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Previous thread: >>11069957

>NECA movie Tatsu hitting Wal-Mart now
>NECA Mirage single packed Turtles up for pre-order, as well as Last Ronin Accessory Pack and Battle Damaged Ronin
>Playmates Remastered Turtles starting to hit stores
>Playmates Toilet Taxi reissue, vintage Sports TMNT, Movie Stars wave 2, newest retro card wave (Rat King, Mutagen Man, Casey Jones, Slash), Pizza Thrower reissue hitting Target
>Playmates Tales of TMNT swap wave showing up at Target with new motorcycle vehicles
>Super7 SDCC exclusives revealed (Glow Scumbug, Reaction toon 4-pack, Pizza Chef Mikey, Mikey's Pizza Turtle Van repaint), non-attendees can order on the 29th of July on the Super7 store.
>Mezco Casey Jones went up, on waitlist currently
>NECA Last Ronin Mikey and Donnie on Wal-Mart shelves now
>JoyToy 1/18 TMNT up for pre-order
>NECA black and white TMNT Universal Monsters 2-pack exclusive to Wal-Mart, in stores now.
>Furay/Fury/Rage Toys etc Not-Bebop & NotMikey up for pre-order now!
>Mondo Sofubi Donatello, Michelangelo, Rapahel & Leonardo up for order, Mondo Gecko and Ray Filet are Mondo Store exclusive!
>Turtles of Grayskull wave 2 and 3, Walmart exclusive Krang, Moss-Man, & Mer-Man, and Target exclusive Splinter-Skull in stores

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/


Remember to report and ignore all trolling.
Super7 SDCC exclusives will be going up for non-attendees on the 29th of July!

The 2003 Turtles presale ends on the 30th...if you care about the extra heads anyway.
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Mirage Gladiator triceraton and Rat King are being found already
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Scale pic
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Old news got the last ronin neca figure and it is great
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Ray King comes with an alt head that we hadn't yet seen before.
>ray king
Are you even trying here?
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You're really gonna cry about a typo?
Any word on if the pizza chef Michelangelo from Super7 is going to be available outside of the convention? Or is Brian going to be scalping them to make his 3rd mortgage payments
Some new ToG pics. These all have listings up on Target's website, none are live however.
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It should be noted that the Mirage single pack turtles have fixed the previous head issue in the 4 pack.
All the Super7 exclusives should be up on their store on the 29th. At least according to their last bit of info they gave.
You mean the non-existant issue that you apparently still need to shitpost about?
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April looking pretty cool. Though if she's like Teela, she won't be much fun to pose.
It's almost weird to have toy head He-Man when the other characters are more expressive and animated looking.
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Tatsu is hitting Walmarts now. At least in the great state of Ohio.
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it's weird but i wanna see this guy in other styles now. wanna see a super7 one.. even a movie one.
what's wrong with you, anon? he's another tmnt character like Rat Fillet and Shredler.
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Pizza Thrower reissue is out there. No telling what kind of shelf space Target will dedicate to it and for how long.
they are really having fun with these
>I have befriended turtles, so I shall wear shell-shaped armor in their honor. FOR GRAYSKULL! Oh hey this works pretty well. I guess shells are already armor..
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whoa, special edition red packaging
hey man, you enjoy the stuff. just maybe consider not talking like a fag.
wait does this mean the guy claiming to be his son was legit?
we had a highly dubious report that the tatsu actor's son had posted on social media that the rights had finally been secured.
what is special about these vs the normal super7 non-ultimates I forget their name. surely shredder and rocksteady and bebop already received those toys. so if this is getting new packaging, it can't be just for the sake of new packaging right
by the way, is this movie 1 or 2 version
there is a very subtle difference, but I forget what that is.
that certainly makes sense.
Let me go look.....
you know what, maybe there is no difference. the only thing i can see is the two kinda chicken-feet-shaped things on his shoulders... are very shiny in movie 1, and dull in movie 2.
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Mattel has a lot of good stuff for collector con on thurs. I like this one a little bit better than the Neca.


