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old >>11112477
Any recs for something G2 coloured in Legends scale?
Newage Dinobots
7 member orgy mode
So is he pink or red?
I dig the wings. But that airplane on the back though is too much
It's things like this that make me reconsider my purchasing decisions for the last five years.
I mean, you can put the chopper on back if you want, this is just an extra thing
>more optional options is bad
Why are you like this?
>more optional options is bad
I'm not particularly wowed by F tier effort. Don't try to sell me on some 7 in 1 with lazy gimmicks like that.
I expect more when the combiner is more kibble that robot
Are you serious about this?
Legitimate question
I'll be waiting for your chide now.
Do you also have a problem with weapon storage?
It depends.
Though I don't think I can convince you if you consider a combiner component as weapon storage, especially when it was touted as a 7 in 1 thing.
No, it wasn’t toured as 7 in 1
It was touted as death cobra arm replacement and then a bonus mode was announced a few days ago
I think his point is, would you rather it just not have a seven member mode at all? Because there is no precedent for them to do one in the first place. Liokaiser never had one. Cobra could have just been an arm option and only that. This seven part mode is just a bonus, a silly thing you can do if you decide to get all seven figures. It isn't the main point of the combiner. It was never advertised as the main point. You're genuinely complaining that a silly bonus feature isn't this amazing thing that had a ton of effort put into it.
I won't be able to see anything of it but the nosecone for most of the time it's on there.
>then a bonus mode
And the vehicle is lazily done for the bonus mode.
You're not convincing me of anything, go ahead and call me an ignorant idiot if you want. You're putting way too much stock on my opinion that's not going to change.
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I'm still annoyed about IF Leadfoot being more cheetos than lemon
They clearly used leftover plastic from other moulds in this guy, what a shame
I like the colors it is irl much better
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Is this as big as the original Jetfire figure? If nothing comes of that Macross x Transformers thing this is probably my best option.
A bit smaller, the original was a 1/55, this is a 1/60. No one makes modern 1/55 macross stuff though so if you want a bigger jetfire than this you'd have to wait for someone to KO bandai's 1/48.
I wish they should this off earlier because I’m a sucker for wings.
I also enjoy the green arm over the blue. It’s a better contrast between the limbs.
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>its been a year sincr Scylla was announced

Damn I hope this and Depthcharge and Rampage actually come out one day I was really excited for them.
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Its specifically Macross 7 so this is probably thr Valkyrie we'll be seeing.
I was looking forward to this one, it's straight up the design from a Castlevania: SotN boss
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Top up for your dispenser.
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Aboot 4 Baby Bumblebees.

They fucked up the proportions bad. the legs are way too stumpy & comically short. The whole thing looks retarded now which is a pity after the torso was looking quite good on its own. Glad i didnt waste any money on this now.
They are already regulars at WF shanghai but they haven't released a damn thing yet.
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It's less that the legs are stumpy, and more that the thickness of them is wrong, and the feet are a bit long.
Unfortunately, I figure that it's designed that way for reasons of stability.
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its not the thickness, bulkiness is fine (the other metroplex's have it too but look fine). Its that they made the thighs way too short & the giant kneepads way too big.then the leg below the knee way too short. It looks retarded.

heres a terrible quick & dirty photoshop of the legs from the Siyang metroplex on this things torso. It would have looked fine if they had given it proportions like the siyang.
I personally don't mind the thicc legs. I'm even fine with the swollen feet. Titans Return Metroplex was criticized for the spindly thighs. That and, I figure there's structural reasons for having a bigger/thicc-er base.

I can see your gripe with it, the kneepads are certainly too big. I don't think the shins are too short, it's simply that the kneepads are so gargantuan.

Could it look better? Sure. Does he look like a robo-dwarf with a pinhead? Yes. Is it still SO bad that it overshadows the main gimmick of being 4 feet tall and at a surprisingly affordable price? I'd say... no.

If this were a Deluxe, I'd say the big legs were unforgivable. But if the Deluxe was Battletrap, I'd say the big legs are an acceptable sacrifice for the gimmick. It's just a matter of context, compromises, pros and cons, and I think the pros still outweigh the cons.

I had very low expectations for it to begin with. I was expecting a scaled up Titans Return Metroplex with no functional articulation of any sort.
ultimately it comes down to whether your wife will divorce you over buying this huge ass toy.
bug and cars
Says his current plan is to bundle the Weapons with Deluxe Insections as a bonus
Why do this?
Just do a triple pack of the bugs, cmon man
Because he knows people will pay for three separate packs to get them anyway. The datsun mold is easy repaint fodder so they're cheaper to produce than the insecticons who aren't as repaint friendly. By packaging each insecticon with a datsun bro, he can effectively help offset the costs of the insecticon molds by forcing people to triple dip on the datsun mold since it forces them to buy all three datsuns to get all three insecticons (and forces people to buy all three insecticons if they want all of the datsun bros) and maximizes his profit overall.

I don't know what Dr. Wu's profit margins look like to say if this is out of greed or out of necessity but either way, it's smart from a business standpoint, even though we as customers may not really like it as a practice.
I actually think it’s fucking nuts that Dr. Wu created its own scale and how it remains uncontested.
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It's technically the already existing Micromaster scale which means you already have compatible figures and play sets.
>profit margins
He's still hesitant to do shattered glass, gold and translucent repaints unless some taobao shop does a special order.
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>when your wife wont divorce you over this as long as you buy her one too
Show me a properly proportioned stick figure then, so I understand why you dislike it.
The length of the feet is fine, but they're too flat, looking more like slippers than boots.
Micromaster is a shit scale for children and women so it makes sense nobody else wants to bother. Wu is already running out of ways to engineer them and they're never going to look, pose or transform as well as larger scales anyway.
You sound like you're critically low on whimsy. I prescribe an immediate dose of fairy tales and silly games before you lose all capability to have fun.
Fairy tales and games are all insidious lies.
so true and they aren't even animation accurate
So Weapons confirmed but they're bundled with another Insecticon?
So Kickback will have the weapons?
Also weird he'd go straight for Silverstreak and Smokescreen first
Like why?

