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Previous --> >>11074481

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>Lego Reference


>Third Party Information
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>Spells out the n word
We don't use that word here, brother.
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>go to Lego store hoping to get a couple 31120 castles to combine
>all out
>get the Lion Knight's instead
bigger than I was wanting but still looks neat.
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Um, anon...
31120 is 80$ on the Target site
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Blocks your path
gay and gayer
I have the LKC. Great set. Very detailed and fun build and looks great on display. Have fun cleaning the dust if you don't display it properly.
How do you display it “properly”?
vacuum sealed in uv resistant temperature controlled tomb preferably
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Anons anybody have this set?
it looks AMAZING. the only part that turns me off is that it looks like it's made mostly of big white round pieces which makes it look simplistic.
But despite that i love how it looks.

looks like silent stealth creator house set slipped into Friends theme.
>he doesn't display his lego in a chemically inert helium chamber
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I've seen anons tossing around that "gwp" in the last thread like it actually means something. Did I miss a memo? What the fuck does it mean?
Gift with purchase

Literally shows up in google you fucking retard
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Gay white pingas
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>dreamzzz robot
accept nature
reject technology
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Garage-saleing was good this year.
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suits and ties
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Give me some good names for my students, mafiosos and salary men!
Sum Ting Wong
Wi Too Lo
Ho Lee Fuk
Bang Ding Ow
those aren't really good mafia names ngl
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Have you ever looked up mafia names?
>Vincent "The Chin" Gigante
>Tony "The Ant" Spilotro
>Umberto "Mad Hatter" Anastasia
>Salvatore "Little Caesar" Maranzano
>Anthony "Gaspipe" Casso
Is that double barrel an official piece? need it for my bikers
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Nah Brickarms.
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There's some new ACW/Wild West figs on Ali with nice period sidearms, couple of shotguns for any era too.
Away from sunlight and covered so dust or cum doesn't get on it
Remember to ignore and report shitposters cause a janny actually deleted some of its shit earlier
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>oh wait you're serious
Quite strange, the shithole I live in doesn’t have any signs of Lego enthusiasts.. normiefags through and through
Yet set 31120 keeps running out of stock constantly
Wonder if I’m wrong on my assessment? Where the fuck are they?
this is also really cool
personally I really hate when lego pieces look overly realistic. the most gun looking gun I can handle are the star wars ones. but even then I'd take a megaphone with a translucent pip on it any day.
It really is weird, like the Lego store employees told me they pretty much only stock the more recent stuff, but I checked out another toy store after and even they were all out of 31120.
Looks nice. I don't have it. First thought that came to mind was the cancelled Europa theme.
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Forgot image.
There's a blue dragon?
nice chrome anon! is that a magnet below the crystal?
I saw some reviews, looks nice but is claustrophobic as hell, you won't be abe to put any minifigures anywhere...
Looks like a explorien 2x2 its a sparkly sticker
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Don't worry anon.
You will...
>tfw my country Amazon has few of these left
>tfw ebay prices already risen
>tfw one brachio alone cost $50+
I should buy this asap but i really wanted another set that im going have much more fun with.

But this is a collectable set that will be a pain in the ass to get in the fututre and Brachio will become one of the most expensive dinosaurs im sure...

So i will have to buy it just because of fomo
I put the ring box in the last bag and my best friend said yes

I asked her out with a red heart lego necklace so I felt this was fitting for our relationship.
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>I put the ring box in the last bag and my best friend said yes
>I asked her out with a red heart lego necklace so I felt this was fitting for our relationship.
Is this reddit repost?

i hope so because it does sound reddit
>calling your love interest "best friend" just so nobody will get offended
>whole text sounds like a boring snoozefest with life sucked out of it (despite it's a post about possible marriage)
>uh...y-yeah i just put a ring there...i guess
lmao why heteros are like this
You know both these retards are morbidly obese.
This set is still like 70$ here.
Its a very good partpack at least and I sold built car for 20$ alone
>Its a very good partpack at least and I sold built car for 20$ alone
i need all stuff from including car and characters. This specific scene was mindblowing when i saw it back then.
I remember rewinding a vhs tape just to watch that scene over and over again.
I'll get it just for memory and fomo. But yeah i wish i'd rather buy that junk dinosaur from Dreamzzz and play with it...sigh
Her hand.
My hand.
look at those sausages
The amount of overweight you have to be for your body to store fat in your fingers
third party
I want some book pieces
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thoughts on picrel? classic licenseshit/18+ price gouging, but i always liked the OG cuusoo microworld sets better than current minecraft so this is a nice origin callback imo. wouldnt mind seeing a 2nd one designed to look like a furnace block that connects to the technic axle connections on the side to form a larger interior microscale display
The majority of the pieces are going to the boring "frame" that only obscures the build itself.
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>found an amazing lot on Ebay with 2 of one of my favorite sets used without minifigures (hense the price)
insta buy

The box just arrived!
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Gotta clean rebuild and modify this.

