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Previous: >>11047705
Friendly reminder that current CHUG is aimed at collectors and not kids.
Then how come it says 8+ on the box while things aimed at older audiences have 16+?
The girls I tell that to never believe me.
If you feel so insecure about collecting children's toys you should just collect other things, anon.
>their dumbfuck fanboys
Who are you referring to? Certainly no one around here.
There hasn't been a nice thing said about that Megatron
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Lmao I am the anon who started this argument in the last thread and this post isnt me. Haha I like to have debates and maybe even troll a bit but you are just so desperate to argue about anything ahaha.
Liability. Nothing more.
you, dumbass
hascultists in shambles based on the responses.
>it will sell out
Literally only because it comes attached to that Optimus
If it were just the Optimus by himself even more units would get sold
I want that optimus but was this the best they could do for a Gladiator Megatron? Just Miner Megatron with red jelly stains?
>this the best they could do for a Gladiator Megatron?
Didn't he looked the same as miner and gladiator? I only read those comics once like a decade ago.
>Siege Megatron has been used 12 times in 5 years
>most of those were just variants of grey Megatron
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Oh hey, you can use the big shoulder joints as a (tight) ab crunch. Also dug Overrun out from storage.
wake me up when they announce leader big convoy
The mold is paste now. The tolerances on my Deamatic Capture Megatron suck ass and he can’t even stand without the knees flopping backwards.
SS86 Megs when?
>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread
how is it that assembling Magmatron out of his three components is actually the easiest permutation of transforming him
disassembling him and putting each dino together was way harder
that would be radicool
it's actually kinda shocking they haven't yet.
2025 wave 2 or 3
for a year that is coming in 6 months, that feels -weirdly- far away
it's coming at like the end of next year, after two waves of bayshit. So expect it to be hard as fuck to get considering it'll be out around August after two waves of shelfwarmers.
Studio Series is for movies. There wasn't an IDW movie so don't know why you bring that up.
that guy has been seething about IDW for literal years. He does it in every Transformers thread.
At least two of the people who drew for them still draw robots
Both had a lot of potential but both are trash plotwise, other than the constructicons and dinobots, the Bay bots look generic as fuck, IDW had more interesting designs over all.
Is there a statement from Warden or Archer about Hasbro higher ups having no faith in BW from around 2011 onwards? It feels like something that is true, but I can't find any articles on it.
Should I get a United Silverbolt now, or do I hold out for the possibility of a Premium Finished figure later on?
Archer left about then so I doubt he would say something on the matter. Hell, might even do the reverse case and find remaking Beast Wars guys boring since he liked making new things more than just replicating media.
Would different paint really improve how you feel about Silverbolt?
Well, Studio Series already expanded their definition of "studio" once to include video game studios, so I suppose it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility for them to expand it again to include comic book "studios." After all, there are only so many movie/game designs, so after those run out, the options are to end the line, redo old figures over again, or expand its scope.
>redo old figures over again
2027 is the anniversary of the 2007 movie, so you know they'll do something with that
He was in charge with the disastrous Uni 2.0 Cheetor and Dinobots though. And BW10th. And Cybertron's Jungle Planet. Its not like he wouldn't have experience with BW not moving by that point, but yeah. Its more likely Warden or someone post Archer.
I don't think there's any market left for old Bayshit anymore. Fans of the bayshit aren't actually Transformers fans so they've long since abandoned ship, especially with the absolutely cratering box office take of the movies in recent years. I cannot imagine wasting money on redoing the ugly ass 07 crew yet again, especially when they've already got their MPs. Not worth revisiting them at all.
Considering that they still have lots of notable omissions from the movies, can plausibly redo a whole bunch of guys because they appeared in the 1986 movie to some capacity and only barely touched WFC and even only have a possible two-pack based on grunt units from Devastation out of all games that ever existed and got sidetracked with ones based on scrapped concept art for Bumblebee movie, running out of guys isn't really a concern. Plus they have a comic book-based line already.
We should just get the bay characters in G1 stylisation. I want my fucking Barricade and Blackout in G1 styling Hasbro.
They made G1 Barricade and he was just a Prowl with a different head. Don't ask for such things. If you want such things, become a character designer for some future media and force them to make an accurate version.
There is also Authentics, which is TLK G1-ised, but way more in the spirit of the character.
Everyone knows the Masterpiece line is a joke and has been for years and years.
In line with how they have approached the MP line for a while. But you won't seem most the differences in combined mode at least.
yeah and those designs suck
you should hold out for a discount. premium finish is going to be negligible this time, there's no missing paint apps i'm aware of. at most you could get a more toon-accurate beast head deco.
also we haven't gotten any new PF announcements in a while (no lio convoy or black lio, for example) sooo... don't hold your breath on that. just hold out for a lower price. it's a good but flawed toy.
Nominate me the next g1 vintage combiner team I should get after Defensor.
Already have:
- Menasor
- Computron
- Piranacon
Instead of Premium Finish they seem to be making a retool version.
Is inferno an autobot?
The MP line is a joke in general but selling the toy detailed version as an incomplete toy that requires you to buy the tooner version too is absolutely disgusting.
>Fans Hobby
Never liked the proportions they use on their bots, they either look bloated like dreamwave tf fanart or weirdly lanky with long torsos.
>I don't think there's any market left for old Bayshit anymore. Fans of the bayshit aren't actually Transformers fans so they've long since abandoned ship
Stop making up shit. I'm a bayformers fan and I'm still here. Bayformers aren't the only thing I collect, silly.
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Idk you tell me
cry about it, schizo
stop replying to people making up shit
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Ordaborts and Decepticans.
Anyone else torn between wanting more of a particular group and really not having the shelf space or walletude for it
if there was a time for a beast drought, this was it. wish you could apply for special housing grants for people with really really good collections.
Because grey is the skin color of Transformers.
Project T-Spark. One of the lineart images had detailing that matched the recent Leo Prime, but different parts such as what makes the lion head.
oh that! yes yes there is that.
you think bird-dog will get one of those?
Now you're sporkin' my lorguage!
Anybody else get the TMNT collab figure yet? It's not bad. Genuinely happy it has storage for all the weapons and headbands.
>Megatron's ankle joint is a mushroom peg

