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Previous Thread >>11049399



HasLab Dragonfly Unboxing video:

Now Shipping:
>Cobra Ferret
>Retro Duke
>Retro Scarlett
>Retro Recondo
>Recon Diver (60th Anv)
>Action Soldier (60th Anv)
>Big Boa
>Quick Kick
>Techno Viper
>VAMP & Clutch (Pulse)
>Mutt & Junkyard
>Fire Team 788 (Pulse)
>HMS w/ Techno-Viper (Pulse)

>New/Render Reveals - SDCC Exclusive “Once A Man” Cobra Commander, Nemesis Immortal, Dial-Tone, Saw Viper

>Pipeline Reveals - Road Pig, Blowtorch, Frag Viper, Starduster, Zandar, Leatherneck, Raptor, Footloose

>Iron Grenadier
>Iron Grenadier B.A.T.
>Storm Shadow v2
>Retro Stalker
>Retro Cobra Trooper
>Retro Cobra Commander
>Cobra Night Attack Stinger (FanCh)
>Sgt Slaughter Mad Marauder (FanCh)
>Lowlight & Spirit Mad Marauders 2pk (Pulse)
>Wreckage and Tiger Paw ATV (Target/Pulse)
>Retro Beach Head
>Retro Cobra Eel
>Retro Snow Serpent
>Night Force Shockwave and Night Pursuit Cycle (Pulse/Walmart)
>Gnawgahyde w/ Porkbelly & Yobbo
>Night Creeper
>Tiger Force Roadblock & Tripwire 2pk

>Super7 O-ring figures revealed
>Mezco Commando Snake Eyes for pre-order. Expected to ship after 6-8 weeks after SDCC
>Hiya Toys: Beach Head, Flint (Standard and Tiger Force), Firefly, Lady Jaye, Major Bludd, Destro, Baroness, Gung Ho, Cobra Trooper, Zartan, Spirit Iron-Knife, Tomax & Xamot, Croc Master, Stalker, Dusty 4” figures

>Free Episodes of G.I. Joe ARAH:

>Free Episodes of Renegades and Sigma 6:

>G.I. Joe Spy Troops (PAL version, ripped and edited by a very kind Aussie Anon/Spy Troops anon):
Nice choice on the pic. The sdcc is this weekend right? Id really enjoy getting this set, best part of the movie imo. Planning on buying the cartoon series since ive read season 2 continues this storyline.
Not really

The movie was so unpopular that GI Joe got cancelled and when it got revived under a different studio, they spent the first mini series that launched the revival fridging Serpentor, restoring CC to humanoid form, then going "fuck it" and explicitly making CC a regular human being the second the got permission to bring back the hood look.

>>Due to the poor box office performances of The Transformers: The Movie and My Little Pony: The Movie, G.I. Joe: The Movie was instead released direct-to-video as well as aired on television in syndication, first in feature-length format and later split into a five-part miniseries format as part of the series' syndication package.

>>In order to cut production costs for the original animated series, Hasbro dropped Sunbow and contracted DiC to continue the series. Story editor Buzz Dixon explained in an interview: "Hasbro had been funding G.I. Joe out of their own pocket; they got a ridiculous deal from DiC to take over the series and they pretty much let them."
where do I get this man snake?
at SDCC or hasbropulse.com the following week
>comes with even more mutated version
Now I want this
when's that?
One thing that urked me was his deformity was totally inconsistent with how he looked throughout the series. We KNOW he's a Caucasian with normal eyes. people have even seen him with his mask off and didn't freak out the way you would if you saw someone with multiple cat eyes. He should've been disfigured in a more plausible way
Yeah it was stupid. I never even liked the idea of CC being disfigured, I figured he wore the mask because he wants to be an idea bigger than a single person.
I'd buy this if it were in 1:18.
It's a shitty 80s cartoon. They did whatever they wanted and it never mattered the next episode.
If you want consistency and an actual good story, you read the comics.
Can anyone recommend a good pirate site for reading the comics? I almost bought the Compendium on Kickstarter but some people warned against it because compendium books apparently kind of suck. They weigh like 30 LBS each and half of that weight is blank white paper so the art doesn't get swallowed up into the spine of the book. If I want physical I'd rather have squarebound trade paperbacks, but barring that I'll just read the pirated stuff on my tablet.
no idea how anyone could be retarded enough to enjoy this baby cartoon.
"Cobra captures people with psionic abilities in order to exploit their powers to rule the world and one of them is Airborne's telekinetic little brother."
oh you collect Marvel Legends, too?
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i hope the lower half of the tail is bendy wire so we can wrap him around roadblock
also, when the hell are getting a retro roadblock?
>half of that weight is blank white paper so the art doesn't get swallowed up into the spine of the book.
i heard the compendium is actually newspaper print, so it's actually a brownish-white paper. The colors from the original comics are more faithfully produced that way, since it was colored for shit paper in mind.

Personally, i have the original comics and IDW's glossy trades and i prefer the the glossy paper. Brighter colors just adds to the cartooniness of the series.

Also, i'd have gotten the compendium if i didn't own the IDW trades, just because i like physical. It's easier on the eyes and i can keep track of what I've read better.
Still waiting for non-shit colored e-ink monitors
That's because the cartoon is shit.
The real meat and bones of G.I. Joe is in Larry Hama's comic.
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Well well well, hello there handsome.
That would be great, you know hasbro has atleast explored the idea of a bendy tail if it isnt on the figure. If neca can add bendy tails to their xenomorphs then hasbro can do it.

Bbts just emailed and doc and night creeper should be landing soon. I remember getting flagg points for doc during 25th i believe, itd be fun to do that with classified, but id take filecards instead.
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So this is another case of every leaker being wrong. We really can't trust spoilers anymore. I wonder if the Joe team is actually fucking with the leakers or if they just suck
I'm betting it's the former. Lenny and the team are quite active in socials, I wouldn't be surprised if they like trolling every once in a while.
It can wrap around. Would have been an excellent time to tease movie version RB though.
Why, what happened?
Some leakers said it was a 2-pack of Falcon and a literally who Dreadnok lady.
Everyone had been reporting that it was Heartwrencher in this pack, not Quarrel.
>That's because the cartoon is shit.
This. The first two straight-to-video stories are decent to even good. but the actual TV show is made to be as simple as can be with the standard tropes we all know and love. The DiC version got even worse despite adding Slaughter.
Yeah, it's not complete garbage, just like you said, there are a few actually good stories, but it just gets worse and worse.
I bet its fanbase like that show just for pure nostalgia, regardless of its quality.
based transparent pnganon BTFO's jpgfag
HOLY shit is this true? >>11067515
Is Classified just a fad? Should I think about selling my figures while the prices are good?
Yes, in fact the fad is over, they're worthless, so you'll have to sell them for like $3 if even that. Sorry!
Small scale figures and playsets are never returning to 80-90s era retail presence. Toy industry is either toddler or adult collector now. The 5-12yr deomgraphic for toys is long gone, videogames and social media took over. There's no going back. 6 in and larger also outsells 1/18 in the collector markets so companies aren't going to waste money on that.
Explain to me how it’s not a fad. Why did other scales see phases of dominance, but now 6 inch just gets to stay? It’s bullshit really. It’s not a good scale for play.
Why isn't it going away? It's a dumb fad.
Motherfuckers fixed my boy and turned around to make him a Walmart exclusive?
Stoop responding to a guy who just spammed half the threads on the board advertising his own thread.
Well I hope you learned how it's not worth responding to someone trying to bring in shit from another thread
They fixed Falcon AND the Steel Brigade 2-pack.
Why does that crossbow come apart anyway, I don't know anything about crossbow lore or if that's even the proper name
I just glued mine in for Scarlet because the slightest touch popped it out
>The real meat and bones of G.I. Joe is in Larry Hama's comic.
Yeah I think it's actually the toys
>Dat new headsculpt and arm hair
I lost my scarlett crossbow but i think it was so it could fit on her pack? As for this new night force set, ill just wait for a sale.
toys > cartoon > comic >>>>>>>>>> live-action slop
Well this is unexpectedly awesome. New headsculpt for Falcon and a Quarrel figure are fantastic. But I especially like how all these guys come with Steel Brigade heads, meaning they could be army builders as well, or the heads can be used to cover up/replace other character heads freeing them up to be army builders as well. It's such a simple little thing, but adds so much more value to a figure pack like this.
I think the shape might not be easily doable in just one piece of plastic and they didn't bother glueing the two parts.
In true Cobra Commander style, he was wearing a mask under his hood, so people wouldn't know he wasn't human. "We could see his eyes under the hood" isn't the story-breaking gotcha people think it is when it has such an easy explanation.

The cartoon is full of scenes where characters disguise themselves completely just by wearing one of those Mission Impossible style rubber masks, there are episodes where the Baroness disguises herself as a black woman, or as a man, and her entire body suddenly reverts to normal as soon as the mask comes off.

>he wants to be an idea bigger than a single person.
That's more of an idea that's come up in more modern GI Joe fiction, even the comics back in the 80s weren't playing around with that idea.

