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Previous thread: >>11034274
who's that handsome fella
It is Neronga, as he appears in Ultraman: Rising
I need some enemies for this guy

any suggestions?
yeah u are
Get a Shin Godzilla figure and awkwardly tape some horns to its face
I got comic Gorgo in this week, and I'm pretty darn happy with him. I put in a preorder for Yongary while he was kickstartering, and now I'm looking forward to him a lot more.
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hiya gold ghidorah, wonder if they fixed the underbites
Yiff in hell, tourist.
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Got my Hiya Godzilla
I like it
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Heavier than I expected too
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Oh yeah hes a big meaty fuck
Just bought this guy am excited
Red lipped Kinggoji will be mine as well
Needs a large watermelon to grip
Maybe a bucket of fried chicken
SHMA Shimo looks disappointing with how little work they did on her details. They got her scale down compared to the other monsters, but the lack of details is disappointing. Pricing it at $240 when it comes with no accessories for Shimo is fucking criminal.
Someone on Mercari randomly put up a Movie Monster Series FW Zilla figure for sale. Seems like we'll be getting Zilla 2004 very soon then!
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>how little work they did on her details
Opinion disregarded.
Bitch about her lack of paint all you like, but if you cry about her detailing it just shows you are a Hiyashill
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What a strange way for an MMS toy to leak
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jesus this thing looks even worse than the promo pics
both of these look like crap DESU. especially shimo, playmates with better articulation is what im seeing
why does it need stands at all? it's a quadruped
Resin prototype.
Has anyone here bought from Kowkis? I'm eyeing some of the Hiya stuff.
Hiyashills are fundamentally not serious people
Resin prototype and they don't want the joints to go to shit right away like what happened with the prototype Godzilla which sagged more every day it was displayed.
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If this is real, then this is a G-Store Exclusive or some kind of exclusive since it has text above the MMS text.
>original Zilla model was created by scanning a Godzilla 98 figure
>we now have a figure of a model that was made by scanning a figure
You know what? She looks good.
Why does skar king looks like he's shredding a guitar
Good sexy face
It's like poetry, it rhymes
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cause he's got them skills
the og nigga!
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He does it in the movie.
>Bitch about her lack of paint all you like
Pretty sure that's what anon meant.
We now have a Bandai figure of a Trendmasters figure.
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If he wanted to complain about paint then he could have complained about it. Instead he complained about the detailing like everyone of the Hiyashills who instantly identifies themselves by saying the exact same line "playmates with better articulation".
>anyone who doesn't blindly kiss Bandai's ass is a shill for Hiya

