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The boss! The stupid triceratops one! The others!
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new Transformers One trailer is out btw
Wasn't the triceratops green?
They had to change the colors because of the combined mode color scheme
this is gonna be hot garbage. also is it just me or is every voice actor except elita's just straight up bad?
So Omega Prime will also include a TM recolor of Cerebros with the Fortress head used in the sdcc and LG release.

Someone also brought up that they may have touched up the Omega Prime head, but I haven't been able to compare with renders.
I would've preferred a T-AI figure desu
Same, but that would require additional work.
Are they using that awful milk plastic they used for apeface?
It looks and sounds alright to me, although that’s what happens when you hire celebrity voice actors instead of professional vo's
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After careful thought, I feel that the biggest sin of the Transformers franchise in the past decade is reviving Beast Wars and not spamming us with Core Class bots. Then killing off the size class entirely. Wtf Hasbrah? Surely we will get a replacement size class like Legends or Scout, r-right?
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They didnt even give us Bat Optimus and Gator Megatron. Wtf

Kingdom x Core Class is the biggest Hasbro fumble in ages.
Gator Megatron is in the Classic Hero Team line.
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>Googles him
Yeah, I literally NEED that shit
J-Decker (lie)
Still don't care
Looks like hot dogshit in every way imaginable. So far the toys aren't even good either so it's not looking good
>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread
Transformers stopped being legit after the Coof.
if i palm my face any harder, i'm gonna get acne
oh this looks great
pretty gnar. Don't be afraid to paint the mane hinges, those clear pretty well.
the most 'you tried' designs ever
this is a fun head swap
Everyone did. I would have been fine with a decent painted figurine, but its not like I expect Hasbro to include shit I want. They didn't include Jan or his transforming truck with Star Saber.
Six shot
6 modes, and 5 of the suck.
How much?
Is that Chasimus Prime?
Six modes!
How much did it set you back?
100. Came with the upgrade parts installed.
6 whole modes
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If you were still looking for toxitron collection or maybe you were on the fence on some but decided to pass, go check your local clearance section

I passed on this fig at first cuz ive already got road rocket but just found her on clearance for $15, also saw the rest of the toxitron line and some movie stragglers but i already had them or wasnt interested, only decided to get this one because of that cool toyhax set that makes her a ninja rave girl
Say the line Wheeljack!
Lmao i dont understand how anyone wants this, perfectly happy with my fans project set thanks

Its really such a shame, this shitty cycle of execs not wanting to fund obscure "unsafe" characters so they get stuck as shitty remolds and then when they flop execs feel justified in denying the next obscure character "just make another bumblebee"
These are just the Earthspark designs but 10x worse, what the fuck?
Is anything going to come of that Unicron tease?
How tall is that dinoking compared to haslab victory saber?
Whatever Legacy show they proposed would have followed on from the WFC Netflix series
This is the scrapped version of the poster for a reason
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Thanks broski. Just some old parts layin around that found their way to eachother

Good question. Trying ti figure out how to head-canon their trailer modes without making them Primes. I guess they are just trailers lol
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Dont have the haslab but apparently its 10in for regular, 13 with leo stilts

Fp dinoking is about 11in, not my pic but should give you an idea
Holy shit how do you make Soundwave not look cool?
looks great
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‘Mirin that Road Caesar and Liokaiser
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Everything else in that pic got made. There has to be a design chillin’ on the shelf for that Unicron. They probably decided to wait longer so Haslab cucks dont go nuclear

So are these fuckers going to be a box set or sold individually? I only managed to find Snarl, Slag, and Sludge at retail out of the regular Dinobot versions.
Maybe, i kind of read it as just being more like a continuation of the kingdom story, its unicrons dead head so maybe in their lore bible or whatever unicron dies at the end of kingdom and that leads to the multiverse collapse that brings all the legacy characters together

Id be more interested in what i think is a g1-ized dotm megatron in the middle there? I love that design, got the ss version, but a g1 version could be cool too
The one closest to the viewer wasn't. A very different Straxus than what was made years later.
What about that straxus, anon?
Legacy was originally supposed to have a story and I garauntee you that's why unicrons disembodied head is there, and that nothing will ever come of it because it was scrapped early in production
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Alright ya, it should work pretty well
Straxus you pączki-eater.
I have absolutely no idea how, but I got it into my head t hat Dinoking was an Autobot. I guess it was the color scheme, and I think I had him pegged as the rival of Monstructor in Japan because of the Pretender shit. Did the Autobots even have a Pretender combiner?

>Id be more interested in what i think is a g1-ized dotm megatron in the middle there? I love that design, got the ss version, but a g1 version could be cool too
Wel shit I completely missed that. The heck is that? Looks like what you said crossed with Skullgrin kinda. Looks sick.

I always got the impression that these are paintings of the actual figures, as they are always very accurate to the final figure. Makes me wonder if CADs or protos of these exist.

I would be so down for a Leader or Commander Unicron head that turned into a Core-ish scale figure.
>it seems Straxus was originally going to be a Legacy part 1 Leader Class toy before he was replaced by Transmetal 2 Megatron.
Reeee whos bright idea was that?
Someone who realized that making a clusterfuck of parts that recycles the name of a comic-only character wouldn't sell as a $50 toy in regular stores.
I assume this is intended to be racist but i have no fucking clue what that even means

