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Previous thread:

>/lg/ Resources

>/lg/ Flickr Group

>/lg/ Archive

>Lego Reference


>Third Party Information
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>The four new sets include the Durrr Burger, Supply Llama, Peely Bone and the Battle Bus. The new collection is the first range of LEGO sets to be inspired by characters, places and items found within survival crafting game LEGO Fortnite.

They also said its part of their long term collab with epic games. Keep in mind, The Lego Group invested 1 billion dollars in epic games and unreal engine.

77072 Peely Bone
€99.99 / $99.99 / £89.99 / 129.99 CAD
77071 Supply Llama
€39.99 / $39.99 / £34.99 / 49.99 CAD
77070 Durrr Burger
€14.99 / $14.99 / £12.99 / 19.99 CAD
77073 Battle Bus
€99.99 / $99.99 / £89.99 / 129.99 CAD

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Brickfanatics said this whole wave is a masterpiece

Meanwhile there are other opinions, that these sets shouldve all have minifigs, even display models. And be more affordable for kids:

>I will still buy all the sets even though I don't agree with TLG practice, you know who loses? Children.

What do you think? Is this a good first wave for fortnite theme? Would've you made it better?
a XXL Lego dildo to help children transition and learn to be gay
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Wtf why

We have dreamzzz for that
What snoozzzz is gay?!
>literally 4Chan on the wiki
This used to be a proper thread
It still is
>two mothers
>large ego

Didn't realize he was Jewish
Saw a tree of souls 75574 avatar set for 74 bucks, good deal or meh?
Yeah, go for it
Real op since the spammer broke the links trying to be funny.

>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>General Resources:
>Decide to give Dreamzzz a chance and watch the show.
>Sit down with my five year old.
>Daddy this show is weird.
>Yes. Yes, it is.
>Can we watch something else?
>Yes. Yes we can.
This show wasn’t designed for kids despite what they may claim. Source- my kid.
and then everyone on the bus started clapping
The Lego Dreamzzz bud they can clearance out fast enough?
I can see how hard it is to type with fat greasy fingers.
Pretty much yeah, but it’s still not going to make gay ass Dreamzzz any better. Yet another failure in the books for Lego themes.
RIP Galidor… I mean Dreamzzz.
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>known to have AMAZING skins that people who even hate the game buying characters because they look cool
there's no way that's true
you should not be buying lego period until you sort your finances out
Damn, why would someone do this? Are majority here 12 year olds?
>Who is this even for (rhetorical question, we all know the answer is "reddit sois)? There's no unique or even uncommon elements, and the minifigs are just modern casualwear that you can approximate (if not necessarily directly replicate) from City figs. This is peak "[THING] but Lego".
I see this "[thing] but lego" meme all the time, but it makes no sense. Do most people buy Lego sets for unique parts? Don't people just buy [things] they like that happen to be made out of Lego?

If you want to buy rare parts, why would you ever buy a set instead of just buying the rare parts?
go reply in the last thread you fucking mongoloid
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>Don't people just buy [things] they like that happen to be made out of Lego?
only normie fags buy this shit.
The toy store in my town stopped stocking lego. It's over.
Oh god having two Jewish moms at once sounds like torture. But its still better than every single parent fatherless household child like every anon shitposter in this thread
I bought this to make a cute Throwbot in Arcees colorscheme
I want lego starship troopers sets
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>Maria isn't a minidoll
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Slug's issue with CMF made me 100% sure he's an autists.
He has that stupid nerd autism where he completely avoiding and "refusing to buy" one thing because of one stupid shitty reason.


I don't hate Slug - his videos unique but
>collectable minifigures look like they don't belong in any particular theme which makes them look like orphans ...you can't fit them anywhere

cmf is one of the best things ever because it provides you with unique useful pieces you CAN FIT IN ANY THEME literally.
are you a fucking idiot?
holy shit what a specific retarded reason not to like the amazing line because you put some barriers in your mind

To me personally - lego lines never have enough minifigures. We (MOCers) usually rely on bricklink or CMF to build new citizen or characters from those lines.

But for those nerds you can't use any other minifigures that not listed officially as characters from sets...
This will be my first sonic set.
Im glad i didnt buy that shadow and bike-set because this set will get shadow.
I wonder if that photo frame will be printed.

And i think we have all parts to make a maria minifigure.
minidolls are cursed
>only normie fags buy this shit.
But what's the problem with "[thing] but Lego"? And which sets count as "[thing] but Lego"? Anything outside original Lego themes? Is a Y-Wing "[thing] but Lego"? Is the Lego City construction crane "[thing] but Lego"?
There's a function for replying to posts in dead threads. I've used it in every other general without issue, so I'm not sure I see the problem here.
I really dont see what's so unbelievable about this
>Space CMF doesn't fit with any theme
>literal new Space theme with the same aesthetic
>Alien Conquest
It's not even his worst take, which is saying something.
>I don't hate Slug
Then you're not paying enough attention
Slug is retarded

DnD cmf is the best ever
Nobody uses these links anyways
All lego youtubers are their own brand of mental illness or autism and it's so fucking annoying:

Jang: Narcissist Personality Disorder
("MY lego city is not DONE and will NEVER be DONE" and "I don't need to be sponsored by Lego" elitism)

Slugger: Actual autism
(Just look at him. Oh and the tipper truck shit)

Duckbricks: Hoarding disorder

Just2Gay: Trans and actually autistic

Tiago: Portuguese

MandR: Also Narcissist Personality Disorder. Anger issues

Cheesey: Likes Minecraft, ergo social anxiety

TrikBrix: Depression
(Did he kill himself?)

