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Previous thread: >>11014883 (You) (Cross-thread)

Getting a new thread up since the last one is in autosage and we may have news about a Tiger Stripe Wolverine rerelease this month at multiple retailers.
Knightfall Bane has been shopping out, hope you anons got your orders in before it hits scalper prices.
ASM2 figure number and release timeframe unknown.

Dates according to Medicom/Ami Ami. Date changes since last thread marked in "green".

Newly Available:
212 - JOHN WICK ((John Wick Chapter 4)
215 - BATMAN (Knightfall Ver.)
216 - BANE (Knightfall Ver.)

>July 2024

>August 2024
>217 - CAPTAIN AMERICA (Comic Ver.)
>219 - ERADICATOR (Return of Superman)
>220 - CAPTAIN AMERICA (Classic MCU Suit)
222 - BATMAN (Zack Snyder's Justice League Ver.)

>September 2024
223 - DAREDEVIL (Comic Ver.)

>October 2024
227 - LUKE SKYWALKER (The Mandalorian Ver)
228 - RIDDLER (Hush Ver.)

>November 2024
229 - SCARECROW (Hush Ver.)
230 - BLACK PANTHER (Ver. 1.5)

>December 2024
231 - IRON MAN (Stealth Ver.)
232 - SUPERBOY (Return of Superman)
240 - 4-LOM (Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back Ver.)
246 - TETSUJIN 28-GO (Original Color Ver.)

>January 2025
233 - JOHN WICK ((John Wick Chapter 3 Ver.)
234 - CAINE (John Wick Chapter 4 Ver.)

>February 2025
237 - THE DEEP
239 - SPIDER-MAN 2099 (Comic Ver.)

>March 2025
243 - THE FLASH - (Zack Snyder's Justice League Ver.)

>April 2025
242 - ROGUE (Comic Ver.)
244 - DR. FATE
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FFS I forgot to update the previous thread: >>11043706

Also, their big exhibition is this month. WILL WE FINALLY SEE ROBIN?!