can Transformers get any cheaper
are you talking about the peg with a slit down the middle? I don't think that's what we usually call a mushroom peg. I think there's a term for it, it's like, cousins to a cotter pin.
why tf didn't they use the dope ass head they *already had* from the Hound repaint?!?! that is baffling
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I hope we get a recolor/retool of this guy soon. I love this design but I've got no love for bee and I'm not a big fan of bright yellow.
Because that head is based on his CDT body.
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Different designs
alright fair enough I guess they're not exactly the same. I legit didn't know there were multiple versions of that guy. nevertheless the head on the Hound repaint was awesome; that part stands
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>hes still mad
it's too much for what it costs, but i'm not against the idea. a roboturtle is cool, even if that van is definitely going to be out of scale with any other transformers I can think of. I don't much care for the "it's the front of the turtle van" shield design, and putting it on the torso isn't much better. could have at least let the parts move around somehow. but it's fine.
What about Bumper? He'd still be yellow though.
I just got this guy. Is there anything i should know about him?
Learn how to use your camera to take a photo
1. there exists a gap filler kit for him (that also extends his sword)
2. his sword is pretty hard to remove from under the tail, so if you do store it there in dino mode, do it gently.
3. there's a step that is really fucking hard to figure out, where you have to unintuitively push a part on the sword hilt MORE into the way in order to pull out the side flaps. just don't give up and look very very carefully at the instructions.
4. he fucking rules and kicks ass, even if he's got side kibble and an undersized landsaur front half.
5. there's a visibly incomplete part of the paint on each of the dinos' backs.
its a stock photo
Thank you.
If you feel so strongly about it, you could do a headswap.
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Willis' gang are freaking out again.
how unusual for the BBC, they've been the strongest proponent of that perversion. doctor who was woke before we even said woke.
News Hour on your local public radio with some old-sounding people.
BBC is the Disney of Europe people.
Good for BBC, for once!
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Is slammer worth grabbing for $15?
the edits pissing and moaning about transphobia were made sometime this weekend.
I think he's pretty decent. Do you have CHUG Metroplex?
>it's such an incredibly minor thing, who cares if it's in the show?
>how dare you remove the single most important scene in the entire series!
nah, I don't really go for titans
They already took our slags. Limes have interfered with Transformers for the last time.
strange they never reused this mold for anyone.
How do you feel about weaponizers, because that may affect what you think about him. You gotta do the whole take apart and reassemble for transformation deal.
No Metrotitan for a Metrotank to be made for.
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Yeah I know about the partsformation gimmick with him. Not something I'd wanna pay full price for but at $15 I don't mind, and it might be fun to screw around with since I've got Nucleous on the way
exactly. so it's weird they would actually censor it
i'm not cool with censorship, I just don't want the show to exist at all. that should be from pressure from kids, who are sick of being manipulated. kids in my day had something going, but we never really made much headway with it.
I accidentally bought 2 for 8 each.
he looks like a pair of shins and a weapon accessory for a larger combined guy
reckon brits would love us saying slag on tv, it's one of those "We did this on your behalf" jazzes.
as long as it's rare. and it helps if it's appropriate for them specifically, such as boneformers or junkformers.
my problem with this guy has so little to do with him being a pullemapart.
if your pelvis is longer than your thighs, you have a proportion problem. if you're wielding what is clearly rocket nozzles as a melee weapon, you have a parts-distribution problem (put them on his back, so he can jetpack-shield-bash!)
We did you a favour there.
i thought they lived in a nice suburb
At the tax payers expense, with their retarded mother larping as a cop smdh
Hasbro reused the other Weaponizers for all sorts of guys, like the Powerdashers
Only the forehead detail is different and they even got that wrong, should have reused the face.
anon I think the one in the mirror is you
that first one is like the original Shredder figure, with the painted eyebrows up on his helmet rim
I was just saying, anon implied they lived in the inner city or a rural area.
Hes alright, watch a review and see how you feel about the moded in fists, those are the worst part of it for me.

He doesn't really do anything with Metro, I expected more from a weponizer as accessory for base mode.
that's all the original Slammer did. He just formed a tower. He just has more value for those who felt their Metroplex was incomplete without the whole gang.
Just got back from botcon, nice little con with a pretty decent selection of stuff. Some good vendors, cool shit, and some unfortunate autismos who probably don't realize people actually dgaf about their fanfics.
Nice non-transformers stuff
That can be hard to find at these things
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>thrilling 30th Metroplex was released in 2013
>still no Metrotitan
aw jeez, i feel bad for permachilds who just wanna show off their ideas and are frustrated that nobody likes them. we were all like that once, but if our wiring wasn't fucked, we grew out of that.
hey that's a cool sentai robot.
Dont know if anyone pointed this out before. CHUG Chop Shop has these black and silver details on the rear of the bug mode that I couldn't place on the original.
Here, they're actually on G1 Barrage. Guess the deco guys got their sheets mixed up.
VERY nice Sonic Bomber
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You know what. Chop Shop has them too. The pic I was looking at before was wrong.
Sorry about that.
the important thing is you spent a lot of time staring at a bug's ass, and that's a good use of anyone's time. robot bugs are fucking cool.
Yeah he was like 40 bucks, grabbed him before I left. Missing like his gun, ramp and micromaster, but he's pretty cool nonetheless. Was gonna grab a Hiryuu off a guy but it was in pretty rough shape for the price.
>>11053068 I mean yeah, they really do live in their own world. Sadly I don't think that everyone shares the passion of some kind of crossover between miraculous ladybug and transformers. Especially when people wanna buy shit too.
Children never had freedom. Just that they changed from following orders from parents to following orders from TV over time.
So what do you propose recoloring Slammer into then?
Since there is no appearance of government people while the Autobots are dismantling the GHOST headquarters in S2, I think it might have been a private organization like Cobra instead of a government organization like Sector Seven.
that's why I said we never made much headway in it, try to follow along
>orders from TV
anon, what. fucking what TV? by the time kids became that retarded, TV died. it's the schools giving them orders.
The entire Era from the early 80s to the mid 2000s had television as the main influence on their morals since the death of traditional family values meant most children grew up in fatherless homes. It didn't fade until new media replaced it.
oh jeez anon. no. six kinds of no. please leave.
Slammer is the recolor already. He recycles parts from Ironworks.
Apparently all the Activision Transformers games have been relisted on the backend of the Xbox store and Steam, but they're not actually available to buy. They might be going up again sometime in the future.
Niggers uncle works at activision
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Megatron's Nitro Fusion Tank.
Doesn't mean anything, they've always been available for download if you bought them before they were unlisted.
Seems too small for the core Megatron to ride in.
That's okay. It can just become armor for Megs like they did with Slicer and Fasttrack
oooh that fits
i would not mind more vehicular accessories, but I really just want A) a new Tako Tank and B) other things in the same vein as the Tako Tank
You mean the big octopus thing?
aye that's the one
Outside the guns, it looks really bad as armor like that. Doesn't even provide additional cover to the torso.
as long as i live i'll never understand "i'm wearing platform shoes! this is a powerup!"
it's one thing if the core robot's legs plug into something that wraps around them partway, like a boot with the tongue ripped out, that'll do. It's also okay to do the reverse, and plug something big into the shins and slip on some new feet covers, but... just platforms? like that kid in South Park standing on the buckets? Which is based on something else I'm sure..
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Based Victory Saber derider.
It's for when you want to be The Pinball Wizard
A sinno reference in 2024
at LEAST here the feet plug in, right? so it's not like he's standing on blocks like Scott of the Antarctic, it's more like he's wearing.. platform slippers.
but still, it makes the overall shin length too long. starts looking silly. At least if you're going to do that, let the pelvis of the previous robot split in half a la original Inferno or current beast Megatron, then let that become new thigh-length as it folds up into a new pelvis, formed by the inner robot's upper chest.. then the rest of the armor and new head and junk can pile up on top of that.
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Thats headmaster Megs job after a better G2 rep comes out.
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Wonder if we'll get so close to an updated Actionmaster Prime with truck again.
He gets more wings and guns over his base form
I feel like we’re going to get a new G1 Metroplex mold before we get Metrotitan, especially with T30 Metroplex being more based on FOC Metroplex
Bruticus got repainted to hell and back second to Devastator. Like I was thinking of getting a ko "Reissue" but it might be easier getting the other versions? Like should I opt for OG "reissue", it was either that or MAYBE Baldigus because I love me some carrobots.

