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Previous: >>11047705
Friendly reminder that current CHUG is aimed at collectors and not kids.
Then how come it says 8+ on the box while things aimed at older audiences have 16+?
The girls I tell that to never believe me.
>Hasbro continues to shit in a box & their dumbfuck fanboys just love it

Can't that Megatron mold wear out to the point of being useless?
If you feel so insecure about collecting children's toys you should just collect other things, anon.
>their dumbfuck fanboys
Who are you referring to? Certainly no one around here.
There hasn't been a nice thing said about that Megatron
Trust me, it will sell out because the Hascult will. They don't even have to say praise, they just do as they're told. Anyone who speaks out is either in a vocal minority or "I hate it but will buy it anyway to support the brand".
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Lmao I am the anon who started this argument in the last thread and this post isnt me. Haha I like to have debates and maybe even troll a bit but you are just so desperate to argue about anything ahaha.
Liability. Nothing more.
you, dumbass
hascultists in shambles based on the responses.
>it will sell out
Literally only because it comes attached to that Optimus
If it were just the Optimus by himself even more units would get sold
I want that optimus but was this the best they could do for a Gladiator Megatron? Just Miner Megatron with red jelly stains?
>this the best they could do for a Gladiator Megatron?
Didn't he looked the same as miner and gladiator? I only read those comics once like a decade ago.
>Siege Megatron has been used 12 times in 5 years
>most of those were just variants of grey Megatron
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Oh hey, you can use the big shoulder joints as a (tight) ab crunch. Also dug Overrun out from storage.
wake me up when they announce leader big convoy
The mold is paste now. The tolerances on my Deamatic Capture Megatron suck ass and he can’t even stand without the knees flopping backwards.
SS86 Megs when?
>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread
how is it that assembling Magmatron out of his three components is actually the easiest permutation of transforming him
disassembling him and putting each dino together was way harder
that would be radicool
it's actually kinda shocking they haven't yet.
2025 wave 2 or 3
for a year that is coming in 6 months, that feels -weirdly- far away
it's coming at like the end of next year, after two waves of bayshit. So expect it to be hard as fuck to get considering it'll be out around August after two waves of shelfwarmers.
Bayformers is better than idw faggotry
Studio Series is for movies. There wasn't an IDW movie so don't know why you bring that up.
that guy has been seething about IDW for literal years. He does it in every Transformers thread.
Yea it's really funny how those wokies over at idw went broke and never found new work making terrible comics no one reads.
At least two of the people who drew for them still draw robots
Both had a lot of potential but both are trash plotwise, other than the constructicons and dinobots, the Bay bots look generic as fuck, IDW had more interesting designs over all.
Idw is ass faggotry, bayformers has better toys
Is there a statement from Warden or Archer about Hasbro higher ups having no faith in BW from around 2011 onwards? It feels like something that is true, but I can't find any articles on it.
Should I get a United Silverbolt now, or do I hold out for the possibility of a Premium Finished figure later on?
Archer left about then so I doubt he would say something on the matter. Hell, might even do the reverse case and find remaking Beast Wars guys boring since he liked making new things more than just replicating media.
Would different paint really improve how you feel about Silverbolt?
Well, Studio Series already expanded their definition of "studio" once to include video game studios, so I suppose it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility for them to expand it again to include comic book "studios." After all, there are only so many movie/game designs, so after those run out, the options are to end the line, redo old figures over again, or expand its scope.
>redo old figures over again
2027 is the anniversary of the 2007 movie, so you know they'll do something with that
He was in charge with the disastrous Uni 2.0 Cheetor and Dinobots though. And BW10th. And Cybertron's Jungle Planet. Its not like he wouldn't have experience with BW not moving by that point, but yeah. Its more likely Warden or someone post Archer.
I don't think there's any market left for old Bayshit anymore. Fans of the bayshit aren't actually Transformers fans so they've long since abandoned ship, especially with the absolutely cratering box office take of the movies in recent years. I cannot imagine wasting money on redoing the ugly ass 07 crew yet again, especially when they've already got their MPs. Not worth revisiting them at all.
Considering that they still have lots of notable omissions from the movies, can plausibly redo a whole bunch of guys because they appeared in the 1986 movie to some capacity and only barely touched WFC and even only have a possible two-pack based on grunt units from Devastation out of all games that ever existed and got sidetracked with ones based on scrapped concept art for Bumblebee movie, running out of guys isn't really a concern. Plus they have a comic book-based line already.
We should just get the bay characters in G1 stylisation. I want my fucking Barricade and Blackout in G1 styling Hasbro.
They made G1 Barricade and he was just a Prowl with a different head. Don't ask for such things. If you want such things, become a character designer for some future media and force them to make an accurate version.
There is also Authentics, which is TLK G1-ised, but way more in the spirit of the character.
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>Masterpiece Powermaster Optimus Prime
>main set sacrifices detail for "cartoon accuracy"
>have to buy 2nd release set for toy details
>costs far more than Power Baser which is still being sold by Fans Hobby
Everyone knows the Masterpiece line is a joke and has been for years and years.
In line with how they have approached the MP line for a while. But you won't seem most the differences in combined mode at least.
yeah and those designs suck
you should hold out for a discount. premium finish is going to be negligible this time, there's no missing paint apps i'm aware of. at most you could get a more toon-accurate beast head deco.
also we haven't gotten any new PF announcements in a while (no lio convoy or black lio, for example) sooo... don't hold your breath on that. just hold out for a lower price. it's a good but flawed toy.
Nominate me the next g1 vintage combiner team I should get after Defensor.
Already have:
- Menasor
- Computron
- Piranacon
Instead of Premium Finish they seem to be making a retool version.
It's not even

