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Previously: >>11081162

-SDCC takes place this weekend will list reveals when the event has concluded

-Medicom Showcase event takes place this weekend will list all reveals when the event has concluded

-Marvel Legends Wolverine (Deadpool and Wolverine) leaked

-Marvel Legends Phoenix Deluxe solicited (Fan Channel exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Magik (Walgreens) reissued (Fan Channel exclusive)

-Mafex The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man solicited

-Marvel Legends Rogue/Destiny 2 Pack solicited (Amazon Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Let There Be Carnage Venom solicited(Target exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Death's Head (SDCC 2024 Exxclusive) revealed

-Marvel Legends Odin solicited (all major retailers)

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist

First SDCC reveals are trickling out. Hasbro has a panel TODAY! Expect new reveals
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Hasbro Pulsecon 2024 Exclusive: Deluxe Kang
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they are still trying to make Kang a thing? lol
I suspect this is a holdover figure that was planned before the whole Jonathan majors incident happened
Watched the movie last night, I bet we have a lot more Deadpool & Wolverine figures on the way.
This is his Kang incarnation, not Rama-Tut.
When do Kang and Deaths Head come out?
when SDCC is over, August 5th I think
Kang was announced as a PulseCon exclusive which is separate from SDCC. Last year it was in September. I believe they said that Death's Head is the SDCC exclusive, but I'm not 100% sure on that, so I don't know when he'll be going up, at some point after the show.
What time is the Hasbro panel?
3:30 est. we will see a tease for fin fang foom haslab
i for one like the cotton candy sentinels and will be buying 2 (4)
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Uh, why the shorts?
He's worn shorts in a bunch of his appearances. They're soft goods so they're obviously removable if you don't want to use them. If this is even real anyway.
Also, this is the Marvel Universe Fin Fang Food that never was produced. Nice try tho
Yea, toys take time to plan mold and release. It's been just about a year since that mess.
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Hasbro disappoints yet again. At least the Marvel 375 Sentinels look alright, even with limited articulation.
Oh fuck off. The colors are fine.
This thing always had a shit head
Its the game you fucking retard spammer
God I want this to be a thing. At this point I'm only buying Iron Man related Legends and Foom is pretty high on my want list. And I legitimately think the only way we ever get a comic Mandarin is as a Haslab stretch goal.
They're not the colors from the source material. You are free to enjoy your Barbie colored Sentinels. I'll happily buy them when/if they reissue them in the correct colors.
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Im with you on this. Pink isn't in the game. There's a ton of different colored sentinels in the x-men arcade, green, red, white, blue, but not this color combo. I hope hasbro does the right coloring, but this one is wrong and dumb.
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They should make the Power Man (Girl) from a one-panel What if. As a joke.
They should make a figure that’s isn’t slop. As a joke.
Genuinely looks close enough.
Shut up, retard
where's the panel?
Go back to bed, Bob.
>reissue Magik
>damn this body/face/articulation feels old af
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It seems to be correct based on the packaging, but then again, maybe the colors of that were altered as well.
Made with shitty 90s plastic
The box reflects the colors they chose, not the colors from the game.
At least it should look better with that printing they've been using for face sculpts now. I hope, at least.
Well accuracy be damned, I think it looks cool.
They aren't streaming the panel anywhere, right?
portrait only though, tech issues.

Fingers crossed we get ROM
lamo, Super Heroes What-The is coming back. That's great, I missed those shorts
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Arcade style Sentinels is a Hasbro Pulse exclusive.
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Next exclusive to use the card design need to be Annihilus.

Which one would you pick?

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8-Ball when? we've already got the "headsculpt" from The Orb. Slap that on the most posable blank body they've got, give him a pool cue, easy.
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Interchangable faces and forks
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Crystal is up next!
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Hope they redo Medusa with bendy hair.
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New green costume Quicksilver retro carded Walmart exclusive
Time for Pietro to shelfwarm
>Walmartcon exclusive
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Comic version of Wong
Hope they made the X97 version at the same time since the mold was revved up and ready.
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Comes in a 2 pack with an updated Dr. Strange
He's anatomically accurate ;)
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Comes with Bats the Ghost Dog!
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Holy shit!

Punisher vs Bushwacker 2 pack

100% new buck for Punisher
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Frank comes with multiple heads and accessories
I've never been harder.
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Amazon Exlcusive
Shit, I kind of want that.
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Fucking awesome. I'm here for all of these!
So glad I opted to make a custom patsy instead of crystal. What a waste that would have been.
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VenomPool Deluxe update
>Posting images during a stream
Fuck off Kanji
your welcome for the blue recommendation.
Great, Venompool deluxe. Hopefully Morbius will drop to retail price so I can complete my BAF instead.
>Target Exclusive
Fuck me
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Venompool is a Target exclusive

Deadpool and Wolverine Deadpool
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Wolverine, we've seen this already
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Civilian Logan and Headpool accessory
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Here's the pre-order info
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New Colossus comes with a rulebook accessory
Finally, mcu colossus, my kimiko and Juggernaut soon too.
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MCU edgerunners look neat. maybe a clearance pickup.
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Lockjaw comes with swappable hind legs for sitting poses
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MCU Outriders
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Sneak Peak:
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Sneak Peak 2:
That's it? Lame.
its spider-boy with that shitty costume
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Marvel Legends Hasblab info: NO 2024 HASLAB.

