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>Upcoming transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:
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next year's SS86 Commander is Long Haul and Hook btw

bayfags cucked again
and the SS commander the year after is probably going to be Rodimus to scale better with the new Optimus and a more accurate alt mode.
If they were gonna do a gigantic Long Haul, I wish he was done in the style of the Universe combiner leaders like the riot gear Onslaught rather than a pair of pants for Devastator, weirdly enough.
I want the other two but I like regular Thundertron's head more
I got the go bots 3 pack yesterday. Forgot to cancel it so now its mine, guess they could go next to bug bite and crasher. Idk, i fel ripped off honestly.
>SS86 Prime
Don't care. Won't match Motormaster's height.
forgot link to last thread, retard

no one cares except you
I love Chromia's colors and bot mode, and the transformation (though a little fiddly) is more interesting than Arcee's, but the altmode you end up with is kind of a mess in comparison to the Arcee mold's motorcycle
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October 7th 2024
Is there a pic of what the elbows look like from the back? the gap looks really bad here and its a shame on such an otherwise clean and filled in sculpt

>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread
oh man I forgot about him
>tiny claws next to his hook hand
>big cat paw stuck to his sword
this isn't awkward at all
seriously why did they make a character whose thing is 'missing a foot, peg-leg' but his feet transform into his beast mode feet without any changes
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".... So it wasn't really an exorcism, his spark was intact but his corporeal form was stuck inside an alien probe."
"Ah, yeah. That happened to a buddy of mine once."
>another troll thread
There haven't been any rumors or leaks of Infernac/Rock Lord/Daira guys that are bigger than Deluxe? Really like all these guys and would like a bigger one similar to how the Junkions got Trashmaster as a Voyager

Yeah I want Nightstrike and Calcitron more. I think the grizzled Thundertron is more interesting but not really enough to pay for the pack. Seeing if anyone will split the pack with me
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Typo or new character?
lol what
wiki says he's his own guy, so it's the box that made the mistake. he's apparently a drone tarantulas made in his image
which is all the more reason I think to try to swap his head maybe.... well for me he's still Trapdoor and he's still Blackwidow's bf.
Boyfriends drag down spiders.
Fake thread, this is the real one, retards >>11071716
The OP image isn't even a Transformer.
>Faggot reviewer thread
Maybe if we had a higher image limit we wouldn't need to make so many threads.
ROTF Devy re-release in 2027, right?
I kinda hope Hook and Long Haul can make gimpy Devastator like Motormaster could for Menasor
how many shitty troll threads we gonna have?
>wiki says he's his own guy, so it's the box that made the mistake. he's apparently a drone tarantulas made in his image
Mark wanted toy Tarantulas to be his own character, the drone thing is his personal canon for "Tyrantulas" and toy Blackarachnia.
He either snuck the name in the instruction sheet or they forgot to change it after marketing settled on it still being Tarantulas.
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Finally got Crasher in today. She’s been one I’d been looking for for awhile. I did a small drawing of her as don and Runamuk and Runabout as her two stoogers. Finally get to have this pairing on my shelf
How are Runamuck and Runabout? I'm stupid so I'm now re-expanding my collection from S886 to G1 show cast.
why do we have to keep doing this
Also lines up with the 40th anniversary of the movie
They’re pretty fun, really solid carbots. Good articulation, fun alt modes. Good luck finding the red/black one
i had to wash some toys under running water, they were too filthy
hopefully the screws and pins won't rust, wish me luck
what's that thing he's holding
Isn't she a go-bot? I didn't know they had her
She is, but she is also a Cybertronian now - Shatter from the Bumblebee Movie is intended to be the same character, with the name tweaked for copyright reasons.
Just be sure to dry it well, should be fine
I'm working up the courage (and money) to buy a TFCC Over-run for my TFCC Runabout
Yeah I liked that mold as Crasher (plus idc about Mirage so I was happy to add her to the shelf + check out that mold)

Can we see the drawing
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>Is there a pic of what the elbows look like from the back? the gap looks really bad here and its a shame on such an otherwise clean and filled in sculpt
Must be hollow as they need to be that way for the transformation. The classic "L" shape of Optimus arms in truck mode is done differently this time, the elbow moves in the opposite direction and then you rotate the whole thing at the upper arm swivel. That's why the truck panel lines are on the inside of the arm and not the outside.
It is noticably hollow. You can actually see it in the original leak, one of his arms is bent backwards
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This is g1 Scoop, say something nice about him.
He seems to be orange and lemon flavored so I approve.
He's very visible.
I like his big chonky wheels
Transforming Tonka Truck
I wish they give her a different head
Unironically love, I'm an oldfag and this is my era
something nice about him.
Jokes aside, he is fren!
the guns look good. those are targetmasters?
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He looks stupid, I want to kick his stupid wheels off
Just look at his boxart. Fuckin bug-eyed dweeb. Other bots probably bully him for his pocket shanix
anyone know if MP-43 is getting reissued?
Eat shit faglord cocksucker
Get banned already
His chest could tank a nuke.
Okay, can anyone NOT Chinese answer the question?
I just wanted the Head Print for her from Renderform and literally can not get ahold of her despite so many had her at Ross's and was in markets for the longest time
Then suddenly his head comes out and she's gone everywhere
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>f*g in 2024
Can we just not?
sauce on this? or just speculation
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Shut up, newfag.
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This was a few years ago now. Im also the anon who is doing the big Diaclone drawing
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When the fuck did MP rhinox come out?!
Anyone have a JP link to rhinox? I don't want to pay 230
>f*ggot and f*g in 2024
Big Yikes.
>ret*rd after 2023
Ooper Bazooper or whatever the fuck newfags, redditors, and retards say
Faggot lul
>l*l in 2024 instead of uploading a tiktok live reaction of laughter that no one asked for
"People" who removed toy heads from stores as a joke should have had their hands sawn off
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>can we just not?
It doesn’t matter how many dicks I suck anon, you are being a retarded faggot right now
you fucking replied to it
Why is /toy/ so bored?
What’s not to love! Dual target masters, bright colors demanding visual presence, big chonky wheels, stickers! I like him a lot
If your subterranean IQ prevents you from being able to CTRL+C, CTRL+V and make a proper thread, then don't bother next time bitch.
just as bad as the other shit thread
People shitpost instead of posting pics of their figures.
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i wish there was more shit like this in transformers
they gave us a really shitty, compromised tigerhawk and they couldn't even give us effects parts for his elemental shit?
Best we can get are two reused blast effects, at least 86 Prime got few new.
Have you been living under a rock? There's been plenty of pics these last few threads.
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Forgot to respond but, I got the reference lol
are those fishnets on Delta Magnus? ...nice
You can at least rest easy with the knowledge that if Hasbro had done that same exact effect piece it'd be barely see-through and sagging under its own weight.
and melt the paint off whatever plastic it's left in contact with
Got my Tidal Wave, he feels great and hefty, but his knees are scary stiff and I've heard they can break, any good fixes for them?
Pray for proper upgrade kit to fix it, one anon did whole model kit insanity on his knees. You can try to make springs loose a bit of tension but it won't work long term.
shit that blows, I guess I won't be transforming him or posing his knees much, thankfully Tidal Wave looks good standing there and he didnt move that much in the show anyways.
Hopefully they do a generations selects of his energon colours plus some fixes
that'd be nice, but kinda blows for me because I already bought the regular version
Get a round tip screw driver (so you don't stripe the screws)
Take the whole legs a part and put the springs under some heavy objects for a few night so the tension is no longer that high.

This should allow you to move the knee without breaking- just don't over do it with the going back and fore rapidly. The plastic does need some time to recover unless you have some filler to backup the tabs holding the rachets.

Since putting the legs back together
You won't able to put the screw back 100%- there will be some gap between the parts but that is ok. That will give joints in the knee some space to move
>everyone says Shadow Striker is jank
>"it can't be that bad"
>buy Sideburn
>is jank
I don't know what I expected
wouldn't the spring eventually expand to its original size?
I might give it a try though ty for the recommendation
I used to think these were Beast Wars figures... but now I see the truth.
They’re from the early stages when Beast Wars was going to be a subline of G2 like Go-bots and laser rods
Is WFC Punch/Counterpunch worth it for $32-ish?
Rewatching Animated, I hope we get more of them in Legacy. It really was something special, and I'll never forgive Hasbro for canceling it
I also recently rewatched it
it was OK
damn, outbid at the last second
I liked it alright but I can't say I understand why it's considered must-watch. Starts pretty slow, too. Wouldn't mind getting a Legacy Animated Shockwave, Soundwave, Lugnut, or Jazz, though.
It had a perfectly fine ending, no need for some badly written extra season to undo all that and reset the status quo back.
Fun fusion of niche references, amd new characterization. It helped cement a lot of ideas that were eventually put into Aligned, which people love(but never admit too).

