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Previous Thread >>11062102

>New/Latest Pre-orders
The Vintage Collection:
-Osha Aniseya (The Acolyte)
-X-Wing Pilot 4pk - FanCh
-HK-87 (Arcana)
-Dark Trooper
-Princess Leia Organa (ANH)
-R2-D2 (ANH)
-Mae (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Master Sol (The Acolyte)
-Ahsoka & Droids Order 66 4pk - Amazon
-Jabba the Hutt playset - Pulse

The Black Series:
-Inquisitor & Duros Bounty Hunter Halloween Edition - Amazon
-Mandalorian Shriek Hawk - Target
-Mandalorian Shriek Hawk Trainers 2 pk - Walmart
-Rebel Fleet & Stormtrooper 2pk
-Osha Aniseya (The Acolyte)
-Shin Hati (Arcana) - Target
-Jedi Survivor 3pk w/ B-1, B-2, Magnaguard - Amazon
-The Phantom Menace 3pk - GameStop
-Darth Sidious (ROTS) - FanCh
-Captain Enoch & Night Trooper 2pk - Walmart
-Yoda & Commander Gree 2pk - Pulse/ShopDisney
-The Last Command 4pk - Pulse/ShopDisney
-Phase 2 Clone Trooper & Battle Droid 2pk - Pulse/ShopDisney
-Baylan Skoll (Mercenary) - Walmart
-Mandalorian Privateer - Target
-R5 & Pit Droids - Target
-Jedi Master Sol (The Acolyte)
-Padawan Jecki Lon (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Knight Yord Fandar (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Master Indara (The Acolyte)
-Mae (The Acolyte)
-Masters of Evil 3-pk - Amazon
-Darth Maul Holocomm Collection - Target
-Grand Admiral Thrawn (Ahsoka)

Imports/Other lines:
-SHF Jar Jar Binks
-SHF Stormtrooper
-SHF Dark Vader (ANH)
-SHF R2-D2 (ANH)
-Mafex Luke Skywalker (The Mandalorian)
-SHF Darth Maul (TPM)
-SHF Qui-Gon Jinn (TPM)
-SHF Obi-Wan Kenobi (TPM)
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>Upcoming/Pipeline Reveals

The Black Series:
-Darth Maul w/ Sith Speeder - SDCC Exclusive
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Princess Leia (ANH)
-Dagan Gera (Jedi Survivor)
-Dedra Meero
-Imperial Armored Commando
-Ahsoka Tano (Peredia)
-IG-12, Grogu & Anzellan
-Momaw Nadon

The Vintage Collection:
-Momaw Nadon
-Han Solo (ANH)
-Chewbacca (ANH)
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Ben Kenobi (ANH)
-Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-Shriek Hawk Mandalorians Build Pack
-Armorer Forge Playset
-Jetpack Trooper (Jedi Survivor)
-Grand Admiral Thrawn (Ahsoka)
-Blurrg & The Mandalorian
-Moff Gideon’s Imperial Light Cruiser Hallway playset (with Mandalorian Privateer)
-Lt. Callahan (Ahsoka)
-Cobb Vanth (Deluxe)
-Ahsoka the White (Ahsoka)
-The Mandalorian (S3 Final Chapter)
-Bo-Katan (Mando S3)

Reminder this is a thread about toys. Don't fall for bait or feed the trolls.
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Hasbro Star Wars panel at SDCC will take place July 26 from 2-3pm PT
Seems they are reissuing the skelly trooper again on Pulse.
That specific shipper came with the new ANH Vader and Stormtrooper and then for some reason the Klatooinian Raider and Dark Trooper. No one is quite sure why exactly the assortment is that way.
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This years SDCC exclusive for Micro Galaxy Squadron is based on the old games
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Yakface has a convention exclusive listed for TVC. Probably too late for SDCC right? So guess it'll be for pulse con
When are we getting an update on the Ghost already???
Next week at SDCC.
Yknow i just noticed a bunch of new to me figures last time i looked. Im kinda curious but i cant really get into a new line.
I wouldnt mind getting this, kinda looks cool in a fun silly way. Most of the holiday themed figures just look odd and really funky in a bad way.
Yea I think it would be too late unless it's related to The Acolyte and they were waiting until the show is over to reveal it. Which means they'd have to announce it within the next day or so. Especially since this year they are doing a system where you have to reserve a time slot to go to the booth in order to buy the exclusives being offered. So if someone only wants the TVC one then that would be fucked up to screw them out of it if they're supposed to be at another booth at that times that are available.
It's a custom? Looks too good to be Hasbro.
Anon... It's the Jazwares Micro Galaxy Squadron line
Fingers crossed for a good Black Series Durge, based on his look from the cartoon Clone Wars.
Likewise one for the original look of Asajj Ventress too (I didn't like the face on the one that they did make).
Also a Dark Forces or Battlefront (PS2 ver.) Darktrooper while I'm at it.
Pipe dreams, but dreams none the less.
I'm glad they reissued that Luke. I just got it and articulation deficiencies aside it's a good figure and worthy of being made available again. I even got a good face print for once.
>I'm glad they reissued that Luke
Same. I wasn't collecting TVC when it released and I think it got kind of expensive on the aftermarket. I just wish it came with a lightsaber though. And those shitty hip joints + the delicate harness straps is not a good combo. I don't mess with it too much out of fear of the straps breaking.
They probably aren't that fragile but trying to swivel the hinge in the direction you want the legs to go while dealing with the straps is a definite hassle. Still a good sculpt and a great update. The head articulation is also surprisingly fluid. Looking forward to the farmboy Luke all the more now.
>They probably aren't that fragile
They've been known to break easily on past releases of that same figure.
I'll try to be careful. Might pick up a spare.
question, which would be the best classic stormtrooper figure I could get if I want to make a squad of 4-5 of those guys? I'm inclined to some black series but I don't know which one would be the best choice
The most recently available would be this one:

