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Previous: >>11051401

What do you think of the new Batman wave?
The new Composite Batman/Superman designed by Dan Mora is great, just because Dan Mora is great and anything he designs should be made into a toy. DickBats is pretty good, Knightfall body isn't a bad choice for a smaller Batman, and the head definity evokes Frank Quietly's artwork from Batman and Robin #1 which is great, although I say this as a massive fan of that book and someone who owns the DickBats and Damian Black and White Statues based off that cover. Adam West looks fun and will go nicely with the other live action Batmen. I'm not getting any of them though because McFs aren't really my cup of tea.
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Dick Grayson as Batman will never not feel weird
Should've been Tim as Batman and Dick should've taken Damien on as his robin while operating as Nightwing.
Such a stupid design
Yeah after seeing this I'm totally put off to World's Finest. People seem to love it so I thought I could try it but something as ridiculous as Batman and Superman "merging" is beyond my capability for suspension of disbelief. Men made of clay, giant zombies, robot aliens trying to conquer the world. All fine, but this is my line.
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Mr McDonalds really spoils the soup in that image. I wouldn't get Ahnold unless I was going to paint him. He's basically a model kit.
DickBats is such a logical progression for the character, it was honestly one of the most interesting times in Batman history. I mean it just makes so much sense that Batman would take on Robin, not really as a sidekick or partner, but as his legacy. Sure, Dick didn't want to take up the cowl, but he was such a better choice than Tim or Jason. Jason was an outright villain at the time and Tim was just still too young. It had to be Dick. I could go on and on about Morrison's run for days, but as far as legacy characters go, DickBats was it done right.
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You guys are such fucking casuals if hurts. Composite Batman Superman has been a concept literally decades before you were born. It usually looks like picrel. At least Mora did something new with the design. If something like Composite Batman Superman is too wacky for you, super hero comics may not be your thing.
They mostly aren't. I preferred manga once I discovered it existed in the 90s. I tend to prefer more grounded comics like Batman without cross over characters when I do read a comic.
I was debating keeping my eye out for a discounted/remaindered version of this >>11061804 but that's another head sculpt fail and the colors are shit.

Comp SuperBat is really simple, especially if we are talking a modern design and not the silver age one. I'm not familiar with what Mora did, since I've only been hoarding the digital rips of that run, but they can use the design from the past few decades. Even LEGO did one.
It really is, and people were crying over ragman last thread. Is this what youd rather get instead of d listers? Idk, this figure just isnt for me.
NTA but I'd rather get cool designs. Neither this nor Ragman is cool.
Why does Batman need to continue past Bruce rather than just having the Nightwing persona be the same thing? Just because Batman is more intimidating to criminals than Nightwing is?
The idea is that Gotham will always need a Batman. That.Batman was bigger than Bruce. It started with him but then progressed to Dick, and in flashforwards eventually Damian, then Terry, all the way to Batman 1 Million from Morrison's JLA run.
That reminds me of how bad Batman Inc. was.
DC Metal is more your speed then?
>The idea is that Gotham will always need a Batman.
Gay and I saw that as a fan of Batman beyond
>Batman was bigger than Bruce
This is fine. The fear that Batman could is still be around works better than having a replacement. Batman should be a myth not someone you see standing next to Superman in broad daylight. The logical continuation is Nightwing someone that can be a publicly known hero.
What kinda bugged me about Batman Beyond was that all the bad guys were basically just 2.0 versions.
Probably higher up interference. It'd be risky to go with all new rogues rather than safe 2.0s
Yeah, although I'm sure there are cool comic designs lurking outside just the Metal events that they just aren't making like the newer iteration of Black Mask. Abyss was a good one they identified and made.
In story the reason Dick took up the role despite not actually wanting it was because Jason Todd started running around in a Batman costume and killing people. Dick couldn't have that stand so he fought Jason for the cowl and took it himself.

While it was definitely the weakest part of Grant's run, it wasn't bad. The concept was interesting.
NTA but that's a good reason to justify it. I like it.
Given the admitted average age of most people who post on this board, it's literally something that happened before their parents were born.

And even for the casuals, it was a thing in a popular animated DC movie and an EFFING game:
That was actually from Battle for the Cowl, a filler event set between Batman RIP and Batman and Robin. It was written and drawn by Tony Daniel and wasn't that good tbqh, but it bridges the gap between the two major chapters of Morrison's run so I include it.
Millennials, the people form whom it is a foreign concept, grew up with the edgy Batman spawned from DKR and continued through Batman TAS and the burton films, but would also be too old to play the Lego Batman games.
It was also referenced in the Ed McGinnis Batman/Superman run in the form of a Giant Mecha built by Toyman. This run also was adapted into a movie.
>Edgy Batman
>Batman TAS
No. It just wasn't dumbed down and Bruce progressively lightened up.
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I was trying to find a clip of the Public Enemies adaptation since most of the images on line from the McGuiness Loeb comic are low res scans, but apparently no decent clips of that scene exist, the best you get is the fight between Lex and Clark.
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Why do comics with what you'd think would be serious subject matter (crime fighting) end up with silly ideas finding their way in?
>Making CR Superman gold label
McFarlane has no shame.
The composite Superman/Batman robot was also used as a concept in an egdy batman thing - Metal, so it's just that idiots >>11061939 like this one don't even read comics that are not among the ones that they will admit they don't read.

