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Old thread died. Lost in the woods edition. Post those comfy forest scenes or any terrain idea. What’re you guys working on right now.
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This looks so AMAZING but a lot like Swamp due to those plants hanging.
Should have made it into a Chima crocodiles hideout MOC
Not mine but I think the third one k posted is the same guy. His shit is DETAILED! I need inspiration been spinning my wheels lately and not making much. I’m not into chima much but some of the ninjago shit one of the moc guys posted is sick. I might branch out and the sets are still relatively low priced. I like ninjas and shit.
>I like ninjas and shit.
make an epic battle of ninjas VS pirates!
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I finished the Bonkletech Assembly Facility.

I want to make an HQ/office building on another base plate.

We now have the facilities to assemble and repair gigantic robotic waifus or any other large mechanical entities.

Playset includes 3 vehicles.
Let’s see that waifu bonk you made posed in there! Looks great man.
Definitely looks more filled out. Still looks a bit empty though, perhaps a gantry crane or elevator for the different floors would pad it out.
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Sure why not. Let us pretend her leg was damaged in combat and had to be shipped to a separate facility for myomer restringing.
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Good as new

New meaning for the term "fire crotch"
>GITD wand
Good. You have preserved SOVL.
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Funny you should mention an elevator.

I agree it seems a bit too open still but I wanted to be able to get my hands in there to play with it, I imagine several minifigs up on the platforms doing various tasks.

A few elevator ideas were considered, this was the one I ended up going with, I couldnt figure out how to make anything else work.

A gantry crane was also 100% considered, with a full X-Y track system, I tried a few initial ideas but anything I came up with ended up being short of doing it properly which it deserves, so I tabled that idea for now. I could have it hanging off one side but that makes the tower much less stable than it already is.

I think a version 2 would be some sort of side-loading double platform but I do not have the pieces to build a second large structure right now and pry won't for a while. I just had to replace my AC unit today so no huge Bricklink orders until I can recoup my savings. Fortunately I have a pretty massive one coming, but that won't have really any parts to help make a second tower to properly support a gantry crane.

I wanted to leave the front part relatively open. I want to be able to work on some big ass bots here.
Truck needs a SHELL sticker
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Hello, Currently designing this in stud.io and I need help designing the "table". I want it to be tiled and as big as the current placeholder I have. Any ideas or work for a large round tiled table style thing I could use as inspiration? Thanks in advance.
anon this looks awesome
Always loved the idea of stands for mechs like that
It's Octan tho. We only buy only the most questionably sourced hydrocarbons.
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You guys workin on any Halloween builds yet?
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I'm probably going to rework my spooky waifu to have better joints and build her bitch of an ex gf which will be some sort of shortstack shadow entity with the Dreamzzz nightmare creature color scheme and some creepy toothy grin of some sort going on. So not directly Halloween related but I'm planning on some creepy waifus coming down the line yeah.
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>I'm probably going to rework my spooky waifu to have better joints and build her bitch of an ex gf which will be some sort of shortstack shadow entity with the Dreamzzz nightmare creature color scheme and some creepy toothy grin of some sort going on. So not directly Halloween related but I'm planning on some creepy waifus coming down the line yeah.
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I just got this in the mail. I know it's not a MOC, but it sort of is.

Also, the other brick threads are hit and miss, but I love all like 7 people that consistently post in the MOC threads, even the troll
it looks nice. what's with the weird stains in her hair
I think I'd build the table like the head of the tallneck.
y..you mean the light shining off the plastic?
Yeah I look like this.
I prefer agitator of color. Respect my pronouns!
But I love you guys too… Natethepirate, baddad, mixelbro, closetmocsanon and his big tiddy gf, halofag, the 3-1fag, the spacefag, the underseafag, that crazy gypsy flea market fag. All the ones I missed. I troll because I love.
Utter the name of your demon and I shall forge an effigy of protection out of Duplo.
>all these catwalks with zero fall protection
Better hope OSHA doesn't come knocking...
Apathy. I don’t have anything new been in a rut but here keeping this thread moving along. More of a mod than moc but damn the absolute state of the generals.
God dammit.
There's fall protection on the back side, if the front had fall protection they couldn't actually do their job.

