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Previously: >>11077086

-Medicom Showcase event takes place this weekend will list all reveals when the event has concluded

-SDCC takes place this weekend will list reveals when the event has concluded

-Marvel Legends Wolverine (Deadpool and Wolverine) leaked

-Marvel Legends Phoenix Deluxe solicited (Fan Channel exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Magik (Walgreens) reissued (Fan Channel exclusive)

-Mafex The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man teased

-Marvel Legends Rogue/Destiny 2 Pack solicited (Amazon Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Let There Be Carnage Venom solicited(Target exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Death's Head (SDCC 2024 Exxclusive) revealed

-Marvel Legends Odin solicited (all major retailers)

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist

Medicom Showcase, SDCC, and Deadpool and Wolverine all in the same weekend. Expect a bunch of news in the coming days.
A little early for a new thread, but I guess I understand why.
I made the thread when I usually do.
Yikes. These do NOT look good.
Why is their barely any merch for the only MCU film in theaters this year
Can comic movies die already?
The last few movie lines flopped hard.
Because there's no guarantee that it will sell
Why do you think Carol was so underproduced? Was it the myth that female figures don't sell leading to underestimates?
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Dang, does this look good.
Today's gonna be a good day, bros.
I think it's the entire industry right now that's under producing stuff. There was a huge surge of product on shelves after coivd ended, think the Eternals wave time frame, and retailers in response to that, started ordering less and less product because of perceived lower demand. The retailer stopped ordering as frequently or as much product so toy companies responded by producing product to match retailers perceived demand. Now the opposite from the Eternals time period is true, stuff often times is selling out and not getting restocked, leading to empty shelves. Retailers will in turn perceive this as there is a greater demand for these items and begin ordering more, causing the toy companies to produce more and on and on the cycle goes.
Doubt it she was under produced like every other exclusive. She's just a highly wanted figure everyone has been asking for. Fans and resellers just bought up all the stock.
Too much of a dopamine hit all at once. Need to spread out the toy deliveries
It's Hasbro's job to estimate demand and attempt to meet it. They failed to make enough to do so.
What anons said and it's also probably because the film is R rated so why make toys for kids? This ain't the 80's.
>new figures keep getting old ab crunch and cut swivel waist.
See >>11081272
no it isn't. production numbers are based on retailer orders.
That's a really dumb way of doing it since retailers have no idea how popular specific characters are
Already got Superior from Target and don't want the two pack, but I'm jelly about the Danny. I went through BBTS and their pre-order still says est. arrival September.
How else do you expect they do it? They have to stock these things somewhere other than Hasbro Pulse. Toy companies are at the whim of the retailer. That's just the way the world works, sorry, that might not be the answer you want to hear but it's the realistic one.
This leads to dissatisfied customers. They should have made more if the retailer didn't want to buy their full demand projection and stock it on pulse so people have some other recourse.
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Neat. I'm hoping Ghost Rider is in stock soon so I can get it along with iron fist.
Only just got my IM retros today. Feels good to finally have the OG lineup.
Is the expensive ultron better than the cheap ultron?
Superior sucks balls
If you look at the Warbird figure itself there doesn't seem to be too much special there. Just looks like an ok, well executed Marvel Legend. Is this character really so beloved?
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I think they used the merch renders to make these figs, probably weren't allowed much else for spoilers.
>because the film is R rated so why make toys for kids? This ain't the 80's.
Fuck this pussyfied generation
Nort how retailer exclusives work. Target wanted her as an exclusive and paid for it. It's not really Hasbro's fault that they didn't order enough. Do you not understand how this works?
My COCK inbetween her asscheeks.
Stop playing with your toys on the floor like a child.
I think it's less about character popularity and more about production cap. For whatever reason, Target only ordered a limited quantity from Hasbro and when the pre-orders sold out, the manufactured scarcity drove up demand.
Since it's a Target exclusive, Hasbro can't make more, unless Target want them.
Sucks they went with silver on Xavier.
Dissatisfied customers is not the goal of either Hasbro or Target. They should be able to work out a situation where exclusives which Target doesn't meet demand on or want to order more of are placed on Pulse.
Like two days have passed since this sold out. Target seems to be limiting pre orders across all toys so it's difficult to judge popularity based on that, Hasbro hasn't had time to even respond yet. These toys take a year or two to produce.

It's mind boggling how unaware of how basic commerce works. Holy shit.
This is the main thing. Hasbro is being very conservative with production compared to other recent waves because a ton of stuff went to clearance or outlet stores in the last couple of years and it trained consumers not to buy products new. They're adjusting with lower production and now consumers have to realign to the mindset of preordering.