July 23, 2024 - July 28, 2024
Why was it even in autosage? It hadn’t hit bump limit yet
IIRC because of spammers and necroposters there's now a feature where threads autosage if they hit two weeks old, which Mafex tend to do unless there's a big release.
lmao nice
I'm going to burst a nurst if we see Robin or Jubilee at Medicom's exhibition. Also, I might be mistaken, but it seems like X-Force Wolverine is also getting a reissue this month. I'm assuming that brown Wolverine will get a reissue before the end of the year.
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>wanting shelfwarmers
Robin has to be there. If he's not I'll kill myself, metaphorically.
Robin has a high chance I think, the only remaining Hush characters are ones they're unlikely to touch (though I wouldn't mind a Killer Croc or Ra's).
I hope we see something else from the Knightfall line like the second Jean Paul suit or his Azrael suit.
A Death of Superman Supes is my biggest want, one that uses the same shades of red and blue that Cyborg Superman uses, a Doomsday to go along with him would be nice too, especially now that Bane showed they can do big guys well.
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Wow cool thanks for posting this
nahhh maybe red hulk.
No more mcu shit please.
lol get used to it buddy, MCU is back next friday!
Deadpool and Wolverine doesn't come out until the 25th.
sunday is the start of the week, so it’s next friday.
not wrong bucko
They still haven't done a comic hulk yet, so probably not.
Weird how it seems import companies avoid that character.
It's gonna happen regardless as long as the license holder keeps paying for figures to be made, though I think Figuarts are more likely.
>Weird how it seems import companies avoid that character.
100% it has to be the fact that they'd charge more for more plastic used. Additionally, I don't think Hulk is super popular in japan anyway
>figma Hulk
>SHF AOU, Ragnarok, Infinity War, Endgame, Avengers Assemble
I think there's better chance of MAFEX doing a classic comic Hulk to go with the other Avengers now that they've made big guy Bane.
Notice how those are all the movie versions though, stuff they had to make.
Revoltech and Mafex have both done the core Avengers but no Hulk, Bandai and Sentinel in their robot/fighting armor lines also haven't done a Hulk.
I don't think making a comic Hulk is competently off the table but there does seem to be a slightly reluctance to make him, probably for the reasons this anon said >>11070420
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bane look great, my only complain is the scrotum elbows they gave him
Stop posting this stupid furry coomer pic everywhere.
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So what are everyone's wild predictions that probably won't happen?
For me it's John Matrix, I find it weird how, despite Japan loving Commando, they've never done a figure for it (maybe the IP just aren't interested).
How well they handled the Terminator figures (endoskeleton aside) has me really wanting a Mafex Conan.
Hell, almost anyone other than Super7 continuing to waste the license.
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This cyclops please. We have wolverine and pheonix. Please give us more uncanny xmen.
Its not the craziest thing in the world, Terminator was a pipe dream for me for years.
>I find it weird how, despite Japan loving Commando, they've never done a figure for it
I have a feeling it was a likeness rights issue. It took a long time for ANY Japanese figures to do an Arny figure. Hopefully now that can change.
how would you feel making figures that literally killed your own people and nuked them?
Bro its an action figure, Arnold with an RPK shouldnt awaken trauma in you lmao
Which is odd, considering how fucking big he was in Japan.
Valmet M78/83
>how would you feel making figures that literally killed your own people and nuked them?
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Which is odd, considering how fucking big he was in Japan.
That's probably the reason it took a while. Since he's so popular his likeness rights are going to cost a lot. Either they lowered their asking price or Medicom was the first to play ball.
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>So what are everyone's wild predictions that probably won't happen?
I'm going to shit and piss and fart and cum if more Batman and Spider-Man variants are revealed (they will be) because I'm easy to please.
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It pains me imagining this isn't coming out this year. I'll have to resort to the mediocre NECA.
Yellow ans blue Wolverine is in stock on Amiami if anyone wants one

Honestly? Same, give me any Bat villain or related character and I'd PO day one, Mafex has been very good to me in that regard, I hope they put out a Two-Face one day.
Yeah, I didn't consider it from that perspective. Anyway, I'm down for more Mafex figures of Arnold's characters.
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bane is such a banger figure, but i dont see myself wasting money on the other Hush villans, they look boring af and pricy

if they do a 2 face ill be happy
You can't just be patient?
The way Mafex seems to do the DC comic license is that they pick a comic storyline to base their figures on (Knightfall, Hush, Dark Knight Returns, Reign of the Supermen) rather than "evergreen" designs, so I wonder if a Long Halloween line is our best bet at Two-Face.
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It's kind of a shame Two-face has no real showing in Knightfall or Hush because it means we have to wait for the next storyline they adapt to have a chance.
He appears in Knightfall, but this appearance is so sparsely drawn with little full shots it's hard to reference from, and not iconic. Plus it's outside the main books.
I'd love TLH but it strikes me as the kind of design where people wouldn't buy the Batman and they never make the rest, like TNBA Batman/Joker.
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The figure looks nice but good lord, the gaudy gold is killing it for me. Medicom couldn't have gone for a more orange/yellow tone of gold???
Then it wouldn't have been gold retard
Why did you bother responding when you're a dumbfuck that has no idea about colors and tone?