Just make sure you're tied off somewhere you'll be fine. Grow some chest hair.

The level underneath the top one isn't really meant to be much of a work platform, it's just supposed to be mostly storage and where the fine precision hand attachments are stored, which get picked up without human presence required, by the multifunction manipulator arms.

The yellow chairs on the 2nd level also can go on those arms so figs can strap in and get an up close position to work.
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>brickbuilt sails
Green is the color of envy anon. Without my brick build sails I wouldn’t have my skull castle or pirate island. Let’s see your moc.
When Basil comes a knockin the gates will be rockin.
There is a huge nostalgia factor to fabric sails, obviously, but those curved panel pieces make fine sails, and using rows of bow curves for furled sails is also fine.
>There is a huge nostalgia factor to fabric sails
It's so weird that moc-threads are basically "facistic classicfag-general" and swarmed by anons that hate "le modern lego".

But they at the same time defending brick-sails.

There are so many wings and sails made of vinyl these days.
But sure classicfags dont know about these because those exist in "modern souless" sets.
Are you here to complain and bitch, or you gonna post some mocs?
this thumbnail looks like a mech with white windshield and short stubby little legs
That’d be badass. I’m still pissed I passed on some of the Lego movie metal beard stuff back in the day.
See that’s why we don’t like you guys and moved over here. I can like my 3-1 brick sails and enjoy classic lego and new Lego the same I just prefer most older themes because that’s my childhood. When the kids done playing with it this will be cool to make an island moc… like that other guy… who did that like a week ago. TLDR- cool moc bro.
Haven't been building much, but reworked this Black Falcons side entrance.
New pic of that area.
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I've been super busy doing lots of reading for my daily book reviews this month on my YouTube channel so I haven't been browsing much or MOCing like usual, but I did put together the Bricklink Series-1 set I ordered and had a blast with it. And it's sort of a MOC, since it was fan designed. The fella did a great job too, it was loads of fun with lots of fun details.


Weird waifu-fag's will love the little lady in the Bricklink set. Overall it's really fun and I quite enjoyed the build process as well as the final result

I'll be doing a lot more MOCing though, I just got the Denmark half of my Pick a Brick order in, which has parts to to tweak my Eldorado Fortress and my Viking Ship I built, plus a few random pieces. My next plan of course is to take apart my Creator 3in1 Castle and make the two alt builds, before making my own MOC out of it
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A couple of weeks ago I bought a bunch of sets resulting in a few thousand ¾ scale parts added to my collection. I barely have any time, but I managed to build two things. Nothing too special, since they are basically just the same as regular parts, just smaller. Due to some lucky fitting, there is a connection to combine both systems. Thus the ¾ scale 6 wide truck can have a regular scale 5 wide trailer.
And here is the second thing, a little robot.
Blessed be those graced by the calories of Master Passion's signature burger: the Apathy Smasher. May its grease grant Speed +1

These are really cool. Wish I could contribute but I kinda doing the opposite of MOCs by assembling all my 80s sets from a large bin
Just modify them and combine etc.
Very nice… my constitution is lacking… 200 internets sir!
Is it ok to post weird shit I found on Japanese twitter here.
Those tiny sonic animals are my favourite parts abour the sonic theme for some reason. They're so cute and fit in with other stuff without being obviously from sonic.

Also cool robit
I found a MOC from 2002 that I remember seeing as a kid and its a weird feeling.
Lovely parts from the golden age.
My son and I both enjoy your company. You may visit us whenever you like
I still find my constitution lacking. Here’s some duplo to keep things hot though.
>those boats
>those catapults
>those manta rays
>those rope bridges
>that random soccer ball
It's like the opposite of one of those "the longer you look the worse it gets" images.
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i made megaman
You sure fren?
Looks like a computer made it
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I remembered it 22 years later for a reason I guess. I think it might be why I like seeing weird parts in mocs.
highly based
I like it, post more
I love that truck, you should make a little robot who can stand on it to be transported around
Very cute scene.