Instead of crowdfunding they're going list items for pre-order for a limted time, no minimum backers needed, will be billed on order. First item on this new system will be Dragon Man
That alarm made me think there was a shooting...
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isnt it spider-man unlimited?
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No pre-order info yet, movable jaw and tounge glasses. 10in bendy Tale

Pre-order will be available later, no minimum backers. Pulse Exclusive.
>Dragon Man
>Is a robot
HasLab lite. No tiers, limited preorder window, smaller scale, no min backers. Hopefully its below $100
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my mistake, i thought you replied to the second image
There ya go anon.
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Here's a better shot of ROM. He's going to be nice and tall.
That is a way better model than Haslab. Hopefully other lines pick it up, too.
Congrats anon. Were you >>11082839 from last thread. It looks pretty damn cool not gonna lie.
These are the only items I want. I hope no one sold their Fin Fang Foom BAFs.
So to clarify what Dragon Man is:

Hasbro discussed how they can produce these somewhat larger scale items, maybe not quite Haslab big, but somewhere in between the size of a deluxe and a Haslab, but instead of going the crowdfunding route, they're going to do the made to order route. Meaning they will only make enough items to fill the pre-orders they get. The items will be listed on Pulse in a limited window and require no minimum backers, if only a handful of people order a figure, they only make a handful of figures to fill those orders. You will be billed when you order the item unlike currently where you are billed upon shipment of the item.

Honestly, this seems like a much better system than outright crowdfunding. There's no risk of the item not being backed since there's no required minimum order number, and Hasbro still gets the money up front in order to fund the production of the figure itself. Dragon Man is a nice choice for a first item for this new system. I'm curious to see what other large scale items we get under this model.
Fucking copied P-Bandais model, despite their billions.
I think they're just doing these for larger characters but not large enough to warrant a HasLab. We'll still get a HasLab figure such as FFF since he'll be big enough. But I bet a smaller scaller X97 Sentinel would fall into this category.
This is great. Really happy he's finally getting made, and he looks excellent.
Yeah. I can think of a huge list of characters and sets that aren't big enough to warrant a haslab, but are too big for traditional deluxe. They probably made this decision after their budget kitbash super adaptoid flopped. Would have worked great in this line with wings and an accurate sculpt.
The arm is but not the shoe.
This is Spider-Boy