The toys were also fantastic, fun stylized designs with good gimmicks mostly.
The proposed season 4 sounds cool as hell. Armada to Animated was the golden age of the franchise toy-wise.
Did the Japanese Legends comics ever get collected into a volume? I would love to get it if they did.
Would love a good Legacy Lugnut. I need a few bigger Decepticons to balance out how many there are on the Autobot side with the Dinobots, Jetfire, Omega and Sky Lynx.
Would certainly help if they got around to putting out more than a single combiner as well.
We need Dinoking. *I* need Dinoking. Hasbro, you have two months to get his HasLab page up. Or else I'll have no recourse but to consider cancelling my Deluxe Quake pre-order.
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Which dinoking?
>lame Volcanicus repaint
>theoretical Monstructor repaint
>theoretical Monstructor repaint w/ theoretical dinosaur shells that are also lame
>I'll never forgive Hasbro for canceling it
They took a gambit to make their own network(and failed). Unfortunately they couldn't bring Animated with them due to CN holding onto the rights to making new episodes unless they paid them a big fee.
You can tell they really wanted it though, given how the TFP designs still have the noseless look from Animated. Prime is basically Animated by committee.
Do you guys ever pose your modern transformers as if they had limited G1 articulation?
I like doing that with ML Prime.
>theoretical Monstructor repaint
Monstructor should be an Abominus retool, cause the new Volcanicus was clearly designed to share molds with Dinoking.

both sets having repaint potential increases their chances of getting new toys.
No, thats dumb, If I wanted G1 toys I'd buy/print G1 toys.
If you collect longer than 5 years, that becomes your display due to lack of space.
This is just further proof of G2 Supremacy, Geewunners and beast babbys will kneel to us someday, and when they do they shall be enlightened by our radical colors
GS G2 Menasor's about to burn a hole in my heart and wallet.
This art is pretty good, do you have a Twitter or Instagram? Also, who’s the guy next to red Mirage?
I don't have a lot of experience with titans so I can never tell how strong of a ratchet joint is "scary stiff" versus what it's expected to be
At the moment it is the best way to deal with the issue short of going full filler in the cavity to attempt to disperse the force.

I also find out once you unscrewed the legs, no matter how hard you tried to screw the parts back, the fitting is not as good as a factory condition. I think that also give the rachet parts some room to breathe
Why not trim the spring?
RotB Skorponok anon, red deco has listings for preorder. Date is January 2025.https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0D94ZRVMB
Also Apelinq and wfc Skywarp are there.
What’s the third party website?
I wouldn't mind if the start doing multipacks of the past exclusive bots and cons just so it's easier to get. Obvious picks include earthmode Sideswipe and Mirage and Prowl.
Nooo what about the "upgrade" kit makers!
What are some green, red, brown, or beige transformers?

I need little statues for my shelf to add color to my room.

I know Hound for one who I could probably get statues of.
New movie tv spot
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extremely based. thanks, anon
Optimus Prime
Brawn, though really only in vehicle mode. Bulkhead, Acidstorm, the constructicons, Hoist, Brawl, Springer, and Rollbar
alot. I mean, that's basically one of the top 5 color use for TFs.
>Brown, Biege
Outback, Detritus, Blast-off, Wreck-gar and the Junkions in general.
Wouldn’t fit my room, mostly seeking monotone bots.

Thanks, I’ll sift through that list. I just doubt I’ll be able to get statues though. Any ideas for a statuette site or should I scour Etsy/Fiverr to commission it?
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Clean up your room stinky
>friend's TF shelf is organized by color
I tried not vomiting on his floor on the spot.
Thank you for not puking on the figures at least.
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Loved his TFA characterization. Do you know where this design of his is from? Love the blocky but busy look.
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Glyph Mentioned
I hate this forced G1 meme of him so much
There's numerous 3P doing it now and it's so ugly in every way
Only decent one is the Dr wu mini cause they make him an armored Military style Truck
they should've did Monstructor 6 years ago when the Terrorcons were out. Hasbro is repaint happy when it comes to shit like Seige Megatron but not for the repaints people would actually want.
Bayformers got almost 2 decades of shitting up the franchise. Now it's the geewunners turn :)
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Fat fuck bulkhead makes no sense, he’s a robot you know?
@ArticsArtCorner on twitter. I dont post that often
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Oh also forgot, its supposed to be Rook
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>the box art is kino
>the toy is trash
Many such cases, how can I get a high quality print or statuette of this guy?
whats with that jaw?
Literally all of them just turn inferno/grapple into an armored truck
Really hoping we get Glyph and Tap Out from that new SS Bee mold
Isn't Tap-Out a Cliffjumper?
that backpack is fucking horrendous, worse than MP-44 what the fuck, i unironically rather stick with ER optimus
has there been a rumor or a confirmation? I thought them using the ER Cliff mold for Tap Out was debunked?
They can do it in 3 years when we get a new Abominus.
At the rate they're going, we won't get another Abominus for 10 years
There isn't a new Tap Out in general.
hope they don't make a cliffjumper out of that bee mold. I want a new cliffjumper mold that is actually accurate to g1 in the way that 86 bee is
Yeah that's what I mean -- I hope they use this new SS86 Bumblebee mold to make Glyph and Tap Out because they didn't do that with the old Earthrise Cliffjumper mold despite also using that mold for Bee, Bumper, Goldbug etc
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That SS86 Bee is supposedly meant to be pre tool Cliff
Cause the Bee sucks dick and I PRAY if we ever do get a Glyph that they fix the issues with the mold first
Great contribution faglord
Glad you could grace us with your all knowing insights
How is that even remotely related to your IDW Spergout?
That's not even Transformers
Did you really just go on Mobile and scroll some random ass Twitter to use as a "gotcha" for your spergmelty?
>In his autistic retardation he mixed up replies or continued the chain
Anon was right to say you're having a sperg melty
Holy fuck. Get banned already
>said the four chan incel
Get BLACKED faggot. Transformers til I die!
I mean this genuinely and sincerely
You NEED to just rope already man. Somebody said IDW and you had a complete and total spergout that resulted in you name searching this guy and posting shit he did from Twitter of all places while seething
But you didn't reply to HIM, You picked and entirely unrelated post talking about Glyph and Tap-Out and continued your off topic schizo ranting sperg meltdown
You actually need to fuck off, Holy shit man
This thread sucks ( no I am not posting anything good to make it better, I'll wait for a new one )
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Pointblank really had potential. Even something as simple as removing those blocks in the elbow would really help the articulation
I assume it’ll either be an extensive retool or share parts/engineering
I like this Glyph design, but it will always be weird seeing her without a faceplate. I hope the SS86 retool has the toy head instead
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My favorite take on G1 Bulkhead is Rick Akker's since it looks like something straight out of the original G1 toyline while still being identifiably Bulkhead
Fred Perry did it better
He's so god damn hideous to me
Also man. My Artfire yellowed already which I knew he would but I'm so disappointed that even 3P hasn't made replacement head parts that don't yellow
I hate it but you're right
is mp thundercracker good?
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Now that I could be okay with
Only other one I kinda like is the Dr Wu for being bulk on his back and turning to a Military Truck
Inferno reissue when?
hey you never answered my question from a few threads back. Isn't it more embarrassing for Hasbro to call them bootlegs when they're frequently a lot better than anything hastak puts out? doesn't calling them third party seem a little less shameful than saying that Hasbro can't reach the same quality as bootlegs?
I don't see Hasbro doing that either considering he's $35
How you haven't killed yourself from name searching, following a filter list and spamming this nonstop for years is actually a feat of your sheer commitment to making everybody hate you and being a professional faggot
> six-inch scale
>1/12 scale
Gross and gay, are you a toddler?
>he cares about scale
Which one, there's three of him. I've been meaning to sell my Hasbro version.
Why wouldn't you?
Because I collect Transformers
Translation: I have a mental illness.

Ok, you can go back to Discord now. This is a statue collector general, not a toy general.
Why would I pass on a figure that looks fun just because it's a lot smaller/bigger than my other figures? Transformers are rarely going to scale accurately with each other in their altmodes anyway
I don't know? any of them? I have skywarp and scream coronation
got six shot with upgrade parts installed for 100. Did I get fucked over?
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Surprise, it's that in blue. And with a bunch of out of place in joke tampos.
>he thinks it's about scaling figs to each other
Man child confirmed.
looks great
anon you're acting smug over how you have a specific type of autism about a children's toyline that I'm not picking up on, you're not really in any position to call someone else a manchild
It's just plastic bro wtf. Refund NOW.
>bandwagon fallacy
not him but renounce your own life asap.
too late. this is the cheapest I've seen her
At least post a picture
well I haven't got it yet
did you just learn that term because I don't think you're using it correctly
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your bot seems broken it's just spewing out nonsense replies
Don't listen to them 3P has always been objectively better in my opinion.

Tiny figs are kinda weak. I mean microfigs don't compare in detail to other figs…


I accept your concession.
time to abandon thread, this one's trash
>another nonsense reply
fix your bot

>Thats dumb




>I hate this


Fat fuck


>The toy is trash




>Wow I fucking hate




>Holy shit go back faggot


>Hes so Goddamn hideous


>I hate it


>Cool bootleg, you fucking piece of shit
O M G what a SPERG. This is all the same person. Spewing negativity in this thread constantly. Anon, you make this thread frustrating and depressing without contributing anything of value whatsoever. You literally do nothing but make it difficult to have fun. I bet you havent bought a TF in months to boot. Aka no valid opinions on anything.
You're probably validating them with this but I agree. If this is what they do with free time I can't imagine how close to the end they are.
It feels like there's some autist like this in every general here now. The Lego General is really bad right now too. Someone's trying to pretend there's a "console war"for different things like old lego and new lego and its just so pathetic. Whenever I think the internet can't get worse people get more obsessed and autistic and ruin things.
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I got the Original Skywarp MP and he's pretty great tho aged
They don't do good mechanic details anymore it feels and i'm ehh on the new MP that's more Animation style but I warmed up to it recently
Debating getting a Reproduction KO to test then hunt down a genuine
Don't wanna drop the $200+ people are asking for it when I may not like it
Election season?
Are you talking specifically about the new MP's of the seekers? I own all three and frankly you'd be better trying one of the third party attempts over them or KOs of them.
Fiddling with the Original/Redo of that mold I forgot how the chest doesn't lock into place so when you want to grab the toy by the torso it just wants to slide right back out. Never liked that design choice and surprised it remained in the retool that worked to fix all the flaws of the original.
/toy/ spergs are a permanent fixture, I do expect the site to become more unusable as that heats up though.
That plus summer vacations.
NTA bjt tell.me your secret I have found jack fuckin shit on my froday night cruises. I just wanna buy my transformers at a store bros :(
me too man but it's not in the cards for most of us.
Literally choke on a rock and struggle to scream alone in your home with no friends or family to give a shit about you
Shut up, retard.
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Yea talking about these versions
Been d bating them for awhile but I hear the KO is somehow better than the actual Hasbro/Takara ones