What's with all the hate and anger for the cartoon? We can enjoy the cartoons AND comics, it doesn't have to be one or the other.
I think that refers to the time Destro walked in on Cobra Commander during a meal and told him to put his mask back on, because he didn't want to see his face while eating. Cobra Commander just chuckled and responded how it "takes a strong stomach to watch [him] eat", which is vague enough to imply things. Their original point is that Destro's reaction is too muted for "hideous mutation" as the look it's hiding.
Maybe he saw it before
I just realized this Falcon mixes my two main costume loadouts/kits from Ghost Recon Breakpoint, putting the beret on my "go-hard" look.
I'm just gonna use this as standard Falcon honestly, the colors are more interesting and the proportions of the buck are better.
Needs more lipstick
>What's with all the hate and anger for the cartoon?
Im not sure, its not great but really what cartoon from era really is? The cartoon is just to push new toys, so yknow its not a masterpiece. I think its fun though, and we mostly all sreem to agree the comics are where the real stuff happens. Just seems like people want to be extra vocal in general.
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Does it go on Pulse shortly after the Walmart release or something? How do these usually work?
Goes on pulse the same time with like 100 stock.
Fads only last a few years, 6 inch and taller have been around for about 2 decades now and just keeps going.
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>even the comics back in the 80s weren't playing around with that idea
They were tho. Larry's Cobra is based around pyramid schemes and fascist groups.
>Would you pose me? I'd pose me. I'd pose me hard. I'd pose me so hard.
Friends, I'm new to collecting toys and I don't know how some of the stuff work. Specifically in the op it says zandar is in the pipeline, does that mean they are planning on making a zandar in the future, or he's made, and currently in production? I love me dreadnoks
he still acts disgusted. The implication is that CC is hideous but not alien appearing. CC even says that it takes a strong stomach to watch him eat.
>What's with all the hate and anger for the cartoon? We can enjoy the cartoons AND comics, it doesn't have to be one or the other.

some people just like to bitch and moan for attention
I thought he was disgusted because he was watching him eat
I can look at a guy with no jaw it's a different story if I'm watching him eat
I don't think if was planned at the time though
With Zandar, I dont remember exactly but I believe he was announced as a name only reveal. So we have no idea when he will actually be released.
Typically it goes Name/pipeline reveal -> Digital Render reveal -> Full figure reveal when it's ready for preorder or very close. Sometimes it's only a couple of months between the steps, sometimes it's longer.
yes, he was disgusted because CC's deformity made it look gross when he ate. Something I can't see with how he looked in the movie. The only thing wrong there was that he had blue skin and multiple eyes. He should've been able to eat fine.
Thanks. Just got torch in the mail. Have all the current noks now. Thinking of making a swamp cabin diorama where they are all just hanging having a BBQ or something.
These figures got me really excited to play around with that kinda stuff.
Looks like the same head sculpt as before but they at least did slightly better on the paint apps. I'm sticking with the Blowback head on mine though.
There is no way that is the same sculpt
>Explain to me how it’s not a fad. Why did other scales see phases of dominance, but now 6 inch just gets to stay?
Several years ago the US government rolled out new regulations for toys. So companies deemed 4" and smaller "for kids" and 6" and above for adult collectors. The 4" were reduced by many companies to barely above 5POA shit for $10 to $15 while 6" could carry a pricetag of $20 or more. They'd rather focus on those higher dollar items to sell.
I great up with the cartoon, not the comics. Granted there are aspects of the comic that appeal to me more as an adult, like the overall more mature and believable tone to it and how Snake Eyes gets a lot more love. However, the tradeoff is that Duke, who was basically the face of GI Joe to me even though Snake was my favorite, doesn't feature all that much in the old comics and feels more like a secondary character. I'm also a younger Joe fan since I was born mid 80s, so I wasn't there for the original 13 lineup. I grew up with reruns of the Sunbow cartoon and the new DiC seasons so to me, the core lineup isn't complete without Duke or Roadblock.
Im a bit older but i guess i wasnt aware of gi joe until the syndication so for me its really always been snake eyes, duke, scarlett or lady jaye roadblock etc. Even later as i looked through old leaflets and catalogs and saw the green shirts i honestly didnt care. The green shirts just werent exciting to kid me, of course that changed and i grew to enjoy the first 13 as i got older and learned more about them.
>why would someone hate a shitty cartoon
And it's not even hate. I don't even know what to call it, because... there's no real feelings other than disgust.
It's like seeing dog shit on the sidewalk and just walking around it. I don't hate the owner or the dog for leaving it there, it's just a minor inconvenience i need to avoid.

I remember watching the cartoon way back in the day in the 80s as a kid and the amazing theme song and opening animation hyped me up, and i was always disappointed by what the show was actually about. i watched it anyway, because what else was there when cable only had 18 channels and i wasn't allowed outside unless my older siblings were there?
It was dumb and almost boring though.
It's why i never really got into GI Joe until the late 80s, after discovering the comics.

Anyway, guy asked why the cartoon series and movie are inconsistent and that's because the writers didn't give a shit, hence it being a shitty show. The writers got paid like shit so they didn't put much effort into it.
What more is there to say?
It's not really playing around with what that anon was talking about, the idea of Cobra Commander as a revolutionary figure who's become more of an idea than a man. The closest Hama gets back then is Fred realizing anyone can wear the costume and pretend to be Cobra Commander.
i ordered the valaverse guns and ended up replacing every single gun on some of the figs that desperately needed it, like Flint being one of them lol, even his machete was replaced. they were all horrible.

it reminded me how angry Tunnel Rat makes me. tunnel rat can't comfortably hold his LMG nor the valaverse LMG no matter how much you fiddle with it, and actively destroy his hands the more you try to make it work. i ended up giving tunnel rat a SCAR-L and it feels sacrilegious. he's always used the LMG. i don't know what to do about him.
This. I think Larry Hama said it once, the show was just "moral bankrupcy." It treated its audience like dumb people while straight up ignoring the ugly side of war.
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sounds like Hama needed to pull the stick out of his ass
>ugly side of war
Sounds like a great way to sell toys to kids
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Somewhat related but I'm half way through the Cobra Commander TBP and I like it a lot.
How was the Cobra-la focus received?
OK bidentard
Hama seems like the one so triggered he had shove strawman bullshit into his comics
Today i think? Id really like to get one but if i dont then thats ok too
remember when people lost their shit because someone snuck a MAGA on a Jazz toy?
good times
It's amazing how you keep clinging to these properties that so utterly despise you.
It was very well received, some say it should be the direction the franchise takes moving forward to make it so it's not war toys but made up monster invasion toys
I don't cling to them. I stay with the old stuff. then again, that seems to be the case with a lot of people which is why new stuff keeps failing.
Did you like the new comics that have come out recently
Kids are not retarded. And the comic book was at the top of the chart for years, so... yeah.
They're actually pretty cool, the guy at the head of the whole Energon Universe thing said this was sort of an "Ultimate Universe" for G.I. Joe and Trasformers, and it really feels like that, a lot of new takes on the characters.
kids didn't used to be braindead neanderthals watching streamers punk people. they could handle it. 80s cartoons didn't need to be carebear shit where cobra commander shoots the floor and misses on purpose then retreats. nobody wanted it that way, either. it was the way it was purely because of censorship.
Hama's not gonna suck your dick.
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Surprisingly cheap for a 1/12 tank. How many you getting anons?
Since no one has talked about it:

CC was always supposed to be a regular guy in the cartoon.

In the cartoon, you have two major instances of this being a plot point: one was the dinner sequence, which implied CC had some form of facial disfigurement (or at least, was a sloppy eater who was gross to watch eating stuff) and him telling the TV reporter who interviewed him that he went to military school and staged a successful coup with his classmates against the administration that ran the academy.

Season two was supposed to also open with Cobra Commander's proper origin: the famed, unproduced "The Most Dangerous Man in the World" five parter that would have launched the season.

TMDMITW would have revealed that CC was the second in command of a famous right wing isolationist group ala America First in the1930s. The group was led by a Charles Lindbergh type who wanted America to tell the rest of the world to fuck off and caused controversy by telling Soviets that he didn't give a shit about them and that if they left America alone, he didn't give a fuck what they did to the rest of the world so long as they kept their commie shit out of the United States.

CC was envious of his boss and how much power he had but also how much power he was wasting on his isolationism platform. So he arranged to have Not-Charles "killed", which allowed CC to take control over Not-Charles' movement and turn it into Cobra with the idea that the world needs to be enslaved for murdering their leader, who just wanted America to be left alone.
But Not-Charles was still alive and being held in a super secret Cobra prison until he breaks free and escapes. During the five part story, GI Joe would learn the truth about Cobra's origin as they and CC hunt for him. But in the end, the guy "dies" again, allowing CC to bury his sins though the final episode would end with a teaser that the guy once again faked his death and was walking free.

This explicitly contradicted Hama's version of CC's origin but Hasbro vetoed it save for one detail: they wanted CC to turn out to be a frontman for the "real" leader of Cobra. And they had a new figure, a Cobra Emperor, ready to go that they didn't tell Hama or the TV writers about ready to ship in 1986.