Will say I considered getting JUST Swindle a few times,
So why does Abominus suck?
Baldigus is good since he has added ports so all the guns combine to be weld in combined mode.
It's kind of funny how Victory Saber, the prototype/predecessor for Brave, combines with a lion guy and doesn't get a lion chest.
It's even funnier when you notice that he gets a lion back instead
>main set sacrifices detail for "cartoon accuracy"
Nope, that Rhinox looks absolutely fantastic, I have no idea what's going on there
Hell yeah he is
Power Baser kicks ass
wait until the first samples come out and all the joints start shattering and the paint flakes off. This is standard practice for BWMPs
Pretty sure the creator regretted that hence why the lion head on chest became prominent with the brave series.
maybe for the KO's
are you just pretending to be retarded or are you new? Megatrons were self-destructing out of the box
I have seen how people handle their MP figures
I guarantee people are being hamfisted
Ok so you're just actually retarded.
And you are jaded
>T30 Metroplex being more based on FOC Metroplex
Its been 10 goddamn years, how the fuck people keeps thinking that lie, the only connection to wfc Metro are the clips on the sound chip. T30 Metro is clearly a modern take on the G1 toy.
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When I messed around with Jhiaxus wings and did this, I immediately thought of Jetfire. Here's my shitty edit.
honestly in some ways, the WFC one is closer to G1 than the T30 is.
say, that does look good
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Jetfire has a big gut though.
Isn't it based on a comic?
No, the comics used the g1 toy design or a simplified version of it, pĂ­c related.
What's this from?
legacy squeezeplay received
comparison images incoming
SDCC fancy box art.
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i was most curious about the titanmaster colours, as fangry was maybe a shade off but otherwise extremely close.
here though, you can't get away with swapping an older head onto this new body
from left to right:
buzzworthy brisko
legacy lokos
legends cancer
titans return crashbash
titans return fangry
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here are lokos, cancer and crashbash piloting squeezeplay respectively
my camera may not reflect it here as accurately as in hand but as above only the new lokos is a colour match
i find the new head mold like 20% too big for this body though, and much prefer the titans return molding from a proportion standpoint
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here are the 2 4-pack exclusive redeco decepticon headmaster juniors, paired with their titans return counterparts in weapon mode
very fuchsia, i should locate my misfire to go with
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and the same two in monster mode
you may now notice i've used a tan/manilla envelope for the backdrop as it's the closest colour i have to the new squeezeplay's lighter coloured sections. it is definitely not a neutral grey. picture a g1 jetfire was in a smoker's sunroom for a handful of years, that's the tone we get heare. it is actually offputting to my eyes
overall, he kinds sucks as a figure. the new monster head and lower legs are really nicely molded, but the paint apps and hip/shoulder tolerances are quite poor. the spd/str/int strip is super dull and will need to get toyhax'd. his rathalos tail shield is puny but his straight up colt handgun (i know it's supposedly browning) rules
aggressively average figger
Thanks for the review. Seems like it's not worth buy the 4-pack just for him. Hopefully Takara releases some kind of HM Jr. boxset later.
i'd only recommend him to TR chads collecting the headmaster juniors
luckily that's me but i can see this being easy to get as people split that 4 pack
his blue appendage things are totally superfluous and obstructive. an appropriate analagy as to mark's tenure over the brand as it steadily declined across legacy
surprisingly i've seen a lot of people hunting the prototype tarantulas. i guess he'll go well with box art blackarachnia
I love the photo at the end
I got the shipping notice for mine, so we'll see what the quality is like come Monday or Tuesday
Both of you are wrong. Not a faulty design and not hamhands either, but a misassembly problem with the hip ratchets on some copies that stressed the crotch plastic until it cracked. If you got a correctly assembled copy you won't have any problems, had mine since release and it's still fine.
The TR head looks fucking weird, it's like his head was squished vertically and he's also puckering his lips for a kiss
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I was at my local collectibles store and saw reissue Ultra Magnus for $100. Is he worth an immediate grab? I've been meaning to get a g1 Magnus but never got around to it. Too bad the reissue has neutered stacks and those stupid missiles that are way too long.
That's about what I've seen him for
Fuck that, grab the micromasters
I think those were like $40. Been meaning to get a hold of a complete countdown set but that's like almost $200 or over that...
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Way too much for what you get, but then again I own one since release so I paid retail price and have zero hype for owning the thing. If you really want to own a G1 Magnus, go for it.
Just got my Amazon bugs. Unlike many, I somehow got nearly flawless QC. Toys are fine, paint is nearly perfect and they actually gave me the correct insect legs for both figures, this includes the Shrapnel legs that were notorious for having two of the same leg. The only issue is one of the pegs for Barrage's Bombshell leg pistols is slightly off so it points a bit downward when pegged in.

