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>Back to /toy/ a few years after
>No more Power Rangers general
ouch what happened?
Hasbro ran the franchise into the ground
Slow threads now autosage because we had issues with some schizo bumping dead threads and mods are too sleepy to do anything more.
Check the bottom of your shoe you probably took it with you when you left
Lightning Collection died, Super7 are too overpriced for what you get, and what >>11081014 said is true, because as you can see we have a fucking Retrospam thread that they won't do shit about here >>11077287
The Lightning Collection was good. The so-called fans should have shown their support.
hasbro screwed up, the guy that was working on building "the mcu of power rangers" died. they are licensing to playmates and are likely going to indian giver it back like how mattel did with motu and super 7 in a year or two
You literally could have just made one, dumb frogposter.
Power Rangers is for babies.
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I enjoyed the Lightning Collection.
They got priced out of the good stuff.
I miss the soft goods general
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Power Rangers is always doomed to fail. I don't get the appeal of wanting a collection of recolors and a bunch of 5poa robots. They should've put heavier focus on the monsters, now I have to wait for Soccadillo again

when did this feature start? I just bumped an old thread yesterday and it's still on pg8.
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me too :^)
So since this thread exists, what PR goods are coming out? Sentai Equivalents accepted.
Like I know that SMP has the Lost Galaxy Megazord, Lightspeed Rescue Omegazord, and a Clear Plastic Dino Megazord coming out, and Torozord not far off.
Altiya has recently finished it's drip fed fuckheug Dino Megazord, but I haven't seen any size comparisons.
Why is his mouth unpainted?
>a bunch of 5poa robots.
I was hoping for Megazords with TF engineering.
I've been out of the loop, I wasn't aware of galaxy and omega getting smp.
ME TOO! but I don't even think Hasbro has the chops for that after all, otherwise they'd make exponentially more TF stuff than usual
So was everyone. It should've been easy money. But everything that could go wrong did go wrong. It's almost felt like self sabotage. We could've had good Megazords with monsters to go with them. A bunch of complete teams(only a few got finished) a Haslab command center, a Haslab Serpentera. But they BLEW IT!
playmates will save the day in 2025, cheap figs, Voltron style Megazord, playsets, if anybody knows how to turn a profit it's those guys
It was Hasbro who got the license, not Takara. And they're not going to help designing transformations for a franchise they're not directly involved in. Hasbro TF designers are useless without the japanese behind them, pretty sure their job is mostly budget agreements and choosing decos.
Yeah but isn't the overall quality generally ass?
Show is currently in limbo for the first time since it came out. Hasbro has pretty much killed all merch sales, so there really isn't much to talk about regarding the franchise outside of a handful of comics. I will echo the sentiment here that I enjoyed the Lightning Collection for what it was. I limited myself to mostly MMPR stuff with occasionally getting some other stuff. While I liked the line it wasn't without it's fault. Mainly in the details on each ranger. You had just so many issues preventing them from being the definitive version of the teams. Be it helmet sculpts being inaccurate, missing details, paint defects, or details just not matching between members of the same team, it really did feel like a second thought for Hasbro in comparison to some of its other lines. Such a shame, could've been the definitive Power Rangers line if they just hired people who actually gave a shit.
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Galaxy just released recently, I got the word late and opted for the Chinese release to save a bit of money, so I haven't gotten it yet, sometime next month.
Omega was announced maybe two weeks ago, and a teaser for the Torozord and I think Lights of Orion at the same time.
And Galaxy is mostly the same in the animal modes, except for the Gorilla that got a lot more articulation.
The guy who bought the IP and had plans for it literally got cancer and died
I think the Horsefuckers cursed him or something
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Super 7 Crush and Gulp, if anyone cares.
I did for a time. Ive sold off most of the teams now at this point. When I got back into PR in 2021 I thought about either doing original Bandai stuff, but the LC looked like it had promise. Wish I didnt now. I was really hoping for more Disney era stuff…
>PR and Sentai retards always want figgas
>get figgas
>don't buy them because too poor(shf) or you get ultra nitpicky for no reason(hasblow)
>now LC is dead and SHF gets 1 retail and 1 pbandai release per new show
hasbro really fucked up not releasing B&S even if it was a pulse boxset.

