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Zatanna never ever edition

Previous: >>11061838
They are clearly above Hasbro and mcfarlane. Not like 2x better or anything but they avoid a lot of mistakes we see mcfarlane and Hasbro make, like diaphragm joints that have no forward range for mcfarlane or random figures with a lacking side kick range on Hasbro's end even though they have made others where full splits can be done
Is the DC brand dead?
Seems so unfortunately. At least until the new movies come out
What makes you say that besides stirring up people?
It’s just a little sleepy
If you are talking TOYS, no. Since Funko Pop didn't build up a nearly 3/4 of a billion annual business, they wouldn't waste their time on unusual pops like Jaime in high school clothes, like they did for the movie.

Instead they would have done what the Toad did and just made the BB uniform toys that he and Spin Master were required to make under their licenses.

So, for toys? No.

For licensed merch in general, also no. If you want to talk comic books or live action or animation, you know which boards to head on over too.
is that a dcu or a dcd?
It's a dcdeeznuts
Looks like a Marvel Legend custom to me
I want this
As you can see, the allure of domestics is strong in /toy/. It will never be fully escaped while domestic companies still make figures. The bargain basement department store figures always have an allure. People look at the more premium domestic designed figures and they feel "weird" to them because they can't be bought in a department store. It goes against their 80s and 90s programming. You could have a beautiful paint job and great sculpting on a Mythic Legons figure, but 95% of people will pass it by for that glossy unpainted department store domestic.
Am I the only one who finds everything post-TDK comic shit? I want fun batman in bright colors with playsets and wacky gimmick villains. Sick of overdetailed The Batman Who Laughs TM-tier shit with fucked sculpting in a bad scale.
I'm shocked no one mentioned that this collectors edition wave that dropped today was only at amazon and MTS. Not a good sign for the line when even BBTS and EE won't take your shit.
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>Marvel Legend custom
that speeder bike trooper fucks so hard
That MaryJ figure is so slim its hypersex
We're on the cusp of a new cinematic universe with a proper Superman this time, so no.
His costume looks like pajamas though.
The S is wrong. Hard pass.
>meaning there’s less budget for new figures, and it perpetuates the cycle of diminishing quality.
Diminishing quality at McFarlane Toys is more of a function of not just re-use, which can be economizing and practical, but re-use which is stupid where things are badly painted over like the Batzarro bat symbol slap dash on top of the BM symbol.

And sloppy paint jobs, incomplete paint jobs, etc.

And that might be 'less budget' but surely you meant 'less capitol' or 'less incoming revenue' to support more variety.

Your entire conversation is more venting, even when you are on the right track, than really dropping any NEW information or NEW analysis than other people have mentioned here before.
No one is going to buy or not buy a toy JUST because of an "S" shield
Where do you think you are?
Just give it to Hasbro.
>It’s like this line is run by some autistic faggot
>post an image from a show where the men are drawn to appeal to bara lovers while the women have tranny proportions.
Not even dragon ball was this gay and that show was a goldmine for homos
My reaction the first time i saw the My adventures with superman trailer was "why does it look so gay/trying to target gay audience".
>from the people who made Voltron reboot
That explains it
For what? McFarlane outsells them and makes better figures on average
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>clock king
Ngl, I didn't expect niche shit like this.
What lesser known characters should get made next? (excluding a zatanna)
Not super niche per se, but I'm hoping for a Wildcat at some point
Why didn't McFart make blank bucks to begin with so he could make his reuse more modular?
Blue beetle, catwoman and jon kent were his blank bucks, they just happened to have some sculpted details mattel man thinks no one will care about
The Superman 1000 enjoyers bought that due to the shiny S and they say it proudly
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That one was made due to people on the internet begging for reuse of the speeding bullets buck. You don't see them begging anymore now do you?
Haha, yeh. That buck is nice but it has all that really specialized molding.
Does McFart not have the money to retool a buck?
>Want to get bent over by Hasbro
Jada could probably handle the DC license honestly.
In most cases it just isn't worth it to them when they can puke out the buck with the specific molded details and people will buy it anyway. If people want better product from mcfarlane they need to have more self control and refrain from buying bad reuse
They can only produce like 10 figures a year. No thanks.
Ok, slower output, sure. But nowadays you just get people complaining about how people don't know who Ambush Bug is and stuff like that anyways.
10 good figures a year
So? No one is forcing them to actually buy figures they don't know anything about. And people who do actually read comics can still be happy with their one off characters. I have to assume most of /toy/ are casual faggots who don't actually read/watch the source material since this seems to be a fairly common complaint here.