They have neither the balls to own up to their casualness nor the balls to admit they just want some cool DC related action figures but have no clue whom 90% of the non Batman characters are.
>that face paint
fake and gay
Metal is outside Millennials' wheelhouse. That's from like 2020, most Millennials no longer read comics. If they do its manga.
Of course not.
He will go after every penny, even as he throttle productions, and laugh at DC fans, even the ones defending him, as they are stuck paying scalper prices.

A shitty DC Super Powers sold at an auction on EB last week for $80+ fucking dollars, with "free" shipping. And it wasn't even one of his idiotic gold paint jobs.
It was delayed because Reeves estate wanted the likeness spot on.
>>Edgy Batman
>>Batman TAS
The hell? Batman actually smiled and cracked jokes in that.
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That was a serious subject matter.

You can't get more serious than something that is about to destroy the planet, son.

A silly bank robber or a silly mugger pales in comparison to THAT!
No twist ties=fake
A giant robot that half looks like Batman and half looks like Superman is the comedic subject matter I am speaking of
I actually respect that a lot.
The fuck does CR mean, Cum Rag?
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McFarlane action figures are sculpted and painted to feature the exact likeness of each character.
I just don't get it. Why the fuck do they include a card that doesn't look anything like the figure? I mean why include a card at all? At the very least have it match the figure.
Different genre of superhero comic anon. You're thinking more gritty down to earth realistic comics. Try Marvel's Ultimate line, the old one. If you can stomach the post 9-11 era themeing that most of the early line consists of. But mainstream superhero stories have always been wild and outlandish. Most people start off with the grim dark stuff and eventually graduate to real superhero comics proper when the exhaust the stuff they've been reading.
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They are getting better with head sculpts. Todd himself has said they they've realized that a better head sculpt means it'll sale better even if the body is reuse.
Mezco head on McF body. Skin tones don't even match.
That'd work if I thought that headsculpt was good at all. I can't unsee him not having an upper lip at all, and his cowl looking like a chicken-based fast food get-up's beak.
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It's accurate to the source was my point
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I have an old .mp4 of that movie stashed away on my data drive. Here ya go.
He does have a bit more of an upper lip there though. Also wondering why when McFarlane is known for its detail they didnt include the distinctive lines in the cowl since it isn't like they'll be likely to reuse this head for anything else.
You could easily reuse that head.
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Maybe for the Grim Gobbler. They have better Batman heads to use though so I don't know why they would reuse a Dick Grayson as Batman head for anything else but DGAB.

Also a recent headsculpt that bothers me is Sgt Rock. Looks far too fat headed for the character art. I think it largely depends on the sculptor assigned to the figure how good or bad the headsculpt will be. They certainly have some hits but also a good deal of misses as well.
Looks like a half breed mutt the platinum green army man version is unironically better
Those trading card stands are such a waste of budget.
Email mcfarlane's team suggesting they drop the card stands for more character specific accessories, alt heads or advertised premium paint apps on the figure. CE would've made a lot of sense for figures that needed more paint than the regular line could justify, although I fear something like that dark green wash and hair is already them thinking they are doing their best in today's conditions, when figures from over a decade ago had far better paint apps. And Marvel Selects at $30 still do (somehow).
How much do you think it costs to make one of those versus like another head sculpt or something like that?
a child genius made a device to save the planet and made it look silly because they're a kid. would you rather the comics didn't have a sense of logic to preserve your "seriousness"?
It's fucking badass you
Sorry you're insecure about the funny pages being fun
that art looks like lumpy shit
>Dan Mora
>a child genius
Immediately already silly.
I've met one before. He wouldn't get in my van.
Darkseid is back up on Amazon if anyone needs him
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Shows our of stock for me.
>needs him
Don't be a faggot
Must've just missed him. He's been popping in and out all day
I have a Gaystop order set to ship this week. I'll just eat the shipping cost. I'll be fine.
If Amazon is moving to regional availability like Walmart already did I am not going to be happy.