I do think Carol will be more available than preorders are implying though. Target exclusives, in my relatively limited experience, are hard to preorder but become fairly available after launch. We're already seeing a lot of people getting decent numbers on shelves in a lot of areas.
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What makes you think that there will be a response? When Carol is gone, she's gone. It is very unlikely they will rerun her. I am speaking of future behaviors that could be adjusted to avoid this reoccurring
>I do think Carol will be more available than preorders are implying though. Target exclusives, in my relatively limited experience, are hard to preorder but become fairly available after launch. We're already seeing a lot of people getting decent numbers on shelves in a lot of areas.
I would agree with you but all the local stores in my city got like 10 of them and every single one was sold out by the end of the day. More than half of them were wiped out overnight, I was lucky and got my pickup order in and they somehow didn't fuck me. But I think a lot of stores got hit with scalpers. Surprisingly the most trafficked store in my city never got any which was weird.
Oh, I don't even think there will be, I'm just being gracious and basing my response on the assumption that they would actually respond. I highly doubt they will.
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I like that blacklashes whip is posable with a bit of heat.
But Anthony in his review said it isn’t posable.
A character with a pink, purple, neon green color scheme with a manpurse and a whip. What were those Marvel creators on back in the day?
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Well Anthony never heard of hot water before.
Kino right!
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>posting spoilers in a /toy/ thread
You're a fag.
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Boo hoo faggot, after the first 2 lines its obviously spoilers for the movie and you couldve avoided it.
Thanks for the spoilers although im gonna say its mostly BS. Especially the Cavil Logan bit. But who knows. Movie sounds pretty lame overall. But maybe it works in action.
>Just don't read it
You don't have to be such a roody poo.
Report the asshole. That shit will not be tolerated.
you know what happens to snitches boy
Which one…?
Guessing the blue version will be in an amazon five back with these other three and Mandarin as the gotcha figure.
Why are you so unahppy with yourself?
I thought Xavier was silver? Gold looks way better btw
You'll never live in a first world country
why can't you talk like a normal person?
I feel like knowingly or not, being unable to buy Warbird has mentally broken a lot of people here, we're seeing far more lunacy than normal
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Can we get back to toys please?
That butt curve is the reason why this figure sold out. Hasbro is so silly. If they went full in on sexy figures they'd make a lot more money.
>Box calls them Whirlwind, Blizzard, Hypnotia, and Arnold Brock
>MODOK demands you buy his older release to complete the set
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What is the opinion on Iron Man 2, 3.75 figurines? Has anyone swapped the heads on them successfully? Thanks.
That's where the boner is created. A little bit more booba and this would sell more than water in the desert.
Would comic-style shading where you have sections of black and the other color be viable for hair?
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Anyone else have the X-Men Origins Wolverine toys back in the day? I liked them more than the movie
Thats a funny comment " i liked them more than the movie", of course you did. That movie was absolute garbage.
Really nice Wolverine and cyops figures btw. Dont really get why theyre wearing those suits since they werent in the film, but whatever.
They missed a huge opportunity by not making the giant Silver Samurai mech armor into a toy. Even if the movie was shit this thing fucks.
>Dont really get why theyre wearing those suits since they werent in the film, but whatever.
They were essentially rereleases of already existing figures.
I've still got the Logan laying around.
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The select Logan was a pretty good figure, I'd say too good for such a bland design. I wish Legends did your pic in the same way they did Iron Monger.
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The Wolverine figures released alongside the 2013 movie had even less of a connection to the film.
Would have been sick. Shame the Silver Samurai released alongside the movie line was a design that didn't look like the movie or the comic. >>11082028
Local Ollies started putting out more Marvel Legends stuff: this time two cases of Bucky Cap and the Killmonger reissue that was put out under the What If branding.

Now I just need to get my fucking hands on MCU Klaw, but he's super hard to find.
Figuarts Wolverine
Figuarts Deadpool
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LMAO, we now have a diaper war. SHF thong, Marvel legends Depends

