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Welcome to the Lego General!

The ultimate online destination for all Lego enthusiasts! Whether you're interested in leaked information, exciting product launches, impressive mocs and reviews, or even indulging in speculation and wishlists, this is the perfect place for you. Immerse yourself in the world of Lego where endless possibilities await!


>/lg/ Resources (lol)

>/lg/ Flickr Group (lol)

>/lg/ Archive

>Lego Reference
https://brickset.com/ (fuck huw)


>Third Party Information
It seems a great schism is upon us.
this is the only true /lg/. Mods should delete all other lego threads
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Do you reckon he got a girlfriend and she forced him to sell all his lego?
Have been wanting to build for a while but also aware of how insane prices are these days. I usually find the sets I want on sale, then get cold feet and never open them, so I can just resell it later on. The idea of how much moneys being lost, taking a set from new to used is sickening, when it's not easy to find 2nd hand copies. What I didn't know is that aliexpress has literally every expensive set as a 1:1 copy, in apparently good quality. They are even taking fucking PREORDERS for upcoming lego set. Just got this lighthouse which is usually an insane price of $500 in new zealand, for like 1/5th of the price. I just want the building experience and to sit on my shelf for a bit. For close to $100, I don't mind even just giving it to a thrift store afterwards, it's worth it for the building entertainment.
You failed again but its fine...mediocre general
Why so many buidable figures? Despicable me, dc, marvel, wicked, fortnite, etc etc

I hope every set has cool minifigs. I hope loot llama is a minifig container set.

Who likes technic?
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Klocki is back
He would sooner sell her.
Jaabo (Bricktsar)'s video are depressing now. The state of his basement is insane. It's making me sad. He is hoarding so much lego. Lego that could go to people that would enjoy it way more than him at this point. Depressing.
What's sad is that this actually looks better than the expensive LEGO version they released a while back. Interested in a report back here on quality after it's built!
Disregard >>11048243, it's the same design and I'm retarded. Not sure what I was thinking of. Still, interested in a report.
I am gay and I love lego
checks out
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I liked it when it wasn't just big ass cars.

Lego was always trying to get into the action figure market and it's almost always fucking weird. It gave us Galidor and those hideous CCBS DC toys. Although I guess some of these are just display pieces for adults of afol so there's another answer.
>keep trying to do buildable figures even though they shelf warm for a literal decade
What the fuck is their problem?
This came in the mail recently, and damn, I really love it. Early Lego Star Wars is such a good feel
They prepare for bionicle g3
G3 rumors are the sole reason why I'm paying attention to Lego again, I pray that shit is real
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Probably, we should hear leaks for 2025 doon and IF G3 is real, it 100% gonna release in january.

So, why didn't lego make villain vehicles for despicable me 4? So many cool things to make sets from all 4 films and minions...Gru car ffs

Dr Nefario and so much more
>burnt out and angry because he's a workaholic who's getting diminishing returns after the COPPA crackdown
>compares himself to youtube channels sponsored by the lego ambassador network which are now more successful than him
>been out of the workforce for so long that his previously impressive tech company credentials are out of date and no longer desired
>writing is on the wall, he can't keep doing this
>takes it out on his fans who write things which annoy him in the comments
How long does he have left?
Yeah, I can probably hold out until then, I just hope we get something similar to pic related
I'm hoping bionicle stays dead forever
You are complicit in Disney turning Lego into the toy manufacturing arm of it's amalgam
Maybe wh it e people are dumb soys boys that should stop worshipping dumb cartoons and terrible video game crap
Anon...you're on a toy board.
Yes toys not video games or cartoons toys, we come here to talk about toys
>Butbhubut the lore! The nostalgia
Holy Shit you biotards have terminal cancer
>Buhbubububut my wholesome bonkle dream!
Wholesome bonkle dream goodness? :o
You're trying so hard to fit in.
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>missing fwd slash
>thumbnail for pic
Good first try new fren. Never stop seeking improvement. We expect great things from you. Welcome to /lg/.
How long until having a large collection is a flex? I show real girls my Lego and they’re just not impressed. Clown world.
>Just bonking a hefty bonkler boner for those oh so delightful wholesome nostalgical kino bonkles

Kek, biotards are fucking retarded
>this mad about people wanting to buy original IP action figures from Lego
It's not that deep Anon, I want to give Lego money but everything they have out right now (with the exception of the City Space sets) is ass to me
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Kind of a disappointment. Yesterday’s finds were all knock offs. Two mangled bricks and a bad boy mini figure were the only real Lego I found.
Buy something else
I don't have any interest in licensed or Chinese themes and Technic is dead, so no, I think I'll just sit in the lego community and hope for Bionicle out loud because it enrages the autistic
>we come here to talk about toys
When have you ever talked about toys, chungusfurry?
Not much. Also

>his wife died in a car accident
>no heir
Writing was on the wall, he was too blind to see. I dont get it how you could like lego so much and be married but not have kids? Thats why I like Bricksie or Preston builds.
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While researching this scavenged Snake Rattler guy I noticed a few minifigs that had this claw necklace and not just one particular franchise. Any lore here? Is there a secret claw society in Lego world I should be concerned about?
Genuinly curious, what keeps you guys invested in Lego?
Im specifically talking about the brand, not the hobby.
The Lego competition has surpassed them in pretty much every way, pricing, brick quality, experience while building etc.
The only reason that I can think of are the licenses they got from popculture, but that cant be the only factor, can it?
>The Lego competition has surpassed them in pretty much every way, pricing, brick quality, experience while building etc.
Name literally one.
The possibility of Bionicle G3 and the fact that they own Bricklink. Now that I think about it, that's literally it.
CaDA, Bluebrixx, Panlos
Just compare the Lego sanctorum to the Panlos equivalent 613001
Bionicle is the only cool thing left for me, but I think thats primarily nostalgia speaking considering it used to be the go-to birthday present back when I was a kid, I used to have all of them.
Consistency. Lego has a very certain design philosophy when it comes to sets. There's clearly thought put into the play features and the details. Also they've got the best minifigures and the figs of the competitors looks like absolute garbage and go straight to the bin no matter how good the rest of the set is. The only exception is Mega but that can hardly be called a minifig.
Other brands don't really have that much to offer, be it licensed or not. Even if the quality of the bricks themselves is on par with Lego the subjects and designs aren't interesting most of the time. It's all either military vehicles or architecture stuff, and for those you can just get into modelling instead.
Best theme baby
That is a good point, Lego's minifigs dominate everything else, I just wish they brought back old themes like Western and _Tron era space to put them in
Could you give me an example of something unique Lego does?
I just browsed through the 2024 Lego catalog again and there is nothing special hitting me, its mostly buildings and vehicles, which you claim should be left to modeling anyways.
Ninjago seems to be the most unique of the bunch I guess.

