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>Upcoming transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

Previous thread: >>11085021

>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread
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I don't have an issue with the fade, just the fact it's piss yellow on white on her crotch, bizarre choice. Probably doesn't reflect well on me that's where my brain goes, either.

My personal preference, as so many collabs are already 80s cars. Man, I would be terrified to drive any of these long-ass cars, how are you going to safely make turns when you're sitting 12 feet back from the intersection. IDK, I got Roast Beef Kazenzakis brain, I always gotta think of the thing that ruins the fun of something.
Honestly that's how I feel about any car. I have no idea how you're meant to gauge your surroundings, you're not even sitting centered.
80s cars are indeed the best though
Is this available yet?
Dukes of hazard crossover when?
i think it's at the current con?
kek. i wanna see that.
just... just make the same car so we can do customs
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It won't happen, for reasons which should be fairly obvious. Probably for the best.
>Would a Decepticon-Confederate alliance be called the Dixiecons or Decepticonfederates?
obviously decepticonfederates.. and dixiecons would be their nickname, because holy shit that's long
>probably for the best
uh, that they don't, or that society has become what it is?
Let's just say that General Sherman did nothing wrong
so you think a critic of scorched-earth policies would be okay with the "Ban anything that even looks like it has a symbol that is maybe related to a no-no group" mentality which... basically singlehandedly fuels the otherwise dying embers of discrimination in our society.
because I think he rather wouldn't.
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But Sherman wasn't a critic of scorched earth, he was quite literally the opposite. You sound very confused and butthurt.
Why are we making a million threads again? Let a few actually fall off the board before making more - this is getting ridiculous, and I'm tired of hopping around from thread to thread to try to keep track of the conversations. As is everyone else, I'm sure.
oh I misread
well he sounds like the bad kind then
made this one after the last image was posted. Goanon made one -before- image limit was hit, and so he was able to link it before this one. i didn't even know, or I probably would have given up.
As always, there's 10 times as much activity in his thread. I don't know why I bother for you people.
Just give me my Big Convoy, my Mammoth Prime, just announce it just take my money you stupid Hasbro
seriously, i want it. i Waaaant it. and i have the original, so it's not like I need it. I just want it.
I want them to do a new Convobat and call him Big Conroy
Y'know, as someone who actually grew up watching the reruns of Knight Rider, this is kinda neat. KITT getting an upgrade to transform into an actually helpful robot works here, even if this really seems like an out-of-the-blue crossover in general.
You left out the part where you spammed the previous thread with images just to force it to the image limit to have an excuse to make your thread early, gofag.
i've noticed a theme with these crossovers: the 80s
Now we just need a KARR with Peter Cullens voice
that'd be tits.
more beast guys when
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There's also the X-men, Stranger Things, and Jurassic Park, but in general the people asking for these crossovers are all old boomers that have been wanting these things
Also there's just much less iconic vehicles in things past the 90s.
exactly, after this, nostalgia baiting is gonna end. there's nothing you can do for anyone who grew up in the 2000s, their shit is gone. the internet is scrubbed and sanitized, that was the only thing that really worked in the 2000s.
I'd like to argue with you but most of the stuff that I remember from the 2000s wouldn't work as a crossover. Doesn't help it was when nostalgia-pandering kinda started, lots of reboots from that era. Some were great admittedly (He-Man and TMNT's 2000s shows were pretty good from what I remember) but in terms of actually existing orgiginal things you can nostalgiabait with, slim pickings.
i'm not saying there was nothing good to watch, but nothing that changes the world and remains popular for decades like 80s and 90s stuff.
A cassetteformer that transforms from Nostalgia Critic into Bat Credit Card
So did I see they are doing a refresh of Cosmos? Guess I picked a good time to start wanting minibots
We must've grown up in some kinda different 2000s, there's plenty of 2000s media stuff I'd love to see as a TF collab.
>Teen Titans crossover, hell, they have a 3-part mech they could use, just make a figure of that
>Matrix Decepticon that turns into a Sentinel
>LOTR Sauron that turns into Barad-Dur
>Mr Bean collab (more of a 90s thing but still)
>POTC collab, like Davy Jones that turns into his ship
>Hell, a Bionicle collab, why not (weren't we supposed to get a Lego Classic Space themed TF anyway?)
The list goes on.
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From here to Cybertron, Let Freedom Ring!
You have terrible tastes. If it wasn't for our mutal appreciation of TFs, I'd have kicked your ass.
Half of those are just remakes of older media (PotC is in a weird space here). Bionicle has potential, but feels asymmetrical with the Lego Transformers using bricks instead of Technic.
>Is an animal native to Africa.
>Was created for a Japan-only series.KP8WV
Africa is where many popular animals are native to. Even humans are native to Africa.
You are a faggot
No transform no buy
Yes, and not exclusive this time.
Are we listing Collabs we want?