Pic related. Hopefully you shut the fuck up, you inbred retard.
T. Alan from small soldiers
That's what my testicles look like
Loving the pool noodle legs
Fuck off faggot, go back to your imaginext or something if you can't handle real gold.
Hey guys what's up? How is everyone?
https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256807146547412.html Did Nightwing get bootlegged?
No, that's just a used figure.
Fuck you
I'm not the one eating paint
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Get ready, anons. Tomorrow it begins.
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finally, Mafex Jay Leno will be revealed
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That's a good looking final swing suit.
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Anything that’s not capeshit?
You want a Mafex Sheldon from TBBT instead?
Or are you perhaps hoping for a Mafex Rick or Evil Morty?
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I'm looking forward to this and to PICREL being actually in hand to China so that the bootleg versions can quickly follow.
I’m more interested in Terminator or Robocop offerings. Maybe even Star Wars. Guess I’m looking for sci fi slop.
Civil War Black Panther and King T'Chaka look fucking gooooood. Any idea if the sash/skirt thing will be removable?
I mean it looks to be soft goods, so I’m not sure why it wouldn’t be
I'm still surprised they haven't gone after The Matrix yet
do they have anything for DP & Wolverine? like a cardboard sign they did for john wick that’s saying it’s coming?
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it’s cool, but a strange choice desu
That would actually be pretty neat, but pretty much every character would require pleather to be posable (which it being the matrix you would obviously want) and considering how people reacted to the pleather on superboy I’m not sure that’d be a good idea
>another Hush Batman reuse cash grab

A T-1000 seems like an obvious figure, but as much as figures of Boddicker and his gang would be, I imagine it's a hard sell on the market
Max Rockatansky (Mad Max) and Imperator Furiosa (Mad Max: Fury Road) confirmed
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Looks kinda lanky
About fuckin time
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What's that spider-man in the right corner? I don't recognize it
Poison maybe?
venom 2099
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dropped my pic
I'd say most mafex are more lanky than should be.
Is that it? What a disappointment.
Where are the event pic from? I wana see the gallery.
great do the most boring robin first.
GOOD I am so fucking tired of roided out Tim Drakes
almost all mafex event reveals are drip-fed from some chinese dudes shitty phone screenshots over an entire day. have patience.
If you don't feel like waiting all the new reveals have been compiled on MFC.


