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Welcome to the Lego General!

The ultimate online destination for all Lego enthusiasts! Whether you're interested in leaked information, exciting product launches, impressive mocs and reviews, or even indulging in speculation and wishlists, this is the perfect place for you. Immerse yourself in the world of Lego where endless possibilities await!


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Post Sonic characters you want as minifigures.
1) Super shadow
2) all Chaotix
3) Cream and Big (to finish team rose)
not sure if they will make Omega but its nice that we got rouge and shadow
I hope Charmie will be a mini-animal (like from Friends sets) not an actual minfiigure
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btw i still didnt buy this set
that mech with those toddler-tier limbs is so fucking awful and i never liked that much red in mechs. I will never use it and those red pieces will be just lying around forever

And buying minifigures separated will cost almost as much as this set.
Why did they fucking do that...
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Shut the hell up. I didn't gave you the green light to use your greasy fingers.
This mechfag gone butthurt. that set is garbage
Just the OGs. Not interested in much past the Genesis.
Retreat to your mancave retard. Go suck your mom's dick, nobody wants to read your retarded shit.
holy incel
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Now that Gundam is promoted in the west (again)

How long until Lego announces sets?

Sell Lego Gundam action figures instead of whatever marvel dc figures they have planned.
Hopefully never
Gundam is lame, even Ninjago does mechs better
Fuck you stupid jizz-brained piece of shit. Your mother should've aborted your faggot ass.
Who hurt you today incel?
was it a black person?
One icons set at most. Lego almost never touches weeb shit.
fucking degenerate.
Why such subhumans even sit in /lg/. Arent polfags too poor to buy lego? (all convervatives are poor)
What sets from summer wave do you want to buy?
God I fucking love this place.
what's with Lego's obsession with making mechs for every single character? Do kids actually like them?
your moc is shit op
when are we getting 2025 leaks?
Why do you spam threads? Is having the OP pic your fetish? The last thread is on page 4 and hasn't even hit image limit. I just think you're autistic and weird.
Luckily we won't have to suffer your subhuman presence anymore. Tomorrow will all your pipes be clogged with all the faggot flith you're consuming you fucking cumbucket.
Go get fucked with your mom's fat dick since I know that's what you're into you waking abortion.
Anon, it's been out for two days already...
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>your moc is shit op
Haha true. But i dont have enough klocki to begin with
>Why do you spam threads? Is having the OP pic your fetish?
i created this thread and the last one.
Previously it wasn't me.
(i created both threads because anon asked "new thread"? and i dislike when lego threads stop updating and i have to scroll down - anyways what are you worrying about - none of those sunken threads is useful anyways)
>i dislike when lego threads stop updating and i have to scroll down
I know you're just being a disingenuous little faggot who just wants to justify your narcissistic thread spamming, but in case someone is ACTUALLY having this problem, just go to 'filters', add 'lego' for 'toy' and check the 'top' box.
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>go to 'filters', add 'lego' for 'toy' and check the 'top' box.
Didnt know that. but that's too much stuff to do
anyways thanks anon!
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I’m so fucking hyped for this set man, I’m meeting Richard Dreyfuss at a con next month too.
There’s no going back now faggots.
POST LEGO instead of whining you absolute fucking dickhead.

Thread creates the one that actually cares about lego.
I created last 2 threads and posted more stuff than you both combined, fucking pussies.
And I reiterate.
You’re just mad because I’m also doing this >>11055628
>post your 2017 sets
Kek. So fucking easy.
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i dont even understand what are you zoomers talking about.
But thanks for the bump i guess.
This real, don't know exactly where the leak is from. Image is shit quality for lazy people who don't wanna look up leaks them selves.
Given the response to my last post, it's clear OP has no interest in improving his life or posting anything useful, and only wants attention like a screaming baby. Maybe if he actually had friends or a gf he wouldn't feel the need to spam here for social interaction. But since he doesn't and never will (and since TV has no jannies to ban for trolling outside of /b/ or spamming/flooding) I think I'll just add a couple filters that hide his threads. He will of course respond to say how mad he isn't, but let's hope this doesn't make him enter a tantrum and spam more threads. When it does, I fortunately won't notice.
Such a fucking millennial retarded thing to say and hey also thanks for outing yourself as the fag that keeps making new threads clogging up /toy/.
Gotta get to the top huh buddy? Gotta make a new thread because it’s slipping? You’re the worst kind of faggot and why I decided to implode this place. There’s no going back. Keep fighting over which thread is real.
To further my point I’ve already laid the groundwork for like five more trolls and you won’t see them coming until you’re way down the rabbit hole. I don’t even have to be discreet anymore. Like I said there’s no going back.
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thanks for the bump zoomietard