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>>verify you are human
>Please wait a while before making a post

wtf is with this site
Not many more of the little boat and Yorick.
Here’s one of the shark island hideaway… it’s still a work in progress… it’ll always be a work in progress.
I really like it, it's something I would have done when I was a kid. Now I don't have any Lego. I look at this thread out of nostalgia for my childhood, sometimes I feel like putting some pieces together and making small dioramas imitating the old style. Keep things simple.
I don’t get much time or inspiration anymore but here’s a cute little bunny I did for Easter. I like the small scale stuff and putting a little constraint on the build.
Forgot pic because I’m retarded and exhausted. Coffee NOW!
>I like the small scale stuff and putting a little constraint on the build.
Yes, that's the point, sometimes I see really impressive dioramas, but those lose that magic of classic Lego simplicity. I remember that a few years ago a coworker's son was given a Lego Minecraft set, I really liked it, he had that old school style.
Yeah I haven’t messed around with minecraft legos much but they look okay. I’m just not paying Microsoft a dime. I still have my email from Notch thanking me for helping support “cave game”… sigh. I’m getting too old for this shit.
i still have my first set from 1985
Based. All my stuff from childhood is gone unfortunately but my first set was the forestmens crossing circa ‘91-‘92? I was 6.
It came out in 1990 and was the last year for Forestmen until Dark Forest in 1996 which sadly were North American exclusive.
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I look like this and write like this
Posting someone else's MOC because I unironically would like to build like this and do not currently. Frankly I think it's quite an impressive achievement with pure System.
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I made this lady over the weekend. Supposed to be the sort of final form of

The upper legs and joints need major rework.

Stands well but doesn't pose super well. She's fucking huge though so the fact that she even stands is kinda nuts.
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Then an idea I had for much stronger and more compact leg joints that could hopefully fix the articulation issues.

You'd put your connection to the leg on the end of the grey axle.
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I just made this in 5 minutes. I just always wanted to make a full UFO with UFO parts but I only had 4 as a kid
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Nexo Knights if it was good.
Neat stuff other Spyriusbro
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Brick build sails are top tier. Cloth sails are kiddie shit.
I love my son even though he killed my wife in childbirth
nice pic, that's exactly what I expect someone who holds that opinion looks like!
What a chungus! Love it Anon!
Embrace the brickbuilt sail wave.
I thought those were printed red arrows before I realised they were 1x1 plates in the notches.
that looks really bad...
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First print, now to get the color right and learn to model. At long last I’m free from stupid cash considerations of the rarity of ultra specific out of production meme parts. Anyone here do their own 3D prints for their rarer sets? I’m thinking of trying to print some transparent quarter domes in trans yellow plus the blacktron wall panels from the message intercept base
Cool, but looks ugly.
I’ve got color swatches on the way, this is just to dial in settings. Not much I can do about the texture though
The texture is the problem.
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This is gonna go in the outer edge of my adventures layout, sort of like the start of the city
Do you have suggestions? I’m very new to 3d printing
Nope, never seen it looks as good as injection molding.
I mean sure, but with the scale I have in mind of building at it’s not economical to pay 20+ a track nor is it to buy or build a home injection mold process
imo it looks ok, as long as you make the entire track that way for consistency.
I am rebooting the 6985 Cosmic Voyager as an Alpha:tron ship using 10497 Galaxy Explorer as a base
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Note: I have not made the rear module yet.
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Side view note the Alpha:tron ID stripe Navy and red

love the v twin
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Rear ,Back Technic connections awaiting a cargo module.
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The cockpit
Engineering Droid
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Rear Cabin:
1 Bunk
1 Bucket
Two Lockers
Some other stuff
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Front view
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"A new life awaits you in the off-world colonies, a chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure. Join the Alpha:tron corps Tosol"
Sand it
That's great. Would be amazing to see a town made of these.
You could try sanding some of the edges with a fine grit sandpaper and then polishing with car polish/wax. The deeper textures, just live with. Don’t try and hide that you made the piece, embrace it. Good job anyway.
Mixelfag is fucking dead. Long live Master Crab.
I went to the shop looking for second hand legos but left with this. Definitely off topic but I know one guy here who will approve and this is my contribution to kaijuly.
rides here
nevermind I'm outta here
>crashes and fucking dies
>cause of death: consumed by space crabs
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We postin our crabs?
Here’s this little fella

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