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Previous thread: >>11043821

In stores and online currently:
Earl Sinclair Tree Pusher (Target exclusive)
Ult. Bon Jovi (Slippery When Wet)
House of a Thousand Corpses Otis, Captain Spaulding
LJN Colors Warduke & Strongheart
Ult. Jigsaw -Black Robe (Saw)
Ben Cooper Kids wave 2 part 1 (Dracula & Witch)
Universal Monsters x TMNT Black and White 2-pack (Hunchback Leo & Wolf Raph)
Hannibal Lecter
Ghost Face Inferno (v2)
Professor Burke (London After Midnight)
Gargoyles Goliath & Demona "Vows" 2-pack
Ult. John Carver (Thanksgiving)
Ult. Alex Murphy (Robocop)
Count Orlok (Nosferatu)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Elkhorn
TMNT Last Ronin Michelangelo, Donatello
As always news, reveals, and leaks before SDCC are swirling around the net. We have the Murder She Wrote retro cloth Jessica Fletcher finally up for order, as well as her Toony Terror.

This of course brings us yet another step closer to...Urkel.
A repost from last thread, in case anyone didn't pick up on this being a "new" Evil Dead 1 Ash that's coming out.
As well as glow in the dark Bride and Invisible Man joining the glow Orlok as Remco "what ifs"
>still no Charles Bronson Deathwish figure
Did they coerce the old fart into giving his likeness?
Eye paint looks a little weird on the yelling face, hope that’s just this one and not all of them
So are they going to rerelease any of the other Aliens figures? Seems weird to just release the Alien Queen and that’s it. Or will we have to wait till 2026 for the 40th anniversary?
How come neca cant make a 79 Myers but other companys can shit this out? Saw this at my local comic place today, is it because its not articulated? I dont get rights.
The alien itself surely.
NECA made a figure ages ago that looks just like it, it was in a box set with Loomis and a porch.
That mask looks really bad compared to the other picture.
Well it’s soft and looks really bad. You shouldn’t post images like above to protect the reputation of Neca. It’s a gamble on whether someone will see a sculpt from 2003 and say, “my, my, how they have improved” or it just acting as ammunition for the anti-Necanon. Think, for once.
I know its pedantic, but im holding out they make an ultimate of the originial Michael Myers.
Where’s the best place to get discounted NECA? I’ve seen a few on Amazon and a few on BBTS, what’s the best place?
Idk most items usually go on sale after a year or two, but not by whole lot. But it’s worth it to be patient.
>You missed out on BBTS daily sales.
Have they said why they stopped doing those lately?
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This is all they said on the matter.
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I'm hoping NECA puts out Tarman and Trash for Return of the Living Dead's 40th anniversary!!!FACT!!!
Still no response from neca about shipping or canceling my order. Guess I'll do a charge back
The NECA store doesn’t do cancellations.
Yeah they do. Just as I posted above.
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Except they don’t. Below each product in their store they literally say so. That’s probably why you haven’t heard back. We also told you they ship stuff out in waves, that’s why you haven’t received your stock. I mean really it’s your fault for not reading the fine print, a charge back just because you want it sooner would be childish. Just be patient.
And I just posted they canceled my order for me and refunded it.
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I did some digging and it looks like the new SC PumpkinHead will scale to the NECA Horror line. The figure says it's 1/12th scale, but looking at listings and the pics that say he's 9 inches, he's technically an inch too tall, since PumpkinHead stands at 8 feet. So since Neca is an inch above 1/12th he should fit right in.
That is, if he's 9 inches when standing normally, and not with his legs extended as far as they can go. If they measured him with the legs fully extended, then he'll be too short.
Also, they definitely copied the Ultimates box style. Idk if they're trying to take a shot at NECA or they're just trying to get fans to buy this guy for looking similar to the line they collect. Definitely preordering tho, I've been waiting for a good PumpkinHead and it could be years until we see NECA’s take on the license.
Then why are you threatening a charge back?
I'm not, as I posted that I got a email 1 minute later.
Everything is negotiable, neca anon. Even you should know that.
That doesn’t look anything like an Ultimates box
Neca puts non ultimates figures in ultimates boxes so the standard has dropped under randy’s tenure
I’m beginning to think this general is just Necanon and then varying degrees of trolls. Sad because I actually do like NECA stuff and appreciate the work Necanon does to make this general but damn is it miserable posting in here with all the trolls.
>Except they don’t. Below each product in their store they literally say so.
and target doesn't allow returns of neca product. literally says so right in their return policy.
Wrong, they'll take anything back with a receipt. You can spread your lies till the sun burns out, you'll always be wrong.
Who the fuck started this dumb rumor? Target will accept pretty much anything as a return.
Neca is making the same mistake super7 did: Too many licenses at once, like spinning plates. Doomed to fail.
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>as if neca hasnt been making bobbleheads and garbage for literal decades
Garbage figure
Nta but the likeness is pretty off
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Still waiting
Yeah, maybe if she was on Spitting Image.
it's not a rumor or a lie when it's LITERALLY their policy. deal with it, retards.