Spider-Man Unlimited
They used that billions to get their own factory so no more minimum orders for manufacturing is required. Get only 1000 preorders, still making the figure.
I imagine if it's something that only like 1000 people pre-order they just won't make it too
This is the logical next step.
that Super Adaptoid hitting clearance really messed with them, huh. shame, these big items can be cool, but I hardly ever want them enough to pay the MSRP and these new built to order items won't drop in price.
They specifically stated that there are zero minimum order requirements, meaning that they won't cancel it on you, especially if they're charging up front. That would require them to start issuing refunds and that's more expensive for Hasbro.
I don't think that'd be enough to make a steel mold though
Does that not matter anymore
Did they perfect 3D printing
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gigachad Frank
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This is all I want anon
they said no min preorder amounts required.
>I don't think that'd be enough to make a steel mold though
Steel molds are in the thousands to low 10s of thousands each, depending on the size and depth. If a KS can gets 100k in pledges and still manage to make multiple steel molds and multiple figures, Hasbro won't have a problem. I do think there was probably some convincing needed for potentially low orders given the potentially lower profit margins than the traditional Haslab route guarantees. Entirely possible it makes more, depending on how many sell. Basically don't worry about hasbro, they'll be fine.
Uh bros anon from previous thread hinted at ROM. >>11082839 is he based or what?
It sounded like Hasbro were taking a risk that Dragon Man would sell enough to be profitable, probably a low risk to be fair. If there's no profit to be made we simply won't see another "Haslab-lite"
Oh I was worried about orders being canceled.
But >>11087206
ROM is popular, so every day until it happens.
Anyone have that list of leaked figures for this year?
Were all of these on the list?
Never heard of ROM until one guy on twitter kept spamming it whenever dan made a tweet about announcing a new figure.
Looks good, bit I need to swap/ paint the gloves/boots white. May get the shield 2 pack to kit bash. Presume this is vulcan buck?
All-New, All Different Buck.
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He's from the good old days when comic books were fun, not cringe.
Who do I have to kill to get an Exodus figure? I swear to god give me a name and I'll do it.
Star Wars pretty much already did that with the Jabba's Throne Room set. Apparently it was supposed to be a HasLab but they went in that direction instead. And now that it got put up for order again recently, I wonder if that's why they want to change the format around. If you think about it, doing a HasLab pretty much locks them into a single release of something. At least this way, they invest in the tooling ahead of time but they can reissue it or retool it for other things and not worry about compromising the exclusivity of a HasLab.
New bigger buck. The Grim Reaper to Vulcan's Bucky Cap.
after picking up Luke Cage/Iron Fist, Ghost Rider, Superior Spider-Man, Warbird, and Wolverine this week, I am very thankful there's nothing revealed that I want. a much needed break.
Tell me about it bro. So much shit came out the past few weeks but thankfully for me I don't have anything else coming in until September.
The reveals were mediocre asf this year. I literally only want three figures and the rest are skips. Wasted opportunity to reveal a new wave and baf. Guess I’ll wait for the next event.
What can you think of as your most hated wave possible?
Does anyone actually like Headpool wtf?
Oh boy another pulse exclusive. I can’t wait to get buttfucked by the ridiculous shipping costs.
Everywhere except BBTS charges you expensive shipping now. It's just the way it is. Inb4
>buh-buh-but Amazon
You're paying for shipping with your Prime membership.
All exclusives, retailers don't eat their shit anymore, the brand is dying and these fucks release ROM to save it, Dwight has some kind of mental illness
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why they go back to smol tiddy :(
Frank and ROM are the ones I want. I don't really want the Bushwacker. I don't know to hold off and see if Frank gets a solo release or bite the bullet. I always feel bad about binning a figure I don't care about.
pozzed Crystal not buying
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She's the little sister.
I don't buy shit I don't 100% want anymore. I have way too many figures in a box I only bought because they were part of a stupid 2 or 3 pack.
He looks really good
I don't usually either. I skipped Sabretooth cause the Wolverine in regular clothes looked like shit. I'm still hoping he gets a single release. Maybe Frank will get another release with the white gloves. It's nice to see the Punisher back in any form which puts to rest rumors of the skull version not getting new merch.
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This guy gonna be expensive. Sculpted scales all around. Thinking over $100 or just touching.
I'd say that's a fair estimate. Similarly sized Transformers commander class retail for around that much.
that Logan having two heads that are nearly identical is so fucking retarded. he's in street clothes, so he probably got ambushed by his biggest rival, and he has two heads and no angry face. just braindead.
I expect animated soon
What kind of food does Fin Fang Food eat?
You just know
They never really left it.
Only as a hobby. Her main fetish is cheating.
Do not support this or else this will be their new business model going forward for all figures eventually and you will never see a sale again. And you'll be giving Hasbro interest free loans.
and so they can sell Mephisto now.
Because she's inhuman...
Buy 2, sell the 2nd for your all money back.
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You know, The dragon man seems to be one of legends’ better offerings. If this is what it takes to get higher quality figures, then I don’t see the harm to it on my end. As LONG as the pricing is FAIR and released SPREAD OUT, I would pay 30$-50$ for a spectacular mainline figure that has minimal reuse. Like Blade for example, with a soft goods jacket and muscular arms. Or a moon knight that’s not on a stinky body.
>As LONG as the pricing is FAIR and released SPREAD OUT
Anon...this is Hasbro we're talking about...
t can't just be made as a deluxe? it's really not that big or complex
I was just reading Nextwave yesterday (I bought three issues that would complete my collection of the 12 issue comic run
Yeah I know, the dragon man just impressed me a lot that it doesn’t look like a hasbro product. It makes me wonder how a standard 6 inch figure would look with that budget and selling model that dragon man has.
I don't need to wait for discounts like a poor. If I want something from this new price model and it's cheap enough, I'm gonna get it.
Consider this; you won't have to deal with distribution fuckery either
MUH SALE was always the driving force against Haslabs as well so you're taking off the mask really quick this time poorfag
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now where can I get a dog poop accessory?
Barbie sets
Nice leg articulation on that guy.
just use any of your marvel legends.
I feel like there has to be some shit emoji keychain out there that'd work.

