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Previously: >>11069766

-Marvel Legends Wolverine (Deadpool and Wolverine) leaked

-Marvel Legends Phoenix Deluxe solicited (Fan Channel exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Magik (Walgreens) reissued (Fan Channel exclusive)

-Mafex The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man teased

-Marvel Legends Rogue/Destiny 2 Pack solicited (Amazon Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Let There Be Carnage Venom solicited(Target exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Death's Head (SDCC 2024 Exxclusive) revealed

-Marvel Legends Odin solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Warlord Professor X Announced (Walmart Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Blackheart Wave solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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Spiders are attracted to dark, warm, moist areas.
I opened this in another program, rotated it a bunch and then saved it as a new image elsewhere fuck this gay site 20yrs of this shit.

Speaking of gay sites, has the Legends database guy mentioned anything about updating that place since his last top of the site banner?
You'll have to buy the Pulse-exclusive three pack to get sleeveless Wolverine.
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Not getting legends anymore
Is this supposed to be funny? I shit on Hasbro some, but its unanimously agreed that their Hugh Jackman headsculpts are great.
No one better buy this. But tons will. It is a horrible looking version of that suit. They could've done so much better with even a wash, but "noo muh paint is expensive!"
That excuse isn't going to make me buy a figure that looks like a happy meal toy. They've had forever to address it by finding solutions or starting factories in some other country that will paint for cheap.
I wouldn't get this even if it was masterfully painted because the design is inherently shit
When does Target's street date ban from sale on figures end normally? Is it true it ends sometime Saturday night rather than at store opening on Sunday?
The head sculpt isn’t the problem when it comes to legends… it’s everything else
don’t forget, the second one will be released with no sleeves for another $25
It ends when you tell the wagie to override it
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Looks good to me
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Why is phoenix so expensive? Is it because she had slightly bigger boobies? Or is it them capitalizing on the hastards willing to spend that much on a product worth no more than 35$?
Hated this at first but it's growing on me
>Why is phoenix so expensive?
Because hasbro knows you'll pay it
Same price everywhere else, question still stands.
Same price on pulse.
Would benefit from a blackwash
I'm probably going to wait for the SHF or the Mafex that will hopefully have swappable arms. I don't fault anyone for wanting to get the ML though, to each their own. I don't try to police others on what toys they prefer.
Some time after midnight PST. I naturally am an insomniac and will get up randomly in the middle of the night. I'll just order her then. Alternatively just set up Check4Change on your PC and leave it on overnight to let it alert you when it does go live.
The yellow costume, yeah. His first mask even had whiskers, also retractable claws are common among cats not wolverines/badgers, and again his mask/hairdo is a Tiger's mane. I not saying this shit makes sense, it's just there.
Looks like neon yellow
This. There's really no justification for a standard sized figure with a base/effect piece to cost as much as a two pack. There was no shortage of bitching about the price and how $35 was probably the initial price, but in the end it's still selling 5K+ on amazon and is the best seller in action figures. You've got the scalpers stocking up to sell high later and then everyone else buying so they don't get raped on the aftermarket later.
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ITT: anons don't understand how lighting works. Compared to this, it looks close enough. You guys are kind of retarded tbqh.
Is wolverine blasting ass in this scene?
>He missed getting her for $35 when BBTS fucked up her price point
Ouch, sorry bruh.
You sound like every Hollywood casting director
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>Have to wake up earlier than I do for my job to order a toy
This is some gay shit
I'll wait for the Figufarts
Pretty such bbts didn’t honor that price anon.
Me when I see a child in the toy isle
No, they in fact do. I got the 60th Anniversary GI Joe figures for $25 a piece because they fucked up.
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got one of these backboards for cheap in anticipation of getting the reissue of mafex MJ
>wait for figusharts
>worse crotch than hasblow
Yfw goat mafex will save us all.
I don't know if I can wait all the way until 2030 though
None of the previous ones look like him, this one might.
Be thankful its being put up on a weekend and not at 1PM on a workday when you have a meeting scheduled with your boss
It doesn't make sense to YOU
I assure you retards, this thing will not sell out.
>he thinks the problem people have is with the shade of yellow
God, the X-men are so insufferable. I'm watching '97 and Scott spergs out during a live interview instead of just being normal for 5 minutes. They bring all the hate they get on themselves. Trask was right.
Trust fund baby?
maybe if you're blind
too skinny
looks like a twink
I stretched the image you dumbfuck
Stay at home dad.
I'm in shape. Because of that I pulled a sugar momma. Me and my kids play with toys all day. Wife works from home so I plap her during nap time.
>They bring all the hate they get on themselves
It really is an allegory for trans people
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Why are you even here?
Are they putting stuff out for SDCC already? Isn't it 5 days away still?
He’s hyped for marvel content anon, what the fuck is your problem?
I collect figures but I'm new to Capeshit. I'm looking at some of the new ML Carnage figures. They look pretty gud, but holy shit does the LTBC Carnage Figuarts look sick. But that price... is it really worth $185.00? I'm feeling tempted. How does the ML figure hold up?
You're a fucking idiot, please leave.
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Is that just the same screaming head from the last movie Wolverine?
Who cares, you're gonna buy it anyway
Dem hips
Hopefully not, but if it does is there a chance for a reissue? I really dig this Venom.
Looks like a custom, too much paint for hasbro
how many venom figures are in your collection? this is for the entire thread.
Only two, one mafex one king of the black, that cover the smaller and bigger venom
Yeah. The pegs to the extra hands are also red. I doubt Hasbro would cast them in red just to paint them yellow and blue.
Is this the first bulky torso with chest balljoint, ab crunch and butterfly articulation?
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It's a custom by a guy named nextlevelcustoms95
on Instagram.
Wool of Lorrine
Three. Knull 2 pack, Agent Venom Diamond Select, Anti-Venom Diamond Select

