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Which is your favorite upgrade kit? Whom do you think REALLY needs one?

>Upcoming transformers
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>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread

previous thread: >>11062492
Neat, but I'm going to wait for the full replacement "kit" by Transart.
he really does look a lot better. i might consider it if I can get one cheap, since i'm getting both custom parts in this kit.. or I might wait for a recolor and then have to repaint the custom parts. But since I already have original tigerhawk and original razorclaw, this sorta IS the recolor that i'd headcanon as someone else on my shelf.
that one looks pretty good. i'm disappointed the upgrade kit didn't enhance his feet any
Can we please not make a whole separate thread just because some newfriend wasn't aware of the OP format? It's kinda gay.
that is an obvious troll thread, even posted a sideways picture. you can't pretend it's some innocent new guy when he linked it in the old thread, and when we've had gradual encroachment from goanon. who just HAPPENS to be here the second his name is mentioned, to say it's not him.
I know it's not perfect, but this is the only way.
actually he didn’t link it in the old thread, I’m the one who posted the previous thread and the pastebins in the “troll” thread and I posted the link to it in the previous thread to try and salvage the thread. But when people started complaining about it and saying they’d make another one I deleted the link in the old thread. He genuinely could be a newfriend
>gradual encroachment
Seriously. What the fuck are you talking about? I never left. I gave up making the OPs because it ceased to amuse me, but I've still been consistently posting in the /tfg/. Of course I'm gonna see it and reply when someone namedrops me.
so this is your fault
well I won't hold it against you, but next time this happens, just report it and move on.
They're literally the same thing but ER has better articulation in some spots
The only downside is the only ones I wanted the most were infinitely scalped and the G2 Ramjet horribly discolors
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We never got
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love that dark burgundy and gray. old Zoid colors.
Tidal Wave Jr. Could use an upgrade kit to give the Dark Fleet armor a robot mode, along with Ramjet.
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My Siege Jetfire finally came in and it cracks me up how much bigger he is than everyone else in my collection. Can’t wait to get SS86 Devastator so he’s dwarfed as well
>pterodaxtyl or whatever his name was
eyy excellent
Nice little collection anon
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Thanks, I am planning on having them represent Green from IDW2 but I haven’t been able to find an Earthrise Prowl for a decent price and I refuse to buy the dying one
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I actually have two shelves, so here’s my Decepticon collection as well
you've got some good-ass taste, dude.
Hey, it’s the closest we’ve gotten to a new proper G1 Gatoraider, so I couldn’t pass it up
No clue why no company is jumping on the missing minicons.
>Starscream in the throne
Megs is gonna be pissed.
Maybe they assume Hasbro is going to do them eventually. I’m shocked Hasbro didn’t use the Minicons as an excuse to make new Battle Master/Core class figures
Don’t worry, he’ll be swiftly kicked off as soon as a fitting Megatron is found
I am sorely tempted, every once in a while, to get alligaticon, and repaint him. gators are cool, and that is a good mold. but i don't need one colored like optimus...
the dying set was such a slap in the face
I swear, the Earthrise Datsun mold is cursed
> all of them except for Smokescreen are exclusives one way or another
>two of them are locked behind Amazon exclusive 2 packs
>most of them have a design flaw that makes the windows super fragile
>Earthrise Prowl has the wrong head
>Earthrise Smokescreen has the wrong number
Jesus Christ, HasTak, I just want some Praxians that are easy to get and not fear them breaking on me. Is that so difficult?
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The tiny Friday night haul
Just bought these beauts
eyyyyyyy it's my boy powerpinch. looking great as usual.
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Got ahead of myself and wanted to test my colors on this new paper. I know Smallfoot is a Gobot, but who cares!? I’ll lump em all in with this same era of TF
You overpaid.
I have both figures and just saw these parts today. Is it hard to attach them? I don't want to rip apart Silverbolt just to get better wings and then he can't get put back together.
>I have both figures
well, nobody has these kits yet, so.. you tell me, anon. Are the wings attached in a way that's easy to remove? howbout the back piece?
I have never known these kits to require pin removal, but sometimes they do require screw removal, and that can get pretty tense! anyone who fixed dragon megatron knows that.
I think that's why they didn't fix the feet
those must be pinned
I am super excited for this kit. I love that Silverbolt figure, but even I could see the need for larger wings and for the tail feathers to be tweaked.
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Has anyone gotten this specific release? I wanna know whether it's the one with translucent plastic.
They should have included Prowl in the Hound five pack instead of Trailcutter.
I bought the dying set purely to part swap Ironhide into as much non-clear plastic as possible. I'll do the same with Prowl if I ever get him.
and by the time this kit comes out, ol' bolt should be REAL cheap
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Dude, you paid 50 for tr Broadside used.
Ask here
Well where can you find her new?
The plastic is opaque.
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reissue when?
>yes i am gonna ask every thread from now on.
>inb4 just get the KO dood.
everyone on youtube says the plastic is garbage on the KO
the bootlegs (yes, this is the right time to use the term bootleg) have famously bad plastic, but to be fair, the official ones are also known to break easily
The bootleg's biggest issue isn't even the plastic, it's that the printing on the deco is just slightly lower fidelity as to be noticeable.
so it looks more like the show?
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>Whom do you think REALLY needs one?
Filch isn't even out yet (but she will be soon - I just got billed for Ferrak and Cannonball), but she's definitely going to need a kit when she finally releases. They never should have left her with Airazor's tail - not only is it inaccurate to her show model, it's also wrong for the species of bird she's supposed to be in general, and I'm really hoping someone fixes that at some point.
>filch isn't even out yet
that explains why every listing for her is so expensive
do you think that tail is directly fixable or will they maybe modify that one existing kit that adds huge trailing feathers
Woah I thought that was a blue dragon.
i thought it was a fucking sea slug for a second. you know the ones with all the crazy accessories.
>do you think that tail is directly fixable
Sadly, no. It's pinned in place - looking at my Airazor, it's on the same part that her back panel and those hinges that extend her torso for beast mode are attached to, so you'd be completely dissecting her to swap it out.
>will they maybe modify that one existing kit that adds huge trailing feathers
I'm not sure which kit you're talking about, but they need to do something - just look at this travesty!
Nah, blue magpies are a real thing, and they're gorgeous. Also absolute troublemakers that'll rob you blind, can memorize faces and use tools to get what they want, and will hold grudges, but that's all Corvids in general.
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>just look at this travesty!
Of course I forgot my actual image.
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>not sure which kit
That actually might work - it certainly looks closer to her show model than the default tail they left her with.
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The Armada Optimus one needed pin removal. Don’t remember if any other ones did.
Have they ever reissued a masterpiece?
What would his toy name be?
Flame bug
'Streaker'. He IS a nudibranch, after all. Plus it works for a Beast Wars-style name, where most of 'en were callbacks to G1 dudes - in this case, Sunstreaker.
Hey transformers anons, which Optimus Primal would be the best choice for my 4yo nephew? He heard somewhere about robot transforming into gorilla and just cannot stop begging me for one but I don’t know which brand or version of such toy would be the best for such small kid.
God bless the anon who shared the rhinox amazon link, lfg
Kingdom Primal should be just fine - no need to pay the extra for the Premium Finish or Netflix versions, and the Rise of the Beasts version is too mechanical in Monke mode. Kingdom's transformation is simple, he's a fairly good likeness to the old 90's cartoon version, and he's pretty poseable, so it should be satisfying enough for your nephew.
MP-32 Primal got reissued like 3 times, not counting the repaints
You think a four year old gives a shit about beast wars? Just get him one of the shit baby Optimus Primal toys from Rise of the Beasts.
Damn, anon, this is pretty good. Honestly, I do the same with the GoBots given they are literal repaints of G1 guys
Nah man, for a 4 year old go old school, the reissue primal went dirt cheap on clearance and that thing has a billion play features and a dead simple transformation with thick chunky plastic, perfect for slamming in to other toys like a 4yo is gonna do


Amazon if you want it quick and easy, but ive seen him as low as $15 in stores at walmart, and he goes cheap on ebay as well

If hes more in to the movie primal theres a dozen kid oriented primal toys clogging up walmart clearance at the moment too
>that head
Whats a good price for SS86 Blaster?
Has this been posted already?


The stop motion on the BW guys transformations is cool as fuck.
Way better and show accurate than the legacy one.
No. The real one it pretty much on point to how the texture looks like on the show, the KO almost looks like it was crudely painted.
Totally ruins the "stepped off the screen" look
At the TFCon; who thought it was a good idea to let in a triple wide booth of lego minifigs? And a double wide booth of anime swords?
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Yesterday’s thrift store haul
>Rescue bots

Jesus christ
Trash, sorry.
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Best BW couple: Silverbolt and Blackarachnia or Tigertron and Airazor?