On the toys, the only issue I've found with the changes is that they should have retooled Bombshell's arms instead of just swapping orientation, since the arm connection wasn't designed with that in mind (one isn't used, while getting it lined up now forces the leg flap outward.
Huh. I've got both Siege and SS Magnus, and in hand I like the latter best, but in this pic the Siege one looks better for some reason.
you wouldn't happen to have a tarantulas you wanna sell from this 4-pack, would you
SS Magnus wide shoulders look a lot worse on pictures for some reason. I hated that when the first pics surfaced but in hand it doesn't bother me, everything else is just too good. Lost count on how many times I transformed this thing.
If you don't want squeeze anymore I'll buy him
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I'm so annoyed they put this guy in the 4-pack. I liked the chase mould but didn't care for the character or design, so I was looking forward to whatever they reworked him into. Now they make an actually cool retool but make it exclusive to a nonsense 4-pack that's half shitty repaints. What're the odds they use this tooling again?
Buy the original
They're planning a zombie version, so you could get that.
there's an improved 4th party version of the original mold. Otherwise yeah you're fucked regarding the 4pack.
>4th party version of the original mold. Otherwise yeah you're

Bootleg, you stupid fucking retard
Improved 4th party release.
i kinda like him. but he doesn't look as good as he did on the show.
Right, bootlegs
so you're saying that official Hasbro is worse than bootlegs?
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I'm thinking about pre-ordering this guy. I didn't get the Missing Link and these seems like the perfect replacement. I like mass market toys more than specialty ones. I can't seem to find other pictures of it though besides these beauty shot ones on pre-order sites. Any of it from a convention or more in-person angles?
Get both
Missing Link is only $60-70 range and was on Pulse several times
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here's the transformation, and some more pics if you scroll through his page.
I may if it comes back in stock. I should not have hesitated before.
It looks good. Thank you for the footage
>Red Soundwave in the back
Dafuq is that?!
That's only if you get the shitty toon colored one though without the trailer. Why would you deliberately choose to buy an incomplete toy?
I own both so I guess I'm good
....why though?
Why not?
different arm flaps.. weird.
>why don't you want to pay 50 (FIFTY) extra burgers for a plastic box that does nothing
gee, I dunno
It's not Optimus Prime without the trailer. And why do you hate play features? You're not a shelffag are you?
Holy fuck yes. These are always good. Man it's such a classic one too.
>You're not a shelffag are you?
NTA but where do you put your toys when you're not playing with them?
Using the smokestacks as guns looks cool!
why does he have those blue panels on his back in both modes? I know they were the beast legs on the original G1 figure but they seem to serve no purpose here
NTA but G1 Prime's trailer is really just a space sink. It's just a big plastic box, the "base mode" sucks and it doesn't do anything particularly cool like turn into super mode parts. It's not even especially cool looking as trailers go- Laser Prime has the tanker, Armada Prime's trailer just looks badass even aside from turning into the legs for super mode, etc etc.
Not even like he did much with it in the cartoon.
ER Prime looks pretty impressive when he's pulling it, but honestly I'm tempted to pick up that three-pack they're doing to have ER Prime without it (I gave my ER Prime to my Optimus Prime-adoring mother). Plus it comes with Mainframe and Jazz.
I think what anon is objecting to is the practice of putting things on the shelf and -never- playing with them
rather than what's normal, which is transforming them once to make sure it works, then putting them on the shelf and INTENDING to play with them.
i'm okay with that, but to me those should be forearm-mounted guns
So Target is sending this 4 pack out already? Wonder if the Turtle Van is coming soon
Wonder how many repaints we'll get of this guy? I wouldn't mind a G1 Toxitron
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Just to emulate the anime and g1 robotmode silhouette, those were the monster legs on the original toy.
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Looks like an unfinished custom.
I'm hoping toyhax will put out a set with the original toy's sticker details, I think those along the head crest and crab claws would help a ton.
man this is likeable.
They definitely will make a set for this.
Still waiting for Side Burn decal upgrades.
I really wish they added a splitting crotch to this guy so he'd have enough clearance in animal mode to use those arms properly. Something like Kingdom Megatron's pelvis
because he’s not poor like you retard
he can choose both instead of one ya fucking nonce
How can one wiki be so insufferable? Tfwiki and TFW2005 are so fucking annoying and thin skinned.
why would you waste money on an objectively inferior and incorrect version if you don't need to?
ironic calling anyone insufferable, annoying, and thin skinned when you're the one whining about them here
i'm with this guy. it's weird to me when people get a burger and a steak in one meal. Sometimes you can chalk it up to variety, but in this case?
I like him, but I feel his top half is a bit floppy.
can't believe the bbc was based for once
always remember, appeals to triviality are what they pull on you to get you to stop discussing their bullshit
Yeah, Countdown is, like, the good one. The one everyone wants
still surprised that they haven't done a lot of the knights from tlk in studio series yet
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>rather than what's normal, which is transforming them once to make sure it works, then putting them on the shelf and INTENDING to play with them.
This anon knows whats up
take your meds tranny
not sure if you’ve noticed but you can’t exactly say anything antagonistic towards them on their page… is today “take your retard to work” day? is today your first day on the internet? daddy let you on the work computer? neck yourself
>trannys out of nowhere
But that's an argument against Missing Link entirely. If you believe this then why would you want one of them at all?

