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>Upcoming Transformers
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>New thread on page 9 or 10, or at image limit.

Previously: >>11132802
Shark bark
they are called sea dogs...
Got to fiddle with my weaponless SS Optimus Primal. Hes a pretty damn cool toy, I his transformation actually reminds me a lot of Transmetal Optimus Primal
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Hasbro's opened voting for Transformer of the year

Interesting that they're asking about the 13 Primes, that may be the only poll that matters given next year's products.
But what does /tfg/ think were the big successes of the year?
Though I should probably be asking what we think Hasbro's biggest blunders were.
Off the top of my head I'd say self destructing Tidal Wave and most of Gamer Edition.
Vector Prime, duh.
Alpha trion, Magmatron, Scrapheap & Thundertron Multipack
I love commander, titan and selects coming in solid no-window boxes. I also love stores that take back a "sealed" box no questions asked if you have the receipt. Fuck Hasbroke.
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i don't hate him, but I think making him a leader class was retarded. the leg transformation is awful, and the hand transformation is so unnecessary it's laughable. Very much like TM Primal yeah, but his hands swapped so he could turn his body around and just switch hands.
stealing is wrong
Got the united selects 5 pack. A bit of a qc mess. No clear plastic for some of them is great, but some of the issues are just annoying:

-Jazz has a chunk of paint with rub damage due to how they stored his backpack.
-Similar issue with Sunstraker, but he also had a stressed out ankle that I had to fix. I also discovered with streaker that the paint is prone to scratching. I've noticed this trend for the past few years and it's seriously making me reconsider buying figures if they're cheapening out so much on paint applications.
-WJ is fine.
-TB has a few loose bits, mostly the legs.
-Hound has excess plastic on his left torso connection, the one needed to complete the vehicle mode. If you don't cut or shave it off, you'll stress the hell out of that piece (I caught it before tabing it in).

All in all, I glad I didn't over pay for it.
I like his transformation, but generally yeah I find ape-modes to always be sort of dumb for Transformers. A lot of it is just hunching down, while some shit flips around like its there to justify being a Transformer. Really like him though, hes well worth the $20 I paid. I bought a KO primal too so I coukd use its accessories. Thinking I kight use the KO as an opportunity for a Transmetal Optimus Prime custom.
I should also mention some of the good. things, I guess:

-Face paint is good all around
-Nothing was missing.
-Got a good chuckle out of Trailbreaker because, around thr time of release, some guy was losing his marbles over it on the threads because of partsforming and it turns out it doesn't partsform at all (there's a notch on the back for the shield to tab on, and you can adjust it in order to deploy the weapons without removing it, it can also stay on for transformation).
-The extra guns are nice, but it would have been better if they threw one new mold for new weapons or just reused the autobot pistols from SS86 Ironhide/Ratchet.
I dunno, i think the original primal toy, whose trasnformation has been reused and refined, had a great idea. use the robot thighs to extend the ape torso
but in practice, it's never quite perfect.
i remember seeing a lot of great looking recolors of SS primal, I was.. GOING to try that myself, but I chickened out when I saw his real colors weren't quite what I thought, and now I think they woudl clash with the dark blue I was gonna try.
SS86 Bumblebee, Gears and Magmatron
>Alpha trion
He's not one of the 13.
Would you believe he's the third member of the group?
you're free to grip a third of my member
Sounds like a job for Micronus
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You're right, that's definitely not him there on the right side of the lineup.
yknow whenever i see this concept, it's always like.... kinda cool, but totally inappropriate for transformers. this mystic council of ancient powerful beings.. like did the quintessons make them too? is this a 'born from primus' continuity?
I for one precer the Primes to either be titles, with the original 13 being strictly mythical figures. We don't need to actually see them, except for the Fallen because its a good idea for a villain.
yeah the Fallen is cool.
My first exposure to Unicron was from Beast Wars, and Garry Chalk's delivery and Mainframe's facial expression animation really SOLD me on what a terrifying entity he was to them. and if he is transformers devil, then the Fallen is at least like, a real high ranking dark wizard. and those are cool, in moderation. Transformers Sauron.
I prefer a line of succession, all the primes before Optimus should be dead.
I like when the 13 were made to fight Unicron, some of them die, and the ones left just sorta blend into society and act normal or leave Cybertron to explore.
They're usually dickbags too
Literally every TF continuity is a "born from Primus" continuity besides the original cartoon.
And even there, there's certainly enough wiggle room and inconsistencies in the lore that it's easy to fan-retcon it so the Quintessons lied and just enslaved the TFs, or Primus worked through them and gave them divine inspiration, or Vector Sigma was really Primus, or something.
I've only ever seen them in timelines where Primus is involved. Hell, I cant even remember the last series where the Quintessons specifically made the transformers.

I gave up reading IDW before this point, but my understanding of it's Thirteen is that it's all bullshit, they made it up as propaganda to make themselves heads of different tribes. Also that a time traveling Shockwave killed and replaced one of them and started micromanaging Cybertronian history and development for a gazilion years.

Alpha Trion does this regularly, as does Alchemist Prime. He's usually playing barkeep.
there's at least one that suggests a goofy origin that almost sounds like a parody of naturalism. that they evolved from naturally-occurring gears and levers.
but yeah I prefer the primus version heh.
so it's weird, right? like who are these guys, they're acting like they're bigger than primus.
>it's all bullshit
well that actually makes sense. I mean I'm sure IDW did it for iconoclastic purposes because that gets their chodes hard, but that actually resonates. The bigger and more high-falutin' a council is, the more likely they just made that shit up.
>there's at least one that suggests a goofy origin that almost sounds like a parody of naturalism. that they evolved from naturally-occurring gears and levers.
You mean the very first page of the first official fiction?
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>naturally-occurring gears
Real thing btw, dunno about levers
>naturally-occurring gears and levers
That's from Marvel issue 1 actually.

>the more likely they just made that shit up.
Personally I enjoy having the mythology in the far distant background, especially since often enough they have to fight a literal planet-eating god. But it's always better to only have only one or two survivors from that time at max, be it Alpha Trion or Alchemist, or it's a biblical figure like Vector Prime or the Fallen showing up and shit going sideways because of it.
G1 had the best origin for Cybertronians.
>there's at least one that suggests a goofy origin that almost sounds like a parody of naturalism. that they evolved from naturally-occurring gears and levers.
That's Marvel issue 1, which in fairness doesn't totally contradict the Primus origin if you squint hard enough. Another example of what I meant by wiggle room in the lore.
I never liked the Quintesson orign because it reduces the Autobot/Decepticon conflict to competing product lines that are literally programmed to be good or bad. I find the story more compelling when it's a true civil war and the characters choose their sides willingly.
Which G1? There are two versions: cartoon and comic.
The cartoon. It's unique and uncomplicated while the comic is convoluted while being yawn-worthy.
The only smear the G1 origin had was Unicron being made by a monkey. He is not such a big deal that he has to be a god, but he needed a more imposing creator.
that said, at least through beast wars, they did kind of confirm their programming is what makes them good and bad
and considering at the time transformers was written, there was literally a massive uptick in violent crime due to the accumulation of lead from gasoline in children raised in the inner city... I mean at the risk of sounding like a fucking Calvinist, it's not exactly far out to suggest. I like that it leaves room for either side to reject their programming and join the other team. they still have free will, they just have a real loud voice in their ear at all times saying be good or bad.
So more on topic, the question is what in the hell are they going to do with the Thirteen when making their toys in the next line. Some are obvious, but a lot aren't, and they are starting with more of the lesser known ones.

>Vector Prime
Cybertron design, already done
>Voyager Alpha Trion
Classic G1, but may still turn into a uni-lion. Still doing that altmode in the upcoming film.
>Liege Maximo
Better be G2 and not that fucking IDW Loki-looking fuck
>The Fallen
Dreamwave flametank
>Deluxe Alchemist Prime
>Deluxe Solus Prime
>Deluxe Micronus Prime
>Voyager Prima
>Leader Onyx Prime
Covenant of Primus flying centaur guy, which should be neat even if you don't like the Thirteen
>Nexus Prime
Will have to be a one-box combiner of some sort, but they may do something batshit like these little bastards. Likely leader or bigger
>Amalgamous Prime
>Quintus Prime
>The Thirteenth Prime
If it makes you feel better the JP Legends comics gave Primacron more lore
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I heard people theorizing that we're getting the aerialbots and combaticons at the same time just so they can reuse some of the members for nexus. Though, nobody really fits skyfall
You'll take your repaint of Skydive or whoever and be happy
Well, we are in need of a Powerglide update to match the other recent minibots, and his last toy did show up in that G2 Superion... Just saying.
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i voted prima because i saw a good image of her

wait actually... it IS a girl right? it doesn't look like one, but imagine being a guy named Prima. it'd be enough to make you oobie doo.
Prima is a dude
Solus is the only girl
that should have been primus and sola.
except we HAVE a primus already. maybe don't name one of the primes prima. that's retardos.
I really prefer Alpha Trion as a Scourge repaint but him being a lion/spaceship Triple Changer makes sense considering his name
>He is not such a big deal that he has to be a god, but he needed a more imposing creator.

but that was supposed to be the point. that such a little dork was responsible for such a horrible powerful force.
>yknow whenever i see this concept, it's always like.... kinda cool, but totally inappropriate for transformers. this mystic council of ancient powerful beings.. like did the quintessons make them too? is this a 'born from primus' continuity?
The new movie lays it out perfectly
>Solus is the only girl
Sometimes Quintessa instead of Quintus Prime
To be honest, I'm fine with Primacron, I can stomach a lot of goofy shit, but most of the fandom seems to dislike that he created Unicron; and some that Unicron is not the ultimate multiversal planet destroyer.
Yeah before the whole "13 Primes" thing it felt more like Primes were just Autobot leaders and you had a lot of them with Optimus just being the most recent.

I really hate how small the 13 primes make the universe feel, and especially the whole thing where the war started with Optimus and Megatron.
>I never liked the Quintesson orign because it reduces the Autobot/Decepticon conflict to competing product lines that are literally programmed to be good or bad.
That's exactly why I like that origin. They're two product lines meant for different things with different needs who need to live side-by-side. It brings up hard questions like how much does a peaceful society need people who are literal war machines? Is a Decepticon, who was designed to be an automated killing machine, capable of taking part in a constructive society? How much of your limited resources should you devote to a giant tank man when you're trying to build infrastructure?

It makes sense why there would be active conflict between the two.
okay but, i like women. so that new movie is just not applicable.
the new movie has a lot of women in it
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Quick question anons, what's the best way to safely and thoroughly clean second hand toys?
I bought a TM Airazor which needs a bit of a clean, and I don't want to damage the metalised finish.
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I'm sure we all have that dream Transformers series we'd make if given the chance; in mine, Primus is a force that the Quintesson's accidentally tap into during the development of Vector Sigma that helps them build Cybertron and its inhabitant product lines, but because the technology they created isn't something they fully understand the Cybertronians are capable of going rogue and rising up against them. So they get chased off and, out of spite, try to recreate Vector Sigma but "right" this time, and in doing so create Unicron and build him a body by stripmining their own planet into a skeletal shithole.