Sorry casual cucks, but learn to stay in your lane. Your opinion only amounts to 1/3rd of someone's that actually cares about the source material.
nta but there is also that quality vs. quantity thing. Would you rather have a few well done things or a lot of meh ones?
That's the Rebirth Supes where he fucked up the S shield, they fixed it going forward.
Considering I already have high end options of the A list characters in the form of their party, imports, and high end domestic figures, I would prefer the low end domestic company focus more on numbers. This is another thing I don't get. A lot of /toy/ says they're willing to pay more for higher end figures from companies like McFarlane or Hasbro while also in the same breath being casual faggots that only have surface level knowledge of these franchises. It makes no sense to me to want these companies to do that when the product you're looking for already fucking exists. Multiverse (finally) is focusing on non A tier characters that actual fans of DC comics want. Are they as high end as imports or other high end figures? No. But if they were, we'd never get these lower tier characters.

I'd rather Jada focus on smaller IPs that don't get as much attention as DC or Marvel. I'd love for them to get more Capcom licenses and other vidya IPs. But we already have multiple companies, at multiple levels of quality, producing Marvel and DC figures. Buy from one of those.
He also fucked up the boot molding and they have not fixed that one.
>A lot of /toy/ says they're willing to pay more for higher end figures
>companies like McFarlane or Hasbro
Pick one.
>Multiverse (finally) is focusing on non A tier characters that actual fans of DC comics want.
Just as they've shit the bed with budget.
>Multiverse (finally) is focusing on non A tier characters that actual fans of DC comics want.

Name five
That's my whole point you fucking faggot.

Casual opinions, like yours, don't matter
>name five

Oh look a troll
Shut up retard
nta but The Atom, a more classic Black Manta (took a movie but you know what I mean), Metallo (lol, I know), classic Penguin, Green Arrow
Also classic Aquaman and maybe Sgt. Rock for the boomers.

Does anyone give a fuck about metallo he is so easy to make with any neca terminator
Shut up retard, your casual opinion doesn't matter.
>uh uh uh casual casual casual

This is a board for children's toys
I do... but not enough to make a custom, true.
Don't fucking care. I'm sick of you secondary cucks pretending like your opinion matters from anything. The hobby should be gatekept from bitch boys like you.
>my children's toys are meant for me and me alone

No wonder Warner brothers gave the franchise to James Gunn, it's bout time we got a few things shaken up to knock down those nerds for good
Stay mad zoomie, go read a comic.
Calm down big man, go find a dick to suckle on since mommys teet has dried up.
>Go read some woke Tumblr crap written for LGBT degenerates

Anime is better
Why are you even in a thread about comic book action figures then you stupid fuck? Oh wait, you're the SEA bot trying to farm (You)s again aren't you. You'll never live in the first world lol.
I come here for toys, comic books suck lol. I make up my own stories
This desu
I’ve read picture books that have better storytelling than western comics.
>I hate western comics yet I spend hundreds of dollars on action figures from those comics
Weird flex. Seems more like battered wife syndrome.
>Hurrr you're supposed to know about the looooore

Actual infantile behavior lmao.
Lamo this is a board for children's toys
>$65+ imports are children's toys
Nice fallacy, but this is a board for all types of toys. Just because all you can afford are children's toys doesn't mean that's all we discuss. Now pipe down little Timmy the big boys are talking now.
>Butububuubut I paid three times the amount for a super duper articulated six inch kino I'm kino !

