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You can only use my slime pit if you bang my daughter, detective.

Previous: >>11077661
Any good SDCC reveals?
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I didn't knew Chris O'donnell was this short.
Well that's accurate then
Does he have no torso articulation, or is the red a soft plastic covering the buck?
every time they've done a robin like that he's had articulation underneath the torso piece
We only discuss imaginext here boomer.
That's the Demon Spawn reveal.
what size are those acrylic risers?
>order Mr. Freeze from Todd and Dr. Aphra from Hasbro on the same day
>both are just reprints
>Mr. Freeze delayed indefinitely
>Dr. Aphra shipped two months early
ayo, that copyright infringment man. you can't just steal the MOTU slime pit design and release it before Mattel does for their Origins line. tell me anon, who is selling this shit so I can tell Mattel and also the price so they'll know how much to sue for.
both annoying for different reasons. I ended up spending $200 this week because all my pre-orders scheduled for September got bumped up to July 23rd.
Never buy toys on credit. Very dangerous practice. Always have a nest egg saved up to cushion purchases
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Will this strap-on fit McFarlanes?
I wasn't expecting to have to pay for it this month either but I'd rather get a product a little earlier than have it never show it up. Did you go for the droid pack? Was thinking about picking up that and the Fleet Trooper and Stormtrooper pack but Star Wars collections can balloon fast and I'm trying to keep it under 20 figures.
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Looks like Mondo cast a hispanic woman with lip fillers to play Poison Ivy
I believe you might be showing signs of vision-loss, anon.
I should've bought the Rogue. I regret not doing so even though it's 1/6th
What was the last DC Multiverse figure you bought? For me it was Knightsend Azrael
Given how bad the QC was on the official one I'm a little scared.
1989 Batman and Batmobile
it showed up with a busted shoulder
>drew him to look like you
bad enough delusional /poltards escaped containment, only to infect and beguile /toy
>SDCC occurring
>One post in 16 hours
DC is dead isn't it?
i was a pretty regular poster in these but had a rough breakup like 2 months ago and kinda quit caring about toys. nevermind all the retards and shitposters taking the fun out of this thread.

anyway, question is cool
What the fuck is Dr. Arpa?
Nah these threads are just a lost cause
We're tired of buying figures and getting them delayed, cancelled, or replaced with half painted super sassy chase variants.
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>no gun
Ok this is kind of dope. I was going to just get the Mafex since they announced they have a Joker in the pipeline but this is fucking cool.
Oooh, even Huntress is getting multiple heads.
>Huntress has a doll cape
>Question has a plastic coat
fucking god damn it
>Todd finally got rid of the card stands and is including more heads/effects instead
Might finally replace my New 52 Huntress.
Can't wait to have a Robert DeNiro for all my other figures to bully
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ok, I'm down for a Red Hood Bike for my shelf
Cool, i got darkseid and the bane/batman set.
Hope they actually make that whole diorama. It has a ton of meme potential.
Question should've been a standard release. I would replace Effigy with Razer and Shining Knight with the OG version (unless he's doing one with his Pegasus like Jonah Hex and his horse)
The lantern head is smart, but I think it should've been a platinum variant for the human lanterns. Like Abin Sur with Hal, Tomar with John, and so on. Huntress feels like she's missing one more thing, like a bo staff.
Didn't even realize they were platinum. Do we know who the regular releases are? Razer would be great. Blue/Red Razer would be novel.
Don't worry, I'm sure we'll all get the pink and blue Huntress platinum edition
By my understanding, there is no regular release equivalent of Question. These are part of McFarlane's new strategy where he has a wave of 3 platinums that just randomly show up at random stores--whoever will take them I guess? Manhunter, Sportsmaster and one other already went out as the first part of this terrible experiment. Some youtubers were saying they found that wave at gamestop. Enjoy wasting gas like its 1997.
Kinda an underwwhelming panel.

It doesn't help that we've known about most of these releases for like 3 months now.

But these are kinda boring releases.

It's cool to have the Green Lanterns multiple heads for sure, but nothing wow really. Huntress would have been insane if she had her Hush look, the one they chose is fine, but just that, fine.

Only surprise was the Phoenix Joker and we only saw a render of it.

