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Previous thread: >>11056517

Anthro and feral figures galore.

>The Rules:
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>NECA Cryin Houn and Triceraton Gladiator revealed
>Earthworm Jim figures showing up on AliExpress
>Savage Crucible wave 1 shipping out now!
>Nacelle C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa wave 1 up for pre-order
>Loose Collector The Crypt Great Wolves:
>Animal Warriors of The Kingdom Primal Collection
>FuRay Planet Kensai the Nameless One 1/12 Scale Figure
>Abyss Force Sharks are up on 5Ktoys in singles and a 3 pack
>Fury Toys Azure Lion
>the coolest of the 3 is an archer
Glad I want with the standard version, the orange looks like shit without lighting.
I agree. I was tempted to get both, but I was waiting to see if my retailer of choice was going to get in the fiery one. But now that I see it, I'll probably stick with the standard version.
>ripped tank tops and jersey
My fetish
>sport twinks
more like twunks
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still needs wings, so that it looks better
This looks better without the silly mood lightning. That grip on his sword looks horrendous though.

a look at Sexyice mantis girl
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I want my head between those scaly thighs
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Dragonborn aren't supposed to have wings. The species doesn't have them for lore reasons, regardless of what you think 'looks better '.
He does, however, need some clothes, given they aren't known for strutting around naked.
make up whatever zeitgeist-established fictional lore you want. I still want wings so that it looks better
Looks great except for some things. The feet look tiny, but not a huge deal. Those wrists though, they seem to act strictly like angled swivels. That's a weird choice. Otherwise the torso and legs move incredibly well. I kind of assume they'll make her in more colors, so not sure if I want to commit to this one, but if I miss out it won't be a big deal. Definitely looks really good overall.
I mean, the species itself is fictional. The thing is, it has a pre-existing lore tied to it - one you would know if you played DnD, given this is specifically a DnD figure. If it's a species from an established universe, it must adhere to the rules of that universe - which means no wings. Tough luck.
wings are fictional too, therefore a pair of them wouldnt change anything except make it better
This faggot again? It doesn't have wings, regardless of how much you bitch, so shut the fuck up already, as nobody cares about your worthless opinion. There is no argument to be made, because the figure is what it is, end of discussion.
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the guys making the dragonborn figure should definitely make a dark urge repaint someday
It wouldn't be a Dragonborn at that point; as I said the last time we spoke, this is like tacking wings onto an Argonian from TES - you KNOW they're not supposed to have them. The name 'Dragonborn' doesn't mean they're literal dragons - it means they were created BY dragons.
Look, I know you're a disingenuous little prick - nobody here has forgotten that we had this argument with you several threads ago - but there's only so much you can argue on your side. Dragonborn are an established race from a franchise that's been around since long before you were a sperm in your dad's left nut. There's literally decades of rulebooks, novels, and videogames that have established how Dragonborn look, where they come from, and what powers they have. Hell, they even made some brief appearances in that horrible recent live-action DnD movie that came out not too long ago. Their appearance across all aspects of canon is firmly established. See pic related? This is a canon Dragonborn. Do you see any wings? No? That's because they don't have any, and never will. You don't get to have an opinion if you're going to ignore canon materials, especially when we've been shown many times over the decades what these things are supposed to look like.
Dragonmen, which dragonborn are just the modern interpretation of, however do have wings.
...No? They're not the same thing at all. The fuck are you smoking? Dragonmen are monsters, Dragonborn are former humans transformed through a ritual with Bahamut and retain their full cognitive capabilities. Regardless, that's not a toy of a Dragonman - it was specifically listed as a DnD Dragonborn before they gave it a proper name, so DnD rules are all that matters concerning it.
Seriously, just stop. You lost. I don't know why you're continuing to bitch like this when you've been told (and shown) that it's not supposed to have wings, and that's not going to change no matter how much you insist on it. You have about as much a chance of getting feathers on a Drow as you do wings on a Dragonborn.
According to the latest rules set, there's nothing stopping you from putting feathers on a drow.
>Source: my ass
You have no way of knowing that, though - if you actually played, you wouldn't be whining about Dragonborn being wingless (which they are, always were, and always will be). Now shut the fuck up already. The toy isn't getting changed - it's accurate to what it's supposed to be depicting, and there's nothing further to discuss. If you don't like it, you can just neck yourself already - we're all tired of hearing you.
Wiza4ds has confirmed that the new racial rules (or species, as they are now referred as) are largely based on the unearthed arcana character origins article from 2022, just with even less racial distinctions. You are, for the most part, free to choose your character's physical appearance regardless of the race you choose. As for our previously mentioned feathered drow, you can merely say they have an avariel ancestor.
Also dragonborn have not been magically transformed humans for awhile, they are now basically the draconic version of tieflings/aasimars. There is nothing stating they can have wings, whether they can actually fly is a discussion for your dm.
*Can't have wings
>According to the latest rules set
>the new racial rules (or species

*The cancer has spread and is now terminal.

