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What's your favorite weird combinations or fanmodes?

>Upcoming transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
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>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread

previous thread: >>11067923
if I get all 20 junkions do they combine into something awesome?
Its such an odd request. I don't think I would entertain it. I'd ask for an explanation of how he accidentally listed it. If that seems genuine, go with what that other anon said and split the difference between what you paid and current market.
I like combining my crashbar and scraphook, kind of like how potp did battle trap but deluxe scale. I also really like combining them with my magneous and deluxes to make very unstable combiners. Btw, does anyone know a way to make a solid leg for a combiner w/ the two previously mentioned junkions? I haven't had a lot of luck
You get a pile of junk. Perfect 86 movie set piece!
i think like four of them can become a mostly-okay dinosaur that is still a bit disappointing? i.e. a beastbox..
i hadn't even thought of that. ask him how he could possibly have sold it by accident. If nothing else, it'll be entertaining to hear the answer.
my experience with lego mechs is that that kinda thing is very tough to pull off. legs gotta support weight.
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ty for making a real thread, I hate the youtuber shitposting one.
The old "spam multiple threads to get everyone mad" gimmick, goanon? Who even likes that, it's worse than water squirter!
There was already one, but you're welcome!
If he says his mom or his girlfriend listed it by mistake, ask for current market and he can take the difference out of her ass.
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c'mon now, really? this again?
There's so many auxiliary connecting bots out but I don't see enough people mixing them together. Give me some hideous abomination made of truck parts, rocks, and dinosaur bones.
if you can't tell the difference, I don't know what to tell you.
i have actually seen some that look okay
hell there's a logic to fossilizers with rock guys.
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What do y'all consider as the quintessential modern Red Bumblebee Cliffjumper figure
None of them. The original Cliffjumper wasn't a Bumblebee recolor.
Probably that one. After that they tried to make more of an effort with Cliffy's head.
I miss the the days of big chunky deluxe figures
There is no difference. You’re both autistic spammers.
okay. well. we know from experience that he'll just keep making more and worse threads if we don't make our own. in fact, he already did it earlier. he's going to keep doing it until his country is regionbanned. deal with it.
It just sounds like this "accident" is just him regretting selling it. If you didn't buy a big lot, and Breakdown is something that he's listed to sell, it just seems like it's seller's remorse.
Considering he had all his Stunticons listed to sell, I don't even know what the mistake would be, since it clearly isn't selling a limb of a combiner you'd want to keep. If he's delisted the other Stunticons, it's likely that he had second thoughts about selling the team. Keeping it or selling it to him for market price or near-market price seems fair, since it doesn't seem like you have an obligation, nor does it seem like there's any actual mistake for you to be charitable about.
Threads end up bad because bad people post in them.
>we know from experience that he'll just keep making more and worse threads
You mean like what you’re doing?
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No he's Primal Prime. This is Ape Linq. You're probably confusing him with Sentinel Maximus, their fusion together. I forget the story behind it.
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Ape Linq is the minicon
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I miss that era of Botcon Exclusives so much
>he’s already spamming the thread with images
Good job getting a head start, goanon!
>Blackarachnia, but pink
well that's not an accident, that's a mistake. the difference is very important, you wanna tell your kid he was an accident, not a mistake.
like that, but with a subtle difference. I wonder if you can figure it out.
oh that's right, the hilarious tiny truck pulling a gigantic trailer. like even Ginrai is looking at this like "Daaamn"
i mean, i don't miss them being exclusive, but I miss lots of fun repaints being made of characters i like
also aren't those both 3Ps? not botcon exclusives.
I love Trashmaster. I love how bulky he is. I love that he has guns on his hands. I love that his claw forms a bitey head. He's the onlu junkion i ever need
For what discernible reason do you need to reply in such low brow manner?
Was it genuinely worth your time and attention?
yeah that actually works great
Anyone else hit the wall on collecting Transformers?

I was a huge buyer but the last 5-6 years has killed me with Hasbro's bullshit and general fate shit:

1. Was drowning in debt when the Covid checks came out so I didn't get to use them to pay rape dollar prices for a lot of figures that were given shitty distribution (Scorponoks and Ratbat in particular).

2. Fangry was a box set figure that was scalped to hell and back and now is impossible to find, making it hard for me to justify paying rape dollar price for Squeezeplay since I'll never get to complete the Jr Headmasters trio.

3. The Seacon debacle

4. The fact that we STILL don't have a proper G1 Prowl figure.

5. The Micromaster debacle (not selling full teams and cheapskate mold recycling)

6. The garbage move to modular crap, meaning more and more god-awful OC characters

7. Certain characters like Cosmos and Crasher being impossible to get due to them being shortpacked (even though they were far more desirable than the repaints packed with them)

8. How they fucked up the RED line and how the last wave with key characters (Shockwave and Galvatron) being impossible to find)

9. Legacy being 99% shit no one wants meaning it shelfwarms like crazy

10. The compete and total fucking up the Gen2 homage line with literal whos and pegwarmers rather than giving big name characters with no Gen 2 figures recolors.

11. Not committing to getting the Beast Wars cast made ASAP and spreading it over several lines along with making Primal and Megatron utterly out of scale for playing with/display
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You're hurting me
it's not so much the wall or hasbro's shit (sales make up for that)
it's just they aren't making the guys I want. I haven't even heard a good ANNOUNCEMENT in ages.
sorry you missed out on covid bucks, that saved my ass. more money than I've ever had in my life.
I am running out of stuff to buy. My collection is lacking like 10 pieces and Im totally caught up on just about everything I could want. I am anxiously awaiting MP 60. I plan to get caught up by his release and take a break after he drops. Ive been doing alot of thinking about the actual concepts of wanting things and lusting after these toys, and I have realized that it is impossible to ever have them all and even if you could why would you want to? That in and of itself is boring because there is nothing left to get and its too much work to get there anyway.
I agree with 99% of your points except
1. Which is Crasher lol. I still see local deals on her for as low as 15 and 20. She was at Ross for 6.99. She wasnt hard to get. For every Cosmos I found I saw 10 Crashers. Maybe distribution in your area was bad?
I am very lucky that they seem to have stopped making guys i like around the time my shelves became way too full
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Nah. He sold it to me in person, himself. He he even thanked me for my purchase after I left.
This. Not one singular cell in my brain ever actually considered selling it back to him. Im not fucking retarded. Hes a stupid kid and he’ll be more careful next time. We have all been there. I cant even believe anyone suggested I sell it back. I’m thinking they’re trolling. I thought we would have a chuckle and move on lol
Lets drop it.
>Epilogue: I replied to him and let him know its getting reissued this winter. The End.
Another happy ending. Hope you're enjoying your Menasor.
>He sold it to me in person, himself. He he even thanked me for my purchase after I left.
This strange set of accidents reminds me of one recurring bit on Little Britain
There is a LOT of shit out there where they fuck up big time because of the disconnect between what Hasbro thinks will sell and what actually WILL sell and especially with what constitutes core characters.

Take Ratchet/Ironhide. No one fucking gives a flying fuck about Ironhide. He was a literal who in both the comic and cartoon. But he gets all sorts of mainstream figure releases while Ratchet, who was a cornerstone character in the comics, gets relegated to impossible to get exclusive/online only/convention figures. Hell, Hasbro tried to fuck fans out of Ratchet during the CHUG years, as they originally had no plans on making him and we only got him because of fan backlash, especially after Takara said "We're going to make him regardless of Hasbro doing so". Studio Series 86 is the first time we've had a mass release for a G1 Ratchet in ages!

Similarly, people want the Jr Headmasters and in particular, good versions of Nightbeat and Siren. But all we get is a garbage looking Bumblebee repaint for Nightbeat and both guys getting headmaster head only figures.

Not to mention if you want a GOOD Bludgeon, you have to buy the Super7 version that doesn't transform. Or that Bumblebee and Cliffjumper are insanely expensive to find due to Covid, the battle damage garbage, the shit with the Seacons being impossible to find online only figures, and the general malaise that is forcing Cybertron vehicle modes down peoples throats and hostaging the earth mode versions to impossible to find online/Target exclusives.
Like 86 Prime, but a few things bug me:
-Combat deck can be detached, but can't roll out by itself like MP 44. I would have peobably engineered it the same way or make it so the storage compsrtment could be detached and work as a platform for it (an extra kickstand could deploy when you do this).
-Head isn't all that accurate, and swotching it with vnr prime woulf only leave Prime with a smaller head.
-No jetpack.
I just go in and out of it casually and buy what I want and rarely am a completionist. I was going to get all thr Beast Wars guys but I lost interest after Kingdom. I got most of the Toxitron repaints I wanted except Grimlock and haven't bought an official transformer since. Even though I saw Grimlock in stock somewhere I didn't buy it. I kinda go in and out of collecting stuff casually. A lot of this stuff looks awesome though
>hilarious tiny truck pulling a gigantic trailer. like even Ginrai is looking at this like "Daaamn"

Lol the character he's a repaint of was called Overload for a reason
Oh also any franchise that has an excessive amount of exclusives makes me dip out too.

