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Pretty Fly For A White Guy Edition
Previous: >>11108424
Thread questions:
>What "big guy" (Dreadnoughts etc) would you like to see most?
>Speaking of big, would you buy tanks/vehicles if they made them?
>If you could give one of the less-successful sublines a second chance (Tau, Orks, Necrons etc) who would you pick?
Which fig was the “unofficial Titus”?
Meant to >>11133352
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Sergeant Icastus. His loadout is not right but it gives you the most crucial part: the Titus headsculpt. You can kitbash together more "correct" armor pieces if you care that much, but for most people just having Titus' head is enough.
>What "big guy" (Dreadnoughts etc) would you like to see most?
I'd like to see them return to some of the older kits they did:
- Furioso retool into a Librarian dreadnought
- Bjorn/Space Wolves vendread retool into Murderfang
- A helbrute with a better loadout, e.g. world eater with power scourge tentacles and a reaper autocannon

Aside from that:
- Mortarion
- More tau gundams e.g. Broadside
- Some juggernaut guys like a lord invocatus and mighty skullcrushers to fight those space wolves thunderwolf cavalry guys
- Killa Kans
- Deff dread
- For the love of god more necrons, talking shards, hexmarks, lokhusts, spyders
- If I'm being totally unrealistic, a fire prism or something
>Big guy
A wraith lord, a swarmlord (or carnifex, or screamer killer), a generic daemon prince.
Very big maybe, because I didn't get any of the current vehicles (bike and ATV), because 1, I didn't have the budget for them, and 2, they didn't catch my interest enough (though ATV almost did. Having multi melta could've pushed it over the edge for me). Maybe something like a flying bike, such as elder/drukhari, or the custodian ones (30k line might see to that, though), and possibly an impulsor? Would really need to be extra special and have the cockpit open up to reveal all of those juicy details, like the driver seat, gun controls, etc! That is asking for much, though...
>Xenos second chance
Definitely necrons and their really distinct units, like lychguard for a really good infantry, skorpekh destroyers for some good big units, and a small bucket of scarabs to swarm the shit out of your figures with!
>What "big guy" (Dreadnoughts etc) would you like to see most?
Emperor of Mankind
>big guy
keeper of secrets, something big from the Nids
no, unless they go nuts and sell tanks for 40 bucks
>second chance
Don't care about aliens other than nids and dark elder.
>>What "big guy" (Dreadnoughts etc) would you like to see most?
telemon and nu-scale aquilon terminators
>>Speaking of big, would you buy tanks/vehicles if they made them?
if they were custodes vehicles, then yes
>>If you could give one of the less-successful sublines a second chance (Tau, Orks, Necrons etc) who would you pick?
Tau, I guess, so we could get some of the bigger battle suits
>would you buy vehicles
Yes I've been waiting for a Leman Russ tank for a while now, a hypothetical Baneblade would probably be too big for the space I have available but a Leman would be great I think
>Second chance xenos
Actual Ork boyz would be nice

I recebtly bought the "lazily repainted" Blood Angel termies, and am thinking of customizing them a little to make them stand out more, are there any custom termie parts anywhere? Particularly shoulder pads
Do you keep the boxes the figures come in?
why wouldn't you anon you might need to move apartments in the future its worthwhile to keep them
>What "big guy" (Dreadnoughts etc) would you like to see most?
emperor I guess
>Speaking of big, would you buy tanks/vehicles if they made them?
I want a fucking imperator titan
>>If you could give one of the less-successful sublines a second chance (Tau, Orks, Necrons etc) who would you pick?
some obscure xenos like the hrud
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Sup dudes. I honestly don't know jack about 40k, but I just saved these from a dumpster at a yard sale. Can any kind anon help me out with identifying these? They're glued in to the base and I would rather not rip them out to get to the identifier strip, but if I have to I have some acetone to dissolve the glue. I also have individual pictures of each one if you want/need.
Haven't played 40k in nearly 15 years, but from memory, the two in the middle of the top row look like Grey Knights - possibly the top left as well. Probably worth asking /tg/ for IDs on the rest
you'll get Ultramarine officer #8759 and you'll like it.
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Bottom left looks like the old Coteaz mini missing his eagle and possibly hammer too. He just got a new mini that is objectively worse.

I think the one to his right, the one far right on the bottom row and the cherub in the top row are part of his retinue too.
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And the other guy on the bottom row is an old vindicare assassin model.
This definitely matches up. Is it common for them to be missing arms? What is this set called?
I haven't been, but I thought about it. Too late now to worry I suppose, and I was probably never going to sell them.
Inquisitor Lord Coteaz and retinue. They came out in the early 2000s iirc, a lot of things could have happened between now and then for arms to go missing.
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Anyone happen to know if the jump pack and standard pack are interchangeable between figures? Pic rel
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I don't have the regular jump pack space marine but trying between Dante and the Dark Angels Space marine. The regular has a a spot above the back pack connection point.
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Here’s a v1 marine with the Dante backpack. Not a perfect fit but serviceable
Prolly wants a non-UM/BA to have a jump pack.
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Anyone got a Thousand Sons marine in hand? I'm wondering if that candy-apple red looks as delicious IRL.
new reveals doko
Is there a chance for a Joytoy Malum Caedo?
I haven't heard anything about him and think that it would have been made by now if they were going to do it, but a youtuber with connections to Saber said that Joytoy was going to be releasing a Titus figure around the time Space Marine 2 launches.
Unless you have an official GW model. You can mix and match a few of the marines to get something similar.

Also Commissar and Karskin when Joytoy?
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Only Commissar I want…
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Is there a reason why one has gold accents and the other copper accents?
>Roman Republic LegionX Female Centurion
Finally joytoy starts listening to customers
Kinda funny how the newer, larger Marines are barely a hair taller than the old ones to the point where the two scales can easily be put alongside each other and handwaved as just being different sized guys, but then you have weird outliers like Ahriman being huge (TBF it's been years since I read A Thousand Sons so maybe he's meant to be unusually tall and I forgot). Still, it does bode well that the scale creep isn't TOO out of control for most of the line. The Terminators are silly big, but then again the newer Terminator minis are oversized too so JoyToy following the miniature scale is gonna do that.
tl:dr: Joytoy doesn't give a shit about the scaling of their figures from one release to the next
I hate these new legs. They look too long, and the hip joints are way too prominent now, so you can really see how far they pop out of the socketed area. This was a bad change.
made it easy on my wallet
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guardsmen came in
Lol nice pic, I also bought the medic guardsmen, I hope they release some regular guardsmen for army building soon
Guys that own both, I'm very likely to pull the trigger and buy either guilliman or lion, but I wanna know a bit more on each.
Guilliman looks the better choice for me, because he doesn't have all of the robes and stuff that could hinder articulation, and he has a mounted gun.
Lion, on the other hand, has a sheath able sword, a spare melee weapon, and a few more head options. Fake gun is lame. Extra little dudes are cool. Shield is meh.
I have a guilliman mini, and no lion, but that might change soon. In the meantime, that might be swaying my judgement (I'm leaning towards lion, because I think something new might be better).

Pics of lion doing extreme poses n shit, showing limits of robes etc please.

Also, can anybody let me know if any site has either for $100 or less? Ty
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Knight Paladins when…
Every collection needs some fodder
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I don't have the Lion but I have Azrael and the Judicar, both of which have similar robes around their legs. Neither one feels hindered, the robe plastic is extremely soft and rubbery and flexes out of the way easily. You can also wedge the robes behind parts of the sculpt if you want them out of the way or his legs to be showing, they just look windswept. Though I would be cautious about leaving them like that for long periods, it's generally fine for short durations. I left mine like that for a week and the robe went back to normal almost immediately, so it's pretty tough stuff.

The sword and helm bearer guys are really cool. I like the one that came with my Azrael. I would probably go Lion if I were you, I like his design more and he comes with a ton of accessories.

Also, look at the captcha I just got, unbelievable!
kys losers
Lol at captcha
I'll keep your testimony in mind.
In two more weeks
Selling some more of my Joytoy stuff >>11137458
I'll have more later when I get some boxes to ship them with.
I find it unbearably funny that, NOW, subby the faggot secondary cocksucker has figured out archives
look, he says, you can look up previous posts!

look at him ignore, for the 5th time, how the archives proves him wrong. Not only on the CIA expired BK coupons thing, but also at his whole attempt at deflecting us calling him a secondary (which he is. NOT A SINGLE MODEL) by implying its some hong kong term and thus we're all shills.