They also have three street sharks which I have always considered a sister series.
street sharks are at least a cousin
this leatherhead looks.. just kinda great. feels like it was based on a videogame appearance.
Its just a kitbash of the snake figures. Every motu figure uses the same body mold.
the what now
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I've seen horrors today
it's reverse supershredder!! he has all the powers of regular supershredder but his helmet was lost in the phantom zone for a little while
now with hanna barbera eyes
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She looks better, but still would have been better with bare legs like Sorceress and the yellow belt like in the mini comic.
I don't know if there's a name for having a "that bit of skin above the thigh but not quite in the pubic region yet" fetish, but I've got one bad.
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Masters of the universe has several snake men figures. They just repainted the molds from those and made a new head sculpt. It still looks good though.
that looks.. a little similar
the tail is original too isn't it
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Maybe. I’m not a motu expert.
>Cryin' Hound
I never thought I'd see the day. I can't even joke about Cudley the Cowlick being impossible anymore.
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Leatherhead's torso seems to be Rattlor's with the vest overlay. The legs looks like King Hiss with He-man's boots. Arms seem to be from Hiss too, butaube with different gauntlets and hands. The tail is definitely new.
but maybe
ohh yeah those are the legs..
Eh, it seemed like a no brainer as soon as we saw the wrestling turtles
I can't believe they're making a Cryin' Houn' figure.
Of all characters I could've ever guessed at being made, he's one of never would've even considered
Great, another Walmart exclusive that they won't sell to Canada so I'm stuck paying scalpers. Thanks Randy, I hope you choke on your sheddings.
Pics of those?
Cry more, psycho bitch
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My store has a tag
Sounds like you need the cops called on you.
dark Leo… where is dark Leo preorder… we need dark Leo preorder
What do most people’s collections actually look like? People rarely post their pics here so I’m kinda confused on what everyone collects.
I did a video a few months ago if your curious, for those that watch please don't make fun of me too much.
If that’s actually your video anon, that’s actually an insane collection. Very impressive. What’s the main thing you’re still missing that you want?
It's mine, mainly i'd love to get a Channel 6 van and other later releases. I've gotten lucky at flea markets and garage sales but I don't want to pay the bucks ebays asking.
fuckin price creep
but i will buy once they put it online.
movie turts across two shelves, super7s across two more below it, china van below that along with spare parts and shit i intend to use (mini bugs to be partners for those who didn't get them sculpted on etc)
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It's either the black and white universal monster turtles orrrr we got a black and white first sketch set coming. Neato.
did someone who didn't work on Zog work on triceraton gladiator? looks like a huge drop in quality. i was so hyped for this figure but it looks like ass.
i think some aspects of it look better
but the ribs and wrists.. oof.
I have not seen that yet, just now I'm finding toilet taxis.

Also good news everyone I got a hold of a better Irma card/model. Now I can retire the one I edited.
I went on vacations to Texas and only got the black and white version of the last ronin Neca figure and Alopex loyal subjects figure :(
That's how the characters are drawn in that issue, the hell are you on about? What a stupid thing to say.
Fuck off you coomer brained shithead
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Tick tock, turtlefags.
Can you edit april to have a longer neck and the same height as irma.
It's the left over NFT shredder and foot soldiers. Betting on it.
What’s this actually referring to?
That's a syndication company ad, presumably to get broadcasters to pick up the rights to tried-and-true properties they had control of. Takes a swipe at "new hotness" properties of the time like TMNT.
Ironically, TMNT has become evergreen, while those three classics have been culturally irrelevant since at least the mid-'90s.
Well, except Woody, who is stupidly popular on South America still.
I still wonder if kids even know who the Flintstones are or if they just think of Fred and Barney as cereal mascots and nothing else
Why isn’t the Neco op advertising that the Walmart collector con begins July 25th at 10ET? It’s a big honkin’ deal for the necallectors with cryin’ houn’ and the Triceraton gladiator plus shit that didn’t sell before like blue Renet and the b&w shredder/foot soldier all part of the event. Do your job neco op.
The sad thing is kids still like pretty much all those cartoons given the chance to watch them, they are only out of syndication because they wanted to sell dvds which led to the death of basically all syndicated cartoons in the years that followed. Greedy fucks effectively killed off iconic characters to an entire new generation of kids just to try get their parents to buy dvds.
Nah skibidi toilet is funnier than those boomer toons
It's a perspective thing. Also by long neck, how long 8U???

