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Welcome to the Lego General!

The ultimate online destination for all Lego enthusiasts! Whether you're interested in leaked information, exciting product launches, impressive mocs and reviews, or even indulging in speculation and wishlists, this is the perfect place for you. Immerse yourself in the world of Lego where endless possibilities await!


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I hate it but whatever



Star wars
i like that brown bearded angry dude (for minifigure mocs material). But i wont buy it because of him.
With adult seits it's always "see a thing - buy 1 thing off Bricklink"
anon it's /lg/ not klocki...
Its Jesus
Brickset says I own 74 sets, and 47 of them are valued at over $8000 combined. The other 27 sets have no retail value assigned.

I just started buying in December of 2023.

I buy a lot of legos but can’t seem to open them. I love having them in boxes for some reason. I buy two of some sets just so I can always have one unopened
Have fun trying to sell or ship them.
>Imma thousandare in legos cuz it says so online
You just keep sucking Klockis Korporate Kock kike.
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Enough with afol crap.
post acual lego
>post actual lego
>still posts licenseshit
it's a MOC, autismo. there is just a minifigure that is a license. and it has non licensed legs that you can't see.
Penguin bird is also original non licensed.
Worse thsn I thought

>capeshit fan
>Literally just a block and pillars
What is this shit, Star Wars fags actually buy this shit? No wonder they keep complaining about shitty minifigures if they buy crap like this.
$55 dollars, please :)
eat shit faggot
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>Worse thsn I thought
learn human language
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So, now that we are getting fortnite sets. What characters do you wnat in them? Keep in mind it will be only fortnite original skins from the game, not the licensed skins such as star wars, marvel, alien, etc.

For me its pic related.
The fish dude would be cool
Meow Skulls
If you know, you know.
>So, now that we are getting fortnite sets.
we don't
we won't get 4nite sets. Where the fuck did you hear that
There's 3 sets already confirmed with a llama gwp

actual playable sets with minifigures?
Yes you faggot

They are lego atore exclusive
>this shit
shut the fuck up
Fuck off with this schizo crap
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Off to a great start /lg/
I dunno why I fucking bother with these threads anymore
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Monkie Kid bros...its over
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Click subscribe to find out moreeee
All memes and jokes aside, Brickclicker is a legit leaker.

Good legit leakers are:
let themes end with dignity instead of being milked forever
Monkie Kid was a good show, it's already at risk of declining with Flying Bark no longer working on it, it's time to let it go
Not retired. Also, Wolfpack torso sold out on PAB.
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dang... I was hoping to get a few of these torsos today to expand my wolfpack. Sold out within hours. Could lego not have anticipated the demand for this torso better?
The secondary market wouldn't allow any demand to be just. Keep in mind they still have Falcons torsos on there, so you'll have plenty of chances.
yeah I guess I'll just have to be patient. Which sucks because I hate ordering from Lego's own pick a brick online, but I already had a basket of stuff ready to be ordered once this torso became available.
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>anomaly explorer
mom's Johnyquest backgrtound character
literally just pink astronaut with red cross motif
literally just black faun
>dwarf sister
literally just midget barbarian woman
literally exists already
>tattoo artists
just boring female with printed arms
This is cool - first one i like
>rogue sister
nice but too slutty and fetishy
>anomaly researcher
funny-would buy for that printed plate and tinfoil hat lol
>space zombie
>time traveler
already can be done with parts we have
>niggerman fear
>loli gamer
we already got that
>hell worker
just put Nexo Knights pieces on lego city body
I thought this was ai generated at first.
Guess I'm going to pay out the nose for that Thrawn on the second hand market. Cause I couldn't give a fuck about the set or the other figs but I've wanted a Thrawn figure since I was 12.
>already july
At least pride month is over.
What is that
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Kino is back on the menu boys.
Anybody else hate this faggot? He's obsessed with a theme that's been cancelled for 25 years, reminds me of the biotroons.
He should transition, slugs are hermaphrodites anyway.

Atleast if you obsses over star wars or lotr or harey potter lego, there is new content made
Don't be such a slugging hater! It's the summer of slug, a time for positivity.
>He's obsessed with a theme that's been cancelled for 25 years

His thing is late 90s / early 2000s Lego. I wish more Lego youtubers had niches rather than "look at me consoom the new product".
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We are currently experiencing a golden era in the world of LEGO, with improvements in licenses, pricing, build quality, and minifigures. Even women are embracing it, leading to a growing community of female LEGO fans. It is truly the best time to be a LEGO fan!