You'll never live in the first world
I remember raging because the Superman Returns S was too small. An S that’s just a no diving sign isn’t even worth wasting my time getting angry about, especially after already waiting a decade for the whole Snyder phase to just go away since it started. Anyone who likes Superman has gotten very used to just ignoring Superman projects.
There’s a lot of set pics of the new suit getting damaged so maybe they’ll swap it out at the end for one with a real S. I’d buy that figure and maybe watch the sequel with that suit.
Scale fag here, are there really no 6 inch DC figs that aren't MAFEX? I have their Superman and Batman Hush figures and enjoy them I only ask because I don't wanna spend MAFEX money all the time. I just grabbed a Captain America Bucky form an Ollies and am on the fence about McFar. Is he still doing 7 inches?
>No wholesome little six inch boners for that epic kino display?

There's Mattel but... yeh.
>Is he still doing 7 inches?
Yeah. Only the Batman 66 and BTAS figures from McFarlane are 6 inch as far as I know.
Is the anime stuff 5?
Now to find some material that matches the blue for a tattered cape
The anime figures have a 5" line and 7" line. The 5" one is more limited in articulation, though.
Why dont I see more of this figure posted? It's pretty good
Red pill me on the line then. I'd love to get more DC characters, but don't want these mixed bagged quality, weird proportioned, 7" dudes.
>I collect marvel legends that don't even scale properly because Americans are fucking retards and don't give a fuck about quality
nta but the line as a whole isn't that great. It used to be slightly better but it has a bunch of issues.
I picked up 1(one) Marvel Legends. Again, I'm genuinely asking, what are some good figures from the line that could sell me on it?

That's unfortunate then, I see the Plastic Man build figure and it makes me interested in the line. But then I see the Batman you would have to buy to get the arms.
Don't get into a line because of a baf, anon...
Nah, that's not what I'm saying. Just that that is what caught my attention to the line. The line up for the build a figure does look neat. Aquaman and Batman I think being the rough ones, while Superman Blue and John are solid. The overall line just seems shotty. Like I check out previous Supermen and they're straight dogshit.
They've never really done a "good" Superman. You have to buy a bunch and sorta make a custom.
The solar Superman is decent but right, that's not the traditional Superman.
Action Comics 1000 Superman is the definitive Superman figure.
How did we get a whole version of the Teen Titans that most people don't prefer?
Same with Reign of the Supermen.
Dc seems to demand newer looks like rebirth and new52 before old looks. Or mcfarlane themselves do it.
And Batman Beyond.
They literally had the balls to put out a press release about DC's presence at San Diego Comic Con saying:

>McFarlane Toys, founded by legendary comic book artist and writer, Todd McFarlane, is a global toy company, industry leader, and innovator.
>As a design-driven company known for unparalleled attention to detail
I guess not painting the back, slapping an upside bat logo over a correct one and other crap are the kinds of things that are truly "unparalleled."
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Well, there's also the whole issue of the head sculpts and facial expression on all (except for one, according to some) Superman figures.

