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Previous thread: >>11061102

In stores and online currently:
Earl Sinclair Tree Pusher (Target exclusive)
Ult. Bon Jovi (Slippery When Wet)
House of a Thousand Corpses Otis, Captain Spaulding
LJN Colors Warduke & Strongheart
Ult. Jigsaw -Black Robe (Saw)
Ben Cooper Kids wave 2 part 1 (Dracula & Witch)
Universal Monsters x TMNT Black and White 2-pack (Hunchback Leo & Wolf Raph)
Hannibal Lecter
Ghost Face Inferno (v2)
Professor Burke (London After Midnight)
Gargoyles Goliath & Demona "Vows" 2-pack
Ult. John Carver (Thanksgiving)
Ult. Alex Murphy (Robocop)
Count Orlok (Nosferatu)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Elkhorn
TMNT Last Ronin Michelangelo, Donatello
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More Beetlejuice rereleases
not a real thread
Ah I didn’t know that, interesting.

Another thing of note, BBTS is putting up preorders for things that were originally target exclusives, including haulathon releases. Red Robe Jigsaw, “Silver Falcon” Broadway, 3 pack of Mirage Foot Ninjas, Mirage Baxter Stockman, and Kirby.
Nice to see they’re still doing horror stuff instead of just constant turtles.
Isn’t that just the Evil Dead 1 figure customized?
What’s with the assassins creed figures? I picked one up on sale and they have awful range.
Oh okay, I didn’t realize they were rereleases. Honestly my main issues is the bracers prevent you from getting even 90 degree at the elbow. It’s like 30, it’s bad. I wish they would’ve just broken up the bracer sculpt or something.
There was a troll who was trying to pass off their random thread as the new general, so it kinda had to be made to avoid confusion.
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I kinda wish they would’ve included the bottles where they have the gun and hat and two more jester faces to be fully accurate
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I was hoping to get pic related, but I guess not. Shredder Khan and Gengie aren't happening. But maybe we'll see Mephisto and Djinn The Homunculus as exclusives. DKM4
>no bicep, thigh, or knee articulation
Let me know when they make an Ultimate.
I'm legit delighted that we're getting her finally. Price is a bit high, but eh. Glad they worked to make this happen.
The handles seem to be the wrong shape as well. Unfortunate.
Do you have a picture of that? I tried to quickly look and find a scene showing the case’s handles in the film but couldn’t find anything.
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Why is the ED1 Ash so noticeably undersized? Bruce Campbell is 6’1, yet he looks smaller than most of my other NECA figures.
should i throw out all my neca figs to make room for more figures? they rub me the wrong way with the lack of wolf predator or the jaws shark
He is though? He’s smaller than both Tobin Bell and Kurt Russell next to him who are 5’11 and 5’9 respectively. He’s either undersized or they’re oversized.
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>There's a Wal-Mart con exclusive (or early release???) of Cryin Houn from the TMNT Adventures Archie series. That goes up on the 26th.
i remember eating dinner and reading this specific comic issue as a kid in the 90s. and spitting dinner at comic pages because it was fun and i laughed and it became dirty

Good times...so many good memories hahaha.