And the plastic quality makes my autism be weird and particular about it. Like OG beast wars toys had much better fur sculpts and shit. Black plastic looks weird. Its hard to explain.

Its more fun finding older toys...too bad the BW reissues sucked. Or just picking and choosing unique stuff or making your own groups or wharever for me right now
At this point, I'm just focusing on trying to get the original series one figures but a lot of them are impossible to find or go for insane amounts of money or in case of stuff like Buzzsaw, locked into reissues of figures I paid a small fortune for already and can't really justify the double dip.

The core three Seekers alone are a lost cause given how they fucked over everyone with Cybertron Skywarp only being available in a $200+ box set or in a $200+ earth mold two pack with Thundercracker, who's Cybertron jet figure is easy to find by itself. It's gotten to the point I'm tempted to just find a cheap CHUG three pack of the core three Seekers.
When I get the itch to checklist, I'd just recall that the cartoon or movies weren't that good.
> but with a subtle difference
There is no subtle difference. You’re also an autistic spammer.
Arcee's colors make it worse the the normal version.
Thats how I respond when I see women
>He was a literal who in both the comic and cartoon.
Bruh he was like the 3rd most prominent Autobot character in the cartoon pre-movie besides Prime and Bumblebee.
Dudes as delusional as the "86 optimus wont sell" guy
I think the premise that Ironhide is a literally who but people are clamoring en masse for that legendary character SIREN of all people is hilarious.
I'm an oldfag and it's clear as day to me this guy is a Marvel UK fan. They were insufferable on the internet 20-25 years ago and they're just as bad now.
My Magmatrons are shelf warming hard.
maybe I'll be able to get one on discount sooner then
He's the coolest Commander in a long time, if he's warming it's just cause he's not Optimus. Once he gets discounted a bit he'll fly off shelves.
So SS86 OP is not a Hasui design. Explains why hes so mid. Also out of stock on Amazon, wow.
Jazz, Wheejack, and Ratchet were more prominent than Ironhide.
They literally were not. Jazz and Ratchet weren't even close.
He is still “dropping” now. Hes hitting Target on 7/21. Almost every figure “shelf warms” for a couple months, aka is in stock. Shelf warming is if he sits there until he hits clearnace which I really dont think is gonna happen with him.
So you at least agree Wheeljack was the focus more often than Ironhide.
And adding to that, why do you think Ironhide was chosen as the POV character for the moonbase prologue and shuttle massacre in the movie? Ratchet was right there...
That's not what I said you illiterate faggot. Read it again.
I implied he was more focused on than Jazz and Ratchet.
>he still hasn't figured out that sharing voice actors with Prime and Starscream meant Ironhide and Wheeljack would get a fuck ton of screentime by default
Grim. I knew the air and water quality in the UK wasn't so good but it's worse than I thought.
Actually important:
Optimus Prime
Carried by VA overlap:
Failed to be carried by overlap:
Fake main characters:
Everyone else:
Everyone else
>Carried by VA overlap:
Mirage was barely in it. He had his big moment at the end of the pilot miniseries and his spotlight episode, that was pretty much it.
The Lambros were never portrayed as anything close to main characters, and nor should they have been really. The one who really got shortchanged on the cartoon was Prowl, who by all rights should have been the second in command. Not Ironhide or Jazz.
Prowl's boring.
When he's written as a piece of moving scenery, and the voice director can't bother to make the actor give him a consistent voice, then yeah sure. Anyone would be boring.
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So is arguing over “muh characters” instead of posting toys.

>tfw no idea how or why these two are falling in love. They both are well aware they are not supposed to be fraternizing. Especially not with a hole in the shuttle
NTR posting is also terrible.
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Idk what NTR is but anyway

>What the frag are you doing, bot. Are your circuits sizzled? You know shes an autobrat. Lets go fix that hole.
Are there any non-G1 figures you guys are looking forward to next year? Honestly the 86 stuff and The Fallen sound hype, but I don't think there's much else that's gonna appeal to me beyond Heatwave, Skybyte and Red Alert.
Japanese shorthand for cuckoldry.
Ironhide is one of Optimus' oldest friends.
No point in looking forwards based on leaked listings. Multiple things that sounded amazing ended up terrible partials. I wouldn't be surprised if even Heatwave is a new head on Inferno.
Sure, I've been burnt before, but at least the listings give me something to work off of. And maybe the figures themselves could surprise me, but I'm just not much looking forward to the selection next year; don't care for the Aerialbots and most of the Primes (nothing listed even for any Sentinels or Nova baka), they're having a Walmart Galaxy Force capsule which's neat I guess but will also be just repaints/partials probably, and SS is otherwise focusing on AoE or the uglier/literal-who's of DotM instead of anyone I'd want from the first 3 films or their concept art/games/comics.

Otherwise, at least until we get commander/titan listings, we're not getting any Beast Wars lads at all, we're still not getting Beast Machines or Super Link ones, it doesn't sound like any new molds for TFA or TFP (good I hated their Legacy approach), and pathetically little for Car Robots and Armada.
I guess that's good for my wallet, but it's stil disappointing.
And in my country he sold out and Magnus shelfwarms. Weird how it works
Wasp, Cybertron Walmart subline, Bay stuff and Skybound Jetfire.
Im guessing him, Scoop, and Quickmix will be SS86 Constructicon redecoes/retools with new targetmasters
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No, no. Out the hole you go
I wonder how long Cybertronians can drift through space? In stasis they should be good for a real long time, the big problem is the distances involved between stars, also what velocity they carried when ejected from a ship.
If Megatron and pals hadn't been scooped up by Unicron, they might've been in deep space for half a billion years before encountering anything with sufficient gravity to capture them, and by then they'd be brittle long-dead husks.
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>Hot Rod! Theres a hole in the shuttle!
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I can’t wait until we get a new Smokescreen and Dreadwing/Starscream and BB
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>Back to base, boys.
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>Dare you to sniff her exhaust pipe
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>Dude. You are fraggin’ useless.
Hey all, I could use some help.

Does anyone know of a safe easy way to remove arms/heads (on swivel) from g1 Pretender shells without damaging the figure?

I would guess hot water, but I'm not 100% positive because the age of the toys, and how thin the shells are to begin with.