So there's a little bit of mysticism present in sort of a Neuromancer kind of way, but focusing more on the Quintessons and their hubris regarding their creations.
warm soapy water
I feel that you have missed my point
Which would be the best base for a Marvel UK Chameleon? TR Blurr?
I kind of don't want that because it would be my THIRD version of the mold.
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Forgot my pic.
So just a little dish soap in a pot of warm water? I only have a couple different cleaning products, and the de-greaser I have is harsh enough to strip paint.
definitely not
if you can get your hands on him, reactivate bumblebee or soundwave, siege hound, or MAAAYBE velocitron Blurr, if you can make a front end replacement thatll flip up onto his chest. (a tall order)
mild dish soap, yes
What about Axlgrease but shaving down the edgy details?
I had considered that, it might not be a bad choice, especially if you can convert it into an open top.
Actually, the engineering around that area is too involved with the transformation to do significant changes.
What about SS86 Blurr?
I'm tired of waiting for a van Soundwave.
I'll wait for a Cybertron Soundwave.
>The Fallen

A retool of Impactor
I like the mold and all but pls no
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Okay, I'm seriously rushing this diagram but this is basically the idea.
It's not perfect, but it's relatively not a pain in the ass to make.
that seems plausible
sure, I suggested velocitron simply because I think the forarm kibble lends to the look more, but the main advantage the SS86 mold has over the TR blurr mold for this is: you can pop off his hood portion, replace it with a more accurate piece, and just use his backside as his front side in robot mode. Just swap the hands and you should be fine.
The TR one sticks out waaaay too far for it to be reasonable as a chest piece, but the SS86/velocitron one is much better.
Nexus is going to be a box set of Superion and Bruticus components and Alpha Trion is a redo of one of his BotCon figures, my money is on a Thundertron repaint
>did the quintessons make them too
Other way around. Quintus Prime made the Quintessons.
Got a shipment notice for Walmart for Roadpig. Surprised that happened since the first wave of Star Raiders was so much trouble for people.
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Thrift store served up some Bayslop today. Megatron is missing a thigh armor and Optimus is straight up broken but for $12 for the pair I cant be mad.
Dope figure. The fact that hes already extremely asymmetrical really saves his look missing a big part the way he is
I dont think its a coincidence he came in a bag with a bootleg ROTF Leader Op, the previous owner likely had them displayed together after he ruined this figure’s ability to transform with his shitty fix that didnt even hold. Also this figure is pretty damn ugly and shitty compared to the premium finish version and basically every Optimus to come after him
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I have been finding TFs at this store with way too much consistency. Every time I go I find something. I am convinced I am being drip fed a dead super collector’s stuff. Its also getting ridiculous buying so many, its almost tedious at this point.
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>The real star of the show from my latest trip
Dashbots Firebird
>I am convinced I am being drip fed a dead super collector’s stuff
I was in the same boat a few months ago when the store I frequent got a bunch of G1 and Encore reissues all at the same time. At least I managed to score big because of it so it's their loss.
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You wouldnt happen to live in So Cal would you? All my finds have had me wondering all the stuff I missed. They restock 3x a day and there are people that stay there for hours and hawk over the restocks so some stuff goes instantly and you basically need to live there
is it a boat
Are they going to have 5 versions of the same rifle? (again)
Other end of the country but I'm the same way, every time you go to the store is a new adventure.
Yes, this is a pretool for Thunderblast
Thirteen original primes, not thirteen primes before optimus. There are and should be many unrelated primes separating optimus from the 13. The thirteen predate factions in the first place although lines can be drawn to them as spiritual predecessors.

This idea that it's the 13 and then boom immediately sentinel prime... I don't think thats ever happened...

Wtf are you talking about? Primus created the 13, Prima led the 13. This piece of lore has existed for damn near forever.
Not too bad
Even if Bee is desperately crying for more paint
Has quintessa ever been depicted as a prime? If anything she felt more like an unintentional reference to Alpha Q in energon's originally planned true identity being a humanoid princess.
I like the idea that Primacron was manipulated into rebuilding Unicron's body into a space fairing form capable of transformation. Kinda like how I like the idea that Primus bestowed transformation to the cybertronians to defeat the invading quintesons. Bonus points if the quintesons rebuild cybertron to be able to transform, unbeknownst to the cybertronians.

Amalgamous Prime should be either the same character or be retconned to being Logos Prime.
>all this goofy shit before the G1 cast is complete
>the total disrespect for G2
Yeah Ima head out
>Has quintessa ever been depicted as a prime?
Quintessa has never appeared outside of TLK. Usually that's just the name of the Quintesson planet.
People have kind of associated her with Quintus Prime but that's pure headcanon.
> one God become 2 God
> they fight
> turn into big rocks
> good rock make robots
> bad rock want eat robits

This is complicated.
Ooh, that's clever
She uses a jetpack a LOT in the movie (there's story reasons for it) so they opted to put it on and incorporate it to alt mode
Best tf origin would be
Cybertron was a giant robot Primus. No one knows the true origins.
Fought other giant robot, unicron, to standstill.
Unicron destroyed most of Primus' body, but ran out of fuel doing it.
Primus uses his fuel to create 13 bots to help him rebuild. He produces energon, they harvest, they build him up, build more troops, etc.
Unicron starts harvesting planets to get their energy, building up his reserves for a rematch.
Quintessons find debris from the battle, advance their tech with it, invade Cybertron, kill off all primes but alpha trion, and proceed to rule over it, pretending to be their creators, until Alpha Trion leads a team to overthrow them.
Trion accepts his fate as a forgotten relic and let's Cybertron continue to develop, all while looking for new TFs to take up the mantle of the og13. Leading us to Optimus Prime.
The waist swivel is kind of a nice surprise given the nature of his construction, even if it breaks up the sculpt like crazy
Have /tfg/'s opinions on Ginrai changed at all?
Here's your official Minerva figure btw
Maybe I'd change my mind with some in-hand pics, but for the moment I think I'm content with the botmode-only model kit
>This idea that it's the 13 and then boom immediately sentinel prime... I don't think thats ever happened...

Literally Aligned where the concept originated? Prime is the 13th Prime. There were only 13 Primes in the Aligned continuity where we get the idea from.
dat Beast Machines aesthetic.
I can see this getting retooled into some sort of drone.
Nice vehicle mode, tiny wheels.
Nope, I like the designs, but I won't buy MP's after hound. I can't forgive them for that and I doubt Ginrai or bomber will get the necessary qc to avoid any ridiculous breakage.
>Guy on ebay gets so salty about a best offer, he raises the price on the item.
Lol, guess I'll wait for a better transformers lot.
>Prime is the 13th Prime.
There's a lot of history between then and Optimus. It's not like the 13 were the autobot leaders Megatron was rebelling against
Maybe it's also worth mentioning that they're doing a special edition God Bomber that comes with extra stuff and a bigger box you can store your Ginrai in
Would be nice if you could buy both in this set. Had I known they'd do the prototype, I would have ordered Super Ginrai on Pulse.
>This idea that it's the 13 and then boom immediately sentinel prime... I don't think thats ever happened...
Never say never....
Nope. That God Bomber looks nice, but I can't get over how bad Ginrai's trailer is.
I've always hated ginrai's design, so no
God bomber's robot mode looks good but his alt mode is absolutely fucking retarded as usual, and the combined mode does neither of them any favors
What's the difference? Just some shoulder flaps and maybe a different big gun?
Anybody know if Dramatic Capture Astrotrain woll have the tender and all the other goods?
Shockwave didn't have his armor so I doubt it
Doesn't look like it, Blitzwing doesn't have his hulk hands either
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set contents on listings says no.
does come with 3 guns for him though.
Extra head, attachment for the rocket launcher to turn it into a huge gun, new gun, flaps that cover the shoulders and stands.
5th official minerva, g1, licensed gutto kuro fig, takara titanmaster, legacy deluxe and this mp. There are a couple of gashapons too.
Should've included the dead screaming head too. Well, hasbro might pull a grey scale repaint for their dieing bots subline..
Damn kind of a bummer, but probably worth the premium paint job, and it'l help differentiate him from Galaxy Shuttle
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i went to target and i saw nothing but dreck, but at least they had more than two transformers unlike last time i went
>Wtf are you talking about?
was that really that hard to understand? I'll use more words
their names should have been primus and sola, not prima and solus.
But we have a guy named Primus already, so that won't work. And if we have a Primus already, and guys called Prime, 'Prima' was just a dumb name -period-
mine have decreased. i really used to think he was the bee's knees
Road Pig arrived. He's a good pig.
Vector prime and comic Grimlock just arrived from pulse.
In a war for blackout MP at around 140. How high should I go?
Sky's the limit
>an acquaintance bought Core Starscream and tried bending a grey fin on its down and it popped off
>one is very loose apparently
>don't actually own the figure
>they're not comfortable sending photos to people
>no idea what the issue is or what advice to give
>they're presumably rather distraught as it's their first figure
Does anyone know what they're talking about, or what advice to give
isn't core for 5 year olds?
>Ugly legs
>Wonky ass arms
>Hideous chest
>Giant head
>Ugly gun that looks like some star Trek Prop
>Alt mode looks atrocious
>Front fender bits? on Motorcycle

>Head is worse than Mainline
>Big and retarded
>Chest is worst than Mainline
>No wrist joints?
>Arm blocking the hand range
>Waist is worse
>Legs are worse looking
>Huge brick feet but hey ankle joint, Which is irrelevant when it's that ugly
>Alt Mode somehow also worse than mainline
>Gun is a worse version of Elita's