God I forget that everytime I move him
>Everyone is my schizo boogeyman composite of people who've offended me over time
Bad take, medicine now.
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I'm not entirely sure what happened in this picture
Feel free to write your own story
Too bad you didn't do this with a Nemesis Prime.
Optimus Prime became evil and is surrounded by his big-tittied, one-eyed femmebots
>poor fool sitting on the throne doesn't know he's going to be replaced in a few months
Shockwave cloned himself twice, then took control of Prime's body. This is the aftermath, where Shockwave considers getting a different headsculpt and gap fillers via Shapeways.
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I always forget that G1 Shockwave can canonically do that.
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Dang edgemeister, I haven't read this much pure projection in a single post maybe ever.

Now post a screenshot of my post and show everyone all the (you)s
what's the best sideswipe toy
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Bayformers did it best
MP G2 Sideswipe probably

I remember it was BotCon, 2012 I think, they did a Hall of Fame video for Shockwave and ended it with the first ever clip of Prime Shockwave.
That room went *bananas*
Bayverse shockwave looks like shit
When Shockwave said
I felt that.
We don't have a ER Nemesis yet actually
And Siege was JP only or the worse Spoiler Box set that goes for way too much
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SS86 Ultra Magnus is just about an inch too short to scale with MP characters.
Anyone know where I can get 3d files to print my own upgrade kit or know where I can get this kit for less than $30?
That is neither ER nor Nemesis. Did you even read the post you replied to?
Why don't you just get the MP?
>Not ER
>Not Nemesis
Ah, ESL-Kun
>Ahem actually this retooled recolored optimus prime in nemesis prime colors isn't NP b-because it just isn't ok!
Nemesis doesn't have cyan accents retardbro
all zeon scum
can the next thread be a real thread where half of it isn't taken up by retards?
Because MP-22 is $300-$500 and I got SS86 for $80
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I love that design
just got a classics starscream and man it's good, fuck modern slop, too many moving parts that make them fragile as fuck
yeah, for me early 2000s is peak transformers: jap designs, sturdy and simple toys with satisfying transformations, just perfect
Anon, you just got a shorter version of ER Scream
I think that's my biggest problem with modern CHUG, most of the toys are overengineered to shit because of autistic cartoon accuracy

I bought SS86 Sludge thinking it would have an incredibly simple transformation only to be surprised it has an retarded number of annoying steps where you need to move half the torso down and shove the entire leg assembly into it
1. he cute
2. ER has that "too many moving panels" issue, it feels more fragile
Anon, the box literally says "Scourge". That is Scourge, the character from the first Robots in Disguise show. He is a completely different character from G1's Nemesis Prime.
Utterly gang raped by >>11079238
Not that anon, but isn't Nemesis Prime and Scourge just two different versions of the same guy? What's the difference?
Explain the story of Scourge and then explain why you're being an autist about a children's toy! They're the same thing.
My coronation Starscream feels solid
According to sources:

>Scourge is Prime's dark doppelgänger
Literally NP.
Baywave is opposite handed compared to most Shocks. But the texture he has is really good.
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Actually playing devil's advocate,
Is actually still Black Convoy in the real version, Car Robots - the same name as every "Nemesis Prime" that came after. Hasbro just didn't invent that name until Armada. In Takara-land, they're all alt versions of the same character. So, basically the inverse of what happened to Fire Convoy, God Magnus, and Gigatron being fanon'd by Hasbro as Optimus, Ultra Magnus, and Megatron.

Anyway tl;dr the Car Robots guy is absolutely Nemesis Prime, he's just not the same one as """G1""" Nemesis Prime (or he is the true G1 NP after all, since Car Robots is in G1/BW continuity...)
I wish I still had the fanart if every Scourge I found on moon twitter. They even had Beast Wars Scourge.
Nemesis Prime is an artificially created clone of the semi truck guy that lived in the Ark for four million years whose body is identical, just different colors. Scourge scanned an oil tanker and a fire truck guy (and a human riding inside) at the same time, and is a normal Transformer outside of being brainwashed for evil.
Gem of knowledge

Now hopefully the other side can prevent further anal damage by staying quiet or submitting to our dominance in the matter.
Wasn't Armada Nemesis Prime called Scourge in Japan?
I get the character is different, but the toys are all just Optimus repaints in that color scheme
That also applies for Motormaster. There was even an episode Optimus Prime disguised himself as Scourge.
The character difference is negligible and likely just a poor translation at that, do you point out the 10% of female rapists when faced with the fact that men are rapists?
what the fuck are you talking about?
female rapists anon, get with the program
There is no difference between scourge and np besides a poorly translated name hence there being no justification to call them different characters. It's a moot point of contention like the 1% of female rape perpetrators. 99% of rape perpetrators are male (actual statistic) so it's really not necessary to say but women do it too! They don't. 1% doesn't count.
Unlike the dinosaur where the weight of the body got a tail to balance it off and overall lower body profile (most of the weight is around/below the hips), the knee joints on tidal wave need to be strong enough to carry the upper body by themselves. Especially in poses.

most of the weight of the figure are located in the battleship section of the 3 ships and you have the carrier arms too

Trimming spring is not exactly wise unless you know exact length you need to able to handle the weight. And trimmed spring has this off balance in the force applied to the part. So unless you are also "circling" the trimmed section so the spring would lay flat, you might as well get a replacement spring.

Still, Hasbro really fucked this up bad. All they need is a thicker connections by a few millimeters and we won't be having this issue
G1 Nemesis Prime has like a dozen different origin stories ranging from evil Optimus clone (created by different people depending on the continuity) to a corrupt version of the original Optimus. His personality can vary from being Optimus with no morals to just being an insane killing machine. He is also physically based on G1 Optimus.
Scourge is set in stone. He's an Autobot protoform entirely unique from Optimus that was captured by Gigatron and ended up scanning Optimus by accident. His personality is very independent from Optimus's, but is still intelligent and rational. He is physically based on G2 Optimus, who has a very different look to all incarnations of G1 Optimus.
Their only similarities is that they look like an Optimus (not even the same one), but evil. Saying they're the same character is like saying RiD Optimus and Ginrai are the same character. They both look similar, are Autobot leaders, and have a super form and "god" form, so clearly they're the same character, right?
okay, but why are you telling ME this stuff. I said that the toys are all just Optimus repaints in that color scheme. Were you trying to respond to someone else with the point of contention shit?
>RiD Optimus
*Fire Convoy :)
>Still, Hasbro really fucked this up bad. All they need is a thicker connections by a few millimeters and we won't be having this issue
The fact they've been doing this for 40 years and still have issues like this and rapidly yellowing plastic among many other issues is ridiculous.
someone should tell them they're supposed to improve with experience
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Literally Optimus Prime.
>G1 Nemesis Prime has like a dozen different origin stories
so then Scourge's just just be another of the different origin stories.

I mean if all the version of Nemesis had the same origin and Scourge's was different, then maybe. but it seems all the versions are different and if Scourge was called Nemesis Prime too then it wouldn't be an issue at all.

I mean all the various incarnations of Optimus are different in various ways. They're all still considered just different versions of the same guy
>nor Nemesis
It is in the original script. Just because some 4kids-tier dub came along with made up bullshit doesn't change that.
No, that's Ginrai.
>Zoomer has clearly never seen or heard of Robots in Disguise/Car Robots
>Won't admit he's wrong
So Optimus Prime
This is so weird, I was literally thinking this the other day. Lugnut needs a size class with proper heft, honestly, but I’d just love a nice new version of him.
Ginrai is a human boy who controls a Transtector (a transforming body with no mind of its own) that HAPPENS to look identical to Powermaster Optimus Prime :3
Why does his transtector look like Optimus Prime?
They even say in the anime the body was meant to be an upgrade for Optimus, but it was lost during transportation, then Optimus died. Years later a badass trucker got it by accident, used it to avenge his killed trucker friends and became one of the best autobot commanders.
Even going by the original Japanese writing, Car Robots' Black Convoy is not the same as the G1 Black Convoy. They're two different characters that just happen to have the same name and a similar appearance. Much like how the Combatrons are not the Combaticons, despite looking almost the exact same, having nearly the exact squad name, and combining into a not-Bruticus.
Car Robots was not originally written to be in the G1 continuity. Its Black Convoy was not intended to have any relation to the G1 Black Convoy. Being part of the G1 continuity was a retcon introduced by Kiss Players, but at no point did that retcon merge the two characters into one.