The reason is just because I have a couple doubles, each with their pros and cons, and would like to swap, say, skullgrins arms to the cleaner version.
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Working on turning Jackpot into Trickdiamond. Going to clean up the print a bit more then get to painting
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>poor targetmasters get retools where they can turn into pointless limbs and have that getting in the way
They don't deserve that
You already have half a good guy version of Devastator with them. Might as well finish a team.
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>tfw found another local seller totally out of his mind
I really need to make some extra money. I’ve been broke lately and unable to capitalize on some amazing deals. Pic rel, seller asking $10 each. Most of them are sold already
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Pic rel also $10 each, all available.
>tfw there are at least 2 $75 figures in that pic
Might be someone who just wants to get out and doesn't care about turning a profit.
>Loader: Scrapper/Scoop
>Cement Mixer: Mixmaster/Quickmix
>Dump Truck: Long Haul/Landfill
>Bulldozer: Bonecrusher
>Excavator: Scavenger
>Crane: Hook
I think there was a Longrack excavator in the Cybertron line, but not sure what else you could make for the other two. If the combining gimmick miraculously doesn't get in the way of the robots, sure a free optional combiner is fine
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Hasbro considered it, it was a mix of RiD Build Team and the Double Targetmasters to get six.
Ah, I didn't know that.
>Loader: Scrapper/Scoop
>Cement Mixer: Mixmaster/Quickmix
>Dump Truck: Long Haul/Landfill
>Bulldozer: Bonecrusher/Wedge
>Excavator: Scavenger/Grimlock
>Crane: Hook/Hightower
Poor Heavy Load...
Funny, I was also thinking that the build team could fill in the gaps. But I don't imagine RiD fans would be very happy with their combination + fourth team member being scrapped in favor of a made up combiner
Isn't Heavy Load the one on the right?
Wait, yeah. So it's poor, stinky and disgusting Landfill that gets kicked out. Wait, I guess they could just release both of them and have buyers do whatever. Even if I was strongly attached to both the targetmasters and Build Team, I'd feel really odd leaving someone out
The combined robot of the Build Team was called Landfill, so might have been the new head.
The absurd option would be to make a Legends class Wideload and then recolor him into Landfill to work as a weapon.
Yeah, if you stalk these sites every single day, you come across deals, no doubt. I gotta get my shit together
I need a modern Landfill, he was one of the only toys I had as a kid that doesn't have some modern version. Well, him and a bunch of micromasters. And Actionmasters.
Ah, forgot about that, fair enough
Here's hoping he gets an update soon. I have no attachment to him personally, but I do love B-listers and want them to shine
>micros and action masters
They'll get their chance one day... maybe
Turns out the fandom is more united in their thoughts than people realize.
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Throttlebot. He floats between Wideload and Wide Load the exact spelling.
I cannot wait for them to actually make him a gun and dunk on everyone who cries and says he can never be a gun
Based retard
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I gotta make more abominations
Hello, haven't been around in a while, sorry if this has been discussed ad nauseam before. Why is the """""transmetal""""" Megatron selling so poorly? I saw it by accident in the Prime Day deals for 28.50 €, but I recall seeing it below 40 € for months. Is everyone unhappy with it?
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for me the robot mode is stupid as fuck and I just got him b/c he was cheap and looks great in dragon mode.
So it's a good deal for 28.50? I have a -5 coupon (so 23.50 €) as well for items sold and sent by Amazon, and I don't need to buy anything else right now.
just feels like the trailer could have had more of a cutout under the front so it could stay relatively straight and level lol
Because its a awful design that no one asked for an update of. They managed to make it inferior to the original in a lot of ways and it seems they over produced it for the cherry on top.
That'd be insane just to fit him in because of the name-
>he too is a dump truck
>the last non-Goldbug Throttlebot we got was Chase iirc
That would indeed be wild
yeah I paid that I believe. You get a cool dragon and flame effect piece
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Hes alright, wish his arms could come apart or at least that he used screws instead of pins.
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Optimus Prime & Primal together again.
They did a package refresh on it almost immediately so there is much more supply than demand.
I found one randomly at Target last Thursday by walking down the bike isle I never usually go through because the previous isle was blocked. Some shithead left it wedged between bike helmets. I like him a lot, I've been transforming him back and forth over and over while enjoying him in both modes and I haven't felt that way about a figure in a good bit. Once you get it down the transformation is really seamless, with some satisfying moments like sliding in the chest claws or spreading the wings. The head flip into crotch assembly was a bit hard to figure out at first and worrysome because of all the empty space in the area once everything's connected but it's actually very secure and not very noticeable in dragon mode at all. I wish the dragon neck had a bit more movement tolerance to get a better bend out of it but I've found a few poses it's capable of to give it more personality. Overall I think he's fantastic, he has a very imposing and threatening look in both modes. Articulation is serviceable, transformation looks smooth in both forms despite some gaps in the dragon mode. Wish he had a cooler weapon than using the flame breath as a sword but I already found a 3rd party one I'm going to grab for him, and I kinda want to say fuck it and get some labels and 3rd party upgrades just to pimp it out and give it that real final boss energy.
Pointblank is a Hasui design. Maybe you shouldn't just mindlessly dicksuck designers because they made one toy you liked over a decade ago.
>Pointblank is a Hasui design.
That got fucked hard during consultation, hasbro was dumb enough to make public the budget cut notes.
Pretty much >>11073704. It's a great figure, and because the package refresh flopped due to their own retarded idea of rereleasing it literally the next wave now they've seemingly got cold feet about doing Cryotek, which really fucks me off.
None of those changes affect the actual parts of the figure that turned out garbage. That's all Hasui.
same here.. they haven't even shown quickstrike. what in the ass. good thing my original scales fine and looks good on the shelf.
would they? there are transformers who are hundreds of millions of years old, aren't there? and they weren't in stasis, which would surely prolong the life.
in fact it'd be funny to have like, a character come out of stasis who is unfamiliar with everything we know, who just willingly went into stasis because he wanted to see the future.
nice. i'd get that grimlock for sure.
it kinda looks like a helicopter.. like the trigger is the seat and it's just missing the top rotor (and also the back rotor is turned the wrong way)
i fucking love this one. if there's a way to do this with the rock guys, that would get me to buy rock guys.
That's pretty generous
surely that was leaked
>dunk on everyone
Anon, no one is hoping he won't be a gun
It's just reality
anon I'm 98% sure the 'can't' that anon said was not implying those people didn't WANT him to be. like an "It can't be!" can't
They meant it as a "not allowed to be". so the people they'd be dunking on would be you.
>I sat down for a nap and when I woke up 6 epochs and two golden ages had gone by. I feel GREAT though!
Nope, it was on Mark's Instagram and then he deleted it because Hasbro probably realized it was a bad idea to show people what they couldn’t have
The Japanese translates to
>This is a spaceship! No matter what anyone says, it's a spaceship!
I only have the Flintstones car guy, I'll see what I can do to mix him up with Paleotrex
Well then darn, I get a gun Megatron. Shucks.
But we've been told, a couple times now, by people that make toys that it ain't happening.
Three days ago I heard Aaron Archer address a crowd of sweaty nerds that it wouldn't pass even if they did him 100% in bright orange
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>gimmick bots
>not that important in the comics either
>civvie helper randos instead of anything flashy
>pretty much the only people who will remember you are people who love Z-listers, people who owned your toy, or completionists
I didn't want to be rude and call them D-listers, and F-lister might give a different connotation
Wide Load:
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Stalker when?
i mean I think you're probably right but I would also love to be proven wrong.
but also this archer person, if this interview even happened, was not talking about potentially altering the altmode on the box by like folding the handle into legs so it's a walking cannon or something. folding the trigger away... that's all you'd have to do.
haha god bless them.
Surprisingly not yet. A decent number of the Europe guys seem to have suitable molds to make them from, but haven't happened.
Now THIS is box art
I've never owned a micromaster. Should I get some?
what's the point. Ratchet and Ironhide are mold mates. When they make one they usually make the other.
We did get a Scoop once.
Once. For a big anniversary line, no less.
>the Legacy targetmasters are on par with the T30 ones that came out almost a decade prior
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The immediate package refresh is the problem.
I don't usually care for beast transformers but I thought he turned out great, especially if you can get him for the price of a deluxe like he is on amazon
thiiiis looks great. how well does it articulate?
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I feel like if we get him it'd be a retool of ER Doubledealer
Considering they made skyquake the shitty prime colours, never
And they could easily make one from Doubledealer
>Considering they made skyquake the shitty prime colours, never
It'd be really weird to stop at just the one recolor when his ability to connect with needlenose suggests they designed him with a Predator recolor in mind
I like them.
Worst design of a niche character, abominantion of a face sculpt, terrible deco (not the fault of the new toy though), animal transformers just aren't cool
I'm not sure how I feel about 86 Prime being so big. He's going to tower over all the WFC/Legacy Cons scaled to ER Prime.
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if he uses the doubledealer mould i hope they fill out the legs a little more
Those sure a lot of words. Too bad I ain't reading them.
Would this mean that the truck will be more in scale with the average deluxe car bot? I always thought that the usual voyager prime alt modes looked just a tad bit smaller than they were supposed to next to other vehicles
maybe if we didn't have to repeat the whole cast over and over every five years we can get to the rest of the guys.
But then I'll people complain that Hasbro is focusing on "literal whos" and we need another Ironhide because the last three weren't good enough
I imagine the cab will be the same size as 86 Magnus.
>maybe if we didn't have to repeat the whole cast over and over every five years we can get to the rest of the guys.
The reason why it's called the 86 cast is because there will always be 86 characters who will never ever get toys because of this
>the last three weren't good enough
If the sole and prior figure was sub-par, lack engineering and unfun (because there's some TR figures with pre-Siege articulation that are still pretty fun) then yeah that's a valid complaint, like, iirc people didn't like Classics Perceptor, and >>>>>>>Classics Galvatron
but like
>RTS Jazz and Wreck-Gar were pretty beloved as a fine standard
>Jazz gets a bit floppy over time and Wreck-Gar's headlights might break apparently
>but otherwise no one's really complained about the figures
>fucking RTS Laser Prime is still praised over the modern one
Yeah, there were a bunch of stuff that probably didn't need an urgent update
>happy with Siege Magnus, because I like the character enough in all his iterations, to somehow overlook the figure's issues or differences from the cartoon
>the obvious Kingdom retool, and then SS86 come out for no good reason
I still remember when people here praised Hubcap, a complete literal who, who was just pleasant and fun. Years later I saw him in-stores, but I wrongly assumed he'd be a waste of money
How'd you see Hubcap in stores? Wasn't he a Generations Selects?
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Why did I buy this mold four times?
not too ba-
is that a dino leg out in back
I dunno, I bought Toxitron because I didn't have any version of that mold and he was only $22. He's alright.
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Unfortunately Magneous is overall a much better Transformer than an Armorizer, shockingly few 5mm pegs and holes and very little of him actually comes apart into anything usable. But this is still a pretty good combo, I think the tripod design gives it a little monstrous oomph.
ah yeah that is the trade-off with these..
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I have a ridiculous hard-on for black, white, and red Autobots, I don't know why I'm such a sucker for it. Hope I can find him cheap someday, probably not.
Just need Laser Magnus and you will have a full team.
Its not a bad mold. Though I wish they would've used the Volvo VNR 300 mold for Target Prime. I have the other three versions but I'm not buying it a forth time.
I got Toxie and Targetmaster Prime. I have like two older Laser Primes so didn't feel the need for him but I loved the original unreleased Toxitron prototype and always wanted a good figure of him. And I just love how quirky the Target one is. Gives me Pepsi Prime vibes. I love the Scourge but thought I'd play the long game with him and lost.
It's crazy how Doubledealer could a few more uses but they never capitalized on it
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>Buy a figure right away
>Find him later on, marked down to all hell
>Decide to wait on figure
>Sells out and is never available again
Story of my life
Filler it with the Build Team even though GRIMLOCK is there.
god i miss that comic.
that's so rare though, anything sold in stores is around forever.
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>saw like 2-3 Bantors at a flea market a decade ago
>passed on him because he was ugly, passed on Airazor bc accessories looked missing
>got a Claw Jaw without his gun
>feel a bit bad for passing on $5 Bantor
>to this day
He looked like ass, very little play value or aesthetic appeal, did I do poorly? I didn't have much money then (or now)
Sorry, Hunt for Whatever Hubcap from way back I mean, saw him at an anime/hobby store later on.
>50 CAD instead of 70 on amazon.ca
I'd get him if he was like, deluxe or voyager prices but like, I thought it was shit?
Oh boy, some Achewood
bantor is a great concept but a poor execution, you chose right. but if he gets remade soon, we should support him.
whatabout what >>11074001 said?
I missed out on Cosmos and I'll probably miss Filch because I didn't snap her up fast enough.
I'm kicking myself because I didn't grab Soundblaster when I had the chance.
there's no way filch will be ultra limited...
Oh, yep, that Hubcab kicks ass.
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yes she will. its all over
t'is ne'er e'er o'er, m'lo'er o'clo'er
Bet you thought the same about Cosmos.
One of 'ems gotta be short-packed
I just call him Bart.
you say that but actually not this time, there are only four deluxes and they come in cases of 8. Not like Velocitron having five deluxes so Clampdown and Cosmos got fucked over.
Man, I lost the exclusive gamble back when Nova and the idw fembot 2 pack went up, I thought no one would buy the magnus mold for a 5th time, so I went with the fembots, then weeks later tried to go back for Nova and the fucker double its price while the fembots are shelfwarming by half their original price.
Nova Prime is a big dick name and Kaskade isn't.
Yeah, I'll be sure to support him next time..
But I missed him, and now he's gone
I wish I could get a job designin toys, they wouldn't have to pay me that much. just let me make a better Bantor. i can fuckin do it.
Nope. Road Pig is joining them
Ha! You all think you're moron collectors, but did any of YOU plunk down good hard earned money for Camera Boy?
nah I prefer Nikon
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Yeah, he's fun enough that he should of got atleast one more use out of the mould, while boring moulds like laser prime get reuses noone wants
Hey what are your thoughts on transformers skybound?
Comic books suck and need to go bankrupt already
Does toy deco selects Cyclonus yellow like the Kingdom one does?
I don't have it, but I've heard it does
Thought it was really generic and lame with little character development at first, but lit. last couple issues have been turning me around and doing some new stuff. I'm lookin forward to seeing where they take it now, tho will admit Elita and Carly both are getting on my nerves. Good on Arcee for punching the former and babysitting the latter.
Void Rivals sucks dick rn though, its only gotten worse over time. Last issue literally started a fight scene and ended before it even finished, because "lol what if we distracted from the plot 15 times, incl. a scene of le funny 80s alien actually being a sad dad??" like fuck right off. Maybe it'll read better as volumes, but RN it's actively frustrating and I hate it.
Cobra Commander fucked hard, loved it. Duke was just average, eh, okay. Making Duke edgy feels weird to me, like if they made Captain America an edgelord. Destro and Scarlett are both really meh to me so far, really bad art in Destro especially wth.