"Studio Series" legit means jack shit these days it seems
What a disaster
I Fucking HATED the Orion/Optimus
The Megatron is a total budget joke
I'd go 160. Had one for a bit, he was awesome.
thanks broseidon
have a talk with your friend about how if you want something, you have to put your comfort aside to achieve it, or stop asking for it.
Your friend is also not a 'they.' that's my advice.
ehh nah, lots of little parts and stuff that can still pop off easily. I'd say 8 and up.
man I'm so not with you.. her chest is cool (it's just way too small for her torso)
her arms are cool, and her legs are cool but they're way too big. she needs more of an abdominal area.
tghe head is, if anything, a bit small. and that is a fucking awesome blaster. star trek would be lucky to have one of those.
and as much as it looks NOTHING like a motorcycle, that might be the single best motorcycle mode of any transformer.
Cease speaking
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The ones on the feet? The only real option is to pad out the broad sides of the square peg with a small bit of masking tape I think.
The draft angle of the cut in the fin can't really be fixed.
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Maybe she's 5 years old at heart
>have a talk with your friend about how if you want something, you have to put your comfort aside to achieve it, or stop asking for it.
Literally unrelated to the problem
>Your friend is also not a 'they.' that's my advice.
It's a friend of a friend who mega likes her privacy, so for the sake of her privacy as well as my actual friend not getting yelled at, I tried to be vague, since singular they is fine for unknown people like "you went to your doctor's, what did they say, I want that information and not their gender"
But for the sake of not having the thread predictably derailed, she's a she girl without mental illnesses
Is there a common issue with this figure? Was just told that one of the wings has its U-bends a bit wider. Using a hair dryer or hot water seemed like one option, or tightening the peg, but it looks like it might be too hard and thick to bend that way.
>draft angle
So is it the "bends more" thing that she was talking about?
best screamer is the siege one with the cape and crown
then you can say 'his or her' i mean we'd look at you a little funny, but less so
>unrelated to the problem
your friend has bigger problems than broken transformers if she can't just post pictures. Just saying. Sometimes people need to be pushed out of their comfort zone instead of asking strangers for vague unassisted help. It wasn't a massive demand, just a suggestion. you won't always be there, and strangers won't always be able to guess the problem.
She was eyeing that for a while, but it's expensive in her non-US country
>inb4 an anon tells me I have to extract the location of a friend of a friend by this week to get this children's toy fixed
and I recommended core for something to dip her toes with, but assumed she would go for Coronation the last time this came up
>his or her
I hated this since I was a kid, since it pointlessly draws attention to something irrelevant, and increased the word count for assignments. Pedantic teachers would correct "he" with "he or she" due to reasons of ambiguity or inclusivity, I picked up the singular they in some innocuous book (back before schools poured figurative or literal gay shit down your throats) and was never hounded about it until you started to see transsexuals on the streets that weren't homeless
>your friend has bigger problems than broken transformers if she can't just post pictures
I don't know this person that well, she could be overcautious, or has some government job, was stalked before, getting stalked currently - might have some understandable reason for being like this, or has some reason that's not going to be solved by a friend-of-a-friend overnight.
So I tried to avoid the fucking issue so as to not waste my time or anyone else's, but I forgot that people love doing that here
I pray to Christ I'll be permitted to actually stay on fucking topic
It looks like it's the draft angle as you say. Would tightening the joint potentially fix the issue, or is there too much space for it to effectively work?
oh that sucks. I got him for like 20 bucks off amazon.
God bless you my son
I couldn't get it here either, but I'm a weirdo who's happy with Siege, since he's very posable and I already have the Henkei one from when he came out. Wouldn't have minded a core Starscream though.
Supposedly the regular Earthrise and Coronation Starscream are the same price, due to the regular figure getting inflated with the late tax, apparently.
I don't actually know how disappointed or pleased someone's going to be with it if it was their first intro to Transformers and a Starscream figure, without any expectations or baggage about upscaled figures, etc.
She did note that the core figure had permanently-tilted ankles however.
You too!
Why exactly do Transformers get to have a god while humanity is tip fedora'd?
don't get me wrong, I think 'he' was fine before 'he or she'
but this 'they' shit is garbage. and you did not get it from a book, unless the book was using it for theoretical people. such as "if you have a friend in need, help the."

but yes good point, a friend of a friend is not the one to do that. It's nice of you to reach out and try to help for a friend of a friend though.
anything made of matter and/or energy is not a real god. he's just their architect.
Anonymity is an acceptable use of singular they/them. If we let the trannies take that away we're the ones losing out.
they literally invented it. 'he or she' provided all the anonymity required. mouthful as it may be (he/she is easier for writing, plus as a bonus it offends he-shes)
the only reason we use 'they' for theoretical people is that there could be any number of them. so we use a plural pronoun. There could be several people at the door, or on the phone. or none. and we use plural stuff for zero too.
Or you can just reword the sentence to keep the person in the theoretical, but that's wasting even more time.
Padding out the peg to tighten the joint is a simple nondestructive fix that's fairly easy to implement. I recommend masking tape since it's got a little bit of a rough texture to it, so the wing will more likely rest in place with a little better engagement.
The warhammer hobbyist in me would say a better fix would be to pad out the nubs on the inside of the draft on the joint, but that's a very fiddly process requiring some careful hand drilling and gluing in microbeads. A lot of work when padding out the post is easier and more likely to be sufficient.
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To whoever has this and did the pic, What Hands are these?
Can't seem to find them and I want them
>don't get me wrong, I think 'he' was fine before 'he or she'
This is quite the blast from the past, unfortunately this was corrected then and it's definitely going to have people go on and on about it now. Sort of like what people do for singular they
>you did not get it from a book
I did, bc this was in elementary school, when the only visible transsexuals were among the homeless in big cities
>unless the book was using it for theoretical people. such as "if you have a friend in need, help the."
It was probably either that or for >>11140678
>tfw have to say He Or She every single time for a murder mystery
>definitely a bad fucking idea to just default to "he" since it's going to make you biased and overlook the possibility of the murderer being female
>just so people wouldn't shit-talk your book a century later
>that's wasting even more time.
Whereas singular they saves my time unless I'm posting on /toy/
Using the wrong pronoun because you refuse to learn proper English isn't owning the trannies. You know what a better anonymous pronoun is? He/him, especially on 4chan.
>"My friend said someone was mean to them."
Immediately flags the individual you're speaking about as an LGBToid or a woman, because there's no need to obfuscate the conversation unless you specifically want to draw attention to it.
>b-but Shakespeare!
Shakespeare was an artist, we overlook his linguistic faux pas because of his talent; you're a faggot on 4chan who's contributed nothing to the English language.

>tfw have to say He Or She every single time for a murder mystery
No you don't, you dumb illiterate faggot. Singular "they" is SPECIFICALLY for people with UNKNOWN sex. You obviously know your dumb bitch friend is a female ergo it's wrong to use it.
I personally never used masking tape for this and have no experience with it, so I initially refrained from passing this along, but I later did give it a mention. I don't really know what to say if she says she'll be eternally bothered by some extra non-toy piece rattling around on her toy, because that's something I'd be bothered by as well, but I also get that I just have a completely wrong idea of how that fix works.
But the description for the process, as well as
>describes what would be a better fix
>adds that it might not be suggested for everyone to do
seems to reinforce the masking tape suggestion with extra warmth, so I'll likewise relay that suggestion with warmth as well, thank you.
>You obviously know your dumb bitch friend is a female ergo it's wrong to use it.
>then you can say 'his or her' i mean we'd look at you a little funny, but less so

>the author should use the right pronoun for the murderer, or use "he and she", because he or she or they (because the book could have multiple authors) knows who the murderer is
>but NOT they, you are forbidden from concealing mysteries if you already know the answer
Thank you for your contribution to literature, professor
>a mystery
okay i feel like in every book I ever read like that, they said "the murderer" and switched it up with "The culprit" and "The guilty party"
honestly the part that pisses me off most is their assertion that 'it was always like this' when it absowasn't. nobody can show me a single book or tv show from before 2016 that used it that way.
hey the rude one wasn't me. he's right, but he's not me. or she.
>they said "the murderer" and switched it up with "The culprit" and "The guilty party"
You'd run out of synonyms and/or sound repetitive, also
Are you 100% sure these were from multiple authors? If it turns out you're just remembering 30 books that were all Agatha Christie, you have to use the singular she if you want to keep playing with Transformers.
>he's not me. or she.
I fucking HOPE he's not she
it's not so much a remembering, it's the fact that- look, you can tell i'm kind of a reactive crank, right? if it was in ANY book I read, I would notice it immediately. It stands the fuck out every single time I see it, and has since it started back when video games and their wiki sites started using it for games like Mass Effect and Fallout, where the character has a single identity but could be either sex. but I held my tongue because how the fuck often is something like that going to come up.
If it was in books, I would have seen it. I was a real book-ass. Just consuming those shits. Spelling bees, all of that.
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>this entire discussion
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Search “KFC Optimus Hands” on ebay
I think we all went through a "who cares" phase, then we saw what permissiveness did to common behavior.
you give an inch, they will take a mile. it's just experience at this point.
the discussion is also, yknow, over. so you added to it unnecessarily.
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Which toy in your collection looks the most fucking illiterate, tfg?
>you can tell i'm kind of a reactive crank, right
I can tell you're off-topic
>if it was in ANY book I read, I would notice it immediately
I did too, that's why I used it in elementary school and stopped getting penalized
You realize that his and or her pronoun would have come up 400 times on a wiki, right? It would be infuriating clutter to have his and or her pronouns/options/whatever explained in full every time, and you wouldn't want to oversimplify his and or her character as male, since suddenly changing to female for female-only dialogue and events would be awkward. For his and or her sake, I mean.
>If it was in books, I would have seen it. I was a real book-ass.
Here's something from known gay activist, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
>I held my tongue
I wish you kept doing this and reading books instead of posting here
>/toy/ - Literature, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender
>proceeds to add to the discussion while calling the addition unnecessary
this is a thread about transforming robots, can both of you fuck off to /trash/ or /pol/ or something?
For the most part I tend towards fixes that can be reversed if need be, and if that's not sufficient a more involved fix needing equipment and material that may be difficult to source can then be assessed.
I wish your friend the best of luck anon.
>anon chimps out over the word "they"
eh he's prob about to pass 160. I can get omega lunar sentinel for less than that
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I’m so fucking confused with studio series right now, the mainline toys actually had me hyped for bee’s reveal. Can’t we just get this with better articulation?
I initially recommended leaving superglue to dry, since you could scratch light layers of that off from my dogshit experience, but I did reiterate your tape suggestion warmly, thank you
>look, you can tell i'm kind of a reactive crank, right?
>"Look you can obviously tell I'm a giant retard so please coddle me and my severe mental illness and incapability of functioning in a society"

Just FYI this is the guy who has gone on rants multiple times in this thread about how child abuse is good and if you don't beat your kids the west will fall and billions must die. His posting style is easy as fuck to spot, especially since he also likes to larp about participating in violent uprisings against the people he doesn't like.
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Got a bunch of packages this morning.
Anyone else get a haul of stuff recently?
I'll give you partial credit there, but i call that more synecdoche.
oh hey you're still here! and proving me right as usual.
Don't we already have our very own Oswald Mosley anon who's like this
This guy's here like all the time and always trying to derail threads into his /pol/tard larping over inane shit. One time he got all hot and bothered because people said Michael Bay was bad so he got on a soapbox about how he was going to violently overthrow society so that they would make movies that say violence and killing are good. Guy is a loon.
got the rest of the star raiders that I'm interested in, I'll post pics of em later
Oh. Oh right, the 30 deleted posts. This sounds stupid and insane but for some reason I believe you completely
>most Transformers fans when watching Bayformers get violently killed like Sentinel or Ratchet: this feels bad I want to go home
>our special anon: haha I wish that happened to the people I hate
>isn't core for 5 year olds?
I wouldn't trust a 5 year with anything they can choke on.
Children be stupid.
this was a while back but yes that's pretty much how it went. The gist of it was that he thought it was bad that they didn't make movies that encouraged you to kill people and that society needed to be overthrown so that people with violent fantasies could live them out.
I've noticed for a good while that threads usually go bad at specific times of the day. Sometimes it's Mr. Wholesome Chungus, sometimes it's the guy who goes on political rants, the bootleg obsessed one... If I didn't know any better, I'd think either it's all one guy with a personality disorder or there's something in the water in certain countries.
I mean that... SOUNDS like me, but I feel like, just like the "beating children" part, you have changed it significantly.
I'm not sure if Wholesome Chungus/Epic 6inch kino guy is the same as Cool Bootleg guy but Wholesome Chungus guy isn't just a /tfg/ problem he shits up like every major thread on /toy/, especially the superhero threads.