>Tigerhawk notices he has quite small hands
>Ultimately he decides, he doesn't mind
How thrift was it?
That's a neat Lugnut. Everyone seems to hate Roadbuster but I like him, flaws and all.
Clobber is interesting, I wonder how they would tackle her in Generations. I was musing that they could do an inversion of the G1 clones as a con vehicle pair vs a bot beast pair, this time as bro and sis too. Also, they have accidently(?) kept the land/air combo between Lugnut and Clobber.
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I have a baby son and he loves them. They are fun, the show is great, and they have some of the most creative alt modes in the history of the franchise
For $12 total, I like em.
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Not as good as last week’s haul
Ironically the gun’s mounted on him are from my old copy I sold off without them for some reason (I hate selling shit incomplete). Im happy to have him back, yep, flaws and all..cuz yeah hes pretty much a piece of shit but that alt mode is sexy as fuck and they need to go back to doing wheels/tires like that
Gorilla Megatron when
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I had the 96 release as a 4 year old, so it would work for a kid that age- but he might lose the pieces. It's summer and he's probably gonna want to lug it around everywhere.
My recommendation is the smash changer Optimus Primal. The gimmick is fun as hell and a kid would love it.
>>Tigerhawk notices he has quite small hands
Very considerate of the Vok to give him Tigatron's dick and Airazor's hands. It makes it so everytime he masturbates it's a handjob.
Energon Rodimus is fucking hideous
You see that truck there?
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>It's inter-species erotica fucko
Looks like you tried making a Hot Rod out of an Optimus by throwing flames and fins on it.
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Thats a dope idea they should have done. Sadly Rescue Bots is completely discontinued and no longer sold in stores. Megatron is actually one of the very last ones they made.
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Clobber is a fun and busty woman. She knows how to have a good time. She needs a Leader class and Lugnut a Commander.
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Took some material out from her heavily restricted hips and bow she has some semblance of thigh swivels
Maybe it's nostalgia but I really like the custom truck look. Plus it fits with Armada Optimus being monster truck inspired(monster convoy)
I like it much more than just Hot Rod's vehicle mode hauling a trailer.
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Legacy Windblade retool of course.
Hitting up some thrift stores myself today probably, hope to find something good. And at the retail too, my goal today is to find 86 Bumblebee
>86 Bee
Dont forget to check Gamestop, some people found him there
Hopefully they just don't. I've always hated clobber at a conceptual level
>lugnut but female for no reason, with a worse design, worse alt mode, and a significantly less fun character
They're just piggybacking off of an already beloved character with this shitty knockoff
The one that finally gives Legacy Animated Prime a fucking faceplate

The same could be said about lots of Cyberverse. Mostly toned down versions of popular characters.
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>hey bro I heard you like hover tanks
Clobber was supposed to be literally Female Lugnut and they changed it at the last minute. At least they fucking renamed her.
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The only crappy pickup of the week was Cyberverse Windblade. Shes actually not awful looking imo, but as a toy she is hot garbage. Also how is a geisha transformer pc and not at all racial stereotyping? Code Red retool into a brown robot with a sombrero and taco truck alt mode when?
She's a robot from space. She's only about as Japanese as Blitzwing is German.
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The show did have a dirty brown gunfighter wearing a poncho and a hat.
I wonder why the previous owner swapped her claws. And what the donor figure was.
Windblade wears kabuki makeup which means she might be a twinky dude.
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Tequila Windblade when, Hasbro?
Near miss in TR where you have Percy and Windblade.
Low test
I bought her missing one claw and her cannon. A real shame about the cannon bc the connection is proprietary to her alone. Hence I jammed the first gun that would fit in the hole. The hands are from Springer and fit perfectly. Im always surprised how many figures can actually swap hands.
I saw this guy at DD’s for $4 a few years ago and I regret not grabbing him
Apparently that was important symbolism for native Mexican mythology twins from space. I don't want Sunrise shit so can't confirm if that is real.
Really? He looks naked in the version they released.
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Notes to Hasbro:
-If a figure cannot turn its head, a waist joint becomes useless
-STOP making sword bearers without wrists. Just stop.

This figure is a perfect example of how the lack of just a couple joints can make a figure totally incapable of hitting a nice pose
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Ok, fine. Feeing cute. (might delete later)
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>trips and I suck your cockpit
Looks like Starscream got lucky.
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>Backoff bitch! Hes mine!!!
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>Windblade huh? More like Windscissor! *huff* *huff*
So much for taking the Rod
Geishas were mostly female, they just got replaced on kabuki performances by dudes, so your vanilla geisha didn't included an inch surprise under her kimono.
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finally got some me time at home to get the stickers on for the cheap KO metroplex that i got few months ago

Have to spent sometime to remove the sprue marks as some of the stickers go directly on top of them and the marks are not exactly clean in term of removal at the factory, they are pretty bad.

And I literally just realized I got two left "arms" for six gun. I tried to put the smaller gun on six gun's hand and there was nothing to clip on. I ended checking pictures on online and yeah I got 2 left arms, lol

I see if the seller can help to get the right arm. But it has been a while since I brought thing
Glad I just got the good version
Different things, Geisha is female-only high class escort.
Kabuki is theater which used to have hanky panky sessions after the shows so female actors got banned for a century.
yesss that kind
did it come with a tool for that?
I agree, that one is perfect. and yeah he probably will lose some pieces.
hilariously mistransformed, I love it.
>big convoy just kinda spins around while all the panels swing out, then they swing in as he stands up
that tracks
aw nuts
well-elaborated though, thank you.
not baaad.
tigerhawk for sure. they shared a level of intimacy nobody else can. and it gave me the squishies when he gave her a ride when she was injured...
that's not where her lady business is, Silver. you're fucking her spinnerets.
She's into worse.
i take it that doesn't exist, and you'd like it to.. so that also fits with the OP question. That's someone you think really needs one.
No luck on 86 Bee, but I found Brawn and just ordered Blaster so theres that. When will SS86 Decepticons get some love??
just saw a lot with ss plane shatter, ss bay soundwave and 3 others at 6€ getting sold in less than 10 secs
man the european second hand market can get wild sometimes
Retail and under i'd assume
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Next year we’re getting SS86 Constructicons, so there’s that (ignore the 2024, it’s supposed to be 2025
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That's a hover tank? To me it looks more like a flying tank turret forcibly mating with a screaming car with no wheels. Gruesome sight, actually.
So, 86 Megatron: Tank?
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Windblade is good at making friends with foreigners!
>Diaclone and G1 GoBot characters
Heck yeah, I wish these guys got to show up more in fiction, but I know they’re in that middle obscure zone to be of note
That’s what I’m guessing, but we haven’t seen anything yet
i mean that's a weird way of putting it but yeah
theater has always been about everybody fucking each other, and robbing everyone at each town you visit.
so if women did it, they would be cut off from the protection of society
Space thingy is probably the best description of it. The colors of the toy being weird probably isn't actually Hasbro being forward thinking so they can make her a recolor of future Lugnut, but might end up happening.
Kind of neat Lugnut and Clobber look basically identical in robot mode but have completely different transformations. It's like a Fastlane and Cloudraker sort of thing.
Yeah, women were banned from theater to stop prostitution, plot twist! it didn't stopped.

I mentioned kabuki cause thats were women roles were taken by dudes, it was in response to >>11068954
>she might be a twinky dude.
It's not neat, it's lazy. Being on cybertron means they can make the alt mode look like a pile of nothing (which it does) so none of the parts on lugnut that actually made sense for his bomber mode make sense here. It's all bullshit
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Friendly reminder; no fun allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
that head works on him
it's the most likely outcome. they've made it pretty clear that they won't/can't make Megs a gun ever again, and a tank is his new go-to altmode. As much as I like tanks in general I'd like to see something they haven't done to death like a howitzer or some other piece of heavy artillery, but even that feels optimistic.
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Just a touch oversized but dosent look bad at all when I am not intentionally accentuating it to make him look silly as I was above
a howitzer or that giant german gun that goes on train tracks.

or both, like they combine. megatron often gets shafted on supermodes.
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I was wishing you luck bro. I am glad I preordered him day 1, I had a gut feeling hes gonna be hard as hell to get for a while. Despite all the ‘A Level’ talk, (which Hasbro themselves has yet to properly describe what it actually is). Everyone is assuming hes gonna be super easy to get but nah I dont buy it. Unless they are shipping entire endcaps of him there is no way he will “always be on the shelves”. Im not buyin it for a second, and even if that is their intention that dosent mean its gonna come to pass. Oh yeah and a local scalper has 40 (forty) of the Studio Series ONE Optimus. So much for them all being on the shelf
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Thats some pretender shit
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>that giant german gun that goes on train tracks
The Schwerer Gustav! funny you mention that
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>re: A level

A few years back Kaiyodo advertised a website that was going to have a selection of Revoltech figures that were to be on sale perpetually, and would ‘never’ sell out. They ended up walking this back and eventually canning the entire concept because its literally impossible to keep that promise for any length of time. Unless they are putting a conveyor belt from the factory straight to every Target in the country they definitely cannot promise “they’ll always be on the shelf” and they shouldn't have said that. They could ship 1,000 to each store and still someone can come clean them out before you get there. Hell this shit will probably backfire and end with a shortage of him somehow
retail just doesn't fucking work
advertise that you will produce X product for Y duration of time, and once that time has elapsed, post on the site how many you have left in backorder.
They could have simply said, “A level means we are going to print an extra large quantity of this figure so everyone who wants one has a great opportunity to grab one!” Rather than “hmm yeah this figure should like probably be on the shelf all year” bc my autistic ass heard that as ‘there is an infinite supply of this figure” and I know im not the only one. I need to rewatch that video and hear their exact words rather than paraphrasing them tho
>sea streaker
>. Being on cybertron means they can make the alt mode look like a pile of nothing
I fucking hate this line of thought.
Where can I find cheap figures? Do I just have to keep checking ebay, walmart, and amazon?
I also recommend Mercari, they tend to have pretty good deals
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I hope you anons are getting outside and enjoying your summer.
The first examples are a disk, a wedge, a lamp post, and a pyramid.
I was outside and when I came back an earwig was in my hair. I don't like outside.
>turning down a free earwig
Nature is wasted on you
It is called an earwig. That sounds like it would eat your way though your skull.
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A more accurately colored Earthrise Growl, as primus intended.
It's 108 degrees out side in Arizona right now.
they used to. now they make the seller pay extra fees. and if something is broken but salvageable for parts, there is no way of getting a refund without returning it, even if the seller agrees.
that's the myth, but they don't. they're cool
of all the bugs i could find in my hair, that's definitely on the top 15 least bothersome..
I don't want anything touching my hair.
Many of our finest countrymen were ravaged by those savages. No corn is safe as long as they continue to exist.
There a new link for mp rhinox?
yeah I suppose they would eat corn. they basically eat anything.
fair. I also dislike outside. Just saying, it could have been a lot worse. You throw a dart at a bug chart and you'd probably hit something a lot worse.
Arizona is not terraformed for human habitation.
That's nothing, wait until you learn about the dreaded Candiru
That looks like a fish. Why would that inhabit trees?
Oh it doesn't. It waits until you go wading into a gentle river then it swims up your dickhole.
I am super excited about the 86 Constructicons. Provided my financials are nice and stable I will be preordering each and every one of those.

