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Welcome to the Fashion Doll General!

A thread for discussion of fashion dolls including Barbie, Disney, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Monster High, Licca-chan etc but not BJD. There is a BJD general over in /jp/.

Other toys considered dolls as well as girl collectable toys that are related to dolls or can be used as accessories to dolls are also welcome such as LOL, Shopkins, Polly Pocket and the like.

*Reminder to REPORT trolling, bait and off topic posts instead of responding.*

Previous Thread: >>11041579

>Archived Threads:

>Helpful Links:

Fixing frizz:
https://youtu.be/Q5BixBJG-Ik [Open]

Dealing with glue seepage:
https://youtu.be/JNT7EG507iA [Open]

Materials for customizing face, hair, and clothes:
https://youtu.be/iBtrDdHA8y8 [Open]

Sewing pattern books from Google+, reuploaded:
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Did anyone manage to get the new Swirl Pony Silkstone?
someone buy the $5000 ball jointed prototype of plus girls/curvy girls so they have funds for mass production.
The final product is no longer a bjd.
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ah it's down to $2250
>We're almost done with our final prototype! It's not a BJD, so no elastic or strings. The joints are like fashion dolls, but slightly restricted due to 3D printing material. Pricing and availability TBD as we're teaming up with Synthetic Ephemera for printing. Pre-orders expected in August!
this project is worrying. Barely showed clothes, didn't show wigs, the dolls are not ball jointed with elastics but it's still in resin, no mention of caster, etc
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noob here. if I know the name for a particular barbie (e.g. Barbie Fashionistas Doll #218 ) , which website do I look at to find her face sculpt?
This seems to be it
Thanks! She's listed on that page. I'm going to remember how to use that website.

The different screenings throw me off from recognizing a face. The people who can recognize dolls are talented.
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wow, a retailer is actually taking action against resellers and scalpers.
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> MGAE ships to retailers in fancy shipping boxes
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What problem do people have with toy manufacturers shipping to Target?
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Which Sparkle and Shine are you guys planning to get?
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All of em dude, I have a problem
even the purple one?
I'm glad they fixed the eyebrows, they're more elongated
with a different outfit she should be ok
Def not her, or Marina, no pastel skin = no purchase. Not making her have pink skin is a hard pass.
I was originally going to buy multiple of these. Now I won't bother.
Might pick up the purple one. Maybe. To dye.
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I love her, I dont care
it's better she doesn't have pastel skin. Her pastel makeup will not pop out and would've looked like Karla.
Might get Clementine, I dig her heterochromia and fall vibe
That little fan is extremely cute ngl
Wish her purse was cat themed too
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is there something going on with barbie dream besties availability? in my country, teresa is overpriced with 6+ months delivery time, only renee is more reasonable, the others are completely gone
I don't think they're officially out yet. Not in stock anywhere in the US yet, so I doubt they would be in other countries now either.
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they were up for preorder, then a couple of them had their amazon listings pulled altogether. shop.mattel.com says in stock in pic rel but it's incorrect.
They're available at Kmart Australia right now.
>>11069604 (Me)
ok nvm, brooklyn is available on the amazon link (sold and shipped by amazon) but doesn't appear in search results for some reason. malibu is currently unavailable though.
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Michael's has their coffin terrariums on sale right now. They're pretty nice for displaying MH dolls.
I don't get how you fumble this badly. There are quite a few single artist studio BJD creators that make plus size dolls (really lots of size dolls) and they still know how to run a business properly. You can get a much more beautiful plus size BJD for way less than $2000.

I don't collect Rainbow High but I'm always so impressed at the details and how much you get for the price. I might get this one. Very cute.
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Hi /fdg/!

I have an odd request. I don't typically come to /toy/, I spend my time between /o/. /out/ and /v/. I didn't see a /sqtddtot/ so I will try here first.

To summarize, I have ordered Truck Nutz, for the express purpose of annoying the faggot that lives across the street from me. I want my Nutz to be hairy, and will need to modify them myself.