Everyone else with 100K+ subs: I don't care
RR Slugger has always been an autist, sometimes it's entertaining autism, like going deep into details of for old cancelled themes in an interesting way.
Sometimes this is negative autism like his complete disinterest in modern Lego or complaining about colonialism and transgender stereotypes.
What's the point in having them if they're broken then?
you're too retarded to bother trying to explain anything too
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WTF is this bait
Why don't you give it a shot anyway, brain genius.
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lol, lmao
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Status of animal crossing and fortnite brickheadz, they are cancelled.

But we are getting more fortnite sets in 2025! And more animal crossing too (according to exabrickslegogo, 4 sets in march).
brickheads are atrocious. equivalent to funko pops
Quick, predict 2025 fortnite sets
uh a chug jug
tomato town
whatever else that boy mentions in his fortnite song
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I miss it so bad
oh no a spelling mistake.
why did you get rid of them
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>me when I got two fat titted milf jewesses
Since Beef Boss and Tomatohead are obvious picks and are absent from the Battle Bus and Durr Burger set, I'm thinking they'll do a set centered on the rivalry between their restaurants. A good choice would be a Pizza Pit vs Durr Burger food truck set. It would be a good way to have "conflict" without actually having them killing each other.
just a bit ironic to fuck up some grammar in a post calling someone retarded
now go ahead and see if you can describe what "[thing] but lego" entails. once we have that descriptive point down, we can maybe have a discussion about why it makes for a bad set
Pretty sure they all have a little bit of tism. Duck bricks is for sure autistic but he seems like a good fellow and I feel like most of you here are just jelly you don’t have a collection of his magnitude. Also Cheesey seems like the most normal of them all. Also a good fellow
Can't they make sets from newer stuff
Megalo Don crew cars/his base would be kino
And you could avoid guns by gving them nitro bottles and nitro fists.
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how dumb are you really?
no, a space ship is not a THING but lego it's a fucking toy ship you can play with and swoosh around or whatever you like.
THING but lego is any of the life size recreations of everyday things but made of lego that normie afols buy and build and take an Instagram pic of then let it sit on their shelf for the rest of its life collecting dust.
the latter are inherently stupid "toys" that cater to the worst part of the fanbase. they inspire no creativity whatsoever.
just go buy a real vintage radio or Atari or fucking roller skates that actually function!
>animal crossing literally a money printer if they had done it right
>balls it up with expensive facade sets
>quadruple down on E-crossovers that have been nothing but failures because someone at lego is pushing the interactive digital meme
I hate committee design I hate committee design I hate committee design I hate committee design I hate committee design I hate committee design
>we never got that sweet mech/giant robot set because robby rape-it
not interested in ow in the slightest but I was considering getting that set, looked cool
it's just brickheads that were cancelled spaz down sperg
no, I reserve the right to ree about the ac line and legotm. but does anyone even buy brickheads other than consoomers? they seem to eternally exist in bargain bins
I wanted to buy that set but only for those awesome pink tires and either do some sort of cyber-APC thing or use them to make a sexy bonk and use them as "I'm lazy and need clothes" tires that aren't black for once.
>how dumb are you
I'm medically retarded

The comment that began this chain referred to the recent Jaws set as "peak [THING] but Lego," which I didn't really understand. Prior to that comment, I figured, like you, a Lego polaroid camera or whatever was what the "[thing] but Lego" meme referred to. Maybe the miniature telephone booth or whatever.
But if the Jaws set is "thing but Lego"-tier, surely all the Star Wars ships and such are, too, right?
And it sounds like your issue is less with the sets as such and more about the approach people take to Lego on the whole. And so wouldn't this criticism apply to most sets as such? The only truly creative set -- really -- is a big box of pieces, isn't it? If someone builds their 3-in-1 T-Rex and leaves it on a shelf, what's the functional difference between that and the typewriter or the NES?
the jaws set is not [thing] but Lego.
whoever said that was misapplying buzzwords in their rage over a licensed set
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This one has always blown my mind. WHY would you want the Lego one instead?