THREAD=1st world
SHILLS=nowhere to be found
Post Tau.
Please don't bring him here.
That's less than a week away now, would it just gonna get thrown out to purchase, or up for pre order?
you're at least half as retarded but only a quarter as insistent as subby
but you're still a fucking retard for asking for this again and again and again and again
wow, congratz, you've bought trash missing half their limbs. how many eyes do you have left, anon?
its all old junk inquisition/grey knights stuff. you spent money just to throw them yourself in the dumpster, bravo
also off to /tg/
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Here's a little quick one.

Maybe one day we'll get classic orange or Farsight colors.
Probably not, Tau apparently sold like shit so we're not getting any more anytime soon.

...but I would love if if we did. The Tau were unexpected favorites for me, I only bought them because they were cheap at one point. They look awesome with those effect parts too.
I'm BK guy, so I understand your hatred of subby, but on thread refreshes, don't speak that evil, it sort of does summon him again.
That being said, what did his stupid link refer to? Was it like I said, where HE reposted my pic a year later, so that the coupon would THEN be expired? Also, how do you dreg up such old posts? Google didn't yield immediate results.
Anyone else having trouble with Jtoy Resin store on Ali? I ordered in-stock stuff from them two weeks ago and they haven't sent it.
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Yeah, I'm not expecting much either, which is shame. They're already doing recolors for the Nids in comparison, though I am happy to any non-Space Marine faction get some love. We need more mooks for the slaughter.

And the effect parts are a lot of fun. Chunky as hell, but they work really well if you give it some leeway.
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Looks pretty shit apparently, shoulders are candy, everything else is not
>but most of the figure is unpainted gummy looking plastic
>he looks pretty good tho even with them cutting corners on the paint. Helps that he has so much stuff on him that covers most of the red
>yeah... like I said theres a lot covering the red on him so it can be less noticeable but its definitely much worse
>its like the gummy plastic that makes up most of his red is trying to cheaply imitate the red chrome on his shoulders
>as appose to dante where it looks like they gave some parts more of a wash than others

Supposedly it's more obvious in person. Saying that, it doesn't look as bad on the videos on bilibili so maybe the guy got really unlucky on the qc, I don't know.
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>not knowing how the archive works
or purposely ignoring it, because it proves you're full of shit and are just shills who need to defend the Joytoy line at all costs?

>handpainted > mass manufactured
This is expected. What shouldn't be expected is the shitty brown mustard they continue using instead of gold.
When are they ever going to get that right?
yawn get new material
NTA but I hope the nyds success means we get at least Eldar Guardians, and hopefully classic desert tan Tau
Tell that to the Space Hulk!!!!! anon
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Welp, got my first possible QC issue with my Ahriman, his left shoulder popped right out when I was changing one of his hands out for a magic hand
Took a few pictures to send to CTC and see about a replacement, but as I was typing this out it popped back in
Also the exhaust vents on his power pack can turn, so that's nice
Thoughts, and any other Ahriman owners having similar issues?
Magnus and Praetors haven't arrived yet
Genuine question, is this your first JT figure? Most joints can be popped out and back in, and pretty much every figure's exhaust vents can turn.
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I'd say he looks nice otherwise, barring my poor posing abilities
I think his shoulder pads are a deeper/glossier shade of red than the rest of his armor though, and in person his white faceplate stands out in a way I'm not quite surr I like or not yet
Eh, might just not like the thousand sons that much, well have to see how Magnus and the Praetors turn out when they areive
The exact same thing happened to me, with the same arm. It came back together, but its still awkward to position compared to others in the range
No I've got a few, but my only space Marines were the old white consuls so I wasn't sure if it was new, and none of my custodes had their arms pop out like his did, only Gulliman did something like that, so I wasn't sure if it was meant to do that
It seems to be holding up well now, so it might be a non-issue
my thought process was that since the shoulder joint didn't have a ball on the end like the wrists do, it might have broken off at some point and that's why the arm fell off
but if the arms don't have that ball, maybe it just wasn't pressed in enough? idk
For any boomerang-anons out there who're craving a size comparison
damn, how'd you get your Horus to stay posed upside down like that?
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Chaos is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
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Couple of a(r/u)tistically lit shots.
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Added more >>11139168
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Bigger than Guilliman and Lion.
>pretending someone is only joking when they think a collector toy costing $50-160 doesn't look like the source material
Sure, you don't sound like a shill when defending a toy company for fucking up by using a brown mustard color instead of gold.

The worst part about this is that children toy companies making budget toys do a better job at gold paint jobs than a collector company.
did you bought horus twice?
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So you think I'm playing stupid about the archives, even though I asked if I didn't know how to look them up properly, and instead of explaining how they work, which would prove if I'm playing dumb or willfully ignoring your evidence (as well as validating your previous evidence of the bk coupon indeed being expired), you decide NOT to explain how it works, therefore CHOOSING not to get more evidence to back your claims, and would rather just make more baseless assertions?
Well, now I have evidence of either how stupid you are, or how YOUR willfully ignoring evidence because you know you cannot refute the point.
So of course, subby will reply with "mustard gold", "shills", "shitty plastic", or "no true scottsman" instead of explaining how archives work...
Your only (you) for the thread, because I know how much you NEED the validation.
>dumbshit to change the topic from criticism that a collectors toy does a worse job at gold paint than budget children toys
You really have no idea what an archive is, despite many generals having it plastered on every OP for over a decade, being screenshotted and posted in thousands of posts every month?

You've made no attempts to try and fit in with /toy/ and it's plainly obvious you're only here just to shill a product. You don't care about anything but defending Joytoy's many problems that aren't fixed wave after wave, figure after figure.

>but you made the same complaint last month!
Yeah, and? It keeps appearing EVERY month with EVERY /new/ figure like >>11138758

Joytoy needs fix their quality control and paint problems. Stop defending this low grade shit.

Again, budget children toys shouldn't be doing a better job than expensive collector figures. Shit like pic is inexcuable and needs to be derided.
No, I never changed the topic, because I opened the conversation about the "evidence". YOUR the one that constantly builds a strawman, rather than addressing the topic on hand.

Speaking of, even after I spelled it out, you still avoided explaining how to check the archive, and went on an unrelated tirade of, who guessed it? (I guessed it) No true scottsman AND "shill" lmao! Yeah, all of those times when I posted my joytoy (and even McFarlane) Warhammer figures, or that one time I posted various figures from various lines of 1:18 scale, such as jazzwares halo and fortnite, or hiya toys predator, or even that one time you spotted me on the star wars general posting my battledroid, none of those count, and I'm just a shill being paid by the CIA in BK coupons, right?

The saddest part is that you will miss the obvious sarcasm, and take it literally :/

Get shit on by my kitbashed terminator chaplain, you filthy secondary.
I like how you always are down to argue with subby but I just need to know what a secondary is?
Fake fan, basically. In this case, this loser pretends to be this diehard Warhammer fan, but when push comes to shove, he can only post the same 4 pictures of a few books and figures, but not a single miniature, which is the primary medium of Warhammer 40k. More importantly, though, this guy has been caught regularly posting googled images of fan art (claiming it's official media) and other people's pics, so even those 4 pics that he claims are his own stuff, are not (never did a timestamp).

Tl:Dr; no true scottsman
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>wants to move all conversation away from the topic of the thread because he can't defend or acknowledge Joytoy's awful quality control
I already said where you can find all the info you want about the archive, so are you just playing dumb or actually dumb?

It's some term that's used by third worlders (originated in hong kong) to denote people who got into subject through a different means (a secondary source), which is wrongly used in this case, since Games Workshop themselves published the books and art i posted to pass one of many gatekeeping, because i laughed at them for not understanding a video game from 2011 can't prove something about characters created half a decade later.

So because I didn't bother to post my models, after they moved their goalpost because i proved them wrong, saying "secondary" is all they need to say that Joytoy is right in using brown paint instead of gold for their figures or that it's okay for Joytoy to continuing using poor quality plastics.

