you be more specific here? Are you saying that the rubber tires are melting, or the plastic rims?
The tired are reacting to the plastic on the rims, causing the rim to melt. Probably the most famous case of something like this happening is ROTF Bludgeon, the treads would melt plastic they came in contact with and its advised to make sure those types of plastics (rubbery/very flexible types) are kept away from other types.

I don't live in the most ideal location foe toys, but whateve Hasbro uses for rubber/flexible plastic is very likely to damage any plastic it comes in contact with. I have other figures that use that material and I can leave it untouched for months with zero issues, if I do this with a hasbro figure it's almost guaranteed to happen.
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I posted a few threads ago, said I was packing up and moving into a new place after uni. Well I finally got moved in today and put up most of my TFs, still trying to figure out how I want to do my ‘86 Movie shelf. I need to get some risers. Feels good to finally have everything up after years in storage
>everything is basic dust-collecting standing poses
Peak soulless
I know, its still WiP. Kinda wanted to spread per year rather than Bots and Cons, but that’ll be later on
Why does Megatron have that thing to rest reflexes at the doctor but melted?
>people can only display their stuff MY WAYYYYYYYYYY
go fuck yourself, autist
>anyone who says one way is better than another is trying to force everyone to do it his way
You just called it soulless you homo.
that wasn't me, but yes he did
you telling me if you see something and say it looks lame, you're being a bossy jerk that is barging in and telling them what to do? because thinking your opinion holds weight is called narcissism.
>a chemical reaction
Fucking hell, thats what I was afraid you meant. What in the hell are they doing? 3rd party really is the way to go these days.
No, I'm saying people don't have to pose everything they way you do. The End
Whats wrong? Can dish out the the criticism but cant take it? keep your snotty comments to yourself for now on.
holy shit i think we have a genuine braintard here
look at the cowardly faggot that cant take criticism or even link to the post thats making him cry.
What really gets me is that it they used that mold to make a grey Megatron almost every time! And even the ones that aren't grey are still Megatron!
When other molds grt milked like this they at least get trotted out as different characters
How are you so thin-skinned that you get this upset over criticism directed at someone else? Are you just so allergic to negativity that you lash out at any instance of it (ironically being just as negative yourself), whether or not it has anything to do with you? Or do you pose your figures the same way and feel targeted by proxy? And do you realize the irony of you claiming that anon can't take criticism when you so harshly lashed out at criticism not even meant for you? Mr. Pot, you're just as black as you're claiming Kettle to be, if not blacker.
Some of those were really unnecessary too. Here's Megatron with an even SHINIER GREY
I mean that is definitely a form of autism. The fact that he didn't even read my post and then just said "no! the end" like that is what a four year old would do.
No I don't like criticism either. Nobody does. Especially about something as neutral as posing toys. There is no right way or wrong way so your dumbass comments aren't needed.
But there's always some retard like you, probably YOU every time in these threads, acting like a sperg because people aren't playing with their stuff the right way. Im so sick of it.
Like I said, you want to criticize other people, then suck it up with when people criticism you.
But you won't. You're gonna make fifty posts trying to defend your autsim because someone actually talked back to you and hurt your widdle feelings.
I definitely think we are dealing with a troll here and should disengage. he writes too well to be an actual childman.
samefagging? really?
yes it is the end. there's no treason to drag this out because you can't handle someone disagreeing with you. how much of a homo are you that you have to keep this up.
not fooling anyone with this samefag
I mean, Siege/ER Optimus basically got the same treatment. He had a similar cel-shaded release, a Netflix release that was only slightly different, the premium finish release, and now that slightly different Autobot Headquarters version. All Megatron has over that is a second Netflix release, which is admittedly dumb.
>There is no right way or wrong way
Clusterfucking and neutral poses have always been mocked in /tfg/
The only good thing I can say about >>11049497 is that at least the most expensive stuff isn't as bad as the rest
>peer pressure
no, anon.. that is not the argument here
the issue is this anon thinks any criticism or mockery is the same as insisting you know the only acceptable way. something only a retard would think.
No, the issue was the criticism or mockery, you dumb shit. I mean, you literary wrote it yourself and wonder why people would take issue
Yeah ER Prime's mold always comes out as Prime but at least (the top half) didn't get this abused
The counterparts for miner Megatron and new SDCC Megatron are different Optimuses
>have always been mocked in /tfg/
yeah I know. Hence my being fed up with it. faggots like you who can't do anything but complain.
you're taking the wrong issue, extratard.
>no one is allowed to criticize others because it makes me feel bad
>I'm am objectively correct, so if anyone disagrees with me, it all has to be one particular person that is my enemy
>I'm going on a butthurt rant but it's the other singular guy who is upset
Your arrogance is astounding. You are no beacon of positivity. You are no protector, shielding the innocent anons of this thread from the terrible evils of criticism. You're just a guy with an ego so frail that you can't stand people not constantly circle-jerking each other in a bubble of positivity suitable for a kindergarten class. You remind me of Elon Musk, but at least he only gets so upset at things that are directed specifically at him.
you REALLY can't stand that someone disagreed with you, can you?
>The counterparts for miner Megatron and new SDCC Megatron are different Optimuses
Because Optimus is easier to retool out of other things. Like this IDW Pax is retooled from WfC Prime, but that's because every version of Prime looks similar enough to do something like that. WfC Megatron does not look even close to G1 Megatron, you couldn't get a similar retool out of him. An there isn't another character you can retool to make Miner Megatron (Huffer to Orion Pax was a huge stretch in the first place).
>I'm am objectively correct, so if anyone disagrees with me, it all has to be one particular person that is my enemy
anon no, that's what he is accusing US of.
he's also definitely trolling.
stop with the samefagging
and you can stop this any time. You threw out your snotty criticism, someone criticized you back, and now you just keep going and going
....and going.
just stop answering and the "mean ol troll" goes away. No need to rant about...Elon Musk?
Aesthetics are objective. I'm happy for anyone with a large collection. If you care about your collection, display it aesthetically. Put a little thought into it. Less is more. Experiment with poses. Cramming everything on a shelf does look like shit.
okay now that actually -does- sound like you think your way is the only way
dont tell me the tard was right
....and he keeps it going. Faggy must really like the attention
I said
>aesthetics are objective
That doesn't mean there is only one way to display transformers, or any toy for that matter, in an aesthetic way. But filling a shelf with transformers in packaging poses ain't it.
Okay, anon, I want you to answer these questions honesty. Do you also get upset when an incompetent customizer gets told to thin their paints because their latest custom looks like the mud man after having taken a dip in a swamp? Does your heart wretch when a model builder is criticized for leaving big sprue tabs on their completed kit?
Because if the answer to either of those is yes, the problem isn't with others, it's with you. You are genuinely being juvenile. Life is often harsh. Part of growing up is realizing that you aren't perfect, that you will receive criticism, and you need to learn to either take it to heart or take it on the chin. Criticism is an essential step on the path to improvement. You can't get better if you don't know what you're doing wrong. And hearing that you're doing something wrong might suck, but it's good for you in the long run. While the words of >>11049502 were unnecessarily harsh, they weren't "give up" or "stop trying". Their intended message was "get better". And everyone should strive to get better at whatever they want to do, no matter how good they already are. And if you want to wallow in stagnation, staying satisfied with minimum effort, never being challenged to do better because it hurts your feelings, then fine, live like that. But don't try to drag everyone else down to your level. You're just holding people back from becoming better.
holy shit, get a diaper already
that's just 'what that guy said' with extra steps.
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>12 Megatrons
>We can now have a Zodiac made up of Megatrons
Someone needs to buy em all and make a FrankenMeg
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Here's a starting point
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Have there ever been any instances of Autobots or Maximals doing things that could be considered morally gray? Atrocities committed in the name of a greater good?
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It's shit.
Yeah, tons, now go to /co/, this isn't the board for that.
Weren't the IDW comics full of that?
The creation and attempted marooning of Rampage, they wanted to euthanize Transmutate and there's also the fact that Predacons were being treated as second class citizens during the peace period before Megatron stole the Golden Disk. On top of that it's implied the Maximal Elders apparently had the records of the Great War locked down and not available to the average Maximal.
This is the only transformers thread in the universe. I'll see if I colonize /co/ for cybertron.
I don't know, thats why I'm asking. I appreciate your response.
I remember some of that from the show, but I'm guessing the altered war records thing is from the comics. IDW? Anyway, not to further derail. Thank you all for your answers.
Dude, this is excessive
I don't remember any specific stories, I just remember they liked to do all kinds of stuff where Autobots turned out to be assholes or villains or something like that.

