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Previous Thread >>11073836

HasLab Cobra Rattler - Campaign is now live! Funding period ends 11:59PM ET on September 9th

Now Shipping:
>Cobra Ferret
>Retro Duke
>Retro Scarlett
>Retro Recondo
>Recon Diver (60th Anv)
>Action Soldier (60th Anv)

>New/Render Reveals - Nemesis Immortal, Dial-Tone, Saw Viper, Cobra CLAW w/ pilot, Leatherneck, Zandar, Starduster (Pulse Con Exclusive)

>Pipeline Reveals - Blowtorch, Frag Viper, Footloose, Heavy Duty, Law & Order, Retro Rock ‘N’ Roll, Retro Dr. Mindbender, Retro Cobra Viper

>Cobra Rattler (HasLab)
>60th Anniversary Sniper
>60th Anniversary HALO Jumper
>Road Pig
>Steel Corps vs Twilight Guard
>Night Force Falcon and Quarrel (Walmart/Pulse)
>Iron Grenadier
>Iron Grenadier B.A.T.
>Storm Shadow v2
>Retro Stalker
>Retro Cobra Trooper
>Retro Cobra Commander
>Cobra Night Attack Stinger (FanCh)
>Sgt Slaughter Mad Marauder (FanCh)
>Lowlight & Spirit Mad Marauders 2pk (Pulse)
>Wreckage and Tiger Paw ATV (Target/Pulse)
>Retro Beach Head
>Retro Cobra Eel
>Retro Snow Serpent

>Super7 O-ring figures revealed
>Mezco Commando Snake Eyes for pre-order. Expected to ship after 6-8 weeks after SDCC
>Hiya Toys: Zartan, Spirit Iron-Knife, Tomax & Xamot, Croc Master, Stalker, Dusty, Crimson Guard 4” figures

>Free Episodes of G.I. Joe ARAH:

>Free Episodes of Renegades and Sigma 6:

>G.I. Joe Spy Troops (PAL version, ripped and edited by a very kind Aussie Anon/Spy Troops anon):
We'll never get Baroness at this point, sheesh.
So is it just GI Joe fans want product more plus Classified being such a good line that makes these fund faster than like all other Haslabs
>We'll never get Baroness at this point, sheesh

You realize this is gong to be available for the next 45 days, right? Plenty of time for the tiers.
It's having a team that are fans of GI Joe, Hasbro owning the IP so they can have more budget for extras instead of license fees, and GI Joe fans are more likely being childless and have lots of extra cash in hand and the other half are not financial fluent.
At a retarded price because Hasbro like to scam customers
Oh no it's the guy from the last thread doing his joke that it won't get funded
he was only pretending to be retarded
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They would do better if they just sold a life size version of this
you want a halsab sexdoll?
Well I am a coomer kino badass after all.
Just ordered Road Pig, I thought he'd be more expensive. Better pricing than Gnawgahide.
Now I'm kind of curious to see how big he actually is.

Also, I wasn't expecting an october release, oh shit, I need to get my finances straight.
Part of me really wants it now and to support the line but the part of me that backed the haslab also knows Road Pig will become $30 six months after the release
1:1 Emily Bader Haslab
What are the tiers like?
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Tier 1: Box of Twinkies
Tier 2: Sweatin' to the Oldies
Tier 3: Vial of Tears
Screw Emily
That's the plan.
so just to clarify, this means it will charge your card in 45 days, right?
At least 3, yes.
I mean, it won't be JUST for sex.
Was she responsible for pumpkin rapper? >>11087675
Does it cook and clean? Im not sure i understand what else a bad ass looking sex doll can do other than sex. Do sex dolls like crummy movies on vhs? Im still just waiting to back it myself, ive thought about it all and the rattler is cooler than the dragonfly so its just a matter of time till im in.
It can be my wife.
First tier is a bunch of useless patches for your jacket. Second tier is a Cobra Gunner; has black and white head options BUT they are the type of heads where the neck/head are one piece, so you are SOL if you want to head swap or use the heads with other bodies. Third tier is pilot Baroness with swappable hair pieces and basically wearing a recolor of her blue costume from the early comics/MASS Device mini. Meaning if she doesn't fund, we'll most likely still get the figure.