Also with Darkseid if one wants the comic look but not the Super Powers look it's going to be kind of hard to justify ordering online where there's more of a chance of getting the Super Powers look.
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I think a lot of these high end companies are really just botching certain IP because they don't really care. Their people just feel obligated to make figures for a new, large film, but there's no passion in it.
>Look who came out of room
Those fagholes at GameStop just delayed my Darkseid to next month. Shit was supposed to ship this week. I'm a little mad.
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My Ambush Bug was supposed to be delivered today and out of fucking nowhere i get a message today saying that it's been delayed

Todd and Amazon can suck my balls and lick my shaft
is there a version of this without the faggy cape or is todd saving it for later so retards will double dip?
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>He doesn't know
>that utility belt
oh so this basically confirms we're getting a Dan Mora World's Finest Batman figure huh?
so even worse, he made it a platinum so it's impossible to get.
There is one commonality to all these delays: McFarlane. It's likely McFarlane is the true cause. I've had stuff from Amazon and Target both be delayed.
Why is the alternate head missing from the package? Why does the head look like its photoshopped on in the out of box picture? So many questions, McFarlane, so many questions...
I predict $150 on ebay
Yeah. The release dates for my Marvel Legends orders actually move up. Meanwhile my McFs just get delayed and delayed.
This one kicks ass
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Shouldn't the literal toy homage with the extra accessory be the special, limited one??
Who is "you guys" i never said SupeBats fusion was too wacky, i said the red cowl batmansuperman was a shitty design, its way too try hard, and not cool in the least. That Bat-S is so awful. You have faggot taste if you think its cool.
I think composite Superman is cool, its a goofy design but it works. I too like grounded batman, but holy shit is that a dead concept now. Funny enough TDKR was the starting point of batgod, and why most people mistakenly think batman can/should contend with Superman.
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You'd think but that makes too much sense
I really hope they make this version.
Child prodigies are a thing that has existed since before the birth of the historic Christ, son. And they've existed throughout history, whether we talk a musician, a math whiz, or a science whiz, etc.

If you want to bantz seriously, do better.
I wasn't talking to you.
McFarlane employees don't care about their customers. If you go to McFarlane only comment boards, versus DC specific ones, you hear that/read that constantly.

Yeah, I don't want it but out of curiosity I checked.

If you have a Target or Game Stop near you, I would start checking a few days before the release day, they will have them in stock just not be able to sell it to you before the street date, but you might be able to chat up a GS employee (the Target people tend to sell to scalpers they know or have per-existing relationships with) who will help you out.
The platinum is now always the less featured version if you notice. The platinum WW has cheaper paint rather than metallic paint. Darkseid without a cloth cape however is the less fully featured, so the Super Powers rip off Darkseid had to be the regular version.
Child geniuses have potential but do not build giant mechs while still children. They just go to better schools and graduate earlier. But they still are no longer children when they are allowed to work in their fields.
You mean Todd? He might, if he ends up doing all the original First Appearance versions DC Direct did previously, which so far looks like he might be SLOWLY heading that way.

But it was already done about 15 years ago: https://www.flickr.com/photos/clarkent78/4075332652/in/photostream/
I've got a surprise for you anon: employees from any company don't care about their customers. Only the management give a fuck. The employees just want their paycheck for doing as little work as possible.
NTA you've been arguing with, but in the comic book story, Hiro is old enough to want to fuck Power Girl, so his balls have dropped.

There are kids younger than him winning fighting robot or mechanized LEGO awards, etc.
Has nothing to do with puberty. It's illegal to work under a certain numerical age, let alone would investors and corporate executives allow a huge risk to be taken on letting a child genius build a giant mech, nor would they allow him to design it to look like half Batman and half Superman.
I have this one. Articulation simply isn't what I need.
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I just wanted to see most of my stuff all together, its missing ooshie and other blind bag stuff and a couple of un cooperative mcfarlane toys.
When does this come out and why can't I find anything else about it anywhere?
why does Darkseid dress up like a hooker? are the thigh high boots and onesie necessary?
Yeah, I had no interest in buying it myself, although I prefer that FA Supes to the versions that McFarlane put out - plus I have plenty of DCMV supes if I want more articulation on a figure.

I'm not going to put up with some of the shitty choices Todd makes to get ##x more articulation on a worse looking version. It's not like I am going to CONSTANTLY be posing every one of the figures and CONSTANTLY changing poses on them. I barely have time to dust them that often.
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Blame Jack Kirby

I'm not interested in this figure but it took me 5 seconds to find a handful of video reviews of it on line. Even if they are all shills, you'll at least get a better idea of what the figure looks like and how it articulates.

Again, I have no interest in it even to be given it for free, so I'm not gong to waste my time, but I doubt you can't find some written information if you do a browser search.

Sometimes you kids are so fucking lazy.
Only interested if
(a) slimmer body, since Dick not Bruce;
(b) sold with unmasked head.
Based imaginext Chad. Surprised you don't have that version of firestorm as well.
My god, you come off as the most crotchety fucking boomer ever. You're probably not even that much older than I am, but holy fuck you come off as someone who has a very punchable face.
He has no interest in your opinion anon.
Its a platinum. Platinums are usually kept hush hush by mcfarlane as they are a surprise "screw you" to the people who buy their figures and either would prefer the platinum look but get the regular or just want the regular they ordered but get something entirely different unexpectedly
Who gives a shit, even if you place an order it’ll get delayed for months until it gets cancelled
New listing:
What will this be about.

Nothing else seems too interesting to me.
DC just recently had a crossover with the Monsterverse.

I'd guess a Superman vs Godzilla is coming too.
Midget Godzilla and Kong will be weird

How many Red Hoods have been leaked by now?