Pic of toys that are supposed to be gold are instead blending in with beige blinds and a wooden table.
>lies about explaining how the archive works
>Still refuses to explain
>Doubles down on "shills"
>Still misrepresents the space marine game point, but will inevitably post the screen cap, which also shows that hes misrepresenting the point
>Still posts someone else's pics

Ok, secondary. Why don't you try same fagging as "you are a homosexual faggot if you say 'secondary'" anon?
NOW Joytoy
Can anyone post an actually good, in-focus picture of one of the Thousand Sons? Mine haven't even shipped yet and I'm seeing a lot of complaining already but no decent pictures
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They're finally doing an actually official titus, plus the 2 other squad members in SM2. Meh release though, no exciting new weapons.
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That's it. Guess it's cool that they have swappable calf armour bits for the jet exhausts though.
he looks like he used
>black just for men
Guess that anon who said Titus would be coming was right, I'll probably get Titus only

Yup, Titus only for me as well unless one of the others come with a weapon I don't already have like a storm hammer or something.
Nope, just bolters and chainsowrds like the very first intercessor squad

More rumours from the Chinese
>There will be 30K custodes next year.
>And 30K honor guard this month. I assume it means Invictarus Suzerain Squad.
>We are getting new figure that are not minis based
>World Eaters end of this year, finally.
>Hormagaunts next month.

>Reminder this is for Discord eyes only
LMAO get fucked
I might be retarded but
>30K custodes
What custodes units are there in 30k that can't also be fielded in 40k? Just Aquilon terminators I think?

Will we be getting Angron with the World Eaters too I wonder? Or do they mean Berserkers for 40k?

Still waiting on Rubrics here :(
I will get him but I like the fake Titus head more.
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>Rubrics were on the roadmap for 2023
>still not a sign of them
No, I am not buying the blinding "apple candy red", I want my cool azure technomagicians.
Wasn't Sanguinius also supposed to be this year?
>Wasn't Sanguinius also supposed to be this year?
I remember hearing second half of 2024, and we're in the third quarter, so if he's coming I'd guess it'd be soon
who was their traitor matchup, since that seems to be how they're doing the HH marines?
I know they fought the world eaters at Terra, but who did they fight before that?
Titus doesn't wear a red helmet
that's why I said head and not helmet
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look at the head again dumbass
and it still looks better.
I'll probably buy a custom weapon for Titus
He spent most of the Heresy fighting daemons, and his matchup is Ka banda, in terms of Primarchs, he techincally fought Konrad Kurze, but not really, the actual duel was Lion vs Kurze, then we have his duel against daemon Angron at Terra
it would be at least the size of the baby carrier right?
this bodes well for rubricks and maybe even some bird demons
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Lelith Hesperax WHEN
When the fuck are we getting Eldar?
Never. Tau and Orks sold badly.
>30K custodes
unironically what's the difference?
aren't they the exact same in both settings?
the only real difference I can think of is SoS, but they got reformed anyway so them being broken up feels meaningless to begin with
NTA but I think non space marines don't really sell well, since we also never got non command Kriegsmen nor did they ever get reissued.
>everyone who calls me on my stupidity is samefag
>still trying to post offtopic shit because he doesn't want to acknowledge Joytoy's shitty QC
>I can't be bothered to look at any other thread on /toy/ so you must spoonfeed me /toy/'s culture
So because you call me third worlder buzzwords, that makes it okay for Joytoy to continue using brown mustard paint instead of gold?

Because I don't jump through your fourth goalpost, that means Joytoy isn't fucking up the scale on their toys?

pic of shitty fragile plastic Joytoy continues to use, but because this image was reposted twice, it doesn't happen? Also, this figure is supposed to look regal and important with shiny lustrous gold, yet Joytoy uses a dull brown paint instead. $150.
just shut up loser
Gold is now "brown mustard" and "dull brown paint"!
Can't even keep your delusions straight!
Your schizophrenic episodes are getting too bad, so your not getting anymore responses from me. Go ahead and throw whatever baby fits about "shills" and "mustard BROWN gold", or talk about how shitty the plastics are, but you'll still buy from them for decades. Meanwhile I'm going to get to building my first sister's of battle (need to give my boys some bitches!)
>you're schizophrenic if you don't eat up the shitty paint!
>and don't call me a shill for defending this complete failure!
pic that proves how awful a collector company is compared to a budget childrens toy company, but because "i repeated what you said in a mocking tone" it's fake and gay?

$150 collector figures vs a $20 budget childrens toy.

BTW, check out the peg on the bottom of the C3PO image. Same color as Joytoy's "gold". It's not supposed to be seen and fucking Hasbro has the common sense to hide it.
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Holy fuck, even as a huge fan of the line, this is getting hard to support. They have pinheads now, to make them look more like the ridiculously beefy ingame models. But it's going to look ridiculous next to pretty much any other unhelmeted JoyToy release. I really like these figures, I do, but it's fucking hard to keep buying them when the aesthetic and scale keeps changing every few months.
you are a fucking dumbass if you let a small detail like that keep you away from an objectively better sculpt. paint over the red if you're so bothered. or just accept that Tidus can wear different helmets. it's a fucking helmet, not a permanently fused extension of his skeleton.

where the fuck is malum caedo?
These figures are clearly modeled after the game, rather than the minis, which do have funnier proportions. I just finished watching a cinematic from the original game, and they had the tiny heads as well. Remember that BT codex art? Tiny head, so it seems to be a common interpretation (minis have to have bigger heads to work better with the tiny medium).
But like others have said, proportions and scale have always been a funky thing with Warhammer 40k.
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re Titus
>new shoulder armor joint system, like on bandai SHF
>there will be a secret bonus for Titus, will update the promo picture when the mold is finished
>SM2 intercessor will be the final mold, there will be no more intercessor mold base of the minis -> basically we will use this SM2 body from now on
>the game license figure will need to be apply one by one -> expect more in the future, if Titus sell well enough
>HH figures will not be effected -> keep on using the same mold for HH
>Joytoy is using the 1:8 head to body proportion (like primarch proportion, for the regular marines)
>Calgar game version figure is highly expected -> this is not a SM2 spoiler

Titus is a big boy, him vs 3.0 intercessor
A style change? Well, maybe it's more accurate to say a source material change? Well whatever, I was basically done with space Marines (and honestly, so was the line, basically), so just gimme Tyranids!!!
Additionally, since thousands sons are in the game, those of you that wanted rubric Marines and occult terminators should be happy.
This is definitely an entirely new mold based on the proportions in the game, which I always thought looked off in prerelease content. The legs and pauldrons are super thick and the arms and head look proportionally smaller. I don't like the look of the models in game so it's disappointing to hear that this may be the new standard space marine mold.
>objectively better
So another size creep? It’s getting ridiculous. Glad I am done with space marines.

Also I really want a death watch Titus from the tutorial of the game
so he is as tall as the old Terminators?
>there will be a secret bonus for Titus, will update the promo picture when the mold is finished
Probably some cosmetic for the game itself?
I think yes, seriously this is ridiculous
>there will be a secret bonus for Titus, will update the promo picture when the mold is finished
>Probably some cosmetic for the game itself?

My guess would be just a thunder hammer.
He's not far off the size of the new Terminator captain, it's ludicrous.
But 40k isn’t just Space Marines, these things don’t sell well cause they get pushed to the sideline time and time again. Like if you wanna get into Eldar you literally have to buy 20-30 year old models. It’s insane.
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I wouldn't say it's too bad, compared to the minis and making allowances for misalignment of stands and differences in pose in both JT and minis.
they are accurate to each other but tower over older figs
Sure, but the guy specifically said the new termie captain.
yes... they are both too big

Sorry Im new to Joytoy figures, what is HH? Are they going to make all future space marines figures with the proportions of Titus and his 2 squad mates?
Horus Heresy, which is set in 30k, and as far as I can tell they're using Titus as the base for all future primaris 40k marines
who knows.
they are playing fast and loose with the scale of each new release.
>who cares that another Joytoy figure doesn't fit in with the rest of your collection
>just eat the slop, because Joytoy needs your money
No other toyline on /toy/ gets defended this way. Why is that?
>not a permanently fused extension of his skeleton.
in this example the red helmet IS permanently infused with the headsculpt
They keep coming up with new proportions for their figures and i honeslty can't help but wonder if GW isn't pushing them into this direction themselves
>new game just came out make sure all future figures match kthx
I can't say I'm a fan either. Helmet looks great, but the fucking pauldron shape is so droopy and big, I honestly hate it. The shin guards flare out real fucking wide too. The Space Marine tm proportions look fine in game, but not so much as a toy.
>>just eat the slop, because Joytoy needs your money
They're arguing in favor of an older design instead of the latest and greatest? What the fuck are you on about?