>buy toy or toon version


>buy toon version then buy toy version WITHOUT TRAILER but it has parts to put on the trailer

Sucking up to the cartoon accuracy fanatics was a mistake. Hopefully Missing Link and deluxe toy G1 Prime are a sign they're shifting focus to toy accuracy.

>fuckers only bitch about the Ironhide toy because the toon that came after looked different

Give me a toy Ironhide update next.

Enjoy it shattering...

Bruticus is probably the best. Abominus is kind of shit.
Is inferno an autobot?
The MP line is a joke in general but selling the toy detailed version as an incomplete toy that requires you to buy the tooner version too is absolutely disgusting.
>Fans Hobby
Never liked the proportions they use on their bots, they either look bloated like dreamwave tf fanart or weirdly lanky with long torsos.
>I don't think there's any market left for old Bayshit anymore. Fans of the bayshit aren't actually Transformers fans so they've long since abandoned ship
Stop making up shit. I'm a bayformers fan and I'm still here. Bayformers aren't the only thing I collect, silly.
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Idk you tell me

Cool bootleg you fucking pieces of shit
cry about it, schizo
stop replying to people making up shit
>gray parts instead of white
Just why? Even the real world fire trucks have those parts in white.

So go fuck Sinno about it, you jobless no-talent traitor to America. Hasbro will never hire you, no matter how many times you post some delusional drug-induced story about how you design Marvel Legends. We know who they hire & it ain't MAGA shit like you. Also "bootleg" well fuck you, Hasbro toys are bootleg-tier poor quality. 3P delivers.
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Ordaborts and Decepticans.
Anyone else torn between wanting more of a particular group and really not having the shelf space or walletude for it
if there was a time for a beast drought, this was it. wish you could apply for special housing grants for people with really really good collections.
Because grey is the skin color of Transformers.
Project T-Spark. One of the lineart images had detailing that matched the recent Leo Prime, but different parts such as what makes the lion head.
oh that! yes yes there is that.
you think bird-dog will get one of those?
Now you're sporkin' my lorguage!
Anybody else get the TMNT collab figure yet? It's not bad. Genuinely happy it has storage for all the weapons and headbands.
>Megatron's ankle joint is a mushroom peg