/pol/ guy is definitely not either of them though because those guys are shitposters, while /pol/ guy is a seriousposter that just has a severe personality disorder.
I am related to him so fuck off
just wanna reiterate that I'm not the guy spouting 'LGBToid'.. I don't even put those letters together.
I'm just self-aware enough to know that I'm reactive as fuck, so if I notice something a lot in modern stuff and not in older stuff, it ain't there. Just wanted to correct anon on a habit he picked up, no biggy. should have been over in one post. Just as sure as if I was like "hey i love tramsformers" you'd correct me.
>attention whoring
fuck offffffffffffffffffff
I am also aware that it's impossible to add to a metadiscussion about users without seeming like an attentionwhore. I'm sure you've experienced the same.
You're trying to get people to argue with you again because you want to drag the thread further off-topic so you can continue going on your inane rants. Instead, try fucking off.
no.. if i wanted people to argue, i'd be say-
hang on, I just argued with you about the desire for argument. You got me!
I know I'm not helping with this derailment, but I'm suddenly reminded of that one Monty Python skit.
I thought of that too.
We aren't so different
I am gonna shut the fuck up now.
Everyone ready to shell out for another version of Found Link Convoy
The faux styrofoam packaging giving me a chuckle
Oh that's cute, so the gray tabs are where the styrofoam was in the original?
I miss getting toys packed in styrofoam. I wanna say the megazord was.
Do people really have nostalgia for the packaging of toys? Like I remember cardbacks but for bigger toys I just remember things being tied to carboard with those fucking wire twisty ties that made getting the toy out a miserable process. I would much rather have things in a simple box with an insert that I can easily get the toy in and out of, and I definitely don't want fucking degrading styrofoam that'll make a mess everywhere in a year or two.
Yeah I'm not sure why they decided to do that. It's not like the packaging is supposed to be 100% faithful to the original, the 40th anniversary logo already changes the window silhouette.
Oh there is definitely a rush of nostalgia to busting an old toy off of a blister pack and needing to undo twisty ties
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You can miss something without actually wanting it to come back. I have a weird nostalgia for the smell of smoke in a pool hall, but I don't want it to be there.
That said, I'll say this about styrofoam-packed toys.. they never had any damage. and you never felt like getting them out of the packaging could damage them, unlike some of the thicker and harder plastic trays these days.
twist ties are a lot better than those little tiny non-stretchy plastic bands where you basically have to either cut the toy or the packaging with a knife to get it out.
Man, you just reminded me of how much I hated getting Dramatic Capture Series Nemesis Bridge figures out of the plastic tray they came in. Soundwave in particular.
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>You can miss something without actually wanting it to come back.
I miss spark gimmicks, water-squirting action, and color-changing, but I'm pretty sure all of these are bad ideas
you know i have never thought to check on old color-changing toys and see if they're permanently discolored now or what.

I think sparks are pretty safe, the flint just eventually wears out.
I dunno but some 3P is getting in on that nostalgia
Masterpiece Reflector when?
It's a shame that we've gotten all those Transformers Bishoujo figures but not yet one of Minerva or TAI.
>you know i have never thought to check on old color-changing toys and see if they're permanently discolored now or what.
Some of mine are but others aren't, no one really knows how it works
I also want the flints to never wear out and never be a fire hazard, but toys have a funny way of not being the way we want them to be
I mean plastic trays like that are still used all the time, just not in transformers anymore. that I know of. actually 3P ones do it.
Ss86 springer today.
He's about 8 bucks overpriced, but holy cow this puts siege springer to absolute shame
You're confusing by not saying "in Latin, prima is feminine, Primus is masculine. Solus is masculine and sola is feminine."
If it bothers you so much, just think of it as Prim-A, SolUS, to go with Alpha Trion
Or, you know, don't demand perfect Latin for your cartoon space alien names
If it popped off and is having trouble staying back on, tell them to put a tiny bit of nail polish on the peg it slides onto to, let it dry completely, then try. That tiny bit of thickness might fix the issue
I quote that all the fucking time.
and I love how at the end, the guy actually does explain it. THAT is how you educate.
>fire hazard
i mean if you flicked it DIRECTLY into a tuft of dry, backbrushed hair, or like sun-dried plant material, yeah maybe. but I'm pretty sure everything a kid can be expected to be near (clothes, hair, carpets) would not be able to light from those sparks unless you did it 100% deliberately. They're not lighters, they're the part of the lighter that lights the butane.
Buuut I have never done science on this so I could be extra wrong. I don't trust toy companies OR toy safety faggots.
They were more pointing out the styling of the boxes and how they're close to the original Armada styling, less pointing out the plastic trays.
I didn't think I had to specify 'in latin / latin-based languages'
Thought I'd sound like I was patronizing you by pointing out the obvious, but I guess I gambled and lost.
>Don't demand perfect latin
I mean we're using words like 'optimus' and 'primus' so... maybe we should use it properly? Prima sounds feminine to like four continents.
Plumber's tape is good for that kind of thing, too.
Ah yeah. I love that.
I'll forward these too, thank you!
>i mean if you flicked it DIRECTLY into a tuft of dry, backbrushed hair, or like sun-dried plant material, yeah maybe.
>forgetting that the biggest competitors to Transformers in the 80s and 90s were troll dolls, furbies, and sun-dried tomatoes as pizza toppings
Optimus prime means "best first" so we were already off to a great start of inaccuracy.
And no, you should probably mention when you're talking about Latin on any international board because it could be mistaken for Italian, or Spanish, or (rarely) French, being romance languages and all.
For most names in cartoons and comics, only the rule of cool applies anyways.
Like why on earth is cyclonus named that?
>Like why on earth is cyclonus named that?
Cyclonus was released as a charity product for the 1986 Atlantic hurricane season, and Hasbro donated 100% of proceeds to people affected by the cyclones
Fucking newfags, I swear
no no, I took that into account. when I said carpet I meant modern plastic carpet, and trolls and furbies are fake-plastic-fur too, aren't they?
that stuff is specifically designed not to catch fire. at most, it'll singe and turn black and stop the fire from spreading. I'm just saying, we already DID make things safer and less flammable for kids, so let them have tiny sources of sparks.
i'm just saying, even in english we speak of 'animus and anima' like we understand that, it's almost onomatopoeia. a is just a softer sound than us or um or whatever. I mean, you ask most people what 'prima' is back in the 2000s or so, and they'd say "the dub name of that chick in pokemon who already had a localized name, that brand of players' guides, or a prima ballerina" like everybody has heard of a prima ballerina, right?
>i'm just saying, even in english we speak of 'animus and anima' like we understand that
I've never heard that phrase in my life
alright I might need to take off the egghead glasses for a second.
But we all live around enough hispanics that we know the difference between a perro and a perra, right?
Doesn't quite look the same

Tho I think this is

And why the FUCK is it such an insane hyperlink?
It was like a wall of text after
I think you're getting lost in the weeds here
I was just saying, leaving out that you're talking about the feminine and masculine forms of Latin words led to some confusion
Pretty sure everyone gets it now
indeed. In the end, gauging the audience is the most important part of being understood.

That trailer/truck/whatever mode will never not look totally retarded. I wish they could improve it with the same level of quality this guy will have, but then people will screech that its not accurate.
Even if by some aberration of fate I got into the position to make mine, Hasbro and the fandom would oppose me the entire way.
I'd be pretty much using the two animatrix shorts about the machines' revolution as a basis for the origin and use Megatronus as the first self-aware cybertronian who then has to go around waking up other cybertronians to their true worth as rational beings.
No mysticism innate to Transformers save for sparks, which would be more of a consequence and requirement of conscious beings in the setting than an intended feature; they are just an initial startup energy that the Quintessons find out they have to preserve if they want their robots to be the most advanced.
Then, the Primes would just be the consecutive leaders of Cybertronians, later only of the Autobots, and have a wonky number as Megatronus is the first Prime but had a terrible end nobody wants to be responsible for and Prima had to hide his existence to save the cause of robot liberation.
Megatronus would be the first bearer of the matrix of leadership, which starts as a device made by the Quintessons to gather and process absurd quantities of data for battle and later evolves through use into what we know as the matrix of leadership.
Most of the lore would be as the G1 cartoon, not out of nostalgia but because I think has the most potential to make interesting questions and have fun with the characters.
Also, the ideologies for each side would be based on the G1 toy bios for Optimus and Megatron.
The specific pedophile has now started targeting Neca threads even, though he’s getting cleaned up faster because jannies are more active there. Yeah Athena is the cunt doing this and the one who will likely cause the whole country of Singapore to get range blocked from at least this board before somebody takes him out
Don’t you kill cats?
Also, also, Primus is the name the cybertronians give to the AI managing Vector Sigma and they give it a great deal of deference.
There's no Primus but with some fiddling Cybertron could be made to transform into Primus to sell toys through mine.

I wish writers for Transformers one day start to acknowledge that their duty as writers for Transformers is to sell toys.
how would you change the vehicle to be less lame?
NTA but Dekotora.
I would keep lore low in mine, just establish transformers exist, and go about their story. ideally a small isolated group with a chance to grow their ranks. like beast wars was.
mystical unexplainable shit should be rare, and often tied to other alien races more advanced. and also they should meet all kinds of other aliens.
so your Primus is basically the old man in the cave
i like that
how am i only just now finding out about this, why hasn't there been a transformers one, and how the fuck does japan, a resource-poor country that's also low on space, have a subculture around customizing semi trucks???
>transformers thread
>Full of tranny faggotry

I meant about the setting. Unless Hasbro told me "go and sell us a thousand copies of our new The Fallen" I wouldn't spend that much time on that.
Beast Wars was great in the respect of handling the characters and having them meet other aliens. Voks are kino.

>old man in the cave
Pretty much. But since the cave is made of robot and the man is an AI, he could possess the cave and become a huge robot.
i see you don't know that reference
it's an old twilight zone. the people in a postapocalyptic town all follow the orders of 'the old man in the cave' who tells them what food is safe etc, and it turns out he's a computer.
Yeah, I had to check but it works, right?
from the various ideas in this thread
I can tell y'all are gonna enjoy TFOne's take on the Transformers Origins a lot.
anon no
>anon no
I mean, unless you just absolutely hate all existing lore.
Or if you love armada. I guess that would make you not like it.
i like armada better than anything made in 2024
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>why hasn't there been a transformers one,

There has been. Kinda.
that basically counts! and now that I remember this... i always liked this. Maybe the best version of him, at least in vehicle mode.
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And also
Wrong because Megatron isn't black
>Megatron isn't black
Kino design for Optimus. I'd buy it as a normal CHUG figure.
I won't lie, megatron is probably the worst performance in the movie, until the last 20 mins.
But Starscream is great, bumblebee grows on you, Elita1/Optimus dynamic will be a little unusual at first, but it gets where it needs to be by the end.
Sentinel is so much fun.
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>Lockdown is 50 on ebay
>haven't found one in store
I hate this.
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You've been hit by
You've been struck by
A smooth optimus
My first Transformers toy. Would instabuy a commander class of him.
so it's an autotransforming statue? that's pretty interesting..
agree, looks like a perfect balance.
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>goes back in time
>steps on a Insecticon
there are a couple of 3P ones but I don't see mainline doing one any time soon
thunderclash reference happened but you didn't buy it
In what fucking way does that look like Thunderclash anon
Bird on chest and big turbines. See, this denial is why Hasbro's going to memoryhole him forever.
Face looks more decepticon than autobot
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The Star Raiders are here(mostly)!
Thundertron hasn't really piqued my interest so haven't picked him up, perhaps on sale. Even so i'd probably be more interested in Calcitron.

Other than Filch who I've already had for awhile, the rest are straight out of the box and are all pretty cool. Some more than others but overall I'm liking them so far.
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Just these pics for now, will probably play around with them a bit more.
No immediate issues with them so that's nice.

They look pretty good together as a group even though I'm told they're supposed to be pirates, they still somehow manage to blend together nicely.
I got Thundertron in the other day but I'm not hugely impressed by the Star Raider version, I think I would have preferred the head and regular hand of the regular United version more since the paint isn't really different at all.