Godzilla please.
British hands typed this post.
Ehy can i create my own /tfg/ too?
You can, but that doesn't mean it is a good idea.
i'm trying to think if there's any specifically-american animals in beast wars.. maybe dinosaurs.
it'd be REAL tough but I want to see them try.
the biggest issue is what do you do with the tail.. I think all you could do is partsform the tip, while still having the base turning into a vital part of the main body.
I think they could manage it easily with nothing more than an external retool of 86 Grimlock
you think godzilla legs would make good robot arms
you think splitting the base of his tail in half would make good robot legs.
you're okay with the godzilla head just hanging off of his back
europe has bison too, just a different race of them.. bit smaller. but i think that is an american one, so yes!
Godzilla's head is proportionally smaller than Grimlock's. It is fine.
What if it goes crazy with the nostalgia and gives Godzilla a design based on the Shogun Warriors toy including a (non-firing) detachable claw, wheels on his feet, and breath effect?
Definitely Godzilla. I also want them to try Star Wars again but don't have the robot modes just be actual Star wars characters with vehicle kibble.
honestly yeah stwars has some really cool designs that are super worth making transformers.. PROPERLY this time.
the issue wasn't even that it was 'the characters' because all they did with that was their faces, for the most part. I mean nobody can complain if a robot mode looks like Vader. Vader's cool. It's just the robot modes can't just be kibble attached to a random fucking humanoid body.
in fairness, they're tough designs to work with.. there's not much on a TIE fighter except a sphere and two big flat planes. an X-wing gives you no leeway on the narrow body, it's not like a plane where maybe you can store stuff under part of it.
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Transformers minus 1
People are fine with Grimlock doin it lol. I'm not saying its my first choice, but its an easybway for Hasbro. It would at least make for a sweet Mechagodzilla.

Also maybe it works better depending on which Godzilla we're talkimg about.
Christine. Make her have a very "bad girl" look where the robot mode gives the impression of leather boots and a massive backpack. Maybe having two heads with one being a beautiful one with a dangerous air between lightpiped red eyes and a smirking expression and the other one a fucked up face that you can see internals of, has the left eye blacked out, and a yelling expression.
i guess, but a tail can never make two satisfying legs. it's a holdover from diaclone that they need to throw in the garbage, because it always makes tiny thin flat legs.
Give me the box.
>Take a Japanese robot
>make it patriotic
Japanese love America
It is red white and blue
just like gundam
Isn't there one called Freedom?
G Gundams murics Gundam is a cowboy football player on a surfboard whose pilot had a harem and has a fear of clowns
i almost wonder if that series was inspired a bit by how many real life important-country flags are red white and blue.. they were like "gundam is those colors.. what if every country had one"
though even Neo Sweden has a red white and blue one since she's sailor-suited.
God this movie looks like its going to be such dogshit.

>HAHA wowee zowee, did I just do that! I just did that! I transformerd with my freakin mind!!
I got Sideburn today and I think he's alright and the flames look better in person. Still pretty eh mold.
Waiting on toy hax to make the deco better.
>Even humans are native to Africa.
The Out Of Africa theory was disproven about 15 years ago, bro. New archaeological evidence suggests humans popped up in small clusters all around the planet, like in Java, a particular cave system in England, and a few areas of South America, all at roughly the same time.
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It's incredible how the single most Patriotic, American-themed videogame that ever existed was a Japanese mecha game that was exclusive to Japan for years until recently. Hell, the game was actually made with English voice actors (who are so bad it loops around back to being awesome) despite it never actually being made for a Western audience.
kek, every time i hear new results from these morons it's even sillier
now why would those with a stranglehold on 'science' want to convince everyone we're separate species... it's not as if they benefit somehow from strife and division, no..
uh.. i thought that game was a mean-spirited parody of america. am I thinking of a different one?
Humans ARE a collection of different species, though. You can literally tell someone's race from their bones, that's how distinctly different we are from one another. When you see such marked physical differences and phenotypes in cats, dogs, or other animals, you consider them to be different subspecies, yet when you see the same thing in humans, you call it a different 'race'. Multiple subspecies of human have been coexisting from the very beginning (like how Cro Magnons, Neanderthals, and Denisovans all existed at the same time and are known to have interbred), so I don't see why the idea that the same basic thing is still going on would be unusual.
>species was defined as something that can reproduce together and continue to propagate
>humans were separate species from completely different locations yet they just simply could have children together
>trust the science
I wouldn't trust "trust the science" "people" to even know how to breed, if pornography didn't show them how
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Look at what I got

>But you already have the 2 old TT special seekers packs right?
>Yes, but I like the color and I really missed that figure that I had when I was a child (20's)!

He is still floppy just as the one I had in 2008. He being in box it does not stop things from cracking though. Some of the pinned connections cracked sometime in the last 16 years.
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The jet mode and paint scheme still holds up to this days

You would think they remake this version with the new voy mold. Though personally I think the body proportion of the new mold looked bloated and you barely get any new articulations

As for the deluxe mold, yeah I can see why they retired the thing. The mold felt like it is breaking apart and the assembly of this figure was just rough. The 2 TT packs were much better made, but other issues with the mold were still there.
looks like the CHMS KO, hope you didn't pay too much for it.
Bandai, can we have Automan's car too, please?

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