Physical appearance doesn't define a person. Personality and history do. The transtector isn't a person. It's a lifeless shell. The person controlling that shell is Ginrai, a human being completely separate from Optimus Prime.
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>Take all those opened transformers boxes under my desk to recycling
>One of the box is magmatron and this is on the side

Is this going to be the new titian for 2025??
who is it?
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Minute 5:50

tbf, Bulkhead's transformation is just a Grapple/Inferno style of torso being the front of the vehicle while the legs and arms bend back.
>Being part of the G1 continuity was a retcon introduced by Kiss Players
Nonsense. From the beginning, Car Robots was a continuation of BW II and Neo, which were directly in continuity with Japan's Beast Wars, which itself was in direct continuity with Japan's G1. Ancillary media like Kiss Players only reinforced/strengthened the continuity and resolved inconsistencies, as (what I'm sure is more likely), the writers of CR simply didn't care as much about continuity consistency at the time.
That's the Gung-Ho, which was Big Convoy's ship in BW Neo. I doubt theyll make it a titan.
A new body built for Optimus Prime is not, itself, Optimus Prime. If I built you a new body with the intent of putting your brain into it, but that never happened, would that new body be you, anyway? No. It wouldn't. No sane, rational person would say it would. And if someone else's brain was transplanted in that body, they wouldn't suddenly be you. They would still be themselves. Ginrai's transtector is not Optimus. To be Optimus, Optimus's mind would have to occupy it, because identity comes from the mind, not the body. Instead, Ginrai's mind occupies it, so it is Ginrai. Even when the transtector develops a mind of its own, that mind is based on Ginrai's, not Optimus. It is a wholly separate, independent entity from Optimus that just happens to be constructed to look like Optimus.
His body was designed for being Optimus Prime's, he just ended up on Earth and bonded to a human instead.
Did you even watched the video, you dense motherfucker, I'm on your side.
Ginrai was a fucking truck driver
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Fun fact Fire Convoy was going to be a Maximal early on.
Okay, you're technically right. I double-checked the ML episode and he was never actually named in it, but his toy was indeed named Scourge - only that it was a rare mail-away.
Perhaps Takara just assumed "Scourge" is the name Hasbro would stick with after RiD'01, only to be blindsided by them creating "Nemesis"? Or maybe it does just boil down to them wanting to do a cheeky reference, since they did continue calling Optimus "Convoy" after all... Either way very weird. I think I'll just continue sticking to Nemesis/Black Convoy for all of them anyway XP [toyler]unless it's Copy Convoy, he's different :>[/toyler]
Look all the screenshots I've seen made him look very young and I haven't seen Masterforce yet, I only just started Headmasters no buly.
Yup, I love that concept art lol. JP calls both Autobots and Maximals "Cybertrons" anyway, right? So I think they treat them as basically the same thing, just a logo change over time.
I believe the CR Autobots are still from the future like Gigatron's group, as I recall some blink-and-you-miss-it exposition somewhere about how they're time cops, and using the Autobot badge simply to blend in with the local robots, while Gigatron's Predacons don't care and thus don't adopt vehicle modes.
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Yeah, just look at Beast Wars Second which has a bunch of tanks and jets, and the faction logo is still the big purple wasp face. Less "a Maximal" and more "used the then-current Cybertrons symbol".
Best a being useless, sure
>I believe the CR Autobots are still from the future like Gigatron's group, as I recall some blink-and-you-miss-it exposition somewhere about how they're time cops, and using the Autobot badge simply to blend in with the local robots, while Gigatron's Predacons don't care and thus don't adopt vehicle modes.

The fuck I never knew this. I only saw the dub when I was a kid but still. I wish they kept them as Maximals since I was the right age to be obsessed with Beast Wars and miss G1. (I had a Laser Prime, G2 Snarl, a G2 constructicon, Cyberjets and Blitzwing somehow though)
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What's the deal with the G2 logos? Half the time the toys never even used them. Or they used both.

And I wish we had Predacons in Beast Machines like what was originally planned. Say what you want about Beast Machines but their new Maximal logos were awesome. And the Dinobot one too I guess.
it is pretty rad. i always liked it. looks like a robo demon.
I would have appreciated that. we never get to see vehicleformers from the beast era. we know they are a thing, the comics get to have them, there's multiple 'previous cybertron bodies' versions of them as con exclusives, but..
sounds like a 'tripredacus agent/shadow panther' situation
kinda funny how cheetor always had the most repaints, primal did not get a popular nemesis guy and indeed not one at all til recently (and i think they biffed his colors)
2025 titan is a big Rocklord.
It's alt mode should double as a diorama
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I'm scared when Hasbro makes me put on stickers
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Scourge IS Nemesis Prime btw.
Kind of
>pretending like Energon never happened
In colours I mean
The character is completely different
One is evil Optimus and the other is using the body of Optimus but is a completely different character
Things would be better if it didn't
>primal did not get a popular nemesis guy and indeed not one at all til recently (and i think they biffed his colors)

Robot Masters had black repaint that might have better colors for you? I have no fucking idea what the lore is and I have not been following this conversation very well and seeing Black Convoy(?) with an Autobot symbol while looking for a picture broke my mind and I have no idea what's going on. I also don't know what black leo convoy this is since there's that unicron one and just an evil one. Maybe its an OC too. Im so confused.
Pleb taste, Superlink was fine
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I just remembered Robot Masters gave us a Nemesis colored black repaint of Megatron too for some reason
I dont have a horse in this race I just wanted to post this abomination because I remembered it
fuck you the energon decepticons are utter ludo
Only Black Laser Convoy
>y-you're a pleb for not eating shit!!
there's always one
I remember back in the day thinking this was sooooo fucking cool and I don't know why. I think I just liked them taking risks with designs.
>swoop and grimlock combine
>they form snarl
Rewatching Superlink made me think how sad it is that Galaxy Force was legit the last time we had a likable human cast, whereas in the Japanese continuity it seemed like a given for so long. I'll take Kicker over that retarded /co/ nerd selfinsert from Prime or the 1800s black guy caricature from Earthspark anytime.
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I still like that guy a lot, as weird as he was. Swoop with claws for hands was cool as fuck.
>people on forums saying their Walmart Star Raiders got pushed back
>only wanted Filch, got her from Pulse
>she's shipping out now
Sucks to be them
still smile when i remember scourge and lori's little back and forths
What about the Sumdacs from Animated or Fowler from Prime? I thought they were pretty good
P much all the humans were entertaining in TFA, I couldn't get enough of Captain Fanzone lol. An argument could be made against the villains overstaying their welcome tho, but at the least I always loved The Headmaster, just because of how of-the-times stupid he is lmao.
>Black repaint of Convoy who fights the original
No he isn't.
Finally got around to watching prime and the human villains are by far the worst part. having to sit through scenes with that snot nosed princess in particular was godawful
*animated, not prime, fuck
I couldn't get enough of meltdown's voice
Yeah I don't like the first season for that reason too
he's the only human villain I sort of liked. I guess the time lady was alright-ish, too
Part Wallop amd 86 Bee arrived! I'm debating what to do with Wallop. The packaging is beautiful, I miss the clamshells.

I'm not a huge TMNT fan, but couldn't pass on such a cool collab.

Oooh, I like it. He can be Tarantulas' "Igor".
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Everything about Prime's humans feel like they were made by a focus group. Jack is perfectly mediocre. Has no standout traits, bland design
Coby mogs him. Cooler design, into tech and able to built things, kept up with the Autobots by repurposing a Scrapmetal drone body, good older brother and has a wife in the end.
The Cybertron crew is also the best looking set of humans we got overall. All just look aesthetically pleasing, unlike the footfaces from Prime or the gross looking things from Earthspark
Lori was cute.
Not that I'm totally unsatisfied with the Prime we got, but I would like to see the season 3 the writers were originally doing.
Not least of which to see where the plot of Optimus grooming Jack for leadership was going
This is so half hearted I can't even tell what you're complaining about
that's the worst thing in prime you could think of? I *like* prime and I can think of stupider moments
Which transformer is the free Palestine bot
Swindle (he's selling weapons to both sides)
boy I sure hope whoever was in charge of transporting the special rare new Convoy body and lost it was demoted.
I’d say Optimus, given his motto is literally “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.”
Megatron canonically destroyed the State of Israel in All Hail Megatron
Unfathomably based, I'm not even an antisemite, I just know Israel should have never happened
>Not least of which to see where the plot of Optimus grooming Jack for leadership was going
How is that even supposed to work? It's not like Jack was particularly special or had any skills. Just a nice kid.
Remember Smokescreen and the 5 minutes it seemed like he'd actually be a leader? Then he basically becomes pointless for the remaining episodes?
Smokescreen was because the writers were bitter about Hot Rod from when they were a kid.
They gonna re-release some of the other old beast wars figures? I'm kind of addicted to them again.
probably not considering they didn't seem to do so well. At least in my area they shelfwarmed pretty hard, even after they got moved to discount stores
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I miss him
He was just in Cyberverse.
I prefer the regular paintjob not gonna lie
You wouldn't get it
>45 video essay about someone having less than 2 minutes of screen time
Bayverse fans needs to find the nearest rope ASAP
Wah wah wah
Cry about it
Of course not. He went from the wacky anti-authority guy in The Breakfast Club to a designed by committee character.
It would have been better if he came with Firebolt
They were killed during the heist to steal it, thats why we never saw Roadbuster, Whirl and the twist twins on the cartoon, well thats my headcanon.
No thanks, you do it well when someone says to your verse that it sucked
Weird headcanon. Those guys should have been active in 1985.
I don't think it's just exclusive to Bayverse people. Comic movie/tv weirdos make hour long videos on speculation of like a certain tint of an object appearing for one frame in a trailer. It's what first killed fandoms for me. I get you gotta make a buck but please god use that brainpower and effort on something unique I beg you.
Their futuristic altmodes fit better with the cybertronian movie crew, so the "super convoy" upgrade would be delivered around the 2004-ish.
And Skyfire passes?
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Why the fuck is it all Trion and Pax?
I just want Fentanyl Prime.
Wasn't he refrozen then? if not then he was busy at the time along Cosmos, Omega and Skylynx.
Ironically the last good complete human cast is Rescue Bots since they are coworkers with each other and have very strong bonds.