RIP the Ultramarine Captain and Blood Angel Captain with Jump pack are on their way to me and these new bigger figures also have the jump pack.
You misread the post and seem to think it meant the exact opposite thing.

You also misread the post, It's saying that nothing is preventing Titus in canon from putting on a different helmet (which would be the red helmet in this case).

The decimation of our education system is complete, and reading comprehension is at an all-time low.
>nothing is preventing Titus in canon from putting on a different helmet (which would be the red helmet in this case).
red helmet is for sergeants in the ultramarines.
Titus was a captain in the old game and is a lieutenant in the new one.
Looks like a cool toy, and I understand they were going for game accuracy with the proportions resulting in a bigger figure, but I hope this guy is a one-off and not the future of the line.
That's subby making shit up, so don't even bother.
I really hope we get deathwatch Titus and his killteam as figures if the primaris Titus sells well
I'd imagine something like that would have already been decided on regardless of sales, since it's basically a cross promotion for the game, so they might just be sitting on them for the time being
Does USAGundamstore ever get things in stock or are they just forever on preorder/out of stock
o hey my leman russ shipped

Is the release date for these October or December?
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Love the Tyranids, looking forward to more. Shout out to the anon who showed that you can swap the arms on the Warriors when they released, nice way to add some variation.

I've ordered a couple in-stock things from 'em (Joytoy, Robot Spirits, third-party mecha etc.) without issue. Never made a preorder with them, though.
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How do these three scale compared to the old Terminators? The Tech marine is supposed to be 0.3cm shorter than the new Titus but I think you guys mentioned that the last scale creep also made the marines thicker?
What confuses me is that the Primaris marine (right) is only 12cm tall be he is the re-release which was supposed to have the new scale?

I'm thinking about just getting two more UMs (so I have a symmetrical team) and then be done with it or at least the Space Marine part of Joytoy.
Dont worry subjectanon, maybe one day you will be able to leave the almost unpainted Mcfarlane WH40k figures behind you and afford to buy your first JoyToy figure! Im rooting for you, little guy!
You should put all of the same arm types on a single figure (one has 4 bone swords, the other has 4 scything talons).
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Here’s a quick pic for ya
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Hope these pics help, I think they look great together. The marines in your pic all use what's essentially the 2.0 body, so they're pretty uniform. I think the scale creep/thicker bodies you're talking about refers to the 30K Horus Heresy figures.

That's too many bone swords/scything talons for one warrior, anon! Too many!
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And with the jump boy; he's got firstborn armor, but the body construction is still 2.0.

Fellow helmet-on-techmarine appreciator, haha.
Queestions like these routinely popping up makes me wish we had a collection site, that would let you track what you have/what there is, and specifications of the different models. It'd just be a nice way of planning out your collection.
Day 32 of waiting for my Celestine to arrive and day 24 of waiting for my replacement Horus. It's grim.
Then pretend he got demoted, fuck, I can't do all the work for you. You missed the point too. The entire idea is to use your imagination instead of being bound by the rigid structures of corporation-fed media. You can't even reason that it could be Titus from the past when he was a Sergeant, or an alternate universe version of Titus, or a dishonored Titus that was demoted, or fuck, even a Titus that needed head protection in the thick of battle and picked up some dead guy's helmet.

The fact that you can't even muster up enough imagination to get over a red helmet tells me you have no clue how to have fun with toys.
you just can't admit you're a dumbass can you?
Someone made a pretty high quality checklist, but it was just images, so you had to check them off yourself in PS or paint. It was also a while ago, like before 3.0 bodies were introduced, so I don't know if they kept updating it.

A collection site would be nice, but that's a lot of work...especially if you'd allow people to make accounts to track their own collections.
I swear, this guy has the largest collection of pictures of JoyToy figures on /toy/!
good for you subby! keep collecting pictures of our figures!
Aren't red helmets for people who are currently under penance for fucking up?
Reminder not to reply to Subby. He is a secondary and does not own a single model.
thank you very much guys
Anyone know why Catonus is bigger? Was this a special release?

Does it have anything to do with the bike?
No, I believe it was originally a mark of shame but then the guy they did it to did something badass and now it's an honor I think? Or maybe I'm making that all up
Each chapter will have it's own making scheme, but for the Ultramarines and many of their successors, a red helmnet denotes a sergeant. As mentioned above, a red helmet used to be the 30k Smurfs' way of showing that an Astartes had been naughty. In Aenod Thiel's case, as rank and file he had been creating battle simulations of hot Astartes on Astartes action, an ironic no no considering he was sent to the principles office literally the day Calth happened. He ends up leading the cOunterattack/resistance, and keeps the red helmet as a show of defiance. In the aftermath, he gathered other red helmeted ultra malcontents and leads them to help purge Ultramar of traitor forces. The red helmet gets adopted as part of the making scheme, though don't know if it's specifically stated when.
what was wrong with your Horus?
are the rumors true that marneus calgar is getting a rerelease or upgraded? i was a little underwhelmed by his initial figure and landed up buying the 2nd captain in gravis armor instead.
now marneus is going for $80 which seems a bit steep. something just looks off about him
both his proportions and size is odd and even his unhelmeted head looks bland and without much effort (power fist lieutenant has great one for example)
How much is Titus going to be in your country? It will be 80€ in mine. Which means I won't buy it. I can literaly get a dreadnought for 5-20€ more depending on the type.
Can't you just buy him from a Chinese seller? They usually ship worldwide.
Flyima, Ailina, Fireflies, Toyverse are all the best and cheapest sellers on AliExpress. I'm going to be paying 41.34 euros for mine from there, shipping included.
Free shipping as well
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I've been playing around with a new custom idea and while I'm waiting for parts I popped this primaris helmet on.
Just goes to show that the helmet is the least of the issues with primaris armour.
Primaris helmets are just Mk. IV "Maximus" helmets with a few very minor tweaks.
That's looking cool though!
Wait until the 11th of Sep, Aliexpress is having a fall sale you can use more coupons to save a few bucks here and there.
Are the Joytoy figures on Amazon legit? They all have weird ass names listed before Joytoy like YIZRIO or some other weird ass name.

I purchased 3 from Amazon and they were legit, I didn't want to wait until BBTS received theirs.
That's just how nearly every single item is on modern Amazon. Everything is dropshipped by Chinese shell companies with AI generated names and profile pictures.
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me but I kinda want McFarlane to do a Custodes...
I want to see them do a Primarch or some of the larger mech guys.
If Joytoy can't get the paint right, i might as well pay $30-50 from McFarlane and paint it myself.
Everything that McFarlane has made for WH40k hovers at around 8", so it won't stand out in terms of 1:18 scale if it's larger characters
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That's my nigga Joe Pineapples
wait uh...was the Vindicare Assassin just ripped off from ABC warriors this entire time?
Can you provide the recipe for this Marine?
>worst Titus' skin
>Gadriel is not platinum blonde
>Chairon still black
This sucks
When joytoy doesn't do paint up to subbys standards: REEEEEEEEEE!!!
When McFarlane doesn't even do paint at all: it's OK, I can do it myself.
As if he knows how to paint Warhammer lmao! Also, quit ban evading!

What of Warhammer 40k is NOT ripped from something else?

I wanted to pick up a few figures, good thing I waited, thanks.
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>new sternguard vet for the cloth stomach and waist
>honor guards for the blank legs and torso
>sergeant pauldrons
>various accessories
just waiting on the helmet
Don't forgot how scale is ever so important when it comes to JT, but macfartlane making everyone the same size is a-okay.
>I don't understand why a $150 toy is expected to have better paint than a $40 one
Sure is low IQ shilling.

I shouldn't need to add paint to $80 4.5" figures just to make it look like it should. I'll give waaaaaay more leeway to a $24 8" figure, especially when it's just as poseable as more expensive lines.

Sorry for not having super low standards. Maybe if I was getting these figures for free or getting paid to post, I'd be saying the same stupid lies as you. But not really... saying stupid lies to defend poorly painted figures is stupid. I get that we're posting as anonymous, but I don't want to mislead people like you like to.

