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>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"



The guide:
Part 1 (Quick Start)

Part 2 (Deeper Dive)

And a handy guide to other types of plamo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw7v91pz5pa/Airfix%20Model%20World%20Specia%20(Scale%20Modelling%20Step-By-Step).pdf

Some line art:

Previous thread: >>11043217

Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Why is there no guide for kitbashing?
I want to make hardpoints and stuff, that should be in the guide.
there are guides on youtube, but they're mostly scattered throughout custom build videos, so you won't find them unless you happen to stumble on a random one.
The PS on the side of the box in list of mats is polystyrene, basicly just scale modelling plastic. Cut it, saw it, sand it, glue it, fill as like that. get tamiya extra thin or revell contacta bottle witht he needle to glue it and evergreen plastic or pla plate to mod it
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lmao, these are never gonna get sold. what a waste of molds and engineering man-hours.
the demi barding was actually a hot item when it first came out because of that one WfM episode, but no one cared about it after that. the real shelfwarmers are Michaelis and the Heindrees
Every copy of the Typhoeus deserves to be in a landfill, as does the whole Metaverse bullshit that Bandai has been shilling for the past year or so.
I built one a month ago cause I thought it looked cool(I stopped watching gwitch after 4 episodes)
I did most of that yesterday and first of all I want to thank the anon who told me to buy tweezers. I still hate stickers but it sucks a whole lot less now.
>Sakura Micron 005 pens
worked really well on the Shenlongs Blue, Red and Yellow parts, but refuse to stick on HG Aerial yellow bits.
>GM401 Gray 1 marker
was supposed to come with a fine and a very fine tip but both are gigantic. I can't imagine for what you would need the "fine" tip when the "very fine" tip already has problems reaching certain spots.
>HG Aerial
was a fun build and the plastic didn't made any problems other than the clear parts which decided to get partly white on the cutting edges. I might have screwed up the color scheme buy using the black shoulder ones but the "activated" stickers for the rest but I do like the look.
>Red Plastic/feet
am I the only one who has problems with that on every single build? It's like the red plastic is extra prone for discoloration and stress marks
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Progress on the huckebein mk 3
It Will be just an OOB with a few random warning decals and flat topcoat
The combination of curves and sharp angles is really eyecatching in this thing
post pics
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I dreaded having to paint Char at first but i'm actually loving it now.
Just painted the cape both back and front and will do the boots next.
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Huckies side by side
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Still missing the backpack but I can SEE the mk 3 is slightly taller and has much bigger feet that its predecessor
I wish they would make a skullgreymon they already have the bones from those dinosaur kits.
i dont care
I'm trans, btw.
Skull Greymon needs specific bones though.
But yeah it would look rad with the Greymon.
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I'm kit bashing a 30mm spination into this just looking for any reccs on paint color for the green tubes, do you think getting a prime yellow and topping it with a clear green would work or is there a ready made green that would be better as a base.?
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Painted up my Plamax Tetsukyojin this week. Pretty cool design overall.
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Outside of some minor mistakes I'm happy with how it came out.
Anyone got any idea on when in July (probably August) the MG MSN-06S Sinanju Stein (Narrative) [Ver.Ka] is to arrive state side? Everywhere just says July 2024 but no specifics.
So what's up with the SD gundams? Are they easier or harder to build than normal HG gundams? Do they come with more color correcting stickers?
Easier to build, but require more effort as a lot of them involve heavy stickers for details. Mind you, the SDCS line has better color separation, but most SDs have a hefty sheet for stickers.
thank you very much.
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Are there any good weapons sets that could compliment the HG Gespenst? I ordered my second one and I'm just looking for stuff that'd make it a bit more unique.
Is this any good?
>I wish they would make a skullgreymon they already have the bones from those dinosaur kits.
This is such a strange misunderstanding of the way toys are made.
let me rephrase, they already know how to make bone colored and shaped plastic that they can use for a skullgreymon
They already knew how to do that, it's not some mystery. Bandai is a very old toy company with their hands in a lot of pots, they have made numerous skeletal toys and kits in their lifetime.
no. the compressor is fine, it's the airbrush that's gonna be an issue. I recently bought a similar thing and the airbrush stopped blowing air after 3 painting sessions and rigorous cleaning. the problem is, the airbrush is poorly designed and manufactured so that the nozzle and the nozzle cap are a single piece instead of separate, making it near impossible to clean, at least as far as I could tell. it could be that I'm just a massive retard, and I'll end up clogging my new airbrush/compressor, but we'll see.
Does this mean I could connect a decent airbrush to this compressor and have the best of both worlds? Portability, low noise, tiny?
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>best of both worlds
Not likely. You need a proper pressure regulator which that thing doesn't have, so what pressure you are getting is anyone's guess.
Not to mention the longevity/endurance of the compressor itself.
What does differentiating pressure do? Does it control the "crispness" of the line?
>What does differentiating pressure do
It allows you to spray stuff at different pressures, for example so that you can spray thinner/thicker paint or wetter/dryer coats.