Also I like my VHS turtles but why do I have this weird feeling they're gonna do revisions since they've used the same mold for like 5 years??
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Collector con sneak peek
Why the fuck are those bundles instead of selling them separately?
Maybe you should skibidi your head into a toilet and drown yourself.
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Because they’re scammers. Randy is a scammer. From the twisted mind of randulf as he is surrounded by sheddings in his cramped little office:
>Oh, you didn’t wanna buy blue Renet last time? Fuck you, she’s packed with the gladiator now. You want extra b&w foot soldiers, eat shit, here’s a shredder too so you can’t army build.
lol they backed the wrong team
When will the Turtles mash up with Dic so we can finally get the TMNT/Heathcliff collaboration we deserve
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Splinters been workin out while the boy's are away.
Nothing about that makes them scammers you brain rot fuck. Nothing they've done makes them scammers. Quit using words you don't understand. Leave it to a whiny basement dweller like you to complain about literally everything you can.
Because people want them and it's easier to sell them that way?
Why do you insist on shitting up the thread with your insane bullshit? Nobody cares about you or your made up lover.

Do this >>11082811
But what if I already have the blue renet? I don’t need another one of her just to get the new figure.
Then buy the triceraton from Target. It's not exclusive to that 2pack. It's being found in stores right now.
No one wants that AutoT trash they couldn’t give away again. Read slowly, pillock: I already own blue Renet. I do not want another blue Renet, only the Trike Gladiator. Packing these two figures together makes no sense except to a stupid, necaslop ingesting waterhead like you.
Excellent stuff anon.
Good to know you're a massive fucking idiot bruv! Really nice of you to come out and just admit that. The triceraton is being sold by itself. It's already being found at Target, you rancid excuse for a manchild. Ain't a goddamn thing forcing you to buy this pack. Pillock.
randy gamble on autot
and randy lost
he behind the curve as always
his mind a relic of dusty old, idea
falling for nft like dummy
with money burning hole in pocket
i imagine randy was pog collector
when he still have hair
Sup ban evader
Party Wallop arrived today. He gets in his own way with the way the shell/armor is always there, but he's a chonky little fellow and I like how everything has a place to go when not in use. Debating if I want to put the Raph head on for a "comic book" color bandana or leave him his own thing for a bit.

Also they really should have named him Van-Go
>Also they really should have named him Van-Go
That would have required them to be creative
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Looks like Two-bop comes with the arm and feet.
unfortunately he was disqualified from the Animalympics when he tested positive for Spice.
More fun to watch you scramble your fat fingers across the keyboard while you work yourself into a wheezing rage and do the work for everyone else. Such a good little compliant chimp.
I'd test his juices.
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His chest comes off and the gears move with his jaw and waist.
This is why I use my old camera.
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I saw splinter skull and pizza thrower today at target. I didnt buy either but that pizza thrower looks tempting ngl
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New vid with Veebs, Trevor, and Ken Mitchroney opening 'rassler Turtles: https://youtu.be/apUCzug8vgs?si=NWUcdJNTuJU6_A6q

It's mostly Ken geeking out about seeing his art coming to plastic life, which is pretty endearing. It's nice seeing him so happy with this stuff. Ace Duck is on the back of the 4pack packaging so he def is confirmed now.
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Who is this Veebs guy and why does he get interviews with NECA, Super7, and Jada?
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Stump Wrestling Leatherhead.
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Cryin Houn is pretty darn big.
interesting addition to the neck
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With the pic, derp.
Looks like cocodrilo génerico
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Upcoming Ronin figures at SDCC
Which happens first: Comic accurate Wyrm, or Vid Vicious?
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Whole display
Please credit the photographer, the fabled and much loved ZELU1984
Of fuckin course they’re doing the worst look for Casey Marie instead of qt cyberpunk issue 1
>the ninja turtles at home
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so I guess shredder's throne is out now.. honestly i'm not super impressed. now, the junk and tire stacks, those I would buy.
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They look good, but no interest in them. I kind of like the big one, but we'll see. I can't remember, is that how April's daughter looks or is she not here yet? Her in her Casey/Shredder look would be a cool figure.
that is indeed a really cool concept
IDW does shit out a gold turd every so often
I gotta say I appreciate that Cryin' Houn' is just blatantly Jim Lawson's art made into plastic, and not some attempt to reimagine him.