can Transformers get any cheaper
are you talking about the peg with a slit down the middle? I don't think that's what we usually call a mushroom peg. I think there's a term for it, it's like, cousins to a cotter pin.
why tf didn't they use the dope ass head they *already had* from the Hound repaint?!?! that is baffling
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I hope we get a recolor/retool of this guy soon. I love this design but I've got no love for bee and I'm not a big fan of bright yellow.
Because that head is based on his CDT body.
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Different designs
alright fair enough I guess they're not exactly the same. I legit didn't know there were multiple versions of that guy. nevertheless the head on the Hound repaint was awesome; that part stands
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>hes still mad
it's too much for what it costs, but i'm not against the idea. a roboturtle is cool, even if that van is definitely going to be out of scale with any other transformers I can think of. I don't much care for the "it's the front of the turtle van" shield design, and putting it on the torso isn't much better. could have at least let the parts move around somehow. but it's fine.
What about Bumper? He'd still be yellow though.
I just got this guy. Is there anything i should know about him?
Learn how to use your camera to take a photo
No one likes you diosoth idw went woke and broke
1. there exists a gap filler kit for him (that also extends his sword)
2. his sword is pretty hard to remove from under the tail, so if you do store it there in dino mode, do it gently.
3. there's a step that is really fucking hard to figure out, where you have to unintuitively push a part on the sword hilt MORE into the way in order to pull out the side flaps. just don't give up and look very very carefully at the instructions.
4. he fucking rules and kicks ass, even if he's got side kibble and an undersized landsaur front half.
5. there's a visibly incomplete part of the paint on each of the dinos' backs.
its a stock photo
Thank you.
If you feel so strongly about it, you could do a headswap.
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Willis' gang are freaking out again.
When was this page made?
how unusual for the BBC, they've been the strongest proponent of that perversion. doctor who was woke before we even said woke.
News Hour on your local public radio with some old-sounding people.
BBC is the Disney of Europe people.
Good for BBC, for once!
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Is slammer worth grabbing for $15?
the edits pissing and moaning about transphobia were made sometime this weekend.
I think he's pretty decent. Do you have CHUG Metroplex?
>it's such an incredibly minor thing, who cares if it's in the show?
>how dare you remove the single most important scene in the entire series!
nah, I don't really go for titans
They already took our slags. Limes have interfered with Transformers for the last time.
strange they never reused this mold for anyone.
How do you feel about weaponizers, because that may affect what you think about him. You gotta do the whole take apart and reassemble for transformation deal.
No Metrotitan for a Metrotank to be made for.
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Yeah I know about the partsformation gimmick with him. Not something I'd wanna pay full price for but at $15 I don't mind, and it might be fun to screw around with since I've got Nucleous on the way
exactly. so it's weird they would actually censor it
i'm not cool with censorship, I just don't want the show to exist at all. that should be from pressure from kids, who are sick of being manipulated. kids in my day had something going, but we never really made much headway with it.
I accidentally bought 2 for 8 each.
he looks like a pair of shins and a weapon accessory for a larger combined guy
reckon brits would love us saying slag on tv, it's one of those "We did this on your behalf" jazzes.
as long as it's rare. and it helps if it's appropriate for them specifically, such as boneformers or junkformers.
my problem with this guy has so little to do with him being a pullemapart.
if your pelvis is longer than your thighs, you have a proportion problem. if you're wielding what is clearly rocket nozzles as a melee weapon, you have a parts-distribution problem (put them on his back, so he can jetpack-shield-bash!)
We did you a favour there.
Earth spark has ugly niggers in it why would anyone care
i thought they lived in a nice suburb
At the tax payers expense, with their retarded mother larping as a cop smdh
Hasbro reused the other Weaponizers for all sorts of guys, like the Powerdashers
Only the forehead detail is different and they even got that wrong, should have reused the face.
anon I think the one in the mirror is you
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that first one is like the original Shredder figure, with the painted eyebrows up on his helmet rim
I was just saying, anon implied they lived in the inner city or a rural area.
Hes alright, watch a review and see how you feel about the moded in fists, those are the worst part of it for me.

He doesn't really do anything with Metro, I expected more from a weponizer as accessory for base mode.

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