mafex save us from this hell
Because it was taken from fanart.
Fuck, they would decide not to use the fucked up thong on Wolvie. So long, backwards range of motion.
Also, no bare arms or unmasked head.
That deadpool was a certified /toy/ classic in 2009.
Those claws aren't really fused are they
Fucking beautiful.
Looks great may get this one over the Leegends depending on the height. Cool that the brought over those hips from the DB figures.
Any word of swappable arms?
come on bro you should know by now that they are milk with multiple releases
Not always. Indy had swappable arms to get the jacket-less look.
Probably have a battle damaged one 18 months after this one releases. I'm fine with this one.
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looks better then the marvel. but I’m waiting for Mafex
That figure's held up really well and the faces were pretty great considering Marvel Select's never had face printing. So many of the head sculpts on the MCU figures to come out after were worse. Not sure how, but I lost the teeth gritted head somewhere.
I dont understand why Bandai insists on making hips smaller than the thigh, that's not how anatomy works. You don't even get any additional articulation benefits by doing this.
Wolverine’s eyes seem too high up and too close together imo
I didn't realize so many people here bought mcu figures. Thought it was more of a comic haven
Why doesn't he have a crabcrotch like other modern shfiguarts?
I have a nice MCU collection but only a handful of things post Endgame, mostly Spidey stuff. When the MCU was good I was all about collecting stuff from it alongside my comic stuff. Now, not so much. It's nice though imkokda like it when I can skip awhile MCU waves nowadays. Saves my wallet.
Not all modern figuarts have crab crotches. Which means Wolverine was likely handled by someone from the Toku team.
isn’t it only DP & Spider-man & all his variants including symbiotes that get the weird crotch at SHF?
>Toku team
No wonder they're so good
Every new bandai hip setup gets fellated by bandai fanboys until a new one, when people decry the old one and beg for 2.0s/3.0s to replace the ugly hips
I don't get how the SHFSS set up isn't standard at least
movie costumes that are closer to comic accurate tend to get more attention.
i’m an exclusive live action collector anon.
>No middle fingers
Aww, dang.
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Anybody own a Hot Toys Wandavision Scarlet Witch? I need to figure out how to put the effects on the hands properly, the instruction it came with is shit.

That, or I'm dumb.
For some reason, ever since its release, I felt like The Wolverine is criminally underrated. Definitely the best Wolverine movie and after DofP, X1, and X2 my favourite X-Men related movie
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This looks like a middle finger, they just 'censored' it. Otherwise the shadow looks weird. As if they airbrushed the middle finger and it looks like a second set of fist.
looks like a little push dagger to me
They are indeed push daggers.
In case anyone wants to be ready for Walmart:

Warlord: https://www.walmart.com/ip/5710908549

Venom: https://www.walmart.com/ip/5549642255

• Pacific 7am

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• Eastern 10am

• Alaska 6am

• Hawaii 5am
>looks better then the marvel
No it doesn't
It did appear to be classic comics focused because everything else has been utter shit for quite a while now. Deadpool is somewhat of a renaissance in that regard, at least people hope it will be. Press x to doubt tho.
For 4x the price they better look better than ML.
Like the legends, this doesn’t look good. Well I hope we get a mafex one in the future. And maybe Wesley Snipes’ Blade too because he’s in the movie.
Yeah that thing screams "make a toy" so it's weird they didn't.
So has his suit actually changed or did it just get brighter in this movie?
It's a new suit. In the movie it doesn't really appear any brighter than the previous suit but who knows just from trailers. Interesting that the SHF and Legends both are more vibrant though.
This was post-Disney purchase of Marvel so they basically did zero actual movie tie-ins for the X-Men because they didn't want Fox to find success with the line.
Lame. But wonder if the artist got paid at all for that
Well so much for coming out in September, Amazon just shipped out my Cabal set.
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Gotta post them the template way
Wolverines head looks so off on this and I don’t know why
Is it too small?
Head sits a bit high up and the eyes are too close together. Although the head is small, it kind of matches Hugh’s head and costume size ratio in the movie. Ascetically speaking, yes the head is a bit small.
Retard alert
This, since when does $25 x 4 = $65?
this. I want to go back to the 90s when everything was cartoon product. these cunts havent put out a single worthwhile film in 5 years.
Wow I thought the legends had a fucked up looking masked face at least it looked like a human head
>the entire industry hasn't put out a single worthwhile film in 5 years
I think my memory of the second movies costume are skewed because I owned the SHF which was dark
Wish more manufacturers would make female torsos like this. I think it looks a lot more natural than the sculpted butt in the the torso then a cut for the legs, plus there's overall more range.

But yes, I'm glad this figure and Phoenix are letting female characters be a bit sexy again (with Phoenix having actual separated breast sculpt instead of the uniboob.)
What does Mafex do different in your opinion? With suits, it's hard to avoid a diaper-like look.
Isn't that more the fashion doll look?
I think both bandai and hasbro were only given concept art and maybe some limited set photos to work with, after all it takes almost a year from design to release an action figure
This is the case the most of the time with these earlier pieces of merch. Later releases will be more screen accurate.
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I'm excited for all the Wolverine and Deadpool fans getting their movie figs, genuinely. Hoping us comicfags get some love coming our way soon.
I see Mandarin
I wouldn't expect much in terms of comic releases as SDCC. Generally they tend to focus on movie releases, back in the day when waves were more a mix of comic and movie stuff, you'd see comic figures but that's not so much the case any more.
I don't think you'll have much luck here. I don't recall any Hot Toys discussion in the Marvel General for the 10 or so years I've been lurking.
nta but more detail, better paint, more accessories, better & smoother articulation
very little 1/6 discussion here in general. Even the Mondos I don't see anyone posting or discussing compared to mafex, revo or legends. I guess 6 inch really is king.
It's kind of disturbing that San Diego COMIC Con mostly only focuses on movie releases. Do these Hasbro people really see the numbers and find that Shuri outsells for example the relatively recent comic Dr Strange? Because I really doubt that
It isn't really a Hasbro thing. SDCC hasn't been about the actual comics in nearly two decades. It's been more of a movie thing now for a long time. Where have you been?
I can see us getting Yellow Jacket given that we have the Giant Man Haslab dropping soon. I also wouldn't be surprise by a classic Flacon with Brave New World on the horizon. Most of the others feel unlikely. If we get it a Deathbird it will be 90's era.
shut up kanji
You need severe help.
Post the display neca bitch
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Strange, I don’t see ROM anywhere on that picture. As a comic fan, you have read ROM THE SPACEKNIGHT, right?
This Anon is a bit more correct >>11082797 but that has a lot to do with (A) who can PAY the most of a panel and (B) whether the SDCC con attendees will flock/fill (and essentially also pay) for a panel.