Sorry i dont keep up with every tfw2005 post, looked like megs to me
These look like robot versi9ns of that corpo art, alegri or whatever it is. Where the bodiesand heads are too small and arms and legs are huge
Everything else in that picture is from the first wave of Legacy, not even Legacy Evolution
It was posted here when it was new news and you got a typical post complaining about IDW.
I liked it not gonna lie
It probably will be okay as a movie, but not really feeling a desire go out and buy the toys.
Yeah the toys don't look very interesting. I'm kinda curious about Megatron tho
Gotta disagree, i know people love accuracy but that looks like it couldve been a cool new toy
Kakuryu does join the Autobots after Victory.
I think the last thread showed them in one box
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I finally got Swoop and I'm glad to say I have all the leader Dinobots now. Feels nice to have a decent matching set of big Dinobots, though I admit Swoop's flying brick mode makes him feel like the weakest one lol.
I don't think it's available until fall
where's Monstructor damnit!
Has he ever not been a flying brick? Animated was the cleanest I think he's ever been or will ever be.
Jelly. My buddy got him today too and he is sweet. Mine is sitting in the warehouse, payment declined bc I am broke. Fml. My Fort Max reissue is also trying to ship right now too and no fucking way am I gonna be able to pay for that before it cancels. :(
I guess I was expecting the wings to flap a little more and for him to have like, actual legs. I don't really follow previews of figures so I never really know what I'm getting lol.
I like his flying brick mode, it's more of a jet than a dinosaur
does Hasbro pay well or do you suck dick for free?
yep total shit job
odds are someone on the planet likes the taste of shit
Speaking from experience?
Thanks I think I will buy bootlegs just do I don't have to use this general anymore
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whenever you say this it reminds me of this cat
there was an animation error in one episode where the boss of them had a purple autobot symbol on his chest. I dont remember which one.
No, but 80s been being knocked around.
I have to imagine if Dinoking sells well we'll get Monstructor remolds eventually.
imagine having the sort of brain that comes up with a sentence like that. do your handlers know you have internet access, you mutant?
Seems like a lot of new parts would be needed.
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It's been multiple threads of this STOP FUCKING REPLYING YOU RETARDS
Which one am I to not reply to? Claim thread isn't legitimate, blatant racism, complaining about third parties, or bitching about media?
far better than the first trailer. I think Im hyped. showing op and megs souring out is what I wanted a taste of last time and I finally got it here. now to wait and see for the execution.
what competition does this movie have around its release? joker 2 is in early october, after this. if its light, could this be the first big w for transformers movies since 2014 (financially speaking)?
Was this intended for a different thread?
Please excuse my stupidity...
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agreed. core wouldve been a great place for more obscure beast era figures. they started tapping this with tazmanian kid, but never exploited it. I think many beast wars neo characters couldve fit, like heinrad, stampy, and the annomite destron.
Had to waste time making another mini-version of the Optimus Prime/Megatron/Starscream and then the line died.
>Swoop arrived
>comes with two swords for no reason
I'll probably put them in the parts box
I'm not reading the rest of your stupid fucking post because it's the same shit every single time
>shitposting fag cries about le bootlegs
>retard replies to them
>insert pointless argument against shitposting fag that leads to nothing because they spew the same drivel every reply
just fucking stop you retards, it's embarrassing and an argument you will never win no matter how many snide epic pwnage replies you try
I think one is for Grimlock?
Huh. I thought it was the off-topic posting that you were upset about. Oh well.
With them having spent the last few years going so hard on scale accurate(ish) mainline figures, who the hell wanted pocket buddies of the same old gang? I don't understand the point. I bought Tasmanian Kid, the Pretender guys, the Cassette guys, etc. But the fuck do I need a weird tiny Skywarp for?
Swoop and Comic Grimlock are both required to get swords for the full crew. It's some goddamn bullshit.

I still say we should have gotten an accessory pack comprised of Slash as a headliner, and the swords and guns.
Originally the plan was to sell those in places like dollar general and big lots, but then Hasbro priced those out of the market six and made a different line for there in Authentics.
Would this slash be deluxe-sized voyager with accessories, or a voyager-sized leader with accessories?
I'll go with Pulse exclusive deluxe with accessories at leader price
Sorry, that budget is earmarked for 6 more retools of Seige Megatron.
Naw, the original figure. I peg her as the team mascot now. So she's tiny. Most of these accessory packs are a deluxe with a bunch of bullshit. I guess my idea would be a Legends/Core/Whatever the fuck with a ton of bullshit. So price point of a Deluxe?
I don't mind mini versions of the guys. they go well with the Titan bases. That said, we don't need the same guys being made over and over.
So the retread characters got crammed into the mainline, and bombed the entire size class?

Also were Bomburst and Iguanus there to fill a weird hole? They're odd and out of place.
I thought I read they were a last minute replacement for something called Energon Monsters that was cancelled.

shame. they were kino. Hasbro should've did more.
Eh, their size class sucks for what they're meant to represent. But still better than another goddamn Skywarp or whoever.

And yeah, Energon Monsters. Do we know if that was the actual name or a codename? Do we know anything there?

Anyway, Core Class, it really should have been used to crank out Beast era characters, maybe the Throttlebots, maybe uprades to Micromasters. Stuff like that.
seems to me a problem they have is the left hand doesnt know what the right hand is doing.
let me give an example: recently we had cybertron metroplex and and armada megatron, neither with the minicon. the excuse is each toy doesnt have the budget for an extra little guy, but if whoever was working on one knew about the other, then they could have saved engineering since drill bit was a retool. it was a missed opourtuinity, thats my theory.
Actually a good point. Core could have knocked out upgraded Minicons too.
I'm fine with it in this instance, though I don't want to say it's fine "just because the G1 toy did it!" it really does seem intentionally abstract as opposed to just being compromised. But I do get what you mean, the community seems fine with ignoring stuff like sideburn's and 86 bumblebee's alt mode, and it just makes the series seem so much more boring to me, can't really get exited for a transformer with a decent bot mode if it sacrifices what is supposed to be half of the toy for it.
I think that combined with cranking out 6 uniformly coloured undercooked dinobots is what crashed it at retail
Pretenders could be little guys too.
A combiner in that size class, at that price point was never going to be amazing. I think doing the Dinobots in that class while also cranking out the Studio Series versions just left collector types not giving a shit about them. They did the Dinobots first as a safety measure, but I wonder if going for the Dinoking guys would have been a smarter move.
When is the SDCC panel?
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You don't even know what a bad alt mode looks like. Let me show you.
Is.... is it upside down?
da fuck is that?
Gotta buy three guys I already have to get this bird fucker
They couldn't even recolor the little shits into lesser known characters that are the little shits molds. Fucking hell.

This is the third Netflix Soundwave I'm going to have. Luckily I haven't opened the damned Bridge set yet. So I don't know, maybe I'll flip that.
who has Six Shot?
Why does he have enlarged testicles
Could've gave us Enemy and Howlback
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Yo Joe Kup revealed
tomorrow at 6pm PDT
From Overload.
I was wondering if they let the Transformers team design this one but then I looked at the feet
See I actually like this design but I just could not give less of a shit for the Joe collabs, if this design was regular Transformers scale and engineering then I would be 100% on board.