Tldr tho i still find Skybound playing a bit too safe with TF. I want more fresh ideas, not just rehashing 80s show plots (which the current arc is also technically doing, just more interesting than the first one).
Eventually everything yellows with time
Man I've had Earthrise Prime for so long I've bought add ons and customized him for years now so, I'm good honestly on a new prime.
Post your custom Prime
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Not today
>supah cannon blastaru
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Do it!
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>new Prime is taller
>meaning you'll need to buy a new taller Megatron
>meaning you'll need to buy a new taller Soundwave and Shockwave
>meaning you'll need to buy new taller Seekers
Not sure how to feel about this. He does look good next to the Autobots, as Siege/ER Prime always did seem a bit small (especially in vehicle mode), but it kind of fucks up the scaling of at least those Decepticons, who were scaled to Siege Prime. Siege Prime and Megatron really should have been taller Leader class figures in the first place.
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Motormaster was also clearly scaled to ER Prime.
Nah, it was always Prime and Megatron who were undersized.
Oh nooo he's a head taller it's so fucking over my collection is ruined forever
>Prime and Megatron who were undersized.
According to the holy scale chart Megs should be about a head taller than Soundwave/Shockwave, and the Seekers should be about a head shorter than Soundwave/Shockwave. Though I feel like the show didn't really animate the Seekers to be that small, at least not consistently. Would be neat if someone could shoop Megs in this picture to be as tall as SS Prime so we can get a better sense of what the group would look like. I feel like a slightly taller Soundwave and Shockwave would make it work.
TFs are like the last toys you should expect to be to scale, even in the same current lines.
In the past maybe, but since Siege they have made a serious effort.
I love that guy, I have him and he's a great toy. Thigh swivels would make him perfect but even as is he's awesome.
He's actually more in scale with other figures now. Scale in Transformers is like a rotating wheel of psychosis for people like you. I don't understand it. A full scale robot can turn into a handgun. Can you people just please shut the fuck up? How about "feel nothing"? Is that a good feeling for it?
Just don't buy SS86 Prime. He's overpriced tooner garbage with no reason to exist.
Is that why Astrotrain is a head shorter than Megatron?

They tightened up scaling with the WfC trilogy line, but that was an outlier. We're already back to deluxe for bots that should be voyager class.
Guys... wtf will they do with Missing Link Ironhide and Ratchet?
The only thing I can agree with in this post is that the current leader class is undersized.

I’ll never understand scale purists, and I see a Commander as a big ass unique thing rather than needing to be in line with everything else. I get that Studio Series is geared towards a consistent scale, but we should always assume that just means the figures are within a logical height range.
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that's a funny fuckup but... is that a non pre-yellowed Optimus? I didn't realize the japs got a better deco on him
They'll do anything to stop head stealing except use plastic windows.
The piss yellow is stock photo kikery. The actual thing is still grey for the moment.
I found living in a moderate to high income neighborhood circumvents this.
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I'm honestly confused as to why they abandoned the unwritten rules that they had for a decade or so. If I were to characterize the size classes I grew up with it'd be like
>Legends is tiny and simple, sometimes it's a Micromaster (see: Universe)
>Scout is small but decently posable and might have some small gimmick
>Deluxe is the most basic size class and has a gimmick or two, plus accessories
>Voyager is big and might have some more elaborate gimmick or be a more elaborate triple changer than, let's say, the DOTM Scouts
>Leader is big and might have electronics, a shitload of accessories or a whole Mini-Con or something
>Supreme is just Leader with some extras or something special like a combiner
Now for the past few years it felt more like
>Legends and Scout don't exist, instead it's Cyberverse, uhh, I mean Core, uhhh, I mean nothing anymore
>Deluxe is often just a slightly bulkier scout with accessories
>Voyager is pretty much just a 2000s Deluxe in all but name
>Leader is a 2000s Voyager and often has some price-inflating accessory you don't really need or want (SS Primal, Legacy Blitzwing...)
>Commander is just fuckhuge and doesn't even fit on a normal shelf, just those super-elaborate displays that rich collectors have, and the distribution is so fucked I've never even seen anything but Ark in my country
It's really confusing. We had a system and they fucked it up for no good reason. I don't even get the point of those Stretch Armstrong retools and flip smack change twist changers or whatever the gimmick is.
Anyone else pre-order Swoop through BigBadToyStore and get a 'processing soon' email, but still no arrival notice after like 10 days? They usually only send that first message like 1-3 days before it comes in, so I'm wondering if I should be concerned.
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you sure?
>A full scale robot can turn into a handgun.
We're clearly talking about robot mode scale you disingenuous twat. Characters have established heights. Megatron is taller than his subordinates, but he doesn't tower over them. At SS Prime's height he probably will.