Friends and city are the only themes Id say are meant to be played with, although they are so slim you can barely fit figs into the buildings thus really stretching the playing aspect.
The rest are one and done display sets if you ask me.
The figs from Lego look best, I give you that, but nothing is stopping you buying those you like individually and filling the better sets from other maufacturers with them.
I guess I would call it their "OC" designs. You won't ever see the competitors doing things like Monkie Kid, Ninjago, Dreamzzz, the recent City Space wave, Power Miners, Atlantis, etc. etc. They're in a way more creative toys by design.
>The rest are one and done display sets if you ask me.
I'd only call the 18+ shit pure display sets. And I'm not particularly interested in those. I've bought a few of the Star Wars display sets, but only because there aren't any model kits of those subjects. Sure, if you only like "every day object but built out of plastic bricks" or "famous building built from plastic bricks" then yeah, there's little reason to not prefer the cheaper alternative of the same quality and more subjects. But for me the only brand able to compare with Lego's playability is old Mega Bloks.
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Here we go
I still don’t get the appeal of the knock off brands since I have yet to see one that fits together properly. The plastic quality has improved but the fit is still lacking. What is especially annoying is when they are excessively tight. If you’re just interested in display pieces this shouldn’t be an issue but for taking apart and rebuilding I stick to Lego brand even though they do have some issues as well.
>Soi Wars cuck
Well that explains that.
I accept your concession.
>lists exclusively non-licensed themes
>"heh, you're a [buzzword]"
Not that Anon, but can you try to not be retarded when someone's having a genuine conversation with you?
If Lego can keep improving their mechs and buildable figures that's good enough for me, but rn they leave a lot to be desired so my main drive is for mocing. I'm expecting more mechs and medium-small size creatures for next year with incremental changes year over year.
So far Ninjago has delivered on that, but it really is just crumbs every time.
Maybe Niek having an overseer role instead of focusing into single designs will help for him to push more unified vision so molds are not wasted on superficial elements.
If only they could figure out how to move away from that imbecilic non-posable knee part they keep using on every mech, that'd be swell too.
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XingBao has some very nice looking traditional Chinese sets but the bricks don’t fit very well together. Lots of gaps in between. I’ve posted this before but here is my Xingbao gambling parlor only built with Lego. And it’s really not that expensive since it uses mostly classic Lego colors which are very cheap on bricklink and most Lego collectors should have lots of these bricks anyway. Funwhole is also a good company to get builds from. I don’t know about their brick quality though.
I love being a SWARTHY SHITSKIN Bionicle fan
I just dont see how kids, let alone adults, would enjoy playing with sets like Dreamz like I used to with, for example, the Lego castle 7094. Now, that was a great set, but that came out almost 20 years ago.
The play value of the modern sets you named is basicly 0 if you buy them as a standalone, its just too little plastic for way too much money.

I mean sure, you can spend $400-500 to get your kid Lego where it starts to get to a playable state, and im happy for you if you have the money to make that happen but if you have that much money to throw out the window, then there really isnt a point in arguing any further, you can just buy whatever and be done with it.
But if thats not the case, you have to ask yourself the question what it is your children like in Lego, is it the playing aspect or the building aspect?
If its the fun in building something from small pieces and seeing something take form and become something cool, Lego is just not good at it anymore. The competition is way better, see the Panlos sanctorium or the Bluebrixx castle.
If its the playing aspect, I mean if they like Ninjago, at that point just buy them some action figures, they are way better designed to do the job anyways.
Kids don’t enjoy snoozzzzz. And you’re spot on about getting toys for your kid dadbro. Mine really likes the Mario legos. And it’s not my deal so that’s what we get.
>put on Lego dreamzzz
>12 minutes in
“Dad this show is weird.”
“You want to shut it off?”
The couple of sets we got were also utterly unplayable. Kid likes zblob and bunchu but you can get similar figures a lot easier now. Into the parts bin these sets go sure glad I paid a fuckin premium for what’s essentially a shitty parts pack and a couple figures. Zoeys hair and sword are cool.
Never stop and don’t troon out on me! These faghots hate free legos more than they love trannys.
What knockoff brands did you buy?
Cobi has a reputation of having tight fits which also thing is an issue.
But Bluebrixx and Panlos swapped to the Gobricks which I think are currently the best on the market.
Id suggest giving them another shot since maybe you got some older version from back when they used worse bricks.
I'm not trying to convince you that Lego is better. You asked why I prefer it over the competition and I gave you an answer which is bound to be subjective one way or another. And I own some Qman and Cobi stuff as well, they're fine sets, it's just that most of the time it's not what I'm looking for.
In my opinion todays play sets offer great value even when compared to older sets. When I was a kid I always felt like no matter what lego set I was gifted and no matter the theme I'd always have fun with it and it'd stimulate me a certain way. Nowadays I'm way more picky, partly because I'm the one buying then rather than my grandma who doesn't know whether I'm into cops, Indiana Jones or Harry Potter.
I'll agree, most of it is way overpriced for what it offers. The retail prices for 80% of sets nowadays don't feel right at all. But also saying that you need to spend hundreds of dollars for a comprehensive play experience also isn't fair. My favourite builds in the past few years were all around $30 each.
>is it the playing aspect or the building aspect?
This is quite a reductive respective on building blocks. They're supposed to be a perfect mix of both. A fun toy that you can customize the way you want to and make it your own. If I purely want to be involved by the building aspect I'll build a plastic model kit. If I want to just pick something up and play around with it I'll pick up an action figure. But bricks offer something that's unique to both of these things.
Very organic posts. Bluebrixx and Panlos so implessive, yes?
I'm happy to share why I and many others stay invested in the LEGO brand despite the competition. For me, it's a combination of factors:
>Nostalgia and Brand Loyalty
Many of us grew up with LEGO. The brand has a strong emotional connection tied to childhood memories, which is hard to replicate.
>Quality and Durability
While some competitors have made strides, LEGO's brick quality and durability are still top-notch. The pieces fit together perfectly and stay that way, which can’t always be said for other brands.
>Innovative Design and Sets
As the other Anon said, LEGO constantly pushes the envelope with creative and innovative sets. Their designs are often intricate and thoughtfully put together, appealing to both kids and adult fans.
>Community and Culture
LEGO has built a massive, supportive community. From conventions like BrickFair and BrickCon to online forums and social media groups, there's a sense of belonging among LEGO enthusiasts that extends beyond the product itself.
>Educational Value
LEGO sets are often used in educational contexts to teach engineering, architecture, and even programming through LEGO Mindstorms. Their educational kits are well-regarded and widely used in schools.
>Sustainability Efforts
LEGO is making efforts toward sustainability, such as their move to produce bricks from sustainable materials. This kind of corporate responsibility resonates with many consumers.
>Brand Trust and Customer Service
LEGO’s customer service is exceptional. Missing pieces or damaged sets are promptly replaced without hassle, ensuring a positive customer experience.
>Licenses and Collaborations
While licenses aren't the only factor, they certainly add to LEGO's appeal. Sets from franchises like Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Marvel bring in fans who might not otherwise be interested in building toys.

