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Get hype!
Based baker putting the best theme as the OP pic.
Remember when people bitched about this looking bad before we got

Sorry to hear about your coma.
I am glad the dragonborn is more gold now instead of the puke green, but still wish they stuck with yellow heads for the characters (DND set included), just annoying to have the elf ears that only work with nougat and Githyanki yellow-green... Also feel only a few will warrent multiples like mind flayers or dragonborn...
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I like their weird heads and little legs
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i just got 2 zblob cars and crococar.

That Night Hunter will be finally mine!
and i will get lots of useful pieces with those 2 blobcars.
>Remember when people bitched about this looking bad before we got
Not surprising. Pic: >>11074491 is AI-slop that made colors bad

i hated it because it looked like the whole CMF line is brown colors...Like generic HBO-fantasy where everything is dirty/grey/dull.
I absolutely don't care about this cmf heads.
I'm excited about bodies and accessories and will be using yellow heads.
Also why the hell there is no archetype of a "strong fantasy warrior"... like dwarf or barbarian or somerhint like that. With beard and angry
i guess dragonborn took his place because hes a "warrior"? (i dont know that much about DnD But i love fantasy)
that plus some basic fixes in how you pose things can go a long way. just look at the witch, simply swapping the face out and having her interact with the accessories gives it so much more life.
the vampire and witch both have different expressions, and it's apparently been confirmed that the alternate male/female faces will be separate heads instead of dual-sided. so it's likely each head will have an alt expression on the back
0 bad figs, second time in a row...Impresive!
dreamzzz bad
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Blocks your path
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>dreamzzz bad
fleshy extermination squad?
All of these seem neat to me. Like the weakest is maybe the gay bard and the axe lady but I wouldn't mind any of these.
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June 1st 2025
At least you could turn the bard into a cute tomboy because includes a female face.
>At least you could turn the bard into a cute tomboy because includes a female face.
I will make a sexy berdaded gay bard. He will be using "charm" spell on all males and fucking them in non stop
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interesting releases for City next year. i wonder if we'll get a spiritual revival of 6335 with it.
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I like them, but wish it had more archetypes known outside of DnD community.
I don't know half of these and would love just cool fantasy stuff.

For example - who tf is this? She seems so specific. You can't use this minifigure outside it's lore (it's some jungle-thing-priest-close-to-dark-magic?)

They could easily replace this with a much better widely known archetype like ...a WIZARD? (now they just have a witch) or a Dwarf...
Buddy... the red hair black one is a dwarf...
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what the ACTUAL FUCK
this is a dwarf??!?!?
I thought it's some...northern amazon black woman or something

what kind of bullshit is this
>typical DND enjoyer
fucking christ now im pissed

Why on earth would anyone make a dwarf look like that
why she has a fur collar
the alternate male head has a printed on beard. or you can just use your own as intended
It's still dressed as some rich person from California.
dwarfs wear helmets - not that stupid "man bun" hair...geez...

and printed beard will be too small - a proper dwarf needs a separated beard piece
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Based dreamzzzzzzzz and Monster Fighters enjoyer
Dude, relax… it’s just plastic
I want to high five the guy that designs the Lego Batman paper bags, they had the gall to not only give a set with the Joker with a crowbar twice. They referenced the infamous scene in comics where the Joker beat Jason Todd to death.
your the one sperging out over toys
>dude just turn your brain off it's just a toy/game/etc. :)
your brain is clearly already off
kek got eeem
Who are they and why are they blocking my path?
this is what I imagine most of you look like.
You are a pathetic lego cuck
was I spot on? I'm guessing you look like the guy on the right.
You know you can replace the head with something else, right? It's LEGO. It's not glued together.
>lots of replies
>look inside
>it's just retard zoomers shitting

20s is worst lego community times.
It's either faggot afols or retard zoomers.

God i fucking hate shit.
How LEGO thread of all things turn into a place where nobody is friendly and nobody posting their photos and just being a dickhead.
Who knows what they've done with her in 5th Ed., but she was originally the ruler of the city of Sigil. O remember her most from being on the back of the Blood Wars CCG cards.
>lots of replies
No one in this thread got more than 3 outside of the second post. Can you even count
Is the dude with the eyeball staff standard minifigure yellow or is he off-yellow (gay)
who is jang always arguing with in his videos
His imaginary critics
he's arguing with the comments that he deletes so it makes him seem like a whiny psychopath.
he just needs to hire a mod and forget about it.
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I posted my bug
when is the release?
The MOC thread has mostly only pictures of what people are building. Ive probably ruined it temporario
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His former self
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Those drivers that did not stop on that fateful day.
They say time is a healer but alas nothing has worked in this case, 12 long painful years since he starred into the abyss and say the true nature of man. Perhaps the destruction of New Jang city and its reconstruction as a car free model railway will be a step forward.
It's huw (the Stalin leader of Brickset) and some reddit basedboy who runs rebrickable
Nobody. Even. Stopped.
the ghosts of his dead wives
I want YOU to stop
>the Stalin leader of Brickset
tell me more.
dreamz theme feels like an excuse to dump spare parts that got over printed
this it's literally modern time twisters
retardio? also NIGGERS
time twisters had soul, dreamzzzzzzzyawn not
Time to change my diapers you huge lego cuck
This is like someone who witnesses a murder and starts killing hoboes and prostitutes to try to recapture what he felt.
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>this it's literally modern time twisters
literally nothing like that you autistic classicfag.