don't answer, it's bait. I know having THING but LEGO has a cute charm to it, but that thing really plays the freaking game lmao is less expensive, too!
>If someone builds their 3-in-1 T-Rex and leaves it on a shelf, what's the functional difference between that and the typewriter or the NES?
are you just acting stupid to troll?
no actual fan of either Lego or pac man would prefer the Lego version.
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I mean you can literally play out the entire climax of the movie with this set.
if you only see this set as a dust collector that's on you.
The specific claim is that, because people just build the "[thing] as lego" set and leave it on a shelf, it doesn't inspire creativity.
But if someone buys a non [thing as lego] set, never disassembles it, and leaves it on a shelf to collect dust, what's the difference between these two sets?
Has this latter set really inspired creativity in a way that the camera or the Hokusai print don't?
Hello, Duck Bricks here! Thank you for defending me from the jealous trolls! If you give me your contact info I'd be happy to send you some rare sets as a sign of my gratitude!
Lego is a TOY not some high art sculpting medium.
lots of faggots buy toys only to leave them sealed in the box because they think it makes their collections more "adult".
sealed toy collections are cringe because they overvalue the subject and miss the entire point of toys.
same deal with [thing] but Lego
there's just a novelty in building a lego model of [thing]. i don't see what's hard to understand about that
apart from that, who wants to play pac-man?
kek you pick the two biggest fags to suck off
>there's just a novelty in building a lego model of [thing]. i don't see what's hard to understand about that
>who wants to play pac-man?
I assume someone who spends close to $300 on a pacman console might.
if creativity is in question, wouldn't we want at least some people treating it like a "high art sculpting medium"?
Again, what's the difference between building a Y Wing and letting it sit around and building Starry Night and letting it sit around?
again.. one is a toy and the other is a cynical product aimed at adult normies so they can feel comfortable buying their heckin adulterino toys to build with the wifey before sexytimes.
if your buying y wings to just set and collect dust on your shelf your a retard idk what to tell ya
that's fair but your being dishonest if you think that's somehow the same as [thing] but lego sets. noone is buying starry night or the jap wave and building mocs with it.
It sounds like you’re opposed more to the pretension than the sets themselves.
Incidentally, I build my own mocs, but I also bought the Hokusai set because I’m an Ukiyo-e collector and I thought it was a fun novelty.
Realizing “my own mocs” is a bit like “ATM machine.”
Too recent given the amount of time it takes to design and release a set. I imagine they'll focus more on the stuff that isn't tied to any one particular season.
this guy gets it
based and sharkpilled
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>I’m an Ukiyo-e collector
>fun novelty
double cringe
I’m OK with someone passionately advocating for the purity of Lego Play thinking my woodblock print collection is cringe.
yes because lg is just you and one other person...
I think the sentiment more or less generalizes
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>I think the sentiment more or less generalizes
the gray face on mercy is just more proof that Lego mocks its own customers
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Can we discuss sharks
I’m no purist, but in terms of sharks, crocodiles, and dragons, the older the better as far as I’m concerned.
Do you think they made sharks be able to fit a 2*1*2/3rds tile in there on purpose or what
Friendly reminder that AFOLS are cancer and should kill themselves
>friendly reminder
back with you
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Best Lego animal.
alligator is a close second
Agreed! I like this version.
nice bait
What do you mean?
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>Can we discuss sharks
I love zombie sharks. not only they huge and can swallow minifigs but you can also see the minifigures through their ribs
at first i thought that classicfags are literal boomers.
But now i think it's just zoomer incels being contrarians like /v/tards and /vr/tards where zoomers pretend they prefer "classic" thing despite never experiencing it...
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>I love zombie sharks. not only they huge and can swallow minifigs but you can also see the minifigures through their ribs
Forgot to add that i got a LOT of them back in the day (around 2017) when that awful movie came out.
and some anon posted Bricklink chinese seller page with cheap as fuck sharks. Because those were stolen from chinese factory and appeared on Bricklink BEFORE the set came out.

God... back then /lg/ was pure kino because it contained only people who cared and contributed - not whiny losers trying to divide the community like these days.
post kino
Not at all. I grew up with all the old dragons, crocodiles, and sharks. Don’t really care for the eyes on modern sharks. And the modern crocodile is just a strict downgrade in form.
And I’m not purely a nostalgia friend. I generally think modern Lego is more interesting and better-looking than older Lego — both in terms of sets and minifigures. But the older animals were abstracted and geometric in very elegant, distinctive ways. I don’t think the more complicated modern animals fit the Lego aesthetic as cleanly.
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Or look at the evolution of dinosaurs. You’d be forgiven for not even recognizing the new shit as Lego
blame blizzard for swindling their customers into buying a "sequel"
>like his complete disinterest in modern Lego
He is not interested in NEW THEMES, he loves many new bricks
would be pretty rad, if they can keep the licensing long enough maybe we could see something in game currently in a third or fourth wave.
Holy retro
Is this “[thing] but Lego”?
No. It's pixel art you could bricklink for 2 dollars for 200 dollars.
>zoomers pretend they prefer "classic" thing despite never experiencing it...
oh no it's retarded
yes but don't let the fags here dictate what you like and don't like.
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This set is great. It actually is posable and you can have fun with it
>back then /lg/ was pure kino because it contained only people who cared and contributed - not whiny losers trying to divide the community like these days.
>at first i thought that classicfags are literal boomers.
>But now i think it's just zoomer incels being contrarians like /v/tards and /vr/tards where zoomers pretend they prefer "classic" thing despite never experiencing it...
they feared him for from his lips spat forth truths
kek got eeem
I don’t normally go in for this kind of thing, but Super Mario World was the first game I ever played, and this might do it for me (i.e. make me do Basedface) depending on its execution
This is exactly what I've been asking for ever since they started doing the [animal] house sets instead of just the buildable mobs themselves. Same it's just the baby versions but you get all the essentials at least. And I'm sure people will buy it just for the creeper
This set is not for me but some black box sets can be good, most are really ugly to me though.
IIRC they already backed themselves into an "we're only doing things from Lego Fortnite" corner even though the bus is from BR, and the actual minifig usable builds in lego fortnite at best are flimsy and at worst impossible without gluing or cutting pieces.
whats interesting is that this seems to be the same creeper from bigfig set (21156) released 4 years ago, perhaps they wanted to reuse the exclusive printed face parts.
Revealed at sdcc
Greatest cmf of all time. If lego doesn't fast track a DnD theme after this, they are fools.
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I had some experience with classic stuff from inheritence and small play stuff at school, also sorry for being partially why omegalistings of stuff are less common nowadays (because I wanted to troll an Indian then). Never had a chance to own any of the zombie sharks but I got a few good regular ones and some crabs (plus the glow in the dark octopus somewhere)
Trying to complete my collection of adventurers/early age dinos, any advice for getting the weird statue like ones since I got a few only right now?
The only thing that seems to “catch” my eyes is the sorta marsk blue coloring on the overalls and Yoshi having a slightly different green to the front grass, aka a rare or new color but thats likely just my eyes fucking with me. Still slop
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Even though they said the sets are based on the lego fortnite game, they will make sets based on BR.