What a fumble of a line, they at least should have done one or two two collab releases from the other direction.
are the Joes' the still shitty O ring versions?
So Action Masters with more articulation? Or a a Joe vehicle painted to look like a Transformer?
Kup feels like a weird choice. The other three were 84 guys. You'd think they would've went with Ironhide or someone.
This is probably the best one so far
And that is damning with faint praise
I really like that he isn’t trying to hide away his alt mode kibble unlike the others. You’re supposed to embrace it, embrace it!
Like rather than a Transformer that's compatible with the GI Joe lines, have it be like every other collab where it's a regular chug scaled Transformer with a GI Joe design.
You call him Sgt. Kup, you give him a cy-gar, you pair with with Sgt Slaughter.
The choice probably came from that kind of vague idea
He's an old guy who gets called "Sergeant" on some toys to make his name easier to trademark. Seems okay.
i feel like the issue with kibble is
on a beast guy, there's no choice, beast parts can either be used in robot mode, or stashed away, or a combination of both. there's this separation between the flesh and metal parts
but on a vehicle guy, you want him to just be a vaguely humanoid (or not, hell) arrangement of vehicle parts.. there's no reason there should have to be a ton of small folded up parts making a big backpack, those parts should have stayed where they are.. but the problem is they wanna make things look like the show, which cheated pretty hard. actually same problem with beast wars.
It would be weird having a new Snow Cat bigger than Energon Megatron, but okay.
I like pilot/rider compatibility but better engineering/designs at a smaller scale would be better
1:18th line is cool though because TFs are now compatible with other 1:18 scale figures, but the engineering on these aren't great
These have been such colossal dogshit lmao
I don't know why they're still pushing them
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I think it'd be cool if they did something like this again
rumor has it this is the last one
Good. There are a few GI Joe vehicles that might have overwhelmed not buying bad toys reason if they made.
bludgeon from Trannyformers?
And I'm saying they could do both, right now these only really appeal to Joe fans who have an existing O-ring collection. Meanwhile if this was a deluxe Kup I would buy it immediately.
Rumor has it there's still an Optimus
I know who bludgeon is, I thought you were sperging out because he's an IDW character or something
>Hasbro Pulse reworked the HasLab page to remove all the failures and the oldest projects
Do not use tranny.
Legacy Whirlwing when?
I agree completely. I think even making simple changes to certain designs for the same of the vehicle mode helps a lot, like when they let ironhide show off at least two of his Goddamned wheels in robot mode for ss 86. It just makes me think back to things like legacy gears where they have to shrink his tires just so that they can hide away inside his tiny chest. Legacy chase on the other hand spreads out his vehicle parts pretty evenly around his body in ways that look interesting, reducing his “backpack” into just two tiny flaps… that also somehow impede his articulation more than other larger backpacks because the darn things can’t move, but oh well, I still love how it looks
Seriously, I don't get why anon is acting like 86 bee is some demon from hell. It's awkward but really not that bad. Certainly better than that travesty that shadow striker ended up being.
You mean the 3P figure that doesn't look a fuckin thing like Dinoking combined or seperated?
Did I make it seem that way? I just dont feel like buying it even though I want a g1 bumblebee, I can assure you that I dislike shadow striker/sideburn even more, just trying to bring up example and 86 bee just feels like one of the most recent examples
>Tf wiki removed all mentioned of failed transformers haslab in according to Hasbro official policy and Wikipedia best practices as practiced by wookieepedia
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>Wasn't the triceratops green?
Originally, but after he changed sides and assumed a new identity, he turned gold, silver, red, and black with a little blue.
You might be thinking of Grimmaster. Kakuryu changes sides and becomes the Autobot Grimstone, eventually ends up becoming a proficient fighter, and gets his own squad of dino-drones that he's able to combine with.
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>not wanting 86 Bee
Its like you hate fun.
i liked that guy
I'm waiting for one of the inevitable redecos
I regret selling any transformer. When you miss your PCC collection you really love every Transformer
>tfw it just occurred to me that PCC is the ONLY Transformers line I ever 100% completed, even the hard to get recolors
>failed transformers haslab
Are there those? Unicron got close but worked, and Star Saber/Deathsaurus/Omega Prime met the goal quickly.
He looks cute in bot mode, but the roof and windows of the car just looks so ugly from all angles, and i’m not referring to the paint color. I’ll probably buy the mold as a recolor of some other guy, but for now i’ll just be content with my other little protagonist dudes
If you enjoy the flavor and mouthfeel of Gears, you will also like Bumblebee
Technically speaking, no TF Haslab has failed. Unicron's in a dubious spot since his campaign had to be extended to get more backers, but he still got funded
I think the Transformer franchise is the only one with a perfect record. Maybe GI Joe? I know a Marvel Legends and a Star Wars have failed.
it's odd they ever have a time on it instead of just... we will begin once it hits X money. the sooner you all get in, the sooner you receive it
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Missing Link Sentinel Prime, Armada Super Starscream, RotB Nemesis Prime, and a throne redeco.
So the repaints begin
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He's total and complete dogshit man
Looks NOTHING like ACTUAL 86 Bee
Ugly ass alt form that barely resembles the Beetle
Clunky feet that are like wearing cardboard boxes for shoes
Shit that doesn't tab in
Awful head when they literally made perfect head several times
The ugly black windows when they were previously so insistent on doing the baby blue for SS86
I just don't like that car mode, man
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Think I'll wait for ML Nemesis Prime then.
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>Yellow not orange

I am a bit disappointed
TR colors were an eyesore.
Gi Joe is perfect with no Asterisks needed so far and their new one for the Rattler is already over the 2/3 mark for minimum needed backers despite only being live for a few hours.
I’m still in such denial about the lack of minicons, the ones they did for hotshot and wheeljack were so cute
>just another Prime redeco
they couldn't find a different mold for this guy?
So what is the reason for this recolor?
Would you have preferred for Missing Link Sentinel Prime to have been remolded from the Bumblebee-Cliffjumper mold? The real oddity is that they went to Sentinel instead of Black Convoy.
Gears look pretty crappy too
why did they have to do a missing link Sentinel at all? Like you said, they could've did any number of other characters that use the Op mold.
Maybe they didn't want three black repaints announced at once.
Link to that Nemesis?
>clonky robot mode
Ok but at least the bot mode-
>not the friendly face from the cartoon and movie, looks off, like half the earlier SS86 faces did
Literally reusing any prior head would have been better
I just want Ultra Magnus
man that's ugly
It’s so tragic that they memoryhole’d haslab signal lancer forever…
That looks genuinely mediocre. The ugly headsculpt along with the light blue windows and unpainted matrix chamber. Just what the fuck were they thinking?
huh i seem to remember the trailer usually being large enough to hold him inside it like it could be a repair bay
finally yellow prime, but not the yellow Fire Convoy people wanted.
Yeah, the windows make the whole thing look ridiculously cheap. Literally all they had to was just copy how MP-44 did it with the dark blue tinted translucent windows.
The huge backpack just reminds me of mp-44, I was hoping they wouldn't try something like that with a mainline figure, but here we are. at least the commander magmatron this year was good
Oh fuck don't even remind me of the backpack. Not to mention those hollow sides it had in the first leak. I wonder if that looks as bad in hand
Don't worry the transformers fans will gladly slurp it up BECAUSE it's a scaled down MP44
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Not a bad pair of toys
Brakedown is a very nice shade of blue in hand, the hammer was a nice inclusion too.
His head might be the most accurate Prime head of the bunch, not that it's attached to my first choice of mold.

Windsweeper strikes a nice contrast colour wise, and the completely painted silver gunbuddies manage to look decent for fully immobile slabs
>That fuckhuge, super-squared off chest
All you had to do was copy mp44 which you obviously did on the legs. What happened to the rest. They literally just had to bootleg mp44 with cheaper parts. It was an alleyoop
got the 2nd jurassic park set in today and I realized I might be able to repaint jp-12 into some sorta black mesa jeep and make him into otis (could make the transparent blue piece into a xen crystal)
now the real question is, what would be some other funny potential half life customs?
man, shadow striker and sideburn are so painful to look at, for two characters that I've wanted for a while. At least the fan mode for striker gives her big booba
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Y'know, I really like this. It reminds me of shining magnus
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already happy with new Animated Bee
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I ended up liking his car mode way more than I thought
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He was yellow with a red face when he was introduced, then became orange with a blue face under and optional mouthplate.
Better than bright yellow with red highlights.
man that is excptional mecha drawing but the absolute goofest-ball proportions. everybody's got sailor moon legs.
That's just how Prime's are built
Netflix Bee is superior. Even with the parts forming.
Except for the fact that it looks and plays like shit outside of the alt mode
What wrong with MP-44?
Can you help me understand the hate for it?
I was going to say
>what do you like about it?
But then I recognized that I'm probably the one suffering from brand fatigue
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For everything the SS86 does right it gets something wrong that the Netflix one does right. Both play about the same. imo get whatever one you want. I don't have a dog in this fight.
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This guy is awful in terms of how phoned in he was on everything but his beast/alt head but I am loving this guy.
Well I only really buy 3P, so it’s not aimed at me but I was just wondering why all the hate
>Well I only really buy 3P
They're starting a whole series of thrones, that's why it has the label TC-01. Have all the furniture in the world, fuck your couch.
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yeah the robot legs and monster head are the best bits about him
>still can't tell to this day which one is anon's endearing custom and the other is Hasbro's half-assed attempt
The fake monster legs kibble are retarded, they look bad in both modes.