I remember the Frost Version, a Comic Punchers that was "Red Hood as Joker" and another that was "Red Hood (Modern)"
Ya I know of the story, I just mean what kind of figure is that going to be. A 7" Kong with a 7" Batman? A bit weird.

If they do Superman and Godzilla that would make some sense. There were quite a few monsters featured, and Lex piloted the monsterverse mechagodzilla, so that would be a good 2-pack.
Here's hoping it's a classic version this time.
>muh list of imaginary bullshit
Buy this Bane. You won't regret it. I may buy a second set just to make Batmans cape all fucked up.
That blue shit all over him looks awful
Why you hating his comic lines?
Not him but actual insider
The list is accurate
You guys are about to see some really cool shit at SDCC. Todd's been listening. To prove I'm not lying look out for two 2 packs that'll be coming in about 8-9ish months.
Hal green lantern on the textured buck paired with classic blue costume sinestro on the textured buck.
Classic Green Arrow and Black Canary.
And yes the Task Force wave is still coming.
I cancelled the second I got confirmation mafex Bane scaled with mcfarlane knightfall.
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I'm glad they are making Simon and Mr. Terrif and I suppose idiots who like Cereal Lord nonsense and the few Vic loyalists who want some villains for him will be thrilled about GRID but Jeez Louise is this otherwise a sheer list of Batwank Crap.
I already have the Megafig release and I'm getting the Mafex just as soon as Amiami decides to ship my fucking package.
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Not letting that new cyborg buck go to waste
You’ve been posting about 78 Superman for over a year
>Simon Baz before Guy Gardner
top kek
Has he been listening to STOP MAKING PLATINUMS?
lmao no, he's still stuck in the 90s with chase variants and other such retard shit. Why do you think we still have trading cards literally no one wants?
Can we get some women jeez...
No, the line must remain a sausage fest in order to encourage what few female figures get made to sell out extremely fast.
Todd says women don't sell. They turn boys into murderers.
It's true, I mean look at /ctg/.
It was delayed because the Reeves estate wasn't happy with the likeness.
No but now platinums are more limited
I admire this kind of thing.
What does "more limited" mean? It seems like now almost every figure has a platinum when for the first few years of the line it was very occasional
There is 1 platinum per 6 cases. There is no guarantee a box store will get any platinums for the wave depending on distribution by the same token a single store could get multiple.
You're odds are now lower of getting one when ordered online.
Why? I just dont understand this idea unless its soley based on parts reuse for budget reasons.
Because racists.
WB mandates a certain amount of diverse characters be made. That is why pegwarmers like Static Shock, Batwing and several others have been made. John Stewart is a good choice because he is actually popular and fills the role but there are only so many John Strewart figures you can make before you see diminishing returns.
Why don't they just not send platinums to online retailers? Then use that runfair thing to do platinums online. What you see in the image that you order should be what you get.
They have all the shopping data that shows mcfarlane toys items are usually purchased with more everyday items. So they're thinking is once you're in a Walmart or target you'll make some sort of purchase even if it's just milk. This is the soul reason platinums still exist.
Only for the DCMVs since the Super Powers exists. Also, for people who really are fans of bowl cuts, I'm sure there will be a reuse of the Michael Keaton grandpa head sculpt and probably the Blue Beetle buck to crap out a movie-accurate version by next spring, if not sooner.
>once you're in a Walmart or target
Yes, every time I go buy milk or bread, I also check the toy aisle and buy something!
Lol. They should really be in the checkout line impulse buy section. Or at least those 3 inch things with a comic book.
You... you don't check out the toy section?
This is actually a good idea
That aint stopping hasbro with roadblock variants, but ok. Id much rather have guy, but itll be easy enough to ignore a new latern like baz but why not a female latern from an alien planet? That sounds pretty diverse and might even sell better.
Static Shock wouldn't have shelf warmed if they'd went with the animated design
Jessica Cruz seems an easy choice.
>Still no Power Girl
I see Todd is not a boobs man.
I hate that these retailers think they can manipulate customer behavior. I don't go to Target or Walmart at all. I order online and get food at a grocery store.
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Years and years later, the composite Santa joke makes sense
Card's a cheap feelie to circumvent having to do accessories/extra head/hands. Also, they had to switch to comic art because people were complaining and complaining LOUDLY over McFarlane being a cunt and having the cards be pictures of the action figure over actual artwork.
They originally started with art. Then people complained because the art didn't match the figure. So McFarlane went to figure photos. Then people complained because photos of figures on cards is garish and sometimes it was only a render with no background, even. So McFarlane went to art. Then people complained because the art didn't match the figure. Then McFarlane ignored the complaints because they can't make the figure match the card art, its too hard.
Well yeah, im just saying there are options to satisfy some sort of criteria for a figure getting the nod. Especially if you are drawing from the corps.
Art that doesn't match is better than a photo of the toy you now own, but mismatched art is still weird and often highlights issues with the figure.
Project Superman in particular was a rough sell already, then you have art of him right there in the packaging to show you how hard they missed the mark.
This figure looks uncharacteristically awesome for a Mcfarlane figure.
I can't wait to see how they fuck it up in-hand.
The articulation will be near non-existent
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Dark Lois anyone?
They'd just put it on the Catwoman buck and it'd be terrible with an ugly diaper. Don't even bother doing it, mcfarlane.
wave after wave of literal who faggots
Hasbro tends to have better practical articulation. While people may complain about the old ab crunches at least they are guaranteed to work somewhat, while a company like mcfarlane does ball pegs and the figures cant move forward hardly at all many times because they don't test their figures, they just throw them together in a modeling program and make the tooling
>my toys need to be able to suck their own dicks
They don't.
>My toys only need to be able to A pose on a shelf
I'd like a bit more than that
Oh thank god, its all shit
Sucks that we're still not getting Guy. The only fig that sounds interesting is Mister Terrific
At this point I feel like someone at McFarlane must have something against Guy Gardner
Quite the opposite. You're going to see a lot of love in Guy.
Just gotta get the buck up and running for him I assume
>That generic unexpressive face
Yeah, agreed - but bad head sculpts are a good indicator that you have 100% Pure Quality™ McFarlane toys.