I post lego
I care about lego

You keep whining and being a useless air waste. What a joke.
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>I’ve already laid the groundwork for like five more trolls and you won’t see them coming until you’re way down the rabbit hole.

the fuck is this cringe bullshit
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>August 1 release
>Based on Star Wars Skeleton Crew show


>mfw no Acolyte sets
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Nice stuff
Too cool
>Here's your 130 dollaridoos black box, bro
Only interested in the black jacket girl because looks cute.
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Better pic
It's not, just 2000s Star Wars soul.
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Holy shit this is cool. I'm not a star wars fan - I'm that anon who asked for a ship for Space Pirates.

this looks like a nice "base" for a ship because it has grey color - you can just add anything and more on it and mod it to something epic becau...

Like i thought before - i'm just going to buy picrelated that stores 2 characters and pretend that the entire crew inside
Update: It is $140
You’re always using that word “disingenuous”. And you never post anything. Just cry and whine about nonsense
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>le quirky redditslop
I'm not a bored old AFOL who has nowhere to throw money. My life is in full swing, there are a lot of projects, ideas, and I just don’t want to spend money on stuff that isn’t worth it.
This little idea of space pirates is definitely not worth spending 150fucking moneys just to try it out.
noone cares
you cared enough to reply
Some retard thinking he's a machiavellian genius when he's just trolling people on 4chan.
Are those multicoloured flashlights they're holding?
Fortnite sets will be revealed Tomorrow
Any sonic fan would laugh at you.
Knuckles is baically a Berserk guy of Sonic franchise.
he would just punch through any metal and laugh at the offer to ride a mech.

this set is fucking stupid. Should have added a bigger vehicle for Rouge not a mech,

also kys for being butthurt over that
Guys....why won't Lego give us a full Lord of the Rings theme????
I can’t even tell what’s real and what’s not anymore.
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So is the white haired kid with the blind fold a Miraluka?
make T-rex fuck Alan please
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How am I supposed to convince my normie coworker that this set is better than the A Frame Cabin that came out last year? It's so hard to describe Sovl to the uninitiated...
im not into too simplistic old sets but this is friggin awesome
That bridge makes it 1000 better. the river is awesome
idk what cabin came last year but its sure better
I like classic Lego but you're delusional if you think a normie afol will like this set more than the a frame cabin.
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blaze up Lego bros
>frame cabin
oh it's an afol set
Of course normie will NEVER like it over that comfy old set.

i thought you mean some equally small City set with cabin/camper stuff...
that afol set is a status item
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Lego should make lots of sets and do these
Why arent lego doing spongebob sets? IP is still strong and the theme was pretty popular.

Do they have a hate relationship with Viacom?
smoking is so cool anon
420 amirite
I hate f4nite as a game but bought figures by McFarlane back then and would buy such sets in heartbeat.

fortnite unironically would make great sets with cool minifigures
Make him sign your Lego set so he internally dies of cringe.
For me, it's the blind (Miraluka? Not sure if they factor into yidsney "canon") girl. As shit a game as KotOR 2 was, it gave me a huge blind chick fetish.
The fuck is this? Why does that dude have faces on his stomach?
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Am I going to heaven?
Very nice. I always regret not getting more Ultra Agents, I only picked up the fist car, which is awesome.
$140 for the most basic and boring space ship design imaginable from a show that's not even out yet.
What the fuck are thry smoking?
The A cabin isn't good by any means but this is borderline duplo. Get your head out of your ass
What is your favorite set ever?
Are DM4 sets selling well? Chances for more sets next year? I saw all of them sold out where I live. I want them to do sets based on the other films and Gru's car. Mega did more with the license desu
Why doesn't lego make more Dr. Who sets? They only made 3 including Dimensions
There's decades of good series and characters to make sets off, I don't mean the shitty woke new series.
Seriously, we got none of the classic Doctors and they skipped over David Tennant, easily the most popular new series Doctor.
Well it literally is now, yes.
Very cool, into the backlog it goes.
To add to this even when Who was still popular most of the issue boils down to BBC doesn't like outside parties profiting from Doctor Who even when they themselves are still getting paid one way or another.
Both this and the A Frame Cabin are good Lego sets for different reasons.
It's an obviously made up problem anyway, just keep a tab open, or god forbid type lego in the search bar
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Built myself a train station on my day off! Closely based on 4554, but with a few structural tweaks. It was my first experience ordering parts off of BrickLink, and it went pretty well. Turns out it's *way* more economical to add a shit-ton of extra pieces to any order, shipping is a killer.
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God, you know what we need right about now? Another /lg/ general.
>another zoomer filtered by BURP kino

This looks like a mess. I don't know what the source material even looks like, but this is just objectively ugly. The mix of a huge number of open studs mixed with overly detailed greebling, stud shooters, a lack of any window / wind screen pieces or identifying colours or shaping is grotesque. I don't think I could make an uglier model.