Both aren't as good as the 2006 one.
Why does Ezra now look like a swarthy version of old Luke??
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How hard do you anons think it would be to mod this into Cyberpunk 2077's Quadra V-Tech??

Holy Fucking Cringe
/v/ is that way faggot. ------->
I sort of want it for the thrawn. The display itself could be used for some kind of throne room. Wouldn't pay more than $40 though.
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Ice Planet ‘02 anyone?
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I was so excited for this set. Then I noticed the stickers...
In an adult oriented display set. Come on. How much money are they really saving here?
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I went on two dates with a girl and she wants to watch a movie at my place. Should I attempt to hide some of my Lego? I currently have about 130 sets and 3000 extra minifigures, most of which are on display in a small 800 square foot condo.

I've only let her see my more-normative hobbies like cars and art. How do typical women react to toy collections? Should I delay and box a bunch of it up so it's not so much at first glance?
Why do you have to make a new thread when the board is slow and the catalogue is full of threads already? I'd maybe understand if we had reached the image limit but we hadn't. Is having the OP really that important to you? I mean, if that is the case then are you genuinely okay? I'm worried about you.
It depends on a bunch of factors to be honest.
>should i hide stuff i like because woman comes to my place
That's like a major beta faggot moment.

Either find somebody who accepts your stuff or go full "normie faggot" and throw away all lego you have.

But you are shitposter and none of that will ever happen in your life anyways.
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I've been building lego with my fiance for 10 years, we've got a shared brickset account so we can track everything. Got every Dimensions set and played a bunch of it together.
Don't be a beta anon
Puttin the pussy on a pedestal.
I wonder if the Acolyte is going to get any Lego sets.
Like the show is trash but I'd buy a set for the smiley sith dude.
Absolutely not.
If she can't appreciate it, consider it a free filter.
You don't want that shit anyway.
Watch her reaction and body language carefully.
Don't change who you are for a woman.
Tidy up sure if you have a bit of a mess, make sure your place is presentable, but like what’s been stated already, don’t hide or downplay your hobbies and passions. Lego is pretty normie nowadays for a toy hobby anyway
Thoroughly boring looking shelf warmer set that will sell just because of minifigs.
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>I wonder if the Acolyte is going to get any Lego sets.
Lego has been really bad when it comes to the Disney shows to be honest, it feels like they have a longer turn around when it comes to them, even with Mandalorian (season 3 sets coming out now). Skeleton Crew (which was meant to come out earlier this year) has a set for it that keeps getting delayed (pic related) but was made in advanced. A pretty substantial set too based on the main ship in the show. But this show is apparently aimed at kids with a Goonies in Space vibe.

Lego is sometimes weird about doing stuff for some things in SW. Like it did BD-1 but then said it wouldn't do more Fallen Order sets probably because the video games are more violent. We are getting a Cal Kestis anniversary figure but those figures are described as figures we are very unlikely to get outside of this anniversay. Andor only got one set for it too and who knows if there will be season 2 sets. I could see an Acolyte set like that Ahsoka Duel on Peridea set, with the Sith vs the Jedi from the last episode. Isn't really any other scenes so far that would warrant the attention.
Yeah, mousecucks really will slurp up anything with BrandTM lmao
Not really. I wouldn't buy an Acolyte set.
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What would they even makr a srt out of? The one shio that appears for a single scene and then gets drstroyed? The wookie jedi's forest shack?
They honestly dodged a bullet not making any.
Most coherent mousecuck.
This ship
See: >>11053385
Wookie shack/woodland.
Sol, Jecki, Osha, Sith, no named Jedi.
Maybe add in a buildable bug.
(People would buy it just for the Sith minifig.)
Then they'd do something else to dump Mae in it so you'd need "two sets to get the twins". Mae vs. Inara or something.
(I don't work for Lego.)
Who would buy any of that besides minifig collectors? Only one that wouldn't sell like shit is this one >>11054392 but it still has about 3 seconds total screentime.
>Who would buy any of that besides minifig collectors?
People are plebs. People online has spent weeks complaining about the show only for a bunch of people to change their opinions on a dime because of an action episode.
The primary consumer base are kids, especially for play sets. Kids don't care about the Acolyte and they certainly wouldn't buy a toy based on minifigures of characters they don't know.
>The primary consumer base are kids
Do you think kids watched Ahsoka either? That show wasn't really kid friendly.
So much SW lego is aimed at adults anyway.
>3 seconds
Lego did ships based on things like that before
lol, wat? It's one of the most kiddie live action shows yet and is a direct sequel to Rebels which was aimed at pirmary schoolers.
>kiddie live action shows
It is bland and boring a bunch of the time and not super kiddie either.
>direct sequel to Rebels which was aimed at pirmary schoolers.
And those people grew up and a large amount of adults watch it too. Ahsoka at least has the "cartoons and EU (Thrawn)" appeal to its set. But the show wasn't good.
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Wtf is this price? How is the legal? Why won't Lego make a full LotR theme now?
Why didnt lego make anniversary sets? This film put them no 1 worldwide and changed everything for them.

