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Can you even believe this beautiful boy exists?
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Forgive my poor pictures but I'm madly in love.
Previous thread:

>Upcoming transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread
I'm all in on these guys, and maybe the rumored Sentinel if it's cool enough.

I want a gun Megatron so badly. And Soundwave + Cassettes as well as every single possible Seeker variant.

My only collectibles now, not counting books, are PS1/2 games and Missing Link Transformers.

It's a living .
So why did you make this thread on Page 5?
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> Jerkop
I didn’t make the thread, but figured if someone is gonna do it might as well be done right
Clearly not OP, but someone trying to salvage OP's mess
obvious troll thread
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Why don't we just talk about robots guys.
So wait, the upcoming Legacy "g1 universe" Prime *isn't* the ML mold?? Its actually its own mold- which I assume borrows heavily from MLOP?
No anon, the $25 mainline deluxe is not the same toy as the $90 import
please stop replying to obvious trolling?
What's the point of posting that new threads don't get started until page 9 or 10 if you ignore that?
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New mousepad at my shitty office job.
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The deluxe mold is shit compared to this.

> Less fidelity to the 1984/5 original (ML is almost 1:1)
> Hollow thighs, unpainted ugly grey.
> Paint on eyes so thin it looks green.
> Side of bumper not even painted.
> So short it's almost Scout sized or smaller.
> No dedicated trailer.
> Lame Energon axe doesn't fully close over the fist.

It's got a ball-jointed head and a moving bumper flap, but the trade offs in exchange are insane.

Only good for people who couldn't afford the $120 for a full C-01 set. Scalping isn't even an excuse cause they're doing another production run already and you can get it rn at BBTS for retail.

Is pic related for real???
>Is pic related for real???
I don't see how it would be otherwise with the bending arms in the middle
>Page 5
>Fucked up dogshit OP
>Pastebin fucked
>No link to old

Holy shit
Just ban these retards trolling and fucking with Generals

I mean to ask is this leak confirmed legit or could it be a shop?

If it is real it looks great to me except I'd really like a version with all the accessories plus the stock and silencer.
The only thing that would be questionable to me is him being silver and red when the Takara version was grey and blue

I mean, TakTom has used the red but with their accessories and the stock and silencer on the two most recent reissues.

I can see them doing the Hasbro colors as a full set with stock, silencer, and every single accessory from both versions.

Then a flat gray with blue version with just the sword and gun and maybe scope.
the shine bends as the arm bends, so i'm thinking shoop
just keep chatting in the old thread til this one gets deleted.
>the shine bends

The reflection on the arm on our right should be a straight line but it bends with the new photoshopped elbow.

Tbh this looks like the stock photos to the old toy.

But maybe it's legit? Idk.

If they ever do one obviously it'll look like this.
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I sort of miss this piece of shit.
I have no ides what you're seeing, you know the top side of his arm is curved right?
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>which way, hascuck?
Yo I've been wanting a new mousepad, whered ya nab it?
Yeah on second thought I'm kimda tarded for not realizing this. I just sorta gave it one glance and thought "they're just reusing the missing link for legacy? How uninspired".

As for that pic... god I hope its real. Though I can't help but be disappointed that I'm not seeing the extended barrel and stock.
New one looks better but I don’t care gor this mold either way.
There are people that like the stock and muszzle?
It will probably get redirected, I’ve had something randomly go to the new york sort center even though I live on the west coast
There are people who don't? But regardles sof preference- if this is indeed a real Missing Link type toy I think its important that all of the accessories be included. We coukd of course be seeing the "cartoon" version and not the "toy" version assuming they are doing what they did with Prime.
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Cute altmode for a decepticon
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Best Skids mold use this far, will get proper deco next year.
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He's mid
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I would like Chase remold a bit more
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Also Blokees are really fun, try at least one
for the coneheads I prefer the old classics mold simply because they don't cheat
I'm so tired of the increasing reliance on faux parts for autistic cartoon accuracy
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>Forgive my poor pictures
Sch'fine, anon. At least you post pictures and enjoy toys. /tfg/ could use more of that.

I had a similar religious experience when I got this guy, so I know where you're coming from. I never even owned the original Optimus Prime; it's just that this is a simple, fun, well-designed bot with a gorgeous alt mode, made from quality materials. It's just the antidote for all the mainline dreck Hasbro has been shoveling out lately, I don't care how overpriced it was.
I always wanted him just for the accessories. The fucking birb-saber and twin-barrel blasters are exquisite.
holy fuck
i-is that a n-n-new photo?!