>3 inch things with a comic book.
But not at $9.99 or higher!
Yep, I mean the entire House of Brainiac, vampiric body swap, mass planetary murder is certainly not realistic nor 'down-to-earth.'

Anon's that want this need to stick to pure street-level stuff like Daredevil or Green Arrow, because even the Batman books can get into crazy-ass shit.
why is her s bleeding?
no thanks btw
>But not at $9.99 or higher!
It's an impulse buy, if you buy anything there you deserve to be ripped off.
There's enough batman books people can read what they like and skip what they don't
What if you don't really like Batman as a character? Batman seems to be the only superhero that has varied genre stories like this.
Daredevil has dealt with literal demons before.
This is great and we will be getting great figures from it.
I hope we get more figures from this book. These two designs with wired capes would be great.
Looking like mostly the same ol same ol designs
Not really. There are subtle differences with Superman's design and Batman and Robin's designs are basically updated by Mora. Other side characters are also given some pretty unique looks too.
I fucking love the art and designs in this book but looking at the Tim Drake figure based on the art from this artist has me extremely catious
>white jimmy olsen, white lois lane, white catwoman
that's what i like to see
>Tim Drake figure based on the art from this artist has me extremely cautious
It has me worried for Dick but Batman and Superman I am hopefully optimistic. Just got done with vol. 1 and noticed the classic Hal would work as a worlds finest version.
It's what everyone likes to see which is one of the reasons it's being praised. It doesn't reinvent the wheel it's just fun.
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Hope they make Supergirl
It will just be more catwoman reuse
More viable than checking the toy isle at Kroger.
Why isn't McFart more modular in their reissue like Legends?
It's her period blood.
Reuse or reissues? Mcfarlane doesn't reissue figures at all. For reuse they initially planned on doing a lot more unique molds so now they have a bunch of useless molds they have to reuse like dark detective even though they don't fit the characters that they are using it for
Reuse. My mistake.
The ce line seems it will continue. I still don't understand the logic of why a character is put in there and not the regular line.

My guess is that it's a matter of whether a figure could make more money by being charged 23 or 30.

Movie figs, Cyborg Superman, Robin, could stand on their own being charged 23 (or 25 for BAFs). They'll make enough money at that price point.

A fat guy in a suit (Penguin), a female figure (Starfire), a guy with a T-Shir with ans S (Conner Kent)? Probably not. So let's make them in a small quantity, put some random accessories and sell them for 30 bucks.

I'm not saying it's a good strategy or not. I'm saying that I think that's McFarlane's logic.

The one exception is Wonder Woman. Since she was gonna sell like hot cakes anyway or another, they just went annd made her a CE. 23 or 30 bucks people were still gonna get her so they wnet and charged 30 bucks.

Reeves Superman was gonna be a regular release but after the delay it's being turned into a CE, probably so that those extra bucks could compensate the expenses of remaking the fig.
Starfire seemed to sell pretty well. Wrong look though but everyone seems to be compelled to buy characters they like even if its a bad look so i guess it didn't matter
My dog appreciates the toy section at Kroger, Safeways, etc. very much, I'll have you know!
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Buying the NECA Toony of Superman the last time I was literally in a Target at $14.99 was a definite impulse buy AND also a significant rip-off. I can at least mildly pose Todd's $9.99 toy, even if it won't even pass for a 5POA toy.

That Toony can only be (barely, hardly even) posed if I want to run it under a hand-held dryer. I only bought it because I had a $40 merchandise (no food or booze) gift card.
Is he single?
I got a new knot recently and I am now looking for a good boy.
He's technically the neighbor's dog but I watch him when they travel and during the day while they are at work, he comes and hangs with me because otherwise he barks up the complex and people bitch.