It's mostly capeshit. Good for comic fans I guess but nothing for me.
This is the only thing I'm interested in so far. I will be purchasing him.
what are you looking for? Terminator?
Yea I was hoping for a T-1000.
>Updated? Batman Hush
Lord of the Rings, Matrix, James Bond, Alf, Sasha Grey etc. Anything but capeshit.
Anon that's not Damian
>Battle Damaged Batman
>Comic Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Batgirl and Ra's
>movie Bloodsport and Peacemaker
Damn they got my ass, I would prefer the comic Suicide Squad more though.
sorry i meant the most queer robin
>mostly capeshit
Seems to be ALL capeshit
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Thank you all for beta testing
Anon I just said it's NOT Damian
Is it still beta testing when the first release came out 4 years ago? (Probably 5 by the time this one releases).
Anon it came out like 3-4 years ago? So it’s not that big of a deal. I do feel bad for those who bought the rerelease though. Although clearly this is still several years out.
Just pretend its a comic version of BTAS Dick if you must. Chances that they do a scaly underwear Robin now are probably slim. Maybe if they do All-star Batman and robin(because the Jim Lee designs), but the last time for the classic Dick Robin design was probably 10 years ago and I think that nostalgia cycle has run it's course.
I'm getting old and 4 years doesn't seem that long ago.
What do you guys even do with old releases when you upgrade? Resell sure but fuck me I hate reselling things.
I knew it...I had faith...I knew it...anyway all you fags better resell your Hush Batmans now before the normies hear about this.
Does he ever have the oval in hush?
Unless the new version is a huge improvement I'm not gonna bother "upgrading", the original is still great and we don't even know if the new one will comes with all the accessories the old version did.
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>Lord of the Rings, Matrix, James Bond,
There's really no reason to expect any of those. Not that Mafex hasn't chosen some weird things to make figures of(Kingsman), it's usually due to there being some new media that did well.
Seems kinda weird to keep popping into these threads with the hope that they might do something they have no indication of doing. The Superhero stuff is selling and doing well for them. The western live action stuff they tried seems to have not done that well, or they only want a main, iconic character over a cast of normal looking people(Robocop, Terminator). The monkey's paw is that thet do figures based off LawdDemRangs and that Matrix sequel. And Bond hasn't had an iconic looking/memorable character since the Moore era. Maybe 006.
Only in the flashback with Batgirl.
(also funny, when I searched for "Batgirl Hush Flashback", I got this image from someone suggest Mafex use this as the basis to make figures for Babs Batgirl)
So expect watercolor looking figures first, then a normal looking variant a few months later.
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flashback sequences
So I like the movie stuff a lot, don't get me wrong, I wish they did more of it too, but I find it weird how we constantly have people coming in and complaining about the superhero stuff when that has been Mafex's MO since day 1 (the first 5 releases under the brand were all superhero figures for an example).
Hopefully they do a nice light grey for the suit.
So that means the old one still really holds a place if you care about accuracy and it being the main Hush Batman.
forgot my pic. So this might not be the 2.0 people expect, if you really need the black bat symbol and not the oval.
I do think it fills the niche of a more modern looking yellow oval look compared to the Knightfall one(which is cool, but Jim Aparo's style is more 70's/80's while Lee's is more 90's-2000's)
So fucking glad I skipped knightfall
They made Jubilee
Neat, so two face can happen. Does penguin show up in hush at any point? Feels like those are the two main villains still missing.
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Fuck the movie but this suit is beautifully done
i wouldn't be surprised if they make a traditional Two-Face and just throw in a fixed face Harvey headsculpt to fulfill the Hush obligation
Looks good but I don't really need a flashback sequence Batman.
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Are we even sure this is a new mold? This one seems to be a different iteration than the one posted earlier with the oval. At what point did he have a sword in Hush?
We live in a society.
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Because it isn't a different mold. It's the old one with some battle damage. The oval one is a different mold, where as this one's remolding is on the arms/ Legs are a dead giveaway, the Flashback/Oval one's legs are beefy as hell.
It's based off the R'as fight in Hush, because Hush is Jim Lee drawing Batman stuff he wants so of course he included a famous R'as vs Batman swordfight.
Jubilee and Iceman for me please. The rest you can keep.
I'm gonna get her, but I'm not gonna pretend she shouldn't be the last blue team member to get made.
I don't have a black suit Batman so if this is black rather than blue then I'll get it.
It's looking like the 3-Pack is no more, isn't it?

I'm completely sure we'll still get new Knightmare Bats and Red Blue Supes anyways, but at least in a 3-Pack a lot could be saved from the deliverys lol
Expect a watercolor black suit, then a watercolor blue and grey, and finally a regular blue and grey look a few years later after the first two sold out.
Really excited for jubilee and iceman, those are some of the worst ML X-men I still own so replacing them is great.
Ffs I can't even remember this happening in Hush it's been so long since I last read it. I think it's been over a decade now since I've read the thing.
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Wonder if this is just a case of it not being poped together correctly
I hope so anon
It's Time Drake robin?
Don't worry. We'll get beast, colossus and archangel for sure.
I never bothered with the ml jubilee, but got the retro iceman cheap and he really is trash.
>figure from the flashback

Final Swing looks good

Wasted spots

Filling out nicely

Thinking I'm gonna have to shorten that torso, but looks okay.