Since his unmasked Keaton and unmasked Batpatinson were dogshit, I bet if more than half of the Batwank McFarlane had sold had similar head sculpts as those, even more customers would be all REEEE.
I love how the Super Powers one is in there. Because why not.
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>lesser known
dc tanked dcuc the same way
They're just advertising what they used to be. It's clear they are no such thing anymore. Although the lack of paint is clearly in response to market conditions they have no control over in China, but they made many other mistakes that a close eye would catch
Why not include the good ones too?
Who would be in the line up for Jada's first year's worth(8) of figures?
>General Zod
Unfortunately most of the well known looks of well known characters are not suited to McFarlane's texturing and sculpted detail approach. Then the figures they did do well were of characters or looks few collectors wanted, so they didn't sell well even though they were good figures themselves.
Toy lines have to mix in A, B, C tier characters if they want a comprehensive line. What you listed is mostly A and maybe 2 B characters, Catwoman and Zod. Most likely they would need a few more B and C characters and hold off some A ones for later. Probably Supes, Bats and Joker would get in year 1 simply because that is who they are expected to lead off with--a year 1 without those characters would be considered folly. Robin, WW and Flash might be a year 2, Darkseid might be a year 3 character as while he's big, important and "must have" he isn't an urgent release like a main hero character
The Mcfarlane line is at its best for literal who Characters/Renditions of characters. Captain Carrot and Ghost Zod being examples. If you like the look of something, they arnt bad for the price. Bafs being the harshest mistress of the line, but it's still cheaper then a Marvel Legend Baf, so meh.
Lack of hands is still disappointing being a overpriced collector edition release.
Or they could go the Imaginex route and just make iconic versions of characters people actually want instead of padding out their releases with pegwarmers like Todd
There are plenty of toy lines that cater to utter casual cucks like you. Let us actual comic fans have a line that gives us all the niche characters too.
Sure, enjoy your Sgt. Rock with no gun and Jokerized Captain Carrot, I’m sure choices like that are sustainable and don’t lead to diminishing returns and $40 figures. You having fun with your obscure niche characters that only have the front half painted? Lmao retarded bitch
Better than hasbroke that's for sure
I will thanks. Go read a book.

You will never live in the first world.
>go the Imaginex route

Broke and dead? Didn't Mattel lose the license as well?
>no control over in China,
Any manufacturing company worth their salt has quality control.

Do you think Apple let's iPhone get sold ANYWHERE with a bad paint job? Do you think Samsung let's Galaxy's get sold with inferior screens because of 'market conditions in China' etc. etc.?
Have you seen the terrible level of QC in recent Apple products? You can literally snap one of the most recent released iPhones with your hands.
Nice pom poms.
Mythic Legions have shit quality control
Want Warblade, Mr Majestic, and Spartan.
Anon, the thing they have no control over is the PRICE OF PAINT. Not paint qc. You do not think the back of the figures not being painted is a qc issue do you? Of course not. Its by design due to price. Surely as a toy collector you know paint app prices have skyrocketed.
Did anyone grab Ragman/Clock King/Red Hood?
Are they fully painted or is it just the front half?
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Imaginext Chads are eating gooood
Fisher Price absolutely kicking Todd's ass.
Now this is mental illness, kek
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Their Oa set is sick as hell.
It would be hard for me to play with toys in modern times. I am an old man. I don't have any imagination left.
Actual child or mentally deficient babyman?
No clocks or patches on the back for them. Welcome to modern toys.
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Based DC completionist collector. They look great when you back light them with tea lights or leds.
I care enough to want a Metallo but not the shit Todd farted out and not what already exists. Wanting something isn't the same as wasting money on shit I don't NEED.
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hell yah
Funny how no one will ever give a shit about imaginext outside of dc gen
If that Hall of Justice was WIDER and possibly painted better so it didn't look like cardboard in a picture, it would be worth a second look.

These definitely look fun for kids older than pre-teens, but only the OA set >>11069924 is actually a well-thought out set as is.
Give it some ink washes and pop out the turrets, with a light behind it you can use it as a backdrop for your bigger Justice League figures.
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To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to appreciate Imaginext.
>Only collects DC imaginext, none of the original brands
Go complain in a Lego thread
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we used to have a pretty popular imaginext general going until they shifted focus to licensed properties and less original stuff
god that was like 8 years ago and i'm still here what the fuck am i doing with my life
Literally yes. Sorry that I'm not an actual child playing with literal baby toys. Reevaluate yourself.
That's how bad McFarlane fucked up the DC license.
>Jokerized Captain Carrot
is this real
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big total justice vibes with those little dudes
I bought Action1000 supes and i fucking HATE the shiny S. I want to trade for the atomic skull 2pk Supes.. But probably wont, since i dont buy McF anymore.
Sell it on ebay and you could start a nice imaginext collection.
It will be. It will be.
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That 2-packt isn't hard to get right now so I'd advice to get it now before it gets rare and overpriced.