I need more.
Mafex, retro cartoon, ML movie, Eddie Mosnter Venom, Knull 2 pack, and hopefully that one. The only main Venom I'd want outside of those now would be this new one in light blue for an MvC2 Venom.
nah wolverine has a long body lol
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Shf Venom
And a purplish venom from Spider-Man 3
>And a purplish venom from Spider-Man 3
I don't see him in the pic.
7 but i dont think one is an official product and if we count space and agent the 9
>blade torso repaint
>reused jackman head
>red pegs on alt hands
>sloppy paint
>blu tac keeping the default hands in
Warbird still up

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This isn't even all of them
Yeah my local stores have 9 or 10 in stock each apparently. Ordered one for in store pickup.
So why did they allow the preorders to sell out in 2 minutes if that wasn't their full allotment for shipping?
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Only one
Hopefully xfags can hold out long enough so that it gets discounted to at least 40 bucks or less. If not, I can live with my old version. That price point is ridiculous and no way its worth that much
Personally I don't want the effect piece and I've seen a few other people mentioned they're gonna auction off the figure since that's all they want, so I'll probably get it at a decent price.
That’s a custom you fucking faggot
Way to be a few hours late lol
>Toy Biz Sinister 6 Venom (my first Venom)
>Marvel Select Venom
>Absorbing Man Venom
>Marvel Legends Movie Venom
>ML Deluxe Venom (the Monster Venom repaint)
>ML King in Black Venom (My definitive Venom)
Target is retarded about this kind of thing. I've been saying it since she went up, but they do this same thing for pre orders across different toy lines. None of you believed me.
Mine also has wolverine as well
Amazon venom pack, movie venom, toxic, tas venom, giant kid ones.
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Only one
Sold out again locally and for shipping. Looks like they didn't order enough even for release day. I got mine in but who knows if it'll be cancelled. Hopefully not.
Someone got the whole stock at mine. Fucking scalpers.
>Shipping sold out
Fuck, I hope my Target can fufill it. They don't open for another few hours.
Shit, guy at a Target told me he'd put one aside for me. Wasn't planning on going back, it was a farther store, but might have to now.
Wait there's no limit on pick up? So a scalper can just take 8 from one store? All my local stores went from reading like 6-8 to 0.
Yeah, I checked Popfindr last night to see what my city had and most stores now have 0. My local one went from 8 to 6, and another local one still hasn't sold any, most likely because you can't order it for in store pickup online. I think I might regret not just ordering her for delivery, but at least there are one or two stores left in my area that report still having stock of her. Can't believe she is selling this fast.
I think it's because she is just the perfect locus of a coomer figure and a properly done classic design. So the regular Joe Marvel wants her to replace the original which is badly aged by now, and also the coomers who can't afford imports want her as well. Plus she is exclusive so that really causes issues.
>Can't believe she is selling this fast.
First time?
not my pic
NTA but everyone here memed about how exclusives don't sell out anymore and even walmart exclusives like lizard mellowed out and became easy to get. The truth was none of those exclusives were that good. That's why they didn't sell fast.