/b/ros...i'm going to have so much fun swooshing these around!!!
I think just buying the pieces for that kind of world will be cheaper than getting this set
This is a really solid gimmic set.
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rebuilt it into a Super Helicopter for my pirate crew.
ended up not getting a space ship...so they are the just an air pirates crew now
>jang openly destroying his city
jangbros, we had a good run
Does she at least have a nice rack/ass?
What's his problem?
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I recently purchased the set 75094 Imperial Shuttle. and the inventory says that it comes with two 1x1 Transparent plate. And I cannot for the life of me find where in the instruction these pieces go. I'm going insane. Someone help me.
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They're under the missile launchers my nigga.
Thank you so much.
Page 31 and 35 you fat retard
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I saw the skeleton crew lego set at target today
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Thats just the Lunar Limo but cringe
>show isn’t even out yet already has a Lego set
I’m still surprised Acolyte didn’t even get one of those overpriced diorama sets, like even Andor got a set.
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space police 3 was cringe
That's stupid tell me what this thing is instead
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Damn, I woulda bet dollars to donuts the Loot Llama was a playset. Has a cute play feature at least. And the Battle Bus looks great.
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jfc what the fuck even is Lego anymore
This one's weird too, I feel like they could have bumped the price up from 15 to 20 and thrown a minifigure in.
Yeah it should have came with beef boss
Are the pieces used for the balloon new?
Neat, Autism Horse is my favourite character.
Honestly this looks pretty good
I think they came previously on a Trolls set.
Guys does anyone else notice Lego parts are significantly lower quality than 10 years ago or so? I have sets from a few years ago with c-clips that are pretty much universally broken. I also had a few minifig torsos crack. I noticed Lego started producing more parts in China. What's going on? I'd like to buy some of the new City Jungle sets but I'd rather save my money if they're going to disintegrate on me
They are fine now.
Stuff from 2010's was brittle, especially brown/dark red pieces.
those minifigures gonna be SO damn EXPENSIVE...but i dont want to buy that huge blue school bus
otherwise this is a great set
I would love to put it near Overwatch Lego
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Y'all seen this?
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Closer look at the battle bus minifigs with their in-game models. They look pretty consistent aside from the lack of leg printing on the sides and Brite Bomber's glasses being printed on her face instead of a special hair mold.
>Lego just grabbed this huge IP just to make statueshit and thing-but-in-lego
LOL just fuck my shit up senpai, I imagine it's because they pussyfooted the fuck outta this to not piss people off because of the box
They didn't made a single character I play as neither :(
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Wish he would livestream it.
A wholesome coom deep inside your chungussy uwu?
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From lego set 371. It allows you to steer the truck from the top.
What theme should I get into if I'm gay?
Asses? Dicks? Shit? Pedoshit?
I want out of this timeline. The more I see of current Lego the more I'm disgusted by it
Ok boomer.
uh oh folks! looks like we're on the heckin dark timelinerino! get me outta here!
Thank god Helsiefaggots didn't win.
Neck yourself
Dreamzzz has some really great sets worth looking at

Obviously you can't go wrong with space

Castle fans have been eating lately as well

Lastly I like how some classic sets have been recently
>company gets Fornite license
>release same 10 characters other companies already did
>line gets cancelled
being a fan of this game is suffering
Custom figs are hideous monstrosities 99% of the time
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what a botched opportunity (?!)