He's done several SG and Translucents
Not the same anon, but, I'm going to suggest you something unheard before. How about, not combining the 7th member? Or not buy it at all? Unreal right?

I swear I don't get guys like you or the ones that though that the Newage Dinobots were amazing but will be ruined if it turns out that there will be a 6th dinobot that allows them to combine. Does someone goes to your houses with a gun and forces you to buy and combine the optional stuff? What exactly is stopping you from buying what you like and ignore the rest?

I also collect Evas but the moment Rebuild went to shit with 3 and 4 I couldn't give a shit about the new horrible designs they were pushing aside from Eva 13 that looks amazing. There is simply no way you'll find me buying any version of Mari's Evas except for the 4D Eva 04 which look awesome and if the ever do a Wolfpack from Anima. Unthinkable right? I collected what i like and I ignored what I dislike/didn't cared.
You don't understand anon, as soon as a company makes one bad toy you have to get rid of everything they've ever made that you already have
Of course I'm not going to do the combination.
I'm just going to call out gall of it.
Prowl Kickback were already revealed last month >>11126040
Weapons are bundled with Deluxe Insecticons as said.

>He's done several SG and Translucents
most of them are exclusive to taobao shops and he's hesitant to do more, guy pls read.
Majority are on ShowZ, TFSafari and others like Aliexpress
What SG Releases are limited?
Taobao exclusivity doesn't apply to overseas shops, but to answer your question SG Goldbug (and translucent Cyclonus pack) was one such custom order by a TB shop. SG Blaster vs Wave was supposedly ordered by Uncle Billy shop but not made exclusive. The rest of the special orders (by various TB shops) are the gold decos and that one non-battle damage soundwave vs blaster.

That's besides the point though because every time he's asked about SG repaints in weibo comments, he replies that he'll unlikely do them because they are not that popular.
reissues and something about minerva's backpack structure getting modified.
this news was a few weeks ago
link it
My bad
It was a month ago on their facebook page
I like this more than Shattered Glass not gonna lie
Like if I was collecting Shattered Glass who Wheeljack was packaged with wouldn't be annoying but I'm not so I prefer this
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The last NA Dinobot is upon us (although a bit anticlimactic, since I feel they peaked with Sludge)
>he doesn't know
I can't wait to get the G2 version. He was one of my favourite toys when I was a kid and I can't wait to have a new version finally. Im not even sure where my OG one is anymore.
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I have zero regrets. This thing is amazing. I might throw my Kitzconcept God of Flame in the trash.
Which one?
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Red Snarl
im never buying another macross shitter after Kitzconcept.

what made you get it in the first place? The reviews were horrible & it was widely criticized.

>This thing is amazing.

Nice. Did you get the normal edition or the one with the stand? did it come with the G! style box?
I missed this first batch (damn they disappeared fast), i gotta wait until early '25 for the next shipment.
might consider this option since g1 is expensive, fragile, and yellowed.
The reviews didn't come out until I'd already bought it.
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Time will tell, I have doubts
>I might throw my Kitzconcept God of Flame in the trash.
This is a KO of that yeah? Does it have better QC?
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I got the version with the flight stand and it is definitely worth the extra $25. This is the most heavy stand figure stand I've ever seen. It has metal weights inside.
No, it's a KO of the old Yamato/Arcadia mold from like 20 years ago. It has MUCH better QC than the Kitzconcept God of Flame.
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And yes, it has the G1 style packaging.
I recommend getting some shelving for your CRT and consoles
It would be nice if they give it that maroon colour
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The metal rack has been working out fine and the CRTV is lighter than it looks.
Looked like you just had it sitting on your desk there
How is the quality of the figure overall? How does the plastic feel, joint tightness, etc?
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Oh, that would be my other CRTV. Cute little thing.
Nice, I’ve just got a 30” RGB set, good for playing light gun games
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Overall, 8/10.

Most of the problems I have are carried over from the Arcadia mold like the several instances of parts forming and the mildly delicate shoulder hinges. All of the joint tolerances are good but I found the hip joints to be a little too tight. I fixed this by putting a microscopic amount of silicon grease inside the ball joint. That fixed it perfectly. Some of the tabs to install the super armor our little scary but it's not too bad. If you're careful it should be fine. I didn't have any breakage issues but I noticed on one of the instructional videos I watched, the hinge for the afterburner flat pet broken off. The guy didn't even say anything about it. Just acted like it was nothing. The robot mode is rather fun to pose and handle and the jet mode displays wonderfully. I really can't recommend this piece highly enough. It's exactly what I wanted when I pre-ordered the kitzconcept God of Flame figure.
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Hell yeah, man. That's awesome. I love old tvs. I've got a collection. My favorite is my 36 inch Sony Trinitron I found a while back. This thing weighs over 200lbs. And I found it at Goodwill for like 12 bucks lol.
So 1:1 to a real Arcadia / Yamato?
Yes. I don't have a Yamato mold to compare it to anymore but from what I remember it is the exact same size.
That does it then, I'll keep my eyes out for it. Thanks for the qrd.
Yes, sir. Hopefully you can catch it on the next batch.
Nice find, I’ve got pretty much every main console from NES on hooked up to it with flash carts and disc equivalents
Nothing beats the look and motion clarity of an old telly
Good for watching old shows and DVDs too, watched through all beast wars and it still looks as good as I remember
Man, Beast Wars on a CRT. That sounds wonderful.
Yeah man, get the Australian madman DVD’s, shit is pristine
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WHEN THE FUCK ARE WE GETTING THE FUCKING GRIMLOCK FROM THIS SET?! Also is it true they're redesigning him to be closer to concept art?
They are busy.
kitzconcept is shit
this is a ko of a much better company’s stuff
Are the ShowZ POs for next year the best bet for picking one up reasonably priced?
>dr wu insecticons sold out on showz