Someone at /co/ or your favorite tf comm would argue Earthspark had it good but the character growth and personalities aren't that great. I think the stand out are the mom and dad and that one agent guy.
I forgot to tell you guys I asked Aaron Archer some questions at the convention last week
Vector Prime's name was settled on very quickly. He wasn't always a Prime but he was Vector pretty much right from the start (named after the car)
Beast Machines Silverbolt was supposed to be a griffin earlier in production. Citing designs like Savage Noble and Battle Unicorn, BM had a more prominent mythological undercurrent at one point
Buy legacy Bumblebee
It was dumb to release them alongside Kingdom. They were (relatively) decent priced but it just seemed like a bad deal at the time.
Aw, a shame... I was kind of hoping for at least Snapper to get re-released.
Don't buy Legacy Uni Bumblebee.
Should we care that much about the boxes? I got an amazon delivery today, and the box came inside of a paper envelope (i.e. no protection), and while it isn't that bad, it isn't in ideal shape is ought to be. Should I just return it?

As in, I'm not asking about experiences with returning items, but rather what's your personal threshold after which an unit's box is no longer in an acceptable condition.
Personally, I only care about cardboard if its from a toy I really like or there is just something exceptional about the art. Generally if you are a cardboard guy the best advice I can give you is to keep the best example of the box you have and try to upgrade to a nicer example of it when you can. Same as you would for the toy itself.
I wouldn't say I'm a "cardboard guy", I'm just a little peeved about it, but not enough where I thought "that's it, you're going back".
I'm so sad man, It's so good looking
Energon had amazing toys, and tv show was 100% crazy ass shit
Low IQ spotted
excellent, now that works and makes sense.. sort of. I mean as an evil version of the original Primal, it works. but on the surface this is just... show-colors.
it's not THAT bad..
I like Sari and the kids from Prime.
it was an interesting way to go, but it gave them more variety in their fights.. i like them interacting with something other than regular humans and cybertronians once in a while. give us some aliens from some non-cybertron planet. give us supervillains. it works.
I could see the writing on the wall when people spend 3 hours to describe why The Phantom Menace wasn't that good. I could tell that age 8.
Personally, if the toy is in good shape then I don't see the point in returning it if it's just the box that was damaged. I always take out my figures and throw the box away unless I really really liked the artwork or something
I am indifferent on Legacy Bumblebee
He's really small.
>just a little peeved about it
I get it, anon. I'm not a cardboard guy either but like I said, sometimes it is nice to keep. But warehouse workers and most ebay sellers don't understand the collector mindset.
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That’s why I’m ok with Nemesis Primal adding more color to his palette, because otherwise it’s kind of hard to distinguish between the two
I like the figure itself but I really wish that the purple was metallic black or something and the fur was grey/silvery. He legit just looks like they barely changed the colors and made him look like not a real color for an ape.
it is a decently cool collab, hands aside
jack is by far the coolest guy transformers have ever had on their team. he rides motorcycles. he has teen problems and his mom worries about him. he is one radioactive spider bite away from being their equal.
miko was fucking hilarious, and something focus groups at the time never would have allowed: a dangerously incompetent minority female. she was wonderful
and raf despite being the token hispanic representation is just a regular-ass quiet smart kid. he doesn't call anyone ese or anything. i liked him.
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Mega-Octane is the better name for RiD Scourge and it really does feel like the names got switched around

>Mega fits with the theme naming of "Optimus" Prime and "Ultra" Magnus
>Scourge turns into a fuel tanker, thus the "Octane" in the name
>The Ruination leader being a subordinate fits somebody named Scourge. Also the military alt-mode

So forget Nemesis Prime and Black Convoy - if that fucker isn't Scourge his name should be Mega-Octane.
Miko is extremely focus group.
That’s a cool little toy–
>more car than meets the eye
Huh, that’s a bit weird
just sold a classics hot rod, i'm kinda regretting it, not cartoon accurate it's by far the coolest he's ever looked
No it's not, it looks like shit.
well jeez, who would have thought rereleasing 30 year old toys at the same price as their comparable modern improved versions, with some missing paint apps and frequent misassembly, would lead to poor sales??
the dumb part was the selection
wolfang and retrax (crumbling mold and misassembly aside) are good choices, but rereleasing dudes who HAVE new toys.. what? why. i mean yeah primal's toy was pretty rad in its way, but... give us powerpinch, insecticon, claw jaw, guys like that whom lots of people might not have gotten.. and who would fit very nicely alongside core classes.
but enough about you
that's the same dilemma but backwards
compared to show-accurate Primal, the grey is now black, the blue is now purple. that works. but because the toy used black fur grey skin (like the original toy), this isn't different enough.. it hardly looks like 'evil twin primal' it just looks like slightly ill or shattered glass (not the same thing) primal.
and yes I realize shattered glass primal is that weird red streaked one with the yellow muzzle

i also think the teal and red and purple are an ugly combo.. but the solid faceplate is cool.. i'd get this guy on a discount for sure.. probably purplen up his teal and red parts..
>metallic black skin and grey/silvery fur
but that's just toon-accurate primal
i do agree it's more interesting staying in plausible biological colors, which is why I wanted him to have white fur and maybe sickly purple skin.
i think you missed my point
they were INCLUDED for focus group reasons, based on their race and her sex, but the way they were written was totally not that.
>Miko see! War is bad and dangerous, look Bulkhead got hurt
>jk Bulkhead is fine, have fun in the robot armor!
She was another example of the show's poor writing.
I'd be nice if Amazon would ever ship my shit. Everyone and their grandma is getting their Springers and Swoops and I'm still waiting for them to charge. I ordere day one and they always pull this crap. If their shipping wasn't free I'd buy from somewhere else.
subverting poor writing is good writing. it's not automatically great, but it's good. i'm sick of predictable boring shitty lesson-learning for every character, especially girls. let one be an idiot. it's funny. there are lots of real females like that. they need to be cared for and watched over by Bulkhead kinda guys.
Bay Megs > All other megs
Beast Wars Megatron is so much better you're a faggot.
Bay Megatron was a glorified henchbot and lackey in most of his movie appearances. He can't even compare to the likes of Beast Wars or Animated Megatron.
>realize shattered glass primal is that weird red streaked one with the yellow muzzle

They just repurposes his Universe 1.0 toy Repurposing unrelated toys for shattered glass was my least liked thing about SG redecos. They should do new things. Cause Universe Primal was his own thing even if Im the only one who likes Universe.
jap designs shit all over western slop, except idw
well that's one way of looking at it, but universe is so obscure I still don't know what it actually is, so I feel like it's okay to double dip from it, and then the toy can serve double duty. besides, if they were reporpoising, then they presumably didn't have a budget to make new recolors.
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My proposal for a SG Primal colour scheme
Makes sense to make munky a yeti.
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I have Legacy Bee and he a cute fun smoll dx of questionable price. Want Wasp and Cliffjumper.
right? that would have been great
which is why I did that for a custom. though it was hard to settle on which shade of blue. and Blizzard always had that weird off-white aspect to his fur that I think held him back. should have been purer white.
c'mon hasbro I know you wanna pinch pennies make this one happen too.
He's dirty.
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For me:
1. DOTM Megs
2. Animated earth mode Megs
3. Transmetal II Megs
4. FoC Megs
5. Beast Machines Megs
can't we have something more interesting than cliff? Wasp is the obvious choice for a non-cliff repaint, but there have gotta be a few other bots that'd fit the mold
We're getting Wasp next year
Cliffjumper at least has lines going for him, unlike the other Bumblebee-likes from Animated.
Someone here is probably going to want Glyph, but best to ignore him.
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Love this little nigga
>animated Cliffjumper
>not 90% tumor growing out of his face
Can you really say it's the Animated version
Bayverse did it better btw
Troll thread
Piss off and get banned already
At least dump images first.
What is the cheapest I can get a transformer for?
New? I have seen deluxes in 15 dollars. Second hand? It would depend, you might find something cheap in a garage sale or flea market
I hear you can get an Overlord in exchange for a simple favor, so technically free
Not a bad list. Honestly, I wish we could get a decent Earth Mode Animated Megs. So simple, but such an effective design. I can’t believe they’ve never gone back to it.
it's surprising they didn't do that right after "Animated Optimus" which nobody really liked but i don't think anyone hated
Man, him and T-Wrecks would make great rivals.
Doesn't have a zero effort recolor unless they want to do Shadow Blade Megatron again.
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I'm still waiting for a generations remake of Animated Megatron, I couldn't get one back when I was a kid. I already got my legacy Optimus and Bumblebee
Back when the first season of Animated came out I didn't like him either but he grew on me and now he is one of my favorites. I really like how odd is his truck mode with only 4 wheels and those angles
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Not cool, man..
He is rather odd. Like he was designed to have the trailer with is actual fire fighting equipment, but they couldn't figure out what the toy version should do with it so it isn't just a box in robot mode.
animated prime does?
i meant the recent toy specifically.
What's the best version of Bumblebee using this mold?
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I think they used the wfc head. Surprised it even fits on that tiny body.