I was looking forward to the mystery of which figures they would make, and I'm shocked that I don't want a single one of them. it's amazing. they are ALL "meh"
Why are majority of sets now anti minifig? Ia this lego testing if the brick is still more popular than the minifig? I see lots of statueshit and things but lego
Knock the faggot terminology off, reddit spacer.
im surprised they didn’t do some standard Season 1 Minifigures including just the base skin with all the different ethnicities. Some of these are pretty obscure. Overall set is awesome and 9 minifigs is also surprising for a licensed set at that price
I meant to say guns, why did it autocorrected like that...
Or RTL niggers
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>i share a general with literal zoomers who unironically play fortnite
>Why are the posters on the kid’s toy board so immature?
Is this just supposed to the backbling? It's not the character. Or the restaurant. It's like they made the most iconic part and threw the rest away.
Pretty sure it's just the durr burger head that used to be outside pleasant park/other places on the maps.
I unironically play Fortnite and I’m 33
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Was this just in production limbo for a long time or something? It's not quite launch Fortnite, but it's not current Fortnite ether. It's like specifically 2020 fortnite.
Same. Easy way to connect with my nephew.
2026 is the year of x men sets bros
How old is everyone in this thread?
I like sky pirates' colour schemes and overall designs. They reminded me of the pirates in Rayman2 on N64
I dont own any set tho, just a regular pirate crewmember i got from my little cousin.
I assume the serie is now over, and can only be found on ebay like you did ?
Good haul, mango
Im 23 but tell everyone Im 22 and will keep doing it foe 10 years
28, still trying to unfuck my life
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Lego will be discontinuing Monkie Kid next year in order to shift their focus towards other markets. The Chinese market is proving to be unsuccessful for the western market.
>what the fuck even is Lego anymore
Telling you to buy other brands.
It was already lower quality ten (if not almost twenty) years ago.
Honestly the bus looks pretty cool and after selling all minifigures to zoomers, it probably won't be that expensive
I'm shocked that only one lego fortnite set has minifigs - that seems like such a strange choice for a franchise built around character skins?

The bus seems like a really well designed and executed set, though
Funny how they managed to avoid including any guns by having a set which takes place before you land and pick up equipment
Now that we have the fortnite sets, post what skins you want as minifigures
For me? This guy
>oh my heckin alien biker gang!
Bullshit. China's middle class is exploding.
Adventure Peely's pretty recent isn't he?

>The Chinese market is proving to be unsuccessful for the western market.
The fuck does that even mean?

But without the helmet... and also in his black jacket.
It means the bugmen arent buying legos dei esg bullshit.
What’s fortnight? Is that like halo?
Please lego make a fortnite cmf

I need pic related
There will be 4 more fortnite sets in 2025, weird lego arent doing a lot more with it.

Perhaps they are scared the sets wont sell well
I know Lego is just expensive anymore, but jesus these prices are fucked
Decent looking sets all things considered. Not sure I understand making more collector pieces than playsets though.
>only one set has minifigs
>rest are all collector statueshit
Why? And its not just this theme, multiple themes do it now, be either dumb action figures for dc or marvel, despicable me statue, wicked and wednesday statues etc etc

Why? People buy sets for MINIFIGS
Maybe acolyte was too dark for lego?
Does it even do anything? Is it just a static model?
>it looks like all the minifigs can fit on the bus
It's kinda sad that I'm impressed by that.
Whoever that engineer/mechanic chick with the tats is
Maybe they don't want to flood the market, or they don't have the resources for more sets? Animal Crossing is another line that would benefit from tons of sets and cmf lines, but wave 2 only has 1 big set and 1 midsized set.
We get 4 sets in march 2025 for animal crossing
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Sets when?

But seriously. Why doesnt lego make more DC sets?
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>The four new sets include the Durrr Burger, Supply Llama, Peely Bone and the Battle Bus. The new collection is the first range of LEGO sets to be inspired by characters, places and items found within survival crafting game LEGO Fortnite.

They also said its part of their long term collab with epic games. Keep in mind, The Lego Group invested 1 billion dollars in epic games and unreal engine.