Also for annoyance factor, they pulled a Beachhead and ditched his established head sculpt (from Devil's Due and the Marvel Comic, the former having him with brown hair and the later with no facial disfigurements) for a blonde pretty boy head with a scar around his eye, while making his helmet be a separate piece rather than including it as an alternate head sculpt.
>for a blonde pretty boy head with a scar around his eye, while making his helmet be a separate piece rather than including it as an alternate head sculpt.
They basically made him Ace with a scar
>Third tier is pilot Baroness
Finally a good decision on their part. They could fund anything with tiers like these.
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>can't even put a scar in the right place
I mean if you're going to play up the injury his filecard mentioned they could at least read the file card
>Hasbro doing any research beyond a quick occasional google image search
They probably did that on purpose. He'll probably get a mainline version with that scarring to make him different from the HasLab one
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The fem sniper is cute and all, and I'll probably be getting one, but it does feel a little forced when these were supposed to commemorate the original 12 inch line before females were ever included.
Ace is a ginger.
Visually, they basically made him look like Ace with a scar. Not meant to be a literal copy
if they only got rid of the shit legs
Yeah the amount of reused parts and accessories lately has been killing my interest in quite a lot of figures. Feels like only 1 in 5 figures are brand new and the rest are a mishmash of stuff we've seen before.
They really need to have a way to make sniper figures' heads look up, so you can pose them prone with a rifle.
They had a way, it was called a hinge, and it worked great for the first couple years of the line before they switched to the shitty double ball pegs that we're plagued with now.
im not buying a single woman from these jews ever again. Classified already has multiples of every named female character from the OG line. Any new ones are for nefarious purposes.
it's insulting, demeaning to the brand, demeaning to the real-life military, and also just doesn't sell. they're doing it to push an agenda. all of the female characters end up on clearance because nobody wants these.
I don't even hate female soldiers in a fictional fantasy setting, and Scarlett retro is one of my favorite figures in this line, but it's becoming too much and this one is the final straw for the 12 inch reason that you mentioned.
cobra infantry: sells out in 15 minutes flat and stays sold out forever.
cobra infantry women edition: never sold out even once.
it's very obviously forced.
I have every female released in the line so far, and my collection is still vastly male. I don't think it's that big of a deal quite yet
Yeah in the Pixel Dan video they said it's early days version
I dunno that's a little too extreme for me
I'm much more in this >>11088294 camp.
....the original 12" line did have a female figure. The GI Nurse Action Girl (8066) was released in 1967. The original run also had figures of various races and ethnicity as G.I. Joe was one of the very first all inclusive lines.

The Valkyries sold out repeatedly when they first came out. And the Viper three pack hit bargin bins repeatedly as well. The only thing forced is you being assmad over at best a dozen female figures in a line of over 100 figures.

Me, I say bring on all the ladies. I wanna see Bombstrike and Mayday and Firewall and Chameleon and Fem Dialtone and Raven and Munitia and Heart-Wrencher and Stiletto and for gods sake a blond Cover Girl with her Wolverine. Classified makes some of the best female headsculpts around (except for one time) so I've love to see them pump out even more of em.
>GI Nurse Action Girl
60th anniversary male nurse when?
Female Dial Tone will never happen. She's as toxic as Fat Black Girl Salvo with the fans.

Most of the others have a good chance of happening though.
All of this. Girl soldiers are fun and cute.

Fuck You, fag. Go be mad somewhere else.
>Felt cute. Might snipe some Cobras later.
They're soldiers. They're a about as unique as they're going to get. Plus, every Joe line gets heavy with reuse the longer it goes on. The time to complain about that was the first Tiger Force line in the 80s. There has literally never been a Joe line that wasn't heavy with reuse.

I do feel you on how close together some of the reruns are (did we really need Night Force Tunnel Rat 6 months apart?). I'm more bothered the inconsistency on Retro vs. Modern. Why do some characters, like Grunt and Rock'n'Roll, get modernized while Shipwreck and Quick Kick get stuck with sillier 80s looks. I liked the retro cards because in theory everyone wins: Retro fans get their 80s versions and modern fans like me get figures that look like they belong in the 21st Century.
A real life person with these proportions would be a deformed freak. People don't look like this.
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Good thing it isn't based on a real person
Jesus there always has to be someone complaining about fucking nothing

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