Jubilee, cool
Thank the lord I don't have the buy this to get Knightmare Batman
>boots are already wrong
Need to have it like to for reuse anon. It is unfortunate.
according to MFC, Batgirl is being made, she either hasn't shown up in photos yet or was just one of those little paper stands that was just an announcement. same with Iceman and 89 Batman from Flash
I remember last year we didn't get all of the figures the first day. Hopefully they pop up.
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I thought you meant the lack of tabi/ ninja toes, that was usually dropped by the 2000's. But I see it's just the general boot ridge that looks off.
Blame it on Lee's lack of clarity. They're not even consistent on this page.
There's sort of a running thing in these Hush/Jim Lee releases that the sculptors are just kind of guessing what the legs look like because Jim Lee doesn't draw lower legs that often and if he does he's sparse with details unless it's a closeup. Then conversely you have things like the bottoms of his Batman's boots being clearly defined because he has drawn that.
Yeah, I went back to look and somethings they point up at the sides and sometimes at the front. I've always been more of a fan of them on the sides for this outfit and to the front for his red suit.
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but hey nm I suck dicks,I forgot about this one too. So you might have a chance for a Jason Robin like this.
Been flipping through Hush again to refresh my memory
Great art. Dog shit story.
Nah, the story was great
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Yeah that's why I'm flipping through it and not reading through it lol.
I do wish Jim Lee did more watercolors though, the digital coloring looks dated these days. The water colors/inkwashes look amazing.
Also GL Alan Scott never ever
Shut up retard
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Not everyone is your boyfriend you colossal faggot.
What the hell does neca have to do with it?
This will be my first and last mafex Batman.
You argue like shit
another bootleg to hope for from the chinese
>wild goose chase: the comic
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stop beings fags for a moment, there's a new thing
Is that just a basic stormtrooper?
When can the entire thing be REVEALED? Why aren’t the chinks releasing EVERYTHING? I want to see the GHOST RIDER.
It's clearly a female with those tits
It serves well as babbys first Batman comic in that it introduces a new villain whole simultaneously showcasing most of the existing rogues. It also heavily featured his supporting cast at the time while also dealing into his past by bringing up Jason. All with a superstar artist at arguably the prime of his career. After reading more Batman comics it loses its luster quite a bit and the major faults start to come through. You could tell Loeb was going for a similar vibe to The Long Halloween but couldn't quite recapture the magic.
nah I like Batman comics from before this storyline. Alan Grant is a better batwriter than Loeb.
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cryptid quality photo of Iceman
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>stop being fags
>posts star wars crap
Because these are technically leaks
I mean it’s a blank body… how do we know it’s iceman? It could be silver surfer
I post Mafex toys in the Mafex thread
Might be the little name card in other photos that say Iceman :^)

Still crap
What other photos
they teased they were doing iceman and jubilee over a year ago at a different convention
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Wonder if they'll actually do the full team or just leave it at these too plus and inventible Harley.
Also thank fuck they're allowed to add guns again.
Let's be honest, this is the most boring figure to see unpainted. Cool that its happening, but still.
I doubt anyone is making a comic based Peacemaker, so may have to grab Cena. We see his gun already, but I'd like to also see some of the other items he used, like his sword, blowdart, etc.
Mafex people are completists, so I totally see them being the first collectible company to actually complete the team lol.

Well, except for King Shark.

Makes me wonder if they're completist enough to make the rest of the Black Adam JSA.