The customs used different robot mode arms/monster feet.
>no minicon
it's so joever, minijoever
>fake monster legs kibble
if you mean the blue zigzaggy stalks that do nothing in either mode, you are correct
They're there for "accuracy",
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It seems people are excited about the con stuff and I guess I share some movie figure to balance it out
Maybe we will get news for more MPM in the coming days

So I got brawl here. I can't believe he is smaller than bone crusher. I think blackout is taller out of the 3 outside of the the meg/star duo. But damn bone crusher's size got some serious shelve present that brawl can't match
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Brawl is a solid 9/10

The transformation is a lot easier compared to bonecrusher and a lot smoother.

The paint jobs are great. Though I am a bit confused about the green diamond parts on the shins. There are scratch marks and chips. I don't think they are supposed to be there, but if you look at online reviews and some promo images you can clearly tell some do have those marks and some don't. Maybe it is just a qc thing.
Also one of the tape in the box got on a painted part. In trying remove it I ended up damaged a small section of the camouflage. What a bummer.

The articulationa are mostly fine. I wish they add in a rotation between elbows and forearms. You can avoid gorilla arms but the bulk of the forearms just get in the way as of now and looks too busy.

And there is the feet. I know it is a decision to have new figures (regardless of the scale) to have feet that can stay flat on the surface hence the sideway movement, but no forward and backwards range??
Brawl and bonecrusher being so heavy it is somewhat difficult to pose them in action poses while tiptoed
Unboxing of 86 Prime, also he's out in Hong Kong, we have many pics right now.
Surprised they didn't do a Nemesis repaint first
Okay, I get it! If Power of the Primes has the gall to use Titan Master-compatible Pretender shells, why not give us a freaking Pretender Optimus Prime shell to use with Powermaster Prime's Hi-Q, being an extension of Optimus Prime himself?
Thundertron and Roadpig up on Walmart, not sold out this time
Don't know why Takara bothered. Off we go waiting for yet another new mold, I guess.
Honestly glad though, I dislike this deco so I would've been real upset if I had to buy it just because it might have had better retooling or a micron lmao.
Well, Megatron is ready for a Gyno-Exam...
Has anyone purchased the AliExpress leader class figs? They look really good.

Where can I get some display statues of transformers? Looking for Hound or Drift.
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G-whiners get what they fucking deserved.
What series is this? I am interested in the design style.
The pic?
He looks good, what size? Does his head change expression?
I don't know how they could've fixed the beast shoulders, outside of making the robot mode waist split which probably would've compromised the robot mode.

But they definitely should've redid the beast legs. Since they're the robot mode arms, they could've easily been redone so the legs had full articulation and just put the beast's feet at the ends of the arms, instead of the middle like they are now. I saw a custom someone did using Wolfwire's arms and it was so much better.
What Brawl is this? God I love Bayverse, the only thing is that the designs become kinda illegible, like I can't distinguish his legs well and it feels like I'm having a stroke.
SS86 Prime transformation
No Swindle?
>They scaled 86 Magnus' cab to ER Prime when 86 Prime was on the way
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The alt mode sucks so much. They should’ve just copied what SS sideways did and changed the front of the vehicle into something more nondescript, yet still realistic
it's actually an ingenious ploy to trick scale accuracy autists into buying Magnus again when they slightly upscale the mold for SS86 Magnus 2.0
they look the same size to me. What am I missing?
>studio series
>not movie accurate
I’m not a fan of increasing the size of the backpack just for the sake of trying to get the front of the figure to look hyper realistic to the cartoon. Most of the mainline releases managed to keep it flat, rotb prime even compressed his into the upper torso so that it doesn’t mess with his silhouette. The backpack just makes me lose interest since prime’s transformation is supposed to be something more simple, and reminds of conparisons to “the hunchback of notre dame”, I prefer something more similar to mp-10, which is able to clean up nicely (even if its proportions/articulation may not be the best).
>no neck
>no wrist hinges
>90 degree elbows
>barely over 90 degree knees
>no ab crunch
What the actual fuck. This articulation is super outdated.
looks interesting if a little fiddly. the back gap isn't as bad as it looked in the piano photo but that backpack is still rough. truck mode looks kinda off. I don't especially care about grabbing him but I'd probably pick up a recolor if it ditched the trailer.
>ab crunches
Are for homosexuals
>no neck
needed this, or at least more range on the ball joint. that head tilt up was pitiful
>no wrist hinges
if you futz with it really hard you can probably get a little bit, but yeah it needed some
>90 degree elbows
inexcusable on any modern figure, especially one that's been in the works this long
>barely over 90 degree knees
I'd say a little more than barely but still not impressive
>no ab crunch
this shouldn't be surprising.
I really hope at the knees and elbows are the demonstrator doing a poor job of articulating the figure
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Someone say scale?
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I felt the same about Fangry, not very good but charming in a way.
I hope I feel the same way about Squeezeplay when I open him.
I don't like the compromises they had to make just to so that the figure can look more accurate to a flawed animation model from 40 year old cartoon. There have been other figures that perfectly capture the idea of G1 Optimus Prime while also updating and refining the design to make it coherent in toy version. Earthrise Optinus for example, has an objectively better headsculpt, cleaner transformation that doesn't have a huge backpack and even a painted matrix chamber unlike the new commander class Prime. I'm also against them pricing the new Prime as a commander considering the figure itself is barely any bigger than a voyager class and the trailer is just a big hollow box that does nothing and is somehow worse than Rodimus's trailer. It's a figure that looks worse and is more expensive which is why I just dislike it so much. You want a good commander class? There's Jetfire, Skylinx, Magmatron, Armada Optimus, Motornaster and even Ultra Magnus, all worth the commander price unlike this thing.
>leader class toys in 2060
I wish they would reissue the SS of these guys
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looks interesting, will probably get him since I don't have a g1 optimus and being a complete commander class package seems more enticing than the ER mould.
I do like his overall silhouette.
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shockwave reissue was leaked for next year
I love the legs' engineering, but have a distaste for everything else (overcomplicated panel-y upper body, lame paint apps, inaccurate headsculpt, and poor articulation). It's G1 Optimus, I'll wait for another, or a retool. I wish they just slapped these legs onto MP10 and gave him a better head + bigger boobs, there we go, perfect G1 Optimus (imo).
love shockwave but this soundwave sucks just as much, dude was taking orders from a human.
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>and the completely painted silver gunbuddies manage to look decent for fully immobile slabs
why can't they figure out to mould them in their colours? especially if theyre only going to be one colour.
I liked the Needlenose mould but the targetmasters paint flaking off with each transformation left a sour taste in my mouth.
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Was hoping for a similar situation with Transmetal 2 Megatron where I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed him, for Tigerhawk but he is just so limited.
Hopefully he doesn't sell out instantly like last time...
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>No wrist swivels
what where they thinking?
at least I got him on sale
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So they retconned a random truck as Sentinel Prime on Earth and running around while the Autobots woke up?
This will never stop disappointing me, I love both of those designs so fucking much. I'm a sucker for bats and I need more.
10 hours to the fanstream. Hopes? Fears? Got a dream reveal?
Beastwars Quick strike
No? He was manipulating the human and stringing him along, the dude was just very cocky and misunderstood his place in the pecking order lmao.
That said, his RotF satellite form is definitely his better one desu.
CHUG Raiden
CHUG Liokaiser
SS86 Gun Megatron