It's just 80-90s gimmicky action figure theme with wild vehicle-sets.

It's also super KINO. It's insanely popular within kids and will be an inconic well remembered theme by them when they will be around 20-30.
Screencap this.
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>It's also super KINO.
Remember to kill licensefags. Behead licensefags. Roundhouse kick a licensefag into the concrete. Slam dunk a licensefag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy licensefags. Defecate in a licensefags food. Launch licensefags into the sun. Stir fry licensefags in a wok. Toss licensefags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a licensefags gas tank. Judo throw licensefags into a wood chipper. Twist licensefags heads off. Report licensefags to the IRS. Karate chop licensefags in half. Curb stomp pregnant licensefag whores. Trap licensefags in quicksand. Crush licensefags in the trash compactor. Liquefy licensefags in a vat of acid. Eat licensefags. Dissect licensefags. Exterminate licensefags in the gas chamber. Stomp licensefag skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate licensefags in the oven. Lobotomize licensefags. Mandatory abortions for licensefags. Grind licensefag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown licensefags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize licensefags with a ray gun. Kick old licensefags down the stairs. Feed licensefags to alligators. Slice licensefags with a katana.
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Dude you probably a zoomer. around early 20s. of course a politically active retard who grew up with Marvel movies and ironic humor won't like genuine kiddish theme about fantasy and dreams and frenship.

You are a slop of a human being. Dreamzzz is pretty much outside of your IQ
>insanely popular with kids
Lmfao! Not at all dude.
Source- my kids.
>dreamzzz is pretty much outside your iq
Did loganchan and his two moms tell you to say that?
>time-themed clock tower set with giant gears sticking out
>gears don't move
Absolute wasted potential.
>three equidistant equal-length hands that can't move relative to each other
That's a shitty clock.
Also, I find it hilarious that this of all things is the context in which they choose to finally make a solid grey recolour of that weird triple lightsaber hilt thing.
Also also, from the thumbnail that blue fuck looks like he's holding a machete and trying to lure the cat thing closer so he can kill and eat it like some sort of Kowloon City bugman.
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> like ...a WIZARD?
I figure they are meant to balance and go with the ones from the Red Dragon’s Tale set which had a proper dwarf cleric and elf wizard.
>Source- my kids.
Well. You have shitty kids.
>I figure they are meant to balance
with a $9999 set not many people bought?

also that brown elf doesn't look like wizard. Looks like ninjago character.
What the fuck did they completely lost connection with fantasy genre?
>gears don't move
>Absolute wasted potential.
Adding working mechanism that makes 2 gears move would rise the price of that set and you would be whining about price.
it would be cool if there was some way you could mix and match the parts to make what you want
>not having your holy symbol tattooed on the palm of your hand or at least displayed on your shield
What a shit-tier cleric
Kino dnd
Imagine a MtG cmf
Holy shit, that looks like actual yellow.
>Fagic the Gaythering
How about no.
Also it's kinda cool that they're sticking with the printed stand-plates. Not as cool as the Space CMF starfield ones, but still a good trend.
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Minifig of the year right here.
new wing piece is good
Is that from the new Harry Potter leak?
oooh its a Githyanki
I thought it was just a yellow elf.
Really? Looks like hermione.
https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=33009px4 Anybody got some lego book bricks they wanna own? This one looks nice personally
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I remember having the set this came from and I always thought the books were neat. I think pic related was my favorite part from it though. Even if I didn't care about HP as a kid those sets were a god-tier parts pack.
It looks like what it is, a boring 30-year-old modern woman's shit-tier witch cosplay.
One of the orange/backdrop ones came with one each of pink, lime, blue, and red transparent wand pieces, which was sweet at the time as a lightsaber blade parts pack.
round em up
I wish I wasn't poor but even if I was rich I would use my money to buy all the Rock Raiders chiefs and destroy them to fuck with people.
Time Travelers was kino.