The actual question at hand is why would you buy BOTH the inaccurate and incomplete toon colored version AND the complete toy deco? What possible reason could you have for purchasing both of these products for entirely different markets unless you are, in fact, just paypigging?
meanwhile every other page on that wiki is them discussing at length everything's gender because hasbro didn't explicitly come out and say each thing is definitely male
wouldn't they all have to combine into the dragon to be accurate? That might be more than they can pull off.
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not that anon but I play with my toys once when I first get them, then pack them away in storage because I don't have any room to store them and lament that I can't take them out again without making a big mess. Like a total scrub
i wish it weren't so
i think a huge part of it is that they aren't as easy to transform anymore. Once transformers became something where, if I wanna play with it, I've gotta bust out the instructions and squint and scratch my head and spend 5-10 minutes getting it right.... rather than just pick it up and do it.. the playing slowed.
Not saying I transformed my leader-class starscream all the time in the 2010s, but most of my others I did back then. They were mostly 90s holdovers, but still.
You don't have any room to display your favorites? not even a couple on your desk or something?
From time to time I'll take one or a couple out to play with and maybe leave displaying, but not for long. For one thing I don't want dust getting all over them, and whatever ones I took out means I had to take the boxes out and clutter up the space.

I'm long overdue to clear out the collection.
I can get most regular retail stuff, but I did recent abandon an attempt at my MPM Bonecrusher after not touching him for like two months
Anons really make me feel like a genius sometimes
i can still get them, but it's not something I can pull off the shelf and mess with, without worrying i'll break it.
not unless it's one i've owned multiples of the mold, and maybe customized them several times so i've had to get really used to transforming them. and most of those are Tigatron, and he's easy enough to remember how to transform (the only really tough part is his kidney-flaps doing a sickening shimmy past his rib-flaps, and the robot arms having to bend at elbow #2 in order to fold into the tiger chest properly, not elbow #1.
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If that's the level the level you're concerned over... you don't have to worry about Bonecrusher
Finally got a cheap (used) Legacy Sandstorm for 22. My thoughts on it.
-Copter mode is awesome. A shame I can't display it like that since the rubber tires might damage something.
-Buggy mode is... barely acceptable, but I can deal with it.
-Robot mode has manu cool features... but many problems:

>Chest comes undone pretty easily.
>Slider mechanism for the legs is a ticking time bomb. The only thing supporting the extension are grooves at the very end of the extension(visible behind the leg), if that wears down then nothing will hold them up.
>The waist is weird. While fiddling around, it slid forward, this looks much better and gives the waist more motion, but it doesn't seem intentional since it "locks" place once it's pushed back enough and it's required for both alt modes, plus it rubs on the black paint that potrudes near the crotch.

So, it's alright, but I would have been mad had I gotten this for retain price. Guess getting scammed by some asshole on Amazon ended up being a good thing.
are you saying he's as easy as Tigatron? I've lost the plot.
I'm saying he's so far above they can't even see each other
Has more new tooling than expected.
Big upgrade.
I want Optimus, but I can't give a shit about that Megatron.
I feel the same >>11052671
I'd've bought just the Optimus
Brick mode.
You'd think they'd have enough self awareness to retool this guy into an IDW Megatron, but reusing the miner tooling is just lazy. The extra weapons don't make up for it.
above meaning he's much harder or much easier? i don't grasp you, anon.
The night before last I had a dream and in my dream I saw a blue redeco of Combiner Wars Devastator and it had Soundwave’s head with the red visor. I wish that toy was real
God, those shoulders are hollow.
literally only keeps the pelvis and forearms. oh and the thighs.
the knee is placed at the back of the thigh though, so this thing would look weird with the knee bent..
in better colors this would actually be a pretty badass vehicle.
I remember dreaming about Combiner Wars Megatron in Warpath colors. Only saw the tank mode though.
I guess the theme of the pack is the versions of them that knew each other in IDW but you're right, it's fucking stupid that they never touched the MTMTE Autobot Megatron despite milking this mold for all its worth. It's not like they'll be able to use 86 Megatron unless it's heavily, heavily retooled since IDW Megatron will need a space tank mode and 86 will almost assuredly be an earth tank.
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That IS IDW Megatron, you dumbass. Goes from Miner to Gladiator with both those specific color schemes in Megatron Origin
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Everything on green seems to be re used.
The funniest thing is, this is the first of these convention 2 packs that includes an unchanged figure. The war dawn/past packs all had retooling. Megatron here is a repaint of a toy we already got, but in worse colors. He exists just to drive up the price, and that's what makes this pack frustrating. Reminds me of when they added G1 Ravage to thr BW two pack, then sold it for 55 (BW Ravage was a deluxe retool).
It isn't the Autobot Megatron design, the one people actually care about
he obviously means late IDW Megatron.
god he looks so much worse too. The chest isn't even painted like a separate piece from the torso the way miner megatron's is
That was probably the inspiration for the dream, but it was the Leader mold in the dream.
It could have been any of them, IDW Megatron had a fuckton of designs and most people would at least consider this guy if they used one of those, but not a lazy repaint in a convention pack.
oh wow, interesting integration of new leg parts...
Megatron Origin had a second look after he goes off to kill Sentinel. A heavy retool using that could have been neat.
christ those weapons look fucking AWFUL
Needed to be clear plastic.
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no wonder you struggle with Tigatron. I think this might be more your speed, anon
literally the point of my post was "unlike tigatron, who is easy"
then i reiterated it in the next reply.. so... stop?
figures the one time we do want it..
Not even clear plastic. It's a combination of weak sculpt and meh paint choices.
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struggling with most other transformers outside of Tigatron isn't exactly better
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First earthspark toy I've had non-zero interest in. Bet it's hollow as shit, though.
it's japan exclusive isn't it?
you didn't think the owl was at least kinda neat looking?
I'll say this is the best i've seen from earthspank so far yeah.
>faggot bird
No thanks
not a fan of the carrot sword and chewed gum club?
You're thinking of Beast Wars
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Just take the korean pill and get into Miniforce, they're not a 3p, its an original IP.
I'd love to have that cement mixer chick but she's scalped to hell
Just got a ko copy for 15 bucks on aliexpress.
A knockoff of a cheapo Korean toy? odds are that thing's gonna be a lead-coated hand grenade
nothing about it looks like a faggot though
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Where can you even get this outside of PRAYING for a SDCC middleman?
Pulse and probably BBTS. SDCC shit is never particularly hard to get.
TFSource, be ready to pay extra.
>cheapo Korean toy?
These shits are sturdier than anything Hasbro has put out in years
yeah those things are Armada tier chunksters
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My Maximal maritime taskforce. I think I'll call them the Shellcrackers.
You can, but it's a real pain iirc. You need to take apart the whole torso which is solidly glued together.
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Going to need a second Iguanus to turn into Lizardo like this custom.
What material is that you're using for your backdrop?
Hasbro could never. Should I even bother getting Tidal Wave to stand in this thing's shadow, or are the knees just guarenteed to give out regardless of how careful I am?
Took the pic from a japanese tweet, but thats clearly pleather, plastic leather.
This looks terrible. Chinks can't into good robot design
looks better than on megs...
IIIII still don't like him. I dunno, that's a lotta retooling, but the mold still feels like a very poor fit for IDW Coptimus.
How, exactly? We're talking about in era in IDW orion pax' life where he was a supercop that beat the shit out of people. Certainly more fitting than the hound retool
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Got MP Rhinox today, he's even better than what I expected. Had super high expectations after owning Megatron and Blackwidow, but rhinox is just so much funner. Need the rest of the guys now,
Diaclone Magnus/Magna Convoy or bust.
Custom made by a friend to be my online OC that I harbored around the pandemic