If you think Venom is a good figure, I'd worry. I personally don't, I prefer the 2 pack KiB Venom even with his silly feet, but maybe the larger Marvel crowd doesn't agree with me.
Target exclusive have always been a problem you dumbfuck.
Walmart exclusives were always the bigger problem since time immemorial, because Walmart is a cheap, incompetent company.
No they weren't, newfag.
Just confirmed with a wagie it was a single order that took all the warbirds from my store
I expected it as well. Popfindr made it clear as day these are being bought by scalpers. They went from 8 to 0 almost instantly. All locations near me are at 0 now except one location that has been stuck at 1 forever, and it's probably some employee has it hoarded away for himself so no one can find it.
To be fair though, the last handful of exclusives were pretty easy to get. But this is a highly desired version of Carol plus all toy companies have cut production numbers so I guess it's not completely surprising.
Yah most of my stores are the same I think I may go down and just go buy one off the shelf in case they all get snatched up before an employee can grab my pickup order. Kinda kicking myself for not grabbing one for shipping too just in case. My stores don't open for another 30 min. There's one that isn't allowing in store pickup and still has their full stock. It's where I got Red Hulk.

They won't sell me a Carnage THAT THEY HAVE because the street date now says October 6th!!!!
Was the street date originally today? If so thats pretty fucked up
When I checked several days ago it was the 21st. That was the day I was able to buy Superior Spidey but not Wolverine. Fuck Target.
Just tell them to override it because it's wrong
Yeah that sounds wrong, that's too many months out. They would not have the figure that early if the street date is supposed to be October. I'd appeal to the employee's sense and try to get an override. There's no way they got a figure in July that doesn't come out until October.
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That has to be wrong. I'm sure if you can show them you can purchase it at another store they'll override the street date.

They are so fucking weird with this shit. I said it last thread, but I went to two Targets literally only 2 miles away from one another, and one wouldn't sell me Red Hulk while the second one didn't even have a register lock and just rang up like normal. So fuckin weird.
Bed hair Wolverine.
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image without text

also no torso ball joint is horrendous
Suck because I don't hate the MCU lines of this suit. Will probably swap the head.
Probably they had to skimp on that due to all the paint. They're not allowed to skimp on paint for movie figures as it has to look like the movie to Disney/Marvel's satisfaction. So the articulation budget can be cut back for the paint.
Honestly I dig the suit. Still will probably skip the ML in favor of whichever import comes with swappable arms.
I'd have went balls out for this. It's going to sell like hot cakes.
Hasbro cannot take that risk after so many Marvel movies flopping lately. They do not 100% know anymore what MCU figures will sell.
It's wolverine
Oh thank fuck, Target just fufilled my Carol. Just gotta go pick her up.
Preorders have become a joke. Originally preorders were meant to alleviate the stress of day 1 ordering rush online. They were to give you a longer window to get your order in so that more people had an opportunity to get the figure. But now they've just turned into the same thing as order day because the company refuses to make enough to meet demand, so preorders sell out in 2 minutes, actual orders sell out in a few hours. If they had made enough of the figure, preorders would take days to sell out to give people time to order even though they have other responsibilities and can't be online 24/7.
D&W is probably the dead cat bounce for the MCU and Hasbro.
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Time to speak a manager
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Eat shit nerds
That's kanji for you.
This is an easy pass for me. The figure looks rough, I’ll just for the mafex or figuarts. If the Japanese don’t make one then oh well I already have a bunch of wolverines.
I'm just so done with those waist cuts. They just look like such shit. Fuck the faggots that leave their figures in "neutral position"
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Fixed that for you.
I ordered shipping but it still is pending. We will see.
Looks great I'm going to steal that head
Thought it was really Jackman at first. God damn.
rumor, sleeveless variant will come in two pack with angry face & no masked head
Yeah, I was originally kind of kicking myself for not ordering shipping but now that it's been fufilled and I have a barcode to pick it up, I'm not concerned. Genuinely curious to see what else Target has since this is their big toy reset day.
Jakks Simpsons
I did both. They cancelled the pickup. We will see if they cancel the shipping too.
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if u pay 110 bucks for a mafex or shf u are a tard!
Also the mafex will be like this in terms of accessories.

Good job at baiting.
I was terrified that would happen but I guess I got lucky. My two local stores are sold out now but they dripped out instead of all getting hit at once like a bunch of other locations in my city. I'm honestly surprised it turned out like this, I didn't think Warbird would be that popular of a figure. Especially considering the classic Black Widow that came out last year didn't and she's a higher profile character imo.
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>Headpool Marvel Legend
Why is he listed separately, are they really gonna charge ~$20 for a head kek
>I didn't think Warbird would be that popular of a figure
It's all scalpers
Is this a scalper pic?
Warbird is sexy and lewd, Black Widow is covered up. Also we have not had a Warbird figure in forever.
>guys warbird will be easily available trust
>immediately sells out
holy fuck this target exclusive shit
and fuck all the shills saying she'll easily be available and in stock
I feel for you, I bought an extra one that you can have for the low low price of $120
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Looks like Death's Head may not be an SDCC exclusive after all. Hasbro put out a press release a few days ago summarising their SDCC offering and they made a point of not describing Death's Head not as a convention exclusive, but as a 'first to market' figure that will debut at SDCC.