It's not just about the bricks; it's about the entire LEGO experience.
The whole playing aspect you brought in just threw me off guard a bit. I didnt realize you guys were playing with them. Maybe Im just too old now, for me its all about building and if you enjoy playing with the Lego sets kinda explains it to me now. I still think the building experience heavily fell of for Lego tho.
Those are the ones I primarily buy and feel most comfortable to talk about.
>Lego experience
I never felt that in any way and I guess thereis no point in arguing with something so subjective.
Anyone have that "feel" when building a new set? Its likeI enter an entire new plane of existence, a spiritual connection to the set.
Predictions? I hope we get hobbit sets too
this fake would be less obvious if you used a clearer image for the watermark
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>EXCLUSIVE: The Lego Group, the company behind the toys and all your favorite Lego-themed entertainment, has signed with WME for representation.

>As The Lego Group‘s agency, WME will advise the Lego team across the entertainment industry and provide insight and support on strategies to optimize the company’s footprint in Hollywood, helping them to build and expand their business across film, TV, music, fashion and art, and create meaningful talent partnerships and bring diversity to all of them. As pro-lgbtq talent is also required.

>To date, Lego’s films have grossed over a combined $1 billion globally. They’ve evolved significantly since their inception, reflecting the brand’s journey from a simple toy to an entity with significantly more cultural cachet for a broad audience.The turning point came in 2014 with The Lego Movie, directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, which was a critical and commercial success, spawning a franchise that included sequels and spin-offs such as The Lego Batman Movie (2017) and The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017).

>Parallel to the success of these features, Lego ventured into television with various animated series, Ninjago being one of the most popular. Production is ongoing on five of these titles, as well as a range of animated specials in collaboration with some of the world’s most well-known and beloved entertainment properties from Disney and Universal. Then, there’s Lego Masters, a reality competition series centered on creative Lego challenges, which continues to be enjoyed by millions of families around the world, with new seasons in production in multiple markets.

>At present, more than one new Lego feature is said to be in development with Universal Studios.
>As The Lego Group‘s agency, WME will advise the Lego team across the entertainment industry and provide insight and support on strategies to optimize the company’s footprint in Hollywood, helping them to build and expand their business across film, TV, music, fashion and art, and create meaningful talent partnerships and bring diversity to all of them. As pro-lgbtq talent is also required.
>Lego to become even more gay and lame
You forgot the TM. Here we all know why you live legos.
>the LEGOS experience
Lego's maintained dominance because of better distribution and longevity of the brand. It's just cemented itself into the toy aisle to the point even Mega Bloks used to be called "knock-off lego" even though they were nothing alike. Even if a brand popped up that's objectively better in every way imaginable it still wouldn't be able to compete.

Notice how everyone says legos but no one says constructors or plastic building blocks.
Is Lego Animal Crossing pride month approved?
Because not everyone's a bigotted Chud like you. Don't like it? Make your own brand :)
You know why.
/lg/ would have been all over this one if it was released like this
cause it makes them fucktons of money
Are furries part of the lgbtq+ stuff?
>make your own brand
Typical troon attitude. Queer things up enough then tell normal people they’re wrong and should go get their own thing. Nigger Lego doesn’t give a shit about faggots they care about dollars.
The teeth variant destroyed my teeth, had braces because of ir. Recommend only brick separator use.
What Lego themes are pride month approved aka gay?

Lego Friends and City are gay. So is lego star wars.

Any other?
Is this city or Star Wars?
It takes place in a modern day setting and has a Star Wars poster, so it's both!
>Discord faggots swarmed lego threads

i can't wait when summer will end and these faggots will leave
>chungusnigger isn't white
least surprising thing I've learned today
Oh there is a heart!
based Klocki
day 1 buy

Memes and incels aside this is literally my favorite set of this year.
You like men
>we are getting lego dragon ball
Does this mean Monkie Kid is over?

Anyway, hopes for a Dragon Ball theme? What sets would you like to see?
Chink bricks are still shit. Lego has obviously had a noticeable decline on their bricks but they're still miles ahead of bootlego. Nobody cares if you want to buy the chyna shit but embrace your cope
>You like men
LEGO is a Lgbt-friendly european company.

Adapt or die.
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Mega Construx>>>>>Lego

Mega, white men's choice.

Sister threads:

/biog/ - Bionicle General:

/mcx/ - MEGA General:

/pbbg/ - Plastic Building Blocks General:
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Maybe, if they actually made and sold sets.
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I don’t buy the knock off brands. My experience mostly comes from building with the sets others have purchased for their children and looking very carefully at YouTubers who review them. I did attempt to build a Wange knock off once that was gifted to me. It was a car and as well as all the other issues with fit, the wheels didn’t spin. The holes in the wheels were too small for the pins. I also purchased some Cobi historical car sets when I saw them at a deep discount. The fit was a bit loose on pic related and the doors didn’t close all the way when the fig was in the seat or open when the spare wheels were mounted.
Is lego harry potter lgbtq pride month approved?
No, it supports the transphobe Rowling.
So...if I buy...lego harry potter sets...I support JK Rowling?
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Did his wife actually die or is that memeing on highway 270 west?
Yeah, he died
The more HP sets you buy the more powerful she becomes. Can you imagine the silent seethe during sales meetings when lego trannies have to visually see in bar graph, power point presentations, how popular HP sets are compared to the LGBTQ themed sets are? This is why they have to hide the theme in other sets.
Yet lego keeps making sets for HP...why not cancel it?
>Lego shill
But the Harry Potter sets are actually really fucking playable.
No one stopped anon. How would you feel?!
She did die. Very sad accident.
he killed her and his kids to be with his mistress
Jang never had kids

His wife begged him bu he said no

Now she is dead

Jang moved over, he is with a busty asian now
So much lore

Jangbricks, known for his detailed Lego set reviews and engaging content, has become a respected figure in the Lego community. However, his journey has been marked by significant personal and professional challenges. This essay explores Jangbricks' life, focusing on the profound impact of his wife's death, his current domestic situation, and his quest for stability and relevance in the changing Lego community.

Personal Tragedy and Impact

The death of Jangbricks' wife was a pivotal event that profoundly affected his personal and professional life. As a supportive partner, she played a crucial role in his endeavors, and her loss brought about a period of deep mourning and adjustment. This personal tragedy not only impacted Jangbricks emotionally but also influenced the content and frequency of his uploads, as he navigated the complexities of grief while maintaining his presence in the Lego community.
Current Domestic Situation

In recent times, Jangbricks has been living with a supportive Asian woman, who has become a significant part of his life. This new domestic arrangement has provided him with emotional stability and companionship, which has been instrumental in his gradual recovery from the loss of his wife. This relationship has allowed Jangbricks to rebuild his personal life and has positively influenced his content creation, enabling him to focus more on his passion for Lego.