Cliffjumper was never boring.
There's other options, but in terms of animated they only got 3 to work with because they have official earth modes.
The Motormaster.
oh riiight
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Glyph spotted
razorbeast would have been a better choice since iirc the toy is very expensive on the aftermarket due to his appearance in a comic
So, uh... is it over for us BWbros? Or is there a chance we'll still get something when whatever comes after Legacy?
i thought megatron is the black guy in this movie.
I love Nemesis Prime repaints, it's a shame they don't really do them all that much anymore
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We're getting Sky-Byte next year, which is BW-adjacent I guess, and might get repainted into Cybershark in some exclusive line or summin. Plus we're still waiting on Cryotek, I'm shocked he hasn't been made yet.
Otherwise next year's looking pretty slim, yeah. I'm not even a BW guy and I'm finding it disappointing, but you guys def seem to be having it the worst next year; I couldn't care less about the 13 beyond Vector and Fallen and they fucked up the former, and I especially don't care about Superion.
Personally I'm into p much everything TF from 2000-2012, and the modern TFA toys suck, while Car Robots, Armada, and Rescue Bots are only being drip-fed with only SINGLE figures each next year, inbetween those other releases. Their Bay picks for next year's SS are all super underwhelming too. Good year for me to save money, I guess...?
Das Scourge
Are these actual KO's?
Or are they purely one guys custom paint job?
big convoy is a given
hope we get a new nemesis prime
Was Cryotek leaked? Maybe they are no longer making him.
>big convoy is a given
Was it leaked or just wishful thinking?
Neither was leaked, but they'd be stupid not to do Big Convoy eventually. I don't see him happening in 2025 myself, though.
As for Cryotek, we only got leaks for the regular waves and he wasn't in them. He might still be in one of the exclusive waves, though (genselects, target/walmart, pulse, etc).
Cryotek is 100% Gens Selects, especially since Antagony was also Gens Selects
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We wait for Selects
Big Convoy is on Magmatron's boxart. He's not explicitly confirmed, but it's highly likely that he'll happen sooner or later.
Who's the one on the right?
Universe Razorclaw
For me the issue is the same with Transmetals II Megatron and its remake - It's not going to be better than the original. The earlier Big Convoy is already very good. Having expectations about it makes zero sense to me.
Well Walmart cancelled my preorder for Cannonball due to “an issue with inventory” so fucking stupid, guess I’m fucked WM can’t even handle preorders correctly
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Yeah I'm into BBC: Big Black Convoy
That's nemesis prime/scourge btw
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no, this is
Just pic the colors you like best. I think the first US release myself. The JP releases trying to make it look more G1 look bland, and pointless now when we get true G1 updates. The black stripe looks make it look like someone used a sharpie. But if you don't like the white stripes then it's your choice.
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>Repurposing unrelated toys for shattered glass was my least liked thing about SG redecos
This is what I hated aboutFunPub Shattered glass stuff. If there was a cool toy redeco with a neat personality on the bio, it'd just get used for some shattered glass rando.
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I want a Legacy Torca, dammit! it's the sickest design ever and the original toy is ruined by GPS, give us a remake already, hastak!
I'm surprised I keep seeing this opinion when OG TM2 megs is such a dogshit, literally unfinished figure
It had pretty chrome, that was it
The real shame is that when Torca is remade they'll stick to his original deluxe scale even though this design screams for a bigger scale. Torca is the Broadside of Beast Wars.
I don't care about scale as long as we get a good Torca figure that doesn't disintegrate

86 bee in stock on target
Selects when
We'll never get Siege Seeker Sunstorm now, they'll use the awful Earthrise mold.
I would like new Blentron toys, though I feel like we aren’t going to get them for a while
I wish they had swapped Nacelle and Sunstorm. I’d much prefer Nacelle to have an earth mode to Sunstorm since he’s based on “Thrustercracker” which is lost on the siege mold
I unironically want these guys more than their original mold's use
No, there's a pretty good chance Sunstorm'll use the Siege mold to match the rest of the Welcoming Committee.
Wish they had BBC in TF:One instead of making Megatron black and lame
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United. Gorgeous gold.
Oh white fur would have been sick.
I like that mold and I've wanted an Earthrise Sunstorm for years.
It's funny, he was the first "new" or "extra" seeker and he still doesn't have a modern figure. He's fairly popular, so it's almost like they're avoiding him on purpose.
That's Cliff Jumper btw
How long do you think Hasbro will get to keep the license for VNR Optimus? I like the mold but I'd prefer to get it in alternate colors like Nemesis or Shattered Glass.
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Always found weird how everyone ignores hes clearly a Roadblock homage, the gun and saw are inspired on the g2 toy.

guess that just confirms the autorollers nobody status.
Kind of weird that 86 Prime has Titanmaster compatibility but no ER connector. Odd priorities.
>86 Prime has Titanmaster compatibility
what? why?
Wasn't the name Roadblock unavailable at the time? I vaguely remember they had Heavy Duty as the big machine gunner in GI Joe instead of Roadblock at that time.
They can ride inside Roller.
Look who came in!
Got Nemesis Leo Prime in! Cool toy, but the lion face looks way too friendly. Gonna have to give him some touch-ups.
Nice, really wish I didn't passed on him when he was cheap.
Nice! I really want to get one at some point. How much did you pay? I have seen Legends ones for lime 125ish.
80 bucks
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He’s a fun one. Snagged him and Sixshot back around the beginning of siege for about $30 a pop
The designer claimed on Hasbro's own website he's a tribute to one of the Sixbuilder micromasters
and because he's AWESOME. even will smith thought so.
but i hope he gets a new small-deluxe toy.
gives my wallet time to recover.
keep in mind big convoy needs massive changes made to him, and they seem very wishywashy about whether they want to change characters
his transformation should be totally overhauled, but even if they don't, at least the trunk should be changed to balljointed and it shouldn't be hanging off of his huge gun along with a bunch of flaps.
He's in an odd spot. He's a total shellformer which does suck, but that is also just his design which has appeared in actual visual media and it's hard to overwrite that.
indeed, they seem to be sticking to show-accuracy even for bad designs
but it could be modified at least.. make the panels smaller and more connected to the body.. less kibbly.. and let the trunk hang down behind his head.
People who complain about Big Convoy don't get his design.All his kibble is WEAPONS.
If you make him not a shellformer but remove all the guns and weapons popping out everywhere, you've failed his status as a one man army.
a lot of it is indeed weapons, but tons of it is not.
and i you rae going to keep the mammoth legs as thrusters, fucking .. sculpt them better so that's clearer. Instead of making an obvious HOLLOW mammoth leg with just sculpted shit on the feet, so it obviously contains no weapons or thrusters.. i know it's hollow so robot parts can fit inside, so.. just keep it attached to those parts. then the thrusters will work a lot better.
i like hip anchor missiles as much as the next guy, but I dunno, at the shins? I guess that works okay.
but the forearm kibble needs to be a bit smaller, i would like it if the mammoth head halves plugged more solidly into his shoulders, and his gun having all those flaps is just stupid. those are the biggest issue, three gigantic flaps plus a disembodied trunk hanging off of a gun.
I'm not especially into his alt mode but his boy mode is so cool I don't know if I'd be able to turn down a Legacy Big Convoy. I especially like how his torso looks like an exposed ribcage poking out of red flesh
I bought a bootleg Cryotek to see what the original figure might be like and while I like it there's no question that the new one is better.
i feel like the perfect one is somewhere between original (too fat, legs shaped weird) and new (too spindly, legs shaped great but longer than they needed to be especially in dragon mode, and don't transform meaningfully)
like one the neck can't hold a pose, the other the neck has a big obvious shoulder joint.. you can't win.
That one is just begging for paint scratches
Get a couple different ones and then get third party heads to make them different guys like Bumper.
All of these complaints will result into an anorexic mammoth lmaoo

& sound like fun got to leave your body, the flaps on his guns are metallic inside, w/ imagination I took it as shield parts like jazz pictured here, as the missiles pods sculpted inside the half of his mammoth head & as the "sculpted shit on the feet" of his mammoth feet, these are thrusters, it doesn't go any deeper than that
I’m a bit miffed they didn’t do anything with an alternate faceplate, but Legacy United AniPrime is actually a really great representation of the character.

If Megatron was as good, it would be one of the best Megs of recent memory, aside from BBConcept Megs.
no the point is that the robot should now be bigger compared to the mammoth
>flaps on his guns are metallic inside
the same metallic brown as the rest of his fur. unless my version is different because it's korean
i like the missile pods, but the mammoth legs are not believable as thrusters when they're visibly empty. not even hollow like modern robot mode legs, but completely empty. and those exhaust holes need to A) be real holes and B) be painted around the rims.
It's an even shamer thing we don't live in the more riskier times where we'd get an in scale Torca for the beast era figs and a giant version.
Just opened Party Wallop. I didn't realize the fucker was so big. I was expecting the same scale as the other Collab guys.
Any issues popping up with the Versus 4-pack yet? I remember hearing that Mindwipe was prone to breakage so I'm wondering if Squeezeplay will end up with similar issues
I think the breakage issue were with the wings which aren't on Squeezeplay
i thought he was a small, squat voyager.. comparison shots?
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For some reason I was expecting something along the size of Code Red
in fairness the turtle van is one of those funny things
on one hand, in the cartoon it's supposed to be made from a news van, but the original party wagon design for the toyline (which i think got solidified first) is clearly a VW microbus, which makes sense because to 5-foot-nothings like the turtles, that's a van.
It wasn't a news van. It was Baxter's van they stole.
oh that's right. it's just that the party wagon got retooled as the news van
well either way, a van is a big vehicle, but not exactly gigantic. and donatello modified it heavily
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I got the first part of my Doom 'n Destruction set
Amazon tells me my insecticons will ship next week
The ruber wings were an issue on Mindwipe, Squeezeplay just a bad design, altmode sucks..
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>IDW shit
I don't care
Give me Giant Whale Tidal Wave and a new Torca
Is core-class Ironhide supposed to tab in really fucking poorly? I sanded the leg tabs but the roof still won't stay flush. Core class has been consistently good, and I wanted to like Ironhive, but this is a bit disappointing...
he needs to be huge, though not above leader size since elephants aren't THAT big
and he also needs to be redesigned to look like an elephant-whale instead of a weird monster that hasbro literally stole from a dude
>falling for the core class meme
They are my friends
Post them
Perhaps tomorrow
I only have the pretenders, Wheelie and Spike, and Tasmania Kid out, with Ironhide as a recent addition
Vertebreak is in storage, Rattrap's sleeping
Is there anything specific from them you wanted
Glyph mentioned
Squeezeplay has a huge issue, the retooled bot arms now have a peg/port connection for folding up to beast legs, and the forearm surface is all painted - also, the double-jointed elbow piece is grindingly tight, I did a SINGLE transformation and got paint transfer on both arms