I'm not buying the Hiya either bozo, Shimo itself is a garbage design. The SHMA just genuinely looks awful. Anyone who spends $240 on that is wasting their money
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wish SK came with a grinning head
I honestly wouldn't dislike Shimo's design if not for the snout and mouth.
The nose looks weird, too rounded and sharklike, but leading into a more mammalian jaw, while being designed to be reptillian.
She's too much of a design clusterfuck.
I hate Shimo's face so much, it ruins what I think is an otherwise nice design for a quadruped Kaiju.
Funnily enough, the SHMA at least partially fixes that by opening up the mouth more and making it more dinosaur-like not so disproportionately tiny.
She's beautiful in her own way
Man I really want to love my Red Eyes, but the weird as fuck proportions on his legs are too fucked up to enjoy posing him, it never feels good to pose his legs. The shins are too fucking large and the feet are too small. No idea what the fuck they were thinking when they could have given him simple chicken legs like Blue eyes.
The back claw of his feet also bends if you try to stand him without his stand so you better pray to good the arms of the stand dont loosen too quickly over time as they hold him up.
Only the legs stop him from being as great as blue eyes, a damn shame
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Could it be, Zillabros? Is our time now?
Some are saying its a Wonderfest exclusive which think is in a few days in Japan. My guess is someone who either works the Bandai Booth or got early access to the merch got ahold of this.
Wonfes is on the 28th.But I believe this might just be a factory steal or they might start selling her on wonfes but wont be an exclusive
It's definitely an exclusive since the other image has the back of the tag which the top tiny text reads G-Store Exclusive roughly. The Shin Godzilla Wonderfest from a few years ago was also a G-Store exclusive despite it being an event item.
Stop trying to fit in.
Ironic, coming from a tourist. Fuck off back to furaffinity.
He's looking pretty good, still wish he came with a smirking smug face though.
don't give me hope
I really, really doubt they'd make FW Zilla a Wonderfest exclusive. That would be insane. I think they may introduce and sell him at Wonderfest possibly, but no way would they have the balls to make him exclusively sold there.
Telling on yourself
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I know these aren't premium figures that everyone drools over, but I don't have any figures from the Legendary movies and don't have a budget to pay 60+ bucks for a single toy. I saw these two packs for $19 each with both in stock and on my payday today, and I couldn't resist. Like $42 and change after tax and I have 4 monsters and some fold out display. I'm super excited for Shimo and Scar King looks cool with the added paint. I know the glow makes it a poor "all around" figure, but Kong looks dope. Headcanon, he now heats up like Red Hulk. Excited to open these up later and play with them on my day off
That's cool anon, glad you like them.
I'm not the only guy who thinks it's not fair Kong gets elbows and knees but the reptoids don't get any right?
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Does V-Rex count?
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Just opened them up. Shining is amazing. Great articulation and fantastic painting. The Godzilla is cool, but his tail paint is too far off from his glowing spines and his elbow spines are normal skin colored. But his chest paint apps look great and the blast effects for both are great. Overall the Godzilla is just pretty good because of his flaws, but for 9 bucks he's pretty great. The twopack was $18 and honestly I'd have felt okay with paying the $18 just for this Shimo. It scales great with the Bandai Namco Godzilla I got the other week
>does fictional giant monster from a King Kong movie count?
I dunno...
Did anyone here go to GFest? I didn't, but keep thinking I'd like to go one of these years.
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Oh shit, Hiya isn't just doing the Heisei suits, looks like their next Goji is from GMK.
I would like to. But not exactly the travel type, especially if it means involving me having to fly to Chicago. I did manage to meet all the Godzilla suit actors and got my figures signed when they came over to my state many years ago (Yes that includes Nakajima and Satuma when both were alive.)
They're doing kelvin trek too? Weird.
least desired suit for me, call me when they tease a g2k
Is that Shimo on the right? Also GMK is one of the better Monsterarts so I'd like to see how they fare.
>Is that Shimo on the right?
yeah, they are probably gonna reveal a translucent plastic Shimo with a beam effect and make everyone who pre-ordered the previous version feel retarded for once again buying the beta test version
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That's J.J Abrams trek right?
Out of all of Jar Jar's stuff i would of prefer if they did pic related.
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I just did an unboxing/review of these guys,if that's anything that would interest anyone


That's an unboxing


That's a very short 1 day later review after spending a day playing with em.

I had fun with em, but Godzilla is a bit underwhelming. Shimo however is worth the price of the two-pack just by itself, I love this figure so much
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Pulgasari preorders open August 27th.
I'm also thinking of going next year. I only found out about it a month or so before this time.
Is it always in Chicago, or does it move around?
They should of just went with the movie design.
For real, this looks like one of those cheesy Godzilla neo redesigns.
Woah hes a big guy huh
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New budget waifu 1/3
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come on flea-man I believe in you, do your thing
Except not designed by a predator
>that delicate prancing pose with that big chonker
I assume there's a reason behind why they didn't
They somehow thought Pulgasari was copyrighted, when it's a mythical creature.
Copyrighted due to being owned by Kim Jong Un (Inherited the rights of all North Korean Films after when Ill died.)
It is, but the designs we all know is copyrighted even when said Country is Embargo'd. TDLR, their scared that North Korea will hack them like they did with Sony back when the Interview was being made.
That didn't stop Mondo.
Because Mondo has nothing to lose.
Not sure if this is the place to ask but any anon's going to try and grab this comic and scan it? it's only a SDCC exclusive which seems like it will be a pain to obtain.
Ehh, if you want cosmic horror Godzilla you're probably better off with Godzilla in Hell. Damn shame though. I'd buy it if it weren't on the other side of the damn country.
hope they do gmk ghidora too
looks like shit, why bother?
What an ugly brown flea
Anon don't come here and talk about your penis it's inappropriate.
Americans really hate to niggerfy mothra and turn her from white to brown huh
A harmless little flea
And then I'll put that flea in a box
And then I'll put that box inside of another box
And then I'll mail that box to myself
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This brand new Heat Ray Godzilla Hokkaido Ver. action figure stands 18cm tall, based on Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991). With special blue paint on the clear body, crafted with attention to detail, faithfully reproduces every aspect of Godzilla's appearance from the battlefield of Godzilla with King Ghidorah in Hokkaido!