are you fucking kidding me
My dude, it's unsolicited POs. Actual POs won't be available until next year.
>when will they learn
I think most people were waiting for for dr wu's insecticons
The G1 toy is such a beast of a figure. Kinda spoils me for actual Macross figures because I want them to be more buff and chunky that the actual designs usually are.
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Insect princess is pretty cool
Kinda sussy but still giving me a boner.
Any US shops have this yet? I hate ordering overseas.
Got mine off ShowZ. Shipped and arrived in 6 days.
Is anyone able to help an anon out with these two points?
>Pre-order bonus: six transparent outer armors
>no fluorescence effect
only the first run has the clear armors i believe. I'll probably try to order one that has the armors second hand if the Takara crossover isn't good rather than order the next run without the armors
What's her name? I want one now too
>Kinda spoils me for actual Macross figures because I want them to be more buff and chunky that the actual designs usually are.

This is exactly what happened to me.
Also this. What's the name?
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Bigfirebird Insect Machine Princess Kabuto
Back up now
Debated so fuck it. May just get em

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I think the closest the Macross toys have come to that initial Tokutoku mold in terms of satisfying to handle is the Chogokin DX mold and I'm not willing to commit sudoku with my wallet just yet.... but boy, am I tempted.
What is currently the best Ultra Magnus out right now? I don't really care about scale, it could be 5" or 5'. As long ass it is good
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There's about to be a new one released next month, wait until then to see
Be warned that the DX VF-1 is considerably larger than >>11142518. Very irritating be it rights bullshit or Bandai simply not wanting to make it in 1/60 scale like almost ALL the other DX Macross figures.
Next month? Is that confirmed?
Well, their first constructicon has a video tomorrow and I’m pretty sure this is slated for October, unless something has changed very recently

Most of the smaller legends sized or smaller options are decent and you have your pick of white-prime-in-armor or all-in-one style. The two MP scale offerings are XTB's or FM's upcoming one.