I'm guessing he'll get another release in the near future, probably in more standard deluxe Legends packaging.

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Got her. Hope the rest of you lads are able to get her.
Looks like Ms Marvel
>I'm guessing he'll get another release in the near future, probably in more standard deluxe Legends packaging.
Nah, this just means he'll go up on Pulse after the convention.
Buddy lives in fantasy land where shipping prices don’t exist
I was robbed at gunpoint by two Mexicans in the parking lot over my fucking warbird. This isn't a joke. I can't believe I left my fucking Glock in the car.
One more thing
sculpted nails on the open hands, didnt notice that before. cool grab
Holy shit. I was assuming this was the Hot Toys at first when seeing that head after opening the thumbnail.
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Then why didn't they just list him alongside all of the other convention exclusives, given that they've said all of them will be available on Pulse after SDCC?
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Been waiting a while to recreate this cover. Actually got to meet Stuart Immonen at a con and got him to sign one of my New Avengers trades. He and his wife were cool.
She goes by various names.
Damn, probably the best 1/12 mass market head I've seen. Looked like a real pic photoshopped on at first glance.
Damn, this does look good. Maybe I will just get the Legends.
i hate tards…
Quit looking at my dick you fag.
is it big?
Got superior Spiderman early against my better judgement. Sucks balls.
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So which is the correct hair color?
Top left
Faggot in the first few replies that said he's not getting the legends anymore must feel like a total retard.
nta but i’m still not getting it lol. the lack of accessories kills it (for me).

Same with DP
If it had a ball jointed waist I'd think of getting it. As is the only thing worth getting it for is the head. Easy pass for me.
Man they just can't paint fleshtone right, can they?
>scalping fucking Mahvel Legends diapered uniboob
I am just barely willing to pay stores the retail price for those few non shit ones.
It's not about you
Well I would certainly hope scalping a figure that might turn into funko pop if it was any worse isn't about me.
For most the quality of the figure barely enters into it. They NEED this figure, it is to complete their TEAMS
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Masked, low quality though
Speaking of, the WCA box set is currently $70 on Amazon with Prime. Worth it? I already have Silver Centurion but neither of the previous versions of Tigra or Spider Woman.
If I like a team I like all the characters on it, so I don't understand how you think this is a dunk on anyone.
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hasbro bootlickers are cooming over this
Wolverine’s head looks like a basketball
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>wolverine's too tall
>black molded parts
>shitty flesh paint
How much are you sad sacks paying for these now? $25? $30?
>compares it to diamond select scale
How’s that bottomless pit you call a brain of yours doing
Anon's implication is that it scales with Marvel Select, i.e. he isn't too tall for MS.
Unmasked face looks great but like I said before movie costume sucks.
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Finally. Quit playing games with my heart Target.
Nah it’s great. Jackman is getting old, and he needs pads. So do all the fatties cosplaying him this halloween.
Congrats on the hasslop anon. Enjoy the blandness of that you call a Marvel Legends.
>Stop liking what I don't like
Why are sutists like this?
We need IDs
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Yes. Silver Centurion actually improves on the Walgreens version with new wider shoulder pads and a more detailed head sculpt.
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Your autism is a powerful ally. Unfortunately for you, that same autism will now burn this toybiz face into your brain for the rest of your life.
???? I congratulated him, there is no ill will between us. It’s like if a retard shits on his hand and eats it, I wouldn’t be bitter about it, disgusted maybe, but you do you.
Doesn't even come with psionic webbing.
Did you like the 2009 and 2013 Wolverine movie toylines? 2013 wasn't really a movie one but was released alongside it.
It's a dunk because you don't care about the quality of the figure you are buying.
Shut up retard.
If it was so unimportant to them they wouldn't be sweating over whether theyre going to be able to get it or not. This is one of the best MLs released since Spiral. It is extremely key to any Marvel display.
I'm not autistic and most Marvel Legends are fine for the price. They're only $25. Only poors give this much of a shit.
No wonder girl action figures don't sell.
I can't believe these have the same age rating as Legends. Totally different clientele.
2-3 MLs is now a Mythic Legion or an import.
best wolverine figure of all time
And I still find the average ML to be worth that. $25 isn't a lot of money so it's not something I sweat. I understand why some of you would though if $25 is a lot of money to you.
The hell is that Silver Samurai? Were they banned from having a rising sun?
It’s more a matter of principle. I know the figure can be way better in the hands of competent professionals, and if the price was higher, for a higher quality, that wouldn’t be an issue. Legends are at the price where they are still affordable, but the price just doesn’t seem justified for the final product. I just don’t like buying garbage I guess.
Good for you. Now stop getting your panties wadded up when someone actually does like MLs.
Honestly it sounds like you’re the one pissing their pants because of the different viewpoint I have.
>No U
You guys argue like shit. I'm just sick of hearing the same handful of bitching and complaints over and over again with you guys. Just buy fuckin imports already and be done with it. Goddamn.
I already do. Now go, I think I hear the hasbro employees calling your name, they need their Jimmies sucked.
>Getting this mad because imloke what you don't.
>can’t get off hasbro’s cock.
Yikes. You argue like shit.
She doesn't even have a cool helmet.
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Classic Avengers shelf feels pretty complete with Warbird. I've got the old one from the three pack but that one hangs out with my New Avengers. This new one is definitely worth the upgrade.
Shut up, retard.
It's not complete until they're all pinless
I don't personally care either way for pinless on 95% of characters. If it breaks up the design of a costume on a limb, absolutely get rid of them, but for solid colored limbs I could care less. They're toys, if being able to see the joints bothered me enough, I'd just buy statues.
>shill gets upset
sorry I rustled your jimmies sport.
Shut up, retard.
You don't even have Hercules or Black Knight there.
I actually do have Herc sitting in a tub. Good call and no I don't have a Black Knight, was never super big on him.
>Herc sitting in a tub.
Super gay
Trying to do every Avenger ever falls apart as soon as Swordsman, so it is hopeless to aim for that.
the new ones are almost 30 bucks each & come with the same amount of accessories wow
where did the flight base piece iron man is on come from? looks cool
Those ones are also 2/3rds the size and have 5PoA.
Went by today, he's on mid-shift. Said some male Karen came in before his shift and demanded they search the back for figures because brickseek or some shit said they still had one in stock. Hopefully she's restocked lol
>he thinks he's in Marvel Legends General
Shut up, retard.
The old Marvel Select Iron Man.
Looks pretty good, other than the gay tin posters in the background.
Agree to disagree, that Ross-tier shit is fucking gay and cringe. Decent display tho.