i had no idea i will see this fucker in 2024...
I had that comic! It was awesome
Scale looks accurate to me
I was thinking the same thing but when I thought about it a Toulon figure would either be too small next to the puppets since he'd be a regular 1/10 figure (since they're about 1/6 scale going off of Pinheads hands) or they make him a giant 1/6 figure and I doubt many people would buy that.
That’s why I never picked up any of the puppets. I get why they made them larger, but I really wish they would have made them to scale with other NECA figures. It’s not like they blew up chucky to be huge.
I getcha anon, I normally like stuff being as close to accurate scale as possible because I got that tism but for the Puppets I can overlook it because they're fun figures and I don't think it would've been possible to put as much articulation and detail as they did if they were accurately scaled to 1/10th (can you imagine how tiny Pinhead's head would've been?).
Alf is another example, way bigger than he would be normally but the figure is really good so I don't mind.
Forgot to add, when it comes to Chucky he's about the size of a toddler normally, so he has thicker limbs, so he's much easier to work with once scaled down, same with Sam from Trick r Treat.
Archi stuff is not store exclusive, it;s just first to market and will be available elsewhere later
I picked up Ezio becauae I missed it the 1st time around. Cool figure and good details. The joint range is very disappointing though. I was hoping to pose him assassinating someone, but that's not looking promising.
I’ve got a friend who’s a NECA insider and let’s just say you’re not gonna wanna miss these SDCC reveals.
I think it might be an early release thing, not a true exclusive.
Any hints?
Hmm I’m not sure if I trust the quads or the double dubs. I wanna believe though.
Local collector spot?
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At this point, just wait for the Mafex.
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Post Jason collections
I mean I’d do that if I was guaranteed a gift card
Looking it up, there seems to be some truth to it. But all you have to do is take a picture of the NECA section, not clean it up.
The good neco ambassadors that get a chance at the $100 gift cards and earn randulf’s favour always clean up the collector spot
I think the point is that you don’t, so they can have their official neca rep come out and clean it
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Speaking of Jason, I picked up part 3 Jason after they reissued the crystal lake accessory pack. How come the only option is the bloody neck? The promo pics showed both a bloody neck and a plain neck so I assumed they would be swappable. I would’ve personally preferred the neck to be clean since that’s how he looks 99% of the movie, especially since I’m gonna have him with the speargun on the dock once I get it.
I just have Roy and Part 7 Jason, I did have Part 3 but I somehow lost it.
I mean they showed it in the pics, it kinda seems like false advertising.
They just reused photos of the older figures before the Ultimates existed. back when you had to buy 2 separate battle damaged and clean figures to get all the accessories
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I guess all this Jason talk made me break down and get one, target seems to be the only place that still has part 3 in stock. It seems to be using the original release pics, but surely it’s the rerelease right?
Says the one replying to nobody
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What are the odds that we’ll get this handsome guy as an Ultimate someday?
As a dude who grew up watching *Tales From the Crypt* despite arguably being waaay too young to watch it at the time, (although even kid-me thought that Christopher Reeve as an extremely likable and friendly chef who sells human flesh steaks out of his shitty restaurant was darkly funny) I’ve always wanted a high-quality figure of The Cryptkeeper.
He’d fit right in with other figures like The Creep from Creepshow, or hell, even Elvira.
There’s sooooo many accessories they could package him with, since he was usually doing random stuff in the intro to each episode.
I’d even pick up a variant of him in the Santa suit/mask, given that “And All Through the House” is in my top 5 favorite episodes.
No, that anon definitely exists. The archive records all.
What’s the best Freddy?
Either part 1 or 2, definitely not dream warriors as his chest is ridiculously boxy for the swap out chest of souls.
That’s a lie.
It looks good with the swap out, but it's not the best stand alone Freddy.

I'll say part 2, too. Especially since the newer runs have face print and ball hips.
I also think part 2 has the best likeness. I also feel like the part 1 reissue ruined the figure by making his skin super dark. The part 2 reissue stayed pretty close to the original.
this was a large part of my reasoning for returning it. woefully undersized.