Finding a Place in the Evolving Lego Community

The Lego community is continuously evolving, with new trends, themes, and content creators emerging regularly. For Jangbricks, maintaining relevance and identity in this dynamic environment is both a challenge and an opportunity. His extensive knowledge of Lego sets and consistent quality of reviews have helped him retain a loyal audience. However, the rise of new platforms and the increasing demand for innovative content require Jangbricks to adapt and evolve.

He has responded to these challenges by diversifying his content, including more personalized and behind-the-scenes videos, and engaging with his audience through various social media platforms. By doing so, Jangbricks not only stays relevant but also strengthens his connection with the Lego community, ensuring his continued presence as a respected content creator.


Jangbricks' journey is a testament to resilience and adaptation in the face of personal loss and professional challenges. The death of his wife was a significant turning point, but with the support of a new partner, he has managed to find stability and continue his work in the Lego community. As the Lego landscape evolves, Jangbricks' ability to adapt and innovate will determine his lasting impact and relevance. His story is an inspiring example of perseverance and dedication, underscoring the importance of personal strength and community support in navigating life's challenges.
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I won
Is this AI? Sure reads like AI.
Fuck off.
Its my licence paper
nothing gets past this guy
How do you know its ai?
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This is like making a image that says "five dollars is more than one dollar"
Who would argue with you?
This place was once a source of enjoyment, where we engaged in discussions about forthcoming products, delved into the world of LEGO media and lore, and eagerly sought out leaks for the sets of the following year. However, it is now a place of division. The prevailing sentiment is one of animosity, with the notion that we must create our own LEGO creations (MOCs) in order to find happiness, as if our previous approach to LEGO was misguided. It is ironic that we harbor negativity towards licensed themes, despite our love for them. Oh dear, how things have changed.
Shut up
I remember somebody had a custom knights faction they posted the WIPS of here, anybody have that or their own custom stuff? Just interested.
Any Lego animal that has printed pupils is going to be worse than the animal with molded debossed eyes. The exception to the rule being old horses
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Brick Bros, why has lego forsaken all of their video games to TTGames? Their formula is good, but it's gotten bland. I wish they'd experiment again.
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Thanks for the sentiment fren. I assure you that while I may die in an abandoned house surrounded by scavenged lego. I will be wearing men’s clothes and the feral cats will feast on all the bits and berrys that I was born with.
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The most creative lego game I've played in years is the fan remake of Rock Raiders
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>lego shill
An anon on a lego thread who actually prefers and enjoys lego. Who would have thunk it?
>Brick Bros, why has lego forsaken all of their video games to TTGames?
TT hasn't made a Lego game in years, I'd say it's the opposite for me. There's many new Lego games, like Lego 2K drive or Lego Fortnite or Lego Horizons, but they don't hit as well as a TT game.
With the behind the scenes drama at TT, doubt we'll ever get another Lego game again.
You live in one of those Eastern European hellholes right anon? Be the judge any of those fucking gypsies saying klocki?
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Just got these sweet baseplates
Awesome, anon. I love the jungle river one! Whatcha gonna build on them?
That river drip...
That river one is $20-25.
Those chrome daggers were some of my favourite parts as a kid.
I’ll probably make a little jungle dwelling for the pirate lad, the adventurers one will get used in my bigger adventures layout
>With the behind the scenes drama at TT, doubt we'll ever get another Lego game again.
Klocki Patriots are in control.
So what are your guys favorite themes? I think top 3 for me would be
1. Monster Fighters
2. Scooby-Doo
3. Pirates (of the Caribbean)

I really enjoy the more stylized builds, the recreations of real buildings and cars don't do much for me.
I'd really love to see some more fantasy sets. D&D set is cool and I'm glad we're getting CMFs, but I'd like to see some smaller ones as well. Would love to see castle come back with some of the trolls vs knights like the older sets.
Based opinion
There’s a lot I really love, but some that hold special places in my heart are Adventurers, Bionicle, LotR/Hobbit, and Vikings
Bionicle's at the top so HF obviously comes in second, but Nexo Knights caught my interest while it was running, and I regret not being into System while Monster Fighters was running, it looked like a fun theme
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>only 2 Monkie Kid sets coming in 2025
What does it mean?
It means its getting replaced by the true king.
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>So what are your guys favorite themes? I think top 3 for me would be
1) Chima (one of the most unique lego's original themes)
2) Aquasharks (just because of nostalgia - they had no "characters" their ships were better)
3) Galaxy Squad
monster fighters is close third but it's just universal monsters so galaxy bugs won
If all of 2025's info is 'out' such that this determination can be made, it must have been leaked internally rather than retailer leaks. Also hardly reliable.
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it's over bros...
the galaxy has fallen...
Fateful lego is super reliable. Also, we did get set numbers for dreamzzz, jw and ninjago for 2025 for the entire year, dreamzzzz and jw have around 10 sets each for the entire 2025
Please be true

Alien Conquest will always be number one in my heart.
I also deeply cherish Power Miners. Minecraft has also won me over for the past couple of years and placed itself in my top 3.
Thank goodness. I love Monkie Kid, but it's getting a bit long in the tooth.
Minecraft truly is one of the greatest themes lego has ever done.

So, does this mean we are getting dragon ball sets next year?
Galaxy Squad is great, I have all of them minus the largest one and just built both of these sets in the last week. I dislike bugs enough that it initially put me off of the theme but they're fun builds for both the bugs and the space bros. Really enjoy the mechs, especially on 70704 where it's the turret for the vehicle but then can be deployed on its own.

Chima I never bought much of when it was around unfortunately. I grabbed a few of those and some Nexo Knights as well when I'd catch them on clearance and they've been cool builds. Really like the minifigs, especially the bad guys. Only gripe I have with Chima is that the ones I got used a bunch of brown and came out during the brittle browns years. Only had one piece crumble to dust because I was being careful, but the damned creaking and crunching noises whenever you glance at them is sad.
Life on Mars is #1
Exo Force is #2
Power Miners despite having literally none of their sets is #3

Also I made this.
he looks fat
I'd love to see new Exo Force stuff. I don't have any personal experience with them because the prices nowadays are a bit too much for what I'd be willing to pay. They also look like they're maybe a bit on the fragile side?
what a stupid shit
it's like when you think they can't milk the funny beep-bop robot further enough...and they release klocki set with him wearing funny hats/glasses/other stupid shit
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Galaxy squad is awesome. I like that if you nerdy enough you could squeeze it into modern nasa space because there is enough evidence
Can't wait to not buy these
Gonna get these to build with my nephew, he'll love them.
The onions are strong in those.
>literally "*THING* BUT MADE OF LEGOEZ!!!1!!"
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/b/ros...i love /klocki/ so much...