Not as kino as Time Twisted though.

Dreamzzz is ok if you like one or more of the aesthetics.
So, it seems we get playsets for dnd in march

6 sets

What could they be?
Yeah it's nice. Would have looked better though if they had of done it in a different colour. Like a dark gray plate with light gray printed stonework. Or even a brown or dark green plate with gray stonework.
Will lego make minecraft the movie sets?
This is what minecraft will look like in 2012
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Bless me father for I have sinned
More likely a Githzerai, outfit doesn't look very Githyanki.
Or much more likely just a flavourless Gith PC meant to accurately portray players who pick moderately obscure and/or freakshit races to be special snowflakes then still just play as if they're a normal human.
If it's city then it's gonna be generic teams rather than real world ones right? I'm still waiting on a red bull or a new ferrari set.
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Lego would never
I'm not super interested in the other ones in this series (apart from the dragonborn) but holy shit I need this minifigure.
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not a christcuck company
Hail Satan!
>Captcha: STKD
No one likes jews, christians (jew 2 return of the Jew) or Muslims (the Jew strikes back). They’re all just a bunch of Neolithic desert pedos listening to voices in their heads. Grow up. Embrace odin the allfather.
That you catkiller?
Jang's had diminishing returns in views/revenue for years now and there's been a slow but steady decline in his mental health as a result
he's approaching breaking point. Give it another year or two and we'll get "the rise and downfall of jang" video essays
Cats are Satan's helpers. So you better watchout basedcuck
>unironic Marvel Thor LARPaganigger
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Why are people convinced that pad printing is expensive, and that's why LEGO still makes stickers, when a small Eastern European company can put a whole bunch of pad printed bricks in every set and avoid using stickers?
Ok shitposting polfag. let me get that b8

These low quality companies have a smaller circulation than lego = they can afford prints.
The quality of the plastic is worse = less costs overall, which means you can spend money on prints
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I have been working on this custom pagan / hyperborean army for my lego castle world, but I can't come up with a name for them. Any ideas?
Looks awesome anon.
This is one of the most retarded posts I've seen in a very long time. And I browse /x/.
The latter point might make sense, though we don't know what the quality and actual comparable cost is, but your first point makes no sense.
>These low quality companies have a smaller circulation than lego = they can afford prints.
If distribution is more limited then volumes are (considerably) lower and so manufacturing costs will be (considerably) higher (I don't recall if lego owns the factories they use, but some small random company certainly won't own any). That's just how it works.

The truth is Lego could easily fit prints into the budget while maintaining profits. They could also add more pieces, more minifigures, more new element, etc and still maintain profits, but the reason they don't is because those would-be profits don't fit in with their desired (and expected by shareholders) profit margins. And that's fine, it's just how corporations work. There's no need to try to justify why they don't do something, especially compared to much smaller companies.
polytheistic jerks
go back to chink faggot thread you subhuman.

This is LEGO thread. A top tier european company. You wouldn't be able to afford our products anyways kek.
>10 Insider points have been deposited to your account
that's why you're poor.
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Actual sets or minidoll slop?
The Battle Boars
Love this guy
Looks like he is full of whimsy and joy
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dream scenario would be a new Black Pearl and a Flying Dutchman with the third set being a shitty brickbuilt figure, the most likely scenario is it's 3 shitty brickbuilt figures
Screencap from the schizo in the previous thread but some points feel relevant
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I'm a faggot and forgot to link it lul
It's gonna be 3 mechs based on various poc ships.
why would you save this crap?
it's funny and more original than most garbage put on /lg/ these days
Cope. Fleshies are the future.
I don't agree with all of this. Some of the changes Jang made (separate channels for separate content, long video names etc) are the kinds of things every creator chasing the youtube algorithm is doing and I'm pretty sure it's even recommended by the youtube creator studio educational material

I agree with the superficial judgement of jang's appearance, people might not consciously acknowledge it but I think it's had a meaningful impact