Wow you got this Conboy looking goooood.
Is that NO photo?
>Chrome is a dumb gimmick that looks bad & i hard to fix when it's damaged. Painting every millimeter also invites paint wear, bare plastic won't suffer from that.
I don't know how G1 Prime chrome is different, but I've never seen a chipped version. I have had my TRU reissue for 20 years with no damage, and I got it as a kid.
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There's only one thing better than ML Convoy and that's ML Convoy riding MP Rhinox.
Should I pre-order this nigga or not?! RrEEEeeee
No, it's not a good mold. Save your money.
Wait for SS86 in near future (2026-2028)
>implying we will survive Super Covids in 2025
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Cool deco but skip
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Alt mode
Yeah twats are scaring us again with it, at least it means war will end soon.
>G2 symbol
I will now buy your slop
G2 symbol is why it seems like a shop
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B-but... I need a Soundwave! What makes it bad?
I don't know if I'll still be alive then.
>G2 symbol
He's fat, has ugly holdovers from siege, somehow completely fucks up turning into a rectangle and you're paying leader price for a voyager with 3 micromasters and two of them are very not good
If you want a worthwhile soundwave you're not finding it in mainline
...he's a G2 character, anon
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>religious experience
I am actually trying to take really good care of myself and pray every day that I live to see the release of MP Ginrai.

I got 86 Bee last night and wrote a very long winded review nitpicking the shit out of him but didnt post it. Between then and now Ive transformed him about 10 times and of course he grew on me, a lot. The designer really kept making a FUN TOY a high priority here, to the point it seems like making every step feel as satisfying as possible. And when I say “feel”, I mean literally tactile enjoyment. I think he was very intentionally created as a fidget toy. You get a little of every trick as he swings and rotates smoothly and there are tons of affirmative clicks and thwoops everywhere on him.
Additionally, Im pretty certain that alot of his shortcomings are due to the fact he was designed to be totally modular. Every one of his car panels is designed to be swapped out for retooled parts leaving the core of the figure intact. Expect to see this mold redone to infinity and back.
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Oh yeah and the last thing I wanted to say was that this figure was for sure shoehorned into the Studio Series line. Someone is on a serious mission to get all the minibots out by any means necessary because this Bee is exactly like all the other minibots in design philosophy and does not actually belong in SS at all. God bless that man. Please bring on the remaining minibots before I die
Most G2 characters don't have a G2 faction symbol. Even Hasbro didn't believe in it when it was new.
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I-I'm not coping, you are! *pre-orders it anyway*
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A rangeban would be needed
>Random daily reason Hasbro should hire me:
1 oer case of 86 Bees shouldve been a smiling face chase variant. Hasbro isnt fun like that anymore tho
Yeah but it looks ugly
Aren't chase figures more a Japanese thing?
>lazy head swap retools
I’m still waiting for BBTS to get Beachcomber.
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Hasbro can’t match yellow paint to save their fucking lives. I hope Takara keeps the DCS line going to fix all their garbage.
actual new thread is over here >>11067923
I’m not encouraging your autistic spam over the OP formatting, so nah.
Can we fucking not.
I showed him to my brother, a very casual TF fan, his very first words out of his mouth were “wow that color matching is awful”. Yep. Hes actually three fucking shades of yellow. (Two colors of yellow plastic and then the paint) The paint actually matches great, but it needed a second coat.
Minus CJ, is he shorter than all the other minibots?
I get that this thread was clearly created by a troll OP, but there’s no reason to create a new thread when actual discussion is going on. This is what happened with the LEGO general and now there’s like 6 of those at a time.
How is that Universe Lambo mold? I always thought it looks kinda neat. Torso proportions are a bit weird, perhaps?
It's still one of my favorites and I like the alt mode a lot. In general I prefer 2006-2011 CHUG over post-Siege crap.
It's dated, but it's one of the greatest tricks HasTak ever pulled
I believe so, I can let you know for sure in a few hours
legitimate discussion is not enough to legitimize a thread, sorry
we've tried being nice, he's going to keep making his own threads -regardless- until he starts spamming 7 at once. There is no other option.
>until he starts spamming 7 at once
How are you any different?
man, at some point I need to look back through all the Transformers toylines from before I was collecting and put together a want list, there's some good shit that I missed out on
Who is "he"?
Goanon, I’m assuming
making one at a time, making a new one only when the previous one hits page 9 or image limit.
i see you're new here. someone will fill you in. maybe come by the real thread. there's a guy with a bunch of screencaps and everything to catch you up to speed.
I didn't make that thread. I haven't bothered making threads in months at this point, it isn't funny anymore. These days I just post normally and contribute photos/OC. Dunno who the OP is, probably just some newfriend who doesn't know how touchy this thread is about OP formatting.
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I agree it's a neat idea but it's a very poor figure, and the best version of it is also basically impossible to get
Yes, he is much smaller than the other deluxe minibots. He reverse mass shifts, hes the same size as the others in alt mode
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Sometimes newfags just dont want to scroll for the thread falling off the board and they just want a turn to be OP
>t. Was a newfag 15 years ago and did this and got accused of being the Nemesis OP. Yes this has been going on for 15 years you guys are autists.
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>No link to old
As it should be, this is a "missing link" thread!
>clear plastic parts
>clear plastic neck