Battle bus is one, and I expect more, also the lego fortnite game is ever evolving and will include many BR locations and designs, vehicles, its just a matter of time. But yeah, them saying its only lego fortnite is a way to tell the sensituve groups they aren't doing guns. Even though they have stud shooters, sw guns, mcu guns, they can build guns like in overwatch they did and guess what, Bone Peely has a big ass gun.
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As a Pac-Man fan it bugs me this is what they did instead of something with actual Pac-Man minifigures and sets for them
They could have done a Durr Burger restaurant set
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I need them...
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They could gives us 2figs + monster set instead of a nothingburger
I want army of those cool crabs
>23rd July 2024: Today, the LEGO Group reveals the highly anticipated range of LEGO® Fortnite sets, with pre-orders for the sets now live. The four new sets include: the LEGO Fortnite Durrr Burger, LEGO Fortnite Supply Llama, LEGO Fortnite Peely Bone and the LEGO Fortnite Battle Bus. The new collection is the first range of LEGO sets to be inspired by characters, places and items found within survival crafting game LEGO Fortnite.
Well, that's a lie because battle bus is not in the game.
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Overwatch sets had guns, made up guns. Lego can make for fortnite colorful madeup guns, use stud shooters piece.

I really don't get why is it so hard for them.
Lmao a full building will NEVER happen. Best you’ll get is a facade with two figs for $40

What colors are Lady of Pain's face and headdress? I can't tell because there's so many colors of Lego Im not familiar with anymore.
SImple. They are making toys of LEGO FORTNITE, not Fortnite.
Sand green headdress, lime head
Which is a LIE because battle bus is not in that game and Peely Bone figure is based on Fortnite, its an excuse to not feature guns.
>battle bus is not in that game
IT will be as they are adding it to the next update.
Anon, by that logic they will add enough battle royale buildings and vehicles to make sets for future waves.
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Reject Monkey Kid, embrace Monkey KING
Qman are the only alt-lego brand that actually have decent minifigs. Even their minidolls are really good.
DnD cmf has scannable qr codes
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Animal crossing sets are so ultra comfy and they have tons of useful peices and food.

It's like Friends but without minidolls
>DnD cmf has scannable qr codes
>live in a small house
>no "geeks who know their shit" around
>usually find untouched rare Sonic figures
>cmf boxes lying around untouched
Feels good.
I got so many cool Space stuff because nobody scalped those here.
If only i joined earlier when that series with Basil the Batlord was around...
>Overwatch sets had guns, made up guns. Lego can make for fortnite colorful madeup guns, use stud shooters piece.
I think it's because Overwatch is for older people (millenials and gen z) and it had a strong serious E-sports support.

While fortnite is more kiddish and fits into younger kids theme like Minecraft and Animal Crossing.

For examlpe Star Wars is for older people as well and it has guns. So as Indiana Jones.
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>For examlpe Star Wars is for older people as well
yes weeb. I dont think literal kids care about sw as much as the majority of fanbase
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this is cute.
>yes weeb. I dont think literal kids care about sw as much as the majority of fanbase
I bet they'll do it but it would be more like Beef Boof's monster food truck vs Tomatohead's pizza launcher bike
Yeah, no way. The newest I could see them going through is the C5S1 train
All Lego sets will look like this soon because they only hire trannies with no talent as designers now
>I bet they'll do it but it would be more like Beef Boof's monster food truck vs Tomatohead's pizza launcher bike
that sounds fun so I'd be down for that too
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Looks like the dragon girl is showing her belly due to the tail piece.
I love it.
The overalls are blue/dark azure/medium azure, and the grass is green/bright green. All very common colors, esp if they're just tiles.
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the atari seems pretty cool as a trompe l'oeil kind of piece
also has some cute play features
and i say this as someone without any nostalgia for these shitty old 1970s consoles or games
>Lego is a TOY not some high art sculpting medium.
does it follow, then, that you're opposed to UCS sets, because they attempt to "elevate" playsets more into dust-collecting model territory?
I like these sets
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Anons do you collect HP sets?

Should i cuck myself into buying Chamber of Sectets AND that cat-hermione set?
Because Chamber can't exist without tha bathroom set and combining it you can even recreate the scene where HP-gang goes through the tube down the basilisc cave which sounds so much fun.

But damn...that would be around 200eur. And i already spent too much on lego. And new Dreamzzz and Sonic sets. what the fuck...lego is making so much stuff these days.