In that price range, that's a huge set for a kid. That's like a main birthday / christmas gift tier price. Who the fuck is buying this shit?
Anyone got a pdf on this thing?
Calm down bro, it’s just a toy
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Picked up the beetle cunt to go with trug cunt
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Do mousecucks really?
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Is it true that the minifigure is more important than the brick now? That the minifig can either make or ruin a set?
Don't care what that retard mandr thinks the fives figure is clean.
I never watched Transformers but isn't it kinda lame how they transform into these everyday cars? Sure they blend in better that way but if I bought a toy I would want both forms to look cool.
For mousecucks? Absolutely. I sold a Boba Fett for four figures.
Well, the tagline is "robots in disguise." I guess "robots that are really obvious" didn't test well.
Definitely think the big dust collector R2 gained a lot more interest than it would or should from Malak's inclusion. Probably the shit Tantive IV diorama too, what with cloniggers being as obsessive as they are about needing every tiny paint scheme variation of the same fig.
If you're asking me if I think it's right, then no, of course not. Lego dropping the mask and cynically using completely unrelated collector figs to sell shit sets is just plain vile.
A minifig is a tool to play with a set. I expect a plane to have a pilot to go with it, a train to have conductors and padsangers, etc. If I have a cool UFO MOC I'd want a cool alien from a CMF line to go with it. I'd prefer if thise figs were as detailed as possible but I won't really care if it's missing a particular pocket or insignia. But including figures that are only vaguely related, let alone not at all, to the set itself is an absolute waste and only serves to either inflate the price or be a selling point for an expensive dust collector you otherwise wouldn't have gotten.
Star Wars niggers are the worst offenders by far. Getting mad that a single minifig was sold in a 12 dollar set instead of a 700 dollar one exposed all the retards and consoomer subhumans plaguing this hobby.
Because he's 3 pea's in a pod
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Reposting this because there was a guy in the other thread that really loved it, I think he should enjoy it again!
Capeshit ruined a generation
Whats up with this focus on buildable figures?

They could have made a lab set for the Minions instead, I wish they did a fucking minions battlepack where the minions are similar
Depends what you find cool I find the bayformers mostly being soulless oil monkey supercars lame as fuck.
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How do you decide which lego sets to purchase? With a wide array of themes and sets on the market, ranging from Despicable Me 4, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Minecraft, Animal Crossing to upcoming themes like Fortnite, Wicked, Wednesday, and Dungeons and Dragons, it can be overwhelming to make a decision. I am uncertain about how to proceed, particularly since some of these themes may not continue! Please help me prioritize!
If you want me to pick for you then fine.
Buy the $700 Star Wars set. And then after that buy the $500 one. And then the $200 dollar one. They must be your top priority.
>Is it true that the minifigure is more important than the brick now?
With Star Wars? Yes completely. Compare other branded sets and it is clear there is a Star Wars tax. Similar priced Harry Potter sets have far more minifigures. The whole concept of a battle pack is just to get minifigs. Clone army builders are especially bad. The fact a Boba Fett from the old Cloud City set is worth thousands even when there are a lot of better Boba figures just shows the madness. They won't ever do a CMF line for Star Wars either.
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Avoid sets with a Disney IP - the Disney tax is outrageous and to be safe, avoid any 3rd party IP if you want value for money. Lego Caste/Pirates have made a decent comeback and will flood anyone familiar with Lego growing up with a nostalgia rush with the current sets
The only ruined thing here is your sweaty floppy necbeard dick.
But I dont care about that, I only buy licensed IPs, never liked original themes, never will.

better pay the guy who designed it
kek the deodorant "ship"
what would you even make sets of from that show?
I haven't watched it
You are a faggot

