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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>General Resources:
Anyone getting this?
My favorite rock is piss and shit rock from the new hobbit set.
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What do you do to help your son to become a builder?
Not bad, but I would rather hold on to the Black Friday
How old? I actually might be able to help.
Probably a good idea but I’d like it for Halloween.
Fuck you
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Based OP pic. Nexo Knights rock season was a gem.
Depending on age, ask the kid to pass you certain parts while building and get used to following instructions.
Meet the kid where he’s at. His interests may overlap with yours but will be different, the more you try to push a theme the more he’ll reject it. Let his interests guide what you build and buy.
Accept that you’re going to be losing bricks, breaking bricks, getting them taken apart by good old faithful incisors, and sets are never going to be 100% again. All of that’s okay but it drives the average afol up the wall.
Go on fb marketplace and get a mindstorms nxt for $50 or so. Don’t pay more than $60 for an original nxt and get the rechargeable battery pack if you can. There are still a ton of instructions and programs for robits online and it’s a great way to teach engineering and basic object oriented computer skills.
Play well and have fun. If you’re getting upset about playing with plastic bricks you’re doing it wrong.
It just has a skeleton and an eye.
all other stuff is an ugly house(barn?) build and a nice autumn tree.
I wont be displaying it and it dont have that much cool stuff to spend money for.

I have a bunch of skeletons and that eye from dreamzzz set.
Fair enough assessment and you’re probably right fren. I just like new spooky stuff.
>that bat
didnt know they still producing such bat molds?
Generally speaking, I’m expecting him in 4 months and I am thinking to engage with him with this instead of sticking his ass to an iPad 24/7
Maybe I am mistaken but wasn’t in the 3in 1 castle?
They’ve got it in the new forbidden forest. Which is unironically awesome if you can score it for $20-25.
It unfortunately is not. The skeleton is.
Ah shit son congratulations! May your first child be a masculine child.
Don’t swallow the duplo pill. Start him out early with bigger parts and teach him to keep things out of his mouth. We started in about 2.5 years old giving them minifigs and some of the 4+ sets. Legos are nerfed now a days and a 2-3 year old can handle sets intended for 4-6 year olds as long as you’re there to supervise. Mine’s going on five now and we just put the 3-1 castle together.
Forgot pic.
i got 2 of these. one sealed and one to play with. Kinda want to get 2 more to build an actual forest with these.
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i meant to say - this bat looks so old.
Lego does not produce animals with such "design phylosophy".

I wont be surprised if they will update it to look more like a bat. With detailed stuff.

I think this (and a parrot and a fish) are the last lego animals that still look like vintage.
for example they updated spiders
I got ya now. Yeah I totally agree. I could have sworn there’s a set recently with a. Glow in the dark one but I might be thinking the spiders from >>11127465
Get a couple of the Draco poly bags and it connects oh so sweet.
Should I get it now on discount or will I regret for not getting it for the rest of my life?
Real OP text since the spammer broke the links trying to be funny.

>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>General Resources:

Play well!
Like pottery.
Everyone knows real op is shitcock nigger.
>will I regret for not getting it for the rest of my life?
1) epic as fuck nightmare king + his epic unique sword
2) epic horse
3) 4 small wings
4) little figure just in case you will have an idea of moc in the future
Thought i must say i personally didnt buy it
idk where i can use a BIG horse. but it looks cool (i got nightmare king from a polybag in europe magazine)
so many owls
cant wait to get that Owlery building to fill it will A SHIT TON OF OWLS
I got a shit ton of owls trying to get wolverine and ending up with a bunch of Hawkeyes… which came with and owl instead of a hawk for some reason that surely wasn’t Lego being lazy money grubbing fucks.
lego youtube bros...
i don't feel so good...

Yup, any reason to buy a decent Halloween set. Haven't had shit since 2020
This anon does have a point however. Still won't change since I don't often buy sets anyways, but I'd like Lego to actually make Halloween sets that include figures and are more than shitty ornaments again.
reaction video what a complete faggot
>The majority of lego buyers with money are "wokies" or normies at best.
>Probably true for most adults buying toys,
It's broader than this -- the majority of Americans are normies or "wokies" to some degree or another -- at least enough that they won't be actively put off by a brown dwarf or whatever, or that they don't see a white villain as some kind of anti-white dog whistle like this guy: >>11127086

If the "woke" shit alienated more people than it brought in, corporations would drop it in an instant. The reality is that, unless it's extremely in your face, a bit of token inclusivity doesn't freak out the vast majority of people.
hottest minifigs?
Both sides have their extremes, but I think most people would lean more to the left than the right if they actually thought about it.
If people actually thought they'd be on the right
Pink money is a gold mine for companies that want to “be inclusive” when in reality the motivation is always more money. What’s more important for a company making a toy for children or making a product for consumers? It just makes financial sense to cater to a market flush with cash, but don’t ever think Lego or any company gives two shits about cripples, fags, or trannys for real. They only care about the money honey.
Didn’t some other fag post another Lego brain rot video in the last thread that was just as low T, faggy and retarded? Why do you people obsess over literal idiots? What’s so broken with 15-30 year olds?
>It's broader than this -- the majority of Americans are normies or "wokies" to some degree or another
wait a sec
Are you saying that...
That the majority of people are NORMAL non schizo toxic people with EMPATHY and not a bunch of incels with society collapsing???
>It's broader than this -- the majority of Americans are normies or "wokies" to some degree or another
Well drop the wokies part then. Sure normies don't mind a brown dwarf by itself, nor would I. When the whole set of player characters is brown though, is when normie just wont be interested in the set. This is more of a problem for this set since the bad guy is specifically not a player character.
>If the "woke" shit alienated more people than it brought in, corporations would drop it in an instant. The reality is that, unless it's extremely in your face, a bit of token inclusivity doesn't freak out the vast majority of people.
This goes beyond token inclusivity, and although it doesn't freak out normies I do think it turns them off of such products. Companies obviously don't do this stuff for profit though, Hasbro (the d&d company) race swapped Aragorn to be a black guy in one of their other products (mtg). No way that didn't hurt their sales, but they are getting paid more to do propaganda. I only blame Hasbro for this set btw, I don't think Lego is a propaganda company.
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You joke, but I think this grand revelation is genuinely incomprehensible to the retards in these threads who can't understand why this or that company releases products with women and/or minorities and/or cripples in them.
The fact of the matter is the vast majority of people don't really think about the wheelchair wizard or the black woman elf or whatever else.
>Companies obviously don't do this stuff for profit though
Everything companies do, they do for profit.
>race swapped Aragorn to be a black guy in one of their other products (mtg), No way that didn't hurt their sales
This sounds extremely cringe, but the LotR set is one of the all-time best selling Magic sets, Black Aragorn or not.
>but they are getting paid more to do propaganda
>muh esg bux
Not how investment works. No one is investing in a woke company for the sake of investing in a woke company. They might invest in "ESG-friendly" companies because it feels good to do "responsible investment" or whatever the fuck, but the second the Black Aragorn company is unprofitable, people aren't going to invest in it.
And why wouldn't ESG investing be profitable? Normies love consumer slacktivism.
You're right they don't think about them at all which is why Eternals failed and burger king kids don't exist anymore.
>kid Vid
yep that's literally me