>Are there any return exceptions?
>The following items cannot be returned:
>Open or defective collectibles (e.g., special edition Barbie dolls, porcelain dolls, action figures and die-cast cars)

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Needs more fog
just because you get an employee to break the rules doesn't change what the policy literally states you dense retard.
breaking the policy doesn't change the policy.
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Exactly. Retailers have lots of policies that never get enforced until someone complains.
Late, great, Hannibal... congratulations.
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Honestly theres a few euro guys I feel have enough notoriety to potentially get somethint, the first one I posted can double for a generic spooky guy in the dark/darkman/somebody from dick tracy, while this bastard from Anthropophagous 1980 definitely carries his identity a bit more (sorry for gore)
i already proved you wrong by showing you the policy itself. what is wrong with you?
I don't know why you always start a fight over this. It is one of their policies, but many retail stores have policies that their wagies don't give a shit about enforcing.
So you're a liar, okay.
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Can we stop arguing and instead discuss interesting horror things for figures, wether humans, monsters, or weird monsters? Post some monsters you would like to see next or guys with interesting enough composures like Charles Bronson
I think this fig is sweet. So I dont need a NECA one
Randal will deny this is be as work
What? English, please.
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He doesn’t deny it existed, rather that it was never “promised” or set to release.
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Look at this 20" thicc ass dragon momma. Hopefully this urges NECA to continue with there AD&D line and update the Tiamat figure.
so why bother posting that pic? was it too much of a challenge for NECA?
Damn that’s sexy. I don’t generally like super7, but they’re doing a better job with the license than both NECA and even Hasbro themselves.
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Holy shit, Vecna looks amazing.
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Exclusive “invisible” Sheila as well
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Dead series lol
Thank you Brian for doing figures randy will never promise to make like the shark from Jaws
>i d-didnt promise to make it!
how embarrassing desu
Show me where they said they’re gonna make the shark.
Anyone here have the Pinhead/Tunneler and Six-Shooter/Jester Puppet Master sets? I got the Blade/Torch one and like them, but never saw the others around stores. I think I'll track them down if they're as good as the first set.
it's implied by them showing off a work in progress sculpt, on their official neca page. especially since they were working on other jaws characters and eventually released those.
this is like the ghidorah and wolf predator situation
This is from the 80’s
I still want Herbert West, the Tall Man, Candyman, and Leslie Vernon Ultimates. If they want another oddball choice after all the Toulon puppets are done, they could hit up Full Moon to do Demonic Toys next.
Fuck off you dumb cunt
Because shit doesn't always cost out for production. And a giant ass shark is a harder thing to get on the market without retail support.