After getting it you could just go and sell your AC1000, but I doubt you'll get much for it since I assume it's open.
Sell it to someone who wants it, that figure is rather valuable for a mcfarlane now
>The unironic lack of self awareness
>I lack self awareness because I don't collect literal toddler toys
Bitch please, there's a difference between someone who collects action figures based on media he lacks vs someone who osmlitrrally buying and playing with Lego knock offs meant for actual 4 year olds. Sorry, that gets your diaper in a twist, but it's the truth.
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Remember that time Superman made Doomsday his bitch and rode him around around on his back?
he's rite u no
Doomsday found out Superman's mom's name was Martha and had a change of heart.
There's literally no difference. It's all plastic. Get over yourself. You aren't more mature then anyone else that collects toys.
wild taste anon
>Lego knock offs
they're nothing like lego you retard
> meant for actual 4 year olds
wait til you see the age on the boxes for most toys people on this board buy
NTA you're trying to start an argument with but many of them say things like "not a toy" or "adult collectibles."
Literally yes anon. Someone who displays action figures as an adult is not the same as a man child whom plays with imaginext. You guys have zero fucking self awareness.
>Anons going gaga on literal FISHER-PRICE playsets
This is why we need Lego sets.
These people are actually mentally, emotionally stunted manbabies. I understand collecting and displaying actions figures isn't the most mature thing I'm the world, but trying to claim it's in the same breath as actually playing with toys made for literal babies is a fucking joke. What next, are the people in this thread going to start buying Duplo?
Lego had the license a while ago didn't they?
I only collect imports but that's just my preference. I don't see any reason to look down on and try to shame anyone on /toy/ for choosing to collect anything. You're the one having an emotional response when faced with the reality that you are literally no different than any other person on this board. The other anon is right. You need to get over yourself.
Explain how it's different.
Anon, I'm going to look down on literal adult men that play with toys meant for children. That's just the way it is.

1.) I'm not playing with Fischer Price toys
2.) The toys I collect are made for adults
3.) You're mentally ill
>The toys I collect are made for adults
Solid argument.
I collect imports and other high end figures. These toys come with small parts, made with less durable plastic and paint, and cost upwards of $65- $100. Children aren't buying them and in fact many of them specifically state on the box that they are NOT meant for children.
The value of any collectible or toy is subjective and based on personal preference. It's crazy to think that most people consider figures made from more brittle material that coust $300x more is superior just because of the money they exchanged for it. Some may find joy and satisfaction in collecting high-end figures, while others may find equal enjoyment in purchasing and using cheap durable toys. Neither preference is inherently superior to the other.
They will never make a
>Hall of Justice
>Hall of Doom
>Daily Planet
>Fortress of Solitude
>Tower of Fate
>House of Mystery
>Flash Museum
set. Just more Batman nostalgia.
>Children aren't buying them
Children aren't voting either
3 year old babies are eating goooood. that dude mocking you is completely and totally correct, and i want to know what you do with them, too. They look like shit knockoffs from a flea market for mexican toddlers, so there's no display value or "i like to look at it, it makes me happy." so that's off the table.
it'll never be worth money, people probably won't even bother listing this on ebay even once because it's so ugly. so the tards that treat toys like stocks instead of just trading stocks, that couldn't be you.
it's too ugly and simple and doesn't have removable parts, so you couldn't customize it.

so what do you do? do you make airplane noises with your mouth and have him fly around into walls?

pic attached is what i assume adults buying this look like.
This is cope.

At least one of you isn't an emotionally stunted manbaby.
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You realize that the youngfags are young enough to have grown up with these and are nostalgic about them? Imaginext as far as I can tell has the best character selection as any DC toyline every made.
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Imagine hating fun
>You realize that the youngfags are young enough to have grown up with these and are nostalgic about them?
And I grew up playing with Duplo, doesn't mean we an adult that I'm going to go out and buy them for myself.

>Imaginext as far as I can tell has the best character selection as any DC toyline every made.
lol, lmao even. Tell yourself whatever you need to anon, but realize, you're playing with toys literally meant for 3 year olds.