Features multiple joints throughout the body, ensuring an authentic appearance while providing a wide range of articulation. With additional 2x interchangeable hand parts and Heat Ray effect part, let you recreate various combat scenes from the film!

Price: 51.00USD
Release time: 2025Q1
Was literally JUST thinking of getting the regular release, thanks Hiya.
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This is now a CHINESE thread.
Dang, I already ordered the standard version. I wonder if they're going to do something similar with King Ghidorah and include his gravity beams.
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>Announced literally the same day the SDCC Exclusive Godzilla 1989 Heat Ray version.
>Has an atomic breath piece and is cheaper
Another godly diss from Hiya's end.
What is sh monsterarts going to do now that hiya is making classic Godzillas for half the price or less?
Nothing since the whales continue to pay full price anyway.
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My Soul of Chogokin Kiryu came in today. I'm loving it so far. He comes with a ton of accessories and the light up portions are super cool. I love the mini Yashiro that you can put on with the damaged parts. It also has a big base that looks like the maintenance hangar, but I didn't mess with it any yet. Here's some pics of some of the different parts he has.
What's the likelihood of the super7 sdcc stuff going up on the super7 site? From what I remember they usually do that
The articulation is pretty good overall, but the legs are lacking, especially compared to the plastic model Kiryu I have. Here's a comparison of the extremes I could get each to.
Also it seems like one of the toes is articulated, but not the other nine which is weird. Maybe I just need to wiggle them more to loosen them, but I couldn't get any movement except on that one.
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My picture didn't attach for some reason.
>looks like shit
And you smell like it.
just cancel it? It doesn't come out for like a year
How tall is he? Wasn't he around 300? I wanted him but couldn't justify the price at the time.
I wonder why we dont get FigureRise kits of Godzilla or whatever bandai kit line they would fall into. Kits would be a good inbetween for Monsterarts rape prices and the cheap vinyls, I think. Even if HIYA already kinda fills that whole.
He's 230mm. The bottom middle pic is him next to the Toho 30cm which is actually closer to 330mm when I measure it.
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FYI, they've updated a lot of it since the prototype used for the pictures of the default Hokkaido Goji. Notably:

>joint cuts are overall cleaner
>tail is redone, much more poseable
>new hips, looks like more range
>new cut for the head/neck connection, allows him to look down more and slightly shortens neck
>nose sculpt fixed
>waist cut is lower down and knee joints are a lot cleaner
>shoulders are different