Jang was a product of his time, he's got the typical stubbornness of someone who was in IT around the turn of the century and he hasn't been able to keep up with what appeals to the youtube audience. Some of this is SEO algorithm shit, but also he's now 1-2 generations removed from the primary youtube audience. The people who watched his videos 10 years ago have grown up, gotten jobs and don't have the spare time to consume as much of his content (if they even still do)
His era is over, he knows it's happening and wants to believe he can fix it, but I don't think it's possible and it's driving him mad. He's a workaholic to an unhealthy degree and it's only getting worse as he rationalizes that it's all necessary to save his content creator career
>tasteless licensefag
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jang fucked up, I used to like his videos. his forgiving overly positive attitude always rubbed me the wrong way. you know he's desperately trying to cling onto his comfort toy.
then he started making these passive-aggressive comments at fans of old lego.
it's annoying
then started doing these ironic fan things "I understand the joke you're making at my expense and I'm laughing with you wink wink lego" kind of stuff.
it's cringe.
he was really pushing bionicle g2, knowing the fans hate it. then the moment it was cancelled, he went on a 'good riddance into the trash it goes" rant.
it's dishonest.
him building a city was the main draw for me. then he just stopped for years. then with every update he destroyed something in a very self mutilating fashion claiming "change is good, this gives me good vibes, deal with it."
him blaming his fans for his lack of progress is kinda stupid.
m-muh commenters!
train autism. he loves trains. this is a train layout now, not a city. this is a train channel. I grew to hate them because of him.
fuck trains.
his endless twitch shilling. he created a hugbox for himself, where he shits his pants laughing at memes flooding the screen. I don't want to be part of this zoomer shitfest.
I can finally let go, knowing he's stuck in an endless spiral of depression and self destruction.
he's trying hard to appear relatable and nice, but the more you watch the more you understand how bitter, resentful and broken he is. arrogant even. I feel bad for him. maybe it's just his age showing and we'll all turn out like him sooner or later.
Jesus fuck dude, could you format your shit bitter, because that was fucking PAINFUL to read.
Holy Shit fuck off back to kiwi farms
Man, Dreamzzz is litteraly "Good looks, bad sets"
The tower LOOKS great but there is nothing to do inside. there is barelly any space.
They are designed as eyecatchers, not propper playsets.
Shut up classicfag
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>jack sparrow's black pearl mech (15$)
>jack sparrow and davy jones brickheadz (30$)
>pirates of the carribbean logo diorama (200$)
I laughed but then I cried.
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The way I see it the so called SOVL people say old lego has is the simplicity of the builds. Nowdays every set is packed with small and big details it's almost overwhelming. Is it necessarily bad? No, but sometimes it sure is nice to keep it simple
Guys, what happened to Just2Good?
It's been weeks between videos, and even if he makes a video it barely makes it over 10k views.
I know he stopped making unboxing and review covers, because they only got a fraction of views they used to get, and only makes news videos.
But he hasn't made any videos on the news from the past weeks? I thought Justin was going to own the transphobes by continuing to make videos even if nobody watched them?
He thinks that he can create movies, so he is now busy with multiple projects funded with money from his lego channel and probably blackrock if it's lgbtq propaganda. He also wants to focus more on reviewing movies. In a way it seems self destructive, since his lego channel is his main source of income. I guess the illegal hormones he gets shipped to his house to inject himself with are deluding his brain into thinking he can make a fortune making trans movies.
Thinking of getting a couple dragon paladins, 1 vamp, 1 witch, undead dude
50/50 on squid, dragon chick, maybe the dwarf for parts.
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jangus sounds like a steve brule word
I'd be more than happy if a new Pearl or Queen Anne's Revenge or Dutchman released.
He'll I wouldn't even mind another Silent Mary provided it was more detailed than their first attempt
Yeah, I'd say that right. The problem is "Fuck the chuds, I can make whatever I want." only goes so far when your income depends on your audience. Just2Good's fans have moved onto other legotubers, and only his simps have stuck around. Him transitioning did not destroy his YouTube channel, his reaction to his long time fans turned on him, if Justin put the mask back on, didn't talk with that rediculous voice, and kept up normal posting nobody would have cared.
Instead he tanked his main career over his sissy fetish. I hope his movies flop, everybody knows trans "women" can't direct for shit.
He. That thing is a man.
Years back I used to really enjoy his stuff even if he came off as incredibly autistic. I liked the idea of a small time creator making it big and seeing him not only troon out but also double down by putting his fat disgusting goblino face in front of the camera to "own le chuds" made me lose any shred of sympathy I may have once shared. No idea he moved on past lego but am glad he did since he'll fall into irrelevancy even sooner with the ever looming noose drawing nearer too.
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The content creator we used to enjoy doesn't exist anymore.
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One reason why these sets are looked back on with such fondness by those who remember was the fact that many of the sets connect together; this helped the collector feel like they were building towards a mighty fortress or perfect village. With every purchase you where not just building your collection but your actual structure. Picrel is an example of a few combined sets.
New video!