You know when I first saw him I was annoyed and put off by the penny racer mode (yes I know the toy was that originally) and I stupidly thought he was a reuse of the siege mold, plus I was kind of drifting away from TFs at the time. But now I want him, and at some point soon enough I shall have him.

I finally got home to play around with 86 Brawn, I feel so foolish for not grabbing him sooner! He wasn't my favorite bot but his transformation is fun and clever and his alt mode leaves little to be desired minus his head being visible from the bottom (who the fuck cares) and the slight gap by the rear fender. Hes so compact and interesting! I may end up having to nab all of the minibots now... especially with 86 Bee on my radar. And I'll have a hard time passing up the inevitable 86 Goldbug.
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Always use live models. Clampdown and Silverstreak should be here tuesday.
holy shit just found an earwig in the stairway. what are the fucking odds, that might be the second one i've ever seen in my life.
good art, duder.
Pretty good. Summer is when they are most active.
Like the art but why are the insignias Legally Distinct? OCs or somefin?
Since im doing this diaclone-elseworld kinda thing, I wanted a different badge. The OG badge was based on Prowl, I based this on more on the Ultra Magnus head, just without the horn spires
Really gay, like IDW ass faggot gay.
I’m excited for them too, but I’m debating getting the single releases or waiting for a box set, similar to SS Devastator. I also hope Scrapper, Mixmaster, and Long Haul get redecoed into the Autobot Double Targetmasters, I thin k the molds would be a good fit
This is really good, anon. I’m surprised how much Ultra Magnus's head looks like an upside down Autobot symbol
What could I change to make it less gay?
I wouldn't pay him any mind. Seems like he just sees IDW in everything and is mad that there are a bunch of robots together in one place interacting in a way that isn't fighting.
Please remember you are speaking to another human being and not a bot.
different guy but
is the one with the Booster Gold glasses a chick? because if not, you can make it less gay by not giving him pouty-ass lips
but if so, good job, this looks fine. Nice stylization. would love to see you handle beast dudes
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Seriously. I had to pay $8 for the mine at the last time I got to a convention, and he just got one for free!
Its Smallfoot, a female GoBot, so thank you?
that's a damn good price for grabbing a 90s transformer, even a basic.. good job man.
okay good, you are doing just fine.
They were all loose in baggies, but complete. I still kick myself though. I got Spittor, Snapper, and Drillbit alongside him, but skipped Armordillo because I thought he was missing his accessories, forgetting Armordillo's weapons are his feet so I could see they were right there attached the whole time.
Holy shit Animated was a mistake
i have done things similar to that so many times. and vice versa, wrongly thought it had the accessories when it didn't
wtf does that pic have to do with Animated?
I will say this about Animated, I don't like the faces that every series after tries to replicate.
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Did Bombshock too.
yeahh it reminds me of uh
genndy's clone wars.
after that they did 'the' clone wars and a bunch of other cg shit, trying to ape his art.
genndy's art is.... I mean it's bad. but the adaptation of it to 3d was so much worse. Whatever he was doing, they didn't understand how it worked at all.
Yeah I struggled to find a way to draw TF thats fits into my style. I was always able to draw the helmets and bodys just fine but the faces always got me. Ive never liked the pointy look of the Prime/IDW/Bayverse artstyle, and I guess in an attempt to aboid that I ended up in Animated territory. You thnk it’d be better if I dropped the pupils and went solid on the eye?
Anon, if someone responds to your post with
>God I hate [X completely unrelated TF subseries]
or attaches an unrelated /co/ image, it just means they're brainrotted and you should ignore. /toy/ is terrible for it's low-effort bait, nobody is sincere here.
Anyway, the pupils are fine. Only thing I'd say is I think it'd be better without the outline around the pupil; I personally like it when its just a white pupil and then immediately the eye color, since they're meant to be glowing LEDs and all. That's how TFA did it, in actuality.
>Just kicking so much ass with these kino illustrations making me go HOWCHEEMAAMAA

That art inspired by SD gundams?
The faces are very similar
Nah it's clearly Tumblr inspired.
Yes. Still was annoying because it is a pin almost as long as the trailer is wide. Not really sure it was worth the trouble, but now I don’t know if I want to bother putting the old piece back.
Out of the overfloweth of the heart, typeth the anon.
Evidently my nearly two year old daughter likes 86 Brawn too! She pretends his gun sprays water, shes running around pointing it at stuff and going "pshhhhhh"
Your daughter is going to develop a weird fetish.
Dawg don't be weird
You really shouldn't be exposing 2-year old children to Transformers.
JinBao devastator PLUS the 2.0 upgrade kit PLUS the 1.0 upgrade kit modified and grounded down to make his knees even TALLER!
My bad... it's actually the 2.0 kit you grind down, to accept the 1.0
She likes driving them around and going "vroom"
I think you might need to have your head checked if that's the first place your mind goes when you hear about a kid playing with a toy
She can do that with normal toy cars.
Says the guy with no children
Normal cars aren't as cool
Exactly. People that like Transformers are mentally ill. You shouldn't expose your children to Transformers.
Speak fer yerself bud
pretty much every popular children's property has a following of crazy adults as well. do you think kids should just stop playing with toys altogether?
Transformers doesn't have normal people. Even the production side is full of crazy people like Mark.
>crazy people like Mark
This is pure projection.
You can smell the self hatred in this post
Upward mobility is becoming David Willis. It was a terrible idea and I should have spent my childhood studying electronic engineering instead.
dum dum

Too late Athena.
i agree about the pupils but if anon is working in markers like this, the strong contrast is not going to be as easy
I would suggest a compromise: -colored- pupil outlines.
surely the old piece wasn't better
so how did the tool work, was it like "place over pin, hit with hammer" situation or
your daughter is amazing and you should be proud
Wouldn't it be better to say that to someone who has accomplished something first? Most children start out fine, but end up working at docks.
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Once again, spoken like someone who definitely does not have a child. You dont even realize how retarded you sound. Heres a clue, children are amazing simply by existing. Im sorry your parents didnt love you enough.
You missed the joke. Optimus Prime was a dock worker as Orion Pax and he is the main leader of the Autobots.
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No. This is a dock.
I'm the one that said showing your child Transformers is a bad idea because I hate myself. If anything, my parents loved me too much so I failed to develop independence or skills and was completely unprepared living as an adult.
Pictures of the leader Soundwave release are up. Turns out Buazzsaw is actually yellow, unlike initial pics.
Why wouldn't Buzzsaw be Yellow?
she has met her current quota. time will tell if she remains this amazing as the quota rises.
Go look up Legacy leader Soundwave pics, Buzzsaw uses bronze, for some reason. Final release uses yellow.
nah the daughter union is too strong
Thats not just you. Our entire generation is like that. Its not about how much you were or werent loved then, because you cannot over-love a child. The problem is boomers ruined literally everything and didnt actually teach us anything. I dont entirely blame them though. I blame the TV. They were the first generation to grow up with television and they were made to believe the man on tv is omnipotent. The tv told them that toil makes a man. They passed that on to us. That the point to life is being a good worker bee and get into debt, not to make money for ourselves and manage it properly. Now, if youre just a sissy thats your dad’s fault for not making you hard enough to deal with society.
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Amazon listing
Final release.
>your daughter is amazing and you should be proud
I very much am and cannot wait for her baby brother to be born soon! She reminds me what it was like to actually play with toys rather than just put them on a shelf holding a gun with one foot forward
I'm the dude with the kid and I defs agree. Mom and dad didn't teach me shit, but I'll be making sure to teach my kids how to do stuff. And I tske time to play with her every day, usually Duplos. Shes getting good at building things!
Duuude thats so fucking lame! Buzzsaw was my favorite
you were hoping for the darker gold?
I certainly was, loved that color on the G1 version.
What is up with the slots on the bumper of Shadow Striker? It looks like they should let these tabs on the back of her vehicle on, but are a bit too far apart. I thought I mistransformed it, but she only turns those parts so distances shouldn't be an issue.
yeah i like that better too
My ma just gave me a $25 giftcard for my birthday, who should I spend it on?
I can't believe they're still using that ravage mold. It looked like shit 4 years ago and it looks like shit now. Hopefully we'll get a decent ravage whenever SS86 Soundwave comes out
that looks like shit
you a beast guy or a vehicle guy?
i weirdly like it? At least the body. but it aint ravage, anyone can see that.
Windblade. Supplies are low, so go your local Wal-Mart and buy her before she turns $40.
What is the purple one?
Narrowed collection down to SS86, so I'm thinking I could use it to get Bukblebee- or negate the Late Tax on a Dinobot. Or maybe get a Starscream for even cheaper.
LingYao. She's a good guy woman flier with some kind of spiritual connection thing so probably best match to Windblade even if her altmode is more Cyclonus looking.
Is this a good figure? I've seen it on sale pretty cheap. I have the two smaller KO Devastators.
Yes, it is basically just a slightly thinner pin with a wide area at one end that you hit with a hammer.
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>Guardian 3 Pack arriving tomorrow
nice. kinda wish Treds was a chick, too, so it'd be an all-fembot set, but oh well. are there many other female go-bots?
i'm both relieved that nobody i've needed a kit for yet has had pins that needed removing, and intrigued that it's possible, and one of them might someday.

say, just pissing into the wind here, but is there anyone who does want legacy tigatron but not silverbolt, who would want to buy the tigatron portion of DK-55 from me? I was thinking of keeping them just in case, but if I'm being realistic, I'll never want that tiny-handed weirdo.
Man, I really want Buzzsaw and blue guy, but have zero interest in everyone else. I'll be burned by the Ramhorn Ratbat set as well.
Spay-C and Crasher. There may be others
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that's not too bad a transformation actually.. i could see something similar used in a modern toy.
So far I've found:

Who else you got?
Person above mentioned Spay-C, but also the Jewel Lord Solitaire. Saberstone is a girl in the pack-in comic.
So they can sell toy eye colors Soundwave with a different Buzzsaw later.
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>tfw more Gobots-accurate Pathfinder that plays up the serafuku homage never
I'd want her to be a Commander, hopefully I would be able to get her for $50 like I did Siege Jetfire or $40 like Rodimus.
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Are they technically fembots? Solitaire's cool but they both seem like they're just rock aliens
New figure when?
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we were robbed
Only way that'd happen is if ROTF Jetfire somehow got a legacy version and then they slapped a different head on him for a gen selects Scoop. We've got better chances of getting gun Megatron in SS86.
*gen selects Snoop, fuck.
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>go to check ship date on my filch order since she's supposed to release this week
oh, motherfucker
We are getting new aerialbots, maybe they could repaint/retool the eventual silverbolt
another weirdly excellent gobot design...
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What the hell, we have ss86 Rumble and Fenzy but not Soundwave???
Uncle Phil is gonna kill you!
>Buzzsaw is the right color
what's the problem?
anon wanted the color of the old toy i think
best titans returns figure? I have 500 to spend
Can you buy me a TR Overlord?
already bidding on 3 atm
Thanks bud
no problem
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Looking for an Overload EHHHHHHHH?
Trypticon, Gnaw, Hardhead, Triggerhappy, Sky Shadow
Looks good so far! Keep at it!
tr alpha trion the best one?
eehhh if you like aircraft-carrier spaceships, and a lion looking like he's wearing hakama pants, I guess. His front feet have excellent joints actually, only Tigatron has those that I can think of. but the rear feet don't really correspond to anything.. like I dunno man, best version of alpha trion? it's the better of the two that are cats, at least.
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Fixed the eyes up, working on Dino/Red Mirage and Road Ranger.

I cant lie that Derrick J. Wyatt has always been an influence as an artist. I grew up watching his shows(zoom zoom), and I loved his use of line weight and shape in his designs
Have you never seen G1 Buzzsaw? The toy was gold colored, like in the original pics put on Amazon. Instead, they went with cartoon colors for a character who barely even appeared in the cartoon. Generally speaking, most of the people who like G1 Buzzsaw liked him because his toy came packaged with G1 Soundwave, not because of a couple "blink-and-you'll-miss-him" appearances in the show.
If it’s g1, yes, you want the tongue piercing left on or off and I’ll swallow just don’t bust it in my hair
>Generally speaking, most of the people who like G1 Buzzsaw liked him because his toy came packaged with G1 Soundwave
That’s a wild assumption
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Afternoon lads, my 4-pack arrived after being stuck for 5 days after it was supposed to get here via Royal mail Tracked "48"
I need to get Cancer and Cliff, rest to the selling bin.
That's a weird looking tarn
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Hello fellow Masterforce enjoyer. The inclusion of Browning and Cancers headmaster face mask cements this figure as such, calling him Squeezeplay (as much as I love Squeezy) is for the benefit of the filtered.

The mold is jank though, mushrooms and anything joined buy friction clips (i.e: not pinned) pops off constantly and the tolerances are everywhere, some looser than my bowels after a vindaloo and others tighter than a nuns cunt.

CJ is so good, I am gonna get Chase.

He went straight on the bay of Es
I loved Masterforce, really fun villains (Still I liked Deathsaurus a bit more).
Cancer mold is what 3-4 use? Shame that every reuse leads to worse qc.
The heck is this little bunghole thing for? I can't discern a purpose and it looks to me as of its for something specific.
do the new force chips fit?
I don't even know what those are
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looks like a Legacy Cyber-key port, do you have Screamer or Hotshot to test?

I've been waiting on the Outback repaint but hory shiet if we get a certain pic related imma bust
For tabbing in during alt mode.
The japanese (correct) name for Galaxy Force's ("TF Cybertron") Cyber Keys. The Cyber Planet Keys were called the "Planet Force".
wish Squrezeplay and Pterrorantulus hadn't grown on me after the 4-pack sold out, dammit
Have Hotshot. It doesn't fit.
aahhhh shit cockblocked
>For tabbing in during alt mode
I suppose, it does seem somewhat redundant given the two yellow tabs slotting into the back plate however.

Nah I don't have them
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Amazon fucked up
very nice, now someone just needs to leek megs and devy
The cut around the abs and gap in his back from the side are pretty ugly but otherwise he looks really good
>wipers and rivets on the window boobs
muh tooner narrative
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If only his waist pieces were long enough to reach his grill. The outline would've been perfect.
My God. Hes beautiful.
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Iconic transformation exhaust
Wheels seem a little small but I can't really complain.
>Hideous tooner blue windows
>No stripe in truck mode
>Tiny wheels and zero ground clearance in truck mode
>Pointlessly complicated transformation for a G1 Prime
>Flat grey faceplate instead of silver
>Shitty gun sculpt
>Enormous robot backpack (that they're trying to hide in these pictures) far worse than ER's wheels
>Utterly fails to justify Commander price point
But hey, he has Roller and no wheels on his legs, right?
No amount of coping will make shitrise a good figure, let it go anon
And no amount of coping will make this tooner abomination better than ER.
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But does ER have ear articulation? Didn't think so
>Utterly fails to justify Commander price point
I'l give you this for sure. He looks to he about as tall as Legacy Galvatron. If hes as big as a Dinobot I'll be surprised, but frankly the trailer doesn't justify the extra 30 bucks even then.
Truck mode looks great aside from the lack of the stripe. The trailer is an improvement over ER's, but that's a very low bar to pass. Robot mode looks nice, from the angles they're taking these pictures from. We already know about that massive chonky backpack that puts the Siege backpack to shame, though.
>The trailer is an improvement over ER's, but that's a very low bar to pass
ER Prime's trailer was fine. The problem is that G1 Prime's trailer is just boring. It doesn't do anything, it's just a box on wheels.