didn't reed your incel rant tho
>Everything companies do, they do for profit.
Sure yea, paid propaganda in this case though rather than from the product sale directly.
>LotR set is one of the all-time best selling Magic sets
I did not know that, I'm guessing they didn't feature black Aragorn in their advertisement. I guess the hype over the ring of power card was enough though.
>No one is investing in a woke company for the sake of investing in a woke company
Some extremely wealthy people in fact do that, and force the companies to be woke in the first place. The agenda of those few extremely wealthy people is why we are discussing this. Sad.
>Normies love consumer slacktivism.
Normies don't, that's the wokies.
Eternals failed because no one knows what the fuck Eternals is and Marvel Slop on the whole was/is massively oversaturated.
But you're exactly right. When I say "people don't care about it," I mean just that. Almost no one is going to a movie specifically for a diverse cast. Likewise, almost no one is avoiding a movie specifically owing to its diverse cast.
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Why is that one guy in the back yellow? Is he actually yellow-skinned in the lore or something?
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Rip just2good
>paid propaganda in this case though rather than from the product sale directly
Assuming you're talking about ESG investment or some such, this isn't free money. You invest in something expecting a return on that investment. If you invest in something like WotC and they can't move product, it doesn't matter how many Black Legolases or WheelChair Wizards their product lineup includes -- if they're unprofitable, they're going to lose investment, even from the Wokest investor.
>Some extremely wealthy people in fact do that, and force the companies to be woke in the first place.
No, companies are woke because it's profitable. And it's profitable to be woke because a large (and increasing) consumer base in America is non-white, female, gay (or some kind of non-falsifiable type of gay: non-binary or bi or whatever), etc. Most other consumers feel positive about "inclusivity" or don't really pay it any mind.
>Normies don't, that's the wokies.
No, normies love "green" marketing or "fair trade" or whatever else. If you can convince someone their mundane consumption is good for the planet or for poor brown people or something, the average consumer will pay a (reasonable) premium to feel like they're doing good.
I think it's a githyanki, which have kind of yellow-green skin.
Did he actually die? What happened?
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tfw no bald brown stormtrooper gf
Kill yourself
He's asian
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Lego FAIL!

Lego should give them hair pieces, similar to the Speed Champions sets, Why give them faces under the helmets, and not give them hair pieces?

[use your own, from other sets]
that's not the point, - they are selling you an incomplete set. (Oh, that red slope piece on the rear of the ship? just use your own! see how ridiculous that would be?)

Speed Champions designers figured that out a long time ago, and they don't even really need it, because most of the time, you can see the faces IN the helmet, which is different.
Everyone knows real op is a faggot.
the race in dnd is the githyanki, which are actually a yellowish green/tan-green skin tone, so I think they just made it yellow and called it good. Which I am actually happy about as with the leaks it looked like it was a weird yellow green, and wished the dwarf/halfling/human/elf were yellow skin. Makes them feel more lego and makes moc builds so much more accessible when any piece can go with another. But not with flesh tones. And with the actual DND set being flesh tones, figured it was a wash, but good to see at least one hairpiece that can be used for a bunch of other elf characters.
I just watched the business insider LEGO video.
It was one of the worst youtube video I've ever seen. It was filled with misleading info.
no one in the history of Lego Star wars has ever displayed a stormtrooper with their helmet off
>It was filled with misleading info.
How? Did someone say "only the best is good enough" ?
Luke? Han? Finn?
Guys don't add "A" at the beginning of the mammoth big fig's name in chima
Worst mistake of my life
Chima boomers get off my board.
>he hasn't PaB 100 black minifigure heads for closed helmeted figures
Jang status?
>minorities are now soldiers of the empire which george lucas based on nazi germany.

what is lego trying to tell us?
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YOU get off MY board
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Still alive
Jang lost this war months ago. His city and minifigures are broken. Scattered. Hunted! DEFEATED. By me. I wish I could tell you it was difficult... but it wasn't."
"We are one step ahead, ALWAYS! New Jang City is already under our control. Soon, comment section as well. The COMMENTORS and the MISTAKE CORRECTORS share the same goal. We fight together, to honor the will of /lg/!"
what do you think a boomer is?
It's been TEN years nostalgiafag get over it.
enjoy your nike collab faggot
>When the whole set of player characters is brown
Yet for some reason I feel you wouldn't be complaining if the whole set of player characters was white. Why is it OK if all the characters are one race, but if they're all another race you throw a shitfit?
And that was a rhetorical question. The answer is obviously a) you're a racist and b) society still treats whiteness as "the default race" and anything else a deviation from the norm that has the be specifically justified even when there isn't any narrative reason for why it should be justified (I'm not talking about stuff like making a story set in 7th century England and including a black character, which would be historically inaccurate, but stuff like setting the story in the modern day, or a fantasy world where different races of humans are established as being in contact with each other and still insisting that all characters must be white unless there's a specific reason for them not to be).
>Luke? Han?
not stormtroopers technically and they would obviously come with hair pieces
Does anyone even care?
If this used bionicle instead of hero factory pieces it would be a 10/10. those hero factory pieces really degrade it
For easy archive navigation

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based Chima Mammoth Walker bro.
it's literally one of my favorite lego sets ever created
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>Chima boomers get off my board.
God i miss Chima action figures
Saving this to post on fit's /fph/
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There's 7 total, be for real
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Erica + A little flower
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Bros....I couldnt help myself.....
I don't like overwatch but i actually really like this set
When these sets came out i was only interested by this one, but it was always sold out.
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that's my point. just give them plain black heads then. Noooo... it's an easy way to score "diversity points" by making them women-of-color but it's a half-done job

giving them flesh-colors with people face prints, and they ARE people, and NEED hairpieces, just as much as Luke and Han get hair pieces when they take the Stormtrooper helmets off.
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Do you think the box design guy is doing the finger poke graphics on accident or on purpose?