Additionally, as far as the whole comic vs. movie toys, it has a lot to do with the fact that more normies might buy (and do so in LARGER numbers) a Lady Deadpool movie figure than might have ever bought a Lady Deadpool or X-23 comic accurate figure.

And some collectors will buy both, no matter what.
NTA but most people aren't paying $25 for a ML or paying $65 for a Mafex. So this idiot >>11082466 is also as much of an idiot as you
>I guess 6 inch really is king.
More like we're a bunch of poor fucks. Anyway have you tried look for video reviews like these



You'll probably find one where the guy shows how to use the effects. If is just the plastic one in picrel, it seems you put them in the hand and that's it.
Right, obviously at a higher price point you're going to get all that. I'm talking specifically with the "diaper" comment that anon was making. I don't see Mafex doing anything significantly different from other companies in that regard, and in fact it's a lot worse on some figures.

Mafex is great, I'm not trying to dig at them, but "Mafex save us" doesn't track with his complaint.
Where can you get Mafex for $65 after shipping (barring sales)? Not even being difficult, genuine question because if there's somewhere, I'd love to check it out.
Depending on the size of the box you can get them for $70-$75 shipped for slow shipping. I pay $80 generally after DHL shipping.
I'm just saying, at that point you're talking triple the price of a ML or slightly more, generally. The anon saying $65 was being disingenuous. 4x isn't far off for some of the bigger or more accessorized figures, and a lot of people aren't familiar with using import sites so they base the prices on places like BBTS, where Magneto is sitting at $104 right now.
They don't
Also, if you buy from places like HLJ that have a private warehouse you can ship multiple things at once, mitigating the cost. That's what I do. Usually paying $20-$30ish for 3 or 4 items being shipped. I don't generally include the price of shipping when talking about the cost of a toy because shipping costs vary from place to place and can be mitigated if you're not impatient.
>most people
most people don’t collect action figures tard. So I am talking specifically about people like us. U are going to pay 50 bucks for 2 wolverines. One with sleeves & one without out. They will will have the same hands for accessories.

Or U can pay 85 bucks (which includes shipping if u import it) for a one figure that will more than likely have both sleeves & sleeveless arms. A crap ton of hands & accessories. And it will be a better figure overall with a premium feel in terms of everything.

It’s a no brainer really
It was kinda the last time she was cool imo. The costume is kinda iconic too i guess, but if you compare the old capt marvel to the new capt marvel its kinda obvious why comic fans want this version.
>More like we're a bunch of poor fucks.
That and the articulation on Hot Toys figures is bad. These guys are dropping $300-400 on Spider-Man figures that they can't actually put in dynamic poses.
I mean, yes, if you're buying multiple import figures at once. Alternatively, for two $65 figures you can get five ML, and most of the time can hop down to Target or order on Amazon.

All I'm getting at is that the anon that was initially making their point wasn't incorrect -- these figures are significantly more and so yes, they absolutely should look better. When people say shit like "ML getting mogged by Mafex," it's absolutely retarded because we're talking about two tiers of product. The fact that ML EVER outshines import figures -- which does happen -- is ridiculous to me. The fact that his price scaling is debatable is missing the point of the post.
What are you even arguing at this point? My argument is an import doesn't cost 4 times as much as an ML. You seem to agree with me.
Yeah, I bought one high end sixth scale figure and while he poses okay, I realized I'm just not into what it takes to have them; if their outfits are any kind of synthetic material, you're probably looking at breaking down over time, you have to keep parts from creasing, sticking or staining each other over time, etc. They're a lot of work for a collectible that you had to drop a ton of money on just to own in the first place, and especially for characters like Spidey, completely miss the point of the character if they're just in museum poses.