Welp, guess that's a skip. I was really looking forward to this guy as well.
>laser rod has clear plastic
>this is a bad thing
Remember when FunPub cheaped out on the plastic for this toy's shrunken pinhead by making it extra small and didn't even let people know about it until after they'd paid for the $60 figure?

You can go on about how bad Hasbro is, but FunPub will always be worse and that's not even going into the people they paid to write shitty comics and prose fanfictions about "Reference, Reference, Suck My Dick For MISB Overlord, Reference, Reference!"
NTA but you don't want crucial parts of the figure like the neck joint made out of clear plastic. The weapons are cool, but that head isn't gonna stay on his shoulders for long
Thats the best Nemesis Prime has ever looked, the 2 dedicated headsculpts really sell it.
Clear plastic ball joints have the risk of breaking off at the ball section due to the stress of moving the area. For a good example of this, check out T30 Scoop, his two common breakage issues are his clear plastic cockpit hinges and his clear plastic ball joint head.
It doesn't come with a laser.
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On location with Pablo at TFCon
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never 4get
that will never not be funny
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shame about that nerdy noggin
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The transformation isn't very fun either
Is grandma okay?
Nana's sleeping on this release.
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bros got a dead body in his house and a gay man
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Made a quick visual guide for MPs for the cartoon cast, who has an MP and who has yet to get one. Note this only applies to the first 3 season and the movie. If I feel like it, I might make a guide for later season.
Season 1 Autobots.
Season 2 cons.
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Season 2 bots. And if you're wondering why Elita's group and War Dawns trio is here, well Nightbird got an MP so cartoon only bots are free game.
Season 2 cons. If you're wondering if I'm missing some cons. No, unless you consider Nightbird to be one.
Season 3 and movie bots.
And finally season 3 and movie cons.
Man I wish his name was Streetfighter. Then he could do Hadouken.
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Pretty sure Haslab Unicron counts as MP
>No, unless you consider Nightbird to be one.
NIghtbird and Autobot Spike should be included. Also B.O.T and Purple Griffin.
Bot and the Griffin aren't even alive, just remote control and a mobile base respectively.
Halonix and the previous primes aren't really Characters, but they got as much or more on screen time than Scamper, Skids or Cranix.
I think if you want all MP scale bots from G1, you’re going to have to go 3P
Also I don’t see Rebirth bots
Redpill me on the super7 transformer ultimates
why tho, besides the fact that they don’t transform
Purple Griffin needs to be retconned as
A: alive and
B: a Decepticon rival to Sky Lynx
If you want your transformers to look like the G1 cartoon, they’re your best bet. However, they don’t pose very well.
And you always will
Couldn't you count HasLab Unicron?
>after they'd paid
Correction: they never let anyone know period and people didn't find out until the toy was literally in their hands.
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It's a shame he's so hard to find for a good price because DJ looks great. Cicadacon too TBF but DJ's colours are cool.
Why would it count?
>Also I don’t see Rebirth bots
>Note this only applies to the first 3 seasons and the movie
Reading comprehension anon.
That makes sense, but the last two times they made a Sky-Lynx they passed over doing that.
What, you want a bigger one?
yeah I want this guy remade like you wouldn't believe.
Hopefully they wouldn't simply shrink the cicada head down (I know they would, fuck) to make the robot mode more proportional.. because that's where the combiner head is and.. yeah they'd probably make that tiny too. fuck.
the best thing to do is to move the robot head onto his back (there should be room to tuck it into a flap between the wings) and then the cicada head parts can form a reasonably-sized chest
Buy me fh Clench
How much did Walky and M got my donk sucked Sipher get paid for making shit for fun pubes?
Hmm today I will go out and check the stores, surely this will go better than the last 5 times where I left the house only to find nothing
>package went 2 days going to a different distribution center and then back to the one near me
Fuck man, it could have arrived yesterday if they weren't being blockheads.
What are you looking for?

What’s in the package?
If you don't have a Netflix Soundwave, yes.