And these changes will also be applied to the normal color release.
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the virgin $100 event exclusive vs the chad $50 general release
based and green pilled
God bless this slant eye arms race
I'm happy with what I paid for it. Still like half the price of the SHMAs I've seen.
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to be fair that's kinda just how the Hokkaido GhidoGoji suit is.
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>not translucent
If only it were, this would have blown SHMA out of the fucking water and into the fucking stratosphere.
the spines are aren't they?
Site won't let me cancel it. Thinking about it now, I probably would want the standard release anyway. I just hate the whole "come out with a new variant half-a-year later with more extras" thing that companies do.
Cope, send a email.
i don't think i really fuck with toys anymore, but i would change my mind in a second for a full collection from inframan
Not sure if this is the right place to ask but since most sofubi are of Kaiju, what happened to the sofubi general? I've been away from /toy/ for quite some time.
Implementing automatic autosage after fourteen days killed all slower generals.
Thanks for answering, anon. I don't collect them myself but it was one general I enjoyed lurking every now and then.
That's what killed the gashapon general too, right? I liked that a lot, really sad.
What a fucking stupid solution to the troll problem, just permanently ban the sad mentally ill bastards.
The tranny jannie is part of the problem, diosoth and the rest gives them sexual favors to stay here, remove them first.
The wonderfest is going to be happening next weekend, so hope we get some good stuff shown off there.
I think they are using different VPNs, so a perma ban wouldn't affect them.
(And I and others also suspect at least one of the mods is on their side due to how easy the troll threads are to spot and are left up)
Zilla was the thing shown. Considering Bandai has yet to acknowledge it after the leak was made public makes me further believe it's an exclusive to Wonderfest
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in this pic at least the spines look translucent
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Thankfully nope!
>Godzilla Store Limited Movie Monster Series Zilla (2004)
>¥3080 (tax included)
>Released on July 28th
>Reservations start today, July 21st from 4pm at Godzilla Store!
It's Zilla (Final Wars) time!
Are there any decent toys of Zilla? Just rewatched the '98 film and I kind of want something.
You mean Godzilla 1998. Zilla is the Final Wars character.
Yeah what that anon said
If you mean 1998 Godzilla, then there is sadly not much. The old Trendmasters seems to the better stuff. There is a few gashapon stuff released in Japan around that time too which is decent. There's also the Deforeal X-Plus statue, but that is more of just a statue than anything.
If you mean the 2004 FW Zilla, then sadly not much at all- except the Y-MSF figure of him. He's repainted it in 1998 colors and the likes too. There was a candy toy figure of him, and thankfully we just got >>11078030 coming out literally today too.
There's also the Spiral Studio "Zilla" (it's based on 1998, not Final Wars despite the name choice) that's coming soon.
Ah, I guess they would have different names. I just remember the 98 Godzilla being called Zilla and G.I.N.O in fan areas. What's the difference between the two?
It's the same thing, there's a separate copyright for the final wars version for legal reasons, but it's the same character and most importantly, he looks the same, which is the only thing that matters since we're talking about toys here.
Monsterarts inevitable.
>most importantly, he looks the same
They don't, though. Zilla has a thicker neck and a different head shape.
Pedantic cunt. Are you sure you wouldn't feel more at home on Reddit?
You seem very familiar with it, try going back.
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Not really, Zilla 2004's model was based on the Trendmasters Giant Godzilla figure, and has a simpler design/model than the 1998 version and a noticeably different color palette. Also, Toho is autistic about not letting "Zilla" use the atomic breath despite it being "canon" to 1998 through Godzilla the Series (though they'll let him use the methane version of the "Power Breath" mentioned in the final iteration of the 1998 script). Godzilla 1998 also has the controversial fifth dew claw on the practical suits, which is not present on any depictions of "Zilla" unless we count Spiral Studio's figure as a new incarnation of Zilla (which it isn't, it's clearly meant to be the 1998 Godzilla, which is why it has the dew claw).
In the item description:
“With special blue paint on the clear body, crafted with attention to detail, faithfully reproduces every aspect of Godzilla's appearance from the battlefield of Godzilla with King Ghidorah in Hokkaido!“