I feel like these guys would look good with the WFC Mercenaries as well.
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Holy shit, core class Rattrap is a shockingly good toy, not just good for a core class.
Are there any other core class toys that actually have some fun complexity to them?
Dont go to school tomorrow
little timmy has had ENOUGH and brings his submarine to school
Studio Series Fiat Seicento when??
Oops forgot the legs

They started I'm finishing.
Was anyone else slightly disappointed by Legacy Tasmania Kid? The robot mode looks great, of course, but the scalp flap on mine sits way off the face and it looks like he's been lobotomized. In every review I've seen, the toy has the same issue, but nobody seems to bring it up. Is everyone just OK with this?
I love this 80's color scheme
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it's tragic that one of the coolest Transformers designs is doomed to only ever have two figures from decades ago, one with GPS and the other obscenely expensive. Because the alt-mode was pretty much stolen I doubt we'll ever see a remake or even a repro
But will you PO GG on Pulse?

After consulting >>11140386, the bonus parts are all supposed to create a prototype God Bomber. I actually thought it's the "under construction" design seen in the anime during the early shots of Project Bomber, but it's another MPG original.

After what Takara Tomy did with Kiss Players, that might be an issue. Then again, when Metamor-Verse was revealed as T-SPARK's bishoujo line, they did say along the lines of considering Transformers, so... maybe? Just, please none of the Kiss Players crap.
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Worth it? The mold looks pretty cool.
Not exactly complexity, but the Core Soundwave has pretty much everything you could want in a Soundwave desk toy. He's also available in Soundblaster black.
yeah i feel the same
but legacy tazzie kid is purely for the trobot mode
if you want a good beast mode get an original snarl
that mold can barely stand and only looks good in dragon mode from maybe 3 angles
I'll rather have nothing than that thing.
Does Lockdown have any star raiders emblem on him or just the Decepticon one?
Shockwave NO!
I wish they would stop putting all these other emblems on all the figures. Just Autobot and Decepticon.
who do you get to have Filch? I don't have Filch.
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TFSource’s ebay store also has the exact ones from the pic
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Fair warning;
1. They obviously arentmeant for this figure and they fit great but are not a perfect fit and you have to squish them to get them closed on the wrist pegs
2. They are slightly over sized for him. My buddy chuckled and said they are too big
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In this pic you can see there is still a gap, gotta screw it down and it will go away but Im pretty sure some plastic inside is getting messed up a bit
Just the decepticon one
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>I wish they would stop putting all these other emblems on all the figures. Just Autobot and Decepticon.
Can you please explain to us where in this photo all the emblems that bother you are? Are the faction symbols in the room with us now?
Are you retarded? Do you just not own the toys or something?
I'm so fucking over them that I've started putting regular faction symbol decals over them. Mark needs to fucking realize that every fucking subline doesn't need to be saddled with wrong symbols
Totally agree. Unfortunately Studio Series has been shit for years now. When it started out, it was basically taking the best molds that had been made for various characters (e.g. deluxe DOTM starscream, deluxe ROTF Ratchet etc), and making them all in one screen accurate, scale consistent line. It worked because there had been so many prior attempts at these characters, it was just a case of working out what worked. But when they've been making character who had no prior representation, e.g. ROTB Scourge, they've mostly been terrible.
yeah I strongly believed that no character should get a Studio Series toy that hasn't had at least 1 other toy. It's also mindblowingly retarded that they've made it a thing that they release both a regular and studio series version of every toy for the movies and they're totally different (and SS generally worse)
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In a surprising turn of events, the sixth version of a mould turns out to be the best version.

Cannonball and Road Pig were probably the ones I was most excited about so I'm happy to say they're quite nice.
Cannonball in particular isn't loose in the knees like his mouldmates and his backpack isn't translucent plastic anymore.

>I got Thundertron in the other day but I'm not hugely impressed by the Star Raider version, I think I would have preferred the head and regular hand of the regular United version more since the paint isn't really different at all.
I'm just not too enthused by his whole aesthetic I guess. We didn't even get the regular release over here so regardless I'm stuck with the Star Raider version.
If he does ever go on sale, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised and really enjoy him but at the very least I'll get something out of the bundle with Calcitron.

>I feel like these guys would look good with the WFC Mercenaries as well.
Yeah, they seem pretty versatile with where you can slot them in your collection which is definitely part of their overall appeal.
Maybe less so with the Autobots, but if you've got Doubledealer they can go right along working with him.
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>look guys..i told you multiple times that your black brother stealing his name was gonna come back to bite us all in the quarter panel. Im pretty sure you guys are in big trouble..
>squawk 9713 in for landing
>hey uh I think thats him now
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The flap that holds Road Pig's head is fairly loose on my copy so it's annoying to move his head around.
Also the indecisiveness of his head having lightpiping but then painting over the front half of his face bothers me.

Ultimately though he's on an enjoyable mould so he still happens to be a lot of fun. Simple red, black and gold always looks sleek.
I hope the paint on his shoulders last overtime.

Looking all over him in robot mode I could only spot the decepticon logo. Maybe it shows up in vehicle mode but I couldn't see it from other's pics either.
>Because the alt-mode was pretty much stolen
What do you mean? They plagiarized it from somewhere else?
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>these little rust mites quibbling over some splintered factions
>meanwhile Ive had my name stolen and I am all but forgotten despite my distinguished and decorated service record
Really like this design. Going to preorder her the moment she goes up.
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Lockdown and Filch share the same gripe I have which is I wish they had more paint on them. That, and Lockdown feeling slightly stale since we've seen his mould more than a few times.
It was suggested once that they could've used the Chase mould for him, which might've turned out okay.

I really do dig his headsculpt though, very unique among the other Legacy heads and something I want to see more of.

The only one it's really obnoxious on is Ferak, in fact I even forgot Filch had one and thought she was like Lockdown in that it was completely absent.
That was until I looked at her closely and noticed its on her knee.
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>listen here Tote, the entire Galactic Order is done with you. The Federation, totally fed up. There are 7 different solar systems’ Space Police with APBs out for you. You need to reign in all the imposter GoBots or I am going to scrap you
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I've already talked about Filch when I first got her.
She's just really fun to wield with how flexible the figure is, my only (minor) complaint being what I mentioned about the paint.

I hope you get to snag her soon anon, she's cool.
Yeah, with basically every movie toy the second try is usually 5x better
Interested to see if that keeps up with AoE Prime later or if HasTak just completely forgot how to do him and repeat the same mess from 10 years ago
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Ferak is just plain great but that's because he's on a great mould.
I really enjoyed Kingdom Cyclonus so having a slightly different version in alt colours is more than fine with me.
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Only downgrade is he no longer has the amazing lightpiping that Cyclonus had.
real bummer.
I liked Rattrap pretty well, up until I noticed that both of his hip joints seemingly completely on their own after not touching it for a month or two and now he can't stand. Dunno if I just got unlucky or what, but watch out for that. I guess he's started to turn into his Beast Machines form
I still think she looks great, and I’m gonna get her, but man do I wish that they got rid of the organic feathers, and gave her the mechanical bird talons she had in the show
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Bring back real GoBots. Give this franchise the respect it deserves. Buy the rights back do whatever you need to do. #GoBotLivesMatter
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Yeah that would've been a nice detail but unfortunately she was confined to an exclusive wave, so they could only do so much.
Hopefully her next figure gets her own dedicated mould.
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It's not just the pirate symbols. some toys had those mercenary symbols, some have the Mayham symbols. every figure winds up with some dumb new emblem about whatever canon Hasbro is pushing this week.
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all the pics I have for now, I'll see if I can come back with some vehicle mode pics.
I get what you're saying, I can take or leave them but they should at the very least stick em on an inconsequential accessory, not the main figure. That is if they want to stick with these OC symbols
Initially I thought they where references to existing teams in the comics or something but if they are just OC symbols made up just for these toys, then that is a bizarre thing to insist on.
Whose the gobot, where did you get him, are there more
>but if they are just OC symbols made up just for these toys, then that is a bizarre thing to insist on.
If a character appears in a wave despite not being on the team they saddle them with the faction symbol anyway. Leadfoot had the Wreckers symbol stuck on him for instance
but does roadpig have a pig mode?

rights isn't an issue as long as it's not distributed in japan
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What did you just say about me, you Renegade rust-bucket? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at the GoBot Academy on GoBotron, and I've been part of countless Guardian operations against traitors like you, with over 300 confirmed captures. I’m a master in high-speed transformation combat and the top pilot in the Command Center fleet. You're nothing but spare parts waiting to happen.

I'll take you down with precision the likes of which hasn't been seen since Cy-Kill first went rogue. You think you can trash-talk me across the GoBotron communication grid? Think again, glitch-brain. As we speak, my network of Guardian agents is triangulating your energy signature. So you better brace yourself for the storm, grease monkey—the storm that’ll short-circuit every one of your processors and strip you down to your last bolt. You're done for, traitor.

I could be in your location on Quartex in less than 10 nanokliks, and I can dismantle you in over 700 different ways, and that’s just using standard Guardian tactics. Not only am I extensively trained in mech combat, but I have access to the full arsenal of the Guardian fleet—Thrusters, Power Suits, the whole armory. And I will use it to purge you from GoBotron once and for all, you scrap-for-brains Renegade.
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Mark DID NOT skip LEADER-1 because he was a MINICON,
BUT Mark DID skip LEADER-1 because he was based on a GOBORT??
you'll need to thicken the ball joints, possibly with floor polish
ehh the scalp flap is pretty minor as beast mode issues go, though yeah it's pretty shite. I guess since I painted mine black it's less noticeable.
i have more of a problem with the very mismatched beast feet and the overcorrected, tiny beast head. yeah the original sucked but this still isn't a tasmanian devil.
considering they got away with it before, I doubt they would get in trouble if they used it again
yeah look him up on the wiki, there's a guy who did a bunch of concept art and they just stole it and he was unaware it had been used.
that's why it makes no fucking sense as a fuzor of elephant and orca, it's not meant to be
congraturation, for the first time, canada gets something we don't.
man that robot mode is really lacking in paint..
anyway the beast mode really needed more tweaks. needs a way to slide the robot foot into the gap made by the dragon head and tail.
i sure hope I can get her someday
you uh.. are aware you have the head-chest twisted, right
Ah, I meant to say the joints cracked on their own, I don't think any amount of floor polish would fix that. I shouldn't try to post while I'm sleep deprived
I hate bugbite
That's it
Hell yea

I should look over the other Dinobots and gets hands for them too
shit, that sucks ass
but superglue in the crack would probably fix it
It'll stop when
1. Janny just bans the retard
2. People feeding into his insane faggotry and /pol/ tier schizo ramblings
And is this not GoAnon we're talking about?
The person who I KNOW is GoAnon is a Brit fag and would go on the same style rants about trannies and cucks and pro nouns in media