If you do, just wait until the tapes hit eBay.
What kind?
Plastic (not an actual robot with motors and such).
Pulse updated their site and it sucks
looks alright
kinda like ebay
Is there a way to display more products per row?
Just bought these beauties
>Dark mode meme
Fuck off with this shit
You overpaid
Don't care
Mind balancing my checkbook since you're accountant pro bono?
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Someone suggested putting tv test patterns on his glasses. I kind of like it.
Doesn't help those zesty lips
Is it true there is a new autobot multipack with Optimus and Jetfire coming out next year?
Possibly with Jolt and Ratchet
>titans return instead of LG
I loved the idea for this, I just wish its head wasn't so tiny
The DCS version is better
Is next year's Alpha Trion going to be a lion too?
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I got an email saying this guy is coming in stock soon, is the mold any good?
Nah it sucks monkey fuck.
as long as it doesn't yellow, yeah
Stop hamhanding your toys.
No, just combine the three into a super robot.
The whole mold in general fucking sucks. I can't wait for them to make a Commander Broadside.
john warden was a mistake
Broadside is fucked by the requirements for being Broadside.
Hope those are Canadian dollars, tehy're neat but noth worth that much.

None is accuarte to anything, I had to mix both to get something closer to cartoon colors.

Thats mistransformed, but yeah he needs the fanmode jet config.
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Both, I removed the extra red bits (belly button and neck popping) on the Lg and gave him the TR forearms (for the extra paint stripe) and a second headmaster.
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Yeah, commander would be the best budget class for him.
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Bro it takes a special kind of retard to fuck up an airplane transformer
>add cockpit, nosecone, wings, tail fins
Every transformer jet gets that right. Pretenders get it right. Fucking the ORIGINAL Broadside got it right.
Far too boxy to airplane.
The earmuffs/neck brace area is just for Tidal Wave anyway, so no loss there.
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Forgot to deploy them on that pic, but I use it on the alt robot mode.
I like tr so it's OK. Also have money to burn
what head is that?
That G1?
3d printed faceplate, same for the missiles and axe.
I don't bother shopping in person anymore, the selection always sucks ass
I think the last toy I ever bought at a physical store was Siege Shockwave
Broadsidefags are such strange creatures
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Still working on the diaclone gals. Having a good time with it. Might have to start picking up these figures.
Not interested enough that I'm gonna buy him online, but if I see him in person I might pick him up. Hopefully he doesn't have yellowing problems
Listing for a Sentinel Prime according to the leaker on tfw2005.
It’s a recolor of optimus
I hope they don’t delay ML Megatron too long
Just like every tripplechanger fan.
TR plastic is shit don’t pay anything over 25 for any of them.
wait is this the same one but modified to suck less?
I think they’ll do Starscream next just because it’s a dozen easy repaints
Hopefully the inevitable update will have both robot mode designs
The missing link Megatron picture was a hoax. Hasbro's made it pretty clear they don't intend to do gun Megatron ever again
>Hasbro's made it pretty clear they don't intend to do gun Megatron ever again
Who the fuck cares about Hasbro, if ML Megatron happens it's going to be a Takara release and they don't give a shit about that no gun nonsense.
"making that clear" would get them in nearly as much hot water as saying they want to, which in turn would be nearly as suicidal as doing it. they haven't touched the concept and they never will unless things change radically in terms of protecting speech and silencing retards.
What’s being revealed at SDCC other than Ss86 Optimus?
Instead of Ultra Magnus? Lame.
How would ML Ultra Magnus even work? The armor is effectively a flat sheet of plastic with white Prime stapled to it.
do you think it's hard to add hinges and joints or something?
Is that target brawl worth 160?
For something with that design with another robot behind it? Yes.
Waist is easy
Arms are already mostly there
Legs just need a pivot and hinge, you speak as if panels don't fold
Same figure with a fanmode, no mods needed. The axe isn't required, but it adds stability.
Forgot theres a small mod, you have to swap the tail fins to the opposite leg and upside down, so the point to the oposite side.
Are you actually serious?
even the original white prime has knees there
anon, you know how every time you fold a piece of paper, it gets thicker?
or how a 3d object casts a 2d shadow?
it's one of those things like that. In order to let an outer container flex with an inner figure, if the inner figure has a 2-part joint, then the outer thing needs a double joint. AND the middle PROBABLY needs to be a floating joint or it's just not going to work. Try it yourself, put one of your fingers behind another, then bend it. The outer finger will not stay lined up with the inner finger, their tips will diverge.
wow, i had heard it had a "slightly better" fanmode that required some slight modification, but this is significantly better
oh okay.
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Saturday haul
r8 it or h8 it
Anon, have you never seen Powemaster Prime?
Why do you think the base legs need to be in that position?
what's to say you can't have extended hips?
I dig it. You got lots of cool shit.
Why is there a penis behind Ultra Magnus
>the little soap box so White Prime can stand on his tip toes and see over the top of the chest
Knees that meet at magnus' crotch, mind you
I assume you can't picture a method to fit to that
>bayformer slop
i'm sure you can 'picture' one, but your brain is wrong. because you can't. how is the leg gonna swing forward if the inner robot's shin is in there, and it swings backward??
"extend the hips" is not a solution. or a thing.
face it dude, there's only one configuration that can even KIND OF work, and that is fold him up and shove him into the torso.
you can maybe, MAYBE get the upper arms inside of shoulders, and then have the forearms hang down, but now you've really limited the ways those shoulders can bend.
You've never built anything have you
So if he has the same name as a Dreadnok and is a Decepticon, it might be cool to give him things like chainsaw and flame torch for weapons.
how many robot toys have you built, anon
because i've designed something like 300, but most of them are kinda shit.
Putting together Gunpla is not building something
isn't that my line?
If that's the case, if you don't know how to do this basic shit, you have no business designing anything
if -what's- the case? that it is my line? meaning i'm accusing YOU of thinking you have built toys because you've assembled gunpla?
because I never claimed to have built anything.. i said -designed-
>you have no business designing anything
you can't just repeat yourself with no new information, you're not making sense, man
i designed things for fun. I haven't done it in a while but I do get the itch periodically. At this point, I feel like I'd have to do it in 3d to be satisfied. and I dunno from 3D yet.
>Suck My Dick For MISB Overlord
lurk moar
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why do they keep making horned lion alpha trion's?
Because it looks cool?
I like the potp one more
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where did all the good reviewers go? i don't watch video reviews anymore
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I banned them.
I used to watch vangelus until he revealed himself as a massively cringe lefty
If you just want a guy to give you a rundown of the toy then baltmatrix is alright. if you want someone actually entertaining, though, I'm afraid you're shit outta luck
man baltmatrix is still around? I watched him back in fucking 2007
Yep, he's still going strong. Last video was 4 days ago.
it doesn't though
I believe it goes back to a BotCon set that repainted Prime Thundertron into Alpha Trion and they've just rolled with it.