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bros..should we tell him
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Just filter forced memes, makes life better.

Wish I could find some of these Enlighten brand pirate sets. Bunch of the old ones were blatant ripoffs of the lego ones but they're funky and cool in their own way
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>at local toy store
>CMF box is on the checkout desk
>too autistic to just walk up and start scanning packs
Wat do?
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>tfw no Klocki Lego...
why live...
Just scan it anon
it's a literal GOD-MODE CHEAT CODE...
i was so fucking mind blown when i scanned them.
The ones i wanted to get all had stuff i didnt want. And they had just 1 (one) box with minifig i wanted.
It's so super easy
I don't understand who the target demographic is for this one.
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>still no jabba's sail barge pics

Jabba's Barge and Palace are the only SW shit I care about and it's been years.
I know. I want to do it. But what am I supposed to say to the old lady cashier? I'll just look like an absolute psycho. She might even think I'm doing something illegal.
What appeals to you so much about them, Anon. genuinely curious because I see a lot of people say this but I don't get it myself. I don't think it's that iconic of a design or that pretty for that matter.
>"You can scan the barcode with your phone to check which one is inside"
>"Why would you do that? The whole idea is that it's a surprise. Security!"

It's a lot more dynamic than most Star Wars models where you have limited spots for figures. With a large interior and open top deck, there is a lot of room. There isn't just a single cockpit or small hull to hide figures in, the whole thing is usable space.

It also features the most unique Star Wars characters. Jabba's gang is basically all alien-type figures with special molds / prints / colours and even the memorable characters are in very interesting versions of themselves.

It is also one of the few large vehicles that isn't just a big grey geometric shape. It's earth-toned but multi-coloured with different browns, tans and greys, has tons of windows that pop open, huge sails, visible gun turrets, etc. It's basically a sci-fi pirate ship.

The whole Jabba sequence is personally one of my favourite SW scenes too. Just the uniqueness of every detail really made Star Wars feel like it's own thing, instead of something human like it is now. If that makes sense.
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i dont care about lego e-celebs
stop simping
>that gif
>reddit spacing
You need to go back.
Why the fuck are they doing buildable figures instead of the train???? Why???

Fucking bionicle disease
Stop trying to make fetch happen. It’s not going to happen. Don’t your two dead threads and the fact that a decent amount of people are like “what’s this polish faggot going on about?” indicate that maybe you’re barking up the wrong tree trying to force a meme?
>thanks for the bump
24 hours later… crickets bro… crickets.
I never had any of the medium or small mechs but I did have the largest mech they made, striking venom, and it was put together very well. It used some of my favorite hinges to make the legs articulate. The notched large hinges are so good and strong.
>They also look like they're maybe a bit on the fragile side?
They're fragile by modern lego mech standards, but it's partly because of the amount of articulation
All medium sized mechs have articulating knees and sometimes elbows (some mechs have arms which are purely weapon attachments rather than a humanoid arm)
That's good to know, gives me some more confidence if I ever come across a deal on some sometime.
It's also pretty neat that they're doing a throwback to one of the Exo Force sets in the 60421 space theme park set
I'm so excited for August klocki anons
A Polish man was getting his eyesight tested. The optician brings out a card with the letters
"Can you read the letters?" asks the optician. The Polish man: "Read it? I know the guy!"
Lego will make more shelfrot until Bionicle returns
nta but didn't TT go bust?
You know there's a fairly significant chance that it's not gonna be as good as you think right?
They're a retail worker, as long as you aren't damaging or actively stealing stuff they won't care. Just don't be an asshole (that might be difficult for some anons though)
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ah man this fuckin' sucks, what am I supposed to collect now
Gay redditors who buy stuff because it's so quirky and nerdy xd. Basically the Funko audience.
Damn. All good things come to an end I suppose, but what a shame.
Wish Lego would let other themes die and try new (unlicensed) ideas more often again.
Not with the way dreamzzz is selling.
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Technic figs were the best.
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Fabuland is also the best
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Oh hey it's the one knock-off set I actually own. It's okay, the fang pieces are bigger than lego's by a bit so getting them in place is a struggle. The transparent purple ones inside are incorrectly molded so they don't fit at all, but otherwise it was a neat $60 purchase.
the og is better
your copy is shit
>MAGA hat
One of the best klocki animals for sure
It's mildly funny how mad this old meme makes you. Are you jealous? No klocki?
Its because boys and men like trains and they are hardcore targeting this to girls and women. Hence minidolls.
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Oh no...
Reminds me of the build a droid thing you can do at Disney world, that was pretty fun

I'm assuming you got this a while ago? I can't find any of that line anywhere even with image search on the chink sites
my man! Technic figs ARE the best. if they brought these guys back i'd drop fat stacks on them
>co za pieprzony pedał
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which one of you degenerates live in this filthy hovel?
I bet I know where he was Jan 6th.
Raiding the DC lego store?
>young lea
im not an incel and even i laughed at this character...

Lego Power Rangers and GI Joe

For GI Joe, Lego could skirt around the real-world military and weapons by giving everyone the laser rifles from the cartoon.

Steel Brigade Battle Pack ($14.99): 2x Male Steel Brigade, Female Steel Brigade. AWE Striker

COBRA Battle Pack ($14.99): 2x Cobra Trooper, Cobra Viper. COBRA Ferret

Polar Battle Bear ($9.99): Snow Job, Snow Serpent

COBRA Flight Pod ($19.99): Duke, Cobra Commander, Tele-Viper

VAMP ($24.99): Flint, Lady Jaye, Roadblock, Major Bludd

Water Moccasin ($29.99): Copperhead, Zartan, Shipwreck, Torpedo.

HISS Tank ($39.99): Scarlett, Snake Eyes, Baroness, Destro, HISS Driver

COBRA Rattler ($59.99): Wild Weasel, Cobra Paratrooper

Dragonfly ($49.99): Wild Bill, Airborne, Stalker

Or failing all of that:

COBRA Terrordrome ($249.99): Includes a Firebat, VAMP, and Sky Hawk. Serpentor, Cobra Commander, Baroness, Destro, Zartan, Storm Shadow, Major Bludd, Zarana, Firefly, Tele-Viper, 2x Cobra Viper, BAT, Duke, Scarlett, Snake Eyes, Flint, Lady Jaye, Roadblock, Stalker, Gung-Ho, Tunnel Rat, Low-Light.