Yoooo incredible, I really need to get my hands on TM2 Cybershark (I have his OG toy)

>tm2 cybershark
He's cool and all but I honestly prefer the original model. TM2 version has a rather awkward transformation (the shell/wing sections stay in the way, you almost have to pop them off). As the transmetal sharks go, i think the Generations Sky Byte is a better version of what they tried to do with tm2 Cybershark.
Welcome BW MP Collector. Honestly I bought Optimus and Cheetor and took a long break, but then when Megatron came out I knew I had to spend all my money on them. Cheetor is slowly disintegrating, but the rest are amazing. Especially Primal.
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It's just, still very clearly proportioned like GE WFC Optimus - it's like that squat bulky lad took Coptimus's armor and started wearing it. It just doesn't resemble how Coptimus actually looked in the comic, instead grabbing the superficial design elements and stapling em to another dude.

Also, since this follows GE Optimus's transformation, this screws with his chest:
it looks fine in vehicle mode, but because the side bits have to detach and slide away onto his back, this version still has to keep that transformation scheme, and now has a fake chest... that looks exactly like the front hood. Except, because the fake chest is hiding inside, that means the sides are sunken in, making the funny triangular bit in the center jut out way more than it should when he's in robot mode. It just adds further to his proportions looking all sorts of bizarre.

>It's better than the Hound mold
I mean... yeah... That's not a high bar though. Personally, I would've just fuckin gone with a new mold and then retooled that slightly into War Within Optimus. It's Optimus Prime, they pump out new molds for him like it's going out of style. (unless it's Laser Optimus shhh)
i was all aboard the ss86 leader dinobots when it was just grimlock
one by one each release just goet shitter, wonkier and shittier looking
i stopped with snarl and will not be getting him or swoop
no one asked
go back
et cetera
Don't listen to >>11054579 and enjoy your oddly proportioned robits.
pair of fucking homos in here
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>pair of fucking homos
Speaking of, would it be easy to flip Breakdown with a loose Knockout? I kinda want Windsweeper but don't care for Brakedown and I got a Knockout I bought for a custom I never made.
Fair enough. Still, I'm iffy on whether a knockoff of one will be any good.
i have an undersized pink mix trcuk lucy and while the plastic is good, she's hollow, missing paint apps and the head is totally fucked up
if i had the know how i'd go for a real one over a KO, but the KO's are like core class price on aliexpress
>hollow, missing paint apps and the head is totally fucked up
think I'll hold out for a real one then. Maybe one will pop up for a price that isn't terrible eventually
The official is huge, being undersized as voyagers makes her work better with tfs, also don-t care about the head, the plan was to give her a potp elita head anyway.
more power to you if you're happy with the KO, it just doesn't look or sound like I'd be content with it
You have bad opinions
Undersized voyager versions can be official licensed ones too. The packaging will look like this with the blue "wings" logo in the bottom right, that's their official Chinese agent. It's the Legends sized ones that are KO only.

To round it up, there's
>Korean Leader bigass version
>Chinese licensed Leader (identical)
>Chinese licensed Voyager downscale
>Non-simplified KOs of above with shoddy QC
>Simplified KOs of above
>Simplified and downscaled to 12cm KO
Cykill no!
You have a cool mother, anon
>in this pic the Siege one looks better for some reason
Maybe because it's the Kingdom one.
Thanks for the info. Hopefully I'll be able to hunt down an official one
It makes sense, at the same time I dont like The T30 because it did dirty on Gelshark/Sky Byte, the deco was really meant for him to be a shellformer, his chest wasnt meant to be his shark mode head, because the deco is asymmetrical in alt mode & symmetrical in robot mode

But I wont lie, it when they did Hellwarp, It doesnt bother me & I guess it wouldnt have been the case for Cybershark, since it's all gray
this is ironic coming from someone who worships Bayslop
IDW Optimus looked like WW Optimus and that's basically what that is tho
>nooo you can't talk about toys in the toy board
If I recall people didn't really have a problem with CyKill going down like this, but remember when Funpub made a comic where they casually murdered a bunch of Go-Bots, then got confused when people got mad?
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Ew, he's spamming not-transformers in /tfg/
what a fag
dig it. though having two cybersharks at once is gonna rip open the time space continuuuuuuum naw they are cool. They work together. besides having a hammerhead reformat into a great white is dumb, they should be separate guys. Reverse Scavenger situation.
surely there's access to the hips in some way, this is why you apply floor polish with a henna bottle with a nice long needle nozzle on it.
pretty beautiful. I don't see myself painting something that tiny, though.
damn that is beautiful.. statue of liberty samurai battleship. makes a man want to salute.
could you put his ridiculous weapon thing on top of the croc's big obvious nub?
lucky richperson. you're cool.
ohnooo what is goin wrong with cheetor.. can his body just not handle those tiny moving parts?
also did they ever try to triple dip with tripredacus agent and use tigatron's mold? because damn, a black tiger would look awesome.
congraturation on the hunt.
Cheetor's weird mustard yellow plastic tiny joints are all cracking. It might be a product of where I had him for a while, but I've seen people report different things. I don't think he will break apart if I transform him, but I am afraid to risk it. It's basically the pieces that are really thin and connect to a pin to act as a hinge. It's not any huge chunky pieces.
shiiit. thin tiny plastic sitting around pins is a total cause of breakage in even normal figures. i wonder if those cracks could be safely glued..
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>planet Aqua Nautica, a backwater world of vast oceans
>intercepted Decepticon communications reveal the discovery of vast fields of raw energon on the ocean floors
>a pirate faction of the diminutive native race has been contracted to provide energon to the Decepticon war effort using slave labor
>The Primes have assigned the Maximal marine black ops squad, the Shellcrackers, to disrupt this mining operation
>in related pictographic datalog 01, Claw Jaw observes the pirate mining operation, unnoticed in his animal form.
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>Cyber Shark and Claw Jaw circle their prey
totally unsuspicious squid behavior
I have pieces of that shark ship somewhere, or something from that line.
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>attacks from large fauna were not unusual on Aqua Nautica
>afterall, the pirates patrol their mining operations with attack subs for a reason!
>however, their Decepticon employers never warned them of anything quite like this...
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>while Claw Jaw deals with the pirate patrol, Cyber Shark secures the energon collection point!
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>a pirate heavy attack sub races to respond to distress signals from the energon fields, it's crew blissfully ignorant of their own impending interception...
Thanks! I couldn't find a satisfying way to use him in this series, so maybe the Shellcrackers will be a trio and leave the space time continuum intact : )
Aquasharks were my favorite lego set, bar none.
I remember having this set as a wee lad.
Fuck we're getting old
nothin makes me feel as old as "these gray lego bricks are kinda yellowed.. and they kinda don't fit together as tightly as they used to.. but.. I just got this, right? like.. 27 years ago..."
I have a few random bricks that somehow came into contact with modeling clay in my youth, years later when I uncovered them they disintegrated in my hands due to whatever chemical reaction had occurred. It reminds me that no matter how meticulously we maintain our collections of plastic treasures, they will all return to the dust along with us in time.
>Talks about toys