>Is that why Astrotrain is a head shorter than Megatron?
He's not. He's a little shorter, as the scale chart illustrates. SS Megatron will dwarf him though, so you can add Astrotrain to the list of Decepticons who will need height upgrades.
we're getting that one too. they're different figures, look at your pic again and then look at >>11074449
Can I have one hobby not infested by scalespergs lmao
shit, you're right.
Walmarts in my area have dog shit selection, same with the Targets and the Gamestops, so where do I find some newer Legacy and TFONE figures? A random Meijer store. This is a shock becaus eif you haben't been to a Meijer store the Toy section is a pale shadow of Wal Mart's.
Dude, seriously. I am in a thread about Beast Wars 3P stuff and the absolute fucking autism about it is insane. They're literally complaining about millimeters. They don't even give a fuck if the details of the figure are wrong. Literally bitching about scale over all else. So fucking obnoxious.
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How did Astrotrain and Blitzwing end up as big as they are in the cartoon anyway?
Animators used the scale of the vehicles
That is a Japanese box. They seem to have made it less movie-accurate for reasons.
Meijer is inconvenient where I live, but that might make sense. The nearest Wal-Mart is absolutely crowded with product from last year, so that would take a while to sell through. I remember Meijer was rather sparse when I was there a few years ago. Although when I was there a decade ago they had a whole bunch of Transformers to the point they also had a lot of them in clearance.
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Really hope we get a Wasp out of this guy sometime soon
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haven't taken any pics for awhile

also don't remember prowl's kickstand being so useless like it is on chromia

you got Filch? did you pick her up in store?
Next year. I want Cliffjumper too...
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I quite like the mould for Chase.
its interesting how he turns into a frame and is then able to fill out into the robot or car, and overall how bulky it looks in both modes
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>you got Filch? did you pick her up in store?
nah, Got her online during EOFY sales.
most places online have been getting the Star Raiders in sporadically, I've only seen Filch and Lockdown instock atm

just noticing in these pics that her plastic seems to pick up dust easily, or just makes it easily visible
Rare Australian variant!
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I really like how poseable she is due to the birdmode articulation being easily accessible in robot mode
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She really could've used a third colour to break up the mould a bit, orange would have popped against the rest of her colour scheme
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I hope they do the rest of the rescue bots if they're gonna give em the same treatment as Chase
They get their own new line: Missing Heads
Would be an extremely easy retool
Yeah and Soundwave doesn't turn into a 40 foot tall tape recorder lmao
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I like Cybertron Hot Shot quite a bit, but his robot mode looks like each limb is wearing 1/4 of the vehicle mode as armour
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Lucky. Walmart pushed my order out by a month despite the fact that it's supposed to be their exclusive line
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he's quite tall
If I can't find Bumblebee tomorrow I think I'll grab Gears. I think I may get the Minobots, as I'm sort of in love with my Cliffjumper and Brawn. I know Beachcomber got a Legacy release, same with Cosmos, how good is Warpath's most recent mold? Or Seaspray? Are they in line with the quakity of the rest?

I ask because the few Titans Returns figures I've gotten to mess with felt somewhat cheap in comparison to everything else I have (Legacy,l and ss86)
why you got Chase's waist turned around like that?
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vehicle mode is where its at

Yeah, fortunately over here the Star Raiders don't seem to be tied to an exclusive retailer but I doubt we'll see em at the big stores.
I'm most interested in Road Pig but I haven't seen any listings for him, this wave seems to just have weird distribution so far.
Shockwave is the outlier there.
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Breakdown is just garbage, at least the crew is finished

wrong way round, the lower legs curve better with the wheels on the inside of the thigh and better access to the foot pivot
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Skyquake mould looks so much cleaner with Dreadwing's deco
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Gears is cool, I like how expressive he manages to be despite his giant noggin
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his butterfly joints is one of his best features
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thats all for now
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I've got the Smallfoot version of the mold. it feels good in the hand and it's fun to transform and pose but I really hate how compromised the altmode is. It looks like the entire back half of the truck sits way higher than it should
>I've got the Smallfoot version of the mold. it feels good in the hand and it's fun to transform and pose but I really hate how compromised the altmode is. It looks like the entire back half of the truck sits way higher than it should
I'm looking forward to getting that Gobots 3pack.
I agree he's a solid little chunk of plastic that feels good to transform but his altmode looks like its been squashed. To be fair, looking at his G1 toy it looks like it suffers from the same issue while obviously being smaller.
they definitely missed an opportunity to make it more proportionate
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>>11074449 isn't the Studio Series toy you posted. It's the mainline Prime Changer (Deluxe/Warrior equivalent) Optimus/Orion Pax with less articulation (nothing below the knees, no wrist rotation, limited waist swivel).It's mostly thinner in terms of proportions and it has an arguably cleaner alt mode. While I wish the axe was semi-translucent, the fact that it was molded to look like it's coming from the palm is really fucking cool.
MM always felt undersized.
Its lame because some woman or sissy obviously came up with that. That has to be the stupidest possible way to wield an axe. It dosent even make sense. Reminds me of an idea someone who opens bottles of onions milk with a tool would think up.
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Shocking, a mistransformed Hasbro stock photo. Surely that's never happened a thousand times.
Astrotrain is one of those characters that I don’t mind if they mess with the cartoon heights since both his alt modes should make him a bit bigger. Ideally they’d make his shuttle mode to the same size as Earthrise Sky Lynx's, minus the bottom portion, of course
Or the alt mode is fucking ass and the wheels fold at the slightest touch which you would know if you had the figure.
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Honestly curious who actually buys mainline tfs from the park because these prices are ass.
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Even more overpriced than usual. Wonder what a Soundwave that went all in on the Dreadnok style would be.
holy shit, those can't be burger bucks, can they? tell me those prices are in CAD or AUD, because if not that's highway robbery
That bugs me so fuckin much. Like you're taking a product picture of it and you cant even be bothered to make sure the fuckin wheel is right???
I think its HK bucks?
Oh no wait this is Universal isnt it.... jesus
>go to park with your kids
>they want a toy souvenir
>you’re fucked
Universal Studios Hollywood
The park exclusive stuff are priced better save for the endless supply of park packaging exclusive dotm dx prime and bumblebee, for whatever reason Evac is discontinued. I still hope he gets a studio series for the hell of it.
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I'd take this over another tank
I the jet from the concept art
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>that large
>no orange cap
Artist is dreaming, even a minicon sized Megatron had an orange cap
I think this was based on how it would look in the show, not a toy version.
Flak cannon is better and suites him turning into Galvatron more or Gustav since it's metal as fuck.
>Flak cannon
Don't those have a really bad hit rate?
Nah just a big shotgun
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I got one of my beast era/umiverse 1 holy grails for cheap but he's missing his tail and back and can't really transform
It's less gun-shaped than siege shockwave. That grip and trigger would be tiny, it'd basically look more like a grey brick than a real-world firearm

Either would be a kickass altmode for a version of Megs, but could either realistically transform into a cartoon-accurate robot mode Megatron?
>so you can add Astrotrain to the list of Decepticons who will need height upgrades.
They only "need" upgrades as long as you guys choose to stay trapped in the endless cycle of replacing perfectly good figures because they're no longer the newest thing on the shelves. That's on you.
You should have seen a bigger size for 86 Prime coming when 86 Magnus was revealed and he was fucking gigantic. But you could also elect to just get/keep Siege or Kingdom Magnus, as many have. Likewise with Prime, Megs, and whoever else they regurgitate up for the third or fourth time in five years.
I feel as a collector, you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere. And if you're in to collect multiple versions of the same character than this stuff won't bother you anyway.
Spidor-Cheetor, with wall crawling action
Is that real?!
/tfg/ is saved!
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i asked someone why we need an '86 prime when we have studio series, and they said he looked different in the cartoon and the movie
your photos are good
>i asked someone why we need an '86 prime when we have studio series
Yeah, that's about the level of discourse I expect around here
I don't understand what this post is saying
The real hilarious thing is Dramatic Capture Optimus is coming out next Spring while Studio Series is poised for November.