It's kinda crazy cause the GI Joe line has Timber and he articulates pretty well.
You actually think the average ML is worth 25 bucks? They're not, they're only worth buying on sale. Something like Warbird or Spiral for 25? Sure. Another reused bucky cap like The Orb? Haha no.
>new buck
>still has Vulcan glove lines
Fuacking Hasbro, Jesus Christ. Retire that damn forearm already.
>Like Blade for example,
Hope all the cameos on deadpool 3 get toys.
I think, in the context of today's economy, $25 is fine. If everything else in the world also wasn't also exorbitantly expensive I would be more inclined to agree with you, but this is just the state of the world we live in now. And in that context, I think it's fine. Unless I really don't care whether or not I get a figure, I don't play discount chicken. I'm not poor so I don't need to worry about saving a few dollars on my action figures.
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There’s a fair few from that card series that I’d like figures for…
Wasn't "an incident" to me. I don't care if he robbed a bank, let the show go on ffs. What matters is what I want not what useless Disney PR faggots want.
They need it for the classic version
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Oh wait, there was a crappy Sleepwalker wasn’t there? Fine, X-Factor Jean then
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ROM stories were great. I miss the guy, this is a dream coming true.
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All animals in the Classified line have great articulation, Zabu got a pretty decent range too. But Lockjaw is not exactly an action character he mostly just stands around so I'm ok with this.
Another SDCC, another year without Marvel Legends Rico and Kay...
His nullifier/analyzer is way too big. He should be a bit more broader as well.
>more broader
Yes. That would be more gooder.
Sexy slim male slut bot for my chonker seman slinger
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Got my Cabal set. Only had time to take out Norman for a few group shots with his squad.
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I'm Norman Osborn, and I approve these Avengers.
thanks for the blog update!
lol is that mark hamil in drag.
You're welcome.
The vast majority of MLs are so shoddily made, I really do not care whether or not I get it. As I said, for something like Warbird or Spiral that have effort put into them, then I wouldn't play discount chicken. But for the third or fourth version of Wolverine from a mold that is from back when they were 19.99 or another Vulcan reuse? It ain't worth $25 to me.
>Warbird head on beefy Captain Marvel body
The plastic on the right thigh on that old mold is also starting to break down.
fuck that bullshit. Should have been a two-pack with clean shaven 90s Hercules, so we will have the full 90s Avengers roster at long last.
Herc can probably sell on his own.
Schizo post because that has nothing to do with what I was talking about
We're not talking about Normal MLs we're talking about things too big for retail
Turns out that my local Ollies had been sitting on the new shipment of Marvel Legends overstock for a couple of weeks and only now is getting it out on the floor after dumping their Ant Man stuff out a couple weeks prior.

Pretty much all of the Avengers 60th anniversary stuff save for the Sersi/Black Knight" and "Bruce Banner/Gray Hulk" sets, plus a couple of cases ofblack/green costume Rogue and select What If/Disney+ stuff (mainly Black Immortus Kang, Evil Gamora from What If, and a stealth Kilmonger reissue under the What If Branding).

Picked up Quantumania Kang and Future Ant Man (mainly for the BAF parts), Killmonger, and the Thor/Destroyer set.

>>Killmonger is pretty cool though only comes with a spear and two BP claw gloves. Gave him some extra guns from a recently purchased GI Joe Retro Scarlet. Now I just fucking need Hasbro to reissue Movie Klaw to have all of the BP characters in action figure form.

>>Future Ant Man was a complete garbage figure and I'm shocked they didn't make him have the torso or head BAF part to force people to buy him. Might repurpose him as a Cobra Gimp for Baroness and Destro, since his helmet kind of looks like a high end sensory deprivation mask.

>>But as bad as Future Ant Man was, Movie Kang was worse because the god-dmn tunic Kang has renders his arms 100% immobile and useless. Had some high hopes for this fucker but he's utterly worthless as an actual action figure.

>>Finally, the Thor set. I had scuffed at it at first until I found out that it had an alternate Eric Masterson Thor head. I hated the screaming face that Thunderstrike had so this is a better figure for Eric. But the big surprise is that Destroyer is a super cool figure. I had low expectations for it but damn it's got the right amount of articulation and a sleek, streamline design that I kind of want to buy a couple of extra sets and army build Destroyers.
Super Adaptoid would have sold as a regular sized figure. Why the hell did they make him oversized?
The retro carded one shelfwarmed for ages, to the point that stores put him on deep discount, esp here in Canada
We need a first appearance Carol now that we got Warbird.
>Turns out that my local Ollies had been sitting on the new shipment of Marvel Legends overstock for a couple of weeks
Damn, they must be chaffed.
>it's another "look all this crap custom figure fodder nobody wanted that i bought at Ollies!" post
That sounds like a viable strategy.
>Pretty much all of the Avengers 60th anniversary stuff save for the Sersi/Black Knight" and "Bruce Banner/Gray Hulk" sets, plus a couple of cases ofblack/green costume Rogue and select What If/Disney+ stuff (mainly Black Immortus Kang, Evil Gamora from What If, and a stealth Kilmonger reissue under the What If Branding).
Good to know but all of that has hit deep discount online at one point or another so I guess it's cool for those who are afraid of online purchasing. I got the Thor/Destroyer 2 pack for fucking $33 a week or two ago. Also

>buying the shittiest of MCU slop just because they wer cheap
I don't understand why you do this. Are all these just impulse purchases? Don't you Olliepops have any self control?
Hasbro are often prone to retarded decision-making. For instance, releasing Super Adaptoid at that price when people scaled back purchases (not to mention, when the 12 inch line was significantly cheaper, even adjusting for inflation, it's not worth 70 dollars), and the reuse made no sense + inaccurate to the source material.

Or having the Vulcan body released but still using Bucky Cap for a period of time.

Or advertising pinless in 2020, but still releasing figures now where they are reusing molds that have pins, despite having the same exact pinless molds. Reminder that Jada Toys, etc. are offering pinless at less of a price point than Hasbro.
Anon, if you let made to order become the norm, it will become the norm for every Marvel Legend eventually. They are already moving to tons of fan channel waves now because stores don't want action figures clogging the pegs that could be better used selling baby toys to new mothers.
Lots of sour grapes Ross/TJ Max fags who are pissy as fuck that they got shunned by Hasbro and no longer get overstock shit at bargain prices anymore....
The disparity of users in this thread is interesting. On the one hand, you have guys who are completing teams, and recreating comic covers/panels and seem to actually read the source material. Then, on the other hand, you have the guys who only buy stuff at Ollie's because it's on discount with only surface level knowledge of the characters.