Hama refused to cooperate period, leaving it to the TV writers to tard wrangle Hasbro. They pitched an alternate origin for "Cobra Emperor" (AKA Serpentor) of him being created because the top guys at Cobra got tired of CC and created a new leader from scratch. Hasbro agreed to this and Hama reluctantly incorporated him into the comic.... then they came back and said, "we still want CC to be a front man for a new villain separate from Serpentor and you are doing it this time...."

This led to the cartoon people coming up with Cobra La (which itself was a placeholder name that Hasbro sadly fell in love with). Cobra La failed miserably, so much so that some of the planned Cobra La figures got turned into Iron Grenadier figures.

CC became a snake man with multiple eyes and again, was so unpopular that first chance the cartoon could, they dropped it ASAP and pretended it never happened.
While there was some groans, the fact that CC is still human (he's a human who was found and taken in by Cobra La and not a native born member of the kingdom) and the fact that IDW so utterly shitted the bed, that standards are low and people are willing to go along with it purely to see where it leads to.

If anything, Zarana leading the Dreadnocks instead of Zartan was more controversial since most Joe lore presents Zarana and Zandar as prodigal siblings who aren't closely involved with the group and who are generally held off from showing up until shit gets real as far as them being positioned as back-up for the group for when things get bad and they need help
very difficult to replace Beach Head's WASP SMG because of the fact he has straight, grey magazines that match it in his tactical rig. do you know of a suitable replacement?
where did you get this because I read some of this but some of the details don't match up.
The version I read was that Buzz Dixon (I think) was told two come up with a backstory for the cobra emperor and he came up with two for them to choose from. instead Hasbro liked them both and made him combine them which is where we got the cobra la makes serprentor deal.
>Zarana leading the Dreadnocks instead of Zartan
Isn't Zartan just undercover somewhere so she's leading because he's not there
Not bad at all. The other accessories do add up. I think I'm going to pass on the bridgelayer and just get the wolverine bits. Its a shame because the bridgelayer was my favorite of the three as a kid. How long does early bird pricing last anyway?
what accessories?
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I called the two configuration packs accessories. Also shipping is kind of rapey. $80 for the tank and missles.
oh ok. I'd love the tank and launcher but don't have 200 to just throw at it
70 deposit now, 200 in over a year when it actually comes out, if that helps any.
oh that's a lot better
>Also shipping is kind of rapey. $80 for the tank and missles.
Ramen Racer was $50 domestic (flat rate - car and optional add-ons) or $100 air freight (2nd wave). If you were first wave you were $50 domestic because those shipped from Houston.
I want two of the energy tanks to go with my Cobras.... It's 90 shipping for both so like 370 total for two.

I hope it's still up in August, it's a 3 check month for me.
>him telling the TV reporter who interviewed him that he went to military school and staged a successful coup with his classmates against the administration that ran the academy.
To be fair, he never said it wasn't the Cobra-La military academy for snakemen.

>This explicitly contradicted Hama's version of CC's origin
Hama's version of Cobra Commander's origin wasn't told all in one place, it was slowly revealed piecemeal to readers over years, a lot of the details weren't established until after the animated movie. Hasbro never seemed to care about the comics and cartoons contradicting each other with character details anyway.

>Hama refused to cooperate period, leaving it to the TV writers to tard wrangle Hasbro.
I've never seen Hama speak about refusing to get involved, all of the accounts make it sound like Hasbro just went straight to the Sunbow guys to pitch origins for Cobra's new leader.

That's the version of the story I'm familiar with, Buzz Dixon (and possibly some other Sunbow writers) pitched two potential origins for Cobra's new leader and Hasbro wanted to do both, one was used for Serpentor, the other for Golobulus.

The details about the unmade episode about Cobra's founder is true, but it's hard to see how that story would have ever worked, Hasbro made sure Cobra, especially in the cartoon, had no identifiable right- or left- wing agenda so they couldn't be accused of being stand-ins for any real world group.
Yes, IIRC a letters page in one of the books basically confirmed we've already met Zartan somewhere but we just don't know it's him yet, he's impersonating somebody.
The only thing I heard Hama refuse to do was Cobra La stories
Low-Light would not have missed.
kek who the fuck wants a bridge layer?
no one
Considering he initially refused to kill Cobra Commander, but backed down when Hasbro insisted on it, knowing they could fire and replace him if he didn't do what they wanted, it sounds like Cobra-La was something Hasbro only asked him to do once, and didn't force the issue because they knew he was right about it not fitting the comic at all, while it's not even close to the weirdest thing that happened in the cartoon.
>TV writers to tard wrangle Hasbro.
The TV writers were tards too.
They made little to no effort in creating something well written or even made logical sense.
Hama always wrote with a disdain about rednecks, war, and government. I don't think he's ever said anything about Trump though.
Hama was viewed negatively by the leftist comic people. And this is despite Hama himself being a leftist, but oh, he owns guns? purity test failed.

>Kids are not retarded. And the comic book was at the top of the chart for years
IT was Marvel's best selling comic book at some points. It sold better than XMen and Spiderman in those times, and remained a consistently best seller until the 90s.
And yeah, kids aren't retarded, but they will glorify war like anyone else even when there are consequences to the actions taking place. I mean, i watched Platoon and Hamburger Hill when i was a kid, and it just made me want to put more story when i played war with my gi joes.

Only adults overreact about war being bad, hence GI Joe being popular with kids during the Gulf War. Gulf War 2. The Revenge of Osama and the Death of Osama.
GI Joe was flourishing in the early 00s, when anti-war sentiment was huge during the War on Terror campaigns. Even under Obama in the late 00s, who became popular for his anti-war stance, GI Joe was getting its second wind with the 25th, 30th, and movie toylines. Not even the first moving failing didn't really stop GI Joe, because kids love war shit. Kids understand war is bad, but most of them understand fiction is fiction. They aren't retards

I think Hama was really jealous of the cartoon/hollywood side of things. Not in their abilities, but the fact that they were better paid than him.
Everything i've read about him talking about Hollywood/cartoon people was that he was full of contempt for them and that despite him being a better writer, wasn't allowed to touch that side.
Bridge Layer was part of the initial pitch along with Wolverine mode. Tank came later to be the base model. He's also making Tollbooth
>wasn't allowed to touch that side.
what do you mean? They wouldn't let him write for the cartoon?
I could see some comix guys at the time having a problem with a service man that writes a war comic to help sell war toys to kids. I could be totally off base on this, its just a guess as to why indie or off beat comics guys could be distant towards him. Doesnt really matter much who or whom did or didnt like him, he has kept solid steady work that is pretty good overall.
I forget the specifics, but he was brought over to California by Hasbro, but wasn't allowed to do anything directly. He basically transferred his notes to them and treated like a tourist.

Man, i started planning out what to buy and when to pay, but then i remembered it's fucking 1:12 scale.
... but i wonder what it really looks like compared to 1:18 figures. It's basically a half sized Abrams for 1:12 scale, hence them looking like adults in a Power Wheels tank.

It's only 20", whereas my 1:18 Abrams are 16" (not counting barrel) so it could work, but the hatches are way oversized for 1:18 and I wonder how tall it is compared to a figure standing next to it.
Blind buys are shit.

>Doesnt really matter much who or whom did or didnt like him, he has kept solid steady work that is pretty good overall.
He basically stopped getting regular work in the 00s, sorta like Chuck Dixon. Both of them were on popular books and then suddenly stopped showing up in Marvel and DC books.
I think Larry Hama was well liked at Marvel, since he was an editor and helped a lot of creators get work, but they're not the people who would keep him in good grace at those companies. Even in the 90s, i never saw him at conventions and it wasn't until IDW hired him that he started appearing, because convention appearances are usually handled by their publisher. Why wouldn't they bring along one of their biggest writers, when he was doing GI Joe, Wolverine, or Generation X? Everyone else and their assistant editor went, but not him.
I think the only time i ever saw him was when it was connected to Bucky Ohare, and that was waaaay back when.
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Use Airborne's and swap the mags?
Didn't he end up doing one for the 25th anniversary line? I thought he did all the comics in the two packs.
Oh that's what they look like with 6 inch figs. Nevermind then
>I think Larry Hama was well liked at Marvel, since he was an editor and helped a lot of creators get work, but they're not the people who would keep him in good grace at those companies
This makes a lot of sense when you consider the big changeovers in the 2000s and how abrasive Jemas was towards the older writers (like trying to force PAD out of Marvel)
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its cool its affordable but I would rather have it cost more money to actually have a better interior. Tanks normally have a crew of 4.
Then make your own
i mean replace as in give him a gun that isnt the garbage gum. all of the valaverse magazines are curved so simply painting them grey wouldnt fix it entirely
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Better interior to do what?
Most of the time, i don't even put anyone inside my vehicles, because who's going to notice?

The Abrams in this photo is a cheapo kids one with a shooting cannon and sounds. The turret splits in half, so you can have a loader and gunner doing their thing, but it's all simplistic looking, because otherwise you'd have no space to do anything at all. Tanks are super fucking cramped.