Or this thing.
kek that is certainly a choice... i guess if you were trying to de-toon him a bit.
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New toon Ult. Shredder
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Motherfuck they got me. Wyrm is my boy, one of the only TMNT figures I had growing up.
yeah its not as cool as the vintage toy but it'll do
Sooo..... aaahhhh

Still no idea if or how Dark Leonardo or Dreamer Shredder will show up for order?
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What am I gonna do? Wait for Super 7 to make one?
whoa! is this how he looked in the comics? or did he have a cartoon appearance I definitely don't remember
either way, super7 needs to make their version because holy shit i love that guy
amazing they're allowed, but alright! lol 'toy shiz' that's a toy journalism company?
did you also pull on his hair to make his eyes bulge while mimicking steven tyler asking us if we're ready to rock? because of that time on the Simpsons and his eyes bugged out...
at this point there's a solid dozen toon/comic guys I would get if I had a shelf for those.. and this would make it a baker's dozen.
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Wyrm had an "animated" appearance but it was exclusively in a commercial. Archie Wyrm meanwhile is VERY different.
4pack of the other black and white Universal Monster turtles.
Ultimate Toon Slash
Classic colors battle damaged Shredder!
holy fucking shit.. we're seriously getting a figure based on a brief piece of animation in a toy commercial? that's so cool
but super7 really needs to be allowed to make wyrm now.. that fucking counts. oh god and I want their Chrome Dome too. I know he'd be big and expensive, but i want him.
baffling haha
so these basically just punish anyone who already got the previous release, yeah
Finally a better mirage April than the first one we got. And I’ll buy every b&r variant
Not really, it's been years since that one came out. This has a new sculpt. Improving on the original in every way. Dame with the new Shredder, all new sculpt.
Yeah she's back there too. Looks nice. I like her hair.
Loopholes, ah, find a way.
Fucking final!!