And that single post disappearing probably just means someone didn't like it and nothing came out of it, because a dozen others stayed up. And i doubt my IP changed, since all my other posts from before still give me (you)s. You know what was obvious that something happened? When couple of WH40k generals disappeared and other threads being reduced by 1/5th of their posts for a month when it was pointed out that various posters were Hong Kong vernacular using third worlders.
>He still won't post models
no one talks about mcfarlene for at least the last 4 months.
Leman has arrived, feels a lot more solidly built than the other primarchs, and by God does he have a lot of weapons
Also the cylinder on his revolver spins, which is nice
this is a truly terrible photo
He looks like an 80's wrestler in power armor. Cool.
Looks like a Hobbit figure based on your photo.
low detail, unpainted plastic.
Not a great photo, but from what I can see he looks cool.
I like how subby took away a half inch from joytoy, and then gave McFarlane an extra inch, really shows the intricacies of his stupidity.

"I get that we're posting as anonymous, but I don't want to mislead people like you like to."
Says the schizo that claimed the BK coupons were expired, when they were clearly still valid (and then waits a whole year+ to post the pics, as if they were posted for the first time, in an attempt to deceive everybody).
Man, mental illness really is something, huh?

Oh, and we can't forget the back to back double standards of 'its low standards to accept joytoys paint schemes, which are based off of the official miniatures, but it's NOT low standards to accept MISSING paint apps!' lmao! As well as 'well MY posts are missing because of random reasons, however, YOURS are missing because the mods agree that your just a shill!!'

Mental illness, everyone!
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Of course. The guy's a secondary whose only exposure to 40K is lore videos on YouTube (hence calling Sisters of Battle "the nuns") and then panic-bought a bunch of books on eBay to try and make himself look like a "true fan" when called out, yet has not posted a single model, because he doesn't own any.
Honestly there's no point even engaging with him, he's just a shitty troll trying to ruin the thread for everyone else because they like a toyline that isn't Maccy F's. In fact I'd say even mentioning him beyond reminding others not to engage with him at all is too much. Which I realize is a touch hypocritical given this post but there we go.
Anyway topic.
I hope we get Alpharius, I'm not big into the Primarchs but his miniature is just awesome and I think he'd work really well as an action figure.
just stop talking about him. he clearly sucks, but your fixation with him is starting to get even more annoying than him.
For anyone that has a regular sized Space Marine with a power first have they tried swapping it on to another body. Looking at most of the figures with a power fist it looks like you would need to swap the whole arm.

The primaris helmet actually looks really nice here since the gorget isn’t covering the vox up.

It’s little things like that, that really work against a cohesive aesthetic for primaris marines.
Yeah but there are official paint schemes depicted on the box
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Beaky blue boys

The praetor and possibly 2 of the beaky sergeants for me, he comes with a lot of stuff.

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One with the crest, sword and plasma, one with the stripey helmet and bayoneted gun? Depends on price I suppose.
oh damn I guess I'll be buying this whole wave
Not buying Ultramarines, Chang
>poor xenofag probably
Fine I'll buy the two beakies but no more. And only to use their extra helmets on my existing Primaris Ultramarines.
oh yes give me the BDSM straps.
>Not buying Ultramarines, Chang
>use their extra helmets on my existing Primaris Ultramarines.
so which is it?
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Oh come on
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While I generally do agree with you that the lower gorget makes the helmet look better, the models are designed to be looked at from above on the tabletop, an angle where the gorget doesn't get in the way. Honestly, I don't really care for Space Marines and this don't collect them, but I do like how the primaris gorget makes their armor look suitably big and chunky. There's probably a middle ground where both could be achieved.
no you will not get him but you can buy 5 marines to build him yourself.
>Then pretend
no thx id rather have an accurate figure
ok I will... what 5 marines?

These are looking really nice, I’m not the biggest fan of all the weird new features they’ve added to mk VI armor like the round balls on the back of the legs and the weird lines on the helmet but they are more suited to my tastes than primaris marines.

Shame that the standard tactical has that chain blade on his bolter but I might pick one up. Closest we will probably get to a bog standard tactical mk VII marine
>round balls on the back of the legs
what are you talking about?
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Can you tell me which ones?
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there is no perfect recipe as his exact armor hasn't been made.
just look at what's been released and build one that looks close enough for you
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that is weird
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The Heavy Bolter guy fucks.
deathguard when?
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it swaps just like any other part
please tell me the front handle is in fact another gun?
god damn
Oh shit, a heavy bolter! I was gonna pass on this wave entirely, but I have yet to get a mk III, and I do like the untethered heavy bolter!

I'm pretty sure those 3 pics that he claims are his, aren't, as he promised to take more pics of his "full" library, and never did, and then reuses those same pics so much. Never once with time stamp, either. He regularly tried to pass on fan art as official all of the time, as well, and even tried to pass off a codex page pic he lifted from spikey bits! He also clearly doesn't paint, because this other guy posted a WiP pic of a mini with brown in its color scheme, and didn't recognize the brown test strikes the guy did on his finger.
What a tool.
In regards to primarchs; I'm not crazy about the 30k designs, I like the 40k designs better (except for Horus I guess, his look is pretty cool and iconic). But then again, I'm not too crazy about primarchs in general.
no that would be stupid
but look at it
>that would be stupid
Can apply to 80% of warhammer
>gay secondaries flanderising the setting
only if you're retarded
>Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau was super serious business
ok fag
"In order to properly maintain the console, we must PRAY to it, and light the incense it likes best!"
Literally the lore. your post makes YOU sound like the secondary.
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I stick with what I said.
Eldar aspect warriors any day now.
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Celestine finally arrived, but the replacement Horus still hasn't shipped yet. I really like the headsculpt on her. I didn't actually want to buy the geminae superia, but I couldn't find Celestine for sale anywhere on her own, only as the three pack. Their headsculpts aren't as good as the basic sisters, and I do wish that they had some more weapon variety instead of the exact same bolt pistols and power swords as the basic sisters. We need sisters with chainswords and repentiae while they're at it.
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you both have very poor media literacy
>11148819 (no you's for faggots)
>I don't want to mislead people like you like to
that faggot secondary is such a fucking liar, holy shit
he's STILL hung up and pretending calling him a secondary is a "hong kong" term, despite being proven a cunt and a retard multiple times via the archive
>When couple of WH40k generals disappeared and other threads being reduced by 1/5th of their posts for a month
oh, NOW he pretends to understand how the archive works though! man it must be exhausting to live in that broken mind

subby kun, minecraft yourself immediately and spare us your vile secondary stench
Does this now mean Joytoy doesn't have to just restrict themselves to figures that have miniatures then?

Because while Titus may have one, Sgt Gadrield definitely does not
i wouldn't count on more
They have BEEN doing stuff without minis. Example; IF LT with storm shield, or the BA intercessors with nipple armor. None of those have official mini representation, nor do many other similar specialty units.
Project more, secondary.
Yo dawg, I heard you like guns so I...
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uuuuum that would be EPIC!!!! XD XP!!1!
will joytoy be releasing?
who knows...
is that sarcasm?
I do but is it actually another gun or is it just unfortunat molding?
why are you like this?
At this rate, probably.
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>puh-puh-please tell me the front handle is in fact another gun!?!!!?!!!!!!!1!?
>is it actually another gun!!!???!?!!??!
why are you such a dumb faggot?
it's obviously not another gun you mongoloid retard
It does look like it you fat retard
>Posting wojaks
>Calling OTHER people retarded
fuck off and stay fucked off faggot
Lads, ltcave have an absolutely insane clearance sale on right now. Most of the good stuff is gone now though. I spent £300 earlier.
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>fuck off and stay fucked off faggot
wow tough guy over here
projecting samefag
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Sergeant Gadriel be bussin fr fr
Fuuuuuck, I would have made some bad choices if I'd seen that when things were in stock. £16 for an admech robot, yes fucking please.
Outside of places selling stuff off like that are there any stores in bongland worth buying from instead of just going straight to aliexpress?
who poses marines without their helmet on anyways?
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anons, I think I'm in love
why do you like him? No hate but I really wanted 30k UM with beakies but he doesn't do it for me at all.
what doesn't do it for you??
>30k UM with beakies
that's exactly what these are...
>what doesn't do it for you??
I don't like
>the white stripe on the helmet
>the leater straps instead of insignia
I'm aware that the sons of horus have this too but it does look better on the green