Even with shipping you can get a Mafex from import sites for around $70. If you spring for 3-6 day shipping its like $85 total. If you're buying Mafex from BBTS for $120 (after tax and shipping) you are definitely retarded.
The Warbird reviews at Target are a fun read. I have to wonder if making your customers hate you is something the big box retailers take into account at all when ordering exclusives
Either they have her and love Carol, or were blocked and pissed by distribution.
What an incredibly small brained view of this. The way they see a bunch of fans are upset they couldn't get their hands on the product, meaning they're gonna want it more.

They know the "I'll never buy again" etc or whatever threats crowd is full of shit and always gonna stay.

These people will buy her again when she's back in stock and they'll have learned nothing except maybe make a few more.

People need to actually vote with their wallets.
i mean i don’t buy legends anymore unless it’s a character that isn’t getting an import or the import isn’t worth it. I got both NWH Doc Ock & Goblin. but the last time i got a ML before them was moon knight.
Phoenix might sell out.
So glad I got the early bird BBTS discount.
Get some new material.
Looks great. Could use a quick wash but it honestly looks good enough that I don't feel the need to get an import version for this particular suit now.
Absorbing Man wave, Select, Knull 2-pack, SM3 Legends, ML Movie. The upcoming retro release will probably be my last one since it looks close to perfect to the Venom figure I've wanted all this time.
Looks good
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Thank you anon. Now I know what I have to sell my kidney for.
if u want the sleeveless option the mafex will bring it
Just the one from the Knull 2-Pack, I used to own the Mafex Venom though before giving it to a friend
Gotta echo what others are saying, I don't normally buy Legends but that head is surprisingly good for them especially compared to their previous movie Wolverine heads.
My guess is they'll put the head, dog and some other small character in a box.
What makes you think she'll be back in stock?
That texturing looks really unnatural.
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They’re really selling this thing again?
Deadpool is all they have left, going all in.
Hasbro faint printing tech is pretty good. It’s a damn shame they insist on using their outdated articulation scheme. Oh well, fags still buy it regardless.
So I heard people had approximately total a 4 hour and 2 minute window, 4 of those being the middle of the night, to order Warbird. Is this acceptable low manufacturing levels to mitigate risk for a multi-billion dollar company?
It's such a minimal part of their business, they probably don't care.
Then why put in the effort and money to order exclusives at all if it is an irrelevant portion of their business? Perhaps that is the real puzzle
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Holy!! the exhibit started already?