Pour one out for this nigga. He literally never had a chance.
lol how does this work
you can buy them anywhere. youd think theyd have to sell them at a discount, and it would be like "hey pay admission and you get 5 bucks off the retail price"
Let’s be honest, everyone is buying that set for Mainframe
this would help a lot with the whole "how the fuck do we get two full arms and legs out of a gun which is basically an arm and a leg attached to a torso" situation
I love the implication that cybertron uses pistol-grip laser guns for mining
t'was on discord
isn't '86 redundant with studio series?
ER Prime still undefeated lmao
What do you think the SS in SS86 stands for?
86 is a part of studio series. Every SS release not in the 86 subline is based on the live action movies, except for the Gamer Edition subline
It's from Hasbros basketball ball sport line. They were really expensive and the line flopped. You might be able to get some at ollie's. Don't know is pulse still has any.
No, its a composed image, put your glasses on, anon.
studio series.
so why would we need both. i don't get it.
okay then what the fuck was my friend talking about
and why is there a 'new' movie prime when we already got a movie prime.
wait are you saying there was no previous movie prime? because.. of course there was. he would have been the first one when SS '86 started.
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I'm jelly.
Does Prime Changer Sentinel Prime or Alpha Trion suck?
Nope. The first animated movie releases were Jazz, Kup, and Blurr.
Anon, the fuck are you talking about?

There's Studio Series, based on the Michael Bay movies, and Studio Series 86, based on the original cartoon movie. And there's only been one SS86 Optimus, the one that everyone's talking about and comparing to Earthrise Optimus, and he very much wasn't the first SS86 release.
One of us is confused.
Post pics of both toys you're talking about
And he should be a former Seeker and enemies with Jetfire, THE TRAITOR!
Dude, Howitzer.
the fuck
well I didn't save pictures, but I would bet a thousand dollars right now that there was one. I remember it clear as a bell. and it makes no sense that the #1 guy they make toys of would not have been the headliner of SS'86 the way he is everything else.
You think that's bad, imagine Jhiaxus and Tarn next to this dude; they'd be laughable. Armada Megs would also lose a bit of his imposing nature if G1 Megs becomes the same height as him. Bleh.
I'm skipping SS86 OP anyway, I dislike his lack of paint apps for """animation accuracy""" and his headsculpt.

Why is it so hard to just make a Voyager-sized MP10 with bigger truck boobs and a better head? His transformation was simplicity itself and basically perfect.
If ER Prime had looked like this at launch I'd have bought him day 1. Instead I stayed content with Siege. It's a shame they only finally got his deco right after he's been made obsolete.
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There’s a KO/bootleg that does exactly that. Still quite big though, I didn’t expect commander optimus’ height to be comparable to it. Seems like the standards for voyagers were a little bigger at the time it was made
Yeah, it's still too tall, + I'd still want
>with bigger truck boobs and a better head
Even tho that one does come with theee other alts, none of them are better than the atock imo.

That said, this thing's pretty affordable, around $50 I saw. I'd say it's a p decent deal for ppl who want an SS86 alternative.
three*, frig
We don't actually need new seekers, they were slightly shorter than OP and Megs, they're actually in scale now.
Soundwave, Shockwave and Motormaster are fucked, yeah.
That means those guys should have been Leader to begin with.
They released ER Prime just the previous year. They weren't going to immediately release a new Prime that was mostly the same thing but more expensive.
You're right about the size, but we still need new Seekers because the ER mold is trash. At least the Siege ones will still work fine. Soundwave and Shockwave are due for proper 86 versions as well.
in what way is earthrise prime anything like g1, or even the same market
also, SS '86 predates earthrise, doesn't it? it makes no sense he wouldn't have been the first one. I remember it clearly.
All the B&M stores I go to have shit TF sections. I have to order everything online
he's asking about >>11075063
>why we need an '86 prime when we have studio series,
'86 prime IS studio series. that question makes it sound like two different things.
I don't understand this question. Earthrise Prime is based on G1 Prime
>also, SS '86 predates earthrise, doesn't it?
No, SS86 spun-off of Kingdom
but earthrise is-

hang on, what is earthrise. i was thinking of earthspark. again.
You stupid fuck.
Feels like we've been gaining more stupid fucks lately. Maybe one a week
Earthrise is the second series of the War for Cybertron trilogy (not to be confused with the game of the same name that has nothing to do with it). It proceeded from Siege and led to Kingdom.
oh excuse me for not keeping the stupid names straight.
In the time it took to imply a senile old man is a newfag, you could have just explained what earthrise is and why I remember easily 2 G1 Optimi, with white thighs, and toon shading on the windows... recently.
oh god, that's so stupid. I can't keep track of the shitty wfc names.
No no this was all post-kingdom. I got here when Kingdom started.
>(not to be confused with the game of the same name that has nothing to do with it)
Are you sure you don't mean Earth Wars? :^)
>No no this was all post-kingdom. I got here when Kingdom started.
You might be thinking of the Siege Prime redeco.
No one said you were a newfag. If anything, a newfag would have this straight because they have only recent things as frame of reference.
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I guess I must be. Though the upper decker whatever the fuck those are make it clearly "not g1"
but this still sucks. I'm so sick of reality shifting all around me all the time.
You just know they stuck those on to make you have to buy the clean ER version.
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Mail call today. You know you really enjoy a mold when you buy a third version of it
enjoy your soon-to-be bananafire lmoa
do they do anything in robot mode??
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They're his backpack
so no
baffling choice.
You mean authentic 1987 retro action feature
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Wonder if we'll get red skids after blue trailbreaker shelfwarmed.
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It's a fun variation on Optimus. I like it better than the earthrise look, and it's got a different transformation from the hips up. Also earthrise came with a big shitty trailer so it cost an extra 20 bucks
it actually is kind of cool
what does it represent, giant floodlights? or like a very flat sleeper cabin with windows
I think of them as floodlights, it feels appropriate since his altmode is supposed to be a big mean battle hauler used in the war on Cybertron. He's even got 4 little miniguns in his front bumper
Have you tried getting into something unrelated like giantesses or vore instead
different scale issues there. like the scale of her growth, or a kitchen scale.
you don't understand, there's a lot of debate and autism over this. I've got strong feelings about both.

t.has both fetishes
Well Transformers women are usually like 20 feet tall so it might be inherited.
i was just making puns, anon
Has anyone ever worked out how tall prime arcee should actually be without her ridiculous mass-shifting?
The piss yellow is in the movie though I think it's just reflection of the sunset
They should've did the Red Mirage. could've made him G1 Dino.
I like the hover mode, given all the Autobots in the first episode hovered.
it's weiiiird that i never noticed it til it was pointed out.
and she's still too small to be among the other guys anyway, so she might as well have been 6 feet tall.
oh that does make sense
>silly, garbage, unrequested, dogshit headlight things at the top actually help make it look like a neater jetpack in bot mode
>the headlight-machineguns are obtrusive, awkward, nonsensical additions to the robot arms, but can flip out to give you more weapons
>doesn't have weird leg/cock proportions like Earthrise
The only fault one can give it is the permanent battle dirt stuck to it, it's a fun figure
>want an Optimus
>DCS Prime doesn't come with a trailer to match my Motormaster
>Earthrise Prime's paint doesn't match up with my DCS Megs'
I seem to have shot myself in the foot.