I like most of the design but I still maintain the half orbs they put on the greaves and the crying mascara lines they put under the eyes as being a bit too much. I like the aerodynamics of the 30k beakies but the features of the 40k helmets
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did you see the alternate heads they both come with?
idk what to tell you about the straps. that's what 30k marines look like... the insignias everywhere is more 40k
damn stop pointing out new things I don't like!
but you're right why do they gotta change stupid little shit like that.
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fixed my guilliman using steaming water and bending the parts
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yeah you can also use a hair dryer and shape them back while they cool. Very easy fix.
Insignia might have been the wrong word but I prefer the bird painting or even the "XIII" of the other two marines.
>did you see the alternate heads they both come with?
I did now, I really have to see what they want money wise for them and if the announce anything else till they come out.
I do think the horus beakies look better overall but I have to buy the ultras
>have to
that doesn't make sense, if you hate UM just get SoH, IF, TS or wait till the next legion gets theirs
It's funny how this depicts Batman when it's a more accurate representation of Spider-Man fans. I have never met a more miserable group of people.
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Just found this guy at Walmart for 15 CAD. Machine couldn’t scan the item so the employee put a random price for it. He’s a pretty mediocre figure but can’t complain with how much I paid. Maybe I can get the eliminator for the same price
Also shouldn’t there be cables for the plasma gun to connect with the backpack?
>have to
ultramarines have been my boys since the 80s pal
it's really not that complicated.
I collect ultramarines not sons of horus but can still admit the sons of horus figures look better because they don't have the lame new additions like the leg balls and tear lines.
>tear lines.
can't you just fill them with green stuff and then paint over?
>can't you just
go nuts they don't really bother me that much
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No amount of heat will fix mustard gold paint
>wrist bolters
I always thought they are the coolest thing ever but ever since I've seen them on joytoys I can't stop laughing.
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He looks great, though I feel the slightly more realistic proportions actually make him look a bit off? The smaller pauldrons and wider chest mainly. He does look very cool though, and I might very well get him as I'm going with Ultras for my Marines and he can easily work as a veteran or something.
Also, speaking of retro-style Marines, I kinda wanna have a go at making some 3D printable 2nd edition styled shoulder-mounted heavy weapons. Love these goofy things. Might be a bit awkward for an action figure though, also I'm a bit busy with looking after our baby son for printing right now.
>have a go at making some 3D printable 2nd edition styled shoulder-mounted heavy weapons.
would love to see anon
These were among the first minis I ever bought. I have a lot of nostalgia for them, would be grateful if you made them.
Thanks anons, I may very well do that then. I can't actually print right now due to being totally occupied with previously mentioned infant son + various factors I won't bore you with but I might try modelling them up and releasing them for free anyway, if you guys are OK with being guinea pigs.
>shoulder mounted bolt pistols
what the fuck, what are they even supposed to be?
genuinely can't tell
Heavy bolters ala 2nd edition.
Would absolutely. Thanks anon

The more oldhammer-style gear we get for JoyToy scale, the happier I am
I like the silliness of a massive bolt pistol on your shoulder and a kitchen knife in your other hand
I was about to comment how I met tons of guys like this but you made me pause. Every one of them is a Spider-Man fan. I don't know what is weirder, the writers' fetish for torturing the character or the people that keep buying no matter what.
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Still breathing? Papa Nurgle's already watching you.

Not for much longer... but maybe... maybe his blessings are near.

His gifts... they'll take this pain... rot us... but we'll live. No more death.
Some of the Chaos Havoc figures have a take on these
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>just a normal spece marine...
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kino af
Orkbro forgot to drill his barrel, his clever subterfuge will be for naught.
damn that's great. Did you use wood or cardboard?
not mine unfortunately
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why the fuck hasn't my leman shipped already
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I got both admech robots, two sisters warsuits, the Cadian artillery, the cult of san reja mecha, necrons, sisters of battle as well as some Imperial Fists and some odds and ends.
Has anyone else had bad experiences with Jtoy Resin store on Ali recently? They're my go-to store but they've been incredibly slow getting orders out lately and several mistakes have been made. I've been waiting three weeks for some in-stock items to be despatched.
Will the SM2 mould have arm lateral raises?
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subby expanding his evergrowing Joytoy (picture) collection
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I find it peculiar that JoyToy still hasn't used the new style of Mk III, though I understand that plenty of people specifically prefer the old style.
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Why do they refuse to give me a chainsword? Also no pointing hands.
I'm hoping for some Rubric Marines. Don't get me wrong, I like the Horus Heresy Thousand Sons, but I just like blue better
>pointing hand
because most of us have millions at this point
How? Even if I bought everything I would want I had like a hundred power swords but maybe two Chainsword and one of those would be clearly chaos.
Why does Joytoy hate plasmaguns and heavy weapons so much? Every figure has to have the same combo of a bolter, bolt pistol, and melee weapon. They went and made unique sculpts for every retarded combi-gun that the sternguard veterans use, but they can't make a basic intercessor with a plasma gun? The closest we have are the really old hellblasters. We're just now finally getting our first devastator marine in the Horus Heresy line.
nta but it's slightly annoying having bought all my black templars this year and all of them came with the updated hands. so i don't have one guy with pointing or completely open palm hands.
I'll trade ya mine, theyre even from a BT. Got any IF soft hands? I need at least a trigger finger grip for the right hand so my heavy intercessor can have a good one.

Since they're an enemy faction in SM2, you've got good odds of seeing some soon. They'll be in the slightly bigger game scale, but they're chaos, so it's passable as "warp shenanigans".

Fucking lucky!!

I think leg balls is just one specific marine, because on the minis, only like one or two per 10 had those leg-orbs (balls sounds wrong).
More unique sculpts can't be re-used. So stuff like from >>11153809 is a ton of reuse from previous figures, using weapons that are more commonly used.
For the retarded combination guns, they're charging more for that shit. Would be harder to make someone pay up for something that isn't any bigger than a bolter, hence giving it to figures like those bigger havocs.

always fun to see how i don't post for a while and i still get brought up.
Funny even, because you guys already know what's actually shit and need to pre-defend it.
>gets mocked relentlessly
>Thinks it's endearment
Mental illness, everyone.
>"Why can't we have a generic plasmagun that can be given to literally any marine of any legion?"
>More unique sculpts can't be re-used
Subby's profound retardation rarely manages to actually shock me, because of how used to it I've become, but it certainly did this time
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Whoa who the hell is this?
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>endlessly mocked because it's silly to expect $170 toys to have golden paint jobs like it does in the games, books, comics, artwork, models, etc
>endlessly mocked because it's silly for an expensive collectors line that writes the scale on the box that should match the scale in the games, books, comics, artwork, etc
Sounds more like pathetic shilling and trying to lower everyone's expectations on what to expect from a collectors line.

pic is a high quality Japanese figure that offers actual gold looking finish, bigger than most Joytoy figures, and costs less too. ... I mean, it's unfair to compare first world products to third world nation shit, but usually chinese crap isn't expensive to make up for the chinky quality.
Reminder that Subjectanon will never post models because he doesn't own any due to being a secondary.
Why did they make the Cadian command squad from the combat patrol but not the rest of the combat patrol? My commander needs some guardsmen and kasrkin to lead
clearly thats Gary
You must not have bought much early-line stuff. Back then it was more chainswords than you knew what to do with. Now it's the same situation with power swords.

Shit, Hellblasters are considered "old" already? I feel like I just got them a few months ago.
>pic is a high quality Japanese figure that offers actual gold looking finish

>actual gold looking finish

You cant even tell the difference between a vacuum metallized chrome finish and painted gold. Subby you are such a fucking pleb its just embarrassing.
That's what I want too. I can only assume Cadians didn't sell particularly well.
Why does he keep going back to C3P0 every time? What kind of autism drives someone to do this?
If I wanted my space marines to be uniform in all one chapter which one would have the biggest variety to collect? Ultramarines?