FUCK TF One and I'm glad it's eating shit in multiple categories already

In actual related news I got my SS86 Steeljaw and Swoop in and man they're nice
Swoop is kinda ehh transformation and alt mode could be better
Idk why but I feel like the PotP was kinda better in most spots
Ahh so i'd have to shave a little to make them fit in the Forearm
Genuinely hate this mold and i'm beyond convinced people are coping by saying it's a good cannonball
It's a fucking hideous mess and so god damn lazy looking to me
ok retard good thing I don't give a fuck about your god awful opinions
Today's mail call
Tfw and Twitter are furious over the Slipstream toy.
are you a time traveler from the past? Everbody was pissed off since release. The retards are mad that she's not a straight Starscream repaint and everyone else is mad that she's not got a feminine mold.
>Thunderclash homage you were unaware of
Fuck, another figure I absolutely need. I see a few locally for good prices, gonna try to nab one
meester combiner
what line was this from again?
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there's also this guy if you haven't seen him already
>Swoop is kinda ehh transformation and alt mode could be better
So it's Swoop
Ebay listing said potp
oink oink sloppa
only negative I might add is it didn't have any weapons. They might not have had any as I wasn't collecting when PoTP came out.
Two of the limbs came w a gun and two came w a sword.
eh maybe I'll just buy one of the many accessory lots I see then
Those I can overlook. The fact that they didn't give her a tail that at least vaguely resembles the one she had on the show is unforgivable, though - it changes her entire silhouette and is far more noticable at a glance than the feathers or talons.
more pigformers please
i find it absolutely weird thunderclash never got figure ever since timelines, not even a siege/kingdom ultra magnus retool
About her paint matching now, and the usual crowd are mad she's not trans
I like Rattrap too, but I'd say Tasmania Kid is better. It has more natural weapon storage for one, better articulation in beast mode, and his arms in robot mode are actually connected to his main body instead of just sitting there on his back flaps, untabbed.
in fairness, the floating arms are show-accurate...
True, I just want the shoulder mounts to tab into the back flaps so the arms don't move out of place everytime I shift them.
yes yes i was mostly jorkin' around.
it is annoying.. if he wasn't core class, it would be downright chafing. But thankfully at that small size, tabbing-in isn't that big a deal.
I kind of want to get a ROTB Airazor to repaint into Filch.
>watch a couple reviews on the Power Surge Optimus posted in this thread
>its garbage
Yeah we need a new Thunderclash
i just remembered i have a busted one i got a refund on but got to keep, I wonder if its parts would be able to be put on Filch at all..
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That's an alright repaint, I'll buy this mold n-
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I'm thinking I want that Legacy Breakdown figure.

But I don't really want Windsweeper. Do you guys think I'd be able to sell him and his targetmasters on eBay or is Breakdown the main draw for that set?

I'd probably try to get 20 maybe 25 for him
Are those supposed to be two different characters? They're not seekers right? Bottom looks like the shiny pokemon variant.
holy shit I thought Hasbro's color matching couldn't possibly get any worse. also that head is still fucking trash
Beast Hunters?
This looks like two different decos holy shit
it 100% is
is one of them the takara version?
and suddenly the legends slipstream wil shoot up in value
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To my knowledge Takara doesn't do alt decos for Generations (or Studio Series)
Takara's starting to do it now though
Windsweeper is definitely the most desired character from that set, being G1.
You could probably get more for him than that.
>The retards are mad that she's not a straight Starscream repaint
She's a seeker retard, that's exactly what she's supposed to be.
She was always a Starscream repaint, she was NEVER a Windblade repaint.
Because this is a story about Transformers. No need for the human gods to get involved.
Fuck you my name ends with -a and I'm a masculine.
I know. it's sad.
She was never a Starscream repaint.
Wrong. 2015 Legends Slipstream was a Windblade repaint with a new head and chest piece.

Also wrong. 2018 Cyberverse Slipstream is a Starscream repaint.
Current packaging design is godawful so returning to a better time is a good thing.
is it biblical? that's normal in hebrew. Joshua, Ezra, that kind of thing. Otherwise the vast majority of names ending in A sound feminine to me. But I bet there's one I'm not thinking of, and I'm sorry for generalizing.

I mean let's be real. there's tough as fuck dudes named Ashley (Evil Dead guy comes to mind) or Marion (The Duke himself) or uhh Leslie (my man Nielsen, master of the fartbox)
Sorta, basically just the 40th Selection subline and the occasional premium finish
Ashley was a man's name to begin with. It was co-opted by females.


I'm still very upset with the direction Kotobukiya chose for their Transformers Bishoujo line. They are treating them like hot girls cosplaying the characters, like their horror line, instead of like their Marvel and DC lines, which are just hot versions of the actual characters. I wanted Bishoujo Blackaracnia and Arcee, and maybe Minerva and Airrazor eventually... At least we have Flame Toys, I guess.
Optimus Prime and Bumblebee are more popular than Arcee.
And Pikachu is more popular than Vaporeon.

The Bishoujo line is aimed at coomers, not normies.
Vaporeon is just a forced meme. Even furries prefer Umbreon.
Shia, Mustafa and Krishna walk into a bar. Shia is recognized as the guy who played Sam Witwicky in a movie and gets free drinks. The two fellows with him do not drink due to religious or personal beliefs. Then Bumblebee crashes through, amazed that his friend is still alive while Shia has to explain that Sam is a fictional character and he is confused why there is an actual Bumblebee instead of just a placeholder object for the CG. Then it turns out everything was just a dream of a child holding a snowglobe who was dead all along.
not exactly hard to see why.
Ashton is okay, even just Ash. but you put a lee on something, and I dunno man. the leeward side is the sensitive, sheltered side of an object. you can't help but smile when you say it. not the roughest syllable.
yeah I'm seeing that entire... category of product getting really stupid compared to how it used to be. there's similar Zoids girls that are just wearing the characters as armor, which is even weirder when one of the girls IS from the show.. and she's like, wearing her friend.
yes well we used to have taste before the internet started taking hormones and took a 180 turn toward sexuality.
now the few remaining expressions of sexuality are focused entirely on filth and transgression. it's all hyperexaggerated body parts, as if run through a 'content-aware filter' for shitty robots. Literally what they have you do for youtube's algorithm to like your thumbnail.
horny shit used to be fun, classy, aesthetic. it didn't act like you were getting away with something, it was just like 'yeah duh of course you can do that'
Aren't girls wearing parts from robots as clothes like half a century old?
Ashley literally just is the word for Ash Tree.
Also, it switched in 1982, prior to that more boys than girls were named it.
They are poisoned with microplastics. Don't worry about it.
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Idk how to explain it, but she looks sluttier in this picture.
yeah but they used to be charming and cool. they looked like you could put them straight into a video game
huh. like Madison. Despite the 'son' part, it always seemed like a girl's name to me. It's practically Madelyn.
Whorish gaudy colors.
anyone want to sell Movie Masterpiece MPM-13 Blackout?
n/m got one bought
Probably because they would be called Maddie for short
Yeah exactly.
Even in the fucking cartoon she had a distinctinly female shape
The only difference between the boy and girl seekers were the heads.
Wasn't that the one where a character's pronouns changed by accident simply because they couldn't remember which it was? I think it was Acidstorm or something?
Yeah it was acid storm
They will reissue studio series grimlock right? seeing him go up to $500+ is just depressing
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Found this printable Slugfest kit on Cults, tempted to try printing it. Only issue is I only have Blaster, not Soundwave, but I'm tempted to make him into an Autobot OC tape (Xylobone seems like a fun name).
they ARE the same deco. reportedly it's a lighting conditions thing but god DAMN does she look bad.
this is bait.
Japanese people don't like Transformers so it makes sense they'd only want basic bitch cosplay versions of the characters instead of deep cuts
Show us if you do.
holy shit that looks great. and I like the name. do it.
For what my two cents are worth, I've pretty consistently loved the Flame Toys models. They've been fun to build, very pretty, and well-thought out. I've got Arcee and Windblade and they look great. I also got their Power Rangers Megazord and it was like rebuilding the toys I played with as a kid, the fucking things even transform the same way (The zords that is). I didn't put the money down for their Optimus but I bet it was good too.
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i like the blue
MPM-11 2007 or DOTM colors?
blue is the best color. other colors should retire.
dotm colors are way better imo, and the robot mode has far better color breakup as well
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they are both pretty cool
Siege compatible? there's a 3P one on the way
Oh yeah that 4500 dollar Optimus. He's a button fastener.
I'm pretty sure it's a japanese charm that brings prosperity
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1 week until pulsecon.
Hoping you guys can identify a transformer I had years ago and either lost or stupidly threw away. It was very small, a bit bigger than a Minicon butpretty sure he wasn't one, and I think it was a blue or turqoise Digger. Thats all I remember.
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It's Friday 13th, all your wishes will be primal-prime-paw'd
>new Torca
>he still has gold plastic syndrome
> Glyph
> Repaint of Animated Bee
> Stuck in an exclusive 4 toy box set with 3 other rejects
Wasn’t a part of sixbuilder was it?
No, he was definitely post Armada.
Nevermind I identified him, RiD2015 Groundbuster
>temporarily get bored with mainline
>remember I have a deltof full of Masterpiece figures
Most of tfg will never know the smooth, simple, rustic joy of the Masterpiece Transformer
Mate, that’s like a seven year old toy
How on earth did you forget something that new?
It was before I got into collecting, my wife got it for me as a trinket sort of stocking stuffer. Dude kknda hung out in my desk and faded away
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so what fembot will they fuck up this time? I'm expecting a Thunderblast retool of SS86 Scourge
Honestly I'd be almost fine with that but it'd have to be a partial retool like RotB Optimus or Ruckus to look any good.
>tfw owned Sideswipe since I watched my guy cut open the first early release case that landed in America
>just now realized untabbing his waist unlocks an incredible ab crunch
Wow. Being obsessed with an crunch as I am, it’s like getting a whole new figure
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>RiD2015 Groundbuster
Ah, one of the lesser known members of the TR/RID15 Teal gang
>tfw they removed the app that scans those codes
Anyone still have it?
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>tfw youre cooler than the masterpiece figure
I think there are a few Binaltech I need to buy back..not many tho. Anyone still have their Alternators / Binaltechs? Funny their tires are still perfect. The new guard should look up some notes from these figures and come up with a way to make tires that arent made of toxic waste
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>tfw you somehow survived at least a dozen collection purges
Truly a soldier
>gimme $5 for this file
Fuck you, cults.
>SS86 Optimus prime is out in Asia
>One of the Chinese reviewers is complaining there is a strange piece of hair behind the front window and he can't get it out

Lol pub
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/tfg/, what is your favorite Commander class figure so far?
So we're getting PulseCon reveals and then Transformer Day reveal 4 days after?
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Every time I pull these things out I have to spend days talking myself out of selling 90% of my mainline stuff. Does anyone feel like Takara is slowly trying to shift the meta back to MP?
>Does anyone feel like Takara is slowly trying to shift the meta back to MP?
n...no? considering they just cancelled the MP line?
She wasn't a direct 1:1 copy of Starscream, but she was still a seeker you blind retards. Not an evil Windblade.
I'd hit that.
Of the ones I've opened probably Motormaster.
Got blackout for 135 after shipping. No instructions and missing one effect piece but all easily fixed.
>what is MPG?
And started a brand new one
They killed it like one might a Phoenix
It's simply a rebrand