Does Missing Link's trailer have compatability with ER Prime?
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>The only fault one can give it is the permanent battle dirt stuck to it, it's a fun figure
The 35th Anniversary is the superior version of the mold. I was late to the party, and chose it over the Earthrise.
>it looks shiny, but from ALL angles
I don't know why they insisted on only giving us decoes for this mold
Since Dino is called Dino because it is a Ferrari name, he definitely wouldn't be called that. DK-X Rage seems more likely even.
Ill call him what I want! you can't stop me!
that's not really how it works, they don't own the name Dino
Was the decision because and the toys """based""" on the Dino in the movie around DotM were called Mirage and the guy in RotB was also called Mirage so he is the Red Mirage?
For what reason would Hasbro want to release a toy called Autobot Dino if removed from the original context for the name?
same reason they do a lot of really inappropriate reuses of names? I dunno. just saying, the assertion that they CAN'T / that it's not how it works.. is inaccurate.
If I remember right, DOTM Dino was also Mirage. That's about as much thought as I gave it.
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should be in 1st wave of the new line going by listings
>Filch has shipped from Pulse
Fuck yeah - been waiting for this little kleptomaniac.
glad you got her. i'll be keeping my eye out.
if I really like her, I might sand down her feathers til smooth. is there... a way to keep things level while sanding?
>Earthrise Prime's paint doesn't match up with my DCS Megs'
Wait, whaddya mean by this?
>glad you got her
Well, I don't have her YET. It usually takes about 4-5 days after the shipping notice for my stuff to arrive from Pulse, so she's currently en route.
>is there... a way to keep things level while sanding?
Maybe try using a level to make sure your work area is perfectly flat, them get a vice or clamp to hold her bits still while you work? Honestly, I'm less concerned about Filch's unnecessary feather details than I am about her tail - I'm hoping someone redoes that Airazor tail kit in her colors so we can have her look at least a little closer to her show model.
come to think of it, gluing flat plastic pieces over her and color matching would be easier. she's gonna look like a robot anyway. i really need to start buying plastic-card and such. is there a beginner's kit of a bunch of plastic sheets and rods in different listed thicknesses...
Honestly I might get this set.
>Didn't get Jazz at the time
>Mainframe looks cool
>Don't have a G1 Prime rep at the moment and this doesn't have the space-consuming trailer
Helps I think SS86 Prime looks pretty crap though.
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>Core died before Diver happened
Why was this allowed?
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Little comparison between Comicwave and Capturewave
Hi Blades
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I do prefer the axe/shield over the usual energy fist one.
Hi Anon
I remember an anon on here suggesting leo prime be retooled into bantor. They have the same shape, it'd work. Maybe give him fold out double barreled blasters instead of the blades though.
>tfw I actually preordered those stupid fucking GoBot things for the Cosmos repaint
>meant to cancel it
>get charged over night
>can't cancel before they ship

Woops. Swear I thought I cancelled it. This thing is absolutely not worth the price they're charging for it.
Sell the rest anon. Rest will sell rather fast.
It's the price of three deluxes, anon. It's literally worth exactly what they're charging for it
I might just sell the whole thing. I wish Pathfinder was black like his Gobot. At least I think the actual Gobot was black? I jumped the gun because of FOMO.

You're right actually sorry. I was comparing it to the 4 pack from Target that's coming out with Cliffjumper since it legitimately feels like you just get a figure for free. I think they're the same price? I dunno because I got mine for like 50 bucks and not the full price.
Oh right, he still might get that deco later. They are repacking Cosmos in wave 5 for United so mold will be used.
I was tempted by him despite also having Siege as Shockwave is one of my favorite characters, but I think I'll wait for an SS86, which I imagine would be taller to be more in line with SS86 Megs, and hopefully has less greebling.
They're plotting something.
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Nonsense, those are Shockwaves not Longarm Prime.
why is Optimus in the Decepticon throne? WHAT DON'T WE KNOW?
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nice pickups, artfire is really nice just a shame he got struck with the yellowing curse
>decepticons beating the yellow out of artfire
so thats how you fix it
>Sideburn and Hot Shot shipping out
>Filch getting ready to ship
>Swoop getting ready to ship
>Cliffjumper "Nah I'd Win" 4 pack ready to ship
>Party Whallop ready to ship
I may have underestimated how expensive July was going to be.
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Holy shit, it actually arrived, i had my doubts the entire time, but here it is, thanks for sharing that amazon link anon, saved me a hundred bucks on this bad boy
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Gonna take more time with him in a bit, but what a big lad
For you
I just really like botcon recolors and am glad we're getting so many in the last few years
In this the answer is “money,” the question more specifically being “how can we screw the consumer out of their money most effectively?”
Went on another big search, hit up a gamestop, a target, a meijer and the walmart. Slim pickings at these ones, and it appears to be the case in the Grand Rapids area as a whole!

I ended up grabbing SS86 Ratchet, and hes surprising! Its crazy how well they get all of these extra van parts to hide. I'm normally not one to bitch about the color matching, but the painted white has this glossiness that just puts it at odds with the plastic white. I can live with it, but even to a tard like me its easily noticed. I dislike the clear windows and would prefer him to have the blue painted windows like Brawn did, and its especially bothering that theres no back window. I don't even mind the hinges as much as I do the uncolored back window and the clear windows. Oh well, I'm happy to have him but I think I'll like Ironhide more- and that Toy Hax is almost necessary for them. Either way, happy birthday to me!

There sure is no shortage of SS86 Sludges though...
I love botcon recolors because they both expand the universe outside of the tv shows and help me justify buying toys of the same character, since it’s technically a new character
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Not perfect, but good for a first attempt. Trying to make Trickdiamond. Cant get the orange paint off the legs…
he'll just have to be a deluxe
ew saggy boob
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I believe the term is “mogging”
I'm so glad that worked out for someone in here. enjoy it extra for me
I'm actually surprised how close in size they are. Maybe it wouldn't be that hard to scale some of these down to CHUG scale
this actually kinda works.
just paint over the orange, you can do it. those are nice flat surfaces.
The orange paint is too glossy, my paint doesnt have any stick to it.
Don't they have paint removing liquids? I was watching a video a few days ago a woman took the faces off dolls so she could paint a new one.
So use that to turn your trick
I'll slap yo ass
aw fuck
does a layer of sharpie help with that? i've never tried.
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Found this, might be more appealing to you. I still like the tripod.

Soak the parts in 91% alcohol, if you have access to lacquer thinner a bottle cap's worth will help a lot. Very important you use it sparingly as it does harm plastic; a small amount diluted in the alcohol opens up pores in the plastic for paint to stick.
much more to my liking, but the head does not work at all here. where is the t-rex head in this build? not that it would look good just sitting on top, it has to have like, a cool forward position, all hunched over.
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Okay finally took some time with him

First impressions, solid chunky plastic, great build quality, real heft in hand

I knew going in but im not a fan of the slavish dedication to cartoon accuracy with the rhino mode, the harsh polygons make him goofy, id have preferred a cleaner beast mode but oh well

Robot mode is really the crown jewel, he looks so good, and the absolute size both in height and width make him an instant eye catcher

I was worried from watching reviews that the panels all crumpled up into his torso would be a floppy mess but it actually tabs together really well, no issues there

The way the hands tab into the rhino legs is the only really issue, when posing the arms they tend to pop out but its a small problem
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Chain guns look fantastic although i was reminded when doing this how much fun the t30 spinning mechanism is to fiddle with and it makes me wich the mp did it too
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I love this spark accessory, it might be a bit silly looking but Rhinoxs character diving in to the metaphysics of the transformers as a race was such an impactful part of the lore for the whole franchise and it really made him such a standout character, hed be lacking without it
This must be how the sunbow autist feels but I do not care for the slavish recreation of the 3D models the BW MP line is doing. I'd have liked to see the MP 10 equivalent of Primal rather than the equivalent to MP 44 that we did get.

Atleast the Kingdom ones were more realistic for the beast modes and having actual molded detail for stuff like fur, that's something atleast.
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A couple more minor nitpicks, i wish they just painted his eyes. im a big fan of light piping done right, like cheetors eyes blaze up in the right light, or primals with the led, but Rhinox just cant capture the light well enough and with no electronics its a flop

Also i find that his backpack will tip him backward if not balanced around, hes just too weighty to not have had a better ankle tilt, the simple friction hing cant quite do the job on its own. Luckily his feet are so huge its not as bad as it could have been, but still a bummer

Just need to get mp dinobot and tigatron and my season 1 maximals will be complete, not to stir up shit posters but with transart filling in the gaps as well as a few one off 3p like tm2 megatron and terrorsaur ive got almost the entire bw show cast now, just waiting for transart silverbolt, depth charge, rampage and tigerhawk to complete the whole thing