Which child are you anon?
this is the exact same reasoning that funko pop people use. bro nobody else is making figs of these characters, so i have to buy the soulless manbaby crap!
>Which child are you anon?
This retarded looking one
>this is the exact same reasoning that funko pop people use. bro nobody else is making figs of these characters, so i have to buy the soulless manbaby crap!
Once again I don't buy these I'm just stating facts.
>Little Timmy can't even save an image correctly
I'm concerned for the zoomers.
best toy thread in awhile
I been laughing my ass off
Get got gramps
>Awrk awrk awrk
Are you actually retarded?
>can't discuss toys because retards start screeching about muh adult collectables
What a useless thread full of miserable people
>Why don't you want to discuss my baby toys?
>Why why why?
Because we're not babies. Stop throwing your temper tantrum.
discuss your mexican infant mcdonald's toys all you like my friend.
I tried to get into it but it's just too complex imo. I like to decompress with some Hungry Hungry Caterpillar with an ice cold glass of apple juice after a long hard day at the playground.
>nooooo you can only post about todd’s half painted manbaby dolls
Todd can’t even make a Batmobile without fucking it up while Imaginext is out here with multi-use playsets of the Daily Planet, Gotham, Crime Alley, and Oa. Imaginext is so much more immersive, it’s like you’re really in the DC universe.
Lol thanks but that not really my thing
Yea, i probably should if i care enough, probably best AC1000 go to someone who actually appreciates him. Thabks for the tips anons.
Be quiet Timmy, the adults are talking.
>guy throwing an actual temper tantrum because people make fun of his baby toys
You can't make this shit up.
Never a dull moment in the DC general
I had a figma take a 6 foot shelf dive and had no problem with it. Not entirely believing the "less durable plastic and paint"
it's a Zat thread
Imaginext has a Ragman?
kek imagine being this assblasted over Imaginext raping Toddy on monthly basis with good releases compared to your shit platinum store gold NFT limited numbered label exclusives
heckin wholesome ages 3-8 yrs fisher-price toys? :o
I just got my Ambush Bug figure delivered yesterday, it was apparently delayed a month but for some reason i found it on my doorstep yesterday.
It's a super cool figure. I hope we keep getting more figs of these D-listers
>They've never really done a "good" Superman. You have to buy a bunch and sorta make a custom
I had to buy a Superman Hush and a Rebirth Superman. Then I had to boil them to take them apart. Then I had to buy a ZSJL superman for the long neck peg that i then transplanted on the Hush body and added Rebirth's head. Then I pulled appart Hush's torso so i could slightly pop it back in to give him a bit extra height then i had to give rebirth's hands to Hush
after all that i finally had a half decent looking superman but i still needed to paint his neck because Superman Hush is pale as fuck.
Should've just bought the Mafex at that point.
How did Imaginext get away with making a Poison Ivy this sexy?
get help
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hes a big guy
Isn't it disappointing that its basically just a green plastic body buck? I don't entirely get the mindset that can appreciate a company lazing out on a character I wanted. Is it just that you never thought he'd be made so even if its a body buck with a new head its a nice surprise?
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Chances of Imaginext being the only toy company to have the balls to make Joker 2 toys? They already have Batgirl Raping Photographer Joker, from the 40 year old comic kids love where he kidnaps and tortures Gordon.
Trying too hard mate.
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Why hasn’t Tood ever released Batman with his sick mecha?
wake me up when i can get dick
Kind of wanting to buy these to decorate my desk... They're fun enough I could fiddle with them and not valuable enough to worry about someone stealing them
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There are unironically people on yt that say "oh yeah i might pick these up" shit sucks for kids and sucks for adults you are just retarded if you buy these. these types of figures are one of the reasons for toys declining and you are in denial if you say otherwise
hes just posting those to piss you off, ignore him and he will stop
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That's not even their biggest Batmecha
Still i do think what im saying is a legitimate issue dc needs to address. no kid who knows what batman is would look at this and be like "oh yeah this is cool" there needs to be balance
marvel legends are literally for four year olds, just like most mass market toys people here buy
you're literally the one upset about toys
No, I'm making fun of you. There's a difference.
Why would it be dissapointing? His design is that simple, the figure should be under $20 though.
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Spin master making better dark knight rises figures than mcfarlane lmao
Those elbows and knees look so much better than Todd's dolls. They're like better detailed Imaginext figs
looks like they're making better Keaton Batman figures, too
scared, todd?
you've been seething so long that you don't even realize i'm not the imaginext poster
why cant spinmaster just do 6 inch dc figs like they do with their playstation line?
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Depending on the plastic they use, SM's can look cheaper (but these were only $8.99) - but the original Nightwing and Superman they released around 2020? 2019? had actually better skin and textures than Todd's oil covered, 'textured' drip of paint that many of his last few years of releases have had.
that Supes looks pretty good.
I'm just salty at how little I am enjoying Todd's 1989 Batman I recently got off Amazon.
What's funny is the one guy may be trolling, but there are legit anons on this board that unironically buy this stuff. Inb4 I hate fun or am soulless or whatever cope they'll try to spew to justify they're playing with Fischer Price toys.
>justify they're playing with Fischer Price toys
Who cares
>aislop nonsense
peace out guys
No added paint detail to make up for the fact its a blank buck. Suit could've been better executed if they had done at least a couple new pieces like the knees and lower legs
I really like that metallic blue
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>(but these were only $8.99
So were these. Spinmasters sucks.
Every item I see from them looks like a a student's CAD design project where they're technically competent but don't really know how to sculpt organically.
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I bought them as stocking stuffers, my niece still plays with them today. I did also get her some other, non SM, so yeah, I'm aware that there are others in that price range. I could have even gone to Big Lots and gotten some stuff on sale but these were holiday gifts for my sisters' kids.