>Does it control the "crispness" of the line
No, the airbrush generally controls that.

The main reason you need a pressure regulator is so that you can set the pressure that you need for the paint mix and the task you have in mind and be sure that it will stay at that level as you spray your model.
To add to this anons post, the air prwsure regulation makes a huhe difference with different types of paint. A high air pressure setting can cause the paint to become dry at the tip. Also will keep the spray consistent as those portable ones tend to spray strong at the start and fall off pressure.

The portables definitely dont clean well. This makes their usage very limited.

Really its a case if better off just going about it the right way first and dont waste time with those portable ones. Just buy stuff as budget allows, hell find a cheap pawn shop air compressor if you have to. Just spread out the purchases over a few months and its not too bad.
god that lettering looks awful
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A simple shotgun like Koto's MSG one might work nicely, he'd be good for taking down Pair'd units. It's not quite the right unit, but you could grab some effect parts and go all GESPENSTO KIIIICK too
>amazon outright canceled a koto kit I had pre-ordered months ago
>have like 10 other pre-orders that are now just as likely to be canceled all because I didn't want to get raped by amiami shipping
>too late to go re-order them on amiami
Oh boy it's such a shame that amazon is such a small business there's just no way they could prevent having a system that sells more orders than available truly a shame poor little amazon I guess I'll go fuck myself and feel like shit for the rest of the year.
I just avoid amazon in general unless it's for basic tools and even then most of the time ebay had better prices.
Do you guys try to get full sets?
I use them for a variety of things and Prime pays for itself but in this case I really fucked myself putting all my eggs in one basket. I just assumed a huge company like Amazon would be better about not fucking up like this, or at least giving a warning sooner. Lesson learned.
>amazon outright canceled a koto kit
No, just regular burger Amazon.
>missed a preorder
AmiAmi and HLJ and HS and Amazon.co.jp will have that kit in stock once it goes on sale. Worst comes to worst, there are always Mandarake and YJA. Koto is not THAT rare.
Volks on the other hand.
These are AC kits. Maybe the reissues won't inflate in price as much but all the old ones have shitty aftermarket prices.
There's a good amount available though, just gotta forget the OCD notion of getting all of them.
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Just got this lad in today. Can't wait to start it.
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Yeah, this camera is ass when I have the flash on.
My last one was a lot better.
Has it finally started getting reprints again? I've been looking for this fucker for ages.
Turn the flash off.
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Haven't built Zoids in YEARS, what the hell is a Realize Model? Are they just really well articulated Zoids? Do you guys recommend them?

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qt Luna model
made for hotglue
I didn't check, I just saw that the place I bought it from had one in stock and went for it when I saw they also had a discount code.