Yes, it’s translucent.
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>Less detail than the 4 inch 1998 figure
you have to be 18 years old to use this website
US Godzilla store too I hope.
NTA but sounds like you can't handle that there's subtle differences.
That is like saying 2004 Gigan Final Wars is the same as 1972 Gigan. The designs and origins are different. Same for 1998 Godzilla and 2004 FW Zilla, even though the differences in design are significantly less different.
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>meanwhile back in the late 90s
The 1998 monster is Godzilla. Fans nicknamed it G.I.N.O. (Godzilla In Name Only) due to its design. The 2004 monster is Zilla. Very similar, almost identical design to Godzilla '98, but is technically a different character. Named Zilla by Toho because Godzilla '98 "Took the 'God' out of 'Godzilla.'" Fans just use "Zilla" interchangeably for both characters because while they're technically different monsters, they're also obviously not.
>Fans nicknamed it G.I.N.O. (Godzilla In Name Only) due to its design
>Named Zilla by Toho because Godzilla '98 "Took the 'God' out of 'Godzilla.'"
Words of Shogo Tomiyama, it should be noted that before the film's controversial reception Toho was all-in on the 1998 design AND film itself, and even created a "Genuine Godzilla" logo featuring the American design for official merch.
My wallet is in danger.
Why are the kaiju threads on /m/ so awful anons?
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>Going to a mecha board to discuss Kaiju
because it's a Toho kingdom colony where the people banned from TK cant be silenced so both sides end up just being insufferable deranged cartoon characters
The Hiya female Muto is pretty mid. The softer plastic Hiya's been using hasn't been that big of an issue with thicker figures like Godzilla and Kong, but Jesus it feels awful with the thin spindly legs of the Muto.
It used to be allowed though, but now there's a faggot who only comes to the Board to try and Shit up and derail every Godzilla,Gamera,Kong,misc related kaiju thread with his anti kaiju retardation and never targets the Ultraman threads for or any Mecha threads for some reason.
Not even close to what's going on there.
Weird. How is a series with pilotable robots less relevant to a mecha board than stuff like kamen rider or ultraman?
it's not, it's tokusatsu and or toku adjacent which is allowed, but now there's a tard who actively only goes to the board to shit those threads up.
just like most MMS
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Think Hiya will jump on the 1998 train since Bandai and Spiral Studio seem to have gotten pretty good reception for their new figures so far?
Suposedly they are only allowed to only use Heisei in Millennium stuff iirc but if thats the case they probably are our best shot to get a 6 inch articulated Zilla
I hope so. but whoever does it, I only wish they keep him on scale with their other figures. I can already see bandai fucking things up as usual and pulling an overly large zilla
I think it has more to do with licensing issues as they need to involve sony/tristar. both G98 and zilla are included in either era
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Wish we got these back in the day
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Why is Randy cosplaying as Ransik from Time Force?
Aside from Gyaos and Gamera are those toys original designs for heisei versions of those monsters? Neat if so.
Think so. Although heard rumors of the guys who made the heisei set of films concept art of older Gamera Monsters as an idea for a movie for them should the studio want said monster to appear.
The G98 License isnt related to Zilla's hence the Movie Monster Series and Zilla being featured in Godziban, Toho entirely owns the rights to 98 anyway now.
>No crash-test-dummy style Nigel that blows apart and can be put back together again
I was walking through FAO Schwarz in Las Vegas when I saw some of these Gamera figures on sale. Looked like they had a whole palette of them, hadn't realized how rare they were. Never saw those Gozilla cartoon toys hit shelves though, which is a shame.
Whats weird is Rebirths monster lineup was exactly the same.
Y-MSF are making a GTS Godzilla and Cyber Godzilla.
That was just a continuation of the "We gotta copy Jurassic Park" shit that drove Godzilla 98's creative decisions and copying the whole "Every 90s JP dinosaur toy had a JP brand on it" thing.
>Toho entirely owns the rights to 98 anyway now
nice. and what about distribution of the films that were included in the 98 deal? last I read was that sony keeps control still of millenium and some late heisei films. would be great if toho started releasing blurays here
Did he finally get the message to do go with the horizontal stance, or is he still doing tail draggers?
Are they though? The last time I saw anything posted about those figures was like 3 or 4 months ago. I haven't seen any updates on their instagram since. Like, I get production can take a good while with this stuff, but I don't remember other offerings taking quite this long to get to sale.
Wasn't this model by thai con man 9modelism?
I think you're right, I know Y-MSF had a similar pic, but I forgot to save it judging by my folder.
There was a model YMSF showed of a model for 98 Godzilla looking closer to its pose in the movie (arms curled in, more horizontal). It has been awhile since he's shown it or anything related to it again. Hopefully he makes it eventually.
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I'm such a slut for this iguana. I ordered the MMS.
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Two of the Pulgasari color variants
I still hate this drsign and feel cheated
And how much of an ass rape are those?
Is that the 3d printable one?
/m/ sucks hard in general. I've had posts deleted just because mods disagreed with them. Schizo posters left and right, everyone thinks everyone is some forumfag whenever you trigger their tism.
Prime example this fag who's been shitting kaiju threads up for months whenever Gamera get's mentioned.
I don't mean to be rude anon, but you should thin your paints a little more... those nails could do with a nice blend towards the fingers and you could dry brush a transition between the jaw and the belly
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I'll wait for hiya
I'm glad the little dude gets a nervous head.
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>No interchangeable leg part with a molded Kong hand so he can swing him around
You had...ONE fucking job, Bandai.
This is fun, I'm probably going to have him harassing my other figures as a regular sized monke
im sure his leg can fit in Kongs axe grab hand
Im glad other people notice that about that shithole, even by 4chins standards they seem extra determined to be unhappy.
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>Das it Mang
looks like ur typical stoned n
>those visible pins on the joints
>$100 USD

