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Noticed there wasn't a picture thread so I thought I'd make one.
Post pictures of toys you've taken, professional or amateur, dioramas or desk shots, all are welcome, just have some fun.
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I have a couple old ones that are extremely on-theme. I haven't taken any pictures in a long time interested in getting back into it and getting better and stuff.
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I missed Mafex Robocop when it first came around so I got all three T-800s and Robocop right around the same time and it was like a dream come true. I think Robocop is pretty much perfect while the Terminators have their problems (no bicep swivel being the worst) but they're still really nice.
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lol I was thinking of doing a picture of them poiting guns at the camera for the OP.
>I haven't taken any pictures in a long time interested in getting back into it and getting better and stuff.
Same, I was taking a lot of pictures last year but those yeae I just haven't had the drive, so I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things.
Missed out on the first Robocop release too, was so happy when they announced a reissue.
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ya know mafex figures come with stands right?
great pic!
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>is that is that a HAND?!?!
>oh god I'm going insaaaaaaaaaaane
>A perfect world
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Just a taking them out of the boxes they were packed in when I moved shot but I really liked the Culture Fly vinyl bust of Clark Kent and was happy to score a new one for under $10
The leather goods on the terminator looks really good

Good pose but you need to get some fly fish string or if you have a sewing supply or similar store nearby, there's even cheaper clear plastic thread (like for needles and clothes) and you can just hang things to photograph them. It's easy to remove the string from a photo.
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Kek, how relevant.
such an ugly photo
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Is this picture actually yours?
no he stole it from instagram for some reason. trying to get clout on an anonymous forum? idk.
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Neat, it’s best general. I just got this super cub kit and little roller skates from aliexpress.
what cameras/lens do you recommend if i want to do serious toy photography?
do all of you guys just use your phone camera?
i heard im supposed to do a macro lens? i really have no idea what that is or where i should start.
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this is one i took with my phone. i'd prefer to go outside and make a more realistic looking shot, but i live in AZ so we have hurricane-esque weather and 125*F.

i title this scene uhhh "major bludd and his valkyrie escort team explain the lay of the land to a range viper being deployed to the hot zone by an ATV. major bludd then takes the back seat and heads back to HQ, while the range viper gets left behind to go out and fuck shit up."
thats the title of the photograph its a long one
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Get good with your phone first. I am not very good with my phone but the skills you really need if you’re serious are composition, framing, lighting, etc. good cameras and lenses are best saved for when you’ve mastered some of that.
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The right lighting can make all the difference.
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Man, do I hate shf stands. Really need to do some magnet mods.
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I find them pretty versatile since the clips can go anywhere instead of a peg that can only go in the back.
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Unboxing the blue ranger, please like and subscribe!
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If they didn’t get so floppy over time and the claws weren’t weak as fuck with heavier figures, I could live with the invasive look of them. But it’s also a problem that figma has, especially with figures that have heavy accessories and need an extra stand to hold them up like Galo.
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The claws can be problematic. Especially if they crack and become loose. At that point you just have to wedge them into a gap on the figure and hope for the best. The arms are pretty easy to tighten when they get loose though. I tend to loosen them and then retighten whenever I use them to avoid them breaking.
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10/10, this. love the bg edit.
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Based and guyver pilled
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For you
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First time using "pro" mode on my phone camera and screwing around with color settings on a couple of Ulanzi lights. Don't really know what I'm doing.
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Looks pretty damn good to me, anon. Post moar.
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it's annoying that otherwise perfectly fine pictures need to be cropped or resized or something due to cheap-ass API and broke-ass site design.
Dude why'd you bother even posting that pic? It's not cool or interesting it's just some random shitty pic...
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Maybe not as creative as some others here, but I have been working on getting my setup tuned for catalog style photos.
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But I do try to have fun from time to time.
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Really nice. How many lights does it take to achieve that "endless white" look?
what figure is that big guy?
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"Uhh, match ya for it?"
Who are those characters?
>catalog style photos
That's pretty interesting, Satan, are you going to try to replicate those big dioramas toy catalogues sometimes have?
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That's more about the background than the number of lights. I just use posterboard and and have 2 bright shop lights + 2 softer hooded lights. None of the lights are pointed directly at the subject.
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TAMASHII NATIONS Bandai 105 Heroman Robot Spirits
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Would like and subscribe
Nice balancing!
Legion of Superheroes, made by Mattel. Actually an SDCC exclusive (set of 9 or 10, I forget now), circa 2009 or so?