So a bigger, more expensive ER. Meh.
>ER Prime's trailer was fine
no it wasn’t
It did everything it was supposed to. It's a G1 Prime trailer. It's just a fundamentally dull accessory.
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My two latest, CU Windblade, Undertow & son. I'm quite happy with them. Windblade is fairly poseable with some patience. Her feet are a bit weird and her backpack doesn't help, but you can still get some cool stances out of her. Undertow is a lot of fun imo but Waterlog being basically all translucent plastic makes me nervous.
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You got the moves and know the street
Break the rules, take the heat
Does it even have an opening chest?
Without a doubt
It looks recessed in the official art compared to this toy.
It looks like there's hinges on the side. I'd be surprised if he didn't come with a matrix chamber anyhow
They need to show off both weapons, even if his axe was in his gun arm in the show.
Why are his inner horns curving inwards
>It did everything it was supposed to.
It can’t store any standard sized Autobot
Cars. That’s the main fucking thing it’s supposed to do and fails.
Couldnt hold wooly mammoths either, like wtf hasbro get it together
Because it'd have been oversized relative to Prime if they'd made it able to do that.
Honestly Prime's trailer is one of those things that I can do without. It doesn't do anything interesting.
I'm of two minds on the trailer. Semi truck dudes should have trailers cuz its cool, its a fun play feature and accessory, but the thing is Hasbros been using trailers with less than 15 points of articulation- or less than 5 steps of transformation if that- to justify raising the price point of a figure which they KNOW will sell.
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> Because it'd have been oversized relative to Prime if they'd made it able to do that
You’re a retard. The trailer is massively undersized.
Earthrise trailer is the malnourished runt of the trailer litter
At the $90 price point, I will. If this is a voyager sized figure for that price it better be perfect. The baby wheels hurt the truck's aesthetic massively. It also looks extremely plain without the stripe which hopefully a non movie redeco will fix for me. I don't like the painted windows either. Should've had translucent plastic inserts instead.
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It's a little less tall than the cartoon but the width (which is what stops the cars fitting in) is right. And next to real trucks he looks correct.
I think the gimmick of hauling deluxe cars is better than being accurate to real life, though
Nah. It's meant to be a disguise.
The windows are translucent blue plastic over regular plastic, you can even see the holes were they're plugged.
I like the windows but I don't begrudge you for disliking them. Its weird as hell to me though that SS86 hasn't even been consistant about wondows within their own sub line. That bothers me. I only just realized my Kup was a Buzzworthy Luo, and that it wasnt the original Kup for the line which has a translucent chest window. So which is it SS86??? Are the windows translucent or painted sky blue??
>Are the windows translucent or painted sky blue??
In this case they're both kek
Hopefully it'll look better in person then
I only prefer the painted windows if it impacts the structure of the toy. SS86 jazz looks way better but the buzzworthy won't just crack at some point.
Next year, Devastator parts will leak maybe in december, Megatron is around middle of the next year.
I got a toy from a different line, and despite being unpainted plastic it looks reflective like metal. Is it too flimsy to be used for Transformers?
Look, I understand that, even at its best, Prime's trailer is mostly a box. But given it's mostly a box, that's all the more reason to make sure it looks as good as possible and is fully featured. The ER trailer is way undersized (just compare it to the G1 toy's, which is roughly the same scale), lacks several of the details of the original (like a rear bumper, for one), has an on-ramp that doesn't even look like on-ramp, lacks the deployable supports, and has a combat deck that's not only the wrong color, but has two tiny useless arms instead of one long arm and the sensor array. It is awful. It was a complete afterthought that was only made to justify the leader price.
TADC x Transformers collaborative when Hasbro?
He looks far better in these clearer images than he did in that leaked piano picture, still wish they could’ve found a better way to do the backpack and hide the bumper
>It's meant to be non functional
ok retard
>(just compare it to the G1 toy's, which is roughly the same scale)
The G1 toy's is too big relative to the cab though.
More than 2 years from now. Even assuming that Hasbro people are massive fans and an agreement is reached today, you still need to design it.
A little, sure. But, for a toy, it's better to have functional play features than to be perfectly in scale.
>it's meant to be a disguise
A disguise that is almost never used. "Robots in disguise" is a tagline that the media barely gave a shit about.
>A disguise that is almost never used. "Robots in disguise" is a tagline that the media barely gave a shit about.
That's a failing of the media.
Somehow even worse than I thought
I'll legit stick with ER, Still dunks this
Aren't the F-15 guys conspicuous colors?
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Dunno what you're talking about :^)
And the only toys that stuck to it were the ones from the original Diaclone Car Robots toy line (and even those got rid of any human figures that would reinforce the "disguise" aspect), unless you want to argue that a space shuttle the size of a truck is an effective disguise. Being a "disguise" was never a large concern for any facet of the franchise, it was just a marketing tag that sometimes
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>Being a "disguise" was never a large concern for any facet of the franchise
And they had a big public battle on a busy highway that continued to the middle of a bustling metropolis.
Looks neat, but why does it look like fucking deluxe size? I was excited that we were getting like, a voyager-class box with deluxe Optimus + trailer
They still had convincing disguises, which were a major part of the plot.
I'm not sure how you're coming to that conclusion when we have no way of knowing how big this is when there's nothing there to compare it to
I guess if someone is autistic enough to measure him by the 5mm peg on his gun
>tiny pin head with a awful static looking sculpt
>fat baby toy ear spikes
>no ab crunch (no buy)
>no wrist hinges
>vomit inducing blue painted windows
>abdomen grille incorrectly shaped
>giant fat crotch that blocks inward leg movement, making a truly natural walk ir run pose impossible
>tiny leg vents
>washed out colors and that see-through-in-the-light red plastic
Its trash. Unironically looks like a knockoff of MP44 but not in a good way
>there's really anons out there who preferred stuff like Kingdom giving us biologically-realistic altmodes for no reason, instead of giving us a decent update for a beloved cartoon character that had no update since almost 30 years ago
There's no point in arguing with this kind of autism anon, I didn't think until today there were people who'd legitimately defend Hasbro for no reason
The MP line did flat surfaces with printed textures and it was awful. The original appeal of the original toys was their feeling.
Yes, realistic alt modes are cool.
>I'm not sure how you're coming to that conclusion
>why does it give the appearance of a smaller, simplistic, and underdetailed figure, even though it's probably not deluxe-sized
Basically I mean that nothing about this looks commander-worthy, maybe a leader at best
>four more effect parts (seven if the axe is rubber) and a single chunk of plastic with six wheels
Ok, I guess this warrants it getting twice the price
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Deluxe Legacy G1 toy optimus looks like a budget ML. Whereas SS Op looks babyfied and dumbed down do you dont poke your eye out with MP44
>those 90 degree elbows
>those unnecessarily wide hips
>the whole thing looks like a deluxe had a baby with a duplo lego set
Fucking shit. Looks like another decade with ol’ monkey arms as my ’mainline’ op
What is this, for Beast Wars? Alright yeah, I don't mind Kingdom's textures, the textures are fun. I meant moreso having the animal faces be true to the cartoon vs biology for no reason.
>and then Rhinox is based on a mobile game for no reason
I looked up a few examples to nitpick, but you're right, usually when it looks like a biology lesson, the toy was vaguely like that also. I still think it was a bad decision but a rationale exists, at least
Then just buy Alternators or actual car models at that point, what the fuck? Literally someone or Hasbro wanting toy accuracy over cartoon accuracy (or wanting something original) is one thing, but I'm glad that people being fine with getting overcharged for smaller (but realistic) figures are the minority
>Noooo I can't have car details on my robot that turns into a car!
Just wait until the line where the gimmick are guest designers and you get an Optimus Prime with extremely lanky and spiky body and the truck is a lose approximation that has things like the chest forming the front and the legs as the back part, but doesn't actually look like a truck, just a folded robot.
>car details
>like being smaller
>I looked up a few examples to nitpick, but you're right, usually when it looks like a biology lesson, the toy was vaguely like that also. I still think it was a bad decision but a rationale exists, at least
Beast Wars was already full of weird gross things. Waspinator has a larva for shit's sake.
Frenzy is back in stock at bbts
Wake me up when it is 2007 Frenzy.
>Waspinator has a larva for shit's sake.
I no longer wish to purchase Waspinator
>Then just buy Alternators
>you got a limited run of toys 20 years ago, that should satisfy you forever
I was going to say "this but unironically", but when you word it that way I actually feel bad, even if it's a gimmick I don't want in the mainline
Core is dead so he's never happening
I dont want that, I just wanted a G1 optimus that looked right and not a bunch of cubes and rectangles
Sounds like you got a G1 Optimus that looks right.
>a G1 optimus that looked right and not a bunch of cubes and rectangles
I’m still upset Core was removed, especially before we got a lot of obvious characters out of it like Diver or Packrat
oh man I dog that little tank. looks like something zoids would have put out in the 80s when they were experimenting.
i'm sure you can still get it for only a small late tax
it's also possible that multiple different people will sell the parts of the set they didn't want, each at less than half the value since they just want it sold.. but you'd damn well better make sure you get both halves...
i mean there's more than one size of trailer irl
there's ups and downs to it
the goal should be to make them look cool. Realistic animal musculature is cool vs dumb weird compromised designs, but sometimes we want slight changes or stylization that makes them feel more special.
most of the most-unwanted non-realistic aspects of altmodes come from toys, from either a clueless designer or one kinda struggling to make it work. so if it's not from the show or from real life, does anyone really want it? I've never heard anyone like "tigatron doesn't have that tapering neckless head the original toy had" so I think that's a good choice.
sorry what?
is there like a shape of a larva sculpted into the underside of the abdomen or something
True but generally you want as little additional height/width extending past the cab with a trailer as possible, unless you have some kind of streamlining, which the G1 trailer doesn't have.
that's just good aerodynamics!
i guess that's why newer ones have those big dealies up on top. which double as a place to sleep, right?
It is fake news made up to make transfans mad.
how is the smaller g2 megs mold?just scored a mib reverse convoy for little under 100
Kudos to this thing for not doing the faux titty windows in bot mode like MP44. I'm neutral at best about the toon look but this does look pretty good, definitely better proportions and articulation than ER which I skipped. Doesn't feel like $90 though, I could see it for $60 or even $70, but the full $90 just seems like too much. Maybe if he came with his Iconic Grand Piano...
This is a must-buy.
wonder if we'll get an 86 Magnus deco anytime soon. don't know what they'd do though, since the obvious Delta/SG Magnus is probably too recent for another release.
isn't 'fake news' kind of redundant?
There are other kinds of fake things than just news. You need to use news to identify what the subject is.
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I don't care too much about animated, but a legacy Animated Shockwave would be cool. We need more reverse triple/multi-changers, though the only other one I can think of is Punch/Counterpunch
in a qna mystery of convoy repaints of him and rodimus(?) were mentioned, so maybe that. or piss magnus
i guess to me you could just say news. "the news said..." is like "a lawyer argued..." like they're being paid to lie.
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I know they don't have a ton of options for Magnus repaints, but why the fuck would you do a repaint, let alone two based off of that notoriously terrible game?
Because the game is extremely well-known for being bad. People who don't know Transformers have heard of it and Takara leans into it in nostalgia things multiple times (examples include Q-Transformers tie-in game and the 40th Anniversary video having it appear)
are there really no better options than Ultra MoCnus and Ultra Magpiss?
Piss Magnus
looks pretty cool to me, i like these colors.
Could try for a killing jar repaint i guess? or a g1-toy repaint if you wanna get boring.
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Already mentioned him, looks kinda neat but also that'd be fragile as shit

Ultra Christmas
Are they going to make anymore minicons or am I going to have to rely on third party?
The core class? Love that little guy
Hasn't been announced yet.
I think he means Hero Megatron
what >>11071284 said. know the og version of the mold apparently had issues with tight arms plus the pump-missile thing breaking. know RC is a retool but was curios on the mold in general
Got broadside in. Not sure why everyone shits on it.
I like the mold, but the common complains are his official jet mode and size.
>Dissapoint at no stripe on truck mode.
>See the 86 Prime scene.
>Doesn't have it.
>Check the character sheet.
>Doesn't have it either.
I fucking kneel.
>Get 2 Mini-Cons
>Come in Pulse only box set and an absurdly hard to find other set

Yay more hoop jumping
Ah, well Hero Megs was the megatron I had, I really liked him. Cool deco, fun gimmick! I'd be worrked about getting one with the hose intact.
The question is will 86 Megatron transform into a gun.
Absolutely not
He'll be a tank and they'll use it to push Transformers Devastation
I heard from Aaron Archer himself this weekend that he'll never be a gun again
Toy laws and gun laws have gotten to where no company would ever even consider the headache
Don't listen to the doubters he will 500% be a gun
doubt anyone gave any interviews this weekend either.
>they'll use it to push Transformers Devastation
kinda based honestly
>three for three, all the BW Predacons I have are arachnids
Scorpnook's alright for the cheap price I got him at, minimal paint apps on the toy deco version but whatever. His altmode is pretty garbage from an engineering perspective, but his metallic claws and his scorpion-like shape manage to make him salvageable.
Wouldn't mind Inferno to complete this weird-ass bug collection I ended up having
So, what else is that vintage Ramhorn coming with again?
The aftermarket prices for some of these figures are completely ridiculous. Do these sellers have no shame?
you can't get angry at market forces
be angry that they made too few, or that you didn't get on them early enough, but chill your tits re: the fact that these things are rare and desirable. if you found an old antique, you wouldn't sell it to some stuffbutt for a grand?
It was already basically banned years ago but now with how hyper-politicized everything's gotten? Zero chance.
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>Optimus Prime figure looks like Optimus Prime
>TF fans: "This is awful!"
Why is this fandom so autistic?
He will turn into a gun that fires real bullets. Hasbro's going for broke.
We have a resident troll who tries desperately to convince people to hate the G1 cartoon because he does, but nobody ever budgets and he just makes everyone like it more.
Tank Megs is so overdone, and it's just gonna be another bland H-tank. If they're not gonna be accurate can't they at least think of something more interesting?
I'm only here for the toys, so if it doesn't look like a fun, cool toy then idgaf. SS86 Optimus is just a more expensive, blander interpretation to me. Congrats to the people who like him, though.
>Rubber wheels

Can't wait for them to start rotting the plastic within the legs
I like 86 Prime, but he gives me the same vibes as Rodimus. He looks good, but I don't think it's worth 90. I will say this, at least most parts look like they were molded the right colors, Rodimus was a disaster in that regard.