this is pathetic, compare this to the Little Godzilla and Godzilla Junior releases.

Plus there's ANOTHER Kong DLC head included along with the Mothra repaint, Suko gets 2 alt heads and some alt hands, and both Suko and Mothra get stands.

Not worth more than $70.
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GMK Godzilla

Mechagodzilla II (1993), looks to be in-scale too
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Suit-accurate MireGoji
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>Just entered the figure collecting Hobby with SHMA a few months ago
>GxK Kong was one of my first figures
>Skar King on the horizon
>Now Suko too
>Also getting into SHFA
>My first figure in that line is Frieza
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Shimo Statue and a Kong 2.0 that seems to have a better likeness than either of HIYAs previous Kongs
>Under approval process
Those look pretty great!
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yup, in-scale with the HokkaidoGoji
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There's still time to ditch SHMA for Hiya
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Were these posted yet with better quality?
Some of the SHMAs are genuinely really good though (albeit really hard to get now).
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I will not
pretty much for godzilla
the only thing SHMA has going for it is Yugioh and Monster Hunter
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Any Predictions for Godzilla Day 2024 anons?
hopefully a trans rep
Go back to neglecting Wikizilla Astounding Beyond Belief
Wikizilla does not even have a page on Reptilicus, absolute pathetic.
>Already getting two of my favorite designs

If they do a Burning Godzilla, I'll be real happy.
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this looks close enough. the brow could be a bit more defined but it's a good stand-in
For Bandai Movie Monster Series:
>King Series Godzilla 1954
>brown repaint of Godzilla 1954
>Always Sunny Godzilla
>they show the top 5 winners off from the poll, and then say they'll release the other 5 later on anyways
And then we get a teaser for a new Godzilla JP movie, Singular Point Season 2 is announced, a new live action short is shown, and a new Gem Godzilla short is teased. And then I wake up.
They used to actually, until they enforced a new "scope" rule, it used to be ok but the fags who ran it are now yanderedev levels of incompetent to actually finish literally almost decade old pages (almost every Shin Godzilla character besides the one who doesn't even physically appear and the coombait have pages) and ban users who actually contribute because they had a minor reasonable editing disagreements with the admins in favor for dumb children who don't even contribute and use it as a social media platform instead and then have the audacity to complain about being understaffed when they chase out and actively ignore editors.
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i meant to say every shin character besides those two don't have pages.
>Singular Point season 2
at this rate i think we would be better off writing a fic than expect it to ever happen sadly.
hence why it's worth getting on the ground floor of Hiya
You're talking to people who have thousands in SHMA who are thinking of resembling because Hiya looks that much better.
Heed the advice, GET OUT
QC has dropped considerably in the last 10 years
They look great, but I'll get the ghidogoji with AB and wait for GMK and Mire to also come with AB.
I'm also curious if MGII will have the Garuda being released as an addon or will come as an accessory.
Now i just need a HA Kiryu and a Godzilla 98/GTS.
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Super7 Minus One
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Hiya Toys Heat-Ray Godzilla Ultimate Version

A monstrous 8-inch scale articulated MonsterVerse Godzilla that also comes with an atomic breath accessory - matches the same size as the Stylist Series Godzilla Evolved Statue

Not currently known if it has anything unique in terms of features or more articulation.
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Images of the first Threezero Kaiju Dou figure have surfaced and for a Threezero figure it and honestly it looks kinda flat paintwise and looks cheap
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More HIYA reveals