>It's not undersized.
do you not feel increasingly pathetic every time you come on here and deny something that's objectively true? this is basic math we're talking here.
he spent a year claiming the first april's head wasn't too big, and now claims it was a factory error (not realizing that this still makes neca look bad for allowing it to get that far in the first place). you just gotta report his trolling and hope the threads don't get deleted whenever he gets banned for it. i'm coming around to the theory that he's intentionally trolling and not actually retarded.
>but getting anything in and out of China during covid was almost impossible. Not to mention all the delays with cargo around that time.
And yet the figures were on shelves in Sept/Oct 2020. With all those delays. On top of the travel time across the ocean and clearing customs, which takes about 2 months when there isn't a backlog of ships and additional procedures for quarantine and infection control.
And then we have production time including molding, painting, assembly, and packing, which took longer due to cities in China going in and out of lockdown, so there were delay in all of those processes.
An let's add all the other phases of preproduction between the test shots and full production.
You expect me to believe the tooling wasn't finished and test shots made before January 2020 and they couldn't get it retooled? And somehow the products were magically on shelves in September/October with all of those delays?
You stupid fucking idiot. Just dig yourself a deeper hole.
They wouldn't have been out at all if they tried fighting with the factory and send things back and foeth you ignorant cunt. Can't wait for your next reply full of the stupidest shit possible.
I remember hearing once that the licensing for the Crypt Keeper is all fucky, but I'd love a figure of him too, it would be great.
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Ooooh for the one guy who keeps posting the NECA M3GAN, the mafex version looks realllllllly good.
Well yeah but if you want her to go with your other NECA figures she will be too short.
Yikes. Those soft goods do not look good at all.
aww she is so cutie
stunning even
much betta than nonexistent neca version
>nonexistent neca version
Nonexistent? It’s literally been shown off.
Mafex is notorious for taking a long time to release stuff, if you just wait the NECA one will hopefully be shown off officially at SDCC and listed and out within 6 months. Just hold off for the NECA release.
a mafex in hand
worth two neco in randy factory
Oh bullshit. That mafex doesn’t even look all that good. Puffy soft goods and a questionable likeness is not worth double a NECA figure. Maybe in pricing, but NECA delivers a much better quality product with more accessories. I really don’t get why anyone would buy that Mafex before the NECA one is fully shown off at least.
No, that looks reeeeally bad.
Wow you're racist AND stupid. What a winning combination!
Not even them but is kind of astonishing how dumb and bullheaded you are, the point they've made is those normal processes weren't happening because of covid. You won't have the normal back and forth for adjustments, and it costs companies a lot of money to hold items like that. And as was brought up before, shipping was a nightmare, costs went up dramatically. A mistake is bound to happen and you're simply not going to be able to fix it during shutdowns and global pandemics.

However, none of that matters to you, you've made that abundantly clear. This is some major, therapy-needed levels of autism to be this angry about a toy.
115 to 67 posts lol
Holy shit, what happened?
Oh weird, cause no, that isn't what happened. A couple trolls got taken care of, and you'll be next.
You probably shouldn't believe shitposters that blame "necanon" for things. Use your brain.
The figure has been shown off and only got held up due to some packaging issue. Your trolling makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
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Hey janny, we got a ban evader
Has there been any word on when Ray King will be on sale?
Has there been any word on when you aren't a dumbass?
Oh that's the story now huh? Amazing how you're always changing it to suit whatever bullshit you can come up with at the time. Almost like you don't know what you're talking about. Hm.
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Huh, apparently the Alf for President shirt is actually based on a vintage shirt that existed. I kinda wish I would’ve picked one up now.
I'm honestly hoping they make a figure based on it. I know there was talk about it, with a podium and lights I think they said? It'd be kinda funny.
Honestly with the way the political climate is nowadays I really doubt they’d do it, I’m honestly surprised they even did the shirt. But hell, I’d buy it for the stage, podium, and lights alone.
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Addicted...neca and horror
Just showing off my wall. Let's see yours. Love also the walking dead walkers only though. I love detail in figures.
Any plans to unbox them?
Yeah, in 2032, you know why
I don’t actually
Dude that's pretty nice.
>Honestly with the way the political climate is nowadays I really doubt they’d do it
Don't see why not. Political parodies have always been prevalent every election season and it's not like it's specifically calling him a democrat or republican.
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Yeah that was a thing for a minute
I'd buy the hell out of that. He just needs some space bitches from Black Series to hang around.
Why didn’t they make the Alf slightly smaller so he’s in scale? It’s a little strange because he’s around 3 feet tall so they could’ve made him chucky size
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I’m not really sure how to feel about this. It’s a cool look I suppose, but man they’re really milking this Elvira. I just wish they’d release an ultimates already. Or at least have one of these retro cloth versions come with the couch.
Yeah it's the safest political joke you can make because it's barely political.
>man they’re really milking this Elvira
Yeah, they are.
Awesome job, Blaine you are a real designer now
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Dream Became a reality today, Thank you Neca
When this figure was announced, i saw all the negative comments, "why did we get this" "who asked for this" and so on, but me, i have never pre-ordered something faster. This is a figure ive dreamed of exiting all my life. Jon Bon Jovi means the world to me, me and My dad would would listen to him for hours, watch his concert dvds, and so on, my dad was obsessed since they first released "Runaway" , Having it gives me another thing attached to the memory of my dad on my shelf.
Post other variations of Elvira that NECA could milk from her tatas.
It honestly is a nice looking figure. Saw them at Target last week. Puts those weird McFarlane music figures to shame.
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New Ben Cooper kids. Animated Beetlejuice, gremlin, Gizmo, xenomorph costumes...
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NECA doing Sesame Street figures!!!!!!
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Looks like more Planet of the Apes too
>count comes with E, C, and A
I’m assuming there’s also a N, that’s funny.
Hoping for full reveals of Macbeth and Coldstone from the Gargoyles line.
Ultimate Pee Wee
Oh my God, I was hoping we'd get a Pee Wee. That's so awesome! They need to make a Chairy.
He seems light on accessories
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Peter Cushing Helsing!
New Ultimate Leatherface, and what appears to be Cheryl from The Evil Dead alongside the new Ash
Was wondering when we’d see some horror stuff, fuck these are great.
Coach Driver Orlock, Peter Cushing Van Helsing, and I think there's a bathrobe invisible man in the back.
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Is that a smoking jacket invisible man in the back? It looks so.
Better look at these. I'm just taking 720p screenshots of Toy Anxiety - YHS' NECA booth video BTW.
Goddamn, we eatin' good.