For Power Rangers, I'd love a megazord set similar to Voltron. Figures include Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Zack, Trini, and Tommy (molded helmets with extra hair pieces), Rita and Goldar.
In The Secret Life of Lego Bricks book a designer mentions they were originally gonna be in early technic Star Wars sets. But the Technic Figures were discontinued before that could happen. Would have been very interesting.
anon, what is the rarest part you've found in the woods so far?
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my favorite lego merch is the sports vip scarf and the blue fleece blanket with the minifig on it
I wish they released some god damn real posters already and none of that small A3 sized crap
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I really like the idea of trying to add creativity to Lego Star Wars. Its way more in line with what Lego should be imo.
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Moko is making one right now

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Yeah, it was about 4 years ago now. The quality was just okay, so I didn't really get anything else. Enlighten hasn't done too much since that time I think.
I hope he will put it on ideas
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Monkeys paw but lego. Post it.
>Monkeys paw but lego. Post it.
like 90% of adult sets.
>stuff you like but its a GIANT HEAVY PILE OF PLASTIC FOR 300-1000DOLLERIDOES
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Know anywhere I could snag some bootleg shroud pieces? I can make my own out of rope, but its time consuming and cannot provide support like the plastic stuff can.
>IP character you want only exists as Brickheadz and Minidolls
>Segmented palm tree piece comes back but they use it for a giraffe
Unfortunately I don't. I'm not really into the bootleg scene these days. As far as I know though, Enlighten was the only one doing classic pirate style stuff, outside of Lepin like 6+ years ago doing the Imperial Flagship. There is apparently a Pick A Brick like Chinese counterpart, but it's pretty much exclusively modern pieces.
>Blacktron/Space Police since I love galactic police and thieves
>Nexo Knights since those sets were colourful and riddled with play features
>Ninjago since everything is so different and imaginative every year
My headcanon is that it's post-Galaxy Squad. The bugs were discovered to have suffered a mutation from radiation that predisposes them to aggression, so the humans undid this mutation and reduced the bugs to a level of intelligence, aggression, and population that doesn't harm the ecosystem of space. The humans also discovered that the material with which the bugs made their cocoons is a material that has excellent energy absorption properties (the bugs captured the humans in cocoons to sap their energy away, and then the bugs turned the into a new species of bug by exposing them to the radiation), so they're mining that material now (the purple crystals) and turning it into batteries to power their fleet and colonize space.
Bionicle comes back. I don't think I even need to come up with an ironic twist since there's 101 things that could and probably would be shitty about it.
>impulse buy the cheapest Ninjago set I could find
>kinda like it and now I want to have the full team
Is this how it start?
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Just had fun building and doing a review of this Waterparj GWP. It was quite charming and gun, but not a super complicated build or good for parts. Would make a great addition to a park or city scene.

Check out my video review of it

any of the new monkeys that aren't the og 4 armed one
Just found a Beaker in the wild.
>and even the memorable characters are in very interesting versions of themselves.
I came.
Way to bury the lead. Might I also suggest Conanuary?
>charming and gun

only typos, but still funny
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these two sets are so nostalgic to me.
I remember going to Germany for a work trip and seeing them showing that last Chima line in their Lego shop as I passed by it.
I even made a photo (pic related). I was like "whooaa what the fuck is this??? LEGO HAS THESE NOW??".
But I was still in my dark age and that shop was closed at that time and I was going back the next day and forgot to "care".
But I kept watching videos and ads for that line and wanted it.

Planning to get both of these sets (mammoth and Phoenix) for my b-day.


damn that giant Phoenix temple is so fucking badass...
i feel so stupid for not getting it all these 10 years.
10 fucking years...
feeling old yet?
btw i think i actually took this photo with a "photo camera" not with my phone lmao...
in 2014 some people still were using cameras for better photo quality!
who buys this slop theme??????????
>Jang losing his mind
>Just2good turning trans

B-bro's is lego harmful?
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I've eaten so much microplastic by using my teeth to remove pieces
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normies hate this
but im happy lego making stupid questionable pieces to feed us MOCers.

I can finally make a proper Colonial (All Tomorrows) MOC by ordering tons of eyes and mouths and flesh-pieces!
People with kids. Don’t worry it won’t be a problem for you.
isn't that child abuse? why give them that slop when there are all those other great and amazing themes.
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Does Lego have any red star-shaped or star-printed pieces? I'm pondering ordering this beauty for myself for my birthday, and I *so* want to put a red star on the front so it can be a Soviet steam loco... but I've pored through BrickLink and I'm not convinced a red star-shaped piece exists. Might have to just get a flat black 2x2 round plate and put a sticker/decal on it. :/
There is a rounded stud with a star, you could just try taking that and painting it if they don't have it in red. Don't use faglink so I have no idea what the ID might be.
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Anybody know how I can improve on this? I've been making a bunch of Chrono Trigger characters at this scale and this is both the last one and the only one that's frustrating me. The head especially looks awful.
your problem is that you're interpreting the shapes too literally and you need to think outside the box and come up with something more organic
Yeah that's really bad on all fronts
Try scaling it up
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You're both right, and it's a shame because I've really liked the other ones I've made. I'll probably end up making him bigger and with more form.
My mom bought me the lego history museum :)
Your mom bought me the lego history museum too anon it’s nothing to brag about.
With modern Lego parts these guys could be made to be highly modular just like minifigs. It'd be fucking heaven.
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>2025 will be remembered by many lego fans
Ok, what themes are we getting next year for all this hype for 2025?
Brickcrafts is as chadly as ever, so only if you consoom rather than create.
Lion Knights
Black Tron 3
Pirates 4
>Way to bury the lead

Well I didn't mention it here because this is all for Lego, so my comic reviews or pimping them would be kind of spam and off topic.

But yeah I'm going to be doing a thing in July where I have a Kaiju related video uploaded every single day I'm calling Kai-July. Mostly Kaiju comic videos, but I'll have a few kaiju Toy reviews and we're gonna do an unboxing of a Japanese Godzilla card game that's been sealed for years (it came out to celebrate his 65th anniversary) and we'll be looking at all the artwork on the cards. I even have a children's book that's just adorable you've probably never seen, some fun surprises in store. It's gonna be real fun. But I'll also have my normal brick videos uploaded too, I'm just going on overdrive with the Kaiju fun next month on top of all the normal stuff. Because that's 31 Kaiju videos in the month, no joke! On top of my normal stuff like the new Conan review or brick building vids. I'm gonna be real busy having fun.