BUT im scared to misse these sets and pay the rapey scalper prices later. These 2 sets are so iconic...
Chamber of secrets looks like it's ultra fun
>Anons do you collect HP sets?
Yes. I buy it to support JK Rowling's transphobia.
>Should i cuck myself into buying Chamber of Sectets AND that cat-hermione set?
Because Chamber can't exist without tha bathroom set and combining it you can even recreate the scene where HP-gang goes through the tube down the basilisc cave which sounds so much fun.
Idk man. If you want to complete the scene, why not?
>But damn...that would be around 200eur. And i already spent too much on lego.
Again it's your choice.
>And new Dreamzzz and Sonic sets. what the fuck...lego is making so much stuff these days.
I'm not really interested in Dreamzzz and I'm only interested in the Super Sonic set for Super Sonic and Dr. Robotnik.
>BUT im scared to misse these sets and pay the rapey scalper prices later. These 2 sets are so iconic...
If I was you, I'd buy those sets only get the Super Sonic and sneak a Dreamzzz set in there.
if you get off spending $250 on "cool thing that you have no interest in" good for you I guess..
Though I don't have any myself I like the ucs sets that are minifigure scale. I don't care for the rest personally but I admit the line does get blurry.
If I meet a new Lego friend and first time seeing their collection it's all just ucs ships lined up on shelves I lose respect pretty quick.
>huge answer with lots of text
>its just an "idk lol tranny sonic lol" type of shitpost
that's 2024 /lg/ for you I guess
no intention of buying it, my autistic friend -- i just said it looked cool
now if they released a comparable SNES, i'd absolutely do a reddit-style basedface and buy it no matter the price
waiting for ninjaleaks (hoping for bioleaks)
Already pre-ordered one of the each but it'll come in handy for army building the dragon paladins to combat by vampire army of basils
friendly reminder that minifigs should be the accessories to your builds not the other way around.
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I don't like Legos attitude to minifgures
>supposed to have two pilots and two gunners, crew which are essential to the vehicles operation
>Doesn't include them, meaning it will only look right in a land pad display
>Literally included a flying action base
>So if you use the action base it looks silly because it's in a flying pose with no crew
Minifgures are essential parts of some sets, not some random add on for collectors.
I unironically wish we'd go back to the late 90s/early 00's mindset where they'd take unique characters from their original IPs and just reuse them for parts elsewhere. you'd never see a soccer set with half the team made up of guys from rock raiders and adventurers these days.
We got the dumbledoors office as a gift and it’s really good. Modular. Playable. Fun. Makes trans seeth. Get some Harry Potter sets. Really love the forbidden forest sets out now.
I'm not a huge star wars fan but some of those rebuild sets look really fun, but the reviews spend like ten minutes talking about the figures and five minutes talking about the actual set.
I didn't even know they were making AC brickheads. It's good they saw sense and cancelled them though as it sounds like a terrible idea.
Yes! I'm only really interested in the witch and dragonborn so I was hoping they'd have codes.
>Empress and her mech were stuck in the most expensive set
Ugh. I'd happily have paid $20 for a separate mech
The gunship isn't minifig scale though. It would look retarded putting clones inside. For UCS sets minifigs are just inonic characters that you'd associate with the set.
that gunship isn't even close to minifig scale you retard.
They really wanted to make a ccbs piece for the thigh there huh
>good they saw sense
don't you want to see the characters you love with all the charm sucked out of them?
You'd think you mousecucks would be used to getting fucked. You're going to buy it anyway, and again whenever they make the next "revision" in 2-5 years, so what's the point complaining?
Still would and he does look like a dragon girl to me.
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>Think i calmed down with Lego because i feel like i have enough pieces and sets to play with and it's so cool
>happy i wont be spending any more money on it
>realized that HP is super fun
>it's modular and you can build your own hogwards of dreams!!!
>so many cool sets!!!
>it's basically another maraphon of money spending where my wallet will be fucked in non stop..

btw i actually never had any HP sets because Rowling makes me fucking cringe. it's not just trans stuff. Shes a total faggot and retard of a human being.
and when you paying for HP sets-she gets money out of your pocket basically (unless if you buy from ebay/bricklink)

i know incels like to say stuff like "hehe i bought it to anger trannies" but they dont actually buy those sets because incels are poor.
With exception of faggots like this >>11084851 that get it as gifts or buying non expensive small sets
>idol of Ow the Edge
Frankly this is probably what nuSonic fans want.
>and again whenever they make the next "revision" in 2-5 years
so true
when will we have the final, perfect space ships? please no more constant iterations
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>and i already spent too much on lego
Imagine paying for Lego. Take the scavenging pill.
>Take the scavenging pill.
post photos of you scavenging Hogwarts sets in the middle of nowhere
It's beyond obvious you put the pieces here yourself
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not to be a battlepacktard but is this set like an unusually good deal?
$10 for four ninja dudes and a mini mecha is pretty sweet.
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New leaks

Is 2025 a special year for F1?
For 10$ it's pretty cool.
2 awesome minifigures (i never count those stupid ninjas-who even cares about them?) and lots of pieces and a mech base you can upgrade to build a bigger mech

As a set to display/never rebuild?
no - don't buy it if this is your vision

Is false, you put pieces there.

People dont just throw multiple lego sets in the wild. Who are you trying to impress? My mom? She is dead for 10 years already. I don't have a sister either.
Why would I want to dig through literal junk like some needy bum for plastic? Besides, I'm not a poorfag like you.
In case it might interest you: Deadpool and Wolverine are both coming to Fortnite tomorrow. However, only Wolverine is getting a skin for the Lego mode.