If you want TVC, there's an EpIV stormtrooper hitting stores right now
I like this dude - unlike most of the holiday crap, he looks like he could pass as some sort of clone SpecOps member. Shame it doesn't look like he comes with any weapons - just the box, the Beskar ingots, and the Porg.
>no lightsaber
Im a big drac/frank fag and this set is cool, but also shit.
Yeah, better look into that because some people, including me, see the 'updated' Trooper more as a downgrade to the original mold.
For the price though, the one listed above is still your best choice.
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"Mines bigger"
As far as black series, they’ve been using the same mold for a few years now, but it’s really good. There’s a bunch of different releases of it, but I’m pretty sure at least every stormtrooper on the newer box design is on that body.
we already got these at my store, guess they'll sit in the back for a few months
HOLY shit is this true? >>11067515
Is Black Series just a fad? Should I think about selling my figures while the prices are good?
>Spamming this across multiple threads
Fuck off
>Call an ambulance... BUT NOT FOR ME!
Fuck off loser
ah, the new shelf warmers.
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>TVC Lando still there
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Boba fett's red rocket
Why did that figure peg rot so badly?
He was packed 3 to a case for some dumb reason. The bigger question is why stores still refuse to clearance him out.
in your opinion what is your absolute favorite SW figure you own? post pics too please
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The hermi odle figure i got when i was 11. Here he is with his girlfriend and an axe i gave him that i got out of an accessory set
do some kind of light up lightsabers options exist for the 1/12 figures?
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Yes actually. And he makes them for 3.75 too if anyone is interested in that
Too damn expensive
I feel like Dooku's head on this would look pretty cool.
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Bruh, 2007 was 17 years ago at this point
What’s Mr. Meaty?
Really weird Nickelodeon puppet show from 2005, it scared a few children that were too young to be watching it iirc.
>when you loot your dead brother's corpse after your old master whoops your asses.
It's a very nice line to be quite honest. I have most of the imperial stuff.
That's cuz it ain't hasbro
I'mma be pretty annoyed if I don't see some Oshas pegwarming (I actually want the figure)
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Don't worry. She's destined for Ollie's. At least for once the figure's expression matches what she had on screen 99.9% of the time.
Neat, usually the carpet monster eats my MGS figures but now I’m wishing I would’ve kept them
Kek, this gave me Aldnoah Zero flashbacks
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This is awesome and you deserve to be recognized for sharing this
>literally just the TPM Maul repainted
>boots are painted silver to roughly approximate his robo-legs
>even the buttons on his robot-belt are just painted on
I mean I'm not expecting great things from this line but come on
Thank you, sir! I was just lucky enough to have had a tab open to that shop on my phone for the past two months so that I can eventually order some.
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Savage Oppress and Prince Xizor leaked. Not sure who is on the right, guessing a Marvel Legends based on the ab crunch.

But man Black Series is eating good now. A year or two ago it felt like 90% of the line was repacks and inaccurate repaints.
>Prince Xizor
>still no Kyle MOTHERFUCKER Katarn
>no Dark Empire Luke/Palpatine
C'mon Hasbro, C'MOOOOON
6 inch
The one on the right is a G.I. Joe Classified Blue Ninja

I wouldn't hold your breath quite yet. If it's being released as part of the publishing series then it could still exist in a vacuum by itself like Carnor Jax or they might just put out another Like Skywalker. Also Xizor and the Black Sun are canon so it could be related to that. But I do hope we get a Dash.
Thanks Anon. This is helpful to know. Does it just pop in?
>still no Kyle MOTHERFUCKER Katarn
why he has never got a figure? he is fairly popular
The figure is a 6inch Gijoe classified Blue ninja likely to help show scale
Most of the previous publishing figures have been repaints or minor retools. Joruus and Xizor I think are the first that are all new or mostly new. I'd say that increases the chances of getting others.

I'd prefer a Kyle to Dash but yeah neither ever really got good figures in 3.75" so it'd be nice for them to finally get definitive versions
Apparently TVC collectors like to refer to TBS collectors as "sixers" like it's some kind of slur... They also call 6 inch "the other scale". Jesus they are so fucking petty. These same people will call you toxic for criticizing or disliking Disney Star Wars.
>t. butthurt sixer
All I ever see is sixers complaining that they don’t get playsets and vehicles like we do.
maybe they think any of the young Obi Wans is good enough to stand in for him
>Savage Oppress
What a funny name
I never see that because you're attacking a strawman. TBS collectors don't give a shit about vehicles, collectively. Playsets are for children and older collectors, most collectors are still prime-earning adults and thus don't give a shit about playsets and going vroom with vehicles.
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so many obi wans...
>red boots
think they will make reissues of episodes 2 and 3 shf obi wan and anakin soon?
Old Ben is still the best one, hands down.
I think ROTS is the best one
Dead on arrival

