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Previous Thread. >>11052484

UX-06 Booster
UX-07 Battle Deck Set
BX-00 Dran Dagger 2-80GP (Metal Coat: Black) Giants Ver.

BX-36 Random Booster Select
BX-00 Random Booster Select

Shinobi Knife 4-60LF (Metal Coat: Blue) XONE Switch edition exclusive
Going to my first tournament in the UK on august 4th, picked up an arena to actually practice launches with yesterday and looking forward to it

Does anyone have any recommended resources for launch techniques? I'm currently focussing on getting my Shark Edge to delay before hitting the edge so it doesn't ring out itself as much
nizuma blader, he started doing in-depth videos on launch technique
Okay so, let's say I'm trying to get all my friends into beyblade X but I'm also a sweaty tryhard who likes winning, what builds should I try with Cobalt Dragoon? Thinking of buying Phoenix Wing and Dran Buster or Tyranno Beat.
CD 9-60 and which ever bit fits your play style best. maybe hex for added stability or flat for more attack
Rush is also a good attack bit.
Are there any happenings in the north east? I feel like I'm the only person within 500 miles who owns a Beyblade x let alone all of the TT models and stadiums
>resources for launch techniques?
A few years back I found a seller on Yahoo Japan that was selling massive Burst lots. Like 50+ beys for $50 with tons of left over weight discs after I used up all the layers and drivers. Can't find anything like that now that I'm back into blading. Can't even find that seller because the auctions were so old they aren't listed anymore.
>Transformers Collab
Damn I got back into beyblades at the right time.
I got a few of the new ones at walmart the other day but didn't want to plunk down $50 for the arena so I've just been using an older one from the burst days. it's kinda scary how fast the blue one in particular goes, like to the point of knocking itself into the pits only to jump right the fuck back out and then burst the others.
South Florida here and I feel the same way, but I’d also admit that’s partly my doing since I never go on social media to broadcast that I do this, relying solely on word of mouth in my area (I’ve had people walk up and say they’ve heard of me). Another factor is that it’s hard to find Beyblade merchandise down here. I can’t tell if I’m checking the wrong stores or what, but in my area the only Beyblade X anything I’ve been able to find is the stadium combo set or whatever that’s called. So not like I can tell people to buy these at Walmart when they can’t be found at the fucking Walmart. Could likely find a scene for adults in my county, but I’m good with the foot traffic from the barcade I setup at.
>(I’ve had people walk up and say they’ve heard of me).
You're literally a Beyblade anime protagonist, mad respect.
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This isn't an official bit beast, is it?
Most beys came with alternate stickers for bit chips an Takara actually sold packs of bit chips like trading cards. Judging by the chip's color, I want to say it was from either a Phantom Force Dragoon S or Bearing Stinger. Do you remember where you got it?
I believe it was with a bootleg Hayate, which didn't come with the Hayate bit beast sticker.
Yeah you really can't go wrong with any of those blades, metafagging is still fun though
Bringing my Beyblades out in public was originally meant to be something that happened once or twice then that'd be it. Now it's been over two years and I bring them out once a month to the same spot, and all because when I brought my beyblades back two weeks after the first time I learned there were rumors about me.
Starscream is just outright pathetic, but Optimus primal seems like an interesting side-grade to shark. Primal has a bit more weight but has worse contact points than its counterpart.
Well fuck I wouldn’t give a shit if not for Optimus Primal, especially when Shark Edge is my favorite blade in X. Looks like I’m buying this after all.
I was disappointed to learn the collab beys only gave you XP in the app instead of new skins/beys.