And why cant universal get a new lego movie released? Lack of IPs?
>And why cant universal get a new lego movie released? Lack of IPs?
Didn't you hear?
if you just want it to display what's the problem?
Stickers look like ass. Even more so when they're supposed ti convey a continuous image through multiple pieces.
Just part it out on bricklink and get it for 30 bucks.
>normies buying lego from ebay
You will now shut the fuck up because I'm your master and you are my cheap property.
Shut up slut
where would you buy lego?
AliExpress like a normal person
You fucked up already by not being honest about your hobbies.
If you don't proudly talk about your klocki addiction on the first date, you are doing it wrong.
Scalpers truly are a scourge in need of cleansing in holy fire.
I expected much worse, but this seems somewhat decent.

The absolute fucking state of this place.
Shout out to this set if you overlooked it - Very good value for money

I added the rock + crocodiles to my Pirate setup and will keep the plane in the bag until family visit
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forgot pic
That plane looks ugly
Crocodiles could be bought cheap off bricklink
it's always like that when you are more advanced lego builder
>see a new set
>cool but i dont like 90% of it
>might just buy stuff i like off bricklink
Sorry, I don't do Duplo.
I dunno if it's just lego being weird or disney, as my sister was saying there's not even any acolyte figures coming out until september iirc.
>Just part it out on bricklink
Anons keep saying this, but whenever I've actually tried it's either too expensive or just flat out doesn't work.
>buildable people
are these gonna be like that hideous Gru set?
I've genuinely been thinking lately I should buy some duplo just to see what it can add to the process, if anything
Duplo is a godsent if you are building large elevated landscapes.
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Guess what I got from my gf!
I don't even have to look to know it's a reddit repost for (You)s
Never saw the Ahsoka show bit I think the zombie like stormtrooper looks cool.
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I did not expect to see Bionicle parts
You know, I've been thinking a lot about this plastic problem we have. It's like we, as a society, have just collectively decided that we don't care about the future anymore. I mean, seriously, take a look around you. Everywhere you turn, there's plastic. It's in our oceans, it's littering our streets, it's clogging up our landfills. And for what? For convenience? For products that we don't even need? For a momentary distraction before we toss it aside and move on to the next thing?

Let's talk about one of the worst offenders: the toy industry. Yes, I'm talking about companies like LEGO. Now, don't get me wrong, LEGO bricks are amazing. They spark creativity, they teach problem-solving, they bring joy to millions of kids and adults around the world. But here's the thing: they're made out of plastic. And not just any plastic, but a very specific, high-quality plastic that takes a lot of resources to produce.

So, you would think that a company that relies so heavily on plastic would be doing everything in their power to minimize waste, right? Wrong. Instead, what do they do? They waste plastic on making stupid sailboat sets and other pointless nonsense. I mean, come on! Who actually plays with those? How many kids out there are clamoring for a sailboat set? Not many, I can tell you that.

It's infuriating! Here we are, drowning in plastic waste, and companies like LEGO are still churning out these useless products that no one even wants. It's like they have no concept of the bigger picture. They’re not thinking about the long-term consequences of their actions. They’re just focused on making a quick buck.