The duality of man.
The only place I saw the 60th Anniversary wave shit was at my local Gamestop (Walmart didn't have any of it because they are STILL sitting on a ton of What If/Black Panther 2 garbage and my local comic shop stopped carrying MLs). They got in one of each set/figure and that was that. When they sold out, they didn't order any additional reorders. I was lucky to get my hands on the Doom/Captain Marvel set but everything else sold out within days of it being put out on the floor.
You forgot the people who don't own any toys at all but like shitting up the thread anyway.
Anon, everything >>11087944 mentioned already has hit deep discount on Pulse, Amazon, BBTS, or any other of the big online retailers. And even then, no one wants 99% of it.

Like I said, everything that guy listed at Ollie's was listed for DEEP discount online too. I got Black and Green Rogue for $11 s month or two ago from Amazon. I got Lady Loki for $8 from Walmart. I don't know why the Olliepops act like they're the only ones getting these discounts.
He didn't want to include himself in the types of users.
It goes too fast if the prices are that low online. The only thing that preserves it is the obscurity of sitting in some random Ollies where no one knows its there. Most of us don't refresh walmart and amazon listings hourly to wait for a sale.
I am a huge Marvel fan and I still buy shit at Ollies.

I just have REALLY REALLY shitty distribution, barely maybe 2 to 3 waves per year due to Walmart being the only major chain store in town and them being garbage at getting in new stock, combined with not wanting to be made to pay rape dollar price for shit online.

I see more new waves at Ollies than I would ever fucking see at Walmart and again, the people bitching about that are bitter little faggots who don't live near Ollies or are whiney cunts who have a TJ Max/Ross nearby and are pissy as fuck Hasbro started sending their overstock to another chain store that is not in their area.
Good. It will filter out you shitty secondaries that only buy shit you didn't even really want, just because it was cheap. Getting sick of you poorfags constantly shitting up the thread with your whining.

A lot of these things were available for literal weeks at these prices. The figures I listed I wasn't even waiting for a sale, they just so happened to be cheap when I was interested in buying them.
I'm having more fun reading old comics than actually playing with the toys and trying to complete teams seems like a hassle. Honestly I'm not sure why I hang out here.
Most of those sales didn't happen/you are making shit up because you are pissy you don't get the overstocks at your local stores anymore.

You are probably the same sort of faggot face who used to brag about all of the impossible to find without paying rape dollar prices online GI Joe and Transformers figures at TJ Max and Ross in the early 00s and mocking people who didn't have a TJ Max or Ross nearby.
Why don't you just buy online then? I gave up even trying to get toys at Walmart. Target is almost as bad nowadays.
Ironic that the same guy posting complaining about secondaries buying things because they're cheap is also the guy bragging he bought MLs cheap online. Might have been best to separate those two replies, anon, just sayin'.
>Nuh Uh! you're a big fat stinky liar
Holy shit, how old are you? If you're an actual child or would make sense why you're resorting to Ollie's.
Don't forget the weirdos who can't pose fort shit
Where is Fort Shit? Your house?
Oh eat dog shit until you choke on your vomit.

Again, you are a sour grapes faggot pissy that your precocious TJ Max got told to fuck off and die by Hasbro so they no longer get in overstock so you can't dick wave on people who live in crappy areas with garbage distribution that are lucky to get one new wave (and only a single case of that wave) every six months.

And not everyone is a castrated NEET who buys everything online because they keep calling black people ******* and their mommy and daddy ban them from setting foot outside because you lost all ability to socialize after Stacy Hoemaker told you she'd rather let a pack of ******* run a train on her than fuck your incel ass.
Because online buying means paying rape dollar prices. From outrageous shipping fees to scalper tax, it's not worth it. Also, some people like to go out and socialize and look at their items in person before buying them. And shopping in person is one of those things people used to do before faggots like you came along and demanded everyone live inside full time.
Holy shit. I kmew the Hasbro whiners were deranged but not THIS deranged. How much of your post is projection?
Are you guys just not capable of shopping online? Are you the same guy last thread who had like zero experience buying from import sites only to get put in his place by people who actually use them? The only explanation is either you're bad at using e-commerce or you're actual children who don't have access to a credit/debit card without asking your parents and have to resort to buying toys with your allowance. Either way, ick.
At this point, as someone said, with chain stores being garbage about getting in new stock (and often with massive delays in getting in said new stock; case in point I didn't see the Marvels wave of Marvel Legends at Walmart until six months after the movie came out), a lot of people aren't seeing these figures until they hit Ollies.