You probably should peruse the tfwiki
one more and we'll have an opposition to the thirteen primes
if i recall, they wanted to put Transmutate into stasis lock, so they could take her back home and get her repaired, once the war was over. it was just kind of a clumsy metaphor for euthanizing the dangerously retarded.
and I dunno how morally grey it is to lock off the location of earth to people with time travel, but i'm sure it grinds their gears.
oh god, the colors on the fin.. that's kind of a mess. did anyone really want gold, silver, coppery gold, and greenish gold on the same part?
IDW's RID especially goes into this, since it's post-war and the Autobots have won. Prowl basically thinks that just because they won the war doesn't mean the fight is over, and does stuff like cordon the Decepticons off into a ghetto and plot assassinations of upstart Decepticon leaders.

seethe shitter
it's always funny to see somebody be an asshole, get called out, and then have a big melty where they go "ummm wow you just can't take criticism??? maybe grow up??? I was trying to help you by calling you a retarded faggot????"
I have been there, but theres just so many articles. Figured I'd see if you guys could give me some reference points to start searching in detail. Which several anons have now, and it is most helpful. I get that this is a /toy/ thread and I don't want to derail.
Thank you for giving me another storyline to look into.
of course IDW would have Prowl do that
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>Hey it looks like starscream's spark didn't fade without a body
>Woah lets try to copy that, and give him a stronger body that's hard to destroy
>ah damn he's eating people
>aw well just dump him somewhere
>The security guard is complaining he ate all his friends
>it happens.
You can pretty much start IDW with Last Stand of the Wreckers, MTMTE and RID. The stuff prior to that is mostly garbage, especially stuff like All Hail Megatron and Furman's slop.
While this is a terrible place for it, I have no place to talk about the show itself. Masterforce Episode 11 was among the most brutal episodes out there because the Darkwings went out of their way to kill other truckers just to earn Ginrai's ire. Among them were Dan and Kuga, who are blatantly plugs for Dancouga from a few years before Masterforce (just to be fair, Sunrise and Bandai had nothing to do with Transformers at all, so it's probably from their original channel where Japanese G1 stuff aired).
>Liking RID over Furman and AHM
>Ignoring Windblade/TAAO
This is bait. This is bait and I gobbled it.
I said start with those; Windlbade came later and I didn't read Til All Are One. And I would not wish IDW Furman and AHM on my worst enemy. Actual trash.
Most of IDW sucked. Roberts became fucking insufferable to read.
>looking at a figure on ebay, seller wants like 80 bucks for it
>offer him 50, I know its a lowball but this thing aint worth 80
>he makes a counter offer, I offer 5 bucks under that price
>he declines and raises the buy it now price to over 100 usd.
Jesus wept, good luck guy.
>I have no place to talk about the show itself
/co/ and /a/, dipshit.
or he could talk about Transformers in the Transformers thread with other Transformers fans.
what figure was it?
What's the problem with IDW Furman besides clickbait bullshit?
It's fucking boring and focuses on human characters I didn't care about.
Checked them, no threads. That's why I'm here.
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Just got my Chopshop and Barrage. Now I need Hasbro to hurry up and get Venom out of the gate.
Furthermore, I want this little lady. Retool
PCC Undertow w/ Waterlog
blackarachnia with shorter bug legs could work but they'd have to retool her whole shell to be more robotic. I don't know if they'd spend the money for that kind of a retool but it sure would be cool
So make one, retard.
I wanted the one myself but yeah, I wouldn't pay that much for him.
sadly, I don't think you'll find one that's much cheaper. I've looked at figures from that far back a few times.
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What the fuck?
the Beets deserve their own brand new original molds.
I can even forgive this little lady for being a shellformer (though where do her insect legs go in robot mode?)
Same kids that flip out when food touches on their plate
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I doubt we'll even get that again. The Deluxe boys were too obscure. Even 3rd party versions were just regular Insecticon retools.

The closest we got was that tiny Chop Shop that came with Megatron.
i mean there's legal reasons they can't, right? or am I remembering something else
I would think the 3rd party figures in general are breaking all kind of trademark laws so I don't think that's it. I just think companies do see a big demand for them because they're not that well known.
That might change with the upcoming Venom since there's no easy retool for him but well see.
companies DONT see (typo)
I don't get it. There are other figures from that same line that people ask way less for. And he's an obscure side character, I don't think he's featured in any media. I just like boats, man.
sorry, I meant, SPEAKING of unlicensed third party figures, isn't there some legal reason that Hasbro can't do it?
He's from the last wave, so supply is probably bad. Glad I bought him last decade.
Bandai bought out the company that designed the original ones.
venom will be a mindwipe retool
ah right, so yeah. even though said company was once part of takara or tomy, it is now not, so they couldn't..
I don't see why Hasbro legally couldn't do new molds. They DID with Chop Shop (albeit a tiny version) I think as long as they don't copy the original Bandai design exactly, they should be fine. How many new molds did they give Jetfire?
Never was connected to Takara. Hasbro just put whatever robots they could in the toyline as filler. The other ones included (Shockwave) (Omega Supreme, Sky-Lynx) (Jetfire, Roadbuster, Whirl, and the Deluxe Insecticons).
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So when's the Beast Wars soundtrack?
I wish I had bought some of those lines back then. The modern movies are crap but a lot of the toys are cool.
no yeah they could totally do homages if they wanted. and I think, rarely, we do get recolors as homages to things hasbro doesn't have the rights to. but I can't think of when new molds were made for that, unless you count the rock lords
i'm aware of the history of transformers, anon. the point is that it is currently hasbro's game but takara is their big partner, and they would presumably be allowed to use any takara properties.
see >>11049775

They did new molds for Jetfire, Whirl. Roadbuster etc even though they don't have the rights to those original toys anymore. Harmony Gold even tried to sue Hasbro over one Jetfire toy they made, but lost.
One of the strangest things to me is that Hasbro was still putting out those figures when Takatoku was brought out by Bandai .I just assumed it was a remnant of the old deal and they stopped when Bandai got the rights(since Takatoku went defunct around 84), but no, the later releases have Bandai copyrights in the molding.
Weirder still is that Bandai's US branch was actually importing a select few JP Chogokin releases as Godaikin in the US, yet the JP branch was stilling willingly licensing those figures away.
>there's no easy retool
Barrage and Chopshop already are forced into the blocky cartoon insecticons, so they could force Venom out of Kickback like this customizer.
that cunt who runs mainframe's current successor probably had the MIDI files wiped.
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Just got this prototype pic from the sekret klub at tfw.
that's a little different. they were banking on the popularity of G1 characters.
Yeah, we'll probably get boned again.
why would you need to prototype a remold
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I'm just saying. I don't think there's any legal reason they couldn't do new molds for the Deluxe Insecticons. They probably just don't consider them worth it since they can get away with retools.
yeah i agreed with you before, there's nothing stopping them legally. it's just very unlikely.
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Plastic color testing? no idea desu, but its something hasbro does.
If its true that the rubber compound they use to make tires is dissolving the plastic they mount the tires on, then I'd say if anything they need to do more prototyping.
I thought it was supposed to be around now
The humans were the best part, trash taste. And you shit on AHM, yet I bet you adore Skybound despite it being the same thing with a diff coat of paint :V

That aside though, happy you managed to enjoy RiD. I couldn't. To me, it's permanently tainted by everything Barber did after, which was irredeemably bad. I dont blame him, I know he CAN write okay and that he was pulled multiple directions by the end thanks to being editor on everything... But it's easier for me to pretend everything Barber wrote for mainline IDW doesnt exist, and just pretend Wreckers/MTMTE/Windblade+TAAO are the only ones that do. Honestly, Windblade and TAAO can be read without opening a single Barber comic, if you've just read MTMTE. All the needed context is either selfcontained or in set up in MTMTE.
So that's it? I wasn't expecting a new mold, but this is dissapointing. I wanted a cicada.
I'm pretty sure it's not real since it doesn't even fit with the other 3 and looks like a custom. Then again this is 2025 Hasbro and Slipstream and Side Burn are things.
i'd love it if we got a mold pulling double duty as that guy and Cicadacon. i mean, i want the combiners, but i'm not gonna pretend they're gonna be any good if made today, and I'm fine with bird-silverbolt being his own guy
Kek, its a joke, thought the sekret klub mention would make it clear, then again

