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What is a Nendoroid, you may ask?

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Guide/Product release info found here:

Stickness on your figures?

Nendoroid spreadsheet in Google Docs, compiling info regarding names, # of faces, accessories, etc of all the nendos made so far

Nendoroid guide to bootlegs to prevent people fall for shitty made figures (any correction or improvement that need to be made is welcome)
Also the buyfag wiki about bootlegs

Gallery of nendos with Sylvanian Families or re-ment furniture for scale comparison

>How it's made: GSC edition

Here is a shop that sells loose nendoroid parts for cheap and the inventory updates daily

Reminder: if you want GSC to make or rerelease something you need to tell them you want it.

Previous Thread:
Mah boi Laios is gonna be here soooooon
Niceee where’d you order it from?
Holy shit when will this go on pre order? Fuck other nendos this slaps
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It just got revealed, so it’s not up yet. But it’s due Q4 2025.
Getting it on the goodsmile store gets you a neat base with it too when it eventually goes up.
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What if nendoroid were cheaper and better
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There is some slight black/discolored marks on the hairpieces of a couple nendoroids I recently got (from GSC itself) and I'm wondering if they're damage or just paint errors.
Is this common? They look like small smudges.
Also, for anyone who got the Yuuka Hayase one, her coat edges seem somewhat choppy, is this the same for anyone else?
I have few nendoroids because I can't afford a ton of them.
Could you take some pics?
I can't right now, but it looks like a pencil mark.
One of them looks like a slightly darker version of the smudge on the right side of this image
frfr on god it do be bussin
Who makes these?
Huh, I’ve only ever seen them make literal whos I didn’t want, you got one? Is it good?
funny how this turned out better than the shf
This gigantic thing taking the internet by storm is literally just two TV length youtube episodes?
Nice, I'm waiting for Marcille to be shipped. Though that will take months
I want to put my penis in Pomni.
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nta but I've got their stark
it doesn't come with as much stuff as the nendoroid and the plastic doesn't feel as high quality
plus they aren't as big either
on the other hand, it comes with an alt waist part to make sitting easier
it's also a stable figure where nothing is loose and it's able to stand up without a stand if you can manage to balance it
I don't think Dforms make nendos obsolete but they're pretty good alternatives if you just want a cheaper SD figure of a character
Who will be the next ReZero character to get a nendo?
not really something to be proud of since anything is better than that tranny looking garbage they shat out
>flavor of the month slop made by a literal tranny
Keep it.
You prefer a bunch of pedo furry animators like the nineties?
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I hope that casual FSN Gil will get a regular nendoroid release later like Shinjuku alters because it's a terrible idea to release a character as nendoroid doll in a outfit that is very prone to paint trainsfer.
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The proportions are weird.
The only nendoroid alternative I ever found actually cute and appealing was cu poche (which is pretty dead now).
When I first saw nendoroids I thought they were weird too, I still think that for Guts and Griffith.
To this day I still mourn CuPoche. They were the only real competitor to Nendoroid and in some ways were better value for money. Their MadoMagi releases were incredible but sadly went unfinished when they decided to focus more on original IP rather than licensed stuff.
Reminder that SmileFest Osaka is in two weeks. We might actually get a bunch of new stuff.
I can't imagine how much will have changed in only two months. but I guess they will have to have something new to show.
bros i ordered a white cell U-1196 nendo on aliexpress for like 35 bucks
how real is this price? was there are re-release recently or something? why is she so cheap?
did i get scammed and will get a bootleg?
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>Snake and Raiden rerelease
Also sorry if this is a stupid question, but where do you guys normally pre-order your figs from? Just curious, I've only ever ordered nendos through Goodsmile US.
AmiAmi is the biggest one. I haven't tried any other alternatives.
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usually amiami but sometimes GSC global if there's a bonus I want
Just got confirmation of Shion being deposited into my HLJail
amiami, though it used to be that you could get nendos for free on TOM by using points during the x3 point sales before they put in a 50% cap for point discounts
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Has anyone ever preordered from goodsmile europe? I pre ordered a figurine that should ship this month but i didn't even get a mail to pay
I keep requesting regular nendo versions of Nendoroid Doll OCs.
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So why is it that the GSC US store doesn't allow for order cancellations anymore?
Because Americans are entitled
Needs more 90s-00s nostalgia.
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Holy fucking shit they made Deedlit
GSC is making me watch old animes so I can buy cute nendos from them
is there a list of nendos with high articulation?
like i have a rathalos monster hunter one and she can bend her knees and elbows
any one know similar ones?
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Was in Tokyo earlier this month, in Akihabara I checked out so many hobbyshops looking for a wattson nendoroid, plenty of cool stuff but couldn't find it so I just gave up. While walking off I passed by a good smile pop-up shop and finally they had a last one in stock

I couldn't find any of the apex specialty stores/sections but if I did I imagine the search would've been much easier
It's an "independent animation targeted at mentally ill teenage girls".
And, it has bright colors to appeal to the Skibi Brainrot crowd

I'd buy it for my first Nendoroid but I wish they could do more than just give her a sad/WTFamIdoing here face.
After witnessing a bunch of custom Splatoon bjd I wish they at least made inkling and octoling nendoroid dolls.
>can’t use paypal anymore
>can’t cancel orders anymore
their storefront went to crap in the last year or so
uh, the box is supposed to look stained/dirty, right?
Venom is one of the most articulated nendos.
such a weird design decision, always have to do a double take to make sure it's not actual damage.
you run around in dirt a lot in apex
it makes sense
i really like the shinkawa eyes option for raiden, sucks that snake didn't get 'em.
at least he got funni polygon head
Last year they had Anime Expo and Wonfes in the same month and revealed different new shit in both events
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>Ruriruri will be released the 6th
ugh, my wallet...
Will heat destroy nendroids? Somebody gifted me one and I want to stick it in my car on the dashboard like a bobblehead. at the same time im thinking it will melt and is a bad idea.
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It is going to melt if you live in a hot area, maybe not at the same rate of those rubber ducks but you are going to ruin it
Even if it doesn't melt, constant exposure to sunlight will ruin the paint.
The sun will bleach the shit out of it, and I'm not sure you'd be able to find a way to fix it to your dash that wouldn't result in it popping off/apart and yeeting across the cabin during any high intensity braking/acceleration.

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