At best, this looks like 70 bucks.
Yeah if hes gonna be a tank I want him to look more like am Abrams. How is it he used to look more like a real tank back in G2?
Most I'd pay is $40, that's what I paid for Rodimus
Wonder what the odds are it'll shelfwarm. Its Optimus, so stores will probably order a shitoad.
>muh fucking fun gimmicks
>its sucks
>but enjoy wasting your money
Good luck, I doubt you'll see it for under 80. I only saw Magnus dip to 73, then he vanished.
Zero. If he was a no name commander or a leader class, then I'd wait, but that won't happen with Prime.
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Im searching for one too. He is the only triple changer I dont have. Did you get the little micro Superion jets? I see that most used copies they are missing.
>shits on it
Speaking of figures that have been shit on lately, I went looking for Vector Prime and came home with Skyquake. I see TFW absolutely hates him and cannot figure out how to Transform him, so Im almost guaranteed to love him. Anyone here have any advanced thoughts on him? Does anyone think the fact that they showed his combination with Needlenose means he might NOT get a G1 retool? I feel like they featured their combination because they know they might not get to the G1 version
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Half-track could also be cool. Or a tank-destroyer, a howitzer, self-propelled artillery, flak gun— just something actually interesting. But we're either getting another H-tank or a cybertronian brick
They could always give him a "submarine" mode. Like Sixshot.
No, that combination means he'll eventually get a G1 repaint or retool, since he has the predator gimmick of the smaller jet attaching to a bigger one. No idea if they eventually plan to change needlenose into one of the predators.
The best they could do is give him a flying mega gun like Super Megatron or Shockwave.
Why is everyone debating this? It's called Studio Series, so Megatron will turn into what he turned into in the movie: a tank.
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It's definitely charming, but it is obviously a little dated. Might also have the smallest painted (ie not tampoed) insignia of any figure ever.

Thinking about it now, he seems like another one of those obvious choices for Titans Return that we didn't get, like Armada Sideways. Anyway, hope you enjoy him, anon.
Seeing Starscream carry a gigantic tank, and shoot autobots with it, was stupid as fuck, but man what an iconic scene.
>micro Superion jets
I'll have to look again. They look like something I'd lose instantly lol
Skyquake's good, but people wanted a G1 version since forever. This guy being a mix of G1 and Prime, doesn't really scratch that itch. That and most people believing most leaders aren't worth retail. I did buy mine for 25 and it's pretty solid, only major complaint are the weapons, both suck, even if they're apparently accurate.
I just have dreadwing and love him. DW was also one of my favorite toys ever as a kid.
Becasue the G2 tank Megatron was designed to work as a tank to begin with, not force a robot mode that lacks tank parts into one.
Zero odds. For one hes the single most popular character, for two most stores aren't gonna stock more than a couple Commander classes at a time- if they are stocking them at all.
Really though, how do you think they'll justify having a non-gun Megatron in SS86? Will they pull concept art out of their asses? will they put him in legacy instead?
What the fuck
>commanders at retail
I did hear Target is getting Magamatron, so thats cool! Street dated 7/21
They won't, he'll turn into a G1 accurate robot mode, then bullshit a tank out of that. Then the designers will tell us to fuck off in the most polite way possible.
An S0G, or maybe one of those pak 75 carrying halftracks would be awesome. I dom't mind him being a tank though, I just wish he looked like a more realistic tank, not the nebulous H tank which has always had the lamest transformation. I value a fun transformatiom quite highly, and H tanks seem to always transform either like Armada megs or Siege megs.
They will? Shocking. I haven't seen them since Sky-Lynx
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oh yeah this is rad
i'm also quite fond of these delightful crackers vehicles. this is begging to be a small decepticon.. though it'd be tricky to work around the treads. make them the legs I suppose.
How has there not been a kettengrad junkion?
Yep, someone already found Magamatron at Target but they wouldnt sell him.
I think that must be why Target and Walmart are both clearance everything out rn. Not just commanders, but a bunch of new stuff coming. My local Walmarts have almost zero Transformers at the moment.
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got this today. package is nice-ish but it does NOT need to be this big.
Can you should the insides to confirm that?
have Dreadwing and he is very neat, though I can kind of get why some people don't like him, his transformation is a bit on the convoluted end
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Already took 'em out but here you go
Seems to only be bit bigger than a deluxe-class box would have been for each. Not too egregious.
Have some leader class money to throw around. Hoping to find something cool when I hit up the stores Friday, but if not what should I get? I'm thi king Springer, yes I know hes barely justifiably a leader, but no I don't have the Siege one.

Blitzwing is feeling lonely.and lime nobody gets him, I think another triple changer will improve his mood. He keeps giving me this intense grimacing look.
you can store more figures in the box.
It’s not the fandom
It’s the anti-g1 cartoon trolls
Seems crowded if you stick Bug Bite and Road Ranger in it as well. And Bad Boy when they make him.
Nah, you can stick a bunch of figures in there.
I wrap all mine in bubble wrap and stick em in those boxes.
I just wish they made him look nice and not bad.
He looks like Earthrise 2.0 instead of MP44 0.5
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is it just me, or is my Treds a little, uh...
Treads more like speds
He looks fine as long as I don't look at his head too closely, but it's gonna bug me. Especially since this is a $75 set
>Transformers 40th anniversary
40 years and they still havent shipped a figure with a perfect paintjob
it looks loose, like if you poked it it would go in allt he way.
Treds more like Tards.
no such luck. it's a paint application issue
The eyes are in there crooked
so the appearance of them being in sockets is an illusion?
oh, looking at it more closely, anon's right, they're molded like that. though there's definitely a bit of overpainting on that eye too making it just that little bit worse. I'm scared of scratching the paint but the eye doesn't seem like it'll budge
my suggestion is hit it with a blowdryer, then get the tip of a hobby knife in above the eye and press down.. ideally you have a magnifier so you can see what you're doing, and whether it worked. and if it did work, then hold it that way while you hit it with cold water and it should stay mostly.
Might give that a shot in the morning, it's pretty late for me here
naww you kiddin? fuck around with knives late at night! cmonnn man let's play bed-axe

naw enjoy sleep.
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Minor complaint, probably due to the transformation.
ohhh so the grille flips around so it can embiggen?
How much is that new Optimus going to cost us poorfags?
Commander class, around 90 bucks.
I love deluxe size characters at commander class price points because of the extra accessories!
Isn't communism amazing?
Isn't our economy great?
Damn, Boco. You really are going to buy this "new" prime and Springer again, right?
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There, I think this display has more or less reached its final form
No, it’s just what that anon wants
oh i misread, thought he said "probably due to mistransformation"
Haha listen to this guy anon. Wait a day or two. I always make the worst mistakes fixing / customizing when I open a new figure late at night. Find a QC issue, sperg out, and make it even worse lol.