>Slipstream and Side Burn are things.
in these threads, and just in general these days, there's nothing you can say that's stupid enough to obviously be trolling
The early IDW humans are the only humans I was somewhat invested in, it helps that they were decently put together young adults and their interactions with the TFs felt more layered than just cool robot friends or treating them like pets.
But I get there's people who just sneer at any human stuff. Ironically, even though I started with BW and it's my favorite I feel like if you have vehicleformers on modern earth, you really should lean into them interacting with humans. I want to see how the disguise aspect works and on that aspect I liked how early IDW was an actual covert war.
yeah it'd be silly to have recognizable earth vehicles and never interact with humans. at least put some humanlike aliens in or something. or something that's different from humans and cybertronians
/toy/ is the easiest to troll board on this whole site
Dummies here will swallow any bait then get mad about it
So you're saying you don't know a guy at hasbro?
Pffft no
That was my only post in that whole chain
I'm surprised they never lazily repainted/remolded repugnus as Bugly.
I'm begging ppl to read more than what TFWiki got as a mainpic or whatever
>Expecting people to go on forums and READ the things they are critiquing
Are you insane??
>30,800 yens
yeah nvm.
sunstreaker hangin' with overlord
what in the goddamn hell...
Thats pre war, before cons were even a thing. The autobots reign as roman emperors and there were gladiator pits to entretain.
Is this a different class/scale/whatever than the original Marvel figure that was on retail? I don't collect these, I only bought him.
If it's any consolation, it's not a very posable figure, nor are you getting an extensive amount of new stuff in this version
>original had just two weapon-holding fists, no open hand and whatever that alternate is, unless they're only giving you open, weapon, and two closed fist hands
>more colouring on its body and shield, and a missile-looking weapon but it still can't do anything other than stand
I love him regardless though, wish they'd make a better action figure for him.
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This is actually amazing, I wish they could let you have this as an alternate scheme. I don't think anyone would have complained about poor Bugly being in a multi-pack and something like this wouldn't have been that hard to do.
TBF, Air Raid's CW toy is a hybrid of an F-15 and an F-14. There's no winning regardless, though IMO the Skydive mold is the better looking figure.
Is she worth 17 bucks?(Sealed) As a toy, is she good? I dont mind the fact she looks a bit different to the original.
Kinda mid, massive shelwarmer world-wide. Sure you can halt transform legs for movie bike girl look but not much else. Shitty weapons don't help.
Get something better (also shame that Flamewar uses this mold)
no the mold is trash garbage like half of legaSHIT
>SS86 Bumblebee in NZ
Well that's new. Haven't had a new release that soon in like 5 years or more now.
That sucks, I like her. What about Kingdom cyclonus? I heard he is great.
I think it's just ok. Transformation is kinda fiddly, it doesn't pose that amazingly, it kinda looks like arcee but has messed up proportions. It's ok. If you really want it just pick your favorite deco and stick with that, unless you want flamewar then lmao.
It is a really good mold but the regular version has horrific yellowing issues, selects version doesn't as far as I'm aware and have experienced. We've also got ferak coming up and he looks pretty cool
mp sg prime 2.0
>complicated it for no good reason.
They convincved you to pay 25 bucks for it. That was the reason.
>le contextual alt mode
miss me with this shit
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If they ever move away from 'accurate' versions of the G1/etc characters and start doing a line with more original designs again, what would you want to see?
Personally, even though the economy would never allow, I would like to see a return to Human Alliance/Alternators style of accurate cars with included drivers/pilots. Even at Titan's return's scale I think it would be cool.
That or a line where everything is 1/60 scale, just any excuse to have licensed alt modes
already got transform element
take some new fucking photos already
>If they ever move away from 'accurate' versions of the G1/etc characters and start doing a line with more original designs again, what would you want to see?
That will never happen. I'm not going to sit here and get my hopes up.

I just want good toys back. I'm tired of plastic simulacrums of THING FROM MEDIA, RECOGNIZE AND BUYYYYY PLOX$$$$$
Any jobber as a tesla cybertruck
The red white and blue tank from that trump meme
One of those turtle tanks the russians are rocking in ukraine
One of the aid vehicles the Israelis bombed
An Icecream Truck circa 1995
A Sky Warden for being the only new US military aircraft that seems like a good investment
A UFO pick a UFO any UFO except a tictac
A 1960 Ford F100
ISIS themed toyota hilux
a Rhodesian Ferret armored car
vietnam era riverboat with extra dakka
AC-130 Gunship
Those are all pretty good, I wish 3rd party chinese companies would lean more into making their own stuff for not just chinese/historical military vehicles but like what you said and just more regular looking cars. Like a twingo would be awesome. There's so many cool car designs out there but hasbro would rather make the altmode look generic as possible instead giving the robot something cool to turn into
Yeah just gimme something with some fucking personality. Imagine if they made one of those weird ass german armored cars from ww2.
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always fun to do this meme
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>guns are weawwy scawwy guise, twigger warning!
>I wish all da bad guns would just disappear! >:(
Being this triggered by someone being triggered is female behavior.
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More "real" alt modes would be awesome. I still want an English Electric Lightning TF. This thing is so fucking cool and it'd make a great alt mode IMO.
>take some new fucking photos already
You were supposed to do that. We're waiting for you to contribue but all you do is bitch.
If thinking someone is an idiot is what you call being triggered then I guess I'm triggered by you too
no one ask you fucking loser, get some real friends for this shit, we ain't the place for it.
We know, snowflake. We know.
You know you're an idiot? congrats for the self-awareness I guess
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>take some new fucking photos already
Not my fault if people like my pics so much they save and repost them. I don't take pics anymore because you faggots would rather argue about TFW or trannies or youtube or whatever.