Someone educate me on the Beyblade app. Is it the same one that’s been used in Japan for the past year? Does it only work with Hasbro beys or could I use my imports?
the hasbro app is more game based and doesn't have the rare get, the scan for beys is just to add to your locker to use them and are a qr code that's different for each bey that can be found online
>Zankye sets Starscream up stock against only one opponent in the Hasbro stadium used by his mom
>calls it """trash"""
>DonDoumClub tests it out in Takara Tomy stadium against multiple beys and with different parts
>discovers that it has defensive properties that let it outlast DranBuster and PhoenixWing
>Literal midwit mutant from Canada who rushes out content as fast as possible with extreme takes to remain relevant vs. GigaBrained Chinaman that spends more than 5 seconds thinking about and testing something before forming an opinion it
I'm kind of scared of getting gaslighted by him into avoiding beys after Tusk Mammoth turned out to be just a more defensive Hells Scythe.
I'll stick to the chink and the Leon Claw shizo from now on.
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So is getting this a good idea for starting out? Or should I get the stadium separate and some other beys separately as well? Also is the BeyLogger able to be used in the US or just Japan only?
Oh thank god I thought something wild was happening to me, playing with a friend to show them X for the first time and Tusk Mammoth 3-60 Taper / 3-70 Orb were punching well above their weight class. Blade felt light and suffered on recoil against Hells Scythe 4-60 Point but was at least 50/50 against my Soar Phoenix 9-60 on Hexa Flat, Low Flat and Orb. After hearing Tusk was supposed to be awful I was going out of my mind thinking something weird was going on. We were testing for a few hours solid so it wasn't a tiny sample size either (though requires further testing of course)
This starter, Soar Phoenix with string launcher and a couple beys you like the look of OR a couple meta beys if you're gonna be a tournament sweat will get you on the right path straight away
I'd say this is good to get since you'll get 2 decent beys and a Rush bit at least. I'm pretty sure the new green Wizard Rod is the only other bey that has a Rush bit
There's also that some bits are stupid wobbly the first time they are assembled and you need to adjust them to make them spin evenly. I've tested Needle and Taper on all blades I own (Dran Dagger, Tusk Mammoth, and Sphinx Cowl) and all three were wobbly until I adjusted the bit to have the embossed lines that run across the shaft pressed against the ratchet's clamp.
And this was for all three blades, even Tusk Mammoth which spun very smoothly after being adjusted, so Tusk Mammoth being unbalanced is very likely bullshit.
I just buy everything anyways. Because it can suck when you wanna try older gen stuff but can't because of the cost, and I want to avoid that scenario.
>the Cobalt Dragoon and Black Shell I preordered are finally 'ready to ship'
>they've been 'ready to ship' for damn near 24 hours
>was hoping to get them this week since it's my birthday week, but whatever at least I know I'll have them soon.
I'm very disappointed with the official Beyblade games. I've seen some okay fangames posted on Youtube.
But no battles feels like this webm I made of the anime. There's missed potential for a physics based game.
Where there's complete control over your Beyblade. And steer it around the stadium like a demolition derby.
>Where there's complete control over your Beyblade. And steer it around the stadium like a demolition derby.
Play Super Tournament Battle on GameCube. Hell for that matter play the PS1 game because it gives you exactly that with the only drawback being your beyblade is a lot harder to control. iBut back to STB, if you want to feel like a top of mass destruction then go play that. It's very possible to burst everybody's beyblade, even when doing a 4 vs match.
Thoughts on this as a starting deck for my first tournament?