Or the Young Barry Flash from The Flash. I totally see them making the Flash Batfleck and Supergirl.
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whoa… i’ll probably only get peacemaker as who knows if Bloodshot will stay in the DCU. I do want Harley & king shark & ray catcher 2
I want the leather outfit Harley, not the lame dress version, if they do her. SHF shit the bed on that one.
what's different about it other than the oval?
Likely accessories, other than that we don't know.
The one with the sword is based on Neal Adam’s work according to the leak. So expect that kind of colouring too.
But it definitely looks like Jim Lee art like the rest of the Hush figures.
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Oh shit, we gonna get a shirtless torso to go with it?
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He was referring to the other figure...which actually should have the oval: >>11079831 except it's likely based on a newer version of their fight. Gay.
It's still Jim Lee style. The ears are shorter, the belt is pouches instead of the capsule belt, the scallops on the gloves are Lee's distinctive style, I think the head is literally one of the existing Hush heads. It's not based on the original fight or the image you posted.
The sword figure is based on >>11079851
I hope they do what they did with The Terminator and give them all the weapons they used in the film, but maybe I'm setting my expectations too high.
>Well, except for King Shark.
I think he has a chance, yes it took them awhile to make a big guy like Bane, but that means there is a chance even if it's a small one.
But let's see of they make Ratcatcher 2 and Polkadot Man first, because I feel like if they're willing to make those two then they probably will make King Shark.
They haven'st made a Hulk or a Thanos, so I wouldn't have my hopes up.
>I hope they do what they did with The Terminator and give them all the weapons they used in the film, but maybe I'm setting my expectations too high.
They really were quite thorough. Only missed the Ithaca 37 for the T1 release.
Does Japan have the equivalent of Ross/Ollies? Where are those Nate Greys gonna end up?
Holy shit shut the fuck up already
Just stating facts yo
No, you're not.
I literally point out what scene from Hush the figure is based off of. Stay mad.
probably would have been easier to point out the Ras card says HUSH right on it
I wonder if they'll ever actually do any of the actual Boys besides Butcher (and technically Annie).
Kimiko, maybe? Like, who's going to buy a Hughie figure?
If they do web weaver they could include a Hughie head. The other boys don’t have enough of interesting designs.
If they’re just sticking to supes, who’s left? Translucent? Stormfront? Firecracker? Sister Sage? I’m honestly kinda content with what they’ve given us.
They're never giving us comic DC shit outside of Hush and Death of Superman are they
There's literally Knightfall you whiny brat
Yeah forgot about that. But ffs can we get something else for a change? Flashpoint or a Crisis maybe?
Dark Knight Returns
Just buy McFarlane for that
Brother...I'm getting into Mafex specifically to AVOID McFarlane!
Flashpoint sucks

I’m still holding out hope bro. There’s tons of DC stuff they could do but even if they just find a way to do one story that has flash green lantern and Wonder Woman, we’d have all the big guns covered.

I personally love the knightfall and return of Superman era so I really want Wally west flash and Kyle rayner, but a Barry Allen and Hal would be great too.

I think they should just do Morrison era JLA, that’s my dream line
Your mouth reeks of the stench of boot
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MAFEX Jubilee
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>mafex Matrix
>mafex Joker
I’m crying lads
No fucking way someone said Matrix earlier.
What the fuck is brzrkr
Finally, something that's not capeshit. Very cool.
Neo or Morpheus?
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Fuck you to whoever is picking these fucking releases and mafex needs to expand or something they fucking slow.
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>Clark Kent
fucking based
alrite now we cooking.
Where did you get these pictures? More?
Should it be bigger or am I just too used to big versions of the figure whenever the west makes toys of him
He looks a little too small ans doughy? I usually hate that Mcfarlane overdetailed looks, but other than the boots and shorts shouldn't this guy be covered in sculpt?
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Mcfarlane is unironically better
It'd be nice if that Cyborg Supes was on the same line as Doomsday. In 75 there's a bit of variation in the scaling between them. He looks like he might be in the small side.
cannot belive we are getting the JOKA baby
i really dont like anything of this figure, the face they gave her is off and the clothes are cheap looking
At least they didn't go with pleather.
that was me, thank fucking god. brzrkr is a comic made by keanu reeves
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Iceman prototype
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Why keep making toys for this dead franchise? What a waste
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Venom 2099 and friends
These have been in development for awhile dude
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Hush Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne
Feet and hands look small on Bobby. They're really gonna have to up their accessory game on him. Phoenix got gypped, and it's gonna suck if he gets short shift as well.
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Give me the nigerian version
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Dogshit proportions
Medicom Toy, dare I say it, cooked with these.
That Babs is fucking cute! still the best Batgirl.
Now give us an updated supes to pit him against.
They did alright, getting tired of their parts reuse for comic figures
Figuarts lost?
Looks like shit, the fuck is that narrow chest and those spaghetti arms
Bros my ass is so wet
Doomsday AND Batgirl?
>the tits and hips on Babs
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That's cool and all, but now give us a REAL MAN'S Batman.
yeah, I too want golden age or adam west, batmen for real men
untill revoltech come with a better batgirl
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Need all 3 plus Agent Smith.
>Joker is $1000
Look at those fucking tits on Batgirl. Holy fuck. Action figures are back
Nice of them to give us a plain clothes Clark and Bruce to double team Batgirl
Not super big on revoltech, and I don't like anime faces on American comic girls. I like anime girls fine but it makes the comic girls seem off most of the time.
What's wrong with his shoulders sculpt? Is he a robot?
collect live action then bum
Looks like hot garbage
Looks really damn good