Didnt have time to go pulling open boxes atm so just have these few

I hope Rattrap gets the next mp, of all the characters hes the most deserving of the mp treatment and also the one whos current best toy is showing its age the most, everyone else from season 1 i think has some excellent figures from mainline or mp/3p and im willing to overlook scale issues for the most part
I mostly agree with you, for instance i absolutely adore the take perfect effect had for optimal, such an improvement over the original, and i also think plenty of the kingdom figures fill out my bw collection just fine despite not being show slavish
is that a real mp primal? He looks great. Saw a 1.0 I might have to get now.
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How did this end up being so bad?
All the SSGE releases have been pretty lousy, but Barricade takes the cake.
All the small budget they had went to Prime
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oh wow the crotch plate on the Generations one is actually based on the official art for the original toy.. I also could have sworn his feet had the black part flip over the rhino toes so he'd be more like the show. grr. now it's starting to feel inadequate in the face of masterpiecery.
i mean... there was no low-poly aspect to the show.. far from it, lots of spheres that intersect each other to keep everything nice and round. the toy is like that because of all the panels. I don't think that was terribly avoidable. It's more the eyes and nose shape i'm not cool with, but whatever that's how he was in the show.
is it just me though or are the hands a bit too big and the forearms too short? i don't remember him being so stubby originally.
you can at least spin them manually, right?
>I'd have liked to see the MP 10 equivalent of Primal
I would have liked to see basically the same as Kingdom Primal but with a bigger gorilla head (fucking figure out how to hide it, i'm not your dad) and the gorilla feet folding properly into robot heels instead of just sitting there sticking out.
wait there's no light in the eyes???
so those elbows don't bother you
yeah Beast Gorira is a beauty, though in that situation it's a big improvement on a clunky, dumb design. I am quite strict on that, only fix what's broken
looks like someone really misunderstood how each part of that altmode works, because they're good things individually..
and then the robot mode has one fucking gun arm which is stupid,, it looks like a gun plugged into an arm.. one really clunky forearm, and two stupid spatula feet like those amputees get.
Oh, and his shoulder cannons were so fucking puny they looked silly.
doesn't bother me
I've made it to the end of the week. This week managed to get 86 Blaster (Eject feels lacking without little guns, sad!), 86 Brawn (I love him), and I grabbed 86 Ratchet, 86 Gnaw, and Legacy Gears today.

Gnaw is a fun fat little tard. I had an original Sharkticon and he was a fun toy. Its crazy to me how Gnaw turns into something similar yet does so in such a different manner (a shock, I know.) but hes a really fun little dude.

The complaints people have about Gears IMOP are totally blown out of proportion. Hes tiny, hes 20 bucks, he feels really solid and has a fun transformation. Yeah the wheels could be bigger, yeah he could have a better rear end in alt mode, but for $20 I don't think thats such a big issue.

If I have any problem with Gears its a problem I have with him and many of the other Legacy G1 bots. Some of them- Gears, Cosmos, Insecticons to name a few- seem like Studio Series figures that just got released in the wrong line. It isn't super important to me as I'm just collecting the cast at this point regardless of Line, but it does urk my autisms a little bit.
I already have Mechanic Studios' Gears, ddn't really feel like I had any reason to go in on the Legacy one.
I've had my eyes on Gnaw. Normally I don't like TFs where each mode is so similar, but the sharkticons are so pleasantly "toy-like" in my eyes that I almost want one just for the alt-mode.
I get that, I'm not really one to double up on characters myself. I like to get one whoch I feel is "defi itive" enough for me and call it good.
His transformation is more interesting than it looks, I think its really neat how his chest's front rotates to transform him.
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That's not the original toy's box art, this is.
Based off of a shitty design, like all the movie toys (not Shockwave).
FUCK I mean game toys.
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Smaller hands would help.
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He he
I like throwing cameos into my pictures

We don't know just how comfy that chair is
oh that does fit better
what did i just post then? the t30 box art?
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Best I can figure out. For lack of a better use of the other claw I made a reference to an obscure Jim Varney character. Know what I mean, Vern?
Beast Wars 10th annivesary actually. It was a TRU exclusive line of Beast Wars reissues made to be more show accurate in paint job, with Build-a-Figure Transmutate.
Yeah, first run, mp primal was the first time i felt that really deep nostalgic hype, that grail moment. Years later i still love it but i would say hes hampered by having too much gap between ratchet notches

Yeah they free spin manually, as for size id have to compare to animation but he looks great in person

No light sadly, its red clear plastic but barely catches light
I mean I know the reference but i don't get the connection
oh weiiiiiird, i knew about those but I had no idea they got new package art.
well they did a great job emulating the old art style with more show-accuracy.
the fingers and chest and crotchplate really look like the t30 one and no other version though, was t30 based on THIS art?
so megatron and dinobot get eyelights but rhinox doesn't? rhinox fucking needs em.
I wonder if there's a way to enhance the lightpiping or sneak an LED in there.
Most of the heads come apart by a screw. I have some third party kits for light pipes
I had an extra hand so I put it on the head because it's weird and funny
Confirmation that every truck can tow Studio Series Optimus's trailer.
This has been known for ages
I don't think it has
ohh i see it now
but when did Ernest ever have a hand on his head? that sounds more like that hero academia guy
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Yes it has.
looks like something a charming mexican dude would drive
That's the Earthrise trailer.
Is there a difference? It's the same grey empty box
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Yes, there is
I get that they're based on the same thing but you're really not obligated to make yourself look like a retard
SS86 trailer is a different mold, and it's larger than the Earthrise trailer, so its compatibility with Huffer wouldn't have been assumed.

Honestly though, it's nice to have it confirmed. I always thought that was really cool about Huffer (and his remolds).
>SS86 trailer isn't big enough cartoon-wise
>but it IS larger than the ER one
I don't have ER Prime, do I have to fucking get 86, because I'm hoping people start selling their ERs for dirt-cheap like crazy
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I'm still waiting for toy hax to do a Sideburn decal set for the legacy one.
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>I don't have ER Prime, do I have to fucking get 86, because I

ER Prime is already getting a reissue, you still can preorder him on online stores, hes also available on cartoon colors via the teletran 3 pack, that pack still is easy to find too.

Most people won't be selling their ER Primes cause SS86 might be too expensive for them.
And Spittor (plus Red Spittor/Slapper). And Packrat... And Bound Rogue... Gotta say, I'm a little bit ABSOLUTELY LIVID about this decision.

Which will kinda suck as the prevailing autism in the fandom, mine included, will then be begging for deluxe redos of Rattrap and TK in the Kingdom style
BBTS already has the reissue for 55 bucks
Muh trailer tho
>Most people won't be selling their ER Primes
Here's hoping the reissue goes for cheap, at least...
I'm in Canabad though, bbts gives no quarter to us
we really do need another rattrap. just take T30, scale him down a bit, and tweak one or two aspects. keep the clear lightpiping, but put clear red paint on the eyes and mouth, and then a thin layer of silver over top of the clear. the reflectiveness will trick you into thinking it's opaque, like a two-way mirror, but light will get in and light up the eyes n mouth.

and just yknow, justify the price point.. give rattrap some extra weapons and gear. give quickstrike individually articulated scorpion legs with two ball joints on each, and an acid-spit effect piece that plugs into the cobra's tongue.
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I sold mine, don't regret. Many also will, just know that others will try to get as much cash as they still can.
Well, here's hoping..
>Springer getting ready to ship
Sand it with some 1200 grit paper
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>Took a visit to the city
>Stuff I pre-ordered online are literally on the shelves of stores I visited
>Still no news of my pre orders

I hate this.

I did saw this at daiso though.
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Not Ernest, a character named Dr. Otto
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One of my Prime Day purchases was Animated Optimus and I find him to be genuinely spectacular.
the look, the weight and feel inhand and how poseable he is, all great.

thanks, they'd probably look better if i was more consistent with taking pics
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There are some bits in his transformation that I don't really enjoy but they're only minor gripes, such as the way the top and front of the cab come together and the midsection that you need to rotate around to form the truckbed out of the legs.

My copy also has some real stiff areas like that midsection and his shoulders, but atleast they're not loose.
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This was meant to be more of a duo shot but the way it came out it looks more like OP is gonna beat the shit outta Bumblebee
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vehicle mode compacts real nice and feels solid too
nice and clean
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Im surprised how much I like him, I don't want to end up with a ton of slightly different Optimus but I'm glad I picked him up. I thought I liked the GE OP but I think he's even better.

I'll get SS86 Optimus to get a G1 version and that'll be the last one I buy.
File: TF LU ANI Optimus Chase.png (2.13 MB, 1640x849)
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Chase seems to match pretty good with OP's style
File: TF LU Chromia Chase.png (2.55 MB, 1663x893)
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2.55 MB PNG
fuck Chromia's kickstand
File: TF LU Chromia.png (2.13 MB, 1446x939)
2.13 MB
2.13 MB PNG
I do like this bike mould tho
so much better than the Arcee one
File: TF LU Chromia 2.png (2.21 MB, 1497x937)
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The new head reminds me of the WOC/FOC style which is very cool
its always great to pose this figure
File: TF LU Chromia 3.png (2 MB, 1617x948)
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File: TF LU Chromia 4.png (1.57 MB, 1595x915)
1.57 MB
1.57 MB PNG
last pic, didn't realize we were so close to image limit
oh well, just happy I got to mess around with these two and photograph them
Damn I want to get Chase now

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