Problem is it would have been way too dark there's no inbetween.
They're not out yet. It's takara's new line of ZOID models in 1/100 as opposed to Koto's 1/72
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Hello gunpla anons, wanted to ask you guys if you knew about any mecha similar to pic related with rabbit ear style antennae or any nice sleek looking suits with reversed knees or just slightly less humanoid heads like >>11070519
Takara makes model kits?
>Problem is it would have been way too dark there's no inbetween.
You dont have any lamps?

Some of the wfm kits may have what you want.
>You dont have any lamps?
Not in there. If I were in my media room then sure.
does kotobukiya still have the license?
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Yeah, Koto are still doing their HMM kits. They're collaborating with Takara on some Zoid girl kits now too.
i just want an HMM raynos man, i've been waiting for years to complete the blitz team's upgraded mechs
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Almost done with this fella
I only need to topcoat the big rifle tomorrow
What kit is this?
I think that's the B-Club Mk-IV
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Isn't it funny how nail art tools become plamo tools only to be used for nail art in the end?
The circle of plamo
Are the HG Gespenst's arms meant only for a fixed left and right position? Been thinking of grabbing two so I can have one with two Jet magnum arms. Also curios if the blaster can be used with the magnum arm (all pics I've seen equip it on th right arm).
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Hucky Mk 3
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It is so colorful
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The missiles bays are a cool gimmick
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The backpack may not look like it, but is very heavy, so you have to properly angle the legs and ankles for it to even stand up
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Together with its brother
Wonder if they will make the original Huckebein as a kit to complete the trio
Any kits you regret buying or not buying?
I regret not having preordered the upcoming HG Boxer frame for this thing >>11081409
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Haven't bought anything in a while so just made some nostalgia purchases. Anyone know how often Bandai reprints those old HG Zaku II kits? Friggin love those lil guys.
Also, how's the private warehose nowadays? Do they still let you keep stuff as long as you want like during covid?
Has anyone else noticed HLJ isn't fulfilling some Bandai kits new releases lately? As in they're out and on backorder on their site but still haven't moved from my preorder state. I preordered them pretty quickly after being available so I doubt I'm at some cutoff point. Are they just busy and slow lately?
I wasn't going to get here then I realised I have her Zaku Warrior so now I need to buy her
>so now I need to buy her
what's the difference between this thread and >>11069140?
Ones for model kits and ones for action figures.
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I've gotten everything I pre-ordered but that hasn't been much from Bandai lately cuz they are sneed wanking.
you know why
You guys know any good EU stores? Choices in my country (Poland) are pretty weak so I would bite the bullet and pay for shipping from another country.
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speaking of that, holy fuck
>This is not a cosmetic item for human skin.
Try and stop me
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Well, I've finally started doing my water slides.
Buuuuut I fucked up the decals on the upper waist and had to use the regular stickers.
I hate phones sometimes.
Which waterslides are these? Got back into Gunpla with the RG God Gundam and I'm dreading the decals.
GD-138 for the RG God.
I might actually just buy a new pack to replace the decals I fucked up since the actual stickers look like shit.
>how's the private warehose nowadays? Do they still let you keep stuff as long as you want like during covid?
6 months, which is still longer than it used to be pre-covid.
Ah 6 months sounds like plenty of time. Appreciate the answer anon.
New Gunpla arrived
>Entry Grade Build Strike Exceed Galaxy
>High Grade Heindere Sturm
>High Grade MS-06 Zaku II
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Bought this, what am I in for?
It's an older kit (2004) and has a few problems, but nothing really significant. There are barely any stickers too, mostly everything is molded in the right colors so it'll look good out of the box. You might want to panel line it to make it look a little better. You'll probably have a good time. Keep in mind though, a lot of newer kits have much improved engineering, stuff that will just make you go "wow." This one will be more straightforward. So give a more recent kit a shot if you enjoy this one.
Wicked, the other kit I have is a Leo and a new Zaku kit. I know the Leo is supposed to be something special in its build simplicity. But that's about it.
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Is there an upgraded version of the Tallgeese?

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