they will not be uniform tho.
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The first of many Thousand Negros has le arrived. The mustard gold paint is looking very high quality.
For the last time. Brass and Gold are two different metals. C3PO is made of brass, like musical instruments, not gold. He cannot be used as an example of what gold is supposed to look like.
That candy metallic red looks fantastic, makes me look forward to any Alpha Legion.
Oh shit I thought the red would look shit but it looks pretty nice there, very cool.
I need them, he looks so good. I hope we get 40k Chaos Thousand Sons
The clown also doesn't know there's different shades of the color gold
We need each of the 4 chaos space marines legions for sure. I’m a little bit surprised they haven’t done any besides from black legion marines. I’d grab a squad of each just for the sake of variety.
Won’t they basically have made like every possible Space Marine model in a year or so? How many of them could there possibly be left?
>How many of them could there possibly be
No no, I think >>11155628.has a point, how many ARE there left, indeed?
-tactical squad
-devestator squad
-assault squad
-firstborn lieutenant
-firstborn captain
-bladeguard lieutenant
-phobos librarian
And maybe some special or super specific lieutenants, like zakariah?
The Phobos entries can have a lot of parts re usage, as could many of the firstborn. I'm pretty sure bladeguards LT is just a pauldron, some bling, and a neo-volkite pistol. Suppressors would probably be the most resource intensive figures to make.
All in all, considering how large the space marine unit count is, that's basically nothing left!
Would anybody want any of those, anyways, besides the firstborn stuff?? I'd like an eliminator, if they included a las fusil, had the right head sculpt, and the cloak was soft goods, but otherwise, maybe a very basic, but iconic mk VII marine? That's why I don't care about the pseudo-new line in the game figures; I'm basically done with space Marines, anyways.
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>doesn't know anything about star wars, just like WH40k
>confuses brass with gold just because it's also shiny
Can you sound any more like a third worlder?
And I know Star Wars isn't popular over in those countries, but come on, it's permeated modern culture so hard it's impossible not to know this shit.
With WH40k, okay, i can understand why third worlders wouldn't know that space marines are decked out in gold, but for REGAL demi-gods? Come fucking on.

But you gotta make up excuses and try and lower everyone's standards to defend Joytoy's fuckups, so maybe you're just simply pretending to be a third worlder with no knowledge about these series.

pic of how good collector companies give you your money's worth, unlike third world collector companies like Joytoy. accuracy isn't even hard, considering budget children toy companies can do this shit.
>"budget children toy companies"
>$110 for him and R2
>every review shitting on 3po
>vacuum-metallised not painted
Nigger, you are so disingenuous it's unbelievable.
>third worlders this
>third worlders that
jesus, hes just insecure in front of the bbc and doesnt even have the balls to call them cia niggers
completely delusional beyond that
>third worlder proving he can't comprehend english
Everything gold, unless it's tarnished, should be vacuum metaliiszed. I can understand when budget children companies don't want to, because it's expensive, but collector companies? Everyone should spend the extra dime.
No excuses. Gold is shiny, especially when it's handled and maintained by 1000 faithful armorers and slaves.

>don't call a spade a spade
I mean, if it's not a third worlder who has never seen how shiny gold is, then is it just a shill who needs to pretend Joytoy isn't fucking up?

pic of how even hobbyists are able to do shiny gold look by hand. no excuses.
Why the fuck do you keep buying them and keep hanging out in this thread, you stupid cunt?
While it is interesting to figure this stuff out, they aren't bound by miniature existence anymore as of the SM2 announcement, so the floodgates are open I guess. Joytoy has done a good job making even nameless characterless minis seem like Somebody, so they might do a decent job at making OCs.
>Everything gold, unless it's tarnished, should be vacuum metaliiszed
LMAO you are one stupid cunt.
>He doesn't vacuum metallize his minis
How tertiary. Quaternary, even.
I really like Ragnar, but the range on the hips is ass and the arms on mine pop out of the sockets if you looks at them wrong. I know that some of the rereleases like the Sterngaurd have had some minor tweaks and fixes; do we know yet if the Ragnar reissue is getting any updates? I genuinely wouldn't mind buying another one if I can pose it without it exploding.
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my attempt at fixing the new terminator scale.
lost some leg movement in the groin area but I think it looks pretty good.
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You swapped the arms I am guessing? And put one of the old heads on the new body?
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quite a bit more complicated than that
so tell me dude, the suspense is killing me

I just cannot like this headsculpt. It looks so narrow, like someone squeezed the sides of his head too hard.
the legs from the knee down are from the originals as well as the stomach piece. everything else is from the new model. the thighs needed to be modified a quitw a bit to fit with the lower legs and with the waist.
the waist cover is from the og as well
How did you swap the lower legs? Do the joints just pull out?
>cannot like this headsculpt
it's really growing on me but I couldn't get over the long ass legs of the new termies
tfw I will never be able to by terminators again.
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sadly it requires some modification but not too difficult if your handy. the knees kindof work without mods but you need to cut up the floating knees to be able to fill back in the empty spaces to clean it up.
the socket on the thigh that connects to the waist needs to be swapped with the old one because the new metal hips are set up way different. they don't fit together without drilling the hole a bit wider but fits fine after that.
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scales pretty well with my grey knight
What are the chances of Joytoy getting some Blood Ravens out or am I cursed to paint my own?
I like how subby tries to bring up a pic of a painted mini he stole from Google, as if he knows anything about painting minis, because the results aren't even that good.

To turn the subject to the ACTUAL fandom/IP, I've been enjoying space marine 2, even though Im struggling to overcome my preconceptions of the game, as I'm treating it like gears of war, but with melee, when it's more the inverse. I should probably stick to the heavy class, then. To bring the conversation to the figures, the game is making me want to get some extra weapons, like the plasma incinerator, from print think. I know he has the scout heavy bolter, but I wish he did the primaris version.
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I'm not sure what all the crying about "gummy" plastic was even referring to either. Unless the tactical marines and named characters somehow end up with a completely different texture, these terminators feel fine. Probably just more subby bitching.
How good is the cool toys club compared to the AliExpress sellers?
>has no idea what it is to like a series
really? A shill doesn't know why someone would wait around a thread about a series they care about, hoping a toy company finally fixes a massive problem before they get to something they want?
Or care that some of the shit they actually wanted is so poorly made they have to skip it and deride the company for using shitty plastics?

What's it like not being a fanboy for WH40k and coming into a thread you care nothing about?
Do not give him (you)s. He is only here to troll.
Oh look, subby is invoking "no true scottsman"! After "shitty plastics", of course!
Dance, monkey, dance!

A painted mini, next to the figure that subby wanted so badly, but is too poor to afford!
This thread becomes a lot better if you add "mustard" and "subby" to your filters.
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The mustardposting will continue until thread morale improves.
he says, calmly, interacting with both, even if indirectly
I swear this picture was taken with direct front light from a lamp and overhead light with the exposure nearly all the way up and it still looks dark and grainy. I don't know how I can make these look any better.
Nigger you are trying to reason with someone who thinks this thread is a CIA operation
Depends have they gotten minis recently? >inb4 they are now ignoring the minis
What I'm trying to ask is how fresh are they in the memories of GW? Unless of course JoyToy starts a "Gaming line" and start making protagonists from other videogames so we get at least Captain Angelos
Noob question:
Why does the Blood Angels Veteran come with a blood Chalice? I thought those were only for Snaguinary Priests not 1st Compnay Veterans, or am I supposed to treat him as a Sanguinary Priest proxy?
What camera/phone? If phone, which lens are you using? Most phones are multi-lens nowadays, and those lenses usually have very different properties. You may be using the wrong lens for the job.

Also, grain is a function of ISO, you should be looking to get that as close to 100 as you can and counterbalancing your aperture and shutter speed against it (hint: use a tripod or some other stabilization system and it will allow you way more wiggle room in this equation)
also it looks like you are using a multi-LED light source. This will make your photos look weird cause each one casts its own shadow. I recommend either a good single light source, or a diffuser.
damn this looks pretty perfect
do it like every reasonable /toy/ poster and take your pictures in the fridge.
>We share this thread with v-tumor fans
what are you talking about?
How high are the chances that they re-release the Custodes Terminator?
This thread would be better if Joytoy learned what gold looked like and used better plastics.
Sure, the shills would still be here, but they wouldn't be making retarded excuses on why expecting the figures to look like the source is bad and why Joytoy shouldn't be held to the same standards as other collector companies.

>can't fathom what being a fan is like after being told what fans do with properties they like
>this is gatekeeping
you think you are among peers, but the truth is you are the outlier anon
Space Marine 2 has made me wonder if it would be cool to get a second terminator with the Achaea force khopesh and make one of the terminators into a dual wielder like the blademaster marine. I'm not sure what I would do with the third terminator that I would have to harvest it from thoughever.
And now subby is doubling down on "no true scottsman".
His stupidity speaks for itself, so this is my last reply to him for this thread.