Jannies truly are colossal faggots.
fascinating. I used to put modeling clay on my toys to make temp armor for them. I wonder if that ever fucked them up
it does make sense that stuff would essentially be plastic suspender in a plasticizer..

I just thought toys would last a little longer than they did, that's all. Long enough for me to finally get a house and be able to display them all properly.
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Got my nonnef upgrade kit in, sword is pretty cool, not as nice as the original t30 sword but still nice

Sold off my t30 a while back so cant show comparison, wish it had a sheath, that would really push it over the top, went with blue just for variety over the one she comes with
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Plastic quality is solid, feels good, no visible scuffs and nonnef does injecting not 3d from what i understand so none of that weird 3d scan line effects

The shade of blue used is gorgeous in hand

The red on the wings i feel like is a super faint shade lighter but i might be imagining it, looks really nice from from the front, but from the sides you can see it doesnt properly completely seel off the space. Perfect clearance for the fans, arms and jet mode. Black paint needed another coat though, comes off slightly brown from the red bleed through
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I'm anticipating the latest 4-pack any day now and it got me thinking about alternative names for duplicate characters/head-cannon shit, i.e: Prototype Tarantulus = Trapdoor. I'll stick him in Magmatrons crew with the other BW repaints/Shokaracts gooons.

With the plethora of Sandstorms I have taken to calling the BW Sandstorm, Quicksand as it was his preliminary name at the planning stage, apparently. And G2 seeker Sandstorm = Desert-storm cos it's cool and shit.

Is this something other anons take the time to consider/generally give a shit about? What are some figures you have slapped a new moniker on either slapdash or any you are particularly proud of?
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One of my pirate captains lost his hook when I was setting these up the other day. A piece of blue plastic fell off one of the sub arms. Ashes to ashes. Anyway here is rattrap with my cat.
Jesus Christ, now I need to check mine to make sure he isn't about to disintegrate
I was going to come up with a cool name for my tm2 cyber shark but the elbow joint on his claw arm is pretty loose even after tightening the screw. Makes him hard to pose. And the fins on the elbow of his other arm just bump into everything on that side of him so that doesn't help either. He's just gonna stay on the retard cabinet forever. I'll call him Dumdum.
>What are some figures you have slapped a new moniker on either slapdash or any you are particularly proud of?
I stuck Decepticon logos on some rando autobots simply because I wanted more cannon-fodder bad guys. Most recently Towline, I just thought he looked more like a baddie than a goodie, and his garish colors make him pair nicely with Cybertron Hardtop I think.
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so why couldn't the original Gamer Prime do something like that with the rear of the truck instead of just leaving a giant gaping hole with his hands sticking out the back
Lmao, dudes practically a pensioner! Instead of a comfy retirement he gets the short b̶u̶s̶ shelf.
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Had the same thing happen to mine, i only ever transformed him a few times when i first got him then kept him in robot mode

A few months ago i drcided to give him a quick play and the hinges that connect the panels to his forearms were so stiff and frail, i tried being as gentle as possible and i still got a crack, i just gave up as soon as it happened rather than risk a full snap

These are both great names, i feel like ive done this in the past but i cant recall any names off the top of my head. I also like to scour the tf toy identifier website for other figures that are the same colour and generally the same alt mode that have been lost to time and reuse their names.
It's a cool, dark place. Sharks like that, it's fine.
I love it. I might use that myself.
Sure hope I can get one of those.
Pic related, why have just another random Autobot when you can have a random Deception instead?
i would be pretty terrified if that thing came waddling down the street
ugh, that is awful. and all the way down to the bone, too. and there's no way you'd be able to glue that without potentially seizing the joint entirely.
You guys are making me feel better about never being able to afford this guy.
yeah I forget the custom names I give too... I'm tempted to make them deliberately terrible, since i've got a heavy "alternate universe guys" theme going from Kingdom's explanation for mutant tigatron.. like what if toy-color terrorsaur is called "Fearosaur" or something shitty like that. or Fearanodon.
Nah I deleted it because I didn't want the grumpy little bitch to keep replying. I'm probably just gonna stop coming to the thread. I enjoy actual discussion and not just incessant whining and bitching and moaning. I know not everyone is like that, but clearly the most motivated to post people are just there to try and make their lives way less miserable by trying to haze people they've never met and never will. I'm not even hurt by it either. I just don't think they deserve the time of day.
I wonder if that 4th(?) party one that is slightly taller than the original is any more resilient. It seems like it's just that specific plastic.
>i'm gonna make the threads worse and let the bad guys win
think of someone other than yourself.. you're cool and we want more of you, not less of you
i miss review guy.
Hasbro said you want to buy Strongarm.
not a terrible figure but I really wish she got something better
because it was an obvious beta
This just a package refresh? I see nothing different about her from the one I already own.
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Kek i was tempted to make fun of the email too, she must be shelf warming them

Same, the mold was okay for elita but the changes made to the backpack and shoulders for strongarm really hamper the enjoyment, ive long wanted a good mainline figure of her, but this was such a flop.