Does anyone itt know a good way to attach hair to plastic? I don't know what kind of plastic the Nutz are made of at this time, but if I had to guess I'd assume a type 2 or 3 HDPE.

Would a fine needle heated up work for holes, then some sort of high end adhesive to keep 'em in place? For the hair itself I could use fishing line and spray paint to get the desired effect, but I'm open to suggestions. The video in the OP was informative, but not conducive to my ends.

Apologies if it comes off as off-topic, bait or troll. FWIW, I will post results for your amusement when such results are available.
I was initially not much of a fan because of the faces but the cheerleaders tempted me a bit to much and the collection grew quickly.
Attach a wig to it.
Admittedly, giving the Nutz an afro, pompadour or ducktail would be hilarious. I'm gunning for a regular hairy ballsack.
>I will post results for your amusement
No thanks. Google how to root a reborn doll, the material and methodology is more similar to what you want.
Alright, I'll bite
If I wanted to attach something to plastic and make sure it didn't come off, I'd probably use epoxy glue (probably make sure it's actually safe to use on plastic first) or a tiny bit of UV resin
Can't really speak for making suitable holes because I assume we're talking solid plastic and not hollow, but a heated needle is worth a try, at least. If that doesn't work, maybe a hand drill with the smallest bits possible (like, for jewelry making) or a dremel could work?
Also spray a coat of a matte sealant like Mr Super Clear or similar for a more "natural" finish :^)
I think those things are made out of some sort of soft material. I think the best bet is honestly, carefully gluing wefts of some crimped wirey hair, onto the nuts and then working from the bottom up, for the most realistic outcome. Don't use modpodge. Go get something like Aleene's glue or if you think a craft podge is necessary, shell out for Maker's magic - which won't work if the nuts are silicone btw. I think Aleene's glue is the best bet, working your way up, for the most realistic outcome.
I agree that a very fine dremel bit would work, just waiting on the Nutz to see what they're made of.

Realism is all well and good, but the Nutz will be exposed to the elements. High gauge metal wire would have the best durability, but plastic wouldn't rust. A fine filament for a 3D printer might work as well.

As for gluing the hairs into place, I plan to use a trim/badge glue for automotive use. It dries clear and will hold up to the abuse.
Notice how you're the only one crying about it. Maybe you're the problem here?
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Neon popstar tween that's clearly based off of taylor swift.
there's only 2 from this line and the other one hasn't leaked yet.

you do know that those techniques other anons shared can be used for doll related customizations?
Sit down and listen. Not our problem you're too narrow minded to comprehend what's being talked about.
And you're one of the reasons why a lot of posters got turned off from doll threads.
I just want hairy Nutz for my trugg, and this thread is probably the best place to ask. Besides, there may be an anon or 2 who appreciate a change of pace.
Tbh the entire thread needs a change of pace. That anon is the same one that cries about anything G3, bodyswaps, or not sucking MGA's dick.
You got more advice than you deserve, now go.
Are you... seriously suggesting we pivot to car accessories in the doll thread? There is other doll shit we can talk about before resorting to that, man.
I'm suggesting you get the stick out of your ass and stop losing your shit over every little thing. As >>11071063 said, despite it being a silly topic, the information about rooting various hairs to plastic is still useful information. Go dilate or do whatever else it is you do whilst not seething in a doll thread.
Forgot about road salt and other issues. 3d printed thin filament ABS and as for the glue...you want boating adhesive. That shit is stronger than anything, and will withstand salt, water, etc.
Do you need to clog up EVERY thread with vendettafagging? It's too bad the poster count is gone now or else we could empirically point out what a paranoid schizo you are.
New miniverse, birthday party themed
Those MH custom dolls look neat, but going to preposed and no longer able to accept new clothing seems bad.
Wtf are you on about, anon? Did you drop a pic?
Nah, Ill keep lurking and drinking your tears.