I adore the craftsmanship that goes into making them, and I'm tempted occasionally, but every time I think about it, I'd rather buy a dozen MLs than one really cool sixth scale.
I don't really understand the diaper thing.
Autists trying to "dunk" on a toy line. I genuinely don't understand why people do this. If you don't like a toyline, just don't buy it. Why let it live in your head rent free and gripe about it on the internet to s bunch of strangers?
Yes and no. I pointed out examples where it can, and that your method of mitigating shipping (combining orders) isn't applicable to everyone since not everyone can or wants to invest in multiple imports.

My point is what I finished with -- the specific scale of the difference isn't the point, and harping on it is missing the forest for the trees. The point is that the anon was right in that for (several times the cost of a figure from Legends) you should, indeed, expect them to look better.
Im just gonna say that all these store exclusives over the years has just broken my enjoyment of certain lines. Whats worse is that their is a baf spread across a series that are exclusive to two diffrent stores. It doesnt make me anymore whacked out of my mind than normal, i try not to even worry over it anymore, but its just gotten to be a chore to spend my money.
I do expect them to look better. Just because not everyone chooses to mitigate their shipping cost, or pays what's essentially late comers tax at BBTS, doesn't mean that's what those toys cost. That's why I don't factor in shipping. If you're paying for an import toy in dollars right now instead of yen, you're fucking stupid and quite frankly, it's you're own fault for not bothering to doing the slightest modicum of research.
Because the toys look bad. Manufacturers need to make their product look appealing, and making them look like they're wearing a diaper just doesn't cut it. There are plenty of strategies to hide it. If you absolutely can't, I'd go the Marvel Legends female route and literally have no waist cut at all over having a diaper look.
Thank you.
It's not so much that Movie Shuri will sell more than comic Dr. strange will to buyers, it's that you can sell more movie toys to a store and leave them holding the bag.
Import sites are too fickle and maintain low stock so you have to be within a specific date range to have a chance before the preorders sell out. Not as bad as Warbird or anything but still annoying. Also a lot of them either charge up front or partially charge up front rather than not charging until it ships.
Can you give me examples of where it's done right? Male and female, any line.
Why don't retailers catch onto this at all? Seems like they should after getting burnt. There's nothing that says you as Target have to buy movie MLs. It's probably not that profitable compared to the risk anyway.
>Also a lot of them either charge up front or partially charge up front rather than not charging until it ships.
This is just outright incorrect. The biggest import sites, Amiami and Hobby Link Japan don't charge you until the item ships. Hobby Genki, the site I use for exclusives, will since they're exclusives but sometimes they have a order now, pay later option.

You sound like you have little experience ordering from import sites, son maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself. I don't see the point in arguing someone who is basing their entire point on outright incorrect information.
Thanks for the riveting response. Go away now.
me either. I can see how some people don’t like the thong & ass cheek articulation but it’s never bothered me as a owner of of Mafex, SHF, & a few legends
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I'll skip figures with belts because it's obvious how to do it with a belt, they hide the diaper look easily.

Here is a male example, there's a soft overlay covering going over the diaper to hide it which is shaped in such a manner that makes it appear as part of the suit and then the articulation point is under it, so you get your articulation but it doesn't just have a straight line across the character's waist.
nta but u are wrong. I just ordered the Mafex Garfield spidey on HLJ & didn’t get charged.

Same thing when i ordered Homelander months ago for Amiami
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Female example, where part of the suit design creates a 'natural' break that can thus be used to hide the articulation at the waist.

Also I used 2 mcfarlanes but they fuck up all the time with this and don't hide it, and in those cases it looks hideous. These are just 2 cases where they hid it properly.
The ones which are good on shipping charge up front, either partly or wholely. eknight (free), gundamit (free), lunar toy store (5 bucks). I ain't paying 25 bucks for shipping for one figure.
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I like it, just like Killraven,but it's too standalone for me. Great self containted stories/universe, but not as connected with the 616.
>These smaller sites no one else fucking uses
Lol, lmao even.
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Ok, I'll just preorder off HLJ where the figure will be 84.75 and then the shipping will be 23.55 on top of that and I might as well just have bought it from BBTS anyway due to them fucking me over a barrel on shipping. At least with BBTS I can bundle my domestic slop with it.
>can just pre-order Warbird from local seller
Okay then.
This is something that is very suspicious. Why is supply so constrained in the US but meanwhile Euros have no problem ordering tons of Warbirds? I think this is some bullshit scheme like what McFarlane also does to drub up hype and trick people into buying sub par figures. They act like its all limited and scarce because everyone wants one, but it's really because they didn't distribute enough.

Meanwhile Hasbro's little penny pinchers and marketers don't give a fuck about Europe and thus Hasbro doesn't play any games with them, so they just throw a bunch over there and people can get it easily.