I'm sure the poster who mentioned this probably never saw any of the Avengers Anniversary stuff at retail. Or the Ant Man Quantumania stuff. So you can't fault him for wanting to look and buy them now that he can actually buy them. Especially if he's the type that values in person buying or who isn't repeatedly stealing his mom and dad's credit cards to make online purchases like some people in this thread do.
You'd have a point about browsing in person if all those figures you listed aren't in WINDOWLESS FUCKING BOXES!
I'm going to assume you are a childless faggot NEET who blows his NEET check every month ala Chris Chan on toys, not caring that you are being gouged, and expects mommy and daddy to pay all of his bills and buy his tendies for him.

Online buying is a huge scam. Rape dollar is a meme for a reason. And not everyone is a parasite like you who can pay over retail price or insane shipping costs every fucking time you see a toy online. And as others have said, some people fucking like in person shopping, which again, makes me think you buy shit online because you keep calling people the N-word because Stacy would rather fuck one of those kinds than you. Which is why you are thread derailing like crazy, because you are a virgin with rage and pissy that you can't get mommy and daddy to pay for your onlyfans subs anymore.
>shits on anon with brand new, just releasing toys that no one in the thread has yet
>Would rather discuss year old fodder at Ollie's that nobody wants
Shut up, retard.
I wonder what version of SM Unlimited they're doing. They better not be doing dumb shit like using PS4 as reference for Spider-Man Mark I
I'm going to assume that the people bitching about Ollies live in areas where their brick and mortor stores get everything in stock when it comes out and doesn't skip multiple waves/only carry movie waves.

Also, what >>11088064 says. They are spoiled brat who still have their parents pay their bills so they waste what little money they make themselves buying stuff online impulsively and then bashing anyone who gets stuff cheaper in person.
You ran a train on people with that import discussion before. The real issue with import sites is they don't let you see your shipping price before you order, so you will have no idea which of the 6 options will be a better deal than just buying at a US based site that sells the same import figures, where they will tell you up front how much your total will be. Too many unknowns. Then you'll risk get banned if you cancel the order because the shipping was more than expected. There's no way to tell whether you're going to save money, especially when US Amazon is selling the figure for 61 bucks and amiami is selling it for 54 (converted from yen) rather than spin the mystery shipping wheel
For a lot of people, those "year old fodder" figures ARE new figures because they never fucking saw them at retail. Fuck, I never saw a single 60th Anniversary figure where I live (like another poster, my only store is Wal Mart and they are garbage when it comes to stocking Marvel Legends).
NTA but I have a big boy job and pay for all my bills, toys, and other hobbies on my own. I haven't had help from my parents in more than a decade. Toy collecting isn't even my most expensive hobby. I shoot guns and regularly throw Marvel Legends worth of money down range just for funsies. I just dropped $500 to build a new plate carrier last year, just to LARP around in the woods. Not everyone is a welfare baby living with their parents anon.
Glad to see we all had a totally normal reaction to obvious bait.
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Has anyone here ever bought these customs from AliExpress? They got some pretty interesting stuff for great prices.
WOW! A whole $500?! How many burgers did you have to flip for that?!

And we've seen your toy room, you absolutely live with your parents, paying them rent is still getting assistance from them.
It's human nature to want to get more for less. People complaining about "poor people" are just trying to keep up with the Joneses and act rich on the internet. All the money you waste could be used for an early retirement.
What bait? The Fin Fang Foom? I only pay attention to posts with pics to avoid drama.
Shut up, retard.
>you can only afford one thing
If your fun money and your retirement money is coming from the same fund you have a problem.
>Falling for a fake
I don't know why you think my parents would let me have a dedicated room just for my toys and other nerd stuff. But tell yourself whatever you need to. You guys get way too wound up by obvious bait.
All your fun money is potentially retirement money, anon.
No, the other one

He straight up said it was bait

Sure thing, dude.
Getting shit back on track.

Since someone mentioned the 90s Avengers, what figures are we missing to complete the roster?

We've got:

Captain America
Thor/Eric Masterson
Black Widow in her grey jumpsuit/pixie cut
Black Knight with jacket and classic look
Sersi in her red costume/jacket
Hercules (classic look/beard)
White Vision
Regular Vision
Crystal (classic costume)

The only ones missing is the Giant Man redesign costume Steve Epting drew and Swordsman II, Magdalene, and Deathcry.
This whole conversation just demonstrate that so many of you are in a financial situation where you probably shouldn't be collecting toys.
This. It's nice when you have money to not resort to buying kids toys.
This is the average person's situation in America. I mean do you really think everyone is a multi-millionaire relaxing on the beach and having Jeeves order his MLs for him as soon as they go up for preorder?
>The real issue with import sites is they don't let you see your shipping price before you order,
Not the guy you're arguing with, but this is an amiami problem. Use Hobby Link Japan, Hobby Search, and many others which will show you the prices for different shipping methods beforehand to avoid it.
Anon, I have to genuinely ask, how well off do you think you need to be to collect toys? I make just over $70K a year, not even a lot of money by today's standards, and I'm able to afford living out of my parents home, pay all my bills, snd afford my dumb hobbies. Are you actually underage?
You're planning wrong.