This was all before the kickstarters and things took off, so now who knows.
>This was all before the kickstarters and things took off
Honestly I’d love for NECA to do something similar to Haslab and put out something really cool. Wonder what they would call it.
why do they need le retail? just sell it online
ive seen neca figures at best buy and target. just sell it there
It could be an annual event around Christmas time where randy dresses up as Santa Claus and pushes “randulf’s gifts” with a couple of items that would work in muh brick and mortars. Necamutt and virgin Trevor could dress up as elves and advertise it on their socials. Their site is shit though, so I’m not sure they have a webmaster capable of adding a real time kickstarter like that though.
I mean would NECA have even attempted it? Much less articulate it?
it would need a clear plastic stand to hold the shark’s mouth open because of the weight. because of the weight, i think
Poor troll attempt. Quit shitting up the thread with your posts.
Imagine your DM just slamming this down in the middle of the table
Personally something like a ship from The Abyss 1989 would be cool too
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I "have" all of them, one of my friends that lives a few towns over got me the Six-Shooter/Jester pack from his Target since I never saw it in my area but we haven't met up in awhile for me to grab it off of him. I like them a lot, Blade's weapons and Torch's helmet spike give me anxiety that they could snap immediately if they ever took a tumble because they're so tiny and thin but other than that I have no complaints. They're worth getting if you're a fan of the series, as hard as that has been to be after the fourth one. I was hoping they'd be a big success and we'd get more Full Moon Ultimates out of it like Demonic Toys or Subspecies but for now I hope we at least get Leech Woman to round out the original main puppets. Best case scenario being she's paired with Mephisto and Decapitron gets his own release with a fuck ton of extra heads. Wouldn't even mind if some of them were extra expressions for Jester.
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You'll get this with face printing and shoved in an Ultimates box for $20 more than original retail and you'll like it!
Original MSRP on NECA's Cult Classics line was $15.99. Hannibal remake figure is $35.99. That is the benchmark I went by.
Hence why I said nothing has been $20 more than retail
35 is not more than 15, got it. Thank you for the course in NECAnomics.
you are such an absolute dicksucker to type all that out with zero irony when they sell 100% newly sculpted and significantly more articulated figures at the same price point. the amount of ballwashing you do for this company that doesn't even know you exist is downright pathetic. you should genuinely feel embarrassed every time you post in here.
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My original 5 Ben Cooper kids finally showed up today. Really excited to have them all together now after finding the Walmart ones a few weeks ago. Now I’m just stuck trying to decide if I want to open them or not… the packaging is just too good.
I want a ultimate Crypt Keeper from the show with the chair, episode specific props and a comic or two for him to hold. Toony terrors can handle his version from the show. I feel this is exactly something NECA would do if they can gets the rights.
What are the metal sticks for?
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Could use stuff from Spaulding on cryptkeeper to achieve that look or at least close.
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Did they make a Reggie figure?
nice hairline dweeb
what's with the lack of alien and predator figures man
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The Great Old Ones/Wall of Monsters from In the Mouth of Madness.
More of The Thing, but specifically the Norris defibrillation scene and final showdown Blair.
And since they did Peter Weller's likeness so well, literally anything and everything from Naked Lunch.
I could see Leech Woman and Decapitron packed together, since she would need less extras. Blade and Torch were super barebones compared to what I've seen included with Pinhead and Tunneler, and they were the same price. I could see Decapitron having his various heads, maybe an electric effect, then Leech Woman having a few leeches, a gagging head, and a dagger. Khan and Memphis to would make for a cool pack together, I think, being early Toulon puppets.