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>The way I see it the so called SOVL people say old lego has is the simplicity of the builds. Nowdays every set is packed with small and big details it's almost overwhelming.
By your stupid logic picrelated is peak soul 2024.
He's busy setting up his onlyfans.
I feel sad for him because it feels like losing a friend. I watched his videos a lot as a teen, circa 2016. I kept up with video for years, still the same Justin, then something snapped, the death of a personality. The alienating feeling like seeing a loved develop altzimers.
He had it all, a successful YouTube channel, a great body and face, a loving girlfriend, and more Lego than the average collector would see, then he threw it all away. He's an ugly faggot who complains about not getting as much views as he used to a moans about not being into Lego anymore.
I miss the old Justin.
With that ugly cunt it will be out of necessity only his shitty simps would give him the time of day
lich and witch are ok, urchinhead as well, rest looks completely random. LEGO should go back to original ips.
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true, that's also something they miss now. The relation between sets, those photos containing all the sets (pic) and not just separate png's, the webpage for each theme with its animations and online games... even the tv ads added something

a bit unfair to compare a small set, but I'm glad you brought an example to clear my point - look at all those prints, the roof tiles, all the new small pieces. The more you look the more details your brain has to process. maybe in a small set it's not very apparent, but try to compare a big set from 2024 and a big one from 20-30 years ago.
fuck off sperg.
I like some of the new Dreamzzz sets. The nightmare creatures set and big raven look lit.
>a bit unfair to compare a small set, but I'm glad you brought an example to clear my point - look at all those prints, the roof tiles, all the new small pieces. The more you look the more details your brain has to process. maybe in a small set it's not very apparent, but try to compare a big set from 2024 and a big one from 20-30 years ago.
I think your brain just becaume more stupid as you grew older.
I have no idea why are you whining about this crap here.
You clearly a minority in this bullshit tier opinion
Agree but dnd is broad enough im ok with people getting a little exited :-)
Are you 11? lego makes like a billion wizard figures and you can take them apart and swap the pieces to make your own lmao. They've even thought about this with the figure designs, none of the figures have skin showing so it's super easy to put any head on them and customise them to your liking.
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What did leaker Tandbricks mean by this?
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Legendary cmf
most likely. can't wait to see how they'll fuck up the transporter trucks tho and make it unaffordable for kids because they made the recent sets bigger for no reason. [spoiler]still no functioning doors.[/spoiler]
That has doors though
This set looks kino when integrated with El Dorado Fortress/Barracuda Bay

Each to their own?
yeah, but their latest Car Transporter doesn't. actually that truck is an anomaly because they release mostly door-less trucks nowadays.

Lego did this to us. They made their toys political which is the most divisive thing they could possibly do. And now there is division.
Lego and Funko Pop investing have had a negative impact on both communities. The overproduction of items by companies due to the demand from collectors and investors has led to shelfwarming, where products sit unsold on shelves. This artificial inflation of value by hoarding items has resulted in high toy prices. If collectors and investors did not drive up demand, prices would be lower, leading to better quality products and a more balanced market.
That has a door too
The Funko bubble burst and now you see them selling online for pocket change. The fad died out, collectors lost interest and the retards who were starting to get into it dumped pretty fast. The hype around Lego is still going strong but soon enough you'll see the exact same thing happen to it. Retired sets that now cost 5x the RRP will become cheaper than the RRP.
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Httyd would be kino
Simpsons can fuck off they alredy had their 5 minutes
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Hey, now that i think about it
Isn't this new dragon head litterally just toothless?
They already in the shops? I thought they weren't meant to be out until september?
Actually it was me. I did it. I caused the split and the strife and I’m still doing it. I did it for no other reason than boredom and pettiness.
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im going to be buy this in non stop.
I wont even care about dupes because i love them all. With these things you will never ever need any more fantasy sets.
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I wish legacy could come back and give us the rest of the dragons
This one is what cole titan mech is to other mechs: a concept pushed to perfection (with budget of the set in mind)
The motion dragon is alright but foldable wings cannot be beat.
your pathetic
looks like shit
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I really hate how lego went back on fabric wings and keeps using plastic
Now here's a grey shape I can get behind.
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>buy this in non stop
So much this. I'm heavily preparing for this cmf series right now - for example i got some Nexo Knights enemies (picrelated ball guys are perfect weird little fantasy enemies) because it has demons.

The most difficult part-to get a neat fantasy set that will have enough place to play around and battle.

But yeah i'm going to build shit ton of fantasy characters
>picrelated ball guys
Wrong pic.