Its so dainty, misses a bunch of her distinct design flairs like the shin lines and forearm lights, completely flubs the shoulder wheels and door wings and her joints constantly smack into each other while trying to pose, plus the ankles are useless.

At least the head looks really good, as does certain other asspects (this is how you can tell windblade has zero soul).
Towline DID have a stint as a Decepticon for a while - apparently at some point he lost his memory, got an edgy paint job, and changed his name to 'Wrecker Hook' while working under Starscream. he apparently got his memory back at some point after that, and went back to his neon-green colors.
>this is how you can tell windblade has zero soul
the soul is stored in the ass
if the soul is stored in the ass, which bot has the most soul?
I never knew that, neat
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>changed his name to 'Wrecker Hook"
Wrecker Hook is Tow-Line's japanese no matter the circumstances lmaoo

& so far, he never reverted to be an Autobot again
imagine being your own evil repaint
>I'm my own repaint, I'm my own repaint
>It sounds weird but it aint, I've got zero complaints, hey
>I'm my own repaint
Anythin cool being released lately?
not to my mind. my wallet is being given a rest. haven't seen hide nor hair of a new beast guy in a coon's age.
oh man how cute would a raccoon remold of tasmania kid be
I'm just waiting for orange tarantulas to become buyable. I think Ima call him Trapdoor too, that is the best idea. Stealing it from that anon. Takin it away.
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Also it goes without saying that Trapdoor is Blackwidow's boyfriend, right?
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"Trapdoor"? I think I like "Pterror" better
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I already own the better one
and that would also work for Terrorsaur's doppelga- er... doppelflieger.

okay, managed to get orangerantulas on ebay, comes with a bonus whorachnia.. which I already have, so I will sell her. and that leftover rattrap i got from another combo listing. Poor guy's just getting tossed from home to home.. but that should sweeten the pot for someone.
how much is Gyarurachnid going for?
I dunno these are pretty like origami :3
Apparently a new TF game that isn't Reactivate is coming this October that's basically a Twisted Metal clone with arena fighter shit mixed in.
Couldn't be more wrong
It's basically a Mobile Game slop thrown on consoles
Looks extremely dated and atrocious and it's some "Run Races and kinda battle" type shit

starts at about 30 of bucks, give or take. goes up to 50, but I bet those listings have been up for a while.
you can get her a little cheaper if you don't mind her having kingdom blackarachnia's black legs swapped in (and i don't, that's how I have mine displayed, even though I now have Premium Finish BA)
stop using buzzwords to insult things I dislike. it kinda screws up my position
so do megatron and soundwave have usable altmodes in this? it really does look like mobilecrap.
Lacking in other ways
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Im in the process of turning Jackpot into Trickdiamond. Ive got an Arcee head on the 3d printer right now, hoping to work on it through the week
>Seethes about "muh buzzwords" over the word "slop"
It's fucking what it is
It's literal slop
Actual dogshit
Flavorless, colorless, soulless slop they slap on a plate in front of you for you to lap up and get excited over
ZERO effort put in at all
that's my exact point
your observation is correct, so don't sully it with fag talk.
>The word "Slop" is "Fagtalk"
Go back to Redit, Holy fuck.
Cease speaking
Go outside
Get help
Whatever you need man
the irony of calling -me- the reddit one.
if it's slang nobody used prior to a few years ago, you sound like a homo.
Nah, I'm just calling them Snare and Slicer.
Already a better game than Reactivate though
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>Snare and Slicer
that works too. but they GOTTA be a couple, right?
Probably get if it's cheap, looks different atleast.
I don't understand why this is a deluxe. It looks like an utter botlet next to any other Generations Prime (aside from the core class, obviously). The actual G1 toy is pretty close in size to a modern voyager, why the hell did they shrink it?
Homophobia doesn't make you sound 'cool' it does the opposite.
Anon, slop as a derisive term has been used for decades. It isn't some newfangled buzzword like you seem to think. You are either incredibly ignorant to the world outside your chosen internet communities, or you're a kid that thinks every slang term you hear people use is from recent times. Are you also going to get in a huff if someone uses the word trash? Garbage? Dumpster fire?
Chill out fag.
holy shit, it sounds like you're actually unaware of the neologism. so that means you were using it in the older sense
sorry I got a little triggerhappy, I should have known your head was on straight.
and I would like to know what rock you're living under where you don't hear tiny babies spewing the word 'slop' and 'fire' and anything with the letters oom in it constantly as if they don't speak English.
Guys, which one should I order from pulse, Marvel Straxus or Marvel Grimlock? I have 2 of the Kingdom Galvatron mold & none from SS86 grimlock

Straxus is the one i'm leaning towards to since I have that hope that I could get MP Grimlock in marvel deco... but Ik it might not happen at 95% so I'm hesitating & I need your help
I don't have any version of it, but SS86 Grimlock is supposedly toy of the year material, so that one.
Because BW characters could use G1 names? G1 Slicer is probably too dead to give a shit.
Both use good molds. The only minus so far is Grimlock having rubber swords, so you have to be very careful with them.
Managed to fix my SS Primal. I used the hot water method(only dipping it in boiling water for a few seconds, pull out, then do it again a few times), then left in cold water for about 20 minutes. Had to do it twice, once yesterday then today.

Before I did this, both were so bent that if you had them next to each other (pressed together by the flat hilt guard) the blades would touch. Now they're almost completely straight.
Lmao even
like i always say, almost completely straight is good enough.
get on it Hasbro
>Because BW characters could use G1 names?
[laughs in shitty botcon retcons]
We literally have characters using G1 names like Scorponok, Silverbolt and Megatron in the show.
don't forget Inferno!
Glad it worked
So do you
Why the hell couldn't Hasbro put out Sureshot like they were supposed to? I just wanted to wrap up the gang. We got all the Decepticon Masters
He's in LegUni Wave 5. Chill nigga
No he's not. they shoved him into next year somewhere.
Yes, that's what I said. He's in LegUni Wave 5 - which is at the start of 2025. The first "GenPrime" wave is gonna be in April.
Oh, I thought they pushed him back father than that.

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