Yes, I do live on another planet, how astute of you.
I guess all I can expect from them is to recap the rest of the Mayhem wave, show the final SS wave, and update us on GodFire Convoy. Maybe the Skybound EU Jetfire and the RotF Anni multipack that got leaked if we're lucky.
Personally, I just wanna see 2025's waves sooner than later. I'm really uninterested in the rest of Generations for this year, unless they pull out a cool exclusive outta nowhere, like a Powerlinx Armada Optimus. (Cryotek fucking when, seriously?)
...even though most of 2025 doesn't interest me neither so far. Damn.
>Cryotek fucking when, seriously?
I still think the literal next wave refresh of TM2 Megatron flopping killed any chance of Cryotek in the eyes of the executives despite the toy being good and a ton of people wanting it.
Did Habso kill their selects line?
my curiosity over SS86 Megatron is driving me crazy. I know it'll be a massive fuckup.
Now that I got these niggas how do u get the e hobby minibots.
Eh, I doubt that. Sounds too doomerish for me to believe. It's an easy repaint, they always make easy repaints for exclusive lines (except when they don't like for ER OP lawl).
They literally just released the Go-Bots 3-pack in gen selects
I'm SO CLOSE to finishing Road Cesar but the damn Red Knight figure is almost never on eBay and when it is, they want $400 for it. Fucking bullshit.

Drillbit wasn't a retool, he was a new mold entirely. They just copied the engineering.
Since the photo is that, I think the person meant the original set. Which is crazy to aim for.
He looks more like Bumblebee than the Netflix mold. That figure's chest is upside down, and oversized. This one has the proper beetle chest in the right size. The alt mode also looks pretty damn close to the Penny Racer Beetle, asie from the sharp angles on the front end for whatever reason. Everything tabs in on mine so I don't know what you're crying about. And not having the baby blue windows is a plus because they look ugly, and there is no way they could do blue windows anyway without making other parts of the figure's black plastic blue, like the shoulders, parts of the legs and the inner torso.
If they did a gun megs again, there's just no getting around an orange tip in the US, but there are also some states and cities that have banned realistic toy guns all together. I'm not a business guy, but the research and logistics involved in navigating all of that red tape sounds like a nightmare and strikes me as probably more trouble than it's worth.

Beyond that, there's the optics of producing a realistic toy gun which I think could be wildly unpopular and do damage to Hasbro's image.

I know collectors like us would really like one, but it just doesn't seem realistic in this day and age. I think what might be our best bet is Takara designing and manufacturing one and the rest of us just importing it like we've done with their MP Megatron figures.
I wonder how many guys can sit on top of OP's trailer.
Nothing except SS wave 4, only hope is for One Megs since I like his design a bit scared of how the face will look. And Q&A to see how retarded they will be.
>so close
>theres only 3 figures
>its 400
I mean youre like 2/3 of the way, and $400, idk if “so close” are the words id use
I think it could happen a-la "submarine" Shockwave, they just need to go harder on making the secret (but intended all along) gun mode not obvious to children and regulators; make him a laser turret or summin, but become a full gun if you snip a tab for transformation clearance, or remove some scifi details, or the like.

Even if they don't do that though, I hate people who say his only other option is to be a tank, no matter how ill-fitting it is to his design. There ARE options beyond Gun, Tank, and VTOL Helicopter or Space Jet, you know. Unimaginative dumbasses
Oh that was a selects? I can't keep up.
couldn't they put Cryotek in Selects then?
Make him a gun emplacement that can "secretly" turn into a walther.
I don't think they could do it unless they changed all his colors too. I remember when they tried to reissue the Nerf gun Megs, even his original colors were suddenly unacceptable.

I just do see how they could pull this off in the Studeio Series line whose entire point is supposed to be screen accuracy.
Speaking from experience working in the video game industry, there is not allowed to be any “secrets” in video games anymore. Too much liability. Every facet of the game must be disclosed in the game design documentation that is provided to the industry (((authorities))). In todays day and age if you snuck something in a game and get caught your career would be over. I imagine a similar vibe for Hasbro employees so something like your idea of hiding a mode is likely getting really difficult to pull off. You need everyone on board.
2/3rds is most of the set. That is close to completion.

Shockwave doesn't even have a secret gun mode, his handle is too small to work. Plus he has an alien alt mode. Even his pusedo sorta gun mode isn't a realistic gun like Megatron. There's no getting around this and being "sneaky" about it.
>Shockwave doesn't even have a secret gun mode, his handle is too small to work
Despite it being a bit small for an adult hand its very, very clearly a gun handle. This is a rare and great example of an actual hidden mode. Cheat codes arent banned, you just have to have everyone on board
Agree. I could get through the whole trailer but I'll probably download the movie and watch it, then shrug and say "it's was OK." At least it's a different take from previous movies.
>I just don't see how they could pull this off in the Studio Series
assuming they don't just say fuck it and put an inaccurate Megs in anyway, they could scrounge up some concept art so he technically fits, release him in Legacy like they did Gears, or least likely: they could give him a hidden gun mode with no official acknowledgement
>Even his pusedo sorta gun mode isn't a realistic gun like Megatron. There's no getting around this and being "sneaky" about it
But this is a good point. If they “hide” a gun mode its not gonna look great unless his main alt mode is something very strange that just looks like a jumbled up gun. My idea would be a 4 legged walker tank mech.
What's a NON-TANK altmode that an 86 Megatron toy could feasibly transform into? there has to be enough room to fit all of his bot parts so a stationary howitzer probably wouldn't work.
I really don’t see why this is a problem in America or Japan
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Almost did in season 1
This is unironically really fucking cool.
how long has that image been floating around? I've only seen it in the past few months
I really want this unironically
this tempts me.
>get in loser, we're going shopping
I told myself I'm not getting it until it's included in a sale. I'm not rewarding Hasbro for overpricing a leader with some accessories. If I was able to get Rodimus for 40% off, I can get Prime at a reduced price too. You're making it hard to stick to that.
yeah but it's a Titanmaster party car.
SS 86 Megatron should turn into a truck.
It's supposed to be SS. If it was Legacy, it wouldn't be an issue, they could make him anything they want.

But this is supposed to be Megs from TF:TM. He's not gonna be a gun, so I'm curious as to what kind of bullshittery they'll pull.