Except his name was Alpha Trizer and he turned out to be a grizzled old version of Beast Wars Cheetor - kind of a clusterfuck narratively speaking but aesthetically it works.
I like PrimevsPrime. Mostly cause he gets stuff super early and it gives me a chance to see if it's something I want to buy well in advance.
And Trizer was a reference to a scrapped Alpha Trion from BM Snarl. The set had a bunch of remade older exclusives.
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Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Yeah, this would be the origin then.
I refuse to believe that people don't think Zinogre is cool
OK but where does the horn come from?
>in 3 years all the big toy review youtubers who came out in the boom from youtube and the 07movie will have been posting online for 20 solid years
That's insane to me. A record of 20 years online, very often multiple days a week. And it's spent on things like reviewing toys. This will possibly be better archived than most records inhuman history.
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>lazy shitpost
I know
Is this a reference to something?
>the zoomer FEARS non-derivative thought and content
embarrsing deshou
Yeah. The photo itself isn't very interesting, so what is the point for it?
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No way those MCGA idiots don't win the election now, even though it came out Prime was in having inappropriate relations with mincons, not to mention pics like this that his team has been trying to bury since '07.
>Somehow Marissa Faireborn is a career EDF woman in the early 2000s despite Flint not even being married yet in 1986.
What the fuck were the story editors thinking?
Yeah, kino picture of the year from attempt at Trump assassination. I could do it better but as I said "lazy shitpost".