If you don't want G1, Iron Factory made giganigga IDW Magnus in legends scale and Planet X made an armor up one out of their FoC Prime.
2025 Q1. 2024 Q3-4 will be 2 Constructicons and 3 Aerialbots reissues.
Thanks Anons, I ended up getting Commander Stack.
Whoo boy, I had a tough time getting his ankles free, yes I am a ham hander. And yes I know his little shin dealies go on the inside, but after the ordeal figuring out it's ankles...
I still like MP the most due to a good balance between the robot mode, alt and transformation. XTB has like million steps and takes a day to convert and as for FT, I've never been a fan of an armored white OP.
Kill yourself faggot
Keep seething femoid. The cassettes are the only good things Wu has ever done
The MP aged like milk. Even when came out it wasn't ideal
>ugly butt flap
>no waste articulation
Ah shit here we go. FT constructicon time!
Don’t they usually show off transformation and articulation for these videos
That'll be the next one. Sadly there doesn't seem to be any waist articulation nor abcrunch.
Does it have forward ankle movements? That was the reason I sold the SS86 Magnus. Wasn't too bad to transform on my end. Now to teansform it back into robot mode and never transform it again. Lol
I can't believe how clean the back is on this guy. So...how come we got that somewhat oversized backpack on MP-44 Optimus again? Stack also has voice lines.
Planned obsolesce by Takara.
A little TOO clean to me, he feels a bit lifeless.
Those crumbums
All he needs is an Autobot symbol, he has all the other details
That kind of looks like shit in its alt mode. I guess its Xtransbots or MMC for me since I only want a couple of bots for display.
I definitely agree, that whole front end looks terrible
But these guys will look great playing trumpets at least
I think you forgot to fold that little panel near the wheel there
not much news on monday but mangmotion's been showing off all the NA dinos
There's also a few more
The clear blue ones and slag has a metallic canadian head one
Yeah, you are right. I will not transform it again anytime soon.
What other figures would fit well with Stack? The smoother the better. Looking for a Springer, Galvatron and a Cyclonus
Fanstoys Cyclonus is nice and I think ShowZ has it in stock.
MMC Springer is considered the best but XTB does have one, but there are issues about it and I'm not sure how easy it is to fix that these days.
And I own the Fanstoys Galvatron but I think it's a stupid painted metal brick of junk. I think the XTB looks way better but only time will tell if the build is good as it looks.
>I will not transform it again anytime soon.
That's not exactly a glowing review for him, shame
I recommend getting a good Sixshot to go with Magnus
I think if you don't care about accuracy, MMC springer is OK, biggest problem is we have no good Hot Rod or Rodimus
you lie there is no way dinosaurs can be a stinky canadian nooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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XTB's Cyclonus pairs really well if you want some mass. I still prefer XTBs Springer even with its toon accuracy because he genuinly looks good. FT is your only real choice atm & hes fine. Not great but not bad, just good. You can wait for XTBs but who knows when that'll come out. I've got way more if anyone needs comparisons.
can’t decide if I should get g2 or shattered glass snarl
I think SG slag and snarl dropped the ball, only the first three are good
Where as all the G2 ones look great
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WIP Lego Soundwave & Rumble
Is there any particular reason there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of 3P MP Megatrons compared to Prime?. Is it the gun issue? I thought that was only an issue in America
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Newage posted this teaser
Supposedly not legends scale? Or judging by Comments?
asians only like hero characters
The Japanese you mean
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Not sure what it means though
S for scenery? it just a diorama set?
Actually, maybe they’re doing MP G1 megs considering it says “no tank” and that’s the scene where starscream shoots with megatrons alt mode
That makes sense. Would be funny if they scaled it match Magic Square's MP OPs.
MP scale is already scaled
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Nice work anon
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Devastator is the only good combiner as he has a uniform color scheme and iconic look. The rest are all fucking ugly!!!FACT!!!
Nah Piranacon is cool, cope
abominus is based
I don't think any of the G1 combiners look bad, really. I like Bruticus with a gray chestplate instead of Blast Off colors in the show but that's it.
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Abominus is my favorite, he's like a giant angry Mardi Gras parade come to life, the wild colors fit with his chaotic, monstrous nature. The Terrorcons all hate or resent each other, why would they have a cohesive color scheme?
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Gray plate or bust
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Abominus is based tho
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If this is another devy the market is gonna crash.
>Anon is a faggot (Prophecy foretold this)
Calm down
>THIS insanely assblasted
>Exposes himself as the "Wholesome chungus keanu" spam Anon who's had full blown autistic meltdowns on a near 2-3 day cycle for a year+
Isn’t that just athena
No, it’s Cory Beck
Predaking is just as balanced in terms of colors as Devastator is.
Most of them are balanced, he’s just used the worst examples of combiners you can for comparison
Thanks for the suggestions, I will need to look into them further.
Ooh, Sixshot is a good idea. I enjoy the transformation, it can just be a bit fiddley the first time. The reason I wasn't going to transform it anytime soon ( I already did anyways) is the space the alt mode takes up, it is very big. Sharky for scale.
chuckling at the adorable effect the jet has.
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FT Hydra is pretty good if you can find one for a decent price.
Man, I really don’t like stacks proportions
But I can vouch for Hydra, though I got him for 200
fresh harvest
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KO Rabbi-raters
? there are KO micromasters?
The company that did the decent and cheap Metroplex KO went on to KO Metrobomb for their Metrotitan repaint. Then they released that Rabbirater redeco last month.
I mean I have the original, but I was hoping there were others
Oh well
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Hydra is good, a shame about the knees though.
Yeah they only did a 1:1 quality KO of the Metrobomb mold to pair with Metrotitan. The rest of their Micromaster KOs are the usual simplified fleamarket trash.
Gross, I was hoping for a few of the combiner ones so I can complete the ones I don't have
Unfortunately most things Micromaster-related is a pipe dream because everything Victory and beyond were immensely unpopular within Mainland China. Rabbirater only happened due to Metrobomb, Metrobomb because Metrotitan, Metrotitan because it's a Metroplex repaint. It was a very specific set of circumstances.
Well I’m still waiting on that Changtiao missile master to release or at least some more info on it
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The one other decent KO Micromaster that exists is this based on Siege Countdown. It was supposed to be a preorder bonus with DL01, the KO of NA's Omega Supreme, but some sellers are willing to sell it separate if you ask them.
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It has the flip-out 5mm peg removed, a faceplate and several other details simplified, but they did change the buggy's front wheels from plastic clips to metal pins. As a result it rolls real good.
That does look good, are those stickers? I would prefer an animation look over the toy details.
What is wrong with his proportions? He looks pretty much like the reference sheet. Not trying to change your mind or anything, I like to here others differing perspectives.
I think all his limbs and head are a little too chunky and his arms are a little long which make him look shorter than he is
I kinda see what you are saying.

Probably going to pick up some kind of MP Springer and Cyclonus from a local store Wednesday. I'm limited to what they have, but it is usually a good selection.
Red Alert
The guns/tonfas and cutter can be combined into a spear
Car mode is missing the siren?
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The dawn of a new age for Newage