True, marine grade would be good. I have a hair brained idea that i could use wire and coat it in plasti dip or the like.
I wasn't feeling the other ones, but I love everything about this
>FWIW, I will post results for your amusement when such results are available.
please do
This years Holiday Barbie box has an AI background
Yikes. I really hope people don't buy this shit but knowing how completionists are and how little parents buying stuff for their kids care I'm willing to bet we're gonna see a lot more of this soon.
last month twitter noticed that dream besties box look AI generated
99% of people don't care about AI art being a thing so yeah. Anti AI spergs are so insufferable. Get a real job, which "being an artist" never was anyway
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new Disney ILYs found

Not that anon but you sound like an insufferable sperg too.
Mattel's quality is circling down the drain and that background legitimately looks like shit.
It's said that people should vote with their wallets. Nothing wrong with those anons not wanting to pay for that ugly background?
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Yeah, yeah, we get it. You're jealous that you have zero skills or talent. Move along, prompt jockey

The Daisy one is very cute
Her earrings are kinda ugly though
anyone get any dolls in the prime day sales? I picked up RH's Harper and Uma myself.
Unfortunately nothing really caught my eye, but that's for the best, I need to save money
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not my pic but i managed to buy this boy!
Pretty bishounen, whats it from
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New Halloween miniverse
Clearer look at this one
The cake is kinda boring, but both of these are great
The drinks especially. If I can find them here, I'd probably substitute the resin with my own, so I can make them red, and keep the gummies out to use as props instead
Miniverse is spamming new releases to distract people from the recall, honestly really burnt out at this point. I can't even buy the shit that's released because of the resellers and the panic buying. I'm too casual for this hobby.
Enid doll
So they're gonna be wide-release in regular stores? Not collector's dolls? I'm confused
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Face somehow looks like a mask with makeup, like these dolls.
Miniverse is pretty good about restocking, even on Amazon (before the recall) you could still get sone holiday ones, I try to not stress myself out on finding and getting the ones I want before they get cleaned out because it always seems like they're ultimately not to hard to get ahold of later
Honnestly i think there's something fishy going on and wonder if they really have a new formula or are allowed to release new product because all the new stuff they been teasing for weeks are not out yet.
Plus things like home decor wave 2 and dinner and cafe series 3 wave 2 were suposed to be released before the recall but have yet to be replaced.
It looks like a pig.
Available in stores but at collector's price point. Expect boxes to be ruined by Spider wraps.
lol i just found out about the recall since i don't come here regularly. lol at adult collectors on reddit acting as if they need to return their stuff for safety reasons all of a sudden. lol at MGA making such a product as a toy in the first place, even if the new formula complies with formal legal requirements it's pretty much an edgy product to market to children.
Clearly you haven't seen any of the discourse surrounding the goldfish and turtles lol. They were only in a wave 1 ball that was quickly phased out and now so-called fans are selling them $100+.
Supposedly the issue is the presence of certain chemicals and somehow the new releases have a resin that doesn't contain those chemicals. I'd bet the new formula is more expensive to produce and that's why they were sticking to the old one until they were forced to switch. Unfortunately they are going around claiming their new and old resin isn't "toxic" and so still making their shit without gloves in videos and not improving their safety emphasis at all.
I always thought it was crazy but thought that SURELY a company wasn't that stupid and the resin must be super non-toxic or something. Nah, just companies doing illegal shit and hoping no one notices, as usual. They pivoted SO fast when this happened, they were probably sitting on their "safer resin" formula for awhile.
kill yourself
>They were only in a wave 1 ball that was quickly phased out and now so-called fans are selling them $100+.
I find this so funny because my Walmart literally would not stop re-stocking the wave one balls, literally up until that recall we had wave one in supply lmao
a couple years ago i started sorting the LOL surprise dolls by their families, as i couldn't find any other source that had them sorted or completely categorized. im going to start getting back into it, but theres a lot of dolls for me to catch up on. if any of you know of a good organized archive of all the dolls, please let me know. thanks!
pic rel is how ive been autistically organizing them, family name then the species of pets they have.
Missing your hairy nuts, tranny? Sasuga.