That's a shame, was a cool game back then.
Yes please, seeing so much of this hunk around.
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Kinda furry
Those fish guys are pretty cool. Look like they'd go well with my Mythic Legions Helphyre Goblin.
NOT saying they can't/don't is not the same as confirmation that they do/can. In fact, never stating that something does/can is an indicator that the thing cannot or does not have or do the thing. Your worthless arguments actually undermines your worthless "opinion", so you really should shut the fuck up, because your only adding to your retardation.

Again, the figure is what it is.
I have never argued about the figure (other then that the orange version looks like shit without the lighting), I have been arguing about what physical characteristics a fictional race can or cannot have.
Jada has a surprise for you, ya goofy furries.
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Forgot pic
Woops, thanks.
Jada seems to reading my mind lately...they're on fire!
I'd wrestle a gator. Wink.
yo, another gator to add to the gator squad? nice

oh yea, I knew Tony was on the way. Maybe Chip from Cookie Crisp cereal would be nice
>I have never argued about the figure
Which is exactly why you need to shut up. This is /toy/, not /tg/. The dot was designed to represent a Dragonborn in the manner the species is typically depicted. This is not about hypotheticals - the toy looks the way it does because that's what the species is universally depicted as looking like across all the known forms of media in which they appear. They do not and never will have wings, and because of that, the toy does not and never will include them. And that's the end of the discussion, period.
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I think I want to setup a Freedom Fighters team with them
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Panda daddy bros, we won.
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She up for preorder on hlj and thus, I assume, everywhere else.
No we don't.
We won with MaestroUnion's panda brothers. Or with those WoW pandarens. Definitly not with this ugly neco shit for degenerative retards like you. Now fuck off to your containment /tmnt/ general. Again.
You should go outside more. Learn to be less of a cuntrag.
Make this in Renamon colors and you can have my money. Lol captcha: R8XXX Yeah I'd rate it triple x alright.
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Man this is such a bigbad boy
Very cool figure. How are the joints on it? Is it easy to play with and pose
looks incredible yes, just like the werewolf at the end of the van helsing movie but all the joints feel super stiff
do I just dunk it into a hot water bath and try to loose the joints carefully?
You can do that or the hairdryer method. I take it you’ve never owned a NECA figure?
nope, never
there a little slip of paper inside that says "in case of stuck joint, immerse part in hot water to free joint and avoid damage. Do not force movement"

guess I'll get a bucket and throw into it a few minutes because man, this thing is fucking big
Let us know how it turns out afterwards. Hopefully a good hot water bath will do the trick. The stiffness of the joints sort of concerned me from what I saw in various posts elsewhere complaining about them.
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I take it you've never owned any toy ever? Idiot.
do you have a link for the preorder?
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thanks, placed my order
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I saw this in the store earlier, given that it's Moose I assume the plastic is really cheap quality so I'm waiting to see in-hand reviews. Since it's Youtuber shit I'm not finding any quality toy reviews of it yet, just obnoxious unboxing videos.
so that's out, I might just pick one up just for the hell of it
It's cool how these 2 show what you're getting.
What do you mean? It's cool that you can see what you're buying? Once upon a time, that was company standard - you had to let the customer know exactly what they were getting. it's modern blindbag bullshit that's the anomaly.
I hate that I'm going to end up buying this...
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hot dad Splinter?
Mezco is making a new Doc Nocturnal and his frog butler Woodford.
Better than what we ended up with sadly
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A few pics
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It is really massive, very top heavy but also quite imposing
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Side to side with a trooper
My advice is to dunk the whole figure intro hot water for 30 seconds and then gently work around all the articulations
Mine came super stiff in all the leg joints, even the ones of the waist
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This wont end well for someone...
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sex cop
Nice pics. Glad to hear the hot water bath worked! I'm really thinking about picking up the grey one myself
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new Altered Beast figure
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new Streets of Rage figure apparently?
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looks like a new Haslab with super large dragon man
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dayum, Splinter looks like this?
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He's gonna get a boyfriend soon
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Pretty sure that is a fake.
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these wrestling tmnt figs are actually pretty damn sweet
Very unexpected pick for the 2nd SoR character. Cool though, we don't have enough kangaroo toys.

Wow those shorts look like fucking shit, especially the top edge. Even on a Haslab they can't bring themselves to put in proper effort. No rocker ankles either like it's still 2008, just garbage.
yea, those pants looks like something grandma would make. I think maybe they should have just sculpted the pants instead
Finally some fucking females.
Actually that's from 2011, that the old 1:18 Marvel Universe Foom. There is no marvel haslab this year and the guy who posted that is just trolling.

There will be a large, made to order, drwgon based figure though. Hasbro is using a new system for larger-than-retail but smaller-than-haslab figures where they puf things up for Pre-order and only make the quantities sold. The first figure will a giant Dragon-Man figure, however details for when and how much haven't been revealed yet.

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