It's a shame cause the beast mode is hilarious, but I'm gonna get two copies (one stay bot mode w good paint, the other stay beast mode and don't care about paint damage)
>needing to modify your toys or buy upgrade kits
Remind me again why you all give money to HASBRO?
Six shot and counter punch come in today!
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It's just filing, and I've only been getting core class and deluxes, because money and there's no other versions of these figures for that price range, and I give them money because tiny friends that look cool are on sale. If their size/costs get to the point where the 3P $45 legends/core figures are cheaper, I'll start jumping ship more often, otherwise it's cheaper gunpla for me to sate my robot desires.
Still debating getting Magmatron though..
With how detested Kiss Players is I'm surprised I still haven't seen any "morally upright" collectors selling the alt head because "it doesn't feel right to own." it'd certainly make it easier to piece together a classic Autorooper whenever Hasbro decides to release a standard SS86 Prowl
Damn, those two are on my short list of guys I still don't have any version of in my mainline collection.
People only care about Optimus Prime and Hot Rod because those are existing characters. So as long as no little girl is included in the box, they don't mind.
People don't give anywhere near as much of a shit as you think they do, and it's a cool head regardless
I remember seeing a bunch of whining when it first dropped, but maybe my memory of it is overblown
It was just the "remember that wacky Japanese thing from a long time ago" and never thought of again.
That’s ratchet btw
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N-no? Ironhide was the grumpy old one and Ratchet was the medic and bio-only party animal...
I already have Siege Ratchet, so core Ironhide is sufficient for me. Maybe next time you should consider whether or not YOU'RE Ratchet, before you start accusing others.
Mine tabs in fine, love that little dude
accidental cool name creation
that's who comes out the other side when Ironhide and Waspinator get in a teleporter accident
How many transformers get created from teleporter accidents? We got Ratchetron, Thrustinator, and Puffer, if not more.
My file system is all fucked up, I know I have that image of a beehive in Classics Ironhide's packaging but I just cannot find it.
Well they both were 160 so well overpaid. Though sixshot has his upgrade kit installed. Been wanting them forever.
Any hopes for SDCC announcements that haven't leaked yet? Or is SS86 Prime and the Bludgeon 2-pack all we're getting?
Maybe I’m retarded, but prime was super bland and unappealing, while I have my own beef with the designs (they’re terrible and should feel bad) the characters themselves were such a nothing. Human characters peaked in the Unicron trilogy
We're getting double punch
Why are Hasbro's ratchet joints always either incredibly weak soft-tooth ratchet joints that are already loose out of the box, or retard-strength spring loaded ratchets that literally destroy the joint just by existing?
You can pick one con/event-exclusive figure to get remade and released for SDCC– what do you choose?
Botcon 2013 Starscream
TFO Megs, part of me hopes for at least decent WFC Ratchet and that's it.
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new poster of tfone just dropped
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Traded a buddy for the 4pack Tarn, legs are loose, but I never had the original
aww he's smiling :)
I have this on DVD
Dan Green is one of the main voices
One half of one of my Overlord's forearms yellowed. it's the weirdest thing, just the one half of the arm, stopping at the seam. If it was just the sun you'd think at least part of the other half would yellow, but it's still perfect white.
those people aren't going to admit to anyone that they even bought it. by their warped rules they are now as bad as the person who sculpted it.
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How underwhelming will the SDCC stream on Friday be? I'm expecting at most one mediocre deluxe that we don't already know about and a bland voyager recolor
Just one promotional image that has Snake Eyes sitting on Optimus Prime's shoulder for the movie after next.
New One trailer tomorrow, wave 4 of SS (I think that I wave for 2025 will be really wave 5, same like with United - repaints and repacks). I want to hear real answers on pvc tires fucking plastic up.
Also Haslab update, quick showing with pics of v1 version, review next month maybe.
why do you have it on dvd?
>Studio Series Swoop should arrive this friday
After all this time... the Dinobots are back.
Dollar store treasure
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He tabs in a bit better after I filed his roof and leg tabs, and the lil tab for one of his side flaps, it looks like the roof will eternally have a small gap from the windshield though.
No, it's just the name of an ancient boxswapped evil
The great evil must not awaken...
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>"Marines! Defensive perimeter! Stonecruncher....the floor is yours."
>"let's hope the captain can keep him off our backs for a while...."
When we last left our heroes, they had decided to risk it all to rescue their lost comrades in a daring, perhaps suicidal gambit!
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>"Mr Power-Run, evasive maneuvers."
>"well I can't see shit, so I think that's pretty much inevitable."
>"Gun Deck?"
>"permission to fire."
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>"Teletraan: confirm EM lock."
>"EM lock holding."
>"All guns fire at will."
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>*high-explosive rounds detonating*
>*autistic screeching*
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meanwhile Micromaster combat engineers spring into action!
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Haslab Omega at comic-con
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>"is that it?"
>"the fabrication team worked 48 hours straight."
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And new retro reissue G1 Optimus Prime
I thought for sure it'd be just the cab. Trailer is going to bump that price up so high, they sold the robot by itself last time for $50
What's with the Titanmaster?
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>"Stone...i think you outdid yourself."
>"it might be my magnum opus."
Why's his face entirely red? Who is this?
So in the same year they're releasing two Missing Link Primes, the deluxe, the Hot Wheels figure, and also just rereleasing the original?
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Looks like Cerebros
oh the bonemanity!
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>"it must be the biggest vert in the solar system."
>"technically it's the biggest in the quadrant."
to be continued...
>Why's his face entirely red?
probably still a prototype judging by the factory stamp
First time I'm noticing the embossed Autobot logos on the arms, and realizing they've been there the whole time. Cool.
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Black arms means the full Brave head
No paint on him yet, the little guy would have to be a reference to one of the humans wouldn’t it?
>walmart exclusive
ebay exclusive
SO six shot is cool, not sure if 100 cool. The upgrade kit is nice. Fully articulated hands and 2 huge fuck swords. The guns look real small with his new hands and bigger body though. Guess they are really pistols though.
Why do you
keep calling him
how is this mold not cheese by now?
is that not his name?
40th Ani
It's probably the fact that his name is usually "Sixshot". That being said the Titans Return figure is in fact called "Six Shot", so you're not incorrect.
thx was wondering what that autists problem was
So is this little fella a hitherto unannounced bonus or some kind of harbinger warning us of what's to come?
>doesn't know how to spell words
>calls someone an autist for asking, even though they weren't even mean about it
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And he'll live in the little seat on Prime's ladder forever
I just call him Bob
Does this mean we'll be getting a redeco'd TR Fort Max eventually? They released a re-issue of it fairly recently, right? So they're still willing to use the mold. A small part of me vainly hopes that maybe we'll be seeing a new mold for Brave Max that's better than TR Fort Max, considering they've done basically every other possible existing titan aside from maybe Cybertron Menasor (if they'd even do that as a titan class), and we're due for an Autobot titan.
who's zeta prime?
A previous one in the line. Not important usually.
That was probably for copyright, otherwise you'd have to say "Autobot Goldbug" or "Dinobot Snarl" every time. No one would do that here, right?
so you don't like it when people say grape shot, or shot gun? Maybe even machine gun?
Don't be an ass hole
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His head is actually Jack.
Here's six shot
Those aren't names of established fictional characters an on
>accidentally doxxing your full legal name: gtog Maum
I knew you were from one of those weird countries
careful with those pics, wouldn't want anyone to know you live in Arkansas
I kind of wish that they retooled this to be a non Titan Master, similar to Draculus from Mindwipe
oh no! really?! fuck off
sorry. [spoiler]but did you order the hog wild though that shit sounds good[/spoiler]
>gtog Maum who lives in Ar kansas
It's over for Mr Maum
nah best deal is the chicken nachos large. feeds you for like 3 days. Hog wild is good though, best are the taco and cheeseburger however.
I don't think the space would aid in trademarking. in fact, I think it does the opposite. because "six-shot" is a word, and "six shot" is two words, two normal words. that are six and shot. but 'sixshot' is a made up name you could potentially trademark.
>gtog Maum

Huh, so they didn't lose the trailer mold afterall.
I vaguely recall Hasbro sometimes picked incorrect names for the (possible) reason of holding onto another trademark that was about to expire. So the only reason I can think of is that they wanted to keep the trademark on Transformers Energon's Six Shot. Otherwise I have no idea
Maum is apparently an American surname, I assume gtog is a common given name among Euros or cavemen, regardless it's quite clear that Mr Maum got too cocky
The names change due to licensing, stop being autistic anon, you knew exactly what he was talking about
Are those full length smokestack? I remember some G1 Optimus reissues having neutered smokestack due to retarded American laws.
regulations. never laws.
I asked him because it was weird and he immediately got butthurt, I never saw Sixshot in stores and thought it was some Euro thing, like Germans capitalizing every single noun, or psychopaths capitalizing the beginning of literally every single word. Of course it's because of licensing, I just didn't know why he was going with it
six shot
what in the actual fuck is with those weird internet kids capitalizing every word. that trend has never gone away.
The vintage G1 release from a few years ago had the full smokestacks as well
You cannot use ITALICS AND BOLD online like in writing to denote change in tone.
On a semi related note, when do we get to order the con exclusives off Pulse?
I have no idea, I only remember that one got extremely angry and defensive about it, but it was rare enough to forget about, and they were usually crazies whose comments you'd probably want to ignore anyway.
No, We Mean Those Guys Who Write Like This.
I haven't seen it in a while though.
depends, have you paid your $50 fee to have fewer scalpers to compete with?
Dion and Ariel went up like a week after the event ended
It's neat if they're adding a mini figure as a bonus, but it sucks it's not some sort of T-Ai.