Also Neca has the license for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.
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Blurry Romulus stuff
Confirmed. Also, new Imhotep.
Color Carfax when?
These were my two biggest last wants from the universal monster line so I’m happy.
I could be wrong, but couldn’t you just pop a colorized head and hands onto the Carfax Drac and that’d be it?
I thought that was the point, DESU. The costume is already black and white.
Naw, original is just the head, but the Carfax is like the whole neck.
I mean I could be wrong about the neck. The alt heads have necks, but you don't actually really see a neck on the figure.
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Iron Maiden figures
Yep I'm wrong. Neca's own description has it compatible.
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Yeah I found someone online who did it. Technically you could just swap the head since he has gloves too.
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Or with hands too. I do really like that grey inner cape lining.
Thanks! I thought about this before, but chucked the idea when I saw the neck bit. I should have dug a bit deeper then. Actually finding images of the swap is proving to be a minor hassle.
I wonder if this means we will finally get TCM 2 Leatherface and Chop-Top?
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Hmmm...something's missing
my dick in her mouth
It must be small and short to fit.
Won’t there be more stuff to show off?
stop bodyshaming me
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Faces look kinda off
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Based and bought on sight. Wonder how long till we get the tequila shoes version, it would be awesome if they could make the box play the song when you open the front flap like their NES Jason re-release.
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Looks like we’ll be getting the masked Hannibal Lecter too
I waited for the reveal as the defenda suggested but the mafex is better by a country mile
Won’t scale with the rest of your NECA collection plus questionable soft goods and horrible likeness. Nah, NECA looks to still be the way to go.
I don’t care if she scales with the wacky neca universe scale, which is broken in and of itself. Just look at my poor Ash who they turned into a manlet. I want a qt m3gan that I can undress, I have NO loyalty
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Right, because you're a troll. You're also pretending to be another anon again like the fucked in the head freak you are.