Woah wait. April O'Neil 2.0?
not the most seamless ab crunch neca has ever given us, but he looks pretttty cool.. some part of me wants to put those head tail and limbs on a new torso.
oh it's a new sculpt? well okay. so you still feel dumb if you got the old one, but ey this one's better at least. I can't fault em for iterating.
that really does look as close to mirage april as I think you can get in 6.5 inches of plastic. though is it an illusion or do her eyes look blue?
what's really funny to me is.. i mean, the fact that ONLY wyrm got unique animation because he wasn't in the cartoon and they wanted to show cartoon clips... but also that this once again tells me "The '88 toyline universe" counts as a legit turtle universe, and I am still convinced that's where Turtles Forever takes place.
Variant color jacket punk Turtles. Now you can have them from any episode you wish.
here I was thinking "The toon line can't go on much longer"
now we're getting improved redos and incredibly obscure pulls.. maybe it'll stick around
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We live in a world where Kris Mu and Dark Mu are less than zero odds for a toy
i would buy the shit out of that..
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oh no, theyre hot
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Oof, not quite as good as they hoped it seems.
as expected that extra articulation looks kind of bad in use. Their inexperience shows. I still don't regret ordering them though as its gonna be years before anyone else ever takes a shot at them.
yeah I have no idea what they're doing with the jaws... I know the designs were a bit odd sometimes, but I don't remember them ever looking like that
that's a better head... ehh... the joints.. I dunno. this doesn't do it for me. I was hoping for "80s playmates style 2003"
I'd honestly be down with good reissues of the armor turtles and the super mutant ones. Japan got the saint and mutatin ones us had a different version.
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Hot gluing figures is no longer allowed on /toy/
Any word on the SDCC floor of a Scooter Keno rerelease?
Only new live action stuff I've seen so far are the Shredder throne and the Christmas turtles
yeah i'm curious about that too, what the fuck
These might be hand painted prototypes, so paint scraped off fiddling with them. No chance these things are even cloae to production.
>no paige turco
I’m afeared that one anon was right, randulf sold his soul to the devil judith hoag
Eyy, joked about these last thread. Hard to tell since they're obscured below the knees on the box, but wonder if the legwarmers are just for the prototype or not, since they didn't have them in the tape.
Weird that there's no Tatsu yet, I guess they'll add him later on
Just in case it wasn't obvious from the earlier post, but Shredder's throne is up on the Neca Store right now until August 14
there was a version of them with those, right? not in that specific movie but... they ring a bell.. and i don't think I'm just thinking of the stage show.
oh wait, I think those are the socks but they're not tugged down properly.
ah yeah sorry i should have said that. somehow i feel like i shouldn't advertise, i was just sharing a picture and waiting to hear someone be like "oh when and where?"
$109 shipped? lol
yeah it doesn't do it for me. i think it's neat that it exists, but... big old torn up pieces of cars with cutouts for the wheel wells? no way
the ramshackle cages they made for tokka and rahzar, the grindstone used to sharpen Shredder's helmets, any of the cool piles of tires and stuff where the foot were training and Raph and Keno were sneaking around....
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He looks very weird sitting in it and it’s really expensive. Also, the resin bone throne was already overpriced but anons defended it saying it was resin. What’s the excuse for it being so pricey this time?
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Put some wheels on the sides and it will look like a heavy metal wheelchair
That’s how he looked sitting in it in the movie.
Understandable, but given the consoomer nature of the board it's generally safe to mention when where to get things. Just don't shill as a general rule of thumb.
The throne wasn't in the final cut of the movie. The only official media of it was the trading cards, and now this.
Because it still has resin parts. Why do you try to make everything into a conspiracy or not just use your brain to answer an easy question like that?
>What’s the excuse for it being so pricey this time?
Paint apps. Those pintstripes and edge rusting ain't easy to do.
That isn't advertising. People need to know where to get things that are for sale. That's normal.
i love neca movie figures but sitting is not something they can really do.
>bone throne
remind me what that goes with
quit being a fag
Also creating an entirely new series of molds for a single niche accessory means there's probably not a million of these things on the way.
>remind me what that goes with
Predators. Typically a clan leader.
oh yeahhhh
that was pretty cool but... even if i were collectin' preds, I don't know if I'd shell out for it. and I do love me some yautja
It’s going to rot on the Neca store just like the Perry two pack and ronin figures
no u
Also SOTO Shredder's legs absolutely bend up farther than in these photos, the fuck is with this sitting posture?
are you sure? he's got that kinda tunic stretchy fabric plastic over his thighs... maybe with a hairdryer you could.
I just tested it out on the one I have on display, no heat or anything and he can definitely get the legs up with very little resistance from the soft plastic diaper part. Not sure how healthy that is to do in the long run though, but I did luck into a second one by mistake so maybe I just put the second one on the throne.
oh nice. that's not a bad idea
I wish i could luck into a shredder-splinter 2-pack for less money somehow. I want the extra splinter parts the 1-pack lacked, and my movie 1 shredder's helmet is crooked.. i'm sure i can fix it with heat, but i just haven't yet
pinless elbows, a diaphragm joint, unmasked and helmetless head. gonna need this upgrade.

>>11083448 Never had the figure or watched his episode but the colors are very nice

>>11083455 Hopefully it's not packed with Wyrm
I'm in the same boat with the Splinter. I don't really want a second rat and tincanman just for some slippers and a slice of triple cheese dominos pizza. I only have the second SOTO Shredder because there was just a second one in the box from Neca, I assume there was a mixup and somewhere out there someone only got one.
wait, tattoo was in the cartoon? I love giving necanon cancer, but in this case I give credit to his Sugardaddy Randy. He's show to have the nuts to do Tattoo while "Ballin' Brian" is officially now "Bailing Brian." Another case of woke going broke...
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Yeah he was in one scene in the Planet of the Turtleoids episode. They really are going for EVERYBODY in this line.
Brian has to step up now and do nazi bebop, flavor flav mikey, or mexican mikey or else he will forever be known as a gormless yellow belly
Brian has been forced to kneel before the litigations of the Chinamen, all he can do now is hope to pivot into the '03 series before literally anybody else asks to do it. Hell I wouldn't be surprised to see NECA start their own 03 line next year and S7 shutters the entire Ultimates line.
Dude it aint looking good. DID BAWLIN' BRIAN GET KEKED AGAIN??? picrel
Thats meant to be C-U-C-K-E-D.