Damn Nexo Knights was a KINO theme during 1st season.
so many cool vilalins that work outside of nexo theme
>So much this
you have to go back
I guess i will just order a case online.
No need to waste time in stores only to get multiple of the supposed female dwarf figure, since it's the most generic and worst figure of the series.
You can't compare funko tards with LEGO.
Lego will keep going strong. If you invest, you just have to look more carefully which sets have potential. Funkoslop is all the same garbage that even had to get dumped in a landfill.
>You can't compare funko tards with LEGO.
You're right, Funko collectors aren't nearly as deranged or mindless
>I guess i will just order a case online.
>No need to waste time in stores only to get multiple of the supposed female dwarf figure
I'm pretty sure scannable option will arrive pretty soon.
But yeah ordering a case and later just scanning stff in scores is optimal
>female dwarf figure, since it's the most generic and worst figure of the series.

it's male dwarf as well because it has a bonus male head
and amazing torso - axe - fur collar
this cmf series has no duds maybe except bard elf. i would be fine just getting 2 maximum
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bros how do I get into lego pirates? I always wanted a lego pirate ship as a kid, but my family was kinda poor so while I did have lego pirate sets, it was mostly only the small sets, as well as the megabloks pirates which were really cheap. The only pirate ship type set I ever had was 7072 Pirate Boat.... I looked up some of the pirate ships online a bit and found they were all kinda crazy expensive.... What do I do to get into them? I was kinda hoping there would have been something smaller around the $40-50 mark, but no dice.
To be honest with you, this looks pretty good. With a classic lego minifigure it would be Kino
Are those boats yours? They look very nice. Sometimes, less is more
They aren't. I don't have anything like that, unfortunately. The one on the left is from eldorado fortress, and the one on the right is from imperial trading post.
Nah, mouseslop is never soul.
I'm looking at those sets and they are really nice. Pure SOVL. You could be inspired by these ships and make your own Moc
To me the dud is the dwarf figure, but that's because all other figures look supreme compared to it.
>Pure SOVL.
i hope soon people who use this retarded thing start dropping dead
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>ESG has infected minecraft
Is no theme safe?
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Gotta go chinese for affordable pirates. Can find knockoffs of the Pirates of the Caribbean boats for around 50$.
Can also get some Enlighten pirate boats for 35$~ through aliexpress. Enlighten 307 and 311 are both a bit smaller than the Black Pearl but decent for what you're paying.
Chink bricks aren't as good as Lego but the prices are much cheaper.
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If money is your concern, a new copy of this set is only like $15 right now. I quite like it.
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The harpy from earlier this year desperately needed that wing piece. I still like her but she looks pretty rough from the side.
I got banned from brickset after commenting the single word "gay" in response to an article about "gayfols".
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Thanks, they were fun to build. I've got a Queen Anne's Revenge knockoff that's waiting to be built as well. Gonna wait for my fiance to build that together though since I've put a bunch of boats together on my own lately. They'll go together nicely with my Silent Mary I snagged on clearance at Target years ago. I prefer buying actual Lego but when it's an old retired set and the knockoff is 10% of the price for 75% of the quality...
Going to get an Imperial Flagship KO soon as well.
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>*mogs your classicslop*
Classicfags on suicidewatch.
this looks so comfy and kino. If i had any interest in city-building i would be so happy for this.

it also works insanely good with that AFLOP slop Jaws set
This is like a blank canvas. You can modify and be creative.
In this other one everything is detailed and predefined.
This isn't mogging
>Is no theme safe?