Forever Batmobile is cool, but again, we've known about it for months now.
>Looks at leak lists
>Complains we already knew about all these for months
You got your hype when you looked over the leaks. They (mostly) can't make product appear out of thin air to surprise someone who has seen leaks. Probably the Phoenix Joker is the furthest off of these which would be why we didn't see it on the lists.
Isn't Question's coat a reuse of HL Joker?
I just look at images in insta. These threads are terrible.
What would you discuss if you wanted to have an intelligent discussion here on DC gen?
I'm not really complaining lol. I'm just explaining why this panel has felt so underwhelming.

It's not like McFarlane can't avoid listing leaks. There are so many toy companies and only a small few get their listings leak like McFarlane does.

The leaks have happened sicne the start of the line yet most McFarlane convention panels have almost always gotten some not leaked cool shit out there. This time it was only that Joker set.

But again, it's not a complaint lol. Only overall complaint might be that it has kinda been an underwhelming summer season of releases.
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I'm convinced there's someone inside McFarlane who leaks the lists and rabidly defends the company with essays about why orders get delayed and cancelled even when the entire thread dogpiles on them. I've wondered for over a year why someone would defend McFarlane's chase variants, shitty quality control, and shortcuts like not painting the back and then I saw this video where he talks about his internet feud with the mayor of Oklahoma City over baseball cards. Todd is a petty, chronically online bitch who needs to win every internet argument he gets into. He talks elsewhere in the video about playing tabletop games through some backwater site so he definitely knows about reddit and 4chan and would probably love talking anonymously about his company and get very bitchy if anyone mentions issues they've consistently had with their orders. Again, thinking back to the anon who was screeching about delivery issues and dismissing a thread full of people asking why Todd is the only one who fucks it up, it's weird, it's beyond something just normal autism would drive someone to do.
What's the most likely source for leaks? Elite hackers looking to see how many new Batmans Todd is making or Todd jerking himself off?

Fuck you
Once again the leaker that comes here was proven right
>effigy and shining knight before power girl and zatanna
If Todd is in this thread with us I just want to know why he doesn't want my money anymore
Power girl and zatanna are coming
Insider here: Todd says he's never making Power Girl or Zatanna.
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it's literally the Joker custom

>Huntress actually looks good
oh shit

Maybe McFarlane is getting off his ass
There's no hacking or someone actually "laeking inside info" when it comes to the listings.

It's as simple as McFarlane just giving those listings to independent stores overseas and then those sites sharing them on the internet.

I'm sure McFarlane's marketing team gets frustrated by these since they can't control narratives like the Marvel Legends guys do.

But if after all these years McFarlane hasn't done something about them is because someone up there prefers it this way.
Todd is showing cognitive decline. He's got 4 years max before he's gone.
This is what I expected when they first announced this Collector series. Alternate heads, hands, accessories. She probably could have gotten a bit more, but this is definitely a step in the right direction compared to the early ones. If you charge more at least make it seem like it's worth it compared to those cheaper figures.
Zatanna will have the Super Woman diaper.

The money's paw curls.
Disappointing tits
Especially when those big juicy ones are right on the cover and the Catwoman had them.
I dunno, there's something missing. The face doesn't really seem to "fit" what I think of when I see Huntress in a comic. It isn't bad per se like some of their head sculpts but...

Also I wonder if those legs are reuse.
Supposedly the legs are Arkham Catwoman.
Seems likely from what I can see of the designs on it. And you know this means she is going to be too tall because one of Arkham Catwoman's issues was her legs were too long.
God fucking damn it, you're right. And Zoe Catwoman legs are too textured.
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>These threads are terrible.
>these threads are just a lost cause
Sometimes i wonder why people don't just buy the statues for the females. Like the main draw is sex appeal obviously and there's that smoking hot Zatanna statue. But for some reason my brain demands it be able to move. But 99% of the time it would just be on the shelf anyway...
Does it scale with the figures? if so I'd be interested.
Hot Toys' Robin is perfect! This is the Robin I wanted from McFarlane.The hair, the face likeness, the sculpt, the color, and best of all no diaper-looking piece.
Let us know how good it is in a few months when all that rubber is gone.
Nope unfortunately, 1:8th thanks to Todd wanting to do every scale under the sun
Pleather is not rubber......it's actually worse.
Just as well, her face is a little too ethnic for me. And STILL manages to have his extra long legs.
damn they even sculpted his balls.
Huntress isnt on the catwoman buck plus alt heads?? I'll take 3
HT uses pleather? Jesus. Better to chose a pose and never touch the figure again, this thing will fall apart like a vampire in the sun in less than a year.
>bimbo Huntress
Yes please
That's the stand.
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whats this thing?
who made it?

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