Here, have another one from the vault, since you love them so much.
>since you love them so much.
NTA but yours are unironically fun
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Generations Kup and RTS Jazz hit a sweet spot between reimagining their designs and honestly holding true to the character. I think United Jazz is my favorite figure of all time. More of this pls
Compact SUV who is about Bumblebee's size and is aggressively a Chinese girl stereotype down to having parts of her helmet that resemble braided hair loop, knows kung-fu, and is easily bribed by Energon. Question is what color she should be.
Trigger warnings are for pussies
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>tfw you were the first person in the world to find MP-10 at retail
Honestly one of the best memories of my life.
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How can someone know you are shooting them to death otherwise? Sounds boring if they just die without knowing you caused it.
Mine looks like it's shipping from Amazon JP soon since it's supposed to arrive in the next week and I just got charged finally.
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Go forth my child
Who's the squid guy on the Doom and Destruction Collection boxes?
>Is she worth 17 bucks?
>As a toy, is she good?
no her transformation scheme is a mess
Starscream as an F-35 is my favorite concept. I love the idea of Starscream coming down to Earth and picking what he thinks is the most badass expensive plane on the planet and ending up a huge piece of shit that needs constant maintenance and is barely able to fly.
>noooo muh eceleb insulted muh guns!
go the fuck away lardass
yeah, because all those forums aren't infested with the same autists that edit the wiki
>caring that much about IDW slop
It's a shame but I'm pretty sure this deluxe is about the same size as a current Voyager.
I just unpacked Cybertron Universe Starscream and he looks so small.
imagine being so scared of a toy robot that turns into a toy gun that you need a warning
Who gives a fuck? Do you complain that movie trailers have ratings?
If the narrator started a movie about gunfights by saying "by the way guys this movie has guns and guns are really really scary and I actually think guns shouldn't exist" then yeah I'd be annoyed
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they're inching closer and closer to that
It's a toy reviewer that can be commonly watched by children. What do you expect?
Ntm I think if he gave a text-only disclaimer at the start of the video, you'd find it several times worse. Like, it would come off way more serious than the verbal "oh btw quick aside but-" he actually gave.
achmed what are you doing here
[it ain't me starts playing]
i've run out of ways to describe how amusing things like this are
the irony is the most offensive thing is the concept of there being a singular set of "Today's standards"
we fought bloody wars with people over that nonsense. no matter what that standard is, if you insist there's only one, you are the biggest evil around.
anon warnings like that are not for kids, they're for moms who have gotten PTSD from watching Lifetime movies. Kids give zero shits.
>morally grey
i see what you did there
I'm running into that problem now and I hate it. Need to decide on some kind of rotating display schema.
I second this query. I just got Breakdown and Windsweeper.
They're getting shipped out now too?
Yeah, just got it today from Hasbro Pulse.
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once again blurry as fuck, no idea how to make a phone camera focus properly, but I'm super happy with this Inferno custom paint job and head swap. I even figured out how to make the 3rdparty gun match him, with heavy coats of clear red gloss over a dark metallic base
I considered putting that same dark metalic behind his transparent red body parts, and while I think that might look good, it's not necessary and I'm a little worried i'd ruin it. Besides, there are a few parts of him with minimal hollow areas to do that with.
anywhere having a decent sale atm?
The symbol is from the IDW reboot. It's a mash up of Octopunch, Submarauder and Skullgrin, the leaders in the reboot.
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>legacy octopunch never
>legacy SG octopunch never
god i want this figure so bad, one of these days the price will feel worth it
I'm miffed that I had to buy a two-pack for my boy Windsweeper, but I'll try to love Breakdown also. Pulse still says mid-July for shipping, though.
I think thats the second batch. The first one is going out now.
Highbrow is probably the only one I prefer his Legends colors over the retro release, something about that specific shade of white really does it for me.
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FUCK thats sick.
damn son that is a cool lego snake.
Thanks dad
Shame he's like $250 nowadays. Only alternative is that NewAge one
christ you're stupid. It must suck to be so stupid and bothered by things that literally don't matter.
Sorry you pee your pants if you see an uncensored revolver, anon. Must make life hard for you
Which feels weird because they won't be getting new toys or a repack of their POTP figures with these new Mayhem packs.
Finally got Magmatron
literally step 3 out of 70, I can't do. is the plastic clearance fucked there or something? They want you to fold tabs out from inside the sword's hilt, and it just doesn't
oh I guess I'm not the only one. I have no fucking idea what step 2 means.
>Wasting breath talking about wanting new versions of figures that are barely shipping
Dude you have to stop this. We get it you didnt buy em.
i just like Beetras and I want it to get new toys.
>Didn't have a tv show to promote the toyline,
>Died when only 3 were even made as toys and sold in Japan, out of 7 planned
No point in it.
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>I want this and think it could be cool
>That's fucking stupid why would you want anything
Why are you so negative?
Yeah, use something to pull it. Shit design.
If the appeal is "robots that turn into insects that can remotely pass", you have a whole bunch of Beast Wars guys.
the point in question would be to make me happy
I wasn't predicting it, I was expressing desire.
I figured it out, the step was telling you to do something contrary to what you'd expect, moving a piece so far INTO the way that it's actually out of the way again
still hard though. and getting the arms off was incredibly hard, those clips don't seem to be designed to be reversible in their attachment...
chop shop is a really nice toy but who decided that he needed 10 legs
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They could have saved Diaclone but gave up.
Better have extra, than fewer like
You don't have to use those last two as legs, just guns.
Poor Barrage who looks like he had to deal with a kid that ripped a pair his of bug legs.
So what is the chest orange on the Generations Chop Shop for? Legal dodging?
Here is your cute robot ladybug girl
Commander Kitamori there is just Coach from Gunbuster.
I guess whoever did it thought it would look to plain without the fake cockpit.
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Here's your sexy spider lady
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>TwinTwists secret drag twin.
What a twist!
the front leg is supposed to be 2 legs. It has two points of contact
Dont give them any ideas
you could use the two small guns as legs like they are on Bombshell
At least some of the parts from that come from Transformers, so I'm pretty sure they would be in the clear doing a copy of it.
Well, Magmatron is finally separated into his parts... they're pretty cool, but I'm really wishing I'd gotten him at more of a discount, this is definitely a budget-cut toy. each one requires additional paint to look right (landsaurus is missing paint on the part of his back that doesn't show in combined mode, as if that means it just doesn't matter) not to mention gap fillers.
The numerous blast effects are kind of confusing me, I almost never use these things but i'm just now realizing.. they're all male? and the majority of gun barrels are obviously male too, they don't have a hole in them, so that limits where they could really go.
anyway they're pretty rad, seasaur would have benefited from one more neck joint, landsaur has i guess unavoidable proportion problems, but I really would have appreciated a scaled-up front half and fewer obviously visible stuff on the tail that is meant for dragoncentaur mode.
I'll say this, i'm pleased that the toe claws have paint on the bottom, that's super rare lately.
holy shit this would have been amazing. i love eveyrhting about this
Transformers figures need to include cute girls as accessories
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i'm countin' 6, bro. where's the rest?
did I grab the wrong version of chop shop?
oh and landsaur's finger claws! those feel like they would have been unpainted on any previous release.
or at least sell them separately, so you can choose to have em or leave em out.
the trouble is, few of them keep the same scale
I think he's counting the four robot limbs?
not that anon, but the rails under the front are supposed to resemble two legs each, and the included guns were also legs for the Shrapnel version.
that's a bit silly innit
what rails, you mean the front legs? they're meant to be two legs each? they sure look like one leg.
and the guns, not pictured here? aside from the one on his back...
Shrapnel's legs don't look like legs to begin with.
On the Shrapnel version it was just the two rails and the two guns on the back, that stood in for the six legs. None of them really looked like legs but that's what he had. The Chop Shop version added four more legs in addition to the other parts.
Yeah the Shrapnel guns/legs are also included with Chop Shop, but aren't in that pic
ahhhhh, yeah that is too many of legs.
funny thing is those two underneath sets of legs would make for a decent like, robotic mouse or something. looks like lil legs n feets poised just right for scurrying around mammal style. not at all bugly.
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British people are scared of guns because the guns might go off and kill their Muslim rapist
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This lil nigga tryna eat my beans
that's why you're usin a glass jar
>actual aunt jemima syrup
how fucking old is that stuff, they erased her for being black 3 years ago. no minorities allowed on labels, that's the new rule. her family was pissed.
>aunt jemima
I went out and bought a bottle when they canceled her. She didn't hurt anybody and she'll forever have a place in my pantry.
You are a good soul.
I guess I'm alright.
Good riddance. Now when we get Spychangers, they'll be proper sized as Deluxes instead of some stupid tiny figures.
I've been wanting deluxe scale Spychangers for 20 years
>4 legs on the back
>4 legs on the arms
>2 legs from the guns
With warden coming back you'd be lucky to get any spychangers at all
>blast effects
There's a 3mm hole in the middle of the 5mm peg on blast effects, that's what you use to attach to smaller guns. Siege molds also had 3mm pimples all over for you to attach these.
Isn't a deluxe-sized Mirage just Mirage?
What would a Shattered Glass Nemesis Prime be like?
jawesome, dude.
she was a sweet ol lady and she did good work.
I don't even have the heart to- oh I'll post it anyway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg4lpu_9iKE
I'd keep a bottle of this on the shelf too. need to get a suitable bottle, print up a label, and fill it with brown water.
Ultra Mangus inner robot
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It would work.

Warden coming back doesn't mean he's in charge again.
first of all, no there isn't
secondly, I'm having trouble finding any 3mm gun barrels... and- hang on

what the fuck, yes there is. How did i never notice the hole?
I actually LOOKED for the hole. I was like "is there a hole? nope, solid nub"
i swear you just fucked with reality, anon. and if so, good job.
can't wait for another round of the 84 crew!
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Not if it's a new mold for most/all the Spychangers and they just tweak the robot parts while maintaining the simple transformation to balance out the cost of the multiple toolings to get 6 figures out of it.
>he's not holding his guns
I swear it's like they literally get blind people to photograph their toys
You never know what you might find in antique stores and consignment shops.
The result of SG Decepticons creating a good clone of SG Optimus based on our Cliffjumper's descriptions of his universe's Optimus. Basically an excuse to have regular Optimus interact with the SG Decepticons and SG Optimus.
would be a good reuse for White Prime Ultra Magnus.
that said, you really should empty and wash that bottle so you can keep it for posterity and not get mold
You might be right about that. I assumed it had enough preservatives in it to prevent it from molding in my lifetime. Its unopened. I could be wrong about that, though. Either way its just corn syrup so I might dump it and wash it out. It'll be just as much of a nostalgia piece with some water and food coloring, maybe a little knox or something to get the consistency right.
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Yeah, not even the tiny headmaster-battlemaster or any of the RID repugni molds.
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Ignore waspinator. Finally got my ghost starscream!!
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It's alive...
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IT'S ALIIIIIIVE! (not really)
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Now he asserts his dominance over the thread!
He doesn't look like the one on the box.
you could store your murphy's oil soap in it and confuse peopel when you bring it out and squirt some into a mop bucket
why didn't they do something different with Waspinator so you're not buying the same figure over again?
Did they at least put a Decepticon symbol on his head like in the episode?
Post the jet mode
I think they DID do that. I don't have the figure in hand. I only read about it
On shore leave, Claw Jaw rendezvous with Rattrap for a liquor run in a strange alcohol powered jalopy commandeered from the local population.
Thats a pretty good idea!
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It's a shame. That truck mold ISN'T a bad mold. it's just bad for the characters they keep using it for.
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The one of the box is supposed to be a tribute to the original package art, so that's why he doesn't look like the picture on the box

I mean, it's a recolor. original one is yellow and green and this... purple and dark green...

Okay, here's one cause too lazy to transform it right now
He has the Decepticon symbol but on the sides of his head.
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make him possess Scourge
that's part of the gimmick like the PM one. btw, i agree for the use of not transparent plastic on the joints cause hell, It would be a shame to break it in the middle of the transformation

Sadly, I don't own a Scourge...
Now, when you all play with your Starscreams, you DO talk in a raspy voice like Chris Latta, RIGHT?
No, he gets a handsome voice like the Japanese dub.
I stopped vocalizing during play when I had my tonsils taken out as a kid. It hurt to speak, and I realized it was less embarrassing to just imagine all of the voices and sound effects in my head. I began to find it cringe when other kids did it and became less interested in playing with other children unless we were doing stuff outside.
Why the fuck are his arms not transparent like the rest of him?
GEEZE! You people! Next, you'll tell me you don't do a raspy Chris Latta voice when playing with your Cobra Commanders either!
Accordining to the wiki:
>>All of the parts that were originally cast in unpaintable plastic remain cast in opaque colors, as the unpaintable parts are required for the figure to function.

I guess if they make those parts transparent plastic too, they'll be too fragile.
I might have gotten a Cobra Commander from a fast food promotional figure from when I was a kid (it could have been a generic as well. The only thing I remember was having a helmet and being mostly black with red), but I didn't watch GI Joe and didn't find the toy interesting.
I never owned a GI joe toy...