They sell for a bit, I sold off one for $100.
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neat. I created >>11070620
these guys are fun.
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Show me some balancing, anons?
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just light up the figures
Nice balance. Where’s her head?
Don't have a suitable one, yet. I bought the buck for a different project and then changed my mind.
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Finally got a nice bike for my shin bugman. Waiting on a new coat and scarf. Might just lop off the ball peg off his neck once I get it. Or shouldn't I?
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A stable support and some dedicated lighting make the most difference. Light rings marketed for streaming are effective and can be found for very cheap.
Professional cameras can use interchangeable macro lenses for super close up detail, but you shouldn't really need them unless you are into really tiny stuff. Phone cameras usually have enough close up capabilities by default.
Only switch to a pro camera if you feel that your phone is really, really not enough for what you want. Note that most serious toy photographies are not insanely large/zoomable in, and they don't need to be.
This is class
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>Relationship with Ranma is Over
>Yūjiro is my Love Interest now
looks like it just tumbled down the stairs
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Why do you need to lop his peg off?
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Just got these gals in yesterday.
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How are they? I found a seller that had them parted out, and I'm waiting for what I grabbed to arrive.
One person said the wrists feel more sturdy, which is definitely a known issue with Damtoys figures.
File deleted.
The figures are good quality, though I've never had an issue with Damtoys wrists myself. I'm a little worried about joint fragility since they are so thin. They included like 4 extra wrist joints, though.

I did have a few issues that I reported to showzstore. The camera is missing details, the cowboy hat is missing a magnet, and the handcuff accessory was just flat-out missing. Never had these issues with a Damtoys figure before, hopefully showz will send me replacements.
Actually, forget what I said because I'm apparently retarded and didn't realize the camera opens up. The other two issues are legit though.

I also forgot to mention that the bodies have extremely erect sculpted nipples, which was unexpected and hilarious.
Are the glasses permanent or cast off? Nice to see 1/12 damtoys again
Painted too? Didnt expect them to be /ctg/ eligible
They are separate pieces.
NtA, but no, they aren't painted. Bodiea do seem to have a grimey wash, tho.
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To keep the fabric scarf from restricted? I'll see how well it fits once I get it.
Not my speed but they look cute for what they are and if that's cloth goods, they look well made. And yeah, they look mighty thin in parts.

You can fix some stuff like lighting issues, shadows, etc. with a good photo editor, and there are plenty which are freeware to safely download and use.
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baby toy anon is here! now it's a party
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Kanji post. disregard
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Anon, your screen is FILTHY
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That red looks really great, very vivid.
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>work long shifts all week
>bright and sunny
>excited for weekend
>the weather immediately
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".... So it wasn't really an exorcism, his spark was intact but his corporeal form was stuck inside an alien probe."
"Ah, yeah. That happened to a buddy of mine once."
That's very comfy though, anon.
What are your weekend plans?
If I wanna use my monitor as a background for photos, how should I tweak the settings? I tried it but the background looked unnatural in my photos. Do I turn the monitor's brightness up or what?
Turn it down, the glare is probably not helping.
Set the brightness to a moderate level. Too bright can wash out the colors and details in your photos. Adjust the contrast to a level where you can see distinct shades of gray between the lightest and darkest areas of the monitor. This helps in maintaining detail in your photos. Set the color temperature of the monitor to a neutral setting. This is typically around 6500K. Ensure your monitor is calibrated for color accuracy. Use a calibration tool if possible. Position your monitor in a way that minimizes reflections and glare.
Glare won't help. Get a small desk and shine it a bit towards the figures. I assume you want to use the image on your screen as a backdrop?

You can also use some white (plain) fabric to defuse that lamp. Just do some test images and post it and people can probably give you better advice.
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Cool Illidan.
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Ah yes, Superior Darth Spider-Maul.
Cool poses but I like this one the most.
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>AI slop
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Aw, thanks. I’m still gonna go on a 6 mile walk today with my family, then go out for a game of Cursed City later, outdoor toy photography will have to wait. How about you, anon?
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+ BEER, masks optional
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Let’s get a mask on you then, anon-san! I’m sure pizza will be delicious squashed through it.
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>the Blueys
Unexpected! Can they hold weapons?
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Do I need to apply all those complex stuff from Youtube that I've seen, like rule of thirds, leading lines, and all those bullshit in my toy photos?
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Nah, not if you don’t want to. This thread is for whatever the hell kinda photos you want to take. There are some super skilled guys on /toy/ who can probably give you advice and criticism if you want, too.
Those look surprisingly good, but I've never had an interest in spending that much money on such specific versions of figures. But I guess you could focus on them OR have the cash flow.

>complex stuff
Why? The most common bitch on this entire board is 'dull' pose but almost always from idiots who never post an image. I would worry on light, as that seems the most common issue in any kind of picture across 4-chan that is an original photo, not just toys, and things like shadows, especially if you are putting a lot of work into your poses/pictures. This anon is right >>11078818, plenty of people will offer specific help and useful concrit if you post/ask for it.
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What? No, post whatever.
I like dull poses. The dullards will rule the world!
I do understand the complaint where someone posts pictures of shelves crowded with figures (I mean, crowded like a stuffed elevator crowded) where you can even see the dust.