literally who
>Savage is going to be a deluxe

It's Caravan of Courage 2: Diversity's Boogaloo
If merch is coming out now for this now, it must of been pushed back from it's original air date, right?
It was originally supposed to come out back in November/December of last year. The whole show is centered around Life Day so they want to drop it around the holidays
>not one
>not two
>not three
>but FOUR kids
I want a clone wars one...
Isn't it literally a kid's show?
>Anakin appears in the series finale.
dude that would be a total hit
I was always disappointed that all the Grievous figures we got went for the Ep III shitty look, ditching how sleek he looked in that series
sideshow made 1/6 figures of obi wan and anakin that look straight out of the show...
but the bodies are complete shit and insanely expensive for what they are
really strange those designs were never used for more mundane figures despite how popular the cartoon is
I hate sequel shit AND i hate TBs, dont & me
The skulls are the white kids on the show.
Most of the people that say they want black series vehicles won't buy them if they're made or will wait until they're on clearance.
Hell there's people in this general that cry about it and do mental gymnastics to explain why the past TBS vehicles were all failures but whatever vehicle they're crying about wouldn't be
White people are no longer allowed in Star Wars, didn't you know? No part of the production, no part of the cast.

And it's beautiful.
Whose fall is more pathetic, Rebelscum or Jedi Temple Archives?
in what context?
Both were at different times the biggest SW collecting site, and both of them have lost relevancy
Definitely JTA. Rebelscum is a shadow of itself and the new management is struggling to make it relevant with an app and a convention of all things (no idea how well it did) but at the very least they're still keep their focus on collecting.

JTA has nothing going for them, they got big on leaks but those dried up years ago, they're always last to report actual news, even the reviews have slowed down. They barely pretend to be a collecting site anymore and all they have now to get clicks is culture war outrage.
JTA is sadder because of how its success seriously inflated Paul Harrison's ego, he basically thought of himself as the savior of TVC and now that the site's lost its audience he just has his puppet Thomas post everything while Paul himself just sticks to his passive-aggressive reviews
I'm hoping they do what they did with the Phantom Menace figures and just update them.
I don't think Rebelscum's fall is really pathetic, they just chose a different way of doing things than what Dan used to do. They're trying to be more modern by focusing on video content and the like which I can't really blame them for, it's just the age we're in. JTA is far, far worse. Paul has become insufferable and I don't even know why he bothers anymore. He doesn't seem to enjoy anything. His reviews are slow as hell being posted despite being almost boilerplate now and anything Disney always gets a preamble about him not watching whatever it's from and it's always "barking and clapping seals" this and that. He couldn't even be bothered to write coverage for the Cantina and says the HasLab model is a ripoff despite going gaga for the Sail Barge. The only thing even worth a damn on that site anymore besides the photo archive is Thomas' posts when it comes to the analytics and Nielsen ratings for the D+ shows.

This is why I started reading Banthaskull more regularly. All of the articles are toy focused and open up discussions, there isn't really any whinging other than usual stuff we all say like "Hasbro needs to release X figure to go with this already", and it's content I can easily consume while taking a shit. Plus it's all TVC/3.75 focused which I care more about.
I think Paul may have some genuine autism because not only is he so hyper-focused on cardback details nobody cares about, but he's so completely lacking in consideration that he gets mad if Hasbro is making something he doesn't want even if he knows other people do want it. Like he can't even just say "I don't want this so I'm not going to get it" he has to throw a fit about how it just plain should not be made.
He definitely does. I imagine him to be a lot like that Retroblasting guy.
Yeah I remember when they did a few POTF2 style cards for TBS, he straight up demanded that Hasbro cancel them because he personally didn't like POTF2 cards. So apparently Hasbro needs to cater exclusively to his nostalgia and fuck anyone else.
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Wow, that is some level of ego. I knew JTA was dog shit, but that info takes the cake. It's weird that some TVC fans don't understand that there is a very large (and diverse) audience for collecting Star Wars figures. POTF2 was the line I grew up collecting. It's over 30 years old. Of course people would be nostalgic about it. Hell, I am even nostalgic for the Phantom Menace toys now.
I generally like Banthaskull but I don't frequent it that much anymore except when there's a new gallery, which are wonderful, or if there's a particularly interesting article. Most of the users seem to be OT purist boomers that can't talk about anything without shitting on black series. As someone that collects both, the scale war has become beyond tiring.
The worst part of this is that he genuinely believes he has the power to make Hasbro cave because JTA has been a weird echo chamber for over a decade filled with sycophants who praised him and he drank his own Kool-aid. He thinks it was his loud screeching that forced them to bring back TVC, and that it was his campaigning alone that made the sail barge a success, and anytime Hasbro corrects something he doesn't like he thinks they did it because he demanded it. If Hasbro says "we changed X because of overwhelming feedback" he thinks it's him and his followers that Hasbro is talking about. I seriously don't understand what gave him such a gigantic head.
I read it every day and engage in the comments frequently. I don't really see any hating on Black Series aside from when Hasbro makes a character in it that really would do better in TVC , such as Luthen and Mon Mothma from Andor, because if they don't sell well in BS then it seems like Hasbro uses that as a metric to not make them in the other scale. A few of the regulars even collect BS too. And a lot may be OT guys but they aren't against any PT related stuff. In fact Chris even posted an article the other day about how the next HasLab needs to be PT related and gave a few things he'd like to see made.
Found the Emperor's shuttle in a weird part of Target the other day. No clearance sticker but it scanned for $9. I don't even remember what these were going for originally.
I bet it's not Xizor. Didn't Maul's bro murder some Black Sun dudes in Clone Wars. I bet it's a TCW multipack.
I used to get damn near everything. Now I only get what I find on clearance or closeout (Ross).
Yep. The twitterer who posted that pic said they found it at a thrift store. I assume they meant closeout store, since there are other framed SW items next to it, like the wall art sold at Ross.
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Yeah but none of them are dressed like Xizor. They have the same color scheme but their outfits are very different.
>There literally two white kids there.
you mean the white males, that be Jude Law the star of the show. I just hope there's no fucking Jedi shit in this. Give me something like the Ewok movies feel.
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any 1/6 collectors here? that new Grievous will nuke my wallet
Yep. Hella-kino reveal. A must have.
The leaked trailer showed Jude Law in robes and using the Force to grab some keys to release the kids from a prison cell
I don't have enough wallet, but Hot Toys is killing with these new SW figures. The Dark Empire Luke and the damaged Vader are savage af
I don't like those hideous lightsabers with the cables, why they stopped using the battery versions?
Those battery versions were trash. Super dim and didn’t last very long.
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Disney wars-baby edition is pegwarming hard at the clearance aisle
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Yeah my target has a shitload of Nubs on clearance.