Too bad stupid 7 only scales with itself.
I want this, but I'm also so burnt out on Daizyujin.
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Super7's also doing some stripped down reissues of their Ultimates for $35 for Hasbro Pulse.
In my observation of Americans over the last nearly 30 years, I have never been more sure of anything in my life.
Americans do not understand, like, or truly care for power rangers.
They only really have an idea of power rangers based on whatever they watched when they were 12, and anything outside of that is considered terrible, so they spend their lives chasing that same high that they had when they were 12 and never reaching it, becoming soured on the medium as a whole because it's not what they thought it was, because it was something they never truly understood.
It's what happens when your only exposure is a small snapshot; you build your perception around that and anything outside of that you grow to dislike.
Kind of like how the Chinese think all American films are like Forest Gump or Shawshank Redemption or Transformers and dislike anything that isn't similar in tone and design to those movies. This is why the brand failed, and why it'll continue to fail, because the brand relies on selling new iterations year in and year out. Super sentai does it much better and and go full goof mode much like boomboomger has been doing this year yet it would fail in America as there would be an attempt to make it serious like they did with turbo ranger.
Because Hasbro is lazy
I like them a lot because of the chest coins and red morphers. The vintage toy homages were the best part of the Super 7 figures to me and this time they're going all out. But I'm going to be that guy and point out that the original 8" figures that came in the triangle boxes weren't metallic, and the metallic 8" figures came in movie triangle boxes and had the ninja coin chests.
How are the molds? I loved these things when I was little.
>playmates will save the day in 2025
This. I was hoping to see some of what they have planned at SDCC, but it probably won't be until Power Morphicon. I think Playmates is a good fit for Power Rangers, so I'm optimistic.
>Hasbro is auctioning the suits now
why would you promote a thread you hate?
this, fucking complaining instead of doing, I blame the media and politicians for eroding peoples power process
Is this what happens at the outer limits of an IP's life? Is that money just so important to them?
I have literally always cared more about the zords. Even when i was a kid who couldn't afford the deluxe toys i'd get the smaller non-transforming zords before I would get rangers.
How does it feel they're selling off the PR legacy? The PR story just keeps getting more and more pathetic.
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>They made the red ranger a female
Oh no, how terrifying that must be for you
Theyre auctioning 900 lots of the last 30 years. They literally purging the series out of existence https://x.com/SpaceKitaaRiSE/status/1816938768739324380?t=4d0aOHfGt0cWo94FP4xe0Q&s=19
Good, let super sentai take over in the west as it shouldve
This is kind of why I don't get why people get excited and heavily invested about extremely heavily commercialized properties like TMNT, Power Rangers, DC, Marvel, Star Wars, etc. They're largely run by soulless executives behind the scenes and the second something falls out of favor by failing to meet monetary goals, they will callously wrap it up.

Smaller IP where the original creator is still involved? Sure.

But brands just run by multi-billion dollar corporations that no longer have guiding creative people who made the property? Very risky to invest your faith and love into when all the people on the other side are looking at are balance sheets and excel tables.
Power Rangers is dead. Bury it.
Fuck you Hasbro!
Hasbro essentially just waltzed in, Toys R Us'ed Power Rangers and walked out.
Jesus. Power Rangers truly died with JDF.
>SDCC panel for Power Ranger comics today
>Literally nothing new was announced
Unless its because Skybound is trying to get it for the Energon Universe then JFC it's over
nvm, they said they have something for November
I have versions of the zords that I like. I have versions of the rangers that I want that I enjoy.
All that was exciting for me from LC was the monsters, and I did buy them. Glad we got what we did out of the line. Hopefully whoever takes it on next makes smart decisions. Although I know that probably means no monsters. Guess I spend less.
I think these were suits made for the netflix movie and recent series, not the 93 originals from Japan.
It's absolutely over
This isn't the first time it's happened, and I think the "30 years of suits" is an exaggeration given how much that wasn't shipped back to Toei has been dumped or degraded from Saban to Disney to Hasbro. The "30 years" range is maybe two or three 90's suits.
21 years ago when production moved to Saban, these suits were auctioned off. The prices they went for are insanely low, you could own a monster suit for less than the cost the Chogokin Daizyujin or flame toys Megazord go for.

Power Rangers is a joke. I am so thankful it's finally fucking dead.
The more people that shitpost on it, the more likely it will be pruned. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.
No. The show was in shambles since COVID. Dino Fury had to be extended to Cosmic Fury which delayed the reboot to no avail. The strike didn't help either.

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