If folks dig giant monsters as well as Lego, I do stuff of both. so check it out. I have a blast making these videos and just hope some might have fun with them too. Not trying to spam though which is why I hadn't brought it up before in these threads. All the same, I guess too late for that now haha. But I only bring it up because you did

>tron ares
>wicked 2
>metroid 4
>zelda theme
>lotr theme
>dragon ball
Lego getting bought up by Yidsney
>know all that info
>give cryptic messages and hints instead of telling us what it is
If leakers told us what we get, like if they said we get a full lotr theme in 2025, I would save up money from now for that.
>galidor reboot
A reboot of galidor with minifigs would be dope
I like you and appreciate your down to earth nature and takes on things. You keep doing you man.
>alt build for the 31120
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The definitive return of Alien Conquest.
I am ready.
Lego Dragon Ball

Mark my words
Dragon Ball Z
More Zelda
Thomas the Tank Engine
Star Fox
Castle sets for Technic, City, Dreamzzz, Friends and a minifigure series
Where did the dragon ball z theme rumour come from? No way lego does dbz sets...
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Dune Messiah is rumoured to release in 2026, could lego make a full dune theme in 2026? Now they have enough material to make sets based on part 1 and 2 and some of 3.
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>Castle sets for Technic
lol, no chance
a full theme from the IP with the druggie jihadists and 4th dimension space babies wouldn't fly with Lego
Such a good deal
Looks like about a dime a piece for a bunch of flat tiles… pass.
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I find it hard to believe they would make a theme for a license where they punch the shit out of eachother.
Something like another 18+ blackbox set with the green dragon is possible I guess.
What the fuck am I looking at here?
ask your doctor
>I find it hard to believe they would make a theme for a license where they punch the shit out of eachother.
Marvel and DC. I'm more bothered by the weird fanservice stuff that was in the earlier episodes, seems a little too lewd for prudish Lego. Current Dragon Ball is pretty tame though.
But that's the rumor going around, Monkie Kid is ending and is going to be replaced by Dragon Ball.
I hope not. The ornithopter is a cool set but nudune is aesthetically bland compared to the books and the old movies.
DBZ dub is childish...and thats what majority of the world saw btw. Though even the jap version isnt that crazy, more pg13 ish.

Perhaps Toryiama death changed things up...
But the core essence of DBZ is that the characters punch till they look bruised and beaten, it's not only the Ka-Me-Onions-Ha beams.
The over 9000 basedbeams do give lego enough wiggle room for a one-off set but a whole theme? Nah.
The alien chulo.
>Technic sets that aren't supercars and construction equipment
You know, up until this year I'd say keep dreaming
Lego would be wise to try some crazy shit like Technic Castle though.
they would look like absolute garbage
kino pov
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>based slopwars
I'd never buy another firsthand Lego product again. Hell, I've already decided against a couple of purchases on the basis of the Lego Pride stuff.
Time to build a castle.
You look like absolute garbage
unironically these are 2 of the sw sets i want to get and im not a fan

first has awesome terrain build and fun armor and weapons
second is just cool little build
Just give me technic abstractions of animals
yeah I just like the look of the little base and the skulltrooper dudes are sweet. I haven't seen whatever show this is from.
>my nigga
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One more adventure..
They cucked him

soul vs. soulless
>can Johnny Thunder defeat the bugmen of Southeast Asia and rescue the gay raccoon!?
In near future . . .

DC will take number 1 spot
We will get LEGO sets from multiple movies and tv shows
That stupid Laser Eye is somehow COOL
We WILL BUILD Superman (2025) figure like there is no tomorrow
We do it carefully with great respect
We do it NOW my friends
BECAUSE it is our destiny
people don't wanna admit that sometimes disneyslop sets can actually be good (assuming you find them on discount)
unironically one of my favorite builds on my shelf is the buzz lightyear ship
Only through UNITY,
we can fill our DUTY
to oppose license slop,
so we can claim our DESTINY
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Like lego did a journey to the west adaptation. I want lego to make their own take on the legend of arthur
Jedi Bob set reveal when?
That's what I'm wondering. It was leaked with the other two and those have both been officially revealed, but we still don't even have pics of it. Wondering if maybe someone saw the trailer for the movie early and just assumed Jedi Bob would get a set since he was in it.
On the lego website one of the set descriptions leaked the set number for Jedi Bob's Starfighter. So it's coming for sure, but the lack of pics is still jarring.
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I don't like how while OG Jeep was a 2 seater, new buggy is single seater...
>those pins
Why the hell does Lego keep using mismatched pins and axis, it looks horrible.
And if thats not enough its in a display set of all things.
As if someone sprinkled confetti all over it.

I guess this is the Lego "quality" you guys praise so much.
It's marketed towards the lowest common denominator and such people can't be trusted to differentiate between pieces without them being rainbow colour coded.
If you cant be trusted in differentiating pieces, you shouldnt be trusted to spend the $160 you paid for this
anon you gotta accept that the old man died years ago
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Fated Forest!

Coming Soon!
Because they think that saving like an extra hour of build time is worth the model looking like shit forever. Keep in mind that Lego's test audience eat lead chips, so it makes perfect sense as long as you're retarded.
Do you think we have any chance of getting these guys in the near future?
It's crazy we didn't get them when the show released.
unlikely unless they make another appearance in some current star wars media. there's literally like 4 different things called "imperial commandos" including the ones from mando in the set that just came out, so I can't imagine they'll be bringing the "old" ones back for any reason
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Oh! They fly now!
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I really don’t know. I try and avoid most Romani people unless I’m buying something from them. I don’t want them to know that the real Lego they sometimes have is valuable so I don’t ask specifically for it. I do prefer they toss it on the ground for me to find. It is a Polish word so maybe the Polish gypsies might use it but I doubt it.
I don’t think any of what I find I rare. We just don’t get the expensive and limited run sets here. They’re just too much money for most people. I did find this minifig awhile back and have not been able to identify it. It’s possibly a custom print and it is on a real Lego torso.
Good plan those fucking gypsy scum would probably pick up any piece of plastic and try to tell you it was a Lego if they though they could make anything. You just keep you head down and eyes on the prize anon. Cool minifig but I am at a loss for where or what it’s from. Kinda like a dr manhattan fangirl.
Also suck it klockifag if gypsyfleamarketanon hasn’t heard of it you’re full of shit.
>releases modern war theme, because kids need to be inspired through play to join the army when they are 18 for upcoming ww3

screencap this
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The only part of this that surprises me is that I'm still alive to see it.
that's basically what marvel is already
I didn't like the Ornithopter:
>Wings are bent on one side and even if you order new ones they will still be bent.
>Some of the mini figures were bad, Duncan had a big hole in his hair piece for example.
>Mine was missing pieces.
>Mismatched colours of the technic pieces that are visible.
>Play features are rather rough for all that effort, wing flapping isn't as good as it seemed like it was going to be.
>Rather bland all grey ship.
What sets would you even want? All I could think of them doing is like:
>Final fight set
Which would be what? Open minimalist room and some minifigs.
>Worm diaorama
Would probably be kind of static and boring.
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They have some imperial commandos.
Flesh bohrok eyes are a mayor W
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They fly now?
No, Youtube is.
Try incorporating more unusual pieces that fit the shapes better, just regular pieces ain't gonna do it.
Could you scan and image host the pages online.
They fly now.
I can't imagine the fucking loser that spends time to write retarded shit like this
Found the gypsy polish faggot. Don’t you have klocki meme to push? Aren’t you busy over in your further dividing klocki threads? Get bent faggot.
i didnt but now i want to use the word Klocki more, you faggot