Phoenix Wing 9-60 Taper
Inferno Scythe 4-60 Point
Keel Shark 3-60 Low Flat

Have the funds to buy whatever ahead of the tournament but top prize is only a bit of store credit and there's people far more skilled than I am there
>Play Super Tournament Battle
Naw, every 5 seconds there's a super move that interrupts the gameplay.
That's too chaotic, I want bobbing and weaving. Not mashing blocks together.
i would shift those ratchet choices. PW will work great still on 3-60, scythe on 9-60, shark on 4-60
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>after Tusk Mammoth turned out to be just a more defensive Hells Scythe

HellsScythe was already a good blade for defense and with Mammoth rounding off its contact points, I figured it could take hits better.
Appreciate the advice, I'll test it best I can

The issue I'm having is that I'm concerned about Wizard Rod as my deck doesn't match well into it in theory and I don't have one to test against unless I want to pay double or more RRP to get one. Same applies to Dran Buster which I know is the common counter, can Shark match into it reasonably well or is there a better Hasbro released alternative? Perhaps Dran Sword or Unicorn?
I think both PhoenixWing and HellsScythe might be able to get through Buster, but you need to put that 4-60 on LF to mitigate the bursting issue.
Already switched them over ready for testing tomorrow boss

Any advice on beating Rod or is it just a pray for a decent smash? Tournament isn't using the limited parts list so I can expect to see a few Rod 9-60 Ball/Orb
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Are these midfakes? I might get them if they’re the kind that’s basically indistinguishable from the original.
Before I stopped with beyblades for a while I remember seeing that one on the left. I thought it looked cool but questioned if it would be any good, how was it?
Banworthy tier good

Entire format revolved around it
>Entire format revolved around it
Oh wow. I might pick one up someday just for the hell of it then.
So far it's been testing pretty well for defense and stamina on my end. Now I really wish I could've attended that tournament that happened last weekend on my city because now that I'm buying more blades I have less of an excuse to throw Tusk Mammoth into the ring.
Looking closer these are definitely midfakes but I want to know if they’re crappy ones or good ones. I really want to get some fresh metal fight parts without draining my bank account.
Get this if you want to dip you toes into Beyblade and are not sure if you're a top addict.
Get the UX-04 Battle Entry Set if you plan to tryhard.
A friend of mine loved the Xcalibur line. How likely is a remake for X?
if anyone's ever played the Digimon world games, i think that combat system would be GREAT for Beyblade. think evolution on the 3ds but you can order the thing to do specific kinds of attacks in battle, beyond just building up meter for your big super move
if the chance exists at all, its probably 5 years off at least, but at least dran buster exists
Dran Buster has the same gimmick, right?
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Yep. Only thing missing is the rubber tip. Unfortunately, RA isn't due until next year.
I wonder how it will fare. Normal flat is a lot wider than past generations already and are difficult to control as is, and there's also how more friction might not mesh that well with the xtreme rail.
Instead, just wait for another rubber blade that you can spin from hand and still win with
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>talks about using rubber for hand spin
>posts Lui
Free de la Hoya is right there and you missed him gloriously.

Plus, you can just cheese the game by using your special to play pool with your opponent.
>finally get around to buying the original releases to get Needle and High Needle
>both of them have a mold like mere mm away from the tip of the spike
>they make horrendous sounds when I tilt launch them and wobble like fuck
Jesus christ, I didn't think it would be this bad. How do you naturally wear down these mold lines? Is it illegal for me to shave them down with an Xacto knife?

pic slightly related but not the ones I bought
mold line*

I'll take high res photos if you guys don't know what I'm talking about, but I suspect it's like this for all those bits.
Yes but I was going for the trollingest face in the series
As goofy as it will sound, launching it again and again will get rid of the mold flash.
As for the rattling, you'll have to adjust the bit until it's tight. It might sound like the fit will be iffy and won't last being launched but I'm having no trouble so far.
If Phoenix Wing a Dranzer homage?
You should be able to shave off the flashing without issue. I sincerely doubt a Beyblade Official Judge is going to take your bits into the lab to determine if the 5UM of shaved plastic was due to knife or SPEEN
How are the bootleg X beys?
I'm half tempted to buy a bunch to do customs.
>the bootleg
From where?
>Is Phoenix Wing a Dranzer homage?
>buying bootlegs
Takara Tomy actually just issued a statement saying not to buy those desu
Does anyone know why none of my new codes are scanning now? Even a sealed code from my new stadium gave this message instead of points
I'm fairly confident the September select will have the suzaku bey