There are atleast 10 sets I can think for the acolyte
you watched acolyte
I agree that a lot of lego sets have value just because of minifigures.
For example this one - i really want the dodo guy and maybe a ticket piece.
But the other villager-idk.
And i woudln't want to display that set anywhere or use those blue parts
>There are atleast 10 sets I can think for the acolyte

cool. examples?
as I said, I haven't watched it. I just couldn't care about it.
>as I said, I haven't watched it. I just couldn't care about it.
your point?
Your opinion is pretty much useless in this conversation and you won't add anything worthy.
Name 2 that aren't just more baseplate/diorama + 5 random figgers garbage sets.
You just want Acolyte sets because you're a brainded fig collector and don't actually care about Lego.
I want Lego Alexis Texas sets
I want Lego Human Centipede
it's probably some bullshit AFOL garbage model kit like the eiffel tower
Just pay the designer.
wtf you mean, I legit am curious about what sets you would want from the show, just share some screenshots of spaceships or scenes that you want in lego form from the show because I haven't watched it.

That is not an "opinion" that is just stating the reason why I'm asking you to share your set ideas. You are the one who said that you have like 10 ideas afterall
Could work, but it looks (from this shot at least) to be a thin and light design and historically the chunkier vehicles look better in Lego form imo
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This is the ship
Ah, that's the Vector, a fighter specifically made for Jedi use during the High Republic era. It serves the same role as the Eta-2 Interceptor. Small, fast, no-shields, no in-built hyperdrive


ok pretty cool from this show to reference that fighter
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Any news on potential How to train your Dragon sets in 2025?
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Six generals open.
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DAMN i legit thought it's Chima because of ice tribe vibes

chima bros...we need to come back
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feel free to save this and post in the future when lego dies and we will feel nostalgic about times when 4chan had multiple lego threads - it was THAT popular
id buy
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OK, going to store right now, which one of these should I buy guys?
minecraft is cringe
is this a troll post...why would you chose a bunch of basick bricks over cool as fuck harry potter set with interesting pieces and characters lol
Chose minecraft if yoy arent gay potterfag like >>11058493
minecraft is for fucking toddlers. look at that garbage set. wtf.
it's worse than afol sets
You have no soul
We are getting a Wednesday figure...
Minecraft if you enjoy classic Lego. Harry Potter if you're a minifigger nigger.
I know it's improper to glue legos but...
holy shit bros this guy got dreamzzz August sets early and he will be reviewing them all


cant wait to see that dinosaur robot
Btw this set has shit ton of new cool parts.
I dont like the variety of colorful mess though. its worse than lego Elves
clearly more towards female audience who got pink/purple coded in their brains...
>Harry Potter if you're a minifigger nigger.
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holy fuck they outdid themselves with the quality of minifigures
the quality and details on these is outstanding
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And waaaay back here
No one gives a shit about gay ass dreamzzz snooze garbage. I know you guys got profit goals to meet but nobody’s picking up what you’re putting down. Make more comfy jkr supporting Harry Potter sets but cut the retards niggers and cripples out maybe?
>inb4 they’re making way for new products
No no they are not these things suck ass and kids and parents don’t like them. Some fags shilling on a Tibetan home birth forum won’t change the fact that they suck and don’t sell.
why not buy this set, get the minis and build something else with the bricks? I bought the Creators Mech and instead of build that I made a bug.
I just buy things that I think look neat. Sometimes that's a robot, sometimes it's a minecraft village, sometimes it's a 3 in 1 parrot. I really don't put much more thought into it, other than price (I try not to spend too much per set, those big marquee $200 sets are a complete no-go)
also this is easily one of the better AC sets purely because it's (mostly) lacking those rounded plates
>holy fuck they outdid themselves with the quality of minifigures
>the quality and details on these is outstanding

too bad it is for the faggy dream ZZZ theme. imagine this detail with a knights, space or pirate theme.
Are there really people that look for one of the threads? I just go to the one i see first.
You’re the problem.
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Kojima chads...
Why? I think the problem is people creating multiple threads for no reason.
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This, imagine a battle pack for pic related
>we want dinosaurs
>but for the urban demographic
You’re clearly a casual tourist and should die. Here to talk about more leaks?
i've been jangposting before you were born
Uh huh where were you on that beautiful day in September when everything changed. I bet you didn’t even stop!
Gonna build a set today, I like dinosaurs
>mrbeast has his own toyline that will hiy shelves later this month
So, how long until Lego x MrBeast theme is announced?
Just the future president of USA
and it's wasted on Ricky from Rapsittie Kids - Lego Edition
are you an ape?
>imagine this detail with a knights, space or pirate theme.
we literally got detailed Space theme lately you mongrell

and we will get detailed DnD figures in september.
nobody cares about gay pirates.
When are the sets getting leaked???
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>bunch of other bland afol sets
>wooden mess from the 70s
>favorite football team flag
Like pottery.
Like i said last thread - such afol sets is like those old models for old people from 1960s to build in their garage

I just dont fucking get it - why the majority of communities are posts like these now.
>washington capitals
>I just dont fucking get it - why the majority of communities are posts like these now.
lego community is dead.