If you weren't making sexual innuendo and were being legit, check out your local shelter.
Batman is not that varied, you're buying into Casual Bait. If you want non-meta and at most enhanced/peak humans, there's Green Arrow, Nightwing, and a few others that either have on-goings or have a few arcs here and there and certainly have a lot of older, even recent runs.

Matt's got his enhancements, even if they are not at the radioactive level of Pete and Bruce (Banner) but he's mostly street-fighting, with a gimmick. Likewise Clint and a few others, I just know Matt has a current on-going and since I don't typically read marble I didn't want to suggest something that Anon couldn't find in an LCS or the regular pirate sites. But you know we can could probably both recommend entire trades that are mostly if not fully street level.
It's not a rip off at all, and it's not meant to be posed outside of the head. So what are you even complaining about? Seriously stupid complaints.
It's less than $2 to produce. It's a rip off.
They won't let me adopt from a shelter because I am Chinese.
Ah, right, I forgot everyone on this board knows literally nothing about business.
Nta but I work in logistics and distribution. It is a rip off.
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You're full of shit, it's not.
fuck no, a teenage batman no thank you.
Yes, we know business makes profit which is by its very nature ripping off the buyer. Make an action figure where the total cost including all the labor and distribution along the way is 10 bucks, sell it to a store for 15 bucks, store sells it to you for 22.99.
So you don't understand anything.
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Thank you Yamaguchi-sama
>Not wanting Tim Batman with Cass as Batgirl and Stephanie as Robin
It would've been kino
>it's supposed to suck!
wow cool what a great toy
Yes I can see it now, tim, steph and cass attending professor pygs class at gotham uni, trying to maintain their grades while also dealing with the criminals of gotham city.
How does mafex bane scale with regular mcfarlanes? Think I've only seen him posed next to the megafigs.
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It doesn't suck, so your projections are meaningless.
Oh I'm sorry, I missed the part where the manufacturer has a total cost of 22.99 for each figure, sells it to the store for 22.99 and then you buy it for 22.99. Not that such a model could ever work.
very relatable
This design looks really cool. Too bad no competent company is ever going to make it.
Tim Drake adjusted the cowl of his Batman suit as he stood on the rooftop overlooking Gotham University. The once familiar sight of Gotham City now held new responsibilities for him. With Bruce Wayne gone, he had taken up the mantle of Batman, a role he was determined to honor. His thoughts were interrupted by the soft landing of Batgirl and Robin beside him.

"We need to be careful," Cassandra Cain, now Batgirl, said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Stephanie Brown, the new Robin, nodded. "Professor Lazlo Valentin is up to something. We just need to find out what."

The trio had enrolled at Gotham University to investigate the new criminal psychology professor, whom they suspected to be the notorious villain, Professor Pyg.

**Chapter 2: Undercover and Unraveling**

The next morning, Tim, Cassandra, and Stephanie attended Professor Valentin’s lecture. The classroom was filled with eager students, but the Bat-family members were focused on their mission.

Valentin, an eccentric man with an unsettling smile, began his lecture on the psychology of criminal minds. Tim noted the odd patterns in Valentin's speech and behavior, subtly signaling Stephanie to start recording the lecture for later analysis.

As days turned into weeks, the trio balanced their academic responsibilities with their nightly patrols. They formed a study group, meeting at odd hours to go over their findings and plan their next steps.
**Chapter 3: Growing Suspicion**

Tim’s detective instincts kicked in as he noticed inconsistencies in Valentin’s teachings. He shared his concerns with Stephanie and Cassandra, who agreed to help investigate further.

One evening, they broke into Valentin’s office under the cover of darkness. Cassandra’s keen senses picked up a hidden compartment in the professor’s desk. Inside, they found detailed records of students involved in dubious “fieldwork” assignments.

“This is it,” Tim said, holding up the files. “He’s using students for his criminal operations.”

**Chapter 4: The Double Life**

Balancing their academic workload with their vigilante duties became increasingly difficult. Tim struggled to maintain his grades while deciphering Valentin’s plans. Stephanie and Cassandra faced similar challenges, but their determination kept them going.

Their bond grew stronger as they navigated personal conflicts and moments of doubt. Despite the strain, they remained united in their mission.

**Chapter 5: Evidence and Tension**

As they gathered more evidence, the danger increased. Valentin’s paranoia grew, and he began to suspect that someone was onto him. The trio had to be extra cautious to avoid detection.

One night, during patrol, they encountered a group of Valentin’s recruits. A fierce battle ensued, with the Bat-family narrowly escaping with their lives.

“We need to act fast,” Cassandra urged, her eyes reflecting determination.
**Chapter 6: The Confrontation**

The climax came during a late-night lecture. Tim, Stephanie, and Cassandra were prepared. As Valentin began his lecture, Tim activated a device that projected their gathered evidence onto the screen behind him.

“You’re finished, Valentin,” Tim declared, stepping forward as Batman.

The room erupted into chaos as Valentin revealed his true identity: Professor Pyg. A high-stakes battle unfolded, with the trio using their combined skills to take him down. Despite the chaos, they managed to protect their identities.