Same thing happened with McFarlane's Catwoman from DKR, where she was near impossible to find in the US but meanwhile Amazon.ca is just sitting there with her in stock for days.
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Buy it off Amiami for $67. Pay for Surface Mail for $14ish and it's $80 shipped. Just because you suck at shopping online doesn't mean these toys cost as much as you claim.

You're kind of bad at this.

Is HLJ just bad and Amiami just that much better on pricing or do you really have to comparison shop and split stuff up between HLJ, Amiami and HGenki depending on who has the better price?
Anfmd they were 5poa. Look at that Hand Ninja which used the sculpt of the 2013 G.I. Joe Retaliation Red Ninja, look how they massacred my boy.
>do you really have to comparison shop
I want Blackheart but those Strange Tales figures suck so much. Bloodstorm is the only good one and that's because she looks like she belongs in World of Darkness.
I generally use Amiami because their prices tend to be a little cheaper. I only use HLJ if I missed a pre order or something like that. Hobby Genki is for P-Bandai items that aren't sold at other import stores. There's a P-Bandai US website but you're paying in dollars so it tends to be more expensive than paying in yen, even if you add DHL/Fedex shipping and the slight markup that Genki adds. I usually pay around $15-$20 less if I go through Hobby Genki than I would through P-Bandai US.

Granted this is all dependant on the value of the yen. As soon as it gains value again, using sites like Hobby Genki for exclusives won't be as worth it. But until then, if you're paying for you imports in any currency other than Yen, you're fucking up bigly.
Thanks, anons.
No problem. At least you're actually informed now, instead of spewing outright falsities. Unless you weren't that other anon.
Actual conspiracy theory tier shit lol
I'm open to alternate explanations. Hasbro just loves Europe more so makes over demand for them?
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You ready to spend $240 on a venom figure?
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Europe release doesn't deal with Target's bullshit.
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Channing Tatum Gambit figure when?
I assume Target's BS is just Target not ordering enough. If they had there would've been no issue and Carol would still be in stock now.
Target has always been notoriously bad for pre orders. I've had several instances of an order getting backordered for months before finally being cancelled, despite pre ordering day one, as soon as the listing is live. They e been worse than Walmart in some cases.
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Have you tried posing your super-posable Warbird, /toy/? You'll find she is full of surprises.
She needs more beer.
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two small rectangles of paper and some tape. ez.
>call it X-men 97
>put them in their 80's costumes
what did they mean by this?
are they not showing new legends at sdcc?
Wait until the panel on Friday.
Shut up, retard.
'97 is because that would be the year the show would air if it was continuous with the previous seasons, not because it is based on how the comics were in 97.
>X-Men 1997
>They use suits from the 70's and 80's

It's like poetry, it rhymes
>It's like poetry, it rhymes
We give you the costumes that you want to see
Then make the old ones to make more money
You'll buy the first round, the second and third
And give us your money, while you eat our turds.
I question if you guys even actually like Marvel and why you're here in the first place.
If it had aired in 97, the costumes would have maintained the Jim Lee X-men costume designs throughout. They went full Pryde of the X-men.
You sound like you enjoy nuWars media and own funkos.
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Oh my God, I need so many of those.
Why did you block out Toyshiz's logo? As if nobody would notice? You retard.
Shut up, retard.
Who is the asian boy dressed like Jubilee?
Hastard fucked up the scale.
Too many wrinkles, makes her look like an old witch
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They're based on these ones.
Wish they'd do the MvC Sentinel
When do the drops happen?
If they were this color I'd be interested.
You're retarded. Fuck off. Don't you have some other community to shit up?
Out of all /toy/ trolls, you are the worst. You might be genuinely retarded.
They used a potato to take the pic..
I'm game for the Wolverine fig.
When's the preorder????
No, seriously. The way some of you act here I really question if you even like Marvel as a property. How does that make me the troll?
Venom is up for pre-order on Walmart.com already
somebody goofed
Must've corrected it already.
>1000+ bought since yesterday.
Fucking how?
Ah, yep. Well, it releases September 2nd.

the page was open for about 30 minutes according to Preternia on Twitter and some people are already saying they bought multiple.
They'll never get Logan's height correct.
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If they ever get around to a picrel, I'll buy a few.
Struck a nerve.
>leave Mahvel alone guise!
Ah, so that's why they went with the Jim Lee style Neo Classic Iron Man instead of Bob Layton's version. Using your noodles for once Hasbro.
No, seriously why are you even here?
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Woof. I know it's Hasbro, so my expectations were already low, but this is even worse than expected.

- Wrong (and bad!) color scheme.
- Face looks like a dude wearing a Sentinel costume for Halloween.
- Forced to buy a 2-pack for no good reason.