They should. Include his guitar and quad-barrel shotgun.
isn’t there like a million predator and alien figures…? Yeah they haven’t made as many recently, but there’s really not a whole lot left that they haven’t already done. We just got feral predator and we should be getting alien stuff for Romulus. Just be patient.
Why does NECA seem to avoid doing the protagonists from horror films? Tommy and Nancy would both be great and really add to the displays. I mean they did the whole cast from Alien and most from Aliens, but won’t seem to do any other protagonists.
Bull, Flying Queen, Killer Crab, Arachnid, Wild Boar, Swarm and King Aliens to finish the Kenner line. Also the remaining marines, especially Atax. I actually don't really care about the other marines, but I know there are anons that want them.
Then do comic Xenos like the Rogue King, and the weird lobster Alien from the Colonial Marines series. There are more that could be done from the comics, but I'm lazy.
These mother fuckers are so ugly that I can't even identify what's what.
Probably licensing fees if I had to guess
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American horror protagonists usually don’t have the style needed for merch unlike European ones.
What does NECA stand for anyways?
New ultimates reveal.
Hmm, I haven’t seen the movies yet, but he looks neat.
>That's not real
Yes it is.
What’s this even from?
I meant what movie is it from
What the hell is black phone
Bad knockoff of House of Blue Shadows 1986
They're kind of just eh out of the package and just standing there. A neighbor hood backdrop would make them more appealing out of the boxes, imo.
Those two movies are nothing alike.
Yes they are, it stole the killer’s design.
Tommy Jarvis and Nancy Thompson are both fan favorites in their respective franchises though anon. People would definitely buy them to go with all their Jason’s and Freddy’a.
Question is, which Tommy would they give us?
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Yeah genuinely American horror protags look so normal vs guys like this (clothing and facial shapes are needed to be iconic)
Uhh what? Guy looks like a generic white guy.
Check out this guy’s face then
>full, voluminous hair
>hairline isn’t randy tier
>almond eyes
>high cheekbones
>roman nose
>pouty bottom lip
>dimpled chin
>masculine jawline
i rate him 9/10 and desire a figure of him
A few good faces from Europe, Good looking men used to be common (ones with variety), also plenty of bombshell babes in terms of outfits/looks about in them too. Gonna post another example after this and then dip for a bit
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And John Harrington from Hatchet for a Honeymoon, a striking face and man who’s last film was this, and the film and himself are a prototype for American Psycho and even Harrington himself a near identical one to Bateman’s
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Pic of him without him being in the wedding dress lol
The wedding dress is the selling point!
I hooe they make Big Bird. Legit want a nice figure of him and Snuffleupagus.
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Unironically would be a part of it, considering how bizarre it is yet has the potential of cloth+other interesting fabric. Whole film is a weird one in general with it being both a murder mystery and a reverse ghost story
https://tubitv.com/movies/100023550/hatchet-for-the-honeymoon It’s free on Tubi incase you wanna watch it (or also on youtube in dvd quality lol)
Have they made it to 200? If not what could the concept for it be? Alpha was pretty rad
forgot pic
i haven't picked up the ED1 fig yet, are they already making another one?
>Where’s the best place to get discounted NECA?
mercari or ebay if you don't mind used, you can sometimes find new unopened figs if you're willing to scour through listing all day everyday until you find a deal
Didn’t NECA reveal some TMNT stuff today?
What are some of these accessories? Give me the low down
Who’s the hologram supposed to be? Emperor Palpatine?
Any update on more preds or aliens?
Whrre can I get feral
NecAnon is a terrorist, he should be in jail.
Funko just showed their Romulus stuff. The "scorched" alien and Rain seem likely from neca.
Not even close. They haven't actually released a lot of Pred stuff since this guy. Maybe just the Ultimate Lost Tribe figures, and the Prey figures, and maybe a couple more.

Last SDCC, they sorta teased Wolf, and Ultimate versions of the AvP Preds. Hopefully, they show some of that stuff off at SDCC this year. There's been so little Predator (and Alien) stuff the last couple years.
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You think well get a dubsguy reissue / repackage?

Id love to see a new head sculpt; but if they straight up rereleased Pat id still get it.
And you should be in a mental institution
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More Beetlejuice reissues incoming!
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Both $26.99 and already up for preorder on BBTS
It’s a nice stand in for the moment, but I’m still hoping for an Ultimate with the movie coming out
What’s with them reissuing a bunch of stuff recently? Specifically the cult classics stuff
You should learn what words mean before you shitpost with them.
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Would they dare to re-release the worst action figure they ever made?
Ultimate Vincent Price is up for pre-order at Best Buy.
Thankee sir. Looking forward to that one.
What the absolute fuck is that?
They can sure, but they’re outdated. It’s also ridiculous they reused theirs old heads for the ultimate John Kramer, a figure people have been waiting YEARS for.
Randy is desperate to cash in on the new movies for Beetlejuice and POTA but not willing to pay for tooling for new molds. Hannibal Lecter was to test the waters to see if people would be dumb enough to pay Ultimates prices for Cult Classics.
The beetlejuice ones are $27 though
I've been buying NECA figs since the Hellraiser days, these re-releases are saving me a lot of money. No need to double dip but they might get me if they put out some old Cult Classics I never got to snag like the Hare Krishna zombie.
You realize these will have better face paint/printing application, right? There’s definitely a reason to double dip.
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Speaking of NECA hellraiser and rereleases… PLEASE rerelease the cenobite lair…
I said Hannibal was to test the waters. Beetlejuice isn't in Ultimates packaging because word has gotten back to Randy that the reception for deceptively putting Hannibal in an Ultimates box was negative. Beetlejuice is a quick cash grab like POTA was.
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I don't care about that in the slightest. It's a minor improvement at best, and in cases like the Beetlejuice I prefer the likeness on the original figure. It does not incentivize me to repurchase figures I've owned for decades now. I've given them enough money as it is, I deserve that right. But if they start pumping out some rare older figures that I have no desire to pay exorbitant secondary market prices on then I'm more than happy to jump on that. But as much as I'd love that I really hope this isn't where the future of the company is headed, what I want most of all is more Ultimates.
I can’t tell if you’re shitposting or being serious.
The three zombies, Bubbah Ho Tep, Elvis, Tall Man, there's a lot of those Cult Classic figs I wouldn't mind seeing again with improved paint apps or new heads and things.
I'm okay with this.
any updates on the gargoyles line? the vow and the detective boardway were so lukewarm releases
I be happy if the line ends with coldstone and macbeth
Got around to unboxing my Inferno Ghostface, he's pretty fun. The bullet damage on the vest is a cool little detail. And the flamethrower's fun. Might find another figure to give that too.