also is that the end suit of nwh at the bottom?
i’m torn on the final swing suit. didn’t marvel say he is getting a new suit in the next movie?
These photos were taken before the exhibit opens. So far a bunch of dc movie/comic figures have been shown and civil war black panther.
That headsculpt looks kind of wrong to me.
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Did you ever want ScarJo to roll her eyes at you while you blab at her about "silly comic books"?
Mafex iceman was shown, but no photos (yet).
Nice. HT official pics always look a bit weird, they are much better in hands.
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That is way too deep a dive for Mafex. I am surprised.
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Better look at face. It’s bad, luckily for me I don’t care about the Peter face. PO tomorrow
Based on nothing, I predict the next comic-based Black Widow will be her leotard, mask, and fishnets design from before she adopted her main look going forward in a multipack.
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If you're guessing its this ancient look, pass. Some of these older looks I don't think will sell well. They're too old and look archaic compared to what we now consider their classic looks. Like old woman Rogue getting made is a head scratcher.
nice. i've seen alot of people get creative with wolvie customs lately. back when that crappy snake eyes movie bombed all I saw for months afterwards were Wolverines made from that classified movie snake eyes. I even saw some customizers using Patman as a base for MCU wolverines.
The issue was that there was no limit for in store pickup orders
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>refined body and proportions
>that ass and hips
There was a limit on shipping and it sold out in 4 hours in the middle of the night. That is not enough for the demand for this figure.
Oh I don't doubt it, but I'd be lying if I said I was the biggest Wolverine fan so I'm okay with getting the budget version.
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Hot Toys is going to make a regular movie Green Goblin too. Damn Hasbro, that was all I wanted.
Full cases still pegged at 3 Targets today. No hype for this figure.
>those face print dots
uh oh subby gonna freak
Shows 0 in stock within 50 miles of me bro
I'm talking in store pickup limit
Wagie told me a single person got all 10 my store got
Ouch. Secondary market time. Save yourself some gas.
mafex Jubilee for comic xfags
I also saw people got confirmed for in store pickup only to be told she was sold out when they arrived at the store. Wild. So lucky that didn't happen to me. She has a "Notify me when she's back in stock" button that not all sold out listings have, maybe they'll do a second run.
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Wow looks great
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Has a figure been "review bombed" for selling out fast on Target or Walmart's website before? This seems kind of crazy
What a retarded thing to do. It's not the product it's targets handling of stock.
That is what the reviews say, but these people have nowhere else to output their anger, since its an exclusive at a major multi-billion dollar corporation of a figure made by a multi-billion dollar corporation, neither of which gives a fuck about them.
If these retards call up target HQ and harass Debra about it they'll get the message but these faggots are too scared to talk to another human being even if it's just over the phone
happens quite often. take a look at Amazon 1-star reviews sometime and read all the ones that say "product is great but it took 2 weeks to get here even with Prime" or something benign like that.
Telling some customer service person about the issue isn't going to do anything, anon.
What part of harass didn't you understand
Anyone geeting pajeet spooderman
I'm aware just reasserting that it's low IQ
gotcha, have a good day anon
That's absolutely the wrong thing to do. Customer service people already work a shitty job and have no fault in this. Being shitty to them will not make anyone actually responsible for the decisions at Target or Hasbro take notice.
Not redeeming
Scalping action figures is only going to get worse as unskilled labor balloons in the US and more people have no other way to survive but reselling already overpriced plastic for even more ridiculous prices. Maybe that law that makes it so $600 bucks or more of ebay sales are taxable will dissuade this a little, but most scalpers don't really have many other alternatives. So they'll likely just take the hit in effort of saving their receipts and itemizing everything. They're already doing something that is extremely time intensive for relatively meager gains and is potentially high risk if they buy up the wrong figures. That is a sign of desperation.
Yes it would.
>Scalping action figures is only going to get worse as unskilled labor balloons in the US and more people have no other way to survive
This is why I'm stacking ammo. Sooner or later the bread and circus will stop.
This looks cool, but note excited about Iceman!! All of the ones we've had so far have been shit, so it would be sweet to have a good one. Glad I didn't get the select.
>Transparent plastic
>Import transparent plastic
It won't last a year
It looks best with the "color it blue, call it black" color scheme.
Nah. I'm kind of burnt out on Spider Verse stuff tbqh. And I'm the anon with the huge Spidey shelf.
“Hello sir would you like goobie cookie get 2 for half off special price for you sir”