The Nuts should be here tomorrow, I'm still brainstorming a good way to make em hairy.
Was Venus McFlytrap always in the Kmart listings? Is she finally in Australia?

Thanks for the tip. Picked one up and will likely grab a few more while they're discounted. The large size one is perfect for most MH girls except Abby since she's too tall to fit comfortably in it standing up.
Pin hole guide for the happy hour miniverse
Glad I bought the doll I wanted before Crowdstrike started pwning a massive amount of computers
New ILY Disney doll coming soon.
Glad to see some more atypical color combos, she's pretty cute.
I know it's not the place to talk about the movie but i watched it and i found the ending kinda bad and really rushed, like they kept mentioning castle coming so i thought it would be the climax of the movie but nope, it's really strange too because every descendants movies dolls had two lines the basic and the deluxe inspired by the final events like the coronation dolls, royal cotillion dolls and the royal wedding dolls, also we were supposed to have dolls of maddox and zellie but they were cut like their role
I swear everytime someone talks about Descendants it's about how disappointing and disjointed the story is
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So apparently people who ordered Harper off Amazon recently have been sent this shit instead, 2 years post-release I guess Burberry caught on and apparently threatened to sue and they've had to hastily change the design. They've even just re-used Simone's towel. Super bummed because I know this means people will now artificially inflate the value of the original.
They also just used one of the purses from their blind box series, that's super lame. They probably could have won against Burberry but didn't want to bother with the legal battle
I can't order anything :(
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There's so many designs in the movie that would've made nice dolls. I wonder why they skipped out on boy dolls completely now too, when those actually sold pretty well in the OG line.

I didn't understand the logic of this movie at all btw. The villains all knew the heroes in high school, before the events of any movies happened? All of the princess characters met their princes in high school instead of what's shown in the movies? Doesn't make sense.
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I like her hair
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What is the consensus on washing a straightening shadow high dolls hair?

Picked up one omg and shadow fall my sisters faughters. I usually wash and fix the hair on thrift dolls because kids like for the doll to arrive looking like it is new.
Most rainbow and lol omg dolls have high grade Kiwi nylon hair (excluding metallic nylon).
Brush carefully with a fine tooth metal comb because hair shedding is common and the nylon is prone to stretching.
The hair fiber is generally heat resistant, so straightening the hair with a flat iron is safe at the lower setting, in wet hair/protective spray. Not as responsive to boil wash as saran hair.
I was just going to soak in a 1 part fabric softener 9 parts water mix, brush with a wide tooth comb, thenet dry over night. Usually works for thrift store dolls
idk, up to you. I read somewhere that fabric softener breaks down fibers.
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Someone got ahold of the final product.
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thots and open onions?
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RH will be dead by next year
They are kind of cute but the dresses completely ruin them, what the fuck is MGA even thinking?
I kind of wish they would do a full fairycore or Bratz midnight dance themed line for a rainbow high line
The most underwhelming of the bunch, her eyebrows look so off to me, they're too light. She's giving fivehead Fianna from Bratz
Unpopular opinion, I think she has potential when her eyes and bangs are fixed, she looks so sweet. The top half of her out is fine, the skirt is atrocious.
Same clothing situation as Violet and Bella. Faceup isn't the worst desu.
Sunny looks soo sad :(
Ok, the new RH line was out at my Target.
They are using some sort of cheaper plastic. It looks like it has more gates/tabs left over, and it feels cheaper. The outfits are overall, more simple, and have less detail. There are no wrists. The legs look to be well made actually. The accessories are cheap molded plastic. The handbags don't look too bad, but from what we had before, it's a big downgrade overall. The purple girl was done dirty with her makeup, it's barely visible.
MGA has destroyed their own line. Why the fuck can't they release an adult collector line, like MH?
Love it.
The few collector RH dolls sold horribly, why would they invest further into those?
I wonder if you can put their hands down
>Why the fuck can't they release an adult collector line, like MH?
Because their last attempt at collectors dolls flopped
tbf they did a terrible job at them, too niche, bad distribution and advertising
Anecdotal but the other serious collectors I know in real life just don't vibe with them. They appreciated the clothes for restyles and thought they were pretty dolls but they just don't vibe well with other collector dolls, like you can't pose RH with Integrity. I mostly only saw photos of them on casual shelves with new wave MH and funko pops. I am saying this as a fan of them, I think when they were at their best they were beautiful dolls, but I only have one because they just don't look good with my collection.
Mixies Supremes how to video