Consider that Windblade is just a good Slipstream
Why Sprues? are we getting model kits instead of bots now?
Windblade doesn't even have the cockpit form her chest.
I have Skids, I have Mirage, and I have Smokescreen. Skids was $5 and awesome, Mirage has the best alt mode hands down, and Smokescreen was the first alternator I bought, and I'm still completely impressed by how amazing he is in every way and shape.
I guarantee that you're a fag
yes they will be licensing everything to Blokees, sit back and live off the bukake money
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>ER is close, 2nd to last set of wheels are floating
>SS86 has visible sloping
>G1 trailer just werks
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g2 version when
So, I'm the anon who was asking about Cybertron Scourge last thread. Decided to grab him after all - but since I couldn't find a good price on the original colors version and couldn't decided if I liked the Cryo Scourge color or the Universe Bruticus version better, I ended up grabbing both.
I quite like the Beast Modes on them - big, stompy dragons have always been my thing, and they have sufficient articulation in their limbs and tail to keep me happy. The sculpt itself looks cool, the three-headed gimmick is weird but neat, and Bruticus' light and sound gimmick even still works! Sadly, Scourge wasn't so lucky - his batteries had corroded despite still being sealed in his box, and replacing them with new ones did nothing for him. Oh well.
Robot modes. It's interesting that Scourge is a Decepticon, but Bruticus is a Predacon; also, Bruticus has a purple Cyber planet Key, which is cool - all the other toys I've picked up from the Cybertron line have green ones (except for the botcon Weirdwolf I have, who uses the Snarl/Fang Wolf mold and includesd an orange Key).
I knew going in on these two from asking here beforehand that the robot mode articulation was going to be...lacking, but thought the beast modes were worth the purchase. Sure enough, due to the way the shoulders and hands transform, they're stuck in the 'gorilla arm' pose - while their elbows rotate, their wrists don't, and since the wrists are positioned sideways for some reason, your options are to turn the forearms so they bend inward towards their torsos to make them hold their axes facing forward, or turn the forearms so the wrists face outward if they want to bend their elbows in a natural direction. Such a weird design choice.
I've decided that I like using the three-headed gimmick on Bruticus more than on Scourge - not just because his electronics still work, but also because he's apparently some alternate version of RID Bruticus, who turned into Cerberus as his alt-mode (his colors are a direct reference to the RID toy as well).
They're both big and look awesome, but I don't see myself playing around with their robot modes too much due to the wonky arms - I'm more than happy to keep at least Bruticus in his beast mode so he can terrorize my other bots as a slobbering, three-headed guard-dragon, in any case.
They look terrible lol
So do you, but you're momma didn't ask the doctor to toss you out with the afterbirth, lol
No you
I dunno, anon, I think that's fair, especially given once you have the file you can make as many as you want.
it sure didnt look like optimus
i was like 'at least they're not making it optimus again'
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Just realized that at some point I had mentally combined the east and west version of Ruination.
In my head he's always had both the gold armor and had the blue Armorhide

And now I despair that no company HasTak or otherwise, will give me the blue tank I want to create the gestalt in my head
Not if you become the top jew at hasbro
More Soi Redit Youtubers, Cringe humor and shit NOBODY asked for
ZERO expectations
They should have done him in western RID toy colors as a giftset instead of the G2 version that didn't even have the shuttle or the right Decepticon symbols.
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I hate that this is the most likely outcome
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Should I ask for bee car instead?
>4 pack
>3 deluxes, 1 voyager
>All based on botcon releases
aside from Glyph, who do you pick and who are they retooled from?
So what does this one do?
Wave her arms up and down with a dial in the back.
Does she at least launch a disk by doing that?
Double blowjob action?
Maybe double hand jobs.
Sounds underwhelming as a toy.
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It feels more like a cheap cereal prize
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Her arms have ratchets and you can move them individually but it sometimes jams the mechanism.
Dafuq? I don't remember McDonald's toys being that cheap and hollow-looking when I was a kid. Hell, those transforming dinosaurs were awesome back then. What the hell happened?
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So is she actually going to have a bigger role in the movie? She barely appeared in Earthspark. And I honestly don't remember her being a focal character in any past media.
you thrust your pelvis, UNH!
you thrust your pelvis, UNH!
I have them all so far except 86 Optimus and I'd have to say Magmatron followed by Armada Optimus. Every commander After Rodimus has had some sort of issue and Armada Optimus and Ultra Magnus have big issues. Magmatron has no issues I'm aware of and just over all feels good.
if this is elita-1 she had a episode in the cartoon
a dozen purges sounds like a mental disorder
they definitely have good ASPECTS.
is soundwave buttfucking himself
considering mcdolands finally gave up on being the not-that-great-but-cheap-at-least option and is now expensive, i'm sure they will cheap out on happy meal toys. especially since chelly obammy made it so they can't advertise them.
Yeah, they could've been a lot better, particularly concerning the robot modes, but they're still pretty neat and look imposing - they're about the same size as my Prime Beastfire Predaking (though his wingspan makes him look much larger than he actually is). I also wish the beast mode heads could turn side-to-side, though I suspect that was the result of both of the gimmicks built into them (springloaded mini heads would need to be realigned perfectly to tuck back into their slots on the back, while circuitry is running into the main head to make the eyes light up, meaning a turning head risks fraying the wires). It would be neat if they redid him some day with modern technology, but I doubt it'll happen.
They already did Override and Metroplex, so seems plausible.
I blame the damage done by Supersize me and activists complaining about how fast food toys are polluting the environment and corpos using that as an excuse to make cheaper "eco friendly" alternatives like paper shit.
I never actually saw the show this Scourge is from (and I'm assuming Bruticus isn't actually from any particular series, given he's from the Universe line and they had a habit of creating new characters out of repaints). Was he a big enough deal on the show to warrant getting recognition in the modern Legacy line?
He had the rank equivalent to Prime in his home planet . He fell into a comedic relief role for a bit, but reformed and joined the Autobots to save the universe by the end. His key is gold-trimmed.
eeyup. ecoshits and nutritionshits are all in the same bucket along with the alphabet people.
Throw in Packrat since none of these even need a new head.
i demand lazorbeak!!
lazorbeak! consumate marriage!
When was the last time you saw a Mcdonalds with a play place?
It isn't a destination kids are stoked to go to anymore
i mean food is food still.. and it's never great but it's also never bad. I would get some mcD's fries right this second if I had one near enough.
only if they bring back beef tallow.
It's just not billed as a place to bring kids anymore
They sucked the fun out and now it's a place that makes adult coffee and also burgers
god that was so good. they're still good but they were better back then.
i mean what if you don't like beef are you really gonna go to mcdonald's?
You'll get Beast Wars Neo Hydra instead.
Was muzz and vegans I think. So they made it a worldwide thing. Funny thing is everything is cooked on the same surfaces so it doesn't matter.
muzzies eat beef though. if anything it would be hindus, and A) a lot of them eat beef and B) they never hassle anyone
and like i said what the fuck vegan would ever eat there
Studio Series RoTF Alice when?
Never. You are more likely to get an Alice in an upcoming cartoon, which is 0.
>zero is more than zero
math checks out
SS is a negative.
oh snap
wait do toysbeingmade odds roll over like unsigned integers in games?
It makes more sense to use a female jetformer mode for a female jetformer character than to make her a man like you want. Would I rather her have her own mold? Sure. But making her a Starscream repaint is fucking retarded and don't pretend for a second it's not part of your uglification fetish.
If you can achieve -255. I think her human actress being arrested for child molestation and Hasbro going under might reach that.
psh what's a woman gonna do. pinch something real hard?
Maybe use tools like a human.
Naw, you can replace something else to a Ruination set. That G2 Bruticus is by far my absolute favorite from Combiner Wars, even with his imperfections.
okay if she's shoving dildos into prepubescent kids or something then that is not cool
armada jetfire
Looking back on things, I've only bought three Transformers figures that were released this year. That count increases up to six if I include old releases.

I wonder why.
Cuz it's election year amid 2 wars so the economy is on a downturn and you are heavily pregnant with triplets along the way?
Lack of interest in what came out?
downturn is kind of a laughably painful understatement.
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you know it really is very tempting..
i'd pull the trigger if anyone made a 3d printed part to let you stow the robot feet in the hollows of the legs..
oh wow there is a kit for him but it's just a blade attachment and a cape. foo.
This has been something of a shit year for Transformers.

The rock characters are a whole load of nothing, the core-class went out with a barely audible wimper, the 4-packs were weak as fuck, Tidal Wave is a Trypticon-tier QC disaster and the character selection was either poor or unmemorable.

I'd consider SS86 Optimus the only big thing to happen this year.
Even better, Hydra but with factory errors forgetting to add the silver.
She should definitely be a Starscream retool, but unfortunately all the Starscream molds released in the past few years have been utterly trash for something that would require a degree of forethought.

Slipstream would be easy enough to get out of a Starscream mold simply by retooling the torso and head, but the mold would need to be sufficiently slim like the G1 animation model and have vehicle kibble not be effected by the required proportion tweaks.
So hows ss86 snarl?

My Sludge keeps unclipping his wings and his right leg is loose.
>not "truck by"
10/10 pun!
Make her from Cybertron Starscream
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How flexible is AM Breakdown?
I think I saw a custom of that. Was just paint and head, but the colors were good at least. The ideal would be an Animated Starscream base Slipstream from a not-bad version.
Hit it with a hammer
A legacy animated Starscream might be a possibility
Anyone got a picture of Kingdom Huffer dragging the SS86 Prime trailer?

13 Primes is definitely Vector Prime, ever more useful than Alpha Trion, arguably enough.
For Legacy United, definitely Tidal Wave because he's actually pretty fun. Otherwise, it will go to Animated Prime for the nostalgia factor.
For SS, on top of my head, I don't know the good ones outside 86, and 86 Prime is by and large what everyone is looking for as a cheaper alternative to the Masterpiece (nobody wants a 3.0 Convoy, especially with how serviceable 2.0 Convoy was for its time).
Exclusives? A headscratcher for me, but maybe Origin Wheeljack or freaking Dinoking.
>She should definitely be a Starscream retool
Slipstream is a girl. Why would you make her from a bulky male body? She does not look like that.
I'm looking at Silverbolt's headscupt and with the mask and snout he looks like Wolfang, so that makes me wonder if maybe, just maybe back when Tigatron was supposed to be Wolfang the idea was that instead of nothing happening to them he and Airazor would get fused into Silverbolt?
She's literally a clone of Starscream.
a FEMALE clone of Starscream
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You monster.
Slipstream would work fine in the G1 seeker body with some light retooling, problem is the ER mold is fat and retarded looking
She was always a fucking seeker, retard. She was a seeker in her original appearance; any Windblade repaints that came out later were a deviation from the original. Why can you idiots not accept this?
The seeker form is pretty androgynous to begin with (by design). You could make an Earthrise mode Slipstream very easily by giving her slightly thinner thighs and arms and giving her lipstick. Boom, female seeker, with less retooling than it took to turn the Starscream model into a conehead.
Magmatron was cool too.
>This has been something of a shit year for Transformers.
>The rock characters are a whole load of nothing
I like the rocks which will likely be the tipping point for whether a TF collector likes this year or not.
From this year I picked up Gears, Windblade, Chase, Shard and Magneous (some of them may have been released late last year, I can't remember). I'm pretty happy with all of them. I plan to get Swoop sooner or later and some of the star raider guys.
I'd like a siege tetra jet Slipstream
My snarl is great, best dinobot that i own. Sludge is a floppy mess though.
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>The seeker form is pretty androgynous to begin with
>You could make an Earthrise mode Slipstream very easily by giving her slightly thinner thighs and arms and giving her lipstick
I didn't know the Hasbro design team posted on 4chan. We don't need Starscream in drag makeup. You should probably learn what a fembot looks like before trying to design any more
>I am the great mighty poo and I’m going throw my shit at you
>A huge supply of tish comes from my chocolate starfish
>How about some scat, you little twat?
You know, Slipstream needing her own mold wouldn't be a problem if there were more fem seekers besides her. I blame modern writers who prefer to just genderflip guys like Skywarp or the rainmakers instead of making new seekers.
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they could always genderflip all the seekers.
My takeaway is that it's smaller and less detailed than ML Prime and the PVC tires will still ruin the plastic.
or they could've just designed Windblade to look like a fucking woman in the first place so they had something to work with
those core class femme seekers are pretty cute. who made them? Dr. Wu?
Don't pretend that you care about how the rainmakers are ever depicted, they're hardly even characters to begin with and so forgettable that most fans only know acid storm and think sunstorm is one of them
Iron Factory. They did a Slipstream too, but it's an older version of the mold without the mid-thigh swivel.
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man, I fuckin love dinosaurs
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I don't really mind Windblade being the base for fem seekers from now on but they could and should have remolded her further like the old Legends toy.
Something like pic related. A proper cockpit chest even if fake, shoulder slots for the null rays, those shoulder pontoon things and a new head.
Wouldn't take much, really.
windblade LOOKS like a woman, problem is the new toy doesn't look like a woman
So what does a fembot look like to you? Is a female seeker supposed to just be Arcee with wings? Not even Windblade looks like that.