Despite only being 5POA, the 375 Sentinel looks waaaaaaaay better. At least I can finally give up hope on Hasbro making a good MVC Sentinel. Hopefully an import company will answer the call.
Shut up, retard.
Do you often go into threads about things you hate just to piss and shit your pants like a retard?
Why are hastards like this bros?
Are you actually complaining about an army builder coming in a 2 pack so you can get multiples?
Shut up, retard.
>I deliberately go into threads about things I dislike just to shit them up
Why are incels like this bros?
I’m the fag that posted the sentinel photos. Although amusing at times when someone like >>11084344 shits on hasbro and gets a salty response, it’s also very tiring. Obviously someone is trying to get under your skin, just ignore it unless you guys are really retarded and have to respond to every troll with the same old boring phrases.
>take paid vacation to get Venom
>wake up early
> po Venom AND ToG Leatherhead due to Walmart's fuck up

I hope they're going to honor those orders. This was so lacking in stress for a change, I deserve this rare win.
Walmart has already put a pending charge on my card so I'm thinking they'll honor it.
Nah, I like calling these retards retards. If they're not going to stop shitting up the thread, might as well have fun with it.
>using buzzword incorrectly
Wow you really are retarded.
Shut up, retard.
This. Ignoring them never in the history of 4chan has ever worked. So I also am going to call them retards for being retards. Someone said it earlier, the thread has been in overdrive mode for retardation the past week. I think Warbird broke too many people.
>seething to hell and back over people not taking the corporate dildo up their asses like he is
>I-I'm defending the thread
fucking kek
Shut up, retard.
I checked Venom and it says out of stock. Is it saying that because it's not time for it to go up yet, or am I shit out of luck?
Alright then, if the defenders and haters want to endless fight over and over again at least make it more entertaining for the rest of us defenders.
supposed to go live in 10 minutes
Got him, thanks.
Seethe, faggot.
Hey that Leatherhead is pretty cool. Like if I didn't know it was attached to MotU I would have just thought it was a cool new design.
VENOM is still up as of 10:17EST. just a heads up everyone
I'm on the fence about getting him. I have the absorbing man wave Venom, the Mafex, and the movie Venom, so I really don't feel like I need another one, or if I did, it would be a roided up monster Venom. That being said, Walmart pre-orders haven't been terrible the past few go arounds with their collector con, at least not like Target's bullshit.
I want this or the Knull Venom body (with normal feet) but in blue for MvC. I feel like it's probably coming eventually seeing as they've been doing MvC stuff lately.
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This. Basically just better articulated and painted versions of the titan heroes.
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I'll be using this new Venom to "upgrade" the Absorbing Man wave one
I think you're solved on Venom! If I were you, I'd probably only get another Venom if it was a Monster/purple/blue/MvC2 one since you sorta have the Todd look covered.
Which one of the Hasbro team looks at the test shots and say, yup colors look just like the source material we are putting on the box art. That fucker needs an eye exam.
Why didn't Venom sell out in 2 minutes?
I bought 2

One to rock and one to hangggggggg
That's the power of scalpers.
Because Walmart has seemingly decided to give a fuck about their Collector Con stuff the past few years and is ordering enough to meet demand. Meanwhile, Target gives zero fucks about you or your figures.

I ended up ordering one for now anyway, it does look pretty good, and if I end up not wanting it, I'll just cancel him.
Thanks bud, i really wanted this guy.
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Okay, there's some fucky lighting going on.
another Kang? the time chair is cool, but the previous Kang was on deep discount for a long while.
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he cute
Neat swappable faces for Kang, but definitely a pass for me. I have the first release and really don't care about his throne. That Sentinel two pack though... I think I'm in for that.
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Perfect. Now we just need a 14" ML version of the X97 one.
Damn. I love kang, but having to buy it again for that chair is a pain in the ass.
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The chair seems oversized
That thing is definitely going on clearance. I dont think kang is popular enough to warrant a deluxe. Wouldnt be surprised if it ends up like modok
How else can you show you hate the Avengers more than you love Ravonna?
Even though the show ended up doing it that way, literally treating TAS Venom like he's two colors on each side will always be retarded.
It was obviously meant to be dynamic lighting even if the show was too cheap to implement it. It looks bizarre in plastic.
Yeah I wanna get a Spidey figure but people warned they're not pose-friendly because of the material makes me hesitant. Feels like Hot Toys are only good for armored characters. I'm tempted to get Moon Knight if I have the money but also worried.
>reuse parts of the Iron Man model 09
>make legs pinless for Sentinels
>pinned for model 09

I'm an avid watcher of the first vid, but sadly he didn't demonstrate outting the hand onto the effects.