i wish moose toys made these without the expensive extra stuff
Do the barbie mermaid dolls with the Odile face have poly hair?
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You think they're gonna G2'ify G3 or are they overreacting?
>beginning of the end of G3
Oh what a tragedy
...Anyway did literally anyone care for the little siblings in the first place? Why would they even want to retread this ground?
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they probably want pixlings money
they better be cute af with better articulation and worth their price more without all the bottle crap
The problem is they made them so dissonant from the regular collection, and not slightly nicer with a higher, more luxury price tag. They screwed the entire concept up.
Someone should have had the wherewithal to collaboration with real designers and use the RH as models. The RH Hilton doll showed it was possible.
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I honestly don't mind "small" dolls like the pixlings or the LOL tweens as long as it looks and feels like a human being with a soul designed them. Pic related looks and feels like a big suit made it.
Partially agree, they definitely should have gone all in on them but they felt quite dialed back. When I compare them to a playline doll like the storm twins I feel like they should have been so extra. We lost so much.
Thank you jannies for finally banning this dumb pos.

This + all the static/unarticulated dolls coming out will be the last few nails in the coffin.
I feel awkward seeing this thread because I like the first Cleo over the Refresh one, but everyone else seems to prefer refresh. I'd get the first Cleo myself, but it's hard to guarantee the hair isn't poly

>he doesnt know
If that guy were banned, all his posts would be deleted, not just the one.
Man, target did a massive doll drop today online, all the fearbook dolls are there as well as the core refresh cleo AND spectra. I'm a poorfag though so I'll probably prioritize cleo or spectra next, probably spectra. I was also thinking of getting like... Jewelry chains to replace the ugly plastic belt with but I have no experience with any of that kind of stuff, and I feel like just knotting some chains around her waist would look stupid. Like, I'd want those metal balls there, too, but I don't know how I'd get those. Bracelet charms?
>Like, I'd want those metal balls there, too, but I don't know how I'd get those. Bracelet charms?
Metal beads, maybe?
What do you like about the first cleo
Sites like Shein, Aliexpress, etc have loads of cheap chain bracelet packs, necklaces, earring packs, rings, etc ,for dirt cheap that I've altered to make doll accessories. Just need to play around with some pliers & see what works.
I like the jacket, dress, belts and boots better.
In stores too, found the MH refresh dolls for the first time plus all the music festival and Catty, and some of the new RH. Picked up a refresh Cleo, was tempted by music Frankie and got to see how thick Catty is in person for the first time.
I agree with your hot take anon. G3 first wave Cleo had my favorite fashion of the G3 first wave dolls. The refresh is fine, I'll probably still get her.
First cleo is okay, but I hate her boots and hair style choice, I think the refresh is an overall improvement
I'm with you on this. OG Cleo looked more unique with a distinctly Egyptian design. Refresh Cleo is a generic yass queen Ariana Grande type mess.
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Was able to add Astranova to my collection for less than 30 bucks including shipping. One of her elbows is a bit loose and she's obviously missing her chestpiece, but other than that, she's in great condition
Even came with an extra doll stand and some stray MH and LOL accessories
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My fav Cleo right now is the Goreganizer Cleo, I dont have any pics but I removed the dumb top bun and fixed up her hair, it's a simple look but I really like it, she has such a pretty face with the nude lip
here's a pic of someone doing similar
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If I got a melamine sponge, would it erase Frankie's stitches?