I noticed there was a good amount of coincidence with the "poke your finger here" tab and the pictures on the boxes
“Guy” I’m sure he uses she/her pronouns.
>wanting to give more reasons for Djsney to pricegouge you
The Empire is America
rent free
Okay pedobro whatever you say.
you mfers always projecting
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who did trains better?
Wealthy people past a certain point spend their money on philanthropies and such. Some of them spend it on wokifying companies to push propaganda. There's enough failed woke products for it to be clear it's done for it's own sake rather than profit.
I wouldn't mind since I am white. It's not racist to prefer minifigs that are similar to yourself - whatever your race. I am ok with some of the figs being brown, but in this case they all brown except the bad guy.
White is the default race for fantasy, it is built around medieval Europe writing and history, faries dragons and all. One could say this is cultural appropriation lol. I seem to recall d&d has direct roots to medieval writings through Chaucer's tales, but if not there are plenty of second order connections e.g. lotr. Obv if they can introduce beholders they can introduce other races but see above paragraph.
What do you guys do with all your medium/large sets?

There's a lot of big sets I want but realistically I won't have more than 1-2 built at a time. Seems like a lot of clutter to keep in boxes in a closet or whatever.
They needed to put eyes on the tree leaves.
Just so I can wrap my mind around what you're alleging -- you believe most toy companies, most movie studios, most video game companies, most media conglomerates in general, etc. are pushing out a bunch of unprofitable trash no one likes, and they're able to operate unprofitably year after year because of endless donations from woke angel investors who never expect to see any return on their investment?
Fuck off, redditor, this is SHITCOCK NIGGER country.
Larry why are you gaslighting people in the lego general shouldn't you be running BlackRock?
I miss when Lego had good niggers not 49 fleshy brown people and a rainbow dildo.
>here’s your shitcock nigger
>you believe most toy companies, most movie studios, most video game companies, most media conglomerates in general, etc. are pushing out a bunch of unprofitable trash no one likes
The evidence speaks for itself.
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yes when you print money you can do what you wish. We live in a post scarcity Society. Just look how many people it takes to feed 99%. The modern world doesn't need 99% of you. You, we, live in a slave pit.
Listen it’s not they hey have space cripples or wizard cripples or dream cripples
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And what evidence is this?
I’ll agree the products are shitty, it’s not obvious to me they’re, on the whole, unprofitable.
The only good nigger is a yellow nigger. Also whites asians etc. Fuck fleshies
Kill yourself
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Press F to pay respects
>If the "woke" shit alienated more people than it brought in, corporations would drop it in an instant.
I guess ghostbusters 2016, Star Wars the acolyte, dustborn, and concord did fantastic then
oh wait
Yes. Companies fall for stupid trends constantly. Remember when companies like square enix sold off their properties to buy fucking NFTs? I guarantee that they still think losing money to look more attractive to investors is a bad idea, especially with a lot of them trying to rebrand and hide DEI departments
7 too many
>brutal moggings
I don't know why people try to pretend it's not a thing. I don't understand WHY it happens either but we have receipts of it happening, it's not some insane conspiracy theory.

The thing I really don't get is, supposedly all the old money is republichuds and evil fascists, why aren't they doing their own hedge fund thing to promote their own ideals? Too Scrooge McDuck pilled to part with any money?
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haha autism is fun
little insignificant things make me uncomfortable LOL
We can rebuild him. We have the technology.
Trains man is a hard life
All you had to do was follow the damn train
I've got some lever bases on 1x1 round plates that just won't come off.
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Blacktron Bros we're SO back
So blacked… I mean back!
Blacktroon more like it
>they couldn't give it the usual 18+ black box because he would blend in too much
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You've just been given $10,000 USD to invest in the Lego futures market. You MUST use the money to purchase Lego, and you can only buy brand new sets that are currently available. What's your game plan?
Use your teeth
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>me: adult (35+lvl)
>like: chima/nexo/ninjago/galaxy squad/monster fighters (themes with cool stuff/monsters/mechs/unicue awesome things)

>want to find lego friends
>all adults i know or see even online just collecting the most boring stuff ever. At maximum they interested in starwars but just buy a set and never touch it ever again

it's painful. It sucks. /lg/ is the only place where i see other anons with interests similar to mine
I honestly tried to find people on reddit even. But all i see adults posting "my recent haul :)".
They dont fucking look like they actually like lego and a bit geeky
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>You MUST use the money to purchase Lego, and you can only buy brand new sets that are currently available. What's your game plan?
1) Currently discounted Harry Potter set.
They having cool deals on amazon for the biggest lego Hogwarts part -the great hall.
2) Barad Durs + lame Beast
3) 1000 Dreamzzz Night Hunter minifigures from german magazines + import them to US and lock in a garage for 10+ years.
Not directly related to what you said, but scalping GWPs just seems like a special kind of faggotry to me.
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my recent haul :)
gwps are kind of crap so it doesnt matter. the only one i was interested in was the millenium falcon interior and then they made it worthless by putting sequel characters in it
>gwps are kind of crap so it doesnt matter
they are crap but this opinion doesn't matter either.

They are extremely exclusive so that beast will forever be one of the most wanted gwps.
With 10k Jaws, Hocus Pocus, and both LotR sets would be safe investments for high end stuff.
For the mid to lower end stuff I dont think you would go wrong with any of the Sonic or Monkey King stuff, certain Dreamzzz sets (croc car, turtle van, pirate ship, any of the new dream witch sets) or Jp stuff.

A particular Jp set would be the one with the therozinasaurus and Gigganotasaurus just going off Legos track record with never doing another Indominus or Indoraptor.
Was gonna say, I've done this for most of my faded torsos.
>we have receipts of it happening
such as?
1) i'm sure this univariate, "these products failed because they're woke" analysis is incredibly sophisticated and reliable
2) supposedly every large media conglomerate is woke, and not every product released by these conglomerates succeeds -- it follows that we'll necessarily see woke flops. probably many flops given the sheer scale of entertainment production today. you'd need to demonstrate these woke projects are more consistently unprofitable than non-woke projects.
or we can broaden our scope here. you claim all these woke media conglomerates are unprofitable -- can you point to any? is Disney unprofitable because of the acolyte? is Sony unprofitable after Lady Ghostbusters or Concord? is Lego unprofitable owing to its Troooonzzz line, its black elves, etc.? did Black Aragorn bankrupt WotC? Hasbro's seen astronomical losses this year, but it's leaning hard on WotC now, which has performed incredibly well year over year (its two woke products -- black lord of the rings trading cards and baldur's gay -- being far and away most responsible for the publisher's success last year)
Out of the current Indiana Jones stuff the tomb set has the best potential as it can work easily as Indiana Jones or generic mummy/Egypt set.