Man if I was him Id be calling an emergency meeting to get the TMNT Ultimates back in the fighting ring.
What the heck, is that a What if Panda Khan figure? They got the rights? Hell yea. He was my favorite figure that I owned. Hopefully the high of being relevant again give the creator the okay for playmate to reissue the retro figure then Stan will get jealous and let them do the usagi figure too.
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Closer shot from pickleman's twitter
I fucking love panda khan, he’s going to be bros with every multiverse miyamoto usagi I have
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Some accessories
Does it come with a copy of Brian's resignation letter?
No but he can use the giant ass sword to commit seppuku to regain his honour while the debt collectors hound his kids for the rest of their lived.
I feel kinda dumb asking this, but I've never done Walmart Collector Con before, so... is the Archie Comics Cryin Houn figure exclusive to Collector Con? Or is it going to be released in stores regularly too, with this just being the first opportunity to place an order for it?
If I remember right these usually come out again later, but it could be months. It's always safer to pick them up now rather than hope they come out again.
Oh man.
I would love to see a 2-pack Panda Khan and Tattoo but most likely Khan will be an ultimate box. Whats the deal with ultimates slash, was he that popular? I would think they'd do an archie comic repaint in toon style since that one looks way cooler.
Ultimates will come with more stuff, it's a good way to refresh an existing mold and give people some fun extra bits. I haven't seen any images of what he comes with though.
That first mold was uninspired for a truly terrible toon design. The new one looks much better with the added detail to his face, alt head, etc.
Hey you're right, looks like they updated his body using parts from the Archie Slash. This looks much better than the big head on the regular turtle buck.
Okay, I've always had pretty good luck finding Neca figures around at local Walmarts, so I just wanted to make sure it isn't exclusive only to Collector Con. I'm lovin' these Archie TMNT figures, so I'm hoping to keep finding 'em!
well it's the other shredder i'd have the most trouble doing something with.. splinter I could try my best to make a 'spirit of splinter' display of my own.. it wouldn't be as good as the official, but it's not as if he actually should be transparent, he should be like, glowy.. and i have glowy paint. and could use some blue LEDs which pick glowy paint up nicely.
... the i-Mockery superhero?
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Ah shit, they got me on this one too. Was hoping the would do exactly this when I played the Shredders Revenge game. A beefier cartoon Slash.
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he looks great. i'm so glad this gets to happen

still want a super7 version, he just looks rad too.
t'will be interesting to see comparison shots
yeah that game had fun updating a lot of characters' looks
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Damn, no gun?
lmao they made April black
weak bait
fuck you
When do we get Ultimate Irma box set?
reissue of the Metal Mutants and JP Super Mutant TMNT when.
That last Irma was not it, we need a full redesign by zelu1984 to fix trevor’s mistakes
Fuck off you retarded cunt
Yeah these are more than likely just early releases, so don't feel like you HAVE to snag them.