Is the paint on the face peeling or is it supposed to look like that?
We'll hopefully see more at SDCC here in a couple weeks.

It's just an old beat up figure.

Glad you like that Ghost Face. I'm thinking I may end up getting it cause I really dig the devil mask.
So what happened with the Gargoyles line? They were going really hard with it last year, and now crickets. We have three or four shown off prototypes too.
>pleeeeeese buy the toys you already have again
Nothing happened to it? We just had that Silver Falcon and Vows pack release. They've said Coldstone is the next one that will release, and we'll hopefully see more news at the con.
It just seemed to have slowed down by a huge degree. For the first stretch I always had at least one figure on preorder.
Hey, question on the Universal Monsters line.

I've thought about it for years, but never bothered. I'm looking at it now, and it seems most characters actually only have one version in color. I swear I looked a few years back and saw multiple box variants for like Wolf-Man or the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Am I confusing the black and white ones? Are there packaging variants or figure variants I'm missing?

I used FigureRealm to compile a list of Ultimate figures.
I think some of them had variants through Lootcrate or something. They were in the style of the Burger King toys.
Oh that's all? I'm recalling full box variants seen at like Targets. But it's been years since that.
I mean the color versions have a different poster on the box compared to the B&W versions, that’s the only thing I can think of.
That's gotta be it. I guess I didn't, or simply don't remember, cracking them open.
Yeah, the color and black and white versions have completely different poster artwork boxes, so that could be what you were thinking of. The Lootcrate BK homage figures have resealable ziplock bag style baggies.
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Beetlejuice - HeadKnocker

Need to scare the living away from your comfy haunt? Just keep this Beetlejuice HeadKnocker on your shelf! From Tim Burton's masterful comedy, the Ghost with the Most is cast in resin and then hand painted for incredible detail. Over 8" tall with bobbling head — frightful fun for fans of all ages!

Est. Shipping: August 2024!

#Beetlejuice #Headknocker #NECA #TimBurton
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A lot of NECA stuff is currently on sale on Best Buy right now. Can’t beat $20 for a figure!
In a strange turn of events, the red robe Jigsaw is up for preorder on BBTS for those who want it to make Amanda
Yeah that's a pretty damn decent sale. Might buy some synjas...

Not strange, Target just had the early release exclusivity it seems, like with bear blood. This is good for everyone though!
Anyone got the 4 pack mirage TNMT turtles?
Do you recommend them? I dont have any other NECA turtles but love the look of these
I saw a review saying the shoulder and neck are little limited
They’re good. but I would pick up the new single releases coming out since they come with more accessories rather than going after that 4 pack
Picked up the Elvira and she came in today. She can easily get into a natural lying down for her couch pose, so I’m confused what that argument was all about.
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With season 4 wrapping up this week, really makes me wish NECA continued this line. The figures are so good!
>I think that's all the Haulathon stuff now released from early exclusivity.
Still waiting for Silver Falcon Broadway.
Well no doubt that will come eventually as well
Still don't get why Noir didn't carry over the articulation scheme. The one who needs articulation the most out of the three has the least. Just remembered that they showed A-Train but never released him. Guess it didn't do well enough.
Yeah that was a strange design choice. Thankfully we have the mafex figures now that are just better in every way, besides being more expensive. They’re also doing all the main characters it seems.
I don't go to Best Buy, would these be the in-store prices if I dropped by?
>Thankfully we have the mafex figures now that are just better in every way
I wouldn’t say that, the NECA figures definitely still hold their own.

I believe so, but it was free shipping for me. You could also do a pickup through the app just to make sure it’s the same price.
Mezco did a Halloween 78 1/12 figure and Trick or Treat Studios sell masks based on the 78 mask.