Also why'd they name a Jedi Nubs? Is it to prepare him for life after he loses a limb to a lightsaber?
Because hes an ewok and one of the ewoks catchphrases was yub nub. At least thats what i imagine was going thru their heads during the development phase
I bought some of these toys for my toddler on Prime Day because she likes the show and the toys were super cheap. Got her Nubs with the Starfighter for $4, the Crimson Firehawk for $16, and the figure of Lys for $3. She's obsessed with them and it brings a big smile to my face watching her play. I might have to pick up that Jedi Temple playset for her.
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As much as i rag on this show for being lame, im glad your daughter likes it and the toys you gave her. Youre a good dad anon
The playset looks pretty cool honestly. Good choice for a toddler especially at the clearance prices.
>Jude Law in robes and using the Force
Is he a Jedi or just a force user without the jedi bullshit?
Hey thanks man. I totally get it though. I ragged on it at first too. I know I rolled my eyes hard when they brought up the redheaded girl Nash as having two mothers but everything else in the show has been pretty inoffensive from what I've actually watched. Only weird thing to me is that it's still supposedly canon for Disney Wars. It's hard to imagine a live action version of a kid pirate gang complete with a Gamorrean running around stealing from adults but that's the fun of it I guess. It's still better High Republic based material than The Acolye, that's for sure.

It does look fun for kids. I might even cannibalize it whenever she's done playing with it in later years to use for TVC stuff. I know I am going to do that with the Crimson Firehawk ship after I saw someone mod and repaint it a bit.
If you can’t afford a single Hot Toy, you probably shouldn’t be toy collecting.
I guess they will reissue the corresponding Obi Wan too
>super heavily damaged vader
eeeehhh not my cup of tea, just got the release from the obi wan series which is great
the cape looks dope but seems to be fully plastic and you can easily customize one with cloth and wires for the dynamic look
>Only weird thing to me is that it's still supposedly canon for Disney Wars
I think thats so fucking dumb, i dont know why they are so committed to making this baby show canon of all things
Just order him from Sideshow and do a payment plan through them.
It's a strange choice. And with the High Republic initiative going into this final phase, I don't think these characters are even showing up outside of this show and its tie-in comics/books. Unless Disney has a plan to do an "All Grown Up" sequel in a few years and make it like a TCW/Rebels styled show to follow the same characters throughout their Padawan training.
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I saw the skeleton crew lego set at target today
I wonder if Hasbro is going to have any product out there already for this show. None of the usual leakers have come across anything yet as far as I know.
That some ugly ass ship design, I hope it looks better in the show, because here is just a flying brick.
is there an estimated price yet? these will come out in 2025, 26 right?
all lego starships are flying bricks if you think about it
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This one more than usual if this poster is right it was supposed to be round.
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Fuck I posted the AI poster. Well here, have a meme.
I am very happy I sold off my Hot Toys collection or I would be buying these.
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>how to make a stormtrooper pegwarm
Not sure why they're asking $100 for that set.
They know people will pay I guess....
Our next haslab
Dont say that...
Am i the only one here who likes the epic hero series? The other day i got the darth vader and stormie two pack that came with exclusive interrogator droid and mouse droid accessories
Ship designs have been really lazy and lame lately. The last memorable hero ship was the Mantis.