**Chapter 7: Aftermath and Reflection**

With Professor Pyg apprehended, Gotham University faced increased scrutiny. The trio managed to maintain their secret lives, but the experience left a mark on them.

Tim, Cassandra, and Stephanie sat together in their study room, reflecting on their journey.

“We did it,” Stephanie said, a mix of relief and pride in her voice.

Tim nodded. “But this is just the beginning. We have a responsibility to protect Gotham, no matter the cost.”

Cassandra placed a hand on Tim’s shoulder. “Together, we can handle anything.”

As the new Batman, Batgirl, and Robin, they knew their mission would never truly be over. But with their bond stronger than ever, they were ready to face whatever challenges Gotham City threw their way.
Thanks. That's not too bad, I'm still trying to figure out which Batman to put with my Bane.
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bad guyz
More like bad designs
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Like I said, it was essentially free. Even though I don't need more booze, since I have extra bottles of whiskey and gin sitting in my cupboard above the freezer, that's the only other thing I would have spent this gift card on. I tried looking for a branded wallet or a tee shirt, but all they had was shit no one would buy like Super Mario and Turtle tees. Not even a fucking batman shirt I could have bought to give to someone.

>not a rip off at all
But as a toy, while not as annoying and generic as a Funko Pop, it's totally overpriced and a rip-off. I'd rather have another Funko Legion of Collectibles first edition (which I also paid less for from a reseller).
>we have fanfiction
Top that, you ML Autists!
nah they're cool.
Amiami still hasn't mailed mine.
Nevermind I fucking got Surface Mail shipping by fucking mistake. Goddamn it all to hell. I didn't realize it when I submitted my payment. I originally had Bane combined with another item but he got separated when he was delayed and it must've defaulted to Surface Mail. Fuck. This sucks, guess I'm waiting 2 fucking months.
Damn you tiny man!
Actually looks like they auto changed it to surface mail or I accidentally changed it during payment, which I doubt since I wanna say it takes multiple clicks to update it. My payment request was for DHL but they changed the shipping method to surface. I'm pissed.
Yeah, you're right. This doesn't scale too badly >>11065807 but you could probably do better without being attached to Toddslop
It's not overpriced or a rip-off.
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does mr freeze really have this conehead in hand or is it weird photography fuckery here?
No that's just distortion from the plastic dome. It's not that bad.
weird photography but holy shit lol
I think he'll look a lot better once people get him in hand and drop the head lower on the neck. Has the Batman '89 issue right now.
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Why does this face look like a better Batman face than any of the Batman figures Todd has made?
Isn't that actually a retool of a Batman head?
It's weird distortion. You can tell by the hose.
If it is I'd like to know which one
I can't remember offhand but I swear someone on here was complaining about a batman with that head because the nose looked like a beak and had no upper lip. It may not be out yet, I'll try to find it.
Not the same head
Someone was complaining about the new DickBats that way.
They are charging more than Funko has the balls to charge and I doubt Funko gets a cheaper licensing deal. It's essentially the same kind of vinyl as the Vinyl Vixens.

It's a rip off because it's very generic and limited if you compare them to the vinyl figurines anyone else makes.
NECA is complete dog shit. i bought 1 figure from them, a Team Fortress 2 figure years ago. it was so ugly i swore to never buy anything from them ever again. i wouldnt even look at NECA if it werent for people here sucking the shit out of their asshole so hard.
imagine defending that. that superman looks the same quality as my dog shit TF2 figure made 15 years ago lol.
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That Playstation thread has some Spin Masters that someone posed with a Hasbro X-Men figure, and they don't scale badly or look that badly. If those sell for $20 or so and if fucking Todd isn't going to make any toys, I really wish DC and the licensing people at WB let them make figures for things like Superman and Lois and My Adventures With Superman, and other things that Todd won't touch (not that I want any but I'm sure a Jessica Cruz, since it came up earlier in the thread), Zee and some of the other DC Super Hero Girls would also sell in this price point and design.
Fuck off, fuck spin master
theres a "playstation thread"? lol. this website is truly reddit 2. mods should have deleted that shit within 1 minute.
Support $30 action figures, support spinmaster and Toddy
Those look like the $10 figures I see for video game characters lmao
Some of these look extremely plasticky--Kratos, boy and the black dude
What do you mean by wrong look? lol

Fig looks like its source material like 3 times more than your average McFarlane fig.

It was smart re-use for once lol.

I guess you're talking about them not using an 80s look for her?
He wanted the cartoon version. Y'know, to fit in with his Raven.
Wrong look as in a look where she isn't wearing a burkha but its modern dc so expected
Don't worry, just for you, I'll slash my wrists later today, 'mkay?

Those are video game characters!
Look at you, able to type AND be perceptive!
Have a gold star just for you!
Yeah. fair point.