I have an M113 and 2 Bradleys. The 21st Century ones made of diecast have all their hatches open up, so you can seat 4 figures inside the back of the Bradley and the M113 has a bunch of seats for like 10 people
You can only seat 3 in the Bradley, because it's super fucking cramped (like the real one) and toys aren't made of squishly flesh and clothes. They all tumble around because any sort of seatbelt that would take up even more space. The M113? Fuck if you can actually seat anyone past the first two seats, because the figures and your hands get in the way, because it's cramped as fuck. So it ends up being some sort of fuckijng clowncar where you need to shake your tank to get them out.

But man, it's super fucking detailed in there... which you can't really see 99% of the time unless you get your flash light out.

Unimax Bradley is Bradley has more crew space, so you can actually fit 4 figures in the back, but no driver hatch and non-working missile caddy. Cost half as much as the 21st Century one tho.
My BBI Abrams is nicer painted, but has no interior. Oly one hatch on it works, but i might be mixing that up with my LAV that only has a single working hatch on the turret. The LAV has a crew compartment in the back, which can only fit 4 modern 1:18 figures despite having 6 seats

If any of those vehicles were 1:12 i could fit my hands better into the crew compartment and that's it, because collector quality vehicles are accurate to a fault. Ramen Toy is following Hasbro's MO in making half sized vehicles to make them playable. Big isn't fun.
Oh right, there's a weapon set from Mark2toys that has what looks like a good replacement. Have to paint the mag though.
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Could also just shove the mag into the gun that came with Alpha Commando Snake Eyes.
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So I got the ramen racer and I like it a lot. I'm probably going to pass on this.

I have the chopper preordered already, I will be getting the Ramen Bread Van for Punisher and I still want to see what the next Joe haslab is going to be.

Anyone else pick up the car?
tanks, but no tanks. too little. that's what she said.
Me, but that's because my dad litterally drove one and showed me pictures of it when I got the Joe toy. I'll admit, I'm a very rare case though. I'm also still passing on it because its just too much right now w ith all the other preorders we're going to have next week.
That was 20 years later and he didn't have a regular comics job at the time IIRC, so he'd probably have been more open to writing one-off stories about whatever characters Hasbro wanted to sell. That Nemesis Enforcer story was weird though, it refers to another comic story that was never published.

The whole issue is just Falcon containing Nemesis Enforcer in a cave by shooting and hitting him until some helicopters arrive to take him out, Hama clearly had no time for Nemesis Enforcer at all.
There's a story Hama told about some indie comic guy calling him a fascist for writing GI Joe comics, and then admitting he'd never actually read any of Hama's work.

Yeah, Hama was definitely one of the old regime's people who was forced out of Marvel under Quesada and Jemas. Unlike a lot of the others he still had enough name value that he could go straight to DC and get put on Batman, though he didn't last long there.
>It's only 20", whereas my 1:18 Abrams are 16" (not counting barrel) so it could work, but the hatches are way oversized for 1:18 and I wonder how tall it is compared to a figure standing next to it.
>Blind buys are shit.
If it's not too tall it will probably be fine for 1:18, is my thinking. Maybe Grid Iron Studio or some other enterprising 3D printer fellow can make inserts so 4" figures can work. Perhaps new hatches are possible, as well.
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it's about 1.5x the size of a classified joe
Modern era Joes come up to just shy of the elbow on regular Classified males...yeah, gonna be too tall. figma has a handful of "military" figures that could work with it, as could a couple of the smaller Chinese softgoods military lines.
Im sure there were more than a couple of hippies floating through the marvel offices then. Friggin peace and love my foot!
Some of the 1970s Marvel guys were definitely ex-hippies, but as writers, not people in editorial positions. From the way Hama's talked about it, GI Joe was a book nobody else at Marvel wanted to do because it was a toy comic, not because any of them were getting uppity about it being a military comic. Other toy comics like Transformers, Rom and Micronauts got the same stigma. It was indy comic writers that were dismissing writing those books as being "a toy salesman" AND accusing Hama of being a fascist for writing GI Joe.
I think he also wrote Golobous dying in an avalanche or something. It was more like a fuck you than anything.

I won't deny that the writing was better for the comics than cartoon but hearing about some of this other stuff makes Hama come off like a petty prick because the cartoon got more attention. It reminds me about how Eastman and Laird sperg out over the 80's cartoon even though it was most responsible for them being millionaires.
I suppose it is sort of a catch 22. In both instances, the creators wanted somewhat more serious stories and characters, while the cartoon really ended up dumbing the properties down since they were glorified toy commercials, and it was thanks to them that kids ended up knowing about both of them and they kind of became the "main" source/focus.
but in both cases I don't think anyone said the comics weren't better. If anything it helped their comics look even better by comparison. For TMNT the toys and cartoons definitely drew attention to the property it wouldn't otherwise had and usually kids would then go for the original comics that were better and would make E&L look better.
I remember being taken aback by the mirage books, it felt alien compared to everything else tmnt id seen.
>It reminds me about how Eastman and Laird sperg out over the 80's cartoon even though it was most responsible for them being millionaires.
Mostly Laird, I think. Still better than his volume 4 in general, though.

Funny how much the toy commercials ended up becoming a big deal for the comics universe.

Hama was way too happy about killing off characters.
>Surprisingly cheap
Is it an unassembled 3D print or a finished production item?
>In the cartoon, you have two major instances of this being a plot point: one was the dinner sequence, which implied CC had some form of facial disfigurement (or at least, was a sloppy eater who was gross to watch eating stuff) and him telling the TV reporter who interviewed him that he went to military school and staged a successful coup with his classmates against the administration that ran the academy.
"It takes a strong stomach to watch me eat" Between that line and the sounds he's making while eating, you can interpret this either as disfigurement or him having a reptilian face. The bit about the military academy could just as easily be made up.
>I think he also wrote Golobous dying in an avalanche or something. It was more like a fuck you than anything.
Wasn't that in the GI Joe trading cards or something?

Remember that GI Joe Yearbook just before Covid that had a prelude for a comic sequel to the movie? We'll probably never get that story now.
Yeah, I think it was just a card or bio. It wasn't a full story
Im looking at torch and dnawgahyde and im noticing these boxes cast a shadow on the heads of the boxed figures. Is this just me and poor lighting or has amyone else noticed this?
>some indie comic guy calling him a fascist for writing GI Joe comics
Hence him being an indie comic person. These sorts of people don't work well with others, either keeping to their guns and never joining big publishers or they got fired from them for being assholes
Actual hippies aren't the problem. They lived fine with other people for decades.
Its younger people who started to push older people out, including the hippies who didn't align with their views

>It reminds me about how Eastman and Laird sperg out over the 80's cartoon even though it was most responsible for them being millionaires.
What's wrong with shitting on a shitty cartoon? I absolutely loved the cartoon TMNT and barely give a shit about any of the comics. The 80s cartoon is one of those series i don't want to ever rewatch, because i know it'll kill my childhood memories. Before TMNT, i was a huge Transformers and He Man fan. I rewatched those and shit on them for having awful toys and shitty cartoons, but TMNT? It's something i can't revisit, but i sure did buy up all the nostalgiafag NECA and Super7 figures, because i still love the cartoon+toy designs.
I have no problem with the creators bad mouthing the 80s cartoon though. Did it make them a ton of money? Of course it did, but why are you acting like it's some sacred cow? They loved the money they made from that series, raked in tons of dough from all the licensing, and enjoyed using that money to make dreams they always wanted to do come true, but that doesn't change the fact that, to them, it was a shitty cartoon and pretty much ruined their own creation. Their own work is basically unknown to the public.

And it's wrong to call Larry Hama a petty prick. Petty implies there's something to nitpick about Gi Joe cartoon and there's just way too much retardation going on in the 80s cartoon that criticism, and even hate for it, can ever be called petty.
Most stuff from the 80s is just trash.

t. anon in his 40s
I never knew any hippies, im just going off of stuff i saw on tv like the familiy ties parents.
>avoid the noid
>Their own work is basically unknown to the public.
Really? You're really going to say that?

and the cartoon wasn't THEIR cartoon. It was based on their property and was VERY beneficial to them. It just seems unprofessional to piss all over other people's work when you're also in the business. If other professional comic creators trashed their stuff, it would come off petty and jealous.

It's not about something being a sacred cow. Its about about people who are supposed to be professionals acting like snotty teenagers. especially complaining about something that was VERY good to them. What do they honestly have to bitch about?
its funny that hama hates science fiction shit like cobra la (Im not a fan either), but used the brainwave scanner, robots, robot ninja, atlantis, and other random shit when he wants to...
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to be fair, that's not Hama. but it's still the comics
You're a fucking retard and the cartoon is great.

t. anon in his 40s
Why is there an M16A1 with an M4 stock?
All the same boob size...
Herb Trimpe was so horny. You should see some of his Avengers work where he turned calves into ass shots.
Nah man, look again, see the girl at the furthest right? Gotta be smaller since her boobs are perkier.
>herb trimpe
Cant believe this is the same guy
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>Really? You're really going to say that?
It's an indie comic, that maybe got read by a hundred thousand people in total.
Versus a hundred of million+ people who watched the 80s cartoon alone. Nevermind the dozen reboots that came later. Nevermind most of the people who own the original (and reprints) comics bought it purely as an investment
>It was based on their property and was VERY beneficial to them
So what? They acknowledge it and enjoyed their lifestyle because of it, but it's still a shitty cartoon.
Why do they need to pretend to enjoy that shit sandwich?
>It's not about something being a sacred cow
That's literally what you're asking them to do. It made them a ton of money, thus not allowed to say anything negative about it? Is everyone but them allowed to criticize a crappy 80s cartoon?