Star wars is a crapshoot as they're always gonna be releasing troop builders, everyone enjoys the ships but you really after to look for the one offs lego won't be cranking out new versions of every couple years.
>Black Falcon
>fang fighter vs tie fighter
>shin Hati ship vs bootleg X wing
look up blackrock. they get investments from them to put gay slop in everything and companies will prioritize those investments over making something consumers might actually buy because it's more reliable (until their gay slop flops). but i think you might already know this and are just being disingenuous
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>A particular Jp set would be the one with the therozinasaurus and Gigganotasaurus just going off Legos track record with never doing another Indominus or Indoraptor.
dont forget JP brachio
is the biggest lego dinosaur and it wont be maid ever again
>not sipping european 4eur magazines with minifigures that considered expensive in US
I'm not denying the existence or trendiness of ESG investing. I'm asking you to demonstrate the far more remarkable claim that this form of investing acts as limitless free money from ideologues who don't expect any return on their investment.
BlackRock managers other people's/corporations' money. If it were serving its clients losses year after year, it wouldn't be the world's largest asset manager for long.
Apart from that, the ESG designation is a complete meme and a marketing sham used to launder corporate reputations. It's all just PR -- don't get your panties in a twist over it.
the return on their investment is making everything gay slop, blackrock is funded by the richest families on earth who don't give a shit about throwing away money.
It's funny how weird pol fags obsess over Blackrock when there are confirmed actors like Russia and Ziklag actively push division online.
you have to be 18 to post here
Russia, ziklag and blackrock are all run by the big nose tribe so polfags are right
I'm not familiar with Dustborn and Concord (unless the latter is the new PS5 hero shooter nobody played, though I believe that's mostly because the people who still care about hero shooters already play one of the established ones), but after 2016 Ghostbusters films dropped the reboot setting and went back to the original timeline like fans wanted, and Acolyte flopped badly enough that Disney publicly announced the 2nd season was canceled, so clearly if things fail badly enough corporations are going to drop it in favor of something that might be more popular.

>The thing I really don't get is, supposedly all the old money is republichuds and evil fascists, why aren't they doing their own hedge fund thing to promote their own ideals?
They already do. Oil companies spend a ton of money funding climate denialism and many billionaires have connections to far-right politicians and think tanks. There may not be an "irresponsible investment" fund (opposite of "responsible investment" funds) but that's because it would be pointless. The whole point of "responsible" investment funds is that they supposedly only invest in companies that care about things like the environment and human rights, while other investment funds don't give a fuck about morality, so normal investment funds are "irresponsible" by definition. Though in practice the so-called "responsible" investment is largely bullshit, because it's not like corporations actually care about morality. They just hire a consultant or do something that looks nice on paper but doesn't cost them anything, like make random minifigs brown and claim it counts as combating racism, so they can get those extra investments.
Yep. People look to 'blackrock', 'klaus', or 'soros', yet ignore much wealthier groups like the Koch Brothers, Ziklag, the Heritage Foundation, etc. who openly talk about how their goals are to manipulate social conversations for their financial gain. It's why Fox News obsesses over trannies and attacks windfarms.
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I feel ya
>back in early 2000 used to play few Lego sets with my cousin
>we mixed them with his own toys, it was not Lego but we did not care
>sadly, this was short lived
>we had to move to a different state far away
>ffw 2024, we still in contact but extremely rarely
>he is now your typical normifag
the rest is what you mentioned
The only option left is whenever I had kids sometime in the future to share this shit with them.. but even then there is that risk that they turn:
>"The fuck is this? I want Foreshite to play with my friends"
shit is fucked
Can you demonstrate this at all? Can you point to all these families bleeding capital to push the Black Aragorn trading card?
And how/why have Blackrock's investments been profitable year over year if 1) they're backing unprofitable companies, and 2) no one investing with them cares about profits?
The simple explanation is that woke shit is generally profitable, that it brings in more consumers than it alienates. This doesn't require belief in these paradoxical billionaires and multinational conglomerates who're perpetually hemhorraging money.
Capital is fickle. If there's opportunity in structurally underinvested "non-woke" companies, that's where capital is going to flow.
The opposite is actually true, and much like everything on the Right every accusation is a confession. There's a reason these shitty 'He Gets Us' ads are all over place.
>haven't gotten a proper army builder battle pack all year
Will 2025 be better, bros? Or will we get some retarded Dreamzzz Battle Pack?
Oh fuck you’re right! I’d love to see the eyes and teeth on first draft of that box.
>er uh um how do we make this not racist?
>we make the box white
I could possibly see them reusing a recolored brachy if they decided to for JP3 sets.
>Alan and Kirbys riverboat adventure
>JP3 sets
that's reaching anon
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>It just makes financial sense to cater to a market flush with cash
Duck bricks is the only bionicle fan with money everyone else is a poorfag
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You’re right and that’s why Fabre sucks his cock. For real though, I’ve been on stream with duckbricks maybe 3-4 years ago before he blew up and he’s really just a nice guy. He’s what we’d all be with his resources. His parents set him up well and he’s got one of the biggest and best collections in the world.
does anyone know how to turn off amazon otp? I ordered a lego set off amazon and they're telling me I'm going to have to use an otp code which they haven't even given me. How do i turn this shit off and get them to just leave it on the porch
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Bricktsar Did it Again , madlad!!!!

Just get them off aliexpress, that's what I did with the mimic gwp.
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>just realized if I spend less on groceries I can buy more Lego
unironically this, was able to afford a lot of my power miners collection that way
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>Chima boomers
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"average" fast food Combo Meal roughly $10+

Wendy's Biggie Bag $5

For each Wendy's Biggie Bag lunch, you basically get a free $5 CMF figure or polybag

Wendy's basically re-invents the Happy Meal.
buy lunch, get free toy
>don't buy new clothes and eat the bare minimum
>enjoy watching your horde grow
Leerdammer Cheese -> £2.50 for 8 Slices
Sliced Chorizo -> ~£2.25 for 30 Slices
= £4.75/$6.25
More than Wendy's but you get at least 4 lunches of Chorizo and Cheese sandwiches with cheese replacing bread which is much more healthy and high in protein also very tasty. I don't like bread that much and it's not that good for you anyway. So this is 4 days of lunches and you get a lot of left over chorizo.
Why is he brown?
Because the D&D figures are dirty fleshies.
>Avoid fast food to stay healthy and maintain a slim figure.
>We typically wear no more than ten outfits each year.
>You can purchase as much LEGO as you desire.
It seems like a win-win situation all around.
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do you happen to have one of these masks? I want to know if it is compatible with that druid hood.
Times you acted like Jack Stone?
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Once upon a time, in the bustling town of Rescue City, lived a brave and dedicated hero named Jack Stone. Jack was a firefighter, a police officer, and a coast guard all in one. With his unique, oversized Lego minifigure, he stood out among the rest.