But if that's the only way I'm ever going to get something (NON-FUNKO) collectible from certain media, like Superman & Lois or MAWS, besides overpriced knock-offs, I'm okay with it.
Adventure with superman is a dogshit cartoon no one fucking watches
I just can not recall this guy. It looks decent and generic all at once, like some city of heros type guy.
Bad sign for mcfarlane's SDCC exclusive darling figure
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I guess when it rains it fucking pours. It's just my luck that I never find anything good when I want, and now when I'm trying to save a bit I find a whole slew of shit. Whatever. Tomorow's pay day anyways, so I guess it doesn't matter.
I was talking about their quality, tranny. lmao
will you post about armored superman 2? helmets\armor engineering on action figures fascinate me
Fuck offf with "my adventures.." bullshit, its garbage and you have shit taste. Stupid faggot.
Probably not anytime soon, sorry. My DC shelves are currently down for the count after the clips holding them in place broke on themselves, and I’ve got full bags of figures just sitting around until I can put them up again. So I’m gonna hold off on opening these for a bit until then. If I open ‘em now there’s no where to put them.
Oh cool, a nice collection of garbage
what body buck is that?
this looks like a perfect Superman or even Batman body, especially with that belt
IIRC it was originally a Blue Beetle. It's their standard buck with boots.

And yes, someone turned the Captain Atom on this buck into a great Superman.
Red Superman is cool, Superman is ok-tier and Brainiac is Gremlin-tier.
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>no one
Okay Okay, hold your horse, just because I wouldn't slash my wrist for you doesn't mean I won't, you big meanie.
You really got me there, good one.
My Adventures is the only good Superman thing worth following in the last twenty years. Movies, games, and comics have all tried their hardest to make me not care about DC anymore by wiping their ass with Superman but My Adventures is kino
If Todd wanted to make money he would sell things like a two pack with Superman and Lois, Power Girl, Zatanna, Killer Frost, Livewire, characters customers think are hot and would want to buy. Instead he makes a limited run of five thousand packs of Bane and Batman and fifteen million figures of some homeless faggot wandering around with a trash can lid >>11066190.
It’s like this line is run by some autistic faggot checking off names on the DC wiki instead of someone who’s thinking about what would be a cool toy people would want to buy.
It's run by the same guy who ran DC under Mattel and he is just remaking the same figures he did there only now under McFarlane's articulation/design scheme
Whatever shill. At the end of the day it's McFarlane making the decisions and fucking up big time when we all know Jada would do a much better job.
Jada can't handle a license as big as the DC license, they don't have the personnel on the action figure side of things.
Why'd you post an image of a show where Lois is drawn as a Pakistani boy?
Because that anon is a anime watching faggot who jerks off to traps
They will. McFarlane's and Hasbro's days are numbered.
Eat shit faggot face.

Jada can't even get their toys in stores. They'll die screaming like all of the other fly by night scam companies in a year or two and little needle dick faggots like you will be stuck with cum tainted with AIDS on your face.
Jada has been doing an AMAZING job lately.

But as a lot of idiots (who love to insult for the sake of it) are pointing out:

- They don't have the manpower or infraestructure to manage a license as big as DC.

- They aren't good at all distributing their already cool toys. So DC and Marvel would be unlikely to fully invest on them for lines as big as DC Multiverse and Marvel Legends.

- McFarlane has brought to DC the numbers they've been craving to get since 2011 so they won't end that partnership in the foreseeable future.
I think the Jada love is overblown. I have Ryu and Mega Man. They're both fine toys but to try and say they're leaps and bounds ahead of Has to or McFsrlane is silly. Quality wise, they are no better than any other domestic toy company. I'd put them on par with the Jazzwares Fortnite stuff.
I never understood the cards, they are useless. I just throw them in the bin along with the package.
People buy the cards on ebay, its crazy

Detail oriented people will notice the advantages of Jada
Jada is good, but trying to claim they're leaps and bounds better than the competition is shill behavior.
>shill behavior
You haven’t seen the local Todd dickrider dump pictures of Super Powers announcements and argue with people who call them baby toys
Both the Mattel and Alex Ross Zatanna figures have these fishnets that bunched up along the backs of the legs. Just do a top hat magician outfit with a black jacket and white vest as the regular release, blue jacket for the chase, print the fishnets instead of using actual nets and Todd would have the definitive Zatanna figure. This is how you print money.
Instead the big brains at McFarlane are making >>11066190 >>11065539 >>11061838 in increasingly fewer quantities, meaning there’s less budget for new figures, and it perpetuates the cycle of diminishing quality.
yeah that shit's weird
>print the fishnets
>definitive Zatanna figure
No, tranny
when your ready
This thread isn't even in autosage
Zat's back I see.
Nice. Thanks for getting that ready, anon.
toot mcfartlame
That looks fucking lame lmao
Thats that cobra commander tripfag, hes got a hard on for that 5 poa style. Super powers are kinda cool, so i dont think the toys should be dumped on due to one guy being a jerk. But he does like reaction so theres that.
Sounds like you just have shit taste.
You could ask Hasbro the same question with their packages featuring pictures of character which looks different than figure. It’s very strange.
Welcome to the comic industry.

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