The minis reference is more of a general guideline, rather than a rule, as they've deviated from the minis more and more now. Honestly, the fact that they did white consuls seems like they SHOULD be doing blood ravens. How different is the red that they use from BA? All that revans would really need is different pauldrons, so it's MUCH easier than 99% of most of their entire Warhammer catalogue!
There have been like 3 different shades of BAs so far, so you could actually just replace some pauldrons and headcanon one shade as Blood Ravens.
This week we are supposed to be getting another UM praetor, some blood angels and shredder from tmnt
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So I guess that was wrong, it's two big space wolves guys.

What's nice is that on the unhelmeted guy, the mini just has a screaming face, so they clearly aren't so tied to the minis anymore.

I hope we get some 30K Blood Angels, Night Lords (30K or 40K), or World Eaters (30K or 40K) soon.
Well yeah, in the Space Marine 2 figure announcement they explicitly said they are no longer tied to minis
I will buy every single Night Lord
I want Emperor's Children and Alpha Legion, as well as 40k Thousand Sons
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Whoa wtf. The Deathmark being this expensive is crazy. Glad I got one on release.
Nvm just found another listing for like $45, these listings are all over the place.
Where the fuck are you buying this from? Don't.
>Glad I got one on release.
I got the other dynasty, whatever they were called, were the sautekh ones sold as singles? The other dynasty were two-packs for all but the lord.
I didn't realise how fucked the scale of this series is. Do we know why they made dreads so enormous in comparison to the troops?
they're giant walking artillery platforms, why wouldn't they be big, especially the more powerful crusade-era ones?
not certain how big a leviathan is supposed to be tho
the only thing out of scale here is the terminator and possibly Horus depending on your interpretation
leviathan dreads are huge
Yes, silver boys were sold individually, whereas bronze where in pairs, 'cept the overlord, of course.

Really? I can't read ching-chong, so I'll have to take your word for it, but there has been MANY a figure with no official model to base off of.

Oh James workshop, will you ever learn good gun design? That heavy bolter looks so ridiculous with those tiny bullets hanging out there!

Remember, ANYBODY can list ANYTHING for WHATEVER price they want, the REAL question is if it actually SELLS for that much.
>That heavy bolter looks so ridiculous with those tiny bullets hanging out there!
For me, it's how many bullets there are. I get that ammo belts are cool, but that gun will be empty in seconds, or fractions of seconds.
See, the amount bugs me less, because I could justify that as catching him on low ammo. Tiny bullets firing from that HUMONGOUS barrel? C'mon, James workshop, learn the basics of guns, please!!
He's actually a stealth unit, it's an integrally suppressed heavy bolter, like the Welrod of the 41st Millennium.
Damn, these toys are nice. Do youknow if Joytoy has any plans to branch out into 1/12 scale? I think they'd wipe the floor with McFarlane - they already do lol
I may just say fuck the scale and get one anyways. Any recommendations? Cheap, available and flashy? Or from the game?
More aliens would be nice. The termagants are really nifty, even if their tongues are a swine to plug in properly. They could even tie some to the video game!
What tickles your fancy? Basic space Marines, or blinged out captain special? You want shooty-mcbang bang, or slice n dice? Get what you like, best, as there is plenty on offer. If you want best bang for your buck, the basic intercessors go for like $20 or less, and include a pistol, chain sword, and rifle. I think the latest bladeguards can be found for like $35, and you get power sword with scabbard, a pistol, and a shield, plus unhelmed head on most, I think?

If you want something that could blend into 1:12 scale stuff, you could go for a primarch or a mech, like a contemptor or leviathan dreadnaught.
>Do youknow if Joytoy has any plans to branch out into 1/12 scale?
No, but consider the following:

- You might get there unintentionally due to the out-of-control scale creep

- Even before the scale creep, they were already huge for 1/18 figures, so stop being a dingus about scale and just fucking buy one already. 1/12 scale is a stupid idea for Warhammer anyway, it ensures that you will never get vehicles, larger units, etc. because they would simply be too big and expensive. Even in 1/18 there are still some units that are just logistically impossible to produce at a standard consumer level.

- McFarlane's Space Marines sort of ARE 1/12 scale, when you consider that they're 7" and should tower over a standard 6" human. Of course, scale is fucked in his line too, since he decided to make everyone about the same height.
Praetor is an easy pass from me but I've been hoping for Hvarl for a while now
Do the nid tails have joints?
Just the base, but they are super soft plastic/rubber with a wire inside.
Did they reveal Eldar today?
Horus must have sold really well. A friend of mine had his Horus order cancelled due to the seller running out of stock and the Horus that I ordered a month ago still hasn't shipped.
It's doggammed Horus, are you surprised?
I am actually pretty surprised that a $200 collector's toy with turmeric yellow "gold" and gummy plastic sold that well
It's pretty amazing and sad that a budget children's toy company like Hasbro can make their C3P0 figures out of real 18ct gold but Joytoy's $300 collector's toys use ginger brown paint
NooOooOoOOoO, those don't count, because I am suddenly a metal expert, and children's toys from the 70's, and and IM the one true fan!!!!

On topic of the toys, my chaplain is in NY, for some reason (I'm in CA, and usually shit jumps from hong king right to LA, so this is weird and annoying).
Hi :) Its my first post here, thinking to grab a JoyToy

How repaintable are they ? Is it not a thing? Shitty paint results?
I really like these ones, but 300€ ++ fuck me im late to the party!

Also: whats the best Dreadnought by Joytoy ?
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Sorry forgot pic u_u
if subby wasnt such a filthy secondary hed know 40k is about the hobby
but he doesnt, because hes never had a mini in his hands
plate it yourself with leaf gold its dumb easy
I have quite a few of these I'm looking to get rid of. If you want to leave an email I'll sell them for what I paid plus shipping. I'm in the UK.
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Super repaintable, why would they be shitty? This Terminator started its like as an Ultramarine. It's just plastic, no different than a mini. Go nuts.
That's for 6 of them though, so only $50 apiece. Also, I'm seeing those guys for as cheap as $35-40 each. And if you're thinking that's still too pricey, this is about the going rate for high-end collectors figures these days. JoyToy is on the cheaper end, actually. Lots of figures out there now selling for twice as much, with half as much plastic (Figma I'm looking at you)
The dreadnoughts are all pretty good, except the Helbrute which I don't think anyone liked. Just pick your favorite one.
Got my Sekhmet Terminator. I love Cataphractii armor so much it's unbelievable.
Thanks for using my pic, Anon!
Anytime, I love posting it cause it's such a clean custom. Great work there.
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another comparison with my custom terminator
Man, I am not a fan of the scale creep (plus the new slimmer 10th ed Termie head design fucking sucks), but this kind of just highlights how weird the proportions are on the old ones. And I say this as someone who loves those molds and owns them all. They're just too wide, and their legs are too short.
the old ones have really long arms and skinny thighs while the new ones have super long legs and the ugly new helmets.
I think mine does a decent job bridging the gap.
I think they're all cute in their own way.
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it's not very pretty but I made the missile launchers removable
This is all I wanted on that figure. Just to be able to take them off. If you sand just a little, and slap some Ultramarines blue around the edges of those holes you can probably make it look less ragged.
that's the plan tho painting is my kryptonite
So that's what the difference looks like. Neat.
Tempts me to pick up lookalikes of him and the sergeant(?) and just pretend they happen to be slightly bigger lads. Cool to have that variance in size and detail.
But I can also see what people mean about the ankles and hopefully the empty space is filled IF that sculpt is used going forward. I doubt it will be the standard, but I can see those proportions being used for 1-2 of every chapter present in the game at least (over time).
It is nce to have some of the painted-on elements be sculpted on Titus
Still do not feel the painted-on versions are lacking but the variance is just nice
Comparing the SM2 figures to the Heroes of the Chapter ones when I write all that
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Finally received my CTC helmet!
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In other news, Jeremy has shipped surprisingly way earlier than I was expecting.
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Best dreadnaught would be the venerables. The most detailed there would be Bjorn the Fell-Handed. The contemptors and leviathans are decent too.

The hellbrute is nice design-wise but it's a brick. There are two bolts on the bottom of its spine that prevent a waist swivel which would have improved it immensely.
Damn that's nice. Who makes it or is it a custom?
Elephant Toys "Hammer of War" Death Korps

Honestly Bjorn or the Blood Angels dread are my two absolute favorite. I wasn't a fan of the venerables and never been a fan of the redemptor design. I like the classic bricks.
Freshly baked bread:
Nice looking, but oddly clean aside from the weapon. This could have used some weathering. Shame I can't do it myself either, I trust myself weathering plastic but not so much soft goods.

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