Probabaly just a Meg that changes from normal to battle damged. That is if they just don't shit out another version of the Earthrise mold.
That looks cool but is there room for a movie-accurate Megatron botmode?
SS is supposed to be the movie, not the series.
SS is whatever Hasbro wants it to be
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My comic edition Grimlock shipped
We'll MAKE room.
SS86 Optimus got his axe that he used in a single episode and not once after - yes jumping to basing an altmode on a storyboard drawing for the series from a single accessory is extreme, I don't think Hasbro gives a fuck though. Because whatever Megs alt is going to be it isn't a gun.
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I hate that you're right.
>Transforms into Megatron giving you the finger.
Its optimus, you’re not getting it on sale due to the character popularity.
Recreate the scene from zoolander
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Sorry bros, it just is what it is
Those two in Legacy when, and will they even get cool molds?
Later. No.
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here's your starscream bro
Past few weeks*, it went live since last month at best
So where does his Browning gun come in? I have this guy and I think it's funny he has that as his weapon.
how convenient...
Cursed but weirdly plausible.
>SS86 Prime transformation.

Does that count as a shell former?
They might not put him specifically on sale, but I got Rodimus on a Pulse sale that was "any order over $70 is 40% off" or something like that, and Optimus could fall under one of those.
Ss86 Prime has hard tires. It's nice that we finally have some confirmation.
According to the ML panel, Death's Head will be available later in August
I was going to ask the same thing, the truck cab is like a shell and it all folds in the back. It reminds me of the old AoE Galvatron

Fuck, why the wait?
I'll need to go back and check but I think they said he'd be available via fanchannel, so he'd see wider release than just pulse. Don't quote me on that, though.
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stream I'm watching is low quality so I missed it, but from another guy's pics, he's going online August 5th at 7:00pm EST

Well, good to know its not just Pulse, at least.
>fan channel
Okay I might get him if I see him then
>Amazon finally ships my Springer and Swoop. One arrives next week, the other in mid fucking August.

Both are coming from Florida so no clue what they fucked up.
That's pure cope
Is it safe to assume we're not getting any more BWVS-## releases in Japan? I want to buy some beast wards units I'm missing, but it's going to piss me off (again) if I see it get a BWVS release which will invariably look much better or even come with extras like the Inferno one.
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he crossed over with Transformers in the IDW days so he's technically on--topic ROM! FUCK YEAH, ROM!
What the fuck is fan channel
Fuck yeah
Apparently it just means any website that sells Hasbro stuff. BBTS, Entertainment Earth, etc.
Is there even any more figures they could do it with? Tigerhawk and TM2 megs, I guess?

Oh fuck yes and holy shit. Bought as soon as possible.
Basically the same distribution as Gen Selects
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Marvel Legends are now introducing figures using the Bandai made-to-order model; >>11087191
No crowdfunding, they just make as many as are ordered. This is intended for characters who are large, but not Haslabg large. Are there any Transformers you'd like to see made through this system?
If they ever happens I would throw the box away with the figure in it.

Beast Wars Mutants. Or Transmetal 2s.
>Are there any Transformers you'd like to see made through this system?
Basically all of them.
In my mind's eye I see figures no longer constricted by brick and mortar size classes or wave count. Maybe doing away with waves all together
But that's pie in the sky dreaming
Dunno. How is the pricing? The Haslabs in Transformers have been one/two big guys instead of something like a big-ass car.

Also, I don't suppose he comes with the scanner, does he?
How would they do that when TFs use injection molds?
>oh man guys, we got an order for Metroplex
>time to fire up the mass production assembly line for this ONE person
>whoops i can only make it in batches of 100 silly me ;)
>preorder window opens
>preorder window closes
they said they wanted to get everything in there because they knew this was gonna be their only chance to do him, and also mentioned that there'd be a lot going on with his eyes and implied he'd have alternate expressions, so I'm pretty sure that he has other accessories not pictured– likely including the scanner

He only needs two, the gun and the scanner. His universal translator is built in.
I would I need to pre-order if it's made to order? You don't pre-order a burger at a fast food window.
Would be perfect for stuff like Broadside and other characters that would need Commander size class to be done properly.
Burgers don't have limited runs numbskull.
It's going to make a great Cliffjumper with a new head and toes.
It's easy to see you don't have much experience buying imports
>You don't pre-order a burger at a fast food window.
Not yet you don't, comrade
I'm hoping he comes with some fx parts as well
This could be good for those who want a big Torca.

Seems likely. Probably for his eyes. Hasbro loves those things.
Made-to-order as in they're only making at many as there are orders during the limited order window, not in that they're making them individually whenever someone orders one at any time. I honestly don't understand how, for them, this is any different than a HasLab, because I thought they only made as many HasLab figures as were ordered during the backing period.
It's not difficult a concept to understand
>preorder window opens
>customers place orders and pay upfront
>preorder window closes
>company uses money to produce the ordered quantity of toys
>customers receive toy

Seems like HasLab, but more frequent. And probably smaller scale.
I can't think of any that wouldn't fit in the already existing commander class.
You can pay $150 for something that would be sold in stores for $90! Think of the potential!
Can you think of any that wouldn't make the cut for the two designated Commander slots per year?

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Guess I need more.
brigaded by the feeble autobots again, simply for deliberately provoking them with insults and attacks
that just leaves all of the old ones to buy next
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this makes sense to me since G1 Megs' extra parts could transform into a "laser cannon"
Maybe they could do this to release combiners all in one pack instead of needing to devote 5 to 6 mainline slots.
Especially japanese combiners.
This could be a good way to keep a lot of the "definitive" figures in circulation, sort of like how they've reissued Siege Jetfire twice and now Earthrise and Armada Optimus
That's antithetical to how this sort of business model works, it's about limited production runs for items, not keeping items available indefinitely.
Guess I misinterpreted it, my bad.

If this is how we get a new PMOP or Armada Jetfire then I'm all in.

>Armada Jetfire

Ooh, yes please. And Overload.
Panel when?
2-3 hours
megatron from armada.
I highly recomend the japanese version (legend of the microns). armada was okay, but they used unfinished animation and overall didnt do it justice. imo legend of the microns is the best transformers series and I will not pretend otherwise.
>Drillbit wasn't a retool, he was a new mold entirely. They just copied the engineering.
youre right. but what Im getting at here is if they made new ones today they can easily work as retools. but they missed this oppourtunity.
>mfw still no minicon for starscream
Man I want some Minicons.
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We shouldn't've passed on those micromasters
They shouldn't have sucked so hard
it's not just the alt mode, the robot mode is really clunky too. It's just... weird.
YOU suck so hard
Speak for yourself
Blame hasbro's crappy distribution because in my country there's fuck all transformers stuff on shelves.
I bought a bunch but the shelves were overflowing with them.
inb4 made-to-order minicons
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While that would be terrible, it would be cool to see them tackle the minicon teams that combine into something. I don't want to have to rely on thirdparty for a decent star saber
I bought em all, like a true autist
I'm imagining where this could really benefit TFs would be for characters that require more specialized molds that couldn't really be reused, or wiping out teams that might not be viable at retail.