Stop motion preview going live in a 3 hours: https://youtu.be/ihm3nd1vorg?feature=shared
S01 Romulus
I guess it’s represented by those little red accents on the roof
ShowZ listing says it's 17cm meant to be compatible with SS86 OP
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Incredible. Gun Megatron doesn’t appeal to me so I’m passing on this, but can’t wait to see their next CHUG scale figure (please don’t be a combiner)
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I wonder if they realized how much bigger SS86 OP is compared Earthrise before they finalized their scale.
Yeah no, one and done, thanks
Makes me think of those people-grabber tools they're pushing for cops in yurop
I wouldn’t hate it if this was a one-off. I guess I would prefer they stay focused on legends scale and finally give us more ‘86 movie bots (Blurr, Hot Rod, Springer)
I want them to do more big bots too
I'd like to see a legend scale Skylynx
destroying hasbro one year in advance holy crap
depends on the cost
People have had SS86 OP for months. I'm sure they had one in hand.
Looks really good but I kinda really wish it was a legends megs 2.0...
Hope they do a toy deco version. I missed the MP one so it'd be nice to get a new one, and I prefer CHUG scale anyway.
Interest immediately plummets.
Not a fan of gun Megatron at all but that is cool.
>a head shorter than Optimus
Biggest fumble of the century.
I really hate that toymakers keep giving chain weapons actual chains. They're fucking USELESS
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Haha, more like Mini-tron.
Honestly if they follow this up with a perfected CHUG-scale G1 Optimus, I'll be more than content. ER didn't do it for me and neither does SS86.
They fucked up horribly. Like this might be one of NA’s biggest mistakes ever.
How can they even walk up to the stage and think what they have here is suitable enough?
I think the perspective is fucking with us a bit. That said he'd look better next to ER Prime.
How to kill your product with 1 picture lmao
I would get the toy boxart deco just because Hasbro probably would never.
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That's a shame. Maybe they'll upscale their David, but will people buy him with S86 prime existing. Wouldn't be surprised to see MS pick up this fumble.
This just means they're doing their own Optimus, relax.
it sucks hes shorter but ill deal since the alternative will be a shitty tank i will never be happy with
I don't think people are going to want an Optimus when two options exist in CHUG.
The promotion of this thing is entirely because Hastak is forced to make a tank for USA laws. The NA fills a very needed aspect that people want, unlike Optimus since both his options turn into a red truck.
MS is inevitably going to upscale their own megatron but they're going to piss people off if it doesnt match their own optimus in height as we're due for a new MP one these days too.
Would you prefer a solid molded chain with no flexibility? That's your option.
The MP Megatron had a metal chain and a purple chain with rotation joints in it.
Is is confirmed they're doing a SS Tank megs?
It's practically a given since the 86 Commander Prime is out of scale with their like five year old Megatron mold, and that gun laws will prevent them from ever making Megs a gun.
It's been like this since G2 really.
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This looks better.
It looks good and I still have ER Prime. Not often a new tooner Megatron rolls by.
one of the designers said a month or so ago that when they do him, hes going to be a tank, shouldn't surprise anyone really unfortunately, only way we could get an accurate 86 one is if takara was given the budget for it
If and when I finally get a DX Chogokin VF-1, it will likely be the red VF-1S from DYRL. That's the only piece of media that features Skull Leader in red so I'm fine with it being alone on a shelf. I haven't recieved my ThreeZero VF-1J yet but I'm hoping it's good enough to buy the whole squad.

Also, I hope ThreeZero's Robotech line is successful enough to make some Mospeada Legios'. Sentinel's offerings were fine but they were way too small and fiddly.
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>CHUG scale
Fuck yesssssss
>Also, I hope ThreeZero's Robotech line is successful enough to make some Mospeada Legios'. Sentinel's offerings were fine but they were way too small and fiddly.
I do like that ThreeZero's MO since ditching Ashley Wood is making other company's robots toys, but cheaper.
They made a nerf Megatron in the 2000s.
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Yeah they did.
I hope newage CHUGS their legends Arcee as is. Probably the best transformation and back I've encountered for the G1 version.
I'm honestly fine with the scale thing because I'm sticking with my ER Optimus, I customized it too much to trade up for the SS86 one.

What DOES leave me apprehensive is the idea of Newage releasing another version of this later that does have the missing stock and silencer for the alt mode, which not having it kind of hurts the appeal.
She's got that awful thigh peg though. If they enlarge it they HAVE to change that.
And the ankles need more articulation too. It can't literally be an upscale, it will be a new steel mold and such, I just want the engineering and MP style legs.
I hate how how even though it's an out of focus element of the photo, my eyes are still drawn to the uncleaned nubs on the links of the Gundam Hammer/Ball and Chain
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What a fumble. Just 5% bigger and it would have been perfect.
Id rather them give us jointed chains because you can actually do something with them, or at the very least multiple static chains in different motions
Steel ones are useless and never look good, you can basically only have them casually holding both ends of the flail
Like anyone’s going to buy that instead of waiting for Newage’s OP unless they’re retarded brand loyalists.
Yes they are brand loyalists.
Tank vs Gun Megs is one of the few things that will allow a hastak drone to actually express something that resembles free will.
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Ok, so this guy's apparently getting a reissue. Never owned a Trypticon before (official or otherwise), and while he doesn't necessarily look like the traditional version of the dude, I think he looks cool enough to go after.
My question, though, is: is he worth the money? I have no experience with the mold or Planet X in general, and I see no size measurements on his BBTS listing (just a note that he's apparently two separate things that combine into his Kaiju form?). So is he worth $299, or should I just keep my fingers crossed and hope for something better to come along?
Exactly how many 3rd Party G1 Optimus figures have been made at CHUG scale, which these brand loyalists you speak of have passed up in recent years?
I literally only know of that IDW one and iirc it was a tiny-panel mess not designed for the scale at all.
I feel like the answer to this is that CHUG people don't buy CHUG 3P because they're fine with Hasbro's offerings of like 19 Optimi that exist.
I remember this guy going on sale for like $150 at one point. I was so close to getting it, but it's fucking huge, and I still don't have the space for it. I don't know if I'd say it's worth $300, but from what I've seen, it's a very good figure.
who do you think buys CHUG?
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I own him and their Omega Supreme. He can pull off some poses you think he shouldn't and his beef makes him an absolute menace on a shelf. His space ship alt mode really needs a flight stand to actually work, but the "space station" mode can be used as a tower orr backdrop for other figures.

I wish he was painted more or at least had some better color breakup as the purple bits get lost in a sea of dark plastic. The light up gimmick that makes the detail shine is a real pain in the ass to use and only meant for making cool photos. The arms/hands come together in a wonky way that doesn't quite lock in and makes posing them a bit awkward. Ultimately I wanted him to be a little taller as he's more wide big than tall big. Even anything bigger htan legends scale he's not large enough to be a city bot. As is he's more of a big bruiser.