don't want toxic bricks in my house
>*teleports inside your foreskin* pssh nothing personnel goy
It's almost a really good figure but it's just a mess. The claws also don't really work but you can remove them.
Chima is back?
>But yeah ordering a case and later just scanning stff in scores is optimal
That what I did with the space cmf and I got pretty much all the ones I wanted. I dunno what to do with the dues though as nobody seems to be buying them off ebay.
Suck more corporate dick you faggot
Poorfag cope
Hi! I've been gone and not payed attention for quite a few months. Any cool Legos lately?
The only "blank canvas" here is your nostalgia rotted brain.
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>*mogs your classic and modernslop*
uhhh no
Anybody get any of the magazines with metal tins recently? They're so cool.
I have a stack of Ninjago ones with the Darth Vader one (although I'm disappointed I got the boring square one instead of the shape of Darth Vader's helmet), they're so good for storing minifigures and pieces and look really cool.
Why didn't they use the regular neck bracket with a 1x2 plate then the clip plates? You know, like how sandtrooper packs are built.
They... did?
In retrospect, the era of Lego roughly between 2005 and 2015ish feels pretty weird. It was like the awkward teenage phase, the transitional period that ended unique charm and simplicity of the 80s and 90s, and slowly growing into the more sophisticated builds we see today.
Name one thing better than translucent bricks.
I love translucent pieces.
Whenever I see translucent parts in a bag I get excited and cant wait to get to build with them.
what are some good sets which make good use of them?
what retarded youtuber did you parrot this braindead take from?
Not everyone watches youtubers like you zoomie, it's my own opinion after having been in this hobby for som any decades.
>braindead take
>my own opinion
don't admit that
The one problem is that they're so much more fragile, especially now that quality is worse overall. Transparent 1x1 round cylinders/cones/studs *will* develop cracks the first time you use them.
Anyway, not really what you asked, but I'd love to see some proper Green Lantern sets with construct builds. That would be a goldmine of transparent pieces in potentially seven different colours.
Come to think of it, fragile is the wrong word there. More like brittle.
I really think half of you cunts are sausage fingered retards managing to break things not of the brittle vintage bits
>The one problem is that they're so much more fragile, especially now that quality is worse overall. Transparent 1x1 round cylinders/cones/studs *will* develop cracks the first time you use them.
Not a SINGLE piece of mine from the past 10 years has ever had cracking or breaking. Why are so many people saying Lego bricks crack? I'm convinced it's a smear campaign by rival brands or a meme repeated by two or three guys.
Sole exceptions in my experience are two instances of old brittle brown in a 2010 set which I believe Lego has had fixed for a while.
>inb4 Lego shill
I agree the quality has gone down with printing opacity, mold injection marks, and color consistency. It's all gotten worse. But cracking? No. Do you guys display your sets directly in the sunlight? Do you frequently drop hammers on your builds?
I’m sure they don’t when you just put them on the shelf faggot.
I bet you take your minifigs and bash them together while making sound effects like a 5 year old does with his WWE action figures.
>he doesn't take his minifigs and bash them together while making sound effects like a 5 year old does with his WWE action figures
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If Jang is half black does it mean he's allowed to say the N-word?
Lego would never get so bad they’d even put a cracked torso on boxart. Oh wait.
Where is the crack
Translucent neon bricks
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Word City has probably the weirdest modern City builds i've ever seen, sometimes bordering on fantasy like Jack Stone. Lego only got modern City right around early 2010's
Your point is fair and I'll admit that but dark red had the same problem that brown did all those years ago.
Ball joints
Ratchet joints
That white LoM cockpit is sex though unf
There is no such thing as "tRaNs-NeOn-LiGhT-gReEn" or "tRaNs-NeOn-OrAnGe", there is only trans-lime and trans-orange, as opposed to shitass-zoomer-trans-green and shitass-zoomer-trans-orange.
Has Lego ever done a hand print before?
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Nice breasts
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man I must have blocked these out of my memory because most of them are so painfully terrible looking

>tfw not even a second wave with elmer fudd, pepe le pew, foghorn leghorn and yosemite sam but yet we have fucking petunia pig so they could squeeze in women
if they were so hellbent on adding a hole it should have at least been witch hazel
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You can get boat parts off Bricklink for pretty cheap. I mean the hull bow/stern bricks, both the six-wide and the wider ones. The mast pieces you can get for a dollar each too. Basic bricks, plates, and other common parts can fill in the rest of the hull. I bought the new Eldorado sails off Bricklink to make picrel, but to save money and have more custom shapes you can buy a square of plain calico fabric for a few bucks and cut out your own.
For minifigs, check out PaB. They have the soldier parts from the new Eldorado Fortress plus pirate hats, torsos, and weapons. If you want classic ones you could buy them on Bricklink or keep an eye on FB marketplace for good deals.
>tfw not even a second wave with elmer fudd, pepe le pew, foghorn leghorn and yosemite sam but yet we have fucking petunia pig so they could squeeze in women
i swear incel faggots will find a thing to cry about ANYWHERE. even a tiny toon cmf of all fucking things lmao
What did she mean by this?
You're either not familiar with Looney tunes at all or you're being wilfully ignorant.

The characters he listed are legendary icons, petunia pig is completely irrelevant. Do you really not see how fans could feel shafted by this?

Imagine they do a avatar last airbender cmf wave and they don't include katara and toph but they include haru and jeung jeung
Notice anything?
>Imagine they do a avatar last airbender cmf wave and they don't include katara and toph but they include haru and jeung jeung
i didnt watch avatar at all because it looked like some westaboo-show. But i got that zoomers have nostalgia for it
cry about it
elmer and redneck guy are fucking ugly. Having both pigs is a much better choice.