Transparent plastic is most fragile so some joints and other pieces skipped the transparent plastic
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Everyone should own a Cobra Commander toy. He infiltrates all toy lines
Last time I was at a store and saw GI Joe toys, it was mostly this chick with glasses and this other chick with brownish hair.
All stores should stock a Cobra Commander toy.
I never had GI Joe toys or watched the shows
Old head here. I remember when Transformers and GI Joe were practically linked. Both had Marvel comics. One cartoon followed the other on weekday afternoons. As a kid, you usually wound up with toys from both lines
Sounds like when Optimus Prime was in the same line three times a few years back.
Did they ever do any crossovers, old timer?
There's already many Optimus in the same line right now
The Marvel comics did. The Cartoon was more vague about it. Cobra Commander did show up in one Transformers Episode under an alias.
And then pretty much any time after that they didn't interact. Beast Wars came out after the latest GI Joe iteration committed suicide, lolSigma Six, and the Paramount movies didn't overlap despite having a bunch of military guys as the allies of the Autobots in the early ones. Only Renegades had a chance of tapping into cross-pollination and that didn't happen.
Amazon just bumped their ship date to July 3rd.
Yeah, after their initial 80's run all the toys line sputtered out new versions only sporadically. I'm honesty surprised TF has lasted as long as it did considering the hard time all the bother franchises are having
Transformers are efficient. You get a toy vehicle and an action figure, so two markets at once.
Yep, thats what I always liked about them. More bang for your buck.
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I saw Classified's doing a classic-style CC. Is that one good, or is it not out yet?
Not a huge Joefan, only read a bit of both the ARAH and Skybound comics, but found both fun. CC was very funny in the former, delightfully cheesy lmao.
when my falsetto still worked, I love doing the Blue Laser Commander voice
You might want to check the GI Joe thread. they would probably know what the best CC figure is.
Also helps Transformers used to be very good at keeping itself fresh; as much as we might complain about em, each reinvention *did* pretty consistently strike chords with new kids each time, until like the mid-2010s when TF got too willing to sit on its laurels.
Supposedly RiD15 and Cyberverse did well enough. Cutting production costs must be useful.
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Claw Jaw is one of the best transformers and indeed one of the best action figures in the world, because he passes the Pickle Test.
>Pickle Test?
If Claw Jaw were a living being of the same scale as his figure, he would have the strength necessary to open a pickle jar on his own, without breaking the jar, because he is a squid. Do you have any toys that pass the Pickle Test?
Couldn't most guys just shoot the jar apart with their tiny laser guns if they were real little robots?
If a man cannot open a pickle jar without breaking it, we call that man a fool. A simpleton. A waster of pickles. Thats why not breaking the jar is part of the Pickle Test.
What is the point of opening a pickle jar? Pickles don't taste good since they are cucumbers doused in vinegar. Best to get rid of it by giving it to someone else.
You are a fool. A simpleton. You are not an appreciator of that prince of foods, the pickle.
Good. They are the worst thing about cheeseburgers.
The pickle is delicious, nutritious, and contains a greater concentration of electrolytes than the typical sports drink. Like the cheeseburger, it has no inherent negative qualities.
What's the point of sports drink if you can just get water from a faucet?
I respect your digits but I find your lack of knowledge disturbing. Water on its own is not enough to prevent dehydration because the body requires sodium to retain water. Further, electrolytes are required for several bodily functions including proper brain function. I suspect you are lacking in electrolytes because you do not seem to be able to appreciate the good qualities of pickles, and you have still not answered my original question. I encourage you to eat a pickle and ponder the Pickle Test.
I watched a movie and they were killing the plants because they were being poisoned by electrolytes. Such alien sounding things are the enemy of life.
The requirements of plants are not the same as those of human beings.
So is this supposed to be Starscream's counterpart?
can squids that small do that trick?
they're more than just doused. and there's more than just vinegar! the dill, man. the DILL. and the garlic. Or if you're some kind of heathen, the... sugar...
that was a good-ass movie.
and that was indeed the irony, that they were giving plants sports drinks, which are good for people but not plantsu.
Squids are incredibly strong for their size. Being cephalopods, they lack bones and make up for this by being composed almost entirely of muscle mass. Squids use their tentacles and in particular the immense power of their suction cups to grapple their prey and pull it towards their beaks for feeding. A squid even as small as a Claw Jaw figure would easily be able to grab onto a glass jar and twist off the lid. Also, you are correct. Sweet pickles are worthless trash, dill is where its at.
crazy. i've only seen much larger octopodes do it.
>June 29
>Beast Wars soundtrack is MIA
In nature, octopi use their arms for a variety of tasks but squids use them exclusively for hunting. But this distinction lies in disposition rather than intelligence. The octopus tends to be a more passive animal whereas the squid is an aggressive predator. So I'd contend that the squid simply isn't inclined to perform tasks of this nature, but is physically and mechanically capable of it. Consider also that the Pickle Test does not restrict the full range of a characters attitudes, but rather forces them to be applied at the scale of their action figure. So, where it might not occur to a squid to apply the mechanical pressures of its tentacles to twist a lid off a jar, Claw Jaw is a cybertronian. His thinking would be more out of the box than that of a squid.
Attributes, not attitudes, sorry. Phone posting in bed, fuck auto correct.
I'd argue that they repurposed a lot of this for Masterforce.
It's a prank, bro
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These are the flaps that were too tight, right? They swing smoothly on mine. Guess they did a running change since mine's the Hasbro CN batch released later.
>I don't take pics anymore because you faggots would rather argue about TFW or trannies or youtube or whatever.
What a pathetic excuse for laziness.
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I am the guy who did the plaster the knee with clay and worked out the spring thing

The clay finally dried after a week

God it is glorious

It might be the smallest titan, but damn it is still heavy

I do have some small qc issues, but to be fair I don't think minor paints and scratches are really avoidable these day but lack of cover for the back is really just lazy on Hasbro's part. I thought TT would force Hasbro to do something about it before shipping

The Hovercraft still doesn't tab correctly. I made some plugs so at least the whole thing doesn't split apart just by holding it

As for the knee. Yeah it is smooth now and I doubt it would break. I think the problem is just how stiff the springs were before any play. Still the design was bad and there is another problem of the torso is so heavy that once the knees got smoother the rachets are a bit weak in holding on to the weight of the upper body if you tilt the figure while holding the shins

Maybe having tidal wave in titan class was a mistake- even if the end product turned out to be ok??
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w/ recast head back piece for light piping. Weird they didn't do this themselves when they are already using clear plastic for the windshield.
How does that Optimus Primal Battlemaster look mounted underslung on Armada Prime's super arm?
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Dream Haslab projects anons? Is there anything to say projects are obligated to be Generations++/premium mainline figures? Funding could be used to plug holes in older collections, pic rel for example or this >>11049730 to go with g1 Insecticons... G1 Unicron? Beast Machines Botanica? A Botcon style boxset of Transtech figures that never was (*cough cough* Starscream)?
So far I feel Hasbro have not truly delivered on what could be used to deliver truly niche "for the fans" type products that absolutely in the truest sense be impossible to justify putting on modern store shelves.
Wish they'd cure cancer instead of making niche expensive toys.
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You need to fold the regular bot's feet out to mount it.
I'm gonna get Scorponok for dirt cheap, is he alright for like, used and less than half price, or is he one of those figures that suck regardless of how cheap you got him?
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nigger that's funny. However, I counter your wish with: I hope they continue to make super-duper expensive niche toys + super-cancer.
Shame about the shit forward leg moment.
Some of them are too niche imo, they still need to account for normie "fans" for these to be super profitable.
Think of the starving children in Africa anon
They need transformers too
Btw, join the dark side if you want super niche TF >>>11050339
Which Scorponok? G1? BW? Bayformer1? One of the 5 ROTB versions?
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>Think of the starving children in Africa anon
Doesn't look that bad actually, really regret not getting it on AmiAmi when it was up. Could never find it in any store Down Under.
Sorry, I've been up a while, I meant Kingdom, the Buzzworthy one to be pacific. Watched a review, it looks passable but mediocre/sub-par. Think it's still the chest and short height/no waist for me, but I'd like a Scorponok, literally any G1 or BW Scorponok.
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It at least looks like some of the waist issue is mitigated simply by having the colours of the chest seamlessly transition into the waist, as opposed it being two completely different colours in Kingdom. The downside is absolutely minimal paint apps for the poor guy himself. Aside from the silver bumps on his shoulders, he's been robbed of all his gold, they took it in the divorce.
Combiner Wars Raiden that's not half translucent plastic or bound by Japanese train scale autism.
Please. What a shitshow for the first MP combiner.
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Tidal Wave with ramjet

Yeah I can see why people are saying the original is better.

There is really not much interplay with other figures. As big as he is, even Dr. Wu' figures are still too big and there is not much small figures can do in either ship or the base mode.

The base is kind of not a thing. It should be called a harbor mode and be use as a connection to another titan with a proper base mode.
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Recreated the scene of the Maximals joining forces with Optimus Prime to defeat Unicron in Rise of the Beets.
But Brawndo has what plants crave! It's got electrolytes!
Good shout, I'd like a proper Lio Kaiser too.