Is this just a you problem? You think that they should love it just because you liked it? Why are you so bothered that they don't like it?
It doesn't even sound like you ever read or watched any of their interviews. As an 80s TMNT lover, i completely understand every critical thing they have to say about the series i love and enjoy hearing about what in a pain in the ass it was for them. They were poorfags that could barely print a comic who were suddenly sitting on a billion dollar franchise.
Watch their interviews here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLclmZ5KRrb88QFWyO-fFOBohv7e6X9919 They probably don't even hate the series as much as you think.
Cartoonist Kayfabe also has an interview with Peter Chung (aeon flux), who was involved with the pilot/miniseries AND he also hates the 80s cartoon. In fact, he's embarrassed for everyone involved in it, hence removing himself from the cartoon as soon as he could.

Many of my favorite teachers in college were hippies. The ones that weren't were political activists who hated hippies, but were still counter-culture. Also, a lot of comic people were hippies and you can tell from their interviews.
>Cant believe this is the same guy
Trimpe was the writer of >>11078637
Dave Cockrum is credited as the penciler. Trimpe's 90s work was basically a case of having to change his style to what was hot at the time if he wanted Marvel editors to keep giving him work.
words words words
calm down. I already said it just comes off as unprofessional for people in a business to trash other people in a business.

If you ever work in your life, maybe you'll get this.
What the fuck
Because there was there was one in the original 3¾ line.
>Wasp's thighs and ass
>they need to eat the shitsandwich and smile
>big smiles so manchildren aren't offended about it 30 years laters
Oh, so you take back what you said about it not being a sacred cow?

Nevermind they didn't really shit on it until after the original series ended and were most vocal when the 2000s series was out, because they could now have something more faithful to their creation.
Nevermind even the original people involved thought they were making trash, hence not giving a shit in telling a good story. You think those same animation studios only suddenly learned to tell a good story in the late 80s and 90s, which is considered a new golden age in animation? NOPE. They just put more effort into their work because they started getting paid more.

No one likes two faced phonies, btw. Only dumb fanboys are fooled and Disney-types who want to pretend everyone involved in their products are best friends forever, because fucking marketing.
Can you even imagine how much more hated George Lucas would be if he hadn't denounced Disney for their tripe? Or Hamil if he hadn't criticized what they did to Luke? They're actually respected for being honest.

Also, seriously, you should read/watch their interviews, because Laird and Eastman were more involved than you think. Stop being a dumb fanboy.
>more words words words
fucks sake Elsa, let it go.
Look at Absorbing Mans arm in that last panel with his hand holding the wrecking ball
Why Elsa?
im not reading all that shit
the gi joe cartoon(s) are all baby shit for little kids. end of discussion!

thanks for this tip, it's EXACTLY what i did. i wouldnt have thought of it if it weren't for you.
the UMP-45 is one of my favorite guns of all time as a bonus. so i had alpha commando posed with it. I gave him the valaverse MP5K in its place.
>should've had brown hair, red hair, black hair, auburn hair
why does everyone have red hair lol
gi joe is a comfy watch if you dont take it seriously (duh)lol. I liked the voice acting as many characters are pretty much defined by their portrayal in the cartoon. not so much the goofiness, but the accents, the mannerisms, etc. think about it, is cobra commander or destro going to sound different to you than what you've heard from the cartoon? it defined plenty of guys. the best part about the cartoon was how cool everybody was. flint, zartan, cobra commander, quick kick, baroness, bazooka, major blood, the twins, roadblock, sgt slaughter, etc.
none of them are cool at all, they scream normalfagisms and generic military-adjacent terms and then shoot at the floor so as to not offend six year olds, blow up vehicles after everyone has safely evacuated so as to not offend six year olds, and run away and monologue about what a cool adventure they had using normalfagisms and generic military-adjacent terms.
you cannot call anybody retarded while singing the praises of a show for six year olds.
>generic military-adjacent terms and then shoot at the floor so as to not offend parent groups, blow up vehicles after everyone has safely evacuated so as to not offend christian groups
fixed that for you.
Fuck those assholes for ruining cartoons.

Kids actually like that shit, hence some of the most popular cartoons and moments in cartoons were shit you previously couldn't show on TV.

the voice acting is god tier, right up there with Transformers, but the cartoon itself isn't good. Better wastes of time than PC shit from the 80s by poorly paid writers.
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more to that focus group leak picture.
That's fuck huge.
Yippie got my retro card stuff in. Finally i can display a beach head not in a box. Or i guess the cat will have new stuff to knock over.
This is going to be $500, isn't it?
That's at least 4 foot one end of the wing to the other. It would be massive.
Does it come with its own shelf? If its gonna be wildly massive then im out before it starts, i just cant afford the space it may take up. Guess we just gotta sit tight a fww more days till the reveal.
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Retro Carded Vipers incoming. More waste mobility.
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If I get I'm just hanging it on the wall, like pic related. It's too big to have on a shelf. I might just do that with the dragonfly too.
>6" Classified
i agree has to be my cheap hotwheels baby toy scale that has 3 face molds total
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>if only you knew how bad things really are
Well, uhm, i cant do that lol. Its a fun looking eay to display though.
posed my favorite cobra executing my least favorite joe.
posed my favorite joe executing my least favorite cobra.
leave em up on the shelf like that.
Anyone else kinda curious for some monster force news? We should atleast see something physical by now.
A bit, I wanted some of the army builders and a few of the face monsters like the invisible man and Dracula.
Cool but it’s simply way too big for me, I can’t justify the space on something like this when it’s only going to seat 2 figures. Gonna just hope they do a warthog or whale after this.
I made some thread OC.
>I made
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The worst thing to come out of the AI situation are the anti-AI witch hunters who overnight forgot that photoshop still exists.
the only thing rotted here seems to be your brain if you think this is ai
Lmao that's great
Holy fuck get your eyes checked
Isn't this just the AI guy who, every time he spams his AI shit, and people tell him to fuck off, he immediately and autisticly starts commenting on random things, being normal pictures of drawings, calling them AI because he's so butthurt?
I can't be the only one who noticed that
Which characters? What method of execution?
Is it this week that Nemesis Enforcer and Once A Man Cobra Commander are out? Do we know how soon afterwards they'll be available online? I hope it's like Chuckles last year where they made enough that he was still available for a long time afterwards.
Lol good stuff Anon.
Gonna have to hang that big bitch from the joists and rafters.
Since they're handling the sales at the con differently this year, I don't think they'll put up anything on pulse till after the con is over.
Yellowjacket, though.
Just put some legs in it and have dinner on top.
Yo, wtf. I did some reading and apparently herb trimpe wanted to try this rob liefeld apeing style and felt it was some of his best and most satisfying work of his career. Ive also read suggestions that his editors nudged him to try this style to help sell those comics.
I guess it let's him draw strange made up shapes and be more artistic in a strange way
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Recently found out about these two animated GI Joe movie from the early 00s. Were any of the toys good?
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Jinx showed up at my doorstep! She's a pretty lady. Her torso was shit so I popped it and made some dremeling. She's next to perfect now.

Their proportions on the toys were a bit weird to reflect on the movies, but that was my first approach to Joe, so I respect them for trying something new and introducing me to the franchise. I don't have that much of an attachment now, but I remember they made like a billion ninjas. Their Storm Shadow was really cool, a lot on red on his suit.
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I also took her "skirt" off, nothing wrong with it, but I didn't know she had sculpt underneath, I like it and those sweatpants give her a sexy look.
I hate helium breather Cobra Commander if I'm honest.
It was 100% the later.

Trimpe was desperate for work in the 90s and Marvel point blank told him his work was too "old fashion" and told him they'd only give him work if he 100% changed his style to ape Liefeld and company.

Bleeding Cool (back when it was Lying In the Gutter) did an extensive coverage of Trimpe in the early 00s when Trimpe opened a blog that was part him bitching about being blackballed from working in comics because he was "too old fashion" and him bitching and moaning about how now no comic strip syndicate wanted to buy a sports themed comic strip he was working on as his big comeback work.
You perv
the 12" se/ss 2-pack was great
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There were a couple of great figures that don't have weird proportions.
Most figures won't fit in with modern style, especially since they're 3.75" scale instead of 1:18.

I think pretty much every BAT from the line is worth it. There were three different types of BATS released. Early GI Joe Vs Cobra line, Venom Versus Valor, and then the Robot line that was TRU exclusive. Make sure to buy both Overkills. The first one is a fun swappable arm gimmick, and since he's a cyborg, it's okay for his proportions to look weird. The second Overkill is human head on a robot body, and his limbs, torso, and legs can all be swapped out... with what? uh, another arm from the DTC Robot Attack set.
Hasbro killed the 3.75" line suddenly, hence the unfinished Robot line becoming a TRU exclusive while Hasbro launched the Sigma 6 8" and 2.5" lines.

