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File: That Toy Guy.png (88 KB, 600x596)
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Is he, dare I say it, /ourtoyguy/? Discuss.

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Previous Thread: >>11067923
>Is he, dare I say it, /ourtoyguy/? Discuss.
>Is he, dare I say it, /ourtoyguy/?
Whaddya mean, why, whatd he do?
Fuck you
I remember when he went on a schizo rant about 3P being laced with lead paint and it turned out he was a gigantic fucking retard that didn’t know how to use the lead test strips. He never made another attempt because he’s a bootlicker Hastak drone who has nothing against 3P because those toys don’t have lead paint.
He's right though bootlegs are fucking dog shit
>canadian pajeet
fuck no
>his biggest complain nowadays is that they hurt his fingers
lmao even
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Wrong again retard, be better
Hardly op, he’s not even a hot dad, do better
Wholesome patriot prime kino?
Very wholesome although bert the stormtrooper might win out the day due to his cool Latin dad vibes
Still waiting for Studio Series Daytrader.
lurk moar, /new/fags.
I really.like those guys channels. The few toy colelctors I see that don't make me think 'oh that guys a loser weirdo"
He's Indian, so half a nig.
New TFO Movie character spot trailer.
This op sucks, I hate whoever endorsing this.
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Not sure how I feel about this. I think he'll scale better with the Autobots, but a matching Megatron will be essential, and then I worry a larger Megatron will look too big next to his minions.
MP KO's are definitely shit
I keep seeing him at gamestop and haven't used my $5 off coupon, should I just use it on this and pray toy hax makes a good decal set to fix some of the lacking deco.
lurk moar
i dont care
Sorry dear, I follow multiple lines among other things. I can't keep up with every single thread.
who cares, its shit and won't sell. perfectly satisfied with the classic classics optimus prime and its amazing stylized take.
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are they just gonna repaint Road Pig into lazy Sideways as a future exclusive?
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Life has many Hogs, Edboys.
Oh boy can't wait to be unable to get this too just like all the Walmart figures.
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date repaint hellgate. I want a new Hooligan to go with Roadpig.
see ya when the FOMO kicks in and you're paying me 200 for 86 Optimus.
It's sold out on every store in my region.
He was caught with 5tb of pizza
Yeh because they’re like normal guys who have a hobby to enjoy and also have wives, jobs, kids, other interests, go places, talk to people etc they’re normal people lol I tried watching dr lockdown and he’s just so pompous and like sanctimonious over dumb things, like who cares srsly it’s a toy
I don’t get many if any modern guys but I’d consider this for modulator parts
Tornado Bison is missing

Fuck man, Junkion mold aint doing it, a Robotmaster Double Face/Sideways recolor w/ that mold would suck instead of having the chance of a real Double Face
>Is he, dare I say it, /ourtoyguy/?

No, he's a loser with no charisma
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I really don't give a shit about transformers
I just want to let you guys know that I want to fuck a werewolf maid really really badly.
No, because no amount of stickers can fix that horrid alt mode.
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Aw man, Cyclonus has yellowed BAD
Post pictures you black brained beetle borg
More like Cyclonepiss lol
best post I've seen in a /tfg/ in a long while, sadly.
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I'm having trouble getting the camera to pick it up properly, but it looks pretty much like this. The unpaintable parts have turned an unpleasant pissy color and the thighs and face have some kind of weird fucking coppery discoloration going. Admittedly not the worst case I've seen, but I can only assume it's going to keep degrading. And on such a handsome toy, too.
just wait for the inevitable SS86 version
The jannie(s) responsible for letting this thread stay on the board should be shot
What’s your opinion on Captain Kyle?
I like him. He talks like a normal person and he knows Transformers. The voices are a bit cringe, but no more than most toytubers.
Reject the modern voyager, return to the Universe 2.0/Henkei one.
The one that doesn't even have a sideways elbow swivel? No thanks.
Ngl, I vastly prefer that mold! And I love how it has the option of folding the hand in for the targetmaster to snap directly into the end of the forearm like in the Headmasters anime! Honestly, the only downside to the mold is that it's a little small compared to a lot of other recent figures, so it doesn't scale very well on display shelves.
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My Transart dinobot showed up which I completely forgot about. He is gigantic.
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I saw this at target today
asking cause i'm unfamiliar with the majority of the series
has there ever been a continuity in which the autobots and decepticons were portrayed on equal moral ground?
i.e. "both sides have a point" and "neither side is perfect" kind of a deal
Gay IDW shit probably

Fuck you for bumping the troll pajeet shill thread btw

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