Brick4 has a bunch of info on a lot of the bootlego / altbricks stuff, this one has all the instruction pages
>that camera quality
>that nosy microphone
>that voice
>that stock music
this is peak classic Jang video

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Nta, but if you don't like certain words so much, how come you didn't oppose them when they were first introduced years ago, and only now sperging out about it?
Could it be that you're just a newfag assblasted, because you're not in on the joke?
Danibobstudios...more like sexo studios
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ITs up, Bricktsar just released a #BAT
He has 1888 tiper trucks

>dreamzzz is so good!
>what is discontinuing old stock for new items to come in for $500
Probably gonna pick up the turtle truck and gator at the 2nd markdown, maybe the shark pirate ship if it drops down below $70. Got moc ideas for the pirate ship and gator.
According to your logic Star Wars should have died twenty times already.
>What sets would you even want?
Spice harvester, Spacing guild ship, Stilltent, emperor's disco ball, that ship Duncan flew around with in the very beginning
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This jogger in a battle pack
>Lego gold
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Don’t ask why…

Do I color her in yellow or an actual flesh tone?
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>Sets that were heavily discounted a few years ago are now near nonexistent on a secondary market.

Where the hell do they all go? A furnace?
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Target had 'em half price.
picked up this "metal"-looking bad guy for 25 bucks

he's doing um... something... to the sleeping girl? wtf is going on with Dreamzzzzzz?
Probably returned to Lego and recycled into other sets like other Lego sets that don't sell.
What happened to Unikitty anyway? What a fever dream, imagine making a Lego movie spinoff that doesn't even reference the Lego Movie universe.
Cope. You still admit you won’t buy it because it’s retardedly priced.
There's some AFOL out there whose huge mountain diorama is built over the parts from 10000 copies of Lego Friends(R) 69420 Diverseniqua's Dog Poo Farm
I have to believe the designers are just giggling about.
Star Wars has a dedicated cross fanbase stretching across four decades and it keeps the lights on at Lego. Dreamzzz uh does not.
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42069 is an Arctic Pimpmobile
It's a human version of a lego figure so it should have a human skin tone, some yellow blush / eyeshadow or other makeup would be a neat nod to the yellow skin though.
There was this one girl on youtube that did vintage set reviews and she was only getting 10-20 views per video, although she only had 3 videos posted. She was in her mid 20s and smoking hot and there were no comments on her videos, I commented "you're stacked" with an (eyes emoji) after drinking a lot alone one night and she immediately deleted my comment and a few days later took down all of her videos.

I feel really bad about that.
Like /lit/ and Katy all over again.
>look out Hawkeye!
Jang went off because a jp set had 420 pieces.
>not Steve or Alex in pirate costumes
hard pass!
Now that I think of it, it's not like the set designers are counting the pieces as they design them. Apparently they're given a price point and then have to design a set around that. Regardless, they don't choose the exact number of pieces beforehand and it's likely the pieces aren't even counted until the design is finalized, and probably by different employees. The only way TLG could stop a statistically probable number like 420 from occasionally being the piece number is to have it sent back to the design team to change the design, but that would obviously be stupid and a waste of time.
I personally subscribe to the notion they’re shoving literal shit into sets but this is just unhinged on jangs part.
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>exclusive glup shitto minifigure
fortnite lego will give their dragon ball skins some lego styles so if lego give them the ok to make them then they are guessing they will release them as physical items. Barely any of the licensed skins in fortnite get lego styles and the ones that do are the ones owned by Disney, Nickelodeon, Sony and El Chapulin Colorado oddly enough
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Looks like they had to make everything detailed and make the pit huge in order to fit in scale and appearance for the UCS Sail Barge.

At $80, I don't imagine these are going to sell very well aside from the people who are selling out $600 for the Sail Barge. The builds are nice but the figures are sort of meh. Skiff Guard Lando is always cool and Nein Numb is neat as a special mold. But it is a bit disappointing it doesn't come with a skiff guard. Since none of Jabba's gang except Boba is on this skiff, I'm wondering if the exact same build is going to be in the UCS Sail Barge as well, since two skiffs accompanied it in the scene.
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>desert skiff looks smaller than the last one they did
>just so they could add more pieces around the Sarlacc
The size Sarlacc would look a little goofy next to a gigantic barge though. Still, it's double the cost of what previous ones were for a bigger sand mound and 2 more figs.
If you're gonna do a companion piece to the Sail Barge why not have two skiffs?
Yeah, most of the pieces going for the pit doesn't seem appealing at that price.
Very probable the other one comes with the Barge itself.
>all the figures you'd want
>in an actually small set
>a playable and displayable build
I fucking hated the show but that looks like a decent package.
Ive bought dozens of knockoff sets off of ali express and I have had 1 case where a handful of parts were lose on a set.
>50 fucking dollars
Nevermind, I take it all back. Literal scam.
>lego wants $80 for this piece of crap
It is beyong my imaginablity that there is anyone out there who still supports a company like this.
There is no reason as to why it is as expensive as it is.
Even at a $40 pricepoint they would be pushing it, $80 is just a slap to the face of everyone who grew up with this brand.

This just shows you that there is NO correlation between the price theyre selling for and production cost.
All they do is abuse nostalgia from people who used to grow up with lego or gobble up everything you present them with a lego sticker put on it.
Nice, I was expecting it to be more expensive, can't wait to buy it. August 1st?
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Hobby discovered last year. This is 2024 so far!
My favorite hobby is also spending money.
Now actually build them you ginormous fa-
>reddit filename
I never used reddit back then so i enver seen /lego/ reddit before AFOL epidemic.

Now it seems like it's a group of afols posting boxes with "RECENT HAUL :)" garbage.
other types of posts are rare and they never get same amount of likes and comments. Which means the majority of other redditors are starwars afols as well.

What was it before? Like for example when Chima or Nexo was around.
New thread? A real lego general btw, with /lg/ - Lego General
>New thread? A real lego general btw, with /lg/ - Lego General
will create one in a minute
>lg/ - LEGO General:
new thread:






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I for one still am loyal to Jang's BASED highway reviews.

don't go to the legostore tomorrow, in minecraft
Amazing thank you
I thought the same thing with some of the marvel sets, they look very cool but the disney tax is way too much.
>wanted a Thrawn figure for years
>hated the hair and the rank pins on the first Thrawn they made
>releasing a new Thrawn
>$50 in a set containing 4 other figures I don't care about in a build that I don't care about from a show I don't care about
But the joke is the bricklink price will probably be something like $30 for the one fig.
Wheres this from?
>"huttslayer" leia
was based until I saw the (((funko))) box in top left
If they didn't want to use the old hat with the fold why didn't they at least use the new dual molded indy hat?
>vehicle worth 20 dollars
>tan slab with a mouth worth (at most) 30 dollars
>can't even be fucked to put in one of jabba's goons
>80 dollars
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six generals open , you fucking retards

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