Heat Ray Godzilla 2014, translucent

and an "Ultimate Heat Ray" Godzilla with what appears to be swappable dorsal plates? That or its just cuts because they light up?
holy fuck yes!

what is this? Hasbro?
if anybody has the sakai sculpt monsterarts and wants to sell it to replace it with the suit accurate hiya, let me know, I prefer the sakai version and have been wanting to pick one up, ideally not for the insane ebay prices

How does the size of Evolved here compare to the articulated Hiya version?
my favorite suit! and looking super accurate
glad i skipped on the recent x-plus g2k, had a feeling this was gonna get made when i saw hiya doing 91 goji. sooner than expected

i used to have that figure. the eyes look cool in person. my copy had a jaw that would like to come off easily just by moving the head too much. not sure if that problem was qc or if multiple people had the issue; watch out for it though
I want to know more about this guy, what's his deal? Light up gimmick perhaps?
I have the SCV. and it has the same problem with the lower jaw. Didn't know others had the same problem.
$240 for this shit that doesn't even come with any accessories but a Kong face? Is this a fucking joke?
Do you think Hiya will do the same bendy wire for Skar King's whip?
It's hard to find any info on that 30cm Kiryu, where can I get my hands on that?
I'm never touching hiyashit but I do hope they do so well it wakes Bandai up to get their shit together with the SHMA line.
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Monsterarts Evolved Godzilla
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Up close
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Even closer
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Yep, there's that unmistakeable plasticy Super 7 sheen.
I like every thing but the spines
It is a personal preference, but I don't like the metallic paint jobs
Why is bro's lips white?
They unironically BTFO'd Hiya's, keep up the good work Bandai-sama!
It'd have been a home run if they hadn't rushed Shimo.
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Millenium era is my jam and Hiya is about to get my money if the world can hold together that long lol.
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Wonderfest is this weekend, right?
We should hopefully see some good, new stuff shown off then.
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i wish they would make a 84goji
crazy how they charge so much for that garbage
Did you expect anything less from the company that unironically puts "no homophobia" on their packages?
Fuck off back to /m/ schizo
Who exactly?
Ah nice, thanks! Saturday night/Sunday morning here we come!
Would be neat if this years MMS release for Wonderfest was the Cybot 1984 Godzilla.
I found it randomly browsing Mandarake and whenever I did it took me a while to find any details as well. Pic related is the entry for it I found on this list: https://www.kaijubattle.net/x-plus-30-cm-godzillatoho-part-two.html
There's a bunch of different versions of the Kiryu 30cm, so good luck finding this one in particular. Like I said, I got pretty lucky to find this one, and even then it was not cheap. But the high price point is to be expected of Kiryu figures in general it seems.
it was such a nice sculpt but no, they had to ruin the paint as usual
>tfw you nut but she keep succin
screen accurate 14 spit fire version, nice. seems like the spines on the ultimate can be exchanged, maybe to place the blue ones?
anyway, did hiya show their supercharged goji? the one that's all blue and with a new set of hands
MMS Zilla is up on the Godzilla store if anyone wants.
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I only buy Godzilla figures thanks.
One thing i desperately wish hiya would steal from shma is their dynamic looking hands that they put on all the legendary godzillas, instead of the static limp floppers. The static ones makes it look like godzilla is never moving quickly or with all his strength.
Already got it from zenmarket since don't feel like waiting until September for the US release.
MMS made a 84 godzilla if that's what your wondering. Although could expect SHMA might announce a 1984 godzilla for this event with the super x included considering only super x 2 and 3 were made.
Thanks for the heads up anon, yoinked it
Very lucky indeed. The 30cm Kiryu that mostly shows up is the SOS 2003 one. It looks like the 2002 one you have is quite rare, so you had a great find.
How often does X Plus re-release their 30cm figures?
>that'll be 250 usd
>thank you for buying tamashii nations shma
It seems to vary, but a lot of times the rereleases will be different in some way. Some are slight paintjob changes, some have different accessories/light up parts, and some have completely different paintjobs or are released as assembly kits.
The list on the Kaiju Battle figure database has a list of all the figures and what differs based on the release/Ric exclusives. They keep it pretty well updated too if you're wanting to keep an eye out for new stuff.
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Any idea on how to find this? I think it uses the same code as the last assortment.
God damn all these 'heat' repaints of every monster.
84 with Super-X, and all the alternate head appearances he has in the movie. The company that does it first gets my money.
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People want atomic versions, nothing wrong with that. Hell, I never cared about those versions before but since I got that first GvK Godzilla years ago I’ve got nearly all of them because I like how they feel that much. Hiya has a good balance of repaint versions and newer figures.