More like hags, TFP June would fit.
>the shooter has been identified as Detritus, a Registered Autobot
Spin THAT, chuds!
Detritus is just a hired gun. He's only loyal to his home planet of Junkion.
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What are you talking about, anon? Detritus wears an autobot symbol– you can see it on his shoulder clear as day. Nobody but an autobot would ever wear an autobot symbol, that's just common sense.
He wears a Decepticon sigil on his cool. It is as plain as the stars in the night sky. Only a Decepticon would wear that, obviously.
Any images of detritus wearing a decepticon insignia are fabricated by the alt-bot movement, stop spreading misinformation
alright, we get the joke
okay then hotshot what kind of thing do you want to talk about instead?
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sorry forgot which thread this was
I fucking hate the toy guy, he sounds like a faggot.
My second favorite Core Class only behind Tasmania Kid.
He's tolerable, but he's in desperate need of a new logo because the one he's got makes his channel look like it belongs to a 12 year old who posts slideshows of Bionicles fighting Transformers and calls it stop motion.
He probably was one.
Just an annoying Canadian mud who had a silver spoon.
Ever since he talked about buyee to get the sponsor i can’t get shit anymore from mercari jp
I'm pretty sure there are bigger channels that took that sponsorship that bear more of the responsibility for that, anon
He needs to learn how to pose worth a shit before showing off a figure's rage, holy fuck is he bad at it
yeah he's not great, and it's made worse by the fact you can tell he's really proud of the 'super cool shots' he sets up
you just mad people are talking about a reviewer? you could actually contribute something else to the thread instead of bitching about it
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And the final Sunday haul
>Those sentai toys
Also I wish the Titanium series were better, the designs themselves are cool.
The Japanese version of turbo and operation overdrive megazords?
looks gay
you can't say that (true as it may be) while using their faggy slang
indians sound cool though very much big time
nah turbo's megazord had a row of lights across his chest, these are some other car guys.
best titans returns figure? I have 500 to spend.
tr alpha trion the best one
It was the second one from Turbo. The Rescue Megazord.
ohhh that's right, they had two
actually i ditched turbo when they replaced the entire cast at once. zordon was gone, alpha was gone, I felt like there was nothing anchoring me to it anymore.
Triggerhappy and Topspin/Twintwist
Hardhead and Skyshadow are pretty great too
Also I love Snapdragon, but Apeface is rough
Might as well go for Twin Twist and/or Misfire since you can afford them
All I know about it is that one greentext where the guy meets a pervert on craigslist. What does funpub have to do with it?
Rescue Megazord and Super Train? Superb taste
He sounds like he sucks dicks. Sorry that bothers you, faggot.
Where did you get Breakdown?
>can’t get shit anymore from mercari jp
sorry anon that was me. i've been hauling 20+ figgers each shipment every 2-3 months lately
every time i say 'alright no more' some rare magazine giveaway mini-con or something pops up and i cannot resist
yeah that shit is addictive.. it's the HUNT!
I finally ordered every Fossilizer there is.
I plan to customize them into undead terrorcons.
fuck that shit, you have to add like $25 per purchase between fees, taxes and freight costs
i restrain myself to only grails and shit you'd never see anywhere else
the 10% off coupons they regularly do are also a kinda big factor as it cancels out their fee most times
they use a lot of nylon and rubbery plastics though, hard to paint stuff
Can you faggots keep politics out of toys for five seconds, or do you get spasms if you don't bring your Twitter normie hobby into other hobbies?
Poli is more popular than TF, deal wif eet
is only joke
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God this thing is UGLY.
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>Truck mode is just a red and blue block with zero ground clearance and no stripe
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Comes with effect parts to represent what happens if this truck goes over a pebble.
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But hey, he comes with Roller! You know, the great roller! It's OK.
That headsculpt looks weird
The truck has ugly proportions not gonna lie. What the fuck I wanted to like this figure
>opaque windows
I'm probably going to skip now because of this alone.
It is actually wild how dramatic you people are. I get not liking it. I mean hell, I'm not buying it. But the way you're describing this is as if it is the pretty girl of the class and you're basically saying she has too pointy of elbows. The figure looks fine and you're being a drama queen.
Dude, it looks like shit and there is no reason for it to exist, let alone cost Commander pricepoint.
Again, this is really hyperbolic and you probably cry when you find onions in your tomato sauce.
Look at it. The truck mode doesn't even have any ground clearance for fuck's sake. It's a disaster.
Hahaha ok dude.
They made a better Optimus Prime for a third of the price already.
>backpack panel visible from front and looks like absolute shit
>shitty greebles everywhere in both modes
>truck mode clearly looks like a robot laying down

Yup, it's so superior. Only thing I'll give you is the price. You'd think they'd do more with the trailer for 90 USD. I also wanna see size comparisons. WFC Prime is good for the price I guess.
When? Siege is good but an interpretation and doesn't pose half as well as this. ER was a worse version of that which was also always more expensive, half the price of commander at the lowest.
>That headsculpt looks weird
It really does. They should have just taken the MP-44 CAD and shrink it, it was pretty much spot on to the cartoon other than the mouth plate looking a tad too long.
I was going to reeee until I rewatched that opeing sequence again. His stripe disappears in truck mode. I don't know if I should get the SS86 or wait for the cel shaded version repaint like the 35th figures.