Imagine a 3-pack of the Omnibots or the Autobot double targetmasters.
If any of the WFC micromasters were as good as the new Jolt is, I would have bought more but unfortunately they were mostly boring or just outright sucked with a few exceptions
You have shelves? All we have here is two Walgreens and a CVS.
So P-Bandai but Hasbro? I'm fine with that, as long as it produces toys that Hasbro fears will sell at a loss for whatever reason but is not big enough to make it a Haslab. In an ideal world this would be where we get repaints and minor retooled toys while the retail shelf is mostly new and original molds but I doubt Hasbro would go that far. At the very least it'll be slightly more accessible than P-Bandai.
Most of them were worse than the G1 versions.
Dude when does Straxus come out? Feels like it's been forever.
Well we have shelves here but they don't have any transformers stuff which is my complaint
>actually changing the character's colors to match the vehicle
Who is this and what have they done with the actual GI Joe team
yeah, having fancy shmancy balljointed hips and separate legs and all that doesn't really amount to much when most of the figures can't even stand on their own two feet. Bombshock and Growl were inexcusably shitty in that regard. Also doesn't help that almost all of them were CW-tier shared engineering or transformed so similarly they might as well have been.. The original Micromasters weren't exactly the most exciting or diverse bunch but they could have at least bothered to do some of the more interesting ones instead of just spamming the same basic carbot template over and over
Fanstream now?
SDCC stream in 2 minutes
>the new gen bumblebee leak was just a reactivate re-release
TFOne Megs looks okay

His cannon is on the wrong side.
this is making me miss the usual fanstream guys, whoever this guy is, he's a charisma vacuum
But I don't want a Bludgeon, I just want Rukus.
Bludgeon and Ruckus are the last of the set? No octopunch?


>Knight Rider

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who the fuck even likes knight rider?
>The cooler Windcharger
Tarn was hard to find?
Holy shit, will we ever get a Decepticon out of these licensed collaborations? Sick of these Autobot defaults.
are they going to show us a single new legacy figure?

Like with everything else in life, I blame WalMart.
>end on repaint of shelfwarmer
what a fucking joke
Three are new recolors.
>protagonist vehicles become good guy transformers
wow who could have foreseen that
Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Jurassic Park dinosaurs are it I think.
Armada Wheeljack isn't coming with his minicon, is he?
What panel are they talking about, and if this wasn't the panel then why even bother? Also if these are just reissues why would they 'pipeline' them, just show the same images from however many years back.

So, Omnibots coming soon?
Here's your NEW legacy shelfwarmer figure
Agreed, this was brisk and bland, a terrible combo
Knight Rider and Dinoking were cool. Everything else sucked.
announced reissues for cosmos, ufo bee, tarn, and galaxy shuttle
The hell is this? I was at work and missed the stream.
Blitzwing Mass Production type (Overcharge)
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Overcharge, Blitzwing redeco.
maybe, it is the diaclone colors
Also, Peter Cullen voiced KITT's evil twin in one episode of Knight Rider.

So...theres that.
I fuck with it. Blue and green are my favorite.
I heard that knight rider had a bad guy counterpart voiced by Peter Cullen, so guess they will make that one out of the same mold later.
So its an Army builder. That seems plausible for once, with how bad Blitz shelfwarmed.
>Sureshot nowhere to be seen
It's GI Joever
Right now. Just started.
I like that using the hood of the Triple T actually mimics Kup's chest profile where his truck hood would be.
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He looks awesome

How come everyone hated CW Dev, anyway?
Extremely limited joints on the components.
>working lightbar
>voice lines
>licensed Pontiac Trans Am
I will now buy your $50 deluxe.
Happy with the Cosmos and Galaxy Shuttle reissue even though we knew this was happening.
They confirmed SS86 Devastator will be complete within next year. So that confirms the next Commander is a Long Haul + Hook two pack.
The components sucked and honestly the final result wasn't that good either
Takara really tried to fix it but you can only do so much with something inherently flawed
But then where do you get Silverbolt?
Some didn't like that he was too big
I thought this was 2025
In the Age of the Primes line that's replacing Legacy or whatever the fuck it's called.

I didn't mind the components, but yeah, the combined legs were kinda flimsy. Maybe I'll splurge for this one if it gets a box set.


That was the point!
The Aerialbot? Haven't we been getting two commanders a year now?
Sideways elbows action.
Hey, if Core Class is ending, does that mean we'll only get BB Starscream? No TC or SW?
>Pointlessly oversized
>Horrendous articulation on the robots only mildly improved by the Takara release
>Weird gestalt proportions
>Mixmaster done completely differently for no reason
>Hollow and thin feeling parts
Just a generally disappointing figure.

Amazon exclusive two pack, probably.
I thought his size was fine but others didn't. Wasn't he was released around the time Devastation came out? He was huge in that and was awesome.
Agent Knight?
why not just KITT?
So is that literally the only new mold of the panel/stream or what?
everyone does
And the Kitt one
There is also the first Transformer in years to have working lights
Please tell me that thing under the hood is removable, because lights and sounds aren't worth completely fucking up the front end of the car. I've been wishing for KITT since Ectotron, so this is a massive fucking monkey's paw.
like the new one won't be as bad.
and SS TFOne Megs is new too, ain't he?

Eh, I think a few of those huge gimmicky live action Bumblebees have had lights and sounds.
I'll probably get this just have a permanent Jet Optimus and I never got the sisters.
Call it: which Constructicon will have shit distribution a la G1 Breakdown?
I did. And the Optimus with the trailer/weapons platform, which is basically the same thing. I'm not spending however much this is just for Jetfire.
It's insane how Blitzwing an Galvatrons have not been pushed to ROSS. Red Dragon TM2 Megs was already sent there and it was a pretty popular fig.
Maybe he's a just Cybertronian who just watched too much TV.
I might get it when it inevitably hits sale price on Amazon, but sell the Optimus lol. Studio Series Optimus is... really bad. Really needs a 3.0.

Of course not. He is a toy :)
If you want him to be, go nuts. We're not gonna get any comic or anything to tell us.
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>Warden back
>Mark gone
Uhhhh based?
Is the panel still going? Or did they just say "we're doing Devastator in SS86" and that's it?
When are we getting our Playboy crossover?
What kind of vehicle would be suitable? SS86Arcee repaint with a new head sounds like it wouldn't sell that much.
There was WfC Ratchet too. I thought he looked pretty cool. Definitely not as bad as earlier WfC figures, at least.