Crap in a hat.
Mass retail figures are one thing, but it really sucks that not everyone gets a fair shot at limited stock exclusives
Like ER Thrust for literally anyone outside the US and half the people in the US.
what tone is conveyed by "I Like This Video You Did a Great Job!" ?
yeah they all act like it's part of their unique identity or something, but it's so not.. because tons of them do it.
I hope the coneheads get a reissue
Bald space captain speak.
Dirge did. Ramjet is coming soon. That just leaves Thrust.
>yeah they all act like it's part of their unique identity or something
That reminds me of 1337 speak, but that at least had an idea to it, whereas Doing This For All Your Sentences only convey that you're putting in tedious amounts of work for no reason.
I guess i could see that... all capitals equals captain picard.. i mean it sure doesn't seem like that to me, but
at least l33t you could modify it to your liking, like any patois. I never used 7 for t, it just feels dumb. it was mostly just v0w3l l33t. by gar those were the days.
>I never used 7 for t, it just feels dumb
I did this literally today
>it was mostly just v0w3l l33t. by gar those were the days.
Y34h, th0s3 w3r3 s0m3 fun t1m3s
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This’ll be my last post on this project. Glad to hear the positive feedback, and I enjoyed the IDW-anon metldown. Never read it, but have been enjoying Skybound so far. Peace out
noice. quality stuff anon
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very nice anon
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chest vagina?
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Bayverse did it better btw
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Ruckus has ankle tilts confirmed
was legacy bulkhead...
houndimus prime?
Nice stilettos, faget
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>first commander ultra magnus
>now commander optimus
why can't evan into proportions?
ruckus looks cool but man I don't really need another copy of the tarn/bludgeon mold
I hope you're not trying to imply that ER optimus has good proportions
earthrise definitely has katoki syndrome
but both commanders are just way too w i d e
Lol Road Pig and Thundertron already went live and got sold out. They still say preorder, but you go to check out, sold out.

Walmart is good at this.
Better than nothing I guess? I want that bludgeon but I'm really not feeling ruckus
Is he mistransformed?
Everything has ankle tilts now. That's been like the one big excuse Hasbro has clung on to in order to justify raising prices. Unfortunately, the rest of the toy is shit. I don't give a fuck about ankle tilts when your robot mode is boring and your alt mode is nothing.
>inb4: b-but that's w-what the original t-toy looked like!!
Don't care. Then I'll just buy the original and at least own something with kitsch and vintage appeal, as opposed to owning a boring piece of shit homaging something with actual appeal.

God I love saving money by not buying this shit. I fucking love not being a Transformers collector anymore. It's the best I've felt about this hobby in a while.
>your alt mode is nothing.
for real. hasbro needs to learn that "literal nothing" alt modes only get a pass when the toy is actually 30+ years old and can be transformed in 3 seconds.
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after this guy
Yeah, this I want.
I think you're the guy who wanted to grab this, keep an eye on this page
I just want his Mini Con.
>literal nothing
>just a buggy with guns on it
Do you also complain about everything g1 adjacent not being actual licensed vehicles? This isn't even that unreal. If it were a shitty cybertronian nothing block I could at least understand
Dang Road Pig already sold out on Pulse. Thundertron and friends are still available.
I've never seen a buggy that looks like that. The only things suggesting it's a buggy are the (comically tiny) wheels and the vague notion of a windshield across the feet. But most buggies have roll cages instead of windshields so I don't know what they were going for.

If you're going to give a pass to every alt mode that has 4 wheels and a windshield, your standards are so low that it's a waste of time talking to you, and you're the reason these toys have gone to shit.
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it's not available yet

Ooh, thank you.


Sold out. Fuck.
>moving, so I don't have my computer
>attempt to pre-order Road Hog
>Pulse reset my password because of course they did
>try getting recovery emails over my phone
>even attempting to open one for the code completely refreshes the Habro Pulse app and webpage entirely
>can't fucking login period
Awesome. Great service, Hasbro cunts.
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Death's Head is officially slated to drop "after the convention" but just as a precaution I'd stay alert during the ML stream tomorrow in case they drop an "available NOW" on us. good hunting
*Road Pig
I hate phones so god damn much why did it autocorrect THAT?
They're doing this weird thing where Cybertronians are apparently designed to be able to transform but lack transformation cogs, so the place where one goes is just empty? I don't know why, maybe it's a Quintesson slavery thing or something.

Thank you, I will. He's going right on the shelf with my TFs where he belongs.
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Oh. So manbots have the chest hole too meaning it's more like a butthole and it'd be gay to insert. Crisis averted, thanks anon.
Before we hit the image limit: what is your least favorite transformation step?

For me it's the leg fold where you tuck the thighs into the shins. It's lazy as hell and doesn't feel great to do.
fucking finally

Con exclusive?
fucking FINALLY
>weird colours
so they did have tooling for combiner feet.
>actual feet for the combined mode
And the dinobots didn't get those why?



I think its pretty obvious using these molds for the Dinobots was an afterthought

Hasbro Pulse this fall.
You know what Boco? I'm so happy I'll take you off the post filter for a few days.
This solves none of the issues with these molds.
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We knew as soon as Grimlock came out that Dinoking would have feet
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Holy shit

That intelligence number is too high.
FUCKING FINALLY!! I hope it’s here to stay.
Need a Big Convoy legacy release please
Not doing it for me when it will cost $100 with shipping and tax
Weren't the components sold for $10 each?
The set is $80 shipping for pulse is almost $10 and tax for me is 10%
The set should cost less that buying 6 cores individually not the same or more.
Oh. Okay then.
I mean, we "knew", but we didn't actually know. This is official confirmation that the molds were designed to have separate combiner feet. The only "feasible" reason I can think for the Dinobots not coming with them is that the feet were gang-molded with the weapons (but not the fists for some reason), but that begs the question of why the Dinobots' didn't get those weapons. I don't think any reasonable person would have complained about Volcanicus getting an axe instead of a sword, and I can't imagine they added that much cost to the figures.
Gangmolded to the weapons and Yokuryu's fist maybe, sonce it's different from Swoop's fist
>that begs the question of why the Dinobots' didn't get those weapons.
Probably penny pinching budgets, as Hasbro is wont to do. These box sets tend to squeeze out a bit more plastic than equivalent individual releases.
The fists are new parts too, the originals sure couldn't articulate
PulseCon confirmed for September 13th.
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Yolopark elita looks cute
So when are we getting Monstructor
The milky white and cheesy yellow plastic they used on these looks awful
TF:One's non-trans characters is going to be a big goldmine for all those Chinese kit makers huh.
ER continuing to mog his replacement.
She looks incomplete.
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boco did you manage to get one of these tasty pulsecon biscuits?

No, what am I looking at here?
So runners, but you can't build anything with them?
>TF:One's non-trans characters
are there any troons in TF:One? I know ROTB had Nightbird but I don't remember hearing anything about TF1
Kinda the point of the movie, innit?
Chris Hemsworth
>model kit Flametoys Animated jetwing Optimus
Peak, also 2 hours for One trailer.
Hopefully they fix their website by the time Dinoking goes up. That update to hasbopulse is ass. Or hopefully it'll be available on other sites at some point
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Only thing I don't like about this set is how the alt modes look blatantly just like the dinobots in different colors. If this was supposed to be a Dinoking pretool they should've made them look more like the shells.
>‘TRANSFORMERS ONE’ takes place 3 billion years before the live-action movies.
They need to stop bridging shit.
Lorenzo is absolutely desperate to have his cinematic universe slop.
>The 3 billion year old kid appeal character who can't speak
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Nemesis Prime was cool but I always thought the face was more "Meow mix" than "Blood-curdling roar" so I gave him a bit of paint TLC. Inspired by Nemesis Breaker, obviously.
Is it Lorenzo that said that?
If so I'll just disregard it and not let it weigh down whatever viewing experience I have
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I really like the base mold, I just wish it was a bit less friendly-looking for Nemesis. It's fine on Lio Convoy, to be fair, but not for this guy IMO. I'd have taken a retooled scarred/angry face over the extra gun he got.
marvel has had disastrous consequences on western media and I don't know if we'll ever be free of hacks trying to cram everything into one ongoing universe/multiverse
for real this time?
It meets all the requirements, even if its totally devoid of zazz

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