As much of a spideyfag I am, I DO NOT want ring a ding ding spidey on my shelf.
Please sir, we need your help to make Spiderman a globally recognizable and loved character.
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We'll see. I'm a sucker for translucent plastics though because of how they look under lights. Having an accurate 1/12 of pic rel with import articulation will be great.
Hope you got plates too anon. You are probably gonna want them.
Because the same thing happened with that Black Widow and then she was a little bit of a pegwarmmer by the end.
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>Wolverine's wrists look bizarre.
>Deadpool's elbow looks like its sculpted out of clay.
One issue that may throw a wrench into your expectation: MCU figures get more units made than comic figures.
...the super poseable Black Widow, retard.
>Deadpool's elbow looks like its sculpted out of clay.
It's just a retooled legacy Deadpool. Great figure. Weird angle.
Never saw her available (but didnt want her)
>All this paint wasted on movie figures that people will buy and throw away in a few years
>No paint used on comic figures of classic looks that will persist for decades
You anecdote is worthless.
NWH Destroying his mask made me so mad
She was pretty easily available in store and online for a good while after she launched. Same with Yomdu.
Yeah, that first week or two was ROUGH and then she leveled out. I wouldn't pay above retail until we get into August and there's no restocks.
Oh, I was able to get a Warbird. My store didn't get hit by a scalper, she actually slowly trickled out until like midday. Multiple other stores did get wiped out over night though before the store even opened. Shit was wild to see.
Who’s that? Do you mean YONDU and not YOMDU?
Yes, I made a typo. Thanks for noticing.
Yeah I was confused at first. I was like: “who’s is this Yomdu, is he a new character?” Then I realized it might have been a misspelling of Yondu because Yondu is spelt with a “n” and not a “m”. No problem. LOL!
You're really stupid
You really lonely today anon?
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Aoa cyclops is going to have a cool looking laser effect.
Seems like a fair grading for a lazy figure tbqfh
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>Mogs the legends.
Why do people take low quality pictures? Do they have to do it with a hidden camera or something because the event organizers dont want the info getting out?
>Do they have to do it with a hidden camera or something because the event organizers dont want the info getting out?
Yeah, there were signs up last year telling people not to take photos lol
Astonishingly Shit Wolverine available for shipping

mogging the shit tobey legends isn't a feat
We'll hopefully this makes the Hasbro team reconsider making Wave 3 of AoA. I still want Storm, Gambit, Blink, Sinister, Bishop, Nemesis Hallaucaust, and Mephisto.
I think the idea is that toy collectors will buy something else too.
This is cool, I was wondering if he would get a figure after the recent mini-series. Wasn't expecting an import though.
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Loving the texture on this
what's this
Damn, hasbro needs to step up their game.
You're comparing apples and oranges.

It's a McFarlane statue, he's started doing Marvel statues recently.
More like apples and dog turds.
McFarlane figures are dog turds. I'm glad you agree.
Nah it's great and your a fag
Show me a hasbro Spider-Man figure as good as this >>11080182. Literally Ditko cover art.
Oh no, you're retarded.
check and mate laddie
Shut up, retard.
Comparing a collector statue to toys sold in the children's toy aisle is stupid and you know it, stop being a fag with your company wars bullshit. Only incels want to insight company wars about toys.
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They are just cheap resin statues. They come in a box of 6. Two spiderman two deadpool two classic. Similar to the banpresto statues that flood ross. I got all 3 on saturday. $30 each. I didn’t post because I thought no one cared about statues.
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I didn’t bother opening the box because they are just statues. They have no articulation.
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The deadpool one is interesting because they actually sculpted it with fucked up Liefield chest anatomy.
God these look so fucking good, especially at that price point
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The boxes look nice and they have a plastic window, so there is little incentive to open them.
oh i'm aware of those, I just didn't know there was a Ditko release! I thought it was just two statues, the smaller one here >>11080323 and the 12 inch scale one
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The assortment number was 087260827. I don’t think the gold label has it’s own number.
Why are people comparing these to Marvel Legends?
How did they screw up the look of the torso to elbow joint connection so bad in this figure?
Is that a rhetorical question? Do you the the company that produces these dookies?
>I think the idea is that toy collectors will buy something else too.
I make sure not to whenever I do go into a retailer for action figures. Just to spite them over this idea. Besides, it's Target, stuff like food or home goods are all overpriced there anyway.
>it's Target, stuff like food or home goods are all overpriced there anyway.
This isn't exactly true. I find random shit to be slightly cheaper at Target than places like Kroger. The bones I get for my dogs are $4 cheaper at Target for instance. The brand of pizza sauce I get for homemade pizza is slightly cheaper too, random shit. It's weird. And because I don't like to waste trips going out, I try to get some stuff I need around the house when I go out for toys too.