You either a child with non afol sets. Or afol with expensive sets.
Either you die as a devoted Lego enthusiast or you live long enough to transform into a licensed dust collector AFOL.
>you die as a devoted Lego enthusiast
this. I'm 37 and the most excited buy for me that ninjago satan666 dragon and dreamzzz dinosaur.

btw i dont need this dragon just as it is. I'm gonna turn it into a mechanized dragon with turbines and wires and comuters stuff.
computers stuff.
I liked what they did with green mechanical dragon back then
Looks like a warcraft dragon

We need lego world of warcraft sets so much
How fucking dare you equate comfy plastic models to afool dust collectors?
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It's already been perfected.
Ask your momme

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Well, should I sell?
Shut the fuck up, retard.
I know its you chungus.
I juat want lego spongebob back... :(
how the fuck did you get this?
>we literally got detailed Space theme lately you mongrell

where? because the regular sets aren't detailed like dreamzzslop you dumbass. and don't come with ''í ment the minifig series 26'' because those don't count
are you a tranny?

>because those don't count
>literally made classic themes better
>dont count
ok faggot
Ok guys....we are getting...digimon sets
So, lego are at sdcc this year, could they reveal a new theme there?
I sorta do too, a few good parts but I know it will be a double edged sword
Impressive, very nice. Digits and all.
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Heh. I turned the polybag version of that guy into a femboy.
Why would they license a dead franchise
What about this is meant to be feminine, exactly?
nice. very creative use of that polybag and thanks for the original content!
then build your own castle retard
that isn't a garage, it's a trailer... look at those cabinets and the window. sad.
>my wife let me buy the newest kinorino!!!
Thank you anon. Alternate builds are fun even if you supplement some pieces.
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Done with my stranded pirate moc
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much better than the deodorant ship anon
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Updated Jack Skellington from the Nightmare before Christmas set.

Captcha: GR0HM
There's nothing better than getting lost in it and play with your lego like if you were 8 years old again.
Neat long limbs in black
These sets look tight
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just got this used for $55
Lego sucks now - lego fan
>Lego sucks now - lego fan
Im also a lego fan! what is your favorite set??
Minecraft 2024 pirate boat
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i guess i'll just buy these two sets. I always wanted those z-blob parts and minifigures from that cat owl set.

That hunter still costs 10-12$ and it will be more expensive over time. I couldn't find any magazines with him in eu.
Huh. what do you mean - is this some leaked thing? how come there are long printed Jack legs?
3rd party?
looks super comfy anon
We are getting a nightmeranbefore christmas set this fall, an ideas project
I would buy this in a heartbeat if Lego would be selling this one instead of that one with huge-ass brick built rock base.
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>We are getting a nightmeranbefore christmas set this fall
>an ideas project
>a 4000000+$$$$$ afol set
fuuuuuuuuck ooooooooooooooooooooffffffff
What a monkey paw...
>tfw you will never have a halloween town playset with cool monster minifigures
This will be the set

No idea how muxh will lego designers rape it
Minecraft is the perfect theme and I am tired to pretend it's not.

those ugly minifigures...god...
I always thought that those minifigs are peak cringe. Insta associations with stuff like "child on youtube video screeching".

But i understand why some lego fans like it - they played Minecraft all days back then.
I unironically like this
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Invited some friends over to tackle these beasts all at once this weekend. Wish us luck!

But I would be greedy and built it all myself!
how did I instantly know this was a reddit post?
because it mentions having friends
I love all of those big POOPs.
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Cool it with the anti semitism
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>>tfw you will never have a halloween town playset with cool monster minifigures

You can if you built it yourself.
Too bad its Lego and not some sort od interlocking block system.
I love those big Aquazone domes
Nee thread?
I can save her...
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Here we go
>dreamzzz is bad because....it just is ok!!!!!
Why are you all like this?
Dreamzzz is bad because it’s a cookie cutting survey driven nightmare. The sets suck and the show sucks. Kids don’t like it. Parents don’t like it. I’m glad it’s found a niche with autismos on a Mongolian high speed fiber optic forum.
See >>11058581
No real reasons why dreamzzz is le bad