Also, better photo of GxK Kong.
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Side view of GMK
either hiya or monsterarts but i love the suit so much its an insta buy no matter who makes it.
survey from Tamashii Nations vote for him
I wanted it to be the grinning expression, literally the only good thing about that neca figure
The neca figure is great, so no, not the only good thing about it.
Goddamn that looks great.
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Wonder fest setting up showing off Shimo and Evolved Godzilla.

Picture quality sucks but Godzilla looks much better since the promo pics, hard to tell but it looks like Hiya tweaked some things? I don’t know maybe it’s me.
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I just can't give a shit about monsterverse anything. The media products were so shitty and insulting to Godzilla I have no desire to own anything from them. Glad to see Millenium is about to get some much needed love though.
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definitely better than the promo pics but I'm not sure exactly what changed. The chest is less puffed out maybe?
This looks a lot better than the promo shots. Still not as good looking as the SHMA, but not the absolute smoke show that it was originally looking like it would be.
Idk, I think I prefer the Hiya over SHMA. The promos were iffy but Hiya has had some spotty promo work in the past that doesn’t represent the final look. I don’t really care for how SHMA looks at SDCC, chest paint looked slopped on and I don’t even know what they were doing with the jaw. Have to see better pics of the Hiya evolved at the show.
I only want the shma because i think it scales better with hiya's shimo.
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Okay fags admit it. you're going to get the shoes. [spoiler]I'm going to get the shoes.[/spoiler]
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Spoiler tags should work on every board. Change my mind.
Maybe if they didn't have that gay ass zipper. I'm a big boy. I can tie my own Godzilla shoes.
Yeah it's a weird choice but it's not like I'd be wearing them more than a handful of times if that.
Should I pick this up or wait for the inevitable robo-arm kong?
idk man which design do you prefer? Personally im waiting for robo arm because i think it's cooler than the axe and i like his silver tooth.
>nothing new from s7
Is it over already?
This is technically new, it was only a render before. I think they're just slow as shit.
I might just double dip as I like both. Maybe Hiya will include a smirking silver tooth with robo-arm. Would seal the deal with me.
Go for it, cant really go wrong with either now that they fixed his likeness. I cant believe it took this long for someone to release a face that's identifiable as the movie character.
I mean, I’d get both. Honestly, I think if this release doesn’t come with the other arm and the metal tooth this figure will act as the “version 2” of Kong in the same way Hiya did Godzilla without having to go back and release another Kong as GvK (though they honestly may do that at some point). Spending only $100 for everything needed compared to spending over $500-$600 is a no brainer for me, especially that this is the most accurate looking Kong so far.
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More Evolved pics and higher quality. Does look like the chest was fixed. And yeah, no, I like the face of the Hiya better. Don’t need the SHMA at all.
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Tease from Tamashii twitter, it’s Rajang from Monster Hunter
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here’s a comparison
Nah, SHMA is still the winner on this one.
I think it will definitely be more poseable but something about the head region >>11084274
here is really off to me, i dont care for it.
No not at all, it’s clear SHMA will always have more articulation but the MA head looks off, having the face scales / scutes / spikes being more subdued, the face being too long and alligator like and the paint on the jaw / face being doo doo. And the green paint on the body being sloppy applied and overhanded. On top of that, the legs and tail are objectively not accurate to the film model and it’s changed up the scales and textures; they look nice but that’s not how Evo-Godzillas legs and tail like in the film. I much prefer the look of the Hiya after seeing these photos.
When are we ever getting the pickle, why do they not want to do brute wyverns.

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