Also, does short-neck Frankie look better outside of the box? I'm unsure if the long neck variants made their way to my country. All the Frankies I see in store look like their necks are drowning in the clothes
Looks cool
i doubt anyone here gives a shit, but there's a new G3 game releasing in october. visually it looks hideous and even worse than new ghoul in school which released over a decade ago, looks like it's going to be in the same vein as that gameplay-wise where you make your own student as well.
i really like first wave cleo as well, i do definitely prefer her refresh look like the others though. honestly cleo has had some of the best G3 dolls in general.
No your best bet would be acetone but that'll remove the blush as well. Idk about the short neck thing though, I think it looks worse on the first wave doll because the shirt collar makes it more obvious
my Harper arrived today and luckily I got the original plaid, some moron is trying to flog the 'please don't sue' version as a rare variant on ebay for $60.
Yeah I don't blame them for not wanting the hassle even though they've won before, it's not worth it for a line they already killed all for a single doll thats been off the shelves for years.
I'm not usually one to harp on about graphics, but holy fuck that is abysmal
My Skulltimate Secrets Fearidescent Frankie has a short neck, it's still noticeable but posing makes it less so, gotta utilize the chest articulation
I've seen bottom of the barrel asset flip games on Steam look better than this.
I loved the New Ghoul game back in the day, but this looks pretty terrible. Will it be a phone game?
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>somehow look worse than 10 year old predecessor
oh no no no no....
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To be fair, that's the Wii version, the PC port actually looked pretty decent for the time and budget. I loved the character models especially, they genuinely looked really nice and were well stylised, unlike whatever the fuck those G3 models are.
nefera and cleo two-pack, i like them but my god those dresses suck
console release apparently
Welcome back G2!!
I wouldn't mind if it was based on the g3 dolls music videos, i just can't with the fugly cankle tv show design
This is supposed to be a collectors set, right? Wow. Just... wow. The dolls themselves are nice, and I like the headpieces, but bodycon print dress for BOTH?! We have budget dolls with better outfits!
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>Mattel is looking for a buyer while the stock drops
What the fuck happened I thought the Barbie movie supposed to kick start the brand
Mattel really did fuck all with the clout they got from The Barbie Movie, at least regarding the actual Barbie dolls. There was the typical movie tie in releases, a couple of collectors tie ins, and that's it. Biggest movie of the summer and Mattel can't bring themselves to improve on the actual doll line. Remember Peaches and Cream Barbie? Remember how pretty that doll was? Fuck you here's a 65th anniversary doll in an ill fitted dress supposedly themed to that. I genuinely think Mattel just doesn't like Barbie anymore
God, I didn't even recognize Nefera at first. She needs a cuntier expression
I don't really mind the simplistic dresses. But I feel like they definitely needed something more to make up for the simplicity of the dresses considering they're collector's dolls
Also Cleo's shoes are really lackluster compared to Nerfera's
But overall they look good. They just don't really seem like they'll be worth the price. Maybe if they're like 80-90 bucks at most
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this 2 pack is 50$
that de nile sisters set is 30$ at best
Halloween Miniverse series 2 will have a rare hidden Beetlejuice sandworm
Remember that overpriced miniature Barbie house that dropped a short while ago? Ken version dropping today
SDCC deadfast ghoulia goes up in a few minutes, anyone going to try and get her?
i want to paint my g3 lagoona blue, but i'm not skilled enough to do the face detailing