Stampy from Beast Wars Neo.
He has a dick...
far left for me
I somewhat agree about Optimus. The legs need reworking to get rid of that no moving red brick on the sides. The figure also is just to small.
yes, and?
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Velocitron Speedia 500
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All that and, his upper body is very bulky and boxy, and his truck mode is completely deplorable. I HATE that thing.
The Battle Blades Optimus did it best, and would just need to crib even more engineering from the RotF Leader for stuff like the feet.
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looks better than the Megatron in the trailers, but that's not saying much
Damn this looks good actually
What all was shown off and pics? I don't wanna have to search and skim Twitter posts
I remember reading Willis and his buddies sperging about this
Could it be? The first good gamer edition figure...
So, uh...is the panel over?
I kind of like it, just wish he was painted silver
Sideswipe was decent if you could look past the feet desu. And Optimus, of course.
But yeah, I'm glad at least that the guys who didn't get proper figures a decade ago (Sideswipe and Ratchet/Ironhide) are the ones getting decent figures today. ..W-Well, if you ignore Barricade and the Decepticon Trooper... dang.
Sideswipe was a like %90 good except those feet
>looks better than the Megatron in the trailers
no he doesn't
yuh huh
there was a panel?
any beast wars reveals?
I'd really want Haslab reprints (primarily Victory Saber, or an improved version thereof), and also figures too expensive for Leader but too cheap for Commander - $60-$75 range figures. Most recent Commanders would actually fit under that definition p well..
Mate, he’s a dull beige with proportions of gondola
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Tentative update to the paste bin
>Upcoming Transformers

I'll dot in other stuff like Night Rider and the SS Autobot multipack once they have preorder dates
wonder what's going to be the dark of the moon 15 anniversary pack. I can see it being just jetwing optimus, sentinel and megs.
I think he's neat
I think it's stupid that they're doing an obscure redeco of a figure that shelfwarmed hard, but if they ditch the stupid hands and knock the price down a bit I could see myself picking him up
>inb4 Hatchet
Ditch the hands might happen, but no way in fuck for knock price down outside retailers selling things for lower than MSRP.
>ditching the hands but keeping the same price
At least give him another weapon or something
anyone else having a weird thing in only this thread, where the thread stays at the bottom of the screen even as new posts appear... instead of staying right where it was and then you can scroll down to see what you've missed
Does the url end with bottom? You might have clicked on that. Try clicking on one of the red-colored links.
it seems to be normal after I refreshed. but I will keep an eye on the url next time because damn if I don't click things by accident all the time.
me, absolutely no one likes you though
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TF:One needed a battlemaster line like ROTB.
Sez you, I bought two of the jet dudes just to have a Starsaber-ish combo before grabbing the 12-pack of micro masters to do a Starmon Sword combo. Also bought two of each ramp guy, and of each zoo weapon.
holy shit who are these guys. are those b-daman or bakugan or something
NTA but they look like the latest generation of bakugan
>I think it's stupid that they're doing an obscure redeco of a figure that shelfwarmed hard,
Blitzwing is very much in the same boat as Transmetal II Megatron where everyone who wanted him, got him with plenty to spare with his immediate package refresh.
What we really should've got was Overcharge and Cryotek back then instead of those PRs
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Ditching the hands isn't gonna save those dogshit alt modes, unfortunately
Really sucks cause this is the only blitzwing in recent memory actually doing the diaclone deco
i likes em. particularly that spoodler. I'd buy that for up to twelve dorra.
the... lobster? behind the t-rex is also intriguing me. and the rex is good but he's got similar proportions to legacy Landsaur lol
silly you are not an eggu
>he dosent like Knight Rider
>tell me youre a zoomer without telling me
Its the first show I watched as a child with my grandfather. Now the General Lee needs to get un-cancelled
pretty fuckin rad
I mean.. i think 90s kids don't .. LIKE the show, more that we like, respect it and think that's a cool car and his scanning red light is cool. and the theme song is excellent. but to sit and watch it would be a snore.

anyway NIGHTBOAT when
I liked the remake
it was a simpsons bit
it actually might have been Knight Boat, i'm not sure how on the nose they were with it.
>just realized Agent Kinght’s alt mode doesn’t have Super Mode
Wtf. This should not have been difficult at all for a company that makes transforming toys.
The super mode is the robot mode
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Leaving this out is a major fail
You sure?
It's clearly an Omnibot
I bet the designers didnt even watch enough of the show to know this existed. It just feels so forgotten, considering how simple it seems like it wouldve been to include.
Ones that actually existed in-universe like the family sedan seem more likely
Tbh I don't really care about the super mode, the car itself looks great
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KARR repaint when?
It looks pretty aight. My first thought after my initial excitement was “when Windcharger”? But I sure dont think we are getting him from this mold.
Presumably announced after people have the first one. Jurassic Park and Universal Monsters had a 2-year gap.
aw man this is way cool. i can't tell what it is exactly, side panels opening up for more air intake, and the front sorta moving? and an extra spoiler on the bottom...
no i mean
nightboat was a gag they did on the simpsons. cripes.
i am still eagerly awaiting six or seven more jurassic park ones.
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Speaking of the Simpsons, here's your future collab
it'd be hard as balls to resist that. and i've resisted a lot of cool crossovers so far.
I'm glad I didn't stay until 2 fucking AM for the stream. Holy shit, the "pipeline reveals" were just a bunch of PR plus Overcharge. Nothing really for me to get excited for, wanted the rest of the triggercons but Ruckus and his stilettos killed that.
I just want cryotek
and quickstrike
and every other possible beast guy we haven't gotten yet. is that so much to ask?
>He doesn't want his Deceptimooks to SLAYY while they slay Autobots
I just want Super Link figures period. And Car Robots & Animated toys that actually look like their respective designs. So by these standards, apparently yes. Have another G1 derivative with slightly more or less greebling thx
Wait, were getting a retail single release of Reactivate Bee? Why?
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>not even a retooled head
>packed with what will be a high demand figure
>and their are rumors he will be refreshed in the prime series line of 2025

This mold has shelf warmed for four years already, this will likely push it into a decade of always being on shelves
Does anyone else hate 2-packs? I specially abhor ones with fossilizers because I want the bones but not the car.
2-packs no because as a burger they always go well below the price of a deluxe eventually. I just set the honey app on it and wait for the alert that the listing is under 50% / 70% and then buy it. Now 3 or more packs it can get frustrating because it leads into a mess of being worth it even if deep clearance.
They have said the white rock car is planned for something not rock related
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mix of Targetmasters, RID15 minicons and bakugan

Crab and not-Terrosaur here are Gen 3, you can tell because they split into interchangeable halves. The other Bakugan are Gen 2. Scorpion is an RID15 flying puck. Getting close to a full BW predacon cast if I can find a mini-Quickstrike...
The opposite, I want G2 Leadfoot but I have more than enough fossilizers that paying for one more is holding me back from getting the whole set.
I like his little flip up headlights. Also his wrist watch.
Haven't seen it said yet so I'll do it
Most of the preorders for everything shown go live on Tuesday
Pick related, the other Studio Series stuff, Night Rider, Kup etc
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Feels really weird that Marvel Legends, with Death's Head and now ROM unveiled, is doing more for me as a TF fan to get me hyped, than the actual Transformers reveals this week. Yeah they said there might be more news later, we'll see.
Maybe it's just cuz TF listings have been leaked to hell and back already, so those two are bigger surprises to me? I dunno, Legacy and SS seem to be ending the year with a couple decent figures, surrounded by a miasma of "blah". Nothing I'm SUPER excited about, just "oh ok neat" at best or "this mold/repaint's kinda lame" at average.
>6.5 inches
That puts him at Masterpiece Carbot scale.
It won't be Bonecrusher or Scavenger. Any of the other 4 are in contention.
>but why?
Because you can cope and build a Devastator with a missing arm if need be. You can't very well do that with a missing torso or leg.
This WILL be out of spite, and it's not in your head.
Shame he's not chug like Gigawatt or the JPs but he should pair well with Ectotron

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