I wish they were in scale with TVC. I thought about getting a stormtrooper and adding paint details and weathering. It might've looked cool to have in the background but it's too big.
>The last memorable hero ship was the Mantis
Yes, it felt so Star Wars it stand out, I like that retrofuturistic design that is a little impratical but damn, SW is space fantasy not sci-fi and that's part of the magic missing in Disney's SW.
If you don’t enjoy buying toys anymore then why are you here?
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Neat, I guess?
she cute
>They finally gave Mando barbell hips
Fucking thank God. I'm glad I held off on buying the last version.
Mandalorian Shriek Hawk set. Goes up for preorder on Amazon 7/25. $64.99
I know I'm not the market for TVC playsets, but is this really what you guys are into? It's just a right angled grey plastic hallway. Seems like such a lame diorama.
The Mando spam never ends.
I was really looking forward to this one but seeing it now, I don't know it feels underwhelming. I'll still get one but I think I would've liked traditional Death Star walls and doors more. The plastic also looks a bit brown...

Even when they try to add some color they're still blue... I hope they never make any Mandos from the show ever again after this.

Too bad you still have to have a previous Mando if you want the proper jetpack. They shouldn't have done mines of Mandalore or whatever the last one was and waited until they could do one with the new hips and that would be the definitive Mando that comes with his standard jetpack. No one cares about the imperial one

They can be nice for photography
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Cara Dune bros... We lost
Soooo are they just pretending she didn’t exist?
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Looks like they’ll hopefully be doing the whole ESB Bounty Hunter crew since they already put up 4-LOM and they’re known for being completionists.
Maybe the proportions are accurate but his limbs look so skinny. Boba had that same feel to it.
The only thing I don't like about mafex is their ugly elbow joints. But nice to see a non Mandalorian import figure. Dengar would be cool.

Yeah proportions look off, maybe it'll look better with color.
Is this really necessary? The Black Series Bossk is one of Hasbro’s best figures and the Mafex 4-LOM won’t have much better range than the Hasbro. Just seems pointless
Not everyone collects both lines, especially Japanese fans. It's great that they're going for characters outside of the norm, I think. I'd love for Mafex to start doing some various Jedi from the prequels, even if most of the BS ones are satisfactory.
Imports in general aren't really necessary anymore. Hasbro does most characters, their prices are much better, and even their engineering now is better imo.
You mean an accurate representation of what was seen on screen? You betcha.
>Too bad you still have to have a previous Mando if you want the proper jetpack.
I've got the one that came with the N-1 and the first Walmart deluxe pack so I'm covered. The only question is if they even use the same kind of key to plug into his back or did they retool that to have that more standard D shaped hole on the back like the other Mandalorians have.
Cool detail on the teeth.
So many flavors of mandos and they still chose blue.
Honestly wouldn't mind some variation of Mauls Mandos but good luck on that
I got enoch and the night troopers in today
If they were from any other source than mando season 3, I probably wouldn't mind. Season 3 is so fucking lame. None of these guys are even real characters.
Awesome I was hoping they'd do him next
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Muh bootleg trooper
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I was hoping the one with the kama would have soft goods but hopefully it's not hindered too much. I'm just glad to see they didn't cheap out and sculpted some new parts much like the Black Series did. They even threw in the vibro blades which I don't think the 6" versions got, although it would have been nice to get more rifles included.

Interesting to see the differences between the two scales. Not really sure which is more accurate to the source. The one with the kama on the BS has a more Boba Fett style helmet where as TVC has something closer to Paz Vizsla's in shape and that same thing happens with the ones on the right but both have the shortened antenna on the range finder. There's also a difference with those two on the legs sine the BS has the armor on the boots but the TVC one just uses the plain Death Watch trooper.
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Not bad for the 20 bucks I paid for it
It is fucking huge, does feel cheap at touch and the arms easily slide off from the joints
The real bummer is how crappy the rifles look and feel, hell you can't Even insert the firing effect part because there is no hole inside the barrels
Hot Toys Dark Trooper is 30% off today,, should I get him? thinking he might pair decently with the Thrawn I have on preorder
I don't collect Haslop.
Yeah pretty much the only reason to get imports is if you just hate Hasbro.
>replying to the local shill
Depends on the accessories for me. If it has swappable hands and an alt head then it'll be worth upgrading for.
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Convincing myself that I don't need this, I've already got the Clone Wars version on preorder
TCW version is ass. He's without the iconic mutilation. Cancel it and get the true version here.
The mafex bo katan absolutely shits on the hasbro offering and even the ringworld Mando they did a really good job on is shit on by the mafex even though the mafex mando's articulation can be kinda weird.
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nah I love TCW and in particular the episode/scene the Sidious figure is based on. Just trying to convince myself I don't also need a "scarred and deformed" Sheev.