How do they do it bros?
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>dead franchise?
We'll be in the heat death of the galaxy and the end of humanity and there will still be Snyder Bots who are still relentlessly REEing about Restoring the Snyderverse.

>What a waste
Actually, surprisingly, higher end Henry crap is still selling and some people are willing to spend on the whole crapola of this universe.


So Batwank plus the best selling Superman story and one of the best selling comic books of all time.

YEP totally a diverse 'Comic DC' batch 'outside' ...

At least this Clark has the broad chest it should have, but it will be far too much money to pay for that face sculpt that Jim Lee came up with (albeit it still mogs McFarlane's shitty collection of Superman face scuplts even unpainted).

It also - other than the broad chest - really doesn't look that much better than the DC Direct versions of Clark Kent to replace them with this.
>moving the goalposts
Of course
So we are getting apocalypse then?!??!?!?! Comic and AOA VERSIONS?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Wtf Doomsday looks too small and clumsy. The Storm Collectibles version mogs it. Hopefully they change before release. Venom 2099 is too small muscles wise. He needs to be bulkier and wider. They have the new Bane body and retards couldn’t reuse that for Venom. Lol
Just say you're broke and leave already
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Also, M3gan and home team Jordan.
>Wtf Doomsday looks too small and clumsy.
It might be the proportions but he looks around 11 inches tall. He probably needs more spikes and that head sculpt doesn't look good to me.
>Medicom Exhibition 2024 - MAFEX Figures & Prototypes
If you are one of the people arguing with >>11080508, I'm not him and I'm not saying you all are wrong.

Very clearly, I'm saying that Batwank and a Death of Supes set of figures is not much in the way of "comic DC" shit.

OTOH, if you're a REEing follower of the Cult Leader - sweetie darling, your goal posts have moved so far away from your field position that you never even going to get close enough to miss-aim and hit them if you try for the rest of your unnatural lives.
I'm not reading all that
I’ve noticed when it comes to mafex comic figures, they tone down the muscles and make them Lanky for some reason. Bane was an exception, but Batman and the upcoming Daredevil and Captain America are too lanky. That’s why I’m usually never excited when comic figures are announced, their movie figures/tv show figures are awesome though.
Will bet money Tactical Batman is missing half the accessories from the original release.
Keep crying. There's a reason why companies keep making collectibles out of those movies again and again.

You just won't stop seeing Batfleck and Cavill figures and statues just like you won't stop seeing TDK Batman and Joker.
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There truly is beauty in this world
Not a fan of how that Superman is painted so I really hope that gets improved when released.

Knightmare Batman looks impecable.

Tactical Batfleck looks promising.

Wonder Woman looks cool although it's not like there was much more room to improve from previous releases. What worries me is how the headsculpt will end up looking.

Anyways so happy to see what probably is the last batch of ZSJL figs. Unless next year they just surprise everyone and announce a Martian Manhunter ofc.

I totally see Mafex making 2.0 s of BVS in 2-3 years.