I won't believe that out of the sudden incel zoomer faggots are fucking ELMER FUD fanboys.
You just found another thing to cry about
Imagine they do a SpongeBob cmf wave and they don't include Sandy and Mrs Puff but they include Bubble Bass and Squilliam. That's what happened here

Elmer Fudd is without a doubt one of the most iconic Looney Tunes characters which goes to show you aren't arguing in good faith at all

You don't know the meaning of that word, Atla is the opposite of westaboo
Atla came out in 2005, show is nearly 20 years old
I gave you the benefit of the doubt but now I can safely declare you a certified moron
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Post sigfigs!
Pure SOVL.
Just picked pic related up for 6 Eurobucks last friday out of complete boredom.
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A new gwp
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>one of the best Star Wars sets in a while
>based on universally loved classic sets
>$300 on aftermarket
Fuck. Right. Off.
The last exclusive anniversary minifig is in a gwp? What the actual fuck are they thinking?
He is some kind of half arab
I wanted that droid so bad and it's in a gwp set wtf fuck lego mother fucking asshole bitches
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>What the actual fuck are they thinking?
I refuse to believe. Otherwise I will actually be that asshole flipper for one time in my life.
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>I wanted that droid so bad and it's in a gwp set wtf fuck lego mother fucking asshole bitches
>>$300 on aftermarket
>Fuck. Right. Off.

based lego raping AFOL asees
Look up the set number, it starts with 40xxx, those are for gwps. Retail set would be starting 7xxxx

Hollywood needs to fucking die.
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>hate Minecraft because its assosiated with retarded screaming children with shitty mics
>they release a fucking movie
>lol what a stupid ide...
>it has Jack fucking BLACK

fucking based.
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R2-KT, a pink astromech droid, was made by the fan group 501st Legion for another SW fan, a girl who was undergoing cancer treatment, to cheer her up (she passed away in 2005)

Filoni heard about this sweet story, and included the pink droid in the Clone Wars series as QT-KT

thanks, Lego for making a minifig version of that droid.

but a sincere "shame on you" warning if this is indeed going to be a GWP requiring hundreds of dollars-worth of purchase. that's just plain mean, to make people pay so much money to get one of these pink droids.

it could be argued that they are giving it away "for free" but we all know that the limited-time-availability, combined with the insane amount they will likely ask you to spend to get a set this big ($200? $300? maybe more?) is a big ASK for the fans. but they KNOW it will work to sell tons of sets.... I feel terrible for all the fans who do not have such income to "afford" to get a "free" set

and just in case NOBODY AT LEGO KNOWS the story behind QT-KT... they BETTER be giving some of those (ALL OF THOSE?) dollars spent to get this droid... to cancer treatment/research charities...
I wouldn't call the mold in your crusty cum sock 'kids'.
Im going to get as many paladin dragons as i can.

>>ESG has infected minecraft
Hello Internet Explorer.
psh gay
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There is possibility its a lego store exclusive
lmao what is this cringe garbage
>diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds
absolute kino
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nope. Bamidele O. Shangobunmi is half-black
holy kino
At the top of the legs. I might take a minute for things to get going but it's usually pretty pleasurable for both parties involved. Lubrication will help.

Good luck anon.
>scout speeder gets remade
>dropship gets remade AGAIN
Honestly super weird set but I dig it. I heard it was $45 though which is atrocious.
Thoughts on migthy micros?
Really fun concept, they could have gone further and introduced alternate variants or even some lesser know characters.
Lebanese. He’s a Persian. Also, not his real name kek.
you're talking out of your ass

I can't help but think this isn't his footage and that's he's just pretending he's the one who got these early. The fact that he refers to the dwarf as the "female dwarf barbarian" when it (alongside other figs in this series) comes with a male and female head makes me suspect he doesn't know what he's looking at.

I'm also rather annoyed that the footage only goes into detail with the Dragonborn, taking off his armor so we can see the torso. He didn't bother taking off the capes of some figures to let us see their backs (or giving the Lady of Pain a proper 360-degree view). And did anyone else notice that the bird ranger's arms got switched out for the dwarf's in one shot, before reverting back to their original ones? There's a lot about this review that's sketchy to me.
That is his name
>t. received payments from him before
New thread???
>New thread???
will make in a minute

>battle pack
Niggie what
Fuck off with your capslock bullshit
Jang’s website, his LinkedIn, and a claim with no verification… meanwhile I’m also a nigger from Nigeria and if you give me your email and bank account information I’ll wire you some money! Grow up that’s not his name.
You forgot to call him a faggot.
He knows what he is.
How is that even possible, aren't these all renders now?
I have a jumbo sized knockoff of the chick at the left. Got it at 99cents Only (RIP).
Most of the minifigs from my new sets have developed cracks in the torsos and arms. I just don’t seat them down on the legs anymore without leaving a small gap.
I’d like to see a Pepe Le Pew minifig. My current minifigs lack the proper sexual harassment skills.
Fun little kits. The minifigs need bigger legs should you want to use them for other things but other them that they are good.
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THere are more mocs on cracklink than elements
let that sink in
the simpsons are only relevant through merchandise and not the show itself.
Excellent pieces. Will buy
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What the fuck, LEGO?

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