What are the odds Hot Toys rereleases a ROTJ Emperor?
I wonder if anyone will customize the base so he can spin
This looks great, also the lightning hands are sick
It looks way better than I imagined, I understand your pain both are amazing.
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yeah the evil grin is great
I can't unsee him with the sunglasses
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kek I may have to look into getting some sunglasses
If I were a rich man...
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They put out some hi-res images of the reveals. The color on the hallway seems a bit dark to me.
I'm sure it does look the way it does on screen. I don't watch disney star wars, but I'm completely sure the toy is just as bad as the show its based on. My question is why would you want a diorama of that in the first place? It just seems very bland for a display piece. I will say that it could possibly look good in a very large display with many of dioramas.
Because those hallways were the setting of some action sequences that will be fun to recreate with the toys. Same reason as buying the Tantive IV set
really? I've always heard people say the Bossk figure was quite weak and in need of a redo. i personally find his elbow joints and head paint to be not so great.
Are you into toy photography or do you mostly just play with the toys?
I do both
I remember you posting him in threads from a long while ago. Nice that you've kept your little buddy around.
$100? Shit, that’s way more than I would be willing to spend on it. Would rather get some regular ones and just paint them.
So they need to be plugged into a usb port to have the lightsabers lit? Do you just run the wires up their sleeves and out their backs? What about Grievous, who has no sleeves? I get that the blades probably look better than battery powered ones, but this seems awkward.
That's so lame. All these reveals fucking suck.
>They know people will pay I guess....
Yep, they pay that much for the Sabine chase already. Found one at ROSS for $4, lol.
>So they need to be plugged into a usb port to have the lightsabers lit?
>Do you just run the wires up their sleeves and out their backs?
exactly, go check a review of the new vader, it kinda works because his outfit can easily hide the wire running up his back
>What about Grievous, who has no sleeves?
the web of cables if you try to recreate the pose where he lifts his arms is going to look like a total mess unless HT manages to come out with a better solution but I doubt it

personally, I ditch the whole LED thing, it is a feature you will only use the first time to check it out, but the normal blades are just easier to handle
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Thanks man. Ill always have hermi, is literally one of my favorite toys alongside figures like bubo
One of the two sixth scale figures I have just got replaced for fucks sake
is it true it is really fragile to handle?
Yes his neck details disintegrate, it’s made of low quality latex rubber and, the red of his cape rubs off on his shoulders also, he’s prone to falling over the diecast upgrade sounds amazing
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that's what you get for buying Sideshow figures anon. I'm just starting to collect 1/6 scale but from what I've read up on, Sideshow's figures are fragile af

but yeah, looks like most of his major joints are diecast so he should be sturdy af
yeah man, I'm (probably a little too) sentimental, so I get it. if I had a stable living situation I'd have some of my old plastic buddies out too, but they've gotta stay in storage for the time being. also lol nice, it's like his pet that he has to keep from eating his girlfriend
Jesus this sounds like a total nigthmare. I'm happy with my out of scale BS for now, maybe I will get that model kit one day.
She's the literal perfect chubby white girl.
I'd be dicking her every day if I could..
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I just got in Neyo and the 212th Airbone trooper in the mail not to long ago. They are very nice figures for "bootlegs". I somehow doubt Hasbro will ever make these figures, so I am very happy with them. It's kind of crazy how many slam dunks Hasbro is passing on. I assume because of the unique helmets?
I don't want to be weird but since someone said it, every time I see her I think she is an absolute mommy. She is amazing.
>I assume because of the unique helmets?
And kamas, straps, ammo pouches, pauldrons, antennas, shoulder pads, etc. Most of the clones from ROTS would require a lot of unique tooling. I don't think it would break the bank or anything but I get why they're dragging their feet.

However I kind of have a conspiracy theory that Hasbro is actually affiliated with the production of these bootlegs in some capacity and maybe even make money from them... It could be their way of getting out all these clones people want and bypassing the logistics involved in dealing with retailers.
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Why is this boba fett figure only one per case? I found the only one at target amongst a sea of paz vizlas and sabines that already havent sold, why would they short pack the new figure from the second wave and mostly include only holdovers from the first wave in the case, especially with a character like boba fett who would be highly more desirable then sabine or paz vizla
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I think on some level you are right, but if some Chinese seller (who seems to be super fans of the Clone Wars) can do it, I am sure Hasbro can manage. It's not like Clones don't sell like hot cake. I am sure Hasbro knows about the sellers, but it would be an interesting twist if they were somehow working together.
Unfortunately, she's married to a massive basedyboi.
Maybe one day she'll be single for the dicking
How do you know this?
I have her added on instagram
I’m good with Black Series Bossk. All the ESB bounty hunters already have acceptable figures except for IG-88.
Her husband used to work for Hasbro as a sculptor and sculpting manager.
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Hot Toys showed these off at SDCC. Jar jar is a little shocking, but finally a new chewie and ESB at that. I’m hoping this means Bespin Han could be right around the corner as well.
Chewy looks rough. Too buff, not accurate to Mayhew’s build. He looks more like Tarrful from ROTS.