Anyway, lots beetlejuice coming, plus new thorn BJ.
Odd choice, but I’ll take it
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Kinda odd that ash doesn’t seem to have any alt heads
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Alien Romulus stuff
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Peewee sculpt looks a little rough
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Totally 80s Alf
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If this continues, I would be very much in favor of getting more music-related seven inch figures from NECA.
Who would you like to see?
I need Alf.
These look REALLY GOOD
Billie Ellish
a little??
So nothing new to their LJN D&D line? Just shitty repaints they've already shown.
>ALF trapped in the TV from the theme song of his cartoon show
>more Planet of the Apes
I wish they'd rerelease the Rise figures
>Smoking Jacket IM
Awesome, my classic horror shelf is now complete (though if they want to make a Doctor Frankenstein and Metaluna Mutant I'll be there for them).
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Well, there's a certain individual who got a re-issue with a slight upgrade almost a year ago from NECA themselves, and I would like to think that a fully articulated version of said artist would sell like hot pancakes if it were to happen.

Brian May would also be cool.
Man, these Alf's are worthwhile for the accessories alone, I have the last con exclusive version but I'm always tempted to buy a second Alf.
Man they are doing amazing work on the UM likenesses.
>she has the pencil

I still squirm from that.
Dude it's the first night. We have two more days of stuff that'll get added or talked about.
>the rest of your neca collection
Not everyone is a retarded faggot that collects this shit. The Mafex is better, especially now that we’ve seen the shit that neca put forward. Of course I’m not a pedophile, so I won’t be buying any little girl figures.

Now that Cushing Van Helsing and Lee Dracula almost make me want some non durable goods. Might just.
>nothing new for the Predator line.

Tell me again why I shouldn't believe this line isn't completely dead?
>nothing new for gargoyles line
rip cold stone
rip macbeth
>Nothing new for the Friday the 13th line
I will never have my slimeboy
What's the rights situation looking like for F13 nowadays?
I think the lawsuit was settled with Miller retaining rights to a bunch of stuff in the franchise. He's probably still buttmud still over Jason becoming an icon so he's boggarting merchandising rights
Typical neco.
Kinda wish they would’ve given us an alt head of her human form and normal hands. Plus branch accessories. Lots of branch accessories.
It's a prototype, fucking numbnuts.
>The Mafex is better
It is not, not in any way. Be a contrarian all you want, but you'll still be wrong.
That sucks, people and their egos....
Yeah, especially when the producer admitted they were just copying Halloween for the first film since it did well at the box office.
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>Sculptor says they're designed to fit in next to the old Palisades Muppets
The neca is oddly soft in the sculpt. The Mafex isn’t great but it looks way better. >>11083960
Fuuuuck that’s awful.
No it isn’t.
And that’s a prototype.
>The neca is oddly soft in the sculpt
You should get your eyes checked man. That's a pretty dumb thing to say when the sculpt is about as spot on as it gets.
For a hand painted prototype that looks really, really good. Not sure what you're complaining about. The likeness is there.
one minute apart
nah, the likeness is off it doesn’t resemble paul reubens
It's all so tiresome (not talking about the reveals)
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Inferno Room Diorama revealed
Sucks that you're underage and don't know who Paul Reubens is apparently.
He got busted for owning cp and masturbating in a dirty movie theater. Of course randy thought it best to honor him with our precious pvc
Look at that, confirmed for not knowing a damn thing.
I like it but I don't $299 like it, assuming it will be a similar price to the sewer diorama sets. If it's closer to the street diorama price ($115) I might bite.
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>still no Deathwish figure
I wonder if they'd make some demon hookers to populate it with
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Good on them for making a new sculpt and not trying to throw some face printing on this thing.
kind of surprised it has taken so long to get a good pee wee.
Maybe we will get a Richard Simmons figure some day.
I'd like a Miss Argentina figure
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They put out a doll four years ago
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Be perfect if there were 1:18 Beetlejuice figures. The old Kenner ones may work, though.
I would love an SH Figurarts rest of Queen to go with my Freddie, but I doubt they'll ever go beyond the frontman.
Paint really can completely fuck a figure. The heads on this look noticeably worse than when she was initially shown here>>11080084. Hopefully they look better in hand.
been on the fence for this. are his clothes made of soft plastic?
and redpilled
Looks the exact same to me.
Does Imhotep count as blackface?
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Paul Naschy toy when
Should be a permaban, necatranny. Anyway she looked way better before. The new poorly painted proto looks almost blobby and really soft. As for Pee Wee, prototypes usually look BETTER, so not sure what your point was about it being a prototype.