>I blame modern writers who prefer to just genderflip guys like Skywarp or the rainmakers instead of making new seekers.
It depends, female Nova Storm is fine because she was basically a non-character and there was nothing ever really saying she was a man to begin with, she didn't even have a name for years even after Acid Storm did.
Female Skywarp (and Swoop and I think Cosmos for that matter, from the same show) is another matter entirely. I agree, lazy hack writers and/or writers with an agenda.
nta but if the character has a distinctly female body then it should respect that, animated slipstream never looked like a pallette swapped starscream
>animated slipstream never looked like a pallette swapped starscream
Except she literally did though.
I think the issue with this debate has been I'm apparently talking past some of you. Yes, Slipstream has always been slightly more lithe and slender than Starscream. That IS what I mean when I say "female Starscream". I'm speaking in broad strokes here, and yet a few posters here seem to think I must mean she is 100% identical except for color. That's their autism talking, but most people would know exactly what I meant. Slipstream can be slightly more slender, sure, but still have all the classic seeker trademarks, including the cockpit chest and the air intakes next to the head. That is what I mean by "female seeker" (I mean...obviously).
For a good example of what I mean look at Kingdom Tracks and Road Rage. Despite not being the best mold for other reasons, they did a good job subtly differentiating them in the limbs and head sculpt. That is what a Slipstream toy could be, not Windblade in purple and teal.
>Except she literally did though.
This is not just being slightly more lithe and slender, i do agree with the rest of your points though
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Broad strokes anon, BROAD STROKES.
Thanks for proving my point. That IS the same thing, essentially. Besides the neck, chin, and arms, they're the same. There's even less difference in their legs than I thought there would be just going from my memory.
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>you will never be spanked and dominated by muscle mommy Swoleta-1
Why even go on?
>Besides the neck, chin, and arms, they're the same.
also her torso, the sides of her head, her waist... I think you might need either your eyes or your head checked, anon.
A FEMALE Seeker.
Those are pretty clearly just male and female versions of the same basic design anon. You're coping here.
the same basic elements, they do not share the same proportions. nearly all of which have distinctly different shapes and sizes to the original star scream to make slipstream look feminine.
>the same basic elements, they do not share the same proportions.
Yes, the same basic elements. They do not need to share the exact same proportions.
What part of "broad strokes" do you autists here not get? Jesus.
"broad strokes" is what gave us the Prime Legacy or Shadow Striker toys that everyone hated, and you're asking for something even worse.
I liked all of those.
Shadow Striker doesn't have the broad strokes at all. Different transformation scheme, different parts.
So how was turning Slipstream into a Windblade repaint instead any better?
There doesn't even seem to be any thought process behind it from the Hasbro design team beyond
>hurr durr they're both female jets, so...
Them both being female jets and needing a mold reuse out of Windblade makes way more sense than turning Windblade into a man
They already made a man Windblade twice.
>>hurr durr they're both female jets
I think the thought process was just to mimic the Legends figure.
But they forgot Takara still retooled the mold somewhat.
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Call me crazy, but I'd like female characters to get figures that look female
She would've been a decent retool if they'd made the legacy figure actually look like the design it's supposedly supposed to be
For the shitty Cyberverse throwaway toys. It doesn't help your case that the only example you can point to to defend your point is some of the worst shit the franchise has made
Cyberverse Slipstream isn't womanly since she is just Thundercracker with no chinplate and added lipstick. It was a bad idea to begin with.
Windblade's second toy was a retool of Highbrow.
I'm saying they should have made Legacy Animated Slipstream out of Legacy Cyberverse Windblade, if the toy had actually been faithful to the way Windblade looks in the show
a heavy retool
>Still has the same legs
yes anon because they heavily retooled a toy into a girl one time that means from now on every girl has to be a broad chested man. Your uglification fetish is validated.
If Windblade still has a dick, than the standards are zero.
she has a different waist, and even if she didn't, neither of those toys has a dick, schizo
I'm more annoyed that it means slipstream is gonna be like half the size of the other seekers for no reason. Her OG incarnation was as tall as the rest, or at least a head shorter.
She's a sassy little thing
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she's supposed to look like a genderswapped Starscream and instead Legacy makes her look like his fuckboy son
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Did anybody translated these comics or what
sometimes there's translations if you look around.
me too man
Kinda fucked up the bumblebee seekers are the best ones we'll ever get in a while
sir, your tetrajet has a boner
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Two new toys for me today
Gamestop finally came through with my Optimus preorder
And Magnus comes from the comic store, which got in a new batch of second hand stuff since I was there last
not bad at all. they make quite a team.
it's too bad they didn't keep the whole 'white optimus' thing in basically any version of tformers. It feels cool, like uh, I'm drawing a blank but there's a lot of shows where the primary colored hero has like a white or maybe blue second in command guy who looks a lot like him
I don't think people would apreciate ultra magnus being just a white optimus anymore
Power Rangers?
not identical, no, but it'd be fine with me if he still looked like he could be recolored into an optimus toy, yknow
ehh white ranger took over as leader.
i think most of what i'm thinking of is when Ryo got a second white armor in Samurai Troopers, but that's not the thing i said.
WFC and FOC Ultra Magnus kind of did that, where he was just Optimus but blue and with shoulder pads
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I've definitely reached a point, and maybe it's just nostalgia, where I miss when Magnus was the default Prime repaint
I've got all four of these in the last, like, year and a bit

>I don't think people would apreciate ultra magnus being just a white optimus anymore
How about just every once in a while? As a treat.
i just want more beast ones
if we get a new Big Convoy, I want Ultra Mammoth right after
except instead of teal fur, make it white.
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It's a damn shame the Titanium line is so damn wonky, those designs were really cool and I'd love to see them revisited. The Seeker is one of my favourite Cybertronian jet designs and if we got a new toy based on it I'd buy the shit out of it. Couldn't be too hard as it's essentially a streamlined Galaxy Force/Cybertron Starscream.
While the toy had its flaws, I appreciated that we got unarmored white Magnus in Siege/Kingdom and that they were different from their corresponding Optimus.
Funny, I basically went the opposite direction. The more I look at all the white primes we got, the more I think about just how fucking *boring* it is. Same with nemesis prime, desu. I'd rather magna convoy be the more popular redeco, powered convoy is also way cooler than the ultra magnus we ended up with
I miss it as well. It's just a really good color scheme for the Optimus look. I also think it's a nice twist on expectations. Different characters looking the same but in different colors is typically reserved for mooks, like the seekers. But giving a leader a recolor counterpart (that isn't an evil clone) is very atypical, so can be a bit of a fun deviation from the norm. Plus, I think it fits with the kind of ideal, humble leader Optimus is supposed to be. Having one of his own soldiers looking like him reinforces the perception that, inherently, he's nothing special, but it's his qualities of character that make him a great leader.
those are some gigantic pauldrons.. but I gotta say, looks good.
Plus like, we get the impression that some transformers just use... similar body types? like cheetor and tigatron.. or a bunch of guys in Animated who shared approximate body types.
so there's no reason Optimus should be this totally unique dude. Let him have a Cliffjumper to his Bumblebee.
But if people are real sticklers, then modify. Make him a little bigger and have more armor, and turn into a different truck.
>Let him have a Cliffjumper to his Bumblebee.
Why it should be? neither megatron nor optimus should get in-faction redecos that are other characters, they're the fucking leaders of their respective armies, magnus at least had the excuse of coming with a entire thing that made him look completely different
come on. you really don't want the other gun robo?
I'm not saying direct redecos, please try to keep up. Just saying someone who looks similar enough that he could be redecoed as him, maybe.

the only guys I feel need to be all that unique are soundwave and shockwave. they feel like outliers.
They made Megatron recolor guys at least as early as Machine Wars.
and it's something that never happened again
you have shit like thunderclash, pyro and others
not to mention megalligator and iguanus. that's not QUITE the same thing, but when I talk of wanting a Magnus who is Optimuslike, that is roughly what I mean.
If you count those guys, then Hot Spot is an Optimus Prime.
A bit of an odd question.
Would ROTF Swerve's head fit on SS Hot Rod's body?
No because those i listed are explicitly stated to be commanders and meant to be replacements for prime since rodimus
And I listed Hot Spot because he is a samefag.
The Seeker mold along with Prime/Magnus >>11144925 were taken from the Dreamwave War Within designs and Galaxy Force Starscream was based on that same design, hence their similarity.

I think it would be cool to see Dreamwave get some love in modern Transformers. War Within Jetfire would be my most wanted and I'm crossing my fingers that whatever Fallen/Megatronus we get in next years line draws its look from Dreamwave.
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I wish we'd get at least a Laser Ultra Magnus.
I know the Legacy Laser Optimus mold is unpopular, but the only other alternative is getting the old expensive E-hobby one.
>I know the Legacy Laser Optimus mold is unpopular,
Is it? it had 3 redecos in such a short time
What we like and what Hasbro likes are rarely the same thing
>I know the Legacy Laser Optimus mold is unpopular
Speak for yourself. I'm getting impatient waiting for Kiryu pre-orders.
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There's a guy in my area with an intact Skyhammer for sale at a not unreasonable price
But the thought of dropping money on a time bomb gives me pause
I'd snag it already
>the only guys I feel need to be all that unique are soundwave and shockwave.
Soundblaster, and "Shackwave" if you except him as an in-universe canon character.
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when the fuck is this gonna happen for real
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also in that previous thread the Raptoricons group image really overlaps this one so you can't see it.. it might be the coolest one.
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3 Megatrons that are triple changers. Which ones has the best modes?
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The titan returns blitzwing mold still looks so good
new thread time >>11145292
Because they didn’t start as leaders. They were generic dudes, so it would make sense that there are other TFs with similar forms, though they don’t need to be exact copies
Orion Pax-likes seem okay, but Optimus Prime should be unique since he is powered up by a holy item.
She arguably has a bigger role than bumblebee in the movie.
It's the optimus and megs power hour though lol.
While I'm not a super fan of her general characterization, how she functions in the plot is great.

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