Jar Jar is Jar Jar.
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A size comparison of the TVC N-1 and the Epic Heroes version. Apparently the droid socket from the TVC one fits perfectly into the Epic Heroes spot.
Damn HT killed this year. That Chewy looks great, I hope they do a Black Krrsantan
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Vernestra revealed, no lightwhip unfortunately
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B1 and STAP pulse con exclusive revealed
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Nostalgia box
no one was gonna buy this shit anyway but isn't that her thing so why would they leave it out
please don't fuck up the stranger guy with something dumb like a helmet gimmick
My Black Series Dr. Aphra shipped today. Thanks again to the anon who mentioned her being reprinted a couple months ago.
Literally the worst character from the Acolyte.
Why dafuq would anyone want this evil lesbo in action figure form, other than running it over with their car?
I hope she's a repaint of Trinity or something. Spending tooling budget on new media is a waste.
This is cool as fuck. Recently I've started to somewhat regret switching to TVC. I did so because Black Series became boring with endless repacks but they've started doing some surprising stuff lately that has impressed me.
Headie is gonna shove it in her vaggie.
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No problem Anon. She is a good looking figure but sometimes a little odd to pose. I made the silly mistake of buying her the day before the second round of leaks confirming she was getting re released. I wish I would of waited. I waited over a year when the first rumors started, holding out hope. I'll take it as a lesson learned to never be impulsive again. That's why I wanted to warn other people in the thread.
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Got a pair of bootleg troopers from Aliexpress
Honestly they look and feel really solid for copies
I may get a few more to make a squad
The new Rex is really cool. Would be nice if his right hand had the up and down hinge though. I saw someone remove a little bit of the paint for the weld line on the forehead of the helmet and I think I'm going to do that too. It's a little too thick with the way they did it.
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Off my lawn, you will get!
pretty good heads
Ouch, that sucks. I was lucky enough to pick up Cara on ebay and bit the bullet because there’s very little chance of her ever being reprinted so may as well get her now, she’s only to going to keep going up.
Grab torino yoda
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Alright gentlemen, what fresh disappointment can we expect tomorrow?
These Acolyte figures will be nice custom fodder one day after a few months of pegwarming but why leave out the only interesting thing about this character? It reminds me of the famous pegwarmer Finn who was just a black dude in a jacket with a generic blaster, have them giving him a lightsaber like we saw in the trailers that figure would have sold a lot more.
I'm annoyed that it's been a year since Mandos S3 and there's still no word of a Kelleran Beq in any scale
I remember some official list that included the one arm guy from Jedi Survivor from a while ago, I bet they gonna reveal those.
>still no Bareass Coffee
look again
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What happened? No mention of why it closed online.
My buddy worked at a store like that until the owner died and his wife realized he hadn't been keeping records of expenses and profits at all and immediately closed the shop. A lot of places like that are owned by older dudes who never thought about training a second generation to take over. Wonder what will happen to all the merch.
They should stop forcing this shit down our throats.
This would be perfect if the robe was a lighter color

The only stuff currently pipelined I care about is black series Dagan, TVC jet trooper, and Ahsoka Anakin. If all three get revealed I will be satisfied. Also cute pic
If they dont do sim aloo or more new cantina aliens im gonna an hero in minecraft
question,anyone knows if the lightsabers of the black series are compatible with the beam effect parts of gunpla models? I'm guessing the ones of the 1/144 scale models may fit but I don't know if the pegs can fit into the hilts
>or more new cantina aliens
Well they already said the SDCC reveals would have nothing to do with the Return to Tatooine campaign so you might want to start trying that noose right now
At this point, why even care? The show bombed and no one is going to buy the figures. I assume like everything else, the shows have mandatory figures that have to go out and are made long before the show even releases.
I feel the same way. I'd love a figure of Kelleran Beq in the Black Series. I really like the gold detail lining on his robes.
Another year without a Black Series Death Star Gunner or re-release of the Black Series Sandtrooper. Oh well.
When is the panel?
This looks cool. I have never seen the Y Wing in stores. It goes for insane prices online. So, getting two with the Ghost is a pretty good deal.
All those new Jedi robe sculpting better culminate in his BS figure.
It depends, the lightsaber pegs aren't uniform across the line. I tried the beams from the kampfer and turn A gundam on my aayla secura, general greviuos, count dooku and clone wars anakin saber hilts, both fit aayla's and anakins but neither fit grevious' and the turn A beam fit dooku's but not the kampfer's beam.
I believe in 1 hour. I thought I read somewhere it was 5pm et
Predictions? I feel like we’ll see The Stranger in Black Series for sure. Maybe we’ll see a TVC vehicle or creature.
For TVC I'm expecting the Blurrg set, Jet Trooper, Thrawn from Ahsoka, and Ahsoka the white. Those are all of the things left in the 2024 pipeline besides Cobb Vanth, but I imagine he's going to be a Pulse Con reveal since they said nothing for Tatooine will be shown at SDCC.
I see, thanks yeah I figured compatibility would be messey
I got a whole bunch of beam effects and I got a Vader on its way so Iill be experimenting to see if any of thos ebeam effects fit his saber
I hope we get anything vintage collection OT lads. Maybe a look at the new Luke
>shitty partial hallway instead of forming a full one
Fucking lol
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>don't talk to me or my sons ever again
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I am once again asking for this look in The Black Series so I can be done with Star Wars

Thank you
I don't think anyone here liked The Acolyte but new alien figures are interesting.
>Doesn't have the dad bod
oop there's the DEI!
Just give her the damn cloak Hasbro. For fuck's sake
proper scale IG droid, articulated hands
>Articulated hands
The Blurrg looks great and it's nice to get that brown armor Mando with the beskar pauldron.
and new hips
Gotta wait for the re-release
Nice to finally have someone for the blue mando army to fight
That is nice. Unfortunately it doesn't look like he has rocker ankles though.
>inb4 only 1 per case
>Phase I Rex pipelined for Black Series
>rex labelled as ahsoka
>no bad batch S3 shit

the commando droid is great but i'm beyond pissed
A solid lineup, dont remember the other clonetroooer from Ep3
Baylan and Shin finally coming to TVC!
>all that acolyte trash
besides that, decent line up
So the one figure from the Acolyte most people actually want they don’t show off or even pipeline? Cmon Hasbro…
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animation gets shafted once again to jack off the mandalorian some more
>no S3 bad batch designs
>no hemlock
>no howzer/samson/one rebel etc
>no bad batch ventress
>no imperial royal commando (this is literally just a repaint)