Do you have any core class guys to show with it in ship mode?
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Leak for commander Optimus 86 flavour:
- chug MP 44
- axe, blaster, effects, huge grey box
- movie deco with white thighs
- colour change gimmick, changes from red to grey
- alternate damaged chest piece
- Daniel minifigure
-can't cure cancer
For real
>MP-44 design but with a transformation that doesn't make you want to kill yourself
>Toon colors
>Blaster, energon axe, trailer along with roller and repair drone
>Matrix chamber spring loaded like Magnus
>Voyager-ish size to keep scale with Magnus' truck mode
>Hasbro's version
Just G1 Prime in the SGverse. Probably looks like UM's inner bot
>my version
Multiversity's version of Peacmaker, "a bot who loves peace so much he'll kill to achieve it". An anti-hero. White and gold or gray and silver with red flames.
Diaclone is fragile overengineered shit
I'd love to get the reboot version of Battle Convoy for the weird Optimus shelf but good fucking lord the aftermarket prices on it.
Yoooo this woulda been underbaked dogwater.
Yo anyone here at botcon? I'm going tomorrow, probably gonna blow half a G on old Japanese TFs or something.

Anyone got any suggestions for fun figs to look for?
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I guess I show them in the base mode

There is not that big difference in term space you can use
I've started collecting the Micromaster combiners recently so I can definitely recommend those if you're interested
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I know they tried to think of something for base hence we got this pseudo command panel thingie

But the miniship is way too thick and just end up taking valuable deck space

Maybe a pier/ harbor mode would better?

To be fair, besides metroplex is able to have small figures placed within its compartments, most of the so called base mode with other titans feel like an afterthought.
That UFO guy really that small or is yours different
if I had to guess that's probably the NewAge or Dr. Wu version of Cosmos
NTA, but thats a legends scale 3p figure, he smol.
Picked up BBM sunstreaker today. Impressed with the alt mode, I like the robot mode but those fucking shoulder pads. Overall 7/10 for me.
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Ahh, the swarm is nearly complete. Just need Venom now.
well i should also think cybertrons could make their beast modes extra strong, at least robot strength. we never saw them like tearing metal doors apart but they're probably close.
sorry you did what? whole new head?
also for that to work with the same clear plastic as the windshields, they'd have to clear-paint the eyes red.
he really has problems, but the beast mode looks good. I think for half price he's fine. that's roughly what I paid for him and sandstorm, and slightly more for buzzworthy since that came in a mooltipack.
>probably gonna blow half a G on old Japanese TFs or something
Fancy way of saying you're going to buy one or two things
I doubt the people at Hasbro have the medical knowledge to do that.
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Found Gears at Walmart, and on rollback no less. Other than his chunky backpack and his vehicle mode's backside being his chest, he's super neat. One of the most articulated deluxe class figures you ever did see.
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NIce buggos, who are you using as queen, Airachnid or Antagony?

Antagony is in another continuity (I keep G1 and Beast Wars separate) and I lack Airachnid. Until the One toyline, anyway.
How embarrassing

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Decided to buy an Earthrise Arcee to bolster my autobot troops. Sure, it's one of the biggest shelfwarmers in recent years, but it was decently priced. Maybe it's a fun toy.
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Hm? I could have sworn there was a figure inside...
Is that one of the ROTB Primes?
airachnid isn't separate from g1 for you?
man we all got em. usually ten, sometimes a couple more, maybe some missing.

Nah, I just lump everything thats not Beast Wars into my G1 toy-based continuity.

Including non-TF toys.
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Jokes aside, my most difficult custom so far: Earthrise Nightbird.
I started this project last October when I gave up on finding a second-hand Nightbird figure for a good price.
The swords are resin casts from Ebay and the head, chest and crotch have been remolded with green stuff.
She's not quite finished yet, but I've finally reached a point of completion where I can show her off.

Yep, a customized RotB Beast Alliance Optimus figure. It's pretty nice for its price.
i guess visually that would work well
i have a 'movie stuff and also transmetal 2s that should really not be kept in a box because of their chrome, and also any animal mechs that don't work on the zoids shelf.
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Process images.
The head alone took a week to finish, and way longer to adjust. To everyone with access to a 3d Printer: Don't take what you have for granted.
New thread?
Wow, that unpainted head is terrifying. Looks like its screaming.
at page 9 or 10, or at image limit
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my mind went straight here
Looks great, it is a bit surprising we haven't gotten a new one aside from the Siege Chromia repaint.
Theres the ROTB version, in a pinch.
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Sorry, last one.
She can still transform, but I really don't want to risk chipping the paint. It's not like Nightbird is known for her transformation anyway.
I also kinda messed Arcee's head up while removing it, which is a shame. Maybe I can make something out of it.

Oh, yeah I see it. It really does look weird when you look at it that way.

Thanks. It's so weird that they decided to make an Elita-1 out of the ERcee mold instead of Nightbird. Hopefully they make a proper retail G1 Nightbird one day, but I'm not holding my breath.
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>Not using BW Megatron as the queen
What are you even doing?
Legacy Prime Hardshell when?
Also, does anyone know any good way to prevent paint scraping? The shoulders on Nightbird keeps rubbing on the torso and removing the paint. It's one of the few hurdles left to complete this custom.
green stuff you say
A good topcoat is the only thing you can do except keeping the figure static.
yeah clearcoating is vital for home painting
It's funny how the give and take works, factory paint is usually very scratch-resistant, but you get types of plastic that it just won't stick to. Meanwhile at home, off the shelf acrylic paint does fine on any plastic, but if you don't clearcoat it, it'll scrape right off with your fingernail.
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Got magmatron in today, dont have time to post a bunch atm but i wanted to give a bit of my experience with that sword hilt problem mentioned earlier

Basically you have to push down with your thumb on the big hinge joint flexing it a little bit while simultaneously gently pulling out on the tabbed flap also flexing it a bit, if you push and pull at the same time you can get the clearance while putting less pressure on each part individually

I dont think clipping the tab would help much, its less length and more the angle, youd have to clip off so much and the tabbing it offers into the dino mode is pretty loose already, youd probably end up with it falling out a lot
thank you, yes. This took me ages to figure out, and the forum was not helpful.
because you logically think you need to push it the opposite way, it feels unintuitive that pushing it THAT way helps.
and I also agree it doesn't tab that well into the dino already, so I'm glad I didn't give in and snip the tabs. not that I'd even be able to without folding them out first.

by the way does anyone give a fuck to see how I custom painted the missing stuff on each saur's back? it's nothing special, just skysaur's back getting the same color his wings got so it's continuous, seasaur getting that one light green square filled in, and landsaur's white stripes being filled in where they interrupt.
Yeah, it also doesnt help that the big flap has a gently locking position which makes it feel like you cant move it, but when you push down on the large hinge it goes down while pulling up at the back just enough that you can slide the little parts out, not a perfect design but hopefully this way wont lead to snapping, i wish i could record myself while doing it for a better example but you need both hands and i dont have a tripod, maybe ill try something when i have time incase anyone else doesnt quite get what im describing.

>does anyone give a fuck to see how I custom painted the missing stuff on each saur's back?
Yeah sure, ive got no paint skills so i wouldnt but id be interested in seeing how it came out
what I wanna know is how they designed this
i don't mean "how did this slip past them" I just mean how the fuck would you even CONCEIVE of the transformation requiring this kind of weird clashing-clearance aspect?
>yeah sure
okay i'll get around to it. Watch as the colors no longer match under this camera (they definitely look different under my main room light vs my desk lamp)
>tries to get scourge on amazon
>his price double the one of sweep even when they have the same mold
Excuse me!?
Ahh it actually looks good. like it's meant to be that way!
There's also a bit of seasaur's rear back area where I continued the gradient (Those pieces are 'unpaintable' too I guess. but I didn't continue the color onto his neck. At a certain point, the joints and their need to be rotated would look weird.
Just get the Sweep.
Distribution and the Sweep shelfwarming like mad
I will have but still disappointing. btw, any big difference between sweep and scourge?
Tooling wise not really, the clawed hand is swapped between them and I think that's it
Deco wise? Sweep kinda double as toy scourge, aka VERY blue. Extremely blue. Photos don't do justice to how powerfully blue sweep is
Oh dang that came out really good, nice work
I don't think so. One is a slightly lighter shade of blue, and has the other hand as the open one.
>According to August 13, 2021's Fan First Friday, the Sweep's color scheme is closer to Scourge's original toy deco, while the Studio Series Scourge figure has a more cartoon accurate deco.
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thank you. I am redeemed
The Sweep is more blue while Scourge is more purple. I prefer the Sweep's color desu
Damn, seeing them side by side i wish i had the sweep deco, but im not so into it that id deel with buying it and selling off my current one, and im not a troop guy
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I had both the cartoon and toy deco versions of Galvatron and Cyclonus so like an autist, I actually bought the Sweep just to complete the trio in toy colors
What problems, I think a part of me is prepared or expectant that he'll be dogshit, but I want him to be good
>can't move tail in scorpion mode
Yep, literally the same figure lol! Considering how poorly the sweep sold, I think it's safe to wait until it's on sale on Amazon
yeah, the tail articulation in general is a huge disappointment. but there's really only one GOOD way to do it, and that's six individual pieces, each with a double-jointed "elbow" between them.
and they thought they would sneak one of his legs up behind his tail, leaving it immobile in beast mode and hollow in robot mode, definitely a bad choice, but the alternative is giving him very spindly legs.. which... okay? do that.