I guess all these black, as long as you can see them clearly, do help with the shadows. If I had more time, I would work on getting rid of shadows, I'm just not fussed enough to go to THAT much work!
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Obtained a grail today, just finished cleaning it up. Missing a couple accessories but for the price, still great and I can fill it out with the diamond select chef accessories.
looks good
Oh the asanagi succubus is out? How's she anon?
looks like order 66 in action
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Super nostalgic to own it, just gotta figure out some lighting and cut an acrylic screen or something to keep it dust resistant since I want it out to play with and decorate.
The set or backdrop looks really good.
I wanna say it’s cardboard/papercraft? Looks excellent though.
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She's great! Only negative I can attribute to her is she's lacking in accessories for her price.
She really could've used an Options Set like the Taimanin figures had.
Didn't see a CTG thread, will post it here first. Snail Shell Bunny Girl Alice came in. Didn't buy her hoverbike yet but I might, half tempted to buy a second one so I can put figma NIKKE Alice's head on the body. Really impressed with her posability.
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Gundam on patrol
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That fucking owns. The 08th MS team suits look so good. Everything just works so well with the way they are set up like having extra magazines on their hip or the big backpacks. My dream RD for years was EZ-8 to go with my Gouf Custom and now it's out and I haven't even bought it. Need to pick up a few 08th MS Team suits.
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Didnt have to cut the ballpeg after all. Just tied the scarf knot over it.
Furry Thread is that way, big fella >>11056517
Really good crop for an outdoor shot. Must have been a pain to get on your belly to get that.

Yeah, nostalgia can be fun, although it got me to spend more money than I should have on some 'not really grails' but toys I never owned when I was younger and have to buy second-hand now.

I could be nice and say, thank you for playing. But 'you are the weakest link' feels far more appropriate for the tone and point of this thread.
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I need to light this better and get it more in focus.
It's a good conversation starter when I have people over for drinks and hanging out.
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It's not your set? It photographs well for paper. Or you are excellent at lighting in camera!
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Now that looks like the inside of a LEGO build
Not mine, but if you look close the wall details are flat and the archway looks like papercraft, which is very underrated for making sets.
Oh, that’s a really smart use of real hands. What’s the rooftop made of?
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I'm the one that shot and edited that one. The set is from Extreme Sets, the Sector 7 diorama specifically. They make great dioramas.
I kind of get what you mean.

Come on Flame Toys, Get that Dragonzord out.
Playmobile. Most of playmobile looks great with anime-styled figures. Just be aware of the scale difference
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here, a colored one too. donno which to prefer
Thank you posting the color variant. It's fantastic.
Essentially that your images are dark. Don't get me wrong, by and large, it's a unique hook. It's like a filter. But some of your poses are VERY good. Which is essentially what counts for a lot!

I like both, actually.

AH thanks for the info!
My workspace has shitty lighting, that's the only reason they are dark.
Get load of this pose, pushing the Triceratops to its limit!!
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>shitty lighting
fair enough.
depending on how much work you want to put into toy photography, you can download something like Graphic Convertor (shareware but free to download and use for unlimited times, windows and mac both).

all i did was Auto Levels and then played a tiny bit with the Simple Brightness/Contrast. Since I have no idea what the original color of the toy is, I focused on the silver.
That seems way too oversaturated. I mean, even if you're going for that kinda look.
Good tips, maybe in the future i will look into it. Atm I just like being a casual poster.
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Mafex Bane is so fucking good
Great pic.
Thank you!
That's awesome, good job anon.
I'm finally gonna ship out my Bane today, wanted to hold out a little to see of HLJ did a shipping sale but I want the Big Guy NOW.
glad you like it, thank you anon
Yeah, I don't disagree.

I was trying to get the toy itself to be as 'legible' as possible. I could get better results with a raw file and I could get better results if I spent more time, that was a quick and dirty attempt.

In any event, a good FREE photoshop type alternative could help you - again, it's a question of what you want to accomplish. Just save your raw files in a folder or external and when you have the free time you can play with something. Cheers!

Yeah people need to do images with borders and text, etc. that look like floppy panels more often.
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Frostmourne Hungers!
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Scale and field of view was nicely done here
>Fag on a Indonesian Doll Whittling Forum where a large part of the market is occupied by McFarlane Toys
>Doesn't recognize an homage to McFarlane's artwork

This fuckin guy
Good use of existing material (equipment) that's not outdoors!
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His Angels
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Hope everyone is having a good weekend, there are so many great photos in this thread!

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