77072 Peely Bone
€99.99 / $99.99 / £89.99 / 129.99 CAD
77071 Supply Llama
€39.99 / $39.99 / £34.99 / 49.99 CAD
77070 Durrr Burger
€14.99 / $14.99 / £12.99 / 19.99 CAD
77073 Battle Bus
€99.99 / $99.99 / £89.99 / 129.99 CAD

Honestly this feels like a cope as nowhere else is saying this.
Cause dc sucks
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Its only a $100
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Exabrickslegogo said on his instagram

He also said we get a brickheadz for tom and jerry in december.
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TLG said the sets are based on the Lego Fortnite game not battle royale
6 DnD sets in April!!!!
>Lego Minecraft
>Lego Fortnite
When are we getting Lego FNAF to complete the trio of zoomer games? McFarlane haven't made sets in years, and the most popular game, Security Breach didn't get any sets.
Isnt it r rated?
>zoomer games
>no Peter Griffin
we love fortnite we love fortnite
It's t rated and the movie is only PG-13, well within Lego's wheelhouse.
Zoomers love Minecraft.
Crazy how that kid had a mental breakdown and left the internet
I know, right? Literally unbuildable.
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>known to have AMAZING skins that people who even hate the game buying characters because they look cool

>release lego 4nite
>3 (THREEEE) minifigures look the same (dark Dreamzzz-style hooded mysterious guy)
>1 minifigure looks like lego City female but with pink hair
>other 3 sets are AFOL-tier garbage
Cuddle team leader, jonesy and raven hard carrying i'm afraid
based classic Chad
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>original themes mf's when lego brings back a theme/makes a new one (it sells like shit and lasts like 2 years):
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Cope lmao. Glad to be living in an era where I don't have to take random parts to vaguely recreate on screen characters.
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Classicfags hate everything new, until it's old, and then bitch about how we can't have anything like that anymore. Remember Castle 2013? People hated it when it was new, it was a massive shelf warmer, now people are going "But why can't we have a classic castle theme instead of just one off expensive sets???"

Literally their refusal to buy a classic castle theme is the reason why, but they're incapable of comprehending that.
>What's imagination, I want to heckin CONSOOM.
>You didn't mindlessly consume, well YOU'RE the problem chud!
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>return to /lg/ after like a year of ignoring lego news
>Lego Fortnite is now officially real
Ironically I couldn't tell that was a lego opinion or a fortnite opinion. the OC vs Licensed wars are just as fierce on /fg/ as it is here
They are fucking lying cuz there is no battle bus in the Lego mode
>"we want castle!!!"
>"ok here it is"
Yes I play with my toys how I want. You got a problem with that? : )
>making something some people want means it is exempt from criticism
>S-stupid Classicfag, why don't you just mindlessly consume like me!
guys, they're obviously going to make the next minifig packs be Fortnite themed
>People love Fortnite because of all the skins
>Sets come out
>Only ONE set has minifigures, said set has all the figures of the wave
What a retarded decision, holy shit. It's like Lego want only the battle bus to sell.
It would be an easy fix if Lego put the Durr Burger skin in with the burger, or the skeleton peely with the peely statue, and a Loot Llama skin the the Loot Llama.
Kinda unrelated but I really want to bang this cat.
that pic has so much SOVL
not really helping your case zoomie
>someone posts bait
>people fall for the bait and respond with their own counter-bait
>people fall for that bait
>rinse and repeat
typical summer day in /lg/
Not a Fortnite player, but that Battle Bus looks like a perfect set! The Peely Bone buildable also looks like an extremely well built model too.

That said, what is the deal with only 1 of these 4 models being a minifigure-scaled set? This has become my new biggest pet peeve with Lego in 2024, it’s scary how much they’re shying away from traditional sets nowadays across their licensed themes.
>typical day on 4chan
fixed it for ya
It's their excuse to not include guns.
Yet Bone Peely has a gun....
that's unironically the best Minifigure selection lego got for the main fortnite set. No Licenced characters, just Jonesy, some of the OGs, and other popular originals. if they make a collectable minifig pack that might save the collectable line from it's decline cause by "hey let's replaced the Aluminum foil blind bags with cardboard and more plastic backs because climate change" Move.
Ugly as fuck. Would have to be a Mega fig to look good.
>No Licenced characters
they're all licensed characters
In Fornite context retard. they're Fortnite OCs
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>No Goku
>No Beerus
cityfags can only bitch and whine
>lego scooby doo was 9 years ago
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made a mini diorama of my mom & i getting sushi (:
Your mom is hot.
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We are getting Dragon ball skins in lego fortnite. This means lego allowed it. Sets soon?
>This means lego allowed it.
That is not how that works... Let alone how licensing works...
It is true, lego stated they won't let epic games make skina of 18+ IPs for lego fortnite. Now that they need li ense approval from other companies is part 2.
Lego saying "sure fine whatever" to a single licensed minifig in a random kitchen sink roster video game is not the same thing as them confirming something for a physical set, you hopium-huffing weebspic.
Lego would not have included Dragon Ball in their products if they did not have the proper licensing in place, as they are aware that fans could potentially react negatively.