Honestly I think the Akkads are protective of the merchandising rights. TOTS wanted to do a mask based on the flashback mask from Halloween Kills, but Malek Akkad said no (the reason why has never been disclosed, but apparently he really doesn't want that mask made.)
I am be of the biggest neca fans but their line was a huge disappointment. Buy the superior MAFEX if you want good depictions of the series, not bad sculpts and a baggy diaper on Homelander
Sorry Anon, but the Neca figures look nothing like the actors.
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Really? The figures look good with really good likenesses. I wish they would’ve done more than the 3 they did do.
No, the likenesses are actually really good for the Boys figures.
There is no baggy "diaper" numbnuts, it's a rubber overlay. And it keeps the sculpt from being broken up visually.
it's not rubber you retard
Yes it is
Dead line. Mafex is the only way now and they’re better in every respect.
Not true
Umm yeah they are. They scale with my 1/12 figures so Venom Snake and GUTS just joined The Boys fyi with a close alliance with my Revoltech TMNT. Buying the Neca figures right now would be a waste because it’s been dropped. DEAD LINE.
And the NECA figures scale with 7 inch figures, so they can hang out with my DC McFarlane figures and other NECA lines.
Your play sessions sound lit, anon.
soft plastic isn't rubber you retard
As I said, Silver Falcon Broadway is up on BBTS now. What are you gonna complain about now?
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I’m happy now
Trash release do not get, 100% serious
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Idk who u think i am but really not a good release. Forgot it comes with boardways folded wings so I guess it has one benefit
Damn so that’s why I couldn’t find one.
What’s wrong with it?
it is JUST broadway with a tench coat
I was okay with the idea when it was first announced but actually opening and getting it super disappointed how lazy neca was with the release.
There is nothing interesting about the release. The box is nice i guess and you get broadway's folded wings but you are just paying 50 dollars or whatever for JUST his folded wings. One head sculpt is new but the expression is just a sight open eyes and nicer expression nothing has changed. It just really shows NECA wanted the fans to pay for his folded wings feels really like a scam.
Unless you really need the folded wings i say dont get it
Sounds like it’s not a bad deal if you didn’t have the original Broadway
but the OG broadway comes with weapons and the open wings (if u like the open wings) I think the hands are exactly the same I might be wrong I think tenchcoat comes with one extra hand
The extra food i really dont care about with EVERY release of the gargolyes if you care sure u have more food now. The new head is bullshit, it is almost exactly same as the natural face but with open eyes it sucks so bad so lazy.
You are paying for the folded wings for 50 dollars
Why’d you buy it then? just to complain?
Are you dumb?
U live with ZERO regrets?
I said I thought it was pretty neat when it was first released or revealed at comicon or something. But when I actually opened it up I realized the release is very lazy and almost a scam.
You can feel not that way but I listed all the reasons why I dont like this release and it feels like neca forced the fans to get this release for the folded wings and spend the 50 dollars
They didn’t force the fans to do anything. You were the one that a second ago was saying the OG Brooklyn was better because it came with the open wings, so which one is better??
I got every release of the gargolyes except the vow bc I really dont care about the extra things it came with it. Im pretty happy with every release I got except the detective broadway and the only reason I got it was 1. I needed the folded wings bc I got the rest of the folded wings 2. I thought the release was neat, fun concept but all the stuff I initially thought was neat about the release was actually 1. not that neat 2. the extra stuff that came with the release was lazy
So if the collectors want the folded wings the ONLY WAY they can get this broadway release so yes neca is forcing their fans to pay the extra 50 dollars for the wings
>ONLY WAY they can get it is this broadway release so yes neca is forcing their fans to pay the extra 50 dollars for the wings*
first release broadway's mouth open
the only difference are the eyes
>they aren't forcing you do anything
Neca is forcing collectors to get this release if they want the folded wings
Sorry your IQ is SO low for you to understand this
daddy neca do no wrong
>dont know anything about the gargoyles line
>still defend it
the dickriding is crazy
Show me where you said that. Fuck, it wasn't even up when I commented because the Mirage Foot were at the top of the front page, so you are full of shit. You should cleanse the darkness within your soul by drinking bleach, you fucking hostile little cunt.
You seem like the hostile one.
necanon never skips an opportunity to be hostile, so no. he could simply be a neca dicksucker and it'd be fine, but instead spends more time arguing with everyone and being constantly antagonistic about everything. he should get a life. or at least play with his toys.
If someone wants the folded wings, there is no other option to acquire those wings outside of buying a separate figure, so NECA is forcing you to buy a figure to get the folded wings.
Ideally theyd be included with the figure from the start, or theyd offer them on their own.
Anytime a company does that i think its lame, like with MAFEX and their DC Batman Hush line. If you want batman to have the fist with the kryptonite ring you have to buy Superman. Its stupid, batman should just have the part included, you shouldn't have to buy a separate figure.
It’s the law of double dippa and many necallectors know it well. However, Gorgyles fans seem to have been hot even harder than your average line, which might be the only active line to ever reach the once unthinkable SEPTUPLE DIP on Goliath.
You are ridiculous.
>Ultimate Goliath
>Video Game Goliath
>Limited Run Goliath
>Goliath/Demona vows two pack
If they release a stone variant, they’ll hit six releases of that mold which is insanity. I thought you were only baiting the hall monitor.
First off, he’s the main character. Nobody complains when there’s a million Luke Skywalkers, Optimus Primes, or He Mans. Nobody said you have to get every single release.
Also Thailog is a different character.
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Probably will be a SDCC reveal
>Q2 2024
He's a different character. Not that you'd know that since you don't know anything about Gargoyles.
You mean the "issue" you're making up? Dumbass.
I really enjoy NECA figures. Simple as.
>Nobody complains when there’s a million Luke Skywalkers, Optimus Primes, or He Mans.
yes they do
>Come complain to me about how many Batmans there are
people do this all the time
they could have and still should release an accessory pack with the folded wings for each of the main gargoyles. they are well aware the fans want this, and they could release this at any time.
I pulled the trigger and went in on the Universal Monster line. Really simple to kick off, I managed to grab six at a local Target and Best Buy that are right in the same plaza. So like.... 40% of the line right there? More if I skip the accessory sets. But I have a question or two.