I don't hold random grudges against companies that haven't wronged me in any way. Hell. I even worked at Target back when I was in high school 15 years ago.
30 bucks for a statue is not really that good a deal. Mcfarlane was making much better statues in 2002 for 9.99.

Run it through an inflation calculator and you'll see 9.99 in 2002 is $17.45 today. So these should not be $30.
Its good from the stand point that it represents the art well. That the art is ass is unfortunate, but Todd can't take the fault for that. This time, at least.
Kroger isn't the greatest comparison since they're a supermarket chain and still won't have the lowest prices. Generally the lowest food prices are probably going to be Walmart barring sales. But yeah not everyone wants to shop in dumps like Walmart (their toy aisles are also very depressing with figures just strewn about everywhere) so I can see going somewhere more upscale.
>Run it through an inflation calculator and you'll see 9.99 in 2002 is $17.45 today. So these should not be $30.
Do you think companies do this with manufacturers about the cost of plastic and paints?
Mcfarlane doesn’t have to pay a license to himself. He has to pay disney for marvel. Same reason why Gi Joes are way nicer for the same price with hasbro.
Kroger is hardly upscale lmao. I mean yeah compared to Walmart, sure. I used to go to Walmart for my groceries when I was in college but their meat and produce are absolute shit so I had to stop going there. I try my best to not go to a Walmart despite living within walking distance from one.
You're really dumb.
Kroger and upscale should not be used in the same sentence.
Don't care, internal shit and haggling with manufacturers is their business. If I feel like your shit isn't offering more value than something made 20 years ago adjusted for inflation and you're charging more than inflation for it, I won't buy it. You're not going to get me with that Declinism rhetoric about how we have to accept less now. Either be a force for Incline or I am not buying your product.

His licensed stuff was still better. Stop making excuses for lazy businesses.
Terminator isn’t owned by Disney. It is a cheaper license. That is why Neca licenses it. Disney is an expensive license.
>And why am I the only one who cares?
Citation needed. Be sure to show the licensing costs. Also be sure to reconcile your statement implying NECA picking up cheap licenses and "Disney is an expensive license" with the fact that NECA has a license to make Disney's Gargoyles figures.
Are you actually implying Terminator is a bigger franchise than anything Disney owns? Are you being 100% serious?
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I don’t agree with you that Disney is cheap, but Todd’s statue prices are all over the place lately. I think you are right that the prices are fucked.
>Disney's Gargoyles figures
Real hot license, that one
I really liked this statue at first, then I realized he doesn't have any of his webs he's swinging from like in the actual art its referencing. It just looks like he's floating there, which kinda ruins the whole thing for me.

I'm implying >>11080449 made a lazy statement by saying "Disney is an expensive license." What he should have asserted was MARVEL is most likely an expensive license, even for a small area like statues. But he still won't have the facts to back that up or that it justifies $30 for these.
>1:8th scale
>For a statue that is 90% cape and a floating head.
What a crazy time we live in.
You're just being pedantic now. Shut up.
When this was announced I expected it to cost 50 bucks. Instead it costs 500. Anyone that buys this is nuts.
Will your life really be any worse without a Warbird? Will it really be any better? It's strange how people get carried away and stress out over things that don't actually really matter and let their mental health dip over something like having a plastic toy.
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>It's strange how people get carried away and stress out over things that don't actually really matter and let their mental health dip over something like having a plastic toy.
>Will your life really be any worse without a Warbird?
Yeah, that price is batshit, especially since he's got a 1/7 Spawn statue up for pre-order for $50.
suck my dick bitch
It's pretty easy to tell the difference in quality between that statue and >>11080487

Although the difference definitely isn't 450 dollars. There's price gouging going on there.
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He does in the $50 one.
That 1:7 Spawn is made of pvc, while the 1:8 scale is resin, so I get why there is a disparity between the two. But shit, that statue is way over-priced for resin. Just look at any Kotobukiya fine art statues. 1:6th scale/resin and full of paint, even with the Marvel licensing those things are far more reasonable in their prices.
Todd doesn't understand how to negotiate with his factories for cheaper paint prices.
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hey bros……. this looks like ass.
Looks great. Instant preorder.
Looks like something you’d see at dollarama. His neck is very long.
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It's perfect and it's only $25.
man, outside of photoshopped promos it really looks like ass
the head is good (from a distance), the body sucks.
Warbird no longer appears on searches on Target.com. you have to have the exact url to find the listing. This is Target's response to the angry reviews. Hide it, act like it doesn't exist. Could also indicate no restock although no one knows for sure.
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