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Last Thread: >>11018819


BX-34 Starter
BX-35 Random Booster

UX-06 Booster
UX-07 Battle Deck Set
BX-00 Dran Dagger 2-80GP (Metal Coat: Black) Giants Ver.

BX-36 Random Booster Select
BX-00 Random Booster Select

Shinobi Knife 4-60LF (Metal Coat: Blue) XONE Switch edition exclusive
>transformer beys arriving on july 23
it will be interesting how performance will differ from the bey they're retooled from
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Can I post my collection here? I'm looking for a Red Dran Buster. I've never even seen a photo of one.
lookin good dude. nice
Thx. I have the rest of BX-14 and a gold Wizard Rod coming this week!
My launcher grip arrives this week. Probably either Tuesday or Wednesday. Wish the beypass worked with the english app so I had a reason to get it aside from "looks cool".

>That neat organized case
>those gold variants
Not gonna lie, that's a pretty sweet collection. IS there a red DranBuster? If so I want to get one as well because I'm hopelessly addicted to xcalibur and want to chase that in BBX
red dran buster was from a corocoro scratch card that you had to win and send in, it was a super limited release
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>French get the demo table like Japanese one
US didn't get anything huh?
Would have been cool if we have a dedicated space for it in big box stores like Target/Walmart (or Toys-R-Us still existed in the US)
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From what I understand there are only 100 of them. I'm not even sure if the "winners" have received them yet. Like I said I haven't even seen a picture of one. That, and the bronze, silver, and gold dran swords are pretty much the only ones I don't have.
The cases btw I got at The Container Store. They worked out perfectly. The only bey that doesn't really fit other than Wizard Rod is the gold Leon Claw for some reason, but it's still able to clip shut.
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The American Dream mall has this Hasbro-produced arcade called "the Gameroom". It would be a no-brainer to dedicate a space for Beyblade X. The could even install the XR stadiums.
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>G1 Fukuoka Final for GP Qualifier
>Blader Mokky:
1. Tyranno Beat 5-60 R
2. Wizard Rod 3-60 B
3. Cobalt Drake 1-60 F

>Blader OK:
1. Phoenix Wing 3-60 HN
2. Wizard Rod 9-60 B
3. DranBuster 1-60 H

>Match Summary
Battle 1: Tyranno Beat 5-60 R (Lose) vs. Phoenix Wing 3-60 HN (Win)
Spin Finish 0-1

Battle 2: Wizard Rod 3-60 B (Win) vs. Wizard Rod 9-60 B (Lose)
Spin Finish 1-1

Battle 3: Cobalt Drake 1-60 F (Win) vs. DranBuster 1-60 H (Lose)
Over Finish 3-1

Battle 4: Wizard Rod 3-60 B (Lose) vs. DranBuster 1-60 H (Win)
Over Finish 3-3

Final Battle: Cobalt Drake 1-60 F (Win) vs. Phoenix Wing 3-60 HN (Lose)
Burst Finish 5-3

Winner Mokky
Okay friends. I'm tired of Wizard Rod. What are confirmed combos that can at least semi consistently counter it now that we have weiss tiger and tyrano beat?
I'm getting a stadium but I don't want either of the downsized ones. Are these KO ones any good?
you'll basically be looking at some cosmetic deformities. sometimes the railing stick out a bit. this is caused by the plastic being uneven;y thin especially around where the shroud sticks onto the stadium or the rail inserts. the main part of the stadium and shroud will be very sturdy though. also, unless this is singapore dollars, $30 is way too much for a fake stadium.
the hasbro x stadium is actually bretty good
Is there a better place to buy a fake stadium?
Why even
>70 fucking dollars for a plastic tub
>for a kids toy where every other component costs 10
Gee I wonder why
Except for some aftermarket shit.
You're on AliExpress right? This official stadium is $57 US. There were other even cheaper official X stadiums from other listings around $40. If the prices are this close you should definitely get the official ones for the build quality. fakes should be around like $15. at least that's how much I paid for mine.
I know it's not exactly what you want, but the 3-player stadium is in stock at Surugaya at this very moment.
Free shipping if you cop now.
Forgot to post a link, fuck my life.
>>11054667 (me)
There's also the stadium set with UX Beys in stock
You know not all plastics are the same, right?
Launcher grip GET. Now to just practice lauching like I'm drawing a sword, and to get a knight/samurai outfit...
I have a plan and that plan involves an insanely stupid cosplay and a Knight bey, or the hasbro samurai.
>Figure I'll pick up a single UX 05 booster for shits and giggles since I'm already buying Weiss Tiger
>Get the prize Bey
Feels good man
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I'm not using the JP app so you guys can have this code.
Never going to play this with a second person, is it too big for two bey fights?
Finally got my hands on hasbro Hells Scythe. Thank you takara for twisting their fucking arm on the quality. Hoping hasbro doesn't fuck this up and X actually takes off in the west.

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