>The body is ok,.not the greatest but ok

I think the big problem is how small the yellow markings on the crotch

It throw of the overall visual (looking like diaper) even if the silhouette is ok
Most SS 86 and trilogy sculpts were good so it's strange that Optimus of all characters got a crappy headsculpt
I think this is likely gonna be one of those figures that these pics don't do it justice. At least for people on the fence. I have a few Legacy figures that looked like shit in official pictures, but in hand I'm really enjoying. Examples of recent memory are Cybertron Hot Shot and RID Sideburn. Before that, Windblade. There's actually quite a few. But yeah, I dunno. Is he a Commander Class worthy price? I don't personally think so. And I'm not an 86 collector. Do I think he looks cool? Absolutely. I just wish they did more with the trailer to justify this price point. Maybe add paint and some other gadgets in there like a bed or something. At least they included roller and some pussy ass gimped version of the little probe robot thingy.
The windows aren't technically opaque, they're clear plastic over a painted surface
where are these pics coming from? are these leaks or did I miss an event?
Leak. Thought the planned reveal was SDCC.
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Let's try this
Oh, I was wondering why you were being cranky, when I was just looking at the thumbnails and thinking it was the legends figure lol
you're trying to reason with autistic fucks on 4chan, he can't go against his nature.
he looks alright but I don't have much interest in the mold unless they give him a recolor and ditch the trailer
It wouldn't look great as Nemesis Prime. Too soft looking.
Cool, but not close to this tripple change hot dog radness, the real robot with an american soul, made by japanese.
I think anon means new deluxe prime
>Siege is good but an interpretation and doesn't pose half as well as this.
Actually it looks like SS86 doesn't pose any better than ER. 90 degree elbows and less knee range.
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not anon but i'm pretty sure you can see the legs bending past 90 in the jumping pose, the arms at least have forwards butterfly (which we know from the leak) and hands can do a little more. The arms are also more proportional so he might actually be able to reach in front of him instead of the biceps sinking into the forearms
There is one area where ER must concede, however:
>That'll be a $90 plus tip.
Shit, I still want it.
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Boohoo nigga poor fags that complain btfo before my new robot daddy
I meant the knees bend less than ER, sorry, my bad.
t. dumb faggot who got tricked into buying Siege Prime, ER Prime, Premium Finish Prime, Dramatic Capture Prime, and now SS86 Prime
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Nope, I don’t own any of these primes, I’m a chad machine robo enthusiast personally :p point stands he doesn’t look that bad
Me when I'm posting in the thread a month from now asking HOW THE HELL THIS UGLY FIGURE SELL OUT? and then proceed to kill myself after FOMO sets in.
Answer is Sunbowfags and scalpers

I already have enough Primes and I don't have to cope about my social status by buying NEW THING
it's best not to get the insurance if it's a trusted seller.
and if you buy a lot, the shipping becomes bearable.
but yes, the initial cost should be MEGA low, otherwise don't do it. when you get a 30 dollar thing for 10 bucks, it's worth it.
i am uncomfortable with how much i want this
Bandai has a pulse on culture unlike Takara.
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>cheap looking tooner windows instead of deep blue translucent windows like MP-44
>trailer barely looks like an upgrade over ER and still looks cheap
>undersized head
Guess I’m going to keep using Henkei Optimus + G3 trailer for another 15 years. I swear every single new G1 Optimus they’ve made since 2008 there’s SOMETHING about it that makes me skip the entire thing.
Buy the takara ER Prime
>Henkei Optimus
Yeah dude nothing makes me feel like I'm looking at a cool toy like half the alt mode sticking off its arms.
wait this isnt a triple changer
the hotdog combines with the anomalocaris to make a brachiosaurus
because insanity
Siege prime is good
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better than 2/3 of the alt mode sticking off its back, hascuck.
It's not actually and here's why.
Mass shifting isn't real.
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I know people don't like the ant mode, but I was messing with Inferno again and I still love him. Such a characterful toy. Also TM2 Megatron's flame effect is just the best accessory ever.
yeah he's really not so bad. fix those ant legs and the ant head chest and i'd have been happy with him. even partsforming for the ant kibble would have been preferable.
People are assuming they designed the backpack to mimic Sideswipes jetpack. I can kind of see it.
Well, I quite like it. It’s doing something different that none of the other recent Primes have done. Sure, it’s absolutely overpriced, but in my opinion it looks just as good if not better than MP-44 because it’s not slavishly faithful.