One fateful day, a fire broke out in the heart of Rescue City. Jack, alerted by the sirens, raced to the scene in his fire truck. Using his expertise and the help of his fellow firefighters, they managed to contain the blaze, saving countless lives and buildings.

Later that day, a distress call came in from the harbor. A ship had run aground, and the crew was in danger. Jack, now in his coast guard gear, sped to the scene. He skillfully navigated the rough waters and managed to rescue everyone onboard.

As the sun began to set, Jack received a report of a robbery at the local bank. Swiftly changing into his police uniform, he pursued the thief through the city streets, eventually apprehending him and recovering the stolen goods.

That night, the people of Rescue City cheered for their hero, Jack Stone. He had once again proven himself to be a true guardian of the city, ready to protect and serve at a moment's notice.
I do, and unfortunately they won't work together.
I've got a stupid looking face and no one likes me so you could say Jack Stone is literally me.
Damn. That looked really good in my head too
You could just heresy the mask a little until it works
based Lego heretic
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the last polar bears
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i often hear people complaining about lego being expensive, yet have no problem to throw away a fortune on cigarettes, junkfood and alcohol every week which are toxic and finite. I can enjoy the lego i bought with those savings until i die or sell.
just sorting my shit.
if I was interested in putting in any effort I certainly wouldn't be posting here
>if I was interested in putting in any effort I certainly wouldn't be posting here

This isn't reddit, every post is effort here!
Why are old guys so obsessed with Ice Planet? Such a mid theme.
What should we expect out of Lego's 100th anniversary?
We all can’t be straight bussin over dreamzzz.
some people just like seeing cool Legos posted here every now and again
white and blue is just a god tier color scheme and the transparent orange is the cherry on top
that and a pretty unique theme compared to the rest of space or really lego in general
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Rip my wallet just picked up lord Krackenskull for $60ish American dollarydoos
you gonna moc with it or did you buy it for your heckin kino little chonky funko pop collection?

Research ESG scores and how Blackrock, Vanguard, et al treat them. It's absolutely real.
imagine being this lame

It hasn't been happening long enough to play out yet but it's turning around. See the recent crop of companies that are at least claiming to ditch ESG related things.

So no, they won't do it forever if it really loses them money, but they sure as shit are trying. So that's why we call it out.
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the levels of effort being displayed here is unreal
like half of the russian oligarchs are jews and don't even get me started with zogvangelicals
too many big words for me I'm just a speed champions fan
...Are they going to kill them?
I'm thinking creatively!
i love lego star wars and im tired of pretending i dont. it lets me play out all the stories yidsney fucked up in the way i wanted them to turn out with my minifigs and ships. plus while we wait for lego space to return if it ever will its perfect to tide you over especially the new sets where they tried their own ideas instead of copying the films like the dark falcon. too bad about the prices though. also the alien figs are great for making space police aliens for my space police to arrest and beat up
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maybe just relocating them to ice planet?
arent the ive planet guys on another planet? (i almost called them ice police when typing this) how are there polar bears, did they bring them with them? or did they find them on the planet. that could be a cool story, somehow these polar bears got to the planet and the ice planet guys dont know how, so they have to uncover le secret history of the ice planet to find who put these polar bears here.
dont be such a faggot anon. post YOUR build
I'm a zoomer but I think it is one of the cooler space themes. A whole ice planet with cool vehicles and a nice colour scheme. It's a shame it didn't get fleshed out much
Blemmyes? Awesome. I might try make some of these.
Yeah, that smarts, but you'll have him. Congrats!
This would also be a cool but tragic story. The last polar bears.... But they have space aids so they have to be put down.
maybe it's a planet of the apes situation where they find out they've actually been on earth the whole time.
everything is expensive now. it sucks cock
True. I'll give it a shot whenever I get the figure.
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>based and ice-pilled
I have. It was reposted as the OP a while back. Eat shit faggot.
I’m asking you to demonstrate ESG investment is unprofitable. I’m not disputing the existence or trendiness of “activist investing”
Two for $60… built once. I’m in the car. I don’t need six of them but the price is right.
not that anon, but from my take ESG was never meant to make profits, it was a way to cow companies into specific practices under threat of losing arbitrary brownie points that were equated to more or less investment money for a company and social pressures. And that number can be argued to be a reflection of political beliefs by the company and their owners/ceos which if you agreed, you got higher points, and if not lower. Like how advertisers were using their money as leverage to make Youtube crack down on content that wasn't be deemed "family friendly".
Can't wait to pick up the mind flayer. I love that they went with the fiery eyes and longer tentacles from BG3.
gwps shouldn't be important characters or set pieces. Like the staircase from Harry Potter is an awful gwp choice that comes to mind.
I grabbed the Boba Fett mech recently on sale because I feel like in a few years all the people not buying it now are going to want the minifig.
I can't wait to get some of those sweet sweet paladins. So many new unique prints and pieces. I really hope they make the armor pieces a normal piece in the future.
I suspect they will. Nothing unique to D&D there, after all.
>If there's opportunity in structurally underinvested "non-woke" companies, that's where capital is going to flow.
I think you're also forgetting that a lot of woke ideas have large media support, so it can seem like a PR nightmare for any larger company to get invested with them, even if they end up doing good in the end, like Kingdom Come.
Concord is the hero shooter, yes, and dustborn is... indescribable, it's like someone took every stereotype of a power twitter user and did them all unironically. I think that companies tend to go into these with the expectation that it'll raise sales, but given how hard shit like those and the new Indiana Jones flop, reality hits them quick, and the more business minded snap back around. Granted, some companies have a lot of investment into that pool already, or are filled with true beleivers, who will revolt if you do anything out of line, like when iger said he wanted to do less political shit in movies, causing his employees to figuratively riot. Which led to him having to put out the dud that was strange world, since he couldn't pull it due to the hot water he was in with said employees. PR plays a lot into the ossification of woke shit
The old Gollum is better
>so much effort
>walk outside not bending my knees or elbows or rotating my wrists
>encounter stacy
>attempt seduction
>get arrested
>police break my arms off handcuffing me
>try to tell them I'm Jack Stone and I help them all the time
>they ignore me, get sent to juniorised padded room
I made that OP.
Up in da club!
Set of this Christmas
Is it possible for me to acquire shares in the LEGO Company? I believe this would represent a good investment opportunity.
is that sonichu
I have never cared about Sonic for once in my life but I really want to get this one for the red Power Miners drill.
>For the first half of the year, LEGO has released about 300 sets and some of the top performing themes include LEGO Icons, LEGO City, LEGO Technic, LEGO Star Wars, and LEGO Harry Potter.
>technic is popular
Dreamzzz bros we winning! Oh no wait what’s that? If it were doing well they’d say so?
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And no I will never learn how to post
I wish Eggmans head could come off so I could make a Santa Eggman
Oh my god you fucking nigger faggots shut the fuck up and go back to /v/
>advancing digital ambitions
How many years have they tried? Will this ever bear fruit?
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>be a shitt taste faggot
>put Galaxy Squad to B and C tiers
Sorry you didn’t meet your emissions goal no bonus for you.
>buh but I put shit in every set!
We know we love it!
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Technic is literally the OG-normie theme
back then we had technic vs system arguing. Like these days AFOLS VS literally everything else

You think it's not true because you dont see people talking about technic online.
Technic being bought by the normiest normies ever.
Technic normies are so normiest that they see AFOL sets like starwars/DnD castle as childish and immature
putting galaxy squad aliens below alien conquest tells you all you need to know
TechnicGODS will inherit the earth
Miss him yet /lg/?
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my true and honest tier list
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Is she right?