Comparatively to Omega supreme I think he was a bit of a letdown since Genesis in hand felt a lot more impressive imo. For MSRP, you could do a lot worse but I would recommend him on a sale.
It's kinda weird how Rise of the Beasts came and went and there's barely any 3P for it.
Yeah because the movie was kinda average
I reckon TF One will probably get more 3P figures
nonsense there were 34 versions of Optimus Prime

Yeah it's tailored-made for non-transforming 3P figures and kits.
>wishy washy-ass film
>still getting bad bayformer-like dorky robots
>They lied about the Beasts rising at all. The only other maximal that talks dies horribly.
>none of the maximals are cool
>Mirage is the stand out of the movie until the plot forgets him.
>completely anti-hype GI JOE stinger
I want Threezero to do the Arcee that miserably doesn't do anything in that movie and then move on, honestly.
It's like they had a decent story in there and it was completely raped
It takes years for most companies to develop 3P movie figures.
no it doesn't
How does it work
depends on the feet
It is kind of funny how defensive people got after the Bumblebee opening got people so hyped for the characters to finally look like they were supposed to, and then we got shit like Wheeljack in the very next movie. You had people screaming on Twitter about how "Ummmm actually they HAVE to look like shit because that's what Bayformers looks like! Bumblebee looking good was wrong! I wish they'd never made that opening!"
Look at when most of them were released.
Post covid?
>I want Threezero to do the Arcee that miserably doesn't do anything in that movie and then move on, honestly.

Could not have said it better, anon.
>The Terrorcons all hate or resent each other, why would they have a cohesive color scheme?
Do they? I thought that was more of a Stunticon thing. (note they also have clashing colors)
I'm a CHUG person and I have never bought any of the CHUG G1 Optimi because they all stink in their own ways. I'd buy 3rd party if they made that scale, and I'll get this (or the Marvel colors version that'll inevitably happen) - I just hope there's an accessory pack or w/e later, with the extra gun bits and a poseable mace instead of the chain.
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Arcee and Battletits please.
I guess I let my headcanon get away with me, but I feel like they shouldn't get along. Hun-Grr is too preoccupied with needing to eat, Rippersnapper has a strong sense of smell and gives Abominus an aquatic aspect and Blot both stinks and avoids getting clean, Cutthroat and Sinnertwin probably fight over getting to kill and maul victims... something has to be the source of Abominus's rage. But yeah the Stunticons are a better example.
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I don't think you're too far off
I've seen people get mad at the Bumblebee opening because it's all anyone talks about.
Like, no shit? It's the one snippet in 7 movies that resembles what people wanted
Exactly! They get so mad that people liked it more than the scrapheap designs. The big reason, I think, is that they (and Bay himself) spent YEARS saying that Transformers designs that look like they're supposed to "wouldn't work in CG" but then there they are on screen, so everyone that said that has egg on their faces.
>The Terrorcons all hate or resent each other, why would they have a cohesive color scheme?
I'm pretty sure they get along rather well - or more like they're the only ones who can tolerate each other. They're also all deathly loyal to Hun-Gurr (and ONLY Hun-Gurr) for some reason.
Scourge is peak schizo movie combination
>ok uuuh beasts there was a beast planet in one show and it was ruled by...Scourge?
>oh hey Unicron created a Scourge, he can be a servant of unicron
>wait one show has scourge be an evil Optimus so maybe he can be an evil Prime too??
The whole film is just a mess of writer's room ideas. They learned nothing from TLK
Lorenzo has said in interviews that he picks his 2 or 3 favorite scripts and mashes them together. That's why Last Knight was about National Treasure shit and also Evil Optimus
I mostly just hate lazy cybertronian designs. They didn't actually need to look like they should turn into anything, they just looked like vague g1 caricatures and did nothing of value except say le words for geewunners to clap at. It's a total waste of effort.
You can even see how both hasbro and 3p struggle to give them alt modes that actually fucking look like anything. God, I fucking hate cybertronian modes
Braindead take. Just because Bayshit is different doesn't make it good. The characters are supposed to look like themselves. Why make a Transformers movie at all if you don't want to put Transformers characters in it?
>"G1 is the only Transformers" shit again
God I hate this fandom. Can't you give it a rest, for like, a month? I'd appreciate some peace and quiet.
Which version of Transformers looks like Bayshit, again? The Bay aesthetic is nothing like Transformers. It's "generic space scrapheap" made for dummies who get confused when robots. It's the same as people who make superhero movies but without the superheroes "because it's more realisticer"
Bumblebee was a great movie in general. Honestly the opening, cool though it was, benefitted from not overstaying its welcome.
The One designs would have looked terrible alongside live-action. They look fine in an animated film but realistic they ain't. Put the One designs next to a real person and it'd be majorly uncanny.
>B-B-But muh boxmen
Would look terrible on the big screen. Even One had to stylize things a bit to not look like crap.
>>B-B-But muh boxmen
>Would look terrible on the big screen
Bumblebee did it.
They're not boxmen though, they have actual detail and shape to them beyond "rectangle". Hell, I've seen people bitch that the Bumblebee designs are still "just dumb scrap metal not muh geewun".
It wasnt pandering to china like Hasbro in the first half of the 2010's did

Nahh, this one I was 2 sides that were intertwined, those who were disgusted by nerd pablo because of said BBM design & those who were rejoiced by (rubbing them a bit, it was clear they were bayverse simps)