Keep coming when all 10 2025 sets release
>the sets are bad
>the show is bad
>kids don’t like it
>parents don’t like it
Feel free to argue any of these points. You’re still wrong. That’s why there’s still five of these retarded top heavily virtually unplayable things on the shelf. Even at a discount people aren’t buying it.
10 sets in 2025

It is a hit
Lego develops sets 18-24 months in advance those were already going to be out.
>muh ten sets
So they’re dumping everything they had in the pipeline all at once and saying fuck it.
Lego is known to cancel themes if they dont ell look up vidyo bionicle g2 tc
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ITT: post licenses you want lego to bring back as evergreen or make sets (if they didn't before)

I want Spongebob back, I legit do not get it why they haven't made more sets and let the rights expire. Mega did so much with it. Who is to blame? Nick or Lego? Chances we get it with the next movie?
>the sets are bad
I own 4 of them and they really aren't. They offer unique designs and plenty of play features. The main draw is that most if them offer alt builds, something Lego rarely does these days. They are colourful and yet coherent. The theme as a whole has a perfect balance between creatures, vehicles, structures and sometimes even a mix between all of them. The minifigures are also some of the best across Lego's entire catalogue. The only set out of the 4 I own about which I have something negative to say is the Stable of Dream Creatures and it's the price point. A draw back that stands out from the rest of the theme as the other sets are fairly priced.
>the show is bad
Sure, it's fucking terrible. But that has absolutely no bearing on the sets themselves. They are designed first and then the show is written around them. So the quality of one has nothing to do with the other. I'm not particularly fond of the Ninjago show and movies either but that doesn't detract from how much I enjoy the theme.
>kids don’t like it
Source? I watched a kid revuew one set and he set he liked it. I also saw one actively browsing through the dreamzzz shelf at a store.
>parents don’t like it
You made this up.

It's okay to not like the theme because it isn't your usual license slop or that it asks you to be creative for once. Just don't be a fag about it.
Shut up shill
I mean it's the same couple nolifes spamming that they don't like it, it's not like it's a widely held belief (unless you count the opinions of fatties as widely held). Better to just let them seethe in their sad bubble
SpongeBob coming back would be great.
I think my main choice would be more Scooby-Doo stuff. The last wave was great and I'm glad I snagged them all. Only problem is that I don't think they have any cartoons going right now, the last one I heard about was the indian femcel flop.
I would've liked to have seen a Jungle Cruise set or two while that movie was out. Gravity Falls could've been neat when that was running as well.
>the sets are bad
That one isn't great others are good
>the show is bad
Your only solid point
>kids don’t like it
Aren't your crotch goblins retarded little cunts mad that lego comes apart?
>parents don’t like it
One guy bitching about one of the poverty sets because their cuntspawn don't like that lego comes apart.


Kill Liscencefags. Behead Liscencefags. Roundhouse kick a Liscencefag into the concrete. Slam dunk a Liscencefag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Liscencefags. Defecate in a Liscencefags food. Launch Liscencefags into the sun. Stir fry Liscencefags in a wok. Toss Liscencefags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Liscencefags gas tank. Judo throw Liscencefags into a wood chipper. Twist Liscencefags heads off. Report Liscencefags to the IRS. Karate chop Liscencefags in half. Curb stomp pregnant Liscencefag whores. Trap Liscencefags in quicksand. Crush Liscencefags in the trash compactor. Liquefy Liscencefags in a vat of acid. Eat Liscencefags. Dissect Liscencefags. Exterminate Liscencefags in the gas chamber. Stomp Liscencefag skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Liscencefags in the oven. Lobotomize Liscencefags. Mandatory abortions for Liscencefags. Grind Liscencefag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Liscencefags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Liscencefags with a ray gun. Kick old Liscencefags down the stairs. Feed Liscencefags to alligators. Slice Liscencefags with a katana.
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There is hope
>dreamzzz is le bad
>licenses are le bad
>old original themes are le good
>afols dust collectors bad
Anything else?
That image does not inspire confidence, sadly
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That little monke is fun to mess around with
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i say these unironically
Mega is good now

Fuck you
Mega is dead
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mega is good and so is competition
Mega is alive!
How are things in Denmark? That dei policy treating you guys super well over there? Fucking kike shills. Source actual parent with kids who don’t like the show think the sets suck and don’t play with them but play with any other legos that don’t suck just fine. TLDR faggot shills trying way to hard.
Give me sources
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I just picked up this weird knockoff Power Rabgers Lego at Five Below
Without LEGO, I might have considered ending my life. My passion lies in LEGO, Disney, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Nintendo, and Lord of the Rings.
I think people are made at dreamszzz because they think it's "woke" or what ever the americans say. I work in a toy store and the Dreamzzz sets are selling at a normal rate conpared to other themes. And they are great sets.
They're shit.
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I will never forgive Hasbro for giving up on Kre-o. Kre-o legit had fucking SOUL.