Lego reeeeally doesn't want to go nearby deadpool.
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Thats so fucking stupid to me. That lego deadpool figure they made like 12 years back is unironically one of the most expensive minifigures on the aftermarket. Lego is literally throwing away money with all this "think of the kids" hang ups they have about making a toy of a fucking comic character
Yet they made a Jaws set...
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If I ever get that lucky I will. Until then any tan and dark tan piece i find Is HP.
These did look pretty new and I got to them before nature got to them. They did have a lot of hand oil/grease on them but that came off easy with a wash cycle.
> People dont just throw multiple lego sets in the wild
They do here. It does amaze me buy I’m not complaining.
Poor fag who enjoys his Lego.
Post that definitely Harry Potter tan archway you found before and your worn ass Harry Potter. Fuck these haters and troons man you’re pure cool in my book you gypsy stalking faggot!
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Here is one of my best areas for finding Lego. Once all the gypsies go home and I have the place to myself. I shop there as well when I make the time. How many of you think these people are up to speed on current Lego value?
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total uncontrollable sex with this eastern european hottie
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I have used the arches in my current build in progress. It’s basically the Winter Village Fire Station with a color swap. A lot of the tan and dark tan are scavenged brick. I think you may be referring to my “Tall Frodo” minifig that I put together with found prices as well.
It was Frodo my bad! I shall always maintain you’re one of the purest posters on here. You don’t give two fucks and that’s why you’re awesome.
>buys new sets and throws them in the mud to impress retards on a 4chins
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A couple meters from this trash can, in between the railroad tracks is where I found the Wolverine mech. Mostly complete and I was able to rebuild it but not exactly with parts I had. Sure glad these folks are even too lazy to use a trash can.
Check out the hottie in the white.
>man you’re pure cool in my book
phew for a second there I thought he was an absolute faggot retard
Alright, I'll bite.

Lego but thing is something made of Lego that ends up being displayed. So the roller skates above? You can't wear them, you can't use them. You can't really even play with them. Just display them (or part them out, but that's for hardcore weirdos).

Another example is the Atari, All it's good for is display. Whether you open it up to show the little scene or not, it's still for display.

Now a Lego Y-Wing? It's a toy, you can play with it, it has action features (opening canopy, maybe drops a bomb, droid socket).
These ones are Harry Potter for sure.
You’re clearly a theythem and should rope soon. I’ll come rape you in your sleep.
>Check out the hottie in the white.
ew a female...
>yes but don't let the fags here dictate what you like and don't like.

This. So much this.

It's fucking 4chan, who cares what people think around here. They sperg over fucking YouTubers and hate watch them instead of doing something useful with their time.
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>thing (dragon) but lego
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Any rich fags here want to buy and send me the rivendale set? In return I will purchase a packet of gypsie market mayonnaise from this guy, make a tuna fish sandwich, consume, and post results here in /lg/.
I’d buy the roller skate for the pink tires. Agreed that it’s just a parts pack though.
>I’d buy the roller skate for the pink tires.
why not just buy it from bricklink...
>oh no a retard
>thing (castle) but lego
Holy shit castlefags are plebs
you have very poor reading comprehension
>thing (lambo) but lego
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Racersbros, we won
Original characters or real life pilots?
I think this might just be an ESL misunderstanding. Any native English speaker would understand "thing" in this case to mean "mundane object" and know exactly what sets "thing but lego" refers to.
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>thing (dragon) but lego
What exactly is mundane about a dragon?
i saw like 5 dragons in 20 minutes walking down my old german street of 5000 inhabitants town

go build your dragonslop, pleb
That's cool. I saw 6 dragons in 19 minutes walking down the street of my 4,999 inhabitants town.
I hate it here
I also hate it here
are you sure it doesn't mean EVERY FUCKING LEGO SET EVER???
god what a moron
ok pablo
I hate both of you.
I was being sarcastic and agreeing with you but whatever
Sorry, I'm ESL
Lego sucks
based aquazonechad
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is it cool?
Ahhhh damn you!!! You blew it up!!!
I hate every ape I see from chimpan-a to chimpanzee!
holy based
what you’re opposed to toys as novelties?
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are you opposed to toys up your ass?
Okay, we get it, you’re a furry
>when you recognize that pic
Ninja scroll wasnt even that good. Protag doesnt even get to fuck the girl and she dies in the end
certified slug kino
>weeb shit
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>thinks Mezzo Forte is Ninja Scroll
>complains about weeb shit on an anime imageboard
I see you don’t know your hentai. And here I thought you were an anon of culture.
I swore to god that was from ninja scroll. Guess i was wrong
4chan is an anime website
>accusing someone of being a redditor

Projecting, aren’t you?
your not even old enough to remember when it started out as that faggot.
doesn't change the fact that anime is for cringe weebtards
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Rule 2: Absolutely no Japanese figurines. Action figures are permitted.

Sorry, but this isn’t a violation.
Can’t we all just get along?

Or are we forgetting the words of the Reverend King?
This would also mean no Ninjago, Monkee Kid, Lego samurai castle…
>all Japan is anime
fucking retard
I was traumatized with the severed arm in Jurassic Park when I was a kid. SW has a ton of violence and death. Is that the most mature theme I wonder?
But yeah that Deadpool exclusivity is pissing me off. I mean shit I remembered the simpsons had some pretty mature moments
How do Reddit/instagram/Youtube allow lego leaks anyway? Does TLG not give a shit lol
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kids these days are doing russian heroin and chopping off their cocks. The last thing people should be worried about are violent movies.
Brown Pedophile.
kek projecting much?
This is a Mongolian doula homebirth forum anon. Grow up.
Nice to meet you but we don't introduce ourselves here.
I don't know what the fuck Ninjago is about, but that dragon looks cool as fuck.
>shadfel towerman
I'm deeply frustrated that the post-apocalyptic Hal from this set is so damn expensive on the secondary market.
holy shit they're bringing back Galidor?
They plant them, isn't thst obvious?
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>another "adult/onions/legotuber" set to display on shelves with ugly ass Black stands
I am so sick of this, bros
Maybe your kid is too based for his age
Lego Dragon Ball 2025 set list:

71571 - Capsule Corp car
71572 - Vegeta's escape pod
71573 - Kame house
71574 - Buildable Shenron figure
71575 - Buildable Goku figure

Release April 2025.
The Falcon UCS is huge mess and I still dont understand people who praise it.
New one STILL breaks under own weigh if you move it. You cant even play inside of it.
You can get both of these sets -30% online.
I believe these sets are mostly bought by speculators who believe the price of these things will someday skyrocket and they can sell their mint copies for millions one day.
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>I believe these sets are mostly bought by speculators who believe the price of these things will someday skyrocket and they can sell their mint copies for millions one day.
it's an absolute normicore bait.