So this, man hollywood executives from the 2000s were pussies in term of cbm, so much shit like black latex xmen suits or pic related limit to split on fans, while still pandering to them, because these fans are the reason they got to have a succesful job in the movie industry
>Which version of Transformers looks like Bayshit, again?
The Vehicons from Beast Machines
not even remotely
Is there any chance of a fairly decent, classic f-15 starscream coming out soon? I'm not a transformers collector really but I was browsing around and the after market prices for a good 'scream are pretty high and all my usual figure haunts have various listings but all out of stock
Pretty sure you can still find some deformation space starscreams around
They do a pretty nice jet mode
I am an idiot, did not realize I was in the 3rd party general. But thank you anon, I will look into that regardless
Have you even SEEN a Vehicon? There's no resemblance whatsoever.
They share a bunch of design motifs, the Decepticons in particular.
ROTF Megatron even has the visible robot head in alt mode.
I got my Iron Factory Leozack in today, and for my first Legend scale dude he's absolutely fantastic, all the articulation I could want on a little dude and a fun little transformation. What are IF like when it comes to reissuing or boxsetting things, I know I've missed out on Killbision and Drillhorn but I'd love to have the whole gang mpw.
mecha invasion in hand
they usually do multiple runs if it's popular (like samurai Grimlock and black Lioconvoy) but
>Killbision and Drillhorn
Seem to still be available so it's unlikely.
I didn't twig they were still up on AliExpress, hate using the site but I do want more dudes.
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They gave the final release dead eyes with a light up gimmick while the prototypes from Mangmotions vid were painted. Top is the prototype bottom is final. Will wait for more reviews and pics, but this is kinda a deal breaker for me.
Just get one of those gundam pens and fill them in metallic red
I honestly thought of that after I posted.
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Is there any advantage to using a gundam pen instead of regular paint? My only experience with gundam pens is those panel liners, and that shit changed color and spread to the surrounding plastic over time.
You think that version of the Train combiner by the Metroplex guys will have the extra guys for the Toy version combination? The Takara one looks way better that way, and that toy look is the main reason I even want it.
Main advantage is no need to clean up brushes.
The markers also have little to no odor compared to bottled versions of the same oil-based paint.

You shouldn't get those fine tipped, lining-use ones in your pic. They have the usual soft-tipped ones for filling in large areas.

For >>11158445 you can also consider using reflective tape under the clear red plastic. It's Also available at most gunpla supply shops.
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The Constructicons also utilize unorthodox forms of locomotion like the vehicons. Jackhammer and unicycle especially.
Off the top of my head
>Rampage: Jackhammer
>Overload: Spider legs
>Scalpel: Spider legs
>Hightower: Double tread legs
>Devastator: All fours/ Gorilla knuckle walk
>Wheelie: Leg wheels/roller skates
>Sideswipe: Leg wheels/roller skates
>Arcee triplets: Unicycle
>Demolishor: Double spinning Unicycle
>Garbage Disposer: All fours
>Blenderbot: Tripod
>Reedman: ???
One of the more creative Bay movies.
My Leozack is in the mail after ShowZ forgot to ship him for two weeks

I waited too long on Samurai Grimlock and now he's gone
Flywheels out of nowhere
2nd half next year tho.
God damn it, I just want him to do Sideswipe and them
'cuz niggas keep nagging at him to do combiners.
I think it's replacing the combiner cassettes.
>getting mad we get cool shit
Still no FUCKING news on the cassettes
Killbison and drillhorn are on their third run now
>Not Mirage is too wide to fit on the bottom bed
Wonder if MMC will wrap this fella up before the end of the year if not before CNY.
I dunno, those alt modes look great
I got their Little Red 2 days ago, damn they are cooking good
Hoping for a version of this in Slipstream colors.

I'm curious about that. It's basically a shell-former, right? But overall good build quality?
supposedly FT but they all look the same to me
Yeah that’s FT
Shame about the alt mode
another day another seething about fembots in /3pg/
Yeah she's a shellformer but she wears the shell well (a cute little bustle and wings) Other than that she feels like a high end action figure with no compromises on articulation. I think they're the best of the third party fembots (second place is probably the Erises just due to being solid transformers too)
no one seethes about female bots here
we seethe when you post non transformers in a transformer thread
She transforms though? Did you not follow the link?
yeah, and no ones seething
what's your point?
Are you still seething about people shitting on those bugbots being posted?
Paint is the only really nice thing FT has going for it.
The alt modes are fucking beyond hideous though.
Mods babysit this thread and ban for any defense of fembots so we'll be stopping this conversation.
Not really, just this one
Most of their alt modes are good
Come one anon, there are plenty of other threads to talk about your bugbots

Most TF based coomer bots so far just shell form around a frame and let the alt mode shit hang off the body and pop off. It's been completely disappointing.


That is definitely mistransformed but it's a shame they could not get arm mode symmetry. They got it right with the Bruticus arm bots and First Aid.
Bay stuff looked better than any of the reboot movies they've done since. Cry about it.
>durr how it's supposed to look, because nothing has ever not looked like g1 except the bay flicks
Bay shit barely looked like characters at all, much less like the ones they're supposed to, and you're fucking delusional or trolling if you say otherwise. Bayshit was made by people embarrassed to be making a Transformers product.
>much less like the ones they're supposed to
Neither did armada, or energon, or cybertron, or animated, or prime, or pretty much any fucking media that wasn't the actual G1 toon
This means absolutely nothing, these characters have gone through countless interpretations because that's what keeps the series fresh
It would be dead in a ditch without baykino btw
They still looked like Transformers instead of slopped together masses of polygons because Bay hated the franchise and ILM wanted to show off how much garbage they could fit on screen.
dont you fucking dare use those two words together Bayshit is the sloppest of slop there is
The three transformers aesthetics.
Lets try again.
Her boobs are too far apart it looks painful
That's a natural breast resting place, you're too used to fake breasts.
okay troon
I'm so tired of shellforming complaints But I'm not like TF fans who only like TFs for mecha, I watch other mecha stuff so it doesn't bother me.
Kind of related but I saw a custom of the GN Archer as Slipstream one time and I really love that as a female cybertronian jet mode
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>GN Archer
Man how is XTB still able to release garbage? I can't really name a figure that hasn't ended up fucked up because of overcomplicated engineering. I really wanted to give them a shot with Bond and the Youth RunaBros but the former is possibly the most low effort they could have put into the two robot gimmicks and the latter has a torrent of Q/C issues.
Because at the end of the day, the bulk of the 3P fandom treats these things as statues first, and XTB willingly doing the obscure gives them the edge to stay perpetually relevant.
That said I do fucking love their Cosmos and Seaspray. They are very fun toys if you ask me.
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I'd agree with that. There are some boneheaded design elements but none really cause any structural problems.