If you like he-man or halo then mega is definitely a lot better. Lego still feels a lot more premium than mega, mega just looks cheaper, especially the figures despite them being more articulate.
>Alien Conquest in B
post address
Yes. The only thing Lego has going for it nowadays is availability (FUCK YOU MATTEL) and play features. Other brands have already reached Lego if not surpassed them depending on what subjects you like.
They are in B because it's the middle. The Aliens are S Tier but the humans are F Tier - Just the same as alien conquest but with orange sometimes which is also ugly and the robot figures look like bootlegs.
When will they just make a classic Robotnik
In Lego ideas, now fuck off.
Did Just2Good actually die?
>It's been a week since last video
>Still hasn't updated his community page, still hasn't explained what was wrong with him, probably because it was embarrassing or sexual
>Hasn't made the Deku tree review, so he gets mogged in views by other Lego youtubers
What happened to Justin? Did he die for real?
Heroin overdose, diabeetus or rare tranny disease (includes heroin overdose). Your call
>deku tree releasing
Waiting for more sets announced any day now..
>Other brands have already reached Lego if not surpassed them
even as far as plastic quality?
The dollar tree has better brown plastic building bricks than the actual lego group tm. They say they fixed it but they’re haven’t fixed shit.
>actually using any bricks made in China
Enjoy your cancer and poisoning, boys
Alright, that's fair.
I dunno about that, but fake lego can be far better value for money. Just look at Cada's Orrery, it's £40-50 cheaper than lego's and looks way better.
Yes. Especially since recently Lego materials have actually dropped in quality.
Isn't the obvious answer the last video? too upset over Mario sets.
How do you guys get smells out of used lego? I've bought some in the past and regret it every time.
Don't forget to wash your second-hand biodegradable bricks as soon as you open up the box. Wouldn't want to catch any STDs from your brand new lego set now, would you?
Mix ammonia and bleach in a tray and dunk them in for a minute or two. Will get rid of any smell for good.
I guess I asked for this posting here.
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Just a $60 difference

Big yikes to Zeldafans
Does this actually work? I'm not feeling too good
its not even link to the past which is the best zelda game. Worthless Landfill
All brown plastic sucks, I had a brown gundam and it was super brittle and snapped apart.
I would buy it if it was just the ocarina of time version much more fleshed out(or as is but more reasonably priced). This B model shit is a big no I don't want any BOTW filler slop

>link to the past which is the best zelda game.
ew. no.
ocarina of time is an easy baby game. play link to the past and grow some pubic hair
I've played it(way before OoT). It looks like shit, the characters are shit and the dungeons are shit. Link's Awakening(not the shitmake) is the best Zelda. Best music, charming world, way better looking than lttp(despite being made for vastly inferior hardware) and most importantly, infinitely superior level design.
I want that DnD so badly and i can buy it in October. But damn
That's TOO MUCH SPACE consuming.

otherwise this looks like a Skyrim of lego. a playset you can play with for HOURS and HOURS + it has secrets you can find or make for years.

If i got gifted this set as a kid i would play with it for years....
I want it too and as a standalone I could afford it but I know the moment I buy it I'm gonna want all the dnd cmfs and keep expanding my fantasy arsenal which is not good for my wallet.
that's exactly why i want it. It could be the best playground for my fantasy minifigures.
most of my lego stuff is sci-fi so fantasy people just hanging out in a plastic box.
LTTP has the best pixel art, characters and dungeons and is way better and link's awakening copied almost everything from lttp. You're just bad, gay and have shit taste.
just got my ghost 2 bros. time to build
I feel the same. Debating buying it for the characters/monsters and using the rest for castle mocs.

There's so many sets I want but can't justify the space/clutter.
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embarrassing post

>pink hair
>walk cycle is all manners of fucked up and out of sync with the speed its moving

Reminder this is on the same console that did Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6
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i dont even understand where people getting free space?
Are those "my recent haul :)" people just newfags and that is their first lego?
It's impossible to have free space for thsoe giant boxes if you already have lego...
What the hell...

and i live in my own house which means there SHOULD be space but there isn't.
And it's better than both of those games combined. Notice how the only "problems" people have with the game are minor nit-picks like hair and some walk cycle thing which I don't even see what you are talking about.
It's doing that because you're running it on an emulator with a way higher framerate than the console, retard
rebbituloids do it for other stuff like warhammer as well and never build them. it's so gay
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>animal crossing will surpass Fabuland
Nintendo will buy lego in 10 years from now. Mark my words.
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my recent haul :)
It's fabuland 2. kino
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>Notice how the only "problems" people have with the game are minor nit-picks
I just mentioned that because you said it has the best art. The fact that you can't even grasp the walk cycle dissonance just shows your understand of art is non-existent

but as I initially said there's much more issues with the game. literally all dungeons have the same stale music, in awakening each dungeon has a different theme that completely changes the atmosphere. lttp """characters""" are barely existent, koholint is full to the brim with interesting people(with many special interactions like the trading sequence) and you even have further gameplay interactions where you go on adventures with a tagalong buddy(chain chomp, marin, the ghost and the flying rooster). Don't even get me started on the dungeon design and the tremendous inventory bloat.

wrong. hook up your snes and try it for yourself
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Only now I realised Fabuland lasted 10 years which is impressive.
Wot M8
current harry potter collection.
Hope to open it all after i will have all castle secions.

I will be updating my HP - collection for 3 years i guess.