So I opened my Skyquake but havent transformed him yet as I have to slow down on buying and need to savor each new purchase a bit more. Looking over the figure, as well as his og Prime design compared to his G1 counterpart, I think he must be the #1 closest to his G1 counterpart in the entire series. Only Wheeljack comes close and loses for his alt mode. This Legacy Prime version is basically already the G1 version without the manic color scheme and no mouthplate. I was also amused he has the gimmick scope simulated in jet mode.
>now he's making new threads on page 4
told you guys. just ignore and stay in here.
new thread : >>11071716
Question of The General : In Light of Recent Events Is That Toy Guy Officially /OurToyGuy/?
Ok so actually OG Prime Skyquake looks not much like G1. But the legacy toy bacially is the G1 already, looks more like G1 than Prime. I like it. Also most definitely a pretool. I doubt they even do anytning but a recolor a new head. The question is when? Is he in the leaks?
where'd you get it from?
>Tidal Wave sold out on Amazon
Shit, I hoped they still had some in the event the one I have on pre order had the knee issue. Guess I'll have to return it if breaks for a refund instead of replacement.
these days i can't get them to replace broken items anyway, it's always return and refund and buy another one, jerk
which one time actually saved me a few bucks as the price had gone down in the interim.
I wish I didn't have to be so stressed out about this guy. No third party looks good enough, and the new Hasbro figure has a stupid flaw they should have caught immediately. I wouldn't consider getting other figures with these issues, but I love Tidal Wave.
Actually based AF Anon
I wish to do t his myself with a bunch of characters I like
But I already caved to 3 KO MP's and they're ehhh
yeah yeah looks pretty movie accurate and all, but siege, now that's what peak classic esque design looks like (earthrise has giant tits)
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While making this edit, I noticed that the stripe and grill positions don't match for whatever reason.
>hates giant tits
Unmonitored homosexual behavior
I'd totally buy a toy colors 86 Prime, and I'm saying that as someone who likes movie color prime too. Honestly what I want is cartoon colors with toy stripe, I think the stripe just helps the cab so much.
I just want the stripe, the yellow on the forearms, and the gray grills on the legs lmao. And the VNR head mold.
Oh, i just realized the thing that annoys me most bout the head: the faceplate is painted gray, instead of metallic silver. It's for pushing the "animated cel" look I get it, but it just looks cheap imo.
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FUCK! this is exactly what I wanted to do and if I'd just been looking regularly I wouldn't of missed it. goddammit
>still no mainline Optimus with a communicator in his forearm
Cant even get a opening panel on his forearm, we are never ever getting his rifle-activated antenna/ microphone head. Life is suffering
Been waiting for weeks for a chinese ebayer to send me my coomer blackarachnia. Checked the chinese shipping company site and it says they returned the package to sender. Pain.
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Skyquake is an interesting fellow. Some of the complaints about this guy might be warranted. There is a certain level of janky going on here. He is possibly the #1 best articulated Legacy figure..but a bunch of his great joints are meant for transformation, so what happens is if you want to utilize them all he starts coming apart on you.
>pic rel, he has every joint imaginable but only looks *great* standing there
No matter what his shelf presence is awesome. I wish there were more autobots of this size / stature
probably a scammer who ‘shipped’ you a shipping label attached to a scrap of cardboard. By the time it gets returned hes already got hundreds of people’s money
>probably a scammer
He's got great feedback on ebay. All of the reviews read like legit western buyers, no engrish bot posts as far as I can tell. Worse comes to worse I'll just do a chargeback.
Still waiting on MW Starscream.
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Yeah, they build a good reputation and then go rogue on a bunch of people all at once. But if you dont see negative feedbacks flooding in that’s probably not the case and just a mishap. Sorry about your figure bro
Hopefully they fix the actual QC issue before more releases. His hip ratchets chewed themselves up in less than one day. Badly. One is smooth. Non repairable due to pins instead of screws.
>the chest window outline is still that disgusting yellow-colored paint instead of color-matching with the gold paint
god fucking dammit
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I appreciate your support, dude. Just gonna have to wait and see.
They also painted the hinges which makes them even more of an eyesore imo
Looks like SS86 Optimus is going up at 1PM today instead of waiting until SDCC
Looking at this, I'm realizing that Mark's pictures were just the DCS soundwave with slightly fewer paint apps. I would have liked Buzzsaw, but I'm happy I have the superior Takara deco.
Man, I want Buzzsaw, I want Frumble, but I cannot justify buying a third instance of that Soundwave mold. I really wish they had done this one in Soundblaster colors. If they gave him the extended chest, it would have worked even better for being bundled with three cassettes.
Literally false advertising
transbros, just bought a cybertron prime without even seeing the robot mode (seller isn't a collector), pray for me that it has the ears, i see a lot missing them

Its up now.

Looks nice, but not 90 bucks nice.
I'll throw in an extra prayer for the old boy's hips
>Preorder on Amazon.
>Just as I'm about to check out, get the stupid "signature required" shit

Oh for fucks sake. One package didn't arrive last year and now every expensive item needs a fucking signature. Holy shit this is frustrating.
Is Chase good or bad
He's on sale and I never managed to get a Prowl cop bot
He's fun yee.
How fun, and what about core Ironhide
the love for him is so adorable to me. no idea what people like but i'm glad they like things.
the hips? goddamn i didn't know it had issues with the hips too, it really is an old man
that is the worst..
>THE TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE OPTIMUS PRIME: This Transformers Studio Series 86-31 Optimus Prime action figure for boys and girls is highly articulated for posability and features movie-inspired deco and details
>TRANSFORMERS STUDIO SERIES COMMANDER CLASS: This 7-inch collectible action figures is inspired by iconic movie scenes and designed with specs and details to reflect the Transformers movie universe
>2 ICONIC MODES: This Studio Series Transformers toy for 8 year old boys and girls features classic conversion between robot and semi trailer modes in 40 steps. Trailer can hold Deluxe Class figures (each sold separately, subject to availability)
>AWESOME ACCESSORIES: Transformers figure comes with a Roller and Autolauncher repair drone, and an attachable blaster, axe, Matrix of Leadership, and blast effects
>REMOVABLE BACKDROP: Removable backdrop displays Optimus Prime figure in the Battle of Autobot City scene. Fans can use the backdrop and pose their figures in the scene with their own style
Pretty fun? Lawl. He's a solid figger, mango. The bits on the back get in the way of his shoulders often (and have a tough time slipping into place in carmode), but it's not the end of the world. Fun transformation, charming bot with great poseability, best modern figure of a post-07 show character easily. Just a decent deluxe car man, dunno what else you wanna hear lol.

Dunno bout Core Ironhide, sorry partner.
Off-topic but Beastboxes are also on sale at amazon.ca for pretty cheap if you have Prime, idk what neat sales Americans have
What the fuck did you call me-
Alright never mind, you are forgiven, pardner.
>Fun transformation, charming bot with great poseability, best modern figure of a post-07 show character easily. Just a decent deluxe car man, dunno what else you wanna hear lol.
Alright, I'll be getting him, a heroic cop bot might be fun, although I have no idea what to do about the claw.
I'm also getting Ironhide just because I felt bad about not wanting him in Siege, and a $10 red van isn't something that you can foul up.
>no painted side-windows
>looks at you with $180 aftermarket Ultra Magnus face
Ok you can buy mine for $240 a month after release

I have enough Optimuses. And Earthrise is fine enough with me. And Core with the little trailer.
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Looks super mid compared to what I was hoping for, personally. Looks like no ab crunch and no neck. Kinda really bad from the back. 100% another Leader leapfrog’ing to Commander just bc they can.
>You know, you never got the original Earthrise trailer
Yeah, but I'm fine with Netflix Optimus.
>Well, SS86 Optimus has screen colors, AND a bigger trailer with a roller that can seat Titanmasters
You make a good point, but we're only buying him on sale, okay?
>Deal! (Hehehe, he doesn't know I'll make him pre-order it)
Hey, I thought that!
Oh goddamnit, I was really hoping he'd scale well with the various Generations Primes. Now I don't know if I really want to replace ER Prime with him.

Is Optimus supposed to be taller than Rodimus, or is this Prime just big for the sake of being big?
I for one am really.liking what I see, but I can understand people with other Primes wanting to pass. I have no Optimus at the moment so I'm happy to have him.

While I'm not a show-toy accuracy fanatic I don't mind wheels on the legs, but I'm also impressed by how they've managed to hide all 6 wheels.

Seeing this though makes me wonder about Rodimus or Megatron. They for sure can't get away with using the Siege molds for either of them. Which means they'll probably do just that... for Rodimus at least.
Kingdom Rodimus WAS the SS release. The two lines were both doing the same thing at the same time, no point re-releasing Rodimus in a different box.
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the more i look at the tfone niggas the more they look straight out of some b movie, the faces, the proportions, who tf approved those abominations
I had heard that every character appearing in the movie would be getting an SS86 figure made.
Yes, but Kingdom was also a line used to release more G1 characters instead of taking up slots in SS (like Cyclonus). So they might consider him "already done".
We already have an example in Blaster. Would hope for Rodimus to get a paint job, but honestly not sure I'd be in on it even if it did happen. Beyond burnt out now with mainline.
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Transmorphers, robots you didn't see at first
Transmorphers, this movie is the worst!
I'd go for a Cyclonus rerelease if they fixed the yellowing
still better designs than bayformers though
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you mean the transmorpher in the poster? sure it looks like a bionicle
cause tfone designs look like slightly less cartoony earthspark shit
appreciated! they're about 1/6th off in america.. I'm tempted, but they're still a tough price to pay for their size. Like I get it, engineering and everything, but..
I don't know how good or bad that is, since I know nothing about the American dollar other than "better than ours" and "even their MSRPs are cheaper". The Beastboxes (let's say $25 CAD) is between the price that I got TR deluxes and voyagers for ($20 and $30), if you have any figures from that era that you still appreciate, I'd say this is a good illustration of a Beastbox' value. A lil bit smol, but a very very fun transformation, with fun little gimmicks and weapons, but I think the deciding factor would be how charming you find the robot itself. I'd recommend watching a few reviews as well as browsing your animal/colour options, and see whether they just feel like "something on sale", or if you find yourself revisiting one and looking fondly at it.
Don't do this often, but I just got the 86 Bee as a gift from my mom. Being honest, I did like what I saw and was going to get, she somehow stumbled into at a Target and got it. Bless her heart, she overpaid, and I'll give her those 25 back plus more because she was robbed. If I were to compare this toy to ER Cliffjumper, I'd feel silly, because it feels lopsided:

-Barely any paint, while cliff was covered in it.
-More accesories with multi purpose vs a pistol
-Transformation is almost on par, you'd think Bee would be very complex, but aside from that swivel near the arms and no partsforming, it somehow feels like less complex than cliffjumper
-Cliffjumper holds together like a fucking rock in vehicle mode and several bets work to keep it locked in and they still msnaged to fit in a snow job mode for the hell of it. Meanwhile, Bee's only job is to turn into a car and almost the entire leg section is barely held in place by thin tabs on the legs that tab into the underside of the windshield, one tab was bent in package (no, seriously what the hell, theres two sets of tabs that seem to be there to help secure the legs, but they do nothing.
-Bee has this awkward cut in the arm for alt mode, but it turns out the back has more than enough space for them had they just made the elbows double jointed.