Takara Tomy needles are also the same. I have two KnightShields that had flashing on their bits.
STOP PACKING TAPER IN NEW BOOSTERS, I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! My friends on TikTok try to sell me their leftover Taper bits, on Discord it's fucking Taper sales, i was in a server, right? and ALL of the channels are just people trying to trade their Taper bits. I-I showed my Tommy Hilfiger underwear to my girlfriend, and the logo i flipped it and i said "Hey babe, Tommy High Taper? HAHA ONE STEP AT A TIME *takes breath* NO MATTER NOW LONG IT TAKES" I FUCKING LOOKED AT A TRASH CAN, I SAID "THAT LOOKS LIKE A TAPER BIT", I LOOKED AT MY PENIS, I THINK OF THE ROUND TIP, AND I GO "PECKER, more like TAPER" *takes breath* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
What meta beys should I grab?
I have a knightshield bx-14 that has something wrong with the ratchet. When I put it all together it's so tight the bit can't even spin. I know it's the ratchet because I have another identical bey thay works fine, and it only works properly when I swap the ratchets. I've been going crazy trying to fix it
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Built this and it's actually doing well at a local level. Am I cooking?
Not Taper's fault it can do it all. Want a beyblade that can attack? Taper can do that. Want a beyblade that'll chill in the middle and counterattack? Taper can do that as well. Plus it's the easiest bit to acquire thanks to random boosters and deck sets.
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Updated collection
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Some of my tapers have a blocky ring. What gives? Is this still considered taper? Wait.. have I had high tapers the whole time...? What the fuck.

Which one is better? High Taper or normal Taper, Mr. Taper Anon?
Eh, it's default stamina
>9-60 (limited part)
You're never bursting, there's a reason it's limited
>Ball (limited part)
Great defensively and has possibly the highest stamina

Youve essentially built Wizard Rod at home but anything 9-60 Ball/Orb will put in work desu
Ah I see, I'm too much of a newfag to know what's limited. I just think that Wizard Arrow has some really cool features, like how all the holes probably also contribute to defense since I feel like they help with shock absorption. Maybe I'll try and swap to an orb bit instead, since I don't want to have two limited parts.
"limited parts" are just for the initial 1v1 rounds of g2 tournaments in japan
Limited parts are basically a shopping list of "include these if you want to win" outside of TT Limited format. If the list isn't in effect and there's prizes on the line run as much of it as possible
Oh, awesome. I'll keep messing around with this build for a while then
I have the feeling that Tusk Mammoth with be meta in the future.
Why are ball tips stamina and sharp tips defense in X? It’s the other way around in pretty much every other beyblade series
Wizard arrow is so fucking disgustingly overpowered. Should be banned from any and all events.
From what I've seen and tested, what makes a bey defense in X is returning safely to the center of the stadium after getting slammed by a CHADttack type and most tips designed to do that (Dot, Sharp, Metal Needle, Needle, High Needle, Hexa) are sharp tips.
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Thoughts on Sphinx Cowl blade?
I think it's an alright smash attacker.

One of two things is true; you named the wrong wizard bey which is fair enough OR you are going to actually shit when you meet Wizard Rod
The fucking yellow one with the metal balls on the bottom. Dont care to remember exact names cuz the naming scheme for X is retarded im sorry.
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>mfw i still haven't bought rhino horn and im out of juice for the month
>metal balls on the bottom
in X?
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Earth Virgo, a true menace in beyblade x
Does the string launcher not make any click sound? Feels like my beys are never properly attached to it.
The click isn't the bey's getting locked in... they don't get attached ever otherwise they wouldn't come off. They just hang on the hooks. Don't worry I know a lot of people who thought the same
I think I'll become the Shinobi Shadow shizo. The thing is calling for me.
How important is weight in X?
Lmao i never looked closely at someones wizard rod, thought it had metal balls in it like virgo from mfb. It looks like it does from a distance though in my defense.
>havent tried it myself all that much honestly.
sorry i just noticed this was a quote but yeah havent tried SC much myself
Yeah they don't I had the same concern as a plastic gen kid, takes a little time to get the feel right hooking your Blades on properly.

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