The Venom vs Valor line had a few proto-25th figures, so they don't have the weird proportions the rest of the line had. The Snake Eyes that came with the Swamp Rat is a great figure and has a lot of amazing weapons/accessories.
The entire GI joe vs Cobra line had a bunch of great weapons, if you want to get some speciallized onesl ike a G36 with grenade launcher, auto shotguns, or uzi with hinged stock. There's even bullet proof vests, shields, mask, helmets if you want something GI Joe themed to put on your figures.

This guy is basically a Resident Evil Tyrant and even has a majestic looking Cobra cape to hide his arm.
Both Overkills.

There's redecos of them too and t i'd recommend getting this brown Overkill that came with Duke, since he comes with a Stoner machine gun... if you're buying them as a complete set, anyway. You also get a nice MP5, which is always a fun weapon.

Yeah, i buy toys just for weapons. I own a couple of Mezco Punishers and Deadpools just to have amazingly detailed 1/12 guns.
I wonder what the new Overkill's gonna look like since he's teased in the Destro book.
A lot of misb floating around. I'm not priced out. I'm spaced out.
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still have mine
loved the rising cockpit gimmick
t. Spy Troops anon
It's one day away, where are some goddamn leaks to hype me up?
Ohh I kinda dig the grey suit one
Yeah, my weekend is over so ill just have to wait till i get home for news tomorrow. Thanks hasbro for not spoiling any potential suprises i guess. I cant wait for classified lifeline to be announced, well, i mean i have to wait, but he has been in my top ten for ages now. Just lemme get a few raptor pics this week, please!
I'm just worried that Hasbro will make Once A Man impossible to get or something. Blink and you miss it preorder window.
We'll have to hope it's like the last few years
Gotta get put from under the fomo rock, itd be a real sweet addition, or just a neat stand alone figure for some i guess. Its just after the past few years ive realized i dont like jumping through hoops to spend the money i jumped through hoops to earn in the first place. Shit, just look at tiger paw and how quickly that vanished. Wtf was that about? But i think we will be fine, everyone thought stinger would sell through in hours but we got days on it instead at bbts.
Good luck if your not a Premie Member.
what does anybody even want him for? what is the play value of a man undergoing a painful transformation? he cant even hold a gun or stand up straight. what photography could you do that didnt already appear in the cartoon? youre just gonna recreate the scene from the movie frame by frame? wow exciting stuff dude. the baby movie nobody liked? or are you going to do sonic the hedgehog tier fanfic of a baby movie?

i think whats going to happen is people are going to buy this ugly toy with the intent of reselling it. all. nobody actually wants it, they're gonna buy it hoping somebody else will want to buy it from them. a toy desired and owned exclusively by resellers. with nobody to resell it to except other resellers. it's like some ouroboros shit.
I mean, I don't like the cartoon nor will I buy it, but it's a cool looking toy, sometimes it's just nice having cool looking shit on your collection.
This feels like a parody of someone who doesn't buy toys
explain what youre going to do with it. reminisce about the dogshit baby movie while it sits on a shelf?
its just for resellers i know im right on the money on this 1. its why Hasbro is doing a strange preorder raffle for it, too. its extra dopamine for the resellers, theyre literally winning the lottery. "some idiot is going to buy this from me for a thousand bucks!" but its too ugly and from a shit movie so there is no idiot to buy it. its gonna trade reseller hands like 20 times then go in a storage unit and sit there.
Shit, did the movie break into your house and rape you or something?
Oh yes, the suicide H.I.S.S. tank
I saw Cobra Commander turn into a man-snake mutant and said "wow that's fucked up I want a toy of it". Simple as.
What are your predictions for tomorrow?
Mine are:

-HasLab Rattler crowdfound
-SDCC Once a Man Cobra Commander
-Render reveal Road Pig with pitbull, Starduster, Raptor and Zandar
-Pre-order Nemesis Immortal, Falcon 2-pack
when you think about it, most G.I. Joe and Cobra vehicles are suicide machines, what with all the open cockpits and everything.
This seems like a weird thing to get this heated about
They're awesome lol, I prefer the "realistic" side of Joe, but those weird vehicles are just lovable.
I will always enjoy that Cobra's idea of an attack helicopter is an open air go-kart with rotor blades
This REALLY feels like a parody of someone who doesn't buy toys
I had a orange version of that little crossbow thing when I was a kid and I had no idea what it was from because I didn't even collect GI Joes as a kid, so I don't know where I got it
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The orange version was from the Nigth Creeper Leader from 1993
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Ultimate Cover Girl's looking good.
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Some new images of the Super7 O-rings.
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>big lob reveal
>rattler was misdirection, its really thrasher and
>the thunder machine
>zandar up for preorder
a guy can hope. also, why do they call him nemesis immortal? is he a different character then nemesis enforcer?
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I really want that Zandar man, those Dreadnoks are getting strong after all these years.

On the Nemesis guy thing, it's supposed to be the same character but for some reason they changed his name. It's not even a Steel Brigade issue where other company got the name.
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B.A.T.s look great, but I don't know if I hate or if I like that simplified style on Snake Eyes.
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100% agree on zandar. the dreadnoks are my favorite guys. i have all of them and am currently trying to find motorbikes that look good with them. ive seen the harley models, but they are just a tad too small for everyone except zarana. ive heard the marvel legends punisher and cap america bike work, but last i checked they were almost 100 bucks each on ebay
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I don't trust showroom figures, especially ones from Super7
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I always kind of liked that for all the goofy ah shit like the Pogo and Buzz Saw, the early wave cobra stuff actually conveyed a decent battle plan.

The Hiss was never a MBT like the Joes had, it was too tall a silhouette and had weak weapons, BUT that tall vantage and fast firing weapon made it a great support armor for Infantry, which was where Cobra tended to shine with all of their highly specialized troop types. Combined with the Ferret and Stinger they made a highly mobile, Infantry focused fighting force that could do fast attacks and leapfrog enemy positions to entrench themselves. Their air corps supports this with a fast, light helicopter for infantry support and a beefy, VTOL tank killer jet as Close Support aircraft. They left their Anti-air to towed in tools like the HMS and ASP which could create a zone of air denial to protect their close support aircraft.

I don't know if that was at all intentional, or if I'm just pulling this all out of my ass.
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what a bunch of snowflakes
"C" is the best answer.
That "Armaments" picture is from a model kit, specifically Hasegawa's 1/72 scale Weapon Set V.
I'm assuming Snake Eyes was designed to be a Sunbow version that they could repaint a bunch of times as variants. I'm digging him more and more seeing him posed with his weapons. The only one that I feel is weak is the first appearance Cover Girl. She's a version that I know people want, but never excited me, and isn't the primary look she had for Sunbow. I hope they show off the Duke figure and Ramar, it'd be nice to see these guys showing up quick and regularly like the ReAction line.
some folks just can't appreciate a sneed easter egg baka
Has anyone who has a Classified Cobra Trooper done a boot swap with Retro Snake Eyes/Beachhead or regular Stalker?
The effort going into these is pretty admirable, I might pick a few up. It'll be way cheaper than trying to get vintage O-ring joes, that's for sure, and Hasbro's recent O-rings kind of sucked.
To be fair you have to have a fairly high level of media literacy to get the subtle inside joke that cheeto man is le bad and therefore is liked by le bad people.
The walmart stuff went up two hours early today. Grab that two pack if you want it. It'll probably be gone by the time its supposed to go live.
pulse has once a man, and their other sdcc stuff, up on the site already. You can't order anything, but the page is there if you want to get a head start on wearing out your f5 key.
Yeah, ive been looking for a decent bike too. Its proving kinda difficult to find something at a fair enough price and in a close enough size. Its either cheap kid toys that are the wrong size or fancy looking desk pieces for motorcycle fans.
It live again, got my order in. Not taking achance on a clearance since everyone wants that new Falcon headsculpt. Thanksfully it window boxed now and you'll be able to tell when swappers start returning them to physical stores with the old head.

It was the Rattler
God damn what a good lookin pair
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Stream where? Anyway, here's the pulsecon exclusive.
Stream starts at 5pm PST / 8 pm EST
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Two streams today, supposedly. That's the SDCC panel. There's another one listed on the pulse website that was supposed to be a regular youtube stream.
Is that just complete reuse of the retro Duke, including the head? Pretty lame
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The hair is slightly different. Duke didn't have any bits hanging down in front, but yeah that's his face.
Up up and away to the outlet section we go.
And all the accessories are reuse as well? That's extremely disappointing for an exclusive. Reminds me of those customs you'd see back in 2020 when people would just repaint 01 Duke into every character.
Isn’t that actually kind of good for an exclusive though…? Neat for those who want it, but most people will pass
I don't like seeing one character look exactly like another top to bottom, exclusive or not. This is why adherence to ARAH has become a detriment, cause technically that's all he was back then, but I would expect more nowadays
I mean yeah it’s all the same sculpt, but the face looks different enough to me.
Yeah that's how exclusives should be
Hopefully the two pack goes back up. Missed it.
From a company point of view an exclusive should be something that forces a person to waste time trying to get it. It needs to cause massive fomo. It needs to make people go to Target, go to Wal-Mart, go to Comic con.