I do own some (very few) DCs from Spinmaster and think those were fine, they don't seem consistent as to the design since I've seen some non-DC products they do which I think are better made.
This is so weird....So their kiddie 4" figures haven't been selling well at all for years now. When was the last non-movie DC 4" wave?? Are they trying to pivot to adult oriented 4"? Clearly these are marketed towards adults and not the same pre school/elementary age crowd all the past figs were, but these still have the shit articulation and sculpting. It's so weird. They're going to please nobody.
>why cant spinmaster just do 6 inch dc figs like they do with their playstation line?
McFarlane, duh! Neither company has a master license. They both have segments of it and they're not able to step on each other's toes. I bet WB and McFarlane won't allow Spinmaster to make a 6" super articulated collector focused line since it would compete with the 7" McFarlane figs.
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Spinmasters is kino
McFarlane has no say.
WB/DC partitioned the licenses up based on what each toy maker wanted to produce and the toy companies paid for it.
Mcfarlane recently reupped their license, and actually expanded on it, so they'll hold onto their market and have first dibs to reup again a year or two before it actually expires.
So Subby plays with literal baby toys? Why am I not surprised...
Can the imaginext faggot fuck off with his toddler shit
Post your toys
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Shut up baby
Already did
But anon, you're not having any fun if you're not mentally regressing to a four year old.
No one here actually buys them, it's a meme
This is fucking awful if you're an adult collector
>since it would compete with the 7" McFarlane figs
Spinmaster can't even compete with Mattel, let alone McFarlane. I don't get what's the point in acting retarded.
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Brutally mogged by LEGO
The guy spamming absolutely is trolling but there are definitely anons on this board that unironically collect these baby toys and then get their diapers twisted up when you call them out on it.
This would look cool on a shelf
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Guns are back on the menu
Magnums and rifle glued into the holsters.