Though the black and white shredder and foot and blue renet might technically be Walmart exclusive still. Not sure.
This should come with a dvd/bluray of the special.
umm for a boy crazy nympho like Irma we need sex appeal, something zelu1984 exudes. he has clearly fucked, unlike the weirdo shut in trevor who should neva design another female figure for the company, full stop
It deserves a remaster and/or upscaling.
A place called Monsterlandmedia has a "bootleg". Thinking about getting it and the complete Rise series since Nickelodeon'll probably never do it.
I wouldn't be shocked to find out they don't even have a copy themselves anymore.
Is that a doily or a "dough" net?
No, he's right. >>11084216 We need an redo of Irma with a better face and soft goods dress and not tied to a 4-pack.
I think it's a doily to keep stuff on display from slipping
doily is a funny word to say
You really should kill yourself
Tell ya boi Trevor to stick to sculpting ugly, misshapen, lumpy headed mutants in the future which he’s intimately familiar with every time he looks in the mirror
If they're expecting people to pay 60 dollars for Tattoo and to double-dip on cartoon Slash, I deserve a new Irma.
>so many 100+ dollar tatsus on ebay
scalpers are gonna wish they hadnt
i must admit though it is supremely tempting. after all, if I had a walmart and they had him.. i could buy extras and sell them for 90 bucks and clean up. but that's not nice or fair.
my favorite no-slip writer is Arthur Conan Doily.
My favorite no-slip actor is Brian Doily-Murray
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Get a load of this bullshit
Will they triple dippa another four pack to include wolf man’s blue cellar door too
Look I know shitposting is a tough gig but you are in the wrong thread antinecanon
tbf they are both neca threads
You're such a sad, pathetic faggot. Please stay banned this time.
Why is this one anon so against an updated Irma? She definitely is popular enough to warrant a single release and not be locked behind a hard to aquire set. And Zelu did a great job on April 2.0, so i have no doubt that he'd make a great irma.
One can only presume he’s dead set against the idea because 1) to suggest Irma 1.0 was bad is an admission of fault against Neca, 2) agreeing with the universal opinion that zelu1984 makes qt 3.14s, including the April from Mutant Mayhem, and 3) an anon he has a deep seated hatred of floated the idea to begin with.
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zelu is very very talented
Her hair still looks like literal turds, but it is an overall improvement
If making 2.0s is an indicator of NECA making a mistake, then shouldnt that anon be foaming at the mouth that Toon Slash and Toon Shredder are getting 2.0s?
Whats the deal with mirage rat king? I saw a post on leddit from 3 days ago that said he was spotted in the wild at a walmart in ohio. I havent seen him on any online shops yet did they ever say when we could expect to see him?
Toon slash 1.0 was a mistake, using the Archie body as a base for 2.0 was a necessary addition. Shredder 1.0 had no ab crunch and 2.0 seems more poseable with actual fun accessories
he is only attracted to turtles, has no attraction to women and thus doesn't see what was wrong with the first irma
One could argue Toon Slash was always a mistake
i thought toon shredder had an ab crunch under his rubber shirt
and they'd be correct
>Shredder 1.0 had no ab crunch
It literally does have an ab crunch and your stupid ass got BTFO immediately and proven wrong by multiple people. The only mistake here is you.
No you stupid asshole. It means the line has gone on long enough and been hugely successful enough that improvements can be implemented on characters released early on.
now now anon it was not immediate. it took a lot of careful camerawork to prove that. until then it was just hearsay.
I want to start collecting TMNT .

I really like shredder, whats the best shredder figure out there?

I saw the battle damage mirage versiĂ³n and it looks pretty sick
which version are you most attached to? these days everything is based on something. There's a cartoon one (and a new one coming out), movie 1, movie 2, you got enhanced versions of the original toy if you're into blue shredder (and even has the painted-on-eyebrows as an extra head), you've got the ones based on the comic, one of which has battle damage yeah.
2003 shredder has not gotten a new toy from super7 yet but he's probably gonna.
he is also based, he hated the black April and mocked the designer on twitter
she's not "the black april" since there's been 2.5 of them. she's the fat dumpy april.
as bad as Rise was, and as much as that was ... not April, she was cute at least. Pigment doesn't factor into it, ugly is universal.
I just want a very possable figure, from what i seen, the green ranger one is the best in that regard.

But i dont want a fucking green shredder
yeah unfortunately posability is not really the priority these days. I imagine the BST AXN one has decent joints, but that one looks like shit
Looks like we are looking at a toon shredder ultimate, and i think that will be the one to wait for.
Please stop lying through your teeth.
It does, he's trolling.
Stan hated that Usagi figure. But I still have my original (in awful condition with sunbleached legs missing all its accessories and armor) because it was my introduction to the character.
Neca op lied, Tatsu was not part of the Walmart collector con
well shit, I was daydreaming, checked for houn at 10:05 and he was already out of stock
That was a fast sellout. I got one for the turtle hoard and fortunately Walmart has a quick turnaround on these preorders. I’m setting up a wrestling dio for when the turtles four pack finally comes out
I'm going to setup a survivor series match with the new street sharks
who will be the sole survivor?
it would probably come down to Slash and Streex, with Slash going over and Streex working like Dolph Ziggler trying to take him out
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That’s real king’s road shit right there, sure to fill the house and draw dimes
Ok, Tattoo was in like one scene before de-mutating, Wyrm was in commercial...but when ever Panda Khan was in cartoon? Is this next step and they'll now do guys like Doctor El or Sandstorm in theoretical toon designs?
>commercial...but when ever Panda Khan was in cartoon?
He wasn't. Neca is working with Panda Khan's owners and they came up with the design together. It's a what if figure, essentially. The possibilities are certainly there for more. Though with Usagi and Panda, there being a thid party to contact might be the real benefit.
Last night anon here.