Plastic quality is pretty good.
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Just got my NewAge 'Toruk' in. Technically, he's supposed to be SG Swoop, but the moment I saw that metallic green I immediately thought he'd make a great stand-in for a G1 Fractyl, given I'm STILL waiting for a mainline one (and a Packrat. Seriously, what gives?). Having messed around with him for a bit now, I can't overstate how much literally everything about this little guy blows Hasbro's SS86 Swoop out of the water. His wings have far more articulation, he actually has convincing pterosaur feet (and a tail!), his head moves up, down, and side-to-side, and the way his torso collapses hides his robot arms much, much better, making him look less like a flying brick and giving him an overall far more satisfying transformation. Oh, and he comes with his own flight stand - something that I really wish came standard with mainline releases for flying characters.
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Robot mode. His wings tuck away nicely, and his rocket launchers can be held and rockets detached from the guns themselves (I love those blast effects). He comes with two pairs of hands, a pair that's open and has a joint at the wrist (seen in the background, attached to his flight stand) and the standard clenched fists for holding his weapons; you have to have the latter pair attached to transform him, since the open hands won't fold into the arm hollows correctly.
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Size comparison with my Buzzworthy Origin Bumblebee and old BW Lazorbeak (as I never owned an actual Fractyl). I own the blue G2 'Ymir' Grimlock (another one I'm still waiting on a mainline release for), so I already knew he'd be small, but considering the character I'm using him as a stand-in for, it works here - he's a close enough size to pass as Fractyl. Anyway, I'm quite pleased with this little guy - more than I thought I would be. I might pick up a G2 colors Freyr, Rhedosaurus, Gorgo, and Varan at some point down the line as well.
Is the Transart Silverbolt vaporware?
Aesthetics over function. You won't get the cartoon SMOOTH botmodes without ridiculous compromises. I can only speak for Stack, but I enjoy his transformation. I got it down to a science
>because of overcomplicated engineering
I don't think that's the reason
It's always due to a single hinge or swivel point having too much relying on it
It's not inherently because they're complicated, XTB just doesn't know how to do it well. I like to say they brute force it, and will just smash more panels and hinges until the parts can go where they want it to. Basically no consideration of how it actually feels to transform and how intuitive it is.
There are plenty of 3P transformers out there that are complex but still straightforward enough that you can figure out without ever peeking at the instructions, XTB just doesn't care enough to do it and people keep buying their shit anyway
meant for >>11164729
That makes sense. I'm sure when I get more of XTBs offerings I may feel the same as well.
I will take even the most daunting of brute forcing parts if they keep giving us bots with backs like this. He also has a speaker function similar to MP 44. Sure 90% of the time I won't see it, but I know it is there
Mangmotion just posted painted pictures on his YouTube channel, so apparently not.
That's fucking beautiful. Gonna be a bitch to handle, though, if his whole body is going to be chromed like that.
Almost every release has had QC and been dogged by another companies release
Yet retards and ((Reviewers)) still buy their shit instantly
That's why they're still going
Really good build quality, joints are tight, articulation is wonderful, but some pieces aren't made so they tab to be stuck in place (shoulder pads, knee pads, heels etc...) so if you love to move these pieces like it's done in the VFC & FOC games, you're welcome

God, now I want a MPM Cliffjumper
Also her included stand is magnificent

Ehhh, he's too metallic shiny & that orange/maroon is a bit off
What's the deal with chinese and shiny paint? Why do they have to use it EVERY FUCKING WHERE? It looks so gaudy and stupid.
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Got a Jinbao Sixshot for about $20 on AliExpress, he's good for the price, nothing astonishing. I collect CHUG scale and he's a perfect voyager size, leader feels like too much. Also,
>Some of you are pretty cool. Don't come to /toy/ tomorrow

A good example is their Streetwise release, Fuzz. It has very pretty nice paint and a slick alt mode but possibly the single most ass backward transformation of what should be a basic bitch car bot. It is complete insanity.

They've got a Nightbeat release coming up that I have my eye on but there's a 50/50 chance it will come with a common problem with some loadbearing hinge exploding if you look at it funny. Every manufacturer has a few stinkers in their history, it's just with Xtransbots it's like there's an expectation that something will be wrong until proven otherwise.
Clearly, unpainted grey plastic looks better for robots.
I mean, transarts speciality is chrome paint
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Looking for advice on which Ultra Magnus to go with for legends. I have no preference for white cab + armor or one piece transformation.

I narrowed it down to newage ex octavian or Magic square Transporter, but i'm open to others if there are any worth considering. Which one do you prefer anons?
Which one do you like the look of better?
It’s usually out of those two for G1
There’s also iron factory, but don’t do looking for good transformations with them
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>Magic square Transporter,
There's like 3 oversized KOs of it to choose from. I think from smallest to largest it was like
>Magic Square
>some one-off brand i forgot the name
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are the MFT seekers much worse than the competition? I wanted some coneheads but missed out on newage set.
the paint kills it for me, he looks like a transmetal now, why couldnt they just do a flat grey and limit the metallics to the gold?
But he is a trans metal Fuzor.
It's ok just dated, though still better than hasbro core class. I think everyone's waiting on KOs of NA coneheads.
new bread baked



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