my biggest issues with him have nothing to do with compromises for transformation, because there was no reason for his torso and legs to be so squarey. He was very rounded in the show, and a scorpion is also made of rounded parts.
anyway if you get the leg extension upgrade kit (the good one) which also helps with his torso length a bit, and then you deliberately mistransform him so he's hunched, he's...... good. I get it, it's a deluxe. deluxes can't be miracles.
What's the point of all those joints if it's only for transformation
His legs look also weird, and at least in one review he spins on his torso/robot leg, so I'm worried whether or not he can lift his body up with his scorpion legs or if I have to worry about scratching his robot parts.
Could literally have adjusted molded detail, or at worst made things look more rounded with colour separation. But I'll try to come up with some kind of backstory for his new body, or whatever
>spending deluxe prices for a deluxe figure
No thank you...
>What's the point of all those joints if it's only for transformation
which joints are we talking about here?
>can scorpion legs keep him up
i'm pretty sure they can't, they're just on ball joints. he's meant to crawl on his belly, which is pretty much what a real scorpion does (they even have sensory organs down there which feel the ground and tell them stuff)
>make it look more rounded with color separation
.... what. is this some willy wonka shit.
>come up with your own headcanon for how he looks
yeah everything on my shelf currently is "this is not the beast wars universe we remember, but it's close" because if i wanted 100% accurate, i'd get the MPs and live on rice.
>which joints are we talking about here?
>he's meant to crawl on his belly, which is pretty much what a real scorpion does (they even have sensory organs down there which feel the ground and tell them stuff)
I didn't know that, but I'm now glad he doesn't have paint apps on his chest or legs
>.... what. is this some willy wonka shit.
If the chest+pelvis being the same colour makes it blend more naturally, the illusion of well-roundedness can probably be done with colour and parts separation. e.g. Siege Sideswipe is just a complete block, but his tummy sticking out makes it look like he just looks normal and has a backpack
>i'd get the MPs and live on rice.
Same but also for people to have super cancer
what are the red swords on Magmatron for?
For making swing sung swoosh sounds
If you buy a figure from china, how long do they typically take to ship it? I get that it will take some time, but how long from purchase to actually putting the package in the mail?
depends on where you buy it from. ShowZ takes an ungodly amount of time to ship
TJOmega said that retailers have been blanket dropping the price of voyagers and deluxes due to poor sales. Has anyone seen this in person? I don't buy toys at retail.
then explain "If it's only for transformation" ?? my point was "that is how a scorpion tail works"
and since he has a scorpion tail in both modes, and it's already naturally segmented, that is how it should be jointed. So you could curl and uncurl it.
>no paint apps on his legs
not on the buzzworthy version, no. which I think is kind of a shame, but they were homaging the original toy after all.

I feel like you didn't understand what i meant by round. I meant literally an ovoid shape in cross-section. No angles, no corners. and that's in every direction. it should be an oval no matter how you view it.
>super cancer
like they would get the MPs as their make-a-wish? i'm confused.
for Skysaur's altmode, of course
oh wait
at least 3 weeks and as many as 6 weeks.
yeah i mean that's where you store them but what do you do with them otherwise? I've never seen anybody use them in his hands and they're too small for him anyway. I don't see a place they could fit on his sword either.
I noticed that TRU put their little upcharge back on after having everything at MSRP for a year
Why do they wait so long? Do they wait to ship it until they have enough orders to fill up a container on a cargo ship? What if the building my figure is stored in is one of those chinesium fake concrete buildings and it collapses before they mail it? I've seen chinese driving what if the person handling my order dies before they ship it? I have never felt anxiety like this before.
that's as good a theory as any. I think part of it is that they charge super early though compared to most retailers where it's ready to go in the mail as soon as you pay.
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Got nuHot Shot today and he's not too bad!
The vehicle mode a reasonable facsimile of the original, just shrunken down
It has a good fit and finish in how the few new mechanisms come together
Got a good heft too, not near the OG's but certainly above average for a modern Deluxe
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Has anyone gotten tiny Catboy? I think he's pretty cool.
no you silly billy, i was joking because skysaur has no altmode.
in a normal transformer, swords-stored-on-wings are for the robot mode. they're scaled for him and everything.

I uh, I need to transform him properly and see if he has any 5mm ports where the swords could go... but maybe he could underhand them and they'd be daggers? they make good daggers.
it takes ages to do anything in china, ages to get anything out of the country, and customs in any sane country keeps a sharp eye on anything coming in from china.
the person handling your package statistically will die before you receive it. His successor was waiting behind him like a new tooth in a crocodile's mouth. there's so many chinese. like imagine a crowded room, a really crowded room. there's even more chinese than that.
interesting compromise with the gun, I would still prefer some kind of a metallic cage around the big glowy chunk.
yeah he's pretty cool for a beast machines toy. I like the cheetah mode, especially the way the blades attach to the shoulders.
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that is my favorite part of his design. the one thing that really works. Even before that show, I was drawing cool monsters with the scapula forming an actual blade. it's just a natural fun idea.

everything else was pretty dumb, but BM gonna BM.
Cheetor was one of the only good figures in the Beast Machines line. I had one of the vehicon jets too, those weren't bad. Tankor is worth mentioning, I'd buy that for a dollar. The rest was so bad...
>chinese behind chinese on top of the chinese in a crocodile's mouth in a crowded room a really crowded room full of chinese rooms full of chinese the smog the food cooked in sewer oil kids in kindergarten learning sweat shop tasks sweat shop world china bug hive
I thought people didn't like BM Cheetor because he was too unstable and couldn't stand.
Thats probably true, I don't remember. Mine is lost to time, no clue where he went. But I liked how he looked as a kid, still do. Which was more than I could say for 90% of BM.
He looks so fucking cool. I just got my cybertron Starscream and I will get this guy too
eh that's unavoidable and I like the idea. I don't mind at all a dude with big spindly digitigrade legs.. but they fucked his legs up hard in the show and most of the toys. Like they seriously did not understand which part was the foot, because they put a calf on it.
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Old and new side by side
And honestly this is one of their best remakes they've done. At least functionally he's wholly better.
The rest being a preference in aesthetic.
My chief complaint is the armpit area. They put the hinge for the shoulder chunk way too low so now his arms are all bunched up.
Other than that I guess his face isn't quite right. Not as sharp and also the eyes are too deep, but that might look that way because his visor isn't translucent anymore.
I hated the hole story in Beast Machines, so when I played with BM Cheetor I would just imagine that he was evangelion mech because I never had one.
I actually think an alien race of shapeshifters would have been an interesting contrast to cybertrons. like "whoa, the fuck do these guys do, they're rearranging all of their cells" and maybe like "huh they have something very much like our sparks, and the power seems to come from that. maybe in the distant past we were a lot more similar, or even came from the same place"
I like the blue they used for the new one even if it isn't accurate
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Don't know man, other than the ankle tilts everything seems like a downgrade.

The sunken face, skinny torso with deformed fake headlights, full removal of tha waist, no panel to hide the hollow the backpack and smaller weapon.

Also, is there a real reson for the low elbows?
old one has a better chest for sure.
That's why the new one is better. Hes more stable.
nice they're including keys again.
The chest isn't the front of the vehicle on the original either. If anything, the new one looks less like faux vehicle parts since they are farther from headlight or air intake shapes.
The original had a fake chest too, but the molded in headlights suggests that chest is whats under the hood, the slimmer torso just looks bad.
The skinny torso bugged me at first, but I see that's mostly connected to my complaint about the shoulders being too high.
The waist is there, you'd just need to paint the hips to match the crotch

>there a real reson for the low elbows?
Just a caveat of the design. I think it comes from the wheel being on the bicep and accommodating the door panel on the forearm being able to bend around it

The key is so strange, you can see it's clear red, but it turns yellow when you look at it from the side
definitely a companion piece to a larger city former, I like to think of him as a Drydock to Trypticon
whoa, i haven't seen 'yellow when thin, red when thick' in a while. that's like, some iodine shit.
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I'm more curious how they'll fuck up excellion. They fucked up scourge rid/black convoy ffs.
IDW autism, I wouldn't pay more than $40 for that repaint.
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That's too much for that

Only time will tell. Which exclusive line do you think he'll get dropped in?
Oh hey lol I'm the seller
Imagine my shock when it flew from 50 to that in like 10 minutes
Theres a new one coming out. Why does someone want THIS one so bad?
When I listed it I said "I hope this gets enough to pay the latecomer tax for the Walmart one"
Don't get me wrong, the robot mode on this one is fantastic, but I want a more cybertron vibe
ACTUALLY wish you'd get banned already