but lol no heres the 50 millionth mandalorian action figure nobody asked for
What a disaster.
On the plus side you can easy enough use them as generic aliens/wookie
I’m tired of the mandalorian shit too, but people actually were asking for that Gideon and praetorian guard
the wookie with the robes would look kinda weird
>ALL Disneyshit
Jesus Christ I give up
>Wasting tooling dollars on more Acolyte trash
Bad Batch really shat the bed in its 3rd season so I really dont see to much more being added to the BB line.
>You can wrangle Rex and some other clone related characters under the TCW label
>some like Ventress you can hold to release under her show label
Ya, why tf are they making that stupid Disney Prince, Xizor.
will they ever make Kyle Katarn?
You just wanted to make a custom Elon figure, admit it.
Literally all Disney slop. Well at least that's money saved. Not getting anything except the jet trooper. I was worried they'd use the Rebels helmet even though that would be inaccurate to the game but I'm glad they didn't because fuck Rebels.

So disappointing to see what little budget TVC gets being wasted on Acolyte. But my 501st trooper prediction was right. I might get a couple to make phase I Rex and Denal because it'll be easier without having to paint the arm stripes.
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>acolyte shit
>andor shit
I fucking give up...
>literally the two shows with the lowest viewership numbers
They need to stop listening to the vocal minority that's always crying and instead make what actually will sell.

captcha: ROOM as in read the room Hasbro/Lucasfilm
I just wanted to see the new Luke and Obi-Wan.
>all the acolyte shit but no stranger smilo ren
i bet they'll release the faggot that was following green lady around or retarded young mundi before him too
I dont think star wars braap series is going to last much longer….
Why is that show getting so much shit? I think they've gotten the most of all the series except Mandalorian. Did TBS really get such a big budget increase that they can throw so much of it away on this garbage and still have enough for other stuff? There have been a lot of new sculpts lately so I won't mind as much if they can spread out the budget and Acolyte isn't taking up too much.
Those will probably be Pulse Con reveals
Hmm noticed the vest for the armor doesn't connect all the way on his torso. If it's removeable, or at least a separate overlay, then they must be planning to do a stripped down release of him later since all they'd need is new lower arms without the gauntlets.
star wars is kil
At this point it’s probably not happening. Why not just get the SH Figuarts version? It’s pretty good.
I'm gonna be pissed if it's removable and I'll have to buy the figure again just for the arms. They should've included swappable arms with this one if it's gonna be deluxe price.
Who was that gigastacy normie zoomer on the panel? Do Stacies play with Star Wars toys too?
You mean that fat ugly gook?
I am glad Cassian does not have the Kyle Katarn Bryar pistol in Anbore season 2 because he doesn't deserve it. Acolyte collectors also do not deserve green lady's laser whip.
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china saves the day again, new tvc clone got a bootleg
I'm gonna be in trouble if they start pumping out the other legions. Might pick up a 212th. I skipped the 4 pack because I didn't need four of them but wouldn't mind having one and price is not bad.
I haven't watched the show in ages but this is from the very first episode right? Shouldn't he have a shore trooper pauldron as he hasn't gotten the beskar one yet? I looked it up and the first release of the figure had it so that's weird. Also looks like he doesn't have rocker ankles even though they updated the hips. I don't know why I care because I hate Mando now but part of me wants this to reminisce about when the show was good.
finally some Andor shit

hopefully this means Hot Toys are in the cards for even just a few characters like Luthen and Dedra
>wanting more andor shit
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God bless you for posting this. I hope they are as good quality as the 6" ones
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>black series Dagan
I want Space Elric too, unfortunately is listed as 2025 so we got a long way to go. Hopefully we will get this look with option for ghost arm and extra lightsaber, and not that Magic Mike look from when he woke up.
Andor was kino, seethe.
Hoping this means an updated IG-88 down the line
Nice. Proper scale Grievous when?
It's accurate. He got a small bit of Beskar as a down payment after accepting the commission, so he gave that to the Armorer and she forged it before he goes to Arvala-7.

>Also looks like he doesn't have rocker ankles even though they updated the hips
That part is weird because it means they must have made separate tooling for the Beskar version of the figure. Otherwise I don't know why he wouldn't have that upgrade too. I guess the good part about them releasing so many Mando figures lately is that you can use one of those and just swap the lower legs onto the one that comes with the Blurrg.
Lol that "Wookie" in the top left. Just what the fuck man.

I'm looking forward to seeing older Anakin figures. Figuarts apparantly teased one as well.
Awesome, but painful that they're using the removable helmet over the newer one from the latest 4-pack, if they sell these with that helmet later I'm gonna be out a lot of money real fast
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>95% Disney+ releases
>half of which should've been released/revealed last year
>other half are boring clearance fodder
>continue to skimp on accessories
>continue to cut articulation
Literally how are they still going at this point
Andor was boring shit, fuck you
This. If you like Anbore or the sequels, just say you hate Star Wars.
They will never make IG-88 unless he shows up in the Mandalorian or Ahsoka. But I think he's supposed to have died in some comic before those shows so... Maybe they will make him for ESB's 50th if Hasbro and Lucasfilm are still in business by then

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