I’ve become a Prime collector in the past few years and I avoided the Earthrise mold because I had Siege and felt there wasn’t enough different/good about the update, so I feel like I’m the perfect market for this. He’ll chill with Armada, Animated, Siege, SS07, RotB, and the Deluxe Missing Link and stand out in his own way.
A good ion blaster, fucking finally. The toy itself looks fine, but it has a similar issue to Rodimus, everything looks decent but I don't see a $90 value. Also, the head looks weird? It doesn't really look too accurate to the g1 animated prime head (they just released two toys that did so this is weird).
>A good ion blaster,
The sculpt is good, is maybe a smidge undersized looking in his hand >>11070801
Actually wait >>11070852 looks fine
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Optimus always had a backpack, but it's one of those things you can cheat in animation with perspective.
Now I notice how many Optimuses omit the blue taint
>MP Rhinox arrived
>look on back of the box
>his gun is labeled as the "Gatling Hammer"
That is a way better name than the HOLDS UP SPORK one the US fandom gave it.
spork, you say?
i was always told they were the whirling chainguns of doom or something like that
Holy fuck, what is with the newfags nowadays
Don't forget the most important accessory, DEVICE.
That person referenced a copypasta to a random 2000s girl, presumably because they dislike the the "of doom" part of the fan nickname. Without knowing both penguin of doom and the nickname already, it is difficult to understand.
oh i see, that anon did a very clumsy reference
just what i'd expect of people who dislike random humor.
New Thread : >>11071716
Hmmm... no.
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>that unpainted matrix chamber
lmao even earthrise managed to do that come the fuck on hasbro
At this point I've pretty much decided I'm not buying this unless Takara does some premium deco in darker colors.
>All that extra space
>Still has the tiny matrix
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is it at least accurate?
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Some decent Prime Day deals on Transformers. If you have any interest in this set now's the time to get it. Kaskade is hot garbage but Javelin's great. Toxitron is also up for $47 if anyone missed him.
Sure, lemme just go find someone with Amazon Prime.
They've had them cheaper
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The netflix nemesis comes with them
How cheap?
Think a couple of bucks but that may have been on bbts
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damn they made him noticeably taller
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Yeah, that back kibble is not perfect, but the height and sculpt differences make this an easy pick over Earthrise.
I was tempted by missing link but the hip set up loos really unpleasant
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>Out of scale
>Massive backpack
>Less detail
>Trailer same size relative to truck cab as ER
Was that ever really in question?
Why is the Matrix so small? Can he even hold it?
they keep reusing the matrix from ER prime(?) with very minor differences in sculpt, even though it's way too tiny to look good in any situation that isn't being in that specific figure's chest
Considering the shitshow people have been throwing across two generals, yeah.
GEI4MEI is the only tranny reviewer who isn't an insufferable prog.
Justice won this guy for 13 bucks. He cool in hand?
That's just our local anti sunbow autist.
*just won
He cute
I have 2, one opened one still in the box. It's pretty great, simple to transform, and I like his mini con and blaster variety. My son likes to play with it.
thanks looking forward to him, the only rods I have is the shattered glass one.
Overlord worth 80?
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>Mogged by the actual best Commander Optimus Prime
Fingers status? That's right bitch, I thought so.
>Wanting articulated fingers on hands that small
What is this, Toybiz?
More seriously I wish we'd get swappable hands on more TFs. Finger hinges that small look weird and don't accomplish much.
How can I look like that irl?
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I like siege prime because he got me back into Transformers and he's fun to transform :)
Posted for another thread.
He is so cool
Eh, each to their own I guess
>snow cat when?
man, sixo is really slurping up this new ss86slop on X
must throat a good cock
I'm begging you to get some outside social interaction or some real life friends.
For real though. I don't buy anything 86 or Studio Series but why is someone enjoying something so hard for you to just ignore? Why does this random ass person bother you so much? This isn't a normal way to react.
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>unironically telling haters that a 40 year old toy looks better while acting smug
after sucking corpo cock for that sweet, sweet xaaron figger he must now defend hasbro slop with his internet honor
That's...not what they're saying at all.
He's a retard but he's still 100% right here
And you're a dumbass if you think they won't use this mould again for repaints
Just wait
He's saying the SS86OP is shit, but there is a better option available.
>40 year old
Missing Link is closer to 40 day old
When's comic grimlock supposed to come out? Hasbropulse new site is shit
Late 2018 I randomly decided to take a look at what modern TF toys looked like (hadn't had any since the mid-90s, hadn't really thought about TFs in years) and it just so happened that Siege wave 1 was on shelves. My collection is now fucking enormous. Fun toy, got me really excited about Transformers again.
fuck off normie
Left, but only the grey plastic from right is toy accurate, not saturated colors
I like the right more but left is on discount right now
I hope they reissue the set someday

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