There's more millionaires on 4chan than bohemian grove if you take people here on their word.
>living out of my parents home
At least he admits it, finally.
Literally every single dollar you spend on toys could be going into the market instead, anon. You cannot deny this.
There is no enjoyment to be had investing in stocks.
Quite the contrary, many find it to be a huge dopamine hit seeing the numbers keep going up. They're called actual rich people.
Keep coping anon.
And then the markets crash and everyone is living off soup in the streets.
Also, that many of the users here are possibly underage, or at the very least, don't have regular access to a bank account lmao.
hlj and Hobby Search are basically glorified preorder to order sites. Anything remotely desirable will not come "in stock" there and you'll always be at the mercy of when they happen to get your preorders in. "Now on Reserve" and "Sold Out" abound. OK for people who order tons of stuff in 90 day periods, but not great for the average person.
Your toys will be worthless then anyway. The market is the only thing keeping the world going.
The value of toys is in the appeal to the owner. The value of money is that it can be exchanged for goods.
When people mention the 90s era Avengers here in these threads, I always think of the Busiek/Perez run or the last couple of years of the West Coast Avengers.

Granted, I wasn't born until the late 90s, so I never read the Harras run. Is it any good?
Markets crashing (not a recession, an actual crash) would lead to apocalypse in this day and age, anon. Unless you can exchange toys for food and shelter they won't be much use.
You are looking at toys as only an economic investment instead of the original intent.
Lmao this one post caused like 100 posts of rage.
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better look at Punisher. seems super easy for Hasbro to re-release this guy in classic colors down the line
Wait, wasn't Iron Patriot supposed to have silver instead of white? Did they change it? Robo's sample had silver in his review.
No, I'm comparing buying a toy to an investment. The investment is a better deal than the temporary enjoyment you may get out of the toy.
Still can't believe him in blue hasn't been an animated VHS release yet.
What is even the point of this back and forth at this point? By your logic, you may as well stick with eating bread and rice only because you could instead invest that money. Stop being a pedantic faggot.
Couldn't they had made Bushwacker arms look a little more like guns and less like dicks/fuck holes?
It's hit or miss with some interesting ideas that got fucked up because Avengers was a C-List property in the 90s.

In general, the main Avengers book got crapped on a lot in the late 80s/early 90s because of West Coast Avengers. While it has a lot of fans, Marvel kind of fucked over the main Avengers book by putting all of the "name" Avengers (Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man, Vision, and Hank Pym) in that book while the main Avengers was anchored by Thor, Cap, and after Byrne raped him, Vision. You had C-Listers like Black Knight, She-Hulk, Black Widow (back when she was a literal who nobody before the MCU made her an A-Lister), Sersi, Crystal, and Quasar, Hercules, and Quicksilver (who got yanked out of X-Factor the second the book made him popular with newer comic fans).

From 1989 through 1992, the book was in freefall with no real line-up outside Cap, Vision, Thor, and Sersi. Bob Harras stablized things roster-wise but the book in general had a bit of an image problem in that it wasn't the X-Men and definitely WASN'T West Coast Avengers (who's popularity is such that Julia Carpenter and John Walker basically owe their continued existence to WCA making them high profile B-List characters in the 90s).

Harras's run had three storylines: one was Operation Galactic Storm and it's fallout (TL;DR the Shi'ar Empire are manipulated by Kree Supreme Intelligence into nuking and enslaving the Kree Empire as a plot to restart their ability to evolve ala mutants, and Iron Man staging a mutiny and "killing" the Supreme Intelligence before Cap can go public with his role in orchestrating the nuking, which causes the Kree to launch multiple attacks on earth to kill the Avengers who aided Tony in the murder), the love rectangle between Black Knight, Sersi, Crystal, and Quicksilver, which fed into the third main storyline: the Gatherers.
The Gatherers is the first true multiversal Avengers epic, with mystery box elements and a storyline that weaved in and out of other storylines. It featured a mysterious villain named Proctor who has a team of former Avengers whose earths were destroyed by Sersi, who is secretly suffering from Eternals Alheizmers. Sadly the team is 90% OC characters save for a version of Swordsman, Vision (who is introduced solely so Harras can body swap him and the real Vision to get him back to his classic look), a Black Panther variant, and a Jocasta variant who may or may not be Scarlet Witch in a robot body.

Proctor turns out to be a version of Sersi's former lover who she pumped and dumped after mind melding with him and driving him insane. And a variation of Black Knight (even though Harras implied he was an evil Wonder Man with his design). Sersi kills Proctor and has to be sent to the Ultraverse to be cured of her dementia and Black Knight goes with her and they stay gone until they show back up in Ostrander's short lived Heroes For Hire comic after Onslaught.