I follow one discord where such people swarm. And they know absolutely NOTHING about lego.
They usually 40-45-50 years old and they just buying boxes of this crap.
It's all started from Logan Paul's pokemon hype and NFT/crypto hype of 2020. A basically new culture of toy investors appeared after that year.
I collected pokemon cards and observed that thing from the very beginning.

this why you often see them just posting black boxes without opening them. It's their "retirement money" as they call it.
Toy investing is such a hit or miss game. I think it’s going to be hilarious when the bubble bursts and all the normies who picked up sets to sit on can’t unload them for even cost and the market tanks. Screenshot this. I’m already seeing whole collections offered up for cheap because people who just “emerged fro their dark ages” are going to get tired of it and bail.
>buh but Lego is worth more than gold
No it isn’t. Lego is just plastic retards. If you think you’re going to retire on toys you’ve got a rude awakening.
They will learn the hard way this is an artificial market.
Even though I find the reason behind the existence of these sets fucking annoying, I am not buttmad about them. There are so many sets which are, first and foremost, cool toys and if you really care about Lego, you only give a shit about parts. This is the difference between a true a Lego fan and a normie. A normie doesn't understand you can build anything out of Lego, they just follow the instructions and believe all those parts were designed to form the single thing they see on the box. I bet they fail to realize most of their collection shares many parts. They that unbelievably dumb.
the funniest part is.

1) they investing in things THEY like (shittty normie newfag lego for AFOLs)
2) they are already old (close to 50s)
3) when they going to sell those? When they reach 70s?
4) who will be buying those? other AFOLs from the 20s logan paul craze?
People (the gen Z and Alpha that grew up and reached their 30-40s) probably won't even care about afol-Atari or fucking FLOWERS in the future. They probably will want that giant Ninjago dragon or dreamzz shark or Harry Potter or some shit like that because that's what they grew up with and it was their childhood and now they are in their 40s and want some old lego from back then.
This is so stupid...
Between japanese ronald mcdonald and raging like a caveman over an autist doing his thing, I'm starting to think you're the retard here, anon. Or at least 14 years old, because you type like a child.
Tieflings are just even-more-loser flavor dragon girls
calm down slug
>formula 1 cmf coming 2025
So fucking gay

This means we have
>series 27
>f1 series
>simpsons series
Super lame
Or Series 27 is F1 themed...which leaves us with one cmf
Im 42 fuck you
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>formula 1 cmf
Lmfao who the fuck is gonna buy that boring shit? That shit is gonna shelfwarm HARD
so esl or more likely american
I cannot articulate in words how much I do not like these 'people's' faces
Im not from esl and Im not a digust American
Stop making me defend retarded shit because you're doubly retarded. Lego Speed shit, Lego technic car and f1 shit (which I learned has sausi arabian sponsors very not hypocritical of you woke ass lego lmao) and even lego stuntz are realky popular.

I also remember f1 shit from when I was a kid so there must be f1 niggas out there.
>I wish for a themed year next year, please be castle
>Monkey Paw curls
>No, you're getting F1
What is the point of this shit? I don't even like racing, now City is going to be F1, Technic is going to be F1, we're getting F1 minifigures (aren't cars the most iconic part of F1, instead of getting racers like Max Verstappen?) and we'll probably get Friends F1 and Dreamzzz F1.
Why not a generic racing theme? Maybe we could get an updated version of Lego Racers, like a Veronica Sparks figure would be cool.
>Or Series 27 is F1 themed...which leaves us with one cmf
what the fuck
who even cares about car-people?
i know like...one ? (Mario Andretti Racing and i know that name because i played a Sega game as a kid)

what the fuck is this shit lmao
UUUOOOHHHHHHHH.... i love 16 same looking white guys in racing suits...
Baby play sets for babies are released constantly. Let us dignified adults with our refined tastes have just a couple display pieces.
Oh look, a new Friends dollhouse released — you must be very pleased
Ok but 2025 will be a ANIMAL CROSSING CMFs right?
Or they really stupid and hate money?
Regardless, it’ll be all the boring dozen characters we always get. Very excited to see those polkadot rabbits or the smug squirrel or that pink and blue hamster again. Or, god forbid, they’ll bypass villagers and stuff the set with boring NPCs
Are these people normies? I’ve collected pokemon cards for about a decade, so I saw the influx of Invooooosters into that hobby, and my impression was that, even if they brought a kind of FinanceBro disposition to the hobby, they were absolutely autistic. They just spec’d their autism differently than the typical hobbyist
>white guys in racing suits
>implying they won't be doing all the C-list literally whos female, black, gay and transgender racers
Why doesn't Lego make more X-Men sets?
The only one out right now is the X-Jet and the upcoming X-Mansion. The MCU is leaning heavily on the mutants right now.
I know Lego won't make sets for the R rated Deadpool and Wolverine movie, but they can make sets based on the comics and previous X-Men movies, Lego is no stranger to making new sets based on previous movies.
But no we need more MCU sets, can't get enough of Age of Ultron, Thor Ragnarok and GOTG.
>>implying they won't be doing all the C-list literally whos female, black, gay and transgender racers

