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Ya'll niggas know of a way to keep rubber from splitting! Love this thing but I already see rips in the tail. Stupid fukcers built the best godzilla figure out there and put a damn rubber tail on it!!!
there are plenty of rubber protectants that will increase the life of rubber, just get a good quality bottle of the stuff made for cars. That said, its questionable how much it will actually help on a toy like this where the rubber is likely already painted
no shit, give me name nigga!
>get a good quality bottle of the stuff made for cars
What do you you mean? Are you talking about Armorall?
Some anon made this post in the Street Sharks thread >>11068557
I don't know how true it is, but he seems legit.
I’m not putting car wax on my $500 figure nigga. Give me other options with names!
Try your dad’s cum.
Shin Etsu grease
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Anon cars cost more than $500. A good quality rubber protection material for car parts will handle a toy.
Hot Toys, for example, IS tied to a car company. It's a subdivision of some chinese car part manufactuer.
Years ago, Hot Toys made an Ed-209, and it had an issue with the rubber top drying and cracking. People realized the material was the same shit as the stuff cars use for rubberized bits.
you can't "protect" rubber. it's meant to decay because of how flexible it is, that's why I have bendy tails. you can delay it with car or carnuba wax as that other anon said
hate bendy tails*
useless niggas with useless information
Buy the grease.
You should shove the tail up your ass for about an hour and let your ass juices seep into it. That should be long enough for you to realise you're a dumb faggot for buying Mezco shit with their cheap ass rubber. You'd think people would learn after 89 Batman, but I guess there's a retard born every minute.
dumb nigger, what else you need to know? the softer plastic is, the faster it will rot. it cannot be stopped. just wax the goddamn thing. or even better, cast the tail in resin and replace the rubber one
useful fren with useful information
also OP sucks mad dick, et's not bump his shit thread
I would help you if you weren't so vulgar. It's a real turn off ya know?
gtfo with that bullshit nigga. None of you provided any DETAIL. Now you dropping racism! shm
My tail is fine. I bet Op doesn't even own it.
Stupid ass nigga showing the same picture from months ago. Check again. The cracks are around the spikes.
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Where the hell is this rubber nigga at?
>Taken months ago
It was taken July 9th. No cracks. I dunno what to tell you.
What does simple harmonic motion have to do with this?
Since the paint on the tail doesn't even match then making a cast resin copy of it is the way to go for anyone concerned about the longevity of the rubber.

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