Too bad they didn't wire the coat a bit.
based James GUNn
You're retarded. 'Competition' from a sales standpoint. WB/DC wouldn't allow both Spinmaster and McFarlane to have such similar lines in market demo, no matter the execution. They're not going to have their licensors making competing product on the same shelves.
Hip on the menu
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ah yes my favorite moment when batman splits wide open like a iron maiden to consume his enemies
i associate new 52 with baby garbage because of shit like this
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the spiinamster movie ones at least have some utility if your into model cars / rc stuff since theyire mostly in scale (compared to everything else at least) not saying theyre amazing or anything but theyre cheap and work as intented
delet this
I know, was just a joke. It's good that options are coming back. I wonder if there are still some caveats to what's possible though. Maybe this being exclusive to their store let them have guns? Ie. no retail presence in the US (I say because these usually have international releases as well).
Ive got a few of these for cheap, i kinda think the light up stuff is pointless but im not a 3-8 year old kid so whadda i know.
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>more doll clothes
Has Todd turned faggot?
kids toy circa 1995
kids toy circa 2020

why are they like this
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A range of tiny Imaginext scale figures with the detail of Total Jusice would be cool as hell
Think of da children :( violence bad
>Just a little kino of an epic mashup with two totally badass toylines

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A hyper-detailed range of two to three inch figures with wide variety of obscure characters like Imaginext would tap into the completionist market and open it up for children since vehicles and playsets would be available. They could be like the cheap alternative to Eaglemoss statues.
Sounds like something McFarlane would sell with a tie in comic. Page punchers? Yea completely the same thing
Page Punchers are too expensive. They're like $15 which rounds up to being a $20 purchase in the mind of a consumer. For $20 you can get a set of five Imaginext figures.
Also Todd's costume choices were all modern designs nobody wants so of course his over-priced attempt failed after one wave. You have to start with classic Superman and Batman before you start putting things like Rebirth and New52 designs on shelves.
>For $20 you can get a set of five Imaginext figures.

Where? Didnt the line go broke?
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There's this site no one's ever heard of called Amazon where you can buy things. You can find the new transforming Bat Tank that just came out there.
aw shit he got a disc launcher
>Page Punchers
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Reeves reveal at comic con
I was surprised to find these actually look decent in person. I guess when it's as big as a thumb you don't need the detail of a 7 inch figure.
legit surprised WB allowed this
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Spectre should be re-released with a wire cape
the doll capes need to stop
Another McFarlane preorder now trapped in delayed hell.
The cape and especially Jonah Hex's coat look awful. I know Todd like it because it's much cheaper than tooling a large cape or a coat with new arms but holy shit these make the figures look worse.
Kinda crazy to be getting a confederate action figure in this day and age.
Make your own
It's just Toot McFartlame not wanting to spend money on his products again.
Better than hasbroke that's for sure.
eat shit
Only if exclusive to mcfarlanes store i assume, as sgt rock still has no guns
based todd spreading his company's cheeks for dc's cock again and again
This was the promo image Mondo should have released
Nope, we need more wired capes, Jimmy. Collectors love the wire
We haven't even hit bump limit, anon...
They ARE cool, and a GREAT way to get kids into comics.

But 10 bucks is just too much for a minifig and an old comic (that you can get for 1 buck fro mtime to time thanks to re-editions).

That's probably why 3" Page Punchers are mostly 2-packs now, even though 17 bucks for 2 minifgis and an old comic still seems too much for them.

It really fills like these are only sold when in discount lol
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found these at gamestop in south texas
th batman is a nice find
The cape on that Batman is so nice. Since so much is reuse they must have spent more on the cape.
I haven't seen too many McFarlane Toys figures at Gamestops, save for their non DC stuff (less the Superpowers); they have a distribution warehouse in Texas, I wonder if they ship out some of the excess toys they have there with regular shipments to their Texas locations. I know WalMart does that in the south with all sorts of goods.

Don't necessarily disagree with you but those were shitty toys due to fact that they had to be posed in those awful stances.

Most retailers were selling PP for $12.99, many didn't sell. Only the page punchers with full sized figures sold for more than $14.99 anywhere, I am pretty certain.
>those were shitty toys
Nah they were great. Better than boring ass boomer shit like Super Powers.
I still say they should have used the Knightfall body.

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