The Frankenstein with chair I'm seeing on Neca's site, is that an exclusive, or will that get a wide release later? Same with the Christopher Lee Dracula (And god damn they best do a Peter Cushing Van Helsing.) I hear preordering from Neca's site can be an awful crapshoot.

After poking around BBTS and Amazon it seems the Bride is the only figure that costs at all over retail, and she's not even that bad. Five or ten bucks. Since I got two at Best Buy for 17 dollars off, not a bad situation overall.

But a weird question on the Bride. Am I alone in thinking the color looks off on her? Too human and vibrant. If I remember, the idea was the doctor was better at his science with her than the creature. But somehow she, and she alone looks sort of more natural in black and white to me. Like the grey is more properly sickly. It's hard to explain. Just an odd problem I'm having as I look at her.
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Not really, from what I’ve seen of colorized versions of the bride of Frankenstein she had normal colored skin. Even the poster shows her with normal skin.
Also, technically the Christopher Lee Dracula and eventual Peter Cushing Helsing are Hammer Film, not universal.
My question about the Bride is more about weird tics in perception than what was intended.

And yes, I know about Hammer. But for some reason Neca even puts Lee with Universal.
New thread?
Guys asking for new threads early are usually trolls and then make them themselves even if its on just page 2, just make the thread on page 9. Been a big problem on /lg/ and /tfg/ for a while.
I mean we’re on page 5 and discussion usually dies off pretty heavily once bump limit is hit. The board overall is just pretty slow.
Shit, that's awesome, I really need to pick up all the Puppet Master stuff.
I wonder if they'll make a Toulon, they could pack him with a Decapitron.
The whole Autosage crap was all to try and stop one shitposter from necrobumpimg his obsessed youtuber threads and it still didn’t deter him, they need to just get full rid of him and any threads that are youtuber posting instead of toy/around toys discussion and the board (let alone the site) would be a lot better. Send youtube discussion to a containment board like /vt/, /yt/. Though thats just my thoughts
I love it. The case is a good inclusion and a good way to cap off the series if they don't plan on making any more. I'm still holding out for Decapitron and the Demons from 4 but I'd still be content if they stopped here.
>I'm still holding out for Decapitron and the Demons from 4
Same, they're the last things I'd want. But this really is a nice way to give you all the main puppets plus a nice display piece.
Actual new thread
Truck Or Treat Studios wins this round I think the CEO of that company is genuinely retarded about Micheal Myers just like me because they nail the details
>You think well get a dubsguy reissue / repackage?
I really want a new Ultimate of him. Both Suit and raincoat figures.

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