New one is hot dogshit lmao
the skids mold isn't that bad, friend
Crankase is just an inferior retool thoughbeit
It doesn't even look that good, they totally skimped on the skeleton decals which were like the coolest part of his design and imo ratchet cannonball>red alert
the new one includes his extra weapons though like the hammer and claw though. The botcon one is just Ratchet, swords and all. Plus it has the wrong faction symbol.
I bought inferno and antagony. Am I retarded?
Sure, but the ratchet design is just slicker
The leftovers from crankase just don't look good at all on top of being based on red alert, it's like the worst of both worlds
I think Antagony with the Scavenger head looks distressingly sexual
>then explain "If it's only for transformation" ?? my point was "that is how a scorpion tail works"
The scorpion tail cannot move in scorpion mode, while a scorpion will be able to stretch its tail forward in scorpion mode and lack a fucking robot mode.
Sorry, "what's the point of the joints if it's only for transformation and it being able to use its scorpion tail like a scorpion in robot mode, but not be able to use its scorpion tail like a scorpion in scorpion mode", there, I'm sorry that was extremely unclear.
Fuck no, Crankcase is the best version of that mold
That was a Funpub one. Cannonball didn't even appear in IDW's main continuities, with the closest being an off-panel guy mentioned in SG Flamewar's because shared origin for that design.
What does this have to do with IDW you fucking schizo
I had to read this a few times. I get it now.
You're saying it wouldn't be worth it to have all those joints for the scorpion tail, if it was still immobilized by having the robot leg shoved up inside it
I agree! i wouldn't do that. There are better places the hide the legs (like inside the abdomen) and if they had made them long and thin like they should have, it would have been even easier. Hell, folded-up legs could be passed off as pectines.
cybertron capsule line for walmart
but he could probably just get the Ratchet version for cheaper if it's that mold that's the draw.
Pretty sure it’s dr wu’s, I’m messing with mine he’s amazing
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Megatron will never be loved like Shockwave is.
That is why he fails as a leader. Which is a good thing because if the bad guys won every week, little children would become traumatized.
honestly you could learn a lot from the lesson that the bad guys always win. it's not as if being good counts if your primary motivation is winning.
Beast Wars Megatron won a few times and I didn't get traumatized.
But he became a schizo in Beast Machines
Well, he's got a point. Beast Machines episodes always ended with the Maximals running away like pussies. And that show's scarred thousands.
Legit trolling
Gotta be
it's such a dogass mold
Yeah, but in Beast Machines he's the good guy since the Maximals are all either assholes, retarded or both.
Nah, the blue and black look cool
>partsforming grille that turns into a """"""""gun""""""""
>even worse headplate that LEAVES A GAP IN ALT MODE
>worse posability due to new tooling
>tiny afterthought chode cannons after they promised multiple times not to fuck them up
>comes with less accessories to boot
he's the worst
fuck you boco
Is Baltmatrix Jewish or Lebonese or something?
He is american (mystery meat)
100% Baltimite
Botcon was nice
Had fun even tho I only went one day and Dealer Room was crazy
A lot of stuff stood out for great prices too
Snagged 3/6 grails
Now the bad
Optimus waist is a little..droopy?
He like tilts forward or back really easily
But he's great outside that
The Megatron is a 10/10
But the second I popped a Key in for the Arm Blade it's completely stuck now and I'm literally gonna have to open him up to get it out
It's like the end of the Key has a tiny ridge and it hooked inside
Like the Eye Parts for Bionicle Heads
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Yeah, the poor old boy's hips give out with age

>Upcoming transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
Anyone know if there's some fix for bent plastic? I got an SS Primal and one of his swords is bent. It doesn't looked stressed.
>These two toys are the same size class
You can get a heat gun from the hardware store and try heating the plastic up and straightening it out by hand. You have to do it carefully, too much heat and you will break the plastic. If you're on a budget you can try dipping it into a pot of boiling water.
I haven't had my coffee yet. I should have said melt, not break, though I suppose breakage is a risk.
What you needed to do was sand down the friction points beforehand, then paint and clear coat. Adding layers of clear coat at this point will just cause more friction. The paint will last longer but only so long as it takes for the clear coat to be scraped away.
Are the KO G1 and MP toys really bad or are they fine if you're not hamfisted with them?
I can tell you the MP's are not good
Boiling water would surely be bad for any screws and pins present?
Anon was asking about fixing a bent sword, specifically for a SS Primal. I don't own one, but from pictures I've seen the sword doesn't look like it has any metal components. Assuming it does, the sword is most likely bent at the blade and to me that seems the least likely part of the accessory to have metal components. For the boiling water method you would be holding one end of the part and submerging the bent end just long enough to make the plastic malleable enough to straighten. Having said that, yeah this should only be done for solid plastic pieces without metal. I prefer the heat gun method regardless, but not everyone has one.
Probably more of a case by case basis.

There's a cheap KO Metrotitan I saw which was really tempting.
>There's a cheap KO Metrotitan I saw which was really tempting.
Current ones are missing the micromaster and ramps, they'll be including it later.
I'll keep an eye out if that's the case, very nice
post brutal moggings
Even if they kept the electronics gutted like the Universe version, would a reissue need to be sold for a leader price?
Oh, derp, you're right. I guess I needed coffee too.
Man, I wish we'd have an occasional figure with electronics. I'm childishly fond of lights and sounds. Also launchable missiles.
In fairness there probably are some weapon accessories with metal parts.
Have the old one but I'm still getting it for a more articulated version.
yes but there'd be no minicon or cyber key
>tfw you like the one on the right better
Never liked the original. I hate all the cybertron voyagers and up; with those disgusting heavy ratchets everywhere that make fine posing impossible and pinch your fingers. Also those janky wrist guards and oversized shoulder pads. Clunky ass figure. I mean if you like baby toys I can see the old one appealing more to you. Like, Cybertron toys were literally designed for children.
Mmm, bait...
>Like, Cybertron toys were literally designed for children
Toys typically are!
>Cybertron toys were literally designed for children
Yes, Transformers are toys made for children. You figured it out with that big brain of yours. Congratulations.
I do prefer the more vibrant colors of the one on the right.
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i am once again yearning for a new thunderclash
give us a 2019 wreckers reboot capsule
>Like, Cybertron toys were literally designed for children.
Look at the big brain on Perceptor here.
Thunderwing, Thunderclash, Thunderblast... there's a lot of thunder I want, come to think of it.
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>toys were literally designed for children
I like that Wreckers insignia much more than the weird one we got in Legacy
i think the legacy one may be from the marvel comics? It's the same one that we got with T30 Roadbuster's sticker sheet too
Nah, it was from the 3H ones, I believe?
Yea so sad
He's so good but I feel like I got a gimpy one so it doesn't feel good for the price
He's got hip issues a bit and the wings feel loose
But god I love him
Part of me is telling myself to sell him and get another that's better condition
Couldn't floor polish fix the hips?
I disagree, that looks far too overdesigned and refined for a band of misfits like the wreckers
At least crackers are common
Not a knock against you but I was never a fan of electronics. I'd rather more hands on gimmicks (finger candy). I usually wind up taking the batteries out because I'm afraid of them leaking all over the insides.
I really temped to get a KO MP Megtaron just so I have one that scales with my other MP Decepticons. I have the first MP Megs and he's oversized. I sure as hell don't feel like paying a giant price for a figure I can't even transform.
It is a complex issue. Your explanation makes more sense for the original ones, but the ones in the image are more a public superhero type than a high death rate wetwork squad so they fit better with an elegant logo, and then there is the issue of if having different logos should exist to begin with.
Probably would but depending on how he's built they might be a big pain in the ass to take apart and put back together.
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>toys were literally designed for children
Mental midgets. Modern mainline transformers are not for kids. Would you go as far as to say Haslabs are for children? What line to Haslabs go in? Yeah, not designed for kids. They are for adult collectors. But at no point did I suggest you should stop enjoying your Unicron trilogy, which are indeed for children. Ill play with my Legacy figures designed for men.
>Ill play with my Legacy figures designed for men
work on your subtlety
Literally teenagers. Not children. Are you trying to help prove my point?
Haslabs are not mainline
Mainline toys are available at Wal-mart and Target and ARE for kids, otherwise they wouldn't have to pass safety tests
They have to pass safety tests beacuse a child COULD, HYPOTHETICALLY buy one. Do you live under a rock and have not seen that adult collectors now surpassed children? The only reason Transformers are in the toy section is because there is nowhere else for them.
Are you suggesting that every Transformers Haslab so far has not strictly followed the current mainline aesthetic and design philosophy?
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That can be real, are the shoulderpads mistransformed or can you push the shoulders in like on T30 whirl? the designer couldn't be that careless.
They still make TV ads? I don't remember seeing any in many years.
i've only ever done this with scalding water ~120 degrees max. you have to soak it longer, but it works. then you bend it the opposite way, let it go til it straightens out, then run it under cold water so it stays that way
I believe this was the last one.
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Good point, I forgot about the cold water step.

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