I bought battle damage mirage shredder in aliexpress

From what ive seen, the batman vs TMNT shredder figure looks Amazing but the skirt ruins his posability in his legs

I think im gonna buy it and mod it , its a pretty cheap figure on ebay, also i love how he Beats Batman in the animated movie.

Thats how shredder should be, a bulkier but fast ninja
just.. let them do it and call him something else, so nobody confuses him with usagi. that's a good compromise, right? because let's face it, that's not usagi. that's a fun rabbit OC Playmates invented.
call him... Uncle Yancy.
that movie made a lot of choices i wouldn't have, but it also definitely understood what it was adapting.
what you didnt like about the film?
the look of the turtles, the overabundance of stuff from the old cartoon (this isn't Superfriends meets TMNT for christ's sake, this is sort-of-BTAS-meets-tmnt. it should be the serious comic versions). particularly idiot mikey, a trope i hate. that's pretty much it that I recall, the rest seemed quite good.
Anyone have a photo of 2008 mirage turtles with the new mirage ones together
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Did the 2K3 writers kick Randy's dog or something?
2025 is the last year of the tooner line
2k3 sucks ass man. 2012 getting Neca figures though? FUCK YES. There's so many fucking great designs they can do...
who asked for this
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Clearly not, you spazzy shit stain.

Tempestra tease.
Ninja turtle fans
Then why not move on to the next show?
I thought they were begging for 2K3 figures until S7 monkeypawed them.
>we're going to get an accurate hot rat dad figure
Neca he better have the cheese phone goddamnit...
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Post the best 2012 designs
well nobody can accuse THIS one of having too big a head.
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Keep the Rat Kings coming. Oh man, Neca Tigerclaw could happen! And Alopex...
I welcome surprise.
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We could get a properly scaled 2012 Slash and Leatherhead. That'd be nice.

2012 Slash would be fantastic. The amount of Slash figures we've gotten and we will be getting is so much more than I ever thought we'd get a few years ago.
Ice cream kitty fans, duh
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Looks like Super7 is all in on 2K3. Shame, I was still hoping for more retro Ultimates.
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You don't like this?
If Shredder turns out well I may have to get him. Such a good design.
there's how many waves now that we've seen for like a year but haven't gotten?
anyway 2k3 shredder is pretty cool, if they don't make him boringly bland and geometric, then this could work.
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More wrassle
That bulge
I remember when Gen Xers/early millenials would praise the Archie comics all the time
They were really fucking gay weren't they?
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yes and i love it
i love it
i am lgtb and love archie
what the fuck happened to ace duck
does deluxe mean they're really big and thus expensive?
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It's pro wrestling, it's inherently gay
i guess i mean thow'd he get huge, and his wings so small... do steroids shrink your wings?
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You'll have to wait for this bird man for
i love this guy. i want a super7 one

Thats a pretty fucking sweet Leatherhead.

And a very odd choice of figure for that superhero turtle.
>superhero turtle
whatchu talkin bout, willis
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Its in the gallery. They're making a toy based on this single frontispiece from an issue of Tales. We don't even know which turtle it is, either (although Mikey's a good guess).
>just painted his plastron like hero trunks
that's kind of amusing.
oh but they're not doing that here...
>drawing is clearly cloth stretched over the plastron, because lines are reduced to just creases
>give the figure an unchanged yellow plastron but with sketchy lines running down the middle instead of the proper lines including horizontal ones
It’s Donnie
Powers and Weapons
>Stoning homosexuals and adulteresses
>The ability to melt steel beams
>Improvised Explosive Device
now hold on anon, he might be an a-rab but he's also an eagle, and that makes him AMERICAN dammit.
and he looked a lot cooler in the comic than in this profile picture which also got used as his cameo sprite in shredder's revenge
As-salamu alaykum.

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