So, yeah, I'm angry. I'm angry that we have all this plastic in the world, that we're squandering our resources on useless junk like this united arab sailboat set.
I think you are a faggot

Sounds like someone needs to buy that lego set and proudly display it, maybe glance over it periodically when they jerkin they cock
mmm you love that set dont you
I dont like it. If I were lego I would make sets only for star wars, potc, tron, lotr, hobbit, rop, zelsa, dnd, gijoe, transformers,star trek, dune, godzilla ,fortnite, warcraft
Thanks for your input, ChatGPT
>retard zoomer
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Taking a break from salvaging the shipwreck to build his home,
The lad needs a swig from his stein,
i lurk in his discord but won't ever talk because it is chocked full of trannies and gay faggots. literally every day there is talk about faggots and trans shit. he never outright dismissed them so they invaded and took over. what's funny is that he never acknowledges it or outright supports their delusions. so there will be a bunch of people discussing good lego topics and then some faggot comes in spouting trans shit which sets them all into a trans fury and the dude dips immediately lol

i feel bad for him.
Dude's always been cool with queer people, you just didn't see it.

But that sounds like a you problem. That, and the bigotry.
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>obsessed with a theme that's been cancelled for 25 years
Power Miners is better.
hardly. your zoomer is showing
>old = better
Time to go to bed grandpa
Sounds like a typical case of trannies overstepping their boundaries and becoming an obnoxious plague
holy shit this is cool

time to chop off your cock and kys troon
It's fine I just think its probably the worst shade of green for the gators they've done.
You've got fantastic dark green gators and fantastic beige/tan gators but it feels like they tried to blend em and came out meh.

Personal favorite is the tan red eyes gator from the other side
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power miners is just ugly.
simple as
logo doesn't have the ballz
Holy shit i want this so badly anons
They look fine, barely any different from a printed piece. If those pieces were printed there would still be gaps in the print between each part.
Stickers annoy me when they're on a good generic-looking print, on a piece that would work well in large quantities, or on a piece that is intended to be played with regularly. For large display sets that are not intended to be played with, where the sticker is conveying something highly specialized, they work fine.
I swear most afools just hate stickers because some youtuber told them to.
Friend, did you know there's an actual beer stein piece?
Ahem. Sorry. "Trans-Orange Drink Pattern" - Not beer. Lego would never promote alcoholism.
its meant to be butterbeer from Harry Potter.
>Anons keep saying this, but whenever I've actually tried it's either too expensive or just flat out doesn't work.

how does it not work? Just remove anything exclusive, in this case just the wings and minifig, and substitute them for either other pieces. 30 bucks might be a bit too ambitious but I'd be surprised if the parts to make this cost any more than 50 on bricklink.
Why are you so obsessed with cocks?
Lovely moc anon, plenty of soul.
Eh, they're cute and soulful for sure but honestly, you can fit so much more into a build if you make the terrain out of bricks. I'm currently building the mountain fortress and the entire lower portion of the castle feels very raised baseplate-esque, but it can pack in stables, a dungeon, a storeroom, and a river. I like baseplates but raised ones are far too specialized to work well with the detail expected in modern lego.
old minifig cups are more soulful tho
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this fucking thread is retarded

just faggot normies talking about licenseshit
idiot polfag shitposting
nothing else

what the fuck happened
>noone is responding to my shitpost bait. please pay attention to me
Steins have lids,
These seem like good deals. Although the Minecraft one seems a little jarring since you get two Steves and a random Panda that doesn't fit with either set.
Also, lmao at the Star Wars one still being overpriced despite being a value pack.
Where did you get the pink crab?
This is just bad. Those sets are on the way out the door and retail for $10, $13, and $12 respectively and I paid less than $10 for each one when they were just out. So I’m paying an extra ten bucks for Lego to rebox sets everyone already had or doesn’t want?
Wait, why the fuck is there a Mars Mission set among Ice Planet 2002 stuff??
Holy fuck the Disney tax is real.
Don’t remember, probably with the sea horse 3 in 1
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this is amazing kids gift set. Just gift it to kids and it's an instant happiness.
i guess these too but i hate meincrap and starwars but i assume kids would go nuts over meincrap

Anyways nothing to be mad about-these are just harmless normie-gift sets
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Jedi Bob ship leaked.
Tower of Orthanc is one of my favourite sets and I’m considering selling it because in the last few months, it doubled in value. 1k for a used copy is crazy and I’m considering sacrificing it to acquire more vintage sets.
aw sweet, looks like it's based off of anakin's gennedy wars fighter
>no astromech

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