Next sets to buy - boathouse/owlery/potions class
Pretty kino theme
>literally all dungeons have the same stale music
you haven't even played the game you fucking liar.
use the cat hermione from the toilet set to link animal crossing and harry potter. then use both for fabuland mocs
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>current harry potter collection.
forgot photos
btw i see they having discounts for Aragog sets...so i might get another 2 just to have a cool spider and lots of slider pieces to make a bigger spider place in a forbidden forest
I want Zelda to get this treatment
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>use the cat hermione from the toilet set to link animal crossing and harry potter. then use both for fabuland mocs
Based. i will sure make AN guys to use HP-toilet system cause they have nowhere to poop in their AN-houses
in return AN-minifigures will be working as toilet cleaners in Hogwarts
the only difference is the light world palaces which are more like basic minidungeons, all the dark world dungeons(which are the actual dungeons) have the same boring ass track
they look fucking cool together.
while photos on Amazon making these look like some stupid duplo playsets
Lttp would be perfect for this, too bad anon HATES it
Fucking based.
does anyone here even own any legos?
Lots why?
I own lego, not "legos"
You have placed the goal post way further out than it needs to be. The claim isn't that these companies would be wholly unprofitable, but that they are less profitable, and that loss of profit is paid for by the propaganda investors. It is quite obvious that race swapping Aragorn in the LOTR MTG set was not done to help sales, yet the product was still successful apparently. The LOTR and MTG brands are strong enough to suffer one bad card and still sell well. There are plenty of cases per >>11128760 where the brand wasn't strong enough and the woke messaging did flop the product. These companies don't take the risk of e.g. race swapping already known and beloved characters because they think it will help sales (they would normally ride on the coat tails of such IP), it is paid propaganda.
Now this is getting off topic from the one sentence comment I made on the d&d lego set, and I don't really believe you are genuine in your disbelieve of woke investing, so I hope per >>11130082 we can fuck off and no one makes another retard post that I feel the need to respond to.
Fuck off it’s a noun.
Harry Potter btfo
Jesus Christ anon, go back to /pol/ or /x/ or wherever the hell you came from.
go back to the fucking soviet union commie. or better yet kys
I need to stop being lazy and finish my lego AC village, I've only got the houses, shop and bunnie's set though so it won't be as kino as this.
I want to get lego animal crossing but I live with my parents and I'm worried my dad will think I'm gay, or worse, a furry.
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>does anyone here even own any legos?
i own quite a bit
They hate what you’re saying because you’re right. You’re clearly responding to one of their shills or one of the demographics targeted by dei and esg policies. I’m with you cap!
Eat shit faggot.
Stop trying to protect the lego group’s trademark retard.
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>tfw lego generals go to bumplimit wihin 1.5-2 days
>multiple schizos and zoomers (that's a good healthy sign of a popular thing)
>tons of cool new toys
bros...im so happy to be a fan of a top tier hyped toy...
>buy $200+ set
>look inside
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>b-b-but le 2 in 1 transformation!
Nintoddlers would pay $500 if Lego asked for it
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>Lttp would be perfect for this
there's better alternatives :^)
>lego releases 100 mud hut sets for zelda
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The true mark of soullessness is when LEGO started putting these white dots on minifigures' eyes. Any minifigure with this curse has no light or creativity behind those eyes, and is merely a corporate husk. The only thing you can do is to try and fix it by using a fine point sharpie to remove the mark of soullessness.
the biggest thing holding the AC sets back is those dogshit rounded plates they're using. I only have one but the second I put it all on a proper baseplate it went from a 5 to an 8 for me.
Isnt it funny lg got more autistic when we got the following themes:
>lego nintendo (mario,animal crossing, now zelda) sets
>lego sonic sets
>and soon lego fortnite sets
Basically all videogame related themes.
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the more I think about it the more I want it

how do you talk yourself out of buying lego?
idk that's exactly why i like these. They look unique and just like the game-tiles.
i want it but i wont get it unfortunately.
Im not even opening Hogwarts set because i want to system my shit together before building anything big.
this DnD is way too huge
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Don't forget one of the worst and most embarrassing OSTs of all time, just fart sounds and bleep bloops
like it wasn't already the most autistic thread on the most autistic board on the most autistic website
Actually just DO IT BUY IT.
but...you can just leave it for now in a box stuffed in a corner.

With lego it's always "buy it now or CRY later".
I might buy it eventually because it will be impossible to buy this shit in the future not to mention those GWP stuff and minifigures for acceptable price.

Buy it anon.
Personally I don't like Galaxy Squad very much. Both it and AC have the same issue with the minifig armor colors not looking very good, nut GS also has the robot minifigs that look pretty bad and worse aliens (that's admittedly a matter of opinion, but I like the green cartoony alien dudes that come in very distinct designs over the bug-people. Though I understand people liking the bugs as well), and the homage to classic alien invasion B-movies is more fun than Lego version of Starship Troopers.
On /vp/ we had a Minecraft server with Pokemon and trains.
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>bad and worse aliens
galaxy squad literally have the best aliens
it's pretty much the Space Troopers/Zergs of lego
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iktf this set triggers the same feeling in me as the minecraft mountain in the sense that it feels like such a complete playset stacked with features. I guess the secret to a great lego set is combining forest, water, caves and a high top.

it's a shame lego doesn't do more full blown environments

Can this result in sets?
I'd never buy any of the Minecraft stuff but honestly if I was an actual kid I'd love this. This is straight up the kind of shit kids build in the first place if you just give them some huge tub of 2x4 bricks
they are the best after space police, ufo and insectoids
>Can this result in sets?
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galaxy squad does it better. It's an upgrade of an old theme.
Only nostalgian sluggers like insectoids above galaxy squad. It's literally "nothing = the theme"

- no cool minifigs (another typica le-space-minifigure~)
- builds are random
- theme is space insects but those look like some basic incect models without any sci-fi idea behind them
are you crazy. look at the image you just posted it contradicts everything you just said
Just go get this and stop reposting this trash no one gives a shit about your very niche hope and cope.
>The claim isn't that these companies would be wholly unprofitable
This, and more ludicrous conspiratard shit, is what others in this thread are claiming. But you seem reasonable, so I won't hold you to what other schizoids have said.
If you're just saying, "some activist investors will back less profitable investments because they feel they're doing good," then sure. I don't know how often it happens, these people are still expecting returns on their investments, and I seriously doubt, say, institutional investors are regularly investing sub-optimally (again, capital is incredibly fickle -- it'll flow into underinvested areas if there's opportunity). But sure, some individual investors do some activist investing.
>the product was still successful apparently. The LOTR and MTG brands are strong enough to suffer one bad card and still sell well
It was one of the most successful MTG sets of all time.
But this goes to my core claim. Most people aren't actually invested in culture war bullshit one way or the other. Unless its an extreme focal point (maybe Lady Ghostbusters, maybe Black Little Mermaid), inclusivity/diversity/whatever in a product isn't likely to alienate more people than it brings in.
>where the brand wasn't strong enough and the woke messaging did flop the product.
Again, I'm sure this univariate "go woke go broke" analysis is far more sophisticated than it appears.
We're going to see woke flops, probably a good number of them. That's necessarily true given the amount of media output today, given how much of it is "woke," and given how many projects fail (something like, what, 20-40% of movies flop). It's not enough to point at half a dozen examples. We'd need to demonstrate:
1) these failed *because* they're woke
2) these "woke" games, shows, movies, etc. fail more regularly or more spectacularly than "non-woke" projects
do zoomies really?
New thread when?
Kill yourself, faggot.
Hiii! Ninjago news?
CROC sets when?