From a normal person who isn't a giant evil asshole company point of view, an exclusive should be something you feel okay missing out on, so yes
Glad I skipped retro Duke.
It looks almost exactly the same from the photos I'm comparing, but I'll wait until official stuff comes out.
Exclusives should be low effort repaints, yes, but not when they're meant to be unique characters.

Looks like the WM collector site predorder servers melted. Just check back every hour.

Based. I'm tired of having important characters as exclusives. I can't complete my Cobra High Command because of Mindbender and Serpentor.
You could have him with the Steel Brigade helmet.
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Fangs coming soon, I guess.
Looking close I think that is just the retro one? We are probably still getting a classified version soon though.
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>modern mechanical wings
That's just a custom right?

It's a good concept, I like the blend between organic and metal. Really Metal Gear-esque.
HALO Jumper
Steel Brigade Commander
Cobra Shadow Guard
That looks sick
This is shit
Wish they hadn't put camo on his suit, he'd be a nice Airborne 2 stand in
I just don't care about Steel Brigade
Purple, lmao
Easy passes all.
I like it. The mechanical wings give him a Metal Gear boss vibe
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Reminds me of the wings from the MCU Spider-Man Vulture.
Did you want it to be more like the original
Filler with cape
What I buy Classfied for, strange man with gimmick
What a complete non-surprise. I guess it's just being announced at SDCC but not going up yet? Cause the longer they wait to start this the better, for me anyway.

I assume I preordered this because I got confirmation from Wal-mart. But I don't trust Wal-mart at all so it's honestly going to be a complete mystery if I actually get these two or not.

Neat, this is exactly what I want out of an exclusive. And again, I love how almost every Joe comes with a Steel Brigade helmet.

If real, sure I'd bite. I'm with that other guy who said this feels almost MGS-ish. Though the wings could've been bigger.

Either that's some *really* nice texturing and paint work, or that dude has an actual soft good backpack to hold his parachute. If so it's worth getting him for that alone.

Pass, neither of these interest me in the slightest.
Yep, right after we get the Cobra Stun and Triple T from Gen Hawks boxart. But I'll bet we get the Sky Hawk first to combat the Rattler. Both came out in '84 and is small like the Vamp for regular pulse release, a python patrol repaint, and slap some Destro's head chrome paint on it for a Sky Patrol release.
Joe pannel goes live in 6 hours.
And I think the same, including Steel Brigade helmets add so much army building potential.
You stupid fuckers, this is what ive been worried id fucking get. Fucking bullshit hasbro. Bull shit. Cheap lazy brained cock suckers. I dont want psyche out now, or dee jay or crysral ball. Just give him wings and a back pack. Thats it. Easy. Fuck.
Sorry, im venting but this is lame and im the only one who even likes raptor so its extra lame.
This is cool though
Nta but yeah, kinda. Like a hang glider type deal. Yeah, the mgs4 boss was cool but she had heavy firepower. Raptor does not. Ah well.
They totally based it on that
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Starduster is using an all-new headsculpt.
The fact that it looks so much like Duke would've made it a better Falcon desu
Dude chill, you nostalfags act as if Hasbro raped and killed your family.
Ah, thanks for the heads up, thought I missed something.

I want Psych Out, Dee Jay and Crystal Ball, especially if they get some nice new modern updates to their gear.

And I love Raptor, a weirdo tax man who goes crazy, throws on a bird cape and starts committing crimes with his trained pet, that's like something out of a cheesy golden age comic book. The new figure has the look mostly down, it's just instead of a cheesy cape, he gets an actual flight pack, which is a straight improvement as far as I'm concerned.
This almost feels like parody when you know they'll just release a classic version with cloth wings like eight months later
Fucker kinds of looks like Mainframe without helmet from the waist up. Hell, just paint the pants black to remove the camo and you have a perfectly usable stand-in for Mainframe until we get a proper figure.

Also, fuck Hasbro for not at least giving Raptor an optional cloth backpack. Or a head that at least screams "Bored accountant who decides to go full super-villain" nerd head sculpt.
They'll do a classic version later man
What? Raptor's an accountant?

Raptor's backstory is that he's a bored yuppie accountant and childhood friend of Fred, the Crimson Guardsman who "kills" Cobra Commander and takes over the identity for a while. When he finds out that Fred is part of Cobra and meets CC, he immediately begs to join Cobra. Going so far as to create his own super villain costume in the form of a falcon themed outfit to get CC to let him join.

He later fucks up by helping Fred bury a dying CC alive but doesn't make sure he's really dead. He becomes the Ronnie Gardocki to Fred's Vic Mackey while Fred runs Cobra but is killed by CC via burying him and other Cobra traitors alive in a volcano cave when the real CC returns.

Raptor being a bored crooked accountant and cosplayer is the only good thing about the character. The character is so retarded looking that Hama basically had to create an elaborate backstory for him to justify him being in the comic when Hasbro insisted that Raptor be the most prominently featured Cobra guys in the GI Joe comic out of all of the 1987 Cobra characters introduced that year.
In cases like this, they should just include an extra alternate retro style wing.
someone screwed up, site is up already for the raptor. $325
This first tier is fucking patches. Only two bonus figures at tier 2 and 3. Fuck you.
lol what a joke
the cock pit looks amazing
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Dang, it wasnt the Terrordrom with Firebat afterall.
I'm moderately annoyed by the fact that he doesn't come with a body harness. It would make a lot more sense and distinguish him from Duke instead of re-using his bandolier. That jetpack would just rip his shirt off and fly away.

In any case I can probably find something 3D printed on Etsy that would compliment him nicely.
I want it but I have no idea where the fuck I'd put it.
Its cool but way to big, and the tiers suck ass. I'm actually leaning towards pass. FOMO will probably make me back it at the last minute though.
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is that a warthog?
it is kind of funny they went ahead and gave us a white head. They knew a black guy right after patches wouldn't sell at all.
God, damnit I am sick of gaddamn baroness. Give me the brwon lady pilot, the blonde cobra trooper, any body else from cobra!
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Gaddamn, this is hot.
who's that?
its the baroness figure, she has several head/hair swaps.
oh shit well guess I'm getting it then
>>Body can be used later for a Early COBRA Baroness before she got the classic black suit
Holy shit that Baroness is as hot as the freaking sun
I actually think it looks too small
But I want it
Doesn't look anything like one
where's the panel news?
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Get in here.
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>Unmasked Wild Weasel
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>wings can fold up so it has a "can fit on a fucking shelf" option
Honestly surprised they thought to do that.
>Exclusive with mail in form and 3 UPCs from vintage GI Joe Action Stars Cereal
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Retro Card Name reveals.
Mind Bender, Rock and Roll, Heavy Duty, Cobra Viper so the leak was real.
Instant buys for me.
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Hint for something in the works. Anyone know what episode or comic this scene is from. It's definitely no Joe HQ.
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The Triple T x TF
Until they give me the updated articulation from the Crimson set in classic colors, they need to keep making her.
Oh...oh my peenus weenus.
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love it. wheres the goddamn quiver. going to have to repaint the headband and shoulder guards blue, but its a solid zandar i can be happy with
no wrist bow? thats egregious!!!
dreadnok lads are eating good, who do we have left even? zanzibar and monkeywrench right?
Wait, when did they announce this guy? completely missed him
i just realized hes wearing the wrist bow, i assumed it would be with the other weapons. i deserve your wrath, however for jumping the gun
Isn't that it right there on the left forearm? Also, my boy Thrasher.
how could i forget. i really dont go for the big vehicles, but i dont think i could pass up a thunder machine
what faggot at hasbro decided patches was a good idea for an unlock tier

still backed it though...
I'm a fucking sucker for a working parachute.
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Also Law and order I think as a minline.
i knew big lob was a stretch, but law and order is awsome. i wonder what i have to do to get red dog, taurus and mercer
Big Lob may be a stretch, but I feel he's in the cards a lot sooner than the likes of Captain Gridiron and Refrigerator Perry.
Is this the purple guy they had on display? I like it a lot more if he's actually all black like that
It is, I think it was the lighting from the photo booth that messed with the colors.
God dang it I want that dog
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This give me Jungle Viper vibes.
.....god damn. I initially told myself I'd be able to skip this whole set....but now I don't know.

While that Baroness figure is pretty fantastic, I completely agree. She should've at least had an alt generic face, though with the helmet you can say she's anyone. And while it's nice Femtroopers are getting used elsewhere, but this was a perfect spot for Raven. Though they might just be saving her for when they eventually get to that 4" long $600 Nightraven Haslab.

....this is way bigger then I expected it to be. Hopefully her extra head fits that Baroness body.