The Mafex Megan looks better. Objectively. Of course I’m no pedo, so I wouldn’t want any.
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im a huge PeeWee fun i own all dolls that came out and DREAMED OF THE MODERN ARTICULATED FIGURE WITH HIM AND WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT?!?!?!?!?!?!?

holy shit im mad
please tell me he wont have this face on which went out on release
It's absolutely amazing that you sit there and make shit up like that to keep up your insane trolling. Go fuck yourself.
>The heads on this look noticeably worse
They do not. Not to mention you're comparing first night blurrier photos and freaking out like some wacko.
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>just planned to buy ALF
>better version is coming out with TV and console
holy crap this is awesome

the only thing i wanted form picrelated is the shirt and cat-burger. But...i guess i'll wait for the new one
Cope, troll
The ATARI makes it worth it alone. I'm pretty excited for that version.
>double jointed arms and single jointed legs
wow somebody finally got it right.
you might as well just buy FUKNO pewps
ugh,...to be honest i guess i will buy both versions just to have shit ton of accessories and pair of clothes for Alf lol

Is there a couch for NECA alf size? building a small diorama with all that stuff being around sounds like a great idea
Oh my, another 2.0
They are multiplying
Why buy anything when 3.0 is around the bend
When's the romulus alien coming out?
The Romulus stuff just said coming soon instead of an estimated date, so we have no idea
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Tiffany repaint
It’s crazy how much more you can bring out of the sculpt with a good paint job
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Yep, only getting one Alf and this is probably it. Nice box, retro console and TV, 80s/90s skateboard. It's perfect.
They already gave the newer releases face printing.
I didn’t notice the Rubix cube before, that’s neat.
>shit you can plainly see is made up
So we can add retarded attempted gaslighting to your list of dubious accomplishments.
It's been too long alien bros.. we were left to rot.
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Have you? Besides rereleasing old alien or human characters, there wasn’t much left for them to do with the original movies.
There's not much from the movies they could do, other than maybe reissue some of the old Aliens marines, but there's still a lot of Kenner stuff they haven't touched. They really didn't do many of the Marines, and there's still some cool Xenos they could have done like the Flying queen (that they even teased on one of the Predator boxes) the King alien, and some other stuff. Also feels like there's still plenty of stuff from the comics they could do.
>reissue some of the old Aliens marines
Honestly that’s my biggest want since they reissued the queen, especially since they’re so expensive now.
Give them updated face printing and paint apps and they’d be amazing. Ripley, Newt, and Bishop too.
That’s so easy to fake, and you’re pathetic enough to do it. And the goopy melty faced neca M3gan still looks way worse.
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Guess you’re in luck, the scorched alien and the accessory pack bundle just went live on the Neca store for a Q4 release
They the only place to get it or you think others will later?
It’s just get it first at the Neca store, both should be available other places later. If you want it the soonest and want both, this is an option.
You're still as pathetic and wrong as ever.
Gah damn..... Bit too excp for me. Will we get any basic release? I like the design and I hope they just give us the xeno minus the stand, face hugger and baby xeno. Also we're any new preds showcased? (apart from the prey one)
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Oh yeah, they're getting basic releases. This is all just early orders if you wanted.
Damn, that’s a lot of hands
Will it be able to stand without the stand…? I hope so.
oh shit. didn't know they had a Simmons.
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Maybe we can get a Casandra Peterson's biker bitch figure
I'm sure, but with the foot design what it is, it may not be the most long lasting.
Ordered. Can't wait
Any word on a mezco one:12 of this?
>wanted the Toon shirt
>but the accessories on New ALF are much better
I'm gonna love when this is on clearance. I'll actually get one then.
Twin Peaks figures when?
You’re a blind, brand sucking faggot.
>Orange peel face
Thin your paints.
Curious for when NECA will drop an ALF accessory kit.

Or the rest of the Melmacians (Rhonda, Skip, and the third one who died on Melmac).

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