Might be getting cancelled
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that D&D set is a ridiculous, almost comical, almost blatantly evil, mind blowing, I can't even...


that's THREE

it's mind blowing
who did they expect to buy that? what [kid/teenager/person] who plays D&D would have that much money?!

as close to a physical SLAP IN YOUR FACE as they can get. You want D&D? SLAP! Here's your D&D!

After you leave the store, you'll feel like... where's my money? did I just get mugged? I think Lego actually mugged me. that was A LOT of money! UGH what was I thinking?!

on the other hand, if you're a rock star and have that kind of money, what does anything matter? you would have already bought it if you had infinite money
Refer to >>11130179
All things considered DnD set is not that bad value
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Ummm, when monkeys fly out of my butt.
>putting life on mars aliens in s tier

based, i can never hate on slugger anymore now.
No he almost died because of his junkfood dieet. guess what he keeps doing? Look at how he reacts to highly processed food. It's like meth to him. If you end up in the hospital and then not change your lifestyle at all, there will be a next time where you don't live.

my wife on mars
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>those ugly blue wheels
>that design
>despite it being insectoids - the minifigure is basic le heckin wholesome blank space guy

The only "cool" thing about it is neon lightning on that image and atmosphere.
you zoomie was fooled by special effects.

The plastic set in real life standing on your table next to something like Galaxy Squad/Nexo Knights will look outdated as fuck
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Bought some Lego, lads.
i agree
I'd rather buy a Steam Deck than fucking lego.
this is retarded
I only got the small sets and the blue and red mech when i was a kid. This only female was locked in the biggest set i believe.
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it's not so much about price per brick or that they made it a 'solid, interesting' set, it's just an insult that it's sooooo expensive. for a D&D product.

like making the Zelda LEGO SET to be more expensive than an actual Nintendo Switch game console, and that's a whole video game console!

- that Zelda set is seriously going to be the new Rex. there's NO WAY they made those new hair pieces, which are epic and years-worth of fan demand built up, and NOT make more sets, a lot smaller, a lot less $$. If you want a Link & Zelda minifgs, but don't want to spend HUNDREDS of dollars, wait. they will be in a polybag at some point for a mere $5

it's not like this will be the only Zelda set with um... the Master Sword... because it's a cool thing in the game and you should buy the big set to get it hurhur. No, that's Link's iconic sword, and will be in the $5 polybag with him.
Keep dreaming, Rex is some literally who. Link and Zelda are now or never, there likely won't be another LoZ set period, and if it is it'll be another set in the hundreds.
Unlikely. I think what's more likely is that there'll be an another set next year or after that's about same scale, featuring Ganon etc.
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>LTTP Pyramid of Power set that you can open up and see Ganon in his arena fighting link and the fatass fairy
I would pay what ocarina/botw normgroids are paying tenfold for this
>Rex is some literally who
he is some literally who
has he ever been in anything anyone's ever watched?
didn't think so
>not in any of the real movies
A literal fucking nobody.
Lmao retard. Rex is literally the most famous clone guy.
when you think clones you thing white+blue.

Zelda is for normie afols.
Zelda will be history no one cares about in a few years. Lego need to get with the program and license something timeless like Elden Ring or Skyrim
He's in Attack of the Clones and Return of the Jedi briefly
Don't waste time with Star Wars children, thread is worse off for it.
Cope and seethe nintentranny
I don't like either!
>most famous clone
this is like being the tallest dwarf
Not to mention Boba Fett is also a clone.
These petulant children obsess over holes in the helmets and slightly different prints on minifigures, did you expect a voice of reason?
>Not to mention Boba Fett is also a clone.
dont be a retard
you know what i mean
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Keaton Batman was originally in a multi-hundreds-dollars set

it might be soon, or it might take a while, but Lego will cash in on the Link and Zelda hairpieces, no doubt.

keychains at the very least, books, it's like free money for them now that the creative work is done.
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keaton batman doesnt even have a cloth cape and he doesn't even have that eyeshadow under his mask like the movie they just made the eyes completely white. looks the same as every other batman apart from the juniorized cowl and cape. Crap figure
Cloth capes are cringe. Molded are far superior.
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why does this freakazoid troon looking creature of a minifigure get a waistcape but not our boys in blue. im so pissed off
lol, that Izzie fig will be worth a fortune in a few years my man.
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>Cloth capes are cringe. Molded are far superior.
i always hated cloth capes and never used them because i was afraid of ruining them.
The WORST cloth capes were those "paper like" that were absolutely fucking terrible ass-wipe tier faggotry (they were in a 2012 castle era)

You bend them and they pretty much ruined.
now rubber capes became like a new solid lego pieces that can last forever
Lego Dragon Ball sets coming june 2025
licensed spacebros... we are eating le good
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D&D Anniversary >>> Castle Anniversary

There, I said and I'm not even a D&D player. Sorry not sorry Castlebros

Do it, it's the closest we'll ever get to Castle 2007 fantasy era.
Soul vs Souless
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Any Castle fan worth a shit knows deep down the Lion Knights Castle blows.
Where's the new thread?

Brown Pedo
>timeless like Elden Ring
I know this is bait but fucking lmao
It's just the latest fotm shitsouls reskin, as soon as the next one is out you fags will be gooning to that instead.
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This is the only good Lion Tribe vehicle in the theme, and it's the secondary build of an expensive set.
Don't be a faggot, faggot.
>elden ring
>release date: 2022
Anon I...
Fart of the Anus lost its pedigree with Cum of the Penis but there Will be another Ubisoft Zelda with a new empty world and the same few enemies over and over and over to smack around with your breakable everything until your stamina runs out.
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Two days till Shiptember !
Soooo LoZ is going to be a whole line, right? I can’t afford that big fucking set
My parents never helped me build sets so instead of looking through the instructions I would make shitty little MOCs on my own. In hindsight it’s a actually a great way to stimulate a child’s imagination
>Wanna buy more sets but I have a hard nicotine addiction
Life is pain bros. It’s so fucking expensive to keep this shitty habit
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ShipTember is here !!!!
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