It honestly feeld criminal that they charged 25 for this guy, he makes Cliffjumper feel like a limited premium finish figure. If Cliff didn't partsform the backpack he'd be Better than 86 Bee at everything
>Re: the car transformation
Once you go back and forth a couple times he locks up better. Put his feet into car mode one at a time rather than joining them together then folding them up. Everything collapses into place properly and makes him sold

>those disgusting forearms
Im with you on that. They’re atrocious and I do not understand why they did that. That said, I dont really notice them as much in hand as in pics. They are an eyesore in pics

The toy really shines as a toy. I cant stop transforming him. He, Gears, and Cosmos are ultra satisfying to convert. ER Cliffjumper is not, imo.
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Ayy Lmao
>The toy really shines as a toy. I cant stop transforming him.
Heartwarming that a present from mom is so beloved, you go ahead and enjoy him anon.
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Im NTA, just an anon who grew to love Bumblebee as everyone started to hate him
>pic rel your mainline bee options
Still pissed I sold the Target CJ redeco
That's not me. I'll still keep it, but this guy just feels like the huge rip off. People also called ER Cliddjumper a rip off, but they did more to earn that value compared to Bee. They could have added a new jetpack (awkward with the new backpack, but they could work something out), animation accurate gun along with the generic autobot pistol, a movie Spile figurine like how some of the Bay Bee's have Sam?
Is that really true? From the videos, his transformation looks clean to me. Or maybe that's just because Masterpiece Bee is so bad?
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>tfw the person who sold me Legacy Breakdown wrote me, a month later, begging me to sell it back to him
Sorry kiddo, nothin personel
The barely held together part? Yes. It does lock well enough, but it's only held together by thin tabs. It's just weird because there's enough space for extra connections that can keep it together in the event the thin one's are damaged or weardown, but it's like they forgot to add them
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How am i an asshole? I’m not the one who priced it, listed it for sale, or agreed to (idiotically) split the complete set up and sell me Breakdown for $20. He wanted more for Dead End lol. Go figure. I even feel a little bad, but its simply a hard lesson and ultimately not my problem.
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I bought him full price and he wasn't worth it at all.
oh yeah 25 dollars canadian would be great, they are significantly more than that here. In fact their pre-sale prices are roughly double that. So that is a GREAT sale you're having.

if their custom weapon things were more accessible, i'd be more into it. and a lot of them have little niggles on their limbs, or their aesthetic doesn't match the others.. but I do have five of them.
surely it's not that hard to find, at worst he'd blow what an extra 20 bucks on it. so you skip one pizza delivery..
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What do you mean by full price? Like current market price? He is the least justified retool in all of Legacy. 1000% shouldve been his own mold but they already relegated them to the back of the legs with no option to flip them around so they said “who cares”. They didnt, thats who.
Lol think again. He is far and away the hardest to get Legacy figure. There arent any even available for purchase even on ebay. Hes going for $90
ahaha lmao I hadn’t checked on him since last month when I got mine. Asking price is $130 now ayy
the fuck. nice distribution..
>Is Optimus supposed to be taller than Rodimus, or is this Prime just big for the sake of being big?
86 Prime is better scaled to the car bots but is out of scale with most post-Siege voyagers and voyager-sized bots.
Ok well I'm glad for you regardless, but slightly less glad
>mainline Bee options
I just have TR and Classic...
I mean, isn't he core class? Aside from the headsculpt (and no guns?), I don't see much issue with him.
Well shit, I'm sorry sales worked out for us this one time, is .ca->.com shipping that bad? You could maybe get several and make the shipping worthwhile.
>custom weapon things were more accessible
I swear one of mine has weapons that don't fit, or are too scary to try.
That's their word, you can't say that
Which? I have the stegosaurus, beetle, and shark. I can only vouch for the beetle among the ones that are on sale though.
actually i have no idea, I've only tried it once and that was to help out a canadabro who wanted to take advantage of a sale. and i recall I couldn't get the canada-only deal, or maybe it was prime-exclusive and it had to be canadian Prime. that was it.
The fact we never got a Bumper out of Core Bee will always be weird to me. Like, they must have known, his alt mode is entirely based on Bumper's
Alright, fair enough. Amazon's such a headache, I don't really get it either
it's funny how Idiocracy was so right about that megastore, except for it being a physical place.
Try living more instead of basing everything on movies.
Didn't say I'm optimistic about finding him that cheap, just won't pay more than $40
Overlord worth 80
I got one and he's SLIGHTLY loose in the hips so my OCD/Tism can't accept it
I put him up for sale and like nobody wants it despite Cybertron Primes sell so mad fast in these groups
Not really. Even the Legends version is dubious at that price.
>try living more now that life has become even more like shitty movies
That defeatist attitude is not improving anything.
it's a defensive attitude. i'll stop when it stops jabbing me in the ribs every second.
why's TR hardhead considered one of the best of the line? i got him but i find blurr better if you ignore the paint, the transformation is more satisfying and it feels sturdier
i think i'm gonna sell him and get a voyager instead
God I'm so mad I fucking loved Origins Bee and mine horribly yellowed
Now he's like $50+
It's crazy how absurdly hard to find Breakdown is
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I just realized that Hasbro already has a figure they could retool into Snoop, but tragically that figure is Xpanse
come on that is mistransformed isnt it..
that said yeah what a disappointment x-spanse was.. so close to perfect, but enough things ruin it..
I hope we get more new universe repaints one day
How much did you pay?
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Being properly transformed only helps him so much. Maybe a worthwhile toy could be salvaged out of this mess but I doubt it
Ive been away from Transformers for awhile. Can someone help me understand how the Junkions and Rock Lords split apart like weaponizers? I loved weaponizers and fossilizers but Im not sure if Im sold on these new guys because I cant picture them as weapons.
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So got this boi and I love him but I don't think I'll transform him. He looks like he'd break if I even tried. Beautiful though
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they're just covered in 5mm ports and pegs
nawww worst case scenario the chrome flakes.
hit it with a topcoat first if you wanna be sure, then transform him to your heart's content.. maybe. I could be wrong. but there's no modern-transparent or past-metallic plastic, right? well the silver... but there's never been silver plastic syndrome, has there?
realized sounds like it was an accident
for that, I would sell it back
Well I'll look online for instructions first.
Please explain to me how you sell something by accident
It is a learning experience for him. Don't sell it back unless he is going to accept an offer of more than $80.
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Junkions aren't really weaponizers, they can just be taken apart and reconstructed like in-universe junkions
But they look cool and you can turn them into monsters and abominations, they work best with themselves
Rock lords are "armorizers" aka you can strip them and put ugly rocks onto other bots. Nice figures, questionable gimmick
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My bad it was $30. Bro he priced them out individually. He might be a retard but it wasnt an accident and it sure as hell is not my problem
The awkward curved panels on the tail section have those little "C" joint clips. These panels tend to get in the way but you can pop them right off and put them back on if you need to. The panels where his fins are tend to become weak with age so you'll probably end up needing a stand to display him properly in shark mode if you don't already. His robot mode can be challenging to pose.
don't listen to the bitchces itt, he should've been more careful, his loss
keep that shit my nigga
I want back the Studio Series Grimlock back I sold for $40 in 2021. Should I ask for it back?
I'll sell you mine for 120. MIB
Thanks but I just got one for 79. Also, hes $250 on ebay. Dont sell yourself short like that kid
thanks for the kind words bae. XOXO
I dunno, task a friend with it and he puts the wrong ones up?
i'm not saying I believe him, I'm just saying IF that were genuinely the case, and I somehow knew it, I'd sell it back. because that's what I'd want, in his place. it's not the golden SUGGESTION.
there's a reason teachers don't make much. you're not supposed to profit from someone else learning a lesson.
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If the SS86 is so big, I might just consider getting the undersized MP-10 KO. Should be easier on my wallet.
when something is your problem, do you want others going 'not my problem' about it?
did you not see Spider-Man?
Only public school teachers don't make money and that is because it is government funded. Private education makes lots of money.
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real excellent comparison pic here. flawless splice.
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mee tooo
Ok guys, how much do I sell it back for?
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which show/character has the best transformation sequences? i'm kinda fond of what UT did with it... but the anime feels like it has to always win
IF you actually believe it to be an accident.. which I have my doubts on
then... split the difference between what you paid for it, and what the current market value is.
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always loved this color scheme on a gorilla. this guy is Apelinq, right? Or at least Apelinq-adjacent
I sure hope the conversion kit to make movie Apelinq comes out soon
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do you really think he's a retool? just seems farfetched to me
oh it's image limit
new thread time >>11072730
The vehicle modes seem to have a lot in common.
who's on the right
The geezer from RotF
Piss off GoAnon
It wasnt an accident, hes just a young kid and an idiot who didnt dyor before listing and priced them poorly. Looks like he priced them based on how much he personally likes them, or how much he paid. It would be ridiculous for anon to sell that figure back. It would actually teach the kid a really BAD lesson to sell it back. Besides he probably cant even afford it.
This: >>11072763
I don't know how you can go
>here, I'll sell you x and y for how much they were listed
>oops I accidentally sold you x, could I buy it back
Did you like, purchase something as a lot? Regardless, it was something he listed, and the only "mistake" here sounds like seller's remorse, which I'm not even sure how that's possible, if he's selling the entire team of Stunticons to begin with.
Agree on all points and no I didnt buy anything else. Just Breakdown. There is no accidental anything, just sellers remorse. I mean that part isnt hard to imagine since no one needs the other parts and no one wants the set without Breakdown. He prob wondered why the rest of the set wont sell, or why he was getting so many messages abouu Breakdown and THEN, now a entire month later he finally checked ebay. The kid goofed.
The same anons goading him to sell it back would laugh in his face if he actually did
>He prob wondered why the rest of the set wont sell, or why he was getting so many messages abouu Breakdown and THEN, now a entire month later he finally checked ebay. The kid goofed.
Yeah. If you're indifferent about the figure and also have only Breakdown, selling it at market price probably works for everyone since he can still sell them as one lot. But otherwise like, yeah you can be gentle about it or whatever but there's no reason to sell it back. Like, there's nothing wrong with being nice but there's really no moral reason to be that here
So, by accident he:
He obvs just regrets it and is trying to take the piss.
Do not worry, a new one is likely to already be yellowed too.
More like
>handed personally
In general the extended anime stock sequences are the coolest but I'll always be a fan of how BW did it with the animal growls and mechanical noises until they whir to a stop. I wouldn't mind a vehicle version of that with engine revving noises

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