I wish lego transformers would be like Kre-o.
still more imagination and skill than you
Ok, lego store anons, are despicable me 4 sets selling well? Do you think we might get more sets next year? Like Gru mobile and minions battlepack, perhaps a few more sets and villain vehicles?
An aunt once gifted me the Prowl set, which activated my Transformer autism for a year or so.

I think I swallowed the gray gun. I still have the sniper and assault gun somewhere.
I want to burn this thing in fire, or storm it with my medieval figs who will torture the minions and rape the females
Minions are a big army
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Its time to bring it back

What the fuck is this fucking shit. It looks gayer than yaoi steven universe and brown velma show combined.
Anal faggots of lego would rather make a wojak than a MOC
I’d buy the polybag if it were available around here. Would def pick up more gru sets if they did a molded head minifig. Niggers can make a Gonzo molded head but not Gru? I call lazy bullshit. And it broke Justin.
Scoobydoo anime
Fucking Christ you can't just admit to being an ESL retard and expect people to take your opinion seriously, let alone setting up a retarded strawman no one said

I mean they did turn the ginger into a nigger but lol that has nothing to do why its bad
Can confirm my green ranger and cycle did not even fit together and his hand was fucked up. I just don’t get why they’d do Tommy dirty like that!
You are racist

Its not Japanese though racist cultural appropriating bigot
>Ginger into a nigger
Many such cases.
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No some of my favourite minifigs are ginger I can't be racist
Ginger is not a race
Fuck off nigger.
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Minecraft is the best lego theme. Done.
Did the femputer write that for you?

Make new thread now no more klocki only lego general it need sspongebob in.edition or something or lego fortnite or lego wicked or lego wednesday no more original themes please I am tired of orig8nal themes!!!!!!
Here's proof by the way.

The nigger likes grafitti and sneakers which is somehow not racist when lefties do it. (And slime because of all those fucked up shitting slime toys kids like.)
After 25 years here, I have come to the conclusion, /lg/ is the worst board
If we're not a race then how are we winning so much?
Guys....no new leaks...I think I will off myself soon if we dont get new sets leaked....
Someone, please, create a new thread here, for the sake of God almighty!!!
Im actually curious how many suicides will happen if the leaks those faggot leakers were hyping up aren't Bionicle G3. Cause it has a huge overlap with transsexuals, men, autists and mentally ill people. That's just asking for suicides.
Boy, those leaks are hyping up...a shrek theme.

There is no G3
They also fear the ginge
Trust the plan...

Why so much focus lately on action figures if G3 isn't coming?
My red ranger was missing a hand hence the yellow replacement.
This lookd awful
I also cannot remove the helmet now.
I want lego gijoe but lego are cucks
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Wait for 2026...
I had enough of this general, I am out
I pretend to be woke on Twitter so when the day Bionicle comes back I can get them to cancel it due to cultural appropriation and racism.
Thats vile
BASED. Fuck bionicucks.
Because Lego wants to get foothold in that market same as they do in every other market, the influx of Bionicle fans as designers could be a cluminating factor and they are probably trying to nudge Lego to make action figures of some sort, but Niek is also in general just a huge mecha fan and is probably concerned about improving those the most.

The original leaker was dubious at best and Faber has given signals that Lego isn't particularly interested in doing more with Bionicle. Regardless, I wouldn't rule a new constraction theme out in the next few years, if not 2025 already, licensed or original.
Has the X-mansion leaked yet?
Reminder to report these for trolling
if you make an early thread before this hits image limit or page 10, I'll just make a real new thread.
Don’t know but I like the x-jet more than I should despite the price. Got it as a present and it’s a solid set. The only issue I have is them cheaping out on wolverines leg printing when the CMF has dual molded legs that look a shitload better.
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and this
and despite being b8 I will reply with a lego model that I scaled down and was only able to realize due to parts provided by mega.
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>x-jet more
I just can't like it. It is only slightly cheaper than the Avengers Quinjet which is much larger. The Magneto figure was particularly eh. I doubt the X-Mansion will include another one but I don't know whether than mansion is animated series themed.
I wouldn’t have purchased it for myself but I enjoy it. It’s very swooshable and playable but no it is not worth the price tag or losing rogues ass.
that's a man
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I heard they decided to scrap this and make a new bird series.
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Does anyone have the finalized iceberg chart some anon was making about a year or so back? I have this one but I recall there being an even larger version.
Anyone have explanations for the bottom tier entries? Really wanna know what Playboy bunny hero factory means.
Dyslexia is a tragedy every time.
Pretty sure it's just referring to MOCs like pic related
NEW THREAD >>11060178
Education prostitute refers to one of the Education sets that had a woman and an asian-style red lantern, implying a red light district.
First off, hang yourself you disgusting coomer freak. Second, it refers to some coomer fan making >>11060235, then LEGO using the exact same foot design in some official capacity.
I know! People keep calling it "cookie cutter," but Ninjago keeps shitting out different versions of the same mechs, vehicles, and dragons over and over again.