I hope g4 lagoona gets to be blue again
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>Be Mattel
>Realize the Barbie brand is dying
>Gen alphas girls are mostly on their tablets who don't buy dolls or toys
>Decide to fund a Barbie movie to kickstart the brand
>Give it to someone whose only in it for her own career
>Give her full creative control
>She makes it for wine aunts
>Make the movie into a political commentary on gender
>Alienate the little girls
>Movie literally shits on the founder of the company
>Fast forward to present
>Despite the movie being a summer blockbuster hit your stocks are in the shitters
>"Why the dolls aren't selling?"
>Realize wine aunts don't buy dolls
>Now you're in fear of being brought out by either Hasbro or a investment firm in a bidding war
The Magic Mixies dolls, Monster High, Shadow High, are there any other active doll lines with fantasy skin tones I've missed out on?
Little girls get like 99% of the Barbie Movies, I agree the story was muddled but the choice to aim at adults more than little girls wasn't strange at all, lite girls don't give a fuck about the history of Barbie, they weren't alienated just because the one movie wasn't made for them.
>Movie literally shits on the founder of the company
I thought it showed her in a pretty good light though
That's pretty much it for active doll lines, though I guess I wouldn't call Shadow High active
i got monique, i was going to pick up creepover drac but figured that grabbing any SH dolls i can right now is probably the better idea
>I thought it showed her in a pretty good light though
>Ruth: I'm a five foot grandma with double vasectomy and tax evasion
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imagine wanting to collect all three magic mixies pixie supremes dolls, but they're so expensive, and every doll you get has to come with this plastic electronic toy mirror
Anon, she was a five foot old woman with a double mastectomy who committed tax evasion
Shame that these dolls are stuck behind a gimmick, they have a very pretty face
Yeah that's not putting her in a good light
I wish there were fantasy skin toned Barbies. They already have Dreamtopia for mermaids and things like that, I think they should add to it.
>movie about embracing what is human
>ew why are they making her out to be human
Honestly what harm is there in acknowledging it, Ruth wasn't quiet about her double mastectomy, I've seen nobody have a bad reaction about it except you. Is it the tax evasion thing? Because I promise nobody cares that much
There's the Fairytopia dolls, no articulation though sadly
Running kids' toys like an investment company is always sure to bring sadness. Mattel somewhere along the line realized 'Barbie' was kind of stale and dated (she is.) and attempted to 'reboot' her. The movie did well, the issue was that Barbie rebooted the nostalgia for adults, but did nothing for kids.
Side sales of Barbie merch did better, but the dolls flopped. They churned out shitty dolls with high pricetags (which did pretty well during Covid) and assumed the good times would continue; or that a new purchasing pattern threshold had been reached. Consumers then got hit in their wallets, and now cannot keep spending on dolls their kids 'might' want.
To make matters "worse", the latest metrics from the latest group of kids shows they are more interested in interactive toys (this is why Magic Mixies comes with "gimmicks", and so does the RH reboot) - the Gimmicks are bundled with the doll to attempt to make the /doll/ more desirable. We will see how this works out.
That color is less whimsical and more dead body to me
I mean, I like it. With a restyle she'd make a good Halloween doll
Managed to snag her luckily. Not huge on the crimped hair and have some nitpicks about the outfit, but her face is so fucking good.
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>they have a very pretty face
have they improved the screening yet? they're very nice, but the faces were done so dirty
She'd make a great corpse bride
I have Clawdeen and she can hold a phone up to her ear since her ears are on the top of her head. Does anyone with other Monster High dolls know if their dolls can hold a phone to their ear?
Happy Olympic Opening Ceremony time! Who is the sportiest doll you have in your collection? Mine is just a Made To Move barbie.
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Rumors are that SS5 Lagoona got cancelled, she's not in the SDCC display with the other SS5
Anyways here's Draculonka without the shitty photoshop face
New made to order Barbie movie dolls. Pre-order launches August 2nd at 9 am Pacific.
god i wish that were me
Is this a 2-pack? I don't want Ken but that Margot Robbie Barbie is gorgeous.
Would love to see some playline dolls with these updated sculpts. They're both so much better
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Robbie looks better but Ryan's face is now more off.
It is.
she looks so good, love those hair colours and the overall red theme they're going for with her
Anyone else reading the new Monster High YA book? I'm only on chapter four but it's kinda ass so far. My hopes aren't high.
I've heard it's ass
None of the MH books have ever been good except the Ghoulfriends series so I wouldn't have expected much in the first place.
Love those colors on her. Shame about the ugly main outfit. Maybe if I see it on a great deal I'll pick it up... the second outfit is cute I guess...

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