Neat. Leatherneck feels a bit boring, but slavish adherence to a 40+ year old design will do that. But the 'noks look great, Zandar looks like he came right out of Mad Max and Road Pig is all sorts of chonk. I'm impressed they made such a unique new mold for him. The Dog is also really nice.

I get that the TTT would be a good fit for this line, but why the hell would they use Kup of all characters as the bot mode? I don't care for either of the Autobot offerings, but I love the two Cons despite their glaring flaws. I just need a Stiletto Starscream to finish off the trio of main cons and I'll be happy.

I really hope Zanzibar gets his skiff. It's no bigger then the Quads or other smallish vehicles, so it'd be a great deluxe set.

There's no way they won't be making a mainline Thundermachine. Yes, it's longer then the Vamp, but it's not so obscenely huge they can't get it into that larger vehicle pricepoint.
I have so much shit for august...I want the rattler so bad tho
Yo, this is a great suprise.
F yeah!
Cool, really enjoy the figures in this subline so far so a female will be cool.
Alright, now i just need monkey wrench..
I could see myself grabbing this. >>11085615
Raptor?!? What kinda nerd wants this guy?
Idk, maybe.
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heyso christo, es grande
Easy pass
Those boots are hnnnngggg. Hope they use that foot mold in the future for other girls in high heel boots.
Need better pictures but I think they finally got it right. 4th time's the charm.
Did they forget he was inspired by Vernon Wells?
I backed it. Please get this to 18k.
They have to be careful with likenesses
Where the FUCK am I gonna put this
I don't know enough about GI Joe to get excited about these but the last two look exciting and strange so I bet I'll get them.
He was fun in the Cobra Comic but I would have gotten him anyway cause he's a freak like this >>11085564

I like the reveals
Seeing how big that thing is I think we can rule out ever seeing a classified Sky Striker or Night Hawk, because they're already huge even in 1:18. Still I'm real psyched and I think we can probably expect a Conquest in the future. Toy Gigante is working on a custom one built from one of those Lightyear toys that nobody bought.
Wait, hang on... do the wings rotate? Or just fold up?

I'm putting this dream to bed
Both. Shill video:
Is that dub Freeza from Dragonball Z as Cobra Commanders voice
Yeah but they didn't even at least do the body right
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If they did the body right they wouldn't get to release a classic version later on a retro card back anon
We've had this dance many times
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This harness might be a good fit for the jetpack.

New Road Pig looks so dense, that's awesome lol.
His serious face looks more sane, I believe it's a great contrast to alternate between the Donald and Road Pig alters.
Holy fudge its a big un. Ill get in on it in a few days, gotta get that sweet ass cobra airforce patch set.
i want to fuck this action figure
real hard
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Best GI Joe news all year.
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$325 Baroness figure. Comes with a free Cobra jet.
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You need this.
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That outfit minus the flight stuff is her blue outfit from the Mass Device mini series.
Yeah I'm hoping this is a Glenda situation where this is preemptive tooling. I don't have the room nor interest for a fucking Rattler, but I can squeeze another Baroness on the shelf
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This thing is going to get backed within 12 hours of being announced. Gi Joe fans are insane.

I'm definitely getting one.
Why not just call him Hit & Run?
Also, Classified is just a cool toy line.
I'm buying one and I didn't grow up with Joe at all, I just think it's cool and can afford it
Your picrel is essentially her look from ARAH #1 too.
This looks suicidal and it's giving me some major ryona vibes.
passing on the female soldiers.
why are they doing this, anyway? the women are the lowest sellers, always on clearance. name 1 cobra infantry that didnt sell out instantly besides the Valkyries. nobody wants these women.

buying everything presented today except the female soldiers. I don't even hate female soldiers in a fictional fantasy setting, and Scarlett retro is one of my favorite figures in this line, but it's becoming too much. especially on the cobra side. Did female cobra infantry ever even appear in the shitty baby cartoon, or in the 80s line?
i think the morbidly obese marketing hog on the couch, the marketing lead or whatever, doing the presentation, probably has something to do with this.
fuck, man... i don't buy 6 in, but i am definitely getting this guy!!
No, Hama was blackballed from Marvel by Bob Harras after Hama intentionally tried to get Generation X canceled by shitting on the book and fucking up characters left and right (most notably M, Penance, and Emplate) because he was super fucking pissy that Harras kicked him off of Wolverine in order to initiate a rotating roster of big named writers writing the book.
He didn't do that. A trading card company got the rights to make a line of GI Joe trading cards that included the rights to reference the Marvel Comic/use cover art from the Marvel Comic. But they had to also shill the newer GI Joe toys and stuff from the cartoon too.

As such, the card series was kind of fucked up in that Hasbro wouldn't let them do cards for Lady Jaye or Destro and a bunch of other key characters or cover artwork cards for any issue past issue 40 of the marvel series.

One of the things they did let them do however, was a bunch of cards for dead Joes and Cobra members (as this was after CC's return and not-Desert Storm arc that killed a lot of big name characters).... and Cobra La who were killed at the end of the movie.

So the trading card company got some random nobody that wrote the bios (as Hama cost too much to hire) and imply that some version of GI Joe the Movie happened in the comic book universe and that Cobra La was destroyed via an avalanche at the end of the "lost" arc.

The card set also retconned Crystal Ball as being from Cobra La and said he died in the same avalanche too.
So what the fuck? After years of hair pieces/hat accessories, Dial Tone and Leathneck are going to be the only ones getting a molded on hat to their head sculpt as their only display option?
Maaaan I got out of buying Joe's ages ago but now this dude is pulling me back in, maybe I'll just get him, Torch and Zarana and just have them be street generic street thugs, surely that'll stop me from going deep on the lime again...
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Gridiron and Valaverse btfo?
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I somehow never noticed the broken helmet that Wild Weasel comes with as an alternative. Holy fucking kino, broken helmets are badass.
The next Haslab after the Rattler better be the MOBAT to counter the HISS tank.
I wanna squeeze that Baroness allright
It's not gonna make bros. That 11K badges tier unlock really killed this one. Fuck Hasbro. Those are worse than the cardboard cutout for the Rancor.
Oh, I'm an idiot. That's a male FANG pilot. I was thinking it was the included female CLAW pilot. >>11085574 Guess the tease isn't just a tease >>11084605 and it's already in production.
Nah, the FANGs are just the Retro 3.75/4inch photoshopped in, the pilots are from the same set. While >>11085602
Isn't a male piloting that CLAW in the action shot.
They aren't worse than the cardboard crap, but they aren't particularly good as a standalone tier, nor from a design standpoint. Should have gotten one of the /k/ patch-making boys to do them.
Probably not, but even Hasbro does good some times.
Also gotta commend the photographer, almost got got her posed up convincingly.
when you preorder, it authorizes you actually have the amount in your account but doesn't charge it til later. i don't have 400 right now because it's the end of the month. but i'll order it next month.

there's lots of people doing same as me, or who haven't heard the news yet. and it'll also have the same thing as the other haslabs had later: corporations ordering some in bulk.
the gay homo cum fart disney star wars cantina was going to fail, and got a sudden 10000 or something on the last day. not coincidence. some store did it. same will happen here.
Dude it's been less than 24 hours
Finally I can get a Mindbender. I'm surprised they haven't rereleased Bludd yet
Is Quarrel the first Action Force character in Classified? I haven't been schooled on AF yet
>It's not gonna make it
>8000 out of 9000 in less than a day
>I'm surprised they haven't rereleased Bludd yet
All in due time. I have the CI version, so hopefully the retro card has an new robot arm and more silver to look more like his animation look.
It's bijouver, hasbro dun goofed.
I actually would have preferred the more modern looking CI version but it came out when I gave up on Classified cause the distribution was horrible. So happy I'm able to find most of the figures now
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Must not buy $350 airplane just for her.
No worries, resellers with mutiple rattlers will sell you one for $200 when it comes out.
Like people won't want multiples of her to show off her different looks.
just got Road Pig and Raptor off amazon. $86 for two figures is a fucking ripoff, delux ones or not.
How long is due time in human years?
holy moly
Bludd came out in '21, so announcement this Fall, release in 2025 Spr/Sum.
Uh heh heh yeah, the future sucks Butthead
The only thing stopping me is Hasbro's shitty shipping and customer service.
What issues have you had with their shipping? I haven't had any problems with it. I've only dealt with their customer service once, and that was a weird experience. I needed a part replaced, and after a few emails where I was just sort of led around in circles, I just bought the part off of eBay for a few bucks.
Yeah, this'll fund no problem.
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This guy is pretty cool but are these MCU Vulture wings?
>only at 8,939 backers
It's over bros, the Rattler is never getting funded...
The only thing stopping you is $27 and something you most likely won't have to use?
I guess it depends where you live
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh, i must have glossed over his re release news. Thanks man. I forget store exclusives have those windows of time before a re release can happen
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It's G.I. Joever...

I had moved and they wouldn't work with me in shipping an order I had pre ordered months in advance to a new address, giving me the run around with Fed Ex. Long story short I stopped using both their services and would rather buy/ship from a 2nd party. It's not like you save money with Hasbro.
Definitely inspired, but way smaller and with an extra articulated point.

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