Who knows, maybe MoS. Really need a Zod and Faora
Meave - Best wonder woman version
cringe ZS enjoyer
>allowing guns again
>finally making official Joaquin Pheonix Joker merch
Did something happen Warner Bros?
>Batgirl too
I hope this means we get a new Superman to go with him.
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Never ever...
I was going to say he has this and then I remembered it’s the team USA one
Yeah, I was thinking of getting the Team USA version since it's probably the closest we'll get, I know the movie isn't very good but I'd buy it in a heart beat if they made it and maybe a Bugs.
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Is that it? This shit sucks
I'll take it if it gets me a fucking Mafex
comic Flash and Reverse Flash.
Is this a reference to the New Adventures episode?
They've also made stuff from Knightfall and Dark Knight Returns, so it's not out of the realm of possibility for them to do ither stirylines other than the two tou mention. But I do see what you're getting at in how 3 out of 4 storylines they're using are Batman focused.

>OTOH, if you're a REEing follower of the Cult Leader - sweetie darling
Oh you're one of those
jubilee finally saved from years of hasbro incompetence
bless you mafex
Finally a painted Maeve but no picture of that? C'mon bro
Nice I liked batman suit in JL
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i really like the posable eyes and unlike mafex they know how to make a woman body
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Stole this off of Kaijudaddy's walk through. Hope it helps.
Is this how her coats meant to be? I always assumed it was a rain coat like texture but I also don't read much X-Men
Thank, anon
Dumb coomer, those proportions look awful
I think it was just a yellow trench coat. A pleather trench in this scale would have been a timebomb.
>not letting others enjoy cool franchises
>that pic is the only one of Mafex M3GAN not stained by some obnoxious YouTuber logo
Fuckin parasites have try to turn official reveals into "their" content. Anyway looks like her entire outfit is cloth goods so my plan of putting her in a maid dress is gonna work out. Mhm yes.
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She is not going to be able to look up, is she?
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Doomsday is a big guy.
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Thanks. Guessing you had to read moon runes/visit a Nippon website to get these?
Kinda wish I didn't skip Cyborg Superman now so I could have more Superman villains.
Would be cool to get a Lex (business suit or power suit I don't mind).
Probably not much, but does she really need to?
>cool franchises
But you said ZSJL.
Shouldn't her gloves be blue?
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Huh. so I'm guessing this will be a lighter blue throughout, matching the cape?
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Usually, yeah.
I would be. Mafex seems sort of particular about sticking to the specific story they have. Same reason we don't have more justice league characters.
I imagine it's going to match the colors used in the water colored art in the flashback sequences. This particular one is pulled from the Jason Todd flashback as he has the yellow oval and the pouch belt, whereas in the Batgirl flashbacks he has the capsule belt. Not sure if this was intentional or Jim Lee just fucking up.
Why does he look so... smooth? Round? Mushy? The skin texture up close alleviates it a little but it's putting me off just like Bane did.
I'd reserve judgment until we see a painted version.
Damn, I just came in here to complain about them making a figure of Joker from the aftercredits scene of a directors cut for a dead franchise that will never move forward, and not the two live action DC characters I actually want. But lo and behold there they are.
What's his story?
So you recognize your priority is hating on other people's fun instead of expecting shit from things you actually like?

Superman TAS actually. Probably the same idea though, never saw New Adventures.
Waaaay better than the NECrAp.
Isn't the recent knightfall batman the Neal Adams version?
any new leaks from our jap friends?
Don't you think people would post them here if there were, you dumbass?
Shut up, retard.
no because last year i watched youtube videos & posted screenshots last year that nobody posted on here
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to prove a point to >>11082044, i don’t think this has been posted here but here is an example from reddit
Anon that's not new...
no but it’s new in the sense that it’s being shown off, like the new DD pics
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Maybe they did the math and realized that buying license per book is more cost effective than per character because Batman and Superman are major IP in themselves.
This looks better than the promos, but still, something feels off about it. Not sure what.
For me it's the stripes being thin and there being more of them, I know it's been drawn like that but it's not my minds eye version of him.
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why did no one post?
It's probably just the photos but he looks like he has dead eyes
Someone did!
New thread: >>11087658

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