And the only thing I hear against Dreamzzz is "UUgGhhG, it UNPOPULAR!" Like, yeah, THAT'S the benchmark of quality, weather it's popular or not.

I like it because it reminds me of the fun and imaginative stuff lego USED to come up with before I.P.s took over the shelves.
I dunno. Every time Lego releases a new non-licence theme, I hear people cry, "BUT IT'S GONNA KILL NINJAAAAGOOOOOOO!!!!"

Bitch NOTHING'S gonna kill Ninjago, as much as I wish it would. Seriously, I know NINJAGO fans who are tired of Ninjago getting in the way of Lego's potential, but I've ALWAYS hated it! (Don't get me wrong, there are some good sets in there, but with a fuk-jillion sets released over the years, that's more of a "broken clock is right twice a day" principle than an argument for Ninjago's quality.)
Better keep your word
Is this a samefag, or did you just forget you can respond to two people in one reply?
You are correct about shitjago, though, it needs to fucking GO and stay gone.
Nah, I just responded to things as I came across them. Probably shouldn't have posted till I finished reading everything, but honestly, I wasn't planning on finishing this thread.

So do you like Dreamzzz too? What's your favorite set thus far?
I will once this thread is done
I made a new one
I will make another new one because your thread is bad.
>you didn't link the previous thread
>you didn't wait until this thread was on page 10 or hit the image limit
Your thread is pathetic
What’s autism like? I’m 100 percent being genuine.
You have to look inside yourself to find that answer, anon. I am just sick and tired of your faggotry to be honest. You could just be chill and actually post decent content instead of creating a weird thread arms race that doesn't matter. Your attitude is the type of attitude that ruins generals. Do better.
Thread was fine right up till the licenseslop spam. I think you’re just a salty bitch because my threads better.
>I think you’re just a salty bitch because my threads better.
I feel like you're projecting your bitterness on me, anon. I genuinely want better generals, that is all. Is that not what you want to? Generals have a poor habit of declining. A lot of the attitudes on display are a representation of that. We don't have to be enemies, we can all simply do better. That is the point I am trying to get across to you.
We do have to be enemies. I’ve said it before man. In another universe I could have called you fren. Your overbearing attitude and constant need for control are why we will never be the same.
I really just don't care much about the theme desu, I was mostly saving my budget for Space this year and I'm not much of an impulse buyer.
I got the space car, though. S'a'right aside from that retarded figure in the purple unicorn PJs.
I'm not controlling anything anon, you're the one that had to rush off to control things. I mostly just post content. All you're doing is doubling down. I am just saying you can do better than that.
>im not controlling anything
You’re trying really hard to it seems to create a standard of your own design and liking. You’re part of the problem.
It isn't my standard, it is the standard of 4chan, generals and the like. A type of basic decorum that keeps things going. I am hardly part of the problem. I post MOCs, I post leaks (I am part of a leak group too), I post content. I just don't like the autism around new threads, spam and general thread decline.
You seriously need to do something better than spamming a lego general early with worse and worse “op text” fag.
I told you >>11057146 I came up with this troll in my dreamzzz have fun debating the snoozzzfest meanwhile I’m watching all you faggots dance on strings like puppets I don’t even have to hide now.
To further this point. I came up with the idea about a year ago and have been slowly implementing it stage by stage to fracture and destroy you plastic brick loving queers. Like I said I don’t even have to hide it and there’s nothing you can do to go back to how things were.
To further this point again check my Star Trek reference here and then go see what people are arguing about. >>11060623
Peace was never an option.
Look at this pedo screamin’ acting as if anybody here cares besides being slightly annoyed.
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Here is my starship. It lands on water like a boat to explore oceanic worlds
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Starship posting
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Frontal view

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