You are retarded
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Just why

Who buys these?
I can't believe Lego poop fetish designer went full-visible-colon mode. out of all of the things for them to choose from Fortnite, they get away with submitting THIS and it gets APPROVED. that person is living their dream!

it grosses me out, completely. but I have to respect their commitment to their passion, and the ability to get it done. consistently. it's Kardashian-level mind blowing.

not MOCs, no... that designer wants the fetish in EVERYBODY's sets. and it's real. REAL! Just look, it's a colon full of poop! LOOK!
Show me poop
I hate to alarm you anon, but there is poop in your colon right now.
It should have been a Rouge bust.
I'm a Sonic fan and I wouldn't even buy this. Who wants Shadow's decapitated head?
Again, moron, let me lay this out for you. They can have all the licenses they want, that doesn't mean that they're about to make sets for all of them.
>B-But it could happen! It's hypothetically possible!
Bringing us right back to hopium. You're like those Bionicle G3 copers.
Why would they make Dragon Ball sets anyway? There's nothing to fucking make sets out of. All the vehicles are narrative props rather than anything iconic. The best you can hope for is an Ideas-style Kame House and a dust collector Shenron. We all know all you want is figs anyway, and they're not going to make a CMF line for it. Just swallow your pride and buy third-party chinafigs, Dragon Ball figurefags don't seem to have this weird problem with brands.
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>Lady Bone Demon
>Never Witch
>now Tasha the Witch Queen
I love evil Lego women bros.
as a sonicfag the only sets that have really interested me are the mech and the driller, but then I'm not one to buy a set solely because it's "thing, but lego" it still needs to grab my eye beyond that, and I'm sure not wasting money on sets solely to get minifigs either.
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How today’s scavenging adventure started out
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How it ended
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So definitely see a Wolverine Mech armor set in here as well as some kind of vehicle. All these bits were located near each other. Wolverine seems happy he’s going to a new home. I may even have enough to put the set back together.
>IP aimed at kids
>overpriced dust collector statue
What were they thinking? Do kids still play fortnite anyway?
People didn't hate it because it was a castle theme, they hated it because it was bad. Everyone like Kingdoms when it was new because that was actually good. Do you think in 1D?
He's a liscensefag, he doesn't think.
The plastics aren't any worse, just seems like QA has dropped and they've sped up their operation. Lot more molding marks and signs of pieces pulled out of molds before they're set now.
Those kids are now adults with income
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>Zoomertard randomly laughing at something and expecting non slop anons know where is the joke
I think the "joke" is that one of them is black?
I got all of them and wish we'd get more.
Sadly the most recent TV series being the garbage one from the ugly indian chick from the office isn't doing the IP any favors.
>amerimutt from country where most people are black finding black figure unusual and funny
oh i forgot there are 14 y/o inceltards here.
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It is time to build it.
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Definitely the mech 76202 and police vehicle 60312. Real Lego on right. I left the pieces together until I got positive identification. Good day and good finds. Let the cleaning begin.
Maybe it’s Hauk Takua?
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Sit up front like I always do.
The poos have invaded /toy/.
Kyself zoomaloid
>everyone that isn't pozzed and woke like me is a 14 y/o incel
you should go give the OG trilogy a watch sometime maybe even get the whole polycule for it.
That was a good day!
The Yavin base set (top-tier playset btw) also has a br*wn woman rebel, but that was a mechanic so somehow seems less bad than shitting up a lineup of soldiers.
>quick we need more shadow merch
it's clearly just to promote the movie otherwise they would've at least done sonic first
New thread?
New thread?