The second one does and he's having the same problem as me. There is a small hole on the effects feels like you need to out her finger in, but it kinda feels improper. Didn't help that at some parts it there's an opening that feels like meant for the hands but they look wrong. And the instructions are shit.
I keep hoping the Astrobot line releases their basic Apollo body in Sentinel looking colors.
I can't seem to place an order. The stupid app gives me an error every time I add him to the cart. Ugh. I wish he was on Pulse.
What a fucking cool character. Shame he was ruined in the mcu
I'm trying to convince myself it's not a doubledip since this one doesn't come with a neutral face, so I at least have a use out of it.
They took down death head?
Try using the website instead of the app, I just checked and it still let me add one to cart, it's not sold out yet.
He is peak Samefag. Even fights against future/past incarnations.
I have no idea what you're even trying to say here, man.
All the exclusives have been taken down for some reason.
You may not know of him but he's been here a while. No sense in replying.
Jim Lee?
Jesus, I meant JrJr. Holy shit. I was picturing JrJr in my head but typed Jim Lee for some reason.
>waking up early
>venom not sold out yet
Don't care as I got my order in, but glad people who wanted it but were busy still have a shot.
I was able to add it on the website and place the order. Funny thing is after I went back to check the app, he was sitting in my cart.
Their app is kind of trash. That's the one place Target has on Walmart, is their app works a little better.
Walmart was advised by Hasbro to order 12,386.3 Venoms
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mafex Killmonger
Did they have to make his crotch huge?
he doesn’t know
He’s a nigger, so it’s anatomically correct.
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What wolverine figure are you lads going to bring to the kinoplex this weekend?
The toybiz one that is all kinds of fucked up from when I was like 3.
deadpool movie is stinky poo poos. Elektra, Blade, Taintum-Gambit, Human Torch, all these gaylords and gaylads. Spoiler: deadpool and wool of lorrine don't die. This movie is nothing but fan-service.
> The toybiz one that is all kinds of fucked up from when I was like 3.
Post it, i wanna see the little guy
Saw this at Target today. Anyone have a good recommendation for red paint?
It was a lie.
I'm not a child that brings toys with me when I leave the house.
You bring your wallet, keys, and phone. Those can entertain children.
Lotta mouth breathing retards out and about today. This isn't an argument. Stop acting like children and bringing your toys with you when you leave your house.
Geez okay, mom
Why are you going to a movie about comic book characters if you are an enemy of fun?
If you're old enough to post here you shouldn't be taking toys out with you in public. Reevaluate your lives.
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I dig it
For some reason they had to make a second ghost rider instead of just making the first one cooler
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They look good together. I'm happy. Just need to grab Superior Spidey and Hulkbuster when it comes out and I'm done with the 85th anniversary stuff.
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>the fucking time chair
holy shit want. at east the og Kang doesn't lose any value like this and can be army built

and those Sentinels suck. they should be baf size, comic accurate and come in 2 packs. they should even cheap out on accessories.
Looks red enought to me
How much?
Fucking based, reminds me of Kang Dynasty. All he needs is his failure clone/son Scarlet Centurion.
about to see Deadpool 3 bros

I really don't like how all companies drop all their information on 1-2 days at once, its very hectic and confusing
I don't mind it as long as a bunch of shit I want doesn't just drop right now. I don't mind splurging a little, but I'm too self conscious about budget to go overboard.
all that background blur ain't gonna hide a kanji post.
Well unfortunately they tend to drop a lot of preorders as well at the same time and since all the news sources are busy at the con and trying to get their own preorders in for like 20 different things, it can get spotty as to where certain things are up. So far its mostly been non-Marvel stuff...so far.
it's impossible to budget anyway when half the companies are moving their releases up 3 months and the other half are delaying theirs
The toy game is either for rich people or people who are busy burning their life down with credit card debt
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The more I look at this the more I want it. Do I really need another cap. This could be my William naslund version.
Why is he wearing extra pants?
You fucking casual
We should bring back bullying.
Oh, it still happens. You just have a high chance of getting shot now.
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>Perfect time for Marvel Select to do redos of all their early X-men figures that are over a decade outdated
>Only new thing they have to show is concept art for Hobgoblin
All right, fuck it I'm going with a hybrid of Legends and imports for them. Marvel Select's been good in that it saves me money for the many other lines I collect but I feel like releases have slowed to a crawl post-covid.
Doesn't HT have some kind of Help Service? It's a high end line, I heard you can contact them for spare parts and repair so maybe they offer some kind of help "assembling" the figure. Or maybe some HT forum, even the Reddit sub. I know reddit's reputation but these small hobby subs usually can get you an answer pretty fast.
>Marvel Selects
How is he going to pose on his glider when the articulation is worse that a ML and that thing can barely pose properly on the glider?
I don't know, but their Green Goblin from 12 years ago managed okay(at least until gravity caught up with him and now mine looks like he's trying not to get thrown off a mechanical bull)
did they enjoy the movie?
You underestimate the power of 11 poa
Fairly certain this is AI bullshit.
60 but these big guys get clearance to hell since theyre Target exclusives. Target doesnt like them on shelf too long.
New Thread for SDCC:


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