The run is decent but a lot of wasted potential. And if you need to buy it, get the Epic trades (of which several are sadly OOP) because the omnibus "The Gathering" only includes one of the crossovers from this period (Bloodties) and skips Operation Galactic Storm, the 1992 Annual crossover, and the follow-up mini that follows the plot threads from the Annual X-Over.
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>mfw Henry Caville Wolverine are true
Holy fuck the amount of projection in this post.
>Rape dollar is a meme
Anyone want to red pill me on what the fuck the Destroyer is supposed to be? I bought the two-pack at Ollies like the other anon because I liked the robot design but don't know much about Thor lore.
Way to prove my point anon. Thanks.
"Wow, cool robot" is a constant thing. Gundam is famous for this.
>people get pissy about peg holes so Hasbro goes pinless
>start making forearms and lower legs two part pieces with blatant seamlines because it means they don't have to spring for the paint apps on gloves.
I was never a massive proponent for pinless because pins never bothered me (aside from the red dots on Spider-man arms), but I do find it funny they got replaced with something arguably worse.
Suit of armor created by Odin to kill Celestials. It's got a catch though as you have to convert yourself to energy or be a ghost to activate/possess it for use. Loki has used it against Thor multiple times over the years and Thor himself used it to house his ghost when he got cursed by Hela to never die after his body was destroyed.
Chances of Hasbro finally making movie Sabretooth and Toad?
Ironically simple nutritious meals made at home tend to be healthier. Not that it would make up totally for all the plasticizer toys are causing us to breathe in.
Most people are fucking casuals. You will never be happy until you understand that.
Have a feeling they're not interested and Wolverine/Deadpool variants will do for them
It's also funny that now people like Anthony are coming out of the woodwork and finding reasons pins are better than pinless. The old ways were right all along.
I'm not getting a (You) on this, weird.
I've been saying this since pinless was introduced. I'd have no problem if Hasbro weren't so fucking inconsistent with the tolerences on the joints. It's far worse nowadays than pinned ever was.
I've seen Hasbro change Rhodey's skin from his true dark pigment color to a brownish one at the last minute before mass production. Sometimes a small change is made at this late stage when a few final approval samples exist.
Depends on if they want to spend money on actor likeness rights.

Rebeca Romaijn, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, and Hugh Jackman were willing to sign over their likeness rights but there might be issues with others. I know we'll never fucking get a movie Kitty Pryde due to Ellen Paige going batshit insane and thinking she's a man, and I'm sure Marsden probably won't want to give over his likeness rights given what happened to him in X-Men 3 when he told Fox he was going to be in Superman Returns.
I would think everyone that's in this film 100% under Disney production had to sign it.
You just got one.
So happy for this. I loved that era of Punisher from around 1988-1994 back when he had a personality and even fun from time to time.
Only care about ROM
Fucking Finally. They should have had her ages ago.
Just how many people call Storm Weather-Witch?
Quite literally everyone.
Since we are on the subject: what the fuck is a Future Ant Man?
Comic book character. An Asian guy from the future who became the new Ant Man and instead of actual ants, he controls ant-like nanite machines.

He was introduced in an Ant Man mini series a couple of years back and is pretty obscure character-wise.
>I'm Norman Osborn, and I approve these Avengers.
"This message has been brought to you by literally the shittiest figures of 95% of these characters."
Post a better picture.
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Like this >>11088336 said, here's a pic of his legends. Imagine Batman Beyond, but with Ant-Man and it never really went nowhere. No relations with the 2099 universe. Also it seems he has really good stats on that game Marvel Contest of Champions (never played) so more people knows him from that then the comics.
>than the comics
Anyway, why do you ask?
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Man Crystal should have had a figure forever ago with an F4 reserve and Avengers uniform variant by now.
Hawkeye looks kinda downsy.
>They should have had her ages ago.
As i understand it, everyone else did. They were probably last in line.
he looks fucken gross, it makes my skin crawl
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Great. I bought that whole BAF wave for nothing. I don't even remember if i made even selling the ones i didnt want
>I bought that whole BAF wave for nothing
It was 4 years ago, anon.
I hope that means we get Hellifino too
>Knock off Avengers are the shitty figures of those characters
I dunno, I kind of like the idea.
>thread hits bump limit in a day
>Half the thread is new reveals
>Other half is epic meltdown from the Ollie's guys
At least we're more active than the DC thread right?
This thing looks cool as fuck but I read its small. Super weird of them to downsize select jugs
Don't. It's Bendis bastardizing the Thunderbolts concept but with A-Listers, because none of Bendis's books sell well unless he has A-List characters held hostage in them.
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Oh you guys can go straight to hell
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>Movie T-bolts are going to be a knock off suicide squad named after Not-Widow's soccer team instead of the cool Zemo team named for a rad poem
>Justice must always appear to some men's ruin but all men's fear.
It's been like 15 years bro. Let it go.
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I was hoping for these types of tits for her. Granted she definitely has an accurate feminine body. This mean we’ll get a new black bolt and Medusa soon right?
"There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken."
It's a pass from me. Seen some good customs on the vulcan buck i may get. Don't need an oversized punisher in modern garb.
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>This mean we’ll get a new black bolt and Medusa soon right?
I hope so, but then the karnac they released was also pretty trash, so at this point I'd rather they just go ahead and give us a gorgon triton 2pack and be done with it. They can always give us a new classic blackbolt upgrade after.
People in this thread unironically shit on posters like this, yet will defend the guys like >>11088182 who don't even know who these characters are. It's like you guys are proud of being uninformed tards.

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