Guys new thread? I need a new thread
Please, tell me this is an AI bullshit ...
fuck off newfag
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Imagine if they had soul.
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>the Battle bus set looks unironically nice
>tfw it's going to be the most scalped set of the year
>I don't have the money to pre-order it and it's definitely going to be sold out by the end of the week by shitty resellers
I want to die
Poorfag lmao
my theory is that either Daima get sets or that they are doing displayshit sets, something like the beam clash between Goku and vegeta, with the brown mountains as backgrounds and perhaps great ape vegeta, or SSGoku vs Full Power Frieza in the volcanic Namek
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Would it still have soul if it was that ugly shade of brown instead of being OG brown with the classic pokerface female lego face+the headstrap? That would be pretty decent looking (for what it is)
Or am I just doing customisation in my head and trying to make something ok out of shit
I bought/was gifted the entire Castle fantasy line (minus troll fortress) when it was on shelves and then was disappointed when they replaced that with another run of Kingdoms. Since Fantasy era, I haven't seen any new castle theme that grabbed my attention. A few minifigures here and there but no sets. Almost bought that $400 anniversary Castle but I'm glad I decided against it. I don't have a spot for it, and nothing about it jumps out at me. Looks fine for what it is but it's not my taste. I have more fun making my own castle stuff anyway.
what did she >>11081815 mean by this
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No anon, Lego actually thinks that a beheaded Shadow set could be a bestseller.
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>who asked for a jaws set what the fuck
>hey that boat actually looks really nice
>hmm maybe
>wonder what they are chargi-
No. Fleshaloids are an evil we've learned to live with from two decades of exposure, but random raceshit for random unnamed grunts isn't something we should be amenable to. Especially when Blando got us into this mess in the first place.
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I really like the design of the Mr. Freeze Minifigure. Not really anything else about the set though
Who is this even for (rhetorical question, we all know the answer is "reddit sois)? There's no unique or even uncommon elements, and the minifigs are just modern casualwear that you can approximate (if not necessarily directly replicate) from City figs. This is peak "[THING] but Lego".
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Yeah it's incredibly stupid. I guess shit like this must be selling though because Ideas/Icons seems to be rapidly growing. What jumps out at me most is what I believe to be a new piece. The rigging. Looks like a new string with a new way to attach it. Or has this been used before?
Whatever asinine underage point you were trying to make was lost in the wake of that unbelievably SOVLful diorama you posted. I thank you for giving me the chance to see it.
it'll be scalped by people trying to sell the minifigs at extortinate prices. if you just want the set itself you'll probably be able to find that for a song
>We'll asymmetrically print a giant smirk on one half of a pair of big slopes, but doing anything other than a sticker on literally any flat or cylindrical piece for our biggest and longest-lived licensed line is just going too far.
This is particularly terrible even by nulego standards.
Favorite lego windmill?

me. I love jaws and sharks and ships and Lego.
>This is peak "[THING] but Lego
how can you say this with a straight face when shit like the Atari and radio are out??
Are you faggots that upset about the licensing??
if this didn't have the plaquestand it would just be an excellent playset of a shark hunting boat and an awesome brickbuilt (which you faggots supposedly love) shark, but it also has a stand for afol losers who need their heckin displays.
it is expensive but it's a lot better than most of the slop coming out this year.
if Jurassic has Lego why not a jaws set?
based shark enjoyer
>brickbuilt (which you faggots supposedly love) shark
Nobody likes brickbuilt animals. Anyone who says they do is coping about a bad set that they're trying not to regret buying.
You probably meant giant brickbuilt monster shark, however, which is indeed good, as both of the beloved post-millennium fantastical underwater themes featured giant monster sealife.
That said, this is not in fact a complete shark. It is half a shark (2/3rds if we want to be pedantic) fused into its dust stand.
Wish they did a whole wave of btas sets
Anon, this isn't your japanese statueshit or Mega Bloks tier distribution. It'll be around for at least 2 years. Just buy it whenever.
You can't come up with $100 by Oct 1?
It have been used before but it IS a new longer piece.
Set Ideas:

Goku's Kame House: A small, modular build featuring Goku's iconic home on the outskirts of Orange Star City. Includes mini-figures of Goku, Chi-Chi, and Gohan.
Saiyan Spaceship: A sleek, futuristic build of the Saiyans' spaceship, with detachable cockpits and missiles. Includes mini-figures of Raditz and Nappa.
Dragon Balls Collection: A display case for the seven Dragon Balls, each with its own unique design and mini-figure of a Z-Warrior (e.g., Goku, Piccolo, etc.) holding the ball.
Frieza's Spaceship: A large, detailed build of Frieza's iconic spaceship, complete with a detachable pilot module and laser cannons. Includes mini-figures of Frieza and his henchmen.
Planet Namek Set: A modular build featuring the lush planet Namek, including its unique terrain features (e.g., giant trees, rocks) and a small village with inhabitants.
Cell's Fortress: A large, imposing build of Cell's fortress on Earth, complete with movable walls and laser cannons. Includes mini-figures of Cell and his androids.
Battle-Damaged Kakarot: A unique build featuring Goku's destroyed house on Earth after the battle with Raditz, complete with debris and mini-figures of Goku and Raditz.
Tien's Dojo: A small, modular build of Tien's martial arts school on Earth, complete with a training area and mini-figures of Tien and his students.
Vegeta's Spacesuit: A detailed build of Vegeta's iconic armor suit, complete with movable joints and a detachable helmet. Includes a mini-figure of Vegeta.
The Elder Kaioshin's Palace: A grand, ornate build of the Elder Kaioshin's palace in the afterlife realm, complete with intricate details and mini-figures of the Elder Kaioshin and other characters.
Go touch grass and pussy man. Jesus Christ you weeb faggots. If only Lego were some sort of interlocking brick system that you could make your own version. But you lack all creativity which is why you post this ai garbage.
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IN 2025 dbz sets
I bet you’re gonna jizz all over any minifigs you get huh?
What happened to lego racers sets? Those with wheel box opening?
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Ok, are we getting more dnd sets or its one and done?
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This is my scavenged Wolverine mech. Probably the most complete set I have found so far. Added and substituted a few parts of my own. This would be about a 850 MKD set here. ($15 USD)
I do that for all my Lego
Never gonna happen retard.
It will
It's looking like they'll be really popular, but unless lego foresaw this and started work, we're likely to see more late 2025. Or maybe it is just one and done.
never understood the "cant afford lego" meme unless youre literally underage or too autistic to hold a job. licenseshit is usually overpriced to fuck, yeah, but you should easily be able to earn/save $100 in ~2 months. paypal payment plans (pay-in-4 for $30 or above/monthly payment for $200+) also go a long way if you have to budget.
Cobi cheaper and better
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Used to shit on Dreamzzz and call it "Tranzzz" whenever I saw it posted, but ngl some of these new sets are looking kinda kino.
are you retarded? it comes with the complete shark.
you should make a mini diorama of you & your mom getting sick off chinese street food because it was made with gutter oil (:
how's your transition coming along?
cobi minifigures are cursed
Just transitioned a fat log out of my ass and into the toilet bowl, so pretty good. Next I'll be transitioning a 45 round into your nigger skull and raping your waifig.
>irrelevant one-off locations and dust collectors
Yeah that's pretty much the level of creativity I would expect from the DBZ mexican brain trust.
Looks great! Plus you have the printed pieces for filling in the rest should be cheap off brick link.
Yeah, you would get a thrill out of things passing through your rectjm, wouldn't you.
>Waifig rape
Makes sense since it's the only hole you can fit your tiny dick in lmao
A Shenron buildable figure and a namek shenron one
Back when they announced the ideas contest for dnd they said in the announcement that the set will be made in a way to hype fans for the theme and upcoming products. DnD has potential for more, also they didn't include Drizzt who is a icon of the brand so I speculate we kight get a lineup of sets. But either in june or april.
Dreamzzz has so many prints...all that print quality couldvr been used for fortnite sets
His big titty asian gf broke up with him
No u
I heard he can't get hard anymore after the loss of his wife to cancer
Rip lego general ???-2024
Taken over by fortnite fags and zoomers
guess which other fag is happy and obsessed with fortnite?

Wasnt it a car accident?
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drama queen much?
New thread


Welcome a golden age of Lego Gaming sets.
no the car accident was a separate incident he witnessed on his drive home one day.
>noone else stopped
>zoomtards having no patience or attention span
I'm not a zoomer, I am 23 years old anon

This means I am a millenial
so you're just a retard with faggot tastes? ok
You are gen z anon

Retard for not telling him the truth
It doesn't matter if Millennial, Zoomer, GenX, or Boomer. All generations had idiots, sellouts, losers, winners, trend setters, and thinks the generations before and after them are the worst. Congratulations, you are all links in the same chain of faggotry going back to Plato.
Generational tribalism is very en vogue… how do you keep people from uniting? Put them against each other.
Shut up
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Mine. Spinning it turns the grindstone inside.
I'm 26 and I've accepted the zoomhood. You are a zoomer. No cap.
This is cute
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