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>lego officially brought back bob from the original Republic gunship
>for a starfighter set that cost 40 bucks
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wait a minute this random ass set has freaking thrawn in it what the hell
Guess he was just thrawn in there
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>there's a rollercoaster set with a giant Exo-force mech in the middle of it
>nobody is talking about it
wtf???????????? did I miss a thread where everyone was talking about it????????
nobody is caring about exo force
>buy set
>take out bag 1 containing mech
>seal set and return
retard: >>11086678
3digit IQ chad: buy stickers from Bricklink because the rest of pieces are cheapest and basic ones
Investing in things you like is smarter actually, if it's something you have an interest in you know which sets are good (popular) and will be desirable.
not if you have shitty taste
judging by what gets posted most do
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I decided we need a Lego Carlos so I just made this.
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it's fucking over..... grandmas all across america are going to start sending boxes filled with old 80-90s and 2000s era lego to lego to be disposed of.
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Dreamzzz troons will start getting second hand bricks in their shitty sets.
Fuckin kek!
>you just know
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>tfw you get the 2010 reddish brown bricks reused in a set:
that's a funny way of saying "stained with cat pee"
Personally prefer both the 1st and 3rd stages, the second lot never really did it for me.
yeah, the cars are popular because they're really good builds, i dont even care about carshit and i buy them cause they're so interesting.

but who cares about the figs? what are they gonna do include a trophy with each one?
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Second stage looks creepy. More like undead dinosaurs. Which might have been cool if that had been the intent, instead just more like nightmare fuel for kids.
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missing one
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Why would legos do this?
qui bono ?
try reading it retard
They are donated to schools and youth programs. The real question is how do we get on the receiving ends of this charity?
>F1 CMF instead of Animal Crossing
Fucking why. It’s gonna be another German Soccer team thing
why doesn't lego, the multibillion dollar corporation just donate the lego themselves? why are they asking memaw and pepaw to dig in the attic to send their children / grandchildren's old lego back to lego to then send it elsewhere?
>For a limited time
Thank God
The second wave makes good sauropods to go with the first wave.
probably some kind of heartwarming Green/Sustainability initiative meant to distract from the bare fact that Lego's empire is built on oil-based non-biodegradable plastics
I am missing this exact piece from Eldorado Fortress.
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is this the only explanation provided? what does Lego plan on doing with recycled bricks? like... specifically?

they better not be putting them back into new sets. That would be gross.

(I'm still a little grossed-out when my soda bottle says it's made out of 100% recycled plastic, like I'm just supposed to know, without any added explanation, that it's still as clean as a non-recycled bottle.)
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Blocks your path
>did I miss a thread where everyone was talking about it
Yes you did retard
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Fated Forest !
a good fart would knock those two faggots over
dino attack was the most based dino theme
For me? Its rubbing my unwashed cock all over my hand-me-downs before donating to charity
hella chunky meme you just laid down for us pard
Brown Pedophile.
this sure sounds like something a brown pedophile would do
no, it's going to be forknight
What are they going to do with the parts? Do they melt them down into new parts? Destroy them in a furnace or donate them to grubby kids?
I feel sorry for the poor bastards that get their vintage minifigures smelted down.
I'm sure anything worthwhile will end up on bricklink
pack your lgo in closet, go to college, come home, parents have sold it to lego, see you rbricks on bricklink. lego reselling becomes dominated by lego/bricklink. drm bricks when? you never owned those bricks, just had a license to play with them.
Mine did not even sell it , they just threw it out.
oi you got a loisense to play with them bricks, mate?
based parents
Lego DC is back in 2025?
You're basically paying extra for a new non-fl*shie SW fig.
Larger point, I'm more disappointed that they seem to have reused the design of the most recent Aethersprite, there's a really big fucking conspicuous gap down the top between the wings and the central section.
Ah, nevermind, looking at the angle on the box they covered it up with some 1.5s like they should have done in the first place.
So at least they can learn from their mistakes.
cringe parents
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My castlenigs, would you pay $40 for this? Retail was $100.
>vinyl sheet at the top for window
pffft no
that shit was 100 bucks? for 40 it's ok but even that's pushing it
the minidolls had a couple of exclusive bits to this set, and it's a neat little castle. I'd pay 40 for it if I caught the sale at a Walmart or something. I mean, it's not a small castle, it's got lots of pieces as the minimum reason...

it's a shame about the movie. I feel like it could have been a good movie with some tweaks, as released it was just barely passable (barely, and I know I'm being generous)
Probably not, if I needed tan and white castle parts like these then maybe. But still it's probably more cost effective to Bricklink them.
It could be nice on its own as a temple for a castle town, but the price is still pushing it unless it comes with other good stuff from the set.
>rest of the set has almost nothing to do with it or is EF-themed outside of a sticker, giving it a "GWP/$14set thrown in for no reason" feeling
>worse than the original with lamer weapons, no light gimmick, no ching chong letters and no animu figure
>features the shitty fixed joints - some of the worst pieces introduced in recent times
>die-hard EF fans that this would appeal to probably still have the original somewhere in the basement or attic
I like it but I HATE that it has no propper studded floorspace
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hei anons i need 25$ more at the checkout to get the august gwp, should i buy 6 of the space minifigs for that money or pic
you should buy the instead
Don't listen to him >>11088450
Get the
It's a way better deal.
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I would. Needs a brick build roof though. Looks like if you want the goat you have to get this set as well.
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That Spot mini fig is giving me some ideas. May have to get a few of these.
honestly either choice is good, I've been really happy with the space minifigs I got and I've been tempted to get that set for awhile now.
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New thread?
Sets soon
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What ID number is this minifig?

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